HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141118Compliance Tariffs.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OVISION OF PACIFICORP November 18,2014 lC, Lalt*tl"' ln< Vice President, Regulation & Government Affairs Enclosures h-,1!"rlrl-'1:.)r-l ;-l, r'- ?illtc Fiil'd I B $H ll: lr I i::,''''.t, "'.'''..'.. ^...ii I ii-ll ,Il: -'ri'ii;'tibi[i"l 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-14-08 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER TO CAIICEL ELECTRTC SERVICE SCHEDULES 115, 125 AND 155 AND REPLACE WITH NEW SCHEDULE 140 WITH CHANGES. Dear Ms. Jewell: Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby files conforming tariffs for Electric Service Schedule No. 140 with an November 1,2014 effective date in compliance to Commission Order No. 33 I 78. If you have any questions please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 or email ted.weston@Facifi com.com. Very truly yours, V,ROCKY MOUNTAIN-Tpowea \ A DTVTSTON OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. B.2 Canceling Tenth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 Schedule No. 23 23A 24 3l 34 35 35A 36 70 7t 73 94 tt7 ll8 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES - Continued Class of Service General Service - Small Power General Service - Small Power (Residential and Farm) lntemrptible Power Service Partial Requirements Service - High Voltage Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act - Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage (Farm) Optional Time of Day Residential Service Renewable Energy Rider - Optional Energy Exchange Pilot Program Renewable Energy Rider - Optional - Bulk Purchase Option Energy Cost Adjustment Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program Home Energy Saver Incentive Program (Continued) Sheet No. 23.1-23.3 234.1-234.4 24.1-24.5 3 t.l - 31.6 34.1-34.3 35.1 - 35.3 3sA.1 -3sA.4 36.1-36.3 70.1 - 70.4 7t.t - 71.6 73.1-73.4 94.1 tt7.t - 117.2 ll8.l - 118.2 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSIIED: November 18, 2014 Ef,'FECTIYE: November l, 2014 V-ROCKYMOUNTAINYpowee \ l otvtstott oF PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I Fifth Revision of Sheet No. B.3 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. B.3 Schedule No. 135 140 191 300 400 401 ELECTRIC SERYICE SCIDDULES - Continued Class of Service Net Metering Service Non-Res idential Energy Effi ciency Customer Effrciency Services Rate Adjustment Regulation Charges Special Contract Special Contract Sheet No. 135.r - 135.3 140.1 - 140.3 191 300.1 - 300.4 400.1 401. I Schedule numbers not listed are not currently used.* These schedules are not available to new customers or premises. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSUED: November 18, 2014 EFFECTIYE: November l, 201 4 YFEtr^HI,OUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No. I Original Sheet No. 140.1 ROCI(Y MOTTNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.14O STATE OF IDAHO Non-Residential Energy Efficiency PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Non-residential Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures and energy management protocols. Service under this Schedule is subject to funding availability. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6, 6A, 7,7 A, 9, 10,12,19,23,23A,24,35 and 35A in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Non-residential Facilities and dairy bams served under the Company' s residential rate schedules. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated by following the participation procedures on the Idaho energy efficiency pro$am section of the Company website, and available to customers without online access upon request. The Company shall have the right to qualiff participants, at its discretion, based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the measures and utility system. Criteria may include, but will not be limited to cost effectiveness. DESCRIPTION: Ongoing program to provide incentives for a variety of equipment and operational improvements intended for and located in Non-residential Facilities. Periodic progftrm changes will be made to encourage customer participation in the program and to insure or enhance program cost-effectiveness as defined by the Company. QUALIFYING MEASURE: Measures which when installed in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy effrciency improvement compared to existing equipment or baseline equipment as defined by the Company. The baseline will be determined with reference to existing equipment, applicable state or federal energy codes, industry standard practice and other relevant factors. QUALIFYING ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Operational improvements which when implemented in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy savings compared to standard operations as determined by the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSUED: November 18, 2014 EFFECTM: November l, 2014 -ROCKYMOUNTAINYpowea \ l otvtsroH oF PAoFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Original Sheet No. 140.2 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 140 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (l) Qualiffing equipment or services, incentive amounts and other terms and conditions will be listed on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company website, and are available to customers without online access upon request. Program changes may be made by the Company with at least 45 days advanced notice. Such changes will be prominently displayed on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company website and include a minimum 45 days for processing prior offers. (2) Company may elect to offer energy efficiency measure ("EEM") incentives through diflerent channels and at different points in the sales process other than individual Energy Efficiency Incentive Offer Letter(s) prior to EEM purchase. The differences will depend on EEM and will be consistent for all EEMs of similar type. (3) Incentives may be offered year-round or for selected time periods. (4) Equipment or services receiving an incentive under this program are not eligible for incentives under other Company programs. (5) Company will employ a variety of quality assurance techniques during the delivery of the program. They will differ by measure and may include pre- and post- installation inspections, phone surveys, and confirmation of Owner/Customer and equipment eligibility. (6) Company may verift or evaluate the energy savings of installed measures. This verification may include a telephone survey, site visit, review of facility operation characteristics, and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment as necessary to quantifr actual energy savings. (7) Energy Project Manager co-funding is available according to the terms posted on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company website. (8) Incentives will not be made available for fuel switching by Owner/Customer. MINIMUM EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY: Retrofit energy efficiency projects must meet minimum equipment efficiency levels and equipment eligibility requirements of qualiffing equipment that are listed on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company website. (Continued) EFFECTM: November l, 2014 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSIIED: November 18, 2014 YESfiEHrr/rouNrAIN I.P.U.C. No. I ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 140 (Continued) ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Original Sheet No. 140.3 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSUED: November 18, 2014 EFFECTM: November l, 2014 V,ROCKY MOUNTAINYpantee \ r ovrsror oF PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I Tent+ElwenlL Rwision of Sheet No.8.2 Canceling Nir*bTenlL Revision of Sheet No. B.2 Schedule No. 23 23A 24 3l 34 35 35A 36 70 7l 73 94 ELECTRIC SERYICE SCHEDULES - Continued Class of Seruice General Service - Small Power General Service - Small Power (Residential and Farm) Intemrptible Power Service Partial Requirements Service - High Voltage Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act - Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage (Farm) Optional Time of Day Residential Service Renewable Energy Rider - Optional Energy Exchange Pilot Program Renewable Energy Rider - Optional - Bulk Purchase Option Energy Cost Adjustment Sheet No. 23.1-23.3 234.1-234.4 24.1-24.5 3l.l -31.6 34.1 - 34.3 35. r - 3s.3 3sA.l -3s4.4 36.1 - 36.3 70.1 - 70.4 7t.t -71.6 73.1-73.4 94.1 tt7 118 Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program Home Energy Saver Incentive Program tt7.t - 117.2 118.1 - 118.2 (Continued) Submitted Under ffiCase No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSUED: @ovember I 8. 2014#I4EFFECTM: Y^iFfiI*H"YOUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No. 1 feu*+finU nevision of Sheet No. B.3 Canceling Thir+ESUrtL Revision of Sheet No. B.3 Schedule No. 135 140 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULES - Continued Class of Seruice Net Metering Service Non-Residential Enerev Efficiencv Sheet No. 135.1 - 135.3 140.1 - 140.3155 A$ieultural Enerry Serviees eptienel for Quol:&ing eustemers 155,1 1556 191 Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment 300 Regulation Charges 400 Special Contract 40t Special Contract Schedule numbers not listed are not currently used. * These schedules are not available to new customers or premises. l9l 300.1 - 300.4 400. I 401.1 Submitted Under Mase No. PAC-E-14-08 ISST]ED:EFFECTTYE: YEgfift,H"youNrArN I.P.U.C. No. I Orisinal Sheet No. 140.1 ROCKY MOT]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERYICE SCHEDULE NO. 140 STATE OF IDAIIO Non-Residential Enerw Efficiency PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricitv requirements of new and existing loads in Non-residential Facilities throush the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures and energ.v management protocols. Service under this Schedule is subject to funding availability. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6. 6A. 7. 7A. 9. 10. 12. 19. 23" 23A. 24. 35 and 35A in all tenitory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Non-residential Facilities and dairy barns served under the Comoany' s residential rate schedules. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated bv followine the participation procedures on the Idaho energ.v efficiency prosram section of the Company website. and available to customers without online access upon request. The Company shall have the right to qualift participants. at its discretion. based on criteria the Comoany considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the measures and utilitv system. Criteria may include. but will not be limited to cost effectiveness. DESCRIPTION: Onsoins program to provide incentives for a varietv of equipment and operational improvements intended for and located in Non-residential Facilities. Periodic proeram chanses will be made to encouraee customer participation in the program and to insure or enhance program cost-effectiveness as defined by the Company. QUALIFYING MEASURE: Measures which when installed in an elieible facilitv result in verifiable electric eners.y efficienc), improvement compared to existing equipment or baseline equipment as defined by the Company. The baseline will be determined with reference to existine equipment. applicable state or federal energy codes. industry standard practice and other relevant factors. OUALIFYING ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Operational improvements which when implemented in an elieible facilitv result in verifiable electric energ.v savines compared to standard operations as determined bv the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSUED: November 18.2014 EFFECTfVE: November 1.2014 V,ROCKYMOUNTAIN <PCIWER' \ A DlvlsloN oF PAclFlcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I Orieinal Sheet No. 140.2 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 140 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (l) Oualifring equipment or services. incentive amounts and other terms and conditions will be listed on the Idaho energ.v efficiency program section of the Company website. and are available to customers without online access upon request. Program changes may be made bv the Company with at least 45 days advanced notice. Such changes will be prominently displayed on the Idaho energ.v efficiency proeram section of the Company website and include a minimum 45 days for processine prior offers. (2) Company may elect to offer energy efficiency measure ("EEM") incentives through different channels and at different points in the sales process other than individual Energv Efficiency Incentive Offer Letter(s) prior to EEM purchase. The differences will depend on EEM and will be consistent for all EEMs of similar type. (3) Incentives may be offered year-round or for selected time periods. (4) Equioment or services receivine an incentive under this program are not eligible for incentives under other Company proerams. (5) Company will employ a varietv of qualitv assurance techniques during the delivery of the proeram. They will differ by measure and may include pre- and post- installation inspections. ohone surveys. and confirmation of Owner/Customer and equipment eligibilitv. (6) Company may verift or evaluate the enere.y savings of installed measures. This verification may include a telephone survey. site visit. review of facilitv operation characteristics. and pre- and post-installation of monitorine equipment as necessar.y to ouantifr actual energy savines. (7) Energ.v Proiect Manaeer co-funding is available accordine to the terms posted on the Idaho energ.v efficiency proeram section of the Company website. (8) Incentives will not be made available for fuel switchine by Owner/Customer. MINIMUM EOUIPMENT EFFICIENCY: Retrofit enerey efficiency projects must meet minimum equipment effrciency levels and equipment eligibililv requirements of qualifting equipment that are listed on the Idaho energv efficiency program section of the Company website. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSUED: November 18.2014 EFFECTIVE: November 1.2014 I.P.U.C. No. I Orisinal Sheet No. 140.3 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 140 (Continued) ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. including future applicable amendments. will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-08 ISSUED: November 18.2014 EFFECTIVE: November 1.2014