HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140822 Application.pdfJean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-14-08 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO CANCEL ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES 115, 125 AND 155 AND REPLACE WITH NEW SCHEDULE 140 WITH CHANGES. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above captioned matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Application. Also enclosed for filing are nine (9) copies of Ms. Kathryn C. Hymas' testimony and exhibits. All formal correspondence and regarding this Application should be addressed to: ROCKY MOUNTAIN PCIWER A UVTS|ON OF n C|F|CORP August 22,2014 VA OVERNIGHT DELIWRY Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (80 1 ) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email : ted.weston@pacifi corp. com By E-mail (prefened): By regular mail: [:lEC r li.i r- r" ?0lt{ AUC 22 AH l0: I I lDAi-iU ,-i i;r , - UT lLll-l IS C CtiJ i,, lSSr t].'' datarequest@f'acifi corp. com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St., Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Fax: (801) 220-3299 Email : daniel. solander@pacifi corp. com Communications regarding discovery matters, including data requests issued to Rocky Mountain Power, should be addressed to the following: Idaho Public Utilities Commission August 22,2014 Page2 Please contact J. Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 if you have any further questions. Very Truly Yours,Kf* /,* Vice President of Regulation & Government Affairs Rocky Mountain Power Enclosures Joffrey K. Larsen Daniel E. Solander, (lSB # 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street Suite 2300 Salt Lake city, utah 841I I Telephone : (801) 220 -40 I 4 Emai I : daniel.solander@oacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclry Mountain Power l]} E r'Il lllrL,trLi'r UBI'I AUG 22 Al{ l0: l2 lr'\,f l.l '. -,: ' ' ,tL,,/,1 ,L, | 1..- , ; -ul lLtT I Ifi cr)f,{r,i lrt I lt:i. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO CANCEL ELECTRIC SERVICESCHEDULES II5,I25 AND I55 AND REPLACE WITH NEW SCHEDULE I40 WITH CHANGES CASE NO. PAC.E.14.O8 APPLICATION Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company"), hereby respectfully requests authorization from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to consolidate Electric Service Schedules: No. I l5 FinAnswer Express; No. 125 - Energy FinAnswer; and No. 155 - Agricultural Energy Services, with modification, under a new Electric Service Schedule No. 140, Non-Residential Energy Efficiency, and cancel these three Electric Service Schedules effective November l, 2014. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 73,500 customers the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. APPLICATION TO CONSOLIDATE, UPDATE AND EXPAND NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS Page I 2. This Application is filed pursuant to ldaho Code $$ 6l-301, 6l-307, 6l-622, and 6l-623. In particular, Idaho Code $ 6l-623 empowers the Commission to determine the propriety of proposed rate schedules, $$ 6l-307 and 6l-622 require Commission approval prior to any increase in rates, and $ 6l-301 requires Idaho retail electric rates to be just and reasonable. 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 841I I E-mail: ted.weston@oacificorp.com Daniel E. Solander Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 841I I E-mail: daniel.solander@oacificorp.com In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this application be addressed to: By email (preferred) By regular mail datarequest@oac ifi corp.com ted.weston@oacifi com.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Informal inquiries related to this application may be directed to Ted Weston, (801) 220-2963. 4. The Company is filing this Application to: (l) consolidate three non- residential energy efficiency programs into one new program called wattsmart Business; (2) Page 2 - APPLICATION TO CONSOLIDATE, UPDATE AND EXPAND NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS enable any future modifications to the tariff similar to Schedule I 15 format; (3) increase incentive levels; (4) expand the tariffto include energy management services and incentives; (5) update and expand the prescriptive incentive offer; and (6) include a new offer for small businesses. 5. In support of this Application the Company is providing the testimony and exhibits of Ms. Kathryn C. Hymas, Vice President of Rocky Mountain Power Finance and Demand-Side Management ("DSM"). Ms. Hymas is responsible for the demand-side management programs for Rocky Mountain Power and for Pacific Power. Her responsibilities include, the planning, development, design, approval and implementation of programs designed to reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency and behavioral changes and to reduce consumption during peak periods of usage through load control. 6. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, in accordance with RP 201 et seq. APPLICATION TO CONSOLIDATE, UPDATE AND EXPAND NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS Page 3 WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: (l) authorizing that this matter may be processed under Modified Procedure, (2) approving the tariff consolidation and proposed modifications under a new Electric Service Schedule No. 140, Non-Residential Energy Efficiency, and (3) canceling Electric Service Schedules: No. I l5 - FinAnswer Express; No. 125 - Energy FinAnswer; and No. 155 - Agricultural Energy Services, effective November 1,2014. DATED: August 22,2014. Respectfully submiffed, Qut4hh Daniel E. Solander Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power Page 4 - APPLICATION TO CONSOLIDATE, UPDATE AND EXPANDNON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS