HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140320Comments.pdfNEIL PRICE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 BAR NO. 6864 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702.5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A NET DECREASE IN RATES THROUGH ITS ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM (ECAM). BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. PAC.E-I4.OI COMMENTS OF'THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Neil Price, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice of Intervention Deadline issued in Order No. 32979 on February 20,2014, in Case No. PAC-E-14-01, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On January 31,2014, PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power ("RMP" or "Company") submitted its annual Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") filing in accordance with Idaho Code $$ 6I-502 and 61-503, and Rule of Procedure 52. The Company requests an effective date of April 1,2014 for the proposed changes in Idaho rates. On September29,2009, the Commission issued OrderNo. 30904 approving the implementation of an annual ECAM. The primary component of the ECAM is net power costs ("NPC"). It is defined in the Company's general rate cases and modeled by the Company's GRID STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 2O,2OI4 model. Base and Actual NPC are recorded in specific Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) accounts. Other costs and revenue currently included in the ECAM are the following: a Load Change Adjustment (LCA), a credit for sulfur dioxide (SO2) allowance sales, an adjustment for the accounting treatment of coal stripping cost, an adjustment for DSMI Load Control Program cost, and a true-up of renewable energy credit ("REC") revenue. All, except REC revenue, are subject to a 90 percent (customers)/10 percent (Company) "sharing band" wherein customers paylreceive the increase/decrease in actual cost/revenue compared to base cost/revenue while RMP incurs/retains the remaining l0 percent. The ECAM process allows the Company to credit or collect the difference between the actual cost/revenue incurred and cost/revenue collected through base rates. RMP defers the difference into an ECAM balancing account. In calculating this year's deferral, Commission Order No.32432 stipulates that the Company use 2011 actual loads reported in the Company's Annual Results of Operations Report as base load for the purpose of calculating this year's LCA. Additionally, in a settlement reflected in Commission Order No. 32910 pursuant to Commission Order No. 32771, the wholesale line loss adjustment applied to actual loads for Monsanto and Agrium for purposes of calculating the LCA is removed from June I , 2013 through November 30, 2013 of the deferral period. Following Commission approval of the deferral amounts, RMP will place Monsanto, Agrium, and tariff customer's share into three separate balancing accounts for recovery from customers through Schedule 94 ECAM rates. Rates must be designed to collect Monsanto and Agrium deferral amounts based on amortization schedules defined in Commission Order No. 32432. Rates are also designed so they are line loss adjusted for the different classes and allocated on a per kilowatt-hour (kwh) basis. OVERVIEW OF COMPANY APPLICATION 2014 ECAM Deferual The Company requests a Commission Order approving recovery of approximately $12.8 million in total deferred costs in this year's ECAM filing for the deferral period of December 1, 2012 through November 30, 2013. According to the Application, the Company's Base NPC originated from the 201I Stipulation approved by the Commission. The Base NPC was set at $1.205 billion for the 2012 calendar year and $1.385 billion for the 2013 calendar year for a STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 20,2014 combined Base NPC of $1.369 billion for the deferral period. A higher actual system NPC resulted in an adjustment of approximately $9.8 million before applying the 90/10 sharing band. RMP credits customers for over-recovery of energy-classified production cost (excluding NPC) through the LCA due to higher than normal loads using the Load Change Adjustment Rate (LCAR) of $5. 14 per megawatt-hour (MWh) established in Commission Order No. 32432. The adjustment is approximately $l.2 million before sharing. The Company credits a total of $176,329 subject to and before sharing through other adjustments included in the ECAM. This includes: (l) credits to customers for revenue resulting from the sale of sulfur dioxide (SO2) credits of $3,078, (2) credits to customers for over-recovery of ldaho's allocation of incremental DSMI Load Control Program costs of $213,882, and (3) a $40,631 surcharge to customers due to Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) 04-6 accounting treatment of coal stripping costs. Finally, the defenal balance reflects a surcharge amount of approximately $5.2 million for REC revenue not subject to sharing. RMP's ECAM deferral is summarized in the following table outlining Monsanto, Agrium, and tariff customer's allocation of the total defenal amount. Company Proposed Defe rral (Dec.2012 thru Nov. 2013) LCAR SO2 Allowance Credit ariff Cu$omers Monsanto (1 ,1 93,524) (3,078) (213,882)lnigation Load Control Adjustment EITF 04€ Adiustmenl 1 Total without Sharing 8,421,il1 90%Customer S Total with 79,387 REC 5,230,394 7,234,690 5,1 56,080 Balancing Account Activity The Company maintains three separate balancing accounts for Monsanto, Agrium and tariff customers (see table below). With the proposed deferral, the total ending balance at the end of the 2014ECAM deferral period on November 30, 2013 was approximately $24.3 million: $9.9 million for tariff Customers, $13.4 million for Monsanto, and $1.0 million for Agrium. Included in the totals are prior ECAM deferrals of $26.7 million, ECAM collections of $15.5 million, and 5.784.623 3.714,394283) (264,254) (3,e87) 1,6ss) (1,310) (113)148,750) (60,791) (4,341)'t,737 41 961,681 2,105,280 163,432 STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 20,2014 interest of approximately $264,000. The Company estimates the ending balance on November 30,2013 of $24.3 million will be reduced by approximately $4.7 million when factoring in estimated collections between November,30,20l3 and April, 1,2014. New ECAM rates are expected to be in place on April I ,2014. Balancing Account Activity and Projections ariff Customers Monsanto 2014 ECAM Eleferral 12,809,781 26,729,003 (1 5,525,328) 264,055 ECAM Rercnue Collections lnterest Ending Balance through November 30, 2013 Schedule 94 Collection - Dec 2013 - March 2014 24,277,51'.1 (4,686,052) Expected as of April 1, 20'14 11 ,901,886 19,591,459 Rate Design and Revenue Recovery The Company is proposing to collect a total of approximately $13.2 million beginning April 1 ,2014 and ending March 3L,2015. This amount represents a total decrease of approximately $2.8 million over current Schedule 94 rates authorized by Order No.32771 (Case No. PAC-E-13-03). For tariff customers, this will result in an overall projected rate reduction of 2.3 percent or approximately $4.3 million in reduced revenue. The Company proposes to increase Monsanto's rates by 1.7 percent or $1.4 million in revenue; and to increase Agrium's rates2.l percent or $130,000 in revenue. The targeted tariff customer collection amount of $6.8 million includes the deferral amount from this year's ECAM plus account balances from previous ECAM deferrals (including interest) net of collections as of March30,2014. Targeted collection amounts for Monsanto ($6.0 million) and Agrium ($451,078) includes half of the deferral amount from this year's ECAM plus amortized account balances due for collection from previous ECAM deferrals (including interest) approved in Commission Order No. 32432 also net of collections as of March 30, 2014. The resulting rates are illustrated in the Company's Exhibit 2, included as Attachment A to these comments. STAFF REVIEW Staff s review of the Company's Application focused on three different areas. First, Staff reviewed the overall Application and verified the validity of the proposed cost deferral relative to 7,234,690 5,156,080 419,01114,033,226 11,850,355 845,421 11,s32,615) (3,73s,441) (257,271)123,431 130,941 9,683732 13,401,935 1,016,844071,315) (1,500,049) (114,688) STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 2O,2OT4 the Company's operating conditions and environment. Second, Staff reviewed the method and basis used to calculate cost deferrals, account balances, and rates to ensure they were correctly and accurately calculated, aligned to the primary intent of the ECAM, and consistent with previous Commission Orders. Third, Staff performed an audit of contracts, invoices, and documentation of other components of actual cost to ensure completeness and accuracy of the information included in the Company's filing. As a result of this review, Staff highlights the following: 1. The two largest factors driving the Company's proposed deferral is the base-to- actual difference in NPC ($8.8 million) and REC revenue ($5.2 million). The increase in these components is partially offset by the over-collection (credit) for the customers' share of the LCAR adjustment. The Wholesale Loss Adjustment (WLA) was misapplied in the Company's calculation of the NPC deferral which results in an adjustment in the allocation between Monsanto (increase $124,820), Agrium (increase $9,901), and tariff customers (decrease $ 1 35,328). Not accounting for differences in line losses between base and actual loads creates an over-collection resulting in a proposed adjustment that reduces the Company's proposed deferral amount by $584,220. Due to Staff s adjustment to the defenal amount, Staff proposes reducing tariff customer's rates by 2.6 percent over current rates, and only increasing Monsanto and Agrium's rates by 1.6 percent and2.0 percent, respectively. Actual costs (including the offset of wholesale sales) used to compare against the base costs were audited with no major inconsistencies found that would change the filing. Staff s analysis finds that transactions recorded to the specific FERC accounts used to record Actual NPC and as adjusted by the Company in its filing are appropriate for recovery. The following sections provide additional details of the above finding through an analysis of the major components of the ECAM: (l) the Company's proposed deferral, (2) the balancing account tracking ECAM collections and deferrals, and (3) proposed ECAM rates. 2. a-1. 4. 5. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 20,2OI4 Analvsis of Deferral The two largest components of the Company's proposed deferral are the change in the NPC ($9.8 million) and REC revenue ($5.2 million) base-to-actual differentials. Regarding NPC, Staff performed an analysis based on figures contained in Company Exhibit 1 which is summarized in the table below. Although the individual expense categories in the base do not precisely reflect the "black box" settlement in Case No. PAC-E-17-l2,the comparison does provide a rough approximation for factors driving the NPC defenal. Staff agrees with the Company that the largest factor contributing to the NPC defenal is a 4l percent reduction in actual wholesale sales revenue, 33 percent by volume, compared to what was assumed in base rates. Staff believes this is reasonable given that market prices were 12 percent lower. Another contributing factor was a nine percent increase in actual purchased power expense. Staff calculated an average unit price that was over $53/MWh which was 62 percent higher than that assumed in the base. Staff believes the higher than normal average unit price is likely due to a larger proportion of peak-period real-time purchases than what was assumed in base rates. The higher price explains why the Company reduced the amount of energy purchased by 33 percent. Total coal fuel expense increased by l1 percent. This is partially explained by a slightly higher amount of coal-fired generation, but also due to a six percent higher coal cost than used in the base. Reduced natural gas expense moderated increases in other NPC categories by decreasing 18 percent from the base. This is mainly due to a37 percent decrease in the price of natural gas since base rates were developed, which drove a32 percent increase in the amount of natural gas generation. Based on this analysis, Staff believes the Company's NPC was reasonable. Net Power Cost Analysis % Chanoe NPC Base-to-Actual NPC ($)l Enerov (MWh)l Unit cost ($/MWh) Wholesale Sales Rewnue Purchased Power Expense Coal Fuel Expense Natural Gas Expense Wheeling, Hydro and Other Expense 41o/o -33Yo -12o/o 9o/o -33o/o 62Yo 11o/o 4o/o 60/o -18% 32o/o -37o/o -5o/o -11o/o 7o/o STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 2O,2OI4 Regarding the $5.2 million true-up of REC revenue, there was $6.5 million of revenue assumed in base rates and only $ 1.3 million in actual revenue. This is likely a direct result of significantly lower REC prices since the 2011 rate case. Staff believes this is reasonable. Staff has identified the following two adjustments to the Company's proposed deferral in this year's ECAM: (1) an improper application of the Wholesale Loss Adjustment (WLA); and (2) over-collection of revenue through base rates. The sum total of Staff s adjustments is a decrease in the defenal of $584,827 $474,544 for tariff customers, $102,230 for Monsanto, and $8,054 for Agrium. A summary of the adjustments and the impact to the Company's proposed deferral is included in the following table. Tariff Customer Monsanto Proposed 12,809,781 WLA Adjustment Base Rate Oler-collection (607) (58/.,220) Total Adjustments (su,827) Deferral with Staffs Adjustments 6,760,146 5,053,850 12.224.9U Wholesale Loss Adjustment While reviewing RMP's deferral calculations, Staff discovered an error in the application of the WLA per Commission Order Nos. 32597,32771, and 32910. The wrong WLAs were applied to January through May 2013 actual loads resulting in an incorrect allocation of deferral amounts between Agrium, Monsanto, and tariff customers. Staff s correcting adjustments to Company Exhibit I are shown in Attachment B to these comments. The following table provides a summary of Staff s calculation of the adjustment. Defurral with WLA Base Rate Over-Collection Adjustment Staff identified an issue in the Company's method of calculating the NPC deferral amount. Staff discovered inaccuracies due to a difference between line losses that actually occur during the (135,328) 124,820 9,90116) (227,050) (17,9s5)(474,544) (102,230) (8, 7,234,690 7,099,3625,156,080 5,280,9004'19,0't1 428,912 STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 20,2014 deferral period and line losses used to calculate base rates. This error affects any ECAM deferral component that recovers cost or credits revenue through base rates. This includes deferrals for NPC, LCA, DSM1 Load Control Program cost, and REC revenue. Using NPC as an example, the Company's method currently "approximates" the amount of the NPC deferral by multiplying the system base and actual unit NPC differential by actual load measured at the point of generation. However, base rates are determined using jurisdictional sales measured at the customer's meter; and the difference between load measured at generation and sales measured at customer meter are line losses. If the Company's method is to accurately adjust for the over-recovery or under-recovery of NPC through base rates, the line losses used to calculate base rates and the line losses that actually occur must be equivalent. Additionally, Staff has found that relatively small differences in line loss between base and actual loads can drive large inaccuracies in deferral amounts when using the Company's current ECAM methodology (e.9., a one percent line loss difference can cause approximately a six percent error in the NPC deferral). In this year's ECAM, Staff calculated a 1.3 percent difference in the line loss between base and actual loads. Staff, in collaboration with the Company, proposed a method to check the accuracy of its deferral amounts. It is based on the ECAM's primary purpose: a mechanism to adjust for the over or under-recovery of ECAM-related actual cost through base rates. It was also used to determine Staffls adjustments to the Company's proposed deferral amounts. The method can be expressed by the following generic equation: Actual Cost (e.g., NPC) : Revenue Recovery of Actual Cost through Base Rates ECAM Cost Adjustment Staff believes using this equation to calculate the deferral is more precise and mirrors the ECAM's primary intent. It is functionally identical to the Company's current method but eliminates inaccuracies caused by base and actual line loss differences by using sales at customer meter to calculate revenue generated through base rates. While developing the method used to calculate the adjustment, Staff has been careful to be consistent with past orders and to maintain the limited "scope" of the ECAM by only including those costs (and revenues) currently authorized for recovery minus sharing. Staff believes this is Total Recovery STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 2O,2OI4 both required by the Commission and in the public's interest. It keeps the scope of the ECAM small, limiting guaranteed recovery to a small subset of costs that are substantial, highly unpredictable, and subject to a high degree of volatility largely outside of the Company's control while leaving all other costs subject to the benefits of traditional ratemaking. The following table provides a summary of Staff s adjustment for base rate over- collection. As reflected in the table, Staff recommends the total adjustment amount be allocated between Agrium, Monsanto and tariff customers based on proportion of actual energy sold. This complies with the method of allocation in the ECAM and in other power cost adjustment mechanisms used by other utilities in Idaho. Details of the base rate over-collection adjustment for each ECAM component can be found in the narrative below and in Attachment C to these comments. Base Rate Over-Collection Adiustment NPC Debnal LCA Debrral lrrigation Load Control Cost Defurral REC Rewnue Debrral Total Tariff Customer Adiustment ($) Allocation ($) Monsanto Agrium Allocation ($) Allocation ($) (644,459) (269,177) (s5,488) 384,904 (374,192) (156,292) (32,218) 223,487 (250,461) (104,612) (21,565) 149,588 (1 9,807) (8,273) (1,705) 11,830 Total Adjus{ments ldaho Actual Load Allocation Percentages (584,2201 (339,21 6) 58.06% 1227,050t/ 38.86% (17,955) 3.07% NPC Deferual Adjustment - To calculate an adjustment to the Company's proposed NPC deferral, Staff subtracted the recovery of NPC through Idaho base rates from actual jurisdictional NPC and then netted it against the Company's proposed NPC deferral. Using this method, Staff proposes to reduce the NPC deferral amount by $716,066 before sharing and$644,459 after sharing. LCA Deferual Adjustment -The Load Change Adjustment Rate (LCAR) that was set in general rate case PAC-E-I1-12 through Commission Order No.32432 was used to calculate the Company's proposed LCA in the Company's Application. The current LCAR is the amount of revenue the Company collects to recover the fixed cost (non-NPC) portion of energy-classified production revenue requirement for every megawatt-hour the Company generates. By multiplying the LCAR by the difference of base and actual Idaho load measured at the point of generation, it is assumed that the amount of over or under-recovery of LCA related expense through base rates can be determined. However, due to differences in base and actual line losses and because the calculation uses loads measured at generation, the same inaccuracy identified for the NPC deferral occurs for the recovery of LCA-related costs. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 2O,2OI4 Staff calculated an adjustment to the Company proposed LCA by directly calculating the amount of LCA expense recovered through base rates and netting it against (1) actual jurisdictional LCA-related cost, and (2) the LCA proposed by RMP. Staff eliminated the line loss error by calculating the amount of LCA expense recovered through base rates using the Commission approved LCAR based on Idaho jurisdictional cost and jurisdictional sales used to determine base rates. Multiplying the re-formulated LCAR by Idaho actual sales determines the amount of LCA-related revenue RMP earned through base rates. When netted against actual cost and the Company's proposed LCA defenal, it provides the basis for Staff s adjustment: a reduction of $299,086 before sharing and $269,177 after sharing. Staff believes Idaho actual sales used to calculate the LCA adjustment must be adjusted for curtailment consistent with current ECAM methodology to comply with previous Commission orders. However, through discussions with RMP, the Company does not agree that actual loads should be adjusted for curtailment. Nevertheless, in Reconsideration Order No. 32597, the Commission found "that the proposed adjustment to Rocky Mountain's ECAM Application presented by Stafl and agreed to by Monsanto and Rocky Mountain, are fair, just and reasonable." Id. at 7. Furthermore, Staff believes that circumstances have not changed since the Commission made its Order, nor does Staff believe the rationale for its proposed adjustment interferes with or changes its relevancy. Additionally, in Reconsideration Order No. 32597: Staff noted that per the Company's filing and in accordance with Order No. 32507, 'RMP is currently able to recover energy-related fixed cost of load economically curtailed through the Load Change Adjustment (LCAR) portion of the ECAM' .... Staff believes that this must be corrected to avoid allowing the Company a 'double recovery of energy- related fixed costs associated with load that is economically curtailed'..... Staff believes that the choice to economically curtail is within the Company's control and should be viewed as a'sunk cost embedded in rates.' Staff asserted that if Monsanto is curtailed Rocky Mountain will almost certainly recover its fixed costs because it will either sell the generation at a higher price or it will avoid a more expensive energy purchase. 'The ability of RMP to fully recover the fixed energy costs associated with economic curtailment without LCAR recovery forms the basis of Stafls proposed adjustment.' Id. at 5. DSMI Load Control Program Cost Adjustment - DSM1 Load Control costs were added to the ECAM pursuant to Commission Order No. 32432. There was $l million of program costs embedded in base rates and $831,541 in actual cost allocated to Idaho. The Company calculated the deferral by taking the difference between the two amounts. Staff believes this calculation is STAFF COMMENTS 10 MARCH 20,2014 inaccurate because it does not account for the larger amount of sales that actually occurred during the deferral period over what was used in establishing base rates leading to an over-recovery through base rate revenue. Staff applied the same methodology it used to calculate the NPC deferral adjustment resulting in a reduction in the DSMI Load Control Program cost deferral of $61,653 before sharing and $55,488 after sharing. Renewable Energy Credit Revenue Defercal - REC revenue was authorized to be added to the ECAM through Commission Order No. 32916. The Company's method calculates REC revenue deferral in the same way the DSMI Load Control Program deferral is calculated which Staff maintains is inaccurate. However, using Staffls methodology, the recommended adjustment results in an increase to the Company's proposed deferral because in this case, the larger amount of actual sales over the amount of sales used to determine base rates over-credits customers by $384,904 after taking into account the Company's proposed deferral. REC revenue is not subject to sharing through the ECAM. Analvsis of Balancing Accounts Staff reviewed Agrium, Monsanto and tariff customer's balancing accounts and believes they are accurately tracking ECAM revenues, monthly deferral amounts, and a Commission approved interest rate of one percent. If the Commission approves Staff s deferral adjustments, these amounts should be subtracted from the ending balances of the Company's respective balancing accounts as follows: $8,504 for Agrium; $102,230 for Monsanto, and $47 4,544 from tariff customers. In a settlement approved by Commission Order No. 32910, Agrium and Monsanto deferrals will be combined with remaining customer classes starting December 1,,2013 and allocated through line loss differentiated rates on a per kWh basis in next year's ECAM. However, Monsanto and Agrium will have amortized balances that remain to be collected from the 2012 through 2014 ECAM deferrals (plus interest). Staff recommends that the separate balancing accounts be maintained until remaining amortized amounts from these deferrals are fully collected based on the amortization schedules set forth in Commission Order No.32432. 1tSTAFF COMMENTS MARCH 2O,2OI4 Analysis of Proposed Rates Staff thoroughly reviewed the Company's methodology to establish rates for implementation starting April 1,2014 and ending March 31,2015. Staff believes the Company's methodology and calculations properly comply with Commission Order No. 32432 for amortizing Agrium and Monsanto ECAM balances. However, if the Commission authorizes Staff s proposed deferral adjustments, Staff believes the new ending balances justify reductions in the Company's proposed ECAM rates. In the ECAM rate for tariff customers, Staff s adjustment would result ina2.6 percent decrease instead of the 2.3 percent decrease proposed by the Company; a 1.6 percent increase instead of the 1.7 percent increase for Monsanto; and a 2.0 percent increase instead of the 2.1 percent increase for Agrium. A copy of the Company's Exhibit 2rate calculations with Staffs deferral adjustments is included as Attachment D to these comments. CONSUMER COMMENTS The Customer Notice and Press Release were included in Rocky Mountain Power's Application. Both were compliant with Procedural Rule 125, IDAPA According to RMP, Customer Notices were mailed with cyclical billings beginning February 7,2014 and ending March 7,2014. The final date for customers to file comments is March 20,2014. As of March20,2074, no customers had filed comments. Last year, RMP failed to send approximately one-half of its customers the required customernoticeinatimelymanner. InOrderNo.32TTl,theCommissionremindedRMPof"the importance of allowing an adequate time period for customers to review and file comments regarding the Company's Application. We expect that this will not be an issue in subsequent ECAM filings." Order at 6. Staff reports that timely notice was provided. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that a total deferral amount of 512,224,954 for the period of December 1,2012 through November 30,2013 be approved for recovery from ratepayers with an allocation as follows: STAFF COMMENTS t2 MARCH 2O,2OI4 Tariff customers $6,760,146 Monsanto $5,053,850 Agrium $410,957 Furthermore, Staff recommends that : l. The Company utilize Staff s base rate over-collection adjustment methodology to perform a check on deferral amounts in all future ECAM applications so that adjustments can be made as necessary. 2. The Company maintain separate balancing accounts for Monsanto and Agrium amortized deferrals until the amounts have been fully collected. 3. Schedule 94 ECAM rates as illustrated in Attachment D be approved by the Commission effective April l, 2014. The new rates constitute a 2.6 percent reduction for tariff customers, a 1.6 percent increase for Monsanto, and a 2.0 percent increase for Agrium from current Schedule 94 rates. 4. The Company file tariffs that reflect Commission approved rates. dIG Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Respecttully submitted this ]..t90* of March 2014. Technical Staff: Mike Louis Keith Hessing Patricia Harms Nikki Karpavich Marilyn Parker i:umisc:comments/pace I 4. 1 npphswkhmlnkmp comments STAFF COMMENTS l3 MARCH 2O,2OT4 r-T5-=I l33lI lssl l;1" "llilx al t[:] [-l15 I lEe=lIETEIl6 0 0lll- 6 6llv v vl l**sl r__l € no ilill*ll 'l 5fl3il 'lEll3il \o \o \o \o €hhN ^:: i -OOh r-O<t rrrrN6lNa.l..-) c1 c.l .1 €a€€nn.1.1 @€€€ :!!: HOO(}] NO\@i€ir(N- €" d t?toI ^ E^ =l 8 E{? ss ? 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AoH- l_l. l= llull, llelle ll*lls t, l:- si-^aiIls ssss CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 2OTH DAY oF MARCH 2014, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. PAC.E-I4-01, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON ID REGULATORY AFFAIRS MANAGER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 23OO SALT LAKE CITY UT 8411 1 E-MAIL: ted.weston@pacifi com.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E.MAIL ONLY: d atareq ue st @paci fi corp. com RANDALL C BUDGE RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY PO BOX l39l POCATELLO ID 83204 E-MAIL: rcb@racinelaw.net YVONNE HOGLE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 23OO SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 E-MAIL: wonne.hoele@f'acifi corp.com ELECTRONIC ONLY JAMES R SMITH MONSANTO COMPANY E-MAIL: iim.r.smith@,monsanto.com BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES 16690 SWINGLEY RIDGE RD #r40 CHESTERFIELD MO 63017 E-MAIL: bcollins@consultbai.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE