HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140327Comments.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POITIIER a otvtstoN oF BctFrconP 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 March 26,2014 VA ELECTRONIC FILING AND OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re: CASE NO. PAC-E-14-01 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO DECREASE RATES BY $2.8 MILLION TO RECOVER DEFERRED NET POWER COSTS THROUGH THE ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find for electronic filing Rocky Mountain Power's reply comments in the above referenced matter. The Company has also shipped for overnight delivery an original and nine copies of its reply comments, a CD containing the reply comments, and a Confidential CD containing the Confidential workpapers. Confidential information will be provided subject to the protective order in this case. The Company is also providing revised tariff sheets based on Staff s rate design proposal ready for Commission approval. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at(801)220- 2963. t"^.,-/e,;f Vice President, Regulation & Govemment Affairs Enclosures CC: Case No. PAC-E-14-01 Service List Very truly yours, effrEy lYlarsen CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 26ft of March, 2Ol4,I caused to be served, via e-mail and overnight delivery, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document in PAC-E-14-01 the following: James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, ldaho 8327 6 i im.r. smithtDmonsanto.com Steven D. Spinner Monsanto Company 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd Saint Louis, Missouri 63141-7843 Steven. d. soinner(2monsanto. com Brubaker & Associates 16690 Swingley Ridge Rd., #140 Chesterfield, MO 63017 bcollins@consultbai.com Yvonne Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 841I I Yvonne.ho sle@oac ificom. com Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chartered 201 E. Center P.O. Box l39l Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 rcb@racinelaw.net Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake city, utah 841I I Ted. weston@pacifi com.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 20000 Portland, Oregon97232 datarequest@oacifi corp. com Amy Eissler Coordinator, Regulatory Operations Yvonne R. Hogle (ISB # 8930) Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main St., Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4050 Fax: (801) 220-3299 E-mail: wonne.hogle@pacificorp.com Attomey for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) CASE NO. PAC-E-14-01 POWER FOR AUTHORTTY TO ) DECREASE RATES BY $2.8 MILLTON ) TORECOVERDEFERREDNETPOWER ) REPLYCOMMENTSOF COSTS THROUGH THE ENERGY COST ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM ) ) ) COMES NOW PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power ("RMP" or the 'oCompany"), pursuant to Rules 56 and 256 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utility Commission (the ooCommission"), and hereby responds to Monsanto's Comments and Staff Comments (both defined below) in the above referenced case. BACKGROUND On January 3t, 2014, the Company filed an application ("Application") for authority to reduce Electric Service Schedule No. 94, Energy Cost Adjustment rates by $2.8 million, establishing the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") rate for all customer classes including Monsanto Company ("Monsanto") and Agrium, Inc. ("Agrium") based on the deferral period beginning December 1,2012 through November 30, 20 13 ("Deferral Period"). The Application requested Commission approval to add approximately $12.8 million to the ECAM balancing accounts for the Deferral Period, resulting in a total balance of $24.3 million as of November 30, 2013. The Company proposed to adjust Electric Service Schedule 94, Energy Cost Adjustment, to collect approximately $13.2 million over the period beginning April l, 2014 through March 31,2015, representing a decrease of $2.8 million over the current Schedule 94 rate. On January 28,2014, Monsanto filed a Petition to Intervene, which was approved by the Commission February 7,2014. On February 20,2014, the Commission issued a Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice of Intervention Deadline and established a procedural schedule with a comment deadline of March 20,2014. On March 19, 2014, Monsanto filed its Comments of Monsanto Company (o'Comments") with the Commission, focusing on the following four issues: 1) Reporting of Monsanto's actual energy usage, 2) A July 2013 bill correction to Monsanto's replacement energy, 3) Reporting of Monsanto's ECAM rider revenues, and 4) REC revenues. On March 20,2014, staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff') also filed its Comments of the Commission Staff ("Staff Comments"). Staff proposed (1) a correction to the wholesale loss adjustment, and (2) a base rate adjustment method, or back cast, designed to check the deferral amounts. Relying on the back cast, Staff recommended four adjustments to the $12.8 million ECAM deferral balance in the following categories: 1) NPC deferral, 2) Load Change Adjustment Deferral, 3) Class 1 DSM costs, 4) REC Revenue Deferral. Table I begins with the Company's requested amount from the Application, line l, and summarizes each of the adjustments proposed by the Parties and accepted by the Company, with two additional corrections to Staffs adjustments proposed by the Company, and the impact to each customer group's ECAM deferral as explained below. -TABLEl Summary of Deferral by Customer Group TarifrCustome rs l\ilonsanto Aerium Total I Conpany Defenal by Custonrcr C.roup 2 Adjustnrcnts: 3 Monsanto and AgriumActual load 4 Monsanto Replacenrnt Energy - July 2013 5 6 Deferral Accepting Monsanto's Adj. 7 8 Wholesale loss Adjustnrcnt (Wt A,) 9 NPC Deferal l0 LCA Deferral ll Class I DSM C.ost Deferral 12 REC Revenue Deferral l3 14 Defenal Accepting Staffs Adj. l5 16 Net Billed Energy forWrite0ffs 17 Add Back ECAM Deferral Write-Off l8 19 Deferral with C.orrparry Conections 20 2l Net Inpact to Deferral Balances s 7,234,690 $ 5,156,080 $ 4l9,0ll $ 12,809,781 13,198 124,821 9,901 (606) (2s0,461) (19,807) (644,4s9) l 1.830 384,905 - 53,256 s 6,947,698 $5,0a,273 $ 409,069 $ 12,399,M0 1f.sal).-[-(410,749i ARGUMENT The Company conditionally accepts some of the proposed adjustments recommended by Monsanto and by Staff, as explained below. (l 1,320)(1,878) 0(4ee) (258) (10) (766) $ 7,247,389 $ 5,144,502 $ 417,124 $ 12,809,014 (13s,327) (374,192) (156,292) (32,218) 223.487 (104,612) (21,s65) 149.588 (8,273) Q69,177)(1,70s) (55,488) $ 6,772,84',7 $ $ 121,595 $$ 53,256 $ 5,042,273 $ -$-$ 409,069 $ 12,224,t89 - 121,595 (286.991) $013.807) $ Monsanto Comments With respect to Monsanto's actual energy usage, the Company concedes that November 2012 acttal energy usage was mistakenly reported in December 2012 and that each of the succeeding months lagged by one month. The correction reduces Monsanto's actual energy usage during the Deferral Period and reduces Monsanto's ECAM deferral balance by $11,320. While reviewing actual loads, the Company determined that Agrium's load also lagged by one month. This correction reduced Agrium's actual energy used as well as its deferral balance by $1,878. These corrections (1) shift the usage to the remaining customers, increasing their load by the exact amount and (2) increase their deferral balance by $13,198, with no net impact to the total ECAM deferral balance. With respect to Monsanto's replacement energy, the Company concedes that the July 2013 replacement energy should be 9,649 megawatt-hours from the revised bill not the 9,447 megawatt-hours included in Exhibit No. I to Mr. Brian Dickman's direct testimony. In addition to removing the 202 megawatt-hours of incremental replacement energy, the Company also adjusted NPC to remove the $10,191 of incremental NPC associated with Monsanto's buy-through for replacement energy. This correction reduces (l) Monsanto's share of the ECAM defenal balance by $258, (2) Agrium's share by $10 and (3) the remaining tariff customers' share by $499, for a total reduction of $766 to the Total ECAM deferral balance. The argument that the ECAM revenues paid by Monsanto are off by one month is simply wrong. Monsanto's account should not be credited for the ECAM charges in the month billed rather than when paid, as set forth in Monsanto's Comments, Affachment A. In December 2012, Monsanto was billed $218,071 as part of the ECAM rate. The Company reduced Monsanto's ECAM balance by $218,071 in January 2013, the month the revenues were received, not the month they were billed. Crediting Monsanto's ECAM balance in the month billed reduces Monsanto's ECAM balance before they have actual made any payment. As to Monsanto's assertion that the Company's filing is void of any detail supporting REC sales, Mr. Dickman's work papers filed as part of his direct testimony contain the total Company and Idaho actual monthly REC sales in an excel file titled, "Exhibit 1 - ID ECAM (Dec 12-Nov13) CONFIDENTIAL Workpaper.xlsx, in the tab titled "ID Actual REC". This file provides the detail to support the Company's request with respect to REC sales. The Company notes that Monsanto had and took the opportunity to request additional information on REC sales in the form of data requests from the Company. In those responses, the Company explained that it proactively seeks to sell RECs in the market by issuing requests for proposals and by having bilateral discussions with market participants as opportunities arise. The Company indicated that it issues reverse requests for proposals on a minimum rolling quarterly basis. And that the broker market currently is illiquid and predominantly indicative (meaning there is no firm interest). Finally, Monsanto's attempt to discredit the Company by citing an order from the Public Service Commission of Utah to support its statement that "RMP had to assume some critical threshold value of RECs in order for the resources to be cost justified" is flawed. That argument was used by a witness in the Utah case and coincidentally rejected by the Utah Commission. The Company notes that these renewable generation resources have already been included in the Company's general rate cases in Idaho for proper prudency determination. The ECAM is not the appropriate proceeding to address these types of issues. RMP Reply Comments - Staff Preliminarily, Staff s adjustments are based on the premise that the ECAM is an energy cost tracker that 'oguarantee[s] recovery to a small subset of costs"l by allowing the Company to track and collect the exact amount of NPC incurred to serve customers. The Company has worked with Staff to prepare the back cast Staff utilized for its adjustments and does not oppose Staff s use of the approach conceptually. However if the intent is to collect the exact amount of expense incurred to serve customers, Staff s adjustments fall short of being accurate in the following areas: 1) Staff s reliance on all billed kilowatt-hours during the Deferral Period for its back cast analysis does not properly adjust for kilowatt-hours that are not collected as a result of bad debt write-offs. Using all billed kilowatt-hours does not allow the Company the ability to fully recover NPC. The back cast should take into account bad debt write-offs of NPC to get the most accurate accounting and provide the opportunity for full cost recovery. 2) AII ECAM deferred balances written-off as part of bad debt expense should be added back into the balancing account for recovery from remaining customers. If it is not the intent of the ECAM to "guarantee recovery" of NPC, as noted in Staff Comments, the Company's position is that the four back cast adjustments proposed by Staff are not appropriate and should not be made. The Company's Reply Comments not opposing the use of the back cast approach are based on the assumption that the ECAM indeed guarantees recovery of all NPC-related expenses. I Page 9 paragraph I of Staff Comments in Case No. PAC-E-14-01. 6 Incremental Kilowatt-hour Write-offs Staffs adjustment based on gross kilowatt-hours billed during the Deferral Period overstates NPC recovery by the incremental megawatt-hours associated with bad debt and the write-off of ECAM deferrals. Incremental bad debt is the net difference between the bad debt expense included in base rates and the actual bad debt expense from the Deferral Period. The base loads and bad debt expense for the Deferral Period are from Case No. PAC-E-10-07.' That case included$471,222 of Idaho bad debt expense, which is equivalent to approximately 5,868 megawatt-hours of energy. During the Deferral Period, the Company wrote-off 9796,632 or 10,369 megawatt-hours. The incremental write-offof $325,410 is equivalent to 4,501 incremental megawatt-hours. All of Staff s back cast adjustments overstate the Company's actual collection of NPC by the 4,501 incremental megawatt-hours. Reducing the megawatt-hours in the four categories by the 4,501 incremental megawatt-hours written-off reduces the back cast adjustment by $121,595. The $121,595 are NPC-related expenses tracked in the ECAM that the Company incurred during the Deferral Period to serve Idaho retail customers that were not recovered. Bad Debt Write-Offs Given the ECAM was designed to be symmetrical, and assuming the ECAM guarantees collection of actual NPC incurred to serve customers, it is reasonable that any ECAM deferral balance not recovered due to bad debt write-offs be added back into the balancing account to be collected from the remaining customers, rather than be written- off. 2 Paragraph 5, Stipulation CASE No. PAC-E-l l-12. The bad debt expense included in customers' rates is from calendar year 2009.3 Collection of the ECAM deferral balance began April l, 2010 and, therefore, no deferred ECAM revenues are included in the bad debt expense in customer rates. During the 2013 ECAM deferral period, $53,256 of the tariff customers' Commission-approvedo 2Ol2 ECAM balance was written off as bad debt expense. If the Company is guaranteed recovery of its NPC, the $53,256 and any future ECAM balance amounts that are written off should be transferred back into the balancing account for recovery. The Company agrees with Staff that the guarantee applies to a small subset of costs, such as NPC-related items. The Company's suggested corrections to the Staff Comments only relate to the ECAM calculation and deferred balances. The Company proposes that the $53,256 of tariffcustomers' ECAM deferred balance, written-off as bad debt expense during the Deferral Period, be added back into the tariff customers ECAM balancing account. To assure no double counting of megawatt-hours or dollars, the Company excluded the dollar amount of ECAM write-offs when it prepared the incremental megawatt-hours calculation and verified that no ECAM deferral write-offs were included in customers' rates during the base period. If the Commission were to approve this adjustment, the Company would transfer the ECAM-related revenues wriffen-off to the ECAM deferred balance rather than expense them when the Company prepares its monthly write-off. 3 Case No. PAC-E-10-07.o 2ol2 ECAM Deferral, Case No. PAC-E-I3-03. Proposed Rates If the Commission agrees that the intent of the ECAM is to "guarantee" recovery of NPC, and accepts Staff s adjustments or some combination of Staff s, Monsanto's and the Company's adjustments, the Company would support Staff s proposed rate design for Electric Service Schedule No. 94 - Energy Cost Adjustment rates. Since the rates only impact the timing of the recovery of the balancing account dollars, the Company is not opposed to implementing Staff s proposed rates. The Company is providing revised tariff sheets consistent with Staffs proposed rates along with its Reply Comments for Commission approval. CONCLUSION The Company expresses appreciation to the Parties and their cooperative approach to reviewing the Application. The Company intends to continue to provide quarterly ECAM reports to assist Parties' timely review of its annual ECAM filings. The Company is not opposed to Staffs back cast approach, as long as it is completely symmetrical and with the following corrections: (1) the Idaho actual energy should be net of incremental write-offs, and (2) all ECAM deferred balances included in bad debt write-offs should be transferred back into the balancing account for future recovery rather than expensed. The Company respectfully requests Commission approval of the revised ECAM deferral balance of $12,399,041, representing a $410,740 reduction to the requested amount in the Application, effective April 1, 2014. DATED this 26th day of March,2ul4. Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power l0 YFEtrHruouNrArN I.P.U.C. No. I Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 Cancelling Third Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.94 STATE OF'IDAHO Energy Cost Adjustment AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. EI\IERGY COST ADJUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjustment is calculated to collect the accumulated difference between total Company Base Net Power Cost and total Company Actual Net Power Cost calculated on a cents per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: ln addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate by delivery voltage. Delivery Voltage Schedule I Schedule 6 Schedule 6,4, Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 9 Schedule l0 Schedule I I Schedule 12 Schedule 19 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 Schedule 400 Schedule 401 Secondary 0324A per kWh 0.324(, per kWh 0.324(, per kWh 0.3240 per kWh 0.324(, per kWh 0.324i, per kWh 0.324i, per kWh 0.324(, per kWh 0.324fi per kWh 0.324i, per kWh 0.324i, per kWh 0.3240 per kWh 0.3240 per kWh 0.324(, per kWh 0.324(, per kWh Primary 0.3130 per kWh 0.3130 per kWh Transmission 0.304(, per kWh 0.42W, per kWh 0.4190 per kWh 0.313(, per kWh 0.313f, per kWh 0313A per kWh 0.3130 per kWh 0.313(, per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-14-01 ISSUED: March 26,2014 EFFECTIYE: April l, 2014 YHffi^H.^/IOUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No. I +hir+fourtlL Rwision of Sheet No.94.l Cancelling Seeen+I'nin!_nevision of Sheet No. 94.1 ROCKY MOI]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.94 STATE OF IDAHO Energy Cost Adjustment AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjustment is calculated to collect the accumulated difference between total Company Base Net Power Cost and total Company Actual Net Power Cost calculated on a cents per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate by delivery voltage. Delivery VoltageSecondary Primary Transmission Schedule I 03AWd perkWh Schedule 6 0.32458p per kWh 0.313559( per kWh Schedule 6A 0.324569i per kWh 0.3_1355ep per kWh Schedule 7 0.32458d per kWh Schedule 7A 0324569( per kWh Schedule 9 Schedule l0 0.3245690 per kWh Schedule I I 03245690 per kWh Schedule 12 0.324569( per kWh Schedule 19 0.32!58i, per kWh Schedule 23 0.324569( per kWh 0.31355ef per kWh Schedule 23A 0.Y45+9A perkWh 0.3_1355eP perkWh Schedule 24 0324569( per kWh 0.313559P per kWh Schedule 35 0.3245690 per kWh 0.31355ry per kWh Schedule 35A 0.324569( perkWh 0.31355& perkWh Schedule 36 0.32+#i, per kWh Schedule 400 Schedule 401 0.3W545:O per kWh 0421+240 per kWh 0.41%e+O per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+#3l4-01 ISSIIED: March 26&, 20Wl EFFECTM: April l,20143