HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130514Avoided Cost Rates New Projects.pdfC - -4 Clint Kalich Avista Utilities 1411 E. Mission P0 Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 IDAHO C.L. "Butch" Otter, Governor PUBLIC UTILITIES commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Paul Kjellander, Commissioner Mack A. Redford, Commissioner Marsha H. Smith, Commissioner Michael Andrea Avista Utilities 1411 E. Mission P0 Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Rocky Mountain Power Mark Moench Daniel Solander Ted Weston PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power One Utah Center 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Idaho Power Company Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-007 May 14, 2013 Avista Corporation Greg Duvall Hui Shu Laren Hale PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OR 97232 Randy Aliphin Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Re: Case Nos. IPC-E-13-13, PAC-E-13-09, AVU-E-13-03 -- Update to Published Avoided Cost Rates to Reflect an Updated Natural Gas Price Forecast of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and an Updated Cost of Capital for Avista Pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) has approved a Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) methodology for calculation of the avoided cost rate paid to PURPA qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities (QFs) by Idaho Power, Avista, and PacifiCorp. Avoided cost rates are the purchase price paid to QFs for purchases of QF capacity and energy. Two recent events have Located at 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 May 14, 2013 Page 2 triggered an updated calculation of avoided cost rates—the release of a new natural gas price forecast by EIA and the conclusion of a general rate case for Avista. In accordance with the methodology approved in Order No. 32697, the "reference case" natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electric Power sector found in EIA's Annual Energy Outlook is to be used as the basis for computing avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32697, the Commission also found that the final release of Annual Energy Outlook automatically triggers a recalculation of the published avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32802, the Commission clarified that the update should occur on June 1 or within 30 days of the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook, whichever is later. EIA began the final release of Annual Energy Outlook 2013 on April 15, 2013. The complete version of the report with all components included became available on May 2, 2013. Staff has used this forecast to compute new published avoided cost rates. A copy of the relevant fuel price forecast is attached. In addition to revisions due to a new fuel price forecast, Avista's costs of capital as determined in their recent general rate case is used in the calculation of their avoided cost rates. A carrying charge rate derived from the costs of capital is also used in the avoided cost calculations. A copy of the spreadsheet showing the carrying charge calculation is also enclosed for Avista. Attached are updated published avoided cost rates for all three utilities. Please review the accuracy of the rates and file your respective responses (either written or via e-mail) with the Commission on or prior to May 23, 2013. The case caption is as follows: UPDATE TO PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES TO REFLECT AN UPDATED NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST OF THE U.S. ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION (EJA) AND AN UPDATED COST OF CAPITAL FOR AVISTA Thank you for your cooperation. Please contact Cathleen McHugh (cathleen.mchugh(puc.idaho.gov ) for an electronic copy of the most recent SAR model. Please feel free to contact me or Cathleen if you have any questions. Sincerely, 9, 9110~ Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General Enclosures L: IPC-E- 13-1 3—PAC-E- I 3-09AVU-E- I 3-03 cm ks Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case (2011 dollars per million Btu, unless otherwise noted) Sector and Source 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 19.168352 23.212088 23.369637 22.441853 21.624435 21.737673 22.084169 22.594851 Residual Fuel Oil 8.472588 11.448496 12.008667 10.783293 24.743795 24.611229 24.784246 25.125053 Natural G'a 5 13705 4 517O7 Steam Coal 1.755342 1.809137 1.956672 1.96584 1.974216 1.977565 2.054428 2.056868 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 18.768059 23.212088 23.784525 23.228815 22.697477 23.166037 23.903521 24.827431 Residual Fuel Oil 8.295653 11.448496 12.221861 11.161427 25.971624 26.228413 26.826036 27.607637 Natural Gas 5 029807 4 §9252 3 O41422 3 41A",-14541 9912X'5 4 Steam Coal 1.718685 1.809137 1.991409 2.034776 2.07218 2.107509 2.223677 2.260105 8/ includes electricity-only and combined heat and power plants that have a regulatory status. Btu = British thermal unit. Note: Data for 2010 and 2011 are model results and may differ slightly from official EIA data reports. Sources: 2010 and 2011 prices for motor gasoline, distillate fuel oil, and jet fuel are based on prices in the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Petroleum Marketing Monthly, DOE/EIA-0380(2012/08) (Washington, DC, August 2012). 2010 residential, commercial, and industrial natural gas delivered prices: EIA, Natural Gas Annual 2010, DOE/EIA-0131(2010), (Washington, DC, December 2011). 2011 residential, commercial, and industrial natural gas delivered prices: EIA, Natural Gas Monthly, DOE/EIA-0130(2012/07) (Washington, DC, July 2012). 2010 transportation sector natural gas delivered prices are based on: EIA, Natural Gas Annual 2010, DOE/EIA-0131(2010) (Washington, DC, December 2011) and estimated State taxes, Federal taxes, and dispensing costs or charges. 2011 transportation sector natural gas delivered prices are model results. 2010 and 2011 electric power sector distillate and residual fuel oil prices: EIA, Monthly Energy Review, DOE/EIA-0035(2011/09) (Wash ington, DC, September 2010). 2010 and 2011 electric power sector natural gas prices: EIA, Electric Power Monthly, April 2011 and April 2012, Table 4.2, and EIA, State Energy Data System 2010, DOE/EIA-0214(2010) (Washington, DC, June 2012). 2010 and 2011 coal prices based on: EIA, Quarterly Coal Report, October-December 2011, DOE/EIA-0121(2011/4Q) (Washington, DC, March 2012) and EIA, AE02013 National Energy Modeling System. 2010 and 2011 electricity prices: EIA, Annual Energy Review 2011, DOE/EIA-0384(2011) (Washington, DC, September 2012). 2010 and 2011 E85 prices derived from monthly prices in the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report. Projections: EIA, AE02013 National Energy Modeling System. Sector and Source 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 23.012112 23.360851 23.731461 24.136751 24.54747 24.979706 25.413351 Residual Fuel Oil 25.455416 25.767576 26.069115 26.431841 26.775217 27.251825 27.844013 Natural 289982' 861048 081$ 61297 Steam Coal 2.078695 2.056341 2.047199 2.071085 2.111343 2.143058 2.176945 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 25.69367 26.495689 27.364019 28.314156 29.318729 30.375462 31.458565 Residual Fuel Oil 28.421688 29.225378 30.059496 31.006462 31.979481 33.138371 34.467422 tura1 6 Steam Coal 2.320922 2.332286 2.360562 2.429533 2.521722 2.60597 2.694787 Sector and Source 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 25.880323 26.306 162 26.766613 27.227453 27.686741 28. 134089 28.540449 Residual Fuel Oil 28.166 28.546143 28.926117 29.29969 29.699007 30.165316 30.665306 NÜfI 9 08ii447 .55053 6.-4o4o6:s24553 Steam Coal 2.210356 2.24613 2.287231 2.309009 2.340832 2.366952 2.393382 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 32.614044 33.753883 34.96759 36.219818 37.512737 38.823425 40.120052 Residual Fuel Oil 35.494423 36.62804 37.788742 38.976448 40.239151 41.6264 43.107021 wo 6r fi VIM Steam Coal 2.785461 2.882048 2.988011 3.071601 3.17159 3.266258 3.36444 Sector and Source 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 28.929796 29.395416 29.908205 30.573009 31.115072 31.73385 32.154118 Residual Fuel Oil 31.032063 31.295834 31.854986 32.506344 32.614964 33.493977 33.997913 Natura(s1 '1 Steam Coal - t678493!. .83911....08606!'417918 2.420485 2.453853 2.486969 2.526443 2.562952 2.592414 2.621624 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 41.417179 42.853298 44.392643 46.197681 47.864109 49.693672 51.250141 Residual Fuel Oil 44.426876 45.623768 47.282242 49.119068 50.171383 52.449944 54.18895 tur1 Steam Coal 3.465274 3.577282 3.691399 3.81761 3.942572 4.059594 4.178581 Sector and Source 2039 2040 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 32.730423 33.29018 Residual Fuel Oil 34.520077 34.928272 Naturat ' 8.6582±81307S Steam Coal 2.65517 2.688391 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 53.090897 54.943604 Residual Fuel Oil - 55.993832 57.647186 Natural G ITM Steam Coal 4.30686 4.437041 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH ________________________________________________ CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 31.94 33.28 38.22 40.85 44.28 2013 27.81 2 29.79 32.58 35.65 39.49 42.50 45.46 2014 31.94 3 30.86 34.32 37.25 40.96 43.80 46.45 2015 33.28 4 32.49 35.76 38.81 42.24 44.88 47.61 2016 38.22 5 33.91 37.21 40.15 43.33 46.04 48.91 2017 40.85 6 35.32 38.50 41.31 44.47 47.29 50.17 2018 44.28 7 36.59 39.64 42.47 45.67 48.51 51.22 2019 46.72 8 37.72 40.76 43.66 46.84 49.54 52.13 2020 48.68 9 38.83 41.92 44.82 47.85 50.45 52.95 2021 51.73 10 39.96 43.03 45.83 48.75 51.27 53.66 2022 55.25 11 41.04 44.01 46.73 49.56 51.99 54.34 2023 58.20 12 42.01 44.90 47.55 50.28 52.67 55.00 2024 59.56 13 42.88 45.70 48.27 50.96 53.33 55.65 2025 60.99 14 43.67 46.42 48.96 51.62 53.98 56.30 2026 62.37 15 44.39 47.10 49.62 52.26 54.61 56.96 2027 63.36 16 45.06 47.75 50.25 52.88 55.28 57.63 2028 65.12 17 45.71 48.37 50.87 53.51 55.91 58.32 2029 67.09 18 46.32 48.98 51.49 54.14 56.58 59.06 2030 69.09 19 46.92 49.58 52.11 54.79 57.29 59.83 2031 71.58 20 47.51 50.18 52.73 55.47 58.02 60.64 2032 74.45 2033 77.47 2034 81.47 2035 86.49 2036 . 91.75 2037 97.20 2038 103.41 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case' at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH _____________________________________________ CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 37.44 60.08 65.41 68.44 72.28 2013 27.81 2 32.43 48.31 62.64 66.87 70.28 73.64 2014 37.44 3 40.93 53.57 64.42 68.53 71.77 74.83 2015 60.08 4 46.35 56.86 66.16 69.99 73.04 76.18 2016 65.41 5 50.10 59.48 67.68 71.26 74.38 77.67 2017 68.44 6 53.11 61.60 69.01 72.58 75.81 79.11 2018 72.28 7 55.57 63.37 70.35 73.95 77.20 80.33 2019 75.12 8 57.61 65.02 71.71 75.29 78.41 81.42 2020 77.49 9 59.47 66.60 73.03 76.47 79.49 82.41 2021 80.96 10 61.21 68.08 74.19 77.53 80.47 83.29 2022 84.92 11 62.82 69.39 75.25 78.50 81.35 84.13 2023 88.30 12 64.24 70.57 76.22 79.37 82.19 84.95 2024 90.09 13 65.52 71.64 77.09 80.21 83.00 85.76 2025 91.97 14 66.67 72.60 77.93 81.01 83.79 86.56 2026 93.81 15 67.71 73.51 78.72 81.79 84.58 87.36 2027 95.25 16 68.68 74.36 79.49 82.55 85.36 88.17 2028 97.48 17 69.59 75.18 80.25 83.32 86.15 89.01 2029 99.93 18 70.45 75.97 81.00 84.08 86.95 89.88 2030 102.41 19 71.28 76.75 81.74 84.85 87.79 90.78 2031 105.38 20 72.08 77.51 82.49 85.65 88.65 91.71 2032 108.75 2033 112.27 2034 116.78 2035 122.32 2036 128.11 2037 134.09 2038 140.84 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:J/www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMW'i New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH _____________________________________________ CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 33.19 57.48 62.77 65.76 69.56 2013 27.81 2 30.39 44.85 60.02 64.21 67.59 70.91 2014 33.19 3 38.72 50.36 61.79 65.85 69.06 72.07 2015 57.48 4 44.04 53.77 63.51 67.29 70.30 73.41 2016 62.77 5 47.73 56.45 65.01 68.55 71.63 74.88 2017 65.76 6 50.69 58.61 66.32 69.85 73.04 76.30 2018 69.56 7 53.11 60.40 67.64 71.21 74.42 77.51 2019 72.37 8 55.13 62.06 68.98 72.53 75.61 78.58 2020 74.69 9 56.95 63.65 70.29 73.69 76.67 79.55 2021 78.12 10 58.67 65.13 71.44 74.74 77.63 80.41 2022 82.04 11 60.26 66.44 72.48 75.69 78.50 81.24 2023 85.38 12 61.66 67.62 73.44 76.55 79.32 82.05 2024 87.13 13 62.92 68.68 74.30 77.37 80.12 82.83 2025 88.96 14 64.05 69.64 75.11 78.16 80.90 83.62 2026 90.76 15 65.07 70.54 75.90 78.92 81.67 84.41 2027 92.16 16 66.02 71.39 76.66 79.67 82.44 85.21 2028 94.34 17 66.92 72.20 77.40 80.42 83.21 86.03 2029 96.74 18 67.76 72.98 78.13 81.17 84.00 86.89 2030 99.18 19 68.58 73.75 78.86 81.93 84.83 87.78 2031 102.10 20 69.37 74.50 79.60 82.72 85.68 88.70 2032 105.42 2033 108.89 2034 113.35 2035 118.84 2036 124.58 2037 130.51 2038 137.21 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 34.81 75.71 81.27 84.53 88.60 2013 27.81 2 31.17 54.45 78.38 82.84 86.49 90.08 2014 34.81 3 44.86 62.70 80.27 84.61 88.09 91.38 2015 75.71 4 52.92 67.53 82.12 86.18 89.46 92.85 2016 81.27 5 58.29 71.11 83.74 87.56 90.91 94.44 2017 84.53 6 62.40 73.90 85.17 88.98 92.45 95.99 2018 88.60 7 65.67 76.18 86.61 90.45 93.94 97.32 2019 91.89 8 88.34 78.22 88.06 91.89 95.25 98.51 2020 94.30 9 70.70 80.12 89.48 93.16 96.42 99.59 2021 98.01 10 72.86 81,89 90.74 94.32 97.50 100.57 2022 102.22 11 74.82 83.43 91.89 95.38 98.47 101.51 2023 105.85 12 76.55 84.82 92.94 96.34 99.41 102.42 2024 107.90 13 78.09 86.08 93.91 97.26 100.31 103.32 2025 110.04 14 79.47 87.21 94.82 98.15 101.19 104.20 2026 112.15 15 80.72 88.27 95.70 99.01 102.06 105.10 2027 113.86 16 81.88 89.27 96.55 99.86 102.92 105.99 2028 116.36 17 82.97 90.22 97.38 100.70 103.79 106.90 2029 119.08 18 83.99 91.13 98.21 101.54 104.67 107.86 2030 121.85 19 84.96 92.03 99.02 102.39 105.58 108.84 2031 125.10 20 85.90 92.89 99.84 103.26 106.52 109.84 2032 128.76 2033 132.57 2034 137.38 2035 143.22 2036 149.32 2037 155.61 2038 162.68 Note: A "seasonal hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:/Iwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELlZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH ________________________________________________ CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 31.20 50.41 55.61 58.50 62.18 2013 27.81 2 29.44 40.43 52.91 56.99 60.27 63.48 2014 31.20 3 35.89 45.10 54.63 58.59 61.69 64.59 2015 50.41 4 40.25 48.06 56.30 59.98 62.89 65.88 2016 55.61 5 43.35 50.46 57.76 61.19 64.17 67.30 2017 58.50 6 45.91 52.42 59.03 62.44 65.53 68.68 2018 62.18 7 48.02 54.05 60.30 63.76 66.86 69.84 2019 64.88 8 49.80 55.58 61.60 65.04 68.00 70.86 2020 67.10 9 51.44 57.06 62.86 66.15 69.02 71.78 2021 70.42 10 53.00 58.46 63.97 67.16 69.94 72.60 2022 74.22 11 54.46 59.69 64.97 68.07 70.76 73.39 2023 77.45 12 55.74 60.79 65.88 68.88 71.55 74.16 2024 79.08 13 56.89 61.78 66.70 69.66 72.31 74.90 2025 80.80 14 57.94 62.68 67.48 70.41 73.04 75.65 2026 82.48 15 58.87 63.52 68.23 71.14 73.78 76.40 2027 83.75 16 59.75 64.32 68.95 71.86 74.51 77.16 2028 85.82 17 60.57 65.08 69.66 72.57 75.24 77.94 2029 88.09 18 61.36 65.82 70.36 73.28 76.00 78.77 2030 . 90.40 19 62.11 66.54 71.05 74.01 76.79 79.63 2031 93.19 20 62.84 67.25 71.76 74.77 77.61 80.51 2032 96.39 2033 99.72 2034 104.05 2035 109.40 2036 115.00 2037 120.79 2038 127.35 Note: "Other projects' refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects' may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:/Iwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeoitablebrowser/. A VISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWn New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH _______________________________________________ CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 44.29 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 42.50 45.91 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 40.82 44.05 47.48 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 38.73 42.29 45.56 48.93 2018 41.25 7 34.19 37.02 40.18 43.73 46.96 50.11 2019 43.64 8 35.54 38.39 41.59 45.09 48.14 51.12 2020 48.54 9 36.83 39.74 42.91 46.24 49.16 52.01 2021 51.58 10 38.10 41.01 44.05 47.25 50.06 52.79 2022 55.11 11 39.30 42.12 45.07 48.15 50.86 53.52 2023 58.06 12 40.37 43.11 45.98 48.95 51.61 54.23 2024 59.41 13 41.32 44.00 46.78 49.70 52.32 54.92 2025 60.84 14 42.19 44.80 47.54 50.42 53.01 55.61 2026 62.22 15 42.97 45.55 48.26 51.10 53.70 56.30 2027 63.20 16 43.70 46.26 48.94 51.78 54.38 57.00 2028 64.97 17 44.40 46.94 49.62 52.45 55.06 57.72 2029 66.93 18 45.06 47.60 50.28 53.12 55.77 58.49 2030 68.93 19 45.70 48.25 50.94 53.81 56.51 59.30 2031 71.41 20 46.33 48.89 51.61 54.52 57.29 60.13 2032 74.29 2033 77.30 2034 81.30 2035 86.32 2036 91.58 2037 97.02 2038 103.23 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:llwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 52.78 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 48.61 58.72 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 45.52 53.89 62.94 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 42.50 50.17 57.93 66.20 2018 41.25 7 34.19 40.11 46.66 53.91 61.17 68.72 2019 43.64 8 38.14 43.83 50.13 57.01 63.76 70.77 2020 76.06 9 41.46 47.01 53.07 59.55 65.90 72.49 2021 79.51 10 44.37 49.77 55.54 61.69 67.73 73.96 2022 83.45 11 46.93 52.12 57.64 63.54 69.30 75.29 2023 86.81 12 49.14 54.15 59.48 65.13 70.71 76.51 2024 88.58 13 51.07 55.93 61.08 66.57 72.00 77.64 2025 90.44 14 52.79 57.50 62.52 67.89 73.19 78.73 2026 92.26 15 54.30 58.92 63.85 69.11 74.33 79.78 2027 93.68 16 55.68 60.23 65.08 70.26 75.41 80.80 2028 95.89 17 56.96 61.44 66.23 71.36 76.46 81.82 2029 98.31 18 58.14 62.58 67.33 72.42 77.50 82.87 2030 100.77 19 59.25 63.66 68.39 73.45 78.55 83.93 2031 103.72 20 60.30 64.70 69.42 74.49 79.61 84.99 2032 107.07 2033 110.56 2034 115.05 2035 120.56 2036 126.32 2037 132.28 2038 139.01 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. A VISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 S/MW, New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 51.96 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 48.02 57.48 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 45.07 52.94 61.44 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 42.13 49.40 56.73 64.53 2018 41.25 7 34.19 39.81 46.03 52.92 59.80 66.91 2019 43.64 8 37.88 43.30 49.30 55.85 62.24 68.86 2020 73.39 9 41.01 46.31 52,09 58.26 64.28 70.51 2021 76.80 10 43.76 48.92 54.42 60.29 66.02 71.91 2022 80.70 11 46.19 51.15 56.42 62.04 67.51 73.17 2023 84.02 12 48.29 53.08 58.17 63.56 68.85 74.34 2024 85.75 13 50.13 54.77 59.69 64.93 70.09 75.44 2025 87.57 14 51.76 56.27 61.07 66.19 71.24 76.48 2026 89.34 15 53.20 57.62 62.34 67.36 72.32 77.50 2027 90.72 16 54.52 58.88 63.51 68.47 73.37 78.49 2028 92.89 17 55.74 60.03 64.62 69.52 74.39 79.48 2029 95.26 18 56.87 61.13 65.68 70.54 75.39 80.50 2030 97.68 19 57.93 62.17 66.69 71.55 76.41 81.53 2031 100.58 20 58.95 63.17 67.69 72.56 77.44 82.58 2032 103.88 2033 107.33 2034 111.77 2035 117.24 2036 122.95 2037 128.86 2038 135.54 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See 'Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IM'Mi New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non. solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED: NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH _____________________________________________ CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 57.73 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 52.18 66.19 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 48.27 59.63 71.98 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 44.69 54.76 65.14 76.28 2018 41.25 7 34.19 41.92 50.43 59.84 69.46 79.58 2019 43.64 8 39.65 4700 55.11 63.97 72.87 82.23 2020 92.12 9 44.16 51.26 59.00 67.31 75.67 84.44 2021 95.80 10 48.03 54.89 62.23 70.12 78.04 86.32 2022 99.98 11 51.39 57.95 64.98 72.51 80.05 87.98 2023 103.58 12 54.26 60.58 67.35 74.57 81.85 89.50 2024 105.60 13 56.78 62.89 69.42 76.41 83.48 90.90 2025 107.71 14 58.96 64.91 71.27 78.09 84.97 92.21 2026 109.78 15 60.91 66.72 72.95 79.62 8616 93.47 2027 111.46 16 62.67 68.38 74.49 81.04 87.68 94.68 2028 113.93 17 64.28 69.90 75.93 82.39 88.95 95.88 2029 116.61 18 65.77 71.32 77.28 83.67 90.18 97.08 2030 119.34 19 67.15 72.66 78.56 84.92 91.41 98.29 2031 122.56 20 68.45 73.92 79.80 86.14 92.62 99.49 2032 126.19 2033 129.96 2034 134.73 2035 140.54 2036 146.59 2037 152.85 2038 159.88 Note: A "seasonal hydro project" is defined as a generation facility Which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVEUZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 49.72 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 46.41 54.10 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 43.83 50.34 57.37 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 41.14 47.33 53.47 59.98 2018 41.25 7 34.19 39.00 44.32 50.24 56.05 62.01 2019 43.64 8 37.20 41.87 47.05 52.71 58,13 63.68 2020 66.14 9 39.79 44.39 49.41 54.75 59.87 65.11 2021 69.44 10 42.11 46.61 51.40 56.48 61.36 66.33 2022 73.23 11 44.18 48.51 53.11 57.99 62.65 67.44 2023 76.44 12 45.98 50.17 54.61 59.30 63.82 68.48 2024 78.06 13 47.56 51.63 55.92 60.49 64.90 69.45 2025 79.77 14 48.97 52.92 57.12 61.59 65.92 70.39 2026 81.43 15 50.22 54.10 58.23 62.62 66.89 71.31 2027 82.69 16 51.36 55.19 59.26 63.60 67.83 72.22 2028 84.74 17 52.43 56.21 60.24 64.54 68.75 73.13 2029 87.00 18 53.42 57.18 61.18 65.46 69.67 74.08 2030 89.29 19 54.36 58.11 62.09 66.37 70.61 75.05 2031 92.07 20 55.27 59.00 63.00 67.29 71.56 76.03 2032 95.25 2033 98.57 2034 102.88 2035 108.22 2036 113.80 2037 119.57 2038 126.11 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVEUZED NON'LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 31.88 33.21 38.16 40.79 44.22 2013 27.81 2 29.76 32.52 35.59 39.42 42.44 45.39 2014 31.88 3 30.83 34.26 37.19 40.90 43.74 46.38 2015 33.21 4 32.45 35.71 38.75 42.18 44.82 47.55 2016 38.16 5 33.88 37.16 40.10 43.27 45.99 48.85 2017 40.79 6 35.29 38.45 41.26 44.42 47.24 50.12 2018 44.22 7 36.56 39.59 42.43 45.63 48.46 51.17 2019 46.66 8 37.69 40.73 43.63 46.80 49.50 52.09 2020 48.61 9 38.81 41.89 44.79 47.82 50.41 52.91 2021 51.66 10 39.94 43.01 45.80 48.72 51.23 53.62 2022 55.18 11 41.04 44.00 46.71 49.54 51.96 54.31 2023 58.13 12 42.01 44.89 47.54 50.26 52.65 54.98 2024 59.48 13 42.89 45.70 48.27 50.95 53.32 55.63 2025 60.92 14 43.70 46.43 48.96 51.62 53.97 56.29 2026 62.30 15 44.42 47.12 49.63 52.26 54.61 56.96 2027 63.28 16 45.10 47.77 50.27 52.89 55.27 57.63 2028 65.05 17 45.75 48.40 50.90 53.53 55.92 58.34 2029 67.01 18 46.37 49.02 51.53 54.17 56.61 59.09 2030 69.02 19 46.98 49.64 52.15 54.83 57.33 59.88 2031 71.50 20 47.58 50.24 52.79 55.52 58.08 60.69 2032 74.37 2033 77.39 2034 81.39 2035 86.41 2036 91.67 2037 97.11 2038 103.33 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case' at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeoltablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YEAR RATES 1 27.81 57.72 59.43 64.76 67.78 71.60 2013 27.81 2 42.19 58.54 61.99 66.21 69.62 72.97 2014 57.72 3 47.50 60.46 63.78 67.87 71.10 74.15 2015 59.43 4 51.33 62.08 65.51 69.33 72.37 75.51 2016 64.76 5 54.14 63.71 67.04 70.60 73.71 76.99 2017 67.78 6 56.52 65.17 68.37 71.92 75.15 78.43 2018 71.60 7 58.53 66.47 69.70 73.30 76.54 79.66 2019 74.44 8 60.25 67.77 71.07 74.64 77.75 80.75 2020 76.80 9 61.85 69.09 72.39 75.82 78.83 81.73 2021 80.26 10 63.40 70.37 73.56 76.89 79.81 82.62 2022 84.21 11 64.85 71.51 74.62 77.86 80.69 83.46 2023 87.58 12 66.14 72.55 75.60 78.74 81.54 84.29 2024 89.36 13 67.31 73.50 76.48 79.57 82.36 85.10 2025 91.23 14 68.38 74.37 77.31 80.38 83.15 85.90 2028 93.06 15 69.34 75.20 78.12 81.17 83.95 86.72 2027 94.49 16 70.24 75.99 78.90 81.94 84.74 87.53 2028 96.71 17 71.10 76.75 79.66 82.71 85.53 88.38 2029 99.14 18 71.92 77.49 80.41 83.48 86.34 89.26 2030 101.62 19 72.71 78.23 81.16 84.27 87.19 90.18 2031 104.58 20 73.48 78.96 81.93 85.08 88.07 91.12 2032 107.94 2033 111.44 2034 115.94 2035 121.47 2036 127.25 2037 133.21 2038 139.96 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:I/www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeoltablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON.LEVELIZED (YEARS) YEAR RATES 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1 27.81 55.21 56.89 62.17 65.16 68.94 2013 27.81 2 40.98 56.02 59.43 63.61 66.98 70.29 2014 55.21 3 45.88 57.91 61.19 65.25 68.45 71.45 2015 56.89 4 49.50 59.52 62.92 66.69 69.69 72.79 2016 62.17 5 52.17 61.13 64.42 67.95 71.02 74.26 2017 65.16 6 54.46 62.58 65.74 69.25 72.44 75.68 2018 68.94 7 56.40 63.86 67.05 70.61 73.81 76.89 2019 71.74 8 58.06 65.15 68.40 71.94 75.00 77.97 2020 74.06 9 59.62 66.45 69.71 73.10 76.07 78.94 2021 77.48 10 61.12 67.71 70.87 74.15 77.04 79.80 2022 81.39 11 62.54 68.84 71.91 75.11 77.90 80.63 2023 84.72 12 63.80 69.86 72.87 75.97 78.73 81.45 2024 86.46 13 64.94 70.81 73.74 76.80 79.54 82.24 2025 88.29 14 65.98 71.66 74.56 77.59 80.32 83.03 2026 90.07 15 66.92 72.47 75.35 78.36 81.10 83.83 2027 91.46 16 67.80 73.25 76.12 79.12 81.88 84.63 2028 93.64 17 68.64 74.00 76.87 79.88 82.66 85.46 2029 96.02 18 69.44 74.73 77.61 80.64 83.46 86.33 2030 98.45 19 70.21 75.45 78.35 81.41 84.29 87.24 2031 101.37 20 70.97 76.17 79.10 82.21 85.16 88.17 2032 104.68 2033 108.14 2034 112.59 2035 118.07 2036 123.79 2037 129.71 2038 136.40 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See 'Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MV"Jh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELlZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YEAR RATES 1 27.81 72.79 74.73 80.27 83.52 87.58 2013 27.81 2 49.44 73.72 77.39 81.84 85.47 89.05 2014 72.79 3 57.23 75.74 79.28 83.60 87.07 90.34 2015 74.73 4 62.34 77.47 81.12 85.17 88.44 91.81 2016 80.27 5 65.96 79.19 82.75 86.55 89.89 93.40 2017 83.52 6 68.90 80.75 84.18 87.96 91.42 94.95 2018 87.58 7 71.34 82.15 85.61 89.44 92.92 98.28 2019 90.65 8 73.40 83.55 87.07 90.88 94.22 97.47 2020 93.25 9 75.29 84.96 88.49 92.16 95.40 98.55 2021 96.95 10 77.08 86.32 89.75 93.31 96.48 99.53 2022 101.14 11 78.74 87.55 90.91 94.38 97.45 100.47 2023 104.75 12 80.22 88.68 91.97 95.34 98.39 101.39 2024 106.79 13 81.56 89.72 92.93 96.27 99.30 102.28 2025 108.91 14 82.77 90.67 93.85 97.16 100.18 103.18 2026 111.00 15 83.88 91.58 94.74 98.03 101.05 104.08 2027 112.70 16 84.91 92.44 95.59 98.88 101.93 104.97 2028 115.18 17 85.89 93.28 96.43 99.73 102.80 105.90 2029 117.89 18 86.82 94.10 97.26 100.58 103.69 106.86 2030 120.63 19 87.72 94.91 98.09 101.44 104.62 107.86 2031 123.87 20 88.59 95.71 98.92 102.32 105.57 108.87 2032 127.52 2033 131.31 2034 136.10 2035 141.92 2036 148.00 2037 154.27 2038 161.32 Note: A "seasonal hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 48.40 49.98 55.17 58.05 61.73 2013 27.81 2 37.71 49.16 52.47 56.55 59.82 63.02 2014 48.40 3 41.49 51.01 54.19 58.15 61.24 64.14 2015 49.98 4 44.53 52.57 55.86 59.54 62.44 65.43 2016 55.17 5 46.83 54.13 57.32 60.75 63.72 66.85 2017 58.05 6 48.86 55.54 58.59 62.00 65.08 68.23 2018 61.73 7 50.61 56.78 59.87 63.32 66.42 69.39 2019 64.42 8 52.12 58.02 61.17 64.60 67.56 70.41 2020 66.64 9 53.55 59.28 62.44 65.73 68.58 71.34 2021 69.95 10 54.94 60.50 63.55 66.73 69.51 72.16 2022 73.74 11 56.27 61.59 64.56 67.65 70.33 72.95 2023 76.96 12 57.44 62.58 65.48 68.47 71.12 73.72 2024 78.59 13 58.51 63.48 66.31 69.26 71.89 74.47 2025 80.30 14 59.48 64.30 67.09 70.01 72.63 75.23 2026 81.97 15 60.35 65.07 67.85 70.74 73.37 75.99 2027 83.24 16 61.18 65.82 68.57 71.47 74.11 76.75 2028 85.30 17 61.96 66.53 69.29 72.19 74.86 77.55 2029 87.56 18 62.71 67.23 70.00 72.91 75.62 78.38 2030 89.86 19 63.43 67.92 70.70 73.65 76.42 79.25 2031 92.65 20 64.14 68.60 71.42 74.42 77.26 80.15 2032 95.84 2033 99.16 2034 103.48 2035 108.83 2036 114.42 2037 120.20 2038 126.75 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiafiaeo/tablebrowser/. LEVELIZED CARRYING CHARGE CALCULATION INPUTRESULTS Year Earnings Base Return Book Depr Tax Base Tax D. Interest Equity Return Deferred Taxes Current Taxes Total Taxes Prop. Taxes Misc. Items Carrying Cost 0 100.000 7.905 FINANCING: 1 98.521 7.767 3.333 100.000 3.750 2.953 4.815 0.146 2.533 2.679 1.000 0.000 14.779 Capital Structure 2 91.828 7.444 3.333 96250 7.219 2.830 4.615 1.360 1.164 2.524 1.000 0.000 14.302 Debt 50.000% 3 87.324 7.081 3.333 89.031 6.677 2.692 4.389 1.170 1.235 2.405 1.000 0.000 13.820 Preferred 0.000% 4 82.995 6.732 3.333 82.354 6.177 2.559 4.173 0.995 1.296 2.291 1.000 0.000 13.356 Common 50.000% 5 78.829 6396 3.333 76.177 5.713 2.431 3.965 0.833 1.348 2.181 1.000 0.000 12.910 Total 100.000% 6 74.813 6.073 3.333 70.464 5.285 2.308 3.764 0.683 1.391 2.074 1.000 0.000 12.480 7 70.935 5.761 3.333 65.179 4.888 2.190 3.571 0.544 1.427 1.971 1.000 0.000 12.065 Component Cost 8 67.186 5.459 3.333 60.291 4.522 2.075 3.384 0.416 1.456 1.872 1.000 0.000 11.664 Debt 6.010% 9 63,458 5.164 3.333 55.769 4.462 1.963 3.201 0.395 1.375 1.770 1.000 0.000 11.267 Preferred 10 59.729 4.869 3.333 51.307 4.462 1.851 3.018 0.395 1.274 1.668 1.000 0.000 10.871 Common 9.800% 11 56.001 4.574 3.333 46.846 4.462 1.739 2.835 0.395 1.172 1.567 1.000 0.000 10.474 Total 7.905% 12 52.273 4.280 3.333 42.384 4.462 1.627 2.653 0.395 1.070 1.465 1.000 0.000 10.078 Discount Rate 7.905% 13 48.545 3.985 3.333 37.923 4.462 1.515 2.470 0.395 0.968 1.363 1.000 0.000 9.681 14 44.817 3.690 3.333 33.461 4.462 1.403 2.287 0.395 0.866 1.261 1.000 0.000 9.285 TAXES 15 41.088 3.395 3.333 29.000 4.462 1.291 2.105 0.395 0.764 1.159 1.000 0.000 8.888 Tax Life 20 16 37.360 3.101 3.333 24.538 4.462 1.179 1.922 0.395 0.663 1.057 1.000 0.000 8.491 Month (Real Prop) 6 17 33.632 2.806 3.333 20.077 4.462 1.067 1.739 0.395 0.561 0.956 1.000 0.000 8.095 DRDB Rate 150.000% 18 29.904 2.511 3.333 15.615 4.462 0.955 1.557 0.395 0.459 0.854 1.000 0.000 7.698 Composite Rate 35.790% 19 26.176 2.217 3.333 11.154 4.462 0.843 1.374 0.395 0.357 0.752 1.000 0.000 7.302 Deferred Rate 35.000% 20 22.447 1.922 3.333 6.692 4.462 0.731 1.191 0.395 0.255 0.650 1.000 0.000 6.905 21 19.500 1,658 3.333 2.231 2.231 0.630 1.028 -0.386 0.972 0.586 1.000 0.000 6.578 FACILITY 22 17.333 1.456 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.553 0.902 -1.167 1.711 0.544 1.000 0.000 6.333 Book Life 30 23 15.167 1.285 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.488 0.796 -1.167 1.652 0.485 1.000 0.000 6.103 Investment $1,000 24 13.000 1.113 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.423 0.690 -1.167 1.592 0.426 1.000 0.000 5.872 25 10.833 0.942 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.358 0.584 -1.167 1.533 0.367 1.000 0.000 5.642 OTHER 26 8.667 0.771 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.293 0.478 -1.167 1.474 0.307 1.000 0.000 5.411 Property Tax Rate 1.000% 27 6.500 0.599 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.228 0.372 -1.167 1.415 0.248 1.000 0.000 5.181 Misc. Costs Rate 0.000% 28 4.333 0.428 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.163 0.265 -1.167 1.358 0.189 1.000 0.000 4.950 29 2.167 0.257 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.098 0.159 -1.167 1.296 0.130 1.000 0.000 4.720 Note: Misc. Costs Include Insurance, 30 0.000 0.086 3.333 0.000 0.000 0.033 0.053 -1.167 1237 0.071 1.000 0.000 4.490 Working Capital, and Other Taxes 31 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 32 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 33 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 34 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Return 5.109% 35 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Depr Annuity 3.463% 36 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Taxes 1.751% 37 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prop. Taxes 1.039% 38 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Misc. Costs 0.000% 39 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 40 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CARRYING CHARGE RATE: 11.361% TOTAL 100.000 0.000 100.000 39.466 0.000 35.871 35.871 269.692 129.057 823(1-1/B25) = 6.666666667 CARRYING CHARGE RATE (mid-year): 11.361% Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case (2011 dollars per million Btu, unless otherwise noted) Sector and Source 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 19.168352 23.212088 23.369637 22.441853 21.624435 21.737673 22.084169 22.594851 Residual Fuel Oil 8.472588 11.448496 12.008667 10.783293 24.743795 24.611229 24.784246 25.125053 Natural Gas-4-'I 88369 3.745l54 '4.3 1970NEW Steam Coal 1.755342 1.809137 1.956672 1.96584 1.974216 1.977565 2.054428 2.056868 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 18.768059 23.212088 23.784525 23.228815 22.697477 23.166037 23.903521 24.827431 Residual Fuel Oil 8.295653 11.448496 12.221861 11.161427 25.971624 26.228413 26.826036 27.607637 Natural 5.029807 '4.2925 3.041422 4116'i454i 9124 !s 4894 Steam Coal 1.718685 1.809137 1.991409 2.034776 2.07218 2.107509 2.223677 2.260105 of incivaes electricity-only ano comoinea neat and power plants that have a regulatory status. Btu = British thermal unit. Note: Data for 2010 and 2011 are model results and may differ slightly from official EIA data reports. Sources: 2010 and 2011 prices for motor gasoline, distillate fuel oil, and jet fuel are based on prices in the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Petroleum Marketing Monthly, DOE/EIA-0380(2012/08) (Washington, DC, August 2012). 2010 residential, commercial, and industrial natural gas delivered prices: EIA, Natural Gas Annual 2010, DOE/EIA-0131(2010), (Washington, DC, December 2011). 2011 residential, commercial, and industrial natural gas delivered prices: EIA, Natural Gas Monthly, DOE/EIA-0130(2012/07) (Washington, DC, July 2012). 2010 transportation sector natural gas delivered prices are based on: EIA, Natural Gas Annual 2010, DOE/EIA-0131(2010) (Washington, DC, December 2011) and estimated State taxes, Federal taxes, and dispensing costs or charges. 2011 transportation sector natural gas delivered prices are model results. 2010 and 2011 electric power sector distillate and residual fuel oil prices: EIA, Monthly Energy Review, DO E/E IA-0035(2011/09) (Wash ingto n, DC, September 2010). 2010 and 2011 electric power sector natural gas prices: EIA, Electric Power Monthly, April 2011 and April 2012, Table 4.2, and EIA, State Energy Data System 2010, DOE/EIA-0214(2010) (Washington, DC, June 2012). 2010 and 2011 coal prices based on: EIA, Quarterly Coal Report, October-December 2011, DOE/EIA-0121(2011/4Q) (Washington, DC, March 2012) and EIA, AE02013 National Energy Modeling System. 2010 and 2011 electricity prices: EIA, Annual Energy Review 2011, DOE/EIA-0384(2011) (Washington, DC, September 2012). 2010 and 2011 E85 prices derived from monthly prices in the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report. Projections: EIA, AE02013 National Energy Modeling System. Sector and Source 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 23.012112 23.360851 23.731461 24.136751 24.54747 24.979706 25.413351 Residual Fuel Oil 25.455416 25.767576 26.069115 26.431841 26.775217 27.251825 27.844013 Natural Steam Coal 548S10Lf8 2.078695 2.056341 2.047199 2.071085 2.111343 2.143058 2.176945 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 25.69367 26.495689 27.364019 28.314156 29.318729 30.375462 31.458565 Residual Fuel Oil NatuI" * Steam Coal 28.421688 2.320922 29.225378 2.332286 30.059496 2.360562 31.006462 31.979481 33.138371 34.467422 2.429533 2.521722 2.60597 2.694787 Sector and Source 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 25.880323 26.306162 26.766613 27.227453 27.686741 28.134089 28.540449 Residual Fuel Oil 28.166 28.546143 28.926117 29.29969 29.699007 30.165316 30.665306 Natural !38546 194b6 Sd' Steam Coal 2.210356 2.24613 2.287231 2.309009 2.340832 2.366952 2.393382 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 32.614044 33.753883 34.96759 36.219818 37.512737 38.823425 40.120052 Residual Fuel Oil 35.494423 36.62804 37.788742 38.976448 40.239151 41.6264 43.107021 Natural'3V '' ' 6980 837jJ 1734 Steam Coal 2.785461 2.882048 2.988011 3.071601 3.17159 3.266258 3.36444 Sector and Source 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 28.929796 29.395416 29.908205 30.573009 31.115072 31.73385 32.154118 Residual Fuel Oil 31.032063 31.295834 31.854986 32.506344 32.614964 33.493977 33.997913 1tural - ' Steam Coal 7M.7MI849 tJ55 2.420485 2.453853 2.486969 2.526443 2.562952 2.592414 2.621624 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 41.417179 42.853298 44.392643 46.197681 47.864109 49.693672 51.250141 Residual Fuel Oil 44.426876 45.623768 47.282242 49.119068 50.171383 52.449944 54.18895 Natural Gas 127 3b2121J0 51 .{i Steam Coal 3.465274 3.577282 3.691399 3.81761 3.942572 4.059594 4.178581 Sector and Source 2039 2040 Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 32.730423 33.29018 Residual Fuel Oil 34.520077 34.928272 faIural G51 Steam Coal 2.65517 2.688391 Prices in Nominal Dollars Electric Power 8/ Distillate Fuel Oil 53.090897 54.943604 Residual Fuel Oil 55.993832 57.647186 Nu.' at :• .:t4 1.54549, Steam Coal 4.30686 4.437041 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non. solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201,8 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 31.94 33.28 38.22 40.85 44.28 2013 27.81 2 29.79 32.58 35.65 39.49 42.50 45.46 2014 31.94 3 30.86 34.32 37.25 40.96 43.80 46.45 2015 33.28 4 32.49 35.76 38.81 42.24 44.88 47.61 2016 38.22 5 33.91 37.21 40.15 43.33 46.04 48.91 2017 40.85 6 35.32 38.50 41.31 44.47 47.29 50.17 2018 44.28 7 36.59 39.64 42.47 45.67 48.51 51.22 2019 46.72 8 37.72 40.76 43.66 46.84 49.54 52.13 2020 48.68 9 38.83 41.92 44.82 47.85 50.45 52.95 2021 51.73 10 39.96 43.03 45.83 48.75 51.27 53.66 2022 55.25 11 41.04 44.01 46.73 49.56 51.99 54.34 2023 58.20 12 42.01 44.90 47.55 50.28 52.67 55.00 2024 59.56 13 42.88 45.70 48.27 50.96 53.33 55.65 2025 60.99 14 43.67 46.42 48.96 51.62 53.98 56.30 2026 62.37 15 44.39 47.10 49.62 52.26 54.61 56.96 2027 63.36 16 45.06 47.75 50.25 52.88 55.26 57.63 2028 65.12 17 45.71 48.37 50.87 53.51 55.91 58.32 2029 67.09 18 46.32 48.98 51.49 54.14 56.58 59.06 2030 69.09 19 46.92 49.58 52.11 54.79 57.29 59.83 2031 71.58 20 47.51 50.18 52.73 55.47 58.02 60.64 2032 74.45 2033 77.47 2034 81.47 2035 86.49 2036 91.75 2037 97.20 2038 103.41 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to nonwind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVEUZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 37.44 60.08 65.41 68.44 72.28 2013 27.81 2 32.43 48.31 62.64 66.87 70.28 73.64 2014 37.44 3 40.93 53.57 64.42 68.53 71.77 74.83 2015 60.08 4 46.35 56.86 66.16 69.99 73.04 76.18 2016 65.41 5 50.10 59.48 67.68 71.26 74.38 77.67 2017 68.44 6 53.11 61.60 69.01 72.58 75.81 79.11 2018 72.28 7 55.57 63.37 70.35 73.95 77.20 80.33 2019 75.12 8 57.61 65.02 71.71 75.29 78.41 81.42 2020 77.49 9 59.47 66.60 73.03 76.47 79.49 82.41 2021 80.96 10 61.21 68.08 74.19 77.53 80.47 83.29 2022 84.92 11 62.82 69.39 75.25 78.50 81.35 84.13 2023 88.30 12 64.24 70.57 76.22 79.37 82.19 84.95 2024 90.09 13 65.52 71.64 77.09 80.21 83.00 85.76 2025 91.97 14 66.67 72.60 77.93 81.01 83.79 86.56 2026 93.81 15 67.71 73.51 78.72 81.79 84.58 87.36 2027 95.25 16 68.68 74.36 79.49 82.55 85.36 88.17 2028 97.48 17 69.59 75.18 80.25 83.32 86.15 89.01 2029 99.93 18 70.45 75.97 81.00 84.08 86.95 89.88 2030 102.41 19 71.28 76.75 81.74 84.85 87.79 90.78 2031 105.38 20 72.08 77.51 82.49 85.65 88.65 91.71 2032 108.75 2033 112.27 2034 116.78 2035 122.32 2036 128.11 2037 134.09 2038 140.84 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.govloiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 33.19 57.48 62.77 65.76 69.56 2013 27.81 2 30.39 44.85 60.02 64.21 67.59 70.91 2014 33.19 3 38.72 50.36 61.79 65.85 69.06 72.07 2015 57.48 4 44.04 53.77 63.51 67.29 70.30 73.41 2016 62.77 5 47.73 56.45 65.01 68.55 71.63 74.88 2017 65.76 6 50.69 58.61 66.32 69.85 73.04 76.30 2018 69.56 7 53.11 60.40 67.64 71.21 74.42 77.51 2019 72.37 8 55.13 62.06 68.98 72.53 75.61 78.58 2020 74.69 9 56.95 63.65 70.29 73.69 76.67 79.55 2021 78.12 10 58.67 65.13 71.44 74.74 77.63 80.41 2022 82.04 11 60.26 66.44 72.48 75.69 78.50 81.24 2023 85.38 12 61.66 67.62 73.44 76.55 79.32 82.05 2024 87.13 13 62.92 68.68 74.30 77.37 80.12 82.83 2025 88.96 14 64.05 69.64 75.11 78.16 80.90 83.62 2026 90.76 15 65.07 70.54 75.90 78.92 81.67 84.41 2027 92.16 16 66.02 71.39 76.66 79.67 82.44 85.21 2028 94.34 17 66.92 72.20 77.40 80.42 83.21 86.03 2029 96.74 18 67.76 72.98 78.13 81.17 84.00 86.89 2030 99.18 19 68.58 73.75 78.86 81.93 84.83 87.78 2031 102.10 20 69.37 74.50 79.60 82.72 85.68 88.70 2032 105.42 2033 108.89 2034 113.35 2035 118.84 2036 124.58 2037 130.51 2038 137.21 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See 'Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:Ilwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeoltablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YEAR RATES 1 27.81 34.81 75.71 81.27 84.53 88.60 2013 27.81 2 31.17 54.45 78.38 82.84 86.49 90.08 2014 34.81 3 44.86 62.70 80.27 84.61 88.09 91.38 2015 75.71 4 52.92 67.53 82.12 86.18 89.46 92.85 2016 81.27 5 58.29 71.11 83.74 87.58 90.91 94.44 2017 84.53 6 62.40 73.90 85.17 88.98 92.45 95.99 2018 88.60 7 65.67 76.18 86.61 90.45 93.94 97.32 2019 91.69 8 68.34 78.22 88.06 91.89 95.25 98.51 2020 94.30 9 70.70 80.12 89.48 93.16 96.42 99.59 2021 98.01 10 72.86 81.89 90.74 94.32 97.50 100.57 2022 102.22 11 74.82 83.43 91.89 95.38 98.47 101.51 2023 105.85 12 76.55 84.82 92.94 96.34 99.41 102.42 2024 107.90 13 78.09 86.08 93.91 97.26 100.31 103.32 2025 110.04 14 79.47 87.21 94.82 98.15 101.19 104.20 2026 112.15 15 80.72 88.27 95.70 99.01 102.06 105.10 2027 113.86 16 81.88 89.27 96.55 99.86 102.92 105.99 2028 116.36 17 82.97 90.22 97.38 100.70 103.79 106.90 2029 119.08 18 83.99 91.13 98.21 101.54 104.67 107.86 2030 121.85 19 84.96 92.03 99.02 102.39 105.58 108.84 2031 125.10 20 85.90 92.89 99.84 103.26 106.52 109.84 2032 128.76 2033 132.57 2034 137.38 2035 143.22 2036 149.32 2037 155.61 2038 162.68 Note: A "seasonal hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NONLEVELlZED: CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YEAR RATES 1 27.81 31.20 50.41 55.61 58.50 62.18 2013 27.81 2 29.44 40.43 52.91 56.99 60.27 63.48 2014 31.20 3 35.89 45.10 54.63 58.59 61.69 64.59 2015 50.41 4 40.25 48.06 56.30 59.98 62.89 65.88 2016 55.61 5 43.35 50.46 57.76 61.19 64.17 67.30 2017 58.50 6 45.91 52.42 59.03 62.44 65.53 68.68 2018 62.18 7 48.02 54.05 60.30 63.76 66.86 69.84 2019 64.88 8 49.80 55.58 61.60 65.04 68.00 70.86 2020 67.10 9 51.44 57.06 62.86 66.15 69.02 71.78 2021 70.42 10 53.00 58.46 63.97 67.16 69.94 72.60 2022 74.22 11 54.46 59.69 64.97 68.07 70.76 73.39 2023 77.45 12 55.74 60.79 65.88 68.88 71.55 74.16 2024 79.08 13 56.89 61.78 66.70 69.66 72.31 74.90 2025 80.80 14 57.94 62.68 67.48 70.41 73.04 75.65 2026 82.48 15 58.87 63.52 68.23 71.14 73.78 76.40 2027 83.75 16 59.75 64.32 68.95 71.86 74.51 77.16 2028 85.82 17 60.57 65.08 69.66 72.57 75.24 77.94 2029 88.09 18 61.36 65.82 70.36 73.28 76.00 78.77 2030 90.40 19 62.11 66.54 71.05 74.01 76.79 79.63 2031 93.19 20 62.84 67.25 71.76 74.77 77.61 80.51 2032 96.39 2033 99.72 2034 104.05 2035 109.40 2036 115.00 2037 120.79 2038 127.35 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeoitablebrowser/. AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 44.29 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 42.50 45.91 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 40.82 44.05 47.48 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 38.73 42.29 45.56 48.93 2018 41.25 7 34.19 37.02 40.18 43.73 46.96 50.11 2019 43.84 8 35.54 38.39 41.59 45.09 48.14 51.12 2020 48.54 9 36.83 39.74 42.91 46.24 49.16 52.01 2021 51.58 10 38.10 41.01 44.05 47.25 50.06 52.79 2022 55.11 11 39.30 42.12 45.07 48.15 50.86 53.52 2023 58.06 12 40.37 43.11 45.98 48.95 51.61 54.23 2024 59.41 13 41.32 44.00 46.78 49.70 52.32 54.92 2025 60.84 14 42.19 44.80 47.54 50.42 53.01 55.61 2028 62.22 15 42.97 45.55 48.26 51.10 53.70 56.30 2027 63.20 16 43.70 46.26 48.94 51.78 54.38 57.00 2028 64.97 17 44.40 46.94 49.62 52.45 55.06 57.72 2029 66.93 18 45.06 47.60 50.28 53.12 55.77 58.49 2030 68.93 19 45.70 48.25 50.94 53.81 56.51 59.30 2031 71.41 20 46.33 48.89 51.61 54.52 57.29 60.13 2032 74.29 2033 77.30 2034 81.30 2035 86.32 2036 91.58 2037 97.02 2038 103.23 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (E!A)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See 'Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeoltablebrowser/. AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2016 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 52.78 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 48.61 58.72 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 45.52 53.89 62.94 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 42.50 50.17 57.93 66.20 2018 41.25 7 34.19 40.11 46.66 53.91 61.17 68.72 2019 43.64 8 38.14 43.83 50.13 57.01 63.76 70.77 2020 76.06 9 41.46 47.01 53.07 59.55 65.90 72.49 2021 79.51 10 44.37 49.77 55.54 61.69 67.73 73.96 2022 83.45 11 46.93 52.12 57.64 63.54 69.30 75.29 2023 86.81 12 49.14 54.15 59.48 85.13 70.71 76.51 2024 88.58 13 51.07 55.93 61.08 66.57 72.00 77.64 2025 90.44 14 52.79 57.50 62.52 67.89 73.19 78.73 2026 92.26 15 54.30 58.92 63.85 69.11 74.33 79.78 2027 93.68 16 55.68 60.23 65.08 70.26 75.41 80.80 2028 95.89 17 56.96 61.44 66.23 71.36 76.46 81.82 2029 98.31 18 58.14 62.58 67.33 72.42 77.50 82.87 2030 100.77 19 59.25 63.66 68.39 73.45 78.55 83.93 2031 103.72 20 60.30 64.70 69.42 74.49 79.61 84.99 2032 107.07 2033 110.56 2034 115.05 2035 120.56 2036 126.32 2037 132.28 2038 139.01 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:/Iwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. A VISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVEUZED (YEARS) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 51.96 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 48.02 57.48 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.26 37.18 45.07 52.94 61.44 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 42.13 49.40 56.73 64.53 2018 41.25 7 34.19 39.81 46.03 52.92 59.80 66.91 2019 43.64 8 37.88 43.30 49.30 55.85 62.24 68.86 2020 73.39 9 41.01 46.31 52.09 58.26 64.28 70.51 2021 76.80 10 43.76 48.92 54.42 60.29 66.02 71.91 2022 80.70 ii 46.19 51.15 56.42 62.04 67.51 73.17 2023 84.02 12 48.29 53.08 58.17 63.56 68.85 74.34 2024 85.75 13 50.13 54.77 59.69 64.93 70.09 75.44 2025 87.57 14 51.76 56.27 61.07 66.19 71.24 76.48 2026 89.34 15 53.20 57.62 62.34 67.36 72.32 77.50 2027 90.72 16 54.52 58.88 63.51 68.47 73.37 78.49 2028 92.89 17 55.74 60.03 64.62 69.52 74.39 79.48 2029 95.26 18 56.87 61.13 65.68 70.54 75.39 80.50 2030 97.68 19 57.93 62.17 66.69 71.55 76.41 81.53 2031 100.58 20 58.95 63.17 67.69 72.56 77.44 82.58 2032 103.88 2033 107.33 2034 111.77 2035 117.24 2036 122.95 2037 128.86 2038 135.54 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:J/www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. A VISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED' CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 57.73 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 52.18 66.19 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 48.27 59.63 71.96 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 44.69 54.76 65.14 76.28 2018 41.25 7 34.19 41.92 50.43 59.84 69.46 79.58 2019 43.64 8 39.65 47.00 55.11 63.97 72.87 82.23 2020 92.12 9 44.16 51.26 59.00 67.31 75.67 84.44 2021 95.80 10 48.03 54.89 62.23 70.12 78.04 86.32 2022 99.98 11 51.39 57.95 64.98 72.51 80.05 87.98 2023 103.58 12 54.26 60.58 67.35 74.57 81.85 89.50 2024 105.60 13 56.76 62.89 69.42 76.41 83.48 90.90 2025 107.71 14 58.96 64.91 71.27 78.09 84.97 92.21 2026 109.78 15 60.91 66.72 72.95 79.62 86.36 93.47 2027 111.46 16 62.67 68.38 74.49 81.04 87.68 94.68 2028 113.93 17 64.28 69.90 75.93 82.39 88.95 95.88 2029 116.61 18 65.77 71.32 77.28 83.67 90.18 97.08 2030 119.34 19 67.15 72.66 78.56 84.92 91.41 98.29 2031 122.56 20 68.45 73.92 79.80 86.14 92.62 99.49 2032 126.19 2033 129.96 2034 134.73 2035 140.54 2036 146.59 2037 152.85 2038 159.88 Note: A seasonal hydro project' is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:/lwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YEAR RATES 1 27.81 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 2013 27.81 2 28.42 29.70 32.73 36.52 39.49 42.40 2014 29.08 3 29.02 31.42 34.31 37.98 40.77 49.72 2015 30.37 4 30.41 32.85 35.85 39.24 46.41 54.10 2016 35.27 5 31.68 34.28 37.18 43.83 50.34 57.37 2017 37.86 6 32.99 35.56 41.14 47.33 53.47 59.98 2018 41.25 7 34.19 39.00 44.32 50.24 56.05 62.01 2019 43.64 8 37.20 41.87 47.05 52.71 58.13 63.68 2020 66.14 9 39.79 44.39 49.41 54.75 59.87 65.11 2021 69.44 10 42.11 46.61 51.40 56.48 61.36 66.33 2022 73.23 11 44.18 48.51 53.11 57.99 62.65 67.44 2023 76.44 12 45.98 50.17 54.61 59.30 63.82 68.48 2024 78.06 13 47.56 51.63 55.92 60.49 64.90 69.45 2025 79.77 14 48.97 52.92 57.12 61.59 65.92 70.39 2026 81.43 15 50.22 54.10 58.23 62.62 66.89 71.31 2027 82.69 16 51.36 55.19 59.26 63.60 67.83 72.22 2028 84.74 17 52.43 56.21 60.24 64.54 68.75 73.13 2029 87.00 18 53.42 57.18 61.18 65.46 69.67 74.08 2030 89.29 19 54.36 58.11 62.09 66.37 70.61 75.05 2031 92.07 20 55.27 59.00 63.00 67.29 71.56 76.03 2032 95.25 2033 98.57 2034 102.88 2035 108.22 2036 113.80 2037 119.57 2038 126.11 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydra, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeoltablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARS) 2013 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 YEAR RATES 1 27.81 31.88 33.21 38.16 40.79 44.22 2013 27.81 2 29.76 32.52 35.59 39.42 42.44 45.39 2014 31.88 3 30.83 34.26 37.19 40.90 43.74 46.38 2015 33.21 4 32.45 35.71 38.75 42.18 44.82 47.55 2016 38.16 5 33.88 37.16 40.10 43.27 45.99 48.85 2017 40.79 6 35.29 38.45 41.26 44.42 47.24 50.12 2018 44.22 7 36.56 39.59 42.43 45.63 48.46 51.17 2019 46.66 8 37.69 40.73 43.63 46.80 49.50 52.09 2020 48.61 9 38.81 41.89 44.79 47.82 50.41 52.91 2021 51.66 10 39.94 43.01 45.80 48.72 51.23 53.62 2022 55.18 11 41.04 44.00 46.71 49.54 51.96 54.31 2023 58.13 12 42.01 44.89 47.54 50.26 52.65 54.98 2024 59.48 13 42.89 45.70 48.27 50.95 53.32 55.63 2025 60.92 14 43.70 46.43 48.96 51.62 53.97 56.29 2026 62.30 15 44.42 47.12 49.63 52.26 54.61 56.96 2027 63.28 16 45.10 47.77 50.27 52.89 55.27 57.63 2028 65.05 17 45.75 48.40 50.90 53.53 55.92 58.34 2029 67.01 18 46.37 49.02 51.53 54.17 56.61 59.09 2030 69.02 19 46.98 49.64 52.15 54.83 57.33 59.88 2031 71.50 20 47.58 50.24 52.79 55.52 58.08 60.69 2032 74.37 2033 77.39 2034 81.39 2035 86.41 2036 91.67 2037 97.11 2038 103.33 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:/Iwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWn New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH (YEARS) ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1 27.81 57.72 59.43 64.76 67.78 71.60 2013 27.81 2 42.19 58.54 61.99 66.21 69.62 72.97 2014 57.72 3 47.50 60.46 63.78 67.87 71.10 74.15 2015 59.43 4 51.33 62.08 65.51 69.33 72.37 75.51 2016 64.76 5 54.14 63.71 67.04 70.60 73.71 76.99 2017 67.78 6 56.52 65.17 68.37 71.92 75.15 78.43 2018 71.60 7 58.53 66.47 69.70 73.30 76.54 79.66 2019 74.44 8 60.25 67.77 71.07 74.64 77.75 80.75 2020 76.80 9 61.85 69.09 72.39 75.82 78.83 81.73 2021 80.26 10 63.40 70.37 73.56 76.89 79.81 82.62 2022 84.21 11 64.85 71.51 74.62 77.86 80.69 83.46 2023 87.58 12 66.14 72.55 75.60 78.74 81.54 84.29 2024 89.36 13 67.31 73.50 76.48 79.57 82.36 85.10 2025 91.23 14 68.38 74.37 77.31 80.38 83.15 85.90 2026 93.06 15 69.34 75.20 78.12 81.17 83.95 86.72 2027 94.49 16 70.24 75.99 78.90 81.94 84.74 87.53 2028 96.71 17 71.10 76.75 79.66 82.71 85.53 88.38 2029 99.14 18 71.92 77.49 80.41 83.48 86.34 89.26 2030 101.62 19 72.71 78.23 81.16 84.27 87.19 90.18 2031 104.58 20 73.48 78.96 81.93 85.08 88.07 91.12 2032 107.94 2033 111.44 2034 115.94 2035 121.47 2036 127.25 2037 133.21 2038 139.96 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:/Iwww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED __(YEARS) YEAR RATES 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1 27.81 55.21 56.89 62.17 65.16 68.94 2013 27.81 2 40.98 58.02 59.43 63.61 66.98 70.29 2014 55.21 3 45.88 57.91 61.19 65.25 68.45 71.45 2015 56.89 4 49.50 59.52 62.92 66.69 69.69 72.79 2016 62.17 5 52.17 61.13 64.42 67.95 71.02 74.26 2017 65.16 6 54.46 62.58 65.74 69.25 72.44 75.68 2018 68.94 7 56.40 63.86 67.05 70.61 73.81 76.89 2019 71.74 8 58.06 65.15 68.40 71.94 75.00 77.97 2020 74.06 9 59.62 66.45 69.71 73.10 76.07 78.94 2021 77.48 10 61.12 67.71 70.87 74.15 77.04 79.80 2022 81.39 11 62.54 68.84 71.91 75.11 77.90 80.63 2023 84.72 12 63.80 69.86 72.87 75.97 78.73 81.45 2024 86.46 13 64.94 70.81 73.74 76.80 79.54 82.24 2025 88.29 14 65.98 71.66 74.56 77.59 80.32 83.03 2026 90.07 15 66.92 72.47 75.35 78.36 81.10 83.83 2027 91.46 16 67.80 73.25 76.12 79.12 81.88 84.63 2028 93.64 17 68.64 74.00 76.87 79.88 82.66 85.46 2029 96.02 18 69.44 74.73 77.61 80.64 83.46 86.33 2030 98.45 19 70.21 75.45 78.35 81.41 84.29 87.24 2031 101.37 20 70.97 76.17 79.10 82.21 85.16 88.17 2032 104.68 2033 108.14 2034 112.59 2035 118.07 2036 123.79 2037 129.71 2038 136.40 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:I/www;eia.gov/oiaflaeo/tablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $/MWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVEUZED (YEARS) YEAR RATES 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1 27.81 72.79 74.73 80.27 83.52 87.58 2013 27.81 2 49.44 73.72 77.39 81.84 85.47 89.05 2014 72.79 3 57.23 75.74 79.28 83.60 87.07 90.34 2015 74.73 4 62.34 77.47 81.12 85.17 88.44 91.81 2016 80.27 5 65.96 79.19 82.75 86.55 89.89 93.40 2017 83.52 6 68.90 80.75 84.18 87.96 91.42 94.95 2018 87.58 7 71.34 82.15 85.61 89.44 92.92 96.28 2019 90.65 8 73.40 83.55 87.07 90.88 94.22 97.47 2020 93.25 9 75.29 84.96 88.49 92.16 95.40 98.55 2021 96.95 10 77.08 86.32 89.75 93.31 96.48 99.53 2022 101.14 11 78.74 87.55 90.91 94.38 97.45 100.47 2023 104.75 12 80.22 88.68 91.97 95.34 98.39 101.39 2024 106.79 13 81.56 89.72 92.93 96.27 99.30 102.28 2025 108.91 14 82.77 90.67 93.85 97.16 100.18 103.18 2026 111.00 15 83.88 91.58 94.74 98.03 101.05 104.08 2027 112.70 16 84.91 92.44 95.59 98.88 101.93 104.97 2028 115.18 17 85.89 93.28 96.43 99.73 102.80 105.90 2029 117.89 18 86.82 94.10 97.26 100.58 103.69 106.86 2030 120.63 19 87.72 94.91 98.09 101.44 104.62 107.86 2031 123.87 20 88.59 95.71 98.92 102.32 105.57 108.87 2032 127.52 2033 131.31 2034 136.10 2035 141.92 2036 148.00 2037 154.27 2038 161.32 Note: A "seasonal hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS May 14, 2013 $IMWh New Contract Eligibility for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non. solar projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (YEARS) YEAR RATES 1 27.81 48.40 49.98 55.17 58.05 61.73 2013 27.81 2 37.71 49.16 52.47 56.55 59.82 63.02 2014 48.40 3 41.49 51.01 54.19 58.15 61.24 64.14 2015 49.98 4 44.53 52.57 55.86 59.54 62.44 65.43 2016 55.17 5 46.83 54.13 57.32 60.75 63.72 66.85 2017 58.05 6 48.86 55.54 58.59 62.00 65.08 68.23 2018 61.73 7 50.61 56.78 59.87 63.32 66.42 69.39 2019 64.42 8 52.12 58.02 61.17 64.60 67.56 70.41 2020 66.64 9 53.55 59.28 62.44 65.73 68.58 71.34 2021 69.95 10 54.94 60.50 63.55 66.73 69.51 72.16 2022 73.74 11 56.27 61.59 64.56 67.65 70.33 72.95 2023 76.96 12 57.44 62.58 65.48 68.47 71.12 73.72 2024 78.59 13 58.51 63.48 66.31 69.26 71.89 74.47 2025 80.30 14 59.48 64.30 67.09 70.01 72.63 75.23 2026 81.97 15 60.35 65.07 67.85 70.74 73.37 75.99 2027 83.24 16 61.18 65.82 68.57 71.47 74.11 76.75 2028 85.30 17 61.96 66.53 69.29 72.19 74.86 77.55 2029 87.56 18 62.71 67.23 70.00 72.91 75.62 78.38 2030 89.86 19 63.43 67.92 70.70 73.65 76.42 79.25 2031 92.65 20 64.14 68.60 71.42 74.42 77.26 80.15 2032 95.84 2033 99.16 2034 103.48 2035 108.83 2036 114.42 2037 120.20 2038 126.75 Note: 'Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowserl.