HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970428_1.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING April 28, 1997 - 1:30 - p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Don Howell, Scott Woodbury, Weldon Stutzman, Terri Carlock, David Scott, Birdelle Brown, Dave Schunke, Wayne Hart, Carolee Hall, Joe Cusick, Stephanie Miller, Tony Jones, and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were John Souba of U S West and Joe Miller, Attorney at Law. Items from the April 28, 1997 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. Commission President Dennis S. Hansen called the meeting to order. 1. Weldon Stutzman’s April 24, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. GNR-T-97-5 Petition of MCI and AT&T To Certify Compliance of LECS With FCC Pay Phone Orders. Weldon Stutzman reviewed the matter as set out in the decision memorandum. Staff is recommending issuance of a notice of petition and scheduling of a prehearing conference. Commissioner Smith said she thought the Commission might be done with this soon and this now looks like we are just getting started with it. What needs to be done in addition to what Wayne Hart is doing? Weldon replied that AT&T and MCI are asking to participate in the process. Commissioner Smith asked if this has to be drug out and be so lengthy? Weldon explained that he thought this procedure was the appropriate vehicle. Commissioner Nelson said he would also like to see this on as fast a track as possible? After discussion, Commissioners unanimously approved staff recommendation - to issue a notice of petition and set a prehearing conference. 2. Scott Woodbury’s April 25, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. INT-G-97-1 Service to Homedale--Application for Temporary Price Adder. Scott said in review that the company would like to start construction after June 1 to begin providing natural gas to Homedale by September 1. Staff has asked for modified procedure. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to approve modified procedure; Commissioner Smith seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. 3. Scott Woodbury’s April 25, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. UWI-W-97-1 Amendment to Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. l43. Scott in reviewing the matter, said staff has filed comments recommending approval of the application but has expressed some concerns with respect to the agreement with Garden City and the fact that it can be terminated, which would send the company scrambling for water supply at perhaps some considerable cost. Wonder about the ratepayers having to pay those costs. Commissioner Hansen asked how the staff could recommend approve of the application, with those reservations? How great it is that they could lose the contract with Garden City - is it highly likely? Scott Woodbury said staff does have some concerns and if it were not United Water, would be more concerned. Commissioner Nelson asked if this was in Eagle’s area of impact or Garden City? Scott explained. Commissioner Smith said the only other choice is a developer putting in his own system. that would be less desirable. Commissioner Nelson said he was not very concerned with the agreement with Garden City because United Water has others. After discussion, commissioner voted unanimously to approve the application. 4. Scott Woodbury’s April 25, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. UWI-W-96-8 Amended Certificate Application--Banbury/Spyglass. In review, Scott said staff originally objected to the filing. There was a meeting to discuss differences and there is now an amended agreement and company has filed an amended application. There is still a difference regarding phase-in of rates. As part of the application the company has included Spyglass. Staff figures that this matter needs to be re-noticed. Staff would like to provide comments, filling in the blanks on how the figure ($134,000) was arrived at. What staff is recommending is amended notice of application. Commissioner Smith asked what kind of comment period was being proposed? Scott asked Joe Miller, Attorney for United Water about prior notice. Joe Miller replied that each individual was mailed notice and no one has filed opposition and it is supported strongly by Banbury Homeowners. There are no parties who opposed the conditions of the transactions. Staff has a couple of outstanding issues for the Commission to consider. Since it has been pending since November, would hope that it be brought to a decision quickly. Some of the delay has been negotiation time and no additional negotiations are planned. Discussed addition of Spyglass.  It was in the original description and in the meantime, since this application was filed, a developer has proposed to go ahead with Spyglass. Since it was filed, things have since evolved. the Spyglass system is totally-contributed. Commissioners unanimously agreed to give staff some time to comment - comment period will be until May 9.   Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 1st day of May, 1997. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary