HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130830Weston Rebuttal.pdfVROCKY MOUNTAIN-(ptwea \ A OTVTSTON OF BACTFTCOnP August 30,2013 Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-13-04 IN TIIE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION TO INITIATE DISCUSSIONS WITH ALTERNATIVE RATE PROPOSALS ..- r- ..- i_ ; i-:.L'r-i:_- : ?{]l1 &!i' 30 il' 't t - -'r-a!: I ._,'li' i': Pit 3:58 ,! 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84'111 OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER INTERESTED PARTIES ON Enclosed please find the original and nine (9) copies of the rebuttal testimony and exhibit of J. Ted Weston in support of the Stipulation that was filed on June 3, 2013. Please contact J. Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Q-,[ 4'fih Daniel E. Solander Senior Counsel Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiry that on this 30m day ofAugust,2013, I caused to be served, via electronic mail, a frue and correct copy of Rocky Mountain Power's Stipulation Testimony in PAC-E-13-04 to the following: Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake Ciry, UT 841I I ted. weston@pacifi corp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp datarequest{@p aci fi corp. com Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nyc, Budge & Bailey 201 E. Center P0 Box l39l Pocatello, ID 83204-1 391 E-Mail: rcb@racinelaw.net James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs,lD 83276 Jim.r. smith @monsanto. com Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44144 tony@yankel.net Ronald Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 ron@wil liamsbradbury. com Tim Buller Agrium, Inc. 3010 Conda Rd. SodaSprings,lD 83276 TBuller@agium.com Brad Purdy Attomey atLaw 2019 N. l7s St. Bosie, ID 83702 bmpurdy@hotmail.com Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 841I I daniel.solander@pacifi corp.com Ken Miller Snake River Alliance Box l73l Boise, ID 83701 km iller@snakeri vera[[i ance.org Neil Price Deputy Aftomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W, Washington (837 02) P0 Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 neil.price@puc. i daho. gov Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey 20I E. Center P0Box l39l Pocatello, ID 83204-1 39 I elo@racinelaw.net Brubaker & Associates 16690 Swingley Ridge Rd., #140 Chesterfield, MO 63017 bcollins@consultbai.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 7lo N. 6'r'st. Boise, ID 83702 botto@idahoconservation.org Don Schoenbeck RCS, Inc. 900 Washington St., Suite 780 Vancouver, WA 98660 dws@r-c-s-ins.com IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO INITIATE DISCUSSIONS WITH INTERESTEI) PARTIES ON ALTERNATTVE RATE PLAN PROPOSALS t".:r':.- , , l-.,... 4nra !!!a aai,, 1 ii'- -: '- l-t ' i'-r' , i 'i ; , "i ; ' --'_ CASE NO. PAC.E.13-04 Stipulation Rebuttal Testimony of J. Ted Weston BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-13.04 August 2013 I Q. Please state your name, business address, and present position with Rocky 2 Mountain Power (the 6'Company"), a division of PaciliCorp. 3 A. My name is J. Ted Weston and my business address is 201 South Main, Suite 4 2300, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84111. I am currently employed as the Manager of 5 Idaho Regulatory Affairs. 6 Q. Are you the same J. Ted Weston who submitted stipulation testimony in this 7 proceeding? 8 A. Yes. 9 PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY l0 a. What is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony in this proceeding? I I A. The purpose of my testimony is to respond to the testimony filed by Community 12 Action Partnership of Idaho ("CAPAI") witness Ms. ChristinaZamora. Although 13 Ms. Zamora's testimony touches on a number of subjects that are irrelevant to this 14 proceeding, I will largely limit my response to the issues gerrnane to the 15 Stipulation, and also briefly address the most egregious misstatements contained 16 in her testimony regarding CAPAI's Motion to Compel and the Company's 17 response to the data request that was the basis for the motion. 18 a. Does Rocky Mountain Power agree with the concerns raised by CAPAI 19 regarding the procedural handling of the Company's alternative rate plan 20 proposal? 2l A. No. Rocky Mountain Power strongly disagrees with CAPAI's characterization of 22 the process that resulted in the Stipulation pending before this Commission. On 23 March l,2Ol3, the Company made two filings with the Commission. In order to Weston, Re - I Rocky Mountain Power I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 l5 t6 17 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 preserve its right to file a general rate case, it filed a Notice of Intent to file a general rate case, and a separate application requesting that the Commission open and notice a case with the intent of identifying interested parties that would like to participate in alternative rate plan discussions (the "Application"). The Notice of Intent was filed to comply with Commission noticing requirements that would allow the Company to file a general rate case after May 31, 2013, in accordance with the timing agreed to in the stipulation in the Company's 201I general rate case, Case No. PAC-E-ll-t2 (the "201I GRC Stipulation"), in the event that the alternative rate plan discussions were unsuccessful. The Company filed the Application early to provide time for parties to discuss alternatives to a general rate case. It was this alternative Application that led to this proceeding and the Stipulation that is before the Commission for approval. After the Commission noticed the Company's Application, Rocky Mountain Power worked closely over several months with the Commission staff and the other intervening parties to craft a solution that provided adequate notice to all parties, complied with Commission rules, and eliminated the need for the general rate case filing that the Company had put parties on notice of through the required Notice of Intent filing it had made. This effon was undertaken by all parties with great care and attention to proper Idaho Public Utilities Commission protocol for settlement discussions. The statements in Ms. Zamora's testimony that the Company violated the timing for filing a general rate case agreed to in the 201I GRC Stipulation and that the current Stipulation arose out of an application filed before May 31, 2013, ignore the fundamental fact that Rocky Mountain Weston, Re - 2 Rocky Mountain Power I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 t5 l6 t7 18 l9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. a. A. Power did not file a general rate case application, but instead worked with the parties to craft an alternative that was acceptable to a broad cross-section of Idaho customers and stakeholders. How does the Stipulation address the very concern that Ms. Zamora raises regarding the general trend of more frequent general rate case filings? The Stipulation eliminated the current need for a general rate case and avoids a change in base rates as a result of a general rate case until at least January l, 2016, which means customers will enjoy at least a three-year period between general rate case rate changes. The Stipulation appears to address the very issue that Ms. Zamora is concerned about. Please respond to Ms. T.amora's allegations that Roclry Mountain Power failed to respond to CAPAI's data request? The statements in Ms. Zamora's testimony and exhibit arguing that the Company has refused or failed to provide a response to CAPAI's discovery requests are completely false. The real issue is that Ms. Zamorajust didn't like the answer that was provided. The Company had not prepared the analysis that they had requested and, therefore, had nothing to give them. Rocky Mountain Power's complete response was timely provided on May 29,2013. Later, following the filing of the Company's Response to CAPAI's Motion to Compel, Rocky Mountain Power completed an analysis responsive to the request made by CAPAI and provided it to them on August 12, 2073. A true and correct copy of the response is provided as Exhibit No. 4 to my testimony. The spreadsheet that was provided is similar to the format of similar data responses that have been provided Weston, Re - 3 Rocky Mountain Power I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 a. A. to CAPAI in other proceedings, including the Company's current Washington general rate case. As noted in the response to CAPAI Data Request 6b, due to the almost unlimited combinations for block rates and the vagueness of the question, in order to be responsive the Company provided two rate design scenarios. Additionally, the Company provided all data necessary so that CAPAI could explore other rate design scenarios and bill impacts. The Company's response to Ms. Zamora's other incorrect assertions regarding the Company's failure to respond to CAPAI's discover request is fully contained in the Company's Response to CAPAI's Motion to Compel, which was filed with the Commission on August g,2}l3.l Does this conclude your rebuttal testimony? Yes. ' The arguments in Ms. Zamora's testimony regarding the failure to respond seem particularly inappropriate considering the Motion to Compel was withdrawn by CAPAI on August 14,2013. Weston, Re - 4 Rocky Mountain Power Case No. PAC-E-13-04 Exhibit No. 4 Witness: J. Ted Weston BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOT]NTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanfng Stipulation Rebuttal Testimony of J. Ted Weston August 2013 Rocky Mountain Po,\,er Exhibit No. 4 Page 1 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-I$04 Vvitness: J. Ted Weston PAC-E- I 3-04lRocky Mountain Power August 12,2013 CAPAI Data Request 6 CAPAI Data Request 6 Using the Company's low-income proxy group, and based on actual monthly test year data as referred to in Request No.4, please make the following rate design model runs: a. Calculate the effects on the low-income customer proxy group's monthly bills if the Company's monthly basic charge were increased from its current level to $10, $15 and to $20, (assuming no changes to the existing commodity rates for the Residential class's two-tiered rate). [n responding to this request, please make the requested calculations at existing rates during the test year. b. Assuming no change to the Company's existing monthly basic charge, calculate the effects on the low-income proxy groups' monthly bills in comparison to non-low income residential customers (using test year actual monthly consumption) ifthe existing two-tiered rate design is changed such that the consumption amount of the first tier is increased from the existing 700 kwh summer block to 800 kWh/month, 1000 kWh and 1200 kwh. Please provide the same data for the winter block of 1000 kWh if the block were changed to 800 kwh, 1200 kWh and 1400 kwh. I't Supplemental Response to CAPAI Data Request 6 a. Please refer to Attachment CAPAI DR 6a (provided on May 29,2013) for the requested monthly bill impact analysis for the low-income customer proxy group who were under Schedule I in2012. b. Please refer to Attachment CAPAI DR 6b 1't Supplemental for the requested monthly bill impact analysis between the low-income proxy group and non- low-income group under Schedule l. Since there are almost unlimited combinationi of I't block and 2nd block rates for each block under a revenue- neutral scenario, the analysis provided two rate design options: Option A keeps the ratio of the requested I't block and 2nd block rates same as the ratio of current 1 't block and 2"d block rates; Option B keeps the requested I 't block rate same as the current ltt block rate. The attachment contains all necessary billing determinants that CAPAI may use to explore any other rate design scenarios and the bill impacts. Record holder: James Zhang Sponsor: Joelle Steward Rocky Mountain Poiver Exhibit No. 4 Page 2 ot 6 Case No. PAC-E-I3-04 \Mtness: J. Ted V\reston h6oi+ \.\c\cs 6dFaoOO- Eco EoBc o o !o d,a a (., co E- 0n o o oBoo n c'! *6i t6doodJ6V ! .'!ro66 .\ 6\ 6\ .\9!q9--do q9qq o€dF9n\9thho6ESO €O\N€O-€AeiFiri6oEt6 .1,ol(D:1i La tt)x 'I al E o2 El c\ c\ c\ c\ o\ a\6-FF€rdddr;rtri h€ddNNodi ++++ fhF*--J;.i.i6ioi A6OFN€r:!!d!!qq =rh@-fo6a@€@ra6OAO $-hr-F6--6QFri o+FoEo6€€@a -66eAO N60htF -N=h-A6iod6irioito€aaF€iAAAGOG l.ILlaIEslsolaHT6t o OIE I' 6E t)I E ! lo FE ia ,o ! $sl? -,)c - - )rdE O! =gEE; E=rZr Eitps-a = s E E i EiTl t ae5\JOEEC:e. E 5ts : E E5 it==;.'o::EE; EE EiEE E eaEin*.a EA rlo a,& E,i. c c I! Eo 3(J !c () E: (J la+ =E! t ej- N6Fl .!oho* -=rN6doQvi qi oi .i6€to I --t€*-6ohh9€2t 6-h=N-o6o€N- =l aEso€r60€€os -t!l I ONRN€N6* I --o-:l ots@rgl x€sBOl --Fgil eoo I a*oiS*a6F-hNri6orir-io@@@F6 -A46eOq hht€to6Ohh\OOh-6<d-€O66N-6A<O-FQ€A€Ot aJJEU =o(,) =3oJ ).xao,o a@ G.6 I oEog EEg59e=g.qBiAEESEBS=5sEEA 3 6'5t9o 3xoS Rocky Mountain Po,vel Exhibit No. ,l Page 3 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-1$04 \Mtness: J. Ted Weston ON €ciO\t Ego E.cBaIo a !od,o =E (, coEEoa OOcij 6€ooi otsrttsJ?l nqnao-d- I --o-:l or€FEI xEsROl ---4il aoa I I --to$ooo66EQEl h-htN-966@d-<l €€=64r€€EEOt -t!l II l=l soEI a U c € c0ii(0 tr Bta I€E (t) I ae I €\ooooo*ooooo €EOOOOsooooo n9qqqq600000 Oto-SS-tr€6Noisodirr;6-€6F€gooeaa O36-<i$-tF€6NoiEd.itsFiO\&6@r@44A6GO 6to-+t6tr€hNdeodirFio@€@r€rOAaaG 6*oFt<f66F@hNri€odirFio@€aF6 -446@@ I --rE*oooh6€Erl h-h+d-€66€N- =l d6+O6F€€EEO{?tTI II o 6E .n,oE I o LaEI .h ii .EF >I sobI 6 (.,) r9ii TN66qi oo= .'!9an ?oF$ h6&O .jd6Fo€t6 3!.Er,oc - EE€€€; *EEEEzSoYoEEEIEg- 3? EiE iiFsE E i E H€ i t r == L'I E!v-I-E "EE? * 2 E€ EA2EOiEE{Fl o o oo6q E € c t c E!l (Jt E L)l!.{ U*la+ t ! € E *O99 66 oohoFO*it+ri F6At6 oeq €a6hciro+ bo le o2 t-FO9oc09.!OE€O6€to 6eoa oJJ @U =o(.) =3oJ T !qe!at, o@eo L oE d EEgE9;=gsBEAEEg59;=gsEEA tolr.- Rre3 Rocky Mountain Poiver Exhibit No. 4 Page 4 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-1$(X Wtness: J. Ted Weston .,i .i a Eo EgBa5ttt, ooto & o Eo E n d! d]NF!d!c!o-60 qq9q FdNN 6rJrihdt6 -i .i -j -.: rrri<F6 6€earaaa 6F$€J+F6oa o-rOnqq.!€dodo66F G Ed\ohoF@6uiiqiJoa@r a oddt--6@oi 6i ri odoo,6\o o oLB Ig an !Io te 'I tsFOh=9!,.i v; {, J qj r; Nolq-qc!tftNor+t -FF€@=^i^idJ--6i ot660*rhhth€+qidi.io6i-4606€aAa-qA 66€6@OhodoNhri+ei-6J6-6066669-6q 6 d+-€Nt€€6-$@J6idoir66@66€raQoQ6A 6 l.ILlaIEslsoloElr6t c6l= l= El D 6 oooq E & Egl Eo U! UI! ! U ala+ I c ! {e !q .9L6E tax o EE Bt U E o- a.tat E!EC-SE--:.{i r f EiEE;s:rl!-\0 v tJ< -xEiH.g;(,=ht 1i Ei:U6F9E:r. E EE(E.EU; !r E E H5.S 6 == I o 'iE E.E---ES3; t3zao &, oq .,1 F6 I -o-- =l -6-6ql Esssol -4aeil a I I --€h€6-he-Er!l O€66h9oOO$€r =l --6€r€8ts-r€r6!l I E€6€rd -6€6aNciooioqi€a@@oatsaa4-64 a 6-€h&h-h€-€f6a66hE6oo$9F =oF,6r€Or€rQr6-i aJJE uJ =ooz =oJ)oz xi Eog o o@ E.o L o 6 EEg59e=gsBi8EEgE9;=g.qBiA i[- EE Rocky Mountain PovYer Exhibit No.4 Page 5 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-1$(X Wtness: J. Ted WestonI oE.gcc:o o o@to-A (, to E 9il o\ o\oodoqqqqoooo oocidq9qqoooo ooo+€dro -i*eio rF .i '-.:FO €or€66-6.ioit6o€€€ ts- 6ijro €or\oOO,-aci6=6o@@€ r€09a r6 too€dEt6ori€oi-66€ I --€h€6-hE--r!l o€66h96OOt€r =l --6rcr€9r€r€rott I 6\ -\ .\ .\ .\ E\oo600ocidJroo ooooooooa19e o 6 o l,ht FO ! o! F 2 Bsc - >lQ!fE= €EES€Es: $; =-;.8 I Et E i16?E FE.gE -;- C L9.=v;ar E E.H6 'a =-- r? |!:EEEE " Er E.a SEEEAJ €,iEz D oioooo i. & Er o Uo EeL) Ila+ c b El La o u)!0 EI 4 ooo€60od-i-i oo €a66SN -o=6€Ndo€Eiriq,€&@6FFo66AA6 6€60SN:qnqqc'!ooa€qa€€a6@roae6oo E966td -6*-€Nooqir6d6A€6@rqGOEGO E€6€TN -6€6€Nciooioriodo@@o6FaOA-8G 6 6-Oh€h-h9-6r-66fi6a6oot€r;6raF€€r€r€roJ ED le o2 E JJEut =oo =BoJ*o? i xc4 o o@ Go I o 6o r- oiJFO I -o*-:l -6-6gl BaEtsot =464il G I EfgE9;=9.ts8i8EEsE9;egSEEA ottH-o-fto$ Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 4 Page 6 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-I$04 \Mtness: J. 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