HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130603Stipulation.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OVISION OF RACIFICORP June 3, 2013 VA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Mark C. Moench Senior Vice President and General Counsel 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2400 Salt Lake CiA, aT 84111 801-220-4459 Office 801-220-4058 Fax mar k. mo en c h@p a c ift c o rp. c o m Ia.r --.1 .,.-**-lr..J ,t;r r\, ){-ftJean D. Jewell Commission Secretary RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-13-04 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO INITIATE DISCUSSIONS WITH INTERRESTED PARTIES ON ALTERNATIVE RATE PLAN PROPOSALS Enclosed please find the original and seven (7) copies of the Stipulation and Attachments entered into by and between Rocky Mountain Power and the following parties of record in the above captioned matter: Staff for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission: Monsanto Company; PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers; the Idaho Irrigation Pumper Association Inc; Idaho Conservation League; Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho; and the Snake River Alliance, collectively referred to as the "Parties". Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho participated in the settlement negotiations but have chosen not to be a party to the Stipulation. Accompanying the Stipulation are copies of the Company's news release and bill insert. The bill insert will be included in customer statements beginning June 17 or earlier and continue through the billing cycle. Testimony in support of the Stipulation will be filed at a later date based on the schedule established by the Commission. The Company also will be filing a new electric service agreement with Monsanto for approval by the Commission in accordance with the terms of paragraph 16 of the Stipulation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jme 3,2013 Page2 Please let me know if you have any furlher questions. Sincerely, Mark C. Moench SeniorVice President and General Counsel Rocky Mountain Power Enclosures Mark C. Moench (ISB# 8942) Daniel E. Solander (ISB# 8931) 201 South Main Steet, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 841I I Telephone: (801) 2204014 Facsimile: (801 ) 220-3299 D aniel. sol ander@nacifi corp. com Mark.moench@pacifi co{p. com Attomeysfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PT.JBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY ) MOUNTATN POWER TO INTTIATE ) DrscussloNs wrTH INTERESTED ) PARTIES ON ALTERNATTVE RATE PROPOSALS This Stipulation ("Stipulation') is entered into by and among Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company''); Stafffor the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'); Monsanto Company ("Monsanto"); PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ('P[C"); the Snake River Alliance ("SRA";; Idaho Irrigation Pumper Association ("IIPA'); and Idaho Conse,r:nation League. The Community Action Partrership Association of Idaho ("CAPAf') is an optional signatory. The parties above, including CAPAI if a signatory, are collectively the "Partie.s". I. INTRODUCTION 1. The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Parties agre€ that this Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of the issues raised in this proceeding and that this Stipulation is in the public interest. The Parties recommend that CASE NO. PAC-E.13-04 STIPT]LATION) ) ) STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page I the Idatro Public Utilities Commission ('Commission') approve the Stipulation and all of its tErms and conditions. See IDAPA 3 I .0 I .01 .27 l, 27 2, arlrd 27 4. II. BACKGROUND 2. The following Stipulation represents an agreement between the Parties on a new two year rate plan. 3. On March 1,2013, Rocky Mountain Power filed a Notice of Intent to file a general rate case, and an Application requesting the Commission provide notice to parties interested in entering into rate plan settlerne,nt discussions. 4. With a view toward resolving the issues raised in Rocky Morurtain Power's Application in this proceeding representatives of the Parties met on April 19, 2013, andMay 2, z0l3,pnrsuant to IDAPA and272, to engage in settleme,nt discussions. 5. Based upon the settlement discussions between the Parties, 8s I compromise of the positions in this proceeding and for other consideration as set forth below, the Parties stipulate and agree as follows, subject to the approval by the Commission of tbe terrns and conditions of this Stipulation as described below. III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION BASE RATES 6. The Parties agree that the Stipulation is submitted to the Commission in lieu of a general rate case and, upon approval by the Commission, the Parties agee Rocky Mountain Power will not file any request with the Commission to increase its base rates in Idaho before May 31, 2015, with new rates not effective prior to January 1,2016, with the difference in timing STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 2 taking into consideration the Commission's normal notice and suspension periods for a general rate case. 7. The Parties agree that base rev€,nue requirement for all schedules will be increased by the uniform percentage amount of 0.77o/o. The Parties further agree that within each schedule the increase will be recovered by increasing only energy rates by a uniform percentage amount. These calculations will use 2012 norrralized billing determinants and the rates will be effective January l,2Al4. The rates are shown on Attachment 1. 8. These rates allow recovery of the 27o/o of the Populus to Terminal tansmission line invesfine,nt that was deemed plant held for future use in Order No. 32196. Commission Order No.32432 determined that this investnent is now used and useful and shall be included in rates on or after January 1,2014. The base rate increase is designed to collect approximately $2.0 million annually from Idatro customers and is calculated as set forth in the tablebelow. ECAM Idatro SG Allocation Factor Plant in Sernice : 13,225,475 Net Plant in Senrice Revenue Requirement on Plant Depreciation Expglqe Amorttzation of Deferred Depreci ation Revenue Requirement $ Uniform Percentage lncrease Deferred Depreciation Expense STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 3 9. The Parties agrer- to the inclusion of and payrng for a resource adder for the Lake Side II ge,neration facility that will be recovered through the ECAM at 100%, for the period that the investment in the facility is not reflected in rates as a component of rate base, beginning January l, 2015, subject to the Lake Side II generation facility having achieved commercial operation as of that date. The ECAM deferral will be determined by multiplyrng the actual megawatt-hours of generation from the Lake Side II generation facility by $1.99 per megawatt- hour Idaho Resource Adder as more fully set forth in the table below: The recovery of the Lake Side I[ resource adder will be capped after the first 2,729,500 megawatt-hours of generation, orrecovery of approximately $5.43 million from Idaho customers through the ECAM, Pursuant to Commission Order No.32771the Parties have agreed to modiff the ECAM calculation by re,moving the wholesale sales line loss adjustnent from Monsanto and Agrium's actual load used to calculate all deferral balances except for the Load Change Adjustnent STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 4 Revenue (LCAR) portion of the ECAM deferral. This change will be effective for the ECAM deferral period starting June 1, 2013 and ending on Novernber 30, 2013. I Effective December 1,,2013, the ECAM deferral will be calculated on a total Idaho basis; Monsanto and Agrium's share will not be calculated and defemed separately. The rates will be designed based on energy sales data. Specifically, tr h past ECAMs, the proposed rates will be calculated by effectively dividing the total target amount for Idaho customers by the e'nergy sales data at their appropriate delivery voltage levels. DEPRECIATION STI'DY AI\ID CARBON PLAIIT 10. The Parties request Commission approval of the proposed accounting heatnnent for the Company to establish a regulatory asset that would allow the Company to defer, on a monthly basis, any aggregate net increase or decrease in Idaho allocated depreciation expense for the period beginning on the latter of January 7,2014, or the effective date in the Commission Order approving new depreciation rates, until the date that new de,preciation rates are reflected in customer rates. I l. The Parties agree that the Company will be allowed to recover or be required to refund the deferred depreciation expense beginning on the effective date of the next general rate case. The balance shall be amortized over a period not to exceed l0 years from the effective date of the next rate case. The Parties agree that depreciation of the Carbon Plant should not be included in this deferral. 12. Commission Order No. 32701 authorized the Company to create a regulatory asset to transfer the remaining Carbon Plant balances upon retiremeirt from electric plant in I Accordingly, the deferral period for the ECAM application to be filed Febnrary l,zll4,will reflect two different allocation methodologies. The current allocation methodology will be used for the December 1,2A12, through May 31, 2013 period. The prcposed allocation will be used for the June 1,2013, through November 30, 2013 period. STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 5 senrice and accumulated depreciation to be amortized from the date of hansfer to the regulatory assets through Decernber 31,2020. The regulatory asset as of the date of transfer will include the un-depreciated book balance assuming that existing depreciation rates were used prior to the plant retirement date. The difference between the depreciation rate effective in 2014 and the curre,nt depreciation rate based on the prior decornmissioning date of 2020 will be included in the Remaining Carbon Balances regulatory asset until Carbon depreciation rates are updated in the next general rate case. 13. The Parties agree to the creation of a regulatory asset for future recovery from Idaho ratepayers of Idaho's allocated share of the prudently incurred Carbon Re,moval Costs. The projected removal costs were identified in the calculation of the new depreciation expense as part of Case PAC-E-13-02, which is subject to Commission review and approval. 14. The Parties agree that the Company shall be allowed to recover from customers Idatro's share of the prudently incurred Carbon Removal Costs ov€r a reasonable period determined by the Commission in a future proceeding. The amortization of the Carbon removal costs will begin when the amortization expense is included in rates in the next ge,neral rate case. MONSATTTO CONTRACT 15. The Parties agr:er- Monsanto's existing Elechic Seryice Agreerrent (the "Contract') which curre, rtly expires Dece,rnber 31,2013, shall be amended as follows: l. A new Section 4.4 shall be added and read as follows: 4.4 Interruptible Credit Annual True-up: Beginning January 1,2014, in the event Measured Demand in any billing period in any Calendar Year is less than 162 megawatts, the fbllowing calculation shall occur and shall be reflected on the Billing Period immediately following the Calendar Year in question: 4.4.1 If the average of the 12 months of Measured Demands for the Calendar Year in question is equal to or greater than 171 megawatts (the sum of 9 megawatts and 162 megawatts), a crdit will be provided to Monsanto to STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 6 reflect the difference between a total Intemrptible Credit amount based on 162 megawatts of Measured Demand for each Billing Period in the Calendar Year in question and the actual total Intemrptible Credit amount paid in the Calendar Year in question. A $50,000 credit shall be added to the true-up in 2014 and2015. 4.4.2 If the average of the 12 months of Measured Demands for the Calendar Year in question is less than l7l megawatts (the zum of 9 megawatts and 162 megawatts), then no adjustne,nt shall be made, except for the credit of $50,000 referenced in 4.4.1. 4.4.3 This section 4.4 is intended to reflect a compromise of positions by Monsanto and Rocky Mountain Power and will not be deemed to set any precedent or interprektion that is counter to the Commission Order Nos. 32424 and32432. 2. Monsanto waives any rights to claim any true-up of Interruptible Credit for any billing periods prior to January l, 2014, for months in which the Measrned Demand was below 162 megawatts. 3. The Company and Monsanto shall e,nter into a new Electric Service Agreement effective January 1,2014, with an initial term through December 31, 2015. The new Electric Service Agreement shall be executed contemporaneously with Monsanto and Rocky Mountain Power's execution of this Stipulation. 4. Section 4.1 of the conhact will be amended to reflect the increase shown in Attachment I related to Populus to Terminal Transmission line described in Paragraph 7 above. 16. Monsanto and the Company agree to prepare and execute an Electric Senrice Agreement that reflects these changes to the contract and provide it to the Commission for approval. 17. Monsanto and the Company will continue to work collaboratively and in good faith to address the terms and conditions and to optimize the value of Monsanto's curtailme,nt STIPULATION (PAC-E-l 3-04) - Page 7 products to Monsanto and the CompanS including a discussion of cost of senrice methodologies as applied to the Monsanto load and how said methodologies could be utilized in the next general rate case. Monsanto and the Company will report to the Staffand Commission asi appropriate on the progress made. RATE DESIGN 18. If CAPAI is a signatory to the Stipulation, the Parties agree to the following: the Parties agree to conduct arate design collaborative prooess to evaluate potential changes to rate design for the Company's residential service, Schedule l, and general service, Schedule 6 and 23.T\e Parties further agree to meet within one month after the Stipulation is filed to begin the collaborative discussions. If CAPAI is not a signatory to the Stipulation, the Parties agree that this Paragraph 18 is of no effect and does not apply. TV. GENERAL PROVISIONS 19. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represe,nts a compromise of the positions of the Parties on all issues in this proceeding. Other than the above referenced positions and any testimony or comments filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall not be admissible as evidence in this or any other proceeding regarding this subject matter. 20. The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to IDAPA The Parties request that the Commission notice the filing of the Stipulation and establish a procedural schedule, including public and technical hearings as necessary, for the review and consideration of the Stipulation by the Commission. The Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Party shall appeal any STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 8 portion of this Stipulation or Order approving the same. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Parties to this Stipulation reserye the right to cross- examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement embodied in this Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 21. In the event the Commission rejects or modifies any part or all of this Stipulation, or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Party resenres the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within 15 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. In such case, no Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stipulation, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's orde,r, file testimony as it chooses, qross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. 22. The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 23. No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deelned to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 9 is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 24. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and, if judicial review is sought, upon such approval being upheld on appeal by a court of competent jurisdiction. Respecttully submitted :0irrZ'iuv * /7.2013. Rocky Mountain Power Monsanto Company Idaho Public Utilities Commision Staff Snake River Alliance By.By Idaho Conservation League Idaho Irrigation Pumper Association By By Community Association Action Partnership ofldaho PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers By STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page 10 ir rypr,opiato for rcsolving aoy isnrcs in my othor proccding in tho fifira No findiqgt of fact or comclusiotrs of law othor than thorc sbtcd hcrcin ghall be do€md b bc implicit io this Stiprlatio. 24. Thc obtg$ions of the Prtios rmder thio Stiplation rc oubjoct to thc Coomission'e q4mvrl of this Stipulatiou in accordaooc with iB Ems ud oooditions m4 if judicial rwicw ig sought, upon such approval bGing qheld on mpoal by a oourt of compctcot juisdiction. Rcspccttully subnifioal ,w {a"y "f&Pnorl. RockyMouileh Powor MonrrutoConprny Idrho hbtlc Udttdcl Commtrrion Sbfi SnrkeRlvcr Nltauce By By Idrho Cmrervrdon Leegue Idrho lrrlgrdo Pumpcr Aroclrflon By By Conmunlty Acdon Prrlnerrhlp Agocleflon of ldrho PrcffiCorp ldeho Indutrld Curtomon Bv Bv STIPLJLATION (PAC-E-I 3{4) - Pagc 10 is apprropriatc for rocohing any issuor in my other prcccoding in fto futrs. No fiodiqgs of frs{ u mohrdons of law otbcr thm lhooe statod hcis rhnll bc dc@d to be indioit in this Stipuldioo" 24. Ttc obligdions of fts Parties rder tris Sdpuldion arc $bjcct b the Cmissim's appmvrl of this Stipldion in amordooc wi& itE kms ud corditiong md, if judicial rwiew ir cought upon such ryplowl baing Whdd olr oppoal by a oourt of compctcnt jrisdicfior. ncspocmuUygubmittedftis-dayof .2013. RodryMountrhPorror Monranto Comprny Ideho Conrcnaflon Lergue Idaho Irlgafion Pumper Araodeflm By.By Idrho hbEc Uffltfls Commirclor Strfi Snake Rlvcr Allirucc Community Action PrrtncrcDb Agodrdon of Idrho PadftCotp ldaho IndurHd Ctgtomen By.By STIPLTIATION (PAGE l3-tH) - Pagc 10 il rypropriate ftr rsolving any issucs in any oftor procoding in tho fufirn No findingp of frrt or oonctrugions of law otk thrn thosc stEbd horch shalt be d@d to bo impUcit in &ig Stipulation. ?A. Thc obligdios of the Partio rmdor thb Sdpuldion art subjcct to ftc Cmnission's ryrovd of ttis Stipilatim in aooo,rdu,oc wih its tccos ud conditims E4 if judidd rwicmr ir eought upon such ryowl bGiqg uphold ou ryoal by a cmrt of cmpaont jurisdidion. r noypectruuy gubmifrcd thic fu W ot fiflfinn. RodryMomtain Pwrer MonrmtoConpuy ByBy. Idetro PuHlcUdfiffsr Comduton Strfi SnrkcBiver Alllmcc Idrho Cmrcndm lagnc ldrho lrApfhr PuryGr Arro&dm PtdfiCorp ldaho InduH.l CnrtoDcttr By wfrd * sy Communtty Acdon Plrfuorshtp Aroddon of Idrho By. STIPT LATION (PAC-E-I 3-04) - PagE 10 is appropriate for rosolving sny issues in any othor proceeding in the futute. No findinp of faot or conclusions of law othcr than thoso stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 24. I'he obligations of the Patties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and, if judioial roview is souglrt, upon such appmval being upheld on appeal by a court of compctent jurisdiction. 'tt*&.2013.Respectfully submitted thisldo- -.RoclqyMountaln Power Monrauto Company Idaho Conceruadon League Idaho Irrlgafion Pumper Arsoclrtlon By By Idaho Publlc Utllttler Commission Stoff Snske Rlver Alliance Communlty Actlon Pnrtnerehlp Arroclatlon of Idaho PaclflCorp ldaho Industrlal Curtomers Bv By STIPULATION (PAC-E-I 3-04) - Page l0 is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proooeding in the future. No finilings of fact or conolusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deerned to be implicit in this Stipulation. 24. The obligations of the Parties uuder this Stipulation are zubject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its tenns and conditions and, if judicial review is sought, upon such appmval being upheld on appeal by a court of competent jurisdiction. Respectftllysubmittcd this _day of . 2013. RockyMountain Power Monaanto Company By Idaho Public Utilitles Commicrion Steff Snrke Rlver Alllance tdaho Consen afon League By Community Actiqn Partnership Agroclrtion of Idaho Bv Bv PaclfiCorp ldaho Industrlsl Customer-r STIPULATION (PAC-E-13-04) - Page l0 Attachment I Settlement Rate Spread & Rate Design lsll 1.fl to bo oo)o(L I'q luq ca \Ot-O\Oo o\$.i61 {atr AGG* oo 4 p traB f sa; E..ggeBi flEggE EIEIEtUiEEIEgigE flggflflgi E tro g c)ooa ssss0a 00 oo 00crooo re rO \O \O \O \O \O 1O 1g 1Oo\ 6\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ococ *09oqoqoq ??09oo ooooo ooo \o r}oh-NF-NNn-ot\or.ol.o roroaiont\€6:io\6\oo\O, O\ r- ii N r.. \O 0o t .; €A 0o O\ r)d -l c.i J. rs d {^ c,i c.i ; od vi €at- (\.1 {,9d,(rh -(ri r-(,9OGgi4eSl lO Or n rl \O C\t \O ci - i ci ci O\\o o\ c.r ;.i -t - Fr r- - &i o\ co c-t o\..) l- t- b{ - ca \o F- + - €'q N o\ ! d Jc.i1jF:.dea rioi*: odvit,er-. c.l €A .i, €,+ r) - <,9 i lt {,44€dG6g f- O\rOni..r)O\ci-s$VOt.- O\ Or a'ci (\{ r} f'. OO ; <f - stq oo^ dI Xi oo^ dI vI 1c\ V -: a.o^ra -(\IE:€OOOOr)dA'-O\Ooo oocoi-Hh stoliA OO sso9 0ql^*l'E d.:"l v =l $lo&l r| o\--r)\or|t\6n-rooolrr -OociOst \b r\ X ra 6r,qO - i.i(eO sl (rl\O Ge44Oi -€el(A+ -(,9ll \O(,9 l+aeEdq66la II I al u^,o\ lo ooo\N !ar+\oFc.)\..r--oo t\ l\o =t - ii - o\ - $ 6t \A 'o^c\ lq o"N N oa^- 00^00^\6c.)+ lF- -*i + rO-oOsi I-I I O\ \ora oo 4@ coO\O+\o^ ct\O+r+ o.l64 r)cacooi (aciO.d++Ns4AEl. El' oo r-+N^-l- -ll\O O\ + c.) ci (rlo F-ll* s*G* l- $il o o €) |l) od (nHDzH I{&FzE]a(ntJIrt,E( lrl a ortr5X=,L'E-FrJJ6aaa:r! ;(<=E€ YV>6 ;s B E A F*=:rSX(EO=a: EZt 5 E F E f ? =EZTzAEr.lte83tsiifr'=CfF(t EiBfiIg EHEfSJi EEgExdEPv-Arl) 56EE</0r tr a EriF 2 ; E] + \ooo-+f.. hOF\=lea Ni sl F-Nr..F-al \oo\$ \ON\O-oo^ \o^TOa.l \oTN -\o'ca 'o$ .=gRfi 3 =tsro\o loe:-N l- *{-or' l-H- g El. sl- oEj oFalao-fra\o F-N6INNNNN t..I-^o-c-tci+\a\oFr0oo\*NcoS,l Attachment I - Settlement Rates ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER. STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. PAC-E-i3-04 Present Price Settlement Price Uu20t4 SCHEDULE NO. 1 - Residential Service Customer Charge All kwh (May - Oct) <:700 kwh > 700 kwh All kwh (Nov - Apr) <: 1,000 kWh > 1,000 kwh Seasonal Service Charge SCHEDULE NO.36 - Residential Service Optional TOD Customer Charge On-Peak kWh (May - Oct) Off-Peak kWh (May - Oct) On-Peak kWh (Nov - Apr) Off-Peak kWh (Nov - Apr) Seasonal Service Charge SCHEDULE NO.6/6A - General Service - Large Power Customer Charge (Secondary Voltage) Customer Charge (Primary Voltage) All kw (May - Oct) All kW (Nov - Apr) All kwh Seasonal Service Charge (Secondary) Seasonal Service Charge (Primary) Voltage Discount SCHEDULE NO. 7 - Customer Owned Light Residential Charges Per Lamp 16,000 Lumens, HPSV SCHEDULE NO.7/7A - Security Area Lighting Charges Per Lamp 7000 Lumens, MV 20,000 Lumens, MV 5,600 Lumens, HPSV, Co Owned Pole 5,600 Lumens, HPSV, No Co Owned Pole 9,500 Lumens, HPSV, Co Owned Pole 9,500 Lumens, HPSV, No Co Owned Pole 16,000 Lumens, HPSV, Co Owned Pole 16,000 Lumens, HPSV, No Co Owned Pole 27,500 Lumens, HPSV, Co Owned Pole ss.00 r0.7874 14.5630 8.2571 11.1472 $60.00 s14.00 t4.4027 4.9148 12.3029 4.4982 s168.00 ss.00 10.87s9 A 14.6825 (, 83249 A 11.2386 (, s60.00 s14.00 t4.s26s l, 4.9571 O 12.4087 f, 4.s369 (, $r68.00 $37.00 $l l1.00 s14.36 $l l.8l 3.72% A s444.00 s1,332.00 ($o.os; $1s.03 ( o o o I ( ( o $37.00 $l l1.00 s14.36 sl1.8l 3.6696 l, $444.00 s 1,332.00 ($o.os; sr4.9l $26.83 $47.86 $17.04 $ 13.s6 sl9.s r s16.02 s2s.70 s22.88 $36.97 $27.04 $48.23 sl7.r7 $13.67 s19.66 sl6. l5 s25.90 s23.06 s37.26 Page 2 of 5 Attachment I - Settlement Rates ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER. STATE OF IDAHO cAsE NO. PAC-E-I3-04 Present Price Settlement Price Uu20t4 27,500 Lumens, HPSV, No Co Owned Pole 50,000 Lumens, HPSV, Co Owned Pole 50,000 Lumens, HPSV, No Co Owned Pole 16,000 Lumens, HPS Flood, Co Owned Pole 16,000 Lumens, HPS Flood, No Co Owned Pole 27,500 Lumens, HPS Flood, Co Owned Pole 27,500 Lumens, HPS Flood, No Co Owned Pole 50,000 Lumens, HPS Flood, Co Owned Pole 50,000 Lumens, HPS Flood, No Co Owned Pole 8,000 Lumens, LPSV, Enerry Only 13,500 Lumens, LPSV, Energy Only 22,500 Lumens, LPSV, Energy Only 33,000 Lumens, LPSV, Energy Only SCHEDULE NO. 9 - General Service - High Voltage Customer Charge All kW (May - Oct) All kW (Nov - Apr) Minimum kW Summer Minimum kW Winter All kwh SCHEDULE NO. l0 - Irrigation Small Customer Charge (Season) Large Customer Charge (Season) Post-Season Customer Charge All kW (June I - Sept 15) First 25,000 kWh (June I - Sept l5) Next 225,000 kwh (June I - Sept 15) All Add'l kWh (June I - Sept 15) All kwh (Sept 16 - May 31) SCHEDULE NO. 11 - Company-Owned Street Lighting Service Charges per Lamp 5,800 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge 9,500 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge 16,000 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge 27,500 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge 50,000 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge 9,500 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge - Series I 16,000 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge - Series I 9,500 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge - Series 2 16,000 Lumens, High Intensity Discharge - Series 2 12,000 Metal Halide $33.48 $51.67 $45.74 s2s.70 s22.88 $36.97 s33.48 $s 1.67 s4s.74 $3.66 $5.41 $7.s2 $9.1 s $370.00 s10.26 $7.74 s10.26 $7.74 3.883s d $14.00 s41.00 $23.00 $s.98 8.s312 i,firc3 A 4.6577 A 7.2164 A s33.74 $s2.07 $46.10 $25.90 s23.06 $37.26 $33.74 $s2.07 $46.10 $3.69 $s.4s $7.s8 $9.22 $370.00 $10.26 $7.74 s10.26 s7.74 3.9283 (, s14.00 $41.00 s23.00 s5.98 8.6106 0 6.3691 (, 4.7011 ( 7.2836 f, sl s.14 s 18.89 s2s.7s $3s.96 $s2.79 $31.2s s34.29 $2s.71 $28.68 s27.88 $1s.26 $19.04 $2s.9s s36.24 $s3.20 $31.49 $34.s6 $25.91 $28.90 s28. r0 Page 3 of 5 Attachment I - Settlement Rates ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. PAC-E-I3-04 Present Price 19,500 Metal Halide 32,000 Metal Halide 9,000 Metal Halide - Series I 12,000 Metal Halide - Series I 9,000 Metal Halide - Series 2 12,000 Metal Halide - Series 2 $34.60 $41.97 s3l.s2 $36.24 s30.67 $32.38 SCHEDULE NO. 12E - Customer-Owned Street Lighting Service-Energy Only Charges per Lamp 33,000 Lumens, LPSV S9.16 12,000 Metal Halide S7.05 19,500 Metal Halide S9.65 32,000 Metal Halide 515.17 107,800 Metal Halide $36.32 9,000 Metal Halide $4.01 5,800 Lumens, HPSV S2.84 9,500 Lumens, HPSV $3.97 16,000 Lumens, HPSV $5.91 27,500 Lumens, HPSV $10.10 50,000 Lumens, HPSV $15.52 Non-Listed Luminaire - Energy Only 10.2944 A SCHEDULE NO. 12F - Customer-Owned Street Lighting Service-Full Maintenance Charges per Lamp 5,800 Lumens, HPSV $6.56 9,500 Lumens, HPSV S8.36 16,000 Lumens, HPSV S10.04 27,500 Lumens, HPSV $13.16 50,000 Lumens, HPSV 517.55 SCHEDULE NO. 12P - Customer-Owned Street Lighting Service-Partial Maintenance Charges per Lamp 10,000 Lumens, MV 516.42 20,000 Lumens, MV S21.98 5,800 Lumens, HPSV S5.88 9,500 Lumens, HPSV $7.57 27,500 Lumens, HPSV gl2.l4 50,000 Lumens, HPSV 516.36 SCHEDULE NO. 19 - Commercial and Industrial Space Heating Customer Charge Secondary All kwh (May - Oct) All kwh (Nov - Apr) $23.00 9.3rs2 ( 6.9023 o Settlement Price UU20t4 $34.87 $42.30 s31.77 $36.s2 $30.91 s32.63 s9.23 s7.10 s9.73 s 1s.29 $36.60 $4.04 s2.86 $4.00 $5.96 s 10.18 $15.64 10.374s (, $6.61 $8.43 $r0.12 s13.26 $17.69 sl6.ss s22.ts $s.93 s7.63 s12.23 $r6.49 s23.00 939rc A 6.9s89 A Page 4 of 5 Attachment 1 - Settlement Rates ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER.STATE OF IDAHO cAsE NO. PAG-E-13-04 Present Price Settlement Price uu20t4 SCHEDULE NO.23l23A - General Service Customer Charge Secondary Customer Charge Primary All kwh (May - Oct) All kwh (Nov - Apr) Seasonal Service Charge (Secondary) Seasonal Service Charge (Primary) Voltage Discount SCHEDULE NO.35 - General Service - Optional TOD Customer Charge Secondary Customer Charge Primary All On-Peak kW Au kwh Seasonal Service Charge (Secondary) Seasonal Service Charge (Primary) Voltage Discount SCHEDULE 4OO Firm Energy and Power Customer Charges kwh kw Excess kVar Interruptible Energy and Power kwh kw SCHEDULE 401 Customer Charges HLH kwh (May-October) HLH kwh (November-April) LLH kwh (May-October) LLH kwh (November-April) All kW (May-October) All kW (November-April) $ 16.00 $49.00 9.1030 i, 7.9463 i, $r92.00 $s88.00 (0.43e7) (, $67.00 $165.00 $16.4s 4.901s fi $804.00 $1,980.00 ($o.t+; $ 1,586.00 3.0870 l, $ l s.9l $0.96 3.0870 fi s 1s.91 s442.00 3.6332 3.0214 2.7243 2.7243 $ 17.60 s 14.19 o a a 0 $16.00 $49.00 9.182s l, 8.0157 l, $192.00 s588.00 (0.43e7) (, $67.00 $ 16s.00 sl6.4s 4.9609 ( s804.00 s1,980.00 (s0.84) $ 1,586.00 3.1303 l, $ls.9l $0.96 3.8$ A $ls.9l s442.00 3.68ss (, 3.0649 (, 2.763s ( 2.7635 (, $17.60 s14.19 Page 5 of 5 News Release -,ROCKYMOUNTAIN\ A OTVTSTON OF PACTFTCORP For information, contact: David Eskelse n 801 -220-2447 david.eskelsen @rockymountain power. net MediaHotline 800-775-7950 Proposal would extend pricing plan for ldaho another two years BOISE, Monday, June 3, 2013-Rocky Mountain Power has proposed a settlement with Idaho utility regulators, consumer advocates and customer groups to continue a multi-year pricing plan for its Idaho customers through 2015. lf the settlement is approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, prices for all customers will increase January 1,2014, by less than I percent-less than $1 per month for the ffiical residential customer. The settlement provides that no price increase from a general rate case will occur prior to January l, 2016. The plan provides predictability, helping business and residential customers of Rocky Mountain Power set their budgets for electricity costs. ln turn, the pricing plan allows for a slight increase to pay for the power lines and power plants serving Idaho customers. "'We are sensitive to how electricity prices affect all our customers," said Vaughn Rasmussen, director of Rocky Mountain Power operations in Idaho. "We have been very conscious about controlling operating costs, and we have put offsome projects until later. Still, we always work to make sure customers in ldaho have the electric service they expect and deserye." Rocky Mountain Power has tips and products to help customers manage their bills and use electricity wisely, as well as programs to help equalize or extend bill payments. One option that has worked well for many customers in Idaho is our residential Time-of-Day rate. If you use more than 900 kilowatt-hours per month, this option may benefit you. Call our customer service representatives toll free for a personal calculation and other helpful hints any time, at l-888-221- 7070 or visit us on our web site, rockymountainpower.net, to learn more. Even with this increase, Rocky Mountain Power's customers on average will enjoy some of the lowest prices in the nation. The public may comment on the proposed settlement during the commission's review process. A copy of the company's testimony in support of this settlement is available for public review at the commission's offices in Boise and at the company's offices in Rexburg, Preston, Shelley, and Montpelier. Idaho Public Utilities Commission: www.puc.idaho.gov , 472 W . Washington, Boise, D 83702. Rocky Mountain Power officeso Rexburg-2s East Maino Preston - 509 South 2od Easto Shelley - 852 East 1400 Northo Montpelier -24852 US Hwy 89 ### Bill Insert Keeping you informed Pricing Plan For Idaho Extended Two Years Rocky Mountain Power filed a notice of intent to file a general rate case on March l, 2013. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission received the notice and invited parties to participate in settlement discussions. These discussions resulted in an agreement involving the company, Idaho Commission stafi consumer advocates and customer groups that will continue a multi-year pricing plan for its Idaho customers through 2015. This precludes the need for any general rate proceedings for another two years. If approved, the company would be authorized to increase rates January 1,2014, by $2 million to recover investment the commission previously approved. All customer rates would be increased by a uniform 0.77 percent, less than one-tenth of a cent per kilowatt-hour. That is less than $l per month (approximately $0.66) for the average residential customer using 810 kilowatt-hours per month. Starting January 1,2015, the company would be allowed to defer up to $5.9 million annually in costs associated with its new Lake Side II power plant, which is scheduled to begin serving customers by summer 2014. Collection of these defened costs would not begin until April2016. The settlement provides that no additional general price increase will occur until January 1,2016. This proposal must be approved by the commission. The public may comment on the proposed sefflement during the commission's review process. A copy of the company's testimony in support of this settlement will be available for public review at the commission's offices in Boise and at the company's offices in Rexburg, Preston, Shelley, and Montpelier. Idaho Public Utilities Commission www.puc.idaho.eov 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 Rocky Mountain Power officeso Rexburg-25 East Maino Preston - 509 South 2nd Easto Shelley -852 East 1400 Northr Montpelier -24852 US Hwy 89 Rocky Mountain Power has tips and programs to help customers manage their bills and use electricity wisely. Options are also available for customers to help equalize or extend bill payments. Our residential Time-of-Day option works well for customers who use more than 900 kilowatt-hours per month and are able to shift their electricity usage from on-peak to off-peak time periods. Call our customer service representatives anytime for a personal calculation and other helpful tips tollfree at 1-888-221-7070 or visit us on our website, rockymountainpower.net, to learn more.