HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120716Comment.pdfJean Jewell From: George C Bidstrup [atsidaho@yahoo.com ] Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 4:13 PM 14c __,z To: Jean Jewell Subject: Public Comment from George Bidstrup I would ask the commission to consider making a change in the way the Customer Efficiency Services charge is assessed. I do not feel it is right for customers, who cannot take advantage of the services and reimbursements of such programs, to have to pay into the pool of money that gets paid to people who can and do take advantage of them. Therefore, I feel that such customers, such as commercial customers and any others who cannot take advantage of them, should not be assessed for them. I have heard it argued that such customers do benefit in the form of long range rate savings because the utility does not have to build as much infrastructure because of the energy savings. If this is the case, the system should be investigated to show how much they (the customers who can't directly participate and directly benefit from the program) save and only that percentage should be charged to them; versus having to subsidize all of the program where some can receive a large benefit, in addition to that percentage, but they cannot. I do not believe that it is the Government's place to be in the business of taking from those with deep pockets and giving to anyone else. George C. Bidstrup Idaho Falls, ID 83401 atsidahoyahoo.com Case# PAC-E-12-11 Rocky Mountain Power