HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120530Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADIVIS1ONOFPACIRcORP 9 201 South Main, Suite 2300 2012 MAY .)u AM Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 jH( U.L1C May 30, 2012 LmLfflOS zt l VL4 OVERNIGHTDELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re: CASE NO. PAC-E-12-11 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO DECREASE THE CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY SERVICES RATE Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits for filing an original and seven (7) copies of its Application in the above referenced matter. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Daniel Solander Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Senior Counsel 201 South Main, Suite 2300 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801) 220-2798 Facsimile: (801) 220-3299 E-mail: Ted.Weston@PacifiCorp.com E-mail: Daniel.Solander@PacifiCorp.com It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and Staff requests regarding this material be addressed to: By e-mail (preferred): datareguest(pacificorp.com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Any informal inquiries may also be directed to Ted Weston at 801-220-2963. Idaho Public Utilities Commission May 30, 2012 Page 2 Sincerely, K Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation & Government Affairs Enclosures Mark C. Moench Daniel E. Solander 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 FAX: (801) 220-3299 Email: daniel.solander@pacificorp.com mark.moench@pacificorp.com RECEIVED ZUT2 PAY 3O A?1IO:58 L:r\ .., UTLt1 JE COMMtSON Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) CASE NO. PAC-E-12-11 AUTHORITY TO DECREASE ) THE CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY ) APPLICATION SERVICES RATE ) ) COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), and in accordance with RP 052 and RP 201, et. seq., hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for authority to reduce the Customer Efficiency Services Rate (Schedule 191). The Company is proposing to reduce the tariff rider collection rate administered through Schedule 191 to better align the Company's recovery of costs associated with acquiring and administering cost effective demand-side management ("DSM") programs in its Idaho service territory. The current Schedule 191 rate is 3.4 percent producing approximately $5.7 million annually. The Company is requesting authority to decrease Schedule 191 rate to 2.1 percent, which would generate approximately $3.5 million per year. As of April 30, 2012 the DSM balancing account was under collected approximately $1.0 million, APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -1 expenditures exceeded revenue collection. The Company believes this rate reduction is appropriate to align the Company's recovery of costs associated with future DSM related expenditures. The Company reviews funding needs on a routine basis to assure funding is sufficient to support ongoing program expenses. In this Application, the Company seeks authority to decrease Schedule 191, Customer Efficiency Services rate from 3.4 percent to 2.1 percent. The Company respectfully requests that this reduction to Schedule 191 become effective July 1, 2012. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states: 1.Rocky Mountain Power does business as a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission with regard to its public utility operations. 2.This Application is filed pursuant to Idaho Code §§ 61-301, 61-307, 61- 622, and 61-623. In particular, Idaho Code § 61-623 empowers the Commission to determine the propriety of proposed rate schedules, §§ 61-307 and 61-622 require Commission approval prior to any increase in rates, and § 61-301 requires Idaho retail electric rates to be just and reasonable. 3.If approved notices of the rate reduction will be included on customer's bill starting July 1, 2012, and will continue until all Idaho customers have received a bill with a notice. The Company estimates this will take approximately 30-days to complete the customer notification of this rate reduction. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -2 BACKGROUND 4. The Company has offered a variety of DSM programs to its customers since the 1970s. As with all the Company's DSM programs, those offered by Rocky Mountain Power in Idaho have been designed to be cost-effective. On March 2, 2006, the Commission approved an enhanced set of DSM programs and cost recovery through Schedule 191, Customer Efficiency Services Rate, which was applied to customers' bills beginning May 1, 2006. The collection rate was set at 1.5 percent, which was below the rate needed by the Company to fully fund all reasonably available cost-effective resources identified at that time. The enhanced set of programs was designed to measure Idaho customers' willingness to participate in programs and the Company's ability to deliver them cost-effectively. To manage collection and program expenses during the initial period, the Company tied participation to funding availability for business energy efficiency programs. On February 14, 2008, the Company filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission requesting authority to increase the Customer Efficiency Services Rate, Schedule 191, from 1.5 percent to 3.72 percent. In Order No. 30543 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved the increase effective May 1, 2008. The increase to the Customer Efficiency Services Rate provided additional funding for operating programs, including: Schedule No. 117— Refrigerator Recycling; Schedule No. 21 - Low Income Weatherization Services; and, APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -3 Schedule Nos. 72 and 72A - Irrigation Load Control Credit Rider. Additionally, it allowed the Company to enhance some of its other programs such as: Schedule No. 115 - FinAnswer Express; Schedule No. 155 - Irrigation Energy Services; and, Schedule No. 118 - Home Energy Savings. The Company also offered one new program - Schedule No. 125 - Energy FinAnswer. 5.On February 25, 2010 the Company filed an application seeking authority to increase Schedule 191 rate from 3.72 percent to 5.85 percent. Commission Order No. 32023 found it reasonable to increase the rate to 4.72 percent. 6.In Case No. PAC-E-10-07 Commission staff proposed that the dispatchable irrigation load control program should be treated as a system resource not a demand-side management program and the costs associated with delivery of the program should be system allocated. Commission Order No. 32196 approved Staffs proposal and reduced the Customer Efficiency Services rate from 4.72 percent to 3.4 percent. 7.The Company, in this Application, is proposing to adjust the collection rate for Schedule 191 from 3.4 percent to 2.1 percent of retail revenue, excluding the tariff contract customers. This will reduce the Customer Efficiency Services annual revenue collection from approximately $5.7 million to $3.5 million a reduction of $2.2 million or 1.3 percent. Attachment 1 summarizes, by rate schedule, the current and proposed DSM revenue collection through Schedule 191. Absent a timely change to the APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -4 collection rate, the Company expects that it will begin to over collect the DSM Tariff Rider in August of 2012. The proposed collection rate is designed to fund ongoing DSM program expenditures and more closely align the revenue and expenses associated with the DSM balancing account by December 31, 2013. Attachment 2 is an analysis of the Idaho DSM deferred balancing account, with actual DSM balance as of April 2012 and projected balances through December 2013, with the proposed modification to Schedule 191. Delaying implementation of the new collection rate could contribute to a future over collection balance in the DSM deferred account. The Company will continue to review funding needs on a routine basis to determine whether this proposed adjustment is sufficient to fund ongoing program expenses and continue to recover the remaining balance owed the Company in the DSM balancing account. Administration of the DSM balancing account, including carrying charges, prudence review, and excluding these costs from the Company's revenue requirement in general rate cases will continue as outlined in Order No. 29976. 8. Residential Programs - While the funding by program varies, the projected residential program funding of approximately $1.2 million is consistent with previous levels. • Low Income Weatherization - (Schedule 21) is available through a partnership with Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP) in Idaho Falls and South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA) in Pocatello. These partnerships facilitate leveraging of Company funding with federal grants available to EICAP and SEICAA, increasing the number of homes served. Rocky Mountain Power's APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -5 funding in 2011 provided rebates that covered 85 percent of the cost of approved energy efficiency measures. Income eligible households receive energy efficiency services at no cost. Participants can be either homeowners or renters residing in single-family homes, manufactured homes and apartments. Program expenditures during 2011 totaled $253,809. Rocky Mountain Power's program provided funding towards the weatherization of 100 qualifying homes in 2011 with an average program cost per home of $2,538. The Low Income Weatherization Program tariff was revised as of December 28, 2010, Order No. 32196, increasing the Company's reimbursement from 75 percent of costs on approved measures to 85 percent, and annual funding was increased from $150,000 to $300,000. As reported by the Company in Case No. PAC-E-1 1-13, a third- party evaluation of the Low Income Weatherization Services Optional for Income Qualifying Customers program completed in 2011 for program years 2007 - 2009 indicated that the program was not cost effec1ive. The 2011 program year produced similar results with a 0.870 for both the Total Resource Cost Test ("TRC") and Utility Cost Test ("UCT") before considering non-energy benefits. • Refrigerator Recycling Program - Schedule 117 is available to Idaho residential customers. Older refrigerators and freezers which are less efficient, yet operational, are taken out of use permanently and recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. The program's objective is to permanently retire these older and less efficient refrigerators and freezers from the market and recycle the units in order to avoid their re-entry or resale on the secondary appliance market. Program awareness is generated through mass media advertising channels as well as Company communications APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -6 such as the program's web site, bill stuffers, and customer newsletters. In addition to free pick-up and a nominal cash incentive, participants receive an energy efficiency packet consisting of two ENERGY STAR®-certified compact fluorescent light bulbs, a refrigerator/freezer thermometer and energy education materials. During 2011 the Residential Refrigerator Recycling program passed all of the cost effectiveness tests except the Ratepayer Impact Test ("RIM"). The cost of the program was $107,033 with a program cost effectiveness of 1.768 based on the TRC test and 1.594 based on the UCT. There were 710 units recycled with energy savings of 1,037 MWH at the generator. Participation and estimated savings associated with the Refrigerator Recycling program in 2012 and 2013 is expected to be approximately the same level as experienced in 2011. The Company expects 2012 and 2013 expenditures for the Refrigerator Recycling program to run approximately $125,000 per year. • Home Energy Efficiency Incentive program - Schedule 118 provides a broad framework to deliver incentives for more efficient products and services installed or received by Idaho customers in new or existing homes, multi-family housing units or manufactured homes. Program information is available to the public at the program's website at http://www.homeenergysavings.net/Idaho/jdahohome.html and can also be accessed through http://www.rockyrnountainpower.ne/env/pj.htrn1, the Company's Idaho energy efficiency program website. Program expenditures during 2011 were $613,890 with energy savings of 2,798 MWh at the generator. The program passed all of the cost effectiveness tests except the RIM test, with a program cost effectiveness of 1.342 for the TRC and 2.115 for the UCT. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -7 Program expenditures for the Home Energy Efficiency program are projected to be approximately $641,000 in 2012 and $714,000 in 2013. 9. Commercial and Industrial FinAnswer Program - Schedule 125 is offered to commercial (buildings 20,000 square feet and larger) and industrial customers. The program provides Company-funded energy engineering, incentives of $0.12 per kWh of first year energy savings and $50 per kW of average monthly demand savings up to a cap of 50 percent of the approved project cost. The program is designed to target comprehensive projects requiring project specific energy savings analysis and operates as a complement to the more streamlined FinAnswer Express program. In addition to customer incentives, the program provides design team honorariums (a finder fee for new projects) and design team incentives for new construction projects exceeding current Idaho energy code by at least 10 percent. In 2011 FinAnswer program expenditures were $154,367 the Company anticipates that program participation will continue to grow in 2012 to approximately $260,000 and 2013 up to $321,000. During 2011 the Energy FinAnswer program passed all of the cost effectiveness tests except the RIM with a program cost effectiveness of 1.507 for the TRC and 1.928 for the UCT with energy savings of 532 MWH at the generator. • Commercial and Industrial FinAnswer Express program - Schedule 115 has been available in Idaho since early 2006. The FinAnswer Express program is available to Idaho business customers, excluding those served on Schedule 10 which are eligible for program services through the Irrigation Energy Savers program. The FinAnswer Express program is available to APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -8 help customers improve the efficiency of their new or replacement lighting, HVAC, motors, building envelope and other equipment by providing prescriptive or pre-defined incentives for the most common efficiency measures listed in the program incentive tables. The program also includes custom incentives and technical analysis services for measures not listed in the program incentive tables that improve electric energy efficiency. The program is designed to operate in conjunction with the Energy FinAnswer program. Although incentives available vary, the program provides incentives for both new construction and retrofit projects. The program is primarily marketed through local trade allies who receive support from Company provided sales and training team. The lists of participating vendors posted on the Company's website include 21 lighting, 32 HVAC, 27 motor, and 4 other equipment trade allies. During 2011 the FinAnswer Express program passed all of the cost effectiveness tests except the RIM. Program expenditures were $700,723 with a program cost effectiveness of 1.068 for the TRC and 1.868 for the UCT with energy savings of 2,442 MWH at the generator. 10. Agricultural Energy Services Program - Schedule 155, marketed as Irrigation Energy Savers, has been available since early 2006 to Idaho irrigation customers taking retail service on Schedule 10 through a Company contracted third party program administrator. The program design is intended to be the energy efficiency complement to the Irrigation Load Control programs offered under Schedules 72 & 72A. During 2011 the program included the following customer service and measure components: APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -9 • Equipment Exchange - Provides new standard sprinkler nozzles, gaskets, and drains to replace worn equipment on hand lines, wheel lines and solid set sprinklers systems. • Pivot and Linear Equipment Upgrades - Incentives are provided for certain pivot and linear system measures including sprinkler packages, pressure regulators, and drains. The list of prescriptive incentives is not designed to be exhaustive and other pivot measures are eligible for incentives if energy savings can be calculated and the customer incurs costs to make the changes. • System Consultation - This service provides a simple site specific audit of a customer's irrigation system to promote irrigation water management and identify energy savings opportunities. This consultation provides information prior to a full pump test. • Pump Testing - The pump test includes directly measuring pump lift, flow, pressure, and electrical demand and is performed after the pump has been screened and the owner's financial investment criteria understood. • System Analysis - The program provides energy engineering to help growers quantify the costs and savings of their system efficiency upgrades. Often these upgrade decisions are made in conjunction with operational production change considerations impacting a growers equipment needs. Incentives are based on a standard formula tied to costs and first year energy savings. The projected funding for the agriculture energy efficiency program is expected to dip slightly from $490,980 spent in 2011 to $416,000 during 2012 before increasing in 2013 to $624,000. During 2011 the Agricultural Energy Services program passed all of the cost effectiveness tests except RIM with a program cost effectiveness of 1.255 for the TRC and 1.743 for the UCT with energy savings of 2,574 MWH at the generator. 11.Rocky Mountain Power is committed to continue to acquire cost-effective DSM resources. As noted in this Application with the exception of the Low Income Weatherization program all of the DSM programs offered by the Company are cost effective and benefit customers. TARIFFS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 12.Attachment 1 to this Application contains a summary of present and proposed DSM revenue collection under Schedule 191 that would occur due to revising APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -10 the collection rate from 3.4 percent to 2.1 percent of revenues. Attachment 2 contains a summary of the DSM balancing account activity for 2011 through 2013. Attachment 3 contains Rocky Mountain Power's tariff Schedule 191 proposed rate change with both a clean and legislative copy. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 13.Rocky Mountain Power believes that consideration of the proposals contained in this Application does not require an evidentiary proceeding, and accordingly the Company requests that this Application be processed under RP 201 allowing for consideration of issues under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by an evidentiary hearing. SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 14.Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Facsimile: (801) 220-2798 E-mail: ted.weston@pacificorp.com Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power Senior Counsel 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801) 220-3299 E-mail: daniel.solander@pacificorp.com APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -11 In addition, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to By e-mail (preferred) datareguest@pacificorp Corn By regular mail: PacifiCorp Data Request Response Center 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Informal inquires also may be directed to Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order under Modified Procedure authorizing the Company to decrease Tariff Schedule 191, Customer Efficiency Services Rate, to 2.1 percent as described herein effective July 1, 2012 DATED this 30th day of May, 2012. Respectfully submitted, 22~e Mark C Moench Daniel E. Solander Attorneys for PacifiCorp APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER -12 ATTACHMENT 1 TABLE A ESTIMATED IMPACT OF PROPOSED SCHEDULE 191 DSM ADJUSTMENT FROM ELECTRIC SALES TO ULTIMATE CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO 12 MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 2010 Present DSM Revenue Line Average Rev Present Proposed Net Change No. Description Sch. Cust MWH ($000)* ($000) ($000) % ($000) % (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Residential Sales 1 Residential Service 1 42,207 424,153 $46,334 $1,575 $973 2.1% ($602) -1.3% 2 Residential Optional TOD 36 14,902 285,516 $25,952 $882 $545 2.1% ($337) -1.3% 3 AGA Revenue $3 4 Total Residential 57,109 709,669 $72,288 $2,458 $1,518 2.1% ($940) -1.3% 5 Commercial & Industrial 6 General Service - Large Power 6 1,055 270,876 $21,313 $725 $448 2.1% ($277) -1.3% 7 General Svc. - Lg. Power (R&F) 6A 235 32,618 $2,812 $96 $59 2.1% ($37) -1.3% 8 Subtotal-Schedule 6 1,289 303,494 $24,126 $820 $507 2.1% ($314) -1.3% 9 General Service - High Voltage 9 12 112,052 $6,902 $235 $145 2.1% ($90) -1.3% 10 Irrigation 10 4,845 555,304 $47,976 $1,631 $1,008 2.1% ($624) -1.3% 11 Comm. & hid. Space Heating 19 127 6,225 $519 $18 $11 2.1% ($7) -1.3% 12 General Service 23 6,681 133,757 $12,789 $435 $269 2.1% ($166) -1.3% 13 General Service (R&F) 23A 1,586 19,973 $1,995 $68 $42 2.1% ($26) -1.3% 14 Subtotal-Schedule 23 8,267 153,730 $14,784 $503 $310 2.1% ($192) -1.3% 15 General Service Optional TOD 35 3 1,639 $119 $4 $3 2.1% ($2) -1.3% 16 Special Contract 1 400 1 1,378,699 $74,647 $0 $0 0.00/0 $0 0.00/0 17 Special Contract 2 401 1 104,412 $5,498 $0 $0 0.0% $0 0.0% 18 AGA Revenue $749 19 Total Commercial & Industrial 14,546 2,615,555 $175,320 $3,211 $1,983 1.1% ($1,228) -0.7% 20 Public Street Liahtin 21 Security Area Lighting 7 200 251 $95 $3 $2 2.1% ($1) -1.3% 22 Security Area Lighting (R&F) 7A 151 118 $48 $2 $1 2.1% ($1) -1.3% 23 Street Lighting - Company 11 29 99 $45 $2 $1 2.1% ($1) -1.3% 24 Street Lighting - Customer 12 313 2,366 $432 $15 $9 2.1% ($6) -1.3% 25 AGA Revenue $0 26 Total Public Street Lighting 694 2,833 $621 $21 $13 2.1% ($8) -1.3% 27 Total Sales to Ultimate Customers 72,348 3,328,057 $248,229 $5,689 $3,514 1.4% ($2,175) -0.9% *Including 2012 base revenue and ECAM revenue. ATTACHMENT 2 Attachment 2 Idaho Customer Efficiency Service Rate Deferred Balance Account Analysis Monthly Conservation Costs Accrued Costs Balance SBC Recovery Carrying Charge Cash Baste Accumulatllve Accrual Basis Balance Accumulated Balance Customer Deposit Rate Accumulated Balance Total Carrying Costs 2010 totals $ 7,515,026 $ - $ (5,939,833) $ 31,829 January $ 94,913 $ (418,082) $ 3,070 $ 3,525,744 1.00% $ 148,050 February $ 222,587 $ (338,072) $ 2,890 $ 3,413,150 1.00% $ 150,940 March $ 242,914 $ (310,853) $ 2,818 $ 3,348,026 1.00% $ 153,758 April $ 213,814 $ (284,249) $ 2,781 $ 3,280,352 1.00% $ 156,517 May $ 174.180 $ (351,044) $ 2,660 $ 3,106,149 1.00% $ 159,177 June $ 193,592 $ (455,326) $ 2,479 $ 2,846,893 1.00% $ 161,656 July $ 138,269 $ (785,016) $ 2,103 $ 2,202,250 1.00% $ 163,759 August $ 220,093 $ (719,629) $ 1,627 $ 1,704,341 1.00% $ 165,386 September $ 184,203 $ (570,028) $ 1,260 $ 1,319,776 1.00% $ 166,646 October $ 103.081 $ (389,845) $ 980 $ 1,033992 1.00% $ 167,626 November $ 255,997 $ (353,022) $ 821 $ 937,788 1.00% $ 188,447 December $ 626,341 $ 380,980 $ (381,810) $ 883 $ 1,183,202 $ 1,564,182 1.00% $ 169,330 2011 totals $ 2,669,984 $ 380,980 $ (5,356,975) $ 24,350 January $ 105,441 $ 92,972 $ (392,090) $ 867 $ 897.419 $ 1,371,372 1.00% $ 170,197 February $ 221,185 $ (60,023) $ (355,173) $ 692 $ 764,123 $ 1,178,053 1.00% $ 170,889 March $ 238,010 $ 19,830 $ (336,515) $ 596 $ 666,214 $ 1,099,973 1.00% $ 171,485 April $ 203,097 $ 27,735 $ (306,199) $ 512 $ 563,623 $ 1,025,117 1.00% $ 171,997 May $ 227,102 $ (476,000) $ 366 $ 315,091 $ 778,585 1.00% $ 172,363 June $ 286,943 $ (535,300) $ 159 $ 66,893 $ 528,387 1.00% $ 172,522 July $ 274.077 $ (482,670) $ (31) $ (141,731) $ 319,763 1.00% $ 172,491 August $ 336,115 $ (510,092) $ (191) $ (315,899) $ 145,595 1.00% $ 172,300 September $ 351,209 $ (378,767) $ (275) $ (343,733) $ 117.761 1.00% $ 172.025 October $ 321.383 $ (274,298) $ (267) $ (298,914) $ 164,580 1.00% $ 171,758 November $ 306,307 $ (235,109) $ (218) $ (225,934) $ 235,560 1.00% $ 171,540 December $ 355,961 $ (258,476) $ (148) $ (128,597) $ 332,897 1.00% $ 171,392 2012 totals $ 3,226,829 $ 80,514 $ (4,540,690) $ 2,062 January $ 169,184 $ (283,701) $ (147) $ (223,261) $ 238,233 1.00% $ 171,245 February $ 143,700 $ (231,093) $ (222) $ (310,876) $ 150,818 1.00% $ 171,023 March $ 235,134 $ (213,073) $ (250) $ (289,064) $ 172,430 1.00% $ 170,773 April $ 277,188 $ (194,809) $ (207) $ (206,893) $ 254,602 1.00% $ 170,566 May $ 221,269 $ (280,267) $ (189) $ (246,080) $ 215,414 1.00% $ 170,377 June $ 278,267 $ (332,568) $ (228) $ (300,609) $ 160,885 1.00% $ 170,149 July $ 267,776 $ (455,385) $ (329) $ (488,548) $ (27,054) 1.00% $ 189,820 August $ 321,272 $ (481,258) $ (474) $ (849,007) $ (187,513) 1.00% $ 169,346 September $ 335,740 $ (357,357) $ (550)$ (671,174) $ (209,880) 1.00% $ 168,796 October $ 278,022 $ (258,792) $ (551)$ (652,495) $ (191,001) 1.00% $ 188,245 November $ 259,009 $ (221,819) $ (528) $ (615,832) $ (154,338) 1.00% $ 167,717 December $ 334,234 $ (243,885) $ (476) $ (525,939) $ (64,445) 1.00% $ 167,241 2013 totals $ 3,120,795 $ - $ (3,513,986) $ (4,151) Note: Values through April 2012 reflect actual results ID - Cost Projections Calculatlons.xisx Page 1 5/2912012 ATTACHMENT 3 ROCKY MOUNTAIN f4 POWER DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 191 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule 1 2.10% Schedule 6 2.10% Schedule 6A 2.10% Schedule 7 2.10% Schedule 7A 2.10% Schedule 8 2.10% Schedule 9 2.10% Schedule 10 2.10% Schedule 11 2.10% Schedule 12— Street Lighting 2.10% Schedule 12— Traffic Signal 2.10% Schedule 19 2.10% Schedule 23 2.10% Schedule 23A 2.10% Schedule 24 2.10% Schedule 35 2.10% Schedule 35A 2.10% Schedule 36 2.10% Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-12-11 ISSUED: May 30, 2012 EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2012 ROCKYMOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Third Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 191 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Canceling Second Third Revision of Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule 1 342.10% Schedule 6 42.10% Schedule 6A 342.10% Schedule 7 3.42.10% Schedule 7A -_'~-.42. 10% Schedule 8 342.10% Schedule 9 342.10% Schedule 10 42.10% Schedule 11 342 .10% Schedule 12 - Street Lighting Schedule 12— Traffic Signal 340% Schedule 19 42.10% Schedule 23 Schedule 23A 1.42.10% Schedule 24 342.10% Schedule 35 342.10% Schedule 35A 3.42.10% Schedule 36 342.10% Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-10-02-11 ISSUED: December 27, 2OlOMay 30, 2012 EFFECTIVE: December 28, 2OlOJuly 1, 2012