HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970407_1.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING April 7, 1997 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance: Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis S. Hansen and staff members Don Howell, Scott Woodbury, Brad Purdy, Bob Smith, Don Oliason, Keith Hessing, Dave Schunke, Rick Sterling, Birdelle Brown, Stephanie Miller, Wayne Hart, Bill Eastlake, David Scott, Bev Barker, Jean Jewel, Joe Cusick, Terri Carlock, Lynn Anderson, Kent Schneider and Myrna Walters.  Also in attendance were Jeannette Bowman of Idaho Power Company and Greg Harwood, Attorney at Law. Commission President Ralph Nelson called the meeting to order. Items from the April 7, 1997 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1.  Brad Purdy’s March 21, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. GTE-T-97-1; In the Matter of the Application of GTE to Revise Toll Rates and Introduce Two New Intralata Calling Plans.  (Held from 3-31-97 Decision Meeting). Commissioner Hansen said he previously had concerns with the access rates.  By reading additional information from staff he realizes we are going to be looking at those access rates in the next little bit.  Said he could approve this if the company understands that it is on a very temporary basis.  After access rates are looked at and cost of service and studies that could prevail, that this could change drastically (or possibly not).  Could support it on a temporary basis until we look at the other areas.  On Page 8, of staff testimony they talk about the fact that the Commission should plan to have GTE revise access rates and get back with the Commission by the end of the year.  HB 131 requires the commission to get back to the legislature by the end of the year so we will need information before that (by Dec. 1).  That is another thing that would have to be looked at.  Said if he voted for it it would have to be short term. Commissioner Nelson said he would also approve this knowing we will be looking at their costs in this area very soon. Commissioner Smith said he didn’t ever recall making such a drastic change in rates without having a “procedure”.  The difference in calling times will increase rates but we don’t have time to review alternate proposals.  Said she was not willing to stop and say we need a case because this has been here since November 19 and we should have done something long before now.  Hope in the future that we look at these more timely (those that may deserve a procedure). Commissioners approved the filing. 2.  Birdelle Brown’s March 28, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: U S West Monitoring Reports of Customer Payment Centers in Idaho. Commissioner Smith moved approval of discontinuing the reports. Commissioners Nelson and Hansen concurred. 3.  Wayne Hart’s March 31, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Petition for EAS from Richfield to Magic Valley Region. Commissioner Hansen said he had a hard time accepting 8 postcards as an official petition from an area.  Felt this was a different way to do it. Wayne Hart said the postcards are up to 17 now and we receive some each day. **Matter will be made a formal case and put in the queue. 4.  Scott Woodbury’s April 1, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: WWP Power Cost Adjustment - Request for Procedural Accounting Change. Commissioner Smith asked if the matter couldn’t just be approved - why did it need to go out on modified procedure? Scott agreed it could just be granted by order - staff is in agreement and would be filing comments in that regard. Commissioners asked that an order be issued and the 21 days for reconsideration would give anyone who has a problem with it a way to respond. **Use original case number. 5. Scott Woodbury’s April 1, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. WWP-G-97-1 1997 Natural Gas IRP. Staff recommended acknowledging receipt of the filing (by letter from the Commissioners).   Commissioners approved staff recommendation. 6. Scott Woodbury’s April 2, 1997 Decision memorandum re: Case No. WWP-E-97-1 MOPS Pilot Program. Commissioner Nelson commented that he didn’t think with a program like this “reciprocity” was necessary. Would approve amortization beginning July 1, 1998. Scott Woodbury said with respect to reciprocity, company put forth two lines of disagreement. (1) Company wants to avoid any direct contact with their customers...company seems to be willing to have those utilities ...through a third party. Company doesn’t want a free ride. Think that of the two arguments that is the weakest, the purpose is the test was to provide information available to essentially the utilities, the commission, the company and customers and so the fact that it seems somewhat threatened by Kootenai Electric contacting their customers directly appears to be there....that is why they balk at that. Said he talked to Stephanie Miller about this. It is accepted that Kootenai has the ability to get power from BPA and serve WWP customers. It is a short term test requiring other utilities to come up with a similar test plan to participate. Just for the name recognition...that if in fact we do go to a full deregulation there is competition for customers those two utilities that are competing for those customers are going to use every medium available to put their name before the customers. It was approved as submitted by WWP in the State of Washington. Commissioner Smith said she thought the Commission bent over backward to give Idaho Power...and she appreciates the fact that they want to run it that way. Would say - approve it the way the company submitted. Let them try the program they want to try. Commissioner Hansen said again it is WWP’s experiment and he would support them in their proposals. Bev Barker asked for clarification - were Commissioners approving what staff and the company have agreed should happen.   Response was yes. 7. Scott Woodbury’s April 3, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: WWP-E-97-3 PCA Rebate of $2,639,000. Commissioner Smith said her first thought was if it is a rebate, why go modified, but there may be issues to look at. Commissioners agreed to sending the application out on modified procedure. 8. Scott Woodbury’s April 4, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. CAP-W-96-2 Temporary Rate Increase - Amended Application. Scott informed the Commission that there is a public meeting scheduled for Wednesday evening with Capitol Water, staff and Capitol customers. Company has completed its analysis through Scanlin Engineering and is ready to amend its original application and go forward. It is a significant change as far as the dollar amount that we are talking about. (It is a different recovery period). So the company hopes to sell its proposal to its customers and then they will file testimony.   Scott will get a hearing date - will do scheduling after the Wednesday meeting. 9. Terri Carlock’s April 4, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Washington Water Power Company $150 Million Security Issuance, Case No. WWP-U-96-1, Requested Order Modification. Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the application; Commissioner Hansen seconded the motion; Commissioner Nelson concurred. 10. Election of Commission President. Commission President Ralph Nelson said nominations were now open for Commission President. Commissioner Smith said she had enjoyed Commissioner Nelson’s leadership and enjoyed her term as President and perhaps now it was Commissioner Hansen’s turn to experience this; therefore she would nominate Commissioner Dennis Hansen for president. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Nominations ceased.   A unanimous ballot was cast for Commissioner Hansen to be elected Commission President for the two year term set by statute. Commissioner Hansen thanked his fellow Commissioners for their support in this. said serving with two past presidents that have done a good job and who are reappointed Commissioners it would be hard to not stay on a good charted course. There is no guarantee, though, said he would probably stumble but will try to do the best job he can. Believed since he arrived here that the three Commissioners set the policy and didn’t think it is one person even if they are president. It is a unified effort. That is a credit to Commissioners Nelson and Smith and he will try to see that it is continues to be a unified group that is leading the Commission in a very efficient way. would appreciate their support and the staff’s support in helping him. Did look in the code and it didn’t define too many duties. Thanked the commissioners and said he would appreciate anyone’s help. Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 11th day of April, 1997. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary