HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120214Application.pdfe e PAC - £-/d -Ol. ~~':OUNTAIN RECEIVED 2012 January 18 PM 4:49 IDAHO PUBLIC 201 South Main, Suite 2300 UTILITIES COMMISSION Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Januar 18,2012 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secreta RE: TARIFF ADVICE12-01, PROPOSED REVISIONS TO ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR SECURITY ARA LIGHTING SCHEDULES NO.7 AND 7 A, STREET LIGHT SCHEDULE NO. 11 AND REGULATION NO. 12 LINE EXTENSIONS FOR STREET LIGHTING. Rocky Mountain Power, a division ofPacifiCorp, hereby fies Tarff Advice 12-01 for electronic fiing containing proposèd revisions to the Company's Electric Service Schedules No.7, No. 7 A, and No. 11 and Electric Service Regulation No. 12. Rocky Mountan Power hereby submits a clean and legislative copy of each sheet containing proposed revisions and respectfully requests Commission approval of these tariff modifications with a Februar 17,2012 effective date. Rocky Mountain Power is requesting authority to update the securty area and street lighting schedules and electric service regulation for street lighting to: 1. remove low pressure sodium vapor lamps from Schedule No. 7 and 7 A 2. specify no new service for customer owned / customer maintained energy only service; 3. clarify obligations to repair inoperable lights; 4. clarfy cost responsibility for premature replacement of operable lights; 5. add language on temporar disconnect cost obligations; 6. add language on pole painting and light shielding; 7. propöses modifications to contract term to add minimum notification days for removal and allocation of removal costs. 8. remove metal halide lamps from Schedule No. 11 Rocky Mountain Power submits the following proposed revisions to tariff sheets: Third Revision of Electrc Service Schedule Sheet No. 7.1 Third Revision of Electric Service Schedule Sheet No. 7.4 Third Revision of Electric Service Schedule Sheet NO.7 A.4 First Revision of Electric Service Schedule Sheet NO.7 A.5 Fourh Revision of Electric Service Schedule Sheet No. 11.1 Third Revision of Electric Service Schedule Sheet No. 11.2 Third Revision of Electric Service Schedule Sheet No. 11.3 Fourh Revision of Electric Service Regulation No. 12.7 e Idaho Public Utilties Commission January 18,2012 Page 2 e Second Revision of Electric Service Regulation No. 12.8 First Revision of Electric Service Regulation No. 12.9 First Revision of Electrc Service Regulation No. 12.10 First Revision of Electrc Service Regulation No. 12.11 Sheet No. 7.1 - Remove the Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Security Area Lighting from the schedule. Sheet No. 7.4 - Remove the Low Pressure Sodium Vapor lamps from the schedule and add that no new service will be accepted for the customer owned, customer maintained energy only service. Add a customer service contact number and clarify the Company's obligation for repair, maintenance, painting, and shielding for street lights. Sheet No.7 A4 - Remove the Low Pressure Sodium Vapor lamps from the schedule. Sheet No.7 A5 - Add provisions for inoperable lights, maintenance of lighting service, temporar disconnect and reconnection of service, pole repainting and glare or vandalism shields. Sheet No. 11.1 - Metal Halide lamps have become more expensive and difficult to maintain as a result of energy efficiency legislation that required manufacturers to transition to ~~pulse star" compatible luminaire designs. This and the lack of customer acceptance of these options have resulted in the Company deciding to remove Metal Halide from their equipment standards. Sheet No.1 1.2 - Add a customer service contact number and clarify the Company's obligation for repair of inoperable street lights. Also clarfy that premature replacement of fuctioning luminares at the request of the customer is the cost responsibilty of that customer; however, if there is an increase in revenue over the current light fixtue revenue, they will receive an allowance based upon the increase. Sheet No. 11.3 - Clarify the Company's obligation for repair, maintenance, painting, and shielding for street lights. Modify the temporary suspension of service and removal of street lights. Primarily as a result of economic uncertainties, the company is fielding numerous inquiries from customers contemplating having a number of lights temporarily disconnected in order to reduce billng obligations. These changes specify cost obligations for such requests and the on-going biling obligations for facilities in a temporarily disconnected status. The revision also provides the Company with the latitude to remove facilities that sit idle after twelve months Sheet No. 12R.7 - Due to modifications paragraph 3(t) no longer fits on the sheet and is moved to the next sheet. Sheet No. 12R.8 - Modify paragraph 3(t) to clarfy that the customer advance for street lighting line extension is nonrefundable and that facilities charges and contract minimum bilings do not apply to street lighting. Sheet No. 12R.9 - Due to modifications paragraph 3(t) paragraph 4(d) no longer fits on the sheet and is moved to the next sheet. e Idaho Public Utilities Commission Januar 18,2012 Page 3 e Sheet No. 12R.1O - Due to shifting paragraph 4(d) from Sheet No. 12.9 par of paragraph 5(a)3 and paragraph 5(a)4 will no longer fit on the sheet and are moved to the next sheet. Sheet No. 12R.ll - Paragraph 5 (a) 10 was moved from Sheet No. 12.10 to ths sheet. If you have any questions please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 or email ted. westonCßacificorp.com. Very trly yours, ~t=( V1 / Enclosures ~~l,"~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 ROCKY MOUNAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 STATE OF IDAHO Secnrity Area Lighting AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. No new Mercury Vapor Lamps wil be installed after May 3, 1985. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for (1) electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned overhead wood pole system and (2) Customer-owned/Customer-maintained Area Lighting. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: (1) Security Area Lighting Nominal Lamp Rating: Initial Lumens Watts Per Lamp Mercury Vapor Lamp: 7,000 20,000 175 400 $26.67 per lamp $47.58 per lamp (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIV: February 17,2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e i.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2) Customer-Owned/Customer-Maintained Area Lighting Energy Only (NoN ew Service): Initial Lumens 16,000 Sodium Vapor Flood Watts 150 Per Lamp $14.82 CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. PROVISIONS 1. Inoperable lights wil be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights form Customer or a member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (1-888-221-7070) or ww.rockyountaìnpower.net/streetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this taiff. 2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder. 3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate wil be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity. 4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color. 5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notify the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule wil be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, including future applicable amendments, wil be considered as forming a par of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIV: Februar 17,2012 ~~;,"~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 7 A.4 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No.7 A.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 A - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, aparent, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Far use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primar processing necessary for safe and effcient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Far and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Far unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee ofthe parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Fars. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: size use ownership control operating practices distance between parcels custom in the trade biling treatment by the utility Operators of Fars may be required to certify to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: February 17,2012 ~~~~~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No.7 A.5 Canceling Original Sheet No.7 A.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 A - Continued SPECIAL CONDITION: (continued) Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm wil have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. PROVISIONS i. Inoperable lights wil be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from Customer or a member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (1-888-221-7070) or ww.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff. 2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder. 3. Temporar disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate wil be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity. 4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color. 5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In casçs of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notify the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule wil be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on fie with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, including future applicable amendments, wil be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: Februar 17,2012 ~~;~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 STATE OF IDAHO Street Lighting Service Company-Owned System AVAIABILITY:In all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To unmetered lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn ilumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Company owned, operated and maintained street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTHLY BILL: tables below. The Monthly Biling shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate High Pressure Sodium Vapor _LEIt?n J~~tin~ _ _ _ _ _ _5,800*9,500 16,000 27,500 50,000 Watt 70 100 150 250 400-------------- MonthlvkWh 28 39 59 96 148 Functional Lighting $15.05 $18.78 $25.60 $35.75 $52.48 Decorative - Series 1 N/A $31.06 $34.09 $N/A N/A Decorative - Series 2 N/A $25.56 $28.51 $N/A N/A * Existing fixtures only. Service is not available under this schedule to new 5,800 lumen High Pressure Sodium vapor Fixtures. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTI: Februar 17,2012 ~~~,&~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 - Continued DEFINITIONS: Functional Lighting: Horizontally-mounted luminaires that may be mounted either on wood or non- decorative metal poles. Decorative Lighting: The Company wil maintain a listing of standard decorative street light fixtues that are available under this Electric Service Schedule. Available decorative lighting fixtures are grouped into different Decorative Series 1 and Decorative Series 2 according to cost. PROVISIONS: 1. Installation, daily operation, repair and maintenance of lights on this rate schedule to be . performed by the Company, providing that the facilities furnished remain readily accessible for maintenance purposes. 2. Company wil install only Company approved street lighting equipment at locations acceptable to Company. 3. Inoperable lights wil be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by Company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from the Customer or a member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customer service at (1-888-221-7070) or ww.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair street lights is limited to this tariff. 4. Existing fixtures and facilties that are deemed irreparable wil be replaced with comparable fixtures and facilties from the Company's Construction Standards. 5. The Company wil, upon written request of Customer, convert existing street lighting facilities to other tyes of Company approved facilties. In such event, should the revenue increase, the streetlighting extension allowance defined in Rule 12, section 3.f is applicable only to the increase in annual revenue due to the replacement. Ifthere is no increase in revenue, there is no allowance. The Customer shall advance the estimated cost of all materials and labor associated . with installation and removal, less the estimated salvage on all the removed facilties, in excess of the applicable allowance. 6. The entire system, including initial lamp requirements and wiring suitable for connection to Company's system, will be furnished and installed by the Company. The Customer is responsible for all associated costs that exceed the Street Lighting Extension Allowance as described in the General Rules of this tariff. Customer shall not perform the electrical connection of meters or service conductor to the point of delivery. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: Februar 17,2012 ~2~~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.3 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 11.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 - Continued PROVISIONS: (continued) 7. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporar suspension of power by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate wil be reduced by the Company's estimated average energy costs for the luminaire. The facilties may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity. 8. Where approved by the company, all pole mounted outlets used for holiday or other decorations . wil be supplied with service on a metered General Service rate via a Customer-installed meter base. 9. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at Customer's expense using the original pole color. 10. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notify the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. CONTRACT PERIOD: Not less than five (5) years for both new and replacement fixtures. After the end of the contract term, the Customer can request removal of lights with a minimum of 2 months written notice. The Customer wil be charged with costs of removaL. If the lights are removed before the end of the contract term, the Customer is responsible for the cost of removal plus depreciated remaining life of the assets less any salvage value. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the taiff of which this schedule is par and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: January 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: Februar 17,2012 ~~~,&~UNTAIN e i.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 12R.7 Canceling Third Revision Sheet No. 12R. 7 3. NONRSIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (3) Remote Service (continued) The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of constrction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Billng for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five years. (c) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds A Customer that pays for a portion of the constrction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Customers connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following constrction of an Extension for up to four (4) additional Customers. Each of the next four (4) Customers utilzing any segment of the initial Extension must pay the Company, prior to connection, a proportionate share of the cost of the shared facilties. The Company wil refund such payments to the preceding Customer(s). Proportionate Share = (A + B) x C Where: A = (Shared footage of line) x (Average cost per foot of the line) B = Cost of the other shared distribution equipment, if applicable C = (New additional connected load)/(Total connected load) Additional Customers also must share the Facilties Charges of the existing Customers. The Company wil allocate the Facilties Charges in the same manner used for allocating the original advance. (d) Underground Extensions The Company wil constrct underground Extensions when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. For 'underground, in addition to the preceding sections, the Applicant must provide all trenching and backfillng, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company wil provide these items at the Applicant's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. (e) Other Requirements When the Extension is to propert that is not par of an improved development, the Company may require the Applicant to pay for the line Extension within or along side Applicant's propert as part of installing a loop feed or to provide for future development. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: January 18,2012 EFFECTIV: Februar i 7,2012 ~~;~~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 3. NONRSIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (1) Street Lighting The Extension Allowance to street lights taking service under Rate Schedule 11 or 12 is equal to five times the anual revenue from the lights to be added. The Applicant must provide a non-refundable advance for costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the lights being added. Facilties charges and Contract Minimum Bilings do not apply to street lighting. 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PLANED DEVELOPMENTS (a) General Planned developments, including subdivisions and mobile home parks, are areas where groups of buildings or dwellngs may be constrcted at or about the same time. The Company wil install facilties in developments before there are actual Applicants for service under the terms of a written contract. (b) Allowances and Advances For nonresidential developments the Developer must pay a non-refundable advance equal to the Company's estimated installed costs to make primar service available to each lot. For residential developments the Company wil provide transformers for the distribution grid within the development. The Developer must pay a non-refundable advance for all other costs to provide secondar to the individual lot lines. For both nonresidential and residential developments the Company may require the Developer to pay for line Extensions within and alongside their development as par of installng a loop feed or to provide for future development. (c) Refunds The Company wil make no refunds for facilties installed within a development. However, a Developer may receive refunds on an advance paid for a new Extension to, or backbone through, a development if additional customers connect to the Extension outside the development. The Developer is eligible for these refunds during the first five years following constrction of the Extension for up to four additional Customers. The Developer may waive refunds, without diminishing the number of future refunds within the five year time frame, when the additional Customer does not occasion a refund of at least 20% of the original advance. Each additional Customer who owes a refund must, prior to connection, pay the Company under the terms of Advances and Refunds for Non- Residential Customers. The Company wil refund such payments to the Developer. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIV: Februar 17,2012 ~~\;oo~UNTAIN e First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.9 I.P.U.C. No.1 Cancelihg Original Sheet No. 12R.9 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIA AN RESIDENTIA PLANED DEVELOPMENTS (continued) (d) Underground Extensions (continued) The Company wil constrct underground Extensions when requested by the Developer or required by local ordinances or conditions. For underground, in addition to the preceding sections, the Developer must provide all trenching and backfillng, imported backfll material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires. If the Developer requests, the Company wil provide these items at the Developer's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (1) General An Applicant may contract with someone other than the Company to build a Line Extension. The following circumstances, however, are not an option for Applicant Built Line Extensions: relocations, conversions from overhead to underground, going from single phase to three-phase, or increasing the capacity of facilties. The Applicant must contract with the Company before staring constrction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. When the Applicant has completed construction of the Line Extension and the Company approves it, the Company wil connect it to the Company's facilties and assume ownership. (2) Liabilty and Insurance The Applicant assumes all risks for the Construction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. Before starting constrction, the Applicant must furnish a certificate naming the Company as an additional insured for a minimum of $1,000,000. The Applicant may cancel the policy after the Company accepts ownership of the Line Extension. (3) Advance for Design, Specifications, Material Standards and Inspections The Applicant must advance the Company's estimated costs for design, specifications, material standards and inspections. When the Applicant has completed construction, the Company wil determine its actual costs and may adjust that portion of the Applicant's advance. If the actual costs exceed the Applicant's advance, the Applicant must pay the difference before the Company wil accept and energize the Line Extension. If the actual costs are less than the Applicant s advance, the Company wil refund the difference. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIV: Februar 17,2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.I0 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.I0 (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (continued) (3) Advance for Design, Specifications, Material Standards and Inspections (continued) The Company wil estimate the frequency of inspections and convey this to the Applicant prior to the signing of the contract. For underground Line Extensions, the Company may require that an inspector be present whenever installation work is done. (4) Construction Standard The Applicant must constrct the Line Extension in accordance with the Company's design, specifications, and material standards and along the Company's selected route. Otherwise, the Company wil not accept or energize the Line Extension. (5) Transfer of Ownership Upon approval of the construction, the Company wil assume ownership of the Line Extension. The Applicant must provide the Company unencumbered title to the Line Extension. (6) Rights-of-Way The Applicant must provide to the Company all required rights-of-way, easements and permits in accordance with paragraph 1.(k). (7) Contract Minimum Biling The Company may require the Applicant to pay a Contract Minimum Biling as defined in paragraph 1.(b) in this regulation. (8) Deficiencies in Construction If, within 24 months of the time the Company energized the Line Extension, it determines that the Applicant provided deficient material or workmanship, the Applicant must pay the cost to correct the deficiency. At its discretion, the Company may require that the Applicant provide a faithful performance bond before the Applicant begins construction. (9) Line Extension Value The Company wil calculate the value of a Line Extension using its stadard estimating methods. The Company wil use the Line Extension Value to calculate Contract Minimum Bilings, reimbursements, and refuds. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: January 18,2012 EFFECTIV: February 17,2012 ~~l~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.ll Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.ll 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (continued) (10) Line Extension Allowance After assuming ownership, the Company wil calculate the appropriate Extension Allowance. The Company wil then reimburse the Applicant for the constrction costs covered by the Extension Allowance, less the cost of any Company provided equipment or services, but in no case more than the Line Extension Value. (b) Duplicate Service Facilties The Company wil furnish Duplicate Service Facilties if the Customer advances the estimated costs for facilities in excess of those which the Company would otherwise provide. The Customer also must pay Facilties Charges for the Duplicate Facilties for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five years. (c) Emergency Service The Company wil grant Applicants requesting Emergency Service an Extension Allowance of $90 per kW of estimated load. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of constrction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Biling for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five years. (d) Highly Fluctuating Loads The Company wil furnish facilities for Highly Fluctuating Loads as defined in Regulation 2 of this taiff, provided that the Applicant agrees to advance to the Company the estimated installed cost of such facilities over the cost of facilties which the Company, in its sole discretion, would otherwise provide. The Applicant shall also pay a Contract Minimum Biling as long as service is taken but in no case less than five years. The Company reserves the right, should the effect of load fluctuations become in the Company's sole judgment a detriment to service to other Customers, to provide or require the Customer to provide corrective facilties. Where the Company provides such facilities the Customer shall pay the cost of all such facilities plus the associated Contract Minimum Biling. (e) Temporary Service (1) For Temporar Service requests requiring only a service loop connection and where there are 120/240 volt facilities of adequate capacity available, the Customer shall pay the connect and disconnect charge specified in Schedule 300. (2) For all other Temporar Service requests the Customer shall pay a. the estimated installation cost, plus b. the estimated removal cost, plus c. the estimated cost for rearranging any existing facilties, less d. the estimated salvage value of the facilities required to provide Temporary Service. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: Februar 17,2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 8eeoud Third Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 Canceling Fiecond Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 ROCKY MOUNAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 STATE OF IDAHO Security Area Lighting AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. No new Mercury Vapor Lamps wil be installed after May 3, 1985. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for (1) electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned overhead wood pole system (2) LO'H Pressure Soåium Va¡or Seeurity Area LightiRg and (2;) Customer-owned/Customer- maintained Area Lighting. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: (i) Security Area Lighting Nominal Lamp Rating: Initial Lumens Watts Per Lamp Mercury Vapor Lamp: 7,000 20,000 i 75 400 $26.67 per lamp $47.58 perlamp (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC E II 12Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: January I~G, 2012 EFFECTIV: ¡aRual February I1G, 2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e I I.P.D.C. No.1 SeeøBd Third Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 Canceling ~econd Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2)Lovi PreSS\le Sodi\l Veor Lamfls BBerg OB1y: lHitial LaæeÐs 8,(:(:(: 13,5(:9 22,5(:(: 33,999 '.Vatt 55 90 135 18(: Per Limfl $ 3.64 $ 5.38 $ 7,48 $9.lØ SPECIFICi+..TIONS FOR LOW PRSSUR SODIU VAPOR Li+..MPS: Prioes iBolade OBlY eÐergy and a siøgle span of vlIre to oastoæer's pole. The eBire iBstllatioø iBoladiBg iBitial laßp reqaireæems, Sl:port poles, aød wiriBg with sailable provisioB for oOBBeetioB to CORlan)"s systeæ wiH be fuished, iBstlled, and æaiIliøed by the oastoæer. LaRls shall be ooIlolled b:y the oastoæer to bum oBlY Eliøg the period froæ dask to davlB. ~2) Customer-Owned/Customer-Maintained Area Lighting Energy Only (No New Service):Initial Lumens Watts 16,000 Sodium Vapor Flood 150 Per Lamp $14.82 CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. PROVISIONS i. Inoperable lights wil be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights form Customer or a member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (1-888-221-7070) or ww.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tarff. 2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder. 3. Temporar disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporar suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate wil be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity. 4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color. Submitted Under Case l-io. PAC B 11 12Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: January 1~(), 2012 EFFECTIVE: Januar lØFebruar 17,2012 ~2!\l~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 8eeaRd Third Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 Canceling FiSecond Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notify the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule wil be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on fie with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, including future applicable amendments, wil be considered as forming a par of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC E II 12Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: January 1~(l, 2012 EFFECTIVE: Jaallar IQFebruai 17,2012 e~~~~OUNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 SeeaRd Third Revision of Sheet No.7 A.4 Canceling liSecond Revision of Sheet No. 7 A.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 A - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2) Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps Eøerg)' Oøly: Initial Lumeøs 8,000 55 13,500 90 22,500 135 33,000 180 Watts $ 3.64 $5.38 $ 7.48 8) 9.1G Per Lamp SPECIFICl..TIONS FOR LOW PRSSUR SODIUM VAPOR LAS: Priees Ìfelude oøly eøergy and a siøgle span of wire to eustomer's pole. The eøtire iøstallatioø iøeludiøg iøitial lamp requiremeæs, sl:port poles, and wiriøg witl suitaèle pro'lisioø for eoøøeetioø to Company's system wil be furnished, iøstalled, aød maiøtaiøed by tle eustomer. Lamps shall be eoøtFolled by tle eustomer to bum oøly duriøg the period from dusk to da\VÐ. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartent, seasonal dwellng, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Far use means all usual far electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primar processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Far unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Fars. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: size use ownership control operating practices distace between parcels custom in the trade Submitted Under Case No. Pi'\C E 11 12Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: January 1~0, 2012 EFFECTIV: Januar Februar 110,2012 ~~~~~UNTAIN ti i.P.U.C. No.1 SeeoBd Third Revision of Sheèt No.7 A.4 Canceling FiSecond Revision of Sheet No.7 A.4 biling treatment by the utility Operators of Fars may be required to certify to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC B 11 12Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar I~G, 2012 EFFECTIVE: Jælliary February I1G, 2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e I I.P.U.C.No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No.7 A.5 Canceling Original Sheet No. 7A.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 A - Continued SPECIAL CONDITION: (continued) SPECIAL CONDITION! (eontinued) A Humber of faetors shall detmiine 'Nhether eontiguous or noneontiguous parcels eonstitHte one or more Fars. These faetors shall inelude, bm are not limited to: sii:e use oVi'Ðership eontrol operating praetiees distaee between pareels eustom in the trade biling treatment by the milty Operators of Fars may be required to eertify to the mility all irrigation aeeounts, including horsepower rating. Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm wil have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. PROVISIONS 1. Inoperable lights wil be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from Customer or a member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customer service 0-888-221-7070) or ww.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights . Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff. 2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder. 3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate wil be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilties may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity. 4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color. 5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notify the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. Gé 12-0 i ISSUED: August 14, 2006January 18,2012 EFFECTIV: September 15, 2006February 17,2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No.7 A.5 Canceling Original Sheet No.7 A.S ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule wil be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on fie with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, including future applicable amendments, wil be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. %-12-01 ISSUED: Aügust 14, 2006January 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006Februar 17,2012 ~~~;o~UNTAIN e I I.P.U.C. No.1 DiFourth Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 Canceling SeeoBd Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 STATE OF IDAHO Street Lighting Service Company-Owned System AVAILABILITY:In all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To unmetered lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn ilumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Company owned, operated and maintained street lighting systems contrólled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTHLY BILL: tables below. The Monthly Billng shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate Hi2h Pressure Sodium Vaoor _L~~n J~~tin£; _ _ _ _ _ _5,800*9,500 16,000 27,500 50,000 _'Ya.!~ _ _0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _70 100 150 250 400 MonthlvkWh 28 39 59 96 148 Functional Lighting $15005 $18.78 $25.60 $35.75 $52.48 Decorative - Series 1 N/A $31.06 $34.09 $N/A N/A Decorative - Series 2 N/A $25.56 $28.51 $N/A N/A Metal Halide -~~~~-~-~~~g- - - -- -----9;H;~~Wa -i ~~40- ~ ~~- - ~~~~- ~=~~;¡ - - - - - - - - --~é-~+# . T .N,$27.71 $34.39 $41.72 Deeorai¥e Series 1 $31.33 $36.02 N,$NlA Deeoraiye Series 2 $30.49 $32.19 N,N, * Existing fixtures only. Service is not available under this schedule to new 5,800 lumen High Pressure Sodium vapor Fixtures. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC E 11 12Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Januar I~O, 2012 EFFECTIV: Jaiuiary 10February 17,2012 e ~~l~OUNTAIN e I I.P.U.C. No.1 8eeORd Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 Canceling :FSecond Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 ELECTRC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 - Continued DEFINITIONS: Functional Lighting: Horizontally-mounted luminaires that may be mounted either on wood or non- decorative metal poles. Decorative Lighting: The Company wil maintain a listing of standard decorative street light fixtures that are available under this Electric Service Schedule. Available decorative lighting fixtures are grouped into different Decorative Series 1 and Decorative Series 2 according to cost. PROVISIONS: 1. Installation, daily operation, repair and maintenance of lights on this rate schedule to be performed by the Company, providing that the facilities furished remain readily accessible for maintenance purposes. 2. Company wil install only Company approved street lighting equipment at locations acceptable to Company. 3. Inoperable lights wil be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by Company's operating schedule and requirenients, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from the Customer or a member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customer service at 0-888-221-7070) or ww.rockymountainpower.netlstreetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair street lights is limited to this tariff. ',lRere pro'lided by this taiff, and followiRg RotificatioR by the Customer, iRoperale ligRts 'Hil be repaired as SOOR as possible, duriRg regi:iar basiRess ROHrs or as allo'Ned by CompaRY's operaiRg scRedHle and reqHiremeHts. 4. Existing fixtures and facilities that are deemed irreparable wil be replaced with comparable fixtures and facilties from the Company's Constrction Standards. 5. . The Company wil, upon written request of Customer, convert existing street lighting facilties to other types of Company approved facilities. In such event, should the revenue increase, the streetlghting extension allowance defined in Rule 12, section 3.f is applicable only to the increase in annual revenue due to the replacement. If there is no increase in revenue, there is no allowance. The Customer shall advance the estimated cost of all materials and labor associated with installation and removal, less the estimated salvage on all the removed facilties, in excess of the applicable allowance. Customer sRall pay to Company an amoHHt eqHal to the depreciatd vali:e of all faeilties remo¥ed from service aRd replaced witR Rew eqHipmeRt plus tRe cost of remo¥al, less aRY salvage ¥aIHe. 6. The entire system, including initial lamp requirements and wiring suitable for connection to Submitted Under Advice Letter No. ~12-01 ISSUED: Januar 15,200818,2012 EFFECTIVE: Februar 15, 200817, 2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e i.P.U.C. No.1 See8Bd Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 Canceling ~Second Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 Company's system, wil be furnished and installed by the Company. The Customer is responsible for all associated costs that exceed the Street Lighting Extension Allowance as described in the General Rules of this tariff. Customer shall not perfonn the electrical connection of meters or service conductor to the point of delivery. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. ()12-01 ISSUED: Januar is, 200818, 2012 EFFECTIVE: February is, 200817, 2012 ~~~UNTAIN e I I.P.U.C. No.1 SeeoBd Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.3 Canceling FiSecond Revision of Sheet No. 11.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 - Continued PROVISIONS: (continued) 7. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporar suspension of power by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate wil be reduced by the Company's estimated average energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity. 8. Where approved by the company, all pole mounted outlets used for holiday or other decorations wil be supplied with service on a metered General Service rate via a Customer-installed meter base. 9. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at Customer's expense using the original pole color. 10. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, shall be installed at the . Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notify the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. CONTRACT PERIOD: Not less than five (5) years for both new and replacement fixtures. After the end of the contract term, the Customer can request removal of lights with a minimum of 2 months written notice. The Customer wil be charged with costs of removaL. If the lights are removed before the end of the contract term, the Customer is responsible for the cost of removal plus depreciated remaining life of the assets less any salvage value. Customer is respoRsible for the eost of remoyal aRcl clepreeiatecl remaieiRg life of the assets less an salvage value if ligJs are removecl before the eoetmet term. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the taiff of which this schedule is part and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. ~12-01 ISSUED: January 15,200818,2012 EFFECTIV: February 15,200817,2012 e ~~;o~OUNTAIN e i.P.U.C. No.1 +JFourth Revision of Sheet No. 12R. 7 Canceling SeeoRd Third Revision Sheet No. 12R.7 3. NONRSIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (3) Remote Service (continued) The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of constrction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Biling for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five years. (c) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds A Customer that pays for a portion of the constrction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Customers connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following constrction of an Extension for up to four (4) additional Customers. Each of the next four (4) Customers utilzing any segment of the initial Extension must pay the Company, prior to connection, a proportionate share of the cost of the shared facilties. The Company wil refund such payments to the preceding Customer(s). Proportionate Share = (A + B) x C Where: A = (Shared footage of line) x (Average cost per foot of the line) B = Cost of the other shared distribution equipment, if applicable C = (New additional connected load)/(Total connected load) Additional Customers also must share the Facilties Charges of the existing Customers. The Company wil allocate the Facilties Charges in the same manner used for allocating the original advance. (d) Underground Extensions The Company wil construct underground Extensions when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. For underground, in addition to the preceding sections, the Applicant must provide all trenching and backfillng, imported backfll material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company wil provide these items at the Applicant's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. (e) Other Requirements When the Extension is to propert that is not part of an improved development, the Company may require the Applicant to pay for the line Extension within or along side Applicant's propert as par of installing a loop feed or to provide for future development. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. Q912-01 ISSUED: June 1, 2009January 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: September 1, 2009February 17,2012 ~~~~~UNTAIN e i.P.U.C. No.1 ~Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 12R. 7 Canceling SeeeBd Third Revision Sheet No. 12R.7 (1) StFtet LightiBg The ExteHsioH Allow8fee to stet lights takiHg serviee llder Rae Sehedule t t or t 2 is equal to five times the 8fHual re'ieHue from the lights to be added. The Appliean must aEP8fee eosts exeeediHg the EKteHsioH Allo'/,'8ee prior to the lighs beiHg added. (C~RtiHued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. ~12-01 ISSUED: J~He t, 2009Januaiy 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: September t, 2009Februar 17,2012 ~~~~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 lèSecond Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 Canceling OFigiøftl First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (t Street Lighting The Extension Allowance to street lights taing service under Rate Schedule 11 or 12 is equal to five times the annual revenue from the lights to be added. The Applicant must provide a non-refundable advance for costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the lights being added. Facilties charges and Contract Minimum Bilings do not apply to street lighting. 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIAL AN RESIDENTIAL PLANED DEVELOPMENTS (a) General Planned developments, including subdivisions and mobile home parks, are areas where groups of buildings or dwellngs may be constrcted at or about the same time. The Company wil install facilties in developments before there are actual Applicants for service under the terms of a written contract. (b) Allowances and Advances For nonresidential developments the Developer must pay a non-refundable advance equal to the Company's estimated installed costs to make primar service available to each lot. For residential developments the Company wil provide transformers for the distribution grid within the development. The Developer must pay a non-refundable advance for all other costs to provide secondary to the individual lot lines. For both nonresidential and residential developments the Company may require the Developer to pay for line Extensions within and alongside their development as part of installng a loop feed or to provide for future development. (c) Refunds The Company wil make no refuds for facilties installed within a development. However, a Developer may receive refunds on an advance paid for a new Extension to, or backbone through, a development if additional customers connect to the Extension outside the development. The Developer is eligible for these refunds during the first five years following constrction of the Extension for up to four additional Customers. The Developer may waive refunds, without diminishing the number of future refunds within the five year time frame, when the additional Customer does not occasion a refund of at least 20% of the original advance. Each additional Customer who owes a refund must, prior to connection, pay the Company under the terms of Advances and Refunds for Non- Residential Customers. The Company wil refund such payments to the Developer. (Continued) (d) UødeFgF9Hød Exteøsi9øs Submitted Under Case No. PAC B 08 06Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Oetober 8, 2008Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: Deeember 1, 2008February 17,2012 e~~;,"~OUNTAIN e IfSecond Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 i.P.U.C. No.1 Canceling OrigiBftl First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 The Comp8: wil eOHstnet aHàergroaHd ¡;¡J.teHsioHS 'uheH reaaestd ày the Dei'eloper or reaaireå ày loeal oràiHaßees or eOßditioflS. For aflåergroaflè, ifl additiofl to the preeeåiflg seetiofls, the Developer mast plO'/iàe all treflchiflg Md àackfllflg, importd àaekfiH material, eOflàaits, atà eaaipmeRt foaHàatiofls that the COffaB' reaaires. If the De'/eloper reEiaests, the Comp8: wil pro'iide these items at the Developer's eKpeflse. For eOfl'/ersiofl of MY eKistflg o'/erhead faeiJties to l:dergrllè, the terms of SeetioH (; of this regalatioH~ (CoRtiHaeà) Submitted Under Case No. PAC B G8 G(;Advice Letter No. 12-01 ISSUED: Oetoàer 8, 2GG8January 18,2012 EFFECTIV: Deeemàer 1, 2GG8Februar 17,2012 ~~~;,"~UNTAIN e First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.9 I.P.U.C. No.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.9 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PLAND DEVELOPMENTS (continued) (d) Underground Extensions (continued) The Company wil constrct underground Extensions when requested by the Developer or required by local ordinances or conditions. For underground, in addition to the preceding sections, the Developer must provide all trenching and backfillng, imported backfill materiaL conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires. If the Developer requests, the Company wil provide these items at the Developer's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (1) General An Applicant may contract with someone other than the Company to build a Line Extension. The following circumstances, however, are not an option for Applicant Built Line Extensions: relocations, conversions from overhead to underground, going from single phase to three-phase, or increasing the capacity of facilities. The Applicant must contract with the Company before staing construction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. When the Applicant has completed constrction of the Line Extension and the Company approves it, the Company wil connect it to the Company's facilties and assume ownership. (2) Liabilty and Insurance The Applicant assumes all risks for the Constrction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. Before staing constrction, the Applicant must furnish a certificate naming the Company as an additional insured for a minimum of $1,000,000. The Applicant may cancel the policy after the Company accepts ownership of the Line Extension. (3) Advance for Design, Specifications, Material Standards and InspectionsThe Applicant must advance the Company's estimated costs for design, specifications, material standards and inspections. When the Applicant has completed constrction, the Company wil determine its actual costs and may adjust that portion of the Applicant's advance. If the actual costs exceed the Applicant's advance, the Applicant must pay the difference before the Company wil accept and energize the Line Extension. If the actual costs are less than the Applicant s advance, the Company wil refund the difference. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. ~12-01 ISSUED: Aügust 14, 2006Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006Februar 17,2012 e~~,&~OUNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.9 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.9 The CompaH')' wil estimate the H:ttl:Hey of iHspeetioHs Eld eOHvey this to the p..pliean prior to the sigeiHg of the eOHtFae. For uHdergFoood LiHe BKteHSioHS, the Compæ)' may rettuire that El iHspeetor be preseHt vrheHever iRstallatioft work isdo (4)C9RstFueti8o StaodaFd The ApplieaRt must eORstret the LiRe BKteRsioR iR aeeoz:llee with the Compll)"s desige, speeifieatioRs, aRd material stlldards Ild aloRg the Compaii)"s seleeted rome. Otherwise, the CompElY wil Rot aeeept or eReri~ the LiHe ~(teRsioR. (ComiHued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. ~12-01 ISSUED: August 14, 2QQ~Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2QQ~Februar 17,2012 ~~lo~UNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (continued) First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.I0 Canceline: Original Sheet No. 12R.I0 (3) Advance for Design. Specifications. Material Standards and Inspections (continued) The Company wil estimate the frequency of inspections and convey this to the Applicant prior to the signing of the contract. For underground Line Extensions, the Company may require that an inspector be present whenever installation work is done. (4) Construction Standard The Applicant must constrct the Line Extension in accordance with the Company's design, specifications, and material standards and along the Company's selected route. Otherwise, the Company wil not accept or energize the Line Extension. s. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (eontinueà) (al.pplieaRt Built LiRe ExteRsioRs (eoÐtinueà) (5) Transfer of Ownership Upon approval of the construction, the Company wil assume ownership of the Line Extension. The Applicant must provide the Company unencumbered title to the Line Extension. (6) Rights-of-Way The Applicant must provide to the Company all required rights-of-way, easements and permits in accordance with paragraph 1.(k). (7) Contract Minimum Biling The Company may require the Applicant to pay a Contract Minimum Biling as defined in paragraph 1.(b) in this regulation. (8) Deficiencies in Construction If, within 24 months of the time the Company energized the Line Extension, it determines that the Applicant provided deficient material or workmanship, the Applicant must pay the cost to correct the deficiency. At its discretion, the Company may require that the Applicant provide a faithful pedormance bond before the Applicant begins construction. (9) Line Extension Value Submitted Under Advice Letter No. Gé12-01 ISSUED: August 14, 200Manuar 18,2012 EFFECTIVE: Sefltemàer 15, 2QQ6Februar 17,2012 ~~\;oo~UNTAIN e First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.I0 I.P.U.C. No.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.I0 The Company wil calculate the value of a Line Extension using its standard estimating methods. The Company wil use the Line Extension Value to calculate Contract Minimum Bilings, reimbursements, and refunds. (Continued) (10) LiRe E:xteRsiaR ,Á..llawRRee After assUfing o,,¥nerslip, the Compim vlill ealeulate the appropriate Extension Allowanee. The Coæpany 'wil then reiælnirse the Applieant fer the eonstetion eosts eoverd Ðy the Extension AllO-laee, less the 60St of an;, CoæpaH provided equipæeRt or serviees, bat iR no ease æore than the Line Extension¥a (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. ~12-01 ISSUED: August 14, 2006Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIV: Septeæber 15, 2006Februar 17,2012 e~~~~~OUNTAIN e I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.ll Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.ll 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (continued) (0) Line Extension Allowance After assuming ownership, the Company wil calculate the appropriate Extension Allowance. The Company wil then reimburse the Applicant for the constrction costs covered by the Extension Allowance, less the cost of any Company provided equipment or services, but in no case more than the Line Extension Value. (b) Duplicate Service Facilties The Company wil furnish Duplicate Service Facilties if the Customer advances the estimated costs for facilities in excess of those which the Company would otherwise provide. The Customer also must pay Facilties Charges for the Duplicate Facilties for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five years. (c) Emergency Service The Company wil grant Applicants requesting Emergency Service an Extension Allowance of $90 per kW of estimated load. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the sta of constrction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Biling for as long as service is taen, but in no case less than five years. (d) Highly Fluctuating Loads The Company wil furnish facilties for Highly Fluctuating Loads as defined in Regulation 2 of this tariff, provided that the Applicant agrees to advance to the Company the estimated installed cost of such facilities over the cost of facilities which the Company, in its sole discretion, would otherwise provide. The Applicant shall also pay a Contract Minimum Biling as long as service is taken but in no case less than five years. The Company reserves the right, should the effect of load fluctuations become in the Company's sole judgment a detriment to service to other Customers, to provide or require the Customer to provide corrective facilities. Where the Company provides such facilities the Customer shall pay the cost of all such facilties plus the associated Contract Minimum Biling. (e) Temporary Service (1) For Temporar Service requests requiring only a service loop connection and where there are 120/240 volt facilties of adequate capacity available, the Customer shall pay the connect and disconnect charge specified in Schedule 300. (2) For all other Temporar Service requests the Customer shall pay a. the estimated installation cost, plus b. the estimated removal cost, plus c. the estimated cost for rearanging any existing facilties, less d. the estimated salvage value of the facilities required to provide TemporaryService. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. G612-01 ISSUED: AHgl:st 14, 2006Januar 18,2012 EFFECTIV: September 15, 2006February 17,2012