HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160719Service Quality Report 2015.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER June 8,2016 VA OWRNIGHT DELIVERY Ms. Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 (/)(.Ju)o F{G'a ( & tltr()co rn :E rngcl C' r..O PAC -E.D-OL Re:PAC:EE0++7{1015 Seruice Quality & Customer Guarantee Report for the period January 1 through December 31,2015. Dear Ms. Jewell: Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby provides a copy of the 2015 Service Quality & Customer Guarantee report. This report is provided pursuant to a merger commitment made during the PacifiCorp and ScottishPowerl merger. The Company committed to implement a five-year Service Standards and Customer Guarantees program. The purposes behind these progftrms were to improve service to customers and to emphasize to employees that customer service is a top priority. Towards the end of the five-year merger commitment the Company filed an application2 with the Commission requesting authorization to extend these programs. If there are any additional questions regarding this 220-2963. Sincerely, report please contact Ted Weston at (801) Torl [k D,< /A-^* Ted Weston Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Enclosurescc: Rick Sterling Terri Carlock Beverly Barker I Case No. PAC-E-99-01 2 Case No. PAC-E-04-07 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP IDAHO SERVICE AUATITY REVIEW January t - December 3L,2015 Report |ROCKY MOUNTAIN PIOU/ER A DIWil OF TqBCOBP IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS... 2.2 System Average lnterruption Frequency lndex (SAlFl). ..............8 2.3 Momentary Average lnterruption Event Frequency lndex (MAlFle)....... ........9 2.5 Controllable, Non-Controllable and Underlying Performance Review......... ...................... 14 2.7 lmprove Worst Performing Circuits or Areas by Target Amount .................. 20 2.8 Geographic Outage History of Under-performing Areas............ ...................2L 2.9 Restore Service lo 80% of Customers within 3 Hours ........... ........................ 39 2.10 Telephone Service and Response to Commission Complaints................. .......................... 39 CUSTOMER GUARANTEES PROGRAM STATUS......... .......................39 t.t L.2 Page2 of 42 ROCKY MOUNTANmk"IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rocky Mountain Power has a number of Customer Service Standards and Service Quality Measures with performance reporting mechanisms currently in place. These standards and measures are defined by Rocky Mountain Power's target performance (both personnel and network reliability performance) in delivering quality customer service. The Company developed these standards and measures using relevant industry standards for collecting and reporting performance data. ln some cases, Rocky Mountain Power has expanded upon these standards. ln other cases, largely where the industry has no established standards, Rocky Mountain Power has developed metrics, targets and reporting. While industry standards are not focused around threshold performance levels, the Company has developed targets or performance levels against which it evaluates its performance. These standards and measures can be used over time, both historically and prospectively, to measure the service quality delivered to our customers. T SERVICE STANDARDS PROGRAM SUMMARY1 1.1 ldaho Customer Guarantees Customer Guarantee 1: Restoring Supply After an Outage The Company will restore supply after an outage within 24 hours of notification with certain exceptions as described in Rule 25. Customer Guarantee 2: Appointments The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments, which will be scheduled within a two-hour time window. Customer Guarantee 3: Switching on Power The Company will switch on power within 24 hours of the customer or applicant's request, provided no construction is required, all government inspections are met and communicated to the Company and required payments are made. Disconnections for nonpayment, subterfuge or theft/diversion of service are excluded. Customer Guarantee 4: Estimates For New Supply The Company will provide an estimate for new supply to the applicant or customer within 15 working days after the initial meeting and all necessary information is provided to the Companv. Customer Guarantee 5: Respond To Billing lnquiries The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the initial contact. For those that require further investigation, the Company will investigate and respond to the Customer within 10 workine davs. Customer Guarantee 6: Resolving Meter Problems The Company will investigate and respond to reported problems with a meter or conduct a meter test and report results to the customer within 10 workins davs. Customer Guarantee 7: Notification of Planned I nterruptions The Company will provide the customer with at least two days' notice prior to turning off power for planned interruptions. Note: See Rules for a complete description of terms and conditions for the Customer Guorontee Progrom. 1 On June 29, 2OL2, in Docket PAC-E-12-02 and Order 32583, the Commission ordered that Rocky Mountain Power had delivered upon commitments it made in pursuant to the MidAmerican transaction in PAC-E-05-08 and Order 29998. The Commission also ordered the acceptance of modifications to the Service Standards Program proposed by Rocky Mountain Power, as shown on Page 4. Page 3 of 42 ROCKY MOUNTAINFOIIER !DAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 L.2 ldaho Performance Standards Note: Performance Standards 7, 2 & 4 ore for underlying performonce doys and exclude those clossified os Mojor Events. 2 When in the future, the Company discovers that marginal improvement costs outweigh marginal improvement benefits, the Company can propose modifications to the Performance Standards Program to recognize that maintaining performance levels is appropriate. 3 Reliability performance indicators (RPl) will be calculated by aggregating customer transformer level SAlDl, SAlFl, and MAlFl, and are exclusive of major events as calculated by IEEE L36G2OL2; they are a modification to the Company's historic CPl. RPI excludes breaker lockout events. 4 Prospectively, the Company will work with Commission Staff to determine methods to report the target area performance and cost-benefit results. Page 4 ot 42 Network Performance Standard 1: Report System Average lnterruption Duration lndex (sArDr) The Company will report Total, Underlying, and Controllable SAIDI and identify annual Underlying baseline performance targets for the reporting period. For actual performance variations from baseline, explanations of performance will be provided. The Company will also report rolling twelve month performance for Controllable, Non-Controllable and Underlvine distribution events. Network Performance Standard 2: Report System Average lnterruption Frequency lndex (sArFr) The Company will report Total, Underlying, and Controllable SAIFI and identify annual Underlying baseline performance targets for the reporting period. For actual performance variations from baseline, explanations of performance will be provided. The Company will also report rolling twelve month performance for Controllable, Non-Controllable and Underlvine distribution events. Network Performance Standard 3: lmprove2 Under-Performing Areas Annually the Company will select at least one underperforming area based upon a reliability performance indicator3 (RPl). within five years after selection the Company will reduce the RPI by an average of L0% for the areas selected in a given year. The Company will identify the criteria used for determining these areas and the plansa to address them. Network Performance Standard 4: Supply Restoration The Company will restore power outages due to loss of supply or damage to the distribution system within three hours to 80% ofcustomers on averase. Customer Service Performance Standard 5: Telephone Service Level The Company will answer 80% of telephone calls within 30 seconds. The Company will monitor customer satisfaction with the Company's Customer Service Associates and quality of response received by customers through the Company's eQuality monitoring system. Customer Service Performance Standard 6: Commission Complaint Response / Resolution The Company will a) respond to at least 95% of non- disconnect Commission complaints within three working days and will b) respond to at least 95% of disconnect Commission complaints within four working hours, and will c) resolve 95% of informal Commission complaints within 30 davs. IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2 RELIABILIW PERFORMANCE During 2015, the Company experienced mixed reliability results, with underlying interruption duration (SAlDl) that was unfavorable to plan while interruption frequency (SAlFl) performance that was favorable to plan. Results for ldaho underlying performance can be seen in subsections 2.1 and 2.2 below. Three outage events during the reporting period meet the Company's ldaho major event threshold levels for exclusion from underlying performance results. Major Event General Descriptions o 7l29l2Ot5: A line fault occurred on the Rigby-Thornton transmission line. During the event three substations, 12 circuits, and 16,496 customers were without power. Personnel were promptly dispatched to the area. An inspection of the Rigby-Thornton tap showed the insulator had burned, causing the circuit breaker to trip.. 8/L/2OL5: ldaho experienced two loss of supply events. The first event occurred in Shelley, when a faulty low oil sensor triggered a transformer at the Sugarmill Substation causing a lockout. The transformer is a source to the Sandcreek, Ammon, and Ucon Substations, and caused outages to a total of 10 circuits, impacting L6,222 customers for just over 2 hours. The second event occurred at in Montpeliel when the bus on the Grace 161 kV line locked out, de-energizing the 46kv transmission lines leaving the substation. These lines feed six surrounding distribution substations. The incident event impacted 10 distribution lines and 4,168 customers for less than 2 hours.o 8/2912015 - 813012015: A severe thunderstorm brought lightning, wind, and heavy rain to southeast ldaho. During the storm two significant outages occurred. The first outage occurred in Mud Lake when high winds, specifically micro-bursts, caused damage to almost a dozen poles. The outage affected 431 customers, with restorations ranging from 2 hours to 17.5 hours. The second significant impact occurred at 10:58 pm, when lightning made contact with the Ucon substation, faulting the substation and de-energizing two circuits, affecting 2,664 customers for 5 hours and 53 minutes. s Major event threshold shown below: Effective Date Customer Count ME Threshold SAIDI ME Customer Minutes Lost ROCKY MOUNTAIN#&" 2015 20t6 869,108 76,97L 15.95 t4.82 L,237,173 L,LAL,067 Page 5 of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 Significant Events ln 2015, 13 significant event dayss were recorded in the period, which account for 83 SAIDI minutes; about 42Yo of the reporting period's underlying 197 SAIDI minutes. Significant event days add substantially to year on year cumulative performance results; fewer significant event days generally result in better reliability for the reporting period, while more significant event days generally mean poorer reliability results. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POYT'ER Ilate Causs General Dccrlptlon EYent SAIDI % ofTotal Year End SilllDl March 28,20ts Snow and wind storm cause pole fire and downed line.6.07 3.1% April 14,2015 Wind and snow storm related outage and loss of supply 10.98 5.6Yo May 12,2015 Loss of transmission: no cause found. Lightning reported in the area 5.14 2.6% June 1, 2015 Wind Storm caused several downed lines and poles.L4.47 7.3% June 9, 2015 Wind Storm, trees on lines.5.09 2.5o/o July 3, 2015 Neutral line down across primary lines 4.32 2.2o/o July 20, 2015 Flash occurred at substation of manufacturing plant causing a loss of transmission.5.20 2.6% July 2d 2015 Tree limb fell on primary line 4.48 2.3% August 5, 2015 Wind and Lightning storm, loss of supply and windblown downed equipment.7.69 3s% August 17,201,5 Loss of transmission, Bird nest caused flashover. Fire restriction line patrol before restoration.4.3L 2.2% September 22,zOLs Equipment failure. Power fuses blew on substation transformer 5.40 3.2o/o December 16, 2015 Loss of transmission: line down s.02 2.s% December 31, 2015 Loss of transmission: line down 3.93 2.0o/o TOTAT 83.10 42.2% 6 On a trial basis, the Company established a variable of 1.75 times the standard deviation of its natural log SAIDI results. Page 6 of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2.1 System Average lnterruption Duration lndex (SAlDl) The Company's underlying interruption duration performance during 2015 was unfavorable to plan. IDAHOSAIDI (excludes Prearranged and Customer Requested) rA rAd€ooi;' ROCKY MCII'NTAIN FOWER rnlnrnrlll.A!,il,!lrll,'888888868.\1 .\1 6lr-l^l ^lNN.{ dHH 2015 SAIDI Plan Controlabh Actnl .... o. Totd lndudng ttbl6rEvent3 -ufisflylqAcUal - urdcdylry Phn PageT of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2.2 System Average lnterruption Frequency lndex (SAlFl) The Company's underlying interruption frequency performance results for 2015 were favorable plan. IDAHOSAIFI (excludes Prearranged and Customer Requested) ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOUIER 2.5 2.O UIE '-sotg, ILt t'o o5 0.0 ia|a6ra6ra Foooooo.{ a{ .{ a\,t Al .\t dF{Fl SAlFlActual 2015 SAIFI Plan Total (major event included) - coNtrofublcActnl ...... Totd lndudtg ttlllorhrcgts - Undedylq Actnl -u6lsflyltgPbn Page 8 of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2,3 Momentary Average lnterruption Event Frequency lndex (MAIFle) The Company annually reports the occurrence of short interruptions using two different metricsT. The chart below displays, for the circuits with SCADA devices, the operating area weighted MAlFl" performance. ln the table below, all circuits that do not have SCADA are evaluated for performance, and where the breaker counters appear unusual, these counts are investigated and necessary corrections undertaken. Highlights of current findings for breakers with unusual levels of counter operations are summarized here.o Lava #11: the breaker count was incorrectly recorded. The breaker counter leads with nines, as opposed to zeros, and was incorrectly recorded into the system as such. Records have been updated to reflect the correct trips as 3. o Clifton #11: breaker readings between July 2015 and October 2015 indicate 59 of the total 65 operations taken in 2015. Extensive maintenance work was performed on the line during this period causing an increase breaker trips; maintenance trips increment the counter, but do not result in impacts to customers. o Holbrook #11: 57 trips were added to the count as a result of the difference between the last recorded reading in2Ot4 (August t7,2OL4l and the first reading in 2015 (February 2,2OL51. Since then only 3 breaker operations occurred, from February to October 2OL5. . Egin #11: the circuit breaker log shows a total of 26 trips in 2015. lt appears a recording error has occurred and will be corrected. Operating Area Circuit Name Circuit lD Operations MONTPELIER ALEXANDER #11 ALX11 2 MONTPELIER ARrMO #11 ARM11 6 MONTPELIER ARTMO #12 ARM12 19 MONTPELIER BANCROFT #11 BAN11 10 MONTPELIER BANCROFT #12 BAN12 7 MONTPELIER CHESTERFIELD #11 cHs11 2 MONTPELIER CHESTERFIELD #12 HATCH cHs12 5 MONTPELIER COVE #12 COV12 3 MONTPELIER EIGHT MILE #11 EGT11 10 MONTPELIER GEORGETOWN #11 GRG11 0 MONTPELIER GRACE #11 GCE11 74 MONTPELIER GRACE #12 GCE12 3 MONTPELIER HENRY #11 HRY11 0 MONTPELIER HORSLEY #11 HRS11 1 7 ldaho state commitment l1O. On January 31, 2005, the Commission accepted Rocky Mountain Power's proposal to eliminate its Network Performance Standard relating to Momentary Average lnterruption Frequency lndex (MAlFl) in light of the Company's commitment to develop an acceptable alternative to MAIFI as soon as possible. The Company has developed its proposed measurement plan and is scheduled to present to the Commission Staff at its next reliability meeting (scheduled for December 20, 2005). Within 60 days after this meeting, the Company will file the plan with the Commission. MEHC and Rocky Mountain Power commit to implement this plan and provide the results of these calculations to Commission Staff and other interested parties in reliability review meetings. Page 9 of 42 ROCKY MOUNTAINmn""" ROCKY MOUNTAIN POYI'ER IDAHO Service Quality Review MONTPELIER INDIAN CREEK #17 IND11 L4 MONTPELIER LAVA #11 LVA11 99911 MONTPELIER LUND #11 LND11 2a MONTPELIER MCCAMMON #11 MCC11 t2 MONTPELIER MCCAMMON #12 MCC12 0 MONTPELIER MONTPELIER #11 MNT11 I MONTPELIER MONTPELIER #13 MNT13 7 MONTPELIER MONTPELIER #14 MNT14 I MONTPELIER RAYMOND #11 NORTH TO GENEVA RAY11 11 MONTPELIER RAYMOND #12 SOUTH TO PEGRAM RAY12 t4 MONTPELIER ST CHARLES #11 sTc11 5 PRESTON CLIFTON #11 DAYTON & BANIDA CLF11 65 PRESTON CLIFTON #12 CLI FTON/OXFORD/SWANLAKE ctF72 3 PRESTON DOWNEY #11 DWN11 4 PRESTON DOWNEY #12 DWN12 0 PRESTON HOLBROOK #11 HLB11 60 PRESTON MALAD #11 MLD11 3 PRESTON MALAD #12 MLD12 3 PRESTON MALAD #13 MLD13 4 PRESTON PRESTON #11 PRS11 19 PRESTON PRESTON f12 PRS12 37 PRESTON PRESTON #13 PRS13 31 PRESTON TANNER #11 MINK CREEK TNR11 72 PRESTON TANNER #12 RIVERDALE/TREASURETON TNR12 2 PRESTON WESTON #12 NORTH TO DAYTON WST12 7 PRESTON WESTON#11 SOUTH - WESTON/FAIRVEW WST11 4 REXBURG ANDERSON #11 WEST AND11 0 REXBURG ANDERSON #12 EAST AND NORTH AND12 0 REXBURG ANDERSON #13 NORTH AND13 0 REXBURG ARCO #11 ARC11 1 REXBURG ARCO #12 ARC12 L REXBURG ARCO #13 ARC13 1 REXBURG ASHTON #11 ASH11 I REXBURG BELSON #11 BLS11 0 REXBURG BELSON f12 BLS12 0 REXBURG BERENICE #21 BRN21 1 REXBURG BERENICE f22 BRN22 2t REXBURG CAMAS #11 cMs11 7 REXBURG CAMAS #12 cMs12 0 REXBURG CANYON CREEK # 22 CNY22 1 REXBURG CANYON CREEK #21 CNY21 9 REXBURG DUBOIS #11 DBS11 7 REXBURG DUBOIS #12 DBS12 0 REXBURG EASTMONT #11 EST11 4 REXBURG EASTMONT #12 EST12 8 REXBURG EGIN #11 EGN11 L46 REXBURG EGIN #12 EGN12 4 REXBURG HAMER #11 HMR11 23 REXBURG HAMER #12 HMR12 6 REXBURG MENAN #11 MNN11 0 REXBURG MENAN #12 MNN12 0 REXBURG MENAN #13 MNN13 0 REXBURG MILLER #11 MLL11 0 REXBURG MILLER #12 MLL12 0 REXBURG MOODY #11 MDY11 0 REXBURG MOODY #12 MDY12 0 REXBURG MOODY f13 MDY13 REXBURG MUDLAKE #11 MDL11 0 REXBURG MUDLAKE f12 MDL12 t REXBURG NEWDALE #11 NWD11 0 REXBURG NEWDALE #12 NWD12 0 January - December 2015 Page 10 of 42 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOT'I'ER IDAHO Service Quality Review REXBURG NEWDALE #13 NWD13 1 REXBURG RENO #11 REN11 3 REXBURG RENO #12 REN12 0 REXBURG RENO #13 REN13 0 REXBURG REXBURG #11 RXB11 0 REXBURG REXBURG #12 RXB12 2 REXBURG REXBURG #13 RXB13 0 REXBURG REXBURG #14 RXB14 0 REXBURG REXBURG #15 RXB15 0 REXBURG REXBURG #16 RXB16 0 REXBURG RIGBY #11 RGB11 4 REXBURG RIGBY #12 RGB12 0 REXBURG RIGBY f13 RGB13 0 REXBURG RIGBY #14 RGB14 0 REXBURG RtRtE #12 RIR12 0 REXBURG ROBERTS #11 RBR11 1 REXBURG ROBERTS #12 RBR12 0 REXBURG RUBY #11 RBY11 5 REXBURG SANDUNE #21 SDN21 3 REXBURG SANDUNE #22 SDN22 0 REXBURG sMtTH #11 SMT11 18 REXBURG sMtTH #12 SMT12 9 REXBURG sMtTH #13 SMT13 3 REXBURG sMITH #14 SMT14 t REXBURG SOUTH FORK #11 IDAHO PACIFIC POTATO SFK11 0 REXBURG SOUTH FORK #13 ANTELOPE FLATS SFK13 0 REXBURG ST ANTHONY #11 STA11 L REXBURG ST ANTHONY #12 STA12 0 REXBURG ST ANTHONY #13 STA13 0 REXBURG SUGAR CITY #11 SGR11 0 REXBURG SUGAR CITY #12 SGR12 0 REXBURG SUGAR CITY #13 SGR13 0 REXBURG SUGAR CITY f14 SGR14 0 REXBURG SUNNYDELL f11 SNN11 I REXBURG SUNNYDELL #12 SNN12 2 REXBURG TARGHEE #11 TRG11 0 REXBURG TARGHEE #12 TRG12 0 REXBURG THORNTON #11 THR11 t REXBURG THORNTON #12 THR12 1 REXBURG WATKINS #11 NORTH AND EAST WTK11 5 REXBURG WEBSTER #11 EAST AND SOUTH WBS11 t6 REXBURG WEBSTER #12 NORTH WBS12 4 REXBURG WEBSTER #14 WBS14 35 REXBURG WINSPER #21 WN521 0 REXBURG WINSPER #22 WNS22 0 SHELLEY AMMON #11 AMM11 5 SHELLEY AMMON #12 AMM12 1 SHELLEY Cinder Butte #11 CIB11 0 SHELLEY CINDER BUTTE #13 crB13 1 SHELLEY Cinder Butte #17 CIBLT 4 SHELLEY CLEMENTS S11 CLE11 11 SHELLEY CLEMENTS f12 CLE12 18 SHELLEY GOSHEN #11 GSH11 0 SHELLEY GOSHEN #12 GSH12 8 SHELLEY GOSHEN #13 GSH13 3 SHELLEY HAYES #11 HYS11 0 SHELLEY HAYES #12 HYS12 1 SHELLEY HAYES #13 HYS13 \1 SHELLEY HOOPES #11 WEST HPS11 8 SHELLEY HOOPES #12 NORTH HPS12 0 SHELLEY IDAHO FALLS f11 IDF11 2 Januarv - December 2015 Page 11 of42 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HSHY,E*N"", IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 SHELLEY IDAHO FALLS #12 IDF12 37 SHELLEY IDAHO FALLS #13 IDF13 9 SHELLEY IDAHO FALLS #14 IDF14 3 SHELLEY JEFFCO #21 IFF2L 22 SHELLEY )EFFCO #22 JFF22 3 SHELLEY KETTLE #21 KTT21 18 SHELLEY KETTLE #22 KTT22 8 SHELLEY MERRILL #11 MRR11 19 SHELLEY MERRILL #12 MRR12 16 SHELLEY MERRILL #13 MRR13 16 SHELLEY MERRILL #14 MRR14 8 SHELLEY oscooD 111 osc11 26 SHELLEY oscooD f12 osc12 5 SHELLEY oscooD #13 OSG13 6 SHELLEY oscooD #14 osc14 9 SHELLEY SANDCREEK #11 SND11 I SHELLEY SANDCREEK #12 SND12 5 SHELLEY SANDCREEK #13 SND13 1 SHELLEY SANDCREEK #14 SND14 11 SHELLEY SANDCREEK #15 SND15 32 SH ELLEY SANDCREEK #15 SND16 7 SHELLEY SHELLEY #11 SHL11 27 SHELLEY SHELLEY #12 SHL12 0 SHELLEY SHELLEY #13 SHL13 0 SHELLEY SHELLEY #14 SHL14 5 SHELLEY UCON #11 UCN11 2 SHELLEY UCON #12 UCN12 5 SHELLEY WATKINS #12 SOUTH THEN EAST WTK12 7 Page 12 of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2.4 Reliability History Depicted below is the history of reliability in ldaho. \n2002, the Company implemented an automated outage management system which provided the background information from which to engineer solutions for improved performance. Since the development of this foundational information, the Company has been in a position to improve performance, both in underlying and in extreme weather conditions. These improvements have included the application of geospatial tools to analyze reliability, development of web-based notifications when devices operate more than optimal, focus on operational responses via CAIDI metric analysis, in addition to feeder hardening programs when specific feeders have significantly impacted reliability performance. ldaho Reliability History - lncluding Major Events ISAIDI ICAIDI +SAIFI 3 6,PtOr>ZlrJ L 0 cY09 cY10 cY1l CY12 CY13 CY14 ROCKY MOUNTAINm*n*" 400 .oP =300 s =2m ldaho Reliability History - Excluding Major Events TSAIDI rcAlDt +SAIFI CYO9 CY1O CY11 CY12 Page 13 of42 -,ROCKY MOUNTAIN-(Povt ER\ I otvrsm or uc'c'coeP IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2.5 Controllable, Non-Controllable and Underlying Performance Review ln 2008 the Company introduced a further categorization of outage causes, which it subsequently used to develop improvement programs as developed by engineering resources. This categorization was titled Controllable Distribution outages and recognized that certain types of outages can be cost-effectively avoided. So, for example, animal-caused interruptions, as well as equipment failure interruptions have a less random nature than lightning caused interruptions; other causes have also been determined and are specified in Section 2.5. Engineers can develop plans to mitigate against controllable distribution outages and provide better future reliability at the lowest possible cost. At that time, there was concern that the Company would lose focus on non-controllable outagess. ln order to provide insight into the response and history for those outages, the charts below distinguish amongst the outage groupings. Plans are now centered on underlying performance, however the Company and Commission agreed that controllable distribution metrics would be valuable to continue to report. The graphic history demonstrates controllable, non-controllable and underlying performance on a rolling 365- day basis. Analysis of the trends displayed in the charts below shows a general improving trend for all charts. ln order to also focus on non-controllable outages, the Company has continued to improve its resilience to extreme weather using such programs as its visual assurance program to evaluate facility condition. lt also has undertaken efforts to establish impacts of loss of supply events on its customers and deliver appropriate improvements when identified. lt uses its web-based notification tool for alerting field engineering and operational resources when devices have exceeded performance thresholds in order to react as quickly as possible to trends in declining reliability. These notifications are conducted regardless of whether the outage cause was controllable or not. ldaho 355-Day Rolling Controllable History as Reported 0.9 o.7 0.6 Eo o,s i r =0.4 -60ots =s06 6N o.2 0.1 0.lm-20o7 j.n-20o8 lsn-2009 .lan-2010 Jrn-2011 stress Period -sAlDl Jan.20l2 J.n.2013 J!n-2014 -SAlFt -tinear (SAtDtl 8 3. The Company shall provide, as an appendix to its Service Quality Review reports, information regarding non-controllable outages, including, when applicable, descriptions of efforts made by the Company to improve service quality and reliability for causes the Company has identified as not controllable. 4. The Company shall provide a supplemental filing, within 90 days, consisting of a process for measuring performance and improvements for the non- controllable events. Page 14 of 42 ROCKY MC'UNTAN HSHN-, IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 ldaho 35$Day RollltU ilonGontrollable Hlstoryas Reported JD.2m7 Jfr.2(n ln 20 Jr}2010 ,rt 2011 ,fr-2012 1r}.201!l Jlt-2oL JrFlOls rStrsprlod _SJUU _SttH -uc..rFllll0 ldaho 36$Day Rdllq Underffry Historyas Reportcd g ,., E 6 ,n-zm ,fr-2ot JIl.20l0 ,rr.2011 JG2Olll Ir-20t3 Jfr-2oll 1F2015 :SOot9rlod -3UU -SAtFt -Um.rGAlDtl Page 15 of 42 ROCKY MOUNTAN#s*IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2.6 Cause Code Analysis The tables below outlines categories used in outage data collection. Subsequent charts and table use these groupings to develop patterns for outage performance. Environment Contamination or Airborne Deposit (i.e. salt, trona, ash, other chemical dust, sawdust, etc.); corrosive environment; flooding due to rivers, broken water main, etc.; fire/smoke related to forest, brush or buildins fires (not including fires due to faults or liehtnine). Weather Wind (excluding windborne material); snow, sleet or blizzard; ice; freezing fog; frost; lightning. Equipment Failure Structural deterioration due to age (incl. pole rot); electrical load above limits; failure for no apparent reason; conditions resulting in a pole/cross arm fire due to reduced insulation qualities; equipment affected by fault on nearby equipment (i.e. broken conductor hits another line). lnterference Willful damage, interference or theft; such as gun shots, rock throwing, etc.; customer, contractor or other utility dig-in; contact by outside utility, contractor or other third-party individual; vehicle accident, including car, truck, tractor, aircraft, manned balloou other interfering object such as straw, shoes, string, balloon. Animals and Birds Any problem nest that requires removal, relocation, trimmin& etc.; any birds, squirrels or other animals, whether or not remains found. Operational Accidental Contact by Rocky Mountain Power or Rocky Mountain Power's Contractors (including live-line work); switching error; testing or commissioning error; relay setting error, including wrong fuse size, equipment by-passed; incorrect circuit records or identification; faulty installation or construction; operational or safety restriction, Loss of Supply Failure of supply from Generator or Transmission system; failure of distribution substation eouioment. Planned Transmission requested, affects distribution sub and distribution circuits; Company outage taken to make repairs after storm damage, car hit pole, etc.; construction work, regardless if notice is siven: rollins blackouts. Trees Growing or falling trees Other Cause Unknown; use comments field if there are some possible reasons. The table and charts below show the total customer minutes lost by cause and the total sustained interruptions by cause. The charts show each cause category's role in performance results and illustrate that certain types of outages account for a high amount of customer minutes lost but are infrequent while others tend to be more frequent but account for few customer minutes lost. The Underlying cause analysis table includes prearranged outages lCustomer Requested ond Customer Notice Given line items) with subtotals for their inclusion, while the grand totals in the table exclude these prearranged outages so that grand totals align with reported SAIDI and SAIFI metrics for the period. However, for ease of charting, the pie charts reflect the rollup-level cause category rather than the detail-level direct cause within each category. Therefore, the pie charts for Underlying include prearranged causes (listed within the plonned category). Following the pie charts, a table of definitions provides descriptive examples for each direct cause category. Page t6 ol 42 ROCKY MOU]$IAIN Pot,YER IDAHO Service Quality Review 2.6.t Underlying Cause Analysis Table January - December 2015 W k*1.idf; rr r*X***!1*titi,w: ANIMALS 184,279 1,854 189 2.38 o.024 BIRD MORTALITY (NON-PROTECTED SPECIES)404,447 2,568 83 s.2t 0.033 BIRD MORTALITY (PROTECTED SPECIES) {BMTS}81,023 642 22 1.04 0.008 BITD NEST (BMTS)59,4L7 1,596 LL o.77 o.021 BIRD SUSPECTED, NO MORTALITY 202,O50 2,447 70 2.60 0.032 ANIMAISI 931,216 9,1o7 375 L2.Ot 0.1t7 FIRE/SMOKE (NOT DIJE TO fAULTS)t,499 23 5 o.o2 0.000 EITVIRONM:i'T 1,499 2t 5 0.o2 0.(x,0 B/O EQUIPMENT 276,082 3,578 165 3.s6 0.045 DETERIOMTION OR ROTTING 3,208,744 2t,826 878 4r.37 o.28L NEARBY FAULT ro2 I 1 0.00 0.000 OVERLOAD 6,467 42 13 0.08 0.001 POLE FIRE 748,949 3,865 54 9.66 0.0s0 REIAYS, BREAKTRS, SWITCHES 0 1 STRUCTURES, Ii'ISULATORS, CONDUCTOR 0 5 EQUIPMEilT FAITURE+4,2&,?44 29,3r2 I,ll7 *,67 0.378 DIG-IN (NON-COMPANY PERSONNEL)54,089 294 38 0.70 0.004 OTHER INTERFERING OUECT 33,890 368 L7 0.44 0.00s OTHER UTILITY/CONTRACTOR L2,882 L27 9 0.L7 0.002 VANDALISM ORTHEFT 2,573 4 I 0.03 0.000 VEHICLE ACCIDENT 927,]-LL 7,O54 84 11.95 0.091 NIERTERENCE 1,030,s4s 7,U7 149 13.29 0.101 LOSS OF SUBSTATION 2t3,97L 631 8 2.76 0.008 LOSS OF TRANSMISSION LINE 2,903,4s4 2t,239 t20 37.43 o.274 SYSTEM PROTECTION 0 2 LOSS OF SUPPLY 3,117,424 21,87O 130 40.19 o.282 FAULTY INSTALL 4,556 59 6 0.06 0.001 IMPROPEfi PROTECTTVE COORDINATION L20 2 1 0.00 0.000 INCORRECT RECORDS L72 3 3 0.00 0.000 COMPANY EMPLOYEE . FISLD 224 2 2 0.00 0.000 OPERANONAI.'s,072 66 !2 0.07 o.qr1 OTHER, KNOWNCAUSE 5,442 236 25 o.o7 0.003 UNKNOWN 632,373 6,818 433 8.15 0.088 OTHER 637,8t0 7,Oil 458 4.22 o.$r1 CONSIRUCTION 85,743 383 26 L,LL 0.005 CONSTRUCNON - SCHEDULED SWITGHING 0 24 CUSTOMER NOTICE GIVEN t,703,326 7,209 L62 2L.96 0.093 CUSTOMER REQUESTED 8,737 86 85 0.11 0.001 EMERGENCY DAMAGE REPAIR 847,402 L2,327 148 10.93 0.159 INTENTIONAL TO CLEAR TROUBLE t73,582 1,083 IT 2.24 0.014 MAINTENANCE 0 59 PIANNED 2,818,790 21,088 515 36.34 o.272 Page 77 of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 Note: Direct Causes are not listed if there were no outages classified within the cause during the reporting period. *Controllable causes (Animal, Equipment Failure, Operational, and Tree-Trimmable). TREE - NON-PRB/ETTABLE 1,3L2,88L 8,316 77 16.93 o.to7 TREE -TRIMMASI.T+48,27L 302 t7 o.62 o.fiM rREES rp6Lr52 &518 88 17.55 0.111 FREEZING FOG & FROST 241 2 2 0.00 0,000 tcE 482 4 4 0.01 0.000 LIGHTNING 621,L93 4,3L8 172 8.01 0.056 SNOW. SLEETAilD BUZZARD 40,3,7fi L,287 45 5.27 0.017 WIND L,826,t54 9,337 L57 23.54 0.120 WEATHER 4,851,t31 14,942 39,#.7t 0.r93 Page 18 of42 ROCKY MOI'NTANffin*IDAHO Seruice Quality Review January - December 2015 2.6.2 Cause Category Analysis Charts Cause Analysis - Customer Minutes Lost (SAlDll r ANIMAIS5% T WEATI{ER 17%I gnunonuENTog6 I EqUIPMENTI TREESS% 3 PI.ANNEDlT% T OPEMTIONAIO96 E OTHER4% FAILURE 2596 INIERFERENCE 6% r LossoFsuPPLY1895 Cause Analysis - Customer lnterruptions (SAlFll I WEATHER 12%I ANIMATS8% r guvrRonuENT0g6 E TREEST% I PI.ANNED 1896 r EQUIPMENT FAITURE 24% I OPERATIONATO'6 r INTERFERENCET% T OTHER6%r tossoFsuPPtY18% Cause Analysls - Sustained lncldents E WEATHER 12%r ANIMALS 1296 E TREES3,6 I ENVIRONMENTO6 E PI.ANNED 1696 I EQUIPMENT FAITURE 34% E OIHER 14% I oPEMTIoNAI.O96 Page 19 of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2.7 lmprove Worst Performing Circuits or Areas by Target Amount ln 2072 the Company modified its program with regards to selecting areas for improvement. Delivery of tools has allowed more targeted improvement areas. As a result, the Service Standard Program was modified to reflect this change. Prior to 2OL2, the company selected circuits as its most granular improvement focus; since then, groupings of service transformers are selected, however, if warranted entire distribution or transmission circuits could be selected. Circuit Performance lmprovement (prior to 12131/2011) On a routine basis, the Company reviews circuits for performance. One measure that it uses is called circuit performance indicator (CPl), which is a blended weighting of key reliability metrics covering a three-year period. The higher the number, the poorer the blended performance the circuit is delivering. As part of the Company's Performance Standards Program, it annually selects a set of Worst Performing Circuits for targeted improvement. The improvement projects are generally completed within two years of selection. Within five years of selection, the average performance of the selection set must improve by at least 20% against baseline performance. Reliabilitv Performa nce I m provement ( post 1213 1/201 1) On an annual routine basis, the Company reviews areas for performance. Utilizing a new measure called reliability performance indicator (RPl), which is a blended weighting of underlying reliability metrics covering a three-year period, calculated at the service transformer, excluding loss of supply outages. The higher the number, the poorer the blended performance the area has received. As part of the Company's Performance Standards Program, it annually selects Underperforming Areas for targeted improvement. The improvement projects are generally completed within two years of selection. Within five years of selection, the average performance of the selection set must improve by at least 10% against baseline performance. Region Perfonnanea lndicator 2012 (RPl12) Method PROGRAM YEAR 16 (CPIS)Method Lava 11 (Figure 5C)IN PROGRESS t27 123 Preston 11 (Figure 6C)IN PROGRESS 36 64 TARGET SCORE = 73 82 94 PROGRAM YEAR 15 Roberts 12 (Figure 3C)COMPLETED 2L6 199 Targhee 11 (Figure 4C)COMPLETED L76 180 TARGET SCORE = 176 196 189 PROGRAM YEAR 14 Berenice 21 (Fieure 1C)COMPLETED 290 236 Malad 13 (Fieure 2C)COMPLETED 122 86 TARGET SCORE = 185 GOAI MET 206 161 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HHIYES*, ROCKY MOt,lfiAIN PiOWER IDAHO Service Quality Review (lmprovement targets for circuits in Program Years 1 through 11 and 13 have been met and filed in prior reports.) 2.8 Geographic Outage History of Under-performing Areas Figure 1A: Berenlce 21 Controllable View Page2tof 42 R(XKY MC'I,NTAIN POWER IDAHO Service Quality Review \ Cirtir. Oii.ylrrgr. Arbil irl-Itt NG<ontElhtL ntrlrE. RrgEOdrr.0 ao<"dr<lo O tO .. ntrc < 2@ 20<rv&<3O tl l@ <. r*I < a(D a&<.vtr<1@. Crilrif CGis wAll'rlLDl3fTS4I a.eiriqr2oS.Of.o' tlgTc26$1llllflirg,rGEdd.m{q{El$le (XyCdEi On'shtd DilL OrrgE lndldd $b. OrrgEhdd.d Tm Orrgc Endrdcd I I L I _.1 r_1_* r"-l-+-;-'*+J-+ t"t I I I rl*,; ,1 f i l--?-----i 1. ' E-- Figure 18: Berenlce 21 Non-Controllable View January - December 2015 Page22ol 42 R(TKY MOI'NTAIN HgllEs* IDAHO Service Quality Review Figure lC: Berenice 21 Underlying View excluding Loss of Supply . GIIAIERLIFi\ Gto&t. OdryLryliI Craouf,*6r$lrds.?dylf,l,tt,. tr.EE Ori*r=o aO<.ntE<m I m<=nlr<2tD20<rdr<!D i il<=nlrr<to aaO<=f,lx<lflm. Oisir Citori& wAll.n|'DrtrPn$! lctifl*EE20l..}{D'{f thlc20!t-83r MidE!,GIEEdr&m{dttt&!hdiL Cl{!Erddrd DitL Od.gc I*Idd9ir Oirgekfdrd T6. Ortrgc bdud.d January - December 2015 Page23 of 42 ROCKY ITIIOUNTTAtr{Hgm*IDAHO Service Quallty Review Flgure 2A: Malad 13 Controllable Vlew January- December 2015 Page24ol 42 Xffi'*IDAHO Service Quality Review Flgure 28: Malad 13 Non-Controllable Vlew January - December 2015 Page25ot 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review Flgure 2C: Malad 13 Underlylng View excludlng Loss of Supply January - December 2015 Page26 of 42 R(TKY MOI,NTAN H*HN*IDAHO Seruice Quality Review January - December 2015 Figure 3A: Roberts 12 Controllable View Page27 of 42 ROCKY iIOI,.II]TAINmlH*IDAHO Seruice Quality Review Figure 38: Roberts 12 Non-Controllable View January - December 2015 Page 28 of 42 ROCKY MC,I,NTANffi-IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 Flgure 3C: Roberts 12 Underlying View excludlng Loss of Supply Page?9 of 42 R(TKY MC'I'NTANFolTER IDAHO Service Quality Review Flgure 4A: Targhee ll Controllable View . (ilE tE'lryr\tui3. Oirf, Lr,Dr. Crbmmftceftol-Ltn!h. hnilGO*r=of o<rdrcm O tm<'*r<zo (3 2D <. !ilr < !0 a!oqf.<of 0cdr<tm. c,LL Ciui3WA1tltDS'lI$! l.ffrhgl2o.}Ol{ tDTca0Utt!31ll{rk.=Ed.drEGrf!&ldratclrhfi f,OarfEhddSLOreg=ldtddtnO;chfrJ January - December 2015 Page 30 of 42 ROCKY MOI'}TTANffi"-IDAHO Service Quality Review Figure 48: Targhee 11 Non{ontrollable Vlew . GltAIBtFt\OEis. O,rtrLqrr. OrDrrt S-ttaa"G0t!'i*tf,t/bt hEr O rrr.O ao<:dr<loIt l0<.rlI <2(D 0 2D<.r*r<tr aI<.rdr<O f ro<=*r<tm. CdrrlCctt! wAllmrEf,lsf:Ja.fhit!.zotlo,{tblam.''l}llI{rhGbd.rn{illHrhtcoraEl*rHrdDb.OarrHddgtb,qatrhd.dd ImQngcBdurld January - December 2015 Page 31 of 42 ROCKY MCIUNTAIN FOWER IDAHO Service Quality Review Figure 4C: Targhee 11 Underlying View excluding loss of Supply . Oirlnrl{r.r. O&El&trylrdiNrNItvb. traEOlfr.O aO<.f,L< LO I t(},<.rlr<20 &20<:*r<iD OD..*r<,m OO<.nb.tm. Cdlrl f.girir$2Olj,.00OlrpIcrolllr.!ilrqrkl=HdtEGIhSlehd-Cttsh*if.Oa.fEhdddnisqrEEhdftdTmOtlEhrLd January - December 2015 Page32ot 42 -ROCKY MC'UNTAINIPOW T\eurucm IDAHO Service Quality Review Flgure 5A: lava ll Controllable Vlew January - December 2015 Page 33 of 42 -R(XKY MOI'NTAN!FolTER!4il'mrclcnoD IDAHO Service Quality Review Figure 58: lava 11 Non{ontrollable Vlew January - December 2015 Page 34 of 42 xfficx,rt{rAlN IDAHO Seruice Quality Review January - December 2015 Flgure 5C: Lava 11 Underlying Vlew excludlng loss of Supply Page 35 of 42 ROCKY MOI'NTAINFOVER IDAHO Service Quality Review Figure 6A: Preston 11 Controllable View \ Cerrt Onrty Lrysr. CGbmr f,di.lit'ycoiboil*L RIiYB ' irqE a Erf,. 0 aO<.Ete<100 (D 10 <= Yde < 20 200 <= rdrr < ifr tl 30 <= nte < 40 a a(lo <= nle < ilXm. CdEir Cihritl LYAt]'MlOLl,Pf,Sl! Lgiiling| 2ori-01{r Up Tc I)t!12-31 M{a 6Eitr hdrd! m.cotDLbteEd!d. CiftEclxtd lrrL OllrfE Indndd 9*. qirgElnctud.d TmOtgElidu(|.d ga January - December 2015 Page 36 of 42 Yffi}YOUNIAIN IDAHO Service Quality Review Figure 68: Preston 11 Non-Controllable View . GXt llilryr\ ci,ortr. Oirbr/ Lrysi. CrnEGR.Ltilvt{*<oiledhbL RqYH. Rnge a!.&.=O Oo<.dr<1m O lm<s!,&<20 2(n <= v*r < iXtrtl 3(I) <. rr*r < lO O{0<'de<tm. CriEil C@rt [VArIrlI)l3.PnS1ll lcgirirEr 2off.ol{. rh rc 2ott-L?.rl Mtia hiirfr CrEfd. mc6lEllbL= OdyCdli CNf$ talld.d Din qr.gE Inddcd S{8, OrtgE hdrd.d T6 Ollrge 6durr.., January - December 2015 Page37 of 42 ROCKY MOUNIAINMR,IDAHO Service Quality Review Figure 5C: Preston 11 Underlying View excluding Loss of Supply .GRtATtRL.Fr \Geib. Of,rhyLlygr. CEtoG R.li.dity 16 oa Suppay RDt VwI RrtgE adE.O ao<-dr<10ilm..r*r.zm2@<=dr<II a30<=v*r<tm I lO <' v*rc < tm, CriEi- cidB wAll'rtDl3,Fnsr! argimieE2ol}offl Up Tc 20.!1.}31Mi- EtnriB EEfrd. lmcoilroll$hi h.lrr& CNtrs tr.lud.d D-d Of.lBlrdd.d $b.OfigBhdd.d Tm Olegc hurltd January - December 2015 Page 38 of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 2.9 Restore Service to 80% of Customers within 3 Hours 2.10Telephone Service and Response to Commission Complaints 3 CUSTOMER GUARANTEES PROGRAM STATUS -ROCKY MOI'N]AINIFOWER!.mo@ customefguaranfees January to December 2015 PS5-Answer calls within 30 seconds PS6a) Respond to commission complaints within 3 days PSSb) Respond to commission complaints regarding service disconnects within 4 hours PSSc) Resolve commission complaints within 30 days cGt cG2 cG3 cG4 cG5 cG6 CG7 Overall Customer Guarantee performance remains above99Yo, demonstrating Rocky Mountain Power's continued commitment to customer satisfaction. Major Events are excluded from the Customer Guarantees program. 20t6 Erb F.Ir! igE-c PU mla EYilt3 flrr.. ttlrc.! P.tl bFrakrg hqlias bltlctrftoblcflrs llaGB 0 lqrr to8&l 0 l(xt* g) sfl)otm*$ zI} 0 rilrlt t03&t 0 1fit* gt 16a 0 1lxlr $7fr 6 $_slr t3m 120,G7 0 l(xrr $768 1 99.87rr $0ei9 0 lur* l0zn 0 ro(x t0a',!, 0 lllrr to151 0 rllrr t011z,r 5 S.5r 1250 1U2.120 0 99.$r $00 Page 39 of 42 ROCKY MOUNTANPoT'ER IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 4 APPENDIX: Reliability Definitions This section will define the various terms used when referring to interruption types, performance metrics and the internal measures developed to meet its performance plans. !nterruption Tvpes Below are the definitions for interruption events. For further details, refer to IEEE 1366-2OO3/2OL2e Standard for Reliability lndices. Sustoined Outage A sustained outage is defined as an outage greater than 5 minutes in duration. Momentary Outage Event A momentary outage event is defined as an outage equal to or less than 5 minutes in duration, and comprises all operations of the device during the momentary duration; if a breaker goes to lockout (it is unable to clear the faulted condition after the equipment's prescribed number of operations) the momentary operations are part of the ensuing sustained interruption. This sequence of events typically occurs when the system is trying to re-establish energy flow after a faulted condition, and is associated with circuit breakers or other automatic reclosing devices. Rocky Mountain Power uses the locations where SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) exists and calculates consistent with IEEE 1366-2003/2012. Where no substation breaker SCADA exists, fault counts at substation breakers are to be used. Reliabilitv !ndices SAIDI SAIDI (system average interruption duration index) is an industry-defined term to define the average duration summed for all sustained outages a customer experiences in a given period. lt is calculated by summing all customer minutes lost for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes) and dividing by all customers served within the study area. When not explicitly stated otherwise, this value can be assumed to be for a one-year period. Daily SAIDI ln order to evaluate trends during a year and to establish Major Event Thresholds, a daily SAIDI value is often used as a measure. This concept is contained IEEE Standard I366-2OL2. This is the day's total customer minutes out of service divided by the static customer count for the year. lt is the total average outage duration customers experienced for that given day. When these daily values are accumulated through the year, it yields the yea/s SAIDI results. SAIFI SAIFI (system average interruption frequency index) is an industry-defined term that attempts to identify the frequency of all sustained outages that the average customer experiences during a given period. lt is calculated by summing all customer interruptions for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes in duration) and dividing by all customers served within the study area. CAIDI CAIDI (customer average interruption duration index) is an industry standard index that is the result of dividing the duration of the average custome/s sustained outages by frequency of outages for that average customer. While the Company did not originally specifo this metric under the umbrella of the Performance Standards Program within the context of the Service Standards Commitments, it has since been determined to be valuable for reporting purposes. lt is derived by dividing PS1 (SAlDl) by PS2 (SAlFl). s IEEE 136G2003/2012 was first adopted by the IEEE Commissioners on December 23,2OO3. The definitions and methodology detailed therein are now industry standards, which have since been affirmed in recent balloting activities. Page 40 of 42 ROCKY MOTJNTAIN HglF#* IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 MAlFle MAlFlr (momentary average interruption event frequency index) is an industry standard index that quantifies the frequency of all momentary interruption events that the average customer experiences during a given time-frame. lt is calculated by counting all momentary interruptions which occur within a 5 minute time period, as long as the interruption event did not result in a device experiencing a sustained interruption. CEMI CEMI is an acronym for Customers Experiencing Multiple (Sustained and Momentary) lnterruptions. This index depicts repetition of outages across the period being reported and can be an indicator of recent portions of the system that have experienced reliability challenges. This metric is used to evaluate customer-specific reliability. cPt99 CP199 is an acronym for Circuit Performance lndicator, which uses key reliability metrics of the circuit to identify underperforming circuits. lt excludes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages. The variables and equation for calculating CPI are: CPI=lndex*((SAlDl*WF*NF)+(SAlFl*WF*NF)+(MAlFl *WF*NF)+(Lockouts*WF*NF)) lndex: 10.545 SAIDI: Weighting Factor 0.30, Normalizing Factor 0.029 SAIFI: Weighting Factor 0.30, Normalizing Factor 2.439 MAIFI: Weighting Factor 0.20, Normalizing Factor 0.70 Lockouts: Weighting Factor 0.20, Normalizing Factor 2.00 Therefore, 10.545*((3-yearSAlDl *0.30*0.029) +(3-yearSAlFl *0.30*2.4391+(3-yearMAlFl *0.20* 0.70) + (3-year breaker lockouts * 0.20 {' 2.00)) = CPI Score cPt05 CPl05 is an acronym for Circuit Performance lndicator, which uses key reliability metrics of the circuit to identify underperforming circuits. Unlike CPl99 it includes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages. The calculation of CPl05 uses the same weighting and normalizing factors as CPl99. RPI RPI is an acronym for Reliability Performance lndicator, which measures reliability performance on a specific segment of a circuit to identify underperforming circuit segments rather than measuring performance of the whole circuit. This is the company's refinement to its historic CPl, more granular. Performance Tvpes & Commitments Rocky Mountain Power recognizes several categories of performance; major events and underlying performance. Underlying performance days may be significant event days. Outages recorded during any day may be classified as "controllable" events. Major Events A Major Event (ME) is defined as a 24-hour period where SAIDI exceeds a statistically derived threshold value (Reliability Standard IEEE 1355-2012) based on the 2.5 beta methodology. The values used for the reporting period and the prospective period are shown below. Significant Events The Company has evaluated its year-to-year performance and as part of an industry weather normalization task force, sponsored by the IEEE Distribution Reliability Working Group, determined that when the Company recorded a day in excess of L.75 beta (or 1.75 times the natural log standard deviation beyond the natural log daily average for the day's SAIDI) that generally these days' events are generally associated with weather events and serve as an indicator of a day which accrues substantial reliability metrics, adding to the cumulative Page 4L of 42 IDAHO Service Quality Review January - December 2015 reliability results for the period. As a result, the Company individually identifies these days so that year-on-year comparisons are informed by the quantity and their combined impact to the reporting period results. Underlying Events Within the industry, there has been a great need to develop methodologies to evaluate year-on-year performance. This has led to the development of methods for segregating outlier days, via the approaches described above. Those days which fall below the statistically derived threshold represent "underlying" performance, and are valid. lf any changes have occurred in outage reporting processes, those impacts need to be considered when making comparisons. Underlying events include all sustained interruptions, whether of a controllable or non-controllable cause, exclusive of major events, prearranged and customer requested interruptions. Controllable Distribution (CD) Events ln 2008, the Company identified the benefit of separating its tracking of outage causes into those that can be classified as "controllable" (and thereby reduced through preventive work) from those that are "non- controllable" (and thus cannot be mitigated through engineering programs); they will generally be referred to in subsequent text as controllable distribution (CD). For example, outages caused by deteriorated equipment or animal interference are classified as controllable distribution since the Company can take preventive measures with a high probability to avoid future recurrences; while vehicle interference or weather events are largely out of the Company's control and generally not avoidable through engineering programs. (lt should be noted that Controllable Events is a subset of Underlying Events. The Couse Code Anolysis section of this report contains two tables for Controllable Distribution and Non-controllable Distribution, which list the Company's performance by direct cause under each classification.) At the time that the Company established the determination of controllable and non-controllable distribution it undertook significant root cause analysis of each cause type and its proper categorization (either controllable or non-controllable). Thus, when outages are completed and evaluated, and if the outage cause designation is improperly identified as non-controllable, then it would result in correction to the outage's cause to preserve the association between controllable and non-controllable based on the outage cause code. The company distinguishes the performance delivered using this differentiation for comparing year to date performance against underlying and total performance metrics. ROCKY MOUNTAINm" Page 42 of 42