HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111213Comments.pdf!ftc. -£-/l-/;i r~"' TESTIMONY BEFORE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 12-7-201 I am Waren Jay Gleason from Preston, Idao. I have been an Idaho m.~~ct5 AM 9: '4 years. My reason for being here today is to review the roles and responsibilties of several governent agencies. One of the great questions I have had is whii: tnj'our BP A credits? They were supposed to continue as long as water ra a . e BP A credits were to be a stadard par of the water that we send down hil and nearly all of Idaho fits into this category. When the Columbia river projects were established and the great dams were built it was for the purose of flood control and to supply cheap electrical power for the Pacific northwest. In fact all residents, farrs, irgat, an buinse wi ~. ailine miles of the Columbia basin drainage were to be preference and prority e~ and entitled to the lowest possible wholese ra only those close to the · generators would receive any lower rate for their power. You see that those das were built by our unfied investment by our taxes and by the Ary Corps of Engineers. So the BPA credits are our pay back upon our unfied investment and should never be taen away. The majority of the population of Idaho is served by electrc public utilties such as Idao Power and Rocky Mountain Power which are under the jursdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion whose responsibility is to set out in appropriate statutes and are required to establish "just and reasonable" charges and to provide "adequate, effcient, just and reasonable" service and to make "just and reasonable" rules and regulations "pertining to its charges or service to the public". With that in miit J.n:ue tbPu lUtilties Commssion to reuire .a in depth and long te envinmenta impac stdy be emade upon the effect of the wind energy producd in Wyoming and it's finanial impa upon Idaoan before impleenti any changes in th prset poli. The Governent built the dams by authority from the President and the congress of this United States. The Bonnevile Power Administration has never constrcted and does not operate any generating plants. BP A constrcts transmission lines and is the marketing agency for the power generated in ths the Pacific Northwest. BP A is required to maintain the Preference and Priority Policy. The preference idea appears in at least 28 Federal statutes or directives from 1877 to 1958. Incidentally BPA's electrc energy sale contracts with private paries not sellng electrcity to the general public will be immediately cancelled if that energy is resold to private pares sellng electrcity to the general public. I would say that means that the wind energy produced in Wyoming by Mr. Buffett's organization canot be sold to Rocky Mountan Power (another of his holdings) and then to the general public. , I think it is wise to requet the Idaho Attorney Gener's offce to investigate the ra of d electc utlity ta over as thre have been some brbes or payoff th hae caro .. public light. Big money is involved here. I mean millons of dollar. Some when Scottish Power bought out Uta Power and Light who knows what has happened since with the Pacific Power then Rocky Mountain Power all for the same customer area. we . grnd the faces of the por when the rich impound th in We must exhibit integrty in every thing we set our hand to do for judgment is mine saith the Lord.ti~dr¡~ Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: amyu(§victorcityidaho. com Friday, December 09, 2011 3:30 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Amy Underwood follows: - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: PAC-E-11-12 Name: Amy Underwood Address: 3291 e 1300 n City: Ashton State: Idaho Zip: 83455 Daytime Telephone: 208-313-6583 Contact E-Mail: amyu~victorci tyidaho. com Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I would like to be considered in the increase, my family struggles to make the power bill as it is. If it increases it could make it very hard to even put food on the table. We have made changes to save power by installing a wood stove but we have to have power to heat the rest of the house and to have lights. Things are already tough for my family please don i t make it any harder on us to survive. Please don i t approve this increase !! The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- i