HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111021Power and Cassia County Comments.pdfDouglas J. Balfour, Chartered R E C E 230 W. Lewi P.O. Box 490 2011 OCT 2\ AM 8: 25 PocateUo, ID 83204-f90 Phone: 208-233-0680 Fax: 208-233-0319 E-ma dbal068(Jma.com October 19,2011 :Ltc -£ -11-/1 PÆ&£-II-Id- Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 Vl. Washington Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE: Idaho Power / IRP / Rocky Mountain Power Rate Case Ladies and Gentlemen: With ths letter is a letter from the Board of County Commissioners of Cassia County and Power County, Idaho. Please consider that letter to be comments on both Idaho Power's 2011 Integrated Resources Plan, and Rocky Mountain Power's Rate Case. DOUG~ALFO DJB/jay cc: Kerr McMuray, Vicki Meadows, Ron Fun Delane Anderson, Scott Bedke, Brent Stoker, Brett Crompton POWER COUN STATE 01' IDAHO R .. (''\.. ¡: n\!:,A: c",'* VI~ CIRmhJii..An ZOLL OCT 21 Ati 8: 25 IDi\....A-UT!Lim.lü¡tà~ii PI (2 2i76iOFu: (2227612 Octobe 6, 201 i Idah Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 W. Washingtn Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Ida Powe Gateway Wes Traission Line Project This letter is sent frm th Bo of County Commssone of Power Coun Ida and the Boar of County Commissioner of Casia County Idaho conceng Idaho Power and! Ro Mountan Power's Gateway West Trasmisson Line Project. Both Powe County and Cassia County ar Cooperati Agencies with th Buru of La Mangemet for the Envirnmenta Impa Anys on ths prject. The Draft Environmenta Impa Statement ha ben releaed for public review an commnt, with th review period ening Ocber 28, 2011. In genera plea consde th lett to be cots to th !PUC on Ida Powr's 2011 In Resour Plan (IR), an on the Roc Mouta rate ca. Ths lett is to reuest the IPC tae notice of th fact tht Idao Powe and Rocky Mountan Power ar spedig an plan to sp a lot of money on what we believ to be an un an il advise project. Eventuly Ida Power may ver well come before the Ida Public Utiliti Commssion to sek eith prprova of th project pu to Idao Code 561-541, or follwi th prjec to sek. th the cot inctU be recove from rae paye. Rocky Mounta Powe ha aly so to rever trssion prjec co in th curt rate ca. Th unign Counti wish to mae the IPUC awa tht th Counties do not believe the Gaeway West Prject to be advisable, an th Integr Resce Plan should be amended to reflect tht praicaity. Idaho Powe ha submitt documts to th BLM, inicaing th thir pur$ê and ne fo ths prjec is largely ba upn thei anysis for dean fur eletrcity, esti in 2007, 2008 an 200. At th time of subission of inorion to th BLM for the BIS coerg th powe ne, Idao Powe wa ope uner its 2009 IRP. Cha i of th Gaway Wes Dr EnvIta Impa Statement addr th purse and ne for the prje an Ida Power's demad prjections, ba up assumions contaed in th 200 IRP. Th Counties believ tht may of the aspton us by Idao Powe, to jusfy this extry expeve project ar faulty, ba upon asptons th ar not likely, or have no prn tr sinc th 2009 IRP. Any condtions tht exist seer year ago which may have incat a ne for th Gay West Prje have cith disape or be prven incorrt. Idao Powe ha rently iss a new an revise IR, th 20 I 1 verion. 1Ie 2011 IR speifically st th Ida Power's "averge sytem loa fore is lowe th th 2009 IR avee syst loa foret in all yea of the fore. The slow down in the natona and servce-ar economy cause loa grwt to slow signficatly. In addition the signficat incr in asum DSM combined with rel electrc price assumptons th incorprate esmates of asumed cabon legilation seed to dere th for of ave loa." Thus Ida Power's own docents indca tht th anysis tht bee the undeying bøis for Gateway Wes ha be grly modified an reise. Thc Counties believe these chaes signficatly queon th purse and ne for ths prect. The Countie ar concerned th th Gateway Wes Prject if allowe to pro, will substtially incree rates for all rae payers in th Idaho Power service ara. Th Counties believe this would be unecessar, as curnt forests do not provide a ne for th Gateway Wes Prject. When th Gateway Wes Prject wa fit prented, Idao Powe assued th ther would be can legislation, cither in the form of ca and tre or a cabon ba ta. Given Ul curt political climate towa those tw poibilities thos appe to be very fauty asumptons, an ye on upon whidi Idah Powe projec the ne for wind power fr th Gateway West Project. The 200 IR prumed tht Hom Materials would ben opetions in Jim 2011 an re ful caity by Ap 2011. It is now Ocber 2011 an opeons have Jlt bè Th we simil asption in the 200 IR, including a proection tht the housing slow down would reer an oth customers of Ida Powe would incre their dema. 'Tse have not proven out. In adtion, Idao Powe ha on its own, ad natu ga peng plants, an is cutly bulding th Laely Gulch plant, whch will prvide an on dema pe capaity of 300 mewa. Th cot of wind en ha ver publicy be crticize by Idalo Powe, wh have baicaly clai th they do not wat, no do th ne any adtion wid generaed enrg. ' Th 2011 IR discus th Gatey Wes Prje but only as a long teiplan to be consid in 2021 to 2030. "It is importt to note th th Gaeway Wes Prject wa includ in eah reso portio fur ony th send te (10) ye peod wh th curnt trsson conts re thaddition of ne tnsson caity for reur to be adde in Sout Ida ea of th Tre Valley loa ceter". Th 2011 IRP went on to state tht "althgh reurs in th prfe poolio for th send te (10) yea peod we anyz wi th addition of th Gaway West Trassion Prject, Ida Power pls to continue permttng th Gateway Wes Prjec be of un asciat with th loction of reures plan so fa in th futu an th long lea ti reuir to pet high volta tission prjec". It is importt to note th th ne te, te (10) ye, aeon plan 201 1-20i6, do no even coider th Gay Wes Prje. Th obou re fo ths is explai abve, is th Ida Power rely dO no ne th Gateway West Prjec an it do not fit well withn Ida Po's futu plas. In th trssion plll setion of th 2011 IR, th Gay West Pr is not even mentione. It is ob th GayWes is . muc mo re pobility th wh wa as by Ida Powe in its pu an ne totIBLM. The Wesrn Electrcity Coordatin Counsel (WCC) ha rently anoun a propo to revaluate reliabilty critera an speifcaly their seartion crteria. Agai, tht WECC setion crtea is a major factor in the prposa for th Gateway West Prject. To prced uner asumptions th may chage, which may greatly alte the routs, would be inappropriate at this tie. The Gateway West Project thus baically bemes a purly merchat transsion lin, to trsmit electrcal power from coal an wi genertion in Wyoming to aras of ¡Californa an the des Southwest, all at grea expens to Idaho Power rate payer. The Public Utilties Commssion ha an aweme rensibilty to the rate payer, to prote thm agns unecessa or extrvagat expees tht may fid their way into the rate ba. The rate payer depend upon the IPUC for ths fucton. Rate payers need the PUC to aser its power and custome protetion on ths project, imiately. Th maorty of th Gaeway Westi route ar in Idao. Th Tota cost for the project, to be borne by Rocky Mountan Power and Ida Power ra paye is in an excess of two (2) bilion dollar, and climbing steaily. Given the uncertty of may of the asumptions tht lea to this prposa, cauton should be exercise before proing. For the abve res, and may more known to th PUC, Powe an Casa County reue th Ida Public Utilties Commission to review and re-anyz Idaho Power's pacipation in the Gateway Wes Traission Project. v cr Tru Your, ~c~ Cassia County Board of County Commssioners ~VICKI MEADOWS, Chaan Power County Boar of County Commissione