HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110802Comments.pdfo ¡: (" r: I \l r. r;! \..'" ""..r: 1 t, - ,,- ioii AUG -I . AM 8:46 t-D/\r\C1 ;JT!LlTH:S " J ~_,,\ ...7(2,8I.1J : . ,~ , .'.' . .;'. ,',:: .:::::.--.: c' ._.",:':.:. )Yi~~ _ :, :' ,: (,'_:,:" ItistnVLlIJd~t$t¡lñdinGtbatROCKY MOUNTAIN PÖWER is proposing yet another rate increase. Asa'nunhappy customer, IféeHtis my rightto voice my opinion. Theserviëe that we receive is not Wötthw,l''ãtwêâi;é'poãyiFlgrl"OVh"fhey have had two increases in the recent past.. Ibctpetnâ'tmý"ø:fteis'heard a'ndthat thelPUC fails to pass this increase proposaL' ~."""'.""""""""..~~.1~i~~ ~)i-r/, %~(,W ~. ../ \' oi:r'(:I\fCrí \.~-;jt...¡ ': ;.-.. ",' zßn AUG-I AM 8= 46 Oãte7.Li-zL it ItiSl"yündetstndittglbatRQCKY MOUNTAIN POWER is proposingyet C:riotherratelncrease. Asa'nunllappycustômer,1feeHt is my rightto voice my opinion. Theserviëe that we receive is not WórthWnåtwtæâi:e'p'ãy.iFlgrl"Ô\i\h'fhey have. had two increases in the recent pa~t. Ibctpê'tliâ't1nVo,ft'é!;s'heard andthat thetPUC fails to pass this increase proposal." .J IPUC' \,'l PO Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 To Whom It May Concern, \1 i-"",""i:CC¡ 1! r.l: rç\'i; ,,1r:, im \ AUG - .\ i\~ 6= 45 " Date. 7 I 2-ß .. ( IJ Itisrnyuoderstãn'dingthat ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER is proposing yet another rate increase. As an unhappy customer, Ifeelit is my rightto voice my opinion. The service that we receive is not Wötth what we are paying now. They have had two increases in the recent past. I høpefnatrtyvø.ice is héard and that thelPUC fails to pass this increase proposal. J739lfi RECElvr:n 2ßHAUG -IAHS: 4S " Date Jl7-~ZIf ..... Jt'iSl'Y(Jncl~t~and¡rigtbatROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER is proposing yet c;nother rateJncrease. ÄsanuohClPPYClJstomer,lféel;it ismy right to voice my opinion. Theserviëe that we receive is not WótthWl''ãtVleâr:é'pây.iFlgn'ô\i¡'They have had two increases in the recent past. i hCfpetliâ'tmyVtiité!s'heardandthat thelPUC fails to pass this increase proposal.' ~~...~i t.i50£.):c?BÐO .Ç;.... , .~ Y.d. Y~t/l/'I ) \' IPUC RECEIVED 2011 AUG -I AM 8: 35 PO Box 83702 Boise, ID. 83720-0074 Date 7-i? 8'''dOJ/ To Whom It May Concern, It is my undersnding that ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER is proposing yet another rate increase. As an unhappy customer, I feel it is my right to voice my opinion. We are strggling to pay for the servce we receive now. They have had two increases in the recent past I hope that my voice is heard and that the IPUC fails to pass this increase proposaL. uiY~ ,çS-L/V 37cØF (jrrï) j)d s:¿17lrB ~- ,-.. IlUC RECEIVED 2011 AUG -2 AM 8: 25 PO Box 83102 Boise, lD. 8372û-0074 Date 7- Z:I - /J To Whom It May Concern. It is my undelÝ..nding that ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER is proposing yet another rate incree. As an unhappy customer, l feel it is my right to voice my opinion. We are struggling to pay for the service we receive now, They have had two increases În the recent past l hope that my voice is heard and that the ¡PUC faUs to pass this increase proposal Signed, Ør?!nM, fie 5~'\ J". ),ko'l)J' g5D II, S 3 o(?f. /l en oJ' J -; bi tf3'13'i REGEIV iUtI AUG -2 AM 8= 26 " ''toVJtrrnltMayConcern, -.'":':':,',', " Itisl"Ylilldèt$'tn'dittgttitROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER is proposing,yet'Clriotherrateincrease. Asa'nUnhappyc~stomer, I féelit is my rightto voice my opinion. The serviCe that we receive is not WótthWhat'weâi:,é'pây.iFlgn'ôw;'fhey have, had two increases in the recent past. Iha'petnatmy\(oiêêJs'-heard and that thetPUC fails to pass this increase proposaL. =iJ.:~t~~~ ~i:'ii 'ycid~o/tlY j \'