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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110714Comments.pdf20" JUt 13 PH 2: 0 , Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, il 83721 To Whom it May Concern, We use Rocky Mountain Power in our home. We are concerned about all the raises they have received and now asking for another. They also have three addition charges on our bill which is like ten more dollars more. Please think carefully before you let them have another raise. We are on a fixed income and it make it very hard when we do not get raises. Than you for your work. Sinc;rety, . LJ. /14~'~,;¿_.ii~ß~. . ~ c:__,,_~_~_~_,__....._ '___.~..., SheronRock Clarence Rock Box 7 Ucon, ID 83454 July 8, 2011 July 11, 2011 Idao Pulic utilities Cbssion P .O.Box 83720 Boise, Id. 83720-0074 RECEIVFn.- ''',-.:.. ~,,¿ ioii JUl 13 AM 8: 32 Re: UlILIT RATE INCREAE Enough is enough!! No iore rate increases for Rocky Mountain Poer. Living on a fixed inca does not allow for chages on a tight budget. We have not received an increase in our Soial Secrity for (2) years and there is a possibility of premum increaæs in the caing year. No there is the threat of redcing our benefits! We canot afford increases of any kind for any reason. Conærned Senor Citizens ~~ ~;;~ Shelley, Id. Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 July 11.2011 RECEI ior i JUl , 3 AM 8: 33Dear Public Utilties Commission, I am wrting in regard to Rocky Mountain Power Company asking for yet another ratf td.iCt r it! ...... ' increase in their power rates. They have had two rate increases granted to thenUñlleií i:~ ~( c; C)/~Úvi i l;s f 0 '\1 than one year and as a residential consumer I want to voice my objection to granting them . . yet another rate increase at this time. I am outraged at the audacity of this power company asking for so many increases in such a short time. Please have the consumer's interest at hear and deny this untimely increase. In this economy it is hard enough to get by financially without being locked into using a utilty company that cannot manage its financial responsibilty any better than Rocky Mountain Power is doing. Thank you for your concern for the residents in this area. Jerr Whitehead 2212 N 3383E Rigby, ID 83442 e'""',,.. ! i, -~~F~~:~~:~~~:~1 L~...t... .-~'-'!¡.~~~~l¡¡i=.ll~,--J. " IL~'~ f J 'J1~L~~~dlI~I;=_li . ~ I_.. .- ",-.._",',',_.., w.____".,."..~__.,_ .,..".,,----'r-+,..-.~. .-.___~-w-.'"~..__. -.-.-'--~--.._~..---~--....-.-- '.-.~ .~"... '--'_'~' _,___ ___ _,..~_.._~__".~.~__._ . ____.....w.___..___~.. ,.. .~~'~.,..,__,~..____._..,,___.__,.__ .,,__~~_ -I. '. i-~-W,. c êfJ~,~n!::. ~~- -~, ---l"..' "~ '~==JJr~~-)~ 1JlI.¿ ~=~-~ ~~~_.......w.j~~~_7i1--=~=~l . .'~~-~~=~~-=~~~~~=i' . --itT .-~= (j~-'--~--i :F'~ .fÀ_~~~ ~ VNJ. -lt--~T-~-.~ .,~- .-, ... ...... ~~ ¡~~ -~-..-.,.~, .. .....__.".."._.--,--_..-: ._...,;._...-._;...-'-1--~~G~~~~-~i ';F-~ . --.--11-~' rTR'-;~iru~_J)Y~J". · -~-W"d-(T-- "..,...;---".... ..._..... -.....,,,.- .....;-"¡----"..,---_.."". . '." ._.., ""---. --- _. -- ..----......~. ._.. --.., "- ".--~-----"."._-------- '1- / (- / /