HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110712Comments.pdft Benjamin J. Young 1551 N 700 E Shelley, ID 83274 July 6,2011 R. .ECE. D. . ./" 20 ll JUL l I PH 3= I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702 Regarding: Case Number PAC-E-II-12, filed 04/27/2011 Dear Idaho Public Utilties Commission: I am wrting to you regarding the most recent request for a rate increase from Pacificorp. This case is currently under investigation, and I strongly encourage you to deny the request. The Commission approved rate increases for Rocky Mountain Power customers in December of 2010. Less than four months after the newly increased rates went into effect, Pacificorp fied another request for rate increases far greater than those approved just four months prior. The circumstances surounding the previous rate increase have not changed. Rocky Mountain Power costs are similar to those they were facing in 2010. The gross mismanagement of revenue and expenses does not justify the outrageous rate increases which have been requested. While Pacificorp has provided no significant reasons for the increases, there are severalreasons why the request should be denied. The curent economy does not create an environment which increases consumers' disposable income. On the contrar, disposable income is being pulled and stretched farer than ever before in order to meet the needs of Eastern Idaho's families. If inflation continues to increase at current rates, it wil exceed 6% by December 2011. National unemployment has been at its highest levels since the early 1980's, and remained above 9% for a period of21 months. Recent reports issued by the USDA indicate that 2011 food prices are expected to increase at higher rates than in previous years. We are reminded of the impact of oil prices each time we fill our vehicles with fueL. As each of us are required to make adjustments to our budgets in order to make ends meet, I suggest that Pacificorp be required to do the same. As long as the requests are being approved, even though they are less than requested, Pacificorp wil continue to ask for more. If they are only getting half of what they ask for, that means they wil ask for twice as much as they need, or ask twice as often. Their April 2011 request for rate increases is nothing more than an attempt to obtain the rate increase they were denied in December 2010. This is an importt issue to families in Eastern Idaho, and should not be taken lightly by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Please carefully consider all the facts involved, including the current state oftheieconomy, and the pressure thisis plachig on household budgets. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,~~'J..i¡~ RECEIVED 2011 JUL II AM 9: 23 July 7, 2011 Ashton, Idaho 83420 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Case number: Rocky Mountain Power-PAC- E-11-12 Name: Steve Knapp Address P.O. Box 97, Ashton, Idaho 83420 Phone number:208-652-3933 Contact E-mail: steveknapp(âi:mail.com Name of Utilty: Rocky Mountain Power Dear Commission Members: I would like to comment on the proposed rate increase from Rocky Mountain Power which the commission has postponed until a later date. Thank you for your efforts in trng to control this outrageous onslaught of rate increases from this corporation. Having worked in the power industr for nearly fort years, I understand the need for rate increases, and the hope for rate relief, which never seems to be an option. We here in Idaho have put up with Utah Power and Light, then Pacific Corp. and now Rocky Mountain Power. All of these companies have provided poor service and a lack of concern for their consumers. I once witnessed a feed from UP&L on an old 46 KV line from Rigby to Ririe substation. The company installed a new servce to a potato plant and instlled a 69KV transformer in the new substtion. Then they upgraded the line servng the substation by increasing the voltage on the old 46 KV line to 69 KV. Everyhing was going prett well until we had a bad rain storm and wind and dust The old insulators sparked over and burned down several poles and cross arms. My utilty, which had a distribution feed from this new substation, was without power for two or three days. We had to reroute our power to an old line that fed out of the Rexburg substation so we could keep our customers in power while UP&L made repairs. More recently there used to be a local servce man in Ashton. Then they moved him to St. Anthony. Now the service man comes from Rexburg. We had a power outage this spring and we were out of power for about three hours. After about two hours, I went out looking for the problem. I am not familar with their feeds from the substation, but I soon found out by checking meters in my neighborhood, that one phase of a three phase line was without power. I followed the line back a couple of blocks and discovered a broken cutout on a pole that had failed when a limb broke off a tree and hit a guy wire. The servce man had been driving all over town and didn't discover the problem until about the same time I found it He then called a crew from Rexburg and in about another hour, we finally had servce restored. July 6 2011 f/I,f-II-/'7 RECE D To Whom It May Concern: 201' Jut II AM 9: 22 !DA.I"10 PUD,c;(!" ,'" ¡I am curently a Rocky Mountain residential customer and ha'(~lm W O'0t:OOSi.ürll:~ I am very disturbed by yet another proposed rate increase to our utility bil. In this very difficult economic time, I can't imagine why you need to increase our rates again in such a short period of time. We have been struggling as it is - and now yet another increase is very very dishearening. Please do not make life any more difficult than it is at this time for so many of us. ~cerelY, , ~ Jl ~o~eenpond 4943 Hidden Canyon Dr. IF,ID 83406 208-522-6600 lif -1£-1 /--1 2. Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission,7/3/11 Well Rocky Mountain Power is at it again, tring to raise our rates even higher after getting a rate increase, not one, but two this last few months. You can get only so much from a person before you completely break them. My wife and I live on a small fixd income, without any cost of living increases in the last coupe years to help us pay these. never ending increases in everything you need to survive. We don't go on vacations, eat at restaurants, buy toys that we don't need, so we can do things to get our power rates down, etc.. We have put in energy effcient windows, put on a energy effcient roof, put in a energy effcient wood burning stove to heat our home. We spend many hours cuttng old trees to heat our home, through the pain of a bad back and arthritis. We use fans to cope with the heat in the summer, because we sure couldn't oJord an air-conditioner if we wanted to. There isn't much more we can do to save energy, but what ever we save, we just end up getng more and more rate increases to the point where you start ging up, and saying no matter what, they are going to get more money from us, and they just don't give a hoot about what it costs us. I beg you to give my wife and 1, and the other people in our situation a chance to catch up with the rising costs of electric power, and not drain us dry with more rate increases this year. Two was already too much!!!!! Please let us catch our breath and deny Rocky Mountain Power another increase this year, and nex year if at all possible. Thank youfor listening to us, and have a great day. Ray & Kath)' Bozzo 9729 N. 75' E. Idaho Falls, ID 83401-5536 1-208-523-6230 ~.-.- ~ l(X ::m("rn-..rneJ :iZ 0)..(J-I RECEIVED ~ - ,ion JUti- .18:ar. ~..4-~~Î'b ~,:.,iil\\. · ~US~I'hi:~ ,,!!,,"' ~ .D J I.L., .~~~~,,,,,,,vvh.;,, Jerr Gafford, Private Consultant fIfC~~--I- /;) 176 North 3rd West Rigby, Idaho 83442 Telephone: (208) 745-6415 Fax: (208) 745-6415 E-mail: jerrygaffordtIhotmail.com Cell Phone: 208-589-2887 Satellte (On Star) Phone: 208-270-022 July 6, 2011 Idaho Public Utilties Commssion P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 Re: Rocky Mountain Power request for an additional rate increse Ths request is beyond the scope of human imagtions, as Rocky Mountan power ha already received 2 (two) recent rate increaes. You people ar out of touch with reality, all of you should resign your position on the commssion out of shae. Rocky Mounta Power's request for their 3rd rate incree in less than one yea should be denied. spectively,~Jerr Gaford .. ~Ac-£-tl ~(2- RECE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN II AM 9' 2. llOll JUl n'. In regard to Rocky Mountain Power wa"'~~f~."\ON rate hike. .1 hope you will consider the senior citizens. It is very hard to pay the power bill as it is. We will soon have to go with out food to pay the bill. Thank you for your consideration in this problem. Sinc.ereiy, :¿., ~, ìê~i~~Karen Burtenshaw fk-t: -1 ( -: Ith . \:~)____j-\l\~- &_~l\ .._~._ StL_OC(\~: . ri . .__!~l:il'l~DÙ~_rLj;;!ilte.1:: :f~ Jd_~et~~.Lf'lf~'- .... .-C?~~::~.1b~~'cl,~tILWr;\:.._~~(eL~-LlU~~~M&i :gV\(£": .~_~~-:Q ..~ _cc'íti~~:C~ ~_\,k~\2ii~L- . CL tQlcl~ ~. ~ ...\(\(.~u:S~-f.BeL~--,~-à\aen, £~i~k~il- .l*.ml.~..~ '"_\J:~~_b(J ~-- ~-.. t .----- --.....---.. . -- ~-----~-------~j""t~l~u="" . La' \~_____£dm~---_4 \j_.tqk2__Z_-3..L:L_~...-...._.--.~- \ ß'~i ::L0----.-1 Jdaho public Utilities Commission.. . Office,oHhe Secretary , ..-REcelVED. '. 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