HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110527Coughlin Di.pdfRECEfVFn'I ..,_ r.~"' 20BHAY 27 AM If: 09 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY ) CASE NO. PAC-E-l1-12 MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) APPROVAL OF CHAGES TO ITS ) Direct Testimony of Barbara A. Coughlin ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) AN A PRICE INCREASE OF $32.7 ) MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )15.0 PERCENT ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-11-12 May 2011 1 Q.Please state your name, business address and present position with 2 PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power (the "Company"). 3 A.My name is Barbara A. Coughlin. My business address is 825 NE Mu1tnomah, 4 Portland, OR 97232. My present position is Director, Customer and Regulatory 5 Liaison. 6 Qualifications 7 Q.Please describe your educational and professional background? 8 A.I have worked in the gas and electrc industr since 1978. I received a Legal 9 Assistat Certificate from Marcrest College in 1991. From 1978 to 1997, I held 10 vanous positions in increasing levels of responsibilty within the legal/regulatory 11 departent of Iowa-I1inois Gas and Electric Company, a predecessor company to 12 MidAencan Energy Company. In 1997, I was promoted to a customer services 13 supervisor and in 1999 was promoted to customer services manager at 14 MidAmencan Energy Company. I worked as manager of regulatory projects at 15 PacifiCorp from 2006 through 2008, when I was promoted to my curent position 16 of Director of Customer and Regulatory Liaison. 17 Purpose of Your Testimony 18 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony? 19 A.The purose of my testimony is to address miscellaneous consumer and customer 20 service issues referenced in the Commission's Order No. 32196 in Case No. PAC- 21 E-1O-07 (the "2010 General Rate Case"). I wil also address Rocky Mountain 22 Power's fuding of the Low-Income Conservation Education program as directed 23 by the Commission in Order No. 32224 in the 2010 General Rate Case. Coughlin, Di - 1 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Miscellaneous Consumer and Customer Servce Issues 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 What miscellaneous consumer and customer service issues wi you' be addressing in your testimony? I will be addressing five issues that the Commission sumanzed On page 62 of Order No. 32196. The issues are: 1. Disconnect Policy as it pertains to the physical disconnection when servce is voluntanly terminated and connection of service for new customers, 2. Estimated Bils pertaining to the meter reading used to calculate the electrc bil when an account is closed or when an account is opened, 3. Tenant Notice of service activation, specifically when activated for tenants as par of Rocky Mountain Power's Landlord Link program, 4. Rebillng Policy as it pertins to the calculation of a bil in the situation of a meter failure; and the verbal or wntten communication made with a customer when an adjustment has been made to their account, and 5. Moratorium and Winter Payment Plan as it pertins to the clanty of the presentation of information in published customer communications. What has the Company done to respond to the Commission's Order? The Company met with Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff ("Staff) by telephone on March 15,2011, and provided wntten responses on April 15, 2011, to a Staff information request addressing the issues summarized above. On Apnl 26, 2011, Company representatives met in person with Staff, providing detailed information regarding the Company's curent practices and processes regarding all five issues and why the curent Disconnect Policy is the most cost effective Coughlin, Di - 2 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 Q. 3 A. 4 5 6 Q. 7 A. 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 approach for customers. What is the current status of the issues being reviewed with Staff It is my understanding that the information provided to Staff regarding Estimated Bils (Issue 2), Tenant Notice (Issue 3), and Moratorium and Winter Payment Plan (Issue 5) has resolved Staffs concerns. What is the status of discussions on the Disconnect Policy? With regard to the Disconnect Policy, pertining to the physical disconnection/connection of electrc service between customers, the Company and Commission Staff are continuing discussions. Please explain the Company's Disconnect Policy. When a customer calls in and requests closure of their account, the Company issues a closing bil based on the date of the customer requested account closure. If a new customer does not sign up for service at that site, the electrc service remains active. Once the site reaches an accumulated usage of 1000 kWh, the Company sends a technician to the site to either leave a notice of disconnection of service or terminate the service. What is the Company's position on this issue and why should it be adopted by the Commission? The Company's curent Disconnect Policy is the most cost effective and safest method for handling customer account changes at a site. The Company's analysis, based on 2010 data, shows operational cost of $186,311 with the existing process. In addition to the operational costs there are unecovered revenues from usage between customers of $36,317 for total costs of $222,628 Coughlin, Di - 3 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 A. 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 from the Company's curent policy. This compares to a cost of $408,553 if service was terminated and then reactivated at all sites where there was a customer requested account closure and subsequent account opening. The difference between the existing process and a process where all services would be terminated is a savings of$185,925 to customers. In addition to the net operating costs savings from the existing process, there is also a reduction in the safety nsks associated with disconiecting and connecting a meter, it avoids propert damage such as frozen water pipes, maintains curent staffng, vehicle and equipment levels, and allows a new customer a second chance to sign up for service when moving. What is the status of the discussions on the Rebilling Policy? With regard to the Rebiling Policy the scope of the issues have been narrowed to the appropnate communications with customers who have had a biling adjustment made to their account. Discussions between the Company and Commission Staff are also continuing on this issue. Please explain the Company's Rebiling Policy. The Company uses thee methods to communicate to customers when an adjustment has been made to their bil. The methods are: the bil adjustment code which is published on the monthly biling statement; a telephone call placed to the customer by the agent workig on the billng adjustment; and/or a letter sent to the customer. Rocky Mountain Power has revised a number of its bil adjustment codes as they would appear on a customer's bil and provided that list to Staff for their review. Rocky Mountain Power representatives wil continue to work with Coughlin, Di - 4 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Staff to develop an agreeable protocol for the verbal and wntten communications 2 following a billng adjustment. 3 Low Income Energy Conservation Education 4 Q. 5 6 A. 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Is there an additional matter concerning the funding of low income energy conservation education you would like to address in your testimony? Yes. In Order No. 32224, the Commission stated! that it is reasonable and appropnate to revisit Low Income Conservation Education fuding durg the Company's next rate case. What is the status of Rocky Mountain Power's funding of Low Income Conservation Education? As part of an overall stipulation resolving Case No. PAC-E-08-07, the Company committed to a total payment of $50,000. The stipulation states the following: 8. The Paries agree that the demand-side management programs proposed by Rocky Mountain Power in Docket No. PAC-E-08-01 are prudent. Furer, the Paries agree that a total of $50,000 of demand-side management program fuds wil be made available to SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency and Eastern Idaho Community Action Partership to be used to support conservation education as a component of Rocky Mountain Power's low income weathenzation program, Schedule 21. Parties agree that it is the responsibility of the Community Action Parership Association of Idaho to propose said education program to Rocky Mountain Power by May 1, 2009 and that the proposal will contain fuding proportioning the $50,000 between the two agencies, objectives and any savings estimates to assist in program evaluations and reporting requirements. The Parties agree that the low income weathenzation program (Schedule 21) and the conservation education component of the program is in the public interest and is determined to be cost-effective even though the explicit quatification i Order No. 32224 page 5, issued Apri118, 2011. Coughlin, Di - 5 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 24 of benefits may not be possible, and fuhermore, the Parties agree to support the justification and recovery of these costs through the demand-side management surcharge fuding. (Emphasis added.) How much has been invoiced to Rocky Mountain Power to date? Rocky Mountain Power has paid a total of $50,000 though three payments. Rocky Mountain Power received and paid its first invoice from Community Action Partership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) for $7,500 for energy efficiency kits in May 2010. In late November 2010, Rocky Mountain Power received invoices in the amount of $21,250 each from the two agencies, SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency and Eastern Idaho Community Action Partership, to cover their associated administrative and delivery costs. The invoices from the two agencies were paid in Apnl 2011 upon confiration that education curculum was completed and agencies were prepared to launch the education program. Has Rocky Mountain Power fulfiled its commitment made in the stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-08-07? Yes. The stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-08-07 clearly states a total of $50,000 would be paid and that has been accomplished. In reading paragraph 8 of the stipulation in its entirety, nowhere is the word "annual" used. Nor did any part reference an anual payment in their testimony fied with the Commission in support of the stipulation. The record is clear that the Company agreed to a total payment of $50,000, not a payment that would continue on in perpetuty with no termination date. Coughlin, Di - 6 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. 2 3 4 5 A. 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Has CAP AI provided any documentation or information to Rocky Mountain . Power to substantiate its claim in the 2010 General Rate Case that the commitment made in paragraph 8 of the stipulation was for an annual payment of $50,000? No, they have not. How many Rocky Mountain Power customers have partcipated in the Low Income Conservation Education program? CAP AI has informed Rocky Mountain Power that one of the agencies admistenng the program had its first participants in mid-May 2011. At this point in time, if that commitment had been an annual commitment, Rocky Mountain Power would have paid the participating agencies for kits and fees for the years 2009, 2010, and 2011, a total of $150,000 with its first customers receiving kits in mid-May 2011. What does the Low Income Conservation Education program consist of for Rocky Mountain Power's customers and what are the eligibilty requirements for a customer to participate? Participants wil be compnsed of households served by Rocky Mountain Power having obtained Low Income Home Energy Assistance fuds in the 2010/2011 heating season, and had not previously received weathenzation program services. These households wil participate in' one group education session, one in-home session, and wil receive an energy effciency kit. The energy efficiency kits contain easy to install measures including three compact fluorescent light bulbs, a refrigerator temperatue card, outlet gaskets, a kitchen aerator, and a night light. Coughlin, Di - 7 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 Q. 5 A. 6 7 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 A. 16 17 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 23 A. How many households are expected to be educated through this program from the funds made available to the agencies? Each agency wil educate 250 households, for a total of 500 households. What is the cost per household? Rocky Mountain Power provided $50,000 in fuding to cover the 500 households. The average cost per participant wil be $100 with $15 covenng the cost of the kit. Is Rocky Mountain Power interested in providing funding for energy education in the future? The Company wil be meeting with representatives from SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency, Eastern Idaho Community Action Parnership, CAP AI and Commission Staff in mid-June 2011. One of the meeting agenda items wil be a discussion related to the futue of the project. Do you have any concerns with funding the project in the future? Yes. We would like to work closely with staff from the two agencies to determne if the curent format and participant goals are appropriate and what tye of fuding may be needed in the futue. It may be diffcult for agencies to sustain a goal of 500 partcipating households annually. Less than 2,000 Rocky Mountain Power customers in Idaho received energy assistance in 2010, so the pool of eligible households is limited. Do you believe there is a need to have a more consistent state-wide approach for a low income conservation education program? Yes. Program costs and resulting benefits vary greatly between utilties in the Coughlin, Di - 8 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. state. Rocky Mountain Power believes these are important issues that should be discussed with the agencies, CAP AI, and Staff. Rocky Mountain Power is interested in providig services that benefit Rocky Mountain Power customers in a cost effective manner. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. Coughlin, Di - 9 Rocky Mountain Power