HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Approved Tariffs.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP January 10,2012 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 RE: Compliance Filing -Revised Tariff Schedules Case No. PAC-E-ll-12 Pursuant to Order No. 32432 issued in Case No. PAC-E-11-12, PacifiCorp (d.b.a. Rocky Mountain Power) hereby submits for electronic filing Rocky Mountain Power's amended tariffs associated with Tariff LP.U.C. No.1 applicable to electric service in the State ofIdaho. In compliance with the Commission's order, the revised tariff pages contained herein will become effective today, January 10,2012. Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 Schedule 1 Residential Service Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 1.2 Schedule 1 Residential Service Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 Schedule 6 General Service -Large Power Third Revision of Sheet No 6.2 Schedule 6 General Service -Large Power Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 6Al Schedule 6A General Service Large Power (Residential and Farm) Second Revision of Sheet No. 6A2 Schedule 6A General Service -Large Power (Residential and Farm) Third Revision of Sheet No. 6A3 Schedule 6A General Service -Large Power (Residential and Farm) Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 Schedule 7 Security Area Lighting Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.2 Schedule 7 Security Area Lighting Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 Schedule 7 Security Area Lighting Second Revision of Sheet No.7 Al Schedule 7A Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) Second Revision of Sheet No.7 A2 Schedule 7A Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) Second Revision of Sheet No.7 A.4 Schedule 7A Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 9.2 Schedule 9 General Service High Voltage Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 10.l Schedule 10 Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Sixth Revision of Sheet No.1 0.2 Schedule 10 Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 Schedule 11 Street Lighting Service Company-Owned System Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 12.1 Schedule 12 Street Lighting Service RECEIVED 2012 January 10 pM 4:11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Idaho Public Utilities Commission January 10,2012 Page 2 Third Revision of Sheet No. 12.2 Third Revision of Sheet No. 12.3 Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 19.2 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 23.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 23A.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 23A.2 Second Revision of Sheet No. 23A.3 Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 35.2 Third Revision of Sheet No. 35.3 Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 35A.2 Third Revision of Sheet No. 35A.3 Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 36.2 Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 401.1 Schedule 12 Schedule 12 Schedule 19 Schedule 23 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 23A Schedule 23A Schedule 35 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 35A Schedule 36 Schedule 400 Schedule 401 Customer-Owned System Street Lighting Service Customer-Owned System Street Lighting Service Customer-Owned System Commercial and Industrial Space Heating General Service General Service General Service (Residential and Farm) General Service (Residential and Farm) General Service (Residential and Farm) Optional Time-Of-Day General Service Distribution Service Optional Time-Of-Day General Service -Distribution Service Optional Time-Of-Day General Service -Distribution Service (Farm) Optional Time-Of-Day General Service -Distribution Service (Farm) Optional Time-Of-Day Residential Service Special Contract Special Contract Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Enclosure ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.D.C. No.1 Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.1 STATE OF IDAHO Residential Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current electric service supplied at approximately 120 or 240 volts through one kilowatt-hour meter at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises for Residential purposes. When conditions are such that service is supplied through one meter to more than one dwelling or apartment unit, the charge for such service will be computed by multiplying the minimum charges by the maximum number of dwelling or apartment units that may be served. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, the premises will be classified as nonresidential and the appropriate schedule applied. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for Residential purposes can be metered separately, this Schedule will be applied to such service. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: $5.00 per Customer Energy Charge: (1) Billing months May through October inclusive 10.2013¢ per kWh first 700 kWh 13.7717 ¢ per kWh all additional kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 1.2 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 1.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.1 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2) Billing months November through April inclusive 7.8085¢ per kWh first 1,000 kWh 10.5415¢ per kWh all additional kWh MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonal service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be $60.00. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6 STATE OF IDAHO General Service -Large Power AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than Billing Months May through October, Inclusive 2300 volts) $ 35.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) $ 105.00 per Customer Power Rate: $ 13.28 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 3.5305¢ per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-II-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 Billing Months November through April, Inclusive $ 35.00 per Customer $ 105.00 per Customer $ 10.92 per kW for all kW 3.5305¢ per kWh for all kWh EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6 -Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1 % for every 1 % that the power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Power will be: $0.61 per kW for all kW of Power Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge. POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the I5-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest k W. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 420.00 $ 1,260.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1I-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 6A.l Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 6A.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6A STATE OF IDAHO General Service -Large Power (Residential and Farm) A V AILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both (1) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5( c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than Billing Months May through October, Inclusive 2300 volts) $ 35.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) $ 105.00 per Customer Power Rate: $ 13.28 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 3.5305¢ per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 Billing Months November through April, Inclusive $ 35.00 per Customer $ 105.00 per Customer $ 10.92 per kW for all kW 3.5305¢ per kWh for all kWh EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No. 6A.2 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 6A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6A -Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1 % for every 1 % that the power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Power will be: $0.61 per kW for all kW of Power Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge. MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this Schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-l1-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 6A.3 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 6A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6A -Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 420.00 $1,260.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: --size --use --ownership --control --operating practices --distance between parcels --custom in the trade --billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certify to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 STATE OF IDAHO Security Area Lighting AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. No new Mercury Vapor Lamps will be installed after May 3, 1985. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for (1) electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned overhead wood pole system (2) Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Security Area Lighting and (3) Customer-owned/Customer­ maintained Area Lighting. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: (1) Security Area Lighting Nominal Lamp Rating: Initial Lumens Mercury Vapor Lamp: 7,000 20,000 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 (Continued) 175 400 Per Lamp $26.67 per lamp $47.58 per lamp EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.2 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 7.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Sodium Vapor Lamps: 5,600 high intensity discharge 9,500 high intensity discharge 16,000 high intensity discharge 27,500 high intensity discharge 50,000 high intensity discharge Sodium Vapor Flood Lamps: 16,000 high intensity discharge 27,500 high intensity discharge 50,000 high intensity discharge (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-ll-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 70 100 150 250 400 150 250 400 $16.94 per lamp on new pole $l3.48 per lamp ifno new pole is required $19.40 per lamp on new pole $15.93 per lamp ifno new pole is required $25.55 per lamp on new pole $22.75 per lamp ifno new pole is required $36.75 per lamp on new pole $33.28 per lamp ifno new pole is required $5l.37 per lamp on new pole $45.4 7 per lamp if no new pole is required $25.55 per lamp on new pole $22.75 per lamp ifno new pole is required $36.75 per lamp on new pole $33.28 per lamp ifno new pole is required $51.37 per lamp on new pole $45.47 per lamp ifno new pole is required EFFECTIVE: January 10, 2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2) (3) Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps Energy Only: Initial Lumens 8,000 l3,500 22,500 33,000 Watts 55 90 l35 180 Per Lamp $ 3.64 $5.38 $ 7.48 $ 9.10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOW PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR LAMPS: Prices include only energy and a single span of wire to customer's pole. The entire installation including initial lamp requirements, support poles, and wiring with suitable provision for connection to Company's system will be furnished, installed, and maintained by the customer. Lamps shall be controlled by the customer to burn only during the period from dusk to dawn. Customer-Owned/Customer-Maintained Area Lighting Energy Only: Initial Lumens 16,000 Sodium Vapor Flood CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. Watts 150 Per Lamp $14.82 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-II-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ~~~~~~OUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No.7 A.l Canceling First Revision of Sheet No.7 A.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 A STATE OF IDAHO Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both (1) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5( c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. No new Mercury Vapor Lamps will be installed after May 3, 1985. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned overhead wood pole system. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: (1) Security Area Lighting Nominal Lamp Rating: Initial Lumens Mercury Vapor Lamp: 7,000 20,000 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 (Continued) 175 400 Per Lamp $26.67 per lamp $47.58 per lamp EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No.7 A.2 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No.7 A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 A -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Rate: Sodium Vapor Lamps: 5,600 high intensity discharge 9,500 high intensity discharge 16,000 high intensity discharge 27,500 high intensity discharge 50,000 high intensity discharge Sodium Vapor Flood Lamps: 16,000 high intensity discharge 27,500 high intensity discharge 50,000 high intensity discharge (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-II-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 70 100 150 250 400 150 250 400 $16.94 per lamp on new pole $l3.48 per lamp ifno new pole is required $1 9.40 per lamp on new po Ie $15.93 per lamp if no new pole is required $25.55 per lamp on new pole $22.75 per lamp ifno new pole is required $36.75 per lamp on new pole $33.28 per lamp ifno new pole is required $5l.37 per lamp on new pole $45.47 per lamp ifno new pole is required $25.55 per lamp on new pole $22.75 per lamp ifno new pole is required $36.75 per lamp on new pole $33.28 per lamp ifno new pole is required $51.3 7 per lamp on new pole $45.4 7 per lamp if no new pole is required EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.c. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No.7 AA Canceling First Revision of Sheet No.7 A.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 A -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2) Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps Energy Only: Initial Lumens 8,000 13,500 22,500 33,000 Watts 55 90 135 180 Per Lamp $ 3.64 $5.38 $ 7.48 $ 9.10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOW PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR LAMPS: Prices include only energy and a single span of wire to customer's pole. The entire installation including initial lamp requirements, support poles, and wiring with suitable provision for connection to Company's system will be furnished, installed, and maintained by the customer. Lamps shall be controlled by the customer to burn only during the period from dusk to dawn. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 9.2 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 9.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.9 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Customer Service Billing Months May through October, Inclusive Charge: $347.00 per Customer Power Rate: $ 9.35 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 3.6970¢ per kWh for all kWh Power Factor: Billing Months November through April, Inclusive $347.00 per Customer $ 7.06 per kW for all kW 3.6970¢ per kWh for all kWh This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of I % for every 1 % that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge plus the minimum Power Charge and appropriate Energy Charges. POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW, but not less than 80 kW. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 10.1 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 10.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 10 STATE OF IDAHO Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at the Company's available voltage through a single point of delivery for service to motors on pumps and machinery used for irrigation and soil drainage. IRRIGATION SEASON AND POST-SEASON SERVICE: The Irrigation Season is from June 1 to September 15 each year. Service for post-season pumping may be taken by the same Customer at the same point of delivery and through the same facilities used for supplying regular irrigation pumping service during months from September 16 to the following May 31. MONTHLY BILL: Irrigation Season Rate Customer Service Charge: Small Pumping Operations: 15 horsepower or less total connected horsepower served through one service connection -$l3.00 per Customer Large Pumping Operations: 16 horsepower or more total connected horsepower served through one service connection -$38.00 per Customer (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE No. 10 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (Continued) Power Rate: Energy Rate: $5.31 per kW for all kW 7.9434¢ per kWh for first 25,000 kWh 5.8755¢ per kWh for the next 225,000 kWh 4.3368¢ per kWh for all additional kWh Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1 % for every 1 % that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. Post-Season Rate Customer Service Charge: $21.00 per Customer 6.7187¢ per kWh for all kWh Energy Rate: Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. ADJUSTMENTS: All monthly bills shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedules 34 and 94. PAYMENT: All monthly service billings will be due and payable when rendered and will be considered delinquent if not paid within fifteen (15) days. An advance payment may be required of the Customer by the Company in accordance with Electric Service Regulation No.9. An advance may be required under any of the following conditions: (1) the Customer failed to pay all amounts owed to the Company when due and payable; (2) the Customer paid an advance the previous season that did not adequately cover bills for the entire season and the Customer failed to pay any balance owing by the due date of the final billing issued for the season. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 AVAILABILITY: Third Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 STATE OF IDAHO Street Lighting Service Company-Owned System In all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To unmetered lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Company owned, operated and maintained street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTHLY BILL: tables below. The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate High Pressure Sodium Vapor _LE1P~..n _R~tin.s _____ 5,800* 9,500 16,000 27,500 50,000 Watts 70 100 150 250 400 -------------- Monthly kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Functional Lighting $15.05 $18.78 $25.60 $35.75 $52.48 Decorative -Series 1 N/A $31.06 $34.09 $ N/A N/A Decorative -Series 2 N/A $25.56 $28.51 $ N/A N/A Metal Halide Lumen Rating f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---9,000 12,000 19,500 32,000 Watts 100 175 250 400 ------------------------. _. Monthly kWh 39 69 93 145 Functional Lighting N/A $ 27.71 $ 34.39 $ 41.72 Decorative -Series 1 $ 31.33 $ 36.02 N/A $ N/A Decorative -Series 2 $ 30.49 $ 32.l9 N/A N/A * Existing fixtures only. Service is not available under this schedule to new 5,800 lumen High Pressure Sodium vapor Fixtures. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 12.1 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 12.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 STATE OF IDAHO Street Lighting Service Customer-Owned System AVAILABILITY: In all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Customer owned street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTHLY BILL: 1. Energy Only Service -Rate per Luminaire Energy Only Service includes energy supplied from Company's overhead or underground circuits and does not include any maintenance to Customer's facilities. The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate tables below. High Pressure Sodium Vapor-No I Maintenance !:~l!?~n }~a!i12K _____ 5,800 9,500 16,000 27,500 50,000 Watts 70 100 150 250 400 Monthly kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Energy Only Service $2.82 $3.95 $5.87 $10.04 $15.43 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10, 2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 12.2 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 12.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Metal Halide -No Maintenance I !~~~~lA.a!ir.!g ______ 9,000 12,000 19,500 32,000 107,800 Watts 100 175 250 400 1000 --------------Monthly kWh 39 69 93 145 352 Energy Only Service $3.99 $7.01 $9.59 $15.08 $36.10 Low Pressure Sodium Vapor -No Maintenance !o~~~n }~a!ir.!K ______ 33,000 ~ ~;~~IY-kWh-- - - --- 180 74 Energy Only Service $9.11 For-non-listed luminaires, the cost will be calculated for 3940 annual hours of operation including applicable loss factors for ballasts and starting aids at the cost per kWh given below. Non-Listed Luminaire $/kWh Energy Only Service $0.102330 2. Maintenance Service (No New Service) Monthly maintenance is only applicable for existing monthly maintenance service agreements in effect prior to June 29, 2007. A. Street Lighting, "Partial Maintenance" Mercury Vapor -Partial Maintenance ~~~e_n }:~.a~i~g _____ 10,000 20,000 Watts 250 400 -------------Monthly kWh 93 145 Partial Maintenance Service $16.32 $21.85 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.D.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 12.3 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 12.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) High Pressure Sodium - Partial Maintenance Lumen Rating 5,800 9,500 27,500 50,000 Watts 70 100 250 400 Monthly kWh 28 39 96 148 Partial Maintenance Service $5.84 $7.52 $12.07 $16.26 B. Street Lighting, "Full Maintenance" High Pressure Sodium - Full Maintenance ~~l1!.eE lZ.9-tif!.g _____ 5,800 9,500 16,000 27,500 50,000 Watts 70 100 150 250 400 --------------Monthly kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Full Maintenance Service $6.52 $8.3 ] $9.98 $13.08 $17.45 SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR STREET LIGHTING WITH PARTIAL AND FULL MAINTENANCE (NO NEW SERVICE): Installations must have met Company construction standards in place at the time of installation in order to receive "full maintenance." If Company is unable to obtain materials to perform maintenance, the street light facilities will be deemed obsolete and must be upgraded at customer expense in order to qualify for maintenance under the Electric Service Schedule. Street Lighting Service under "partial maintenance" includes energy, lamp and glassware renewals and cleaning of glassware. Street Lighting Service under "full maintenance" includes energy, lamp and glassware replacements and cleaning of glassware, and replacement of damaged or inoperative photocells, . ballasts, starting aids, poles, mast arms and luminaires: provided, however, that any costs for materials which are over and above costs for Company's standard materials, as determined by the Company, are not included in this Electric Service Schedule. Such extra costs shall be paid by Customer. Burning-hours of lamps will be controlled by the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 19.2 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 19.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate for space heating: Billing Months May through October, Inclusive Customer Service Charge: $22.00 per Customer Energy Rate: 8.8093¢ per kWh for all kWh Rate for all other service: Billing Months November through April, Inclusive $22.00 per Customer 6.5274¢ per kWh for all kWh All other service requirements will be supplied under Electric Service Schedule No.6, or Electric Service Schedule No. 6A, or Electric Service Schedule No. 23, or Electric Service Schedule No. 23A, or Electric Service Schedule No.35, or Electric Service Schedule No. 35A. SPACE HEATING: All space heating equipment shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole means of heating the building space occupied by the Customer. All space heating equipment and installation thereof and all supply wiring shall conform with the Company's specifications. AIR CONDITIONING: All air conditioning equipment shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole means of providing comfort cooling for the building space occupied by the Customer. All air conditioning equipment and installation thereof and all supply wiring shall conform with the Company's specifications. Electric service for comfort cooling will be metered and billed at the above rate only when Customer also uses electric service for his total space heating requirements. WATER HEATING: Water heaters served hereunder shall be insulated storage, single or multiple-unit type of construction approved by the Company, the heating units of which shall be noninductive and controlled by separate thermostats. Electric service of storage water heating will be metered and billed at the above rate only when Customer also uses electric service for his total space heating requirements. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 23.1 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 23.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 23 STATE OF IDAHO General Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivelY for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than Billing Months May through October, Inclusive 2300 volts) $15.00 per Customer Primary voltage oelivery (2300 volts or higher) $46.00 per Customer Energy Rate: 8.5835¢ per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 Billing Months November through April, Inclusive $15.00 per Customer $46.00 per Customer 7.4928¢ per kWh for all kWh EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 23 -Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, Customer will be billed for 3/4 of 1% of the Power recorded by the Company's meter for every 1 % that the power factor is less than 85%. This Power will be billed at the Power Rate stated in Electric Service Schedule No.6. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Energy will be: 0.4146¢ per kWh for all kWh. Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Company's Power meter for the I5-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operations. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $180.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $552.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-Il-l2 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 23A.l Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 23A.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 23A STATE OF IDAHO General Service (Residential and Farm) AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Fann Load" under both (1) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-S01 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section S(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than Billing Months May through October, Inclusive 2300 volts) $1S.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) $46.00 per Customer Energy Rate: 8.S83S¢ per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 Billing Months November through April, Inclusive $IS.00 per Customer $46.00 per Customer 7.4928¢ per kWh for all kWh EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 23A.2 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 23A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 23A -Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, Customer will be billed for 3/4 of 1% of the Power recorded by the Company's meter for every 1 % that the power factor is less than 85%. This Power will be billed at the Power Rate stated in Electric Service Schedule No.6. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Energy will be: 0.4146¢ per kWh for all kWh . . Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this Schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is nonnally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operations. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-II-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No. 23A.3 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 23A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 23A -Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $180.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $552.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: size use ownership control operating practices distance between parcels custom in the trade billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certify to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 35.2 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 35.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 35 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Charge: On-PeakkW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh TIME PERIODS: $ 63.00 per Customer $155.00 per Customer $ 15.49 per kW 4.6154¢ On-Peak Off-Peak 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays. All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section 110 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1% for every 1 % that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.79 perkW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-II-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 35.3 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 35.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 35 -Continued POWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the IS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 756.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $1,860.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 35A.2 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 35A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 35A -Continued MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Charge: On-Peak kW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh TIME PERIODS: $ 63.00 per Customer $155.00 per Customer $ 15.49 per kW 4.6154¢ On-Peak Off-Peak 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays. All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section 110 of the u.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1 % for every 1 % that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.79 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 35A.3 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 35A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 35A -Continued MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. POWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the IS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either ofthe following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 756.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $1,860.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I 1-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No.1 Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 36.2 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 36.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 36 -Continned MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Customer Service Charge: On Peak Energy Charge: Off Peak Energy Charge: Billing Months May through October, Inclusive $14.00 per Customer 13.3102¢ 4.5420¢ per kWh per kWh Minimum Bill: Customer Service Charge. On Peak Billing Months November through April, Inclusive $14.00 per Customer 11.3697¢ 4.1570¢ per kWh per kWh Summer months--All kWh used from 8:00 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Winter months--All kWh used from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Holidays include only: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Off Peak: All other kWh usage. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section 110 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonable service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be $168.00 plus energy charges. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set f0l1h under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-11-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 400 STATE OF IDAHO Special Contract PURPOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by the Company pursuant to a Special Contract approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Availability Thfs schedule is available for firm and interruptible retail service of electric power and energy delivered for all service required on the Customer's premises by customers contracting for not less than 150,000 kW as of May 18, 2006 and as provided in the Electric Service Agreement between the two parties. Monthly Charge Firm Power and Energy: Firm Energy Charge: 28.515 mills per kilowatt hour Customer Charge: $1,465.00 per Billing Period Firm Demand Charge: $14.70 per kW Interruptible Power and Energy: Interruptible Energy Charge: 28.515 mills per kilowatt hour Interruptible Demand Charge: Firm Demand charge minus Interruptible Credit Excess KV AR: $0.89/KV AR Replacement Energy: Adjusted Index Price multiplied by Replacement Energy. Tariff Rates: The Commission approved rates applicable to the Special Contract Customer, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-ll-l2 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 401.1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 401.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 401 STATE OF IDAHO Special Contract PURPOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by the Company pursuant to a Special Contract approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Availability This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energ'j delivered for the operations of Nu-West Industries' facilities located at Soda Springs, Idaho, as provided in the Power Supply l~~greement between the two parties. Monthly Charge Customer Charge - $ per Month Demand Charge - $ per kW-month Energy Charge - $ per MWh HLH Monday through Friday HE0800 to HE2300 MPT LLH All other hours and Holidays May -October $ 408.00 $ 16.26 $ 33.565 $ 25.168 November -April $ 408.00 $ 13.11 $ 27.913 $25.168 Tariff Rates: The Commission approved rates applicable to Nu-West, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 401 or its successor. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-ll-12 ISSUED: January 10,2012 EFFECTIVE: January 10,2012 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 11, 2012 Jan. 10, 2012 Per O.N. 32432 Jean D. Jewell Secretary