HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110208Comments.pdf~eb 08 1110'28.R~an Asher-af't 208 662 5428 p. 1 February 8, 2011 flU-!= -!I-(J~ Ryan Ashcraft Hamer Id, 83425 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 To Whom It May Concern: The load contrl program was sold as a way to reward local farmers for conserving while giving the utility an avenue of increased revenue by sellng the conserved power to an outside market at higher margins. It was a "win-winD situation. The propoed changes sound like the utility wants to change it to a "win more-elective limited gain" program. The curtailment comes during the hottest, driest part of the season which makes management critical in order for the program to work. Rocky Mountain Power has done a good job in making the program flexible and workable. However, with reduced incentives, the return will not justify the nsk in cash crops. I don't understand why the program needs to be limited unless the capacity doesn't exist logistically. Why would you want to limit partcipation in a beneficial program? Allowing the company to select partcipants is a bad idea. A better approac would be to set certain parameters in which the program wors most effectively and then open it up for anyone wishing to participate. Perhaps that is the case with the 50 hp limit. If the power diverted from a small motor doe not return enough to cover the coslof implementing the program then that would make sense. As I understand it, when a grower opts out he/she foreges the incentive for that opt out. I put much effort into not opting out, adding an additional penalty is just a sort of slap in the face to boot. $5 is insignifiant compared to what I am losing if I am forced to opt out. As is, i think the program is very workable. I even enroll potato fields in the program. Water scheduling does become a problem sometimes and has to be managed carefully. The abilty to opt out is critical when a pump or circle goes down. I appreciate Rocky Mountain Powets wilingnes to facilitate this program which helps to curb the high cost of power. This seems like a good fi if it can use energy more effciently rather than increasing productin so that capacty is far greater than need in spring, fall, and winter. Sincerely yours, Ryan Ashcraft r r: tDriFfS -7 PM 2: 24 (JA-C-F-I/-O(P Feb 3, 2011 To whom it may concern: As an irrigator who has participated in the Rocky Mountain Power Load Control Program I wish to express how beneficial it has been for us as irrigators. It has reduced our power costs by a large percent. I have been told ( by power company employees) that the program worked so well that they were going to decrease those that could participant and lower the incentive. As we are facing HIGHER cost for fuel and fertilizer it seem totally unfair to increase our power cost just because the program worked. It would raise our cost by over 22%. Thank You, Carl M. Ball Hamer Farm LC PO Box 69 Lewisvile, Id 83431 208-754-4651 /06/ 11 1 0 : 25 PM Page 1 PIrC-£-// -O~ Diamond Milliron Ranch, Inc. 4503 North Little Lost River Highway P.O. Box 10 Howe, Idoho 83244 208-767-3124 208M767-3136 fox Send to: .') ,.1" /1.- ..? / l¿,-;.: Cl Urgent 1: Reply ASAP o Please comment ~ Please Review ;î for your Inlorma"on Tolal pages. including cover Comments: Ld(~. i 1'--. V' r'1(,Lf-ot,~1 (.~ 1'.' .fh.i' 7.) ¡ ¿L. rn () /' .Il. f AI t /1/ I"'l/A/ (~~.:¿~j . t1'i 0-,.. ('.l' líDl'~(l.. LV eLL, . JllLr/ tl 0 C~..r (t) L ) ¿./~_q.:t~1 () ¡- lAJDtti Le:.\~?' rrLl) tk./.'.tJ Ý.ï ¿t jJtio r-el-- C.f () f) i ~'Vtth.. p¡r-Iú:'..lj()t) -¡Iu r-ic~'t:. U...t¿, r~¿'lt¡ l.Îf./: .-tha;ç.':~ ii\/c.en-fi (/(':.':;" &L/ t.. -L.U C!LLf! ti. (¿'t. A/O ¿;..f Dl..fU¡ e,,, "'ili..a. :-'I/¿, ij(; ll_ ~ " Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: secretary Tuesday, February 08, 2011 8:18 AM Barb Barrows; Jean Jewell FW: PAC-E-11-06 COMMENT From: bradysbeeftWgmail.com on behalf of John BradyrSMTP:JOHNtWBRADYSBEEF.COMl Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 8: 17:27 AM To: secretary Subject: PAC-E-11-06 COMMENT Auto forwarded by a Rule Dear Secretary, I am opposed to the restructuing of Rocky Mountain Power's load control rates. We have taken advantage of this program as an option to reduce our irrigation costs and help manage peak loads which is a very real issue. It is very inconvenient to paricipate and at a lower rate of payback we will probably not do it. We have been in the program since the beginnng of it, and by their own admission in the petition before you, the program was quite succes~ful in the beginning. Now that they have too many applicants and canot manage the load, we who joined them early are just getting lumped in with the whole group to be cut down to size. I object. Those of us who helped out in the early stage of the program should be allowed to stay on at the curent rate--or higher. Those that came on board later should be the ones down sized or compensated less. Please be fair about this. Thans, John Brady 3975 E. Virginia Rd. Downey, ID 83234 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: secretary Saturday, February OS, 2011 1 :25 PM Barb Barrows; Jean Jewell FW: Be wise say no to utilty company's load control reduction. fA-C--l'.II-ot ~- - - - - - -- - --- --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- From: mrspud~iglide. net (SMTP: MRSPU~IGLIDE. NET) Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 1: 22: 57 PM To: secretary Subject: Be wise say no to utility company' s load control reduction. Auto forwarded by a Rule Bryan Searle 538 E. 1250 N. Shelley, ID 83274- 5023 February 5, 2011 Public Utilities Commissioners PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Public Utilities Commissioners: I wish to comment on the Rocky Mountain Power Dispatchable Irrigation Load Control Program, case number PAC-E-11-06. I have participated in the load control program the past few years. It was not an easy decisi9n to make as we could face the potential of a yield and quality loss due to hot weather from a lack of water. It is a huge risk we have taken but have done so because of the savings in growing of a crop. Trying to lower our input costs to be profitable and yet not loosing the full potential. By allowing Rockymountain Power to cut back will make that decision an easier one that of not participating in the program. This in turn will have them back to you to allow them to build more power generation raising the over all price for power. The peak time is a very short one and one we can work with if we are compensated as promised for particpation in the program. All the equipment is intstalled on all our systems no matter the horse power and would be of little or no cost to continue the program as promised in the beginning. I feel we should be compensated even at a higher amount for the risk and inconvenience of the power being turned off. I need a program I can count on year after year and power to be supplied at a reasonable cost. The program is there, we are trying to make it work please do not allow the proposed changes. Thank-you, for listening to my concerns. Sincerely, Bryan Searle 208-521-5636 i