HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110502Comments.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: haynster~hotmail.com Monday, May 02, 2011 8:29 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from David Haynie follows: Case Number: PAC-E-II-Øl, Ø2, Ø3, Ø4, ØS Name: David Haynie Address: 638 College Ave Ci ty: Palo Al to State: CA Zip: 943Ø6 Daytime Telephone: 8ØI-673-3286 Contact E-Mail: haynster~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Hello, I am writing on behalf of the Cedar Creek Wind Project in SE Idaho. I currenlty live out of state, but I have lived the majority of my life in the mountain west, and own residential property that I am currently renting out (and paying nearly $2ØØØ/year in property taxes on) in Madison County near the proposed project. I believe strongly that this project should be approved. There are numerous compelling local benefits stemming from this project: 1. Tax revenues--the county would get 3% of the gross revenues of the project which will directly enhance the services and quality of life for all of Eastern Idaho via libraries, law enforcement, schools, etc. 2. Jobs--both direct from construction (apparently about iØØ) and then ongoing maintenance and operation (IØ full time positions), as well as indirect through security services, contractors, gas stations, hotels, restaurants, etc. serving those working on the project. Taxes will then also be paid on this income in the form of state income taxes, sales taxes, etc. All of this reducing the tax burden on local residents, and at the same time increasing the services available to residents. 3. Energy policy--with gas prices at $4/gallon and climbing, reduced domestic oil drilling, political uncertainty with many of our oil suppliers in the Mideast, and a federal energy policy that encourages renewable energy, now is the time. This is where we walk the talk and show that we are serious about clean, renewable, alternative energy. The federal government will continue to encourage and fund through tax subsidies such wind projects, and if they aren' t built in Idaho, then Idahoans will still be subsidizing the rest of the country, but without the benefits. 4. Local use. As a net energy importer, any new energy generated in Idaho will be used by local homes and business, which makes it more likely that my property in Idaho will be powered by clean renewable energy- - something that is important to me. Thank you for your consideration. 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: kLboyce~hotmail.com Monday, May 02, 2011 6:36 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Kurtis Boyce follows: Case Number: PAC-E-II-Øl, Ø2, Ø3, Ø4, Ø5 Name: Kurtis Boyce Address: 3413 East 465 North City: Lewisville State: Idaho Zip: 83431 Daytime Telephone: 2Ø8-754-99ØØ Contact E-Mail: klboyc~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: We need this source of power and it is good for the enviroment. The Cedar Creek Wind Project will help our employment and is a good income for people and will help pay taxes. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is 75.174.2Ø.122 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: mkynaston~gmail.com Monday, May 02, 2011 5: 11 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Michael Kynaston follows: Case Number: PAC-E-II-Øl, Ø2, Ø3, Ø4, Ø5 Name: Michael Kynaston Address: 3725 N. Nei th Ave City: Meridian State: ID Zip: 83646 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: mkynaston~gmail.com Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: To whom it may concern: I am in favor of the Cedar Creek Wind Project as a means for Idaho to contribute to its own energy consumption by means of renewable energy. I am aware that there are federal policies which support renewable energy, but that only those states which build projects will benefit from the grants. I believe Idahoans which contribute should be entitled to the funds to be used in Idaho. Thank you. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is 97.121.6Ø.l52 1