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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110422Comment.pdfJean Jewell
chrisjensen~eaglemail.csi. edu
Friday, April 22, 2011 8:58 AM
Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness
PUC Comment Form
A Comment from Chris Jensen follows:
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Case Number: PAC-E-11-01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Name: Chris Jensen
Address: 750 E 800 N
City: Firth
State: ID
Zip: 83236
Daytime Telephone: 208 521 4908
Contact E-Mail: chrisjensen~eaglemail. csi. edu Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mtn Power
Acknowledge: acknowledge
Please describe your comment briefly:i Cedar Creek Wind Farm'
I want to give cedar creek wind farm my full support and encourage Rocky Mtn Power to accept
this project. I recently read an article online that prompted me to look at Rocky Mtn Power i s
wind generation sites. What I found was very surprising, especially after hearing in the
newspapers that we have to much wind energy in Idaho. On there website i found that Idaho
created 64.5 MW (according to rocky mtn powers website), that doesn't seem like much
especially when I saw that over 630MW of wind power came from States that border Idaho! That
means that 10% of wind Power that Rocky Mtn gets comes from Idaho and the other 90% comes
from outside of the State! The MW that I just quoted does not include the 300 plus MW that
Rocky MTn power owns, all of which come from outside the State! So that means that over 900
MW comes from surrounding States and 64.5 MW comes from Idaho... Idaho is just starting to
develop this natural resource and we need to have the same fair shake that other States have
had in selling the power. This proj ect needs to be approved, the economic benefits that it
will have are huge. The Renewable Energy Mandates that other States are Imposing only
increases Idaho i s chance at creating profits from the electrons that we will produce from the
Wind. I strongly encourage that the PUC accept this project so that we can continue to move
forward instead of lagging behind other States like we are so used to doing.
Chris Jensen
The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html
IP address is
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