HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110418Comments.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: shirley. thompson 72tggmail.com Friday, April 15, 2011 3:09 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Ted and Shirley Thompson follows: - - - - - --- - --- - - - - - --- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- Case Number: PAC-E-11-01, 02, 03, 04, and e5 Name: Ted and Shirley Thompson Address: 12e4 E. gee N. City: Shelley State: Idaho Zip: 83274 Daytime Telephone: 208-589-7211 Contact E-Mail: shirley. thompson72~gmail. com Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power (Pacificorp) Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: As the foothills near our home in Bingham County green up this spring, we are thankful for their beauty and their potential to provide green energy via a proposed wind farm. Landfills are necessary in populated areas, but few want one in their own backyard. Wastewater treatment plants are necessary, but few want to smell one in their neighborhood. Our family is willing to have wind turbines in our backyard- literally. It's all on our private land that we have ranched, dry farmed and paid taxes on for three generations. Some people say they don't want to look at them, but nobody pays us for the view. We think they are beautiful. My grandparents didn't like seeing power poles along the country roads on which they drove their horses and buggies, but after getting electricity to pump their water and light the darkness, they adjusted to the change in the landscape. Those opposed to wind generation projects all have the bad habit of coming home at night, flipping the switch and expecting the lights to come on. The only people who go on our land are people to whom we give permission to hunt, hike, or ride horses. Our cattle and horses graze some of the area, but much of it is set aside as habitat for wildlife. Once the turbines are constructed, those same activities will still take place. It won't be changed, but we would harness the natural resource that we have-the wind that we have worked in and endured forever- - and use it to provide a needed commodity: power for an ever-enlarging population with an ever- increasing demand for electrici ty. Cattle ranching is financially challenging as feed and fuel costs decrease the profit margin. As ranchers struggle to stay in business, we look for an additional source of income while continuing to pay the taxes and act as stewards of the land. We will be putting power into the grid from which the whole western region draws power. Increasing the supply is a good thing for everyone. Your decision should not be based on the ebb and flow of public opinion or its manipulation by powerful, wealthy individuals, but on what is best for the future of Idaho. The rest of the world is stepping up to find clean, quiet, efficient ways to produce power. We have seen wind farms in Maui, Texas, California and many Midwestern states as well as in Europe i s most beautiful landscapes. Idaho has the chance to do the same and since some of the best wind can be found east of Firth, so why shouldn't Bingham County use it? Can't we use available technology to improve the supply of power, provide jobs, increase the tax base and make the eastern hills even "greener" than they are now? Idaho's governor supports wind energy. We hope you will, too. 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: laurenkristina316(gyahoo. co. uk Thursday, April 14,2011 6:32 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Lauren Sherwood follows: - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- Case Number:fAc-£-//-OI, -02, -03/ -0'1, v.J -oS- Name: Lauren Sherwood Address: RAF Menwi th Hill Station, Box 1533 City: Harrogate, N. Yorks, England, HG3 2RF State: Idaho Zip: 83274 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: laurenkristina316~yahoo. co. uk Name of Utility Company: paci ficorp Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I grew up in Shelley, ID. When I married my husband, currently an active duty member of the Uni ted States Navy stationed oversees, I left my home but have kept a watchful eye on events in the area knowing I would one day return to the state. Recently, I have been disgusted by the response within a portion of the public that has voiced opposition to wind energy. The arguments put forward by those in opposition are unfounded, ill-informed, biased and misleading. I have accompanied my husband to duty stations in San Antonio, TX and North Yorkshire, England. In both locations I have heard a great deal of discussion over wind energy in which a great number issues regarding wind energy were discussed. Regarding the issue taken by those opposed to wind energy concerning the supposed spoiling of Idaho 's natural beauty, it should be noted that we do not hold a monopology on gorgeous landscapes. The San Antonio hill country and Yorkshire countryside, which includes the North York Moors, the Yorkshire Dales, the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and other innumerable treasured natural phenomenon have long been recognized and sought after for their rich an unique qualities. Consequently, the natural landscape is not only enjoyed by locals, but by countless visitors bringing significant revenue to these areas. Yet, the benefits of wind energy have meant that it has been extensively utilized in boththese areas. Idahoans need to wake up to the reality of the necessity of clean, sustainable energy and be grateful for the good fortune that our area possesses the opportunity to draw from such a naturally occurring, minimally invasive source. When my husband and I return to Idaho to make our home this Spring, I hope to see these truths realized and wind energy given the support it so obviously deserves and that are easily recognized if only honest consideration of accurate information is taken. Thank you for this opportunity to express my views. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: ephrbulls(ghotmail. com Friday, April 15, 2011 12:00 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Layne Elkington follows: -- - - - - - --- -- - -- - --- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Cedar Creek Wind Farm (pac-e-ll-Ðl,Ð2,Ð3,Ð4,Ð5) Name: Layne Elkington Address: 1195 bone rd City: Iona State: ID Zip: 83427 Daytime Telephone: 2Ð8-681-0765 Contact E-Mail: ephrbulls~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Western Energy Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I live in the shadow of the Rigeline wind farms . Although we do not have any wind mills on our place I feel that its a great opportunity for the State Schools and the community at large to have these wind farms. I think the Cedar Creek Wind Project is in a great place and will generate much needed electricity for the community and will generate much needed funds for our schools. I am in favor for this project and appreciate your time. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 71. 2Ð9. 29.212 - - ------ -- - -- --- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - --- -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: cjpeep228(ggmail.com Friday, April 15, 2011 10:02 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Carey Peeples follows: - - - --- - -- - --- -- - - ----- --- - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: PAC-E-11-01, 02,03,04,05 Name: Carey Peeples Address: 68 E Calle La Guerra City: Camarillo State: CA Zip: 93010 Daytime Telephone: 805-383-2792 Contact E-Mail: cjpeep228~gmail.com Name of Utility Company: Paci ficorp Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I am writing today to tell you that I feel the need for wind energy to be harnessed is vital. I am in the process of moving to Idaho from California and read the articles in the news about the wind farms that are trying to be built. It is frustrating to me that there are those that stand in the way of progress. I pay a high rate for my electricity and to know that wind power could help cut that down is encouraging to me even though I won 't live inCalifornia much longer. The wind farm if built would bring jobs and revenue to Idaho. I think that is a win- win. Thank you. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is -- - - - - - -. - --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: pegt5nice(ghotmail. com Friday, April 15, 2011 9:42 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Peggy Russell follows: - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: PAC-E-11-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 Name: Peggy Russell Address: 567 Holley St. City: Shelley State: ID Zip: 83274 Daytime Telephone: 208-357-7461 Contact E-Mail: pegt5nic~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Paci ficorp Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I support the construction of the Cedar Creek Wind Project near Shelley. I think Idaho needs more power so we don' t have to import so much of it from out of state. The project will give people in construction jobs a chance to work which will help our local economy. The taxes from it will help county government and local school districts. If Idaho people cannot use Idaho' s resources for power generation, the jobs and taxes will go to other states where utili ties are welcomed. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is - - - --- ---- - ---- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: wadesaddle(ghotmail. com Friday, April 15, 2011 9:06 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Matt and Jayme Thompson follows: - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- ---- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: fAC-~-II-oI¡ -o:i, -03/ -Olfi -Os Name: Matt and Jayme Thompson Address: Ci ty: Shelley State: Idaho Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: wadesaddle~hotmaii.com Name of utility Company : pacific corp Acknowledge: Please describe your comment briefly: We would encourage the commission to approve the Cedar Creek Windfarm operated by Western Energy. The project is completly on private land that has proven to have suffiecient wind speeds to generate enough wind to produce power. The land will remain an open space and will continue to be grazed by cattle and will never have to be subdiveded for housing development. The taxes generated by this project will be very beni ficial to the local school district and the jobs created will boost the economy of Bingham County. Western Energy has committed to using the very latest in tecnology an will install the most efficent turbines to produce power with the ample amount of wind in the area. This project will beni fi t the state of Idaho and the Eastern Idaho economy and we encourage you to move forward with the project The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: newscritic5(gyahoo.com Friday, April 15, 2011 8:55 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Rick Thompson follows: - - ----- - -- - ----- - --- - --- - - -- - - - - - - -- Case Number: PAC-E-11-01 Name: Rick Thompson Address: 1202 E. 900 N. City: Shelley State: ID Zip: 83274 Daytime Telephone: 208- 589-7294 Contact E-Mail: newscritic5~ahoo.com Name of Utility Company: Paci ficorp Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I want to voice my support for the Cedar Creek Wind Project by Western Energy east of Shelley, Idaho. The project would provide many jobs this summer, boosting the economy of Bingham County. As a net importer of electricity, I think it is important for Idaho to gain at least some energy independence by producing as much power as possible from a clean resource like the wind. It blows anyway; why not let it generate power? That is a resource Idaho has plenty of. The taxing districts in the area would reap good benefits from it, including the Firth School District, which is having a financial struggle and is currently asking patrons to support a $300,000 supplemental levy. That will be a strain on the budgets of every household in the district. But this one wind farm would ease that strain and help people. With so many construction people out of work, this would give some of them a chance to work. I don't see any other industry coming into Bingham County to add to the tax base. We need this in the area. There are a few vocal opponents, but the majority of people support green energy and I am one of those people. Thank you for your consideration, The form submitted on http: ¡¡www. puc. idaho. gov ¡forms/ ipucl¡ ipuc . html IP address is -- -- - - - -- - --- -- - - ---- - -- - - - - --- - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: laurinielson(ggmail.com Monday, April 18, 2011 3:48 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Lauri Nielson follows: - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: PAC-E-11-01, 02,03,04,05 Name: Lauri Nielson Address: 1234 E. 1000 N. City: Shelley State: ID Zip: 83274 Daytime Telephone: 208 357 6067 Contact E-Mail: laurinielson~gmail.com Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please descrlbe your comment briefly: I am writing in support of the Cedar Creek Wind Farm projects under the PURPA project numbers above. We live just down the road from the property on which this wind farm is to be developed and are in total and complete support, having bought our home knowing of this proposed wind development. I am in full support of developing safe, green energy and wind is such a wonderful natural resource; we are foolish if we do not utilize the natural resources within our state and, in doing so, create jobs and income in many ways to boost our economy. Investing in this clean energy supports and strengthens our state in many ways and I hope you will join me in supporting the development of this safe , healthy form of energy, through the approval of the PURPA agreements, that will bring a huge boost to our economy as well! The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is - - ---- - -- - --- -- - - -- -- - --- - - -- - - - - - -- 1