HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111215Exhibit B, PPA.pdfExhibit B Five Pine Project Power Purchase Agreement Ceda Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi POWEPUCBAGRBE CEDAR CREEK WID, LLC AN PACICORP Reti to Fie Pie Prjec an appromate 53.4 MW Wind Turine Geertin Prjec a non-fuled on-sy In Reur wi Mecca Avaiity Gu, Idao Qug Facli (i) SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. SECTIONS. SECTION 6. SECTION 7. SECTION 8. SECTION 9. SECTION 10. SECTION 11. SECTION 12. SECTION 13. SECTION 14. SECTION is. SECTION 16. SECTION 17. SECTION 18. SECTION 19. SECTION 20. SECTION 21. SECTION 22. SECTION 23. Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi Table of Cont DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................. 1 TE; COMMERCIA OPERATION DATE........................................... 9 REPRESENATIONS AND WARRNTIES .......................................... 13 DELIVRY OF POWER; AVAILABILITY GUARY..................... 15 PURCHASE PRICES .................. ................................................................ 18 OPERATION AND CONTROL ................................................................20 MOTIV FORCE .......................... .............................................................24 GENRATION FORECASTING COSTS................................................. 24 METERIG: REORTS AND RECORDS ............................................... 24 BILLINGS. COMPUTATIONS AND PAYMNTS............................. 27 SECURI .... ............................................................. .......... .............. .... 27 DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES .............................................................29 INEMNICATION: LIABILITY................................................... .... 31 INSURACE..........................................................................................32 FORCE MAJEUR ,. i..i.............................:.'.....'.'...'......,,,.'.,'...'......'.'....':.,:.,...'.',....,..:.:.:....'.:...:........... 33 SEVERA OBLIGA TIONS................................................................... 33 CHOICE OF LAW ................................................................................. 34 PARTI INALIDITy....................................................................... 34 WAIVR ................................................................................................34 GOVERNNTAL JUSDICTION AND AUTHORITIONS ..... 34 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ......................................................... ...34 EN AGREEME.........................................................................35 NOTICES................................................................................................35 (i) Ceda Creek Wind LL-P Pi POWEPUCHAGR TI POWE PURCHSE AGRE, relati to FI PIN an apxi 53.4 MW wi tuine geon project, entered into this _th day of December 2011, is between Ced. Crek Wind, LLC, a Delawar liited liabilit company (the "SeDer") and PacifCozp, an Orgon cozpration acti in it mer fucton capity ("PaciCorp''). Seller and PacifCorp ar refer to collectively as the "Parties" and individually as a "Part". REAL A Seller in to consct own ope and ma a wi facilty, inludig Seller's Interconnecon Facilties, for the generaton of elecc power located in Idao, with an exte Facilty Capity Rag of aply 53.4 megawa as :fr desribe in Exhibit A and Exhibit B ("Facilty"). B. Seller ha se righ to deliver ou1ut frm it Facilty to PacifiCorp across the inrcnnection and oter facilites as fuer described in Exhibit B and Addendum L. C. Seller intends to operate the Facility as a Quaifyig Facilty, as such term is de in Secon i .59 below, and to sell Net 0u1p to PacifiCozp in Idao. D. Seller estis that th averge anua Net Ouut to be deliver by th Facilit to PacifCoz is 140,590,489 kilowatt hours (kWh) ("Averge Anua Net Output') pur to the Inti Yea Energy Delivery Schedule in Secon 4.3.1, which amoun of energ PacifiCozp wil include in its resour planning. R Seller inteds to sell an PacifiCorp inteds to puhas al th Net Output frm th Facty in acan with th te an codition of th Agrmen F. PacifiCorp inds to design Seller's Facilty as a Netork Resour for the puroses of serving Network Load. G. Ths Agren is a "New QF Contr iier the PacifCoip In-Jursdcton Cost Allocation Revised Protocol. H. Seller has authoried Trassion Provider to release genertion data to PacifiCorp. If yes, the authoriation is attched as Exhibit H. NOW, nIORE the Paes mut ag as follows: SECTION 1.DEFINITIONS When usd in th Agrment, the followi tes shl have th followig meags: i .1 "Asbuil Supplement' shal be a suplement to Exibit A, provided by Seller following completion of constction of the Facilty, accurately describing the completed Facilty. 12 "Availabilty" means, for any Biling Period, the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of (x) the aggregate sum of the tubine-minutes in which each of the Wind Ceda Creek Wind, LL-Fiv Pi Tubines at the Facilty was available to generate at the Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate durig the Biling Period over (y) the product of the number of Wind Turbines that comprise the Facilty Capacity Rating as of Commercial Operation multiplied by the number of minutes in such Biling Period. A Wind Turbine shall be deemed not available to operate durng minutes in which it is (a) in an emergency, stop, service mode or pause state; (b) in "ru" status and faulted; or (c) otherwise not operational or capable of delivering at the Maxum Facilty Delivery Rate to the Point of Delivery; unless if unavailable due solely to (i) a default by PacifiCorp; (ii) to the extent not caused by Seller's actions, a curilment in accordance with Section 6.3 or (ii) insuffcient wind (including the normal amount of time required by the generating equipment to resume operations following a period when wid speed is below the Cut-In Wind Speed). 13 "Biling Period" mea the tie period beee PacifiCozp's reing of its power purhase meter at the Facilty, which for this Agreement shall coincide with calendar months. 1.4 "CAMD" means the Clean Air Markets Division of the Environmental Protection Agency or successor administrator, or any stte or federal entity given jurisdiction over a program involving Green Tags or any attbute thereof. 15 "Commercia Operation" means that not less than the 90% of the expected Facilit Capaity Ra is fuy opeona an reliable and the Facili is fully innnec fully integr and synchrni with th Sys al of whch sh be Seller's respnsibilty to receive or obta, and which occurs when all of the following events (i) have occurd, and (ii) reain simultaeously tre and acur as of the da and moment on which Seller gives PacifiCorp notice that Commercial Operation has occured: 1.5.1 PacifiCorp has received a certficate addressed to PacifiCorp from a Licensed Professional Engineer (a) stating the Facilty Capacity Rating of the Facilty at the anticipated time of Commerial Operation and (b) stating that the Facility is able to geer electrc power reliably in amoun re by th Agren an in acce with all other terms and conditions of this Agreement. 1.5.2 Sta-Up Testing of the Facilty has been completed in accordance with Exhibit E. i .5.3 PacifiCorp has reeived a certficate addressed to PacifiCorp from a Licensed Professional Engineer, an attrney in good stading in Idaho, or a lettr from Tranmission Provider, stating that, in accordace with the Generation Intercnnection Agreement, all requied intercnnection facilties have been constrcted, all required interconnection tests have been completed and the Facilty is physically interconnected with the System in conformance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement and able to deliver energy consistent with the ters of this Agreement, and the Facilty is fully integrated and synchronized with the System. 1.5.4 PacifiCorp has received a certificate addressed to PacifiCorp frm a Licensed Professional Engineer, or an attrney in good stading in Idaho, stating that Seller has obtained all Required Facilty Documents and, if requested by PacifiCorp 2 Ceda Creek Wind LL-Fì Pi in writing, Seller shall have provided copies of any or all such requested Requird Facilty Documents. 1.5.5 Seller has complied with the security requirements of Section 11. 1.5.6 Network Resour Designation and Transmission Service Request, (i) PacifiCorp has received confirmation from the Tramission Provider that the Facilty ha be deign as a Netrk Resur and (ii) PacifCorp ha reived confaton from the Trasmission Provider that the transmission service request has been granted in sufcient capacity to meet or exceed the Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate and the Seller ha pad all cost ascia with any reuients of the trmission serce reuest. 1.6 "Commerc Opetion Date" mea the da, as deignate by PacifCoip pursuat to Section 2.4, the Facilty first achieves Commercial Operation. 1.7 1.8 Energy. "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. "Conforming Energ" means all Net Energy except Non-Conforming 1.9 "Conforming Energ Purchas Price" meas the applicable price for Conforming Energy and capacity, specified in Section 5.1. 1.10 "Contract Year" means a twelve (12) month period commencing at 00:00 hours Pacific Prevailng Time ("PPT") on Januar 1 and ending on 24:00 hour PPT on December 3 i; provided, however, that the first Contract Year shall commence on the Commercial Operation Date and end on the next succeeding December 31, and the last Contract Year shall end on the Expiration Date, unless ealier terminated as provided herein. 1.11 "Cut-in Wind Speed" means the wind speed at which a stationar wind tuine begins producing Net Energy, as specified by the tubine manufacturer and set fort in Exhibit A. 1.12 "Default Secnrity" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 11.2 of this Agrement. 1.13 "Delay Liquidated Damages", "Delay Dail Minimum", "Delay Period", "Delay Price" and "Delay Volume" shall have the meanings set fort in Section 2.5 of this Agreement. 1.14 "Delay Security" shal have the meaning set fort in Section 11.1.1 of this Agreement. 1.15 "Effecive Date" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 2. i of this Agreement. 1.16 "Energ Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 4.3 of this Agreement. 3 Ceda Creek Wind, LL-F Pin 1.17 "Envionmental Attbutes" means any and all claims, credits, emission reuctions, offse, and allowance, howser ened assoiat with the geeron of Ou frm the Facili or the avoidace of the eniission of any ga, chemical, or other substce to the m, soil or wate, tht is caable of bein meaur, verfied, or calculated. Envirenta Attbut include but ar not lite to: (l) any avoide emissions of pollutts to the ai, soil, or wat such as (subjec to the foregoing) sulf oxides (SOX), nitrge oxide (NOx), cabon monoxide (CO), and other polluts; (2) any avoided emissions of cabon dioxide (C02), methe (CH4), and other grnhouse gases (GHGs) th have bee demined by the Uni Natons Inteverent Panel on Climat Chae to contbut to the ac or potetil tht of alrig the Ea's climate by trapping hea in the atmosphe; and, (3) all WRGIS Cerca. Envirnmenl Attbut do not includ (i) Producton Tax Crets or certin other ta incentives existng now or in the futu asiat with the constction ownership or operaon of the Facilty, or (ii) advere wildlife or environmental impacts. 1.8 ''Environmenta Contamintion" mean the introduction or presence of Hazardous Materials at such levels, quantities or location, or of such form or character, as to consitute a violaton offedera, st or loca laws or reguatons, and preen a material risk unde federdl, st or loc law and reguatons th the Prse wil not be avalable or usle for the purposes contemplated by ths Agreement. 1.19 "E Faå Ca Ra shall be approximately 53.4 MW and the sum of the Facilty Capacity Ratig of this Agreement and the facilty capacity ratig under the power purhase agreement between the Pares relating to North Point shall in no event exceed 133.4 MW. 120 "Expiration Date" shal have the meaning set fort in Section 2.1 of this Agrement. 1.21 "Fac is defied in Recita A of ths Agrment. 1.22 "Facilty Capacity Rating" means the sum of the Nameplate Capacity Ratings for all Wind Turbine generatrs comprising the Facilty. 1.23 "Force Majeure" has the meaning set fort in Section 15.1. 1.24 "Forc Outage" means an outage that requires removal of one or more Wind Tubines from service, another outage state or a reserve shutdown stte before the end of the next weekend. Maintenance Outages and Planed Outages ar not Forced Outages. 1.25 "Generation Interconnection Agrement" means the generation interconnection agreement entere into separately between Seller and Trasmission Provider, as applicable, specifying the Point of Delivery and providing for the constrction and operation of the Interconnection Facilties. 1.26 "Gren Tags" means (a) the Environmenta Attibutes associated with all Output, together with (b) the Green Tag Reporting Rights associated with such energy and Environmental Attibutes, however commercially transferr or traded under any or other prouct names, such as "Renewable Energy Credits," "Gren-e Certified," or otherwise. One 4 Cedar Creek Wind LL-P Pi Grn Tag represents the Environmental Attibutes made available by the generation of one MWh of energy from the Facilty. 1.27 "Green Tag Reportg Rihts" means the exclusive right of a purchaser of Environmental Attibutes to report ownership of Environmental Attibutes in compliance with federal or state law, if applicable, and to federal or state agencies or other pares at such purchaser's discretion, and include reportg under Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, or under any prsent or futue domestic, international, or foreign emissions tring progr or renewable portolio stadad. 1.28 "Governmental Authority" means any supranational, federal, stte or other political subdivision thereof, having jurisdiction over Seller, PacifiCorp or this Agreement, including any municipality, township or county, and any entity or body exercising executive, legislative, judicial, reguatory or adminstrative functions of or pertining to governent, including any corporation or other entity owned or controlled by any of the foregoing. 1.29 "Haardous Materials" means any waste or other substace that is listed, defined, designated or classified as or determined to be hazous under or pursuat to any environmental law or regulation. 1.30 "Inadvertent Energy" mea ener deliverd to the Point of Delivery at a rate exceeding the Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate on an hour-averaged basis. Inadvertnt Energy is not included in Net Energy. 131 "Index Prce", for ea day, shal mea th weighte aver of the aver Pea and Off-Peak firm energy market prices, as published in the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Da Ahad Power Pric RefXrt for the Palo Vere Hub for such day. For Sunday an NEC holidays, the 24-Hour In Prce sh be us, unles ICE sh publi a Fir On.Pea and Fir Of-Pea Price for such days fo Palo Ver, in whch event such indices shall be utli for suh days. If the ICE index or any replaement of tht index ceass to be published du the term of th Agrement, PacifiCorp shal select as a replacement a substantially equivalent index that, afer any appropriate or necessary adjustments, provides the most reasonable substitute for the index in question. PacifiCorp's selection shall be subject to Seller's consent, which Seller shall not unasonably withold, condition or delay. 132 "Initial Year Energ Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 4.3.1 1.33 ''Itercec Faces" mea al th fàilties and ancilar equient us to interconnect the Facilty to the System, as defined in the Generation Interconnection Agrement. 1.34 ''Lttr of Creit" mes an irvocble stadby let of credit in a fonn reasonably acceptable to PacifiCorp, naming PacifCorp as the par entitled to demand payment and prent drw reuest thereunder. Such letr of credit shall be provide by an intuon th is a Uni Stas offce of a commia ba or tn compay org under the laws of the Unite Stas of Amerca or a politcal subdiviion thof, wi a cret rag on its long-te senior uncur debt of at leas "A" fr Stada & Poor's and "A2" frm Mooy's 5 Cedar Creek Wind IL-- Pi Invesr Seces, an (unes oter ag havin asse of at lea $10,00,00,000 (ne of reserves). 1.35 ''Liceed Prfesiona Enginee mea a pen accele to PacifCorp in its reasonable judgment who is licensed to practice engineering in the stte of Idaho, who has trand exence in the engieeg disciplie(s) relevat to the matrs wi re to whch such person is caled to provide a ceficaon, evaluaon and/or opinion, who ha no economic relaonship, associaton. or nexus with Seller, and who is not a reve of a constig engiee, contrr, designer or oter individu involved in the deelopment of the Facilty, or of a manufactuer or supplier of any equipment instled in the Facilty. Such Lice Prfession Engiee shal be licese in an apppr enee discipline for the reuire cecation bein made. The engagement and payment of a Licese Prfeiona Engineer solely to prvide the certifications, evaluations and opinions reuire by this Agen shal not cotu a prhibit ecnomic relaonsp, asiaton or nex wi Seller, so long as su enee ha nooter ecomic relaonp, asiaton or nex wi the Seller. i .36 ''Minteance Outa" me any out of one or more Wind Tuiines th is not a Forced Outage or a Planed Outage. A Maintenance Outage is an outge that can be deferre until aftr the end of the next weekend, but that requires that the Wind Turbine(s) be reoved frm seice before the next Plaed Oue. A Mainteance Ou may occu any time durig the year and must have a flexible sta date. 1.3 7 "Materi Advers Change" shl mea with respect to the Seller, if the Seller has experienced a change in facts or circumstaces related to development or operation of the Facilty that materially and adversely impact Seller's abilty to fulfill its obligations under ths Agreement. 1.38 "Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate" means the maximum instataneous rate (kW) at which the Facilty is capable of delivering Net Output at the Point of Delivery, as specified in Exhibit A, and in compliance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 1.39 "Maximum GIA Delivery Rate" means the mamn ra (kW) at whch the Genertor Intennecon Agrment allows the Facilty to deliver energy to the Point of Delivery and is set fort in Exhibit A. 1.40 "Nameplate Capa Ratig" mea th maximwn inus geerg capacity of any qualifYing small power or cogeneration genertig unit supplying all or par of the ener sold by the Facilty, expressed in MW or kW, when ope const with the manufac's reended power fact and opeatig paramete, as set fort in a notce frm Seller to PacifCorp deliver before the Commeria Opon Dat and, if applicale, updated in the As-built Supplement. 1.41 "NERC" means the Nort Amerca Electrc Reliabilty Corporation. 1.42 "Net Energy" means the energy component, in kWh, of Net Output. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. 1.43 "Net Output' mea all en and cait prce by the Facil, les sttion use and less trsformation and transmission losses and other adjustments, if any. For puroses 6 Ceda Creek Win UC-Fiv Pi of calculatg payment unde this Agrent, Net Output of energy shall be caculate as se fort in Addendum L. Net Ou doe not include Inert Fner. 1.44 "Network Resurce" shall have the meaing set fort in the Tarff. 1.45 "Network Service Provider" mea PacifiCorp Transmission, as a provider of network service to PacifiCorp under the Tarff. 1.46 ''Non-Confonn ~ergy" me Net Output produced by the Facilty prior to the Commercial Operation Date. 1.47 "NonRConforming Energ Purchase Pnce" means the applicable price for Non-Conforming Energy and capacity, spcified in Section 5.L. 1.48 "Off-Pea Hours" means all hours of the week that are not On-Peak Hours. 1.49 "OnRPeak Hours" meas hours from 6:00 a.m. to 1 0:00 p.m. Pacific Prevailing Time, Monday though Satuday, excluding Western Electicity Coordinating Council (WECC) and Nort American Electic Reliabilty Corporation (NERC) holidays. 1.50 "Output Shortfall" and "Output Shortall Damages" shall have the meanings set forth in Section 4.5 of this Agrement. 1.51 "PacifiCorp" is defied in the first pargraph of ths Agreement, and excludes PacifiCorp Transmission. 1.52 "PacifCorp Transmission" means PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, actig in its interconnection and trsmission fuction capacity. 1.53 "Planned Outage" means an outage of predetermined durtion tht is scheduled in Seller's Energy Delivery Schedule. Boiler overhauls, tubine overhauls or inspections are tyica planed outes. Maice Oues and Forc Outges ar no Planed Outas. 1.54 "Point of Delivery" means the point of interonnection between the Facilty and the System, as specifed in the Genertion Intercnnection Agreement and in Exhibit B. 155 "Premises" means the real property on which the Facilty is or wil be located, as more fully described on Exhibit A. 1.5 "Pnme Rate" meas the rate per anum equal to the publicly announced prime rate or reference rate for commercial loan to large businesses in effect from time to time quoted by JPMorgan Chase & Co. If a JPMorgan Chae & Co. prime rate is not available, the applicale Pnne Rae shall be th anounce pre rate or referce ra for commercia loans in effect frm tie to tie quoted by a ba with $10 bilion or more in assets in New York City, N.Y., selected by the Par to whom interest based on the prime rate is being paid. 1.5 "Proucton Tax Creit" mea prcton ta crits uner Section 45 of th Internl Revenue Code as in effect from time to time during the ter hereof or any successor or other provision providing for a federal ta credit determined by rece to renewable 7 Cedar Creek Wind, LL-Fiv Pi electrc energy produce frm wind resoures and any corrlative stte ta crdit deteined by refe to reewle elecc ener prce frm wi reurs for whch th Facilty is eligible. Prduction Tax Creits do not include any ta creit detrmined by referece to investment. 158 "Prudent Electrcal Practices" mean any of the pratices, methods and acts enga in or aproved by a significat porton of the elec1rical utilit industr or any of the pratices~ methods or acts, which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the facts knwn at the tie a deision is ma, could have be exp to acplish the desir result at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliabilty, safety and expedition. Prdent Electrical Prce is not intede to be liit to the optum prce, metod or ac to the exclusion of al oth, but ra to be a spe of possible prce, metods or ac. 159 "QF" meas "Qualig Facity", as th term is defined in the version of FERC Regulations (codified at 18 CFR Par 292) in effect on the date of this Agreement. 1.60 "Required Facilty Documents" means all deeds, titles, l~ases (including Wind Les), lice, pets auorions, an agent deonsg th Seller cotrls the necessa prope rights an goverent autorions to coct ope, an ma the Facilty, including without limitation those set fort in Exhibit C. 1.61 ''Ruiments of Law" me any aplicable and madatory (but not merly advisory) federal, state and local law, statute, regulation, rule, code or ordinance enated, adopt issued or proulga by any fed, st, loc or oter Goverenta Authority or regury body (includ those pe to elec1rca, buildig, zonig, envirnmenta and occupational safety and health requirements). 1.62 "Scheduled Commercial Operation Date" means the date by which Seller pres to achieve Commeral Opon, as speifed in Secon 2.2.8. i .63 "Schedul Monthly Energ Deler" mea the Net Energy scheduled to be delivered during a given calenda month, as specified by Seller in the Energy Delivery Schedule. 1.64 "Shared Interconnecion Facilties" means that portion of the Interconnection Facilties used by the Facilty and one or more other Qualifying Facilties as furer described in Exhibit B. 1.65 "SeDer's Forecast-Cost Share" and "Seller's Capped Foret-Cost Share" shall have the meanngs set fort in Sections 8.2 and 8.3 respectively. i .66 "Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set forth in Secion 4.3.3. 1.67 "System" means the electric 1ransmission substation and transmission or distribution facilties owned, operated or maintained by Transmission Provider, which shall include, aftr constrction and installation of the Facilty, the circuit reinforceents, extensions, and associated terminal facilty reinforcments or additions required to interconnect the Facilty, all as set fort in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 8 Cedar Creek Wind, LL-Fiv Pi 1.68 "Tari' means the PacifiCorp Trasmission FERC Electric Tarf Seventh Revised Volume No. 11 Pro Forma Open Access Transmission Tariff or the Trasmission Provider's corrspondig FERC taiff or both, as revised from time to time. 1.69 "Transmission Provider" meas PacifiCorp Transmission or a successor, including any regional transmission organization e'RTO"). 1.70 "Wind Lease" meas the memorada of wid lease and redacted wind leases recorded in the county in which the Facilty is located in connection with the development of the Facilit, as the sae may be supplemen amended exded re, or relaced ftm tie to time. 1.71 "Wind Turbine" ~ the tye of wind turbine specified and more fully described in Exhibit A as such Exhibit A may be updated pursuant to Section 2.2.5. i.72 "WRGIS" means the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System. 1.73 "WRGIS Certificate" means "Certficate 11 as defined by WREGiS in the WRGiS Operating Rules. 1.74 "WRGIS Operating Rules" means the operating rules and requirements adopted by WRGIS. SECTION 2.TERM; COMMRCIA OPERATION DATE 2.1 This Agrement shall become effective aftr execution by both Pares and afer aproval by the Coission puruat to a final and non-appealable order ("Effece Date"), tht the prce to be pad for energ and capacity aæ jus an renable, in the public interst and that the cost incu by PacifiCorp for purass of capacity and energ frm Seller ar legitimate expenses, all of which the Commission wil allow PacifiCorp to recover in rates in Idao in the event other jurisdictions deny recovery of their proportionate shar of said expenses. Unless earlier teat as provided herin this Agement shal re in effec unl th twtiet (20~ anverar of the Commercial Operaon Date ("Expiration Date"). 2.2 Time is of the esnce of th Agrment, and Seller's abilty to mee cert requirements prior to the Commercial Operation Date and to achieve Commercial Operation by the Scheduled Commeria Opon Dat is criticay import Therfore, 22.1 By the date that is four (4) months prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall obtain and provide to PacifiCorp coies of all goverenta peits an auorions lis in Exibit C. 222 By the date that is 270 days prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall provide one hundrd percent (l 00%) of the Delay Security required under Section 1 i .1. i, as applicable. 2.23 The Paries acknowledge and agree that prior to the Effective Date, Seller: (i) ha provided all information and paid all fees the Transmission Provider 9 Cedar Creek Wind, LL-Fl' Pi reuires to designte the Facilty as a Netork Resoure in acrdce wi the Tar (OATI; and (ii) has provide al inonnon renably required by PacifiCorp to submit a trsmission service request for the Facilty to the Transmission Provider pursuant to the Tariff. Within 10 days of the Seller providing notice definitively establishing a single Capacity Ratig for the Facilty within the range contemplated in the Expected Facilty Capacity Rating, PacifiCorp shall amend the current Netork Resource designation request for the Facilty as required to reflect the Facilty as described in the Agreement. 22.4 At leat te (10) buins days pror to deliver of any ener fr the Facil to PacifiCorp, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with an executed Generation Interconnection Agreement. 22.5 Within one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shal provide PacifiCorp with amended Exhibits, which may include the designation of alterative Wind Turbines for the Facilty, and such other updates to the information contaed therein. 22.6 Pror to the Commerial Operation Date, Seller shall provide Default Security reuired under Section 11.2, if applicable. 22.7 Prior to the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with an As-built Supplement reasonably acceptable to PacifiCorp. 2.2.8 Seller shall use commercially reasonable effort to achieve Commercial Operation by 00:00 PPT December 31, 2012, but in no event shall Commercial Operation occur later than 00:00 PPT March i, 2014. For the avoidace of doubt, Seller shall have no liabilty for Delay Liquidated Damges or be liable for other penalties if Commercial Operation takes place by Marh 1,2014. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with notice of the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date no less than ten (10) months prior to such date. 2.2.9 Seller shall provide wrtten confrmation of the expected Facilty Capacity Rating for the Facilty on or before Januar 31, 2012. This notice shall definitively establish a single Capacity Rating for the Facilty within the rage contemplated in the Expected Facilty Capacity Rating. 23 Beginning on Januar 6,2012 and on the fift (5th) business day of each month thereaer until the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp a one. page monthly update bye-mail on the progress of the milestones in Section 2.2. 2.4 Estblishing Commercial Operation. Seller shal provide wrtt notice to PacifCorp staing when Seller believes th the Facili has achieved Comercial Opraon. PacifCorp shall have ten (10) business days aft receipt either to confrm to Seller that all of the condions to Commercial Option have been safied or have occ or to st with speifcity wha PacifiCoip reonably believes ha not be sasfied If, within such te (10) busss day period, PacifiCozp eiter does not respond or else conf tht th Facilty has achieved Commercial Operaon, the origi date of reipt of Seller's notice shal be the Commercial Opraton Date. IfPacifiCorp notifies Seller with such te (10) business day period 10 Ceda Creek Wind UC-Fiv PiT that PacifiCorp reasonably believes the Facilty has not achieved Commercial Operation, Seller may, if it ha a go fath belief th Comerial Opon ha be aclueved submt a Technica Disput Notice, or else Seller shll ad th coce st in PacifCorp's notce to the mut saon of both Pares. If Seller suts a Technca Disput Notice and the Technical Expert determines that Commercial Operation has been achieved, then the Commerial Opon Dat shl be the da, as deed by the Technca Ex th the Facilty fir met al the reuients of Commercial Opraon; oth the da upon which Seller ha addrssed the concerns st inPacifiCorp's notce to PacifiCozp's reonable satisfacon, as specified in a notice frm PacifCorp to Seller, shall be the Commerial Opon Dat. If Commerial Option is achieved at less th one hundr pet (100%) of the expe Facilty Caity Rang and Seller inorm PacifiCorp th Seller intends to brg the Facilit to one hundr pent (LOOIO) of the exp Facilty Caity Rag, Seller sha provide PacifiCor wi a lis of aU items to be complet in order to achieve the expe Facilty Capacity Rating. 2.4.1 Technical Expert. If, and only if, a dispute regards (i) wheter or not Commercial Opertion ha been achieved, and/or (ii) the date when Commercial Operation was achieved, the Pares may have such dispute, and only such dispute, resolved pursuat to ths Secon 2.4.1. Any such diut wi be deteined by an indepdet tehnca ex who sh be a mutly accle th pa wi trnig and experience in the disciplines relevant to the mars with rect to which such person is caled upon to prvide a cecaon, evaluaon or opinon (the ''Techniai Expert"), which determnation shall be (X made (subject to the terms in this Section 2.4) in accordce wi th Consction hidust Aiitrtion Rules and Medaton Predurs (hicluding Proceurs for Lage, Complex Conscton Disputes) of the AA, as amended and effectve on October 1, 2009 (the ''Technicàl Dispute Procedure''), notwthstding any dollar amounts or dollar limitations contaed therein, and (Y) binding upon the Parties. (a) Either Par may commence the dispute process as to the mattrs set fort in pargraph 2.4.1, above, with the American Arbitration Association C'AA'') by notifyg AA and the other Par in wrti (''Tecnica Dispute Notice") of such Par's desire that the dispute be resolved though a detrmination by a Technical Expert. (b) The detaton sh be conduct by a sole Tecca Ex The Pares may selec any muty accetale Technca Exer If the Pares caot agr on a Technical Exp with five (5) days af the date of the Technca Di Notice, th th AA's Ariton Administr sha send a li and resumes of th (3) availale tehncal ex meetg the quaificaions set fort in Secon 2.4.1 to th Pares, eah of whom shall stre one name, and the remag person shal be appointe as the Techncal Exprt. If more than one nae re, eier be one or both Paes have faed to respnd to th AA's Aritron Admstr with five (5) days aft reiv the li or be one or both Pares have failed to st a name frm the lis or beaue both Paries stre the sae name, the AA's Arbitrtion Adminstr will choose the Techncal Exper frm the remaiing names. If the designated Technca Ex shl die, beome incapable or, unwig to, or unle to see or proceed with the determination, a substitute Technical Expert shal be appoin in acrdce with the selecton pro debe abve, an such substu Technca Exp shl have all such power as ifhe or she has be originally appointed herein. 11 Ceda Creek Wind, !L-FivPi (c) Wit th (30) days of the apintmen of the Technca'Ex purt to the forgoing sub-son, each Par sha submit to th Technca Ex (and copy the other Par) a wrtt rert cotain its position with repec to the dispute, and arguents therfor together with supprting documentaon and caculatons. Disver shall be liite to Facilit doumenttion relati to the disputd mat. With six (60) days frm reipt of such submiions, the TecMica Exrt shall selec one or the other Par's positon with respe to the diputed, aritrtele issues set fort in Section 2.4.1 abve, whereupo such selection shall be a binding detrmation upn the Pares for al purse hef. The cots of the Technca Exrt includig hi or her fee and ex, shall be hoe by th Par whse position wa not selec by the TecMica Expe eah Par shal oterwse be it own exse. if the Technca Ex fals to re a deision with niet (90) days frm reipt of each Par's submissions, eier Par may, pror to the Technca Exper's fial deision, inti litgation, in which cas the TecMical Expert's fial decision shall not be binding on the Paries unless otherwise agred. 2.42 All verl and wrtt communications beee the Pares and isued or preared in connection with this Section 2.4.1 shall be deemed prepar and communca in fuerce, and in the context of dispute settement, and shl be exem frm diver an prucon, and shall not be adisible in evidece (wheter as adssion or othrwse) in any ligaon or ot prceedgs for the reluton of the dispute. 2.43 All deadlines specified in ths Section 2.4 may be extended by mutu agrment of the Paries. 2.5 Delay Damages. Seller shall cause the Facilty to achieve Commercial Operaton on or before the Scheduled Coeria Opon Dl;.1f Comerial Opraon occur af the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall be liable to pay PacifiCorp delay daags for the numbe of days (''D Per') tht the Commerial Opon Da oc af the Scheded Commercial Option Dat, unl the ealier ocurce of th Commeria Opon Da or the teinon of th Agrt (''D Liquidate Daages'), provde tha Seller shall not acrue any Delay Liquidate Damages af: (i) Seller ha tiely achieved the milesone in Section 2.2.3; and (ii) Seller ha safied all requents of Commerial Option except for one or more reuirements in Section 1.5.6. Bilings and payments for Delay Liquida Dames sh be ma in acce wi Secon 11.1. 2.5.1 Delay Liqudate Dames. Delay Liquda Damages equas the sum of: for each day in the Delay Period, the greater of (1) the Delay Daily Minimum or (2) the Delay Price times the Delay Volume, Where: "Delay Dai Mium" equa (a) for the fi fort-five (45) caend days followi the Scheduled Commercial Opon Date: one-nietiet (1 /9) offort- five dollar ($45) multiplied by the Maxum Facilit Delivery Ra with the Maxum Facilty Deliver Ra being mead in kW; (b) af the fort-fift (45~ caenda da follow the Scheded Coeria Opon Dat: th Delay Price times the Delay Volume. 12 Ceda Creek Wind, LL-Fiv Pi ''Dla Prce" equa the posite differce, if any, of the In Prce mi the weighte aver of th On-Pea and Of.Pea monty Conform Ener Puhase Prices; and ''Dela Volume" equa the applicale Scheduled Monthly Ener Deliver divided by the number of days in that month. 2.5.2 Aimropriateness of Damages. The Pares agr that the daages PacifCorp would incu due to delay in the Facilty achievg Commercial Opon on or before the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date would be diffcult or impossible to prect with cety, and th the Delay Liquida Dames ar an apropnate approximation of such daages. SECTION 3.REPRESENTATIONS AND WARTIS 3.1 PacifiCorp represents, covenantst and warants to Seller that: 3.i.i PacifiCorp is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Oregon. 3.11 PacifiCorp has the requisite corporate power and authority to enter into th Agent an to peomi acrdg to th tes of ths Agent 3.1.3 PacifiCorp ha taen all corporate actions required to be taen by it to authorize the execution, delivery and pedormance of this Agrement and the consummation of the transaction contemplate hereby. 3.1.4 Subject to Commission approval, the execution and delivery of this Agrement does not contrvene any provision of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage, or other material agreement binding on PacifiCorp or any valid order of any court or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which PacifiCorp is subject. 3.15 Subject to Commission approval, this Agreement is a valid and legally binding obligation of PacifiCorp, enforceable against PacifiCorp in accordnce with its terms (except as the enforceabilty of this Agen may be liite by batc, inolvencYt ban moranum or similar laws afectig credtors' nghts generly and laws retrct the availabili of equitale reedes an ex as the enrcbilty of this Agrement may be subjec to gener pnciples of equity, wheter or not suh enorceabilty is considered in a proceeding at equity or in law). 3.2 Seller represents, covenants, and warts to PacifiCorp that: 3.2.1 Seller is a limited liabilty company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Delawar. 3.2.2 Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agrment and has, or wil have at the date of Commercial Operation of the Facilty, all requisite power and authority to pedorm according to the terms hereof, including all required reguatory authority to make wholesale sales from the Facilty. 13 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi 3.2.3 Seller's shareholders, directors, and offcers have taen all actions required to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agrement and the consummation of the trsactions contemplated hereby. 3.2.4 The execution and delivery of this Agreement does not contravene any provision of, or constitute a default under, any indentur, mortgage, or other material agreement binding on Seller or any valid order of any court, or any regulatory agency or other boy having autority to which Seller is subject. 3.2.5 This Agreement is a valid and legally binding obligation of Seller, enorceable agait Seller in accordance with its ters (except as the enforceabilty of this Agreement may be limited by banuptcy, insolvency, ban moratorium or similar laws afecting creditors' rights generally and laws restrcting the availabilty of equitable remedies and except as the enforceabilty of this Agreement may be subject to general priciples of equity, whether or not such enforceabilty is considere in a proceding at equity or in law). 32.6 The Facilty is and sh for the te of ths Agrent contiue to be a QF. Within thirt (30) days aftr the Effective Date, Seller shall provide the appropriate QF certification, which may include a Federal Energy Regury Coission self-crtcaon to PacifCorp. At any tie ther that PacifCorp has reon to believe durg the tenn of th Agent th Seller's st as a QF is in queston, PacifCozp may reuir Seller to provide PacifiCorp with a wrtten legal opinion frm an attorney in good stg in th st ofIda an who ha no ecnomic relatonsh, asiaton or nes with the Seller or the Facilty (other than in a capacity as counsel providing such requested legal opinion), stating tht the Facilty is a QF and providing suffcient proof (includig copies of all documents and data as PacifiCorp may request) demonstrting tht Seller has maintained the Facilty as a QF. 3.2.7 Neither the Seller nor any of its principal equity owner is or has within the past two (2) years been the debtor in any banptcy proceeding, is unable to pay its bils in the ordinar course of its business, or is the subject of any legal or regulatory action, the result of which could reasonably be expected to impair Seller's abilty to own and operate the Facilty in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3.2.8 Seller has not at any time defaulted in any of its payment obligations for electrcity purchased from PacifiCorp. 3.2.9 Seller is not in default under any of its other material agrements that would result in Seller's failure to perform its material obligations hereunder. 3.2.10 Seller owns all right, title and interest in and to the Facilty, fre and clear of all liens and encumbraces other than liens and encumbrances created by or thugh Seller related to third-pary fmancing of the Facilty, and Seller (or its successor in interest) wil continue to own for the term of this Agreement, all right, . title and interest in and to the Facilty, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than liens and encumbrances related to third-pary fmancing of the Facilty. 14 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi 3.2.1 1 In entering into this Agrement and the underting by Seller of the obligations set fort herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of PacifiCorp in connection with the transactions contemplate by this Agrement. 3.2.12 All professionals or experts including, but not limited to, engieers, attorneys or accountats, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. 3.2.13 All leaes of real propert requird for the opertion of the Facilty or the performance of any obligations of Seller hereunder are set fort and accurtely described in Exhibit C. Upon request by PacifiCorp, Seller shall provide copies of the Wind Leases to PacifiCorp. 32.14 Al inormaton abut the Facilty set fort in Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exbit C ha be vered by Seller and is ac to th be of it knowledge. 3.3 Notice. If at any tie durg this Agrement, any Par obtns actu knowledge of any event or inormation which would have caused any of the representations and waranties in ths Secton 3 to have be maally untr or misleading when mae, such Par shal provide the other Par with written notice of the event or informaton, the representations and warties afecd, and the acon, if any, which such Par inteds to tae to make the resentations and waties tre and corrt. The notice requid purt to this Secon shl be given as son as prcale af the occurce of ea such event. SECTION 4.DELIVRY OF POWER; AVAILABILITY GUARTY 4.1 Delivery and Accptce of Net Ouut. Exce for any curilt speifed in Section 6.3, unless otherwse provided herein, PacifiCorp wil purchase and Seller wil sell all Net Output from the Facilty. 42 No Sales to Third Paries. During the term of this Agrement, Seller shall not sell any Net Output from the Facilty to any entity other than PacifiCorp. 4.3 Energy Deliver Schedule. Seller sh pre an prvide to PacifCorp, on an ongoing basis, a written schedule of Net Energy expected to be delivere by the Facilty ("Energy Delivery Schedule"), in accordace with the following: 4.3.1 Dug the fi twelve fu, caen month followi the Commerial Opertion Date, Seller predicts that the Facilty wil produce and deliver the following monthly amounts ("Initial Year Energ Delivery Schedule"): Month Energ Delivery (kWh) 11,886,749 11,753,176 13,150,477 12,126,321 11,323,363 15 Average~ 15,977 17,490 17,675 16,842 15,220 Januar Februar Marh April May Cedar Creek Wind LL-FwePi June July August September October November December TOTAL: 10,889,607 9,552,851 10,229,731 10,384,257 11,822,346 13,467,749 14,003,863 140,590,489 15,124 12,840 13,750 14,423 15,890 18,705 18,822 16,063 43.2 Seller may revise the Initial Year Energy Delivery Schedule any time prior to the Commercial Opetion Date. 433 Begig at th en of the nith full caenda month of opeon, and at th end of ever th month ther, Seller shal supplemen the Energy Deliver Schedule with th addiona mont offorwar esat (whch shal be apded to th Agt usin th fonn spifed in Exhbit D) ("Subsuent Energ Deery Schedul'), such th the En Deliver Scheule wil prvide at lea th mon of sceduled ener es at al ties. Seller shl prvide Subset Ener Deliver Schedules no lar th 5:00 pm PP of the 5th day af the due date. If Seller does not prvide a Subsuen En Deliver Scede by the aboe dea, scheded ener for th omtt peod sha equa the amowits scheduled by Seller for the sae tbmonth period durng the previous year. 4.3.4 Upon and afr the Commercial Opaton Date, Seller may no longe rese the Energ Deliver Schedule for the fi si ful caenda mont .of Commerial Opration. Aftr 5:00 p.m. PPT of the :f business day followig the end of the th fu caenda month ofCoeria Opon and the end of eah th caenda mont threr, Seller ma no longe revise the En Deliver Schedule for the six caenda mont imedly followi such th mont. Subjec to the foregoin rectons in ths Secon 4.3.4, Seller may rese the Energ Deliver Schedule for an unct mont by prvidi wntt notce to PaCorp. Faiur to prvide tiely wntt notice of chaed amowits wi be deeed to be an elecon of no chage. 4.4 Minimum Availabilty Obliiiation. Seller shall cause the Facilty to achieve an Avaiabilty of at lea 85% durg eah mont ("Gutæ Avabil'). 45 Liquidated Damages for Output Shortall. If the Availabilty in any given month falls below the Guarteed Availabilty, the resulting shortfall shall be expressed in kWh as the "Output Shortfall." The Outut Shortfall shall be calculated in accordace with the following formula: Output Shortall = (Gu Avaiabilty - Avaiili) * Scheduled Mony Ener Deliver Seller shl pay PacifiCozp for any Outut Short at the lower of (1) the positive diferce, if any, of the Index Prce minus the weighte aver of the On-Pea and Of-Pea monthy Confonng Energy Puha Prces; or (2) the weighte averge of th On-Pea an Of-Pea monthyCoonn En Puha Prce ("Output Short Daes'') 16 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi Output Shortall Dam = Ouut Shorl * Output Shortl Prce Wh: Output Shortall Price =(Index Price - Weighted Average CEPP), except that if Output Shortall Price oe 0, then Output Shortall Price = 0, and except that if Output Shortall Price:; Weighted Average CEPP, then Output Shortall Prce = Weighted Average CEPP Weighted Average CEPP= the Weighted Average On-Peak and Off-Pea Conforming Energy Purchase Prices for the month of Output Shortfall If an Output Shortall occur in any given month, Seller may owe PacifiCorp liquidated daages. Each Par agrees and acknowledges that (a) the damages that PacifiCorp would incur due to the Facilty's failure to achieve the Guteed Availabilty would be diffcult or impossible to predict with certinty, and (b) the liquidated damges contemplate in this Section 4.5 are a fair and reasonable calculation of such daages. 4.6 Audit Rights. In addition to data provided under Sections 9.3 and 9.4, PacifiCorp shall have the right, but not the obligation, to audit the Facilty's compliance with its Guateed Availabilty using any reasonable methods. Seller agrees to retain all peormance related data for the Facilty for a minimum of thee years, and to cooperate with PacifiCorp in the event PacifiCorp decides to audit such data. 4.7 Trasfer of Title to Green Tags; Documentation of Green Tags Transfers. For a period often (10) years from the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall have title to the Gr Tags immediately upon the generation of the Output at the Facilty that gives rise to such Gren Tags. On the tenth (lOth) aniverar of the Commercial Operation Date though and including the Expiration Date, PacifiCorp shall have title to the Green Tags immediately upon the generation of the Output at the Facility that gives rise to such Green Tags. Each Par shall execute all additional documents and instrments reasonably requested by the other Par in order to furter document the ownership of the Green Tags during the respective Par's ownership. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Seller shall, on or before the 10th day of each month durig which PacifiCorp has ownership rights to the Green Tags, deliver to PacifiCorp a Green Tags Attestation and Bil of Sale (in the form atthed as Exhibit 4.7(A)) for all Grn Tags delivere to PacifiCorp hereunder in the preceding month, along with any verification that is in conformance with the then-currnt Center for Resource Solution's Green-e program, or any successor program. The Par having ownership of the Green Tags at the tie (the "Gren Tag Owner"), at its own cost and expense, shall register with, pay all fees required by, and comply with, all reporting and other requirements ofWREGIS relating to the Facility or Green Tags. The Seller shall ensure that the Facilty wil paricipate in and comply with, during the Term, all aspects of WRGIS. The Green Tag Owner shall be responsible for any costs charged by the qualified reportg entity for the Facilty to paricipate in and comply with, during the Term, all aspects ofWREGIS. The Gren Tag Owner shall, at its sole expense, use WRGIS as required pursuant to the WREGI~ Operatig Rules, including but not limited to those rules 17 Ceda Creek Wind, LL-Fiv Pi related to effectuting the transfer ofWREGIS Certificats and tranferrg such WREGIS Certificates in accordance with WREGIS reporting protocols and WRGIS Operating Rules and as required under this Agreement. Seller may either elect to enter into a Qualified Reportg Entity Services Agreement with PacifiCorp in a form similar to that in Exhibit 4.7(B) or elect to act as its own WREGIS-defined Qualified Reporting Entity. Seller shall upon 'Wtten request from PacifiCorp provide copies of all documentation submitted to WRGIS in connection with the Facilty. Furter, upon notification by WREGIS or CAMD that any transfers of Green Tags contemplated by this Agreement have not been recorded, the Parties shall promptly cooperate in taing all reaonable actions necessar so tht such transfers can be recorded. Seller shall at its expense cause the Facilty to maitain its registration in good standing with the Center for Resource Solution's Green-e program, or any successor program, thoughout the Ter; provided, however tht each Part shll (a) not tae any action (other than the provision of trthl information) to impair the Facilty's good stading with such program and (b) shall provide such inormation as is reasonably requestd to maintain such registration. The Pares shall reasonably cooperate in any registrtion of the Facilty in the renewable portolio stadar or equivalent progr in allsuch furter states and programs in which the Paries may wish to register or maintained registered the Facilty by providing copies of all such information as reasonably required for such registration. Neither Par represents or warants tht the Gren Tags ca be used for any purpose. The Paries acknowledge that the Green Tags may be subject to action by Governental Authority and neither Pary is liable to the other Par for action taken by a Governmental Authority in connection with the Green Tags that is not a result of a breach of this Agreement. SECTIONS.PURCHASE PRICES 5.1 Energy Purchase Price. Except as provided in Section 5.3, PacifCorp wil pay Seller Conformng Energy Purhase Prces or Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Prces, as applicable, for Net Output adjusted for the month and On-Peak Hours or Off.Peak Hours and the wind integration cost using the following formulae: Conforming Energ Purchase Price -= (AR * MPM) - WIC Non-Conforming Energ Purchase Price = (ARce * MPM) . WIC Where: AR AR = Conforming Energy annual rate from Table -I, below, for the year of the Net Ouut. the lower of. 85% of the Conforming Energy annual rate from Table 1 below, for the year of Net Output or MPM = 85% of average of the daily Index Price for each day of the month, or portion of month, of Net Output. monthly On-Peak or Off-Peak multiplier from Table 2 below, that corrsponds to the month of the Net Output and whether 18 Cedar Creek Wind, ll-FivJ' the Net Output occurd durg On.Peak Hour or Off.Peak Hour. WIC =-$6.50IMh, the wid integrtion cost prescribed in Commission Orer No. 31021. Exle caculons ar prvide in Exhbit G. Table i: Conformg Energ Anua Rate Year Conforming Energ Annual Rate (AR")SlMh 2012 63.97 2013 67.51 2014 71.32 2015 75.40 2016 77.76 2017 80.07 2018 82.58 2019 85.05 2020 87.61 2021 90.63 2022 93.78 2023 97:05 2024 100.44 2025 103.98 2026 106.98 2027 110.07 2028 11136 2029 116.56 2030 119.95 2031 124.51 2032 128.50 2033 132.64 2034 136.92 Table 2: Month On-PeaOO.Peak Mulp6ers Month On-Pea Off-Peak Hours linn.. Januarv 103%94% Februar 105%97% Mach 95%80°A. Anril 95%76% Mav 92%63% June 94%65% Julv 121%92% Auirst 121%106% 19 I Seember 109%99% October 115%105% November 110%96% December 129%120% Ceda Creek Wind, lL--iv Pi 5.2 Payment. For ea Bil Perod in ea Contr Yea, PacifCo sh pay Seller as follows: For deliver ofConfonng En: Paent = (CFi~.Pea'" CEce-p/l000) + (C&ir-Pc* CF~Pe/ 100) For deliver ofNon-Confoning En Paent = (NCFOn.Pca .. NCEPPrce-pe /100) + (Næmir-P'" NCEcm-Pc/lOO)Wh: CEer = CEPce = NCF = NCEPrce = OnPea = Of-Pe = Conormg Ener in kWh Conform En Pm Pnce in $I Non-Confon Fner Puhas Pnce in kWh Non-Cononn En Puha Pnce in $I the coirndg value for On-Pea Hour the condg value for Of-Pea Hour 5.3 Invert Ei. So long as acce of Inernt Fner does not ca PacifiCorp to violate the terms ofits Network Transmission Service and is consistent with Prnt Electrca Prces, PacifCorp wil acep Invert Ener, bu will not puha or pay for Inadvertent Energy. 5.4 Additional Compensation. Seller shal not be entitled to any compensation over and above the Conforming Energy Puchae. Prices or Non-Conforming Energy Puhase Prices, as the case may be, for the Green Tags associated therewith. SECTION 6.OPERATION AN CONTROL 6.1 As-Built Supplement. Upon completon of any constrction afecting the Facilty, Seller shal prvide PacifiCorp an As-built Supplement bea the stap of a Licesed Professional Engineer that accurately depicts the Facilty as built. The As-built Supplement must be reviewed and approved by PacifiCorp, which approval shall not unrasonably be witheld, conditioned or delayed. 62 Operation. Seller shall operate and maintain the Facilty in a safe maner in acrd wi th Geeron Intennecon Agen Pnent Elecca Prace and in acrdce with th reen of al applicale feder, st and loc laws and the Natona Elecc Saf Cod as suh laws an co may be amende frm tie to tie. PaCo shl have 20 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pin no obligaon to purha Net Ou :f the Facili to the exnt the inteection between the Facilit and PacifiCoip's elecc syste is discmec suded orintept in whole or in par, puruat to the Generation Interconnection Agreeent, or to the extent geeron curlmen is reuid as a re of Seller's non-cmpliance wi the Generon Intennecon Agrent. PacifiCorp shal have the right to inspe the Facilty to conf tht Seller is operating the Facilty in accordance with the provisions of this Section 6 upon rele notice to Seller. Seller is solely reponsible for the operaon and mace of th Facilit. PacifCorp shl not, by reson of it decision to inct or not to ins the Facilty, or by any action or inacton taen with respect to any such inspecton, assume or be held reponsible for any liabilty or ocurce arsin fr the opetion and maintece by Seller of the Facilty. 63 Curtilment. PacifiCorp shall not be obligated to purchase, receive, pay for, or pay any daages associad with, Net Outut (or associate Prodction Tax Credits or Environmental Attbute) if such Net Output (or associated Producton Tax Crets or Envien Attbuts) is not deliver to th Sys or Point of Deliver due to any of the following: (a) the intercomection beeen the Facilit and the System is disconnected, suspnde or intepte in whole or in pa consisnt wi the tes of the GeeronInteecon Agren (b) the T:rsion Prvide or Netrk Serce Prvide di a geer curlment, reucton, or resptc of geeron in the ar (whch would includ the Net Ouut) for any reon even if such curlment or reish dive is caed out by PacifiCorp, which may fulfill such directive by acting in its sole discretion; or ifPacifiCorp curls or oteiwse reuces the Net Ou in ord to mee it obligaons to the Trassion Prvider or Network Service Provider to operte within system limitations, (c) the Facilty's Outut is not reived beause the Facilty is not fully integr or synchrnid with the Syst or (d) an event of Force Majeu prents either Par frm deliverg or reivi Net Ou Seller shal renably detine th MW amoun of Net Output culed purt to th Secon 6.3 afer the fat bas on the amount of energy th could have be geer at th Facilty and delivere to PacifCoip as Net Output but th was not gener and deliver be of the culmen Seller shal detine th quanti of such culed ener baed on (x) the tie and duration of the curlment peod and (y) wid conditions reorded at the Facilty durg the period of curlmen and the power cure speified for the Wind Turin as shown in Exhibit A. Seller shal prmptly provide PacifiCorp with acss to such inormation and data as PacifiCorp may reonably reuie to confir to its reasonable sasfaon th amoun of ener tht was not ge or delier beuse of a curlment describe in this Section 6.3. 6.4 PacifiCor, as Merchant. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCoip, actig in its merchant capacity fuction as purhaer under ths Agrent, has no responsibilit for or con1r1 over PacifiCo Traission or any succsor Traision Prvider. 6.5 Outages. 6.5.1 Plaed Outaes. Excep as otherwse provided herin Seller shall not schedule Planed Outage durng any portion of the months of November, December, Janua, Febru, June, July, and Augu exce to the extnt a Plaed Ou is renaly reui to enble a vendor to sasf a gu reuient in a siton in whch the vendor is not other able to peorm the gutee work at a tie oter th dur one of th month spified above or to the extet such Pla Ou is reuir in acrdce with Prdent Elecca Prtices. Seller shall, in Exhibit D, provide PacifiCoip 21 l Cedar Creek Wind UC-Fiv Pi with an anual fore of Planed Outa for eah Contr Yea at lea one (1) mont but no more that three (3) months, before the first day of that Contract Year, and shall promptly update such schedule, or otherwise change it only, to the extent that Seller is renably reui to chage it in order to comply wit Prent Electca Prces. Seller shl not scede more th one hundr fift (150) hour of Plaed Oues for each calendar yea. Seller shall notifY PacifiCorp of any deviation to the anual Planed Ouge schedule, above, on the Monday pring the scheduling week in which the sooner of the following wil occur: (a) the outage as predicted in the Planned Outage schedule; or (b) the outge per Seller's revised plans. Such notice shall consist of a Monday-Sunday, hourly spee showig the re to Facilit curent (M for th scheduling week. Seller shl not schedule any mantenance of Shar hinnecon Facilties durg Novembe, Deber, Januar, Febniar, June, July, or Augut, without the pror wrttn apprval ofPacifiCorp, which apprval may be reasonably witheld by PacifiCorp. 6.5.2 Matece Ouge. If Seller reonaly detines th it is necsa to schedule a Maintece Outae, Seller shall notifY PacifiCorp of the propose Manace Ou as son as prctcale but in any event at lea five (5) days before the outge begis (or such short peod to which PacifCoi may renably const in light of then existig wid conditions). Upo such notice, the Pares shll plan the Mate Ouge to mutuy acod the reable reuirments of Seller and the seice obligation ofPacifCozp. Seller shal tae all rele mea an us commercially reasonable effrt consistnt with Prdent Electrcal Prctces to not schee an Maitece Outa durgthe followi peod: June i 5 throug June 30, July, Aug and Septeber 1 thugh Sepmber 15. Seller shall inlud in suh notice of a prposed Matence Outage the expe sta da and tie of the out, the amowi of genon capait of th Facilty th wi not be avaiable, and the ex completon date and time of the outge. Seller may prvide notices under ths Secton 6.5.2 orally. Seller shall confirm any such oral notifcation in wrting as soon as practicable. PacifiCorp shall promptly respond to such notice and may request reasonale modfications in the schee for the out. Seller shal use all renable effort to comply with PacifiCorp's rees to modi the schedle for a Maitece Outage if such modficaon ha no substtial impact on Seller. Seller shall notifY PacifCorp of any subseuent chaes in geon capaity of the Facil du such Maite Oue and any change in the Maitece Ou completon da and tie. Seller shal tae all reasnale meaur and exerise it coerialy renable effrt consistt with Prden Electcal Prtices to miim the fruency and dution of Matenace Outages. 6.5.3 Forced Outages. Seller shal promptly provide to PacifiCorp an oral rert via telephone to a numbe spified by PacifCozp, of any Fored Ou. of the Facilty. Such rert sh include the amoun of generation caity of the Facil th will not be avale be of th Forc Ouge and the ex re da and tie of such genertion capacity. Seller shall promptly update the rert as necessar to advise PacifiCorp of change cirumce. If the For Outage rete in more th 15% of the Facilit Cait Ratig of the Facilty be unvailale, Seller shl conf the oral report in wrng as soon as prcable. Seller shall tae all renable mea and exerise it commercially renable effort consistent wi Prdet Elecca Pratices to avoid Forc Outages and to minimize their duration. 22 Ceda Creek Win LL-Fiv Pi 6.5.4 Notice of De ratings and Outages. Without limitig other notice requirements, Seller shall notify PacifiCorp, via telephone or via electronic mail, to a number or email address specified by PacifiCorp, of any limitation, restriction, derating or oute knwn to Seller th af the geraon cait of th Facilty in an amount grter than five perent (5%) of the Facilty Capacity Rating for the following day. Seller shall promptly update such notice to reflect any material changes to the inonnation in such notice. 6.5.5 Effect of Outages on Estimated Output. Seller shall factr Planed Ouges and Matece Outage that Seller reasonably expets to encounter in the or cour of opg the Facil in the Scheduled Monthy Ener Deliver amounts in the Energy Deliver Schedule set forth in Exhibit D. 6.6 Scheduling. 6.6.1 Cooperation and Stada. With repec to any and al scheduling reuients in ths Agren (a) Seller shal cope with PacifCorp wi repect to scedulin Net Ouut, and (b) eah Par shll design autori representves to communcat with rega to scheduling and relat mat aring herunder. 6.6.2 Schee Cordon. If as a result of ths Agren PacifCozp is deemed by an RTO to be ficiay respible for Seller's peonnce under the Geeron hitennecon Agrent due to Seller's lack of stdi as a "scheding cordtot' or other RTO regn designon, qucation or oter, then (a) Seller shl acqui such RTO regn sting (or sha cotr wi a th pa who ha such RTO regn stdin suh th PacifiCoip is no longe reponsible for Seller's performance under the Geeron hiteonecon Agrent, and (b) Seller shal defend,indeif and hold PacifCorp haes ag any liilty aring due to Seller's perormance or failur to perfonn under the Generation Intercnnection Agreement or RTO requirement. 6.7 Delivery Exceeding the Maxmum GIA Deliver Rate. Seller shall not deliver ener frm the Facilit to the Point ofDelivei at a ra th excee the Maxum GIA Delivery Rate. Seller's failur to limit such deliveries to the Maximum GIA Delivery Rate shall be a breach of a material obligation subject to Section 12.1.8. 6.8 Accss Rights. Upo renale pror notice and subjec to the pruent sa requirements of Seller, and Requirements of Law relating to workplace health and safety, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp and its authoried agents, employees and inspectors ("PacifCorp Rerentaties'') with rele ac to the Facil (a) for the purse of read or testg metnng equipment, (b) as necssar to witness any acepce test, (c) for purses of implementing Section 4.6, and (d) for other reasonable puzposes at the reasonable request of PacifCorp. PacifiCorp shall releae Seller ag and frm any an all any and al loss, fies, penalties, claims, actions or suits, including costs and attorney's fees, both at trial and on appeal re frm acons or omissions by any of the PacifCorp Repves in connecon wi their access to the Facilty, except to the extet that such damages ar cause or by the intentional or grossly negligent act or omission of Seller. 23 Ceda Creek Wind LL-FivPrn SECTION 7.MOTIV FORCE Prior to the execution of this Agrement, Seller provided to PacifiCorp Wind Leases and a motive force plan including an hourly wid profile acceptble to PacifiCorp in its reasonable discretion and atthed hereto as Exhibit F-l. Within the (3) months afr the Effective Date, Seller wil provide a wind report from any of WindLgics, GL Garad Hasan, A WS Truepower, LLC, or DNV Global Energy Concepts, Inc. certifyng that the implementation of the fuel or motive force plan ca reonably be expected to provide fuel or motive force to the Facilty for the duration of this Agrement adequate to generate power and energy in quatities necessar to deliver the Average Anua Net Output. Seller wil provide an updated estimate of Average Anual Net Output at the time it provides an amended Exhibit A puruant to Section 2.2.5 if Seller has selected different Wind Turbines. SECTION 8.GENERATION FORECASTIG COSTS 8.1 Forecast Serice Elecon. PacifCorp may, in its discreon, add foreing services for Seller's Facilty to PacifiCorp's existig contract with a quaified wind-energy- pructon foreg venor, whch co and vendor may chage durg the te of th Agreement. 8.2 Seller's Forecast-Cost Shar. Purt to Commission Order No. 30497, Seller shal be reponsible for 50% ofPacifCorp's co of ad such foreg seices ("SeDer's Foret-Cost Share") up to Seller's Capped Forecast-Cost Shar. 83 Cap on Seller's Fore-Cost Sha. SeDer's Forecas-Cst Sha for a given Contract Year is capped at 0.1 % of total payments made by PacifiCorp to Seller for Net Output durg the preious Cont Yea (''Seller's Capped Forest-Cost Share''). If the las Contract Year of this Agreement is shortr th a full calendar year, the cap wil be prorated for tht shorted year. For the years) pror to the secnd Contrt Yea of this agment tht equa a fu caenda ye, Seller's Fore-Cos Sha is ca at 0.1 % of esat payments for Net Output based on the Energy Delivery Schedule. 8.4 Payment. Seller shall pay to PacifCorp Seller's Forecst-Cost Shar uncapped by Section 8.3 for each Contrct Year in equal payments for each month of such year except the last month of such year. (For exaple, in a Contract Year equaling a full calendar year, Seller would pay 1/1 lth of Seller's For-Cost Sha dur eah of th fi 11 monts.) In the la month of ea Contrct Yea, PacifCozp shal refud to Seller the amount pad by Seller under th Section in excess, if any, of Seller's Capped Forecast-Cost Sha. For a Contract Year encompase by just one caenda month Seller's payment to PacifiCorp and PacifCorp's refund to Seller shall be calculated and paid simultaneously. To the extent practicable, payments and refwds under ths Secon shal be include in month paymen and invoice mider Secon 10. SECTION 9.METERIG: REPORTS AND RECORDS 9.1 Metering Adjustment. Meterig wil be perormed at the location specified in Exhibit B and in the maner specified in the Generator Interconnection Agreement. All quties of ener puha heruner sha be acus in acrdce wit Addendum L, so th 24 Cedar Creek Wind IL-Fiv Pi the purha amount reflects the net amount of power flowig into th Syst at the Poin of Deliver.i 9.2 Metg Errs. If any inspon or test ma purt to the Geerr Interconnection Agrement discloses an eror exceeding two percnt (2%), either fast or slow, proper corrtion, based upon the inaccury found, shall be made of preious reaings for the actual period durg which the meterig equipment rendered inaccurate measurements if that period ca be asered. If the ac peod caot be as the prpe coiron shl be ma to th meaen taen durg the tie the metg eqwpmen wa in serce since last tested, but not exceeding three Biling Periods, in the amount the metering equipment shall have been shown to be in eror by such test. Any corrcton in bilings or payments resultig frm a corrtion in the meter rerds shall be mae in the next monty biling or paymen rendered. 93 Telemetg. In acrdce with the Geertion Intennection Agrent, Seller shall provide telemetering equipment and failties capable of transmittg to Traission Prvider (who will sha it with PacifiCorp as autored by Exhibit H, "Seller Autorion to Relea Geeron Dat to PacifCorp'') the follow innnon concenig the Facilit on a re-tie bais, and wi ope suh eqwpmen when rees by PacifCorp to indicate: (a) instataeous M W output at the Point of Deliver; (b) Net Output; (c) the Facilty's total instantaneous generation capacity; and (d) wind velocit at tuine hub heigh Seller shall also transmit to PacifiCorp any other data from the Facilty that Seller reives on a real-tie basis, including meterological data wind speed data, wind dirction data and gross output data. Seller shall provide such real-time data to PacifiCorp in the same detail that Seller receives the data (e.g., if Seller receives the data in four second intervals, PacifiCorp shall also receive the data in four second intervals). PacifiCorp shall have the right from time to time to reui Seller to prvide adtional telemet equipmen and failes to the ex necsa and reasonable. 9.4 Monthly Reports and Logs and Oter Information. 9.4.1 Rert. Witin th (30) calendar days af the end of ea Biling Period, Seller shall provide to PacifiCorp a report in electonic format, which report shall include (a) sues of th Facilit's wi and ou1ut data for the Biling Perod in inrvals not to exce one hour (or such shortr period as is reonably possible wi commercially available technology), including information frm the Facilty's computer monitorig sysem; (b) sumares of any other significat events relate to If ston seivice is sulied via sep failti PacifiCo will deuct stan seice frm th met failty output to calculate Net Output. 2S Ceda Creek Wind, LL-FiV Pi the conscton or opon of the Facilty for 1he Biling Perod; (c) des of Availailty of the Facilty for the Billig Perod sucient to calculat Availabilty and including hourly average wind velocity measurd at turbine hub height and ambient ai tepe; and (d) any suportg infonon th PacifCorp may frm time to tie renably reuest (includg hirica wid da for the Facil). 9.42 Elecnic Faut Log. Seller shl maita an elecnic fault log of opeons of the Facilty durg eah hour of the term of ths Agrent commencing on the Commercial Opon Dat. Seller shal prvide PacifCozp with a copy of 1le electnic falt log with th (30) caenda days afr the end of the Biling Perod to which the fault log applies. 9.4.3 Upon the reue ofPacifCor, Seller sh provide PacifCorp 1he manufacturs' guidelines and recommendations for maintenace of the Facilty equipment. 9.4.4 By each Januar 10 followig the Commercial Opertion Date, Seller shal provide to PacifiCorp wrtt certification that Seller has complet all the manufacturs' guidelines and recommendations for maintenace of the Facilty equipment applicable to the previous calendar year. 9.4.5 At any tie :f the Efecve Dat, one (1) ye's advance notice of th teintion or expiraon of any agement, includi Wind Lees, put to which th Facili or any eqipment relat ther is upn the Facilty sit; provide th the forgoindoe not auor any ealy teon of any lad lea. 9.4.6 As soon as it is known to Seller, Seller shal disclose to PacifiCorp, the extent of any mat violaton of any envinmenta law or regulatons arsing out of the constrction or operation of the Facility, or the presence of Envinmental Containaton at 1le Facilty or on th Pres, allege to exist by any Govemmenta Authority havig jursdicton over the Preises, or the prent existece of: or the ocurnce durg Seller's occupancy of the Prmies of: any enforcemen lega, or regulatory acon or pred rela to such aleged violaton or alleged prece of Envirnmen Cotaon prtly ocurg or having OC dur the peod of time tht Seller ha occupied the Premises. 9.5 Matece of Metg Eqpment To the extt not otherse prvided in the Generator Interconnection Agrement, PacifiCorp shall inspect, test, repair and replace the metg equipment periodically, or at the reuest of Seller if Seller ha reason to believe metg may be off an reuest an inecon in wrg. To the ext not other provided in the Genertor Internnection Agreement, all PacifiCorp's cost relatig to designing, intaling, maitain, and reg metg eqpmen inled to acmmod Seller's Facilty shall be borne by Seller. 9.6 WREGiS Metering. Seller shall cause the Facilty to implement all necessar generation information communications in WRGIS, and report generation information to WRGIS pursuat to a WREGIS-approved meter that is dedicated to the Facilty and only the Facilty. 26 Cedar Creek Wind IL-Fiv Pi SECTION 10.BILLINGS. COMPUTATIONS AN PAYMENTS 10. I Pavment for Net Output. On or bere the thirieth (30th) day following the end of eah Biling Penod, PacifiCorp shall send to Seller payment for Seller's delivenesof Net Ouut to PacifCorp, togeer with computons suppg suh paymen PacifCorp may off any such paymen to reflec amoun owig frm SeUerto PacifCo puuat to 1hs Agren or the Geeron Intennection Agrent. Any such off shal be sely iteized on the statement accompanying each payment to Seller. 102 Annual Invoicing for Output ShortalL. Thir calendar days aftr the end of each Cont Yea, PaifCoip shl deliver to Seller an invoice showi PacifCorp's copuion of Output Shortall, if any, for all Biling Periods in the pnor Contrat Year and Output Shortfall Damages, if any. In preparng such invoices, PacifiCorp shall utilize the meter data provided to PacifiCorp for the Contrct Year in question, but may also rely on historical averages and such other informtion as may be available to PacifiCorp at the tie of invoice preion if the mete da for such Contct Yea is th incoplet or othe not avaable. To th ex reuire PacifiCorp shall prpa any such invoice as prompty as prcable followig it receipt of actul results for the relevant Contract Yea. Seller shall pay to PacifCorp, by wire trfer of imediately available fu to an account spifed in wrtig by PacifiCozp or by any other meas agred to by the Pares in wrtig frm tie to tie, th amoi. se fort as due in such invoice, and shall within thirt (30) days aftr receiving the invoice raise any objections regang any dispute poon of the invoice. Objecons not mae by Seller withn the thir-day period shall be deemed waived. 103 Inteest on Overue Amounts. Any amounts owig afer the due date thereof shall bea interest at the Prie Rate on the date the amount bee due, plus two percet (2%), from the date due until paid; provided, however, that the interest rate shall at no time exceed the maxmumrate allowed by applicable law. 10.4 Disputed Amounts. If either Par, in good fath, disputes any amount due puruant to an invoice rendered hereunder, such Par shall notify the other Part of the specific basis for the dispute and, if the invoice shows an amount due, shall pay that portion of the statement that is undisputed, on or before the due date. Any such notice shall be provided within two (2) ye of the da of the invoice in which the errr fi occ. If any amount disput by such Par is deed to be due to the other Par, or if the Pares relve the payment dispute, the amount due shall be paid within five (5) days after such determination or resolution, along with interest in accordance with Section 10.3. SECTION 11.SECURTY i i.i Delay Security: 11.1. i Duty to Post Securty. By the date prvided in Section 222, Seller shal post a Letter of Credit, cash or a parental guarty, each in a form acceptable to PacifCoip, in the amoun cacuat puua to Secton 11.12 (''Dela Security"). To the ex PacifiCoip mak a drwig under th Delay Securty, Seller shal, with fi (15) caenda days, restre the Delay Securty as if no su deducon had occurred. 27 Ceda Creek Wind, UC-Fiv Pi 11. 1.2 Calculaon of Delay Securtr. The dolla value of Delay Securty shll equa the gr of: (1) fort-five dollar ($45) multiplied by the Maximum Facilty Deliver Ra with the Maum Facilty Delivery Ra being mea in kW (b on th fi Facilit Caity Ra de by Janua 31,2012); or (2) the su of th prdu for eah of the fit the calen mont af the Scheduled Commercial Opertion Date, of: the energy in the Initial Year Energy Deliver Schedule for the month (kWh) multiplied by the monthly weighted average On-Peak and Off.Peak Conforming Energy Puha Prce for the moth ($/) diide by 100. Such amount shall be fixed upon execution of this Agreement. 11.1.3 Right to Drw on Secur. PacifCorp shal have the right to drw on the Delay Secty to collec Delay Liquida Damges. Commencing on or abut:f of each month PacifiCozp wi invoice Seller for Delay Liquida Damges incur if any, durg th preg mont. If inufcien Delay Securty is available, Seller shall pay PacifCorp for invoice Delay Liquida Dage no latr th five buses days afr reeivig suh invoice. The Pares will ma bilgs and payments for Delay Liquidated Damages in accordce with Section 10. 11.1.4 Paral Releae of Delay Seur. Prvided tht Seller ha maed Delay Secu in acordce with Secton 11.1. i, PacifiCoip shall relea one-th of the origial amoun of Delay Securty state in Section 11. i. i eah time Seller accomplishes a milestone (a) or (b), below: (a) Seller has (i) execut the Geeraon Intennecon Agrnt with Transmission Prvider; and (ii) paid in full any interconnection and/or sys upgre cost Seller is obligate to pay in advance of intennecon constrction. (b) Seller ha pour the concr fOlmdaon at ea of its planed individual Wind Turbine locations. PacifiCorp shall make the parial refud of Delay Security requird above within ten business days of the date Seller provides PacifiCorp writt notice (along with satfary doumentation therf) th it ha acomplihed miestoe (a) or (b) abve. 11.1.5 .Full Relea of Delay Secur. Unless PacifCozp dis whet Seller ha pad al Delay Liquida Damge, PacifCorp sh releae al reaig Delay Security upon the earlier of the 30th calendar day followig commencement of Commercial Opertion or the 60t calenda day following PacifCorp's tetion of this Agreement. 11.1.6 Defaul. Seller's faur to post and ma Delay Securty in acrd with Setion 11.1 will consttu an even of defaut, unes cur in acrdce with Secon 12.1. of th Agren i 1.2 Default Security (Levelized Pricing Only). (Reserved) 28 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi SECTION 12. DEFAULTS AN REMEDIES 12.1 The following events shall constitute defaults under this Agrement: 12.1.1 Non-Payment. A Par's falur to mae a payment when due uner ths Agrment or post and maitan security in conformance with the requirments of Secon 11 or ma inurce in conformce with the reents of Secon 14 of ths Agren if the faiur is not cu wit te (10) business days af the non-defaulting Par gives the defaultig Par a notice of the default. 1211 Breach of Representation. Breach by a Par ofa representation or waty se for in th Agrment, if such falur or brh is not cur within th (30) days following wrtten notice. 121.3 Default on Oter Agreements. Seller's failur to cur any default under th Geeraon Inteonnecon Agement or any other agrent beee the paes relat to ths Agrment, the Geertion Intennection Agrent, or the Facilty wi the time allowe for a cur under such agent or inent. 12.1.4 Insolvency. A Par (a) makes an assignent for the benefit of its creitrs; (b) files a pettion or otherse coences, authories or acqesc in the commenceent of a pr or case of acon unr any bapt or simlar law for the prtecon of creitors, or has such a petion filed agt it and such petion is not withdrawn or dismissed with six (60) days after such filing; (c) becomes insolvent; or (d) is unable to pay its debts when due. 12.15 Matal Adver Change. A Maal Advere Chage ha occur wi respect to Seller and Seller fails to provide such pedormance assurances as are reonably rees by PacifCoip, with th (30) days fr the da of such reues 12.1.6 Sale to Thir-Par. Seller's sale of Net Outut to an entty oter th PacifiCorp, as prohibited by Section 4.2. 12.1.7 Non-Deliver. Unless excused by an event of Force Majeur (including PacifCozp's breah of its obligations under ths Agrment), Seller's falur to delier any Net Ener for th consutve caenda month. 12.1.8 A Par otherse fals to perfonn any mate obligaon (includig but not limite to failur by Seller to meet any deadline se fort in Secton 2.2.1 thugh 2.2.9) impose upn th Par by ths Agement if the faur is not cur wi th (30) days afr the non-defag Par gives the defaultig Par notice of the default. 12.1.9 Seller fails to achieve the Commercial Opraon Date by the 91 st day following the Scheduled Commerial Operation Date, provided, however, tht, upon wrttn notce frm the defag Par deliver pror to the niet-firs (91 ~ day of delay, ths niet (90) day period shall be extded by an additional one hundrd and fIf (150) days if (a) Seller ha pour the conc founon at ea of it planed individu wind tue locaons; an (b) Seller relenies Delay Default Secuty in acrdce wi Secon 11.1.1. Seller shl contiue to accru Delay Liquida Dames in acordce 29 Cedar Creek Wind, LL-Fiv Pn with Seon 2.5 (Dlay Prce ti the Delay Value) unl the Prjec achieves Commeria Operation or this Agreement is terminated. 122 In the event of any default hereunder, the non-defaulting Par must notify the defaultig Par in wrting of the cirumce incatig the default and outling the reents to cur the defa. If the default ha not be cu wi the prcrbe tie, above, the non-dti Par may te th Agren at it sole dicron by deliverg wr notce to the oth Par and may pu any and al leg or equile reedies prvide by law or puan to ths Agren The rights prvided in ths Seon 12 ar cumulate suh th the exerise of one or more righ shl not cote a waver of any oter rights. 123 In the event ths Agreement is tem beuse of Seller's deauh and Seller wishes to agai sell Net Ou frm the Facili using the sae motive force to PacifiCoip following such termination, PacifiCorp in its sole discretion may require that Seller do so subject to the tenus of th Agent, includg but not li to the purhae prce as set fort in (Secton 5), unti the Expiron Dat (as set fort in Secon 2.1). At such tie Seller and PacifiCorp agree to execute a wrtten document ratifyng the terms of this Agreement. 12.4 If ths Agrent is ted as a reult of Seller's default, in adition to and not in limitation of any other right or remedy under this Agreement or applicable law (including any right to set-off, counterclaim, or otherwise withold payment), Seller shall pay PacifiCorp Ouut Shortl Dam for a peod of eigh (18) mont frm the da of teinon plus the estimated administative cost to acquire the replacement power. The Paries agree that the daes PacifiCorp would incur due to termnation reltig frm Seller's defiult would be difficult or impossible to predict with cerainty, and that the daages in this Secton 12.4 are an appropriate approximation of such damages. 12. Recoupment of Damages. (a) Default Securty Available. If Seller has posted Default Security, PacifiCorp may draw upon tht security to satisfy any daages, above. (b) De Secty Unavailable. If Seller ha not post Defult Seity, or ifPacifCorp ha exusted the Def Securty, PacifCorp may collec any reing amount owig by parally witholdig fu payments to Seller over a reonable peod of tie. PacifCorp and Seller shall work togeer in good fath to estlish the period and monthly amounts, of such witholdig so as to avoid Seller's default on its commercial or ficin agen necsa for its contue opon of the Facilit. 12.6 Upon an event of default or mnevent resulting from default under this Agreement, in addition to and not in limitation of any other right or reedy under this Agreement or applicable law (including any right to set-off, counterclaim, or otherwise withold payment), the non-defà Pa may at its option set-off ag any amounts owed to the defaulting Pary, any amounts owed by the defaulting Pary under any contrct(s) or agrent(s) be the Pares. The obligations of the Pares shall be deed safied and dihage to the exnt of any such se-off The non-dfiultig Par sha gie the defaultig Par wrttn notice of any set-off but faiur to give such notice shall not afec the validity of the set- off. 30 Ceda Creek Wind UC-F Pi 12.7 Amounts owed by Seller pursuant to this Section 12 shall be due within five (5) business days aftr any invoice frm PacifiCorp for the same. SECTION 13.INDEMNCATION: LIAn.ITY 13.1 Indemnities. 13.1. Indemnity by Seller. Seller shal relea, indefY and hold haess PacifiCorp, its directors, offcers, agents, and representatives against and from any and all loss, fies, pealties, clais, actons or suits, including co and atrney's fee, both at tr and on appe, resul frm, or.arin out of or in any way conn wi (a) the energy delivered by Seller under this Agrment to and at the Point of Delivery, (b) any facilties on Seller's side of the Point of Delivery, (c) Seller's operation and/or maintenance of the Facilty, or (d) aring frm Seller's breh of this Agrement, includig wiout litaon any loss, cla acon or suit, for or on acunt of injur, bodily or otherise, to, or death of, persons, or for damage to, or destrction or economic loss of prpert belongig to PacifiCorp, Seller or other, excepting only such loss, claim, action or suit as may be caused solely by the fault or gross negligence of PacifiCorp, its directors, offcers, employees, agents or representatives. 13.12 Inde by PacifCoip. PacifCorp shal relea, inemnfy and hold haless Seller, its dirrs, offcers, agents, lenders and reseves against and frm any and all loss, fines, penties, clais, actions or suits, includng cost and atey's fees, both at trl and on appe reultig frm, or arsing out of or in any way coec with the energy delivere by Seller unde this Agnt af the Point of Deliver, inludig withut limon any loss, clai acon or sui for or on acun of injur, bodily or otheiwse, to, or death of, pes, or for daag to, or descton or ecnomic loss of propert, excepting only such loss, clai, action or suit as may be caused solely by the fat or grss negligence of Seller, its dirs offce, emloyee, agents, lenders or representatives. 132 No Dedication. Nothing in this Agrement shall be constred to create any duty to, any stada of car with referece to, or any liabilty to any peon not a Par to this Agrment. No undertng by one Par to the other under any provision of this Agren shall constitute the dedication of that Par's system or any portion thereof to the other Par or to the public, nor afect the st ofPacifCoip as an indepde public utli corpration or Seller as an independent individual or entity. 133 No Warrty. Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilties shall not be an endorsement or a confiration by PacifiCorp and PacifiCorp makes no warties, exprsed or implied regarng any aspet of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilties, including, but not limited to, safety, duilty, reliabilty, stgt caacit, adequay or economic feaibil. 13.4 CONSEQUENTIA DAMAGES. EXCEPT TO THE EXTET SUCH DAMGES ARE INCLUDED IN THE LIQUIDATED DAMGES, DELAY DAMAGES, OR OTH SPECIE MEUR OF DAMGES EXRESLY PROVIED FOR IN TIS AGREEMT, NElIHEPARlY SHA BE LILE TO 11 OT PARTY FORSPECIA, PUN lNlR, EXlAY OR CONSEQUE DAMGE, 31 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pin WHTHR SUCH DAMGES AR ALLOWED OR PROVIDED BY CONTCT, TORT (ICLUDING NEGUGECE, S1Cf LIILIT, STA1U OR OTIWIE. SECTION 14.INSURACE 14.1 Certficates. Prior to connection of the Facilty to the System, Seller shall secure and contiuously ca inurce in compliance with the requirmen of ths Secton. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp inurce cerificates) (of "ACORD Fonn" or the equivalent) certfying Seller's compliance with the insurance requirments hereunder. Commercial General Liaili covere wr on a "clamade" bas, if any, sh be spifcaly identied on th certca. If requested by PacifCorp, a copy of each ince policy, ceed as a tie copy by an authorized representave of the issuing inurce company, shall be fuished to PacifiCorp. 142 Required Policies and Coverages. Without limiting any liabilties or any other obligations of Seller under this Agrement, Seller shall secure and continuously car with an insurance company or companies rated not lower than "A-:VII" by the A.M. Insurace Report the insurance coverage specified below: 1421 Commerial Geeral Liabilty in, to include contrliilty, with a minimum single limit of $1,000,000 per occurence to protect against and frm all loss by ren of injur to pens or dae to prope based upon and aring out of the activity under this Agreement. 1422 All Risk Prrt inurance providing coverage in an amount at least equa to 80010 of the relaceent value of the Facilty agai "all risks" of physica loss or daage, including coverge for ea movement, flood, and boiler and mahier. The Pr policy may cont se subli an deucbles subjec to ince compay undertig guidelines. The Risk Policy wil be maitaed in accordce with tes available in the insurce market for similar facilities. 143 The Commercial Gener Liabilty policy requird herein shall include (i) prvisions or endorsents namg PacifCorp, its Boa of Dirrs Offcers and employees as additional insurds, and (ii) cross liabilty coverage so that the insurance applies separately to each in ag whom clai is mae or suit is broug even in instce wh one in claims against or sues another insurd. 14.4 All liabilty policies requird by ths Agrement shall include provisions that such insurce is primar insurce with respec to the interest ofPacifiCorp and that any other insurce maintained by PacifiCorp is excess and not contributory insurance with the insurance reuire herunder, and prvisions tht such policies sha not be canceled or their limits of liabili reuced without (i) te (i 0) business days prior wrttn notce to PacifCorp if caceled for nonpayment of premium, or (ii) thirt (30) business days prior wrtten notice to PacifiCorp if canceled for any other reason. 14.5 Commerial Geeral Liability ince coverge prvided on a "clais-mae" basis shall be maintaned by Seller for a miimum period of five (5) years afr the completion of this Agemen and for such other lengt of tie necessa to cover liabilities arsin out of the activities under this Agreement. 32 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi SECTION 15.FORCE MAJEUR 15.1 As used in this Agreement, "Forc Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" mea any caus bend th renable col of the Seller or ofPacifCo whch, despite the exercise of due diligece, such Par is unable to prevent or overcme. By way of exaple, Force Majeure may include but is not limited to acts of God, flood, storms, wars, hostlities, civil ste, stes, and other lar dists, eaqu, fi, lightning, epideics, sae, restnt by cour ord or other delay or failur in the peomice as a ret of any acton or inaction on behalf of a public authority which is in eah case (i) beyond the reasonable control of such Par, (ii) by the exercise of reasonable foresight such Par could not reasonably have been expeed to avoid and (iii) by the exerise of due digenc, such Par shl be unable to preent or overme. Force Majeu, however, spifically excludes the cost or availabilty of fuel or motive force to operate the Facilty or changes in market conditions tht afect the prce of energy or trsmission. If either Par is reder wholly or in par unble to perform its obligaon under this Agrent beuse of an event of Forc Majeur, both Pares shal be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: 15.1.1 the non-peormg Par, sh as so as pracale but no la th within tw (2) weeks af the occurce of the Force Majeur, give the other Par writtn notice describing the pariculars of the occurnce, including the sta date of the Force Majeure, the cause of Force Majeure, wheter th Facil re paally operation and the expeted en date of the Force Majeur; 15.12 the suion of perormance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure; 15.13 th non-peormg Par us its be effom to reed its inil to perform; and 15.1.4 the non-peorg Par sh prvide promp wr noce to the oter Par at the end of the Forc Maeur even deling the en da, cae therf, dage ca ther by an any re th wer reui as a re of th Force Majeur even and the end date of the Force Majeure. 15.2 No obligations of either Par whch arse before the Forc Majeu causing the suspension of performance shall be excused as a result of the Force Majeure. 15.3 Neither Par shall be reuire to settle any stke, walkout, lockout or other labor disp on terms which, in the sole judgmen of the Par involved in the dispu ar cont to the Par's best interests. SECTION 16.SEVERA OBLIGATIONS Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be constred to create an association, trust, paerp or joint ventu or to impose a trt or paership duty, obligaton or liabilty between the Paries. If Seller includes two or more paries, each such part shall be jointly and severally liable for Seller's obligations under this Agrement. 33 Cedar Creek Wind, lL-Fiv Pi SECTION 17.CHOICE OF LAW This Agrent shal be interpted an enorced in accrdance with the laws of the stte ofIdaho, excluding any choice of law rules which may direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. SECTION 18. PARTIAL INVALIDITY It is not the intion of th Pares to violat any laws gover the subjec mat of th Agemen If any of the te of the Agrent ar finly held or detrmined to be invalid, ilegal or void as being cont to any aplicale law or public policy, all other tes of the Agreement shal reai in effec. If any tes ar finly held or detined to be invalid~ ilega or void, the Pares shl enr in negotation conceg the te afec by such decision for the puse of achieving conform with requients of any applicable law and the intent of the Paries to this Agrement. SECTION 19.WAIR Any waiver at any time by either Par of its rights with respect to a default under this Agrment or with respec to any other maer arsin in connection wi this Agrent mus be in wrtig, and such waiver shal not be deemed a waver with respe to any subseqent default or other mattr. SECTION 20.GOVERNNTAL JURISDICTON AND AUTHORIZATIONS PacifiCo's compliance with the te of ths Agren is codioned on Seller's submion to PacifiCorp prior to the Commercial Opon Dat of coies of al loca, st and feder liceses, permits and other approvals as then may be requir by law for the consction, operation and mantece of the Facilty. Failur to mainta such lawf st afr the Commeria Opon Date shl be an event of defa sujec to Secon 12. SECTION 21.SUCCESSORS AN ASSIGNS 21.1 Th Agrment and all of th te an provisions hef shl be bindig upn an inur to the benefit of the respective successors and assign of the Paries hereto, except tht no assignent herfby eiter Par sh bee effecve wiout the wrtt consen ofbo Pares being :f obted. Such cons sh not be imnably witheld; provided that the Paries agre that commercially reasonable written amendments to the Exhibits to this Agrement and such other wrttn updates to the information contaned therein related to the Facilty may be made in the event of any assignent of this Agreement pursuant to the terms of this Section 21.1.Notwthg the firs sece of ths Seon, (a) any entty with which PacifiCorp may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may conveyor transfer substantially all of its electric utilty assets, shall automatically, without furer act, and without need of consent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all ofPacifiCorp's rights, obligations, and interests under this Agreement and (b) Seller shall have the right to assign this Agreement, subject to PacifiCorp's writtn consent, which consent shall not be unreaonably witheld or delayed, for collateral securty purposes to one or more financing entities (or a collateral agent acting on their behalf) providing financing to Seller for the Facilty, in which event PacifCorp agrees to provide a wrtten consent in favor of Seller's 34 Ceda Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi financing entities in form and substce similar to consents executed by PacifCorp in connection with non-recourse project financings. This arcle shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or seur rights frm exerising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. PacifCorp shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies and all such other rights as provided in the wrttn consent. 21.2 Notwithstading Section 21.1, Seller shall have the right to hold in abeyance, subject to termination as provided in this Section, this Agrement and may authorize Ridgeline Energy, LLC or its designated afliate (such assignee referred to here in this Agrement as "Ridgeline") to execute the agreement in Addendum M (the "Amended and Restated Power Purchase Agrement") at any time prior to Janua 31,2012 by the delivery of a wrttn notice to PacifiCorp designating such abeyance of this Agrement and execution of the Amended and Restated Power Purchase Agreement (the "Assignment Notice"). Within five (5) days of receipt of the Assignment Notice, PacifCorp shall execute and deliver to Ridgeline the Amended and Restated Power Purchase Agreement with the insertion of the nae of the seller and the effective date of such Amended and Restated Power Purhase Agreement, which shall be the later of (a) the date the notice was provided to PacifiCorp or (b) the Effective Date. Upon execution of the Amended and Restted Power Purhase Agreement by Ridgeline as provided in this Section, this Agreement shall be held in abeyance (during which time CCW shall have no rights hereunder). IfRidgeline terminates the Amended and Restated Power Purchase Agreement on or before Janua 5, 2013, then this Agreement shall be reinstated and offull force and effect. IfRidgeline fails to terminate the Amended and Restted Power Purchae Agreement on or before January 5, 2013, this Agrement shall be automatically terminated. SECTION 22.ENTIRE AGREEMENT 22.1 Th Agrent sues all prior agents, proposals, rereons, negotiations, discussions or lettrs, wheter ora orin wrting, regaring PacifiCorp's purchase of Net Output from the Facilty. No modification of this Agrement shall be effective unless it is in wrting and signed by both Paries. 22.2 By executg ths Agrement, eah Par releases the other from any Claims, known or unkown, that may have arsen prior to the executon date of this Agreement with respe to the Facil and any prsor failty prpose to have be cons on th site of the Facilty. SECTION 23.NOTICES All notice except as oteise provided in ths Agrent shal be in wrtig, shal be di as follows and shall be considere delivered if delivered in person or when deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid by certifed or registered mail and retu receipt requested. Notices PacifiCorp Seller All Notices PacifiCorp Ceda Creek Wind, LLC 825 NE Mulom Str Portan 3S Ceda Creek Wind, UC-Fiv Pi OR 97232 Att: Cotr Admon Suite 600 Phone:(503)813-5380 Facsimile: (503) 813-6291 E-mail: Att: Richard W. Burkhdt Phone: (206) 780-3551 Facsimile: (206) 780-3571 E-mail: rburkhardt~ummitpower.com Duns: 00-790-9013 Fed Tax ID Numbe 93-046 Duns: 83-297-9483 Fed Tax ID Num: 800326531 Notices PacifiCorp Seller All Invoices:Att: Back Offce, Suite 700 Att: Vici Hall, General Accountig Phone:( 503)813-5578 Manager Facsimile: (503) 813 -5580 Email: accounting(ã)summitpower.com; vhal1Ø&summitpower.com Phone:(206) 780-3551 Scheduling:Att: Reur Plag, Su 60 AU: Thoma Caer Phone: (503) 813 - 6090 Facsimile:(702) 360-0186 1(503) 813-6265 tcern(âßurtowe.com Payments:Att: Back Offce, Suite 700 Att: Vici Hall, General Accounting Phone:(503)813-5578 Manager Facsimile: (503) 813-5580 Email: accounting(aummitpower.com; vhall(tsummitpower.com Phone:(206) 780-3551 War Traer Ban One N.A.Bank Wells Fargo To be prided in sete let frm To be prvided in sete let frm PacifiCoro to Seller Seller to PacifCoro Credit and Att: Crt Ma, Suite 700 Att: Richard W. Burkhardt, Chief Collections:Phone:(503)813-5684 Facsimile:Financial Offcer (503) 813-5609 Email: rburkhardt(tsummitpower.com Phone:(206) 780-3551 Wit Adona At: PacifCozp Geer Counl Att: Vici Hall. General Accounting Notice of an Phone:(503)813-5029 Facsimile:Manager Event ofDenl (503) 813-6761 Email: or Potentil Event accountingØ&summitpower .com; of Deult to:vhall(ßummitpower .com Phone:(206) 780-3551 The Paries may change the person to whom such notices ar addressed, or their addrsses, by providing wrtten notices thereof in acordance with this Section. 36 C8Oø Wia uin, In WITES WHEF. th Pas have caus this Ap: to be duy exoc as ofth da fi abve wr: pc, CEAR CR WI. LtC . DeWB limit Ii çoy By: Nau: ~ c.. i.TITitlo ~.I- Â- i Cedar Creek Wind UCiv Pi EXHIT A DESCRITION OF SELLER'S FACILITY Seller's Facilty consists of 24 wind turbine generator(s) manufactured by Siemens. More specifically, each generator at the Facilty is described as: Type (synchronous or inductive): Asynchrnous with Invertr Model: Siemens SWT-2.3-101 Number of Phas: The Rated Ontput (kW): 2,300 Rated Outpnt (kVA): 2,555 Rated Voltage (line to lie): 7S0V Rated Current (A): Stator: Convertr Supply Curnt: 1953A; Rotor: 2070 A Maximum kW Output: 2300 kW Maximum kVA Output: 2555kVA Minimum kW Output: _40_ kW Manufacturer's Published Cut-in Wind Spee: 4 meters/second Facility Capacity Rating: 55,200 kW at or above rate wind speed and below cut-out speed Mamum Facilty Delivery Rate: _54,648 kW at PacifiCorp Goshen Substation at 345 kV Maximum GIA Delivery Rate 133,400 - instataeous kW (combined with the other Ceda Creek Project describe in Addendum LJ Identify the maximwn outut of the generator(s) and describe any differences between that output and the Nameplate Capacity Ratig: Maximwn generator output is 2300 kW (same as Nameplate Capacity Rating) Station service requirements, and other loads served by the Facilty, if any, are described as follows: Station service requirements consist of Ceda Creek Wind Operations and Maintenance building loads, tubine stadby loads, and turbine cutout loads. Average turbine stadby load for Five Pine is approximately 125 kW. Cutout loads would be infrquent and not concurent with stdby loads. Location of the Facilty: The Facilty is located in Bingham County, Idaho. The location is more paricularly described as follows: 430 19.420' Latitude, 11202.552' Longitude WGS84. Locations of each turbine tower relative to other qualifying facilties owned by Cedar Creek Wind showing Ceda Creek Wind's compliance with the spacing requirements in 18 C.F.R. § 292.204 are attached hereto. Power factor requirements: Rated Power Factor (PF) or reactive load (kV AR): 0.9 Leading to 0.9 Lagging Seller has provided a copy ofmanufactur's Power Cure (Rev. 4, June 2010) for the Siemen SWT -2.3-101. PacifiCorp maintains the power cure in its files puruat to a Non-Disclosure Agreement beteen PacifiCorp and Seller. A-2 Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pin EXHIBIT A - Attchments 1. Cedar Creek Wind Farm Site Map 2. Distance Beteen Wind Turbines of Adjacent Qualing Facilities A-3 Ceda Crek Wind I.-F Pr Cedar Crek Wind Farm Site Map A-4 Ceda Creek Wind, LL-F'iv Pi The tale below list th dice beee tubines in se Qu Faciles. Five Pine TUIN # T36 T36 T36 T37 T37 T37 Tl2 T12 T12 T12 T32 Nort Point TURBINE # T22 T23 T24 T22 T23 T24 T25 T27 T30 T32 T24 DISTANCE (FT) 5558.5 6057.0 6504.5 5378.4 5629.7 5898.8 5799.5 5397.2 5401.6 5358.6 7534.9 A-S Cedar Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi EXHIBITB POINT OF DELIVRY / PARTIES' INTERCONNCTION FACILITIES Seller has provided the following single line drwing of the Facilty interconnection facilties including meterig points used to calculate Net Output and any transmission facilties on Seller's side of the Point of Delivery. The Metering Point and the Point of Delivery is the PacifiCorp 345kV bus at the Goshen substtion. The Project wil be shared by a 34.5kV-345kV collector substation. Each project wil have one or more 34.5kV breakers that will connect to a common 34.5kV bus. The bus wil connect to a centrl 34.5kV main breaker, 34.5-345kV Power Transformer, 345kV breaker, line disconnect switch and a 5.1 mile 345kV trnsmission line to the Goshen Substation. B-1 EXHIBIT B - Attachments 1. Substation Meterig One-Line Diagram B-2 Ceda Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pim Cedar Creek Wind LL-F Pin ~------------------------------------~-_._._----------------~---------: W8I Pu: ~(3_T.ill-i i.,II :.iiI :I.i.I.IIIII iII~---- -.- .... ---._-...... ...._.__.. ..- ...._--......__. .-- ~, T_II ~lllio_U~-U-'" ~1T..~~ IIIII I...i I,.I.------_....j ....I..... Ii : Ceda Crk Wind. LLC ; Coletor Sulletio =...._... _...---. ......__ _._. _.._ _______J C4 os _ÜlAt,.s... .. _._.. ........... ...- _.- ....... .-..-.. r: i· ThmMil¥~: -Knol: ;: l: ~: XJJl i. l(Ìfor IIII iI. :; MkV GOln sub8iion :,._ w_. ____ _ ._...._ ... _. _.... __________._ r--------- --------------------- ---------1i(IH..,,'* (12T.. i iiIII..I.IIIIIIIII IlIII I.IIll FlfPlne :i _tJTui i,.....-.......---.....__......--_...-..._-~ DATE: RE:.~1~\W~'3W' D cepAR CREEK WIND, LLC Norh Point & FI.. Pi ONE-UNE DIAGRA ~ ADO B-3 EXHIBITC REQUID FACILITY DOCUMENTS Quaifying Facilty Number from to be obtained from FERC: QFlO-536-000 The following Documents are required prior to delivery of any output from the Facilty: Generation Interconnection Agrement Agreement permitting Seller access to shared interconnection facilties Propert rights reuired to maintain and operate the Prject in accordance with this Agreement (site leases, transmission easements, etc). The following Permits are required on or before the milestone date specified in Section 2.2.1. Federal Aviation Administration Determinations of No Hazard Bingham County Special Use Permit Crossing agreements with paries other than PacifiCorp Trasmission C-l Cedar Creek Wind LL-FivPi EXBITD SUBSEQUENT ENERGY DELIVERY SCHEDULE Coyote Hill Wind Protect Scheduled Monthly Ener2Y Delivery AvekW/mo Januar Februar Marh April May June July August September October November December TOTAL: Planed Outages. Seller will provide a Planed Outage schedule annualy not to exceed 150 hours per year (150 hours excludes first year "break in" or similar stap period outages). D-l EXHBITE START-UP TESTING Required factory testing includes such checks and tests necessar to determine that the equipment systems and subsystems have been properly manufactud and installed, function prperly, and are in a condition to permit safe and effcient st-up of the Facilty, which may include but ar not limited to: 1. Test of mechanical and electrical equipment; 2. Calibraton of al monitoring intrents; 3. Operating tests of all valves, operators, motor stars and motor; 4. Alans, signals, and fail-safe or system shutdown control tests; 5. Point-to-point continuity tests; 6. Bench tests of protective devices; and 7. Tests required by maufacrer(s) and designers) of equipment. Required st-up tests are those checks and tests necessar to determine that all featues and equipment, systems, and subsystms have been properly installed and adjusted, functon properly, and ar capable of operatng simultaneously in such condition that the Facilty is capable of continuous delivery into PacifiCorp's electrical system, which may include but ar not limited to: i. Turbine/generator mechanical nins and fuctionality; 2. System operation tests; 3. Brae tests; 4. Energization of tranformers; 5. Synchroning tests (manua and auto); 6. Excitation and voltage regulation operaton tests; 7. Auto stop/sta sequence; 8. Completion of any state and federal environmental testing requirements; and 9. Tests required by manufactuer(s) and designer(s) of equipment. For wind projects only, the following Wind Turbine Generator Instalation Checklists are required documents to be signed off by Manufactur or Subcontract Category Commissioning Personnel as part of the Commissioning and stap testing: Turbine Inallation Foundation Inspection (by Owner's independent inspector) Controller Assembly Power Cables Cable Installation Checklists includi: Contrller Top Deck / Yaw Deck Tower Top Section / Saddle Mid Section Cables or buss bars Base Section Tower Base Section Tower Lights and Outlets Tower Mid Section Tower Top Section Nacelle Rotor E-l Ced Creek Wind, LL-F Pin EXHBITF-l MOTIVE FORCE PLAN WIN SPEED DATA SUMMIES & HOURLY WI PROFILE Fl. i Fi v e P i n e W i n d h r m . O p i m i e d T i i r b l n e L a u t ( V e r i o 8 ) Tu r b n e : S i m e S W T . 2 . 3 1 0 1 Av e r a . . o f W i n d S p e e d I m / . ) Mo n t lo c e l H o u r ( G M T . S ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 G r a n d T o t 0 7. 8 7. 3 1 6. 5 7. 5 6. . 1 5. 2 6 6. 3 5. 1 Un . 8. o 7. 7 3 7. 6 3 6. 9 1 7. . 7A S 6. 3 73 6 6. . 5 S. 2 5. 7 9 5. 9 7 7. o 8.1 3 7. 8 7 7. 6 6. 9 2 7. 1 7. 7 1 6. 6 2 7A S 6. . 0 5. 6 9 5. 7 4 5. 9 3 6. 9 8. l 7. 9 7. 5 9 7. 0 1 3 7.7 9 7. 6 3 6. 9 73 6 6. 6 9 6. 2 3 5. 3 5. 7 6 6. 8 5 7. 9 7. 9 5 7. 6 8 7. 0 1 4 7.8 7 7.6 0 7. O S 6. 9 6. . 5 GA l S. o 5. 7 6 6. 8 7. 1 7 7.7 9 7. 3 6 6M 5 a. o 7.5 6 6.5 4 6. 9 6. 8 1 6. 2 5. 3 S. 8 3 7. 0 2 7. 1 5 7.7 5 7A 2 6. 9 6 7. 9 7. 3 0 6. 5 7.1 2 5. 7 8 5. O S 4. 0 S. 0 7 7. 1 6 6. 6 9 7. 8 7A S 6. 5 0 7 8. 0 4 7A 9 6. 6 7 6. 5 4.9 0 5. 2 3A S 4. 0 5 6A l 6. 5 1 7.8 4 7:2 6 6. 2 8 8. 0 6 7. 3 6. 7 1 6. 1 6 4. 6 8 S.O S 3.4 4 4.0 0 5. 1 2 5. S 3 7. 5 7. 1 6 5. 9 9 7. 0 3 6. 9 5 6. 8 5. 8 4. 9 6 5. 3 3.8 4 4: 2 6 4. 2 4. . S 6. 8 1 7.1 0 5. 6 10 6. 6 6 6. 1 9 6, 4 7 5. 8 1 5.5 7 6.0 1 4. 1 8 5.0 8 4. 9 4. 7 4 6. 2 4 7. 0 l 5. 7 5 11 6. 7 4 5. 6 0 6. 5. 9 0 6.0 2 7.0 1 5.1 0 5; 6 5. 5 4. 7 5 6. 0 5 6. . 5. 9 12 6. 6 3 50 4 7 6. 5 6. 2 6 6.3 4 7.7 7 6.0 7 6.1 1 5. 8 4.6 9 5. 8 6 6. 5 6. . 5 13 6. 3 5. 6 9 6. 9 6. 3 0 6. 6 4 8. o 6. 5 3 6.6 6 6. 1 7 4. 6 5. 9 4 GA S 6. 3 7 14 6. 0 4 5. 6 6 7. 2 6. 0 6. 8 8 8.1 3 8.0 9 7.2 5 6.3 7 5. 0 8 6. 0 3 6. 7 5 6. 6 15 6. 5 5 5. 6 3 7. 2 7 5. s 6. 5 6 7.8 1 8. 2 6. 9 4 6. 6 5. 6 6. 2 6 7. 0 2 6. 7 0 16 6. 4 6. 1 4 7. 3 1 63 6 6. 5 2 7.5 7 8. o 7. 6 0 5. . 5. n 6. 8 7. 1 0 6.7 6 17 6. 6 5. 9 5 7. 2 6. 1 4 6. 6 9 8.1 2 7. 5 7.3 5 5.7 9 6.1 4 6. 5 8 6. 9 8 6. 8 18 7. 0 1 6. 2 3 7. 4 7 7. 0 7. 0 9 7. 1 7. 7 6 7. 3 3 5. 7 8 6.9 0 6. 6 1 7A O 7. O S 19 7. 3 6 6. 8 9 6. 8 7 7. 3 5 7. 3 5 7. D 7. 5 2 7. 1 4 s. n 7.2 2 6.3 1 7. 1 8 7. 0 20 7. 7 1 7, 4 3 6. 9 1 7A S 6. 9 6. 8 7, 4 5 7. 2 0 6.3 7 7.3 9 6. 8 9 7, 5 7. 1 8 21 7. 7 4 7. 3 7 7. 0 8 6. 9 7. 2 7 6.1 0 6. 6 6 7. 9 6.7 0 8. O S 7. 5 3 7. 7 ! 7. 1 9 22 7. 6 7 7. 3 8 U1 7 6. 6 6. 8 1 5. 3 6. 6 0 6. 6 2 7. 5 8.1 2 7A l 7.6 E 7.0 7 23 8. 1 4 7. 6 1 6. 5 6 7. 0 1 6. 5 6 5.1 8 6. 6 S. 8 7. 3 9 8.1 1 7.3 4 7.7 e 7. o Gr a n d To t l 7. 3 6. 8 i 6. 8 6. 6 GA O 6. 4 6. 0 6. 1 0 6. 3 1 6. 5 7.0 2 7. 2 7 6.6 5 99 . 5 m 8 t No r m e f t e d Ce d a r C r e e k W i n d L L - F i v P i Fl u P i n e W i n d F a r m - O p i z e d T u r b L a u t ( V e r i o n t i l Tu r b n e : S i e m e S W T - 2 . 3 1 0 1 Ai i l l o f N e t C a F l ( ' l Mo n t h le u l H o o r ( G M T - 8 ) i 2. 3 4 5 6 1 II 9 10 11 12 G r a n d T o t l 0 31 . S 37 A 4 ZS . 9 39 . 3 1 28 . 1 5 11 . 1 9 24 ; 8 2 24 . 0 8 33 . 1 4 37 . 5 5 38 . 5 3U ! 31 . 6 2 1 33 . 0 4 37 . 1 1 21 . 2 7 31 . 1 26 . 1 3 20 . 9 3 23 . 9 7 28 . 1 3 31 . 1 1 43 . 6 34 . 3 33 . 3 31 A D 2 33 . 5 8 36 . 3 26 . 0 1 36 . 9 5 21 . 6 4 22 . 8 7 23 . 8 26 . 3 2 31 . 1 2 41 . 6 6 36 . 3 34 . 8 0 31 . 5 1 3 33 . 6 4 34 . 0 0 33 . 3 9 33 . 3 0 29 . 7 9 25 . 2 2 20 . 7 1 24 . 9 9 32 . 8 1 38 . 1 6 38 . 6 5 38 . 0 1 31 . 9 4 33 . 8 38 , 4 3 35 . 5 9 33 . 9 28 . 2 0 26 . 6 6 19 . 9 22 . 5 1 32 . 8 9 33 0 39 . l 38 . 5 ! 31 . 9 5 32 . 3 4 34 A 4 28 . 8 32 . 1 9 28 . 7 8 28 . 3 3 22 . 3 6 25 . 2 1 27 . 5 1 32 . 1 3 41 . 5 5 40 . U 31 . 1 6 6 32 A 4 31 . 2 8 31 . a s 33 . 8 7 21 . 6 4 19 . 3 6 11 . 9 19 . 1 35 . 3 21 . 9 7 39 . 1 3 40 . 6 28 . 1 8 7 28 . 1 3 31 . 9 32 . 1 26 . 9 7 16 . 8 1 18 . 7 0 7. 8 0 U. 3 5 25 . 2 31 . 1 2 36 . 3 4 38 . 3 25 . 8 8 38 . 1 9 36 34 . 4 27 . 2 6 13 . 2 8 16 . 2 6, 4 7 9. 5 4 14 . 0 1 23 . 0 2 35 . 3 37 . i 24 . 4 9 27 . 6 0 34 . 0 5 31 . 8 24 . 5 1 13 17 . 8 6 8. 2 10 . 4 9 10 . 0 3 15 . 1 3 32 . 7 5 22 . 1 2 20 . 6 3 10 24 . 6 26 . o 32 . 1 0 24 m 20 . 1 8 22 . 1 8 5. 4 17 . 4 2 13 . 1 6 14 . 1 7 31 . 1 7 34 . 6 8 22 . 1 1 11 25 . 0 24 . 5 7 28 . 4 25 . 5 24 . 3 3 29 . 6 6 14 . 1 9 20 . 7 5 13 A 4 15 . 8 7 31 . 3 1 35 . 1 2 24 . 0 12 25 . 5 21 . 4 28 . 5 7 28 . 9 26 . 7 1 37 . 5 8 20 . 9 22 . 8 6 20 . 7 4 13 . 8 1 29 . 2 6 29 . 25 . 6 13 22 . 7 3 25 . 9 3 34 2 0 27 , 4 9 29 . 0 6 39 . 0 3 23 . 8 3 26 . 1 4 24 . 3 5 13 . 3 23 . 0 31 . 1 26 . 7 2 14 22 . 2 21 . 9 9 34 . 9 2 26 . 6 8 29 . 2 2 42 . 8 6 32 . 9 28 . 3 26 0 4 1 13 . 1 1 29 . 7 1 28 . 2 28 . 2 15 22 . 3 1 23 . 3 1 36 . 8 0 23 . 6 1 30 . 1 0 37 . 5 6 31 . 9 30 . 2 1 27 . 5 19 . 3 33 . 0 0 28 . 1 2 29 . 1 6 16 23 . 6 27 . 1 9 32 . 9 1 25 . 5 28 0 2 36 . 9 3 35 . 8 7 34 . 3 8 21 . 9 1 20 . 7 1 31 . 8 3O . 8 J 29 . 1 6 17 23 . 1 1 28 . 2 3 34 . 5 5 24 . 5 1 31 . 1 6 41 . 6 1 32 . 9 34 . 9 6 20 . 2 7 24 . o 32 . 8 9 28 . 1 3 29 . 7 0 18 27 . 2 28 . 8 5 37 , 4 3 31 . 1 8 34 . 8 4 36 . 3 9 34 . 3 3 32 . 2 1 24 . 0 3 33 . 6 26 . 6 2 28 . 5 31 . 3 1 19 28 . 8 31 , 4 9 32 . 8 32 . 9 3 37 . 9 1 29 . 1 5 34 . 7 7 31 . 1 3 26 . 3 33 . 8 29 . 5 9 32 . 4 31 . 8 20 26 . 1 6 35 0 4 7 31 . 9 3 36 m 33 . 1 2 27 . 5 6 30 . 6 6 31 . 0 28 . 9 9 35 . 7 7 34 . 7 9 37 . 5 3 32 . 5 21 28 . 3 35 . 7 0 33 . 1 6 34 . 9 37 . 4 2 25 . 2 4 26 . 2 32 . 6 0 32 . 1 3 41 . 9 37 . 2 3 37 . 8 33 . 5 22 .3 2 . 0 35 . 2 1 31 . 5 30 . 5 30 . 9 7 19 . 0 1 26 . 8 25 . 9 1 37 0 4 1 40 . 7 0 36 0 4 1 36 . 3 9 31 . 9 23 37 . 0 36 . 6 4 27 . 1 7 33 . 6 8 30 . 4 0 16 . 5 3 29 . 2 25 . 9 7 34 . 7 0 42 . 6 32 . 3 6 38 . 3 32 . 1 2 Gra n d To t l 28 . 9 1 31 . 4 31 . 30 0 4 7 27 . 5 27 . 3 6 23 . 2 24 . 8 8 26 . D 28 . 7 5 33 . 8 4 34 . 0 5 29 . 0 99 . 5 m e . No r m l i z e d Ceda Creek Wind LL-Fiv Pi FI.4 Cedar Creek Wind ll4iv Pi EXIBITG SAMPLE ENERGY PURCHASE PRICE CALCULA nONS The calculation for the non-levelized purhae price durng an On-Peak Hour in May of 2012 equals $63.97/MWh (the 2012 anual rate for Conforming Energy) multiplied by 92% (0.92) (the May On-Pea Hour multiplier) minus $6.501M (the wid integration cost), which equals $52.35/Mh. Table 1: Sample calculations for non-Ievelized On-Pea Conforming Energy in 2012: Purhase Price = (anual rate'" monthly On-Peak multiplier) - wind integration cost. Conforming Energ Calculated Purchase Annual Rate On-Peak Wind Price for 2011 On- for 2011 Hour Integration Peak Conforming Month (perMWh)Multiplier Cost Energ (per MWh) Januar $63.97 103%$6.50 $59.39 Februy $63.97 105%$6.50 $60.67 Marh $63.97 95%$6.50 $54.27 April $63.97 95%$6.50 $54.27 May $63.97 92%$6.50 $52.35 June $63.97 94%$6.50 $53.63 July $63.97 121%$6.50 $70.90 August $63.97 121%$6.50 ,$70.90 September $63.97 109%$6.50 $63.23 October $63.97 115%$6.50 $67.07 November $63.97 110%$6.50 $63.87 December $63.97 129%$6.50 $76.02 Table 2: Sample calculations for non-levelized Off-Peak Conforming Energy in 2012: Purchase Prce = (anual rat * monthly Off-Peak multiplier) - wind integration cost. Conforming Energ Calculated Purchase Annual Rate Off-Peak Wind Price for 2012 Off- for20ii Hour Integration Peak Conforming Month (perMW)Multiplier Cost Energ (per MW) Janua $63.97 94%$6.50 $53.63 Februar $63.97 97%$6.50 $55.55 Marh $63.97 80%$6.50 $44.68 April $63.97 76%$6.50 $42.12 May $63.97 63%$6.50 $33.80 June $63.97 65%$6.50 $35.08 July $63.97 92%$6.50 $52.35 August $63.97 106%$6.50 $61.31 G-l Cedar Creek Wind lL Pin Conforming Energy Calculated Purchase Annual Rate Off-Pea Wind Pnee for 2012 Off- for 2012 Hour Integration Peak Conformig Month (perMW)Multiplier Cost Energ (per MWh) September $63.97 99%$6.50 $56.83 October $63.97 105%$6.50 $60.67 November $63.97 96%$6.50 $54.91 December $63.97 120%$6.50 $70.26 0-2 EXHIBITH Seller Authoriation to Release Generation Data to PacifCorp H-l ;á'( WEST~RNENERGY May 7, 2010 Pacifcorp Att: Kenneth Huston 825 NE Multnomah, Ste. 1600, Portand, Oregon 97232 RE: Cedar Creek Wind, LLC PacifCorp Transmision Dear Mr. Huston: Ceda Creek Wind, LLC hereby voluntaly authores PacifiCorp's Trasmission business unt to share Ceda Creek Wind, LLC's generator interonnection information and genertor meter data with market fuction employees of PacifiCorp, including, but not limited to the those in the Commercial and Trading group. Ced Creek Wind, LLC acknowledges tht PacifiCorp did not provide it any prefernces, either opertional or rate-related in exchange for ths volunta consent. Síncerely, ~~~ ?t Dana C. Zentz, P.E. Vice President Suit Power Grup, Inc.lCeda Creek Wind, LLC (509) 448-7589 (Offce) (509) 954-4103 (Mobile) Cedar Creek Wind, LLC 701 Winslow Way E., Suite B Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 1 206.780-3551 fax: 206.780.3571 CONFIDENnAL Cedar Crek Wind, LL-Fiv Pi ADDENDUML STATION LOAD, LOSSES, and NET OUTPUT ALLOCATION ALGORIHM FOR THE CEDAR CREEK WID, LLC PROJECTS This Addendum L is hereby made a par of, and clarfies certin terms in, the Power Purchae Agreement between Cedar Creek Wind, LLC relating to FIVE PINE, and PacifCorp ("Agreement") entered into the _day of December, 2011. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set fort in the Agrement. Cedar Creek Wind, LLC ("Seller") and PacifCorp ar at times referred to herein individually as a "Part" or collectively as the "Partes" . Cedar Creek Wind, LLC shall own a complex of two (namely, Five Pine and North Point) separate, Idaho Qualifying Facilties (each, a "Cedar Creek Projec" and collectively, the "Cedar Crek Projects") that share collector wires, a 34.5/345 kV substaion (Cedar Creek Substaion), and related equipment, which connect the Qualifyg Facilties to the Point of Delivery ("Share Interconnection Facilties"). PacifiCorp has agred to buy (and Seller has agreed to sell), at the Point of Deliver, Seller's tota energy output net of: (1) Seller's station service; (2) energy provided by Seller to another Cedar Creek Project for station service; (3) Seller's share of the trsformation losses; and (4) Seller's share of the line losses between Seller's Facilty and the Point of Delivery (together Seller's "Station Auxilary Load and Losses"). However, Seller andPacifiCorp agree that it is impossible to measure Seller's Station Auxilar Load and Losses separate and apar from the Station Auxilar Load and Losses of the other Cedar Creek Projec. Therfore, in order to implement an objective, practicable, and equitable process by which PacifiCorp may quantify energy delivered by Seller to the Point of Delivery (net of its Station Auxilary Load and Losses), the Paries do agre as follows: A. Biling Formulae. PacifiCorp shall determine Seller's Net Output in kWh for puroses of the Agreement using the method specifed below. 1. Definitions NR¡ = the nameplate rating (ala Facilty Capacity Rating) of Cedar Creek Project i. NRT = the sum of all the nameplate ratings of Cedar Creek Projects (i = 1 to 2). PALLr = the accumulated purchased energy frm Utilty Supplier, as determined at the Point of Delivery, to supply the net total station auxilar load and losses for the Shared Interconnection Facilties for Cedar Creek Projects i = 1 to 2 whenever such total load and losses exceeds total generation output. P ALL¡ = the allocated shar of P ALLT for Project i as determined by multiplying PALLT by NR¡ and dividing by NRr. . OP¡ = for a given integration interval, the metered output energy of Ceda Creek Project i, as determined by PacifiCorp's meter at the point where Ceda Creek Project i connects to the Shard Intercnnection Facilties. For any integrtion interval during which any energy is delivered to a Project frm the Shad Interconnection Facilties, such delivered energy is accumulated in a separate meter register and does not decrement the registr used to measure accumulated OP¡. Therefore OP¡ is by definition always grater th or equal to zero, and in the event the meter records OP¡ less than zero, OP¡ shall be deemed to equal zero. L -I OPT NOT Cedar Creek Wind lL-Fiv Pi = the sum of all OP¡ (i = 1 to 2). = for a given integration interval, the tota energy delivere to the Point of Delivery (345 kV bus at Goshen Substation). NOT shall be as measured at PacifiCorp's meter ncar the Point of Deliver (kWh, in 10-minute intervals), adjusted for any transformation losses between the meter and the Point of Delivery. For any integration interval during which any energy is delivered to the Point of Delivery from PacifiCorp's system, such delivered energy is accumulated in a sepaate mete register of the PacifiCorp meter and does not decrement the register used to measure accumulated Net Output energy. Therefore NOr is by definition always greatr than or equa to zero and in the event the meter records NOT less than zero, NOT shall be deemed to equal zero. = the net energy sold to PacifiCorp by Cedar Creek Project i durig the integration intervaL. SALLr = the total of all sttion auxilar load and losses for the Shared Interconnection Facilties for Cedar Creek Projects (i = 1 to 2) when NOT is positive. SALLi = the allocated share for Ceda Creek Project i of SALLT. 2. Calculations Calculations shall be reconciled and seted monthly. Calculations shall be based upon raw data gathered from specified meters using a metering integration interval of 5, 10, or 15 minutes at PacifiCorp's election to match the metering instllation PacifiCorp specified ("integration interval"). Calculations shall be rounded to the nearest kilowatt-hour in the fina step. (a). When Total Generation Output ~ Station Auxiliary Load and Losses When, for any integration interval, the total of all OP¡ Projec output amounts of energy among all Cedar Creek Projects (OPT) is less than or equal to the tota sttion auxilar load and losses for the Shard Interconnection Facilties, the meters at the Point of Deliver wil accumulate the Utilty Supplier's delivery of purhased energy, PALLT. to supply such net total load and losses in a meter register that is separte frm that which accumulates NOT and NOT shall equal zero or if negative, be deemed to equal zero. The "Utility Supplier" shall be the utility providing retail electric service at the Facilty (Rocky Mounta Power). PacifiCorp shall have no obligation to serve any of the Cedar Creek Projects' retail electrc needs absent a separate written agreement with PacifiCorp and then only with the permission of Seller's Utility Supplier. None of the costs associated with provision of retail electic service to Seller shall be borne by PacifiCorp. (b. When Total Generation Output :: Station Auxiliary Load and Losses When, for any integrtion interval, the tota generation of energy among all Cedar Creek Projects is greater than the total station auxilar load and losses for the Shared Interconnection Facilties, the meters at the Point of Delivery wil accumulate in a separate register PacifiCorp's receipt of the total combined energ frm all the Projects (NOT)' The difference between OPT and NOT for that interval (SALLT) is allocated to each Cedar Creek Project in proportion to its generation output (OP¡) in the same integration interval to determine NO¡ by the formulae: NO¡ Let SALLT = ( OPT - NOT land SALLi = (SALLr J * (OP¡ I OPT 1 The Net Outut energy sold by each Project i is then determined as: L-2 Cedar Creek Wind, I.iv Pi NO¡ = (OP¡ - SALL¡ J and substituting for SALL¡ ; NO¡ = NOT * i OP¡ I OPT J B. Limitation of PacifiCorp Purchase Liabilty. PacifiCorp's total purchase obligation to the Ceda Creek Projects shall at no time excee total energy delivered by the Cedar Creek Projecs to the Point of Delivery. Therefore, in the event the sum of the Net Output energy (calculated according to the preceding formulae) for all the Cedar Creek Projects is greater than NOT, then PacifiCorp shall reduce calculated Net Output energy from each Cedar Creek Project, pro rata each Cedar Creek Project's shae of the OPT, such that the total energy purhased from all the Ceda Creek Projects at the Point of Delivery by PacifiCorp equals NOT. C. PacifCorp Right to Offset. In the event PacifiCorp determines it has underpaid one or more Cedar Creek Projects (due to metering error or otherwise) and, as a result of underpaying one or more Ceda Creek Projects, has overpaid Seller, PacifiCorp may adjust Seller's futue payment(s) accordingly in order to recaptue any overpayment received by Seller in a reasonable time. D. Condition Subsequent. This Addendum L was negotiated jointly among the Cedar Creek Prjects and PacifiCorp and is intended by all of the Cedar Creek Projects and PacifiCorp to be one of five identical bilateral agreements, each between PacifiCorp and a Ceda Creek Project, but each related to the other. Therefore, in the event one or more Ceda Creek Projects does not agre to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Addendum L, PacifiCorp may, upon thirt days writtn notice, cancel all Addendum L agreements. In the event PacifiCorp cancels ths Addendum L in accordace with this Section D, PacifiCorp may satisfY its obligation to pay Seller by depositing when due, with an escrow agent chosen by the Cedar Creek Projects, the total payment due to all Cedar Creek Projects under their respective Power Purhase Agreements, less offset (if any) calculated based upon NOT and the Contract Price. (EN) L-3 Ceda Creek Wind, UC-FivPi EXmIT 4.7(A) GREEN TAG ATTESTATION AN BILL OF SALE ("Sellet') hereby sells, trsfers and delivers to PacifiCorp the Grn Tag (including all Environmenta Attbutes and Gren Tag Reporng Rights) associate with the generaon of Net Ouut under the Power Purchase Agrement (Renewable Energy) betn Seller and PacifCorp dated r 1 (the "PP AU), as described below, in the amount of one Gren Tag for each megawatt hour genered. Defined term (as indicated by initial caitization) used in ths Green Tag Atteston and Bil of Sale shall have the meang set fort in the PP A. Facilty name and location: Fuel Type: Wind Capacity (M): _ MW Operational Date: Energy Admin. il no.: Dates MWh generated Seller fuer attests, warants and represents, under penalty of perjur, as follows: i) to the best of its knowledge, the information provided herin is tre and correc; ü) its sale to PacifiCorp is its one and only sale of the Green Tags and associated Environmenta Attibutes referenced herein; ii) the Facilty generated Output is th amount indicat above; and iv) to the best of Seller's knowledge, each of the Green Tags and Envirnmenta Attibutes associated with the Facilit's Ouut ar being sold to Buyer. This Green Tag Attestion and Bil of Sale ~nfirms, in accordance with the PP A, the trfer from Seller to PacifCorp of all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Green Tags (including Green Tag Reportng Rights and Environmenta Attributes), as set fort above. Exh. 4.7(A) - i Ce Crk wm IL-F Pi Seller's Contact Person: r 1 WITSS MY HAND, a By Its Date: This Attstation may be disclosed by Seller and PacifiCorp to others, including the Center for Reource Solutions and the public utiity commissions having jurisdiction over PacifiCorp, to substatiate and verify the accurcy ofPacfiCorp's advertising and public communicaton clai, as well as in PacifiCorp's advertsing and other public communications. Ex. 4.7(A). 2 CeOek Wì UC-Flì~ EXHBIT 4.7(ß) QUALIFD REPORTING ENTITY SERVICES AGREEMENT C & T Master vL.l; 071411 Ths Qualified Reportg Entity Servces Agreement (ths "Agreement") is ente into by and between PacifiCorp ("PacifiCorp") and ("Coutterpar"; PacifiCorp and Counterpar may be referrd to individually herin as "Par" and collecvely as "Pares") as of , with refeence to the following: WHAS, Counterpar represents to PacifiCorp that it owns or otherise has the rights to all or par of the non-energy attrbutes of the generation frm tht certn electrc generation facilty more paricularly described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Facilty"), or other rights respecting the Facilty itself enabling it to lawfuly enter hereinto; and WHAS, The Wester Renewable Electcity Generaion Infrmation Systm ("WRGIS") is a system trkig quatities of renewable energy generation generated by electric generatig facilties in the nature of the Facilty, as a Facility puruat to WRGIS Terms of Use ("TOU"); and WHAS, WRGIS rees tht eah Facilty have a designate Quified Reporting Entity; and WHREAS, Counerpar is an Account Holder in WRGIS and wishes to register the Facilty with WREGIS; and WHAS, Counrpar wishes to retai PacifCorp to act as its WRGIS-defied Quaified Reportng Entity ("QRE") for the Facilty; NOW THREFORE, in considertion of the mutl promises herein contaned, the Paries agre as follows: i. Definitions; Rules of Constrction. i. i Initially capitaize term used and not otherwse defined herin are defied in the in the Operaing Rules or in Attachment 1 Defiitions of the WRGIS TOU. 1.2 "Afliate" mean, with respect to any entit, each entity that directly or indirtly contrls, is contrlled by, or is under common contrl with such designate entity, with "control" meanng the possession, directly or indirly, of the power to dirct maagement and policies, wheter through the ownership of votig securties or by contrct or otherise. Notwthstading the foregoing, with respec to PacifCorp, Affliate shall only include MidAmerica Energy Holdings Company and its dirct, wholly owned subsidiares. 1.3 "Business Day" mean a day of the week other th Satuday, Sunday, or a federal holiday. 1.4 "Electrc System Authority" mea each ofNEC, WECC, WRGIS, an RTO, a regional or sub- regiona reliabilty council or authority, and any other simiar council, corporaion, orgation or body of recognze standing with respect to the operaions of the electc system in the WECC region. 1. "PEC" mea the Federal Energy R.eguatry Comms.sion. 1.6 "Geeration hiteronnection Agreemen" means the agreement entered into separtely between Counterpar and hiterconnection Prder conceing the Intennection Facilties. 1.7 "Facilty" is defined in the Preable. 1. "Inteconnecon Facilties" mean all the facilties instaled, or to be inled, for the purøse of interconnecting the Facilty to the Systm, including electical trsmission lines, upgres, trsformers and associated equìpment, substtions, relay and switchig equipment, and safet equipment i.9 "Interconnection Prvider" means the FERC-regulate or Unite States Deparent of Energy entity with whom the Facilty ha contrted for internnection to the electrc transmission grd; in the event Interconnection Provider is PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp would be the Interconnection Provider operatg in its regulated transmission function, and not as the par hereto. Exh. 4.7(B) - i Ce Oæ Wi IL-Fiv Pi i.O "Metering External Webpage" mea a website owned and operted by PacifiCorp that PacifiCorp may at its option, but without being obligate to do so, make available and operate fur the display of all data that will be included in the Monthly Generaion Extct File. 1.11 "Monthly Generaton Extt File" means a data file tht contains generation data from Counterpar's Points of Metering and conforms to the charactstics and requirements set forth in the WRIS Interce Contrl Document. 1.12 "NERC" meas the Nort American Electrc Reliabilty Corpration. 1.13 "Points of Metering" means the points at which electrc generation is measurd. 1.14 "Prudent Elecca Practices" means any of the praices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant porton of the electcal utility industr or any of the pracces, methods or act, which, in the exerise of reasonale judgment in the light of the fa known at the time a decision is made, could have bee expected to accomplish the desird result at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliabilty, safety and expedition. Prudent Electrical Practices is not intended to be limited to the optimum practce, method or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be a spect of possible practices, methods or acts. 1.15 "QRE" mean a WRGIS-defined Quified Reportng Entity. 1.16 "Renewable" is defined in section 2 of the WRGIS Oprating Rules. 1.17 "Requirements of Law" mea any applicable federal, state and local law, sttute, regulation, rue, code or ordnance enacte, adopted, issued or promulgated by any federa, state, local or other Goverental Authority or reguatory body (including those pertg to electcal, building, zoning, environmenta and occupational safety and heath requiments). 1. 8 "Settement Estaton Procedures" means a calculation based on stadard utilit estiation rules using algoriths develope and approved by PacifCorp's biling deparent. 1.19 "System" mea the electc transmission substation and trsmission or distbution fuilties owned, operatd or maitaned by Transmission Provider, which shall include, afr consction and intalation of the Facilty, the ciruit reinforcements, extensions, and associated termin fuilty reinfurcements or additions requied to interconnect the Facilty, all as set fort in the Generation Interconnection Agreement 1.20 "Tar' means PacifiCorp FERC Elecc Tariff Fif Revised Volume No. 11 Pro Form Open Access Transmission Tarff 1.21 "Tramission Provider" means the FERC-regulted or United States Deparent of Energy entity with whom the Facilty ha contracd for electc transmission at and away from the Facilty to any point on, or internnecton with, the electrc tranmission grd; in the event Tranmission Provider is PacifiCorp, PacifCorp would be the Interconnection Provider operang in its regulated trsmission functon, and not as the par hero.. 1.22 "Wholesle Generaion Also Servg On-Site Loads" is defied in section 2 of the WRGIS Operati Rules. 1.23 1.24 1.25 Rues. 1.26 "WRGIS Operating Rules" means the operg rules and requirements adopt by WRGIS, including the TOU. 1.27 Qeneral Rules ofInretion. Unless otherwse requir by the context in which any term appears, (a) the singular includes the plur and vice versa; (b) references to "Aricles," "Sectons," "Schedules," "Anexes," "Appendices" or "Exhbits" are to arcles, sections, schedules, anexes, appendices or exhibit hereof; (c) all refereces to a parcuar entity or an electricity market price index include a reference to such entity's or index's successors; (d) "herein," "heref' and "hereunder" refer to ths Agement as a whole; (e) all accounti ters not specifically defied herin shall be consted in accordance with generaly accep accounting priciples consistenty applied; (f) the masculine includes the feminine and neuter and vice versa; "WECC" means the Westrn Eleccity Coordiatig CounciL. "WRGIS" mean the Western Renewable Energ Generation Informtion System. "WRGIS Cerificae" or "Certifica" means "Certficate" as defied by the WRGIS Operatig Exh. 4.7(B) - 2 CeOæk Win UC-F"iv Pin (g) "including" means "including, without limitaion" or "including, but not limited to"; (h) all references to a parcular law or state mea tht law or statute as amended frm tie to time; and (i) the word "or" is not necessarily exclusive. 1.28 Interpretation wi FEC Orders. Each Par conduct and shall conduct its operations in a maner intended to comply with FERC Order No. 717, Stadards of Conduct for Tramission Providers, requiring the separon of its trission and merchant functons. Morever, the Pares acknwledge that eah of Tranmission Providets and Interconnecton Prvider's trsmission fucton offers tranmission serice on its system in a maner intended to comply with FERC policies and requirements relating to the provision of open- access trsmission servce. Counterar ages to conduct itself and operate the Facilty in accordance with all Requirements of Law, all requirements of all applicable Electc System Authorities, and all reuiments of the Interconnection Agrment. 1.28.1 Counterpar agrees to enter int the Genertion Interconnection Agreement with the Interconnection Provider. The Generaion Interconnecon Agrement shall be a separate and fre standing contrct and the tenns hereof ar not binding upon the Interconnection Prvider or Trasmission Provider, although both are express thir par beneficiaries hereof. 1.28.2 Notwthstading any other provision in this Agrement, noth in the Generation Intercnnecon Agrment, nor any other agment beten Counterpar on the one hand and Tranmission Provider or Intercnnecon Prvider on the other hand, nor any alleged event of defat thereunder, shal alter or modifY the Pares' rights, duties, and obligaion hereunder. Likewise, nothng herein or connected with the perfrmce by PacifiCorp hereof shall affect or impa the rights of Interconnection Provider or Trami~sion Provider, under the Interonnecton Agrement or otherse. Ths Agrement shal not be consted to creat any rights between Counterpar an the Intennecion Provider or between Counterpar and theTrasmission Provider. ' 1.28.3 Counterpar expressly recgnizs that, for purses herof, the Interconnection Provider and Tranmission Provider each shall be deemed to be a separe entity and separate contrng par from PacifiCorp wheter or not the Genertion Interconnection Agrment is entered into with Intennection Prvider or an afliate therof. Counterar acknowledges tht PacifiCorp, acti in its merhant capacity fucton lI purhaer hereunder, has no reponsibilty for or contrl over Interconnection Provider or Trasmission Provider, and is not liable for any breach of agrement or duty by Intercnnecton Prvider or Transmission Provider. Nothing in ths Agreement shal opere to diminsh, nor shal this Agreement extnd to, Interconnecton Provider or Transmission Prvider's use, retention, or disclosure of Counterar or Facility information (includig informaton with the scope of this Agreement) in connecton with PacfiCorp operating in its trsmission fucton, including its cag out of its obligatons and business pracces as a Balancin Authority or acivities underten pursuant to the Tar II. Term and Termination. 2.1 This Agrement shall be effective upon execution by the Pares and shall continue in effect until such time as either Par, upon providing 60 days writtn notice to the other Par, chooses to terminate. PacifiCorp may initiate any regulatory proceedings it deems appropriate to termnate this Agrment pnor to the effctiveness of such termnation. Notwthtading the foregoing, (a) Counterpar may tenninate this Agreement upon an event of default by PacifiCorp ifPacifiCorp does not cure such event of default withn 10 days of wrtten notice; (b) PacifiCorp may tennmate ths Agreement upon an event of default by Counter if Counterpar does not cue such event of defalt within 10 days of writtn notice, (c) PacifiCorp may terminate this Ageement if the Facilty fails to meet the reuiments of Secton 3.1 hereof and such falure is not cured within 30 days; and (d) Either Par may tenninate this Agrement immediatly upon notice to the other if Counterpar or the Facilty fail to coinply with Secon 1.28. This Agrement may als be tenninated as otherwise set forth herein. III. QRE Services. 3.1 ORE Services. PacifiCorp will, on the terms set fort herin serve as a QRE for the Facilty so long as the Facilty meets the definition of Renewable, is withn the metered bounares of both PacifiCorp's Balancing Authority and is equipped with either: (i) Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider (as Exh. 4.7(B) - 3 Cet Ot Win UC-Fiv Pi applicable) owned and operated meters; or (2) meters that meet the Interconnection Providets requirements and (3) meet all applicable WREGIS requirements. 3.2 Compensaton to Pacifirp. In exchage for the servces performed by PacifiCorp hereunder, Counterpar shall pay PacifiCorp as follows: Counterpar shl pay PacifiCorp a one-time initial setup fee of $280, which shall be due upon execution of this Agreement. The Counterpar shall pay PacifiCorp a monthly reporting fee of $50 per generating unt for which PacifiCorp report outut to WRGIS, provided that PacifiCorp may, in its discron, assess and biI for all fees due hereunder on an anual, raer th monthy, basis. Oter than the initial setup fee, which shall be due in advance, all other fees due hereunder shall be due withn ten days ofPacifiCorp's issuance of an invoice for such fees. PacifiCorp wil review cost associated with this serice on an annua basis, and may make necessar adjustment to the monthly reportng fee charged herein. Any change in the monthy reporting fee wil become effective only aftr a miimum th (30) days prior wrn notice to Counterpar. In the event WRGIS, WECC, or any other entity with the abilty or jursdiction to modify the QRE reporting process requires a change that materially increases the cost to PacifiCorp of providing QRE serces, PacifiCorp may pass those costs to the Counterpary by increasing the monthly reportng fee. PacifiCorp will us best effort to provide Counterpar with prior notice before biling Counterpar for such increased costs. The fee set fort herein relate to PacifiCorp servng as a QRE for Countear puruat to the term of ths Agrement. The necesar metering is a prerequisite for this service and is not covere in the fees described above. 3.3 Points of Meterig. The Points of Meteing that PacifiCorp will use ar set forth in Exhibit A. Counterpar cerfies that all Points of Metrig list in Exhbit A measure data only from Facilty that meet the definition of Renewable. Counterpar shall notify PacifiCorp at least thirty (30) Business Days prior to mag any proposed material chages to the Points of Meterg. Following such notification, the Paries will decide wheter such changes ar mutually acceptale. If such changes ar not acceptale to PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp may tenninate ths Agreement. 3.4 Expens. Except as otherwse provided in the Interconnection Agrement (and in such case, only vis- à-vis Interconnection Provider), Counterpar shall bear all cost and expnses, including those incured by PacifiCorp, relating to all meterng or other equipment intaled to acmmodate Counterar's Facilty. 3.5 Reportin. Counterpar herby grts to PacifCorp sole and exclusive perssion and autority to report Data and Outut to WRGIS and warants and represents that neither Counterpar nor any other persn or entity actng on behalf of Counterpar ha grted, or will heaf grt durg the tenn herf any similar data reportg autority or pennission to any oter QRE or WREGIS Accunt Holder or to any other par or Agent for use in WRGIS, or any other energ tracking system, for the Facilty. As a prendition for PacifiCorp to be able to perfrm hereunder, Counterpar shall submit Counterpar's Outut dat to PacifiCor by allowig PacifCorp to collect such data at the Points of Meteg, and report such data in the maier set fort herein. 3.5.i Monthy Generaon Extct File. Once a month PacifiCorp shal submi a Monthy Generation Ex File to WREGIS on Counterpar's behalf, which will confonn to the chacteritics and dat reuiements set fort in the WRGIS Interfce Contrl Document. 3.5.2 Reportng Cyc!e. PacifiCorp shal submit the Monthly Generation Ext File to WRGIS no sooner th the las business day of each month for data collected durg the previous month, Or previous porton of mönth. PacifiCorp shall submit such data no later th the end of the calendar month followig the end date of the output being reported. 3.5.3 Verificaion. Should PacifCorp choose at its option to opere and make available a Metering Extern Webpage, PacifiCorp may in its reasnably exercised discretion grt Countear access for Counterpar to verify such informaton as precribed by PacifiCorp from tie to tie, and to timely noti PacifiCorp in writing of any errrs Counterpar detects. 3.5.4 Agjusent§. Aftr PacifiCorp submits the Monthly Generation Extt File to WRGIS, any inormtion contained in the Monthy Generaon Ext File shall be fmal for purposes of WRIS reportng, subject only to the adjustment procedur set fort in the WRGIS Operaing Rules, which shal be Counterpar's ~sponsibilty to implement if necessar. 3.6 Obligatons ofCountetar. Counterpar shal report and provide to PacifCorp accur and complete generation Data and Ouut information for the Facilty. Countear sha send the Data and other Exh. 4.7(B) - 4 Ce Oæ Wur UC-Fiv Pi Outut Informtion in a format and in compliance with any protocls which PacifiCoip may specify to Counterar. Counterpar has a continuing dut to immediately notify PacifiCorp, if and when any generation Data or Output information has been sent in errr or ceases to be trthful, accurte, or complet and to supply the corrected data as soon as practca, but not late than five (5) Business Days frm the date Counterpar discover that discrepancy in the Data or Output inormation. 3.7 WRGIS Fees. Counterpar is solely responsible for the payment diectly to WRGIS of any and all WRGIS fees and costs that ar reuir to registe Counterar's Facilit and, to the extent the Generator Owner is a WRGIS Aecount Holder, Counterpar is responsible for the payment directy to WRGIS of all other WREGIS fees incident to the reportng of Genertor Dat and Output to WROIS. Counterpar acknowledges and ages tht PacifiCorp shall have no obligation to advance or make payment ofWRGIS fees or costs on Counterpar's behalf. Upon request by PacifiCorp mae ifPacifiCorp ha received such a request frm WREGIS or any regulator or thir par, Counterpar shal provide PacifiCorp with evidence of payment ofWRGIS fees and costs; falur to provide such information to PacifiCorp, upon request, shall constitute an event of default under this Agrement. 3.8 WRGIS Accoun. Counterpar will be solely responsible to make argements and registrons and for entering into any such agments that ar necessa to estblish tranfer of Certficates dirctly to proper Accounts or Subaccounts of Counterpar. Counterpar ages that such argements shal preclude the nee for PacifiCorp to act as custodian of such Certificaes or to be responsible in any way to hold such Certficates in any Account or Subaccount ofPacifiCorp or bear any reponsibilty, possession, obligation, or nsk of loss with respect to Certficates crated, held, or owned, with respec to the Facilty. Counterar acknowledges that pursuat to section 11 of the WRGIS TOU, any generation data tht PacifiCor, actig as a QRE, provides to WRGIS shal reside in WRGIS and Countear will have no control over such data's use other th that provided for under the WRGIS TOU. 3.9 Obligaions ofPaçifiCoip. PacifiCorp shall specify for Counterpar the prtools, reprtng fruency, data fie formats, and communicaon protocols for reportg generating Dat, or Outut as necessa. PàCifCorp shal timely report to WRGIS Counterpar Data and/or Output informon as specified in the most curt WREGIS Inteac Contl Document (ICD). PacifiCorp shal not use or disclose Counterpar generation Dat for any other purose than report the Data to WRGIS, except as may be required by law, the Public Utilty Commssion of Oregon, any other stat, federal, municipal or other regulator or governental authonty with jundicton over PacifiCorp or any of its assets, or a cour of competent jurisdicton or as required under the ten of an existig agement beteen the Pares. PacifiCorp shal not use Generaor Ower generaion Dat for any other purse. Notwthstandig the foregoing, PacifiCorp shall not be respnsible for handlg, account administration, trfer, evidence of, or any detination of Counterpar Certificate ownerhip or any oter obligations for Certificates ofCounteary with regard to Certificates; and Counterpar shall bea all responsibili for such handling, account adinstrtion, evidence of, or any determination of Counterar Certficate ownership and all other obligations pertinig to creation and ownership of such Cerificates. 3.10 Measurement. 3.10.1 Met Dat. Counterar authonzes PacifiCorp's metering serces organtion to provide 'Counterpar's meter data diry to WRGIS in the form of the Monthy Generation Extact File. Counterpar authorizs PacifiCorp to gaer daa frm the Points of Metering liste in Exhbit A. Al suchdata is considered data which Counterpar has created and submitted to PacfiCorp, notwthstading that PacìfiCorp, raher than Counterpar will gather it. 3.10.2 Wholesale Generaion Also Servng On-Site Loadi. IfCounterar has any Wholesale Generation Also Seiving On-Site Loads (as defied in Arcle One abve), such Facilty will need to have the on-site load generation metered (and registered) separately from the generation tht is supplied to the grd, in acrdce with the WREGIS Operating Rules. Oterwise, PacifiCorp will not report any data frm such Facilty. Ifsuch Facilty exist, they must be specifed in Exhbit A. 3.10.3 Estimates. When meter rengs ar not available due to mete hardwae falur or dat tht is deterined to be invalid due to meter malfuction or caibration or confgution err, to the extnt deemed byPacifiCorp to be appropriate and permitted pursua to WRGIS TOU, PacifiCorp wil, if possible, rely on readings from redundant meters whether such meters are PacifiCorp owned or not. If readigs frm reundat Exh. 4.7(B). 5 CediCr Wtn UC-FPi meter are not possible, PacifiCorp wil estimate and report meter daa accrding to PacifiCorp's Setlement Estimation Procedures. 3.10.4 Responsibilty. Counrpar is solely responsible for the data creaed and submittd to PacifiCorp, acing as a QRE, to forward to WRGIS. 3.11 Regulatoi; Requirements. PacifiCorp may release information provided by Counterar hereunder, or gatered by PacifiCorp in connection herewith, to comply with any regulatory requirements applicable to PacifiCorp or if requested by a PacifiCorp regulator or if required by any other federa Jawor cour order. Counterpar waives all applicable provisions of the Tarff which requir PacifiCorp to hold confidential information with respec to the Generator Owner and the Facilty, to the extent necessar for PacifiCorp to report as a QRE, generation Data and Output regarding the Generaton Unites) and to car out PacifiCorp's obligations undertbs Agreement. Ths provision shal surve any termion of this Agrement. 3.12 Grant by Counterpar. Counterpar hereby grants to, permts, and authrize PacifiCorp the following: 3.12.1 PàcifiCorp is herby autorid to communcae and tranac wi WREGIS as Counterpar's sole and exclusive reporting source of generon data for the Facilty, and WRGIS is hereby authori to communicate and trac directly with PacifiCorp regarding any generation dat issues for the Facilty. PacifiCorp is hereby authrized to ac on behalf ofCounterpar, but only to the extnt tha PacifiCorp has lawfl, contrtual access to WREGIS. 3.122 PacifiCorp is hereby authorized to provide WREGIS with all generation data for the Facilty that WRGIS requires, includig, but not limited to, dat require for preparaton of required report and biling. 3.12.3 PacifiCorp is autorid to undere al actions which are reasnable and necessar to car out the obligations set fort in the subsections above. 3.12.4 Counterpar retais all other righ and responsibilties and all other obligations to WRGIS. iv. Indemnity and Hold Harless by Counteipart. 4.1 Indemnity. To the extt permitt by Requiments of Law, Counerpar hereby indemnifies and ags to hold PacifiCorp~ its offcers, employees, agents, or representatives, haess for any and all liabilty that is in any way associated with PacfiCorp's perormance hereunder. This includes liabilty arsing frm: the data contaned in the Monthly Generation Exac File, or any oter financial injur, or damage to persons or proper. Without limiting the geeraity of the foregoing: 4.1. Waiver of Causes of Actn and Claims for Damages. Counterpar herby waives any and all causes of acton arsing under or in respect to this Agrment, whether in contrct, tort or any other legal or equitable theory (including strict liabilty) against PacitiCorp. In no event shall PacifiCorp be liable to Countear its board of dirtors, employees, agents, or representatives for any demads, direct cost, lost or prospective profits or any other losses, liabilties or expenes, wheter special, puntive, exemplar, consequential, incidenta, or indirect in natue, that are in any way assoated with PacifiCorp's performance of the QRE fucton or oterwise under or in respect of this Agreement. 4.2 Indemnity by Counterpar. Counterpar shall releae, indemnify and hold haless PacifiCorp, its Afliats, and eah ofits and their respective directrs, offcer, employees, agent, and representatives (collectively, the "PacifiCorp Indemnities") agai and frm any and all losses, fies, penaties, claims, demands, damags, liabilties, actons or suits of any natu whatsever (including legal costs and atomey's fees, both at trial and on appea, whether or not suit is brough) (collectvely, "Liabilties") resulting frm, or arsing out of, or in any way connected with the perfomiiice by Counterpar ofits obligations hereunder, or relating to the Facilty, for or on account of (i) injur, bodily or otherwse, to, or deat ofo or (ii) for damage to, or desction or economic loss of proper ofo any person or enti, excepting only to the extnt such Liabilties as may be caused by the gross negligence or willfu misconduct of any person or entity with the PacifiCorp Indemnities. 4.3 NOTWITSTANING AN OTH PROVISION OF THS AGREEMNT, COUNARTY ASSUMS FULL RESPONSIBILITY AN RISK OF LOSS RESULTIG FROM (1) TI FAIUR TO SEND DATA IN A FORMT SPECIFIED BY PACIFICORP, (2) TH FAIUR TO USE PROTOCLS SPECIFIE BY PACIFICORP OR (3) TH SENING OF ERRONEOUS, UNUTIUL, INACCURTE, Exh. 4.7(B) - 6 Ce Cr Win IJ-Fiv Pi AN/OR INCOMPLETE GENETING DATA TO PACIFICORP OR TH SENING OF ERONEOUS, UNUTH, INACCURATE, AND/OR INCOMPLETE DATA BY PACIFICORP TO WRGIS. IN NO EVENT SHA PACIFICORP BE LIALE FOR ANY CONSEQUE, INCIENTAL, SPECIAL, EXELARY, OR OTHR INIRCT LOSS OR DAMAGES RESULTIG FROM AN BREAæ OF THS AGREEME, WHTHR CAUSED BY TH NEGLIGENCE OR INONAL ACTIONS OF PACIFICORP (AN/OR ITS CONTCTORS, AGENS, AN EMLOYES), REGARLESS OF WHTHER SUCH CLAI FOR DAMGES is BASED IN CONTCT, TORT, STRCT LIAILITY OR OTHWISE. IN NO EVENT SHAL PACIFICORP BE LIABLE FOR AN LOSS OR HA SUFERE BY COUNARTY OR AN TH PARTY DUE TO AN ACTION OR INACTION BY PACIFICORP TAKN HEREUNER THT CAUSES A FACILITY TO LOSE AlY CREENTS, REGISTRTION OR QUALIFICATION UNER TH REW ABLE PORTFOLIO STANAR OR SIMAR LA W OF AN STATE OR OTH JUSDICTION. 4.4 PACIFICORP WIL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AN DAMGES RESULTIG FROM ECONOMIC WSS, WSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF BUSINSS, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF PRODUCTION TAX CREDITS, LOSS OF SAVIGS OR REVENU, LOSS OF GOODWli, TH CLAIS OF THI PARTIES (INCLUDING CUSTOMERS AN SHAHOLDERS OR OTHR EQUlrv OWNRS), PERONAL INJUS OR PROPERTY DAMGES SUSTAID BY TH COUNARTY OR ANY TI PARTfS, EVE IF PACIFICORP HAS BEE NOTIFIED BY COUNRPARTY CORBY AN TI PARTY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 4.5 PACIFICORP DISCLAIS AN LIAILITY FOR AN COUN ARTY WAIS ANY CLAI FOR LOSS OR DAMGE RESULTING FROM ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHR INACCURCIES IN AN PART OF WRGIS OR TH REPORTS, æRTIFICATES OR OTH INORMTION COMPILD OR PRODUCED BY AND FROM OR INUT INO WREGIS USING COUNRPARTY SUPPLIE GENETION DATA, WHTH OR NOT SUCH ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR INACCUCIES AR DUE TO ERRONEOUS, UNTRUmF, INCOMPLETE, OR INACCURTE INORMATION INUT BY PACIICORP INO WRGIS. 4.6 COUNERARTY HEBY REASES PACIFCORP AND AN OF ITS CONTCTORS, AGENTS, AN EMPLOYEES FROM ANY AN AL LIAILITY WIT RESPECT TO DAMGES OR INRJRS INCURD BY GENERATOR OWNR AS RELATES TO TH FOREGOING, EXCLUDING AN ARSING AS A RESULT OF TORTIOUS AN INNTONALLY KNOWIG OR RECKLSS CONDUCT BY PACIICORP. 4.7 COUNTERP ARTY ACKNOWLEDGES AN AGRES THT, IN TH EVE OF BREACH OF THS CONTCT OR AN OTHER ACTON RESULTIG IN LOSS OR POT LOSS OR DAMGE TO COUNARTY, TH SOLE RECOURE TO GENERATOR/OWN IS TERMATION OF THIS AGREMENT. 4.8 Counterpar agrees to defend, indemnifY, and hold harless PacifiCorp and its dirctors, offcer, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims (including th-par claims); causes of action, whether in contact, tort, or any other legal theory (including strct liabilty); demands; damages; costs; liabilties,; losses and expenses (including reasonable atrney's fee and court costs) of any natue whatsoever, whenever arsing, arsing out o~ resulting frm, atibutble to, or related to Counterar genon Data our Outpt for: any inaccuracy, err, or delay in or omission of (i) any Data infomition, or servce, or (ii) the tranmission or delivery of any Data, information, or servce; any interrption of any such Dat Outut, informaton, or service (whether or not caued by PacifiCorp); or any financial, business, commercial, or other judgment, decision, act, or omission made by any person or entity based upon or related to the informtion. 4.9 Interconnection. Counterpar shal have no claims herunder againt PacifCoIp, acting in its merchant fuction capacity, with respect to any requirements imposed by or damge caused by (or allegedly caused by) act or omissions of the Trasmission Provider or Interconnection Prvider, in connecon with the Generaion Inteconnection Agrement or otherwise. Countear shall defend, indemnifY and hold PacifCorp haless agaist any liabilty arsing due to Counterpar's perormce or failur to perorm under the Generation Interconnection Agrement. Counterpary's failur to obtan, or perrm under, the Generation Intercnnection Agreeent, or its other contr and obligatons to, Tranmission Provider or Interconnection Provider is not a Force Majeue. Exh. 4.7(B)-7 Ce Oek Wiw LL-FivPi 4.10 THS ARTICL SHAL SURVI AN lERMATION OF TIS AGREEM, WHR SUCH TERMATION is BY PACIFICORP OR COUNRPARTY, AN WHTH OR NOT SUCH TERMATION IS ON ACCOUN OF A DEFAULT. V. Furer Counteroar Obligations. 5.1 ~. Nothng herin constis a sale or purchase of energy or renewable energy certficats to Or by PacifCorp. 5.2 PTCs. Counterpar shal bear all risks, ficial and otherwse thughout the Term, associated with Counterpar's or the Facilty's eligibilty to reeive production ta creits ("PTCs")or qualif for acceleratd depreciation for Counterp's accunting, reort or ta puroses. 5.3 Furter Assurances. At PacifiCorp's reuest, the Pares shall execute such documents and intrents as may be renably requird to effect the essental intent and purose hereof. 5.4 Staon Servce. Counterp shall be reponsible for arangig and obtaning, at its sole risk and expense, any staion service required by the Facilty. 5.5 Cas of Ownership and Operation. Without limtig the generaity of any othr provision hereo~ Counterar shall be solely responsible for paying when due (a) all costs of own and operatig the Facilty in compliance with existing and futue Requiements of Law and the terms and conditions hereot and (b) all taes and charges (however characerized) now existing or hereinafter imposed on or with respect to the Facilty, its operation. or on or with respect to emissions or other envinmental impact of the Facilty, including any such ta or charge (however charerid) to the exnt payable by a generator of such energy or renewable energy cerüicates. ' 5.6 Coordinatio wi Syste. Countear shall be responsible for the coordination and synchrnition of the Facilty and the Interconnection Facilties with the System, and shall be solely responsible for (and shall defend and hold PacfiCorp haess agait) any damage that may occur as a dirct result of Counterpar's breach of the Generation Inrcnnecton Agrment. 5.7 Dat Request. Counterpar shal, prmptly upon writtn request frm PacifiCorp, provide PacifiCorp with data reaonably requird for information requests frm any Governmenta Autrities, stte or federal agency intervener or any other par achievin intervenor stat in any PacifCorp rae procing or other proceeding before any governmenta authori. Counterpar shall use best effrt to provide thi information to PacifiCorp sufciently in advance to enable PacifiCorp to review it and meet any submission dealines. 5.8 Additional Information. Counterpar sha provide to PacifiCorp such other informtion respectng Counterpar or the Facilty as PacifiCorp may, frm time to time, reasnably request. 5.9 No Dedicatin. Nothing herein shall be constred to create any duty to, any stdad of cae with refence to, or any liabilty to any person not a Par her. No undertaking by one Part to the other under any prvision herof shall constte the dedication ofPacifCorp's failties or any porton thereof to Countear or to the public, nor afect the status ofPacifCorp as an independent public utility corporaton or Counterpar as an independent individual or entity. 5.10 Requied Policies and Coveraes. Without limiting any liabilties or any oter obligaions of Countear hereunder, Counterpar shall secure and contiuously car with an insurance company or companes raed not lower th "B+" by the A.M. Best Company the insurance coverage specifed in the Generation Intercnnection Agreement. VI. Representations and Warrties. 6.1 Mutual Rmresentations and Warties. Each Par represents and wats to the other that (i) it is duly organzed and validly existing under the laws of the jurisicton of its incorporation or orgaizon; (ii) it has the corporae, governmen and other legal capacity and authority to enter hereinto and to perform its obligatons hereunder; (iü) such execution and performance do not violate or confict with any law, order or agement applicable to it, (iv) it has all goverenta and other autrions tht are reuire to have beenobtaed or submitt by it with respect heret, and they are in ful force and effec; (v) its obligatons hereunder are vald, binding and enforceable in accordance with their tes (subjec to banptc or similar laws afecg creditors' rights generly); and (vi) no Event of Default, or event which with notice and/or lapse Ex. 4.7(B) - 8 Ceá (: Win I.-Fiv Pi of tie would constitute such an Event of Default, has ocured and is contiuing or would occur as a reult of its entering into or performng its obligations hereunder. 6.2 Representations and Wartis ofCountemar. Counterpar hereby represents and warrats to PacifiCorp: (i) it is not relying upon any representations ofPacifiCorp other than those expressly set forth herein; (ii) it has entred herinto with a ful undernding of the mateal terms and risks of the same, and it is capable of assuming those risks; (il) it has made its tring and invesent decisions based upon its own judgment and any advice frm such advisors as it has deemed necessar an not in reliance upon any view exressed by PacifiCorp; (iv) it has not received frm PacifiCorpany assuraces or promises regaing any finacial results or benefits hereunder; (v) servce hereunder is not a utility service within the meanng of Secton 466 of the United States Banptcy Code; and (vi) Counterpar holds legal title to the Facilty or oterise holds the legal right to cause the Facilty to enter ino ths Agrement. VII. Financial Responsibilty. 7.1 Adequate ASSUraces. Without limitig PacifiCorp's rights uner Arcle VLL hereof. ifCounterar ha faled to mae a timely payment hereunder, and PacifiCorp has reaonable grounds for insecity regarding the performce of any obligation of Counterpar hereunder (wheter or not then due), PacifiCorp may demand Adequate Assurances of Performance. "Adequat Assuraces of Perfrmance" means suffcient security in the form, amount, by an issuer or guar, and for the term reasonably acceptable to PacifiCorp, including, but not limite to, cash, a standby irrevocble letter of credit, a prpayment, a security interèt in governen securties, an asset or a perfonnance bond or guaranty. Such Adequate Assurances of Perfrmance shl be provided withn thee business days afr a wrttn demad is made by PacifiCorp. VIII. Events of Default: Remedies. 8.1 Event of Default. "Event 9fDefault" mea, with respec to a Par (the "Defaulting Par"): 8. i.1 the failur to render when due any payment or performce hereunder, if such failur is not remedied withn five days af wrtten notice; 8. i.2 the failure to timely provide adequate asurances required pursuant to Arcle VI herf; 8. i .3 any such Part's representation or waranty proves to have been incorrec or misleading in any material respect when made; 8. i .4 the failure to perform any other covenant set fort herein if such failure is not reinedied within five days after writtn notice; \ 8.1.5 its banptcy, if adequae assurces acceptble to PacifCor and approved by the Bankrptcy Cour ar not provided; 8.1.6 the expirtion or teination of any credit support of Counterpar's obligaions hereunder (other th in acrdance with its tenns) prior to the satisfation of all obligatons of Counterpar wiout the wrttn consent ofPacifiCorp; or 8.1.7 In the case ofCounterpar: 8. i .7. i Countear fails to report genertion Dat or Output inonnaton to PacifiCorp for the Facilty or Counterparfails to send the dat in a form and use the protocols specified by PacifiCorp as detered by PacifCorp to be required to meet the reuiements of the WRGIS Operg Rules; Counterpar is delinquent in payment to WRGIS of any WRGIS fees for registration or maintenance of Accounts or Subaccounts, which payment impairs the abilty ofPacifiCorp to report Generator Dat Output or other infonnation to WRGIS regaring the Facilty, which delinquency continues for a perod of thir (30) days; Counterpar fails to comply wit a request by PacifiCorp to provide evidence of payment of WRGIS fee pertg to the Facilty; or Countear knwingy or intentionally fasifies or misrepresents any Dat Output infonnation, or other informtion required by WRGIS. Exh. 4.7(B) - 9 Ce Cr lJ UC..ivPi 8.2 Remedies Upn Event of Default. In the Event of Default by a Par and for so long as the Event öf Default is continuing, the non-defaultig Par (the "Performing Par") shall have the right to do any or all of the following: (1) upon tw business days' wrtten notice to the Defaulting Par, termate ths Agrement; (2) withold any payments or performance due in respect of this Agrement; and (3) exercise such other remedies as may be available at law or in equity or as othere provided for herein to the extnt such remedies have not been otherise waived or limited puruat to the terms hereof. 8.3 Setff. If an Event of Default occurs, the Performing Par may, at its election, set off any or all amounts which the Defaulting Par owes to it or any Affliate of the Performng Par (whether under this Agrement or otherwise and whether or not then due) agast any or all amounts which it or any Afliate oftle Performing Par owes to the Defaulting Par (whether under ths Agreement or otherwise and whether or not then due). 8.4 Payment of Damages. Any amounts due on account of default shall be paid by the close of business on the next business day following the Defaulting Pars receipt of the Performing Par's wrttn termintion notice setng forth the termination payment due. 8.5 Limitation ofLiabilty. TI EXPRESS REMEDIES AN MEASURS OF DAMAGES PROVIED HEREIN SATISFY TH ESSENTAL PUROSES HEOF. FOR BREACH OF AN PROVISION FOR WHCH AN EXPRESS REDY OR MEASUR OF DAMGE is PROVIED, sum REY OR MEASUR SHAL BE TH SOLE AN EXCLUSIV REY THOR. LIABILITY TIT HAS NOT BEEN OTIWISE EXCLUDED PURUANT TO TH TE HEOF SHA 13E LIMTE TO DIR ACTAL DAMGES ONLY AS TH SOLE AN EXCLUSIVE REY. EXCEPT AS OTIWISE SPECIFCALLY SET FORTH HEIN, NO PARTY SHA BE REQUID TO PAY OR BE LIALE FOR SPECIAL, CONSEQUE INCIDENAL, PUNTNE, EXEMPLAY, OR INDIRCT DAMGES, LOST PROFIT OR BUSINSS INTERRUPTION DAMAGES, BY STATUTE, IN TORT, CONTRCT OR OTIRWISE. 8.6 Surival. Ths Arcle surives the expiration or ternation hereof. IX. Force Majeure. 9.1 Except with regard to a Par's obligaton to make payments hereunder, in the event either Par here is rendered unable, wholly or in par by Fore Majeure to car out its obligations with respec here, th upon such Par's (the "Claimig Par") giving notice and ful pariculars of such Force Majeur as soon as reasably possible afr the occuence of the cause relied upon, such notice to be confrmed in wrng or by facsimile to the other Par, then the obligation of the Claiing Par shall, to the extnt they are afec by such Force Majeure, be suspended durng the continuance of said inailty, but for no longer perod, and the Claiming Par shall not be liable to the other Par for, or on acunt of, any loss, dame, injury or exnse resulting frm, or arsing out of such event of Force Majeue. The Par reciving such notice of Force Majeure shall have until the end of the Business Day follo\\ing such receipt to notify the Claig Par that it objec to or disputes the existence of an event of Force Majeur. "Force Majeure" means an event or circumstance which prevents one Par from perforing its obligations hereunder, which event or circumstance was not anticipated, which is not within the reasonable contol of, or the reult of the negligence of, the Claiing Par, and which, by the exercise of due dilgence, the Claiming Par is unable to overcome or avoid or caue to be avoided. Counterar's falur to obta, or perform under, the Generation Interconnecon Agrement, or its other contracts and obligations to, Tramission Provider or Intercnnection Provider is not a Force Majeure. 9.2 Force Majeure Does Not Affect Oter Obligatjons. No obligations of either Pary tht arse before the Force Majeure causing the suspension of perormance or tht arse after the cessaton of the Force Majeure shall be excused by the Force Majeur. 9.3 Stnkes. Notwthtading any oter provision herof, neither Par sl;l be required to settle any str, wakout, lockout or other labor dispute on terms which, in the sole judgment of the Par involved in the dispute, ar contr to the Part's best interests. x.Miscellaneous. \,Exh. 4.7(B)-1O CeCr~ UC-FPin 10.1 CHOICE OF LAW. Ths Agrement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the stte of Oregon, excluding any choice of law rules tht may direct the applicaton of the laws of another jursdiction. 10.2 Restriction on Assignments. Neither Par may assign this Agrment or any of its rights or obligations herunder without the prior wrtten consent of the other Par, which consent shall not be unreasonably witheld. Any purortd assignent in violation hereof shall be void ab initio. Ths Agreement inurs to the benefit of and is binding upon the Paries and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 10.3 Notices. AIl notices, reuest, statements or payment shall be mae to the addresses set out on the Notices Exbit. Notices require to be in wrg shall be delivered by letter, faimile or other documenta form. Notice by facsimile or had delivery shal be deemed to have been given when received or hand delivere. Notice by overnight mail or courer sha be deemed to have been given on the date and time evidenced by the delivery receipt. The Pares may change any of the persons to whom notices are addressed, or their addrses, by providing writtn notice in accordance with ths Secton. 10.4 Entire Agrment Counteipar. This Agrement constitues the entie agreement beten the Pares with respect to its subject matter. This Agrement may not be amended, changed, modified, or altered unless such amendment, change, modificaton, or alteration is in writing and signed by both Pares. This Agmen may be execute in counterp, including by telefacsimile tranmission, each of which is an Original and all of which taen togeter constitute one and the same origin intrent. Ths Agrement completly and fully superedes all other prior understadings or agreements, bo wrttn and ora, betn the Pares relatng to the subject mattr hereof If any provision of ths Agreement is deterined to be invalid, void or unenforcable by any cour of competnt jursdiction, such deterinaton shall not invalidate, void, or make unenforcable any other provision, agreement or covenat of ths Agment, provided the basic purpses of this Agrement and the benefits to the Paries are not substatially impai. 1 0:5 No Waiver. Waiver by a Par of any default by the other Par shall not be consted as a waiver of any other default, nor shall any delay by a Par in the exerise of any right under this Agreement be considered as a waver or relinquishment thereof. 10.6 ,Tsdiçtion. Any judicial action arising out of, resulting frm or in any way relating to this Agreement shall be brought only in a state or federal cowt ofMultnomah Coun, Oregon. In the event such judicial proeedings ar insttuted by either Par, the prevailing Par shl be entitled to awad of its costs and attrneys' rees incurred in connection with such procedis. 10.7 Jur Trial Waiver. TI PARTIS EACH HEY IRVOCABLY WAIVE AL RIGHT TO TR BY JUY IN AN ACTON, PROCEDING OR COUNCLAIM ARSING OUT OF OR RELATIG HERETO, AN GRE TAGS OR TI TRNSACTONS CONTLATE HEY. EACH PARTY FUTH W AlS ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE AN ACTON IN WHCH A JUY TR HAS BEEN WAID WI AN OTHR ACTION IN WICH A JUY TR CANOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIVED. 10.8 No Third Par Beneficiares. With the exception of Trasmission Provider and Interconnection Provider, who are express thrd par beneficiares hereof, ths Agreement confer no right whaever upon any person other th the Pares and shall not crate, or be intereted as creating, any stadar of car, duty or liabilty to any person not a Par heret. 10.9 Relationship oftbe Parties. Nothing contaned herein shall be construed to create an association, joint venture, trust, or parership, or impose a tr or parership covenant, obligation, or liabilty on or with regard to anyone or more of the Pares. Each Par shall be individualy responsible for its own covenants, obligations, and liabilties under this Agrement. Ex. 4.7(B) - 11 CeOw Wi UC-FivPi IN WITNSS WHREOF, the Paries have execute this Agrement by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above wrtten. PacifiCorp (Counterpar ) BY: NAM: TITLE: BY: NAM: TITLE: Exhibit A ) Facilty and Generation Data to be sent by QRE For Facilty enter the following infonnation: Facilty Name and Address Resource ID and Meter Number (Device ID) as listed on the Meter Service Agreement for the iso Metered Entities (MSAlSOME) Schedule 1 WRGISID Meter Points Exh. 4.7(B) -12 ADDENDUMM Amended and Restted Power Purchas Agreement (InsertJ, LL-Fiv Pi AMED AN REATE POWEPUCHAGRBEI (ISERT NAME OF RlGELIE AFFILITE AN PAClCORP Retig to Fie Pies Prjec an up to 40 MW Wind Turbine Geern Projec a non-fuled on-ste, In Reour wi Mechaca Avaiabilit Gute, Idao Qug Facilit #45442 (i) SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. SECTIONS. SECTION 6. SECTION 7. SECTIONS. SECTION 9. SECTIONlO. SECTION 11. SECTION 12. SECTION 13. SECTION 14. SECTION 15. SECTION 16. SECTION 17. SECTION 18. SECTION 19. SECTION 20. SECTION 21. SECTION 22. SECTION 23. SECTION 24. #45442 (I1Iertj, LL-Fiv Pi Table of Co DEFINITIONS............................................................... ............................... 1 TERM; COMMRCIAL OPERATION DATE........................................... 9 REPRESENATIONS AND WARNTIES .......................................... 13 DELIVRY OF POWER; AVAILABILITY GUARNTY .....................15 PURCHASE PRICES .................................................... ............................. 18 OPERATION AND CONTROL ................................................................ 20 MOTIV FORCE ........ .................................................. .............................24 GENERATION FORECASTIG COSTS................................................. 24 METERIG: REPORTS AND RECORDS ...............................................24 BILLINGS. COMPUTATIONS AN PA YMNTS.............................27 SECURIY .............................................................................................27 DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES .............................................................29 INEMNIFICATION: LIAILIT....................................................... 31 INSURCE............ .............. ............................................ .................... 32 FORCE MAJEUR ................................................................................33 SEVERAL OBLIGA TIONS...................,................................................ 33 CHOICE OF LAW.................................:........................ ....................... 34 PARTIA INALIDITy....................................................................... 34 WAIVR ................................................................................................34 GOVERNNTAL JUSDICTION AND AUTHORIATIONS .....34 SUCCESSORS AN ASSIGNS ............................................................ 34 REEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS ..... Error! Bookmark not defined. ENTIR AGREEMENT......................................................................... 35 NOTICES................................................................................................35 (i) (Insert). LL-P Pin AMED AN RETATE POWE PUCH AGR THS AMED AN RETATE POWE PURCHASE AGRE, rela to FIV PIN, an up to 40 MW wi tuine geeron projec entere into ths _ day of (Insert Monthand Yea of Signing1 is beteen (Insert Name of Ridgeline Afliate), a Delawa limite liilit compay (the "Seller'') and PacifCorp, an Orgon corporon acti in its merchat fucton cait ("Pacorp"). Seller an PacifiCorp ar refe to collectively as the "Parties" and individually as a "Part". REAl A Ceda Cre Wind, LLC ("CCW') and PacifCorp ente into tht cert Powe Purha Agrent da as of Debe -J 2011 (the "Orial PPA"), purt to which CCW ha bee grted the right to assign the Origi PPA to an afliate of Ridg line Energ, LLC. B. CCW ha elec to exerise its right to assign th Orgil PP A to Seller, an afat of Ridglie Ener, LLC, and puruat to the te of the Orgial PPA, efve upn suh assignent, the Orgina PPA is to be amende and re on the tenn se fort in ths Agrent C. Seller inds to cons own op and maita a wi facilty, includig Seller's Interconnecton Facilties, for the genertion of electc power located in Id, wi an ex Facilit Ca Rag of up to 40 megawa as fur describe in Exhibit A and Exhibit B ("Facilty"). D. Seller has se rights to deliver outut fr its Facilty to PacifiCorp acss the interconnection and other facilties as fuer descbe in Addendum L. E. Seller intends to opera the Facility as a Quifyng Facilty, as such te is dened in Section 1.59 below, and to sell Net Ouut to PacifiCorp in Idao. F. Seller est th the aver anua Net Ou (b on the mamum capait of 40 megawatt) to be deliver by the Faciity to PacifCorp is 109,011,621 kilowatt hours (kWh) ("Avere Annual Net Output) pur to the In Yea Ener Deliver Schede in Secon 4.3.1, which amoun of en PacifiCorp will include in its resource planing. G. Seller inteds to sell an PacifiCozp inds to purha all the Net Outpt frm th Facilty in acrdance wi the te and conditions of th Agrent H PacifiCoip inteds to deigte Seller's Facili as a Netork Reur for the puroses of serving Network Load. 1 Ths Agrment is a "New QF Contract" under the PacifiCoip Inter-Jursdictona Cost Allocation Revised Protocol. J. Seller has authorized Trasmission Prvider to release generation data to PacifiCorp. If yes, the authorization is attched as Exhibit H. NOW, 1HFORE, the Pares muty ag to amen and re the Orgi PPA to re in it enti as follows: i 1f5442 (Insert), LL-Fiv Pi SECTION 1.DEFINITIONS When us in ths Agren the followi tenn sh have the followig meags: 1.1 "Asbuil Supplement' shl be a supplemen to Exibit A, provided by Seller following completion of constction of the Facilty, accurately describing the complete Facilty. 1.2 "Availabilty" means, for any Biling Period, the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of (x) the aggrgate sum of the tubine-minutes in which each of the Wind Turbines at the Facilty was available to genera at the Maxmum Facilty Delivery Rate during the Biling Period over (y) the product ofthe number of Wind Turbines tht comprise the Facilty Capacity Rating as of Commercial Operation multiplied by the number of minutes in such Biling Period. A Wind Turbine shall be deeed not available to operate durg minutes in which it is (a) in an emergency, stop, service mode or pause state; (b) in "ru" statu and faulted; or (c) otherwse not operational or capable of delivering at the Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate to the Point of Delivery; unless if unavailable due solely to (i) a default by PacifiCorp; (ii) to the extent not caused by Seller's actions, a curtilment in accordance with Section 6.3 or (ii) insuffcient wind (including the normal amount of time require by the generating equipment to resume operations following a period when wind speed is below the Cut-In Wind Speed). 13 "Billng Period" meas the tie peod betee PacifiCorp's readg ofits power purhase meter at the Facilty, which for this Agreement shall coincide with calendar months. 1.4 "CAMD" means the Clean Air Markets Division of the Environmental Protecton Agency or successor adinisttor, or any state or federal entity given jurisdiction over a program involving Green Tags or any attbute theref. 15 "Commercial Operation" means that not less than the 90% of the expected Facilty Capait Rag is fuly opona an reliable and the Facilty is fuly inte fully ingr, and synchr with the Sys al of whch shl be Seller's respibilty to receive or obta, and which occurs when all of the following events (i) have occured, and (ii) reai simultaeously tre and acur as of the da and moment on which Seller gives PacifiCorp notice that Commercial Operation has occured: 1.5.1 PacifiCorp has received a certificate addressed to PacifiCorp frm a Licensed Professional Engineer (a) stting the Facilty Capacity Rating of the Facilty at the anticipated time of Commercial Operation and (b) stting that the Facilty is able to geerat elecc power reliably in amoun reui by ths Agrent and in acrdce with all other terms and conditions of this Agreement. 1.5.2 Sta-Up Testing of the Facilty has been completed ir accordance with Exhibit E. 1.5.3 PacifiCorp has received a cerificate addressed to PacifiCorp frm a Licensed Professional Engineer, an attrney in good stding in Idaho, or a lettr frm Tramission Provider, stating that, in accordace with the Generation Intercnnection 2 #45442 (Insert). IL-Fiv Pin Agrement, all required interconnection facilties have been constrcted, all required interonnection tests have been completed and the Facilty is physically intercnnected with the System in conformance with the Generation Interconnection Agrement and able to deliver energy consistent with the terms of this Agreement, and the Facilty is fully integrate and synchronized with the System. 1.5.4 PacifiCorp has received a certificate addrssed to PacifiCorp from a Licensed Professional Engineer, or an attorney in good stding in Idaho, stating that Seller has obtaed all Required Facilty Documents and, if requested by PacifiCorp in writig, Seller shall have provided copies of any or all such request Requird Facilty Doçuments. 1.55 Seller has complied with the secunty reuirements of Section 11. 1.5.6 Network Resource Designation and Trasmission Serice Request, (i) PacifiCorp has reeived confirmation from the Transmission Provider that the Facilty hå be deign as a Netrk Reur and (ii) PacifCo hå reved confnmon frm the Transmission Provider tht the trmission service request has been granted in suffcient capacity to meet or exced the Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate and the Seller has pad all cost asia wi any reuient of the trsmission servce rest. 1.6 "Commercia Operation Date" mea the da, as design by PacifiCoip pursuant to Section 2.4, the Facilty first achieves Commercial Operation. 1.7 "Commission" meas the Idao Public Utilties Commission. 1.8 Energy. "Conforming Energ" meas all Net Energy except Non-Conforming 1.9 "Conforming Energ Purchase Price" means the applicable price for Conforming Energy and capacity, specified in Section 5.1. 1.10 "Contract Year" means a twelve (12) month period commencing at 00:00 hours Pacifc Prevailing Time ("PPT") on Janua 1 and ending on 24:00 hour PPT on December 31; provided, however, that the first Contract Year shall commence on the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date and end on the next succeeding December 31, and the las Contract Yea shall end on the Expiration Dat, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. 1.11 "Cut-in Wind Speed" means the wind speed at which a stationar wind tubine begins producing Net Enery, as specified by the tubine manufactuer and set fort in Exhibit A. 1.12 "Default Security" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 11.2 of this Agrement. 1.13 "Delay Liquidated Damages", "Delay Daily Minimum", "Delay Period", "Delay Price" and "Delay Volume" shall have the meanings set fort in Section 2.5 of this Agrement. 3 #4549742 f/nsertj. lL-Fiv Pi 1.14 "Delay Period Commencement Date" mean October 1, 2013. 1.15 "Delay Security" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 11.1.1 of this Agreement. 1.16 "Effective Date" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 2.1 of thisAgreeent. 1.17 "Energ Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 4.3 of this Agreement. 1. i 8 "Environmenta Attbutes" meas any and all claims, credits, emisions recton, off, and aloWGce, howsover entled asiat with the geeron of Outut frm the Facilty or th avoidace of the emission of any ga, chemical, or other substce to the air, soil or wat, tht is caple of being meaurd, verfied or caculate. Envirmnenta Attbut include but ar not lite to: (1) any avoided emissions of pollutats to the ai, soil, or war such as (subject to the foregoing) sulfu oxides (SOx), nitrgen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), an oter pollut; (2) any avoided emissions of cabon dioxide (C02), methane (CH4), and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) th have be deined by th Unite Natons Inteveren Panel on Clim Chan to contrbut to the actu or potential th of alrig the Ea's climate by trppin heat in the atospher; and, (3) al WRIS Cerficas. Envien Attbus do not include (i) Prducon Tax Crets or cert other ta incentives exstg now or in the futu associad with the cons1cton, ownership or opeon of the Facilty, or (ii) adverse wildlife or environmental impacts. 1.9 "Environmental Contamintion" meas the introducton or presence of Hazarous Materials at such levels, quantities or location, or of such form or cbaracter, as to constitu a violaton offed, sta or local laws or regulatons, and prent a material risk unr feder, st or loc laws and reguons that th Pr will not be available or usable for the purposes contemplated by this Agreement. 1.2 "Expected Facilty Capacity Ratig" shall be between 10 and 40 MW but shall not exceed 40 MW in any event, nor shall the sum of the Facilty Capacity Ratig of this Agreement, the facilty capacity rating under the amended and restated power purchase agreement between PacifiCorp and Ridgeline relating to Nort Point, and the facilty capacity rating under the power purchae agreement between PacifiCorp and CCW relating to Coyote Hil exceed 133.4 MW. 121 "Expiration Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. 1.22 ''Faci'' is defined in Recita A of this Agrement. 1.23 "Facilty Capacity Rating" means the sum of the Nameplate Capacity Ratings for all Wind Turbine generators comprising the Facilty. i .24 "Force Majeure" has the meaing set fort in Section 15.1. 4 if5442 (lnsertj, LL-/ Pi 1.25 "Forced Outage" means an outage that requires removal of one or more Wind Turbines from service, another outage state or a reserve shutdown state before the end of the next weekend. Maintenance Outages and Planed Outages are not Forced Outages. i .26 "Generation Intereonnection Agreement" means the generation interconnection agrement entere into sepately beeen Seller and Transmission Provider, as applicable, specifying the Point of Delivery and providing for the constrcton and operation of the Interconnection Facilties. 1.27 "Green Tags" means (a) the Environmental Attbuts associated with all Output, together with (b) the Green Tag Reporting Rights associated with such energy and Environmental Attibutes, however commerially trsferrd or tred under any or other product names, such as "Renewable Energy Credits, II "Green-e Certified," or otherwise. One Green Tag represents the Environrental Attibutes made available by the generation of one MWh of energy from the Facility. 1.28 "Green Tag Reporting Rights" meas the exclusive right of a purchaser of Environmental Attibutes to report ownership of Envirnmental Attibutes in compliance with federal or state law, if applicable, and to federal or state agencies or other pares at such purchaser's discretion, and include reporting under Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, or under any present or futu domestic, international, or foreign emissions tradg program or renewable portolio stadad. 1.29 "Governmental Authority" mean any supranational, federal, state or other political subdivision thereof, having jursdiction over Seller, PacifiCorp or this Agrement, including any municipality, township or county, and any entity or body exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative fuctions of or pertining to government, including any corpration or other entity owned or controlled by any of the foregoing. 1.30 "Hazrdous Materials" means any waste or other substance that is listed, dermed, designated or classified as or determined to be hazardous under or pursuant to any environmental law or regulation. 1.31 "Inadvertent Energy" mea ener deliver to the Point of Delivery at a rate exceeding the Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate on an hour-averaged basis. Inadvertnt Energy is not included in Net Energy. 132 "Index Price", for eah day, sh mea the weigh avere of th aver Pea and Off-Peak firm energy market prices, as published in the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Da Ahe Power Price Report for the Palo Ver Hub for such day. For Suny and NERC holidays, th 24-Hour Index Prce shal be us uness ICE sha publish a Fir On-Pea an Fir Of.Pea Price for such days for Palo Vere, in whch event such indice shall be utli for such days. If the ICE index or any replaent of tht inex ces to be published durg the te of th Agreement, PacifiCorp shall select as a replacement a substtially equivalent index tht, afer any appropriate or necssar adjustments, provides the most reasonable substitute for the index in question. PacifiCorp's selection shall be subject to Seller's consent, which Seller shall not unreasonably withold, condition or delay. 5 #454lW42 IInsert), LL-Fiv Pi 133 "Initial Year Energ Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 4.3. L 1.3 "Intercnnecn Facti" mea all the failes and ancilai equipmen us to interconnect the Facilty to the System, as defined in the Generation Interconnection Agrement. 135 "Lettr of Creit' mèas an irvocable stadby letr of cret in a fonn reonably accepble to PacifiCorp, naming PacifiCorp as the par entitled to demand payment and preent drw reuest therewider. Such letr of cr shl be prvided by an intuon th is a Uni Stas offce of a commerial ba or 1n copay org wide the laws of the Unite Sta of Amerca or a politica subdvision therf: with a cret rang on its long-te seor unsecur debt of at leat "A" from Stada & Poor's and "A2" frm Moody's Inves Sece an (wiess oter aged hag asse of at lea $10,00,00,000 (net of reseres). 1.36 ''Lic Profesiona Engeer" mea a pen acle to PaifCoip in its reasonable judgment who is licensed to pratice engineering in the stte ofIdaho, who has trg and experience in the engieeg discipline(s) relevant to the mattrs wi rect to whch suc pen is caled to prvide a ceficaon, evaluation anor opinon, who has no ecnomic relationsp, assoiaton, or nexu with Seller, and who is not a reve of a consultig eneer, contrr, designer or other indiidu involved in the development of the Facilty, or of a manufactur or supplier of any equipment inlled in the Facilty. Such Lice Prfesiona Engiee shall be license in an appr eneeg disciplie for th reui certficaon bein made. The engagement and payment of a Lice Prfessiona Enginee solely to provide the certifications, evaluations and opinons reuired by this Agren sha not constu a prhibite ecnomic relatonsp, asociaton or nex wi Seller, so long as such engiee ha no other ecomic relaonshi, assoiaton or nexus with th Seller. 1.37 "Maintece Outae" mea any outa of one or more Wind Turines th is not a Forced Outage or a Planed Outage. A Maintenance Outage is an outage that can be deferred until after the end ofthe next weekend, but that requires that the Wind Turbine(s) be reoved frm sece before the ne Planed Out. A Maitenance Oue may ocur any time during the year and must have a flexible sta date. 1.38 "Materi Advers Cbange" sh mea with respect to the Seller, if the Seller has experienced a change in facts or circumstances related to development or operation of the Facilty that materially and adversely impac Seller's abilty to fulfill its obligations under this Agrement. 1.39 "Maximum Facilty Delivery Rate" means the maximum instataneous rate (kW) at which the Facilty is capable of deliverig Net Output at the Point of Delivery, as specified in Exhibit A, and in compliance with the Generation Interconnection Agrement. 1.40 "Maximum GIA Delivery Rate" means th mawn ra (kW) at which the Generator Inteconnecon Agrment allows the Facilty to deliver energy to the Point of Delivery and is set fort in Exhibit A. 6 ff5442 llnsert), LL-Fiv Pin 1.41 "Nameplate Capaci Ratig" mea 1h maum ineous gener capacity of any qualifying small power or cogeneration generatig unit supplying all or part of the ener sold by the Facilty, exrese in MW or kW, when opera consint wi the maufa's reommended power facr and opeg paet, as set fort in a notice frm Seller to PacifiCorp delivere before the Commerial Opon Da and, if applicale, updated in the As-built Supplement. 1.42 "NERC" means the North America Electric Reliabilty Corporation. 1.43 "Net Energ" means the energy compnen in kWh, of Net Output. Net Energy does not include Inadvertnt Energy. 1.44 "Net Output' mea al en an cait pruce by 1h Faclit, les ston use and less transformation and transmission losses and other adjustments, if any. For purposes of caculating payment under ths Agrment, Net Outut of ener shal be caculat as set fort in Addendum L. Net Ouut does not inlud Inadver Ener. 1.45 "Network Resource" shall have the meaning set fort in the Tariff. lA6 "Network Service Provider" mea PacifiCorp Trasmission, as a provider of network service to PacifiCorp under the Tar. 1.47 "Non-enfonnEnermeaNet Output produced by the Facilty prior to the Commercial Operation Date. 1.48 "Nou-Conforming Energ Purchase Price" means the applicable price for Non-Conforming Energy and capacity, specified in Section 5 .1. 1.49 "Off-Peak Hours" means all hours of the week that are not On..Peak Hours. 1.50 "On-Peak Hours" means hour from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Pacific Prvailing Time, Monday though Saturday, excluding Western Electricity Coordinatig Council (WECC) and Nort American Electric Reliabilty Corpration (NRC) holidays. LSI "Output ShortaU" and "Output Shortall Damages" shall have the meanings set fort in Section 4.5 of this Agreement. 1.52 "PacifCorp" is defied in the first paragraph of ths Agreement, and excludes PacifiCorp Trasmission. 1.53 "PacifiCorp Transmission" means PacifCorp, an Oregon corporation, actig in its interconnection and trsmission function capacity. 1.54 "Planned Outae" means an outage of predetermined duration tht is scheduled in Seller's Energy Delivery Schedule. Boiler overhauls, tubine overhauls or inspections are tyical planed outge. Maice Outaes and Forced Oues ar not Planed Ouges. 1.55 "Point of Delivery" meas the point of interconnection between the Facilty and the System, as specified in the Generation Interconnection Agrement and in Exhibit B. 7 f#549742 (Jnsertj, LL-Fiv Pi 1.5 "Premises" mean the re propert on which the Facilty is or wil be located, as more fully described on Exhibit A. 157 "Prime Rate" meas the rate per annum equal to the publicly anounced prime rate or reference rate for commercial loans to large businesses in effect from time to time quoted by JPMorgan Chase & Co. If a JPMorga Chase & Co. prie ra is not available, the applicable Pre Ra shal be the anounce prie ra or reernce rate for commeral loan in effect frm time to time quote by a ba with $10 bilion or more in assets in New York Cityt N.Y., selected by the Par to whom interest baed on the prime rate is being paid. 1.58 "Pructn Tax Creit" mea pron ta crts under Secon 45 of th Internal Revenue Code as in effect frm time to time durig the ter hereof or any successor or other provision providing for a federal ta credit determined by reerece to renewable electric energy prduce frm wid resoures and any corrlative stte ta credit deteined by referenc to reewle elecc energ prduce frm wind reour for which the Facilty is eligible. Pructon Tax Crdits do not include any ta creit determined by refernce to investment. 159 "Prudent Electrcal Practces" meas any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or aproved by a signficat porton of the elecca utilty indust or any of the practices, metods or acts, which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the facts known at the time a deision is mad, could have be ex to acomplish the desir reult at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliabilty, safety and expedition. Prudent Electcal Prce is not inded to be lite to the optiwn prce, metod or act to the exclusion of all others but raer to be a spec of poible prace metod or ac. 1.60 "QF' meas "Qualig Facilty", as that ter is defined in the verion of FERC ReRulations (codified at 18 CFR Par 292) in effect on the date of this Agreement. 1.61 "Required Facilty Documents" means all deeds, titles, leases (including Wind Le), liceses, pets autorions, an agen deonsttig that Seller contrls the necessa prope righ and govenent authorion to cons opra, an mata the Facilty, including without limitation those set fort in Exhibit C. 1.62 ''Ruirements of Law" meas any applicable and mandatory (but not merely advisory) federal, state and local law, statute, regulation, role, code or ordinance enacted, adopt isued or prmulgat by any federal, sta, loca or other Governenta Autority or reatry body (includi those peg to elecca, buildin zonig, envirnment and occupational safet and health requirements). 1.63 "Scheduled Commercial Operation Date" means Decmber 31, 2012, as such date shall be extended frm time to tie as a result of Force Majeure; provided, that the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date shall not be extended beyond September 30,2013. 1.64 ''Sedul Monthly Energ Deliery" mea the Net Energy scheduled to be delivere during a given calenda month, as specified by Seller in the Energy Deliver Schedule. 8 #45442 £lnsertJ, lL-F Pi 1.65 "Share Interconnection Facilties" means that portion of the Intercnnection Facilties used by the Facilty and one or more other Qualifying Facilties as fuer described in Exhibit B. 1.66 "Seller's Forecast-Cost Share" and "Seller's Capped Forecast-Cost Share" shall have the meanings set fort in Sections 8.2 and 8.3 respectively. 1.67 "Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set fort in Section 4.3.3. 1.68 "System" means the electrc transmission substation and transmission or distibution facilties owned, operated or maitaed by Transmission Provider, which shal include, afr constction and installation of the Facilty, the circuit reinforcements, extensions, and associated terminal facilty reinforcements or additions required to interconnect the Facilty, all as set fort in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 1.69 "Tarif' means the PacifiCorp Transmission FERC Electric Tariff Seventh Revised Volume No. 11 Pro Forma Open Access Transmission Tariff or the Tramission Provider's corresponding FERC taiff or both, as revised from tie to tie. 1.70 "Transmission Provider" mean PacifCorp Transmission or a successor, including any regional transmission organization ("RTO"). "Wind Leases" means the memorada of wid lease and redacted wind leases recorded in the county in which the Facilty is located in connection with the development of the Facili, as the sae may be supplemente amended ex, rest or rela frm tie to time. 1.71 "Wind Turbine" me the tye of wid turbine specified and more fully described in Exhibit A as such Exhibit A may be updated puruant to Section 2.2.7. 1.72 "WREGIS" means the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System. 1.73 "WRGIS Certificate" means "Certificate" as defined by WREGIS in the WREGIS Operatig Rules. 1.74 "WRGIS Operatig Rules" means the operating rules and requirements adopted by WRGIS. SECTION 2.TERM; COMMRCIAL OPERATION DATE 2.1 This Agreeent shall become effective after execution by both Paries and afer apval by the Commission pursuat to a final and non-appealable order ("Effece Date"), that the pnces to be pad for energy and capaity ar just and renable, in the public inst and tht the cost incur by PacifCozp for purhaes of capaity and energy from Seller are legitimate expenses, all of which the Commission wil allow PacifCorp to recover in rates in Idaho in the event other jursdictions deny recovery of their proportionate shar of said expenses. Unless earlier te as prvided herin th Agren shl rema in effect 9 #49742 (Insen), LL-F Pi un th twentiet (20th) anivers of the earlier of the Commercial Operation Date or the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date ("Expiration Date"). 2.2 Time is of th essece of th Agrent, and Seller's abilty to mee cer requirements prior to the Commercial Operation Date and to achieve Commercial Opertion by the Scheduled Commerial Opon Dat is crticay import Therefore 2.2.1 By the date that is four (4) months prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall obta and provide to PacifiCorp coies of al govenenta pe and auons lis in Exhibi C. 222 By the date that is th (30) days aftr the Effective Date, Seller shall provide one hundrd percnt (100%) of the Delay Security required under Section 11.1.1, as applicable. 223 By December 31, 2011, Seller: (i) ha provided all information and paid all fees the Tranmission Provider requires to designate the Facilty as a Netork Resource in acrdce with the Tar (OA TI; and (ii) ha provide al inonnon reasnably reuired by PacifiCorp to submit a trsmission service request for the Facilty to the Transmission Provider pursuant to the Tarff. 2..4 PacifiCorp, within ten (10) days of receiving frm Seller the information identified in Section 2.2.3, shall (i) withdraw the request with respect to the facilty (as defined in the Original PPA) and (ii) request designation of the Facilty as a Network Resource for the purpses of serving Netork Load. 2..5 Seller shall provide wrtten confirmation of the expected Facilty Capacity Rating for the Facilty on or before Janua 31, 2012. This notice shall definitively establish a single Capacity Rating for the Facilty within the rage contemplated in the Expected Facilty Capacity Rating. 22.6 At lea te (10) business da pror to deliery of any ene fr th Facilty to PacifCorp, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with an executed Generation Interconnection Agrement. 22.7 Within one hundr eighty (180) days prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shal provide PacifiCorp with amended Exhibit, which may include the designation ofaltemative Wind Turbines for the Facilty, and such other updates to the information contained therein. 2.28 Prior to the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall provide Default Security required under Section i 1.2, if applicable. 22.9 Prior to the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with an As-built Supplement resonably acceptable to PacifiCorp. 2.2.10 Seller shall use commercially reasonable effort to achieve Commercial Operation by 00:00 PPT December 31, 2012. 10 #45442 (InsertJ, U£-Fiv Pin 2. Beginning on Januar 6,2012 and on the fift (5th) business day of each month thereafer until the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall providePacifiCorp with a one-page monthly update bye-mail on the progrss of finacing and/or constrction of the Project and status of completion of the milestones in Section 2.2. 2.4 Esblishig Commercial Opration. Seller shall provide wrttn notice to PacifCo sæ when Seller believes that th Facilty ha achieved Commeria Opration. PacifiCorp shall have ten (10) business days afer reeipt either to confirm to Seller that all of the conditions to Commerial Operon have been satsfied or have ocur or to st with speificity wha PacifCorp reonaly believes ha not be sasfied. If with such ten (10) busines day peod, PacifiCorp eit dos not rend or else confs tht the Facilit ha achieved Commercal Opertion, the origial da of rept of Seller's notice shl be the Commerial Operaon Date. IfPacifiCorp notifes Seller within such te (10) busines day period that PacifiCorp reasonably believes the Facilty has not achieved Commercial Operation, Seller may, if it ha a goo fath belief th Coeria Opon ha be achieved submt a Technca Disput Notce, or else Seller shal adss the concern st in PacifiCozp's notice to the mut sacton of both Pares. If Seller submits a Teclmca Disput Notice and the Technical Expert determes that Commercial Opeation has been achieved, then the Commercial Opon Dat sha be the da, as detnned by the Technica Expe th the Facilty fir met al the requments of Commerial Opon; otherw the dat upon whch Seller ha addrss the concerns sta in PacifiCorp's notice to PacifiCorp's reonable satfaction, as spcified in a notice frm PacifiCorp to Seller, shall be the Commercial Operaon Da. If Commerial Opration is achieved at less than one hundr pet (I00Ai) of the exct Facilit Capacit Ratig and Seller inonn PacifiCorp th Seller inteds to br the Facilit to one hundr pernt (100%) of the ex Facil Cait Ratig, Seller sha prvide PacifCorp with a lis of al ite to be complet in order to achieve the exct Facilty Capacity Rating. 2.4.1 Techncal Expert. If, and only if, a dispute regards (i) whether or not Commercial Opetion has bee achieved, and/or (ii) the da when Commercial Operation was achieved, the Paries may have such dispute, and only such dispute, relved puruat to th Section 2.4.1. Any such dispute wil be detnned by an indede teica expe who shal be a mutuly acle thii pa with trg and exence in the disciplines relevant to the matrs with respect to which such person is caled upon to provide acertfieaon, evaluaton or opinion (the ''Tecnical Expert"), which determination shall be (X) made (subject to the terms in this Section 2.4) in acrdce with the Constrction Indus Aritron Rules and Mediaton Produrs (Icluding Pro for Lage, Complex Conson Dispus) of the AA, as amended and effective on Octobe 1,2009 (the "Technical Dispute Proure"), notwthstading any dollar amounts or dollar litations contaed therein, and (Y binding upon the Parties. (a) Either Par may commence the dispute process as to the matters set fort in pargraph 2.4.1, above, with the American Arbitrtion Association ("AA') by notig AA and the other Par in wrti (''Tecnica Dfipute Notice") of such Part's desire that the dispute be resolved though a determination by a Technical Expert. (b) The deinaton shall be conduct by a sole Teclmca Ex The Pares may selec any mutly actale Tecical Ex If the Paries caot agr on a Technica Exprt with five (5) days afer the da of the Teclmca Di Notice, then the AA's 11 #4549742 IInsertj, LL-Fwe Pi Ariton Aditor shl sed a li and reumes of th (3) availe tehnca expei1 mee the auacaon set fort in Seon 2.4.1 to the Pares, eah of whom shl st one nae, and the reaining peon shl be appointe as the Techncal Exp. If more th one na re, eiter beca one or bo Pares have filed to rend to the AM's Aritron Admisttor within five (5) days afer reivig the list or bese one or both Pares have failed to ste a name frm the list or beus both Pares str the same nae, the AM's Aritron Adminstrtor wi choose the Technica Expert from the remaning names. If the designte Techncal Ex sha die, beme incaple or, unwilling to, or unble to see or proceed with the detnnination, a substtute Techncal Expert shall be appointe in acrdce with the selecon pr deribe abve, an su subs Techncal Exp shl have al suh power as ifhe or she ha be originally appointed herein. (c) With th (30) days of the apintmen of the Technca Ex purua to the foregoing sub-secon, eah Par shall submit to the Technica Ex (an copy the oter Par) a wrtt rert contag it position with respect to the dispute, and arents therefor together with supprting documentaon and cacuatons. Dicovery shl be limite to Facilty documenton relag to the disput ma. With six (60) days frm reeipt of such submissions, the Technca Exrt shal select one or the other Par's position with resp to the dispute arbitrle issues set fort in Seon 2.4.1 above, whereupon such selecion shall be a binding deterination upon the Pares for all pu herf. The co of the Technca Expeincludg his or he fee and exse, shal be borne by th Par wh position wa not selec by the Technca Ex; eah Par sha otheise be its own expeses. If the Technica Ex fato reder a decsion wi niet (90) days frm rept of eah Par's submissions either Par may, prior to the Technica Expe's fi decision, initiate litgaon, in which cas the Technical Exrt's final decision shall not be binding on the Paries unless otherwise agreed. 2.4.2 Al verl and wr communcaons beee the Pares and ised or prepared in connection with this Section 2.4.1 shall be deemed prepared and communcaed in fuerace, and in the conte of dispute setement, and shall be exempt frm discvei and prducton and shal not be adible in evidence (whet as adsion or other) in any lion or other prcein for the reluton of the dispute. 2.4.3 All deadlines specified in this Section 2.4 may be extended by mutual agreement of the Paries. 2.5 Delay Damages. Seller shal cause the Facilty to achieve Commercial Operation on or befor the Scheduled Commerial Opon Dat. If Commeria Opon ocur afthe Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall be liable to pay PacifiCorp delay dage for the numbe of days ("Dela Period'") tht th Commeria Opon Date oc af Octobe 1, 2013, until the ealier of occurce of the Commercia Opon Da or th teon of th Agrent (''Delay Liquidate Daages'");prd tha Seller shl not acrue any Delay Liquida Damages aft: (i) Seller has tiely achieved the milesone in Secon 2.2.3; and (ii) Seller has satisfied all reuirents of Commercial Operaon excet for one or more reuients in Section 1.5.6. Billigs and payments for Delay Liquida Dam shal be ma in acrdce wi Secton 11.1. 12 #45442 (Inser). LL-P Pi 2.5.1 Delay Liquida Damages. Delay Liquidate Dages equas the su of: for each day in the Delay Period, the grater of (1) the Delay Daily Minimum or (2) the Delay Price times the Delay Volume, Wh: "Dela Dail Mium" equas (a) for the fi fort-five (45) caenda days followig th Scheduled Comia Opon Date: onninetet (1 /9) of fort- five doll ($45) multiplied by the Maum Facilty Deliver Ra with the Maimum Facilit Deliver Ra bein meaur in kW; (b) af the fort-fift (45th) caenda day followi th Sceded Coeria Opon Dat: th Delay Price times the Delay Volume. ''D Pnce" eqs the posie dice, if any, of the Index Prce minus theweigh averge of the On-Pea and Of-Pea monthy Conorg En Purchase Prices; and "Delay Volume" equa the aplicale Scheded Monthy Ener Deliver divided by the number of days in that month. 2.5.2 Appropriateness of Damages. The Paries agr that the damages PacifCorp would incur due to delay in the Facilit achievin Commercial Opraon on or before the Scheduled Commerial Operation Date would be diffcult or impossible to preict with ce, and th th Delay Liquida Damages ar an appropriat approximation of suchdaages. SECTION 3.REPRESENTATIONS AN WARIES 3.1 PacifCorp represents, covenants, and warants to Seller tht: 3.l.l PacifiCorp is duly organize and validly existing under the laws of the State of Oregon. 3.12 PacifiCorp has the reuisite corporate power and authority to enter into ths Agent and to peorm acrding to th te of th Agent. 3.1.3 PacifiCorp has taen all corporate actions required to be taen by it to authorie the execution, delivery and performance of this Agrement and the consumation of the transactions contemplated hereby. 3.1.4 Subject to Commission approval, the execution and delivery of this Agrement dÒes not contrvene any provision of, or constitute a default under, any indentue, mortgage, or other matrial agreement binding on PacifiCotp or any valid order of any cour or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which PacifiCorp is subject. 3..5 Subject to Commission approval, this Agrement is a valid and legally binding obligation ofPacifCorp. enforceable against PacifiCorp in accordance with its terms (except as the enforceabilty of this Agrent ma be liited bybapty, insolvency, ba moratorium or similar laws afecting critors' rights generally and laws restctig the avaiabilty 13 if5442 (Insert), U£-Fiv Pi of eqtale reedes and excet as the enorcilty of th Agren may be subjec to geer prciples of eq, wheter or not suh enforceabilty is considered in a proceeding at equity or in law). 3.2 Seller represents, covenants, and warants to PacifiCorp that: 3.2.1 Seller is a limited liabilty company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Delaware. 3.2.2 Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agrement and has, or wil have at the date of Commerial Opration of the Facilty, all reuisite power and authority to pedorm according to the terms heref, including all reuired regulatry authority to make wholesale sales from the Facilty. 3.2.3 Seller's shareholders, directors, and officers have taen all actions required to authoriz the execution, delivery and pedormance of ths Agreement and the consummation of the trnsactions contemplate herby. 3.2.4 The execution and delivery of this Agreement does not contravene any provision of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage, or other material agreement binding on Seller or any valid order of any court or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which Seller is subject. 3.2.5 This Agrement is a valid and legally binding obligation of Seller, enforceable agait Seller in accordace with its terms (except as the enforceabilty of this Agrement may be limited by banptcy, insolvency, ban moratorium or similar laws afecting creditors' rights generally and laws restricting the availabilty of equitable remedies and except as the enforceabilty of ths Agrement may be subject to general principles of equity, whether or not such enforceabilty is considered in a proceeding at equity or in law). 32.6 The Facilty is and shl for the term of ths Agment contiue to be a QF. Within thirt (30) days aftr the Effective Date, Seller shall provide the appropriate QF certfication, which may include a Federal Energ Relary Commssion self-ccaon to PacifiCorp. At any tie thereafr tht PacifiCorp has ren to believe durin the te of ths Agrent tht Seller's sta as a QF is in queon, PacifCorp may reuir Seller to provide PacifCorp with a wren legal opinion frm an atrney in good stdig in the st ofIdao and who has no ecnoc relaonsp, asiaon or nexu with the Seller or the Facilty (other than in a capacity as counsel providing such requeste legal opinion), stating that the Facilty is a QF and providing suffcient prf (including copies of all documents and data as PacifiCorp may request) demonstrating that Seller has maintained the Facilty as a QF. 3.2.7 Neither the Seller nor any of its principal equity owners is or has within the past two (2) years been the debtor in any bankrptcy proceeding, is unable to pay its bils in the ordinar course of its business, or is the subject of any legal or regulatory action, the result of which could reasonably be expected to impair Seller's abilty to own and operate the Facilty in accordance with the ters of this Agreement. 3.2.8 Seller has not at any tie defaulted in any of its payment obligations for electricity purhased from PacifiCorp. 14 #45442 (Insert). IL-Fiv Pi 3.2.9 Seller is not in default under any of its other material agreements that would result in Seller's failure to perform its material obligations hereunder. 3.2.10 Seller owns all right, title and interest in and to the Facilty, free and clea of all liens and encumbrances other th liens and encumbrances created by or though Seller related to third-par fiancing of the Facilty, and Seller (or its successor in interest) wil continue to own for the term of this Agrement, all right, title and interst in and to the Facilty, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than liens and encumbrances related to third-part financing of the Facilty. 3.2.11 In entering into this Agreement and the undertg by Seller of the obligations set fort herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of perorming hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of PacifiCorp in connection with the transactons conteplated by this Agreement. 3.2.12 All professionals or expert including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountats, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undering the transactions contemplated by this Agrement have been solely those of Seller. 3.2.13 All leases ofreal propert required for the opeation of the Facilty or the performance of any obligations of Seller hereunder are set fort and accurately described in Exhibit C. Upon request by PacifCorp, Seller shall provide copies of the Wind Leases to PacifiCorp. 3.2.1 4 All inormaton about the Facilty set fort in Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C ha bee verfied by Seller and is acurte to th be of it knowlede. 3.3 Notice. If at any tie durg th Agrent, any Par obtas act knowledge of any event or information which would have caused any of the representations and waranties in this Secon 3 to have be matrially une or misleaing wlíen made, such Par sh provide the other Par with wrtten notice of the event or information, the representations and warties afecd, an th acon if any, which such Par inteds to tae to mae the repreentations and warties tre and correct. The notice reuir puruat to ths Secon shal be given as so as pracale af the occur of ea such even SECTON 4.DELIVRY OF POWER; AVAILABILITY GUARY 4.1 Delivery and Accce of Net Ouut Except for any culment spified in Section 6.3, unless otherwise provided herein, PacifiCorp wil purchase and Seller wil sell all Net Output from the Facilty. 4.2 No Sales to Third Paries. During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall not sell any Net Output from the Facilty to any entity other than PacifiCorp. 43 Energy Delivei Schedle. Seller shl prear and prvide to PacifCoip, on an ongoing basis, a writtn schedule of Net Energy expected to be delivered by the Facilty ("Energy Delivery Schedule"), in accordance with the following: 15#442 (Insert), LL-Fiv Pi 4.3.1 Dug the fit twelve fu caenda month followig the Comerial Operation Date, Seller predicts that the Facilty wil produce and deliver the following monthly amounts ("Initial Year Energ Delivery Schedule"): Month Januar Februar March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL: Energ Delivery (kWh) 9,881,887 8,191,635 11,360,594 9,085,733 10,185,738 8,069,166 7,384,339 8,155,779 7,590,732 8,615,123 10,166,694 10,324,201 109,011,621 AveragekW 13,247 12,170 15,282 12,608 13,686 11,212 9,935 10,933 10,574 l1,61l 14,125 13,885 12,439 432 Seller may revise the Initial Year Energy Delivery Schedule any time prior to the Commercial Operation Date. 433 Begig at the end of the ni fu caenda mon of operation, and at the end of every th month ther, Seller shal suplemen the Ener Deliver Schede with th adona month of forw es (whch shal be aped to th Agen using the foim spifed in Exibit D) ("Subsuent Ener Deliery Scedule'), such th the Ener Deliver Scede will prvide at lea th month of scheed energy esmat at all ti. Seller sh prvide Subseent Ener Deliver Schedules no lat th 5:00 pm PPT of the 5th day af the due da. If Seller do not prvide a Subuet Ener Deliver Schedule by the abve de, scheuled ener for the omtt peod shall equa th amotm scheduled by Seller for th sae th-month period during the previous year. 4.3.4 Upon and af the Coerial Opon Dat, Seller may no longe rese th Ener Delivery Schedule for the fi six ful caenda mont of Commeral Opon. Aft 5:00 p.m. PPT of the fi business day followig the end of the th fu caen mont of Commerial Opon and the end of ea th caenda mont th, Seller may no longe revise th Energy Delivery Scede for th six caenda month imedialy followi such th mont. Subject to the foregoin rectons in ths Secon 4.3.4, Seller may reis the En Delier Schedle for any unct mont by providi wr noce to PacifiCo. Faiur to provide tiely wr notice of changed amoun wil be deeed to be an elecon of no ch. 4.4 Minimum Availabiltv Obligation. Seller shall cause the Facilty to achieve an Avaabili of at lea 85% dug eah mon ("Guate Avabil'). 16 tf4840.408-42 (Insert), UL-P Pi 4.5 Liguidated Damages for Output ShortalL. If the Availabilty in any given month falls below the Guaranteed Availabilty, the resulting shortall shall be expressed in kWh as the "Output ShortfalL." The Output Shortfall shall be calculate in accordance with the following formula: Ontput Short = (Gute Avaiilty. Availabilty) * Scheded Monthly Ener Delivei Seller shall pay PacifiCorp for any Ouut Shortl at the lower of (1) the positive differece, if any, of th Inde Prce mius the weighted average of the On-Pea and Of.Pea monthy Confomling Ener Puhas Prces; or (2) the weighte avere of the On-Pea an Of-Pea monthy Conn Ener Pu Prce ("Ontput Short Dama''). Output Shortal Damm = Ouut Shor * OUut Shortall Prce Wh: Output Shortall Prce =(Idex Price. Weighted Averae CEPP), except that if Output Shortall Price .0 0, then Output Shortall Prce = 0, and except that if Output Shortall Price ;: Weighted Average CEPP, then Outut Shortall Prce = Weighted Average CEPP Weighted Average CEPP = the Weighted Average On-Peak and Off.Peak Conforming Energy Purhase Prices for the month of Output Shortall If an Output Shortall occurs in any given month, Seller may owe PacifiCorp liquidated damages. Each Pary agres and acknowledges that (a) the daages that PacifiCorp would incur due to the Facilty's failure to achieve the Guaanteed Availabilty would be diffcult or impossible to predict with certinty, and (b) the liquidated daages contemplated in this Section 4.5 are a fair and reasonable calculation of such damages. 4.6 Audit Rights. In addition to data provided under Sections 9.3 and 9.4, PacifiCorp shall have the right, but not the obligation, to audit the Facilty's compliance wit its Guateed Availabilty using any reasnable methods. Seller agres to reta all performance related data for the Facilty for a minimum of thee years, and to cooperate with PacifiCorp in the event PacifiCorp decides to audit such data. 4.7 For a period often (10) yeas frm the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall have title to the Green Tags immediately upon the generation of the Output at the Facilty that gives rise to such Green Tags. On the tenth (10th) aniversar of the Commercial Operation Date though and including the Expiration Date, PacifiCorp shall have title to the Gren Tags immediately upon the generation of the Output at the Facilty that gives rise to such Green Tags. Each Par shall execute all additional documents and instrents reasonably requested by the other Par in order to furter document the ownership of the Green Tags durig the respective Par's ownership. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Seller shall, on or before the 10th day of each month during 17 1f5442 (Insert), LL-F Pi which PacifiCorp has ownership rights to the Gren Tags, deliver to PacifiCorp a Gren Tags Attstation and Bil of Sale (in the form attched as Exhibit 4.7(A)) for all Green Tags delivered to PacifiCorp hereunder in the preceding month, along with any verification that is in conformance with the then-curent Center for Resoure Solution's Green-e program, or any successor program. The Par having ownership of the Gren Tags at the time (the "Green Tag Owner"), at its own cost and expense, shall register with, pay all fees required by, and comply with, all reporting and other requireents ofWREGIS relating to the Facilty or Green Tags. The Seller shall ensure that the Facilty will paricipate in and comply with, during the Term, all aspects ofWRGIS. The Green Tag Owner shall be responsible for any costs charged by the qualified reporting entity for the Facilty to paricipate in and comply with, during the Term, all aspect of WREGIS. The Grn Tag Ower shall, at its sole expense, use WRGIS as reuired puruant to the WREGIS Operating Rules, including but not limited to those rules related to effectuating the transfer of WRGIS Certficates and transfering such WRGIS Certficates in accordance with WRGIS reporting protocols and WRGIS Operating Rules and as requird under this Agreement. Seller may either elect to enter into a Qualified Reporting Entity Services Agreement with PacifiCorp in a form similar to that in Exhibit 4.7(B) or elect to act as its own WRGIS-defined Qualified Reporting Entity. Seller shall upon wrtten request from PacifiCorp provide copies of all documentation submittd to WREGIS in connection with the Facilty. Furer, upon notification by WRGIS or CAM that any transfers of Gren Tags contemplated by this Agreement have not been recorded, the Paries shall promptly cooperate in taing all reasonable actions necessar so that such transfers can be recorded. Seller shall at its expense cause the Facilty to maintain its registration in good stading with the Center for Resource Solution's Green-e program, or any successor program, thoughout the Term; provided, however that each Par shall (a) not tae any action (other than the provision of trthful information) to impai the Facilty's good stading with such program and (b) shall provide such informtion as is reonably requested to mainta such registation. The Paries shall reasonably cooperate iii any registrtion of the Facilty in the renewable portolio stadard or equivalent program in all such fuer states and progrs in which the Paries may wish to register or maintained registered the Facilty by providing copies of all such information a.') reasonably required for such registration. Neither Part reprsents or warants that the Gren Tags can be used for any purpse. The Paries acknowledge that the Green Tags may be subject to action by Governental Authority and neither Part is liable to the other Par for action taen by a Governental Authority in connection with the Gree Tags tht is not a result of a breach of this Agreement. SECTIONS.PURCHAE PRICES 5.1 EneraY Puchase Price. Excep as provided in Section 5.3, PacifiCorp wil pay Seller Conformg Energy Purchase Prices or Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Prices, as applicable, for Net Output adjusted for the month and On-Peak Hours or Off.Peak Hours and the wind integration cost using the following formulae: Confotling Energ Purchase Price = (AR * MPM) - WIC Non-Conforming Energ Purchase Price = (Ance * MPM) - WIC Where: 18 #45442 flnsertj, lL-Fi Pin AR AR = Conforming Energy anual rate from Table 1, below, for the year of the Net Output. the lawero! 85% of the Conforming Energy anual rate frm Table 1 below, for the yea of Net Output or MPM = 85% of average of the daily Index Price for each day of the month, or portion of month, of Net Output. monthly On-Peak or Off-Peak multiplier from Table 2 below, that corresponds to the month of the Net Output and wheter the Net Output occurd during On-Pea Hour or Off-Peak Hours. WIC =$6.50IMh, the wind integration cost prescribe in Commission Order No. 31021. Exle caculaton ar prvide in EDit G. Table 1: Conform Energ Annual Rate Year Conforming Energ Annual Rate (AR") SIMWh 2012 63.97 2013 67.51 2014 71.32 2015 75.40 2016 77.76 2017 80.07 2018 82.58 2019 85.05 2020 87.61 2021 90.63 2022 93.78 2021.97.05 2024 100.44 2025 103.98 2026 106.98 2027 110.07 2028 113.26 2029 116.56 2030 119.95 2031 124.51 2032 128.50 2033 132.64 19 #4548-42 (Insert). LL-FivPù 12034 I 136.92 Table 2: Monthly On-PeaklOt.Pea Mulplier Month On-Pea Off-Peak Hours Houri Januarv 103%94% Februar 105%97% Marh 9S%ROOk Anril 95%76% Mav 92%63% June 94%65% Julv 121%92% AUilust 121%106% Sentmbe 109%99% October 115%105% November 110%96% December 129%120% 5.2 Payment. For eah Biling Perod in eah Cont Yea, PacifCo sh pay Seller as follows: For deliver ofCoim Ener Paymt = (CEni.Pea * CEce1'/ioo) + (CE-Pc * CE-P1 100) For deliver ofNon-Confonn Fner Payment =(NCEerOn.Pca * NCEPrOC-pe 1100) + (NC&Pca *NCirl'IlOO) Wh: CEer =Confor Ener in kWh CEPce =Conor Fner Pu Prce in $I NCEer =Non-Confon Fner Puas Prce in kWh NCEPrce =Non-Confor Fner Pu Prce in $I On-Pea =the corrndi value for On-Pea HoW' OOPea =th corrnding value for Of-Pea HoW' 5.3 Inadvert Ener. So long as acce of Invert Ener does not caus PacifiCorp to violate the terms of its Network Transmission Service and is consistent with . Pnent Elecca Prctce, PacCozp wi ac Inert Ener, but will not pur or pay for Inadvernt Energy. 20#442 (lnsertj, LL-Fiv Pr 5.4 Additional Compensation. Seller shall not be entitled to any compensation over and above the Conforming Energ Purchase Prices or Non-Conforming Energy Purhase Prices, as the case may be, for the Green Tags associated therewith. SECTION 6.OPERATION AND CONTROL 6.1 As-Built Supplement. Upon completion of any constction afecting the Facility, Seller shl provide PacifiCorp an As-built Supplement beg the stp of a Licensed Professional Engineer that accurately depicts the Facilty as built. The As-built Supplement must be reviewed and approved by PacifiCorp, which approval shall not unasonably be witheld, conditioned or delayed. 62 Qperation. Seller shall operate and maintain the Facilty in a safe maner in accordance with the Generation Interconnection Agrement, Prudent Elecical Practices and in acrdce with the reuients of all applicale feder, sta an loc laws an the Natona Electric Safety Code as such laws and code may be amended from time to time. PacifiCorp shall have no obligation to puha Net Ouut frm the Facilty to the ex the intercnnecon beeen the Facilty and PacifCorp's electc syte is dinnec, supeed or inpt in whole or in par puruant to the Generation Interconnection Agrement, or to the extnt geertion curent is reui as a resut of Seller's non-cpliance wi the Geertion Innnection Agreement. PacifCorp shal have the right to inspect the Facilty to confirm that Seller is operating the Facilty in accordance with the provisions of this Section 6 upon renale notice to Seller. Seller is solely rensible for the opeon and mace of th Facilty. PacifCorp shal not, by reon of its decision to in or not to inpe the Facil, or by any acton or inaction taen with respect to any such inpection, assume or be held reposible for any liabli or occurce arin frm th opon and matece by Seller of the Facilty. 63 Curailment. PacifCorp shall not be obligated to purchase, reeive, pay for, or pay any daages associated with, Net Output (or associatd Pruction Tax Creits or Environmenta Attbutes) if such Net Output (or associat Producton Tax Crets or Envirnmen Attbu) is not deliverd to the Sys or Poin of Deliver due to any of the following: (a) the interconnection beteen the Facilty and the System is disconnectd, susnde or interrpt in whole or in par consst wi the tes of the GeeronInon Agent, (b) the Trasion Prder or Netor Serce Prvide di a geer cuent, reucton, or resph of generaon in the ar (which would include the Net Out) for any reon, even if such curent or redisph d.ve is caed out by PacifiCorp, which may fulfill such directive by acting in its sole discretion; or ifPacifiCorp cur or otheise reuces the Net Output in ord to mee it obligatons to the Tramission Provider or Netork Service Pròvider to operate within system limitations, (c) the Facilty's Output is not received beause the Facilty is not fully integrate or synchrniz with the Sys or (d) an event of Fore Majeur prevents either Par frm deliverig or reeiving Net Ouut Seller shall renaly detine the MW amoun ofNet Ouut curled pur to this Secon 6.3 af the fa bas on the amount of energ that could have been geerte at th Facilit and deliver to PacifiCotp as Net Out but that was not gener and deliver be of the curent Seller sha dete the quatity of suh cued ener ba on (x) the time and duron of the curilmen period and (y) wind conditions rerded at the Facil durg the perod of curilment and the power cure speified for the Wind Turines as shown in Exhibit A Seller sh prmptly prvide PacifCotp wi acss to such inormation and data as PacifiCorp may resonably 21 #45409742 fInsertj. LL-Fiv Pi reui to conf to its reonable safaon the amount of ener th was not gene or delier be of a curen describe in this Section 6.3. 6.4 PacifiCorp as Merchant. Seller acknowledge that PacifiCorp, acting in its merchat caacity fuction as puha under ths Agrent, ha no responsibilty for or contl over PacifiCorp Trasmion or any sucso Tramission Prvide. . 6.5 Outges. 6.5. i Planed Outa. Except as otherwse prvided here Seller shl not schedule Planed Outge durg any portion of the months of November, December, Januar, Febru, June, July, and Augut, excet to the ext a Planed Ouge is renaly re to enle a vendor to sa a gu reuient in a situon in whch the vend is not oter able to pemi th gu WOiK at a tie oter th durg one of th mon specified abve or toth ex suh Plaed Ouge is re in acrdce with Pm Electrca Prces. Seller sh, in Exibit D, provide PacifCozp with an an fore ofPla Outa for eah Cont Yea at lea one (l) mon but no more that three (3) months, before the first day of that Contrat Year, and shall promptly updte such schedule, or otherwse change it only, to the extent that Seller is renably reuire to cha it in order to comply with Prudent Eleccal Prces. Seller shal not schee more th one hun fift (150) hour of Plaed Oues for each calendar yea. Seller shall notify PacifiCorp of any deviation to the annual Planed Ouge schede, abve, on the Monday pr the schedg week in which the sooner of the following wil occur: (a) the outage as predicted in the Planed Outage schedule; or (b) the outage per Seller's revised plans. Such notice shall consist of a Monday-Suny, hourly spreee showig the revis to Facili curen (M for th scheduling week. Seller shl not schedue any mainace of Shar Inteonnecon Facilites durg November, Debe, Janua, Feb, June, July, or Augu without the prior wrtten apprval of PacifiCorp, which appval may be reasonably witheld by PacifiCorp. 6.5.2 Maintece Ous. If Seller renably detnnes tht it is necssa to schedule a Maitenace Outae, Seller shall notif PacifCorp of the propose Manace Outage as son as practicale bu in any even at lea five (5) days befor the outge begi (or such shortr peod to which PacifCoi may reonaly coen in light of then existi wid conditions). Upon suh notice, the Pares shll plan the Mace Ou to muty acmmod the renale reuient of Seller and the sece obligation ofPacifCo. Seller sh tae all rele mea an us commerially reonale effort consistet with Prudent Eleccal Praces to not schedule any Mace Ou durg the followi peod: June 15 thug June 30, July, Augu and Sepbe 1 thugh Sepbe 15. Seller shl include in such notce of a proposed Maian Ou the expe st da an tie of the outge, the amoun of generon caity of the Facil th wi not be availe, and the exed completon date and tie of the out. Seller may prvide notice under this Section 6.5.2 oraly. Seller shall confi any such ora notificaon in wrtig as soon as practicable. PacifiCorp shall promptly respond to such notice and may request renale modifications in the schedule for the outae. Seller shll us all renable effort to comply with PacifCorp's reue to mod the schedule for a Matenace Outge if such modfication ha no substtial impa on Seller. Seller shal noti PacifiCorp of any subseuent chages in geeron caity of the Facilit dur such Mace Ouge and any chages in the Mace Out completon da and tie. Seller shl ta al 22#442 (Insert), LL-Fiv Pi renale meas and exeris it commerially reonale effort consist with Pndet Elecca Pratices to min th fruency and durtion of Mace Outages. 6.53 Forc Outes. Seller shall promptly provide to PacifiCorp an ora rert via telephone to a numbe spifed by PacifCorp, of any Forc Ou of th Facilit. Such report shl inlud th amount of geeron caity of the Facilty th wil not be availe be of the For Ou and the ex re date and tie of such generaon caacity. Seller shall promptly updàte the report as necessa to advise PaifCorp of cha cice. If the Forc Ou reul in more than 15% of th Facilit Cait Ra of th Facil being unvailable, Seller sh conf the ora rert in wrtig as soon as prcale. SelJer shall tae all renale mea and exerise its coerially renable effort consiiite with Prdent Electrcal Prtice to avoid Forc Outages and to minimize their durtion. 6.5.4 Notice of Deratings and Outages. Without limiting other notice requirements, Seller shall notify PacifiCorp, via telephone or via electronic mail, to a number or email address specifed by PacifiCorp, of any limitation, restriction, derating or oute know to Seller th afec th geon caity of the Facilty in an amount grater than five percent (5%) of the Facilty Capacity Rating for the following day. Seller shall promptly update such notice to reflect any material changes to the information in such notice. 6.5.5 Effect of Outages on Estimated Output. Seller shall factor Planed OUs and Maitece Outges that Seller reasonably expts to encounter in the ord coure of operatig the Facili in the Scheduled Monthy Ener Deliery amounts in the Energy Delivery Schedule set fort in Exhibit D. 6.6 Scheduling. 6.6.1 Coopeaton and Stadas. With re to any and al scheduling reirents in th Agren (a) Seller shal cope with PacifCo wi resp to schedingNet Outut and (b) eah Par shl designate auoried retaves to communca wi rega to schedulg and relate mat arin herun. 6.62 Schede Cordinon. If as a result of ths Agrment, PacifCorp is deemed by an RTO to be ficially responsible for Seller's peonnance under the Geeron Interconnecon Agremen due to Seller's lack of stding as a "scheduling cordatt' or other RTO regnizd designon, quaificaion or oterse, then (a) Seller shl acir such RTO regniz stding (or shall contrac with a thir pa who ha such RTO regn stang) such th PacCo is no longe respible for Seller's perormce under the Generaon Inteonnection Agrement, and (b) Seller sh defend, inem and hold PaciCo hales ag any liabilty arin du to Seller's pedormce or failur to pedonn under the Generation Internnection Agreement or RTO requirment. 6.7 Deliver Exceeding the Maximum GIA Deliyery Rate. Seller shall not deliver energy frm the Facilty to the Point of Deliver at a ra th exceds the Mamum GIA Delivery Rate. Seller's failur to limit such deliveries to the Maximum GIA Delivery Rate shall be a breach of a material obligation subject to Section 12.1.8. 6.8 Accss Rights. Upon renale pror notice an subjec to the pr saet reuirments of Seller, and Requirements of Law relating to workplace health and safety, 23 #4549742 (Insert), UC-P Pi Seller shall provide PacifiCorp and its authoried agents, employees and inspectors ("PacifCorp Represntaties") with rele acc to the Facilty: (a) for the purse ofre or teg metrig equipment, (b) as necssar to witns any acceptce tes, (c) for purose of implementing Section 4.6, and (d) for other reasonable puroses at the reasonable request of PacifCorp. PacifCorp shall release Seller ag and frm any and all any and all loss, fies, penalties, claim, actions or suits, including costs and attrney's fees, both at tral and on appeal reg frm acons or omssion by any of the PacifiCorp Reenves in coecon wi their access to the Facilty, except to the extent th such damages are caused or by the intentional or grossly negligent act or omission of Seller. SECTION 7.MOTIVE FORCE Prior to the execution of ths Agrment, Seller provided to PacifiCorp Wind Leases and a motive force plan including an hourly wind profile acceptable to PacifiCorp in its reasonable discretion and attched hereo as Exhibit F-L. Within the (3) months after the Effective Date, Seller wil provide a wind report from any of OL Gar Hassan, A WS Truepower, LLC, or DNV Global Energy Concepts, Inc. certifying that the implementation of the fuel or motive force plan can reasonably be expected to provide fuel or motive force to the Facilty for the durtion of ths Agreement adequate to generate power and energy in quatities necessar to deliver the Average Anual Net Output. Seller will provide an updated estimate of Average Annual Net Output at the time it provides an amended Exhibit A pursuant to Section 2.2.7 if Seller has selected different Wind Turbines. SECTION 8.GENERATION FORECASTING COSTS 8.1 Foreas Service Election. PacifiCorp may, in its discron, ad foreg services for Seller's Facilty to PacifiCorp's existig contract with a qualified wind-energy- prcton foreg vendor, whch cont and ven may chage dug the te of th Agreement. 82 Seller's Forecast-Cost Share. Puuant to Commission Order No. 30497, Seller sha be reponsible for 50010 ofPacifiCozp's co of adding suh forasg seice C'Seer's Foreast-Cost Share") up to Seller's Capped Forecast-Cost Shae. 83 Ca on Seller's Fore-Cost Sha. Seller's Fore-Cost Sha for a given Contract Yea is capped at 0.1 % of total payments made by PacifiCorp to Seller for Net Output durg the previous Contract Yea ("Seller's Capped FOret-C08t Share"). If the last Contract Year of this Agrement is shorter than a full calenda year, the cap wil be prorated for tht shortned year. For the years) prior to the second Contrt Year of this agrment tht equa a full caenda year, Sellers Fore-Cst Sh is capped at 0.1 % of esat payments for Net Output based on the Energy Delivery Schedule. 8.4 Payment. Seller shall pay to PacifiCorp Seller's Forecast-Cost Share uncappe by Section 8.3 for each Contract Year in equal payments for each month of such year except the last month of such year. (For example, in a Contract Year equaling a full calendar year, Seller would pay 1/1 lth of Seller's Fore-Cst Sha durg eah of the fi 11 monts.) hi the las mont of each Contrac Year, PacifiCozp sh refud to Seller the amount paid by Seller under ths Secon in excess, if any, of Seller's Capped Foreas-Cost Shae. For a Contrct Yea encompassed by just one calen. month Seller's payment to PacifiCorp and 24 ff5442 IInsertj, LL-Fiv Pm PacifCorp's refud to Seller shall be calculated and paid simultaneously. To the extent practicable, payments and reds uner th Section sh be inlude in month paymnt and invoice un Seon 10. SECTION 9.METERIG: REPORTS AND RECORDS 9.1 Metering Adjustment. Meterig will be performed at the location specified in Exhibit B and in the manner specified in the Generator Interconnection Agreement. All quatities of en pur heer sh be aaus in acrdce wi Addendum L, so that the puhad amoun reflects th ne amoun of power flowig in the Sysem at the Point of Deliver. 12 92 Metg Errrs. If any inpeons or te mae pu to the Geerr Interconnection Agreement discloses an errr exceeding two percent (2%), either fast or slow, proper corrction, based upon the inaccuracy found, shall be made of previous readings for the actual period during which the metenng equipment renderd inaccurte meaurements if that penod ca be asered. If the ac penod caot be ased the pr corrtion sha be mae to the meaents taen dug the tie the mete equipmen wa in sece sin last tested, but not exceeing thee Biling Periods, in the amount the metering equipment shall have be shown to be in errr by such test. Any corrcton in bilings or payments resultig frm a coiron in the met record shll be mae in the nex montly biling or payment rendered. 93 Telemetin. In aci:ce wi the Geeraon .Intennection Agrent, Seller shall provide telemetering equipment and facilties capable of transmitting to Tramission Prvider (who wi sha it with PacifiCo as autori by Exhibit H, "Seller Authtion to Relea Geeron Dat to PacifCorp') the followig inonntion concerng the Facilty on a re-tie basis, and wil ope such eqpmen when reuest by PacifiCorp to indicate: (a) instataeous M W output at the Point of Delivery; (b) Net Output; (c) the Facilty's total instataeous generation capacity; and (d) wind velocity at ùibine hub height. Seller shall also transmit to PacifiCorp any other data from the Facilty that Seller receives on a real-time basis, including meteorological data, wind speed data, wind dirction data and gross output data. Seller shall provide such real-time data to PacifiCorp in the sae detil that Seller receives the data (e.g., if Seller receives the data in four second intervals, PacifiCorp shall also receive the data in four second interals). PacifiCorp shall have the right from time to time to reuir Seller to provide adona telemetg equien and failites to the ex nec and reasonable. 2 If ston seice is supplied via se fati, PacifiCo will deuc ston sece frm the met 1àilty outut to calculate Net Output. 2S #45442 fI1'ert). ILFiv Pi 9.4 Monthly Report and Logs and Oter Information. 9.4.1 Repo. Witin th (30) calenda days after the end of each Biling Period, Seller shall provide to PacifiCorp a report in electronic format, which report shall include (a) sumes of the Facilty's wid an out da for the Biling Period in inteal not to exced one hou (or suh short peod as is renaly possible wi commercially available technology), including information from the Facilty's computer monitorig syst; (b) sumaries of any other signficant events relate to the conscton or operon of the Facilty for the Biling Perod; (c) dels of Avaiil of the Facilty for the Biling Period sufcient to caculate Availabilit and includig hourly average wind velocity measured at tubine hub height and ambient air tepe; and (d) any suprtg inonnation th PacifCorp may frm tie to tie renaly rest (includin histrica wid data for the Facilty). 9.4.2 Elecnic Fault Log. Seller shl matain an elecnic fat log of options of the Facilty du eah hour of th te of ths Agren commenciIl on the Commerial Operaon Date. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with a copy of the elecc falt log with th (30) caenda days afer th end of the Bil Perod to which the fault log applies. 9.43 Upon the reue ofPacifCorp, Seller sl prvide PacifiCorp the manufactus' guidelines and recommendaons for maintenance of the Facilty equipment. 9.4.4 By eah Janua 10 followig the Commerial Opon Date, Seller shl provide to PacifiCorp wrtt ceificaton that Seller ha complet all the manufacturs' gudelines and reommendations for maitenace of the Facilty equipment applicable to the previous calenda yea. 9.45 At any tie frm the Effectve Dat, one (1) yea's ad notice of the teinaton or expiron of any agrement, includi Wind Lees, put to which th Facilty or any equipment relat ther is up the Facilty site; prvided th the foroin does no auori any early tennon of any land lea. 9.4.6 As soon as it is known to Seller, Seller shl disclose to PacifiCozp, the ext of any mateal violation of any envienta laws or reguation arsing out of the constrction or operation of the Facility, or the prsence of Environmental Cotainaton at th Facil or on the Prises, alleged to exst by any Goverent Authority havingjunsdicton over the Preises, or the preent exstece of, or the ocurce dug Seller's ocupcy of th Prmiss of, any enorcement, legal, or regulatry acon or pring relag to such alege violaion or alleged prce of Envinmenta Contaaton preny occurg or havig oc durg the period of time that Seller has occupied the Premises. 9.5 Maitece of Met Equipment TQ the ex no othse prvided in the Generator Interconnection Agrement, PacifiCorp shall inspect, test, repai and replace the meting equipment periodicay, or at the reues of Seller if Seller has reason to believe met may be off an reuest an inon in wrting. To the ex not otei prvided in the Genertor Interconnecton Agrment, all PacifiCorp's cost relating to designng, inling, mataing, and repaig metrig equipment instled to acmmodte Seller's Facilty shall be borne by Seller. 26 fl548-42 (Insert), LL-F Pi 9.6 WRGIS Metering. Seller shall cause the Facilty to implement all necessar generation information communications inWRGIS, and report generation information to WRGIS pursuat to a WREGIS-approved meter that is dedicated to the Facilty and only the Facilty. SECTION 10.BILLINGS. COMPUTATIONS AND PAYMENTS 10.1 PaYment for Net Output. On or before the thirtieth (30t) day followig the end of each Biling Period. PacifiCozp shall send to Seller payment for Seller's deliveries of Net Ouut to PacifCorp, togeer with computations supprtg such payment PacifCozp may off any su payment to reec amoun owig:f Seller to PacifCorp pur to ths Agen or the Generon Intennon Agrent Any such off sh be sely iteized on the sttement accompanying each payment to Seller. 102 Anual Invoicing for Output Shortall. Thirt calendar days aftr the end of each Contrt Yea, PacfiCozp shal deliver to Seller an invoice showi PacifCorp's computtion of Output Shortall, if any, for all Biling Periods in the prior Contract Year and Outut Shortall Damages. if any. In preparng such invoices, PacifiCorp shall utilize the meter data provided to PacifiCorp for the Contract Year in question, but may also rely on historical averages and such other information as may be available to PacifiCorp at the time of invoice prparation if th me data for such Contr Yea is 1h incomplet or otere not avaiable. To the extet reuire PacifiCozp sha prepa any such invoice as prompty as prctcable following it receipt of actul results for the relevant Contract Year. Seller shall pay to PacifiCorp, by wire trsfer of imedatly available fu to an acun speified in wrtig by PacifCorp or by any other mea agred to by the Pares in wrti :f tie to tie, th amoun se fot1 as du in such invoice, and shall within thirt (30) days afr receiving the invoice rase any objections regaing any disputed porton of the invoice. Objecons not mae by Seller wi the thir-day period shall be deemed waived. 103 Intet on Overdue Amounts. Any amounts owig afer the due date thereof shall bear interest at the Prie Rate on the date the amount bee due, plus two percent (2%). from the date due until paid; provided, however, that the interest rate shall at no time exceed the maximum rate allowed by applicable law. 10A Dimmed Amounts. If either Par, in good faith disputes any amount due pursuant to an invoice renderd hereunder, such Par shall notifY the other Par of the specific bais for the dispute and, if the invoice shows an amount due, shal pay th porton of the statement that is undisputed, on or before the due date. Any such notice shall be provided with tw (2) ye oftle date of the invoice in whch the err fi ocui. Ifany amount diut by such Par is deted to be due to tle otler Par, or if th Pares relve the payment dispute, the amount due shall be paid within five (5) days aftr such determination or resolution, along with interest in accordance with Section 10.3. SECTION 11.SECURIY 11.1 Delay Security: 11.1.1 Du to Post Secur. By the da prvided in Seon 2.2.2, Seller shl post a Leer of Credit, cash or a parental guaranty, each in a form acceptable to PacifCozp, in 27 #454042 ¡Insert), LL-FivPin the amount caculatd puruat to Setion 11.1.2 ("Delay Securi'). To the ex PacifCorp makes a drwig under the Delay Securty, Seller shal, wi fift (15) caenda days, rest the Delay Seurty as if no suh dedcton had occured. 11.1.2 Calculon of Delay Securty. The doll value of Delay Securty shl equa the grter of: (1) fort-five dollar ($45) multiplied by the Maum Facilty Delivery Ra with the Maimum Facilty Deliver Ra being meaur in kW (b on the fi Facilty CapaityRatig deted by Janua 31, 2012); or (2) the sum of the prduct, for each of the fi the caenda month afr the Delay Perod Commencen Date, of: the energy in the Initial Year Energy Delivery Schedule for the month (kWh) multiplied by the monthly weighted average On-Peak and Off-Pea Conforming Energy Puha Prce for the month ($) diide by 1000. Such amount shall be fixed upon execution of this Agrement. 11.13 Righ to Draw on Secur. PacifCorp shl hae the right to dr on the Delay Secur to collec Delay Liquda Dam. Commencing on or abut fi of eah month PacifiCorp wil invoice Seller for Delay Liquidate Damages incurd, if any, dug the predg mont. If insuffcient Delay Securty is avale, Seller shall pay PacifCorp for inoiced Delay Liquda Damag no la th fie busines days afr receiving such invoice. Th Paies will mae bilings and payments for Delay Liquidated Damages in accordance with Section 10. 11.1.4 Paial Releae of Delay Securty. Prvide that Seller has mataed Delay Securty in acrdce with Secon 1 i .1.1, PacifCozp shal relea one-th of the original amount of Delay Securty stated in Section i 1.1.1 eah time Seller accomplishes a milestone (a) or (b), below: (a) Seller ha (i) exeut the Geeron Intennecon Agrent with Transmission Provider; and (ii) paid in full any intercnnection and/or sym upgrde cost Seller is obliga to pay in adance of intemiecon constrction. (b) Seller ha pour the concr foundaion at eah ofit planed individua Wind Turbine locations. PacifCorp shall make the parial refud of Delay Security required above within ten business days of the date Seller provides PacifiCorp wrtten notice (along with satsfary doumenon therf) tht it ha acomlied milesne (a) or (b) abve. 11.1.5 Ful Relea of Delay Secu. Unless PacifCo disput wheter Seller has pad al Delay Liquida Daag, PacifiCozp shl releas all reg Delay Securty upon the earlier of the 30t calenda day following commencement of Commeria Option or the 60t calendar day followig PacifCorp's teimon of this Agreement. 11.1.6 Defat. Seller's falur to post an mata Delay Seurty in acrdce with Section 1 i.l will cotu an even of de uness cur in acrdce with Secton 12.1.1 of th Agrent. 11.2 Default Security (Levelized Pricing Only). (Reserved) 28 #454042 rInsert). LL-Five Pi SECTION 12. DEFAULTS AN REMEDIES 12.1 The followig events shall consttute defaults under ths Agreement: 121. Non-Payment A Par's faiur to mae a payment when due unde tl Agrent or post and mata securty in conformce with the requients of Secon 11 or mata ince in confonnce with th re of Secon i 4 of ths Agen if th faur is not cu wi te (10) businss days af th non-dfaulti Par gives the defaulting Pary a notice of the default. 12.12 Brech of Represetaon. Breach by a Par of a representation or waty se fort in ths Agrent, if such faur or brch is not cur with th (30) days followig wrtten notice. 12.13 Defat on Ot Agreements. Seller's falure to cur any default unde thGeon Intennon Agrt or any ot agent be the paes relat to this Agrent, the Geeraon Inteiion Agrent, or the Facilty with the tie alowe for a cur mide su agen or inen 12.1.4 Insolvency. A Par (a) makes an assignent for the benefit of its cretor; (b) fies a petition or otherw commences, auonz or acesces in the commenceent of a pro or caus of acon tm any ba or si law for the prteon of creditors, or ha such a pettion fied ag it and such petion is not withdrwn or dismsse with six (60) days afer such filing; (c) beomes inolvent; or (d) is unle to pay its debts when due. 121.5 Maal Adve Che. A Ma Adver Che ha ocur wi respect to Seller and Seller fais to provide such pedormance assurces as ar rely l' by PacCoip, wi th (30) days frm the da of suh re 121.6 s,eto Th-Par. Seller's sale of Net Ouut to an enty othertb PacifiCoip, as prohibited by Section 4.2. 12.1.7 Non-Deliver. Unless excused by an event of Forc Majeur (includg PacifCorp's breach ofits obligatons unde ths Agrent), Seller's faiur to deliver any Net Energy for th consutve caenda mont. 121.8 A Par other fas to peor any maal obligation (includ bu not lite to faur by Seller to meet any deine se fort in Secon 2.2.1 though 2.2.10, but exclud Setions 4.7 and 9.6) impoed upn th Par by ths Agrent iftl faur is not cu wi th (30) days af the non-dfaulti Par gives the defti Par notice of th defa For th avoidace of doubt the faur of Seller to achieve the Commerial Opon Dat by Debe 31, 2012 sh not give rise to an Event of Defat puruat to ths Seon 12.1.8 and the faur to achieve Commerial Opon Date sh be exclusvely gover by Setion 12.1.9. 12.1.9 Seller fais to aceve the Commercial Option Date by the 91 st day following the Delay Period Commencement Date, provided, however, that, upon wrtten notice frm the defaulti Par deliver pror to the ni-fu (91 sl day of delay, ths niet (90) day perod sh be extended by an additiona one hundr and fift (150) days if(a) Seller ha 29 #45442 flnsert), UC-Fiv Pm pour th concr fowidaon at each of it pla indidua wi tuin locons; and (b) Seller relenishes Delay Defa Securty in acrdce with Secon 11.1.1. Seller shall contiue to accru Delay Liquidat Daag in acrdance with Seon 2.5 (Dlay Prce ties th Delay Value) unl th Prjec acmeves Coerial Operation or this Agrement is terminated. 122 In the event of any default hereunder, the non-defaulting Par must notify the defaultig Par in wrtig of the circe indicating the deaut and outinng the reen to cur the defat. If the default ha not be cur with the prcrbed tie, abve, the non-dtàu1ti Pa may te ths Agrent at its sole dion by delier wr notice to the oder Par an may pue any an al leg or equile reedes prvided by law or pu to this Agr The rights prvide in ths Secon 12 ar cwulatve such th the exerise of one or more righ sh not cotu a waiver of any oder rights. 123 In the event ths Agreement is te becus of Seller's defaut and Seller wishes to aga sell Net Outpt frm the Facilty using the same motive forc to PacifiCor following such termination, PacifiCorp in its sole discretion may require that Seller do so subject to the te of ths Agrent, includg but not limte to the puha prce as set for in (Secon 5), un the Exiron Date (as se fort in Secon 2.1). At such tie Seller and PacifiCorp agre to execute a wrttn document ratifying the tes of this Agreement. 12.4 If this Agren is teinate as a re of Seller's default, in aditon to and not in limitation of any other right or remedy under this Agrement or applicable law (including any right to set-off counterclaim, or otherwise withold payment), Seller shall pay PacifiCorp Ouut Shortl Dam for a peod of eigh (18) mont frm th dat of teinaon plus the estimated adminstrative cost to acquire the replacement power. The Pares agree that the daages PacifCorp would incu due to teon resultig frm Seller's detàult would be difficult or impossible to predict with cerinty, and that the damages in this Section 12.4 are an appropriate approximation of such damages. 125 Recoupment of Damages. (a) Default Securty Available. If Seller ha posted Default Security, PacifiCorp may draw upon tht securty to satisfy any damages, above. (b) Defat Secty Unavailale. If Seller ha not post Defat Securty, or ifPacifCorp ha exaused the Defalt Securty, PacifiCoip may collec any reg amount owig by paally wioldi fu paymen to Seller over a reonale peod of tie. PacifiCorp and Seller sha woik togeer in go fath to estlish the peod, and monty amounts, of such witholdig so as to avoid Seller's defat on its commercial or ficing agements nec for its contued opon of the Facilit. 12.6 Upon an event of default or tm event resultig frm default under this Agreement, in addition to and not in limtation of any other right or remedy under this Agrement or applicable law (including any right to set-off, counterclaim, or otherwe withold payment), th non-dtig Par may at its opton se-off ag any amowi owed to the defaulting Pary, any amounts owed by the defaultig Par under any contract(s) Or agens) beee 1he Pares. The obligaons of the Pares sh be deed sasfed and dischaed to the extnt of any such se-off. The non-dfaultig Par sh give the detàulti Par 30 tf5442 flnsert). LL-Fiv Pin wrttn notice of any set-ofE bu faur to give such notice sha not afec the validity of the set- off. 12.7 Amounts owed by Seller pursuant to this Section 12 shall be due within five (5) business days after any invoice frm PacifiCorp for the same. SECTION 13. INDEMNIFICATION: LIABILITY 13.1 Indemnities. 13.1. Inde by Seller. Seller shl relea, indemifY and hold harles PacifiCorp, its directors, offcers, agents, and representatives agaist and from any and all loss, fies, peales, claims, acons or suits includ cost an atrney's fes, both at tr and on ap, retig fr or arsing out of or in any way connec with (a) the energy delivere by Seller under this Agreement to and at the Point of Delivery, (b) any facilties on Seller's side of the Point of Delivery, (c) Seller's operation and/or maintenance of the Facility, or (d) arsing from Seller's breach of ths Agrement, includg wiout limtaon any loss, clai acon or suit, for or on acunt of inju, bodily or otherwise, to, or death of, persons, or for daage to, or destruction or economic loss of propert belonging to PacifiCozp, Seller or other, excepting only such loss, clai, acion or suit as may be caused solely by the fault or grss negligence of PacifiCorp, its directrs, offcers, employees, agents or representatives. 13.1.2 Inde by PacifCom. PaifCoip sha releae, indefy an hold haless Seller, its dirs, offcer, agts, lende and reseves agnst and frm any and all loss, fies, peties, claims, actions or suits, includg cost and attrney's fes, both at tr and on appal, resultig fr, or arsin out of or in any way connecte with the energ deliver by Seller unde th Agreeent af the Point of Delier, inludg wiout liiton any loss, cla, acon or sut, for or on acunt of injur, bodiy or otherse, to, or deat of, pens, or for daag to, or decton or economic loss of prpert, exceptg only such loss, claim, action or suit as may be caed solely by the fault or gr negligenc of Seller, its dirs offce, employes, agents, lenders or representatives. 132 No Dedication. Nothing in this Agreement shall be constred to create any dut to, any stadard of car with reference to, or any liabilty to any person not a Pary to this Agreement. No undertng by one Pary to the other under any provision of this Agrement shall constitute the dedication of that Par's system or any portion thereof to the other Par or to the public, nor afec the statu ofPacifCorp as an indepedent public utlity corpraon or Seller as an independent individual or entity. 13.3 No Warranty. Any review, acceptace or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilties shall not be an endorsement or a confiration by PacifiCozp and PacifiCorp makes no waties, expresse or implied, regarng any aspe of Seller's design, speifications, equipment or facilties, includig, but not limited to, safety, dubili, reliabilty, st caacit, adeqy or ecomic feaibilty. 13.4 CONSEQUENTIA DAMAGES. EXCEPT TO TH EXTENT SUCH DAMGES AR INCLUDED IN TH LIQUIDATED DAMGES, DELAY DAMAGES, OR 01 SPECIFIF ME QF DAMGE EXRESLY PROVIED FORIN1H AGRE, NEIT PARTY SHA BE LIALE TO TH OTHRPARlYFOR 31 #45442 (Insert), UC-Fiv Pin SPECIA PUNE, lNIR, EXIAY OR CONSEQUEL DAMGES, WHTHER SUCH DAMGES AR ALLOWED OR PROVIDED BY CONTRCT, TORT (ICLUDING NEliGECE, STRCT LIAIL, STA TU OR OTIWISE. SECTION 14.INSURACE 14.1 Certificates. Prior to connection of the Facilty to the System, Seller shall secure and continuously car ince in compliance with the reirents of ths Secon. Seller shal provide PacifiCozp insurce cerificate(s) (of "ACORD Form" or the equivalent) certifying Seller's compliance with the insurance requirements hereunder. Commercial General Liabilty coverae wrtt on a "clama" bais, if any, sh be speifcay idened on the certcate. If rest by PacifCorp, a copy of each insuce policy, certfied as a tre copy by an authorized representative of the issuing insurce company, shall be furnished to PacifiCorp. 142 Required Policies and Coverages. Without limiting any liabilties or any other obligatons of Seller under this Agrement, Seller shall secure and continuously carr with an insurance company or companies rated not lower th "A-:VI" by the A.M. Insurce Report the insurance coverage specified below: 142.1 Coer Geer Liailty ince, to includ con1rliabilty, with a minimum single limit of $ i ,000,000 per occurnce to protect against and from all loss . by reasn of injur to persns or daage to prope based upon and arsing out of the activity under this Agreement. 1422 All Risk Prpert insurance providing coverage in an amount at leat equa to 80% of the relaent value of the Facilty aga "all ri" of physical loss or damag, including coverage for ear movement, floo and boiler and machinery. The Prpe policy may contn sep sub-lim and dectbles subjec to ince compay undertig guidelies. The Risk Policy will be mataed in acordce with ters available in the insuce market for similar facilties. 143 The Commercial Generl Liabilty policy requied herein shall include (i) prvisions or endorents nag PacifiCoip, its Boar of Dirrs, Ofcers and employes as additional insureds, and (ii) cross liabilty coverage so that the insurance applies separtely to ea in agst whom cla is mae or suit is brougt, even in ince wher one in claims against or sues another insured. 14.4 All liabilty policies require by this Agrement shall include provisions that such insurce is primar insurce with respect to the interests ofPacifiCorp and tht any other insurance maintaed by PacifiCorp is excess and not contrbutory insurce with the insurance reui herunder, and provisions tht such policies shl not be canceled or their lim ofliabil rece wiout (i) te (10) busines days prior wr notice to PacifiCorp if caled for nonpayment of premium, or (ii) thirt (30) business days prior wrtten notice to PacifiCorp if canceled for any other reason. 14.5 Commercial Geera Liabilty inurce coverae prvided on a "clais-mae" basis shall be maintained by Seller for a minimum period of five (5) years aftr the 32 ff5442 (Insert), UC-F Pi completion of th Agent and for such other lengt of tie ne to cover liabilities arsi out of the activities under this Agrement. SECTION is.FORCE MAUR 15.1 As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" mea any ca beyond the renable contrl of the Seller or ofPacifCozp whch, despite the exercise of due dilgece, such Par is unable to prevent or overcome. By way of exaple, Force Majeure may include but is not limited to acts of God, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil ste, st, and other labor disba, eaques, fis, lightnin epidemics, satage, restt by cour order or other delay or falur in the peonn as a resuh of any acton or inaction on behalf of a public authority which is in each case (i) beyond the reasonable control of such Pary, (ii) by the exercise of reasonable foresight such Par could not reasonably have been expe to avoid and (iii) by th exerise of due diligence such Par shal be unable to prevent or overcme. Forc Majeur, however, speifcay excludes the cost or availabilty of ful or motive force to operate the Facilty or chages in market conditions tht afect the prce of energy or trmission. If either Par is render wholly or in par unable to perform its obligaon under ths Agent bese of an event of Forc Majeur, both Pares shl be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: 15.1. the non-peoig Par, sh, as son as prcale bu no la than wi tw (2) weks af the ocurce of the Force Majeure, give the other Par wrtt notice describing the pariculars of the occurrnce, including the start date of the Force Majeure, the cause of Force Majeure, whet th Facilit re pay opeon and the ex end da of the For Majeure; 15.12 the suenion of performance shall be of no grr scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure; 15.1.3 the non-peorg Par uses its best effort to reedy its inabilty to perform; and 15.1.4 the non-perfonng Par shl provide propt wrn notice to the oter Par at th end of the Force Majeur even deling the end da, caus therf: dage cau ther by ~d any re th were reui as a resut of th Forc Majeu event, and the end date of the Force Majeure. 15.2 No obligations of either Par whch arse beore the Forc Majeu causing the suspension of perormance shall be excused as a result of the Force Majeur. 15.3 Neither Par shall be required to settle any strke, walkout, lockout or other labor di on te whch, in th sole juden of the Par involved in the disput, ar contr to the Part's best interest. SECTION 16.SEVERA OBLIGATIONS ft5442 Nothing contained in this Agrement shall ever be constred to create an association, trst, parership or join ventu or to impose a tr or parership dut, obligation or liabilty 33 (Insertj, LL-FivPi between the Parties. If Seller includes two or more paries, each such part shall be jointly and severally liable for Seller's obligations under this Agrement. SECTION 17.CHOICE OF LAW Ths Agrent shal be interpre and enforcd in acrdce wi the laws of the state ofIdaho, excluding any choice of law rules which may diret the application of the laws of another jursdiction. SECTION 18.PARTIAL INALIDITY It is not the intetion of the Pares to viola any laws goverg the subject mar of ths Agrement. If any of the tes of the Agrent ar fiy held or denned to be invalid,.ilega or void as being contr to any aplicale law or public policy, all other tes of the Agrmen shall re in effect. If any te ar finally held or detennined to be invalid, ilega or void, the Pares shal enter in negotion conce the te afec by such decision for the puse of achievg confonnty with reuients of any applicale law an the intent of the Paries to this Agrement. SECTION 19.WAIVER Any "waiver at any time by either Par of its rights with respect to a default under ths Agent or with ret to any other ma aring in connection with this Agrent mus be~ wrting, and such waver shall not be demed a waver with re to any subsequent default or other matter. SECTION 20.GOVERNMENTAL JURISDICTION AND AlJTORIZATIONS PacifiCorp's compli with the te of ths Agent is codioned on Seller's sussion to PacifiCorp prior to the Coeria Opon Dat of copies of all loc ste an fedra licees, pets and other apprvals as then may be req by law for the constcton opetion and maienance of the Facilty. Failur to mata suh lawf sts af the Commerial Opon Dat shall be an event of defalt, suject to Seon 12. SECTION 21.SUCCESSORS AN ASSIGNS 21. i Th Agrem and al of the te an prvision heref shal be bindi upo an inur to the benefit ofthe respective successors and assigns of the Paries hereo, except that no assignent herofby either Par shall beome effecve without th wr consent of both Pares being fi obted. Such cons sh not be unly wield; provided that the Partes agree that commercially reasonable writtn amendments to the Exhibits to this Agrement and such other written updates to the information contained therein related to the Facilty may be made in the event of any assignment of this Agrement puruat to the terms of this Section 21.1. Notw1hdig the fit sece of th Secon, (a) any entity with which PacifCozp may consolidate, or into which it may mer, or to which it may conveyor transfer substatially all of its electric utilty assets, shall automatically, without fuer act, and without need of consent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all ofPacifiCorp's rights, obligations, and interests under this Agrement and (b) Seller shall have the right to assign this Agreement, subject to PacifiCorp's writtn consent, which consent shall not be 34 if5442 (Insert). LL-Fiv Pi unreasonably withheld or delayed, for collateral security purposes to one or more financing entities (or a collateral agent actig on their behalf) providing financing to Seller for the Facility, in which event PacifiCorp agres to provide a wrttn consent in favor of Seller's financing entiti~s in form and substace similar to consents executed by PacifCorp in connection with non.recour project financings. Ths aricle shall not prevent a financing entit with reorded or secur rights frm exercising al rights and reedes available to it under law or contract. PacifiCorp shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies and all such other rights as provided in the wrtt consent. 21.2 Notwithstading Section 21.1, if, as of December 31, 2012, Seller has not achieved Commercial Operation, then Seller shall have the right to terinate this Agreement by providing wrtten notice oftermination to PacifiCorp on or before January 5,2013. Upon PacifiCorp's recipt of writtn notice of termintion from Seller, the Original PPA shall automatically be deemed to be reinstated and in full force and effect. Upon such termination, PacifiCorp shall retu the Delay Security to Seller and Seller shall have no fuer liabilty or obligations of any kid under this Agreeent. 21.3 Seller and all successors and assigns acknowledge that this Agrement is in par the result of a settlement stipulation between PacifiCorp, CCW and the Staff of the Idao Public Utilties Commission that was approved by the Idao Public Utilties Commission is Case Nos. PAC-E-ll -01 thugh PAC-E-I1-05 (the "Stipulation''). This Agreement is subject to, and incorporates, the terms of the Stipulation. SECTION 22.ENTIRE AGREEMENT 22. i Th Agrent supes al pror agrens, prposas, retaons, negotiations, discussions or lettrs, whether oral or in writing, regarding PacifiCorp's purhase of Net Output from the Facilty. No modification of this Agrement shall be effective unless it is in wrting and signed by both Paries. 22.2 By executg ths Agreeent, each Par releases the other frm any claiis, known or unkown, that may have arsen prior to the execution date ofthis Agreement with repe to 1he Facilty and any prsor fail prpose to hae be coct on the site of the Facilty. SECTION 23.NOTICES All notice except as otherse prvided in ths Agrent shall be in wrng, sha be dite as follows and shall be considered delivered if delivered in person or when deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid by certified or registered mail and return receipt requested. Notices All Notice PacifiCorp PacifiCorp Seller (Insert Name of Ridgeline Affliate) Creek Wind, LLC 83 S. King Stret, Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98104 35 #45442 Notice Al Invoices: Scheduling: Payments: Wir Trfer: Credit and Collections Wit Addional Notices of an Evt of Deult or Potential Event of Deult to: #4549742 825 NE Multnor Str Portd, OR 97232 Att: CoAdmison Suite 600 Phone:(503)813-5380 Facsimile: (503) 813- 6291 E-mail: (Insert), LL-FivPi Att: Joan Hutchinson Phone: 206-462-4846 Facsimile: 503-296-5450 E-mail: jhutchinson~l-en.com Dus: 00-790-9013 Duns: (TBD) Fed Tax ID Num 93-046 Fed Tax ID Numbe: 80-0326448 PacifCorp Att: Back Offce, Suite 700 Phone:(503)813-5578 Facsimile: (503) 813 -5580 Att: Resour Plain Sui 600 Phone: (503) 813 - 6090 Facsimile: (503) 813-6265 Att: Back Offce, Suite 700 Phone:(503)813-5578 Facsimile: (503) 813-5580 Ban One N.A. To be prvide in se let frm PacifiCorp to Seller Att: Cret Ma, Suite 700 Phone:(503)813-5684 Facsimile: (503) 813-5609 Att: PacifCo Geer Cowil Phone:( 503)813-5029 Facsimile: (503) 813-6761 36 Seller Att: Lindsay Whitney Controller Phone: 206-508-4727 Email: lwhitney~l-e.com Att: Joa Huthi SVP - Orgion & Mag Phon: 206-2-4846jhuthin(l-eco Att: Lindsay Whitney Contrller Phone: 206-508-4727 Email: lwhitney~l-en.com Att: Lindsay Whitney Controller Phone: 206-508-4727 Email: lwhitney(ârl-en.com ~ Att: Lindsay Whitney Controller Phone: 206-508-4727 Email: lwhitney(gl-en.coni Att: Legal Deparent Email: legal(árl-en.com Phone: 425-455-9014 IInsertj, LL-F Pi The Paries may change the person to whom such notices ar addressed, or their addresses i by providing wrttn notices theref in accordance with this Section. 37 ft5442 (Insert), LL-Fiv Pi In WITSS WHEREOF, the Pares have caused this Agrement to be duly executed as of the date first above wrttn: PACICORP, an Orgon corpration (INSERT NAM OF RlGEUNE AFFILIATE a Delawar limited liabil compay By: Name: Title: By: Name: Title 38 #45442 (Insertj, LL-Ft Pi EXIT A DESCRON OF SE.T .ars FACIIT Sellers Facilty consst of 19 wid tuine geners) mauf by Suzon Mor specifcally, each generator at the Facilty is described as: Ty (sychnous or inducte): Ashrnous with hiver Model: Suzon 897-2.1 Number of Phas: Th Rate Output (kW): 2,100 Rated Output (lVA): 2,34 kVA Rated Voltae (le to fie): Line side cover 600V, mahie side covert 600V Rated Currnt Lie(A): Line side cover: 500A, mahie side conver: 435 A Maum kW Output: 2100 kW Maum kVA Output: 2,234 kVA:Mum kW-Ouut: ~ kW Maufactrer's Publihed Cut-in Wind Spe: 3.5 metsed Facilty Capacit Ratig: 39,900 kW at or abve ra wid sp and below cut-outSpe Maum Faci Delery Rate: 39,90 kW at PacifCoip Gohen 8ubonat 161 kV Maum GIA Delvery Rate 119,700 kW (cobined wi the oter Ridgline Prjec decrbe in Addendu LJ Ideti the maum ouut of the generr(s) and decrbe any dier beee th outut and the Nameplat Capaty Ra: Maum gener outut is 2100kW (sa as Nameplate Capacity Rating) Sttin servce reuiments, and oter loads served by the Fac, ifan, arc describe as follows: Staon seice reuien cois of Ridg li En Opon andMatena budi loa, tue stby load and tuine cutut load. Aver tu stadby load for Five Pie is apxiatly 45-60 kW. Cutut load would be int and not concurent with standby loads. Loation of the Fac: The Facil is loc in Bonvie County, Idao. The loction is more parClarly decribed as follows: 430 31.347' Latu, 111048.313' Longtu WOS84. Locons of eah tue tower relatve to other quaif faclities owed by the sae entty showig complice wi the spain reents in 18 C.F.R § 292.204 are attched hereto. Power factor reuiments: Rated Power Facr (PF) or reve loa (WAR): 0.94 Le to 0.94 La Seller has prvide a cop of maufacs Power Cue for the Suzon 897-2. i. PacifCor mata the power cure in it fies puruat to a Non-Disclosu Agreement between PacifiCorp and Seller A-I 39 #45442 EXIT A - Atthment 1. Five Pi Wind Far Site Ma 2 Ditace Betee Wind Turbies of Adjact Qu Facilties A-2 40#4542 IInsert), LL-F Pi £Insertj, LL-Fi Pin FI PlNES PROJECT AREA BONNEVLLE CO., 10 H". H.l.. HPZ.. .93. !IN.HPI. HPJ.,"10..NP1Z. "D" .... · aft.... ...... Il~... . .¥,~ .I'N'. - ..-. ._.---.'1". .e"',.HPJ -- .---..ø..,. ... ll'U.. .fl14 :"3 rlP1$ .. FIVE PiNES PROJECT AREA &PROPOSED 40MW TURBINE LAYOUT Leend c: FIV "'INes PROJECT Soi'NARV II 9qp...d S.bllal.i.aiion _ H.¡I.y o NORTH PoiìT PRO.ECT BOUNDAy..... "'",p...d Im-."".ci Roull -. MlOl Road .. 9q_IIT.ibii.l...ti.I40MW) -.11ikV-l'lkV -l.calRo.d P",p.'11I T.rbn.l...lins (8OM.VI ,+.I~"" 8.2'.'i;,-'.;l'&t;,t :;n-11'/it,4,1l'"'' u 41 #4549742 (Insert), UC-PPi Th tabl below list th disnc be tuine i" sep Qualifng Faclit. Five PIne TURBINE # North Point TURBINE #DISTANCE (FT) 2 3 10 13 2 3 10 13 29 29 29 29 38 38 38 38 560 7238 5558 5522 5350 5832 5467 5770 Fie Pie 42 #4549742 (Insert), IL-Fiv Pm EXITB POIN OF DEUY /PARTI' INCONNONFAil (Seller ha prvided the follow sine lie drwi of the Facilty intemiecon faciltiesincludg metri poin us to cacul Net Ou and any trion failties on Sellers side of the Point of Delivery.J The Poin of Deliver is the PacCo 161kV bu at the Gosh substation. Th Metg Point is the high side of th 34.5-161kV st up tror at Meaw Crk substation. The metes wil be compensated for losses to the Point of Delivery. Nor Poin and Five Pie wi sh the Mea Cr 34.5kV -16 lkV collec substaon. Eah prjec wi have 34.5kV brer 1h wi coec to a comon 34.5kV bus. Th bus wi coect to a sine 34.5-161kV Power Traormer, 161kV brer, metg eqpmen li diecswitch and a 5 mile 161kV transmission line to the Jolly Hil Substation. 43 #4S49742 (Insert), LLiv Pi Meadow Crek To Jolly Hil Sub - 5 mile, 161kV ------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------_..;-..-....,.".,..""~. Meadow Creek Sub \V ~ To Nort Pont II 9 WT$ 9 WTs 79.811 34.5k .10WTG' 39.9Wi . J¿'V 10WTs Ncr 27. 2011 44 #4549742 '" r------ í---=:;-------------i r---;:==~--------..-.._-------------1I.' i" ,-' r-- i..~ f', :... A I Ml,. I ~ i f I'll!~ ¡.llJ~. ¡ ¡ :"':~*~'j j . "...'1 :, I ~ ~a' i , 'i I'" I. ~ !ii,__--~ 'fUJI! 1,1 '''_'. (T)m, l i l . I ""..:;¡M'L.___~ L___J i u_~~_J ~t~. l la!VtL, -l -l -l ~AS I 1. .11 L__________________________________.. ---.iL.yili:i'iVë'¡¡æRiÐC-------------------------------- __________________===___ n il (,-.,.~~ I ".;.~4~~f'!. tr--. ----------*. . ~;~-~~,,~.___.~)i ::~ -','. ,: ¡;".l'$,w;til-", :' ~ J 0I I r- --JÕU5,-HiLÅ¡rÃTi----------------------------;.-t--.:-------t~ i J ~~------~)J--------- ~. ~p~" lf-,f (t!.. r "¡ :"E l-. ~/~ t.e .."'''..~f;,4'1O,. '" I n 'l'kVTfNSUISION Li c ~ m l :1-I: ¡ ft,,:=~.._. y .-'" ,,1 "".... . r'~ltt~ .':!?: (,:'1'10.~ "'~'£""fd:$;,,,$::~o.%GI'W'I _ 3 ~i5'¡I~~;:'=NE ii . Ñl" (Insert), LL-F Pi ,. '" .. .. ci :i .~ ~l l l J J -'-t--t'-1-'-1-'-"l..~. 11~ ,~ ..~ ..~.'.l1l4 ~-ll ~c ~-;""D 0...." ;pl l.i .J..,,.,.t._..ì. "'""". ..."./t.. i :~;,; l'o~2''':~/::, ".wio;lm::o\,1rt ~l*-2r~ i, '" #4548-42 en 45 (Insertj. LL-Fiv Pi EXHITC REQUI FAClTIDOQu Facil1y Num to be obted fr ll1C Th followig Docents ar re pror to deliver of any outut fr th Facil1y: Geeron Inteonecon Agrent Agent pe Seller acce to shd inection failties Prpe rights reed to ma an ope the Prjec in acordce with th Agreement (site leases, tranmission easements, etc). The followi Pents ar re on or beor th mieste da spifed in Secon 2.2. i.~ Federal Aviation Adminstration Determnation of No Hazard Bonnevile County Special Use Pennt Crssin agents with paes oter th PacifCo Tramiion C-l 46 #4S442 (lnsertj, LL-FivPín EXD SUSEUEENGYDEUY SCHUI Five Piie Wind Project Scheduled Monthy Energy Delivery (kWh)AvekW/mo Januar 9,881,887 13,247 Februar 8,191,635 12,170 March 11,360,594 15,282 April 9,085,733 12,608 May 10,185,738 13,686 June 8,069,166 11,212 July 7,384,339 9,935 Augut 8,155,779 10,933 September 7,590,732 10,574 October 8,615,123 11,611 November 10,166,694 14,125 December 10,324,201 13,885 TOTAL:109,011,621 12,439 Plaed Oues. Seller wil prvide a Plaed Oue schede anuay not to-exce 150 hour per year. D-l 47 #45442 ¡Insert), UC-Fiv Pin EXHITE START-UP TESTIG Required factory testig includes such checks and tests necessar to determine that the equipment systems and subsystems have been propely manufactued and instaled, fuction properly, and are in a condition to permit safe and effcient sta-up of the Facilty, which may include but are not limited to: 1. Tes of mecanca and elecca eqpmen2. Cabraton of al monrig inen; 3. Oprag te of all vales, opetors, motor st and motr; 4. Alar, signs, and fail-se or syte shutown cotrl test; 5. Point-to-point couity test;6. Bench te of prve deice; an 7. Tes re by mauf) an designers) of eqpment Required st-up tests are those checks and tests necessa to determine that all features and equipment, systems, and subsystems have been properly instlled and adjusted, fuction properly, and are capable of operating simultaeously in such condition tht the Facilty is capable of contiuous delivery into PacifiCorp's electrical system, which may include but ar not limited to: 1. Tuiingera mechaca ru and fuctonaity 2 Sys opeon te; 3. Bra te;4. Enon oftronner; 5. S)'chrniing te (maua and au); 6. Excittion and volt reguon opeon te; 7. Auto stst seuence; 8. Completon of any st and feder envinmen teg reuients; and9. Tes reuir by manu:s) an deignr(s) of eqen For wind projects only, the following Wind Turbine Generator Intallation Checklists ar required documents to be signed offby Manufacter or Subcntrct Category Commissioning Personnel as par of the Commissionig and stap testing: Turin Inaton Foundation Inon (by Owets inde intor) Contrller Asbly Powe CalesCale Inlaton Chec includ: Contller Top Dec/ Yaw Deck Towe Top Secon / Saddle Mid Secon Cales or buss ba Base Section Tower Bas Seon Tower Ligh an Ouets Tower Mid Seon Tower Top Sec Nacelle & Rotor 48 #45442 EXHITF-I MOT FORæPLA WI SPEE DATA SUM & HOURY WI PROFI FI-I 49#442 fInsert), lL-Fiv Pin ~ ~ § I"- .... II '!i 1ico!;:s !;00E- 'C ~ .1 i '=IIi:.e0g,l I7Of ï1&ic i!=! i!t; i ~S6 ~..¥l ..~\Ø ~~=$~S6 ~~¥l ..N i ~~S6 ~! 0-~..~...-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-\I \I \I \I \I \I \I \Ó \Ó '".-.-.-.- L N N ~ ""i-oc .,'"i-~'"VI ~~;;S i-~:!~t:0\..~-"'..V'00 i-~'"~~"'(:""ci 00 oc f".-~.-.-oö "'.-'o '"'o 'o 'o 'o "'i-.-l"r.r..-r- .."'s (:N ~!;~N ~~~M 0\..r-M ....0\;~~r- ~ei.."'-M M (:0\0\0\i-ID "'0\on.-oö oö oö oc oö oö oö oc .-r.r.'o 'o 'o 'o 'o ..'o r..-r.r.r- =èi in 00 oc ~s;~M -'"~i-$in i;:l s;~on gi (:èi 8 '"Ol..on V'ID M 0 M M i-~i--..r-~r-r.~r.i-~~'o vi 'o 'o 'o ..'o 'o 'o 10 r.r-~. oö oc r- CI t ~~-~:g (: ~ i- Vi -~gg õ ~in ..:i ~~;0 0\$~00 -:-in on -onr.r..-r.~r.oc In vi vi vi 'o 'o 'o 'o 'o on vi 'o ~~r-'o CI N ""10 ;~~S i-0\on 0\:!V'~~~..-~~~V'~~~00 00 10 (:ID 0\"'10 ""M ""~r-r.r-~oö oc r.vi ..vi vi .,..'o 'o 'o ID 'o r.r.i-oö 'o i-N ..0\N ~~8 ~~N ..N ~--10 S ~~S :i ~~..~In 10 M M oc 00 -l"-..0ocococoòr.r.oc 'o ...,vi 'o 'o 'o ~r.r.~r.r.~r.r.oc r- \Ø ....10 (:i;::~ID ~~(:..~~s¡q -0\.,."00 ."00 :!tM.,.,in ..oc a (:V'--.,--oò oò oö oc oc oc r..-~10 'o i-i-r.oc oc ~~r.~oc oc oò r- II 0\i-..~(:..N .."'..:l ~~::~ N ~to ""(:to lD ~-....00 oc t"...,(:00 00 V'00 00 ..00 oc ..'"oc r.r.r.i-r.r.~'o 'o 'o 'o ~r.~~r.oò ~r.00 oò r- "I M ""~00 to .-~?:~~s¡.,~~00 ~~~ID ~.-(:""~:fr-""to r-00 0\10 ~(:0 aocococoòocoòoöoòr.i-r..-oc 00 oc oò oò 00 oc oc '"'"CI oc oò '"~c:~-~~ic 0\00 ;;~(:~ID VI M oc ~gi ~S ;;ID ~:g0.,~on ""--0 .,oc oc oc ci '"oc oò oc 00 oc r-r.r.r.~r.r.~r.r.oc oc oc oc al N ID ~00 :s :l ..r:.."'0\10 N -to r-00 ~~..~~:l In t:lI'1 ~~ID ..t"i-..00 V'N .".,ci .. ID 10 'o 'o 10 \Ó \Ó r.10 \Ó \Ó vi .,vi vi vi .,.,.,vi .,In \Ó .. ..~oc ic -00 ~t:""on :Q ~N :!~~00 ~:l ~00 ~s¡.,:g ,M 00 00 In i-00 'C :CI.I ,,\Ó ,,..\Ó \Ó ..'o ~\Ó .,.,vi ,,....'o 'o ....ID to lD .,V'l î =..N '"""lI '"to oc 0-=..N '"..i;\Ø to oc 0-0 -::ro....................N N N '- I .. o¡i;¡. :;~ ¡¡:l los..:i t 0 ¡.:="c¡ë~0,.t. oV\ i ¡i i i fl n s e r t J , l l - F i v P i n Fi e P i e s - O p 1 R l i z d T u r b i D e L a y o u t ( V e n i n 1 ) Fi P i Tu r b i e : S u z a 8 9 7 - 2 . 1 90 m e t e r s Av e r g e o f Ne t C a i t F a e r ( % ) Mo n t h Lo l H o u r ( G M T - 8 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , 10 11 12 Gn m T o t 0 35 . 8 % 32 . 6 % 41 . 4 % 35 . 7 % 36 . 9 % 37 . 1 % 31 . 7 % 34 . 8 % 31 . % 35 . 1 % 37 . 8 % 37 . 7 % 35 . 7 % 1 34 . 4 % 34 . 8 % 42 . 2 % 37 . 5 % 35 . 5 % 35 . 7 % 29 . 6 % 32 . 6 % 31 . 0 % 34 . 2 % 37 . 9 % 36 . 1 % 35 . 1 % 2 35 . 0 % 32 . 6 % 42 . 3 % 35 . 7 % 36 . 3 % 31 . 9 % 29 . 7 % 33 . 0 % 33 . 3 % 33 . 0 % 38 . 1 % 36 . % 34 . 7 % . 3 35 . 0 % 33 . 6 % 40 . 2 % 35 . 5 % 38 . 0 % 31 . 7 % 28 . 1 % 33 . 9 % 30 . 8 % 32 . 6 % 37 . 6 % 36 . 4 % 34 . 4 % 4 36 . 5 % 33 . 9 % 38 . 4 % 35 . 0 0 A i 36 . 8 % 31 . 0 % 28 . 7 % 33 . 1 % 30 . 7 % 32 . 0 % 39 . 5 % 37 . 4 % 34 . 4 % 5 35 . 5 % 32 . 9 % 37 . 3 % 34 . 0 % 33 . 1 % 27 . 4 % 25 . 9 % 33 . 5 % 32 . 6 % 33 . 5 % 39 . 6 % 35 . 9 % 33 . 4 % 6 35 . 9 % 33 . 4 % 36 . 9 % 29 . 2 % 28 . 4 % 22 . 0 0 Æ i 18 . 5 % 26 . 1 % 28 . 5 % 33 . 2 % 36 . 8 % 36 . % 30 . 5 % 7 35 . 2 % 33 . 4 % 35 . 8 % 25 . 3 % 26 . 0 % 20 . 0 % 14 . 4 % 20 . 7 % 20 . 4 % 27 . 5 % 36 . 6 % 37 . 9 % 27 . 8 % 8 34 . 7 % 35 . 3 % 33 . 4 % 26 . 5 % 25 . 9 % 18 . 1 % 11 . 8 % 16 . 6 % 17 . 6 % 23 . 7 % 35 . 2 % 37 . 6 % 26 . % ., 35 . 4 % 33 . 3 % 34 . 9 % 25 . 8 % 25 . 6 % 17 . 1 % 12 . 0 % 14 . 2 % 16 . 0 % 21 . 7 % 32 . 3 % 35 . 2 % 25 . 3 % 10 34 . 9 % 29 . % 35 . 0 0 Æ i 27 . 9 % 29 . 7 % 18 . 8 % 14 . 6 % 15 . 9 % 17 . 1 % 21 . 3 % 29 . 7 % 32 . 7 % 25 . 6 % 11 31 . 7 % 28 . 5 % 35 . 9 % 27 . 5 % 33 . 4 % 22 . 1 % 16 . 3 % 18 . 5 % 19 . 7 % 22 . 0 % 30 . 3 % 30 . 6 % 26 . 4 % 12 27 . 6 % 26 . 7 % 35 . 8 % 27 . 7 % 35 . 5 % 23 . 6 % 19 . 9 % 21 . 2 % 21 . 4 % 23 . 5 % 30 . 8 % 29 . 0 % 2' - % 13 28 . 6 % 22 . 7 % 35 . 1 % 29 . 3 % 35 . 7 % 25 . 4 % 23 . 3 % 23 . 6 % 22 . 8 % 24 . 4 % 29 . 8 % 29 . 4 % 27 . 5 % 14 29 . 0 % 23 . 3 % 36 . 3 % 29 . 5 % 35 . 8 % 26 . 6 % 25 . 6 % 26 . 1 % 24 . 1 % 24 . 5 % 30 . 9 % 28 . 9 % 28 . 4 % 15 28 . 8 % 25 . 6 % 36 . 7 % 29 . 4 % 38 . 1 % 27 . 7 % 26 . 0 % 27 . 0 0 Æ i 24 . 2 % 23 . 4 % 29 . 7 % 31 . 6 % 29 . % 16 30 . 1 % 27 . 2 % 37 . 9 % 29 . 6 % 37 . 4 % 27 . 7 % 28 . 1 % 27 . 5 % 21 . 5 % 24 . 0 % 31 . 0 % 33 . 7 % 29 . 7 % 17 30 . 7 % 26 . 3 % 37 . 5 % 28 . 7 % 35 . 7 % 28 . 9 % 26 . % 26 . % 21 . 5 % 26 . 8 % 34 . 9 % 35 . 2 % 29 . 9 % 18 30 . 0 % 26 . 6 % 37 . 8 % 30 . 3 % 35 . 0 % 28 . 6 % 26 . 6 % 26 . 4 % 27 . 4 % 29 . 3 % 37 . 7 % 35 . 2 % 30 . 9 % 19 30 . 7 % 29 . 6 % 37 . 3 % 34 . 0 % 35 . 5 % 32 . 5 % 30 . 1 % 29 . 7 % 30 . 3 % 31 . 7 % 39 . 4 % 35 . 5 % 33 . 0 % 20 34 . 3 % 32 . 9 % 41 . % 35 . 9 % 37 . 0 % 34 . 8 % 30 . 9 % 32 . 8 % 33 . 1 % 34 . 6 % 39 . 3 % 36 . 4 % 35 . 3 % 21 35 . 6 % 31 . 0 % 43 . 8 % 37 . 8 % 37 . 6 % 33 . 9 % 31 . 7 % 34 . 4 % 33 . 8 % 35 . 0 % 38 . 5 % 35 . 5 % 35 . 7 % 22 37 . 6 % 32 . 8 % 43 . 4 % 36 . 3 % 36 . 9 % 34 . 9 % 33 . 3 % 35 . 8 % 32 . 9 % 35 . 4 % 37 . 6 % 37 . 2 % 36 . 2 % 23 34 . 8 % 34 . 6 % 41 . 8 % 35 . 1 % 36 . 8 % 35 . 8 % 33 . 8 % 35 . 0 0 A i 32 . 9 % 35 . 4 % 38 . 6 % 37 . % 36 . % Gr a n d T o t a 33 . 2 % 30 . 5 0 / 0 38 . 3 % 31 . 6 % 34 . 3 % 28 . 1 % 24 . % 27 . 4 % 26 . 5 % 29 . 1 % 35 . 4 % 34 . 8 % 3l . % 51 ~~ 4 2 (Insert), LL-Fiv Pi EXITG SALE ENGY PURCHE PRICE CAL1l0NS Th followi ar sales of caculons of ener purhae pnce usin th forul an tales in Section 5.1. The calc1Ùaton for the non-Ieveliz purha prce dur an On-Pea Hour in May of 2012 equa $60.24/M (the 2012 an rat for Cononng Ener) m1Ùtiplied by 92% (0.92) (th May On.Pea Hour multilier) mius $6.50/M (th wid ingron cost), whch eq $48.92/MWh. Table 1: Sample cacuons for non-leveli On-Pea Coom Ener in 2012: Puhas Prce = (anua ra'" monthy On-Peam1Ùtiplier) - wid ingron cost Month Conform On.Peak Wind Calcute Pue Energy Hour Inteon Prce for 2012 On. Anua Rate MuIlier Cost Pea Conform for 2012 Energ (per MW) (prMW) Janua $60.24 103%$6.50 $55.55Febtu$60.24 105%$6.50 $56.75 March $60.24 95%$6.50 $50.73 April $60.24 95%$6.50 $50.73 May $60.24 92%$6.50 $48.92 June $60.24 94%$6.50 $50.13 July $60.24 121%$6.50 $66.39 August $60.24 121%$6.50 $66.39 September $60.24 109%$6.50 $59.16 October $60.24 115%$6.50 $62.78 November $60.24 110%$6.50 $59.76 December $60.24 1290.1 $6.50 $71.21 Table 2: Samle cacuaton for non-leveli Of-Pea Conon Energy in 2012: Puhae Prce = (anua ra .. monty Off.Pea multiplier) - wid ingron cot Month Conform Of.Pea Wind Cate Pu Energy Hour Intion Price for 2012 Of- Anua Rate Multiplir Cost Pea Conformg for 2012 Energ (pr MW) (pMW) Janua $60.24 94%$6.50 $50.13 Februar $60.24 97%$6.50 $51.93 March $60.24 80%$6.50 $41.69 53 #45442 (Insert), LL-Fiv Pi Month Conforming Off-Peak Wind Calculated PurchaseEnergHourIntegtionPrice for 2012 Off- AnDualRate Multiplier Cost Peak Conforming for 2012 Energ (per MWh) (perMW) April 560.24 76%56.50 $39.28 May $60.24 63%56.50 $31.45 June $60.24 65%56.50 $32.66 July $60.24 92%56.50 $48.92 August $60.24 106%56.50 $57.35 Septmber $60.24 99%56.50 $53.14 October 560.24 105%56.50 $56.75 November $60.24 960/0 56.50 $51.33 December $60.24 120%56.50 $65.79 54 #45442 (Insert), LL-FivPu EXHITH Ser Authoritin to Relea Geeraon Data to PaciCorp 55 #4548-42 Ridgli Energy LLC 1300 N Nore Way Seae, WA 98103 Dir, Trasion Seces PacifCor 825 NE Multnoma Suite 1600 Port OR 97232 29 November, 2011 To Whom it May Concrn: Ridglie Energy LLC, on beha of Meaw Creak Prject ("Sellerlt) herby volwitay auori PacifCorp's Trasmsion busi unt to sh Sener's intenntion inormon with Ma Afte employes ofPacifÇor Enegy, inludg but no lite to those in the Comeria an Tra grup. Seller acknowledges tht PacifCorp did not prvide it any prfereces, either operationa or rate-relate in exchae for ths volwita consent. ¡lli-¡~¿iL, ,. Joa Hutcon SVP Ridgelie Energy LLC fInsert), LL-F Pi ADDENUML To be Reved STATION LOAD, LOSSES, and NE OUIUT ALLOCATION ALGORITI FOR TH CEDAR CREEK WI, LLC PROJECTS Th Addendu L is hereby ma a par of, an claes cer te in the Power Purchae Agreement between Ceda Creek Wind UC relang to FIV PIN, an PacifCorp ("Agrement") entered into the 22nd day of December, 2010. Capitalized tenn not defined herein shl have the meang set for in the Agrment. Ceda Creek Win~ LLC ("Seller") and PacifiCoip ar at ties refer to herin individuay as a "Par" or collectively as the "Pariesll. Ced Crek Win~ LLC shl own a complex of five (naely, Coyote Hi, Five Pie, Ste Ridge, Nort Point, and Rattese Canyon) separat, Idao small wid Qu Faciles (each, a "Ceda Creek Project" and collectively, the "Ceda Creek Projects") that share collec wis, a 34.5/345 kV subson (Ced Creek Subston), and relat eqpment, whch connect the Quafy Facilties to the Point of Deliver ("Shaed Internnection Facilties"). PacifCorp ha ageed to buy (and Seller ha agee to sell), at the Point of Deliver, Seller's tota energ outut net of: (1) Sellets stion serce; (2) ener provided by Seller to another Ceda Creek Project for station serce; (3) Seller's sh of the tranfomion losses; and (4) Seller's shar of the line losses beee Seller's Facilty and the Point of Delivery (toget Sellets "Station Auxliar Load and Losses"). However, Seller and PacifiCorp ag th it is impossible to mea Senets Staon Auxiar Load and Losses separate and apar frm the Staon Auxli Lo and Losses of the other Ced Cre Prjects. Therfor, in order to implement an objecve, prcale, an eqtale prs by whch PacifCo may quti energy deliver by Seller to the Point of Deliver (net of its Staion Auxliar Load and Losses), the Paries do agree as follows: A. Biling Forulae. PacifCorp shl detene Seller's Net Outut in kWh for puroses of the Agrement using the method specified below. . 1. Defintions NR == the naeplate ratig (ala Facilty Capacity Rag) of Ce Creek Prjec i. NRT = the sum of all the naeplate ras of Ced Crek Prjec (i = 1 to 5). PALT= the accumulated purha energy frm Utiity Supplier, as detened at the Point of Deliver, to suply the net tota staon auxliar load and losses for th Sha Inrconnecon Facilties for Ceda Crk Prject i = 1 to 5 whenever such.tota load and losses exceeds total generation output. 56 fI54S-42 ¡Insert), LL~FivPin PALL; ..;=. the aloc shae of P ALLT for Prject i as deted by multiplyig P AL by NRj and dividig by NRT. OP; = for a given integrtion interal, the meted outut energy of Ced Crk Prjec ~ as determed by PacifiCorp's meter at the point where Ced Creek Prjec i connects to the Shaed Interconnecton Facilties. For any integrtion interval dung wluch any ener is deliver to a Prject frm the Sha Inonecton Facilities, such delivered energ is aculated in a septe meter register and doe not dereen the regite used to mea acmnulat OPj. Theror OPj is by defition always gr th or eq to zeo, an in the even th met reco OPj less th zero, OPi shall be deemed to equal zero. CP = the smn of al OPj (i = I to 5). NO = for a given integraton inteal, the tota ener delivere to the Point of Deliver (345 kV bus at Goshen Substation). NOT shal be as measurd at PacifCorp's met nea the Point of Deliver (kWh in lO-miute inteal), adjusd for any tranfonnation losses between the mete and the Point of Delivery. For any integron interal dur which any ener is delivered to the Poin of Deliver frm PacifCorp's sytem such deliver engy is aculed in a searte met register of the PacifiCorp meter and does not decrement the register used to mea acumulat Net Ouut ener. Therfor NOT is by defition always gr th or eq to zero and in the event the met recrd NOr less th ze, NOT shall be deemed to equa zero. NOi the net ener sold to PacifiCor by Ceda Creek Prject i dur the integrtion interal. SALLT = the tota of all station auxiar load and losses for the Shared Interconnection Facilties for Ced Cr Projec (i = i to 5) when NOT is positive. SAIj = the aloced sh for Ce Crek Prjec i of SAI T. 2. Calculations Calcuon shal be reonciled and seed monthy. Calculatons sh be bas up raw da gatherd frm spcifed metrs usin a met integrtion inteal of S, 10, or is miutes at PacifCorp's electon to match the mete inaton PacifCor spifed ("intetion interval"). Calculaton shal be rounde to the neat kiowat-hour in the fi st. fa). Whn Total Generation Out':= Statin Auxilia Load and Losses When for any integrtion inteal, the tota of all OPj Prject output amoun of energy amon al Ced Crk Prjects (OPr) is less than or equa to the tota ston auli load and losse for the Sha Interonnecon Facilties, the mete at the Point of Deliver wi accumulate th Utity Supplier's delivery of purha engy, P ALLT, to supply such net tota load and losses in a met regist th is sear from th whch aculats NOT and NOT sh eq zeo or if negatve, be deeed to equa ze. The "Utity Supplier" sha be the utity providi re elecc sece at the Facilty (Rcky Mounta Power). PacifCorp shl have no obligaon to serve any of the Ced Creek Prject' re electrc nee absent a separ wrtt agement 57 #45442 ¡Insert), LL-Fiv Pi with PacifCor and then only wi the pension of Sellers Utiity Supplier. None of the cots assoat with prviion of rel elecc sece to Seller shl be boe by PacifCorp. .(b). When Total Generaton Ou )- Station Auxilary Load and Losses Wh for any inon in the tota genion of ener amon al Ce Crek Prjec is gr th the to ston aulia load and losses for the Sha Inecon Facilties, th mete at the Point of Delivei wi accumulate in a separ regi PacifCo's receipt of the tota combined energ frm all the Prjec (NOT). The differce betee OPT an NOT for that interval (SALLr) is alloc to eah Ceda Creek Prject in prporton to its genertion outut (OPj) in the same integrtion inte to de NQj by the fonulae: Let SALLr =(OPrNOTJ and SALLi = (SALLr) * (OPi/OPT) The Net Ouut en sold by eah Prject i is then deteed as: NOj = (OPj - SALLi ) and substitug for SALLi; NOj = NOT'" (OPi/OPT) B. Litation ofPacitCorp Purchas Libilty. PacifCorp's tota purha obligaton to the Ce Crek Prject shall at no tie exceed tota ener deliverd by the Ce Creek Projec to the Point of Delivery. Therfore, in the even the su of the Net Ouut ener (caculted accog to the pr fonul) for all th Ced Crk Prjec is grter th NOT, thenPacCorp shl re calculat Net Ouut ener fr each Ced Cre Prjec pr ra eah Ced Crk Project's sha of the OPr, suh th the tota ener purchaed frm all the Ced Crek Projec at the Poin ofDeliveiy by PacifCoip equa NOr. C Paciforp Rit to Ofset. In the event PacifCorp detees it ha unded one or more Ce Crek Projects (due to mete eror or otere) and, as a ret of undeayi one or more Ced Creek Projec, ha overpaid Seller, PacfiCor may adjus Sellers fue paymen s) acy in or to rec any oveiyment reved by Seller in a reale time. D. Condition Subsequent. Ths Addendum L was negotatd jointly among the Ced Crek Prject and PacifCor and is intende by all of the Ced Creek Projec and PacifiCor to be one of five identical bilater agents eah bet PacifCor and a Ceda Crk Project but eah relat to the other. Therefor, in the event one or more Ced Crek Projec does not age to be bound by the te and condtions set fort in th Addendum L, PacifCorp may, upn th days wrttn notice, cacel al Addendum L agrents. In the event PacifiCorcancels ths Addendum L in accordace with ths Secton D, PacifiCor may satisfy its obligaton to pay Seller by depositing when due, with an escrow agent chose by the Ceda Crk Prjec, th tota payment due to al Ce Creek Prjects under their repective Power Puha Agents les offet (if any) caculat baed upon NOT an th Con1 Prce. (E) 58 #4840-4042 EXHIT 4.7(A) GREEN TAG ATTESTATION AN BILL OF SALE ("Seller") hereby sells, transfers an delivers to PacitiCorp the Grn Tag (including all Envionmenta Atlbutes and Green Tag Reportng Rights) associat with the generaton of Net Output under the Power Purchae Agreement (Reewable Energ) beteen Seller and PacifiCorp daed r 1 (the "PPA"), as desribed below, in the amount of one Gren Tag for eah megawa hour generated. Defined tenns (as indicate by initial capitalization) used in this Grn Tag Attestaon and Bil of Sale shall have the meaiug set fort in the PP A. Facilty name and location: Fuel Typ: Wind Capacity (M: _ MW Operational Date: Energy Admin. ID no.: Dates MW generatd Seller fuer attsts, warants and represents, under penalty of perjury, as follows: i) to the best of its knowledge, the infonnation provided herein is true and correct; ii) it sale to PacifiCorp is its one and only sale of the Green Tags and associated Envirnmenta Atlbutes referenced herein; ii) the Facilty generatd Output is the amount indicat above; and iv) to the bet of Seller's knowledge, each of the Gree Tags and Environmenta Atlbute associatd with the Facilty's Output ar bein sold to Buyer. This Gree Tag Attstion and Bil of Sale conf, in accordance with the PP A, the trfer frm Seller to PacifCorp of all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Green Tags (including Gre Tag Reportng Rights and Envinmental Atlbuts), as set fort abve. Exh. 4.7(A) - 1 Seller's Contact Person: r 1 WITSS MY HAND, a By Its Date: This Attestaon may be disclosed by Seller and PacifCorp to others, including the Center for Resource Solutons and the public utility commissions havingjurdieton over PacifiCorp, to substatiate and verify the accurcy ofPacifiCorp's advertsing and public communicaion claims, as well as inPacifiCorp's advertsin and other public communications. Exh. 4.7(A) - 2 EXHIT 4.7(B) QUALIFIED REPORTING ENTITY SERVICES AGREEMENT C & T Master vL.l; 071411 Ths Quified Reportg Entity Services Agreement (this "Agreement") is enteed into by and beteen PacifiCorp ("PacifiCorp") and ("Countear"; PacifCoip and Counterpar may be referd to individually herein as "Par" and collecvely as "Pares") as of , with reference to the following: WHREAS, Counteipar represents to PacifiCorp that it owns or otherise ha the rights to all or par of the non-energy atbuts of the generation frm that cen elecic generation failit more parcularly described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Facilty"), or other rights respecg the Facilty itself enabling it to lawfly enter hereinto; and WHREAS, The Weser Renewable Electrcity Generation Information System ("WRGlS") is a system trkig quatities of renewale energy generation generaed by electrc genering facilties in the nae of the Facilty, as a Facilit pursuant to WRGIS Term of Use ("TOU"); and WHS, WREGIS reuis tht each Facilty have a designd Quified Reporting Entity; and WHREAS, Counteipar is an Accoun Holder in WRGIS and wishes to register the Facilty with WRGIS; and WHEREAS, Couneipar wishes to retn PacifiCoip to act as its WRGIS-defined Quaified Reporting Entity ("QRE") for the Facilty; NOW THORE, in consideration of the mut promises herin contned, the Paries agre as follows: 1. Definitions: Rules of Constrction. i.l Initially capitaliz ters used and not otherse defied herin are defied in the in the Operaing Rules or in Attachment 1 Defiitions of the WRGIS TOU. 1.2 "Afliate" mea, with respect to any entity, each entity that directly or indirectly contrls, is contrlled by, or is under common contrl with such designate entity, with "contrl" meang the possession, direcy or indirtly, of the power to dirct management an policies, wheter thugh the ownership ofvoting securities or by contrac or otherwse. Notwthstadig the foregoing, with respect to PacífiCor, Affliate shall only include MidAerican Energy Holdings Company and its direc, wholly owned subsidiares. 1.3 "Busines Day" mea a day of the week other th Satuday, Suny, or a federa holiday. i.4 "Electc Systm Authority" means each ofNEC, WECC, WRGIS, an RTO, a regional or sub. regional reliabilty council or authority, and any other similar council, corpraion, organiztion or body of reognized standing with respect to the operaions of the electc system in the WECC region. 1.5 "FERC" means the Feder Energy Reguatory Commission. 1.6 "Generation Interconnecton Agrment" means the agreement entere into separtely between Counterpar and Interconnection Provider concerning the Interonnecton Facilties. 1.7 "Facilty" is defied in the Preamble. 1.8 "Intennection Facilties" mea all the facilties inled, or to be inled, for the purose of interconnecng the Facilty to the System, including electical trmission lines. upgrades, tranformers and associated equipment, substions, relay and switching equipment, and safet equipment. 1.9 "Interconnection Provider" means the PERC-reguated or United Staes Deparent of Energy entty with whom the Facilty has contrcted for intercnnection to th electc transmssion grd; in the event Inteconnecon Provider is PacifiCorp, PacífiCorp would be the Interconnecton Provider opera in its reguated transmission function, and not as the par heret. Exh. 4.7(B). 1 1.10 "Metering Extrnal Webpage" means a websit owned and operated by PacifCorp that PacifiCorp may at its option, but without being obligated to do so, make available and operate for the display of all data that wil be included in the Monthly Generaion Extct File. 1. 1 "Monty Generaton Ext File" means a dat file that contans generation data from Counterpar's Points of Metering and conforms to the chaacteristics and requirements set forth in the WRGIS Interface Contrl Document. 1. 12 "NERC" means the Nort Amercan Elecc Reliabilty Corpration. 1.13 "Points ofMetenng" mea the points at which electrc generation is meaured. 1.4 "Prdent Electical Pracces" means any of the pratices, methods and act engaged in or approved by a signficat porton of the electcal utilty indust or any of the practices, metods or acs, which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the fa knwn at the tie a decision is made, could have been expected to acmplish the desird result at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliabilty, safet and expedition. Prudent Electrical Prces is not intended to be limited to the optimum practce, metod or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be a spectr of possible praces, metods or acs. i. 5 "QRE" means a WRGIS-defied Quaified Reporting Entity. 1.6 "Renewable" isdefined in section 2 of the WREGIS Operating Rules. 1. 7 "Requirements of Law" means any applicable federa, stte and loca law, state, regution, rule, code or ordnace enacted, adopted, issued or promulgated by any federal, stte, loca or other Governental Authority or regulatory body (including those perng to electca, building, zoning, environmenta and occupational safety and health requirements). 1.1 8 "Setlement Estition Prcedures" mean a calculaton based on stadard utilty esation rules using algoriths developed and approved by PacmCorp's biling deparent. 1.9 "Sysem" mea the elecc tranmission substation and trsission or distbuton facilties owned, opered or maintaied by Transmission Prvider, which shall include, after constrction and instalation of the Facilty, the circuit reinforcements, extensions, and associated termnal failty reinforcments or additions required to interconnect the Facilty, all as set fort in the Generion Inteconnection Agreement. 1.20 "Tarff' means PacifiCorp FERC Elecc Tarff Fif Revsed Volume No. i 1 Pro Fonna OpenAccss Tranmission Tariff . 1.21 "Trsmission Provider" means the FERC-regulated or United States Deparent of Energy entity with whom the Facilty has contrted for elecc trmission at and away frm the Facilty to any point on, or interconnecon with, the electc trmission grd; in the event Tranmission Provider is PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp would be the Interconnection Provider operating in its regulated trmission functon, and not as the par hereto.. 1.22 "Wholesale Generation Alo Ser On-Site Loads" is defined in secon 2 of the WRGIS Operting Rues. 1.23 1.24 1.25 Rules. 1.26 "WRGIS Operating Rules" meas the operng rues and reuirements adopt by WRGIS, including the TOU. 1.27 General Rules ofInterpreation. Unless otherwse required by the context in which any term appear, (a) the singuar includes the plurl and vice versa; (b) refernces to "Articles," "Sections," "Schedules," "Annexes," "Appendices" or "Exhbits" are to arcles, sections, schedules, anexes, appendices or exibits heref; (c) all references to a parcular entity or an electcity marketpnce index include a referce to such entitys or index's successors; (d) "herein, n "hereof" and "hereunder" refer to this Agement as a whole; (e) all accounting ters not specifically defined herein shal be constned in accrdace with generally accepted acuntig priciples consistently applied; (f) the mascuine includes the feminine and neuter and vice versa; "WECC" means the Wester Electricity Cordinatg Council. "WRGIS" meas the Western Renewale Energy Generation Inormation System. "WRGIS Cerificatc" or "Certca" mea "Cerifcat" as defied by the WRGIS Operatg Ex. 4.7(B). 2 (g) "including" means "including, witout limitaon" or "including. but not limited to"; (h) all references to a parcular law or statute mea tht law or state as amended frm time to tie; and (i) the word "or" is not necessary exclusive. 1.28 Intemreation with FEC Order. Each Par conduct and shal conduct its operatons in a manner intended to comply with FERC Order No. 717, Stadards of Conduct for Transmission Providers, requig the separon of its trsmission an mercha fuctons. Moreover, the Pares acknowledge that each of Traission Providets an Interconnecton Providers trmission function offers trsmision service on its system in a maner intende to comply with FEC policies and requireents relatig to the provision of open- access transmission serice. Counerar agrees to conduct itself and operate the Faclity in acrdance with all Requiments of Law, all requiements of all applicable Electrc Syste Authorities, and all requirements of the Interconnecton Agreement. 1.28.1 Counterpary agres to enter ino the Generaion Inteconnecton Agrement with the Interconnection Provider. The Generation Interconnecton Agrement shall be a separ and :f standing contrct and the terms herf are not binding upon the Interonnecion Prvider or Tranmission Provider, although both ar.e express third par beneficiares heref. 1.28.2 Notwithstading any other provision in ths Agrement, noting in the Geeration Intconnecon Agrement, nor any other agement between Counterpar on the one had and Tranmission Provider or Inercnnection Provider on the other hand, nor any alleged event of defat thereunder, shall alter or modify the Pares' rights, duties, and obligation hereuner. Likwise, noth herein or connecte with the performce by PacifiCorp hereof shall afec or impai the rights of Interconnecon Provider or Tramission Provider, under the Interconnection Agreement or otherse. Ths Agrement sha not be constred to crate any rights beeen Counterar and the Intennection Provider or beteen Counterar and the Trasmission Provider. 1.283 Counterpar expresly recognize tha, for puroses herf, the Intercnnecton Provider and Tranmission Provider each shal be deemed to be a separ entity and separate contracng par frm PacifCorp whether or not the Generation Interconnecton Agrement is entered into with Interconnection Provider or an afiate therf. Counerar acknowledges that PacifiCorp, acting in its merchat capacity fucton as purchasr hereunder, ha no responsibilty for or contrl over Interconnection Provider or Tranmission Provider, and is not liable for any breach of agment or duty by Intercnnecton Prvide or Trasmission Provider. Nothg in ths Agrement shl operate to diinish, nor shall ths Agrement extend to, Interconection Provider or TrasDÙssion Prvidets use, rention, or disclosure of Counterpar or Facilit information (including information withn the scope of this Agreement) in connection with PacifiCorp operti in its trsmission fucton, including its carng out of its obligations and business praice as a Balancing Authority or acvities underten pursuat to the Tarff II. Ter and Termination. 2.1 Ths Agrement shall be effective upon executon by the Pares and shal continue in efect until such time as either Par, upon providing 60 days wrttn notice to the other Par, chooses to teinate. PacifiCorp may initiate any reguatory proceedings it deems appropriate to terminate this Agrment prior to the effectiveness ofsuch termination. Notwithstading the foregoing. (a) Counterpary may termin this Agrement upon an event of defalt by PacifiCorp ifPacifCorp does not cu such event of default withn 10 days of writtn notice; (b) PacifiCorp may teinate th Agrment upon an event of defalt by Counterpar if Counterpar doe not cure such event of default with i 0 days of wrtt notice. ( c) PacifiCorp may terminate ths Agrment if the Facilty fals to mee the requiments of Section 3.1 hereof and such falure is not cued within 30 days, and (d) Either Par may termnae tbs Agrment immediatly upn notice to the other if Counterpar or the Facilty fal to comply with Secton 1.28. This Agreement may also be tenninte as otherwse set fort herein. m. ORE Serices. 3.1 QRE Serces. PacifiCorp wil, on the ter set fort herein, sere as a QRE for the Facilty so long as the Facilty meet the definition of Renewable, is with the metred boundaries of both PacifiCorp's Balancing Authonty and is equipped with either: (1) Tramission Prvider or Interconnection Provider (as Exl. 4.7(B) - 3 applicable) owned and operaed meters; or (2) meters that meet the Internnection Providets reuiements and (3) meet all applicale WRGIS requirements. 3.2 Compensaton tQ PacifCoip. In exchage for the services perfrmed by PacifiCorp herunder, Counterar shall pay PacifiCorp as follows: Counterpar shall pay PacifiCorp a one-time initial setup fee of $280, whch shal be due upon execution of ths Ageement. The Counterpar sha pay PacifiCorp a monthly report fee of$50 per generag unt for which PacifCorp reports outut to WRGIS, provided th PacifCorp may, in its discreton, assess and bil for all fees due hereunder on an anua, rathr than monthy, basis. Oter than the intial setp fee, whch shall be due in advace, all other fees due hereder sha be due win ten days ofPacifiCorp's issuace of an invoice for such fees. PacifiCorp will review costs asociatd with this servce on an annual basis, and may make necssar adjustments to the monthly reportng fee chaged herein. Any change in the monthly reortng fee will become effectve only after a miimum thrt (30) days prior wrtten notice to Counterpar. In the event WRGIS, WECC, or any other entity with the abilty or jursdicton to modifY the QRE reporting process requires a change tht materially increases the costs to PacifiCorp of providing QRE services, PacifCorp may pass those cost to the Counterpar by increasing the monthly report fee. PaeifiCorp wil use best effrt to provide Counterpar with prior notice before biling Counterpar for such increased cots. The fees set fort herein relate to PacifiCorp serv as a QRE for Counterpar pursuat to the term of this Agreement. The necesar meterng is a prerequisite for this serice and is not covered in the fees described abve. 3.3 Points of Metng. The Points of Meteng th PacifiCorp will use ar set fort in Exibit A. Counterpar certfies tht all Point of Metng listed in Exhibit A measure dat only frm Facilty that meet the definition of Renewable. Counterpar shl notify PacifCorp at least thir (30) Business Days prior to makg any proposed material changes to the Points ofMeterl. Following such notification, the Paries will decide whether such changes ar mutally acceptable. If such changes ar not acceptale to PaeifCorp, PacifiCorp may terminate this Agreement. 3.4 Exenses. Excep as otherwse provided in the Interconnection Agrement (and in such case, only vis- à-vis Internnection Provider), Counterar shall bear all cost and expes, including those incurrd by PacifiCorp, relatng to all metering or other equipment intalled to accoinodat Counterpars Facilty. 3.5 Reportng. Counterpar hereby grants to PacifiCorp sole and exclusive permssion and authority to report Data and Output to WRIS and wats and represents that neither Counrpar nor any other person or entity acting on behalf of Counterar ha granted, or will herer grt during the term hereof any similar da reporting authority or permission to any other QRE or WRGIS Account Holder or to any oter par or Agent for use in WRGIS, or any other ener trkig system, for the Facilty. As a prendition for PacifiCorp to be able to perform hereunder, Counerar shall submit Counterpar's Output da to PacifiCorp by allowing PacifiCorp to collec such dat at the Points of Meterg, and repo such data in the maner set fort herein. 3.5.1 Monthly Generatin Extrac File. Once a month PacifiCorp shall submit a Monty Generation Extact File to WREGIS on Counterpar's behalt which wil conform to the charteritics and data requirements set fort in the WRGIS Interfae Contrl Document. 3.5.2 Reportng Cycle. PacifiCorp shal submit the Monthy Generation Extact File to WRGIS no sooner th the last business day of eah month for data collecte during the previous month or previous porton of month. PacifCorp shall submit such dat no later than the end of the calendar month followng the end date of the outut being reported. 3.5.3 Verification. ShouldPacifiCorp choose at it option to operate and make available a Meterig Extrn Webpage, PacifCorp may in its reasnably exercised discrtion grt Counrpar access for Counterpar to verify such inormation as prescribed by PacifiCorp from tie to time, and to timely notify PacifiCorp in writing of any errrs Counterpar detct. 3.5.4 Adjustments. After PacifiCorp submits the Monthly Generaton Extt File to WRGIS, any informaton contaed in the Monthy Generaton Ext File shall be fi for puroses ofWRIS reortin subject only to the adjustment procedures set fort in the WREGIS Operating Rules, which shal be Counerpar's responsibilty to implement if necessar. 3.6 Obligations of Count em am. Countrpar shall report and provide to PacifiCorp accurte and complete generation Data and Outut information for the Facilty. Counterpar shall send the Data an other Exh. 4.7(B) - 4 Output Information in a format and in compliance with any protocols which PacifCorp may specify to Counterar. Counterar has a continuing duty to immediately notfy PacifiCorp, if and when any generation Data or Output information has been sent in error or ceases to be trthful, accurte, or complete and to supply the corrected data as soon as practcal, but not later than five (5) Business Days from the date Counterpar discovers that discrepancy in the Data or Output information. 3.7 WRGIS Fees. Counterpar is solely responsible for the payment dirctly to WRGIS of any and all WREGIS fee and costs that ar required to register Counter's Facilty and, to the extnt the Genertor Owner is a WREGIS Accunt Holder, Counterpar is reponsible for the payment direcly to WRGIS of all other WRGIS fees incident to the reportng of Generator Data and Output to WRGIS. Counterpar acknowledge and agres that PacifiCorp shall have no obligation to advance or make payment ofWRGIS fe or costs on Counterpar's behalf. Upon request by PacifiCorp made ifPacifiCorp has received such a request from WRGIS or any regator OJ' thrd par, Counterpar shal provide PacifiCorp with evdence of payment of WRGIS fees an cost; falure to provide such informon to PacifiCorp, upon reest, shall constitute an event of default under this Agreement. 3.8 WRIS Accounts. Counterpar will be solely reponsible to make arangements and regitions and for entering into any such ageements that are necessar to esblish trfer of Certificate dircty to proper Accounts or Sub accounts of Counterpar. Counterpar agrees tht such argements shall prelude the need for PacifiCorp to act as custodian of such Certificates or to be responsible in any way to hold such Certficates in any Account or Subaccount ofPacifiCorp or bear any responsibilty, possession, obligation, or risk of loss with respect to Certficates created, held, or owned. with respec to the Facilty. Counterpar acknowledges that pursuat to secton 11 of the WREGIS TOU, an generation data that PacifiCorp, acting as a QRE, provides to WRGIS shall reside in WRGIS and Counterpar will have no control over such da's us other than that provided for under the WRGIS TOU. 3.9 Obligations ofPacifiCom. PacifiCorp shall specify for Counterpar the protocols, reportg frequency, data fie fortat,and communicaon protocols for reortg generating Dat or Ouut, as necessa. PacifiCorp shal timely report to WRGIS Counterpar Data and/or Ouut informtion as specified in the most currnt WRGIS Interce Control Document (lCD). PacifiCorp shal not use or disclose Counterpar generation Dat for any other purose than rert the Data to WRGIS, except as may be requir by law, the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, any other stte, federal, municipal or other regulator or governenta authority with jursdiction over PacifiCorp or any of its assets, or a court of competent jurisdiction or as requied under the ters of an existing agreement between the Pares. PacifiCorp shan not use Generator Owner generation Data for any other purse. Notwthding the foregoing, PacifiCorp shall not be responsible for handling, account adinistation, trfer, evidence of, or any deteintion of Counterpar Certficate ownership or any other obligations for Certificates of Counterpar with regard to Certificates; and Counterpar shl bear all reponsibilty for such handling, account administraton, evidence of, or any determination ofCountear Certificate ownership and all other obligations pertining to creation and ownership of such Cerificats. 3.10 Measurment. 3.10.1 Metr Dat. Counterpar authorizes PacifiCorp's meteri serices organtion to provide Counterpar's meter data dircty to WRGIS in the form of the Monthy Generation Extac File. Counterpar autorizes PacifiCorp to gather data from the Points of Metering listed in Exhbit A. All such data is considered data which Counterpar has created and submittd to PacifiCorp, notwthanding that PacifCorp, raer th Counterpar will gater it. 3.10.2 Wholesale Geertion Also Serving On-Site Loads. IfCounterpar has any Wholesale Generation Also Serving On-Site Loads (as defined in Aricle One above), such Facilty will need to have the on.site load generation metered (and registered) separtely frm the generation th is supplied to the grd, in accordance with the WRGIS Opertig Rules. Oterwse, PacifCorp will not report any data from such Facilty. If such Facilty exist, they must be specified in Exhibit A. 3.10.3 Estimates. When meter readings are not available due to meter hardwar failur or dat th is determined to be invalid due to mete malncton or calibration or configuon errr, to the extt deemed by PacifiCorp to be appropriate and perittd pursuat to WRGIS TOU, PacifiCorp will, if possible, rely on readins from redundat metrs whether such metes ar PacifiCorp owned or not. Ifreags frm redundat Exh. 4.7(B) - 5 meters are not possible, PacifiCorp will estimate and report meter data according to PacifiCorp's Selement Estimation Prcedurs. 3.10.4 Responsibilit. Counterpar is solely responsible for the data created and submitted to PacifiCorp, acing as a QRE, to forwd to WRGIS. 3.11 Regulatory Requrements. PacifiCorp may releas information provided by Counérpar herunder, or gatered by PacifiCorp in connecton herewith to comply with an regulatory requirements applicable to PacifiCorp or if requesed by aPacifiCor regulator or if required by any other feeral law or cour order. Counterar waives all applicable provisions of the Tariffwhich require PacifiCorp to hold confidential information with respet to the Generar Ower and the Facilty, to the extentnecessa for PacifiCorp to report as a QRE, generation Data and Ouut regading the Generation Unites) and to car outPaeifiCorp's obligations under this Agreement. Ths prvision shall surve any termination of this Agrement. 3.12 Grant by Counterar. Counterpar herby grts to, permts, and authorizes PacifiCorp the following: 3.12.1 PaeifiCorp is hereby authorid to communcate and tranact wi WRGIS as Counterpar's sole and exclusive reportng source of generation dat for the Facilty, and WRGIS is hereby authoriz to communcate aud trsact directly with PacifiCorp regarding any generaion data issues for the Facilty. PacifiCorp is hereby authorized to ac on behaf of Counterpar, but only to the extent that PacifiCorp ha lawf, contrtul access to WRGIS. 3.12.2 PaeifiCorp is hereby authorid to provide WRGIS with all generation data for the Facilty th WRGIS requires, including, but not limited to, da requid for prepartion of requird report and billing. 3.12.3 PaeifiCorp is autorized to under all actions whch ar reanable and necssar to ca out the obligations set fort in the subsections above. 3.12.4 Counterpar retains all other rights and responsibilites and all other obligatons to WRGIS. IV. Indemntv and Hold Harless by Counterpart. 4.1 Indemnty. To the extent perttd by Requiements of Law, Counterar hereby indemnfies and agrees to hold PacifiCorp, its offcers, employees, agents, or reresentatives, haless for any and all liability th is in any way associated with PacifiCorp's performce herunder. This includes liabilty arsing frm: the data contaned in the Monthly Generaion Extt File, or any other fmancial injwy, or daage to persns or propert. Witout limitig the generality of th foregoing: 4.1.1 Waiyer of Causes of Acton and Claims for Damages. Counterpar heby waives any and all causes of acon arsing under or in respect to this Agrement, wheter in cont tort or any other legal or equitable theory (including strct liabilty) against PacifCorp. In no event shall PacifiCorp be liable to Counterar its board of directrs, employees, agents, or representatives for any demands, direct costs, lost or prospective profits or any other losses, liabilties or expenses, wheter special, puntive, exemplar, consequential, incidental, or indirect in natue, that are in any way associated with PacifiCorp's performance of the QRE fucton or otherwise under or in respe of this Agrement. 4.2 Indemnty by Couterpar. Counrpar shall releae, indemnify and hold haless PacifiCorp, its Affliates, and eah of its and their respective directors, offcers, employees, age, and representaves (CQIIeçtively, the "PacifiÇ.çrp lndemnities")agaist and frm any and alllosses, fies. peiities, claims, demads, damages, liabílties, actions or suits of any na whatsoever (ìncIuding legal cost and atrney's fees, both at trial and on appea, whether or not suit is brought) (collecvely, "Liabilties") resultig from, or arsing out of, or in any way connectd with, the permance by Counerar of it obligations hereunder, or relatng to the Facilty, for or on account of (i) injur, bodily or otherwse to, or deat of, or (ii) for damage to, or destncton or econoinic loss of proper o~ any peron or enity, excepting only to the extent such Liabilties as may be caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any peron or enti within the PacifiCorp Indemnities. 4.3 NOTWTHSTANING AN OTHR PROVISION OF THIS AGREME, COUNARTY ASSUMS FULRESPONSIBllITY AN RISK OF LOSS RESULTIG FROM (1) TH FAILUR TO SEND DATA IN A FORMAT SPECIFD BY PACIFICORP, (2) THE FAIUR TO USE PROTOCOLS SPECIFIED BY PACIFICORP OR (3) TH SENING OF ERRONEOUS, UNRUT, INACCUTE, Exh. 4.7(B) - 6 AN/OR INCOMPLETE GENERATING DATA TO PACIFICORP OR TH SENING OF ERONEOUS, UNUTH, INACCURTE, AN/OR INCOMPLETE DATA BY PACIFICORP TO WRGIS. IN NO EVENT SHAL PACIF!CORP BE LIABLE FOR AN CONSEQUENTIA, INCIENTAL, SPECI, EXMPLARY, OR OTHR INIRCT LOSS OR DAMGES RESULTIG FROM AN BREACH OF THS AGREMENT, WHTHR CAUSED BY TH NEGLIGENCE OR INONAL ACTIONS OF PACIFICORP (AN/OR ITS CONTCTORS, AGENTS, AN EMPLOYES), REGARLESS OF WHTHR SUCH CLAI FOR DAMGES is BASED IN CONTCT, TORT, STRCT LIILTY OR OTHERWISE. IN NO EVENT SHAL PACIICORP BE LIALE FOR AN LOSS OR HA SUFFERED BY COUNRPARTY OR AN TH PARTY DUE TO AN ACTON OR INACTON BY PACIICORP TAK HEREUNER THT CAUSES A FACllITY TO WSE ANY CREDENS, REGISTRTION OR QUALIFICATION UNER TH RENEW ABLE PORTFOLIO STANAR OR SIMAR LAW OF AN STATE OR OTH JUSDICTION. 4.4 PACIFCORP WIL NOT BE RESPONSffLE FOR AN DAMGES RESUTING FROM ECONOMIC LOSS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF BUSINSS, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF PRODUCTON TAX CREDITS, LOSS OF SAVINGS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF GOODWI, TH CLAI OF TH PARTIS (ICLUDING CUSTOMERS AN SHAHOLDERS OR OTH EQUITY OWNRS), PERSONAL INJUS OR PROPERTY DAMGES SUSTAID BY TH COUNTEARTY OR AN TH PARTIS, EVEN IF PACIFICORP HAS BEE NOTIFIED BY COUNTEARTY (OR BY AN TH PARTY) OF SUCH DAMGES. 4.5 PACIFICORP DISCLAIS AN LIAILIT FOR AN COUNRPARTY W AlVES AN CLAI FOR LOSS OR DAMGE RESULTIG FROM ERORS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHR INACCUCIES IN AN PART OF WRGIS OR TH REORTS, CERTIICATES OR OTHR INORMTION COMPILED OR PRODUCED BY AN FROM OR INUT INO WRGIS USING COUNRPARTY SUPPLIE GENERATION DATA, WHTH OR NOT SUCH ERORS, OMISSIONS OR INACCURACIES AR DUE TO ERONEOUS, UNUTH, INCOMPLETE, OR INACCURTE INORMTION INUT BY PACIFICORP INO WRGIS. 4.6 COUNARTY HEY RELEASES PACIFICORP AN AN OF ITS CONTCTORS, AGENTS, AN EMPLOYEES FROM AN AN AL LIABIL WIH RESPECT TO DAMGES OR INS INCURD BY GENETOR OWN AS REATES TO TH FOREGOING, EXCLUDING AN ARISING AS A RESULT OF TORTIOUS AN INTENTONALLY KNOWIG OR RECKESS CONDUCT BY PACIFICORP. 4.7 COUNERPARTY ACKNOWLEDGES AN AGRES THT, IN TH EVENT OF BREACH OF THS CONTCT OR AN OTHR ACTON RESULTING IN LOSS OR POTENTIAL LOSS OR DAMGE TO COUNERPARTY, TH SOLE RECOURE TO GENRATOR/OWN is TERMATION OF THIS AGREEME. 4.8 Counterpar agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold haess PacifiCorp and its diectors, offcers, employees, and agents from and agai any and all claims (including third-par claims); causes of acton, wheter in contract, tort, or any other legal theory (including strct liabilty); demads; daages; costs; liabilties,; losses and exenses (includg reonable atrney's fees and cour cost) of any natu whatsoever, whenever aring, arsing out of, resulti frm, atibutale to, or related to Counterpar generation Dat our Outut for: any inaccuracy, errr, or delay in or omision of (i) any Data informaton, or servce, or (ii) the transi:ission or delivery of any Data information, or servce; any interption of any such Data, Outut, information, or servce (wheter or not caused by PacifCorp); or any financial, business. comierciaJ, or oth judgment, decision, act, or omission made by any person or èntity based upon or relat to the inrmation. 4.9 Interconnection. Counterpar shal have no claims hereunder agt PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant fuction capacity, with respect to any requirements imposed by or dages caused by (or allegedly caused by) acts or omissions of the Tramission Provider or Intercnnection Prvider, in connection with the Genertion Interconnection Agrment or otherise. Counterar shal defend, indemitY and hold PacifCorp hamless against any liabilty arsing due to Countear's perormce or faur to perform under the Generon Interconnection Agreement. Counterpar's failure to obtin, or perrm under, the Generation Interconnection Agrment, or its other contrac and obligations to, Trasmission Provider or Interconnection Provider is not a Force Majeure. Exl. 4.7(B) - 7 4.10 TIS ARTICLE SHA SURVIV AN TERMATION OF THS AGREEM, WHTH SUCH TEATION is BY PACIICORP OR COUNARTY, AN WHTI OR NOT SUCH TEATION is ON ACCOUN OF A DEFAULT. V. Furer Counteip Obligations. 5.1 ~. Nothing herin constitus a sale or purhae ofenergy or renewable energy certficates to or by PacifiCor. 5.2 PTCs. Counterpar shall bear all risks, financial and otherwse thoughout the Term associaed with Counerar's or the Facilty's eligibilty to receive producton tax crits ("PTCs ")or quafy for accelered depreiation for Counterpar's acountig, reportng or ta purose. 5.3 Fuer Assuces. At PacifiCorp's request, the Pares shal execute such documents and inents as may be reonably requid to effec the essetial innt and purposes heref. 5.4 Station Serice. . Counterpar shall be responsible for arangig and obtain, at its sole risk and expense, any station service requied by the Facilty. 5.5 Cots of Owersip an Opertion. Without limitig the generty of any other provision hereof, Counterpar shal be solely responsible for paying when due (a) all cost of owning and operng the Facilty in complian with existing and futu ~uirements of Law and the terms and conditions hereof: and (b) all taes and charges (hwever charerized) now existig or hereinaft imposed on or with respec to the Facilty, its operation, or on or with respect to emissions or other envirnmenta impacs of the Facilty, including any such ta or chage (however chacterzed) to the extent payable by a generator of such energy or renewable energy certificaes. 5.6 Çoodiation with Sytem. Counerar sha be responsible for the coordintion and synchrnizaton of the Facilty and the Interconnection Facilties with the System, and shall be solely resnsible for (and shall defend and hold PacifCorp harless aganst) any damage tht may occur as a dict result of Counterpar's brach of the Genertion Intercnnecton Agrment. 5.7 Data Request. Counerpar shall, prmptly upon writt request frm PacifiCorp, provide PacifiCorp with data reaonably requird for inormtion request frm any Goverenta Authorities, stte or federa agency intervener or any other par achieving inteenor st in any PacifiCorp rate proeeding or oter proceedig before any goverenta autority. Counterpar shall us best effort to provide th inormtion to PacifiCorp sufciently in advance to enle PacifiCorp to review it and meet any submission deadlnes. 5.8 Additiona InfOrmaton. Counterpar shall provide to PacifiCorp such othr inormation repectg Counterpar or the Facilty as PacifiCorp may, frm time to time, reasonably request 5.9 No Dedicatin. Noting herein shall be consed to create any dut to, any stada of ca wi reference to, or any liabilty to any peron not a Par here. No undertakng by one Par to the other under any provision hereof shall constute the dedication ofPacifiCorp's failties or any porton theref to Counterpar or to the public, nor afect the status ofPacifiCorp as an independent public utlity corporaon or Counterar as an independent individual or entity. S.iO Requid Policies and Coverages. Without littig any liabilties or any other obligaon of Counterpar hereunder, Countear shal secur and contiuously ca with an insurance company or companes rated not lower th "B+" by the AM, Best Company the insurance coverage specified in the Generation Inteconnection Agrement. VI. Representations and Waranties. 6.1 MyLal ßeprescmatins and Waranies. Each Par represents and warts to the other that: (i) it is duly organed and validly existg under the laws of the jursdiction of its incorporation or organtion; (ii) it has the corporate, governental and other legal capacity and autority to enter hereinto and to peorm its obligaions hereunder; (ii) such execution and performce do not violate or confict with any law, order or agment applicable to it; (iv) it has all goverenta and other authorizaons that are required to have been obtaned or submitted by it with respect hereto, and they are in full forc and effect; (v) its obligations herunder ar valid, binding and enforceable in accrdce with their terms (subject to banptcy or similar laws afctg creditors' rights generally); an (vi) no Event of Default or event whch with notice and/or laps Ex. 4.7(B). 8 of time would constitute such an Event of Default, has occurred and is continuig or would occur as a rest of its entenng into or performng its obligaions herunder. 6.2 Re.resentaiQns and Waranies ofCounterpar. Counterpar hereby represents and waants to PacifCorp: (i) it is not relying upon any representations ofPacifCorp other th those expressly set fort herei; (ii) it ha entered hereinto with a full understnding of the materal ters and risks of the same, and it is capable of assuming those risks; (üi) it ha made it tring and invesent decisions based upon its own judgment and any advice frm such advisors as it ha deemed necessar and not in reliance upon any view expressed by PacifiCorp; (iv) it ha not received frm PacifiCorp any assurances or promises regaing any financial results or benefits hereunder; (v) serce hereunder is not a utilty serice within the meang of Section 466 of the United States Bantcy Coe; and (vi) Counterpar holds legal title to the Facilty or otherwise holds the lega right to cause the Facilty to ente into ths Agrment. VII. Financial Responsibilty. 7. I Adeguate Assuraces. Without limitig PacifiCorp's rights under Arcle vm herf, if Counterpary ha faled to make a timely payment hereunder, and PacifiCorp ha renable grounds for inecuity regarding the perormce of any obligation ofCountear hereunder (whether or not then due), PacifCorp may demad Adequate Assurances of Perfrmance. "Adequae Assurances ofPerfonnance" mean suffcient securty in the form amount, by an issuer or gutor, and for the te reaonably acceptale to PacifiCorp, includin, but not limitcd to, cas, a standby irvocable let of credit, a prepayment, a sety inerest in governent securties, an asset or a performance bond or guarty. Such Adequate Assurces ofPerfnnance shl be provided withn three business days afr a wrn demand is made by PacifiCorp. vm. Events of Default; Remedies. 8.1 Event of Default. ''Event of Default" meas, with respect to a Par (the "Defaulting Pary"): 8 .1. i the falur to render when due any payment or perrmce hereunder, if such failur is not remedied withn five days afer wrtten notice; 8.1.2 the failure to timely provide adequate assurces requied puruat to Aricle vn hereof; 8.1.3 any such Par's repreentation or waty proves to have been incorrct or misleadig in any material respect when made; 8.1.4 the falur to perfrm any other covenan se fort herein if such falure is not remedied with five days after wrtten notice; 8.1. its baptcy, i!adequate assurces acceptale to PacifiCorp and approved by the Banptcy Cour ar not provided; 8.1.6 the expiration or teration of any crdit support of Counterpar's obligations hereunder (other than in accordance with its terms) prior to the satisfacton of all obligatons ofCounterpar without the written consent ofPacifiCorp; or 8.1.7 In the case of Counterpar: Counterpar fails to report generaton Data or Output information to PacifiCorp for the Facilit or Countear fails to send the data in a formt and use the protocols speified by PacifiCorp as deterined by PaeiûCôrp to be.rêqi.red to meet the reqUÎments of the WRGIS Operating Rules; Counterpar is delinquent in payment to WRGIS of any WRGIS fees for regiaton or mantenace of Accunts or Subacounts, which payment impais the abilty ofPacifiCorp to report Generator Dat Output, or oter information to WRGIS regardig the Facilty, which delinquency contnues for a period of thir (30) days; Counterpar fals to comply with a request by PacifiCorp to provide evidence of payment of WRGIS fees perting to the Facilty; or Counterpar knwingly or intentionally fasifes or misrepresents any Data, Output information, or other information require by WRGIS. Exh. 4.7(8).9 8.2 Remedies Upon Event of Default. In the Event of Default by a Par and for so long as the Event of Default is continuing, the non-defaultin Par (the "Perrming Par") shall have the right to do any or all of the following: (1) upon two business days' written notice to the Defalting Par, ternat ths Agrment; (2) withhold any payments or performce due in respect of this Agrement; and (3) exercise such other remedies as may be available at law or in equity or as otherwse provided for herein, to the extent such remedies have not been otherwse waived or limite puruant to the tes hereof. 8.3 ~. If an Event of Default occurs, the Performing Par may, at its elecon, set off any or all amounts which the Defaultig Par owes to it or any Affliate of the Perorming Par (wheter under ths Agreement or otherwse and whether or not then due) aganst any or all amoun which it or any Afliate of the Perorming Par owes to the Defaulting Par (wheter under this Agrement or otherse and whether or not thendue). 8.4 payment of Damages. Any amounts due on account of default sha be paid by the close of business on the next business day following the Defaultig Pars reipt of the Performing Par's wrtten termnation notice seting fort the termination payment due. 8.5 Limitaon of Liabilty. TI EXRESS REMEDIES AN MEASURS OF DAMGES PROVIED HEREIN SATISFY TI ESSEN PUROSES HEOF. FOR BREACH OF AN PROVISION FOR WICH AN EXPRESS REMEY OR MESUR OF DAMGE is PROVIDED, SUCH REDY OR MEASUR SHAL BE TH SOLE AN EXCLUSIV REMEDY THFOR. LIAILITY THT HAS NOT BEE OTHRWISE EXCLUDED PURSUAN TO TH TES HEOF SHALL BE LIMTED TO DIRCT ACTUAL DAMGES ONI Y AS TH SOLE AND EXCLUSIV REMEY. EXCEPT AS OTIWISE SPECICALY SET FORm HERE, NO PARTY SHAL BE REQUID TO PAY OR BE LIALE FOR SPECIAL, CONSEQUENT, INCIDENTAL, PUNTIV, EXMPLAY, OR INIRCT DAMGES, LOST PROFIT OR BUSINSS INUPTION DAMGES, BY STATU, IN TORT, CONtRACT OR OTHRWISE. 8.6 SurvivaL. This Arcle surives the expiron or termnaon heref. IX. Force Majeure. 9.1 Except with regard to a Par's obligaton to make payments hereder, in the event either Par here is redered unable, wholly or in par by Force Majeure to ca out it obligations with respec heret, then upon such Par's (the "Claiming Par") giving notice and fu paiculars of such Force Majeur as soon as reasonably possible after the occurence of the cause relied upon, such notice to be confrmed in wrting or by facsimile to the othr Par, then the obligations of the Claiming Par shl, to the extnt they are affect by such Force Majeure, be suspended during the continuace of said inability, but for no longer period, and the Claiing Par shall not be liable to the other Par for, or on acount of, any loss, damage, injur or expense resting frm, or arsing out of such event of Force Majeu. The Par reiving such notice of Force Majeue shal have until the end of the Business Day following such reeipt to notifY the Claiming Par that it objects to or dispute the existence of an event of Fore Maeure. "Force Majeu" means an event or circumstace which prents one Par frm perormng its obligations hereunder, which event or circustce was not anticipated, which is not within the reasonale contrl of, or the result of the negligence of, the Claiming Par, and which, by the exercise of due diligence, the Claig Par is unle to overcome or avoid or caus to be avoided. Counterar's falur to obtn, or perfrm under, the Generaion Internnecon Agreement or its other contct and obligations to, Trasmission Prvider or Intercomiection Prvider is not a Force Maeure. 9.2 Force Maji: Dpes Not Affect Oter Obligaons. No obligations of either Par th arse before the Force Majeur causing the suspension of perrmance or tht arse afer the cessaton of the Force Majeure shl be excused by the Forc Majeure. 9.3 Strikes. hTotwthtading any other provision hereof, neither Par shall be required to sette any strike, walut, lockout or other labor dispute on terms which, in the sole judgment of the Par involved in the dispute, are contrar to the Par's best intere. X. Miscellaneous. Exh. 4.7(B) - 10 10.1' ÇlICE OF LAW. Ths Agreement shall be interpretd and enrce in accordane with th laws of the state of Oregon, excluding any choice of law rules that may direc the applicaion of the las of anther jurisdiction. 10.2 Restrction on Assignents. Neither Par may assign this Agreement or any of it rights or obligations hereunder without the prior wrtten consent of the other Par, which consent shall not be uneasonaly witheld. Any purorted assignent in violation hereof shal be void ab iniio. Ths Agement inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the Pares and their respecve successors and penitt assigns. 10.3 Notices. All notices, request, sttements or payments shall be made to the addresses set out on the Notices Exhibit. Notices required to be in wrting shal be delivered by letter, facsimile or other docuenta form. Notice by facsimile or had delivery shal be deemed to have been given when received or hand delivered. Notice by overnight mail or courer shall be deemed to have been given on the date and time evidenced by the delivery receipt. The Paries may chage any of the perons to whom notices are addessed, or their addresses, by providing written notice in acrdance with this Section. 10.4 Enti Agrement: Counterps. This Agrement constitutes the enti agrement betwen th Pares with respect to its subject matter. Ths Agreement may not be amended, changed, modified, or altered unless such amendment, chage, modification, or altetion is in wrtig and signed by both Pares. This Agremen may be executed in counterpars, including by telefasimile trsmission, eah ofwhich is an orinal and all of which taen together consitute one and the same origina instent. This Agrement completely and fully supersedes all other prior understadings or agrements both wrtt and oral, beteen the Pares relating to the subject matter hereof. Ifany provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, void or unenfrceable by any cour of competent jursdiction, such deteination shall not invalidate, void, or make unenforceable any other provision, agreeent or covenant of this Agrement, provided the basic purpses of this Agreeent and the benefits to the Paries ar not substtially impaied. 10.5 No Waiver. Waiver by a Par of any default by the other Par shal not be constred as a waver of any other defult, nor shal any delay by a Par in the exerise of any right under this Agreement be considered as a waiver or relinquishment thereof. 10.6 Jurisdiction. Any judicial action arsin out of, resultig frm or in any way relating to ths Agrment shall be brought only in a state or feder cour ofMultnomah Count, Oregon. In the event such judicial proceedings ar intituted by either Par, the prevailing Par shal be entitled to awad of its cost and attrneys' fees incured in connecton with such proceedins. 10.7 ¡YOTril!l Wajver. TH PARTI EACH HEY IRVOCABLY WAI ALL RIGHT TO TR BY JUY IN AN ACTION, PROCEDING OR COUNTECLAIM ARSING OUT OF OR RELATIG HERETO, AN GREEN TAGS OR TH TRSACTIONS CON1MPLATED HEY. EACH PARTY FUTHR WAIS AN RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE AN ACTION IN WHCH A JUy TR HAS BEE WAID wiTI AN OTH ACTION IN WICH A JUy TR CANOT BE OR HAS NOT BEE WAID. 10.8 No Third Piu Beneficiaries. With the exception of Trasmission Provider and Interconnecton Provider, who are exprss thir par beneficiaries herf, t.lis Agrment confers no rights whaoever upon any persn other th the Pares and shall not crate, or be inrpreted as creati, any stadard of ca, dut or liabilty to any person not a Par hereto. 10.9 Relationship of the Paries. Nothing contaned herin shall be construed to creae an association,joint vente, trst or parership; orimpose a trst or parership êoven81t¡ obligation, or liabilty on or with regard to anyone or more of the Pares. Each Par shal be individualy responsible for its own covenans, obligations, and liabilties under this Agreement. Ex. 4.7(B)..i i IN WITNSS WHEREOF, the Paries have executed this Agreement by their duly autorized representaives as of the date first above wrtten. PacifiCorp (Counterpart) BY: NAME: mLE: BY: NAM: TITLE: Exhibit A Facilty and Generation Data to be sent by QRE For Facilty enter the following information: Facilty Name and Address Resource ID and Meter Number (Device ID) as listed on the Meter Service Agrment for the iso Metere Entities (MSA/SOME) Schedule 1 WRGISID Mete Points Exh. 4.7(B) -12