HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970113_2.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING January 13, 1997 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance at this time were Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen. Also in attendance were staff members Scott Woodbury, Weldon Stutzman, Susan Hamlin, Brad Purdy, Syd Lansing, David Scott, Jim Long, Rose Schulte, Ron Law, Bev Barker, Terri Carlock, Randy Lobb, Keith Hessing, Wayne Hart, Tonya Clark,  Bill Eastlake and Myrna Walters. Also present from the public were Jeannette Bowman from Idaho Power Company, Eileen Benner of AT&T and John Souba of U S West. Items from the January 13, 1997 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1.   Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated January 13, 1997. Approved. 2. Weldon Stutzman’s January 10, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. GNR-T-94-5; Intrastate Equal Access and Carrier Presubscription in U S West’s Service Territory; Staff’s Motion to Dismiss. Matter was held at this time. Items 8 and 9 were then considered. 8. Brad Purdy’s January 10, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. IPC-E-96-25; Idaho Power’s Application for approval of tariff (Schedule 20) Providing for Optional Market-Based Service to Customers from 5 to 10 Megawatts. Approved putting it out for comment on modified procedure. 9. Brad Purdy’s January 10, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. IPC-E-96-26; Idaho Power’s Application for Authority to Implement a Public Purposes Charge to Fund the Company’s Participation in the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. Commissioner Smith said she had concerns about this application. Has concern with funding that has been proposed by the Company. Would request that the staff and the company think about this and address it in their comments. Can use Irrigation Class as example because last year as we considered irrigation, we got information about that class.  What struck her is there is a wide diversity of customers in that one category. You have people out there whose bill was $400,000 and you have people who have a little pump in the river from June to August and for both of these customers to be asked to pay the same amount seems somehow unfair. As we think about how we should fund this, would like to consider, for the irrigation class, is there a way to split that into groups and fund it in a more equitable manner. There is a trade off regarding uniformity and don’t know if other classes are similarly situated, because we haven’t had recent information on them. It sticks in her mind for irrigation customers from information we had previously. Brad Purdy commented he would pass those concerns along to the company. Commissioner Hansen said he would like to know how they formulate those charges - how were those rates arrived at? Have a concern that he hasn’t seen any proposal on how that money is going to be spend. Have a problem approving a rate increase when we don’t know how the money is going to be used or how it will benefit the customers.   Have to have a pretty good proposal of how that money will be spent so we can respond to the customers. Matter is to be put out on modified procedure and commissioners concerns need to be addressed in comments. 3. Final Contract between U S West Communications, Inc. and Western Wireless Corporation - Case No. USW-T-96-11/WST-T-96-1. Should it be put out on modified procedure with a 14-day comment period? Weldon Stutzman explained that the final contract between U S West and Western Wireless has been submitted for approval. Don’t think it is necessary to put it out for comment since the commission has already arbitrated it. Don’t think it is legally required. Can look at it, approve it, etc. Commissioner Smith said she couldn’t imagine what public comment there would be. Commissioner Nelson said he thought we should try to consider this timely and come to a decision. 4. Scott Woodbury’s January 7, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. INT-G-96-7 Composite Depreciation Rate. Commissioner Smith had a question. Asked if this was a request for ratemaking change or just for booking? Terri Carlock responded - asking for approve for booking purposes. Commissioner Smith said she had this question before, why do we need modified if they are just booking it? Why isn’t a letter from Stephanie Miller sufficient? Syd Lansing said their study is available when we are ready for it. Terri Carlock commented Intermountain Gas Company has always filed it as a case. Commissioner Hansen commented he didn’t think staff was ready to look at it anyway. Decision was to put it out for comment - modified procedure. 5. Scott Woodbury’s January 9, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: CCH-W-95-1 January 30, 1995 Application to Surrender Certificate Dismissal for Failure to Prosecute. Scott Woodbury explained the matter. Said he had talked to the attorney for the company. They are still engaged in discussions with United Water. The attorney had no objection to dismissing the application if it is dismissed without prejudice. 6. Susan Hamlin’s January 9, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Service; Case No. CTZ-T-96-1. Commissioner Smith commented that although the Decision Memo was dated the 9th, she did not receive it until 9:45 a.m., this morning (the 13th). It is fine to get it on the agenda early but the memo needs to get to the Commissioners. There is a 24-hour rule. It is extremely difficult to deal with something that you haven’t had adequate time on. Application was approved. 7. Susan Hamlin’s January 9, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: USW-T-96-14/CTZ-T-96-2; Application of Citizens Telecom and U S West Communications, Inc. for Approval of an Agreement for Resale Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. Approved. 10. Birdelle Brown’s January 10, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: U S West Advice 96-10-N to Restructure Local Transport Charges, effective January 20, 1997. Eileen Benner of AT&T asked to comment on the filing. She said she would disagree with the Decision Memorandum which said customers were notified and it is revenue neutral. Information was given to AT&T the first of January. That information indicates that on an overall basis these changes owuld be a $170,000 rate increase to AT&T. This information is based on US West estimates. Within that $170,000 increase to AT&T there is approximately $500,000 common carrier line charges alone. There are other charges which U S West alleges would be a rate decrease to AT&T. The overall impact alone to U S West is a rate increase to AT&T (which AT&T has not been able to review); plus doubling of line rate is something that would be of concern to all carriers and none of the rate changes have had rate justification. Don’t know that the staff had an opportunity to review, either. Don’t know there opinion for cost justification of the changes. Would like to ask that this filing be suspended for a review of the costs and to comment on the filing. Commissioner Hansen asked why staff and AT&T didn’t protest it in Southern Idaho. Eileen explained they are not regulated in southern Idaho because they are not subject to Commission review. Birdelle Brown commented - to determine whether or not this tariff is revenue neutral to U S Wes you have to know something about the mix using dedicated and switched access and that was not information that was available to staff. If AT&T has concerns, others may also, and it is worth looking at? Commissioner Smith asked when the filing was made? Was filed December 18. Commissioner Hansen said he personally thought AT&T should have time to look at the effect it would have. Decision was to suspend the filing and put it out for comment. 11. Birdelle Brown’s January 10, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: GTE Advice 96-20 to Implement billing Name and Address, Data Gathering Service and End User Validation, effective February 4, 1997. Approved. Fully Submitted Matters - 12. Scott Woodbury’s January 10, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. UPL-E-96-5 - Petition for Declaratory Ruling. Commissioners decided to go into private deliberation on this matter. Decision Meeting adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 14th day of January, 1997. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary mjw 19970113.min