HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101014Leckie Di.pdfBEFORE THE RECE ""-J Z81UOCT 14 PM 1:43 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSlON:! ,...--. i ~ ,. . "''' l,JTlLrllEC; IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES ) TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) ) ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOE LECKIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OCTOBER 14, 2010 ALLEGEDLY PROPRIETARY DATA HAS BEEN DELETED FROM THIS DOCUMENT 1 Q.Please state your name and business address for 2 the record. 3 A.My name is Joe Leckie. My business address is 4 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 5 Q.By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 6 A.I am employed by the Idaho Public Utili ties 7 Commission (Commission) as a senior auditor in the 8 Utili ties Division. 9 Q.What is your educational and experience 10 background? 11 A.I graduated from Brigham Young University with a 12 Bachelors of Science degree in Accounting. I worked for 13 the accounting firm Touche Ross in its Los Angeles office 14 for approximately one year. I then attended law school 15 and graduated from the J. Rueben Clark School of Law at 16 Brigham Young University with a Juris Doctorate degree. I 17 am licensed to practice law in the State of Montana and 18 practiced there for approximately 25 years. I have been 19 employed at the Commission as an auditor since March 2001. 20 I have attended the annual regulatory studies program 21 sponsored by the National Association of Regulatory 22 Utility Commissioners (NARUC) at Michigan State University 23 in August of 2001. I have attended several other training 24 courses sponsored by NARUC on regulatory accounting and 25 auditing. CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 1 STAFF 1 2 Staff's recommendations in those areas of the rate case Q.Would you please summarize your contribution to 4 3 that you personally reviewed? I personally reviewed a broad cross section ofA. 5 the Company's investments and expenses, and I recommend 6 the following adjustments effecting revenue requirement: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1)Removal of $33,976,054 (system) from Company adjusted rate base to account for the differences in the cost and in-service dates of the 2010 capital addition requested by the Company. 2 )Removal of $15,970,759 (system) from rate base to reduce the value of the Company's coal fuel stockpile inventory. 3 )Removal of $1,000,000 (system) from the Company's rate base for a portion of the cost of the Dunlap I Wind Proj ect. It is the portion of the Dunlap Ranch land that is not currently used and useful. 4 )Removal of $240,497 (system) from rate base to properly account for liquidated damages received by the Company associated with the 2009 Bridger Uni t #2 overhaul. 5 )Removal of $662,119 (system) of incremental O&M expenses claimed by the Company for future CASE NO. PAC-E-10 - 0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 2 STAFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 operation of the High Plains, McFadden Ridge I, and Dunlap I wind facilities. 6 )I additionally reviewed the Company's proposal to establish a regulatory asset or liability resulting from the Company's accounting change regarding the deductibility of capital repairs for tax purposes. The Company also wants to normalize income tax expenses. I support the Company proposal on both issues. Q.Are your adjustments shown and included in 12 11 Staff's proposed revenue requirement? A.All of my adjustments are included in Staff's 13 proposed revenue requirement as shown in Staff witness 15 14 Vaughn's Staff Exhibit No. 108. Q.Would you please explain your recommendation to 16 remove $33,976,054 (system) from the Company's adjusted 18 17 rate base? A.In the initial filing by the Company, rate base 19 included not only plant placed into service by the Company 20 though December 31, 2009 (the end of the test year); but 21 also plant that was expected to be placed into service by 22 December 31, 2010. The total plant expected to be placed 23 into service in 2010 was $1,852,283,166. See Company 24 witness McDougal, Exhibit 2, page 8.6.2. Staff reviewed 25 these proj ects and requested that the Company update the CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 3 STAFF 1 dollar amounts and the expected in-service dates for each 2 proj ect. The Company provided the information for Staff's 3 Exhibit No. 101. The updated information indicated that 4 some in- service dates changed and that the forecasted cost 5 for some projects also changed. The difference between 6 the updated cost and the original forecasted cost is in 7 Column (h) "Change in Cost" of the Exhibit. The total of 8 all the updated costs is $1,818,307,112 (Column (g)). The 9 difference between the original cost and the updated cost 10 is $33,976,054 (Column h). Staff has included this amount 11 as an adjustment reducing the Company's rate base. 12 The $33,976,054 is a Company system total. 13 Idaho's share of this amount is $2,031,303. 14 Q.Does this reduction in rate base have any effect 15 on the depreciation expense? 16 A.Yes, depreciation expense on a total Company 17 basis is reduced by $875,226 and Idaho's share of the 18 depreciation expense reduction is $52,583. Also, 19 accumulated depreciation is reduced by the same amounts. 20 Q.Please summarize the adjustment to the coal fuel 21 stockpile the Company described in its Application as an 22 adj ustment to Miscellaneous Rate Base. 23 A.The Company increased coal fuel stockpile in 24 Account 151, Fuel Stock, by $24,644,591 on a system basis 25 with $1,581,176 allocated to Idaho. The Company stated CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 4 STAFF 1 that this increase was due to the cost of coal and the 2 number of tons stored at each site (McDougal direct 3 testimony at page 33, lines 4-5.) 4 Q.Did you examine the increase in coal fuel 6 5 stockpile proposed by the Company? A.Yes. In response to Confidential Audit Request 7 dated April 27, 2010, the Company provided a schedule of 8 fuel stockpile values and tons at each plant. I used this 9 schedule to estimate the average cost per ton for each 10 stockpile at each plant as of December 31, 2010. See 11 Staff Confidential Exhibit No. 102, Column (f). The 12 average cost per ton is the Dec-2010 projected coal 13 stockpile cost, Column (e) divided by the pro forma 14 tonnage, Column (d). The average cost per ton was 15 compared to the cost per ton of contracted coal for each 16 plant and found to be a reasonable cost per ton for 18 17 valuing the total value of the stockpile. Q.Since you agree with the Company on the average 19 cost per ton of each stockpile, do you also agree with the 20 Company on the increase in tonnage of the stockpiles as 21 proposed by the Company for each location? 22 A.No. As shown in Staff Confidential Exhibit 23 No. 102, Column (g), there were some noticeable changes in 24 the stockpile tonnage at the different plant sites with a 25 significant tonnage increase at several plants. The CASE NO. PAC-E-10 - 07 10/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 5 STAFF 1 Company provided no acceptable explanation or 2 justification for these increases. Therefore, Staff 3 believes the tonnage of the stockpiles should be no 4 greater than the 2009 actual tons level, Staff 5 Confidential Exhibit No. 102, Column (b). 6 In determining the value of each sites' 7 stockpile, if the stockpile increased in tonnage 8 between 2009 and 2010, the 2009 actual tonnage is used. 9 (See Confidential Exhibit 102, Column (b)). The 2009 10 tonnage is then valued at the average cost per ton as of 11 December 31, 2010. Column (b) is multiplied by Column (f) 12 to determine the value of Staff's Stockpile Values in 13 Column (i). If the stockpile decreased in tonnage 14 between 2009 and 2010, the 2010 tonnage and dollars are 15 used.(See Confidential Exhibit No. 102, Columns (d) 16 and (e)). The Company's stockpile value of $188,279,981, 17 Column (e) is $15,970,759, Column (j) more than Staff's 18 stockpile value of $172,309,222, Column (i). Therefore, 19 Staff is recommending a $15,970,759 reduction to the 20 Company's rate base on a system basis, and an allocated 21 reduction to the Idaho rate base of $1,015,344. 22 Q.Staff Exhibit No. 102, Column (h) shows 23 reductions to six coal fuel stockpiles. Does your 24 adjustment accept the Company's 2009 to 2010 tonnage 25 reductions for these six stockpiles? CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 6 STAFF 1 A.Yes. The reduction of stockpile size was a 2 decision made by the Company. Staff's adjustment only 3 questions the necessity of increasing the tonnage size of 4 the stockpiles from 2009 actuals to 2010 pro formas. The 5 customers should receive the benefit of the Company's 6 ability to operate the six coal sites at the reduced 7 tonnage levels; but should not bear the cost of the 8 increase tonnage without just and reasonable cause for the 10 9 increase. Q.Why have you recommended that the rate base for 12 11 the Dunlap I Wind Proj ect be reduced by $1,000, OOO? A.The Dunlap I Wind Proj ect was constructed on 13 real property purchased by the Company in 2008 and 14 referred to as Dunlap Ranch. The original property 15 included deeded property of approximately 15,000 acres 16 or 23 sections of land and the right to lease one 17 additional section plus two (2) smaller portions of 18 property owned by the State of Wyoming. The Company also 19 has leased two sections of property owned by the United 20 States Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The Company used 21 the deeded property for the placement of the Dunlap I Wind 22 Project which consists of 74 wind tower sites. The State 23 of Wyoming land was crossed by the transmission line 24 serving the wind generators but no generators were sited 25 on either the State of Wyoming or the BLM land. The 74 CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 7 STAFF 1 sites use property from only 10 of the 23 sections of land 2 that was purchased. The transmission facilities are 3 located on 5 of the 23 sections purchased. This leaves 8 4 sections of land without any generation or transmission 5 facility within its 640 acres. Additionally, one section 6 only has 2 generation sites located on it and these are 7 located in the upper north east corner occupying less than 8 20 acres. 9 Staff recognizes that not all property will be 10 equally suitable for the placement of wind generation, and 11 that there may be other restrictions on the property that 12 would curtail the number of wind generation sites. 13 However, it appears to Staff that some of the land 15 14 purchased is not currently used and useful in providing 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 utility service. Idaho Code § 61-502A. The Company included in rate base the entire purchase price for the Dunlap Ranch as used and useful, and as part of the cost for the Dunlap I wind facility (the purchase price for the Dunlap Ranch is in Company's Confidential Responses to IPUC Production Request 180). Page 1 of the Agreement to Sell and Purchase is shown as Confidential Exhibit No. 103, page 1. Staff is recommending that $1.0 million of that purchase price be excluded from rate base at this time and put into Account 105, Property Held for Future Use. CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 8 STAFF 1 Q.You are recommending that the total Company's 2 rate base be reduced by $240,497 to properly account for 3 liquidated damages received by the Company as part of 4 the 2009 Bridger Unit #2 overhaul. What are your reasons 5 for this recommendation? 6 A.The Company contracted to overhaul Bridger 7 Uni t #2 in 2009. As part of that overhaul, the contractor 8 doing the overhaul became liable to the Company for 9 $625,000 in liquidated damages. After the overhaul was 10 completed, the Company accounted for the repairs to 11 Unit #2 by capitalizing the complete cost of the overhaul 12 and adding the complete cost. to rate base. 13 The Company accounted for the liquidated damages 14 by reducing the cost of other jobs the contractor was 15 doing. An amount of $264,254 was accounted for as a 16 credit against the total cost of repairs to the Bridger 17 Unit #1 Reheater. The balance of the liquidated damages 18 was credited to other various smaller repairs and are not 19 included in the accounting for any of the proj ects 20 included by the Company in this case. 21 The appropriate accounting for the liquidated 22 damages should have been to reduce the total cost of the 23 Bridger Unit #2 overhaul by $625,000. Since the Bridger 24 Unit #1 Reheater project is part of the 2010 capital 25 proj ects included by the Company in rate base for this CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 9 STAFF 1 case, the credit of $264,254 applied to the total cost of 2 this project undervalues its total cost. 3 The matching principles of accounting require 4 the total liquidated damages of $625,000 be credited to 5 the total cost of the Unit #2 overhaul, and a reduction to 6 the amount included in rate base. With the total amount 7 of the damages credited to the Uni t #2 overhaul, the total 8 cost of Unit #1 Reheader should not have received a credit 9 of $264,254. Therefore, the total cost of Unit #1 10 included in rate base should be increased by $264,254. 11 The difference between these two changes of $360,746 is a 12 reduction in the Company's accounting for these two 13 proj ects . 14 The Company owns two thirds (2/3) of the Jim 15 Bridger facility, therefore the Company's rate base should 16 be reduced by 2/3 of the reduction of $360,746. This 17 equals a total reduction in the Company's rate base 18 of $240,497 (system). 19 Q.Will this reduction in the Company's rate base 20 request have any effect on the total Company's 21 depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation? 22 A.Yes, the rate base reduction of $240,497 will 23 reduce the depreciation expense by $5,690 (system). The 24 composite depreciation rate for this capital expense 25 is 2.366%. Accumulated depreciation is also reduced by CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 10 STAFF 2 1 this same amount. Q.Why have you recommended that $662,119 be 3 reduced from the Company's request for an increase in its 5 4 operation and maintenance expenses (O&M expense)? A.The Company has requested an increase in its O&M 6 expenses in the amount of $7,333,392 (system) to cover its 7 anticipated increase in O&M expenses for the following 8 facilities: High Plains Wind, McFadden Ridge I Wind, 9 Dunlap I Wind, Wind Administration, DJ Scrubber. The 10 individual amounts requested for each facility are in 11 Exhibit No. 2 of Company witness McDougal's testimony, 12 page 4. 6 . These increases are intended to capture the 13 increase in costs to operate these facilities that were 14 recently placed in service. Some of the increases in 15 costs are due to contractual obligations that become 16 effective in 2010 and are not included in the case. These 17 contractual obligations are for land lease payments, plant 18 maintenance, weed control, pest control, and road and 19 vehicle maintenance. The Company is legally obligated for 20 each of these payments and the actual amount of the 21 expenses is capable of being determined. I have 22 23 24 25 determined that these contractual expenses are an acceptable known and measurable increase in the test year expenses. The other increases in expenses claimed by the CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 11 STAFF 1 Company are budgeted amounts for "labor, employee expense, 2 and electrical parts, breakers, fuses, f il ters, gaskets, 3 gear oils, propane etc." These expenses are not 4 sufficiently known and measurable and should not be 5 included in the Company's test year expenses. The Company 6 has not shown that the 2009 test year expenses are 7 insufficient to cover these costs. 8 Staff in Exhibit No. 103, page 2, shows the 9 specific increases proposed by the Company with the 10 removal of those expenses that are not known and 11 measurable. 12 Staff Exhibit No. 103, page 2, details the 13 difference between the Company's total O&M request and 14 Staff's recommendation. That difference of $662,119 15 (system) is a reduction to the Company's total requested 16 revenue requirement. 17 Q.What is your assessment of the Company's request 18 to establish a regulatory asset or liability for interest 19 paid to or received from the Internal Revenue Service 20 (IRS) on adjustments made to the repairs deductions taken 21 in the Company's 2008 and 2009 federal income tax returns? 22 A.The Company is asking to have a regulatory asset 23 or liability account established for any changes in taxes 24 and the interest it may receive or be liable to pay for 25 changes in the repair deductions it is taking in its 2008 CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 12 STAFF 1 and 2009 income tax returns with the IRS. Because of the 2 change it is implementing in the repair deduction, and as 3 explained in Company witness Fuller's testimony 4 (pages 2-6) there is the potential for either a refund 5 with interest for overpayment of taxes or a cost with 6 interest for underpayment of taxes. The final outcome is 7 subj ect to a subsequent review and determination of the 8 Company's repair deduction by the IRS. The establishment 9 of the regulatory asset or liability accounts will allow 10 the Company to track what the refund/cost will be and then 11 include that refund/cost in the next rate case. Staff 12 supports this accounting treatment. It allows the 13 customers to receive the benefit of any refund, and 14 protects the Company from any cost that may result from an 15 IRS audit. 16 Staff recommends that no interest accrue on 17 ei ther the regulatory asset or liability account between 18 the time any refund or cost is determined and the matter 19 is considered in a rate case. 20 Q.The Company also requested Commission approval 21 of its proposal to move to full normalization treatment of 22 income taxes for purposes of setting rates. What is 23 Staff's recommendation on this change? 24 A.Staff agrees that the Company's income taxes 25 should be fully normalized. The Company's analysis of the CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 13 STAFF 1 reasons for such a change are in Company witness Fuller's 2 testimony (pages 6-11). Witness Fuller, in his testimony, 3 clearly provides reasonable justification for the 4 Commission's approval. The primary justification from 5 Staff's perspective is that the full normalization of 6 income taxes matches the tax benefits and the tax burdens 7 of the tax liability with the customers paying the 8 associated costs. Normalization allows all ratepayers to 9 receive benefits from an asset at the same effective tax 11 10 rate. Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony in this 13 12 proceeding? 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A.Yes, it does. CASE NO. PAC-E-10-0710/14/10 LECKIE, J. (Di) 14 STAFF Pacificorp Rate Case PAC-E-IO..(17 Updated In-service and Costs for 2010 Rate Base Additions (a)(b)(e)(d)(e)(t)(g)(h) As Filed by Company Updated Infomation In-Updated In Updated ForecastAce!.Factor Service Costs Service Change Project Description Date Date Amount Steam Production Dave Johnston: U3 502 & PM Emission Cntrl Upgrades 312 5G May-l0 $299.768.28 No Change $299.083,211.00 $(685,417.00) Huntingon UL Clean Air - PM 312 5G Nov-l0 $88,104,324 No Change $86,881,032.00 $(1,223,291.91) Hunter: 301 Turbine Upgrade HP!IP!LP 312 5G Apr-l0 $31,714,226 No Change $30,384,402.00 $(1,329,823.90) Huntingtn: UL Turbine Upgrade HP!IP!LP 312 5G Nov-l0 $31,260,581 No Change $30,172,885.00 $(1,087,695.84) Vl Huntington Clean Air - 502 312 5G Nov-l0 $24,325,082 various $6,93,942.00 $(17,831,139.59) Jim Bridger: UL 502 & PM Em Cntrl Upgrades 312 5G Jun-l0 $17,148,123 No Change $14,975,84.00 $(2,172,476.63) Dave Johnston: U3 Low Nox Burners 312 5G Aug-l0 $15,080,879 May-10 $17,586,539.00 $2,505,659.56 Hunter: 301 Main Controls Replacement 312 5G Apr-l0 $10,959,812 No Change $9,559,675.00 $(1,400,136.74) Dave Johnston: U3 - Replace Boiler/Turbine Controls 312 5G May-l0 $10,767,578 No Change $10,767,57797 $ Jim Bridger: UL Turbine Upgrade HP!IP 312 SG Jun-l0 $9,471,009 No Change $9,140,208.00 $(330,801.00) Huntington: UL Clean Air - NOx 312 SG Nov-l0 $9,344,387 No Change $9,344,386.67 $ Jim Bridger: UL Reheater Replacement 10 312 SG Jun-l0 $8,067,849 No Change $8,067,848.64 $ Huntington: UL Economizer Replacement 312 SG Nov-l0 $8,011,393 No Change $8,011,392.55 $ Huntington Water Efficiency Mgt Project 312 SG Jun-l0 $7,614,S60 No Change $8,971,432.00 $1,356,872.24 Jim Bridger: UL Clean Air - NO.312 SG Jun-l0 $7,086,74 No Change $6,042,280.00 $(1,044,19433) Hunter: 301 Economizer Replacement 312 SG Apr-l0 $6,301,709 No Change $6,301,708.64 $ Huntington: UL Boiler Finish SH Pendants Replacement 312 SG Nov-l0 $6,147,658 No Change $5,807,429.00 $(340,229.16) Jim Bridger: VL Generator Rewind 312 SG Jun-l0 $6,145,656 No Change $5,857,138.00 $(288,517,67) Hunter: 301 Low Temp. SH Replacement 312 SG Apr-l0 $5,470,067 No Change $5,470,06.58 $ Dave Johnston: U3 - Horizontal 5H Replace 312 5G May-l0 $5,088,802 No Change $5,643,210.00 $554,408.45 steam Production Total $607,878,794 $684,562,010,05 $(23,316,783,52) $ Hydro Production $ INV 11.5 Lemolo 1 Forebay Expansion & we 332 SG-P Aug-10 $5,897,387 No Change $6,117,381.00 $219,993.92 Hydro Production Total $6,897,387 $6,117,381,00 $219,993,92 $ Other Production $ Dunlap i Wind Project 343 SG Nov-10 $261,183,699 Sep-10 $253,106,361.00 $(8,077,338.00) Other Production Total $261,183,899 $263,108,381,00 $(8,077,338,00) $ Transmission $ Populus to Terminal (Populus to Ben Lomond)3SS SG Nov-l0 $40S,230,248 No Change $402,938,99.00 $(2,291,253.87) Populus to Terminal (Populus to Ben Lomond)355 5G Oct-l0 $144,S68,SS9 No Change $14S,199,007,00 $630,447.97 Populus to Terminal (8en Lomond to Terminal)355 5G Mar-l0 $190,877118 No Changa $190,877,117.94 $ Populus to Terminal (Ben Lomond to Terminal)355 5G Apr-l0 $7,340,277 No Change $7,340,27728 $ Populus to Terminal (Ben Lomond to Terminal residual closings)355 SG $oec-l0 $6,727,289.00 $6,727,289.00 Three Peaks Sub: Install 345 kV Substation - Phase II 355 SG Jun-10 $51,134,840 No Change $Sl,134,840.12 $ Camp Williams - 90th South Double Circuit 345 kV line 355 SG oec-l0 $4S,6O,000 No Change $4S,400,000.00 $(200,000.29) Red Bute -St George 138 kv dbl ck, (345 kv Const)355 SG May-l0 $21,038,986 No Change $22,6S1,000.00 $1,612,014.20 Pinto 345 kV Senes Capacitor 355 SG Nov-10 $19,500,463 No Change $lS,028,000.00 $(4,472,462.82) Dunlap Ranch Wind Fann Phase 1 Interconnecton 355 SG Aug-l0 $11,130,000 No Change $10,SOO,OOO,00 $(630,00.02) Upper Green River Basin Supenor Project - Transmission Part 355 SG Dec-10 $10,025,204 No Change $10,02S,203.73 $ Oquirrh - New 345-138 kV Sub & 138 kV 5witchyard 3SS SG Jun-l0 $8,16,078 Dec-l0 $8,416,07787 $ Parrsh Gap Const Nw 230-69kV Sub 355 5G Jun-l0 $8,34O,5S9 Jul-10 $9,900,000.00 $1,559,440.71 Line 37 Conv to l1SkV Bid Nickel Mt Sub - Trans 3SS SG Mar-l0 $7,962,60S Jun-10 $9,570,202.87 $1,607,598.27 Chappel Creek 230 kV Clmarex Energy 20 MW Phase II 355 SG oec-l0 $S,496,321 No Change $S,496,321.29 $ Community Paf1 Convert to 115-12.5 kV - Transmission Part 355 SG Ocl-0 $S,286,621 No Change $3,686,621.00 $(1,600,000.00) Transmission Total $941,947,879 $94,890,962.10 $2,94,073,15 $ Intangible $ TriP II Energy Trading Systems Capital 303 5G oec-l0 $11,470,408 Ocl-0 $11,470,407.68 $ Intngible Total $11,470,408 $11,470,407,88 $ $ Mining $ Deer Creek-Reconstruct longwall System 399 SE Dec-l0 $23,9OS,000 No Change $18,160,000.00 $(5,745,00.00)Mining Total $23,906,000 $18,160,000,00 $(6,746,000,00) $1,852,283,166 $1,818,307,111,83 $33,978,064,46 Ref# 8.6 Division of Rate Base by Allocation Factor SG $(28,231,OS4) 5E $(S,745,000) $(33,976,OS4) EXhibit No, 101 Case No. PAC-E-lO-07 J, Leckie, Staff 10114110 Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 Exhibit No. 102 prepared and sponsored by Joe Leckie is Confidential and only available to those persons who have signed Protective Agreements Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 Exhibit No. 103, page 1, prepared and sponsored by Joe Leckie is Confidential and only available to those persons who have signed Protective Agreements Pacificorp PAC-E-I0-07 Schedule on Adjustment to the Incremental Generation O&M (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g) Facility 2009 Actuals Accepted 2010 O&M Increa5e Accepted Company Request Difference High Plains $401,303 $2,362,060 $2,621,060 $(259,000) Contracts $1,873,363 Land Lease; Utilitie5 $890,000 $2,763,363 McFadden Ridge i $203,806 $592,655 $648,655 $(56,00) Contracts $540,461 Land Lea5e; Utilities $256,000 $796,461 Dunlap I $$2,262,111 $2,435,111 $(173,00) Contracts $2,049,111 Land Lea5e; Utilities $213,000 $2,262,111 Wind Administration $1,662,029 $1,662,029 $$174,119 $(174,119) DJ Scrubber $$1,454,447 $1,454,447 $1,454,447 $ Total $2,267,138 $8,938,411 $6,671,273 Company's Request $2,267,138 $9,600,530 $7,333,392 Difference $(662,119)$(662,119) Exhibit No. 103 Case No. PAC-E-lO-07 1. Leckie, Staff 10/14/10 Page 2 of2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 14TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2010, SERVED THE FOREGOING NON-CONFIDENTIAL DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOE LECKIE, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-1O-07, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON ID REGULATORY AFFAIRS MANAGER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 841 1 1 (FED EX) E-MAIL: ted.weston(fpacificorp.com E-MAIL: ONLY MARK C MOENCH DANIEL E SOLANDER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER E-MAIL: mark.moench(fpacificorp.com daniel.solander(fpacificorp ,com RANDALL C BUDGE RACINE OLSON NYE ET AL PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 (FED EX) E-MAIL: rcb(fracinelaw.net E-MAIL: ONLY JAMES R SMITH MONSANTO COMPANY E-MAIL: jim.r.smith(fmonsanto.com ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAKE ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 (FED EX) E-MAIL: tony(fyankel.net PAUL J HICKEY HICKEY & EVANS LLP 1800 CAREY AVE., SUITE 700 PO BOX 467 CHEYENNE WY 82003 (FED EX) E-MAIL: phickey(fhickeyevans.com E-MAIL: ONLY KATIE IVERSON BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES E-MAIL: kiverson(fconsultbai.com ERlC L OLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE ET AL PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 (FED EX) E-MAIL: elo(fracinelaw.net CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE TIM BULLER JASON HARRS AGRIUMINC 3010 CONDA RD SODA SPRINGS ID 83276 (FED EX) E-MAIL: tbuller(ßagrium.com iaharis(ßagrium.com BENJAMIN J OTTO IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH STREET POBOX 844 BOISE ID 83702 (HAND CARRIED) E-MAIL: botto(ßidahoconservation.org E-MAIL: ONLY DR. DON READING E-MAIL: dreading(ßmindspring.com MELINDA J DA VISON DAVISON VAN CLEVE, P.C. 333 SW TAYLOR, SUITE 400 PORTLAND, OR 97204 (FED EX) E-MAIL: mjd(ßdvclaw.com RONALD L WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY, P.C. 1015 W HAYS STREET BOISE ID 83702 (HAND CARRIED) E-MAIL: ron(ßwillamsbradbury.com BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 (HAND CARRED) E-MAIL: bmpurdy(ßhotmail.com Ji~SECRETAR .. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE