HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110105Comment.pdf? December 20 Mr. Jim Kempton, President ID Public Utilties Commssion P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 28ifß IJEC27 AM 8= 39 Dear Commssioner Kempton, Case # PAC-E-I0-07 My nae is Melba Barchi and I have been a resident of Bear Lake County for 74 year. I am wrtitestfyg before you today to express oppsition to Rocky Mountan Power's proposed ra increa. I am greatly concerned about the impact such a rate increase would have in our region of Southeas Idao. In the ca of Monsato, the company has been an integral pa of our ar economy for nearly 60 year. An afordable electrcal rate will allow Monsanto to maita a very visible role in the economy for the many people who benefit from being employed in suroundig counties. Monsto employs 770 peple with 94% of them comig from four southeast Idao counties. An anua $70 millon payrll and benefits constitutes the county being the 3rd highest in wages paid in Idao. Monsanto offers high paying jobs tht are roughy three times the local average and contrbute 52% of the local school ta base as the largest contrbutor of an industr. Monsto's phosphate busines produces a mimum of $230 millon ecnomic impact in the state. Our schools and public serices that are provided could not be maitaed without the jobs and ta bae provided by Monsato and other maufacturng induses. I have been a school teacher in the Montpelier ar for 31 years and have benefitted from the ma ficial aids that Monsto gives yearly. They pesonally sponsored meat the National. Scien convention along with several other techers. They are always willingly to donate to every worty local project. Rocky Mounta Power's call for a double digit increase drtically thratens the viabilty of all manuftuers, not only Monsato. It will also effect the faring industr where irgation is concered. It will have a nppling effect thougout Southea Idao tht we may never be able to recover from. In this most severe economic downtu since the Great Depression, we have al had to do with less. Rocky Mountan Power, can and should, get by with a sufciently reduced rate proposal. Than you for the opportty to comment on ths issue. Sincerely. /J ~--.#!~~ Melba Barhi