HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101203Comments.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: kaymhodges8~q.com Thursday, December 02, 2010 11 :03 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Kermit L Hodges follows: Case Number: PAC-E-10-07 Name: Kermit L Hodges Address: Box 84 Ci ty: Dayton State: Idaho Zip: 83232 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: kaymhodges8~g.com Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: We are trying yo survive on Social Security. I am 78 and my wife is 73. We are opposed to any rate increase, until the economy is corrected. You need to change your attitude and correct the waste in your Company. Wages need to be curtailed and bonus payments need to be curtailed until the economy has returned to normal. Your projected increase will stop us from irrigating our property. and that will cause an increase in taxes because it will move our property from agricultural to residential property because of Idaho state laws of the 5 acre minimum. We have 4.7 acres of land that is irrigated. We cannot assume any more increases in our taxes and then pay a 13.7 percent increase in power. Thank you, Kermit L Hodges The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - ---------- - - - ------ - --- - - --- - ----- i Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: hoopes~cariboumemorial.org Friday, December 03, 2010 7:52 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from John L. Hoopes follows: -- -- -- - -- - -------- - - - -- - - -- -- ---- --- Case Number: PAC-E-10-07 Name: John L. Hoopes Address: 300 S. 3rd W. City: Soda Springs State: ID Zip: 83276 Daytime Telephone: 208.547.2780 Contact E-Mail: hoopes~cariboumemorial.org Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mt. Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I am the administrator of the county hospital in Caribou County, located in Soda Springs. Fortunately, we do not get our power from Rocky Mt. Power. If we did, we couldn't absorb a huge increase in electricity costs, because there isn't anyone left to pass the costs on to. The State of Idaho can't afford to pay us what it costs now to care for Medicaid patients; the number has almost doubled over the past year, because of the depression. And the state contracted with Molina, which has caused us even more problems. When we do have cash to invest, we are only getting .2337% on our cash from the Idaho Local Government Investment Pool. Certainly, Rocky Mt. Power should not be allowed to get a 10.5% rate of return in this economic climate. That is 45 times more than we are getting from the state! From what I've been able to learn, demand for power has declined and Rocky Mt. Power is expanding way too much in other parts of the country, at their Idaho customer's expense . Neither has Rocky Mt. Power demonstrated cost efficiency. Rates should be based on a "fair and reasonable" basis, not what other utilities are charging. We certainly can't charge Boise or Salt Lake City prices for heal thcare in Soda Springs. I believe that if Rocky Mt. Power is granted an obscene increase in rates, as they are requesting, our local Monsanto plant, our county's largest employer won't be able to compete and will have to close the local plant, which would essentially bankrupt our county, including our county hospital and clinics. I was an administrator of the county hospital in Douglas, Arizona, when the smelter closed there, (because of EPA rules)making it cheaper to smelt the ore in nearby Mexico. It bankrupt the hospital, and we had to move to Oregon, and I would really hate to see that happen here. Thank you. John L. Hoopes, CEOI Administrator Caribou Memorial Hospital & Living Center LakeView Medical Clinic Specialty Medical Clinic Dredge Rehabilitation Clinic Grace Clinic (in Grace, Idaho) 300 South Third West Soda Springs, Idaho The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ------------ - - - - --- - ---- ----- - ----- i