HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101220Exhibits 95, 96, per Bench Requests.pdf~ ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A OIVIS OF PACIFIORP RECEii r December 17, 2010 LUlU nEC 20 Ar~ 9= '6 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake Cit, Uth 84111 VI OVERNGHT DELIVERY i0lk~~~ ,~ , '~\L'\TIi:,.:U I · .'~'~' Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secret Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 W. Washigton Boise,ID 83702 Re: Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 REXBURG BENCH REQUEST GRACE CUSTOMER COMPLAINT Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing Rocky Mountain Power's Exhbit No. 95 - Rexburg Bench Request and Exhbit No. 96 Fish Haven Sewer Distrct. At the Public Hearngs in Rexburg December 14,2010 Commssioner Smith requested tht the Company provide a response to comments about economic development, Exhbit No. 95 responds to the bench request. At the Public Heargs in Grace a customer raised a concern about a line extension Exhbit No. 96 provides an explanation behid that project. Any inquies may be directed to Ted Weston, Idao Reguatory Manager at (801) 220-2963. Very try yours, ~ f( ~~/~(U~/ (;0 Jeffey K. Laren Vice President, Reguation cc: Service List Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 17th day of December, 2010, I causd to be served, via E- mal, a tre and correct copy of Rocky Mountan Power's Exhbits 95 and 96 in Case No. P AC-E-l 0-07 to the followig: Eric L. Olsen Raine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charered 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, il 83204-1391 E-Mail: elo!ßracinelaw.net Tim Buller Jason Hars Agrum, Inc. 3010 CondaRoad Soda Sprigs, ID 83276 E-Mail: tbuller!ßagrium.com J AHars!ßagrium.com Brad Purdy CAPAI 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 E-mail: bmpurdy!ßhotmail.com Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 E-mail: tony~yanel.net James R. Smith (E-mail only) Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Sprigs, Idao 83276 E-Mail: jim.r.smith!ßmonsanto.com Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Brabur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 E-mail: ron~wiliamsbradbur.com Radal C. Budge Raine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charered 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 E-Mail: rcb~racinelaw.net Paul J. Hickey Hickey & Evan, LLP 1800 Carey Ave. , Suite 700 PO Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003 E-Mail: phickey!ßhickeyevans.com Benjamn J. Oto Idao Conseration League 710 N. 6th St. P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idao 83702 E-mal: botto!ßidahoconservation.org Katie Iverson (E-mail only) Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Cour Sunse, Arzona 85387 E-Mail: kiverson~consultbai.com Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 S.W. Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 E-mal: mjd~dvclaw.com Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washigton (83702) POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 E-Mail: scott. woodbur!ßpuc.idaho. gov Dr. Don Readg (E-mail Ony) Idaho Conservation League 6070 Hil Road Boise, ID 83703 E-mail: dreading!ßmindspring.com ~~~OUNTAIN Roc Mountain Power Exibit No. 95 Page 1 of 1 Case No. PAc-E-10-7 Wiess: Steven R. McDugal Exhibit No. 95 - Rexburg Bench Request Testiony was provided By Mayor Richard Woodand regardig a tie manufacter and another company that was going to use straw to make paper products in the Rexburg area. Individuals stated the ultiately these industres did not locate in Rexburg because of lack of utities. Mr. Stephen Zollger associated with the City of Rexburg testied that Rocky Mountai Power had stated that the city would need to invest $1 miion for expanion of the distrbution system. Whe these two issue sound as if they were related they are not. Roc Mountai Power has not received any formal or inormal requests for electc servce from any industral developers. BYU-Idaho has anounced that they intend to expand enollent by 3,500 students by 2012. The City wants all housing for the increased enrollent to be located in the City not on the capus. BYU-Idaho is plang on providig student housing inide their capus boundar if housing is unavaiable outside of campus. New housing represents a substantial tax base increase to the City if located off campus. The Company has met with the City of Rexburg and dicused areas of new growt and also with BYU-Idaho. There are areas inide the City of Rexburg where the Company would welcome a new 2.8 MY A load which would not requie expanion, unortuately, that is not the location where the housing developer wanted to buid. The Company had one casual verbal request from a housing developer askig about servce of a 2.8 MY A load in an area where we needed to upgrade our facities in order to serve them. A verbal ball park guess for the improvements was $1 mion. No formal request was made so the Company has not prepared an estiate nor provided a formal estiate. The Company has the capacity for smal loads of less than 500 kVA which would not "break the camel's back" in the city of Rexburg, however a 2.8 MY A load does. Unfortately, the Company has not had any new requests in the last six month that would drive network improvements outside of our lie extension policy. ~ROCKY MOUNTAINPOR A DMSlON OF PAFlCORP Rock Mountain Power Exibit No. 96 Page 1 of 3 Case No. PAc-E-10-7 Wiss: Steven R. McDougal Exhibit No. 96 - Fish Haven Sewer District The comments by Mr. Howar Laen at the Public heaings December 15, 2010 in Grace was the fit that the Company knew that the Fish Haven Sewer distrct was upset. The portyal that they were next in line and the Company would start immediately when the contrted was signed September 15,2010 was also not accurte. Acquirg the right of way for the new power line delayed the Fish Haven Sewer Distrct project significantly. The contract with the Fish Haven Sewer District was not finalized until September 15, 2010. The Company does not order material or schedule jobs for large projects until we have a signed contrt and the customer advance is paid. Once the contract is signed the job is given to the scheduling group to schedule based on the date of material delivery and other jobs in the work schedule. The Company attempts to schedule at least 3 weeks out. The projected staed date was the fi week of November due to other work that was alrdy scheduled that had to be completed fit. The Montpelier crew had a large project for the State of Idaho that started in August and went to the end of October which had to be completed before it staed to snow, due to the location ofthat project. We were hoping to start the Fish Haven project early summer before the State of Idaho project but the acquirg of the right of way slowed the process. It is usually the customer responsibilty to acquire right of way but the Company was wiling to assist them to attempt to move the project along. The Company's employees have worked hard at delivering excellent customer service. When the Company has an issue with a customer we attempt to resolve in a timely and professional maner. Listed below is the project log of all contact with the customer. Project Time Line Work Order #005397303 01-21-2010 - Customer called the business center and the work request was sent to the Montpelier Offce. 01-21-2010 - Jana Hansen, service coordinator in the Montpelier offce, contacted the customer. 01~26-2010 - Scott Jessen, Estimator in the Montpelier offce, set up an appointment up with the representatives of the Fish Haven Sewer Distrct. Steve Hardy Fish Haven Sewer Representative and Hailey Bares frm Keller Assoiates the engineering firm doing the design work. 02-10-2010- Scott Jessen did a field visit to the job site and visited with Steve Hardy and Hailey Bares to discuss the project, possible routes. After returning to the offce that day, Scott faxed a commercial load sheet to the Hailey Bares. This is needed in order to estimate the wire and transformer size. Scott requested a surey to be completed for the overhead line. The date of 04-15-2010 was set up and all paies agreed to meet for another field visit. 03~19-201O - Hailey Bares sent the load data sheet back to Scott. 04-15-201 0 - Scott met with Steve Hardy, Hailey Bares, Wayne Keetch (propert owner to the south of the project) Greg Skinner (Bear Lake County road supervisor) and Ken Lason at the job site to mutully agre upon a line route. The group determined at that time that the Roc Mountain Power Exhibi No. 96 Page 2 of 3 Case No. PAc-E-10-o7 Wiess: Steven R. McDougal Spring Creek Road was not wide enough to accommodate a power line. It was determined that locatig the power line on private propert just nort of Spring Creek Road was the best option. Rocky Mountain Power and Fish Haven Sewer Distct agreed to work with the landowners, Mike Baker and Ron Peterson, to acquire a 20 foot wide eaement. The surveyor completed a surey at that time. 04-21-2010 - Scott designed and estimated the project after receiving the information from the sureyor. Scott sent a contrct with a letter statig the price of the project to Steve Hardy and to Hailey Barnes. In the letter, he also stated that the price would only be valid if Rocky Mountain Power and the Fish Haven Sewer Distrct were able to acquire the required easements from the landowners. 05-20-2010 - Scott sent a letter to Mike Barker, the land owner, askig him ifhe had received the easement documents. Scott also called Steve Hary and reported that Mike had not called me back. Steve said that he would contat Mike Barker and tr to speed along the process. 06-02-2010 - Scott called Steve Hardy and discussed the possibilty of needing to find a different route to the build the power line due to the fact that Mike Barker had failed to make contact with anyone at that time. Later in the month, Mike did make contat with Scott and said that he would review the easement documents. Mike was called a couple of more times with no positive results. 06-29-2010 - Received the highway permit frm the Idaho Deparent of Trasporttion. 08-01-2010 - Scott talked with Steve Hardy and it was determined that they would have to look at a different route for the power line. It was decided to route the line along the sewer lagoons to the south. This propert is owned by the Fish Haven Sewer Distct and they would provide the needed easements for the power line. 08-19-2010 - The sureyor, Scott and Steve met at the project location and agred on a new location for the power line. The line was re-surveyed. 08-26-2010 - Scott received the new surey and he re-estimated and re-designed the job and sent a new contrct and easements to Steve to sign. 09-15-2010 - Steve sent back the signed contrct, the signed easements and a check for the advance. At that time the material was ordered for the job. We do not order material for large projects until we have a signed contrct and the advance is paid. Th job is given to the scheduling grup to schedule based on the date of material delivery and other jobs in the work schedule. We attempt to schedule at least 3 week out. The projected sted date was the first week of November due to other work that was in the scheduled and had to be completed. 11-08-2010 - The Montpelier crew had planed to sta the actul work on the project. It was discovered that morning by crew when they arved at the job site that the pole route had been flooded due to a neighbor releasing water to flood his field and due to heavy rains. The crew unloaded material and did what work they could. 11-08-2010 - The crew worked with the Fish Haven Sewer District is finding a way to divert the water that was flooding the pole route. 11-10-2010 - The crew was unable to access the job site due to heavy snow and exteme winter conditions. The crew fred poles in the shop that day for the project. 11-11-2010 - Crew went to job site set poles 11-12-2010 - Crew framed and set poles at the job site. 11-15-2010 - Crew framed and set poles there were heavy winds and extme winter conditions slowig the project. 11-16-2010 - Crew responded to outages in the Bear Lake Area Rock Mountin Power Exibit No. 96 Page 3 of 3 Case No. PAe-E-10-07 Wiss: Steven R. McDougal 11-17-2010 - Crew worked on project - parial day due to outage clean up frm the day before. 11-18-2010 - Crew worked on project 11-19-2010 - Crew finished setting las poles in the swampy flooed ara. 11-22 - 23-2010 - Crew worked trouble and was on stdby in order to respond to any outages caused by the exteme cold and winter conditions those few days. 11-23-2010 - Fish Haven Sewer Distrct called Rocky Mountain Power to let them know that they finally had their meter base and would get it ready for us. 11-24-2010- The crew worked on the Sweetater and Snow Meadow job due to a couple of the employees being off sick. 11-25-2010 - Crew repaired a bad underground cable 11-29-2010 to 12-13-2010 - The crew worked on smaller cusomer jobs due to employees being off due to illness. 12-14-2010 - Crew worked on bad undergrund cable 12-15-2010 to 12-23-2010 - Crew working on the Fish Haven Sewer Distrct project.