HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101210Late Filed Exhibit 94.pdf:ROCKYMOUNTAINPOR A OllSlO OF.l\fl R~ECE1. inn UEC \ 0 PM 4: 01 Decber 10, 2010 201 South Main, Suite 230 Sait Lake City,lJta.84111 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING lea D.leweU Coimission Secreta Idao Public Utilities Coinssion 472 W. Wasbhon Boìse~ ID83102 lle: Cl~ Nø, PAC..I!..10..lJ7 ...lløckyMøuntaÎnPower Late Fßed Exhibit No. 94 Dea Ms. 1ewell: PI~fud .enclosed Rocky Momiin Power LateFiIed Exhibit No. 94 responding to Commissioner Redford's. reuest of Mr. Steven R. McDougal to provide a list of capitaprojects showig the In..service date an amunt included in the company's rebutlfiHng, an the curent in--serce dates and amounts for projects over $5 million.. Rocky Mountan Power's La Filed Exhibit No. 94 demonstrtes that the Company's rebuttñling included $1.8 bilion ofcata adtionsona tota company basis an $100 million allocated to Idao. The atthed informon reflects anactuexpected level of capital additions thugh December 2010 ot'S 1.9 billon total cotIy ~ or $105 milion on anJdao basis. Asa result of the expeted level of capita additions at Deember 31, 2010 bein higher tlthe level in the Company's rebutt filing, the Company continues to supporttle overl level of caita additionsIn its rebuttalñling as a reasnable basis to se rates. The Company is alsoprøvidingthe fil NQtce.ofOperation for the 'fop of the World purchas power agrement forclarñcationpl.oses. .D1.ng the heårgs pares questioned whether the operation date was October 1, 2ÖlOor December 1. 2ölO the notice verifies the October 1,2010 operation date. Inquiries may be directed to 'fed Weston, Idao Regulatory Manager at (801) 220..2963. Very truly your, 9~kat~/ú. JeffyK. Lan Vice Prident, Regulation Enclosu cc: Servce List ~I!ntPór1iGo1'fW~~~iø..aéb'iP il IlRMPfihlltNo 11 :æpt: Da Jo.U3 S0 & PM Emsson Cn Uiis Huntigt U1 CI AI - PMHUl ~1 TUI Upge HP/iPIL Higt, U1 TUI Upgl34S HP/lPI U1 Hun Clen AI - S02' Jim BI VI S02 & PM Em Cn (Jpgrad Dave JoISt: U3 Lo Nox 8ii Hunt 301 Mai ContlDs Replament Dave Johnstn: U3 - Repace Boilerfurbin Contrs Jim Brr. U1 Tutine Upgde HPIIP Hull: U1 Cle AI. No.Ji 1lge U1 Re RepllOHungt: V1 Ec.. Re~Huing weìe EI Mgt Prct'"Ji 9ige U1 Cl AI. NOHunte 301 Ecol1ii Reen Hu: VL BiFlll.$h$H P8I1l RepmeiJim Si' V1 Genera Rend HUl 301 Lo Temp. SH Repent Dav Jot: U3. Ho SH RepacS6 Prucon Totl H~ Pr INI 11.5 Lemol 1 Foy Exansion & we Hy Pruclon Tot Olr PrucDula I Wi Pr0I prouc loll TJml PeIlI( Temli (Pop 10 Be Lomon)PoplllO Temli (Pop1U 10 Ben Lo Popus to Termli (B Lomond to Teine)Poplus I( Tei (B Loon to Teinel) pe¡ii tQ T~ii (Be Loon to Teninel reual clOSngs)Th_ Peks Sub: Im 345 kV Suban. Phas II Ca Wlfiams - 9ò S\i Doubl Clil34 lt lin Red Bu -8t Ge 138 "" dl et (3 ""Ca)Plri 345 lt Séls capa Dunlap Ra 'Mnd Farm Phase 1 lntnen UpGre Riv Basin Suprlc¡ Project- Tflisson Part Oqnt. New 34138 kV Sub & 138 kVSWyaRPSlS/ Ga CoNw 23O Sùb . TrasMWPlIi . Traii Part C Comun~ Par OJ tQ Cas Line Rll Mouta PQW Tnill cinm Pr'TJllon. To lntlb TlIP II EnllllTI"Sy$s CllrI1I$Tot MlrillOer Ci-Recll.LOgwA SystMlririTot ~"rlfo.clKilh.Ré"1IK/~lnhot TØAlJNQQl KLll RI~$lNG ACl F8 312 SS Ms)"10 312 SS Nov1n 312 SG Ap40 312 SG No¥-10 312 SG Nò'10 312 SS Jun10 312 sS Mij-10 312 SG Ap-10 312 SS May.10 312 SS Jon-IO .312 SG No\"IO 312 SG JIJ10 312 SG No\"10 312 SS Jul0 312 SG Jui10 312 SG Ap"10 .312 SG Nòto 31.2 SG Jj"'W312SGAp.10312$G Mij-10 332 SG AlIO .34 SG $e10 a5 SG Nò'1035$G ()1035SGMa.10 35$SG Apr.O35SGDe10 355 SG JtiIO 355 SG Daeto 355 .SG May'10 355 SG N,,\"10 355 SG Aug-l035SGDeIO 35$SG De1035SGJui.10 35$SS Jon10 355 SG DeIO 355 $G ()10 35$SG 3SS SG 30 SG 0110 39 66 De10 3òì SG 29M83,211 86,881,032 30,38,40 30,172,865 8.493,942 14.975,64 17,58,53 9,559,675 10,767,578 9,140.20 9,34,387 8,67.8498,tt,39 8,971,43 6,04,280 6.301.70 5.807,429 5,857.138 5,47 7 Rock Mountin Power Exbi No. 94 Page 1 of 2 case No. PAc-.1tl7W1tn: Steven R. Meoti ~è\;'iû:j;¡".~~rl;Ìl31J¡'¡;l "'''OllQKlOI'J$in\'ic Oa Aldllì Ma.10Nò10 Ap-10Novtil NQ-10Ju10 Ma10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 NovIOJu10 Nov10 May-10a De10 JQ10 Ap-10Nov10 Jui10 Ap10 Mij-10 29,08,211 86,81,0330,38,40 30.172.8610,85,00 14,976,64 17.58,59 9,589,675 10,787,578 9,140.208 9,34.387 8,0$7,19 M11,39tl,90,113 6,04,280 6.01,709 5,807,429 $,57,138 7 6,117,381 6,117,381 253,108,381 2n,1Ql,381 40.938.99 145,199,007 190,877,118 7.340,277 6,727,28951,134,8445,40,00 22,6S1,oo15,02,00 10,500,00 10,025,20 8,16,0789,90.00 11,570,2035.49,321 3,86,21 848ii,.U 11,470,40 11~7D,4 18;1100181 øe 1i!l8ô!'12 Aul0 6,117,381 l,U',#ti 11l1Y07,112 0é.10 251,177,4452l.17 ,4 1'l0 0C-10 Mar-10 Ap-10De10 Aug-l0 Nò10 May10 Nò10 AuIOOal0DeIO Ju1o. Jon-10 Sep11 Jui11 NQ.10oe10 402.93,99 145,199,007 190,877,118 7,34,277 6.727.2$ 51,134,84 45;4l,00 22,651,0015.02.00 10,50.00 10.025.04 6.792,00 9,90,00 11.570,2 5,949,60 13,331.238$3,.,1" 0a10 11.47o.A!11,l'l,4 0a10 18tfl,OO1!!81ia i.!t1Wit O.,MO 74.'lføe IM!d!i 154 'Ts precwas Oliially inud in lhesse. 8tS24.mand iicludeda wasllhandinii phas. In Ih reuasl8 amou (raUlllhwastehaHng phwss pulleQUollh~lI K Is.fQæi ie¡ 1l Ino se in Mll 2011.FQflhp(O, $\.5m was lettQ beplce Inle¡secelhniuQliCY2010 In ti reuete amount Th~fOstsiSlh$10,8m WIP bePlce Itl.S6 lhlllgtiCY2010. "$3,778;708IrHcø 11i!lay10,!hbelancø tt¡ bePilld ihSfrv1nD1l10 ~~p-ìd a-Jle-.lI 2é.R.1IPUC -. ReRM ElIIlNo. ..~ÐeÅ¡tPl~~:I)S0&PM EmlhC1lJs i:I!Ul ciAir" PMHQlte ;lfTuIUpl-IliU li: UL Tur Up HPPILUlliClAi'S0 Ji BillfS0& PM Em C1 ~~~I)lAl'.ß\i:le301..Ma~.R~Da JohU3..Re Bourb.èotr JlBl UfTtI\J H?IlP !1Ql: UiciNr'NQJiBl WReÚ¥~~ 10Hu: U1Eco ReerHùIWáEIlMg PIOet JlØ!ge ul.CI ¡,-NQK Hlnt 301 EGOomlir Rep'!c:erHtntløi: U1 BollerFlnlll $H Pe Replacment Jlmllae U1GeneRewind Hunte 301lA temp. SH Reprnent Oá.jhníl:U3. flòl6nt Si- fliiplacS-'il Pruc rei HyPrlllNO 11.5.1. i FoyEins & WeIlmoPl r..1 Olr PrOuJWil"OlrP~TcTi .Po to Tei(Po to Ben Lo)PolI rflil(Poti BenLoPòPsll Teill'Uiti rerPoto T~(S Lo tiI8I1l1)Poti røi (S t-toTflmi~)ThreF' Su 1l34 kVSU. Pl II CiV\- 9OSo 00 Cl34 kVtIReeei-$tGel38l!\lIQl ~lI~PI S4kV SeC;OiRacl Wi Far PhHnt Up SiRiY $e Suri Pi-Tflll PiOq . Nl'l138 kV$ii&I38lWS~Píl Ga.ÇóNW23OS\i.37Coio 115kBl NI "'I sii~ r_ClCÆ23kVCinxenoy20 MW Pl IICornun f'Cøti 115.t2;5kV. TrinsmlSløPiD,ioo~1J ROCy li.f'Trasmsa6n Ole¡_ PreecTnnsIlOfT"1 iniiTriP II En'lY Trading Syss Capta lii Totl Mini De Cn-Rfl Lont SysimMlii Tot WHI Prito lI Kl ReKU~Pt toAL IN KLTH lt Ac fa Fae.. 312 SO $,5Q 312 SO 5.SO% 312 SO i;.lll% 312 SO 5.5Q 312 SO 5.50 312 SO 5.SO'l 312 SO 5.5l 312 SO 5.08% 312 SO 5.50% 312 SO 5.5% 312 sa 5.50% 312 sa 5.SQ 312 sa 5.50% 312 sa 5.50% 312 Sll 5.50% 312 sa 5;50% 312 sa 5.50% 312 SGl 5.508 312 SG 5;508 312 sa 5.50% 33 sa 5.08% 34 SO 5.5% 35 SO 5.535sa5lS%35 SO 5.535SO5.S0 355 SO s,S0$S SG S.5l$S SO 5:$S SO s.%35 SG $508%35 SO 5.5l 355 SLL 5.5l 355 SO 5.5Q 355 SG 5;5l35SO5.5Q% 355 Sll 5.S0 355 SG 5,5l 355 so 5:SQ 355 SG 5508% 30 SO 5.50% 39 5E 6.35l :i $Ó S'SIi 'TprwaH'riiilllaJloln~caat$24.3 ii lià Wà halJ !lllttfØ..íliSfØ lòll~ $ejn t.ár:2n .Fifhpr $l.5r' up~ ~tl $10.8rnWillpt iii &e1lCY0."$3,778,;oin- JnMal0; tI.bø løllptil$e in De0 Roc Mountain Power Exhibit No. 94 Page 2 of 2 Case No. PAc..10-7 ~eS$: Stve R. McDougal 1&,14.$94.7tll 1.m.124 1,66,073 357,719 &24.m 9le,754 52.59 593,132504l514,73 44,417 441,307 494,191 332,839 347,129 319,902 32,640 301.319 310,8532,*,s" 1$,74.91 .:185,84 1.67.72 1,66,073 .597.89 824.83967552.59 59,132504l 510,73 44,417 441.30 38,25 3$,839 347,129 319,30 322,84 301,319310.6 32,m,lI27 33,978 33978 33.9 331l1 13.$4.3$13_m l;Øá,tO1¥3M04 22,l95.ll7.9I,2 10.514.464033 370.573 2.16,76 2,50,85 l.47,73O 82,81757,3955,23..m 54,341 527.174 30.765 20,071 22,195._ 1.8è,2$4 11MI14,46 40,33310,5 2,âlB,7Ø2 2,00.&51.l47.nø &27,817 578,3955. 314.137 545.341 527,174 327,~ 734;37 §S1U;!2.2;ï 831,047 61,8'1 831r831'8 1.1,154,S2M§t ,ëî37l,õ!mW*...wl!!4'l131W2 Top oftbe World WInd (l;nergLLC 7000 North Mop.c. Suite 4'75 Austin. Tex.s 78731 October I, 20 i 0 VIA IßFACSIMILE AN OVERNIGHT DELIVERY PaciñCo'q 825NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portand, O~gon9n:32-2$15 Att:Sr. VîQé Presdet. CQinerial& Trading Têletsimile: (503)813-6260 Re: Notiee of Commercial Operation Ladies and Gentlemen: Refece is made to that eertn Power Purchas Agreement (RenewableEnel'g)), between Top of th World Wind Energy LLC ("Seller") and PacfiCorp ("PacltiCorp"),da August 26, 2009 (the "lL"). Capitalze term used, but not othis.e defined, herein shall have the meanings ll$ørbe to them in thePPA. NotjcçgfCommenial Qperation Seller hery notiIies you that on thisda.te. Commercial Operation has occurr and that the NameplateCaciìy Rating is 197.9 MW. Specifiealy, not less th the Required Pertageof.tfNamepiate CapaçityRating of the Faci1ty isftlIy operatioi;1and reliable an the Facility 1s fully interconnect, fully inté~ed and synclUonize with the SYStm and aU of the fo.Howing event have occurred and remai simultaeously tre and. accurte.as of the dateand m.omen ot.whìcR.Stl1er gìvespaçiñCorp this notice; (l) PaciñCorp.ha reeiveda eeificateaddrssed to PacifiCorp from a Licensed Professiona Engineer stating: (a) the Namepiate Capacty R.ating of the Faeilty at the anticipatedtùeof Commercial Operatiori of at leat the Required Percntae of the. Expeted Nameplate Capacity Rating, and (b) thttlie Facilty is able to generate electric powerreliably in amounts expeted by the PPA and in accordance with all other terms and conditions thereof~ A copy ofsucheertifieate is attched hereto as Attachment l; (2) St-Up 1estip.g of the F aeilty has ber¡ completed; (3)PacitiCorp has recived a ceficate addressed toPacifiCorp troma Licensed Professional En.gÚleçr stating .tht, in aeçi:dace with theOenerati(ìn Intercoimection PaitiCorp October i, 2QI0 Page 2 A.g~enent,. all .req\.i~d. Interconnection Facilties .havebeen . çonstncted, aU. reqiiiteø internnection tests have . ben c.ompletedand the Facilty is physically interconnected with the System in cønf()nnanOe with the Generation lhteonneetion Agrement and able to deliver energy consistent with the terms of the PFA. A copy of such certífCate is attached hetetoas Attachment 1; (4) PacJfiCol' has t'eetved (i) â certificate addresed to . PaeifiCorpÛ'otn .an àuthòtIze offcer of SeUerstatig tbatSeller has obtained or entered into all Required Facility Documents and(ü) cøpiesotary or all such reuested R.equireq FacUlty DooiunenEs. Sellermay have reqacte Qi' olltte êoml4enlial Qlcøt)ercial .tems. ffom non-public Reqnireq FaçiUty DQclíents AcopYOt$Uèh ceificate 1S àtticheheretoas Attachment 2. PIeàe . contact the. undersi~d.. at (512) .241..04~5 . if you have any questons or nee anyâdditional infQrmaûonregarding the matters set fort herein. Sincerely, TOP OF THE WORLD WIND ENRGY LLC By:~._. Andrew W. Dickson Vice President Attachments Copies (with attachments) to: PaciñCo.r 82 WB Multnma:, Suite 6() Portland;, Oregon 97232- 2315 Attm PÙ'to ofCønt1act Ac:btìùûsntiøn, C&! TelefaC$~rriile (S()t;) 813..6~91 PacitlCo.rE11ersyLe~l.De~mefit 82$ NE Mtilmoniah, Suite 600 Pôrtlànd, Oregon. 91232- 231 5 Att: Assìstat General Counsel PaiflCorp Octob 1.201 " Pai3 Telefàimile(503J 813..6761 ~è~myD. W'èil1steitl.E.qq. Law OffCe of Jery D. Weinsten, P .C. 1512 Bonan St. Wa. Ct~k, Calit'ornia94596 Telètacirnilet (925) 943.3 ios 49iS I ?9..4.(XX