HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101116Williams Reb.pdfREeF 2DilU HOV 16 AM 10: l 5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMA TELY 13.7 PERCENT ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 ) ) Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce N. Wiliam ) ) ) ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 November 2010 1 Introduction and Summary of Rebuttal Testimony 2 Q.Are you the same Bruce N. Wiliams that provided direct testimony in ths 3 proceedig? 4 A.Yes, I am. 5 Q.What is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony? 6 A.The purose of my rebutt testimony is to respond to the capital strctue 7 recommendations offered by Monsanto Company ("Monsanto") witness Mr. 8 Michael P. Gorman and the adjustment to pension expense proposed by Idaho 9 Public Utilties Commssion ("IPUC") Staf witness Mr. Donn English. 10 In my analysis, I demonstrate that Mr. Gorman's recommendations 11 unreasonably propose the use of a hypothetical capital strctue without a clear 12 and compelling justication for disregarding PacifiCorp's actual capital strctue. 13 PacifiCorp's proposed 52.1 percent equity component remans well supported by 14 the updated cost of capital summar presented in my testimony. Adoption of 15 PacifiCorp's actual capita strcture wil allow the Company a fai opportnity to 16 maintan its credt ratig and attct capital on reasonable terms. 17 My rebuttal testimony also responds to Monsanto's overall rate of retu 18 recommendations and shows how this recommendation, if adopted, would 19 negatively impact PacifCorp' s financial integrity. 20 Review of Staff and Monsnto Recommendations 21 Q.What are Monsanto's and IPUC's recommendations on cost of capita? 22 A.Mr. Gorman recommends a hypothetical capital strctu that reduces the equity 23 component from PacifiCorp' s actual equity shar of 52.1 percent to 49.7 percent. Wiliams, Di-Reb - 1 Rocky Mountai Power 1 IPUC witness Ms. Terr Carlock proposes slight changes to the Company's cost 2 of long-term debt and preferred stock. Both Monsanto andIPUC propose 3 reductions to the Company's proposed retu on equity which Dr. Samuel C. 4 Hadaway wil discuss in his rebuttal testimony. 5 Q.Are thereiteIß concerning the cost of capita in your direct testimony with 6 which the parties agreed? 7 A.Yes, Ms. Carlock accepts the Company's proposed capital strctue and Mr. 8 Gorman accepts the Company's proposed cost of long-term debt and preferred 9 stock. 10 Company's Overall Cost of Capital 11 Q. 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Are you proposing a new overall cost of capital in this proceeding? No. Although the Company accepts Ms. Carlock's proposed cost of debt and preferred stock, the resulting overal cost of capital remains at 8.34 percent. The table below shows the Company's cost of capita adjusted for Ms. Carlock's proposed changes: Overall Cost of Capital Percent of %Weighted Component Total Cost Average Long Term Debt 47.6%5.88%2.80% Preferred Stock 0.3%5.42%0.02% Common Stock Equity 52.1%10.60%5.52% Total 100.0%8.34% Wilams, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 What is the Company's actual capital structure? At September 30,2010, the capital strctue was: Long Term Debt 47.0% Preferred Stock 0.3% Common Stock Equity 52.7% As the table above shows, the Company's actual equity component at the end of September is in excess of the 52.1 percent in the proposed capital strctue. In addition, the common equity component wil increase though the end of the year as the Company continues to retain all earings. Finally, it should be noted that since acquisition by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company in 2006, PacifCorp's common equity component has averaged 50.6 percent of total capitalization. Please explain the benefits of the Company's actual capital structure. The Company's actual capita strcture is intended to maintan curent credit ratigs. As I discussed in my diect testimony, maintenance of the Company's credit ratigs benefits customers by reducing immedate and futu borrwing costs. In adtion, higher rated companies are more likely to have on going, uniterrpted access to capita and access at lower costs. Furer, higher rated companes have greater access to the long-term markets for power purchases and sales which provides more alternatives to meet the curent and futue load requirments of customers. Also, higher rated companies can often avoid or reduce the amount of costly collateral reuirements that are tyicaly imposed on lower-rate companies when transacting in the wholesale energy marets. Wilams, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Reply to Monsanto Witness Mr. Gorman 2 Hypothetical Capital Structure 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q 14 15 A. 16 17 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 A. What is your general response to Mr. Gorman's capital structure recommendations? Mr. Gormn proposes a series of adjustments to PacifiCorp's actual capital strctue to produce a hypothetical.capita strctue with a common equity component of 49.7 percent. Mr. Gorm has failed to provide a clear and compellng justification for his hypothetical capital structue. Mr. Gorman's adjustments are arbitrar and without a financial basis. Furer, he uses a time period for his comion equity analysis which is inconsistent with the rate case test period and his attempts to prove the recommended equity strctue is supportive of the Company's credt rating are in error. Please explain Mr. Gorman's adjustments to the Company's actul common equity component. Mr. Gorman proposes to remove special deposits, short-term investments, and the difference in affilate notes receivable and payable. The most signicant of these is the adjustment for short term investments of $196 millon. Mr. Gormn believes his capital structue "is more reasonable for setting rates because it reflects the actual common equity capita RMP relied on to invest in utilty plant."i Pleas identify the fundamenta probleIß in Mr. Gorman's analysis. Firt, as of September 30,2010, the Company had exhausted its temporar cash 1 Goan Diect Testiny page 14 lies 4 and 5. Willams, Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 investments, effectively eliminating this aspect of Mr. Gorman's adjustments. Additionally, in general financial treatment, short term investments are often netted against long term debt to determne what is known as "net debt". Net debt is used as a financial metric to reflect the company's net obligation to its bondholders. Nowhere in general finance is there support for Mr. Gorman's novel proposal to net common equity with cash to derive net common equity. Mr. Gorman states that it is reasonable to believe that these short-term cash investments simply represent a placeholder for all the earnings RMP is retaining until needed to fund utilty plant investment.2 Do you agree with him? No. All of the Company's net cash from operations since acquisition by MEHC has been re-invested in the business. The fact is that PacifiCorp is investing more into its business than the amount of cash flow generated by operations. For example durng the first six months of 2010, the Company has investe $876 miion into capital expenditures while generatig only $779 millon of net cash flow from operations. These facts show that Mr. Gormn's position is unfounded. Did Mr. Gormn use the same period of time as the Company to determe his hypothetica capital structure? No, based on Exhbit No. 202 (MPG-l) Mr. Gorman is using a period oftime from June 30, 2009, though June 30, 2010. However, the Company's capita strctue was determned as the average during the twelve months ending December 31,2010. Therefore, as the Company expects to reta al eargs 2 Go Dit Testiny page 14 lie 24 thugh page 15 line 2. Willams, Di-Reb - 5 Rocky Mountan Power 1 durng 2010 to finance necessar capital expenditues to serve its customers, Mr. 2 Gorman would natually have a lower common equity percentage than what the 3 Company calculated. 4 Q.Do you agree with Mr. Gorman's statement that the Company's capital 5 structure at June 30, 2010, is 52.2 percent and is very close to that projected 6 by the Company for year-end 2010 of 52.1 percent?3 7 A.Yes, Mr. Gorman has correctly stated the Company's actual common equity level 8 of 52.2 percent at June 30, 2010. However, the 52.1 percent he cites is the 9 expected average durg the calendar year and the common equity component 10 wil be higher at year end 2010. This higher ratio wil permt maintenance of the 11 Company's credt rating and allow the Company to attract additional capital to 12 meet constrction needs. 13 Credit Metric Analysis 14 Q.Please comment on Mr. Gorman's discussion concerning financial integrity 15 and his credit metric analysis. 16 A.I disagree with Mr. Gorman's analysis and conclusions for four reasons: 17 . First, Mr. Gorm's calculations did not properly reflect the adjustments that 18 ratig agencies make when calculating their credit metrcs. For instace, my 19 diect testimony stated that S&P adds nearly $1 bilion of additional debt and 20 $73 mion of interest to PacifiCorp's reported results.4 While Mr. Gorman 21 did attempt to include th~ adjustments, he unfortnately only included a 3 Gonnan Dit Testiny page 13 lies 20 thugh 21. 4 Begiing with their Apr 30, 2010 re S&P now imutes $78.2 miion of interest whie the debt amunt is apprximately the sam. Ths incrase, while not materal to the discussion abve, would fuer weaken Mr. Gonnan's crit metrcs had he included the update adjustments. Wiliams, Di-Reb - 6 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 .6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 portion of the total adjustments and not the entire amounts. He includes less than half of the total debt adjustments ($432 millon vs. $998.2 milion) and only $28.1 millon of the $73 millon of additional interest.5 . Second, even the portion of the adjustments he included is incorrectly stated as Mr. Gorman furer reduces the amount by mis-matching an Idaho allocation percentage to a total company capital structue. This furer reduces the impact of the already too low adjustments. . Third, Mr. Gorman's model also excludes a significant amount of interest expense that the Company reports on its financial statements such as interest expense on customer deposits, interest on capital leases, regulatory liabilties and others. . Four, Mr. Gormn ignores the rating agencies published expectations for PacifiCorp and instead measures the flawed results of his model against the general utilty industr. Had Mr. Gorman used the Company specific targets from the rating agencies, his already over-stated results stil would not have supported the Company's curent ratings. Was Mr. Gorman aware of these rating agency published expectations for the Company? Yes, Mr. Gormn cites them in his testimony on page 10 for Stadard & Poor's and page 11 for Moody's. It is not clear why he ignored them for puroses of his credt metrcs. 5 Monsanto Comy Exhibit No. 218 (MP-17) lines 6 and 9. Wiliams, Di-Reb - 7 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 4 A. 5 6 7 Q. 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Should the Commission disregard Mr. Gorman's statements that his recommended return on equity and proposed capital structure are supportive of the Company's current bond rating? Yes, for reasons outlined above, the Commssion should disregard Mr. Gorm's statements that his recommended return on equity and proposed capital strctue are supportive of the Company's curent bond rating. Are there other inaccuracies in Mr. Gorman's testimony? Yes. There are certain errors in Mr. Gorman's testimony that, while not essential to determning the cost of capita, should be corrected for the record in ths case. For example on page nine of his testimony, Mr. Gorman states that RM is a subsidiar of PacifiCorp and that PacifiCorp issues debt and equity on behal of RMP. The fact is that RMP is not á subsidiar of PacifiCorp. RMP is a division of PacifiCorp and is the trade name under which PacifiCorp delivers electrcity to customers in Idaho, Uta and Wyoming. Furter, PacifiCorp is the financing entity and issues debt and equity to fund its overal nees includig those of the operating divisions such as RMP and its other sister operating divisions. 17 Reply to IPUC Witness Mr. English 18 Q. 19 20 A. Please desribe the adjustment that Mr. English is proposing to the Company's pension expense. Mr. English is proposing to average the projecte contrbutions to the pension 21 plan for the period of 2010 though 2014. Ths averaging results in a proposed 22 reduction to pension expense of $20.9 milion. Wiliams, Di- Reb - 8 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 Q. 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Do you agree with Mr. English's proposed reduction to pension expense? No.~ It is my understading that historically this Commssion has used cash contributions for the test period to set rates. The Company continues to believe that recovery of 2010 cash contrbutions is the most appropriate outcome. As discussed in Mr. Steven R. McDougal's testimony, the Company does not believe it is appropriate for paries to flp back and fort between approaches dependig on what wil give the lowest result. The Company's filng included expected cash contrbutions of $ 1 04.8 millon during 2010 and this is the level that the Commssion should include in determning revenue requirement. What was the actual level of cash contributions durig 2010? The Company's cash contribution to fund its pension plan in 2010 was $112.8 milion. Why did the Company contribute $112.8 milion in 2010 to its pension pla? The Company made an additional $8 milion contrbution durng 2010 in order to help improve the funded status of the pension plan. While the Company was scheduled to contrbute $104.8 millon to the pension plan durg 2010 to meet mium funding requirements, the resulting funded ratio would have been 79.45 percent. Plans with funded ratios below 80 percent are subject to restrctions including lits on lump sum distrbution of benefits and plan amendments that would increase benefits. In addition, the plan would be put in "at risk" status as of Januar 1,2011, causing a signifcant increase in the 2011 minimum fundig requirements. By mag an additional $8 milion contrbution (for a total of $112.8 millon) the plan increase its expeted fuded status to 80.14 percent Wilams, Di-Reb - 9 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 Q. 5 6 A. 7 8 9 Q. 10 A. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 thereby avoiding benefit restrctions and "at risk" status, including the required notifications to plan parcipants, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, and any labor organizations representing plan paricipants. Has any party propôsed that the Company should not be allowed to recover the contributions to the pension plan? Indirectly, yes. If the Commssion adopted Mr. English's forward 100king6 five- year average proposal it would assure under recovery of 60 to 80 percent of the 2010 contrbutions depending on the timing of the Company's next rate case. Is there an alternative method that the Commission could consider? It is my understanding that the Commssion has traditionally preferred historical data with adjustments for known and measurable changes. As such, the use of a historical average, updated for actual 2010 contributions, would be appropriate. If the Commssion wished to consider an alternative to the Company's proposed 2010 cash contrbutions, the Company would suggest a three-year average of historical contrbutions. In addition, the Company would recommend updatig the 2010 contrbution to the actual contrbution amount of $1 12.8 millon. Ths approach would smooth the impact of the pension contributions while providig the Company an opportnity to recover its actual pension contrbutions. However, if the Commssion were to adopt the use of a historical average of cash contrbutions, the Company respectflly requests that this be made as a policy decision to ensur consistency and is applied in all futue rate cases. The 6 Ths tratent in effect beomes a forete revenue reuirment item in the case based on informtion beyond the test peod and is a mimatch with the test peod convention followed by the Company in its Application. Williams, Di-Reb - 10 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 use of a historical average, if adopted and consistently followed, should ensure that over time the Company collects an amount equal to its contributions. What have been the actual contributions over the historica three year period? The contrbutions and the resulting average are as follows: Cash Contributions 2010 $112.8 milion 2009 49.6 millon 2008 65.6 miion Average $76.0 millon Would use of a historical average allay the concerns that Mr. English cited in his direct testimony? Yes. Mr. English expressed a concern that including the 2010 contrbution amount in rates that go into effect in 2011 and potentially remaining in effect for several years could allow the Company to collect signifcantly more in revenue than necessar to meet its pension obligations.7 What is the resulting adjustment if the Commission adopts a three-year average of historical contributions? The result of the thee-year historical average would be a reduction of $ 1 9.11 mion from the tota Company 0 & M expense in the Company's diect case or $1.03 millon to Idaho. Company witness Mr. McDougal detals how the adjustment was calculated in his testimony. However, such an adjustment would 7 Englih di testiny page 9 lies 17 thugh 21. Wilams, Di-Reb - 11 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. only be appropriate if it is accompanied by a policy decision by the Commssion that consistently applies this treatment in future rate case proceedings so that the Company has a reasonable opportnity to collect its pension contrbutions over time. Does that conclude your rebuttal testimony? Yes. Wilams, Di-Reb - 12 Rocky Mounta Power