HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101116McDougal Reb, Exhibits.pdfREC J inJ6 NOV i 6 AM fO: l 9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY 13.7 PERCENT ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 ) ) Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal ) ) ) ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 November 2010 1 Q. 2 A. Please state your name and business address. My name is Steven R. McDougal and my business address is 201 South Main, 3 Suite 2300, Salt Lake City, Utah, 8411 1. 4 Q.Are you the same Steven R. McDougal who submitted pre-filed direct 5 testimony in thi proceeding? 6 A. Yes. 7 Purpose and Summary of Testimony 8 Q. 9 A. 10 11 12 Q. 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 What is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony in this proceeding? The purpose of my testimony is to respond to adjustments proposed in the pre- fied diect testimony fied by the intervening paries regardig the Company's revenue requirement. Please summarize your testimony. My testimony explains and supports the Company's revise overall revenue increase request of $24.9 millon. This is a reduction from the $27.7 request included in the Company's original filing. My testiony and exhibits also provide: (1) a detaled calculation of the $24.9 millon requested revenue increase, including a sumar of the diferences between the $27.7 milion request and the revised requested amount. The revised request includes the impact of adjustments proposed by other paries that the Company has accepted; 2) the Company's response to certain revenue requirement adjustments proposed by intervening pares in ths case which the Company contests; and (3) updates to the Company's case due to a change in bonus depreciation law. The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, which became law on September 27,2010, extended McDougal, Di-Reb - 1 Rocky Mountain Power 1 50 percent bonus depreciation for qualing assets for one year (calendar year 2 2010). This update reduces the price increase in this rate case by approximtely 3 $1.8 millon. This adjustment was not included in the diect testimony of any of 4 the intervenors, but is being included in this rate case to accurately reflect this tax 5 law change occurng after the case was fied. 6 Required Revenue Increase 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 Q. 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 What price increase is required to achieve the requested return on equity in this case? As shown on Page 1.0 of Exhibit No. 78, an overall price increase of $24.9 milion is required to produce the 10.6 percent retu on equity requested by the Company. Please describe the. calculation of the revised overall revenue increase. The Company's revised revenue increase of $24.9 millon was calculated using the same allocation methodology and factors included in the original fiing and incorporates certin adjustments proposed by other paries. In support of the revised calculation, Exhibit No. 79 shows a summar of the adjustments made to the original revenue requirement requested by the Company. Exhibit No. 79 is a revised Exhbit NO.2 from the Company's original filing with updated Tabs 1,2, 9 and 10 and includes a new Tab 11 contaning backup pages for each new adjustment made to the Company's fiing. McDougal, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Revenue Requirement Adjustments 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 Is the Company incorporating any adjustments proposed by the intervening parties into its revenue requiement calculation? Yes. The Company has incorporated the following new adjustments, including some proposed by intervening pares, into the Company's revenue requirement calculation. Each is described fuher in my testimony. (figues are in $1,OOO's) Original Request Rebuttal Adjustments Cost of Debt and Preferred 11.1 Bridger Unit 2 Overhaul Liquidated Damages 11.2 Medicare Subsidy 11.3 Avian Settlement 11.4 Generation Overhaul Expense 11.5 Major Plant Additions - Plant in Service 11.6 Major Plant Additions - Tax Impact 11.7 Major Plant Additions.. Depreciation Expense 11.8 Major Plant Additions - Depreciation Resere 11.9 Net Power Costs 11.0 S02 Sales Rebuttal Price Increae 7 Cost of Debt and Preferred 8 Q. 9 A. 10 11 Propo Prce Increase $ 27,698 (127) (2) (5) (10) (82) (226) (1,784) (45) 7 (274) (280) $ 24,870 Please summarize adjustments made to the cost of debt and preferred. The revenue requirement model has been updated with the 5.88 percent for the cost of debt and 5.42 percent for the cost of preferred as described in the testiony of Company witness Mr. Bruce N. Wiliams. McDougal, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Bridger Unit 2 Overhaul Liquidated Damages 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 7 8 Q. 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 A. 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 23 A. Please summarize IPUC staff witness Mr. Joe Leckie's proposed adjustment related to an overhaul done on Bridger Unit #2 in 2009. Mr. Leckie proposes that an adjustment be made to remove $240,497 total company rate base from results, along with the corresponding depreciation expense and reserve, in order to properly account for liquidated damges received by the Company associated with an overhaul done on Bridger Unit #2 in 2009. How has the Compàny accounted for those liquidated damages? The Company and contractor agreed that $625,000 in liquidated damages would be treated as a reduction to multiple Bridger Unit #1 overhaul projects in progress for that contractor. In the Company's case, $264,254 was accounted for as a credit against the Bridger Unit #1 Reheater project which was included in the Company's Major Plant Additions Adjustment. The other projects that were also allocated a portion of the liquidated damges were each less than the $5 mion theshold for inclusion in ths case. Has this adjustment been correctly reflected in IPUC's modeled position? No. IPUC's adjustment removes the accumulated depreciation reserve from PERC Account 11 1SP instead of PERC Account 108SP and the adjustment to the accumulated depreciation reserve is a negative amount and should be a positive amount to reflect removing a piece of the reserve. Is the Company adopting the propos adjustment in its revenue requiment computation? Yes. The Company has correctly reflected ths adjustment in the rebutta position McDougal, Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mounta Power 1 as adjustment 11.1 of Exhibit No. 79. 2 Medicare Subsidy 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 Please summarize IPUC Staff's position regarding the Medicare Subsidy regulatory asset. IPUC Staff witness Ms. Cecily Vaughn proposes to reduce 2011 amortation expense reflected in Adjustment 7.9 of my Exhibit NO.2 for the non-deductible post-retirement prescription drg coverage ("Medicare Subsidy") regulatory asset, approved in Case No. PAC-E-1O-04. In this case, the Company originally requested recovery of the Medicare Subsidy regulatory asset using December 31, 2009, data; however, once the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPCA") was enacted March 30, 2010, a revision to the regulatory asset balance was necssar. The result is a reduction to the regulatory asset balance of $19,996 or an equivalent reduction in yearly amortization expense of $4,999. Doe the Company agree with IPUC staffs proposed adjustment to Medicare Subsidy? Yes. As stated by Ms. Vaughn, the Company provided a revised amortation schedule reflectig accounting informtion though March 31, 2010; therefore, the Company has no objection to ths adjustment. This adjustment is included as adjustment 11.2 in Exhibit No. 79. McDougal, Di-Reb - 5 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Avian Settlement 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 A. 23 Please explain the adjustments being proposed for the Avian Settlement Agreement. IPUC witness Ms. Vaughn and PUC witness Mr. OregMeyer both propose to remove a $500,000 entry made though Adjustment 4.17 - Avian Settlement, for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) expense. As shown on page 4.17.1, the expense was recorded on December 31,2008, and is not included in the rate case. This adjustment is backing out the Apri 30, 2009, reversing adjustment. Ms. Vaughn argues for disallowance because this is a non-recurng expense. Mr. Meyer proposes removal under the premise that these are included in the balances used to calculate a normalized level of Injuries and Damages though the Adjustment 4.14 - Insurance Expense. He argues that allowing the Company's adjustment would represent a double recovery of costs if using a cash basis method for Injures and Damages, or an overstatement of costs if using the Company fied 3-year average accrual method. The proposed adjustments result in a reduction to revenue requirement of $26,961. Additionally, Ms. Vaughn maes an adjustment to remove rate base related to transmission improvement projects to be completed as par of the Avian Protection Plan because it falls below the $5,000,000 theshold for 2010 pro- form plant additions. Pleas explai the Company's position on the propoed adjusments. The Company opposes the O&M adjustments. As described below, both adjustments are flawed. They are reversing costs which are not in the rate case. McDougal, Di-Reb - 6 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 However, the Company is accepting Ms. Vaughn's rate base adjustment because it falls below the $5 millon threshold for capital projects in this case. Please explain the nature of the costs included in the $500,000 entry in the Avian Settlement Adjustment. In December 2008, the Company recorded an accrual for $500,000 representing the best available estimate for restitution costs related to the Avian Settlement Agreement. In general, the purpose of these restitution costs is to support efforts in research, population monitoring, and conservation though improvements to the design and constrction of avian-safe power lines. However, at the time of the initial accrual the exact amount of restitution funds and purpose was unkown and the estimate was thus recorded to FERC account 925 - Injuries & Damages. In April 2009, the initial December 2008 accrual was reversed by credit to account 925. The $500,000 entr included in Adjustment 4.17 is required to offset the reversal of a credit. Absent this adjustment, there would be a mismatch in unadjusted results which only reflects a reversal of costs that ar not included in the case. The purpose of the Avian adjustment is to remove the impact of a prior period restitution estiate, not to recover an incremental level of Injures & Damages expense. What is the basis for Ms. Vaughn's adjustment to remove the $500,00 adjustment to O&M? Ms. Vaughn argues this is a non-reurg expense. The purose of ths adjustment is not to recover a non-recurrg incremental charge for Injures & McDougal, Di-Reb-7 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q. 23 A. Damages but to correct and completely remove the effect of a prior period accrual by excluding its related reversal from results. As shown on page 4.17.1 of Exhibit No.2, an entr was made on December 31, 2008, for $500,000 for the Avian settement. This entr was before the historical period, and is not included in the rate case. Page 4.17.1 also shows the reversal of the $500,000 accrual which occurred on April 31, 2009. Do you agree with Mr. Meyer's argument to remove the $500,000 credt adjustment to O&M? No. Mr. Meyer claims the Company's adjustment is to increase the level of expense for Injures and Damages by reversing an Apri 2009 accounting entr. He fuer states this would be in addition to the normization of Injuries and Damges expense done though adjustment 4.14 - Insurance Expense. Mr. Meyer argues that by using either his proposed method of cash basis normalization or the accrual basis method fied by the Company, the $500,000 expense would be over- recovered. This claim is flawed for two reasons. Firt, for the reasons stated above, the Company is not attempting to increase the Injures and Damages level, but only to correct the paral effect on a restitution accrual. Second, Mr. Meyer contends this amount is aleady included in the Injures and Damages balances included in PUC 74 and simultaneously in Adjustment 4.14 - Insurce Expense. Ths clai is also mistaen because the Avian costs are not included in Adjustment 4.14. Please explain the impact of Ms. Vaughn's proposed adjustment to rate base. From Ms. Vaughn's testiony, the amount of IPUC' s rate base adjustment is McDougal, Di-Reb - 8 Rocky Mounta Power 1 unclear. Page 5 states it would be a reduction of $6,339, and page 15 states it 2 would be a reduction of $8,194, presumably takig depreciation expense into 3 account. Because IPUC workpapers remove all rate base components, the 4 Company assumes the correct impact would be a reduction to Idao revenue 5 requirement of $8,764. 6 Q.Please explain the Company's proposed adjustment. 7 A.The Company does not oppose the proposed rate base adjustment on the basis that 8 if falls below the $5 millon theshold for 2010 pro-forma plant additions. 9 However, this holds no relevance when considering the project's usefulness. 10 Therefore, the Company agrees to make this adjustment in the curent case, but 11 reserves the right to request recovery of these costs in its next general rate case 12 proceeding. The Company bears a responsibilty to operate, design and constrct 13 avian-safe power lines, and the capital projects are designed to do so. This 14 adjustment is included as Adjustment 11.3 in Exhbit No. 79. 15 Generation Overhaul Expense 16 Q.Please describe the proposed adjustments to generation overhaul expense. 17 A.Mr. Meyer makes two adjustments to the Company' s generation overhaul 18 adjustment. First, he rejects restating historical amounts to curent dollars prior to 19 averaging. Second, he proposes changing the four year average for new 20 generation units. 21 Q.Do the Company agree with the adjustments made to generation overhaul 22 expense? 23 A.No. The Company believes that overhaul expenses should be restated to curent McDougal, Di-Reb - 9 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 dollars prior to averaging. Why doesn't the Compay agree with the change in the four year average for new generation unts? Mr. Meyer proposes to change the averaging method for the thee newer plants - Curant Creek, Lake Side, and Chehalis - using a four-year average between 2007 and 2010. It is unreasonable to shift the four-year average of these plants to 2007 though 2010, considering Chehalis was first put into service in September 2008. The Company's adjustment uses the actual costs for the first four full years plants are in-service when available. When the plants have not been online for four years, the Company uses the budget for the first four years of operation. Does the Company agree with the adjustment not allowig the Company to restate overhaul expenses to current dollar prior to escation? No. The Company believes that overhaul expenses should be restated to curent dollars prior to averaging and does not agree with Mr. Meyer's adjustment. The Company continues to support the use of Global Insight indices to state overhauls in curnt dollars prior to calculating the four-year average. Averages are intended to reduce year-to-year varances in expense, but not adjust for the time value of money and the issue of inflation, as the value of the dollar in the test period wil be less than the value of the dollar in historical years. Company incured expenses four years ago cost more in test year dollars to pay the same expense. However, the Company is willing to pursue discussions with pares on this issue to brig more clarty to the Company's position and, therefore, for ths case only, the Company is removing the generation overhaul escalation, and McDougal, Di-Reb - 10 Rocky Mountan Power 1 reserves its right to address this issue in the future with the Commssion. This 2 adjustment is included as Adjustment 11.4 in Exhibit No. 79. 3 Major Plant Additions 4 Q. 5 6 A. 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 Please describe Mr. Leckie's proposed adjustment to the major plant additions included in the Company's filing. Mr. Leckie proposes that an adjustment be made to remove $34 milion of total company rate base from results, along with the corresponding depreciation expense, to reflect updated project forecasts and in-servce dates that were supplied by the Company. Has this adjustment been correctly reflected in IPUC's modeled position? No. IPUC's adjustment removes capita from a trnsmission and intagible PERC account, instead of the PERC account where the capital was originally included in the adjustment. Additionally, the corresponding accumulated depreciation reserve adjustment has not been made in IPUC's modeled position. Is the Company adopting the proposed adjustment in its revenue requirement computation? Yes. The Company is adopting this adjustment and has correctly reflected all pieces of ths adjustment in the rebuttal position. The corrected adjustment is included as Adjustments 11.5 through 11.8 in Exhibit No. 79 to reflect the updted plant in service (Adjustment 11.5), deferred income taes (Adjustment 11.6), depreiation expense (Adjustment 11.7), and accumulated depreciation reserve (Adjustment 11.8). McDougal, Di-Reb - 11 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q.Does Adjustment 11.6 include any change to taxes, other than updating for 2 the plant addition changes included in Adjustment 11.5? 3 A.Yes. In addition to updating for the change in major plant additions included in 4 Adjustment 11.5, Adjustment 11.6 also updates this case for a change in bonus 5 depreciation. The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 became law on September 27, 6 2010. The Act extended 50 percent bonus depreciation for qualifying assets for 7 one year (calendar year 2010). This update reduces the price increase in this rate 8 case by approxitely $1.8 millon. This adjustment was not included in the 9 diect testimony of any of the intervenors, but is being included in this rate case to 10 accurately reflect this tax law change occurng after the case was fied. 11 Net Power Costs 12 Q.Have the net power costs been updated as part of the rebuttal filing? 13 A.Yes. As described in the testimony of Dr. Hui Shu, the Company has updated the 14 net power costs included in the case. These updates are incorporated into the 15 requested price increase as Adjustment 11.9 of Exhibit No. 79. 16 S02 Emission Allowance Revenues 17 Q.Please desribe witness Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment related to S02 18 emision allowance sales revenues. 19 A.Mr. Meyer proposes that past revenues from the sales of S02 emission 20 allowances be amorted over five years instead of the 15-year amortzation 21 schedule use by the Company in the intial fiing. McDougal, Di-Reb - 12 Rocky Mountai Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q. 13 A. 14 15 Q. 16 17 18 A. 19 20 Does the Company disagree with Mr. Meyer's adjustment to the amortization of S02 allowances saes? Yes. The Company agrees to shorten the amortization from 15 to 5 years; however, Mr. Meyer's adjustment fails to take into account the impacts of the adjustment to both rate base and taxes. The amortized sales are treated as a credit to rate base. By excluding sales the rate base credt should also be reduced. Al revenues associated with new sales of S02 credits are given to customers in the year they are received as par of the Company's ECAM filings. The Company agrees that a 5-year amortzation period flows back the revenues associated with prior transactions to customers in a timelier manner and help to reduce the proposed rate increase in this proceeding. What is the impact of.Mr. Meyer's adjustment when correctly calculated? Correctly calculating the adjustment reduces the Idao-allocated revenue requirement by $280,220. Has an adjustment associated with the amortization period of S02 emision alowance sales revenues been reflected in your revised revenue requirement? Yes. Adjustment 11.10 of Exhbit No. 79 reflects the impact of changing the amortzation period associated with S02 emission allowance revenues from 15 year to 5 years. McDougal, Di-Reb - 13 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Contested Adjustments 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Are there adjustments to revenue requirement proposed by other paries that the Company is not accepting? Yes. I wil address adjustments proposed by varous pares related to: . Cash working capital . Post test year rate base additions . Pension expense . Injures and damages expense . Affiliate management fees . Outside services expense . Uncollectible accounts expense . Deferral of coal overburden strpping expense . Imputed sublease revenue . Property tax expense . Residential retal revenue . Jurisdictional load for allocations . Allocation of the Monsanto special contract . Allocation of the Idao Irgation Load Control Program Other Company witnesses wil also address issues raised by other pares which I have not incorporated into the Company's proposed revenue requirement, including: . Residential load normlization and forecaste irgation load . Jurisdictional line losses . General wage increases . Incentive compensation . Pension expense . Supplementa executive retiement plan expense . Fuel stock . Incremental generation O&M expense . Dunlap I wind plant capita costs . Populus to Termal trsmission line . Unbiled usage McDougal, Di-Reb - 14 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Cash Working Capital 2 Q. 3 4 5 A. 6 Q. 7 A. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 A. 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 Mr. Meyer proposes to disallow $961,459 of other working capital and $2.1 million of cash working capital ("CWC"). Do you agree with these adjustments? No. Does Mr. Meyer provide an explanation for these adjustments? Yes. Mr. Meyer asserts that the $961,459 of other working capital is merely another method to determne a working capital allowance and the Company is attempting to double-recover such an allowance. Mr. Meyer clais these other working capital components are considered in a lead-lag study and should not be separately included in rate base. Mr. Meyer broadly states that, "It has been my experience that electric utilties generally have a negative CWC allowance when a properly calculated lead-lag study is performed." Did Mr. Meyer base his conclusion on an anaysis of the Company's lead-lag study? No. Mr. Meyer made his statements without reviewing the lead-lag study, which he did not request in time to receive prior to filng his testimony. He states that he may update his testimony after reviewing the lead-lag study since he had not aleady done so. When did Mr. Meyer submit data requests asking for the Company's lead- lag study? On October 6,2010, PUC submittd Data Request 108 asking for the lead-lag study used in the 2008 rate case. Then, on October 8, 2010, PUC submitt Data McDougal, Di-Reb - 15 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 Request 112, asking for the 2007 lead-lag study referenced in Steve McDougal's direct testimony along with all supportng work papers, and Data Request 113 asking for any additional work papers supporting the Company's cash workig capital in the curent case. All responses were provided according to the pre- determned procedural schedule, but Mr. Meyer did not request the study until too late to review prior to filng his testimony on October 14, 2010. Has the Company relied on a properly calculated lead-lag study to determine cash working capital in this case? Yes. The Company used a lead-lag study based on 2007 data to calculate Idaho's cash working capita in this case. The Company updates its lead-lag study approximately every five years or if there are significant changes in revenue collection or expense remittance policy that would warant a new study. There have been no significant changes since the 2007 study. The Company's previous general rate cases in Idao have calculated working capita in the same manner as included in this case. The 2007 lead lag study was included in the Company's last Idaho general rate case, Case No. PAC-E-08-07. Has th study been used to calculate CWC in any other ofPacifiCorp's juriictions? Yes. It has been used for rate settg puroses in Uta, Oregon, Wyoming and Caliorna. McDougal, Di-Reb - 16 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q.Do you agree with Mr. Meyer's asrtion that including other working 2 capital is merely another method to determine a working capita allowance, 3 and that the Company is attempting to double-recover that allowance? 4 A.No. Mr. Meyer made these assertions without ever reviewing the Company's 5 lead-lag study. The assets and liabilties underlying the other working capital 6 balances in this case, and their related business transactions, are not èonsidered in 7 the Company's lead-lag study. The specific assets and liabilties he refers to are 8 other cash working capital items in accounts 135, Working Funds; 141, Notes 9 Receivable; 232, Accounts Payable, related to employee benefits; 253.3, Other 10 Miscellaneous Deferred Credits; and 254.105, Asset Retirement Obligation 11 Regulatory Liabilties, none of which are within the scope of the lead-lag study. 12 Consequently, there is no double-reovery of working capital and ths adjustment 13 is inappropriate. 14 Post Test-Year Rate Basé Additions 15 Q.Pleas describe Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment to post-tet year rate base. 16 A.Mr. Meyer proposes an adjustment to remove approximately $665.8 milion of J 7 total company rate base and $6.9 millon total company depreciation expense. Of 18 Mr. Meyer's total adjustment, $442.8 millon is due to increasing the accumulated 19 depreciation reserve and the remaining $223 millon is related to his estimate 20 impact on accumulated deferred income taes based on incorrect assumptions 21 regarding the calculation of the Company's test year in ths case. In his 22 adjustment, Mr. Meyer reflects additional accumulated depreciation beyond the 23 historical test year and uses rough estimates to compute the impact on McDougal, Di-Reb - 17 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 Q. 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 accumulated deferred income taxes. Mr. Meyer also estimates pro form retirements to calculate the impact those retirements wil have on depreciation expense. Do you agree with Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment? No. This case is based on a historical test period with limited adjustments reaching out twelve months beyond December 31,2009. The test period in this case is based on traditional rate makng conventions relied on in Idaho and is not intended to be a full scale roll-forward into 2010. The Company has only included capital projects over $5 millon that wil be used and useful by December 31, 2010. Accumulated depreciation for these capital additions is included as an offset based on the first full year of depreciation expense. Capita projects below the $5 milion theshold or projects that are of a routine nature (i.e. feeder improvements, distribution pole replacement, battery bank replacement, etc.) are simply left out of the Company's case. The Company continues to place hundreds of millons of dollars wort of these capital projects into service each year. If the Company had included all budgeted capital additions in its original filg, total company electrc plant in service would have increase by over $530 milion and would more than offset Mr. Meyer's additional accumulated depreciation. Mr. Meyer's argument that "one must properly consider all increases in gross plant in post-test year periods, along with all increases in accumulated depreciation reserve" ignores the test period convention and the limited natue of the Company's pro forma adjustments. McDougal, Di-Reb - 18 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q.Has any other pary in this proceeding addressed the Company's proposed 2 test period convention in this case? 3 A.Yes. Commssion staff witness Mr. Randy Lobb mentions the Company's test 4 period on page 3 of his diect testiony. Mr. Lobb states, "Staff accepts the 5 Company's proposed historic test year of Januar 1,2009 though December 31, 6 2009 with reasonable pro form adjustments through December 31,2010." 7 Injuries and Damages 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 A. 22 23 Please describe the adjustments to injuries and damages ("I&D") expense propose by PUC witness Mr. Meyer and IPUC witness Mr. Donn English. Mr. Meyer proposes that I&D expense be based on actual claims paid less insurance reimbUrsements (i.e. cash method) averaged over a the year period (2007-2009). Mr. Meyer points out that by basing I&D expense on the cash approach, ratepayers are only required to pay the actual cost associated with I&D claims. Mr. English proposes that I&D expense be based on expense (i.e. accrual method) for calendar year 2009 only. Mr. English points out that the 2009 level is the lowest expensed over the thee year period and that the amount expensed to PERC account 925 has been trending downward. He attrbutes this trend to safety measures undertaken by the Company durg 2008 and 2009. Are there any errors in Mr. Meyer's calculations which should be corrcted? Yes. In Mr. Meyer's cash basis calculation he includes actual claims paid but mistaenly includes the insurance reeivable on an accrual basis, creating a mismatch within his own adjustment. The table below shows the correct McDougal, Di-Reb - 19 Rocky Mounta Power 1 calculation of a thee year average under each method, accrual and cash basis. 2 Mr. Meyer's inconsistency is highlighted with the dashed outlne. I Injuries and Damages Accrual I Cash t I Variance I Claims CY 2007 10,124,688 .'7,360,133 .(2,764,555) Clais CY 2008 . 6,052,960 ~(2,447,373)8,500,333 . Clais CY 2009 4,492,982 ~5,506,676 ~1,013,694 Total Claims $ .23,118,003 L $18,919,769..$(4,198,234)._._._._... Insurce Receipts CY 2007 ,._._._._., (4,717,560)i 4,717,560 iInsurace Receipts CY 2008 5,340,408 .2,795,245 (2,545,163) Insurance Receipts CY 2009 .2,615,133 ~2,833,590 218,457 Total Insurance Receipts l$12,673,101 ,. $5,628,835 $(7,04,266). _. _._. _... Total Claims Net of Insurce $10,44,902 $13,290,934 $2,846,032 3. Year Average $3,481,634 $4,430,311 $948,677 Idaho SO Allocation %5.392%5.392%5.392% Idaho Allocated $187,730 $238,882 $51,153 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Company's filing is based on the thee year average of accrued expenses net of accrued receivables (the 'Accrual' column above). Correctly calculating the three year average using a cash basis as proposed by Mr. Meyer would increase the Company's case by $948,677 on a total Company basis and $51,153 on an Idaho allocated basis. Mr. Meyer argues that cash basis is needed so that rates are not set based on estimates of future claim that may not materialie. Do you agree? No. The Company only records an accrual (reserve) for a specific claim if there is a liabilty to the Company, a 70 percent likelihood of a payout probabilty, and a documentable amount that can be used as justification for the reserve amount. Once a claim is presented to the Company, an internal analysis is conducted by a reserve commttee to determne the effect the clai may have on the Company. This reserving and establishing of an accrual is governed by F AS 5 accounting rules and Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. In addition, if the amount expected to be McDougal, Di-Reb - 20 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 paid out is subsequently changed, the adjustment is captured in the net insurance expense. Do you agree with the adjustment to I&D expense proposd by Mr. Englih? No. Mr. English proposes to include I&D expense using just the calendar year 2009 results. His proposal is based on the fact that I&D expense in 2009 is the lowest over the last three years. Whe I agree that the expense booked to PERC account 925 has declined, I&D expense wil natualy vary year to year due to the types of underlying claims. Expenses booked tothis account include the cost for claims from events in which there is damge or bodily injur to a thir par. This account does include expenses incurred as the result of auto accidents, other accidents and daages where a degree of employee negligence is involved, however, the majority of the expenses recorded as injur and damages are the result of events outside the diect benefit of the recent safety measures mentioned by Mr. English. These other types of events include, but are not limited to, electrcal contact with power lines and equipment by the public, constrction excavations of power lines and equipment by third paries, damages from fires caused by faulty transformers and other types of equipment, business interrption from power outages and varous other types. As Mr. English points out in his testimony, the Company has recently improved its safety penormce, but claims wil inevitably continue and the level of expense wil certy var over time. One of the major safety improvements at the Company has been related to preventable vehicle accidents. However, as shown on page 4.14.1 of Exhibit No.2, auto daages account for less than 10 McDougal, Di-Reb - 21 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 percent of claims paid. Contrar to Mr. English's implication, the Company's improved safety is not the main reason for the low I&D clais in 2009. These amounts tend to be unpredictable in natue. The purose of the thee year average is to provide a smoothing of this expense over time because of the varability and ensure recovery of prudent costs while avoiding setting rates on high or low years. Does Mr. English propose using an average to normalize other expenses in this case? Yes. Mr. English proposes using a five year average of cash contrbutions to the Company's pension plan to set the level of pension expense in ths case. His argument there is just the opposite of his support for I&D expense - the base year included in the Company's case is too high and that an average should be used to reduce the amount included in rates. It appears Mr. English is tring to cherr- pick actual, a historical average or a forecast average depending on which gives a lower result. What treatment does the Company recommend for injuries and damages expense? The Company continues to recommend using a thee year average of the net injures and damages expense on an accrual basis, and respectflly requests the Commssion make a determnation that a thee year average be consistently applied in ths and futue rate cases. The Commssion should reject the cash method proposed by Mr. Meyer and also the method proposed by Mr. English which uses only the base period (CY 2009) experience to determe the I&D expense level to be recovered in rates. McDougal, Di-Reb - 22 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Pension Expense 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 9 10 11 12 Does the Company recommend any change to the Company's filed position to calculate cash basis pension expense? No. Please describe the $19.1 milion adjustment referenced in Mr. Williams' testimony. As described in the testimony of Mr. Wiliam, the Company does not accept Mr. English's proposed adjustment, and proposes to continue on a cash basis as included in Exhibit 2, page 4.13. However, if the Commssion proposes to use an average, it should use a three-year historical average, which would result in an adjustment of $19.1 millon. The calculation of the $ 19.1 millon is shown in the table below. McDougal, Di-Reb - 23 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 9 10 11 Cash Contributions: Original Company Filng $ 104,80,00 Three Year Historical Average 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual (1) 3 Year AlArage $ 65,627,000 49,564,280 112,800,000 75,997,093 Case adjustment to change to a 3 year average RemolA mines and joint wntures Remow capitalization Rate Case Adjustment - Total Company Rate Case Adjustment - Idaho Allocated 28,802,907 (2,003,654) (7,686,106) $ 19,113,147 $ 1,03,623 (1) The case was filed using a preliminary estimate for 2010 pension contribution of $104.8 milion. Actual contribution for 2010 is $112.8 milion. Has the Company proposed to use a 3-year hitorical average to calculate any other level of expense in this cae. Yes. This is the same approach the Company recommends to calculate injures and damges expense. Is Mr. Englih's adjustment consistent with the test period used in thi cae? No. Mr. English is only allowing a forecast beyond the known and measurable period to be used for this one item. All other items are based on the historical test period with known and measurable changes. Over the next several years the Company is forecastig cost increases relate to plant-in-servce, medical benefits, general inflation, etc. Whe using a five-year projected average produces a decrease in pension costs, it is inconsistent with the test period used in McDougal, Di-Reb - 24 Rocky Mounta Power 1 this case and is inappropriate. 2 This is also inconsistent with other adjustments proposed by the IPUC 3 staff. Staff is proposing to use a five-year historical average for propert taes, 4 and at the same time they are proposing to eliminate the the year average used 5 for injures and damages. 6 MidAmerican Energ Holdings Company ("MEHC") Management Fee 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 15 A. 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 Please describe the adjustments to the MEHC management fee proposed by Mr. Meyer and Mr. English. Mr. Meyer and Mr. English each propose to elimnate portons of the MEHC management fee related to the incentive compensation. Mr. English also recommends removing supplemental executive retirement plan ("SERP") costs and Mr. Meyer recommends removing legislative expenses. Do you agree that the costs of SERP and incentive compensation should be removed from the MEHC management fee? No. As explained in furher detail by Company witness Mr. Erich D. Wilson, SERP and incentive compensation are individual components of total compensation packages simiar to those provided to PacifiCorp employees. Expenses related to SERP and incentive compensation are appropriately included in regulated results. Mr. Meyer also makes an adjustment to remove legislative costs from the mangement fee. Do you agree with hi proposal? No. I agree that costs strictly relate to the Company's legislative activity should not be included in regulate results. However, contrar to Mr. Meyer's asserton, McDougal, Di-Reb - 25 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 Q. 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q. 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 21 A. 22 23 the Company has already capped the level of MEHC management fee expenses in this case and excluded the legislative costs from results. Therefore, Mr. Meyer is removing costs that are not included in the case. Please further explain the cap on MEHC maagement fees. In merger commtment 28, the Company commtted to hold customers haress for costs that were previously assigned to affilates under the previous ownership. This commtment would be satisfied if PacifiCorp demonstrates that corporate allocations from MEHC to PacifCorp included in rates are limited to $7.3 milion. In general rate cases since the merger, the Company has limited the MEHC management fee included in rates to $7.3 millon; in ths case it is shown on page 4.8 of Exhibit NO.2 of my direct testimony. Does Mr. Meyer consider this cap when makig his adjustment? Mr. Meyer indicates that he considers the cap to be the upper limt for these charges and that disallowances should be fuer reductions below the cap, regardless of the actual underlying accounting. He indicates that since his proposal to remove $2.1 millon (related to both incentive compensation and legislative costs) is greater than the $1.1 mion reduction the Company made to arve at the capped level, fuer adjustment is warnted. Do you agree with Mr. Meyer's interpretation of the treatment for proposed dilowances? No. Mr. Meyer does not believe the Company has removed adequate costs from the maagement fee biled to PacifiCorp because the case only shows a reduction of $1.1 miion, but he fails to consider that a portion of the management fee McDougal, Di-Reb - 26 Rocky Mountai Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 biled to PacifiCorp was not booked above-the-line to begin with. The Company's downward adjustment reduced the expenses booked above-the-line from $8.4 millon to $7.3 millon. Durng 2009 MEHC biled PacifiCorp a tota of $1 1.6 millon, includig costs related to legislative activities, incentive compensation, SERP, and other charges. As shown in the table below, only $8.4 milion of the $11.6 millon biled was originally booked above-the-line, and only $7.3 milion was included in the case. MEHC original invoices Remove charges not eligible for inclusion in expense in the fiing: Amount capitalize Legislative Aicr costs exclude LTIP Eligible expenses Cap per Commitment 28 Eligible expenses not included in fiing Summar of amount included in Idaho GRC results Amount charged to expense above the line in unadjusted results Removed frm unadjusted results in original filing Amount charged to expense in original rilg $11,568,011 (206,427) (330,636) (708,780) (2,889,093) $7,433,076 7,300,00 $133,076 $8,353,029 (1,053,029) $7,30,000 The Company's original accounting and fuher adjustment to limit the MEHC fee in rates to $7.3 millon adequately satisfies the Company's obligation to bear the cost of inappropriate charges. Has the Company reazed benefits from MEHC management since the acquisition of PacifiCorp? Yes. The Company has benefitted and wil contiue to benefit from having MEHC as its holdig company in several respects. Since MEHC acquired PacifCorp, it has implemente cost cuttg strategies that have saved customers milions of dollars. For example, it is no coincidence that labor costs either come McDougal, Di-Reb - 27 Rocky Mountan Power 1 in lower or almost level with every rate case fied - even during periods when 2 medical costs were rising signifcantly from year to year. MEHC's safety policies 3 have made a positive difference in the Company's safety record, which also 4 translates into dollars saved. Corporate functions that are performed by MEHC 5 on behalf of pacifiCorp also save customers money because PacifiCorp does not 6 have to perform those functions on its own. If MEHC were not performg those 7 functions, PacifiCorp would have to do so and may have to do it at a higher cost. 8 Also, because the Company's ownership changed from a publicly held company 9 to a privately held utilty, there are no shareholders' services costs that must be 10 paid. Notably, before MEHC ownership, the Company paid $15 millon to its 11 prior owners in management costs. In keeping with its cost cutting philosophies, 12 when MEHC acquired the Company, MEHC agreed that ratepayers need only pay 13 $7.3 millon of the $15 milion typically paid to the prior owner. In sum, the 14 Company has shown that as a result of MEHC' s phiosophy of runng a 15 streamlned company, millons of dollars have been saved to the benefit of the 16 Company, but most importntly, to the benefit of the Company's ratepayers. 17 Outside Services Expense 18 Q.Pleas summrize Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment to outside servces 19 expense. 20 A.Mr. Meyer proposes to adjust the Company's outside services expense (PERC 21 account 923) to a four year historical average of years 2006 - 2009. Ths 22 adjustment would reduce revenue requirment by $327,080 on an Idao allocated 23 basis. McDougal, Di-Reb - 28 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 Q. 16 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 Does Mr. Meyer provide adequate evidence to support his recommendation for treating outside services expense differently than other O&M expenses? No. Mr. Meyer's entire argument consists of a single sentence stating "the level of expense incured in 2009 is the highest level of expense recorded by RMP since 2006." 1 It is unclear why Mr. Meyer has singled out outside services for ths treatment, and he provides no concrete explanation why this parcular O&M account deserves historical average treatment while others do not. Over the same period of time renewable energy credits ("RECs") have increased from $3.7 milion to over $90 millon in the test period in this case. The level of expense or revenue change over time is, by itself, no reason to use an average. Does Mr. Meyer challenge the prudence of any specific cost contained within the outside services expens included in the test year? No. He does not take issue with the prudence of any of the specific costs contained within the base period outside service expense. Do you believe that the level of outside services expense the Company experienced in the 12 months ended December 31, 2009 represents a reasonable, ongoing level of expense? Why? Yes. I believe the level of outside services expense in the base period is reasonable. Below is a table simiar to the one Mr. Meyer included in his diect testiony, except this table includes fiscal year 2005 to ilustrate that the fluctuations in this account are reasonable and do not warant the special treatment proposed by Mr. Meyer. lDit Testiony of Grg R. Meyer, Page 34. Line 1 - 2. McDougal, Di-Reb - 29 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Outside Services ExpenseFY2006 1,542,476CY2006 1,067,814CY2007 580,987CY2008 670,661CY2009 1,209,260 4 yr avg $ 882,181 5 yr avg $ 1,014,240 What else concerns you with regards to Mr. Meyer's adjustment to outside services? Mr. Meyer proposes inconsistent adjustments to varous revenue requirement categories included in the Company case. He recommends weather normalized usage be adjusted to a five-year average, S02 revenues be adjusted to a five year average, injures and dages expense be based on 3-year cash payments, and uncollectible expense be adjusted to a four-year average. The only consistency the Company finds among these adjustments is that they all decrease revenue requirement. Are there any other inconsistencies in Mr. Meyer's testimony? Mr. Meyer is also very selective about which accounts he chooses to adjust. His source for this adjustment to outside services was the Company's response to data request PUC 64 which lists 2005 - 2009 O&M expense by FERC account. In many accounts the 2009 test year expense is lower than the 4-year historical average. However, no par propose an average methodology that would increase test period revenue requirement. In addtion, he is even selective as to which historical years to include in his average. Fiscal year 2006 outside services expense was $1,542,476 so using a five-year average would have resulted in a smaer adjustment to revenue requirment. McDougal, Di-Reb - 30 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q.Should selected accounts be adjusted to a four year historical average? 2 A.No. It is important to consider the overall level of O&M for reasonableness 3 instead of isolatig individual O&M accounts. In doing so, there wil always be 4 accounts that go up from a thee, four or five year average and accounts that go 5 down. Mr. Meyer provides no arguments supporting why outside service expense 6 is unique, therefore it would be no more appropriate to adjust this account 7 downward than it would be to adjust other FERC accounts upward to a four year 8 average. Accepting Mr. Meyer's adjustment would be unfai and would not 9 provide the Company a reasonable opportnity to recover its costs of providing 10 service to customers. 11 Uncollectible Accounts 12 Q.Please briefly describe Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment to uncollectible 13 expense. 14 A.Mr. Meyer proposes to use a historical 4-year average of uncollectible expense 15 (PERC account 904) from calendar years 2006 - 2009 to estimate the appropriate 16 level for the test period. LIsing this methodology Mr. Meyer's adjustment would 17 reduce revenue requirement by $68,807. 18 Q.What evidence does Mr. Meyer provide to support hi recommendation for 19 using a four-year hitorical average treatment? 20 A.Mr. Meyer argues that because 2009 uncollectible expense was at the highest 21 level since 2006 it should be adjusted. He also claims that the level of 22 uncollectible expense is not dictate by the level of revenues. McDougal, Di-Reb - 31 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 A. 13 14 15 Is Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment a reasonable method of determining the Company's uncollectible accounts expense? No. This is another example of an adjustment that isolates a single expense account to produce a reduction to revenue requirement. As discussed above, Mr. Meyer recommends special treatment for this account but does not provide adequate support for his argument. His proposal to use an historical average to determne the level in 2010 is both unreasonable and inappropriate. The Company's test period is based on 2009 actual data adjusted for known and measurable events, not a test period of average costs from 2006 to 2009 and only when those averages decrease the revenue requirement. Why is it inappropriate to use a four-year historical average methodology? This method fails to account for conditions durng the rate effective period. The Company has experienced a steady increase in uncollectible expense since 2008. The char below shows Idaho uncollectible expense for the 2006 - 2009, the 12 months ended June 2010 and year to date Januar though October 2010. McDougal, Di-Reb - 32 Rocky Mountan Power i.......................................................................................................................................................................................................1¡ ¡L Idaho Uncollectible Expense ¡$700,000 T"'''.... ........._....._......."'-~--_..."'-'$S2,5S4 ¡ Meyer's Proped $406,456 $500,000 'r'- ......._~~~_...._._- -S412.3... - $400,000.1,.... $303,856 $300,000 't-" $200000 .i......., ' I 'I $100,000' I¡ $0 .1...... llli'",:: 12 ME Dec 12 ME Dec 12 ME Dec 12 ME Dec 12 MEJun Jan _ Oct ¡l",l:, 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 , L....................................................................................................................................................................................................J 1 As shown in the table above, the averaging method produces a 2010 2 uncollectible expense level that is below the actual expense for the first 10 months 3 of 2010. Adopting Mr. Meyer's adjustment would result in under-recovery of the 4 Company's uncollectible expense. 5 Bridger Coal Stripping 6 Q.Please explain Ms. Vaughn's adjustment related to the coal strpping 7 deferral. 8 A.Ms. Vaughn proposes to reduce Idao revenue requirement by $6,133 by 9 removing deferred coal strpping costs from rate base. In Case No. PAC-E-09-08 10 the Company was authoried to defer in a regulatory asset the costs associated 11 with the removal of overburden and waste materials at the Bridger mie. Ms. 12 Vaugh argues that because the regulatory asset was created as a result of an 13 accountig procedural change, it would be inappropriate for the asset to accrue a McDougal, Di-Reb - 33 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 Q. 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 caring charge. She also argues that because the Company did not request a caring charge in its original application, it should not be included in rate base in this case. Do you agree with Ms. Vaughn's proposed adjustment? No. Ms. Vaughn's adjustment unfairly penalizes the Company for an attempt to reduce the disparty created by timing difference between incurng the strpping costs and the time when the uncovered coal is actually extracted. As approved by the Commssion, strpping costs are now deferred to a regulatory asset rather than immediately included in fuel stock inventory and amortzation is matched with coal extraction. Without the deferred accountig treatment, the Company is requird to reflect strpping costs as varable production costs during the period that the strpping costs are incurred, impacting the cost of the inventory produced in that period. Under this accounting requirement, customers could pay for the costs of uncovering coal well before it was extracted from the mine. Under the former treatment, strpping costs would be included in fuel stock inventory in the curent period and they would be included in rate base. The regulatory asset now serves as a temporar holding place for these costs until coal is extracted and included in fuel stock. There is no real change in the underlying business process, and the Company should be allowed to include the regulatory asset in rate base just as the costs would have been included in fuel stock prior to the approval of deferrd accounting treatment. McDougal, Di-Reb - 34 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q.Why did the Company not originally request a carrying chare in Case No. 2 PA C-E-09-08? 3 A.The Company's application in that case did not address the ratemakng treatment 4 related to the change in accounting. Rather, it deferred rate makg considerations 5 to a subsequent general rate case. In its order the Commssion witheld its review 6 and judgment regarding the propriety of the deferred coal stripping costs unti the 7 Company requested recovery of such costs through rates. 8 Imputed Sublease Revenue 9 Q.Mr. English proposes to impute sublease revenue related to two below 10 market subleases to the Utah Sport Commission ("USC") and the Economic 11 Development Commission of Utah ("EDCU"). Do you agre with this 12 adjustment? 13 A.No. While I agree with the premise that Idao customers should not subsidie 14 these below market subleases, in fact, the impact is alady excluded from Idaho 15 alocated results in this case. McDougal, Di-Reb - 35 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Please further desribe the subleases in question. As described by Mr. English, the Company sublets a portion of its office space in the One Utah Center ("OUC") in Salt Lake City, Utah, to EDCU and USC at a rate of $1 per month rent plus operating expenses. The rent subsidy is considered a challenge grant to these organizations. Makng contrbutions to these entities by absorbing these lease expenses is a key element to partering with economic development organizations that, in effect, become an industrial customers' first point of contact in the state. For accounting puroses, the Company's results of operations initially include the total cost of the master lease at the OUC, approximately $2.1 millon per year, allocated to all states on the System Overhead ("SO") factor. Each month, the subsidized porton of the subleases to EDCU and USC is reclassified from rent expense to donation expenses in FERC account 930 and is situs assigned to Utah. The accounting for calenda year 2009 is shown in the table below: Desription OUCRent Rent Subsidy to EDeU/SCU FERC Account 931 - Rents 931 - Rents Aloction Factor Tota CompanySO $ 2,141,496SO (157,072) Net Rent Allocte to Idao $ 1,984,425 Rent Donation/Challenge Grant 930.2 - Mise General Expenses UT $157,072 15 In 2009, rent payments totaling $157,072 for these two subleases were 16 directly assigned to Uta, rendering Mr. English's adjustment imputing $142,069 17 of sublease revenue unnecessar. None of the net costs associated with the below 18 maret rate for these two subleases has been allocated to Idaho rate payers, so Mr. 19 English is removing a cost that is not included in the rate case. McDougal, Di-Reb - 36 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Property Tax Expense 2 Q. 3 A. 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 23 A. Please describe the adjustment to property taxes proposed by Mr. English. Mr. English states that the Company routinely and successfully appeals the assessed value for the propert that is taxed by varous states, resultig in property tax refunds. Mr. English reduces tota Company property tax expense in the case by $288,125, the average annual refund for tax years 2005 though 2010. Why doe Mr. English's adjustment improperly reflect property ta expense for the test period in this case? The adjustment proposed by Mr. English is not applicable to the test period in this case because it incorrectly assumes that prior year tax appeals were completely ineffective in resolving disagreements concerning the valuation methodologies employed by state assessment personnel. and that the use of such methodologies must be challenged again durng every futue assessment year. On the contr, as tax appeals are pursued and such appeals result in the use of more favorable valuation methodologies, the adjusted valuation methods are incorporated into the models employed by the Company when estimating property tax expense for rate case puroses. In other words, the beneficial effect of prior year appeal activity was taken into account by the Company when estiting 2010 property tax expense in the curent rate case. Makng an additional adjustment pertaing to prior year appeals would effectively double count the benefit of such appeals. How does the estimte included in the Company's cae compare to curent expectations of propert tax expense in 2010? As explaied to Mr. English during his onsite visit to Portland, actual propert tax McDougal, Di-Reb - 37 Rocky Mountai Power 1 expense for 2010 is likely to be several millon dollars higher than the estiate 2 contained within the Company's case. If the Commssion were to conclude that 3 the adjustment proposed by Mr. English is waranted, then it should also make an 4 additional upward adjustment to recognize that the original estimate in the 5 Company's case is understated. The size of that upward adjustment to 2010 6 propert tax expense would substantially exceed the size of the downward 7 adjustment proposed by Mr. English. 8 Residential Revenue 9 Q.Do you agree with Mr. Meyer's proposal to use the historical 5-year average 10 kWh usage/per customer bil instead of temperature normalized sales? 11 A.No. As fuer detailed in Company witness Dr. Peter C. Eelkema's testimony, 12 Mr. Meyer provides no rationale for ignoring temperatue normlization for the 13 residential class, nor his choice to extend the period from a 2010 test year to a 14 historical 5-year average. 15 Q.Do you agree with Mr. Meyer's revenue requirement computation resulting 16 from the change in average residential use per bil? 17 A.No. Mr. Meyer has failed to properly account for the full effect of increasing 18 residential sales. First, his computation of the incremental net power cost is 19 incorrect. Second, he fails to account for the correspondig change to 20 jursdctional load (energy and peak) used for inter-jursdictional allocation. 21 Q.Pleas explai why you disagree with Mr. Meyer's calculation of net power 22 costs relate to incrementa saes. 23 A.There ar two problems with Mr. Meyer's calculation of the net power cost McDougal, Di-Reb - 38 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 impact of his adjustment. First, Mr. Meyer uses embedded rather than incremental net power costs in his calculation. Second, Mr. Meyer incorrectly calculates the Idaho's embedded net power cost. To correctly calculate the net power cost impact related to incremental revenues, Mr. Meyer needs to use a power cost dispatch model, or use an estimate based on the market price of energy. He fails to use either of these methods, and instead assumes that the incremental. cost of power is equal to the embedded cost of power. Mr. Meyer incorrectly calculated embedded net power costs. His calculation relies on the Idaho allocated net power cost adjustment included on Page 5.1 of Exhbit 2 and not the Idao allocated total net power costs included in the case. Mr. Meyer's calculation results in Idaho net power costs of $65,023,822 rather than the correct amount of $69,234,037 as reflected on page 2.2 of Exhibit 2. Corrting Mr. Meyer's embedded net power cost approach, without changing to an accurate incremental net power cost approach, reduces his adjustment by $36,846. Pleas explain the effect of including the change to loads at input based on Mr. Meyer's proposed incremental sales. Increasing sales by 21,075 MWh as proposed by Mr. Meyer results in an increase to Idao system energy loads of 23,157 MW when grossed up for line losses, and a correspondig increase of 32.7 MW to peak loads. This increase has an impact on Idao jursdctional alocation factors, and increases Idaho-alocated revenue requirement by $ 1,1 17,959. When offsettg ths increase in allocate McDougal, Di-Reb - 39 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 A. costs against Mr. Meyer's imputed revenue adjustment of $1,168,333 (using the corrected net power cost amount), the net result is an adjustment for $50,374. What is your recommendation regarding Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment? The Company recommends no change be made to residential revenues as Mr. 5 Meyer fails to provide any proven support to indicate the validity of ignorig 6 temperature normalized sales. Dr. Eelkema provides testimony on why the 7 Company's forecast is more accurate than the simplistic average used by Mr. 8 Meyer. Furtermore, the Company rejects Mr. Meyer's adjustment to revenues 9 due to the miscalculation of net power costs and his failure to look at incremental 10 costs, along with his failure to captue the effect on Idaho jursdictional factors by 11 having no incrementa adjustment to loads at inputs. 12 Jurisdictional Load for Allocation 13 Q. 14 15 A. 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 A. 21 22 23 Do you agree with Mr. Anthony J. Yankel's contention that the Company's has overestimated line losses in jurisdictional loads? No. The Company's load measurements are consistent with prior filgs, and are calculated in a simlar manner for all states. Mr. Yanel's proposal is not consistent with prior filngs, and he does not make simiar adjustments to other states, leadig to inconsistent allocation factors among states. Pleas describe the method that the Company used to estiate line losses. The Company has taken the total energy coming into jursdiction plus any generation in jursdiction minus energy leaving the jursdiction. The Company adjusts for losses resulting from moving Bridger generation to Goshen, Kiport, and Bora. After subtracting Idao reta sales, the remainder is losses. McDougal, Di-Reb - 40 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 A. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Has the calculation of Idaho loads been described in any prior filings with the Commission? Yes. The testimony of Company witness Mr. David L. Taylor in Case No. PAC- E-02-3 described the calculation of the Company's Revised Protocol allocation factors. His testimony with regard to the calculation of the system peak states: "Each State's hourly load consists of the Company owned generation within that State, purchases or interchanges delivered into the State, plus metered flows of energy into the State from other pars of the PacifCorp system. From that measurement, metered energy flows out of the State and deliveries to non-retail customers are deducted to arve at that State's retailload".2 Peak and energy loads used for allocation puroses in this case have been calculated consistent with the description above. Are there losses included in the Company's estimate which are not associated with Idaho retail sales? Yes. There are losses associated with moving energy for wholesale sales. Idaho rate payers benefit from these wholesale sales though reduced energy costs. The curent case allocates approximately $47 mion in wholesale sales to Idao.3 There are some losses that occur as a result of power moving though Idaho; however, ths occurs to a much lesser degree than Mr. Yanel iners because losses resulting from moving Bridger generation to Goshen, Kiport, and Borah are not included. Mr.Yankel's proposal ignores all losses associated with those sales. 2 Idao Ca No. PAC-E-02-3, Dit testiony of David L. Taylor, page 12, lies 11-15.3 Rebtta Exibit 2. page 2.3, lie 111 McDougal, Di-Reb - 41 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q.Mr. Yankel states on page 20 and 22 of his testimony that transmission losses 2 should be equally shared by all jurisdictions. Does each state use the 3 transmission system equally? 4 A.No. Because there is insufficient generation in Idaho to support Idaho customers' 5 load, generation must be brought in from other locations. This would utilize the 6 transmission system more than a load center that is located closer to generation. 7 Q.Doe Mr. Yankel's proposl treat all states consistently? 8 A.No. Mr. Yanel reduces Idaho's load, but does not make simiar adjustments to 9 all other states. Mr. Yankel assumes he does not need to adjust net power costs 10 because his irgation and allocation load adjustments basically offset. This is an 11 invalid assumption because, in addition to calculating Idaho load contrar to 12 Revised Protocol, he also calculates it inconsistently with other states. 13 Monsanto Special Contract Allocation 14 Q.Do you agree with Ms. Kathryn E. Iverson's assertion that a proper 15 jurisictional alocation study would reflect only Monsto's rir demands 16 for puroses of allocating costs? 17 A.No. Ms. Iverson bases her argument on the claim that the Company has not 18 planed for, or acquird resources, on the basis of Monsanto's non-firload. 19 Company witness Mr. Gregory N. Duvall provides rebutt testimony 20 demonstratig that Monsanto's claim is incorrect and that the Company does, in 21 fact, plan for Monsanto's load and is required to provide service to Monsanto for 22 the vast majority of the time. The cunt curment contract with Monsanto 23 lits the number of hours in a year the Company can interrpt servce to McDougal, Di-Reb - 42 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Monsanto and has specific constraints regarng the amount of load that can be curtailed at a given time. In order for Ms. Iverson's assertion to be tre the Company would need the abilty to curil service to Monsanto at any time with no limitation over the course of a year. Have you reviewed Ms. Iverson's calculation of the impact on revenue requirement in this case using her suggested 'non-firm' allocation approach? Yes. Do you agree with her calculation of a $12 millon reduction to the overall price increase sought by the Company in this case? No. Ifound two main issues with Ms. Iverson's calculation of the non-fir allocation impact. First, because she claims the Company does not plan for Monsanto's non-fir load, Ms. Iverson has removed 170.1 MW of demad from all twelve monthy coincident peaks used to determe Idao's contrbution to the system peak. In other words, Monsanto proposes to include only 9 out of 182 MW of Monsanto demand in the Idaho jursdictional coincident peak every month. If Monsanto's load were to be excluded from the Idaho jursdictional peak for a study of this natue, it should only be excluded from a lited number of months, realistically representing the impact of the curaient on PacifiCorp' s operations. Second, Ms. Iverson improperly removed retail revenue from Monsanto based on avoided non-fi demad charges. In reality Monsanto wil not avoid reaching its peak demad for an enti month as a result of PacifiCorp curlment. Revenue should be removed based on cured energy at the non- fir energy rate of 2.38 cents per kiowatt hour. Finally, Ms. Iverson's McDougal, Di-Reb - 43 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 adjustment does not remove the appropriate amount of revenues related to interrptible demand changes. Ms. Iverson's representation of Monsanto curailment, removing 170.1 MW from the Idao jurisdictional peak every month and avoiding demad charges for every month of the year, is certnly fiction. Why is it not realistic to remove 170.1 MW from eah of the monthly jurisdictional peaks? According to the terms of the Company's contract with Monsanto for 2010, economic curlment of 67 MW is available for 850 hours and operating reserves curailment of 95 MW'is available for 188 hours. After accounting for line losses the total curlment is 170.1 MW. However, removing all 170.1 MW from each month's coincident peaks is in appropriate for thee reasons: . The total hours available for some type of curilent equate to 1038, less than 12 percent of the hour in the year. For the remaing hours during which Monsanto load is not curiled the Company must stad ready to provide electric service to Monsanto. . Pursuant to the contract, the Company can never actually curail all 170.1 MW at one tie. Curilent for operatig reserves is assigned to two smaller furaces, with total load of 95 MW, and economic curailment is assigned to one larger fuace with a load of 67 MW. If one of the fuaces is already not operating either for maintenance or overhaul, the Company can curail both remainig fuaces, but the total curent would be less than the 170.1 MW. If one of the fuaces is aleady not. operatig for economic curaiment, the Company can only cur one McDougal, Di-Reb - 44 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 additional fuace. Mr. Duvall explains how the Company's resource planning is impacted by this limitation to avaiable curailment. This means the maximum actual curailment is 116 MW out of the 170.1 proposed by Ms. Iverson. . As shown on Tab 5 - Page 6 of Exhibit 49 sponsored by Company witness Craig Paice, for eight out of twelve months durng the test period tota Monsanto load at the coincident peak is actually less than 170.1 MW. It would be entiely inappropriate to reduce Monsanto load below zero in a given month. Have you properly calculated the impact of Monsanto's proposal on the Company's case? Yes. I performed a calculation similar to the one proposed by Ms. Iverson, but that also considers the constraints of the Company's contract with Monsanto. I first reviewed the Company's annual results of operations reports since 20054 to reveal the number of times in a year Monsanto load was actually curled at the time of the system peak. The table below shows that from April 2004 though December 2009 Monsanto curlment events occured at the time of the monthly system peak at most five times durng a given year. 4 The ¡PUC apoved the Revise Protocol Stipulation on Febrar 28, 2005. McDougal, Di-Reb '" 45 Rocky Mountan Power Curtilment Events at Hour of Monthly System Pea FY2005 FY2006 CY200 CY2007 CY200 CY209 Januar Februar March April May June x x July x x x August x x x x September x x October x November x x x x December x x x Count 3 3 5 5 1 2 1 All of the events in the table above are the result of economic curailment; 2 no operating reserve events occured at the time of the system peale Based on 3 that historical record I removed Monsanto load from 6 of the 12 monthly 4 coincident peaks, conservatively representing curailment events durng a given 5 year. I removed 70.3 MW (67 MW adjusted for line losses) from Idao 6 jursdictional peak, representing the economic curailment porton of the contract 7 adjusted for line losses. In additiòn, I removed 850 hour of curailed energy 8 from the Idaho jursdictional energy, and I removed retail revenue for reduced 9 sales priced at the non-fir energy rate. This scenaro reduces the overall price 10 change to Idaho in this case from $24.9 miion (the Company's rebutta position) 11 to $18.7 millon, a reduction of $6.2 mion. 12 To get a better idea of the net impact on customers, this reduce revenue 13 requirment must be allowed to flow though a simiarly impacted cost of service 14 study. The tables below compare Monsanto's allocated cost of service under the 15 Company's rebuttl fiing and a corrected non-fi alocation scnaro. McDougal, Di-Reb - 46 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q. 13 14 15 A. 16 Company Rebuttal Description Annual Rewnue Total Cost of Servce Increae (Decreae) to = ROR 13,996,524 Percentage Change frm Currnt RelÆnues 9.82%142,524,117 156,520,641 59.544,497 7'0,397,959 202,04,614 226,918,594 All Others Non-Firm Scenario Description Annual Revenue Total Cost of Servce Increase Percentage Chage frm Currnt Revenues 9.89%142,524,117 156,622,051 ss.1$a,s1a6?,73?,~é 200,692,635 219,354,077 Under the non-fir allocation scenaro, Monsanto's allocated cost of service is $7.7 millon less than under the Company's rebuttal results. However, Monsanto's allocated cost of service in the Company's rebutta filng would be offset by the separate payment from the Company related to the value of the curment products. There would be no separte payment under the non-firm scenaro. Under the non-fir scenaro, if the Company were to pay a curlment payment or credit (as we have done in the past several contracts) it would results in a double counting of curaient benefits. The ultiate net impact on Monsanto relative to the allocation methodology wil be determed by the value ascribed to the curent products, an issue that wil be determed in a separate phase of this case. Do you agree with Ms. Iverson's asserton that the Revised Protocol treatment of Monsanto is a fiction that ha resulted in increases to Monsanto year after year? No. The Revised Protocol was an agreement between paries in Idao as well as staeholders across four states that underwent significant scrutiy and analysis. McDougal, Di-Reb - 47 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The primary purpose of the Revised Protocol was to achieve a consistent method for allocating costs and benefits of providing service across the Company's multi- state service terrtory. The cost of providing service to all of our customers in Idaho has certinly risen since the Revised Protocol was adopted, but the allocation methodology itself is not the man drver of rate increases to Monsanto. Was Monsanto a party to the Stipulation supporting the Revised Protocol approved in Case No. PAC-E-02-3? Yes. Monsanto was a pary to the stipulation reached in that case supporting the use of the Revised Protocol, and the signing paries to the Stipulation believed the terms of the Stipulation were fai, just, and reasonable. Is the allocation of costs and benefits related to special contracts with industrial customers a signifcant issue addresse in the Revised Protocol? Yes. The issue of allocating costs and benefits related to special contracts is repeated several times as an importt issue addressed with the Revised Protocol agreement. PacifiCorp's comments supportg the Stipulation state, "The Revise Protocol, if ratified by all of PacifiCorp' s state commssions, wil establish uniorm policies in respect to a number of critical issues. These include.. .how the costs and benefits of special contracts with industral customers wil be allocated among states."s In addition, the joint motion for approval of the settlement signed by PacifCorp and the Idao Commssion staff identifies that the Revised Protocol addresses the alocation of special contracts. 5 Page 4, PacCorp Comments in Support of Joint Motion for Acceptance of Settlement, Case No. PAC-E- 02-3. McDougal, Di-Reb - 48 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q. 23 24 25 A. 26 27 28 29 30 Please provide the language from the Revised Protocol that specifically deals with the treatment of Monsnto's special contract. Appendix D of the Revised Protocol describes the treatment of special contracts, including those with ancilar service contract attbutes such as the Company's contract with Monsanto. Specifically, the Revised Protocol states: "For allocation puroses Special Contracts with Ancilar Service Contract attrbutes are viewed as two transactions. PacifiCorp sells the customer electrcity at the retail service rate and then buys the electrcity back durg the interrption period at the Ancilar Service Contract rate. Loads of Special Contract customers wil be included in all Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors. When interrptions of a Special Contract customer's service occur, the host jursdiction's Load-Based Dynamc Allocation Factors and the retail service revenue are calculated as though the interrption did not occur. Revenues received from Special Contract customer, before any discounts for Customer Ancilar Service attrbutes of the Special Contract, wil be assigned to the State where the Special Contract customer is located. Discounts from taff prices provided for in Special Contracts that recognize the Customer Ancilar Service Contract attrbutes of the Contract, and payments to retail customers for Customer Ancilar Services wil be allocated among States on the same basis as System Resources." Have you treated the Company's agreement with Monsanto as a specia contract with ancilary service contract attributes, as described in Appendi D of the Revised Protool? Yes. In the Company's original filg, Monsanto's load is included in the load- based dynamic alocation factors, and the retal revenue is calculated as if there is no interrption and is dict assigned to Idao. In addition, the cost of the ancilar services is allocated among all states on the same basis as other system resources. The Company's rebuttal filing continues to treat the Monsanto special contract in this maner. McDougal, Di-Reb - 49 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 18 19 A. 20 21 22 What is the appropriate forum for Monsanto to address the allocation of the costs and benefits related to its special contract? The MSP Standing Commttee was established as par of the Revised Protocol to "oversee continuing analytical efforts associated with inter-jurisdictional issues.. .and serve as a forum for the paries to discuss and hopefully resolve emerging inter-jurisdictional issues. Meetigs of the MSP Standing Commtte are to be open to all interested paries. Those meetings are expected to assist in maitaining an ongoing consensus among PacifiCorp's states regardig inter- jurisdictional issues, thereby preserving the accomplishments of the MSp"6 (emphasis added). It is of utmost importance to the Company that issues affecting multiple states be brought to the MSP Stading Commttee in an effort to preserve consistent allocations across paricipating states. Altering treatment of one special contrct in this case simply because another method produces a smaler rate increase for one customer is inconsistent with the signed stipulation. Ms. Iverson compares her proposed alloction treatment of Monsanto curtent to the Idaho irrigation load control program and another special contract with a Rocky Mountain Power customer in Utah. Do you agree that her proposl is comparable to these other examples? No. Ms. Iverson's proposal is much more aggressive than the treatment of either of these programs. As mentioned previously, Ms. Iverson removed 170.1 MW of Monsanto demand in all twelve months of the year. Whe jursdctional load is reduced for curlment from Idao irgators and the Utah special contract, it is 6 Page 6, Orer No. 29708, Cas No. PAC-E-Q2-3. McDougal, Di-Reb - 50 Rocky Mountai Power 1 limited to curtailment achieved pursuant to the terms of the respective agreements 2 and is limited to a specific number of months. 3 Q.Do you have additional concerns with the comparison to the Idaho irrgation 4 load control program? 5 A.Yes. In this case the Idao Commssion staff, ICL and Idao Irgation Pumpers 6 Association each proposed that the costs and benefits of the Idao irgation load 7 control program be allocated system-wide, rather than the current treatment. But 8 Monsanto points to the irgation load control program as an example of proper 9 situs treatment. This varation of proposals highlights the Company's concern 10 that circumventing the agreed-upon process of addressing multi-state issues 11 though the MSP Standig Commttee results in short sighted decisions and 12 continued inconsistent treatment. 13 I(Wo Irrigation Load Control Program 14 Q.Pleas describe the positions taken by parties with respect to the Idaho 15 Irrgation Load Control Program. 16 A.The Idao Irgation Load Control Program is addressed by multiple paries in the 17 case. I wil briefly describe some of the positions in the case. 18 Mr. Don C. Reading proposes that "the Commssion, Company, and other 19 paries should purue allocating the irgation load control program, Schedules 72 20 and 72A, as a system wide resource. Whe ths proposal liely requires a change 21 to the Revised Protocol for inteijursdictional cost allocations, we believe it is a 22 reasonable and prudent proposal.,,7 7 Diect testiny of Don Reaing, page 2, lies 9 - 12. McDougal, Di-Reb - 51 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 20 A. 21 22 23 Mr. Yanel proposes that "in the long term (by the next rate case), that this program be treated more as a system benefit where the curments are 'sold' to the system at their tre value." He also proposes that the Company increase the curlment used in this case to the amount that was available. Mr. Lobb and Ms. Terr Carlock for the Commssion staff both fied testimony on the irgation program. Mr. Lobb claims that the costs of the Irgation Load Control program assigned to Idaho customers is inequitable when compared to the program benefits received. Ms. Carlock supports assigning the costs of the irgation program as a power supply cost. Do you agree with Mr. Lobb and Ms. Carlock that the program contracts are more like purchas power agreements or ancilary service contracts and should be similarly system allocted? The Company agrees that there are characteristics that make the irgation program more like an interrptible progra. However, the Company believes that this decision needs to be made by the MSP Standing Commttee, and needs to be consistently applied to all Class 1 DSM progrms. Do you agree with Mr. Reading's proposal that the Commision, Company, an other paries should purue allocating the irrgation load control progra as a system resource? Although the Company does not believe ths should be done in this case, the Company is not oppose to Mr. Reading's proposal as long as it is done in the correct foru and is applicable to clearly defied resources. As mentioned previously, the Company believes that ths decision needs to be made by the MSP McDougal, Di-Reb - 52 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q. 23 24 A. Standig Commttee, and needs to be consistently applied to all Class 1 DSM programs. Did the Company incorrctly include only 229 MW of progrm participation in the jurisdictional load decrement as alleged by Mr. Yankel? No. As described in the Company's responses to IIPA data requests 64 and 90 sponsored by Dr. Eelkema, as well as in Dr. Eelkema's diect testimony, the 229MW included in the fiing is the correct amount as it represent the level of potential interrptibilty of paricipating loads durng a given dispatch event. Do you agree with Ms. Carlock's conclusion that a classification change for thi program would allow it to be system allocated under the Revised Protocol? No. As stated in my diect testiony, this program as a Class 1 DSM progrm. According to Section iv, Subpar C of the Revised Protocol, demand-side management programs are assigned to the State Resources category. According to the Revised Protocol: "Costs associated with Demand-Side Management Program wil be assigned on a situs basis to the State in which the investment is made. Benefits from these programs, in the form of reduce consumption, wil be reflected though tie in the Load-Base Dynamc Allocation Factors." The Company believes that there is sufficient justication to bring ths issue before the MSP stadig Commttee for resolution. Do you agre with Mr. Yanel's propos revision to the curent adjustment? No. Mr. Yankel proposes to revise the curent values for June, July and McDougal, Di-Reb - 53 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 A. 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 A. 23 August to 234 MW, 260 MW and 246 MW respectively.8 However, as shown on Tab 5, page 6 of Exhibit 49, the contribution to the coincident peak for the entire irtation class during those thee months is only 277 MW, 180 MW and 178MW. Mr. Yankel's proposal would remove 260 MW in July, even though the entire irgation class, including those not on the interrptible schedule, is only 180 MW. This same result occurs durng the month of August when Mr. Yanel would remove 246 MW and the irgation class contrbution to the coincident peak is only 178 MW. Do any other jurisdictions served by PacifiCorp have simiar programs, and are those programs treated in a similar manner in this cae? Yes. The Company operates programs to control irgation and central ai conditioning load in its Uta service terrtory. Both of these program are trated in a similar manner as the Idao irgation program, i.e. the Uta load used to compute inter-jursdictional allocation factors is reduced to reflect program paricipation and the program costs are diect assigned to Utah. Did any party propose adjusting this ca for the Utah progrms? No. All adjustments made in this case were to the Idao irgation only. None of the pares attempted to adjust ths case for Uta Class 1 DSM programs. If a change is made, it should be a universal change with specifc rules about which programs qualiy for system treatment. What changes does the Company propoe to its filig in ths cae? None. As noted above, the Company believes the irgation program is treated corrtly in this rate case. The Company proposes that the paries brig ths issue 8 Yanel di testimony, page 31, lie 12. McDougal, Di-Reb - 54 Rocky Mounta Power 1 before the MSP Standing Commttee to make a recommendation on how to trat 2 all Class 1 DSM programs. 3 Other Issues 4 Q. 5 6 A. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. ~ 15 16 A. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Did any party file testimony in opposition to the Company's proposed treatment of revenue from the sale of renewable energy credits ("RECs")? No. The Company's original filng proposed that RECs wil be included as a revenue credit in the Company's energy cost adjustment mechansm ("ECAM") fiings. Accordingly, the Company plans on incorporating RECs into the ECAM mechanism staring Januar 1,2011. The base level ofREC revenue wil be $91,779,696 on a total Company level, and $7,031,166 on an Idaho alocated basis as shown on pages 3.6.1 though 3.6.3 of my Exhbit No.2, with varations deferred and recovered or refunded on a dollar for dollar basis in subsequent ECAM proceedings. Did any party file testimony regarding the Load Growth Adjustment Rate ("LGAR")? Yes. Mr. Yanel addressed the LGAR in his filed testimony. He presents arguments related to the application of the WAR in the Company's ECAM filngs, specifcally arguing that the LGAR should only be utilized in situations where load is increasing and not when load decreases. Mr. Yankel states that he is not addressing the level or dollar amount of the WAR, but he recommends that the LGAR is only to be applied in ECAM cases where there has been growth on the Company's system. McDougal, Di-Reb - 55 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Is Mr. Yankel's discussion relevant to this genera rate case? No. The WAR is only utilzed in the Company's ECAMfilings, and is not relevant to the outcome of this general rate case. As par of the settlement reached to establish the ECAM mechanism, the Company agreed to update the calculation of the LGAR each time base net power costs are updated in general rate cases. The Company provided that calculation in Exhibit NO.4. The application of the LGAR, however, has no relevance to ths case and should be addressed in the context of the ECAM. The Commssion Staf has aleady held technical workshops outside the scope of this case and work on this issue should continue in a separate venue. Did the Company update the calculation of the LGAR along with its rebuttal filing? Yes. I have included an updated LGAR calculation as Exhbit No. 80. When preparg the updated LGAR calculation, the Company discovered an error in Exhibit NO.4. In the Company's original calculation of the LGAR, wheeling expenses is removed from total production expenses to arve at the unbundled production revenue requirement excludig net power costs. However, the total production expenses did not include wheeling expense to begin with. The unbundled production revenue requirement excluding net power costs is correctly calculated in Exhibit No. 80. McDougal, Di-Reb - 56 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Summary 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 A. Please summarize your position on the rebuttal revenue requirement proposed by the Company? The modified revenue requirement of $24.9 millon is the appropriate revenue requirement based on the test period used in this case. The Company has carefully reviewed the adjustments proposed by the parties and either made adjustments that it believes are appropriate in this case or defended the proposals put forth by the Company in its original filing. Doe this conclude your rebuttl testimony? Yes. McDougal, Di-Reb - 57 Rocky Mountan Power Case No. PAC-E-10-07 Exhibit No. 78 Witness: Steven R. McDougal BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Revenue Requirement Summ November 2010 Rocky Mountain Power IDAHO Results of Operations. REVISED PROTOCOL 12 Months Ended DECEMBER 2009 1 Operating Revenues: 2 Geerl Business Revenues 3 Interdepartental 4 Special Sales 5 Other Operang Revenues 6 Total Operating Revenues 78 Openg Expenes: 9 Steam Prouction 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro Production 12 Oter Power Supply 13 Transmission 14 Distnbution 15 Customer Accounting 16 Customer Serice & Info 17 Sales 18 Administrtive & General 19 20 Total O&M Expenses 21 22 Depreiation 23 Amization 24 Taxes Other Than Income 25 Income Taxes. Federal 26 Income Taxes. State 27 Income Taxes. De Net 28 Investment Tax Cre" Adj. 29 Misc Revenue & Expense 30 31 Totl Opertig Expenses: 32 33 Operating Rev For Retum: 34 35 Rate Base: 36 Elect Plant In Serice 37 Plant Held for Future Use 38 Misc Defer Debits 39 Bee Plant Acq Adj 40 Nucr Fuel 41 Prepayments 42 Fuel Stock 43 Matenal & Supplies 44 Workng Capit 45 Weaenza Loans 46 Misc Rate Base 47 48 Totl Elecc Plant: 49 50 Rate Base Deons: 51 Acc Pro For Dere 52 Acc Prov For Amo 53 Accum Def Income Tax 54 Unamoid ITC 55 Custome Adv For Cost 56 Cusomer Seice Depits 57 Mise Rate Base Des 58 59 Tota Rate Bae Deductons 60 61 Tot Rat Bas: 62 63 Retur on Rate Base 64 65 Retrn on i;qui 66 67 TAX CALCULATION: 68 Op Revene69 Ot Deucons 70 Inert (AFUDC) 71 Intert72 Sd "M" Addit73 Scule "M" Deuc 74 In Be Tax 75 76 Slae In Taxesn Tax In 78 79 Fed Ine Taxes + Oter (1)Tot Results 202,733,162 47,181.395 13,773,496 263.68,052 60,435,375 2,133,930 81.047,814 10,746,876 11,434,56 4,643,836 1,847,458 11,489,496 183,779,349 27,431,473 2,100,494 5,735,434 (30,337,63) (3,698,423) 40,613,922 (201,494) (58,936) 224,842.185 38,845867 1,166,794,057 (0) 4,174,122 3,352.852 2,570,384 12,146,067 9,955,856 2,927.613 3,503,640 123,279 1,205,547,851 (371,626,719) (21,60,207) (155,69,797) (226,270) (947,697) (4,891,303) (55,992.992) 6555 85 5.971% 6.058% 45.222.238 (3,235,728) 18,208,250 43,182.28 152,89,957 (79.458.95) (3,69,423) (7578533, (39 33763' (2) Pnce Change 24.669,96 57,60 8,289,995 1,126,473 9,474,274 15395 705 24,812,173 24,812,173 1,126,473 2368701 828999 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 78 Page 1 of 1 Case No. PAC-E-10-07 Witness: Steven R. McDougal (3) Resultsw"h Pri Change 227,603,142 4,701,642 5,735,434 (22,047,638) (2,571,951 ) 234,316,459 54 24157 1.205,547.851 (554,992.992) 6555 859 8.338% 10.60 70,034,411 (3.235,728) 18.208.250 43,182,285 152,890,957 (54,646,783) (2,571,951 )(52 07483' '2204763' Case No. PAC-E-10-07 Exhibit No. 79 Witness: Steven R. McDougal BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTLITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Results of Operations Sumar November 2010 Rocky Mountain Power Page 1.0 IDAHO Results of Operations. REVISED PROTOCOL 12 Months Ended DECEMBER 2009 (1)(2)(3) Total ResuRswRh Results Price Change Pri Change 1 Operating Revenues: 2 General Busins Revenues 202,733,162 24,869,980 227,603,142 3 Interdepartntal 4 Special Sales 47,181,395 5 Othr Operating Revenues 13,773,496 6 Total Oprating Revenues 263,688,052 7 8 Operating Expenses: 9 Steam Production 60,435,375 10 Nuclar Prouction 11 Hydro Prouction 2,133.930 12 Other Power Suppiy 81,047,814 13 Transmission 10,746,876 14 Distributon 11.434.56 15 Customer Accounting 4,643,836 57,80 4,701,642 16 Cuomer Service & Info 1,647,458 17 Sales 18 Administrative & Geerl 11.489,496 19 20 Total O&M Expenses 183,779.349 21 22 Deprecation 27,431,473 23 Amortization 2.100,494 24 Taxes Ot Thanlncome 5,735,434 5.735,434 25 Income Taxes. Federal (30,337,634)8,289.995 (22,047,638) 26 Incoe Taxes. State (3,698,423)1,126.73 (2.571,951 ) 27 Incoe Taxes. De Net 40,613,922 28 Investment Tax Credit Adj.(201,494) 29 Misc Revenue & Expense (58,936) 30 31 Total Operating Expenses:224,842,185 9,474,274 234,316,459 32 33 Operng Rev For Retum:38,845867 15395705 54 241 573 34 35 Rate Base: 36 Elecric Plant In Service 1,166,79,057 37 Plant Hetd for Future Use (0) 38 Misc Deered Deits 4,174,122 39 Elee Plant Acq Adj 3.352,852 40 Nuclear Fuel 41 Prepayments 2,570.364 42 Fuel Stock 12,146,067 43 Materal & Supplies 9.955.85 44 Worng Capital 2.927,613 45 Weathzation Lons 3,503,640 46 Mise Rate Bae 123,279 47 48 Totl Elec Plant:1.20,547.851 1,205,547,851 49 50 Rate Bae Deucts: 51 Accum Proy For Deree (371,626.719) 52 Accum Prov For Amo (21,60.207) 53 Accum De Income Tax (155,694.797)54 Unamo ITC (226,270) 55 Custoer Adv For Cont (947,697) 58 Customr Servic Deposits 57 Misc Rat Ba Deucons (4,891,303) 58 59 Totl Rate Base Deuctions (56,992,992)(56.99.992) 60 61 Totl Rae Base:65'55 85 65 56 859 62 63 Retur on Rate Bae 5,971%8.336% 64 65 Re on Equit 6.05%10.60% 66 67 TAX CALCULATION:68 Op Reven 45,22.238 24,812,173 70,034,41169 Ot De 70 in (AFUDC)(3.235,728)(3.235.728) 71 Irer 18.20,250 18,208,2572 Sc oM" Addl 43.182,285 43.182,28573 Sc OM" Deon 152,890,957 152,890,957 74 In Beor Tax (79,458,95)24.812.173 (54,646.783) 75 76 Sla In Taxes (3,69,423)1,126,473 (2.571.951)77 Tax Inom as1653)?3§85701 (52074 832) 78 79 Fedln Taxes + Oter (3033763)8289:95 (22 047 63) Rocky Mountain Power RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Page 2.1 USER SPECIFIC INFORMATION STATE: PERIOD: IDAHO DECEMBER 2009 FILE: PREPARED BY: DATE: TIME: JAM Dec 2009 ID GRC_Rebuttal Revenue Requirement Department 11/10/2010 10:20:51 AM TYPE OF RATE BASE: ALLOCATION METHOD: Year-End REVISED PROTOCOL FERC JURISDICTION:Separate Jurisdiction 8 OR 12 CP:12 Coincidental Peaks DEMAND % ENERGY % 75% Demand 25% Energy TAX INFORMATION TAX RATE ASSUMPTIONS: FEDERAL RATE STATE EFFECTIVE RATE TAX GROSS UP FACTOR FEDERAUSTATE COMBINED RATE TAX RATE 35.00% 4.54% 1.615 37.951% CAPITAL STRUCTURE INFORMATION CAPITAL STRUCTURE EMBEDDED COST WEIGHTED COST DEBT PREFERRED COMMON 47.60% 0.30% 52.10% 100.00% 5.88% 5.42% 10.60% 2.799% 0.016% 5.523% 8.338% OTHER INFORMATION The Company's current estimated cost of equity is 10.6%. The capital structure is calculated using the five quarter average from 12/3112009 to 1213112010. REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.2 Year.End RESULTS OF OPERATIONS SUMMARY UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO Description of Account Summary:Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENTS ADJ TOTAL 1 Operating Revenues 2 General Business Revenues 2.3 3,484,413,565 3,297,654,176 186,759,389 15,973.773 202,733,162 3 Interdepartental 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 4 Special Sales 2.3 643,321,157 608,334,858 34,986.299 12,195,096 47,181,395 5 Other Operating Revenues 2.4 226,031,658 211,768,618 14.263,041 (489,545)13,773,96 6 Total Operating Revenues 2.4 4,353,766,380 4,117,757,652 236,008,729 27,679,324 263,688,052 7 8 Operating Expenses: 9 Steam Producton 2.5 898,300,862 843,721,653 54,579,209 5.856,165 60,435,375 10 Nuclear Production 2.6 0 0 0 0 0 11 Hydro Production 2.7 37,924,259 35,835,202 2,089,057 44.873 2,133,930 12 Other Power Supply 2.9 1,023,694,683 957,342,697 66,351,986 14,695,828 81,047.814 13 Transmission 2.10 172,874,522 163.342,030 9,532,492 1.214,384 10,746,876 14 Distribution 2.12 215,468,741 204,320,401 11,148,340 286.225 11,434.564 15 Customer Accounting 2.12 93,785,007 89,279,506 4,505.501 138.335 4,643,836 16 Customer Service & Infor 2.13 71,462.744 64,626,109 6.836,635 (4,989,177)1.847,458 17 Sales 2.13 0 0 0 0 0 18 Administrative & General 2.14 162,619,511 153,146,104 9,473,407 2.016,089 11,489,496 19 20 Total 0 & M Expenses 2.14 2,676,130,329 2,511,613.702 164,516,627 19,262,722 183,779.349 21 22 Depreciation 2.16 464,027,603 439,654,747 24,372,857 3,058,616 27,431,473 23 Amortization 2.17 43,698,570 41.447,110 2.251,459 (150,965)2,100,494 24 Taxes Other Than Income 2.17 123,877,487 118,556,052 5,321,434 414,000 5,735,434 25 Income Taxes - Federal 2.20 (169,095,879)(155,246,71 )(13,849,408)(16.488,225)(30,337,634) 26 Income Taxes - State 2.20 (22,619,435)(20,716,041)(1,903,395)(1.795,029)(3,698,23) 27 Income Taxes - Def Net 2.19 482,616,183 458,788.432 23,827,751 16,786,171 40,613.922 28 Investment Tax Credit Adj.2.17 (1.874,204)(1,672,710)(201,494)0 (201,494) 29 Mise Revenue & Expense 2.4 (5,975,707)(5,678.965)(296,743)(284,193)(580,936) 30 31 Total Operating Expenses 2.20 3,590,784,945 3,386,745,857 204,039,088 20,803,097 224,842,185 32 33 Operating Revenue for Retum 762,981,435 731,011.794 31.969,641 6,876,226 38,845,867 34 35 Rate Base: 36 Eiectiic Plant in Service 2.30 19,556,037,605 18,501,513,991 1,054,523,614 112.270,443 1,166,794.057 37 Plant Held for Future Use 2.31 13,674,549 13,104,516 570,032 (570,032)(0) 38 Mise Deferr Debit 2.33 140,117,584 136,496,764 3,620.820 553,302 4.174,122 39 Elec Plant Acq Adj 2.31 60,866,907 57.514,055 3.352,852 0 3,352,852 40 Nuclear Fuel 2.31 0 0 0 0 0 41 Prepayments 2.32 46,150,453 43,580,089 2,570,364 0 2.570,364 42 Fuel Stock 2.32 167,792,599 157,165,766 10,626,832 1,519,234 12.146,067 43 Mateiial & Supplies 2.32 177,874.022 167,918,166 9,955,856 0 9,955.856 44 Working Capitl 2.33 55,801,121 52,891,524 2,909,597 18.016 2,927,613 45 Weatherition Loans 2.31 37,358,188 33,854,547 3,503,640 0 3.503.64 46 Miscellaneous Rate Base 2.34 1,809,172 1,685,894 123.279 0 123.279 47 48 Total Electic Plant 20.257,482,199 19,165,725,311 1,091,756,888 113,790,963 1,205.547,851 49 50 Rate Base Deductns: 51 Accum Prov For Depr 2.38 (6.626,518.392)(6,257,435,755)(369,082,637)(2,544,082)(371,626.719) 52 Accum Prov For Amort 2.39 (427.140,689)(405,559,885)(21,580,804)(25,402)(21,606,207) 53 Accum Def Income Taxes 2.35 (2,332,318,663)(2,191,771,766)(140,546,897)(15,147,900)(155.694,797) 54 Unamorted ITC 2.35 (7.294,222)(7,250,054)(44,168)(182,102)(226.270) 55 Customer Adv for Const 2.34 (20,944,658)(20,258,001 )(686,658)(261,039)(947,697) 56 Customer Service Deposits 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 57 Misc. Rate Base Deductions 2.34 (57.36,419)(54,678,805)(2,686,614)(2,204.689)(4,891,303) 58 59 Total Rate Base Deducions (9,471,582,03)(8,936,954,265)(534,627.778)(20,365,213)(554,992,992) 60 61 Total Rate Base 10,785,900,156 10,228,771.046 557,129,110 93,425,749 650.554.859 62 63 Retum on Rate Base 7.074%5.738%5.971% 64 65 Return on Equit 8.174%5.611%6.058% 66 Net Powr Costs 1,042,847,444 67,040,143 69,008,495 67 100 Basis Points in Equity 68 Revenue Requirement Impact 90.56.779 4,677,985 5,462,442 69 Rate Base Decrase (739,90,478)(46.373,11 )(52,207,202) REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.3 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 70 Sales to Ultimate Customers 71 440 Residential Sales 72 0 S 1,346,519,773 1,287,272,744 59,247,029 386,357 59,633,386 73 74 61 1,346,519,773 1.287,272,744.59,247,029 386,357 59,633.386 75 76 442 Commercial & Industrial Sales 77 0 S 2,097,948,247 1.970,908,587 127.039,660 15,459,595 142,499.255 78 P SE 79 PT SG 80 81 82 81 2.097,948,247 1,970.908,587 127,039,660 15,59,595 . 142,499,255 83 84 44 Public Street & Highway Lighting 85 0 S 20.913,398 20,440,698 472.700 127.821 600.521 86 0 SO 87 81 20,913,398 20,40.698 472.700 127.821 600,521 88 89 445 Oter Sales to Public Authority 90 0 S 19.032,148 19,032,148 91 92 61 19,032,148 19.032,148 93 94 448 Interde partmental 95 DPW S 96 GP SO 97 81 98 99 Total Sales to Ultimate Customers B1 3,48.413.565 3.297,654.176 186,759,389 15,973,773 202,733,162 100 101 102 103 447 Sales for Resale-Non NPG 104 WSF S 8.352.641 8,352.641 105 8.352,641 8.352.641 106 107 447NPG Sales for Resale-NPC 108 WSF SG 633,900,033 598.981,663 34.918,370 12,263,025 47.181.395 109 WSF SE 1,068,483 1.000,554 67,929 (67,929) 110 WSF SG 111 634.96.516 599,982,217 34,986.29 12.195.096 47,181,395 112 113 Total Sales for Resale 81 643.321,157 608,334.858 34,986,299 12,195.096 47,181,395 114 115 449 Provision for Rate Refund 116 WSF S 117 WSF SG 118 119 120 81 121 122 Total Sales from Eleccit B1 4,127,734,722 3,905,989,034 221,745,688 28,168,869 249,914,557 123 45 Foneited Discounts & Interest 124 GUST S 7,318.368 6.907.026 411.342 411.342 125 GUST SO 126 81 7,318,368 6.907.026 411,342 411,342 127 128 451 Mise Electrc Revenue 129 CUST S 6,902.761 6.732,681 170,080 170.080 130 GP SG 131 GP SO 6.131 5.801 331 331 132 81 6.908,893 6,738,82 170,411 170,411 133 134 453 Water Sales 135 P SG 12,155 11,485 670 670 136 81 12,155 11,485 670 670 137 138 45 Rent of Elect Propert 139 DPW S 10,421,181 10,119.677 301.504 301,504 140 T SG 5.304.571 5.012.36 292.202 292,202 141 T SG 4.88 4,617 269 269 142 GP SO 3.428.294 3.243,429 184.864 184,864 143 81 19,158.931 18.380,092 778.840 778,840 144 145 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.4 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 146 147 456 Other Electric Revenue 148 OMSC S 50,609.068 45,598,459 5.010,609 (5,010.486)123 149 CU5T CN 150 OTHSE SE 8,005,386 7,496,442 508.944 508,944 151 OTHSO SO 173,123 163,788 9,335 9,335 152 OTHSGR SG 133,845,735 126,472,845 7,372,890 4,520,941 11.893,830 153 154 155 81 192,633.312 179.731,534 12,901,778 (489,545)12,412.233 156 157 Total Other Electric Revenues B1 226,031,658 211,768,618 14,263,041 (489,545)13,773,496 158 159 Total Electnc Operating Revenues B1 4,353,766,380 4,117,757,652 236,008,729 27,679,324 263,688,052 160. 161 Summary of Revenues by Factor 162 S 3,568,017,584 3,375,364,659 192,652.925 10,963,287 203,616,212 163 CN 164 SE 9.073,869 8,496,996 576,873 (67,929)508.944 165 SO 3,607,548 3,413.018 194,530 194,530 166 SG 773.067.379 730,482,978 42,58,400 16,783,96 59,368,366 167 OGP 168 169 Total Electric Operating Revenues 4,353,766,380 4,117,757,652 236,008,729 27,679,324 263.88,052 170 Miscellaneous Revenues 171 41160 Gain on Sale of Utilty Plant - CR 172 OPW 5 173 T SG 174 G 50 175 T SG 176 P SG 177 81 178 179 41170 Loss on Sale of Utilty Plant 180 DPW 5 181 T SG 182 81 183 184 4118 Gain from Emission Allowances 181 P S 1(16 P SE (3.790,891 )(3.549.88)(241,007)(284,193)(525,200) 187 B1 (3,790.891 )(3,549,884)(241,007)(284,193)(525,200) 188 189 41181 Gain from Disposition of NOX Credits 190 P SE 191 81 192 193 4194 Impact Housing Interest Income 194 P SG 195 B1 196 197 421 (Gain) I Loss on Sale of Utilty Plant 198 OPW 5 (1.173,272)(1.173,272) 199 i SG (145.556)(137,538)(8.018)(8,018) 200 T SG (68.192)(64,436)(3,756)(3,756) 201 PTO CN 202 PTO 50 12,862 12,169 694 694 203 P SG (810.657)(766,002)(44,655)(44.655) 204 81 (2,184,816)(2.129,080)(55,736)(55,736) 205 206 Total Miscellaneous Revenues (5,975,707)(5,678,965)(296,743)(284,193)(580,936) 207 Miscllaneous Expenses 208 4311 Interest on Customer Deposits 209 CUST S 210 81 211 Totl Miscellaneous Expeses 212 213 Net Mlsç Revenue and Expense B1 (5,975,707)(5,678,965)(296,743)(284,193)(580,936) 214 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.5 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 215 500 Operation Supervision & Engineering 216 P SG 20,160.039 19.049.523 1,110,515 37.227 1.147,743 217 P SSGCH 1,216,352 1,150,085 66,267 66,267 218 82 21,376,391 20,199,608 1,176,783 37,227 1,214.010 219 220 501 Fuel Related-Non NPC 221 P SE 11,157,930 10,448,562 709,368 1,067 710,434 222 P SE 223 P SE 224 P SSECT 225 P SSECH 3,213.384 3,019,906 193,478 193,478 226 82 14,371,314 13,468,468 902,846 1,067 903,912 227 228 501NPC Fuel Related-NPC 229 p SE 552,903,370 517,752,418 35,150,952 5,399,987 40,550.938 230 P SE 231 P SE 232 P SSECT 233 P SSECH 52.991,371 49,800,763 3,190.608 73,828 3.264,437 234 82 605,894,741 567,553.181 38,341,560 5,473,815 43,815,375 235 236 Total Fuel Related 620,266,055 581,021,649 39,244,405 5,474,882 44,719.287 237 238 502 Steam Expenses 239 P SG 30,407,397 28,732,406 1,674,991 41,453 1,716,444 240 P SSGCH 5,101,692 4,823.751 277,942 277,942 241 82 35,509,090 33,556.157 1,952.933 41,453 1,994,385 242 243 503 Steam From Other Sources-Non-NPC 244 P SE 147 147 245 B2 147 147 246 247 503NPC Steam From Other Sources-NPC 248 P SE 3,597,576 3,368,859 228,717 (14,218)214,498 249 82 3,597.576 3,368.859 228,717 (14,218)214,498 250 251 505 Electc Expenses 252 p SG 2,754,507 2,602,775 151,732 3,675 155,407 253 P SSGCH 1,150,021 1,087.367 62,654 62,654 254 B2 3,904,528 3,690.143 214,385 3.675 218,060 255 256 506 Misc. Steam Expense 257 P SG 42,056,734 39,740,040 2.316,694 91,485 2,408.180 258 P SE 259 P SSGCH 1,502,518 1,420,661 81.858 (1)81,857 260 B2 43,559,253 41,160,701 2,398.552 91,485 2,490,037 261 262 507 Rents 263 p SG 44,653 423,939 24,714 24,714 264 P SSGCH 1,762 1.666 96 96 265 B2 450,415 425.605 24,810 24,810 266 267 510 Maint Supervision & Engineering 268 P SG 4,057,736 3,834,216 223,520 33,811 257,331 269 P SSGCH 1,912,378 1.808,191 104,187 104,187 270 B2 5,970,114 5,642,407 327,707 33,811 361,518 271 272 273 274 511 Maintenance of Strctures 275 P SG 21,88,763 20.681,131 1.205,632 14,388 1.220,020 276 P SSGCH 938.302 887,183 51,119 (2)51.117 277 B2 22,825.065 21,568,314 1,256,751 14,386 1,271,137 278 279 512 Maintenanc of Boiler Plant 280 P SG 91,029,755 86,015,382 5,014,372 141.730 5,156,102 281 P SSGCH 3.403,827 3,218,385 185,442 (298)185,144 282 82 94,433.581 89,233,767 5.199,814 141.432 5.341,246 283 284 513 Maintenanc of Eleic Plant 285 P SG 33,316,896 31,481,635 1,835,260 25,634 1,860,894 286 P SSGCH 410,626 388,255 22,371 22,371 287 82 33,727,522 31,869,890 1,857,632 25,634 1,883,266 288 289 514 Maintenanc of Mi. Steam Plant 29 p SG 9,86.457 9,128,311 532.146 6.265 538,411 291 P SSGCH 3,20.817 2,856.242 164,575 (11)164,564 292 82 12,681,274 11,984,553 696,721 6,254 702,975 293 294 Totl Steam Power Gelon B2 898,300,862 84,721,653 54,579,209 5,856,165 60,435,375 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.6 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 295 517 Operation Super & Engineering 296 P SG 297 62 298 299 518 Nuclear Fuel Expense 300 P SE 301 302 62 303 304 519 Coolants and Water 305 P SG 306 62 307 308 520 Steam Expenses 309 P SG 310 62 311 312 313 314 523 Electric Expenses 315 P SG 316 62 317 318 524 Misc. Nuclear Expenses 319 P SG 320 82 321 322 528 Maintenance Super & Engineering 323 P SG 324 62 325 326 529 Maintenance of Structures 327 P SG 328 82 329 330 530 Maintenance of Reactor Plant 331 P SG 332 82 333 334 531 Maintenance of Electric Plant 335 P SG 336 82 337 338 532 Maintenance of Mise Nuclear 339 P SG 340 62 341 342 Total Nuclear Power Generation B2 343 344 535 Operation Super & Engineering 345 P DGP 346 P SG 8.095,683 7,649.732 44.951 9,813 455.763 347 P SG 1,289,537 1,218,502 71.034 10,929 81.963 348 349 62 9,385,219 8,868.235 516.985 20.742 537.726 350 351 536 Water For Power 352 P DGP 353 P SG 285.794 270,051 15,743 193 15.936 354 P SG 4,415 4.172 243 (5)238 355 356 62 290,209 274.223 15.986 188 16,174 357 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.7 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 358 537 Hydraulic Expenses 359 P DGP 360 P SG 3,168,766 2,994,214 174,551 1,298 175,850 361 P SG 349,844 330,573 19,271 146 19,417 362 363 82 3,518,610 3,324,787 193.823 1.44 195,267 364 365 538 Electric Expenses 366 P DGP 367 P SG 368 P SG 369 370 82 371 372 539 Misc. Hydro Expenses 373 P DGP 374 P SG 11,894,606 11,239,392 655.214 10,025 665,239 375 P SG 5,705,129 5.390,862 314,267 7,665 321,932 376 377 378 82 17,599,735 16,630,254 969,481 17,690 987,171 379 380 540 Rents (Hydro Generation) 381 P DGP 382 P SG 180,404 170,466 9.938 (31)9.907 383 P SG 3,040 2,873 167 (3)165 384 385 82 183,444 173,339 10,105 (33)10,072 386 387 541 Maint Supervision & Engineenng 388 P DGP 389 P SG 84,358 79,711 4,647 2 4,649 390 P SG 391 392 82 84,358 79,711 4.647 2 4,649 393 394 542 Maintenance of Structures 395 P DGP 396 P SG 1,092,399 1,032,224 60.175 606 60,781 397 P SG 114,713 108.394 6,319 196 6,515 398 399 82 1.207,112 1,140,619 66,494 .802 67,296 400 401 402 403 404 543 Maintenance of Dams & Waterways 405 P DGP 406 P SG 1.189.774 1,124.235 65,539 632 66,170 407 P SG 410,765 388,138 22,627 280 22,907 408 409 82 1,600,539 1,512.374 88,166 912 89.077 410 411 544 Maintenance of Electnc Plant 412 P DGP 413 P SG 1.188,647 1.123,171 65,477 1,140 66,617 414 P SG 327,068 309,052 18,017 531 18,54 415 416 82 1.515,716 1,432.223 83,493 1,671 85,164 417 418 545 Maintenance of Misc. Hyro Plant 419 P DGP 420 P SG 1,925.303 1,819,248 106.055 1,076 107.132 421 P SG 614.013 580,190 33.823 379 34.202 422 423 82 2,539,316 2,399,438 139.878 1,455 141,333 424 425 Total Hydraulic Power Geeration B2 37,924,259 35,835,202 2,089,057 44,873 2,133,930 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.8 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 426 427 546 Operation Super & Engineenng 428 P SG 316,964 299,504 17,460 63 17,523 429 P SSGCT 430 B2 316,964 299,504 17,460 63 17,523 431 432 547 Fuel-Non-NPC 433 P SE 434 P SSECT 435 B2 436 437 547NPC Fuel-NPC 438 P SE 426,253,895 399,154,711 27,099,184 2,694,748 29,793,932 439 P SSECT 35,489,120 33,231.922 2,257,199 (1.369,207)887,991 440 B2 461,743,015 432,386.633 29,356.382 1,325,541 30,681,924 441 442 548 Generation Expense 443 P SG 14,113.019 13,335,604 777,415 10,615 788,031 444 P SSGCT 1,626,465 1,537.686 88,779 1,884 90,663 445 B2 15.739,485 14,873,290 866,194 12,499 878,693 446 447 549 Miscellaneous Other44P SG 18,635,853 17,609,298 1,026,556 330,179 1,356;734 449 P SSGCT 450 B2 18,635.853 17,609,298 1,026,556 330,179 1,356,734 451 452 453 454 455 550 Rents 456 P SG 1.861.263 1,758.736 102,528 102,528 457 P SSGCT 458 B2 1.861,263 1,758,736 102,528 102,528 459 460 551 Maint Supervision & Engineenn9 461 P SG 462 B2 463 464 552 Maintenance of Structures 465 P SG 1.350,705 1,276,301 74,404 455 74,859 466 P SSGCT 193,326 182,774 10,553 156 10.709 467 82 1,544,031 1,459,075 84,956 611 85,567 468 469 553 Maint of Generation & Electn Plant 470 P SG 12,141,793 11,472,963 668,830 (218,736)450,094 471 P SSGCT 2,845,046 2,689.752 155,294 450 155,744 472 B2 14,986.840 14,162.715 824,124 (218,287)605,838 473 474 554 Maintenance of Misc. Other 475 P SG 1,200,375 1,134,253 66,123 97 66,220 476 P SSGCT 121,530 114,897 6,634 184 6,817 477 B2 1,321,906 1,249,150 72,756 281 73.037 478 479 Total Other Power Generation 82 516,149,358 483,798,401 32,350,957 1,450,887 33,801,844 480 481 482 555 Purcased Power-Non NPC 483 DMSC S (33,207,768)(33,362,478)154,710 (154,710) 484 (33,207,768)(33,362,478)154,710 (154,710)485 486 555NPC Purchase Power-NPC 487 P SG 409,727,945 387,158,090 22,569,855 6,802.349 29,372,204 488 P SE 79,691,472 74,625,070 5,066,403 (584.201)4,482,201 489 Seasonal Co P SSGC 490 DGP 491 489,419,417 481,783,159 27,636,258 6,218,147 33,854,405 492 493 Total Purcsed Powr B2 456,211,649 428,20.681 27,790.968 6,063,437 33,854,405 494 495 556 System Control & Load Dispatch 496 p SG 1,514,461 1.431,037 83,424 1,524 84,948 497 498 82 1,514,461 1,431,037 83,24 1,524 84,948 499 500 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.9 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 501 502 557 Other Expenses 503 P S (183,792)(150,819)(32,973)7,585,721 7.552,748 504 P SG 48,880,583 46,187,997 2,692,586 (405,742)2,286,844 505 P SGCT 1,122,425 1,060,360 62,065 62,065 506 P SE 507 P SSGCT 508 P TROJP 509 510 B2 49.819.215 47,097.537 2,721,678 7.179,979 9.901,657 511 512 Embedded Cost Differentials 513 Company Owned Hyd P DGP (65,082,413)(65,082,413) 514 Company Owned Hyd P SG 65,082,413 61,497,350 3,585,063 3,585,063 515 Mid-C Contract P MC (39,855,992)(38,798,578)(1,057,414)(1,057,414) 516 Mid-C Contract P SG 39,855,992 37,660,526 2,195,466 2,195,466 517 Existing QF Contracts P S 42,959,299 41,911,043 1.046,256 1,048.256 518 Existing QF Contracts P SG (42,959,299)(40,592,887)(2,366,412)(2.366,412) 519 520 (3,404,959)3,404,959 3.404.959 521 522 Total Other Power Supply B2 507,545,325 473.54,296 34,001,030 13,244,941 47,245,970 523 524 Total Production Expense B2 1.959,919,804 1,836,899,552 123,020,252 20,596,867 143,617,119 525 526 527 Summary of Production Expense by Factor 528 S 9,567,738 8,397,746 1,169.992 7,431.011 8,601,003 529 SG 865,425,265 817,753,332 47,671.933 6,961.345 54,633.277 530 SE 1.073,604,242 1,005.349,620 68,254.622 7,497.528 75.752.151 531 SNPPH 532 TROJP 533 SGCT 1.122,425 1.060,360 62,065 62,065 534 DGP (65.082,413)(65,082,413)535 DEU 536 DEP 537 SNPPS 538 SNPPO 539 DGU 540 MC (39.855.992)(38,798,578)(1,057,414)(1.057,414) 541 SSGCT 4,786,369 4,525,109 261.259 2,673 263,932 542 SSECT 35,489,120 33.231.922 2.257.199 (1.369,207)887,991 543 SSGC 544 SSGCH 18,658.295 17,641.785 1.016,510 (312)1,016.198 545 SSECH 56.204.755 52.820.669 3.384.086 7~,828 3,457,914 546 Total Production Expense by Factor B2 1,959.919.804 1.836.899,552 123,020,252 20.59 ,867 143,617,119 547 560 Operation Supervision & Engineering 548 T SG 6,088.583 5,753,193 335.389 10.916 346,305 549 550 B2 6,088,583 5.753,193 335.389 10.916 346,305 551 552 561 Load Dispatching 553 T SG 9.323.709 8,810.112 513,596 18.577 532,174 554 555 B2 9.323.709 8,810.112 513,596 18,577 532,174 556 562 Station Expense 557 T SG 1.506,478 1,423,494 82.984 2.259 85,243 558 559 B2 1.506.478 1,423,494 82,984 2.259 85.243 560 561 563 Overhead Line Expense 562 T SG 245.152 231.64 13.504 206 13.710 563 584 B2 245.152 231.64 13.504 206 13.710 565 566 564 Underground Line Exense 567 T SG 568 569 B2 570 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.10 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 571 565 Transmission of Electricity by Others 572 T SG 573 T SE 574 575 576 565NPC Transmission of Electricity by Others-NPC 577 T SG 116,018,414 109,627,542 6,390,872 1,066,721 7,457,592 578 T SE 1,142,797 1,070,143 72,654 93,442 166,095 579 117,161,210 110,697.685 6,463.525 1,160,162 7,623.688 580 581 Total Transmission of Electricity by Others 82 117,161.210 110.697,685 6,63.525 1,160.162 7,623,688 582 583 566 Misc. Transmission Expense 584 T SG 2,393,112 2.261,287 131,825 (4,285)127,540 585 586 B2 2,393.112 2.261.287 131,825 (4,285)127,540 587 588 567 Rents - Transmission 589 T SG 1,656.975 1,565,700 91,274 509 91,784 590 591 82 1,656,975 1,565,700 91,274 509 91,784 592 593 568 Maint Supervision & Engineering 594 . T SG 35,453 33,500 1,953 39 1,992 595 596 82 35,453 33.500 1,953 39 1,992 597 598 569 Maintenance of Strctures 599 T SG 4,060,560 3.836,884 223,676 5,435 229.110 600 601 B2 4,060,560 3,836,884 223,676 5,35 229.110 602 603 570 Maintenance of Station Equipment 604 T SG 10,549,624 9,968,98 581,126 16.773 597,899 605 606 82 10.549,624 9,968,98 581.126 16,773 597,899 607 608 571 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 609 T SG 19,620,066 18,539,295 1.080,771 3.679 1,084,449 610 61~62 19,620,066 18,539.295 1.080.771 3,679 1,084,449 612 613 572 Maintenance of Underground Lines 614 T SG 51.599 48,757 2,82 84 2,926 615 616 B2 51,599 48,757 2.842 84 2,926 617 618 573 Maint of Misc. Transmission Plant 619 T SG 182,001 171.976 10,026 30 10,056 620 621 62 182,001 171,976 10,026 30 10.056 622 623 Total Transmission Expese B2 172,874,522 163,342,030 9,532,492 1,214,384 10,746,876 624 625 Summary of Transmission Exnse by Factor 626 SE 1,142,797 1,070,143 72,654 93,442 166,095 627 SG 171,731,725 162,271,887 9,459.839 1,120,942 10.580,781 628 SNPT 629 Total Transmission Expense by Factor 172,874,522 163,342,030 9,532,492 1,214,38 10,746,876 630 - 580 Operation Supervision & Engineering 631 DPW S 1.012,443 930,166 82.277 82,277 632 DPW SNPD 18,641,946 17,781,836 860.111 34,479 894,590 633 82 19.654.389 18,712.001 942.388 34,479 976,867 63463 581 Load Dispatcing63DPW S 637 DPW SNPD 13.439,746 12.819,657 620.089 25,714 645.803 63 62 13,439.746 12,819.657 620.089 25.714 645,803 63964 582 Statin Expe 641 DPW S 3,849,839 3,641,292 208,547 4,008 212,555 642 DPW SNPD 29,848 28,471 1.377 46 1,42364B23,879.687 3,669,763 209,924 4,053 213,977 644 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.11 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 645 583 Overhead Line Expenses 646 DPW S 5,777,056 5,475,120 301,936 11,118 313,054 647 DPW SNPD 17,767 16,948 820 29 849 648 62 5,794.824 5,492,068 302,756 11,147 313,903 649 650 584 Underground Line Expense 651 DPW S 305 305 652 DPW SNPD 653 62 305 305 654 655 585 Street Lighting & Signal Systems 656 DPW S 657 DPW SNPD 207,152 197,594 9,558 402 9,960 658 62 207,152 197.594 9.558 402 9,960 659 660 586 Meter Expenses 661 DPW S 5,630,733 5,374,972 255,761 9,193 264,954 662 DPW SNPD 1,082,827 1.032,867 49,960 1,765 51,725 663 62 6,713,56 6,407,839 305,721 10,958 316.679 664 665 587 Customer Instllation Expenses 666 DPW S 12,458,762 12,009,848 448,917 16,305 465,222 667 DPW SNPD 496 473 23 1 24 668 62 12,459,259 12.010,319 44,940 16.306 465,248 669 670 588 Misc. Distribution Expenses 671 DPW S 1,903,892 1,827,783 76.109 (2,139)73,970 672 DPW SNPD 5.537,508 5,282,016 255,492 (46)255,44 673 62 7,441,400 7,109,799 331,601 (2,186).329,416 674 675 589 Rents 676 DPW S 3,082,013 3,056,279 25,733 33 25,767 677 DPW SNPD 1.14,242 108,971 5,271 0 5,271 678 62 3,196,255 3,165,250 31,004 33 31,038 679 680 590 Maint Supervision & Engineering 681 DPW S 1,168,290 1,079,917 88,373 3,126 91,498 682 DPW SNPD 6,367,680 6,073,885 293,795 10,425 304,219 683 62 7,535,970 7,153,82 382,168 13,550 395,718 684 685 591 Maintenance of Strutures 686 DPW S 1,855,991 1,709,849 146,142 146,142 687 DPW SNPD 159,999 152,617 7.382 7,382 688 62 2.015,990 1,862,466 153.524 153,524 689 690 592 Maintenance of Station Equipment 691 DPW S 10,926.178 10,135,064 791.114 25.517 816,631 692 DPW SNPD 1,874,179 1,787,708 86,472 3,387 89,858 693 62 12.800,357 11.922,771 877.586 28.904 906,490 694 593 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 695 DPW S 82,112.317 77,011,054 5,101,264 100,942 5.202,206 696 DPW SNPD 1.224,337 1,167,84 56,489 951 57,440 697 62 83.336,655 78,178,902 5,157,753 101.893 5,259,646 698 699 594 Maintenance of Underground Lines 700 DPW S 22,479,205 21,746,414 732.791 18.984 751,774 701 DPW SNPD 7,391 7,050 341 11 352 702 82 22,486,595 21.753,464 733,132 18.995 752,126 703 704 595 Maintenance of Line Transformers 705 DPW S 24,717 24,717 706 DPW SNPD 1.081,164 1.031,280 49,883 1.698 51,581 707 82 1.105.880 1.055,997 49.883 1.698 51.581 708 709 596 Maint of Strt Lighting & Signal Sys. 710 DPW S 4.217,687 4,084,975 132,712 4.670 137,382 711 DPW SNPD 712 82 4,217.687 4,084,975 132,712 4,670 137.382 713 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.12 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAl 714 597 Maintenance of Meters 715 DPW S 4.536.131 4,239.464 296,667 10.873 307.541 716 DPW SNPD 1.100.892 1.050.098 50.793 1,662 52,455 717 82 5.637.023 5.289.562 347,461 12.535 359.996 718 719 598 Maint of Misc. Distribution Plant 720 DPW S 2.967.838 2.882.374 85,465 128 85.592 721 DPW SNPD 578.169 551.493 26.676 2.944 29.620 722 82 3.546.007 3,433.867 112.141 3.072 115.212 723 724 Total Distribution Expense 62 215,468,741 204,320,401 11,148,340 286,225 11,434,56 725 726 727 Summary of Distribution Expense by Factor 728 S 164.003.397 155.229.589 8.773.808 202.757 8.976,565 729 SNPD 51,465.344 49,090.812 2.374.532 83,467 2,457.999 730 731 Total Distribution Expense by Factor 215,468,741 204,320,401 11.148.340 286,225 11,434.564 732 733 901 Supervision 734 CUST S 102.805 87.017 15,788 56 15,84 735 CUST CN 2.451.290 2.356.068 95.222 4.004 99.226 736 82 2.554.096 2,443.085 111.010 4.060 115.070 737 738 902 Meter Reading Expense 739 CUST S 20,750.177 19.136.393 1.613,784 62.513 1.676.297 740 CUST CN 1,770.041 1.701,283 68.758 2.274 71.033 741 82 22,520.219 20.837.676 1.682.543 64.787 1.747.330 742 743 903 Customer Receipts & Collections 744 CUST S.7,352.864 7.023.206 329.657 10.345 340.002 745 CUST CN 48.927.462 47.026.843 1.900.620 58.841 1.959,461 746 82 56.280.326 54.050.049 2.230.277 69.186 2.299.463 747 748 904 Uncollectible Accounts 749 CUST S 12.149.005 11.677.783 471,222 471.222 750 P SG 751 CUST CN 26.790 25.749 1.041 1.041 752 82 12.175.795 11.703.532 472.263 472.263 753 754 905 Misc. Customer Accounts Expense 755 CUST S 12.390 12.390 756 CUST CN 242.182 232.774 9,408 302 9.710 757 82 254.572 245.164 9,408 302 9.710 758 759 Total Customer Accounts Expense B2 93,785,007 89,279,506 4,505,501 138,335 4,643,836 760 761 Summary of Customer Acct Exp by Factor 762 S 40.367,241 37.936.789 2,430,452 72.914 2,503.366 763 eN 53.417.766 51,342.717 2.075,049 65,421 2.140,470 764 SG 765 Total Customer Accounts Expense by Factor 93.785.007 89.279.506 4,505,501 138.335 4.643.836 766 767 907 Supervision 768 CUST S 769 CUST CN 286.417 275.290 11.126 396 11.523 770 82 286,417 275.290 11.126 396 11.523 771 772 908 Customer Assistance 773 CUST S 63,240,907 56.710.070 6.530,837 (4.992.585)1.538,252 774 CUST CN 2.861,099 2.749,957 111,141 4.430 115,571 775 776 777 82 66,102.006 59,460.027 6,641,979 (4.988,155)1.653.823 778 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.13 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 779 909 Informational & Instrctional Adv 780 CUST S 349.724 349,724 781 CUST CN 4.574.542 4.396,841 177.701 (1,426)176.275 782 B2 4.924,267 4.746.566 177.701 (1,426)176,275 783 784 910 Misc. Customer Service 785 CUST S 786 CUST CN 150.055 144,226 5,829 8 5.837 787 788 82 150.055 144.226 5.829 8 5.837 789 790 Total Customer Service Expense B2 71.462.744 64,626,109 6.836.635 (4.989,177 1,847,458 791 792 793 Summary of Customer Service Exp by Factor 794 S 63.590.631 57.059.794 6.530,837 (4.992.585)1,538.252 795 CN 7.872.112 7.566.315 305.797 3,408 309.206 796 797 Total Customer Service Expense by Factor B2 71,462.744 64.626,109 6,836.635 (4.989.177)1.847,458 798 799 800 911 Supervision 801 CUST S 802 CUST CN 803 82 804 805 912 Demonstration & Sellng Expense 806 CUST S 807 CUST CN 808 B2 809 810 913 Advertising Expnse 811 CUST S 812 CUST CN 813 B2 814 815 916 Misc. Sales Expense 816 CUST S 817 CUST CN 818 82 819 820 Total Sales Expense 82 821 822 823 Total Sales Expense by Factor 824 S 825 CN 826 Total Sales Expense by Factor 827 828 Total Customer Service Exp Including Sales B2 71,462,744 64.626,109 6,836,635 (4,989,177)1,847,458 829 920 Administrtive & General Salaries 830 PTO S (4.135.538)(5.140.020)1.004,482 (1.004.482) 831 CUST CN 832 PTD SO 77,010,359 72.857.716 4.152.643 180.816 4.333,459 833 B2 72,874,820 67.717.696 5,157.125 (823.665)4.333,459 834 835 921 Ofce Supplies & expenses 836 PTD S (568.262)(568.412)150 150 837 CUST CN 838 PTO SO 11,599.34 10.973.875 625,474 (31.319)594.155 839 82 11.031.87 10.405,463 625.624 (31,319)594.305 840 841 922 A&G Expenses Transferrd 842 PTO S 843 CUST CN 844 PTD SO (25.866,776)(24,471,957)(1.394.819)69,015 (1.325.804) 845 82 (25.866,776)(24,471.957)(1.394,819)69,015 (1,325.804) 846 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.14 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 847 923 Outside ServiceS 848 PTD S 630 630 849 CUST CN 850 PTD SO 11,038,720 10,443,477 595.243 (25,987)569,256 851 B2 11,039,350 10,444,107 595,243 (25,987)569,256 852 853 924 Propérl Insurance 854 PTD 50 23,970,318 22.677,762 1.292,556 1,292,556 855 B2 23.970.318 22,677.762 1,292.556 1.292,556 856 857 925 Injuries & Damages 858 PTD 50 7,434,336 7.033,453 400,883 113,443 514,326 859 B2 7,434,336 7,033.453 400,883 113,443 514.326 860 861 926 Employee Pensions & Benefits 862 LABOR 5 863 CU5T CN 864 LABOR 50 865 B2 866 867 927 Franchise Requirements 868 DM5C 5 869 DM5C 50 870 B2 871 872 928 Regulatory Commission Expense 873 DM5C 5 11,943.931 11,526.839 417,092 4.691 421,783 874 CU5T CN 875 DM5C 50 2,197,338 2,078,850 118.487 78 118,565 876 FERC 5G 2,323,478 2.195.489 127.989 127,989 877 B2 16,464.747 15,801.178 663,568 4,769 668,337 878 879 929 Duplicate Charges 880 LABOR 5 881 LABOR 50 (3,20.843)(3,236,380)(184,463)(246)(184.709) 882 82 (3,420,843)(3,236,380)(184.483)(246)(184.709) 883 884 930 Misc General Expenses 885 PTD S 5,290,870 5.282.370 8,500 196,497 204,997 886 CUST CN 4.500 4.325 175 (44)131 887 LABOR SO 14.400.017 13.623,522 776,495 2,503.688 3.280,183 888 B2 19.695,387 18,910.217 785,169 2,700.141 3,485.311 889 890 931 Rents 891 PTD 5 961.066 961.086 892 PTD 50 5,238.518 4,956,040 282,478 282,478 893 B2 6,199,584 5,917,107 282,478 282,478 894 895 935 Maintenance of General Plant 896 G 5 15,577 15,577 897 CUST CN 898 G SO 23,181.924 21,931.881 1.250,043 9.939 1,259.982 899 B2 23,197,501 21,947,458 1,250,043 9,939 1,259,982 900 901 Total Administrative & General Expense 82 162,619,511 153,146,104 9,473,407 2,016,089 11,489,496 902 903 5ummary of A&G Exnse by Factor 904 5 13,508,275 12,078,050 1,430,224 (803,294)626.930 905 50 146.783,259 138.868,240 7,915,019 2,819,427 10,734,446 906 5G 2,323,478 2,195.489 127,989 127,989 907 CN 4,500 4,325 175 Ó44) 131 908 Total A&G Expense by Factor 162,619,511 153,146,104 9,473,407 2,016, 89 11,489,496 909 910 Totl O&M Expese 82 2,676,130,329 2,511,613,702 164,516,627 19,262.722 183,779,349 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.15 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 911 403SP Steam Depreciation 912 P SG 23,110,000 21,836,987 1.273,014 1,273,014 913 P SG 25,963,107 24.532,930 1,430,177 1,430,177 914 P SG 52,664,788 49,763,750 2,901.039 806.887 3.707.926 915 P SSGCH 7,785,936 7.361.756 424.180 424.180 916 B3 109.523,832 103,495,421 6.028,410 806,887 6,835.297 917 918 403NP Nuclear Depreciation 919 p SG 920 B3 921 922 403HP Hydro Depreciation 923 P SG 3,645,429 3,444.621 200.808 200.808 924 P SG 1,016,491 960,498 55,993 55.993 925 P SG 7.347,198 6,942,478 404,720 24,768 429,488 926 P 5G 3,441,241 3,251,681 189,561 189,561 927 B3 15,450,360 14.599,277 851.083 24,768 875.850 928 929 4030P Other Producton Depreciation 930 P 5G 124.817 117.942 6,876 6.876 931 P SG 94,515,821 89,309,419 5.206.402 1,032,439 6,238,841 932 P SSGCT 2,54,778 2,405,874 138,904 138.904 933 P 5SGCH 934 B3 97,185,416 91,833,234 5.352,182 1.032,439 6,384,620 935 936 403TP Transmission Depreciation 937 T SG 11,260,768 10,640,469 620.299 620,299 938 T SG 12,574,497 11,881,831 692,666 692.666 939 T SG 39.057,941 36,906,435 2.151,506 1,182,236 3,333,741 940 B3 62,893,206 59,428,735 3,464,471 1,182,236 4.646,706 941 942 943 944 403 Distribution Depreciation 945 360 Lim & Land Righi. DPW S 292,392 274,904 17,488 17,488 946 361 Strures DPW S 1,016,944 993,937 23,007 23,007 947 362 Sloìon Equipmt DPW 5 17,275,368 16,659,953 615,415 615,415 948 363 $t'llO aolter Eqi DPW 5 91.113 91,113 949 364 Pole & Tower DPW S 33,365,759 31,345,364 2,020.396 1.199 2.021,595 950 365 OH Cors DPW S 18.807.119 17.850,287 956,832 956,832 951 366 UG Conduit DPW 5 7,529,925 7.372,273 157.652 157,652 952 367 UG Conducr DPW S 17,412,373 16.938,733 473.640 473,640 953 368 UneTra DPW S 26,759.726 25,342,167 1,417.559 1,417,559 954 369 Service DPW S 11.531,258 11.013,789 517,468 517,468 955 370 Meie DPW S 6,509,338 6,062.663 44,676 446,676 956 371 Inst Co Pr DPW 5 496,358 488,788 7,570 7.570 957 372 lea Propey DPW S 958 373 St_ Lighl DPW 5 2,255,605 2,226.651 28.954 28,954 959 B3 143,343.279 136,660.621 6,682.658 1.199 6,683,857 960 961 403GP General Depreciation 962 G-8ITU5 S 12,310.835 11,555,600 755,235 (173)755,062 963 PT 5G 502.163 474.501 27.662 27,662 964 PT SG 706,142 667,244 38.898 38,898 965 P SE 26.236 24.568 1,668 1,668 966 CUST CN 1.759.170 1.690,834 68.33 68,336 967 G-SG 5G 5,229,908 4.941.819 288,089 2,848 290,938 968 PTD 50 14,946,453 14,140,493 805,960 8,413 814,373 969 G-8G 5SGCT 6,010 5.682 328 328 970 G-SG SSGCH 144.595 136.718 7,878 7.878 971 B3 35,631.512 33.637,458 1.994,053 11,088 2.005,141 972 973 403GVO General Vehicles 974 G-G SG 975 B3 976 977 403MP Mining Deprian 978 P SE 979 B3 980 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.16 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 981 403EP Expenmental Plant Depreiation 982 P SG 983 P SG 984 B3 985 4031 ARO Depreciation 986 P S 987 B3 988 989 990 Total Depreciation Expense 83 464,027,603 439,654,747 24,372,857 3,058,616 27,431,473 991 992 Summary S 155,654,113 148,216,221 7,437,892 1,026 7,438,918 993 DGP 994 DGU 995 SG 281,160,312 265,672,602 15,87,710 3,049,177 18,536,887 996 SO 14,946,453 14,140,493 805.960 8,413 814,373 997 CN 1,759,170 1,690,834 68,336 68,336 998 SE 26,236 24.568 1,668 1,668 999 SSGCH 7,930,531 7,498,473 432,08 432,058 1000 SSGCT 2,550,788 2,411.556 139.232 139,232 1001 Total Depreciation Expense By Factor 464,027,603 439,654,747 24,372.857 3,058,616 27,431,473 1002 1003 404GP Amort of L T Plant. Capital Lease Gen 1004 I-SITUS S 1,345,062 1,345,062 1005 I-SG SG 1006 PTD SO 929,374 879,259 50,115 50,115 1007 P SG 1008 CUST CN 249,571 239,876 9.695 9.695 1009 P SG 1010 B4 2,524,007 2,464,198 59,810 59.810 1011 1012 404SP Amort of L T Plant. Cap Lease Steam 1013 P SG 1014 P SG 1015 64 1016 1017 4041P Amort of L T Plant - Intangible Plant 1018 I-SITUS S 94,304 73,772 20,532 20,532 1019 P SE 14,498 13,577 922 922 1020 I-SG SG 8,952,161 8,459.032 493,130 25,402 518,532 1021 . PTD SO 13,131,339 12,423,255 708.083 9,540 717,624 1022 CUST CN 5,000,879 4.806,617 194,262 194.262 1023 I-SG SG 2,615,413 2,471,343 144,070 5,786 149,856 1024 I-SG SG 310,432 293,332 17,100 17,100 1025 P SG 1026 I-SG SSGCT 1027 I-SG SSGCH 54,934 51,941 2,993 2,993 1028 P SG 16,758 15,835 923 923 1029 64 30,190,717 28,608,702 1,582,015 40,728 1,622,743 1030 1031 404MP Amort of L T Plant. Mining Plant 1032 P SE 1033 64 1034 1035 4040P Amort of L T Plant - Other Plant 1036 P SG 1037 84 1038 1039 1040 404HP Amortization of Other Elecmc Plant 1041 P SG 6.589 6,226 363 363 1042 P SG 40,392 38,167 2,225 2,225 1043 P SG 1044 B4 46,981 44,393 .2,588 2,588 1045 1046 Totl Amrtiztion of Limied Term Plant B4 32,761,706 31,117,293 1,64,413 40,728 1,685,141 1047 1048 1049 405 Amorttin of Other Elect Plant 1050 GP S 1051 1052 B4 1053 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.17 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1054 406 Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adj 1055 P S 1056 P SG 1057 P SG 1058 P SG 5,479,353 5,177,523 301,830 301,830 1059 P SO 1060 B4 5,479,353 5,177,523 301,830 301,830 1061 407 Amort of Prop Losses, Unrec Plant, etc 1062 DPW S (36,176)(36,176) 1063 GP SO 1064 P SG-P 3,479,961 3,288.268 191,694 (191,694)0 1065 P SE 1066 P SG 1067 P TROJP 2.013,725 1,900,202 113,523 113.523 1068 B4 5,457,511 5,152,294 305,217 (191,694)113,523 1069 1070 Total Amortization Expense B4 43,698,570 41,447,110 2,251,459 (150,965)2,100,494 1071 1072 1073 1074 Summary of Amortization Expense by Factor 1075 S 1,403,190 1,382,658 20.532 20,532 1076 SE 14,498 13,577 922 922 1077 TROJP 2,013,725 1.900.202 113,523 113,523 1078 DGP 1079 DGU 1080 SO 14.060,713 13.302,514 758,198 9,540 767,739 1081 SSGCT 1082 SSGCH 54.934 51,941 2,993 2.993 1083 SG-P 3,479,961 3,288,268 191,694 (191.694)0 1084 CN 5,250,450 5,046,493 203,957 203,957 1085 SG 17,421,098 16,461,458 959,641 31,188 99.829 1086 Total Amortzation Expense by Factor 43,69.570 41,447.110 2,251,459 (150,965)2,100,494 1087 408 Taxes Other Than Income 1088 DMSC S 25,320,436 25,320,436 1089 GP GPS 87,317,409 82.608,977 4.708.432 414.000 5,122,432 1090 GP SO 10,522,150 9,954,763 567,388 567,388 1091 P SE 717,492 671,877 45,615 45.615 1092 P SG 1093 DMSC OPRV-ID 1094 GP EXCTAX 1095 GP SG 1096 1097 1098 1099 Totl Taxes Other Than Income B5 123,87,487 118,556,052 5,321,434 414,000 5,735,434 1100 1101 1102 41140 Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Fed 1103 PTD DGU (1.874.204)(1,672,710)(201,494)(201,494) 1104 1105 B7 (1,874.204)(1,672,710)(201,494)(201,494) 1106 1107 41141 Deferred Investment Tax Creit-Idaho 1108 PTD DGU 1109 1110 B7 1111 1112 Totl Deferred ITe B7 (1,874,204)(1,672,710)(201,494)(201,494) 1113 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.18 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1114 1115 427 Interest on Long.Term Debt 1116 GP S (423,149)(423,149) 1117 GP SNP 369.236.117 349.630.156 19.605,962 19.605.962 1118 B6 369.236.117 349.630,156 19.605,962 (423.149)19.182.812 1119 1120 428 Amortization of Debt Disc & Exp 1121 GP SNP 6.571.354 6.222,423 348,930 348.930 1122 B6 6,571.354 6,222,423 348,930 348,930 1123 1124 429 Amortization of Premium on Debt 1125 GP SNP (2,718)(2,574)(144)(144) 1126 B6 (2,718)(2.574)(144)(144) 1127 1128 431 Other Interest Expense 1129 NUTIL OTH 1130 GP SO 1131 GP SNP 10.264.106 9.719.095 545.011 545.011 1132 B6 10.264,106 9.719,095 545.011 545.011 1133 1134 432 AFUDC . Borrowed 1135 GP SNP (35.186.532)(33.318.172)(1.868.359)(1.868.359) 1136 (35.186.532)(33.318.172)(1,868.359)(1.868.359) 1137 1138 Total Elec. Interest Deductions for Tax B6 350.882.327 332.250.928 18.631.399 (423.149)18.208.250 1139 1140 Non-Utilty Portion of Interest 1141 427 NUTIL NUTIL 1142 428 NUTIL NUTIL 1143 429 NUTIL NUTIL 1144 431 NUTIL NUTIL 1145 1146 Total Non-utilit Interest 1147 1148 Total Interest Deductions for Tax B6 350.882.327 332.250.928 18.631.399 (423.149)18.208.250 1149 1150 1151 419 Interest & Dividends 1152 GP S 1153 GP SNP (60.559.377 160,217 1154 Total Operating Deductions for Tax B6 7 1155 1156 1157 41010 Deferrd Income Tax. Federal.DR 1158 GP S 26.529,700 26.102.344 427.356 (347.371)79.985 1159 P TROJD 735.881 694.228 41.653 41,653 1160 P SSGCH 26.126 24,703 1,423 1,423 1161 LABOR SO 37.814.180 35.775.119 2.039,061 (275.931)1,763.129 1162 GP SNP 35.849.593 33.946.026 1.903.567 1,903.567 1163 P SE 23.499.301 22.005.328 1.493.973 206,34 1.700.807 1164 PT SG 51.291.699 48,466.297 2.825,402 17.727.662 20.553.064 1165 GP GPS 31.266.44 29.580.45 1.685.986 1.685.986 1166 TAXDEPR TAXEPR 615.608.170 584.405.196 31.202.974 31.202.974 1167 eUST BADDEBT 443.332 426.136 17.196 17.196 1168 eUST eN 22,893 22.004 889 889 1169 P IBT 348.313 319.003 29.310 (29.310) 1170 DPW SNPD 67.978 64,82 3.136 3.136 1171 B7 823,503,606 781,831.680 41.671.926 17.281.885 58.953.811 1172 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.19 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DE SCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1173 1174 1175 41110 Deferred Income Tax - Federal-eR 1176 GP S (26,854,405)(25,660,209)(1,194,196)322.685 (871.511 ) 1177 P SE (17.999.483)(16,855,162)(1,144,321)233.209 (911,112) 1178 P SSGCH (538.368)(509.038)(29,330)(29,330) 1179 GP SNP (31,616,890)(29,938,074)(1,678,816)(1,678.816) 1180 PT SG (7,932,473)(7,495.513)(436,960)(1,082,112)(1.519.072) 1181 DPW crAC (20.332,44)(19.394,336)(938,108)(938,108) 1182 LABOR SO (28,202,710)(26,681,930)(1,520,780)(5.505)(1,526,285) 1183 PT SNPD (1,949,167)(1,859,235)(89,932)(89,932) 1184 CUST BADDEBT 1185 P SGCT (356.221)(336.523)(19,698)(19,698) 1186 BOOKDEPR SCHMDEXP (203,344.850)(192,664,248)(10,680,604)(10.680,604) 1187 P TROJD (1,332,481 )(1,257,059)(75,22)(75,422) 1188 P IBT (427,931)(391,921)(36.010)36.010 1189 1190 1191 B7 (340,887,423)(323,043,248)(17,844,175)(495,713)(18,339,889) 1192 1193 Total Deferred Income Taxes B7 482,616,183 458,788,432 23,827,751 16,786,171 40,613,922 1194 SCHMAF Additions - Flow Through 1195 SCHMAF S 1196 SCHMAF SNP 1197 SCHMAF SO 1198 SCHMAF SE 1199 SCHMAF TROJP 1200 SCHMAF SG 1201 B6 1202 1203 SCHMAP Additions - Permanent 1204 P S 20,000 20,000 1205 P SE 90.872 85,095 5,777 5,777 1206 LABOR SNP 1207 SCHMAP-SO SO 12,568,198 11,890,481 677,717 677,717 1208 SCHMAP SG 1209 DPW BADDEBT 1210 B6 12.679,071 11,995,576 683,494 683,494 1211 1212 SCHMAT Additions - Temporary 1213 SCHMA T -51T S 57,590,033 56,886,057 703.976 (591,58)112,388 1214 P SSGCH 1215 DPW CIAC 53,575,515 51,103,623 2,471,892 2,471,892 1216 SCHMA T -SNP SNP 83,309.767 78,886,126 4,423,641 4,423,641 1217 P TROJD 1,572,028 1,483,047 88.981 88,981 1218 P SGCT 938,633 886,730 51,903 51,903 1219 SCHMAT-SE SE 27,051,042 25,331,266 1.719,776 (13,920)1,705.856 1220 P SG 20,901,884 19,750,504 1,151,380 2,850,82 4.002.222 1221 CUST CN 1222 SCHMAT-SO SO 23,130.941 21,883,647 1,247,294 14.506 1,261,800 1223 SCHMA T -SNP SNPD 5,136,011 4,899,043 236,968 236,968 1224 DPW BADDEBT 1225 P SSGCT 1226 BOOKDEPR SCHMDEXP 535.808,937 507.665,796 28,143,141 28,143,141 1227 B6 809,014.791 768.775,841 40,238.950 2.259,840 42,498,791 1228 1229 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADDITIONS 56 821,693.862 780,771,417 40,922,445 2,259,840 43,182,285 1230 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.20 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1231 SCHMDF Deductions - Flow Through 1232 SCHMDF S 1233 SCHMDF DGP 1234 SCHMDF DGU 1235 B6 1236 SCHMDP Deductions - Permanent 1237 SCHMDP S 904 904 1238 P SE 840,899 787,439 53,460 53,460 1239 PTD SNP 381,063 360,829 20.234 20,234 1240 SCHMDP IBT 1241 P SG 1242 SCHMDP-SO SO 26.365.079 24,943,390 1,421.689 1,421,689 1243 B6 27,587,945 26,092.562 1,495,383 1,495,383 1244 1245 SCHMDT Deductions - Temporary 1246 GP S 39,346,405 38,274,657 1.071,748 (915,314)156,434 1247 DPW BAD DEBT 1.168,170 1,122,860 45,310 45,310 1248 SCHMDT-SNF SNP 94,462,842 89,446.987 5,015,855 5,015.855 1249 SCHMDT CN 60,323 57,980 2,343 2,343 1250 SCHMDT SSGCH 68,842 65,091 3,751 3.751 1251 CUST DGP 1252 P SE 41,542,935 38.901,834 2,641,101 1,145,582 3,786,683 1253 SCHMDT -SG SG 135,152,429 127,707.560 7,444,869 46,711,480 54,156,349 1254 SCHMDT -GP~ GPS 82.386,340 77,943,807 4,442,533 4,442,533 1255 SCHMDT -SO SO 48,456,951 45,843,999 2,612,953 (1,054,008)1,558.944 1256 TAXDEPR TAXDEPR 1,622,113,173 1,539,894,065 82,219,108 82,219,108 1257 DPW SNPD 179,120 170,856 8,264 8,264 1258 B6 2,064,937,530 1,959,429,696 105,507,835 45.887,740 151,395,574 1259 1260 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M DEDUCTIONS B6 2.092,525,475 1,985,522,257 107,003,218 45,887,740 152,890.957 1261 1262 TOTAL SCHEDULE. M ADJUSTMENTS B6 (1,270,831,613 (66.080,773)109,708,672) .1263 1264 1265 1266 40911 Stàte Income Taxes 1267 IBT IBT (22,619,435)(20,716,041 )(1,903,395)(1,724,556).(3,627,951) 1268 IBT SE 1269 PTC P SG (70,472)(70,472) 1270 IBT IBT 1271 Totl State Tax Expense (22,619,435)(20,716,041)(1,903,395)(1,795,029)(3,698,423) 1272 1273 1274 Calculation of Taxable Income: 1275 Operating Revenues 4.353,766,380 4,117,757,652 236,008,729 27,679,324 263,688,052 1276 Operating Deductions: 1277 o & M Expenses 2,676,130,329 2,511,613,702 164,516,627 19,262,722 183,779,349 1278 Deprciation Exnse 46,027,603 439,654,747 24.372,857 3,058,616 27,431,473 1279 Amortizaton Expense 43.698,570 41,447.110 2,251,459 (150,965)2,100,494 1280 Taxes Other Than Income 123,877,487 118.556,052 5.321,43 414,000 5,735,434 1281 Interest & Dividends (AFUDC-Equity)(63,955,322)(60,559,377)(3,395.945)160,217 (3,235,728) 1282 Misc Revenue & Expense (5,975,707)(5,678,965)(296,743)(284,193)(580,936) 1283 Total Operating Deducons 3,237,802,959 3,045,033,270 192,769,690 22,460,397 215,230,086 1284 Other Deductons: 1285 Interest Deductions 350,882,327 332,250,928 18,631,399 (423,149)18.208,250 1286 Interest on PCRBS 1287 Schedule M Adjustments (1,270,831,613)(1,204,750,840)(66,080,773)(43,627,899)(109,708,672) 1288 1289 Income Before State Taxes (505,750.519)(464,277,387)(41,473,133)(37,985.824)(79,458,956) 129 1291 State Income Taxes (22,619,435)(20,716,041)(1,903,395)(1,795,029)(3,698,423) 1292 1293 Total Taxble Income (483,131,084)(44,561,346)(39,569,738)(36,190.795)(75.760.533) 1294 1295 Tax Rate 35.0%35.0%35.0%35.0%35.0% 1296 1297 Fedral Income Tax - Calculated (169,095,879)(155,246,471 )(13,849,408)(12,666,778)(26,516,187) 1298 1299 Adjustments to CalCulated Tax: 130 40910 PMI P SE 1301 4010 REC P SG (3.821,447)(3,821,447) 1302 4010 P SO 1303 40910 IRSSltt LABOR S 130 Fedral Incme Tax Expnse (169,095,879)(155,246.471)(13,849.408)(16,488,225)(30,337,634) 130130 Totl Oprating Expees 3.59,784.94 3.386,745.857 204,039.088 20,803.097 224,842,185 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.21 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1307 310 Land and Land Rights 1308 p SG 2.329,517 2,201,196 128,321 128.321 1309 P SG 34,798,44 32,881,574 1,916,872 1,916,872 1310 P SG 56,303,435 53,201,961 3,101,474 3,101,474 1311 P S 1312 P SSGCH 2,448,255 2,314,873 133.382 133,382 1313 B8 95,879,653 90,599,605 5,280.048 5,280.048 1314 1315 311 Structures and Improvements 1316 p SG 234,107,411 221.211,609 12,895,802 12,895.802 1317 P SG 325,036,982 307,132,327 17,904,655 17,904,655 1318 P SG 221,770,821 209,554,580 12,216,241 12,216,241 1319 P SSGCH 57.386,063 54,259,652 3,126,411 3,126,411 1320 B8 838,301,276 792,158.167 46,143,109 46,143,109 1321 1322 312 Boiler Plant Equipment 1323 P SG 698,182,038 659,722,695 38,459.343 38,59,343 1324 P SG 658,624,890 622,344,552 36,280.338 36,280,338 1325 P SG 1,442,122,538 1,362,683,248 79,439.290 32,187,338 111,626,628 1326 P SSGCH 325,425,382 307,696.102 17,729.280 17,729,280 1327 B8 3,124,354.848 2,952,44,597 171,908.251 32,187,338 204,095,589 1328 1329 314 Turbogenerator Units 1330 P SG 139,149.055 131,484,032 7,665.023 7,665,023 1331 P SG 141,986.218 134,164,910 7,821,308 7,821,308 1332 P SG 487,922,642 461,045,433 26,877,209 26,877,209 1333 P SSGCH 63,734.933 60,262.633 3,472,300 3,472.300 1334 B8 832,792,848 786,957,009 45,835,839 45,835,839 1335 1336 315 Accessory Electic Equipment 1337 P SG 87,739,621 82,906,486 4,833,135 4,833,135 1338 P SG 138,674,494 131,035,612 7,638,882 7,638,882 1339 P SG 74,099,755 70,017,971 4,081,783 4,081,783 1340 P SSGCH 66,352,508 62,737,602 3,614,906 3,614,906 1341 B8 366.866,378 348,697,672 20,168,706 20.168,706 1342 1343 1344 1345 316 Mise Power Plant Equipment 1346 p SG 4,786,848 4,523,164 263,683 263,683 1347 P SG 5,245.086 4,956,160 288,925 288,925 1348 P SG 15,109,785 14,277,463 832,322 832,322 1349 P SSGCH 4,037,788 3,817,808 219,980 219,980 1350 B8 29,179,506 27.574,595 1.604,911 1.604.911 1351 1352 317 Steam Plant ARO 1353 P S 1354 B8 1355 1356 SP Unclassifed Steam Plant - Accunt 300 1357 P SG 787,304 743,936 43.369 43,369 1358 B8 787,304 743.936 43.369 43.369 1359 1360 1361 Total Steam Production Plant B8 5,288.161.813 4,997,177,580 290.984.233 32,187.338 323,171.572 1362 1363 1364 Summary of Steam Production Plant by Factor 1365 S 1366 DGP 1367 DGU 1368 SG 4.768.776,885 4.506,088,910 262.687,975 32,187.338 294,875,314 1369 SSGCH 519.384.929 491.088.670 28,296,258 28.296,258 1370 Total Steam Producton Plant by Factor 4.997,17.580 290,984,233 32,187.338 323,171,572 1371 320 Land and Land Rights 1372 P SG 1373 P SG 1374 B8 1375 1376 321 Strctres and Imprvements 1377 p SG 1378 P SG B8 1379 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.22 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1380 1381 322 Reactor Plant Equipment 1382 P SG 1383 P SG 1384 68 1385 1386 323 Turbogenerator Units 1387 P SG 1388 P SG 1389 68 1390 1391 324 Land and Land Rights 1392 P SG 1393 P SG 1394 68 1395 1396 325 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1397 P SG 1398 P SG 1399 68 1400 1401 1402 NP Unclassified Nuclear Plant - Acct 300 1403 P SG 1404 68 1405 1406 1407 Totl Nuclear Production Plant B8 1408 1409 1410 1411 Summary of Nuclear Production Plant by Factor 1412 DGP 1413 DGU 1414 SG 1415 1416 Total Nuclear Plant by Factor 1417 1418 330 Land and Land Rights 1419 P SG 10.621.118 10.036.054 585.064 585.064 1420 P SG 5.270.019 4,979.720 290.299 290.299 1421 P SG 3.645.604 3.44.786 200.818 200.818 1422 P SG 672,873 635.808 37.065 37.065 1423 68 20,209,614 19,096,368 1,113,246 1.113.246 1424 1425 331 Structures and Improvements 1426 P SG 21.272,790 20.100.979 1,171.811 1.171.811 1427 P SG 5.299.236 5,007.327 291.908 291.908 1428 P SG 69,736,251 65.896,721 3,841.530 3.841.530 1429 P SG 7.984,198 7.544.388 439,809 439,809 1430 B8 104.294,475 98.549,416 5.745.059 5.745.059 1431 1432 332 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 1433 P SG 151.29.614 142.962,443 8.33.171 8.334.171 1434 P SG 20.156.916 19.046,572 1,110,34 1.110.343 1435 P SG 106.245.543 100.393.009 5.852.534 336.976 6.189.509 1436 P SG 37.108.148 35.064.047 2.044.102 2.044.102 1437 68 314.807.221 297.466.072 17.341.149 336.976 17.678.125 1438 1439 333 Water Wheel. Turbines, & Generaors 144 p SG 31.913.924 30,155.946 1,757.978 1,757.978 1441 P SG 8,828.84 8,342.508 486.337 486.337 1442 P SG 43.462.254 41.068,137 2.394.117 2.394,117 1443 P SG 27,234,682 25.734,460 1.500.222 1.500.222 144 68 111.439,704 105.301.050 6.138.654 6.138.654 144 144 334 Accssory Elec Equipment 1447 P SG 4.430,934 4.186,857 244.078 244,078 144 P SG 3.669.976 3.467,816 202.161 202.161 1449 P SG 43,817.031 41.403.370 2,413.660 2,413.660 1450 P SG 7,133,812 6.740,846 392.966 392.966 1451 B8 59.051.753 55,798.888 3.252.865 3,252,865 1452 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.23 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1453 1454 1455 335 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1456 P SG 1,197,194 1.131,247 65,947 65,947 1457 P SG 186,194 175,938 10,257 10,257 1458 P SG 996,385 941,499 54,886 54,886 1459 P SG 11,353 10,728 625 625 1460 B8 2,391,127 2,259,411 131,715 131.715 1461 1462 336 Roads, Railroads & Bridges 1463 P SG 4,620,060 4,365,564 254,496 254,496 1464 P SG 828,931 783,269 45,662 45,662 1465 P SG 9,817,317 9,276,530 540,787 540,787 1466 P SG 682,347 644,760 37,587 37,587 1467 B8 15,948,654 15,070;123 878,531 878.531 1468 1469 337 Hydro Plant ARO 1470 P S 1471 B8 1472 1473 HP Unclassified Hydro Plant - Acct 300 1474 P S 1475 P SG 1476 P SG 1477 P SG 1478 B8 1479 1480 Total Hydraulic Production Plant B8 628,142,54 593,541,329 34,601,219 336,976 34,938,195 1481 1482 Summary of Hydraulic Plant by Factor 1483 S 1484 SG 628,142.548 593,541,329 34,601,219 336,976 34.938,195 1485 DGP 1486 DGU 1487 Total Hydraulic Plant by Factor 628,142,548 593,541,329 34,61,219 336,96 34,938,195 1488 1489 340 Land and Land Rights 1490 P SG 23,516,708 22,221,290 1,295,417 1,295,417 1491 P SG 1492 P SSGCT 1493 B8 23,516,708 22,221.290 1,295,417 1,295,417 1494 1495 341 Structures and Improvements 1496 P SG 151,043,941 142,723,688 8,320,252 8,320,252 1497 P SG 163,512 154.505 9,007 9,007 1498 P SSGCT 4.241,952 4,010,409 231.543 231,543 1499 B8 155,449,405 146.888,603 8,560,802 8,56.802 1500 1501 342 Fuel Holders, Proucers & Accssories 1502 P SG 8,406,209 7.943,153 463,056 463,056 1503 P SG 121,339 114,655 6,684 6.684 1504 P SSGCT 2,284,126 2,159,449 124,677 124,677 1505 B8 10,811,674 10.217,258 594,417 594,417 1506 1507 343 Prime Movers 1508 P S 1509 P SG 754,466 712.906 41,560 41,560 1510 P SG 2,223,358,082 2,100,884.449 122,473,634 13,942.359 136,415,992 1511 P SSGCT 51,744.608 48,920,181 2,824,427 2,824,427 1512 B8 2,275,857,156 2,150,517,536 125,339,620 13,942,359 139.281,979 1513 1514 344 Generators 1515 P S 1516 P SG 1517 P SG 331,535,449 313,272,825 18,262,623 18,262,623 1518 P SSGCT 15,873,643 15,007,197 866,447 866,447 1519 B8 347,409,092 328,280,022 19,129,070 19,129,070 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.24 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1520 1521 345 Accessory Electric Plant 1622 P SG 226.854,809 214.358.517 12,496,292 12,496,292 1623 P SG 156.586 147.961 8.626 8,626 1524 P SSGCT 2.919.649 2,760.283 159.366 159.366 1525 B8 229,931.044 217.266,760 12,664,284 12,664.284 1526 1527 1528 1529 346 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1530 P SG 12.167.872 11,497.605 670.267 670.267 1531 P SG 11.813 11.162 651 651 1532 B8 12,179,685 11,508,767 670.918 670.918 1533 1534 347 Other Prouction ARO 1535 P S 1536 B8 1537 1538 OP Unclassified Other Prod Plant-Acct 300 1539 P S 1540 P SG 1541 1542 1543 Total Other Production Plant B8 3,055,154,764 2,886,900,236 168,254,528 13,942,359 182,196,887 1544 1545 Summary of Other Production Plant by Factor 1546 S 1547 DGU 1548 SG 2.978.090.785 2.814,042,716 164.048.069 13.942.359 177,990.427 1549 SSGCT 77.063,979 72.857.519 4.206.459 4,206.459 1550 Total of Other Production Plant by Factor 3,055.154.764 2.886.900.236 168.254,528 13,94.359 182.196,887 1551 1552 Experimental Plant 1553 103 Experimental Plant 1554 P SG 1555 Totl Experimental Production Plant 88 1556 1557 Total Production Plant B8 8,971,459,125 (1,417,619,144 493,839,981 46,46,673 54,306,653 1558 350 Land and Land Rights 1559 T SG 21,145.733 19.980,920 1.164.812 1.164.812 1560 T SG 48.501,155 45.829,470 2.671.685 2.671,685 1561 T SG 31,414,150 29.683.702 1.730.44 (23,847)1.706.601 1562 B8 101.061.037 95,94,092 5,566.945 (23,87)5,543.0Sl8 1563 1564 352 Strctures and Improvements 1565 T S 1566 T SG 7.741.60Sl 7.315.163 426.44 426.446 1567 T SG 18,157,495 17.157.28Sl 1,000.205 1.000.205 1568 T SG 59.577,575 56.295,746 3.281.829 3.281.829 1569 B8 85,476.679 80.768.1Sl8 4.708,481 4.708,481 1570 1571 353 Station Equipment 1572 T SG 129.985.618 122.825.3~3 7.160,255 7.160.255 1573 T SG 188.825.398 178,23.955 10.401,443 10,401,443 1574 T SG 988.384.505 933.93Sl,365 54.445.140 54.44.140 1575 B8 1.307.195,521 72.00.838 72,006.838 1576 1577 354 Towers and Fixtures 1578 T SG 156,322.773 147.711.736 8.611.037 8.611.037 1579 T SG 127.54.198 120.518,428 7.025.769 7.025.769 1580 T SG 165.062.634 155.970.163 9.092.472 9.092,472 1581 B8 44.929.605 424.200.327 24.729.278 24.729.278 1582 1583 355 Poles and Fixtures 1584 T SG 66.244.763 62.595.672 3.649.091 3,649.091 1585 T SG 117.745.408 111.259.405 6.486.003 6,486.003 1586 T SG 375.30.433 354.627.017 20.673,417 52.049.298 72.722.715 1587 88 55Sl.290.60 528,482.093 30.808.511 52.049.298 82.857.810 1588 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.25 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1589 356 Clearing and Grading 1590 T SG 197,260.339 186.394,257 10.866,082 10.866.082 1591 T SG 156.882,46 148.240.600 8.641.867 8.641.867 1592 T SG 380.070.379 359.134.210 20.936.169 20.936,169 1593 B8 734.213.185 693.769.067 40,444.118 40.44.118 1594 1595 357 Under9round Conduit 1596 T SG 6.371 6,020 351 351 1597 T SG 91,651 86.602 5.049 5.049 1598 T SG 3.113.807 2,942.283 171.524 171.524 1599 B8 3.211.828 3.034.905 176.923 176,923 1600 1601 358 Underground Conductors 1602 T SG 1603 T SG 1.087.552 1.027.644 59.908 59.908 1604 T SG 6,442.172 6.087.305 354.867 354.867 1605 B8 7.529.724 7.114.949 414.775 414.775 1606 1607 359 Roads and Trails 1608 T SG 1.863.032 1.760,406 102,625 102.625 1609 T SG 440.513 416.248 24.266 24.266 1610 T SG 9.151.569 8.647.455 504.114 504.114 1611 B8 11.455.113 10.824.109 631.005 631.005 1612 1613 TP Unclassified Trans Plant - Acc 300 1614 T SG 84.550.623 79.893.154 4.657,469 4.657,469 1615 B8 84.550.623 79.893.154 4.657,469 4.657,469 1616 1617 TSO Unclassified Trans Sub Plant - Acct 300 1618 T SG 1619 B8 1620 1621 Total Transmission Plant B8 3,342,913,921 3,158,769,577 184,144,34 52,025,451 236,169,795 1622 Summary of Transmission Plant by Factor 1623 DGP 1624 DGU 1625 SG 3.342.913.921 3.158.769.577 184.144.344 52,025,451 236.169.795 1626 Total Transmission Plant by Factor 3.342.913.921 3,158.769.577 184.144.344 52.025.51 236.169,795 1627 360 Land and Land Rights 1628 DPW S 51.856.326 50.519.585 1.336.741 1.336.741 1629 B8 51.856.326 50.519.585 1.336.741 1.336.741 1630 1631 361 Strctures and Improvements 1632 DPW S 66,495.517 65.02.256 1,493.261 1.493.261 1633 B8 66,495.517 65.002.256 1,493.261 1,493.261 1634 1635 362 Station Equipment 1636 DPW S 787.676.94 761.044.499 26.632.441 26.632,441 1637 B8 787.676.940 761.044,499 26.632.441 26.632,441 1638 1639 363 Storage Battery Equipment 1640 DPW S 1.457.805 1,457.805 1641 B8 1,457.805 1.457.805 1642 1643 364 Poles. Towers & Fixtures 1644 DPW S 903.958.177 842.950.744 61.007,433 61.007,433 1645 B8 903.958.177 842.950.744 61.007.433 61,007,433 164 1647 365 Overhead Conducors 164 DPW S 631.378.730 597.455.532 33.923.198 33.923.198 1649 B8 631.378.730 597.455.532 33.923.198 33.923.198 1650 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.26 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1651 366 Underground Conduit 1652 DPW S 290,621,174 283,247,994 7.373,179 7,373.179 1653 B8 290,621,174 283,247,994 7.373,179 7,373,179 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 367 Underground Conductors 1659 DPW S 697,799,779 674,120,851 23,678,928 23,678,928 1660 B8 697,799,779 674,120,851 23.678,928 23.678,928 1661 1662 368 Line Transformers 1663 DPW S 1,056,509,849 990,583,151 65,926,697 65.926,697 1664 B8 1,056,509,849 990,583,151 65,926,697 65,926,6\17 1665 1666 369 Services 1667 DPW S 559,763,102 531,874,191 27,888,911 27,888,911 1668 B8 559,763,102 531,874,191 27.88,911 27,888,911 1669 1670 370 Meters 1671 DPW S 187,209,616 173,388,196 13,821,420 13,821,420 1672 B8 187,209,616 173,388,196 13,821,420 13,821,420 1673 1674 371 Installations on Customers' Premises 1675 DPW S 8,809,120 8,644,004 165.115 165,115 1676 B8 8,809,120 8,644,004 165,115 165,115 1677 1678 372 Leased Property 1679 DPW S 1680 B8 1681 1682 373 Street Lights 1683 DPW S 62,885,404 62,283,269 602,135 602,135 1684 B8 62,885,404 62,283,269 602,135 602,135 1685 1686 DP Unclassified Dist Plant - Acct 300 1687 DPW S 20,216.252 19.291,256 \124,997 924,997 1688 B8 20,216,252 19,291,256 924,997 924,997 1689 1690 DSO Unclassified Dist Sub Plant. Acct 300 1691 DPW S 1692 B8 1693 1694 1695 Totl Distribution Plant B8 5,326,637,791 5,061,863,333 264,774,45 264,774,458 1696 1697 Summary of Distnbution Plant by Factor 1698 S 5,326,637,791 5,061,863,333 264,774,458 264,774,458 1699 1700 Total Distnbution Plant by Factor 5,326,637, 791 5,061,863,333 264,774,458 264.774,458 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.27 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAl 1701 389 Land and Land Ri9hts 1702 G-SITUS S 9,472,275 9,274,636 197,639 197,639 1703 CUST CN 1,128,506 1,084,668 43,838 43,838 1704 PT SG 332 314 18 18 1705 G-SG SG 1,228 1,160 68 68 1706 PTO SO 5.598,055 5,296,190 301,865 301,865 1707 88 16,200,395 15,656,968 543,27 543,427 1708 1709 390 Structures and Improvements 1710 G-SITUS S 111,200,704 101,422,380 9,778,324 9,778,324 1711 PT SG 358,127 338,400 19,727 19,727 1712 PT SG 1,653,732 1,562,636 91,096 91,096 1713 CUST CN 12,319,587 11,841,025 478,563 478,563 1714 G-SG SG 3,675,782 3,473,302 202,480 202,480 1715 PTD SO 102,313,681 96,796,602 5,517,078 5,517,078 1716 88 231,521,614 215,434.345 16,087,269 16,087,269 1717 1718 391 Offce Furniture & Equipment 1719 G-5ITUS S 13.065,614 12.137,233 928,381 928,381 1720 PT SG 1,046 988 58 58 1721 PT SG 5,295 5,003 292 292 1722 CUST CN 8,685,337 8,347.949 337,388 337,388 1723 G-SG SG 4,784,588 4,521,029 263,559 263,559 1724 P SE 97,829 91.609 6,219 6,219 1725 PTO SO 54,551,124 51,609.554 2,941,570 2.941,570 1726 G-SG SSGCH 74,351 70,301 4.051 4,051 1727 G-SG SSGCT 1728 B8 81,265,184 76,783,667 4,481,517 4,481,517 1729 1730 392 Transporttion Equipment 1731 G-5ITUS S 73,113,164 68,190,669 4,922,495 4,922,495 1732 PTD SO 7.996,779 7,565,567 431,212 431.212 1733 GcSG SG 17,254,817 16,304,336 950.481 950,481 1734 CUST CN 1735 PT SG 838,181 792,010 46,171 46.171 1736 P SE 404,148 378,454 25,694 25,694 1737 PT SG 120,286 113,660 6.626 6,626 1738 G-5G SSGCH 374,178 353.793 20,385 20,385 1739 PT SSGCT 44,655 42,218 2,437 2,437 1740 88 100,146,208 93.740,707 6,05,501 6.40,501 1741 1742 393 Stores Equipment 1743 G-SITUS S 8,861,339 8,312.757 54,582 548,582 1744 PT SG 108,431 102,458 5,973 5,973 1745 PT SG 360,063 340,229 19,834 19,834 1746 PTO SO 445,293 421,281 24,012 24,012 1747 G-SG SG 4,062,155 3,838.392 223,764 223,764 1748 PT SSGCT 53,971 51,025 2.946 2,946 1749 88 13,891,252 13,066,141 825,110 825.110 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.28 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1750 1751 394 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1752 G-SITUS S 32.024.394 30.281.765 1.742,629 1.742,629 1753 PT SG 2.120.983 2.004.148 116.834 116.834 1754 G-SG SG 20,499.259 19.370.058 1.129.201 1.129.201 1755 PTO SO 3.986.801 3.771.820 214.981 214.981 1756 P SE 7.106 6.655 452 452 1757 PT SG 2.176,302 2.056,20 119,882 119.882 1758 G-SG SSGCH 1.716.105 1,622.611 93,494 93,494 1759 G-SG SSGCT 89.913 85.006 4.908 4,908 1760 68 62.620,863 59.198,483 3,422.381 3,422,381 1761 1762 395 Laboratory Equipment 1763 G-SITUS S 25,228.787 23,956,655 1,272,132 1.272,132 1764 PT SG 20.622 19,486 1,136 1,136 1765 PT SG 13.281 12.550 732 732 1766 PTO SO 5,197.970 4.917,679 280.291 280,291 1767 P SE 7.593 7.111 483 483 1768 G-SG SG 6.353,527 6,003.543 349.984 349,984 1769 G-SG SSGCH 253.001 239.217 13.784 13.784 1770 G-SG SSGCT 14,022 13.256 765 765 1771 68 37,088.802 35.169.496 1.919,306 1.919,306 1772 1773 396 Power Operated Equipment 1774 G-SITUS S 94.279.509 87.117.887 7.161.622 7.161.622 1775 PT SG 845.108 798.555 46.553 46.553 1776 G-SG SG 31.633.038 29.890.533 1.742,505 1.742.505 1777 PTD SO 1,410,640 1.334.574 76.066 76.066 1778 PT SG 1.664,492 1,572.804 91,689 91.689 1779 P SE 73,823 69.130 4,693 4,693 1780 P SSGCT 1781 G-SG SSGCH 968.906 916.120 52,786 52,786 1782 68 130.875.517 121.699,602 9,175.915 9.175.915 1783 397 Communication Equipment 1784 COM_EO S 101.721,635 96.539.236 5.182.399 5,182.399 1785 COM_EO SG 4.816,644 4.551.319 265.325 265.325 1786 COM_EO SG 9,615,788 9,086.102 529.685 529.685 1781 COM_EO SO 48.166.011 45,568,153 2,597.265 2.597.265 1788 COM_EO CN 2.641.488 2.538.818 102.610 102.610 1789 COM_EO SG 14.202.015 10.114,598 4.081,416 4.087,416 1790 COM_EO SE 114,538 101.256 1.282 1.282 1791 COM_EO SSGCH 1,055,756 998,238 57.518'57,518 1792 COM_EO SSGCT 1,590 1.503 81 87 1793 68 242.335,411 229,505.884 12.829.587 12,829.587 1794 1795 398 Misc. Equipment 1796 G-SITUS S 1.354,146 1.290,393 64.352 64.352 1791 PT SG 1798 PT SG 1,997 1,861 110 110 1799 CUST CN 199,165 192.005 7.160 1,160 1800 PTO SO 3.316,792 3.194.704 182.087 182,087 1801 P SE 1,668 1.562 106 106 1802 G-SG SG 1,865,540 1,162.777 102,163 102,763 1803 G-G SSGCT 1804 68 6.800,507 6.443.328 357.179 357.179 1805 180 399 Coal Mine 1807 P SE 278.021.722 260,346.431 17,675.291 13,146,472 30.821.763 180 MP P SE 180 68 278.021,722 260.346.431 17.675,291 13.146,472 30.821.163 1810 1811 399L WIDCO Capital Lease 1812 P SE B8 1813 1814 1815 Remove Capitl Leases 1816 68 1817 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.29 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1818 1011390 General Capital Leases 1819 G-SITUS S 18.984.156 18,984,156 1820 P SG 16.951,793 16.018,004 933,789 933,789 1821 PTD SO 12,664,054 11,981,168 682.886 682,886 1822 89 48,600,002 46,983.327 1.616,675 1,616,675 1823 1824 Remove Capital Leases (48.600.002)(46.983,327)(1,616,675)(1.616,675) 1825 1826 1827 1011346 General Gas Line Capital Leases 1828 P SG 1829 89 1830 1831 Remove Capitl Leases 1832 1833 1834 GP Unclassified Gen Plant - Acct 300 1835 G-SITUS S 1836 PTD SO 4,694.044 4,440.926 253,118 253,118 1837 CUST CN 1838 G-SG SG 1839 PT SG 1840 PT SG 1841 88 4,694,044 4,440,926 253,118 253,118 1842 1843 399G Unclassified Gen Plant - Acet 300 1844 G-SITUS S 1845 PTD SO 1846 G-SG SG 1847 PT SG 1848 PT SG 1849 88 1850 1851 Total General Plant B8 1,205,461,579 1.131,485,978 73,975,601 13,146,472 87,122,073 1852 1853 Summary of General Plant by Factor 1854 S 489,306,322 457,507,766 31.798,556 31.798,556 1855 DGP 1856 DGU 1857 SG 206,004,452 194,656,701 11,347.751 11,347,751 1858 SO 250,401.250 236.898,819 13,502,430 13,502,430 1859 SE 278.728,427 261,008.207 17,720,220 13,146,472 30,866,692 1860 CN 24,974.683 24,004.525 970,158 970,158 1861 DEU 1862 SSGCT 204,151 193,008 11.143 11,143 1863 SSGCH 4.442,297 4,200.279 242,018 242,018 1864 Less Capital Leases (48.60.002)(48,983.327)~1.616,675)t616.675)1865 Total General Plant by Factor 1.205,461.579 1,131.485,978 3.975.601 13,146,472 7.122.073 1866 301 Organization 1867 I-SITUS S 1868 PTD SO 1869 l-SG SG 1870 B8 1871 302 Franchise & Consent 1872 1-SITUS S 1,000.000 1,000.000 1,000,000 1873 I-SG SG 9,402,471 8.884.536 517,935 517.935 1874 l-SG SG 99,510,474 94.028,942 5.481,532 5,481,532 1875 l-SG SG 9,240,742 8,731,716 509.026 509,026 1876 P SG 1877 P SG 600.993 567.887 33,106 .33.106 1878 88 119,754.679 112.213,080 7.541.599 7.541.599 1879 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.30 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1880 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant 1881 1-SITUS S 6,042,837 5,626,978 415,859 415,859 1882 I-SG SG 95.041,256 89,805,910 5,235,346 631,847 5,867,193 1883 PTD SO 366,513,585 346,750.009 19,763,576 19,763,576 1884 P SE 3,453,872 3,234.291 219,581 219,581 1885 CUST CN 118,758,961 114,145,691 4,613,271 4,613,271 1886 P SG 1887 P SSGCT 1888 B8 589,810.510 559,562.878 30,247,632 631,847 30,879,479 1889 303 Less Non-Utilty Plant 1890 I-SITUS S 1891 589,810,510 559,562,878 30.247,632 631,847 30,879,479 1892 IP Unclassified Intangibie Plant - Acet 300 1893 I-SITUS S 1894 I-SG SG 1895 P SG 1896 PTD SO 1897 1898 1899 Total Intangible Plant B8 709,565,190 671,775,959 37,789,231 631,847 38.421,078 1900 1901 Summary of Intangible Plant by Factor 1902 S 7,042.837 5,626,978 1,415.859 1,415,859 1903 DGP 1904 DGU 1905 SG 213,795,935 202,018,990 11,776.945 631,847 12,408.792 1906 SO 366,513,585 346,750,009 19.763,576 19,763,576 1907 CN 118,758,961 114,145.691 4,613,271 4,613,271 1908 SSGCT 1909 SSGCH 1910 SE 3,453,872 3,234,291 219,581 219.581 1911 Total Intangible Plant by Factor 709.565,190 671,775.959 37,789,231 631,847 38,421,078 1912 Summary of Unclassified Plant (Account 106) 1913 DP 20,216.252 19,291,256 924,997 924,997 1914 DSO 1915 GP 4,694,044 4,44,926 253,118 253,118 1916 HP 1917 NP 1918 OP 1919 TP 84,550,623 79,893,154 4.657,469 4,657,469 1920 TSO 1921 IP 1922 MP 1923 SP 787,304 743,936 43.369 43,369 1924 Total Unclassified Plant by Factor 110,248,224 104,369.271 5,878,952 5.878,952 1925 1926 Total Elecric Plant In Service B8 19.556,037.605 18,501.513,991 1,054.523.614 112,270,443 1.166,794.057 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.31 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1927 Summary of Electric Plant by Factor 1928 S 5.822.986.950 5,524.998,077 297.988,873 297.988.873 1929 SE 282,182,299 264,242,498 17,939,801 13,146,472 31.086.273 1930 DGU 1931 DGP 1932 SG 12.137.724.526 11,469,118.223 668,606.302 99,123,971 767,730,274 1933 SO 616.914.834 583,648,828 33.266.00f,33,266.006 1934 CN 143.733.644 138.150.216 5,583,429 5.583,429 1935 DEU 1936 SSGCH 523.827,225 495.288.949 28.538.276 28,538,276 1937 SSGCT 77,268.130 73.050.527 4.217,603 4.217.603 1938 Less Capital Leases (48,600,002)(46.983.327)~1.616,675)(1.616.675) 1939 19,556.037,605 18,501.513.991 1.0 4,523,614 112.270,443 1,166.794.057 1940 105 Plant Held For Future Use 1941 DPW S 3,473,204 3,473,204 1942 P SG 1943 T SG 325,029 307.125 17,904 (509.444)(491,540) 1944 P SG 8,923,302 8,31.762 491,540 491.540 1945 P SE 953,014 892,426 60.588 (60.588) 1946 G SG 1947 1948 1949 Total Plant Held For Future Use B10 13,674,549 13,104,516 570,02 (570,02)(0) 1950 1951 114 Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments 1952 P S 1953 P SG 142.633.069 134.776.129 7,856,940 7.856,940 1954 P SG 14.560.711 13.758,634 802,076 802.076 1955 Total Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustment B15 157,193,780 148,534,764 8,659,016 8,659.016 1956 1957 115 Accum Provision for Asset Acquisition Adjustments 1958 P S 1959 P SG (4.632,686)(4,632,686) 1960 P SG (673,478)673,478) 1961 615 6,6.164 1962 1963 120 Nuclear Fuel 1964 P SE 1965 Total Nuclear Fuel B15 ~966 1967 124 Weatherization 1968 DMSC S 2,633.178 2,599.959 33.220 33,220 1969 DMSC SO t,454)(4,214)(240)(240) 1970 616 2.6 8.725 2,595,745 32.980 32,980 1971 1972 182W Weatherization 1973 DMSC S 34,729,463 31.258,802 3,470,661 3,470,661 1974 DMSC SG 1975 DMSC SGCT 1976 DMSC SO 1977 616 34.729,463 31,258,802 3,470,661 3,470,661 1978 1979 186W Weatherizaton 1980 DMSC S 1981 DMSC CN 1982 DMSC CNP 1983 DMSC SG 1984 DMSC SO 1985 616 1986 1987 Total Weatherization B16 37.358.188 33,854.547 3,503.64 3.503.64 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.32 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1988 1989 151 Fuel Stock 1990 P DEU 1991 P SE 158.860.196 148.760.625 10.099.571 1.839.370 11.938.941 1992 P SSECT 1993 P SSECH 12.069.947 11.343.216 726.731 (258.156)468.575 1994 Total Fuel Stock B13 170,930,143 160,103,840 10,826,302 1,581,214 12,407,516 1995 1996 152 Fuel Stock - Undistributed 1997 P SE 1998 1999 2000 25316 DG&T Working Capital Deposit 2001 P SE (1.379.000)(1.291.330)(87.670)(56,073)(143,744) 2002 613 (1.379.000)(1.291,330)(87.670)(56.073)(143,744) 2003 2004 25317 DG&T Working Capital Deposit 2005 P SE (1.758.544)(1.646.744)(111.800)(5,907)(117.706) 2006 613 (1.758,544)(1..646,744)(111.800)(5,907)(117.706) 2007 2008 25319 Provo Working Capital Deposit 2009 P SE 2010 2011 2012 Total Fuel Stock 613 167.792.599 157.165,766 10.626.832 1,519.234 12,146,067 2013 154 Materials and Supplies 2014 MSS S 86,919,683 82.030,372 4.889,311 4,889,311 :2015 MSS SG 3,082,186 2,912,404 169,782 169.782 2016 MSS SE 4.170,119 3,905.003 265,116 265.116 2017 MSS SO 253,641 239,964 13,677 13.677 2018 MSS SNPPS 81,516,215 77.032.219 4,463.997 4,483.997 2019 MSS SNPPH (1,860)(1,757)(102)(102) 2020 MSS SNPD (3.081.941 )(2.939.745)(142.196)(142.196) 2021 MSS SNPT 2022 M$S SG 2023 MSS SG 2024 MSS SSGCT 2025 MSS SNPPO 5,288,978 4,997.690 291.288 291,288 2026 MSS SSGCH 2027 Total Materials and Supplies B13 178,147,022 168,176,149 9,970,873 9,970,873 2028 2029 163 Stores Expense Undistributed 2030 MSS SO 2031 2032 613 2033 2034 25318 Provo Working Capital Deposit 2035 MSS SNPPS (273,000)(257,983)(15.017)(15.017) 2036 2037 613 (273,000)(257,983)(15.017)(15.017) 2038 2039 Total Materials & Supplies 613 177,874,022 167,918.166 9.955,856 9.955,856 2040 2041 165 Prepayments 2042 DMSC S 2,934,455 2.770.438 164,017 164,017 2043 GP GPS 9.858.973 9.327,346 531.627 531,627 2044 PT SG 6,415.547 6.062,146 353.400 353.400 2045 P SE 7.102,118 6.650.600 451,519 451.519 2046 PTD SO 19.839.36 18,769,559 1,069.801 1,069,801 2047 Total Prepaymnts B15 46,150,453 43,580,089 2,570,364 2,570,364 2048 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.33 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2049 182M Misc Regulatory Assets 2050 DDS2 S 56,142,627 56,331.298 (188.671)(17,580)(206,251) 2051 DEFSG SG 2,654.642 2,508,411 146.231 146,231 2052 P SGCT 8.511.723 8.041.060 470,663 470.663 2053 DEFSG SG-P 74,434 74,434 2054 P SE 74.327 74,327 2055 P SSGCT 2056 DDS02 SO 7,516,382 7,111,075 405.307 405,307 2057 B11 74,825,374 73.991,844 833,530 131.181 964,71 2058 2059 186M Misc Deferred Debits 2060 LABOR S 16.240,410 16,240,410 2061 P SG 2062 P SG 2063 DEFSG SG 38,988,960 36,841,254 2,147,706 531,032 2,678,738 2064 LABOR SO 16,926 16.014 913 913 2065 P SE 10.045.914 9,407,242 638,671 (108,911)529,760 2066 P SNPPS 2067 GP EXCTAX 2068 Total Misc. Deferred Debits 811 65,292,210 62,5õ4,920 2,787,290 42,121 3,209,411 2069 2070 Working Capital 2071 CWC Cash Working Capital 2072 CWC S 36,075,418 34,127,309 1,948,109 18,016 1,966,125 2073 CWC SO 2074 CWC SE 2075 814 36,075,18 34,127.309 1,948.109 18,016 1.966.125 2076 2077 OWC Ot Work. Cap. 2078 131 Cas GP SNP 2079 135 Working Fun GP SG 1.920 1,814 106 106 2080 141 Noles Recivab GP SO 540,572 511,422 29,149 29.149 2081 143 Other AI GP SO 33,985,372 32,152,773 1,832,599 1,832,599 2082 232 NP PTD S 2083 232 NP PTD SO (4,215.163)(3,987,868)(227,295)(227,295) 2084 232 NP P SE (1.408,97)(1,318,951 )(89,545)(89,545) 2085 232 NP T SG 2086 2533 O'he_. Of. oro. P S 2087 2533 OUie Msc. Of. Crd. P SE (6,046.034)(5,661,656)(38,378)(384,378) 2088 230 Ast Retir. Oblig.P SE (2,415,872)(2,262,283)(153,590)(153,590) 2089 230 As ReÍir. Oblig. P S 2090 254105 ARO RO L_Uy P S 2091 254105 ARO Re L_Uy P SE (716,594)(671.036)(45,558)(45,558) 2092 2533 Chla Reamtin P SSECH 2093 814 19,725,703 18,764.215 961.489 961,489 2094 2095 Total Working Capital 814 55,801,121 52,891,524 2,909,597 18,016 2,927,613 2096 Miscellaneous Rate Base 2097 18221 Unre Plant & Reg Study Costs 2098 P S 2099 2100 B15 2101 2102 1822 Nuclear Plant - Trojan 2103 P S (372,363)(372,363) 2104 P TROJP 885.265 835.358 49.907 49,907 2105 P TROJD 1,296,271 1,222.899 73,372 73,372 2106 B15 1.809,172 1,685.894 123,279 123,279 2107 2108 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.34 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2109 2110 1869 Misc Deferred Debit$-Trojan 2111 P 5 2112 P SNPPN 2113 B15 2114 2115 Total Miscellaneous Rate Base B15 1,809,172 1,685,894 123,279 123,279 2116 2117 Total Rate Base Additions B15 701,44,594 664,211,320 37,233,274 1,52,520 38,753,793 2118 235 Customer Service Deposits 2119 CUST 5 2120 CUST CN 2121 Total Customer Service Deposits B15 2122 2123 2281 Prop Ins PTD SO 2124 2282 Inj& Dam PTD SO (7,487.871)(7.084,101)(403.770)(403.770) 2125 2283 Pen & Ben PTD SO (22,725.860)(21.500.410)(1.225.451 )(1,225.451 ) 2126 254 Reg Liab PTD SG 2127 254 Reg Liab PTD SE (1.217.286)(1.139.897)(77,389)77.389 2128 254 Ins Prov PTD SO (109.564)(103.6561 (5.9081 (5.908) 2129 B15 (31.540.581)(29,828,06~(1.712.518 77.389 (1.635.128) 2130 2131 22841 Accum Misc Oper Provisions - Other 2132 P 5 2133 P SG l1.500.000i ll,417.3731 l82,627) (82.627) 2134 B15 1,500.000 1,417.373 82.627)(82.627) 2135 2136 22842 Prv-Trojan P TROJD 2137 230 ARO P TROJP (1,711.281)(1.614.808)(96,473)(96,473) 2138 254105 ARO P TROJP (3,608,947)(3,405,494)(203,453)(203.453) 2139 254 P S ~6,O09,324l . (6,009.3241 2140 815 (1,329,552 (11.029,626 (299.926)(299.926) 2141 2142 252 Customer Advances for Construction 2143 DPW 5 (13,473.111)(13.198,024)(275.088)6,822 (268,266) 2144 DPW SE 2145 T SG (7,471,547)(7.059.977)(411,570)(267,861)(679,431) 2146 DPW SO 2147 CUST CN (686,658)2148 Total Customer Advances for Constrction 819 (20,944,658)(20,258,001)(261,039)(94,697) 2149 2150 25398 502 Emissions 2151 P SE (2.100,793) i2,1oo,793)2152 B19 (2.100,793)2.100.793) 2153 2154 25399 Other Deferrd Credits 2155 P 5 (3.803.740)(3.728,560)(75.180)(75.180) 2156 LABOR SO (181.285)(181,285) 2157 P SG (7,567.103)(441.134)(441.134) 2158 P SE (1.108.081)(75,229)75.229) 2159 B19 1 ,.4 5 .5 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.35 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2160 2161 190 Accumulated Deferrd Income Taxes 2162 P S 10,695.484 10,695,486 (2)(2) 2163 CUST CN 65,488 62,944 2,54 2,544 2164 P IBT 2165 LABOR SO 36,90,690 34,522,996 1,967,694 (49,961)1,917,732 2166 P DGP 2167 CUST BADDEBT 3,345,135 3,215.387 129,748 129,748 2168 P TROJD 1,332,481 1,257,059 75,422 75,422 2169 P SG 39,391,566 37,221,682 2,169.884 (2,002,880)167.004 2170 P SE 3,097,022 2,900,128 196,894 (461,730)(264,837) 2171 PTD SNP 2172 DPW SNPD 703,493 671,035 32,458 32,458 2173 P SSGCT 2174 Total Accum Deferred Income Taxes B19 95,121,359 90,546,718 4,574,641 (2,514,572)2,060,069 2175 2176 281 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2177 P S 2178 PT DGP 2179 T SNPT 2180 B19 2181 2182 282 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2183 GP S (138,317,516)(138,317,516) 2184 ACCMDIT DITBAL (2,336,392,077 (2,195,736.556)(140,655,521 )140,655.521 0 2185 P SSGCH 2186 LABOR SO (6.909,549)(6,536,964)(372,585)6,813 (365.772) 2187 CUST CN 2188 P SE (5.607.614)(5,251,109)(356.505)(234,572)(591,078) 2189 P SG (5,705,530)(5,391.241)(314,289)(16,482,797)(16,797,086) 2190 B19 (2,354,614,770)(2,212,915,870)(141,698,900)(14,372,551 )(156,071,451 ) 2191 2192 283 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2193 GP S (30,884,504)(29,777,409)(1,107,095)1,028,227 (78,868) 2194 P SG (6,716,785)(6,346,791)(369,994)(41,055)(411,48) 2195 P SE (4,844,933)(4,536,915)(308,018)41,333 (266,685) 2196 LABOR SO (16.761,723)(15,857,878)(903,845)710,717 (193,128) 2197 GP GPS (5.687,055)(5,380.391 )(306,664)(306,664) 2198 PTD SNP "(5,228,914)(4,951,265)(277,649)(277,649) 2199 P TROJD. 2200 P SSGCT 2201 P SGCT (2,701,338)(2,551,965)(149,373)(149.373) 2202 P SSGCH 2203 B19 (72,825,252)(69,402,615)(3,422,637)1,739,222 (1,683,15) 2204 2205 Totl Accum Deferred Income Tax B19 (2,332,318,663)(2,191,771,766)(140,546,897)(15,147,900)(155,694,797) 2206 255 Accumulated Investment Tax Credit 2207 PTD S 2208 PTD 1TC84 (1,745,297)(1,745,297) 2209 PTD ITC85 (3,044.242)(3,044,242) 2210 PTD ITC86 (1,479,759)(1,479,759) 2211 PTD ITC88 (222.246)(222,246) 2212 PTD ITC89 (486,772)(486,772) 2213 PTD ITC90 (315,906)(271,738)(44,168)(44,168) 2214 PTO IBT . f82,102) (182,102l 2215 Total Accumlated ITC B19 (7,294,222)(7.250,054)(44.168)182,102)(226,270 2216 2217 Total Rate Base Deducions (2,417,922,963)(2,273,958,626)(143,964,337)(17,795,730)(161,760,067) 2218 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.36 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT AOJTOTAL 2219 2220 2221 108SP Steam Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2222 P S 2223 P SG (828,531,539)(782,891,896)(45,639,643)(45,639,643) 2224 P SG (936,120,976)(884,554,772)(51,566,204)(51,566,204) 2225 P SG (552.789,110)(522,338.733)(30,450,377)(761,613)(31.211,990) 2226 P SSGCH (158.685,661 )(150,040,415)(8.645.246)(8,645,246) 2227 817 (2,476.127.286)(2,339,825.817)(136,301,470)(761,613)(137,063,083) 2228 2229 108NP Nuclear Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2230 P SG 2231 P SG 2232.P SG 2233 817 2234 2235 2236 108HP Hydraulic Prod Plant Accum Depr 2237 P S 2238 P SG (150,429.735)(142,143,316)(8.286,419)(8,286,19) 2239 P SG (28,604.226)(27,028.563)(1.575,663)(1,575,663) 2240 P SG (59,853.861)(56,556,813)(3.297,049)(70,857)(3.367.906) 2241 P 5G (12,861,842)(12,153.348)(708.494)(72.398)(780,893) 2242 817 (251,749,664)(237.882.039)(13.867.625)(143.255)(14.010.880) 2243 2244 1080P Other Production Plant - Accum Depr 2245 P S 2246 P SG (1.347,482)(1,273,256)(74,226)(74,226) 2247 P SG 2248 P 5G (263,762.956)(249,233.579)(14.529.377)(565,003)(15.094,38) 2249 P S5GCT (19.564.578)(18,496,665)(1.067.913)(1.067,913) 2250 817 (284,675,015)(269,003.500)(15.671.516)(565.003)(16.236.519) 2251 2252 108EP Experimental Plant- Accum Depr 2253 P SG 2254 P SG 2255 2256 2257 Totl Prouction Plant Accum Depreciation B17 (3.012.551,966)(2,846,711.356)(165,84,610)(1,469,872)(167,310,482) 2258 2259 Summary of Pro Plant Depreciation by Factor 2260 5 2261 DGP 2262 DGU 2263 5G (2.834.301,727)(2,678,174,275)(1,489,872)(157,597,324) 2264 55GCH (158.685,661)(150.040,415)(8.645.246) 2265 55GCT 19.564.578)18.496,665)1,067,913) 2266 Total of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor ,71 .1.1 0,482 2267 2268 2269 108TP Transmission Plant Accumulated Depr 2270 T 5G (36,532,026)(21,367,43) 2271 T 5G (366,312,895)(21,354,659) 2272 T 5G (347.041,141)20.231,189) 2273 Totl Trans Plant Accum Pepreciation B17 ,79, REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.37 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2274 108360 Land and Land Rights 2275 DPW S (5.731.126)(5,471.879)(259.247)(259.247) 2276 817 (5.731.126)(5,71.879)(259.247)(259.247) 2277 2278 108361 Structures and Improvements 2279 DPW S (13.581.278)(13.138,03)(442.875)(442.875) 2280 817 (13.581.278)(13.138,03)(442.875)(442.875) 2281 2282 108362 Station Equipment 2283 DPW S (207.834.133)( 198.557.095)(9.277.038)(9.277.038) 2284 817 (207.834.133)(198.557.095)(9.277.038)(9.277.038) 2285 2286 108363 Storage 8attery Equipment 2287 DPW S (775.263)(775.263) 2288 B17 (775.263)(775.263) 2289 2290 108364 Poles. Towers & Fixtures 2291 DPW S (472,497,456)(438.618.489)(33.878.967)(33.878.967) 2292 817 (472,497,456)(438.618.489)(33.878.967)(33.878,967) 2293 2294 108365 Overhead Conductors 2295 DPW S (257.576.586)(247.145.604)(10.430.983)(10,30.983) 2296 817 (257.576.586)(247.145.604)(10.430.983)(10,430.983) 2297 2298 108366 Underground Conduit 2299 DPW S (121,003,027)(117,701.126)(3.301.901 )(3.301.901 ) 2300 817 (121.003.027)(117,701.126)(3.301.901)(3,301.901 ) 2301 2302 108367 Underground Conductors 2303 DPW S (279.736.871 )(268.973.545)(10.763.326)(10.763.326) 2304 B17 (279.736.871 )(268.973.54)(10.763.326)(10.763.326) 2305 2306 108368 Line Transformers 2307 DPW S (361.323.647)(337.660,494)(23.663.153)(23.663.153) 2308 817 (361.323.647)(337.660,494)(23.663.153)(23,663.153) 2309 2310 108369 Services 2311 DPW S (163.299.910)(152.868.799)(10.431.110)(10.431.110) 2312 817 (163.299.910)(152.868.799)(10.431.110)(10.431.110) 2313 2314 108370 Meters 2315 DPW S (84.175.634)(75.808.861)(8.366.773)(8,36.773) 2316 817 (84.175.634)(75.808,861 )(8,366,773)(8.366.773) 2317 2318 2319 2320 108371 Installations on Customers' Premises 2321 DPW S (7.84.403)(7.709,414)(136.989)(136,989) 2322 817 (7.846.403)(7.709.414)(136.989)(136.989) 2323 2324 108372 Leased Propert 2325 DPW S 2326 817 2327 2328 108373 Stret Lights 2329 DPW S (28.660.733)(28.170.544)(490.188)(490.188) 2330 817 (28,660.733)(28.170.544)(490.188)(490.188) 2331 2332 108000 Unclassified Dist Plant - Acet 300 2333 DPW S 2334 817 2335 ' 2336 108DS Unclassified Dlst Sub Plant - Acet 300 2337 DPW S 2338 B17 2339 2340 108DP Unclssifed Dist Sub Plant - Acet 300 2341 DPW S 730.582 729.334 1.248 1.248 2342 B17 730.582 729.334 1.248 1,248 2343 2344 2345 Totl Distrbuion Plant Acum Depreciation B17 (2,003,311,485)(1,891,870,183)(111,441,302)(111,441,302) 2346 2347 Summar of Distrbutn Plant Depr by Factr 234 S (2.003,311.485)(1.891.870.183)(111.441.302)(111.441.302) 2349 2350 Total Distrn Depretin by Facor 817 (2.003,311.48)(1.91.870.183)(11.441.302)(111.441.302) REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.38 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2351 108GP General Plant Accumulated Depr 2352 G-SITUS S (151,989,352)(141,794,438)(10,194,914)(10,194,914) 2353 PT SG (6,272,465)(5,926,947)(345,519)(345,519) 2354 PT SG (11,172,030)(10,556,619)(615,411)(615,411) 2355 G-SG SG (46,253,779)(43,705,891 )(2,547.888)(2,547,888) 2356 CUST CN (6,625,150)(6,367,792)(257,358)(257,358) 2357 PTD SO (72,527,529)(68,616,614)(3,910,915)(3.910,915) 2358 P SE (339.900)(318,291)(21,609)(21.609) 2359 G-SG SSGCT (33,094)(31,288)(1,806)(1,806) 2360 G-SG SSGCH (2,331,547)(2,204,523)(127.023)(127,023) 2361 817 (297,544,84)(279,522,403)(18,022,444)(18.022,444) 2362 2363 2364 108MP Mining Plant Accumulated Depr. 2365 P S 2366 P SE (170,270.750)(159,445.750)(10.825,000)(41.661 )(10,866,661 ) 2367 817 (170.270,750)(159,445,750)(10,825,000)(41,661)(10,866,661) 2368 108MP Less Centralia Situs Depreciation 2369 P S 2370 817 (170,270,750)(159,445,750)(10,825,000)(41,661)(10,866,661 ) 2371 2372 1081390 Accum Depr - Capital Lease 2373 PTD SO 817 2374 2375 2376 Remove Capital Leases 2377 817 2378 2379 1081399 Accum Depr - Capital Lease 2380 p S 2381 P SE 817 2382 2383 2384 Remove Capital Leases 2385 817 2386 2387 2388 Total General Plant Accum Depreciation B17 (467,815,596)(438,968,153)(28,847,44)(41,661)(28,889,104) 2389. 2390 2391 2392 Summary of General Depreciation by Factor 2393 S (151.989,352)(141,794.438)(10,194,914)(10,194,914) 2394 DGP 2395 DGU 2396 SE (170,610.651) .(159,764,042)(10,84,609)(41,661)(10.888.270) 2397 SO (72,527.529)(68,616.614)(3,910,915)(3,910,915) 2398 CN (6,625,150)(6,367,792)(257,358)(257,358) 2399 SG (63,698,274)(60,189,456)(3,508,818)(3,508,818) 2400 DEU 2401 SSGCT (33,094)(31,288)(1,806)(1,806) 2402 SSGCH (2,331,547)(2,204,523)(127,023)(127,023) 2403 Remove Capital Leases 2404 Total General Depreciation by Factor (467,815,596)(438,968,153)(28,847,443)(41.661)(28,889,104) 2405 2406 2407 Totl Accum Depreciation. Plant In Service 617 (6,626,518,392)(6,257,435,755)(369,082,637)(2,54,082)(371,626,719) 2408 111SP Accum Prov for Amort-Steam 2409 p SG 2410 P SSGCT 2411 818 2412 2413 2414 111GP Accum Prov for Amort-General 2415 G-SITUS S (15.417.186)(15,417.186) 2416 CUST CN (2.453.306)(2,358,005)(95,300)(95.300) 2417 l-SG SG 2418 PTD SO (9,907.217)(9,372.989)(534.229)(534,229) 2419 P SE - 2420 618 (27.777,708)(27.148,179)(629,529)(629,529) 2421 REVISED PROTOCOL Page 2.39 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DE SCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2422 2423 111HP Accum Prov for Amort-Hydro 2424 P SG 2425 P SG 2426 P SG (13.027)(12,310)(718)(718) 2427 P SG (390.637)(369,119)(21.518)(21.518) 2428 B18 (403,664)(381,429)(22,236)(22,236) 2429 2430 2431 1111P Accum Prov for Amort-Intangible Plant 2432 I-SITUS S (866.992)(130,826)(736,166)(736,166) 2433 P SG 2434 P SG (332.638)(314.315)(18,323)(18,323) 2435 P SE (1.011.087)(946.807)(64.280)(64,280) 2436 1-5G SG (42.153.361)(39,831.344)(2,322.017)(25.402)(2,347,419) 2437 I-SG SG (11,454.352)(10,823.389)(630.963)(630.963) 2438 I-SG SG (3.111,807)(2.940.393)(171,414)(171.414) 2439 CUST CN (89.511.348)(86.034,220)(3.477,128)(3,477.128) 244 P SSGCT 2441 P SSGCH (67,877)(64,179)(3,698)(3.698) 2442 PTD SO (250.449.855)(236.944,804)(13,505,051 )(13,505,051) 2443 B18 (398.959.316)(378.030,277)(20.929.040)(25,402)(20.954,442) 2444 1111P Less Non-Utilty Planí 2445 NUTIL OTH 2446 (398.959,316)(378.030.277)(20.929.040)(25.402)(20.954.442) 2447 2448 111390 Accum Amtr - Capital Lease 2449 G.SITUS S (5,302,423)(5.302,423) 2450 P SG (1.390,857)(1,314.242)(76.615)(76.615) 2451 PTD SO 1.860.994 1,760.643 100.351 100.351 2452 (4,832.287)(4,856,022)23.735 23.735 2453 2454 Remove Capita Leae Amtr 4.832.287 4.856,022 (23,735)(23,735) 2455 2456 Total Accum Provision for Amortzation B18 (42 .140,689)(405,559,885)(21,580,804)(25,402)(21.606,207) 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 Summary of Amortization by Factor 2462 S (21,586.600)(20,850.43)(736.166)(736.166) 2463 DGP 2464 DGU 2465 SE (1.011.087)(946.807)(64.280)(64,280) 2466 SO (258,496,078)(244,557,149)(13.938,929)(13.938,929) 2467 CN (91.964.653)(88,392,225)(3.572.428)(3.572,428) 246 SSGCT 2469 SSGCH (67.877)(64.179)(3.698)(3.698) 2470 SG (58.846.679)(55.605.111 )(3.241.568)(25.402)(3.266.970) 2471 Less Capital Lease 4.832.287 4.856.022 (23,735)(23.735) 2472 Total Provision For Amortization by Factor (427,140.689)(405.559.85)(21.58p,804)(25,402)(21,606.207) Rocky Mountain Power RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Page 9.1 USER SPECIFIC INFORMATION STATE: PERIOD: IDAHO DECEMBER 2009 FILE: PREPARED BY: DATE: TIME: JAM Dec 200910 GRC_Rebuttal Revenue Requirement Departent 11/10/2010 10:18:53 AM TYPE OF RATE BASE: ALLOCATION METHOD: Year-End ROLLED-IN FERC JURISDICTION:Separate Jurisdiction 80R 12 CP:12 Coincidental Peaks DEMAND % ENERGY % 75% Demand 25% Energy TAX INFORMATION TAX RATE ASSUMPTIONS: FEDERAL RATE STATE EFFECTIVE RATE TAX GROSS UP FACTOR FEDERAUSTATE COMBINED RATE TAX RATE 35.00% 4.54% 1.615 37.951% CAPITAL STRUCTURE INFORMATION CAPITAL STRUCTURE EMBEDDED COST WEIGHTED COST DEBT PREFERRED COMMON 47.60% 0.30% 52.10% 100.00% 5.88% 5.42% 10.60% 2.799% 0.016% 5.523% 8.338% OTHER INFORMATION Th Company's current estimated cost of equity is 10.6%. The capital structure is calculated using the five quarter average from 12/31/2009 to 1213112010. ROLLED.IN Page 9.2 Year.End RESULTS OF OPERATIONS SUMMARY UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO Description of Account Summary:Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENTS ADJTOTAL 1 Operating Revenues 2 General Business Revenues 2.3 3,484,413.565 3,297,654,176 186,759,389 15,973.773 202,733,162 3 Interdepartmental 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 4 Special Sales 2.3 643,321,157 608.334,858 34,986,299 12,195,096 47,181,395 5 Other Operating Revenues 2.4 226,031,658 211,768,550 14,263,108 (489.545)13,773,563 6 Total Operating Revenues 2.4 4,353,766,380 4.117,757,584 236,008,796 27,679,324 263,688,120 7 8 OperangExpenses: 9 Steam Production 2.5 898,300,862 843.521,228 54,779,635 5.860,288 60,639,923 10 Nuclear Production 2.6 0 0 0 0 0 11 Hydro Production 2.7 37,924,259 35,835,202 2,089.057 44.873 2.133,930 12 Other Power Supply 2.9 1,023,694.683 960.746.228 62,948,455 14.696,441 77,644,895 13 Transmission 2.10 172,874.522 163.342,030 9,532,492 1,214.384 10,746.876 14 Distrbution 2.12 215.468,741 204.320,401 11,148,340 286,225 11,434.564 15 Customer Accounting 2.12 93,785,007 89.279,506 4.505,501 138,335 4.643,836 16 Customer Service & Infor 2.13 71,462.744 64.626,109 6.836.635 (4.989,177)1,847.458 17 Sales 2.13 0 0 0 0 0 18 Administrative & General 2.14 162.619,511 153.143,351 9,476.160 2.017,070 11,493.230 19 20 Total 0 & M Expenses 2.14 2,676,130,329 2,514,814,055 161,316.274 19,268,439 180,584,713 21 22 Depreciation 2.16 48,027,603 439,648,393 24,379,210 3,058,619 27,437,829 23 Amortization 2.17 43,698,570 41,446,814 2,251,756 (150,962)2,100,794 24 Taxes Other Than Income 2.17 123,877,487 118,554,217 5,323,269 414,144 5,737,413 25 Income Taxes. Federal 2.20 (169.394,084)(156,583,204)(12,810.880)(16,490.301)(29,301,181) 26 Income Taxes. State 2.20 (21,767,423)(20,087,707)(1,679.716)(1,795,311)(3,475,027) 27 Income Taxes. Def Net 2.19 482,616,183 458,790,118 23,826,065 16.785,518 40.611,583 28 Investment Tax Credit Adj.2.17 (1,874.204)(1,672.710)(201,494)0 (201,494) 29 Mise Revenue & Expense 2.4 (5,975,707)(5,678,965)(296.742)(284,193)(580,935) 30 31 Total Operating Expenses 2.20 3,591.338.753 3.389.231,011 202.107,742 20,805,953 222,913.695 32 33 Operating Revenue for Return 762,427.627 728.526,573 33,901.054 6,873,371 40.774,425 34 35 Rate Base: 36 Elecric Plant in Service 2.30 19.556.037,605 18.501.147.212 1.054,890,394 112.270,443 1,167,160,837 37 Plant Held for Future Use 2.31 13,674,54 13.104,516 570,032 (570,032)0 38 Mise Deferrd Debits 2.33 140,117,584 136,496,23 3.620.962 553,302 4.174,263 39 Elec Plant Acq Adj 2.31 60,866,907 57,514,055 3.352.852 0 3,352,852 40 Nuclear Fuel 2.31 0 0 0 0 0 41 Prepayments 2.32 46,150,453 43,579,532 2,570,921 0 2,570.921 42 Fuel Stock 2.32 167,792.599 157,125,148 10.667,451 1,504,805 12,172,256 43 Material & Supplies 2.32 177,874,022 167,911,805 9,962,217 0 9,962,217 44 Working Capital 2.33 55.832,776 52,903.622 2,929.154 (25,961)2,903,193 45 Weatherizatin Loans 2.31 37.358,188 33,854,54 3,503,640 0 3,503,640 46 Miscellaneous Rate Base 2.34 1,809,172 1,685.894 123,279 0 123.279 47 48 Total Electric Plant 20,257,513.854 19,165,322,953 1,092,190,901 113,732,557 1,205,923,459 49 50 Rate Base Deductons: 51 Accum Prov For Depr 2.38 (6,626,518,392)(6,257,327,216)(369,191,176)(2.544,082)(371,735,257) 52 Accum Prov For Amort 2.39 (427,140,689)(405,554,960)(21,585,729)(25,402)(21,611.131 ) 53 Accum Def Income Taxes 2.35 (2,332.318,663)(2,191,772.384)(140,546,299)(15,147,668)(155.693,967) 54 Unamortd ITC 2.35 (7,294,22)(7,250,054)(44,168)(166,992)(211.161 ) 55 Customer Adv for Const 2.34 (20,944,658)(20,258,001 )(686,658)(261,039)(947,697) 56 Customer Service Deposits 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 57 Mise. Rate Base Deuctions 2.34 (57,365,19)(54,678,237)(2,687,183)(2,204,752)(4,891,935) 58 59 Total Rate Base Deductions (9,471,582,043)(8,936,840,831)(534.741.212)(20,349,935)(555,091,147) 60 61 Total Rate Base 10,785.931,811 10,228.482.122 557,449.689 93,382,623 650,832.312 62 63 Retum on Rate Ba 7.069%6.081%6.265% 84 65 Retum on Equi 8.164%6.269%6.622% 66 Net Power Cost 1,042,847,44 67,217,503 69,190,569 67 100 Basis Points in Equl: 68 Rev Requirement Impact 90,565,045 4,680,676 5,64,772 69 Ra Bae Decrese (740,405,227)(43,988.376)(49,968,364) ROLLED~IN Page 9.3 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 70 Sales to Ultmate Customers 71 440 Residential Sales 72 0 S 1.346.519.773 59.247.029 386,357 59,633,386 73 74 81 1.346,519,773 1.287,272.744 59.247.029 386,357 59,633,386 75 76 442 Commercial & Industrial Sales 77 0 S 2,097,948.247 1.970.908.587 127.039,660 15,459.595 142,499.255 78 P SE 79 PT SG 80 81 82 81 2,097.948.247 1.970.908.587 127,039.660 15.459.595 142,499.255 83 84 444 Public Street & Highway Lighting 85 0 S 20.913,398 20,440.698 472,700 127.821 600.521 86 0 SO 87 81 20.913.398 20,440.698 472,700 127.821 600.521 88 89 445 Other Sales to Public AuthOnty 90 0 S 19.032,148 19.032.148 91 92 81 19.032.148 19,032.148 93 94 448 Interdepartmental 95 DPW S 96 GP SO 97 81 98 99 Total Sales to Ultimate Customers B1 3,484,413,565 3,297.654,176 186,759,389 15,973,773 202.733,162 100 101 102 103 447 Sales for Resale-Non NPC 104 WSF S 8,352,641 8,352,641 105 8,352.641 8.352.641 106 107 447NPC Sales for Resale.NPC 108 WSF SG 633.900.033 598.981.663 34.918,370 12.263.025 47,181.395 109 WSF SE 1,068,483 1,000.554 67.929 (67,929) 110 WSF SG 111 634.968.516 599.982.217 34.986.299 12,195,096 47.181.395 112 113 Total Sales for Resale 81 643.321.157 608.334.858 34.986.29 12.195.096 47,181.395 114 115 449 Provision for Rate Refund 116 WSF S 117 WSF SG 118 119 120 81 121 122 Totl Sales frm Electricit B1 4,127,734,722 3,905,989,034 221,745,688 28,168,869 249,914,557 123 450 Forfeited Discunts & Interest 124 CUST S 7.318,368 6,907,026 411.342 411,342 125 CUST SO 126 B1 7,318,368 6.907.026 411,342 411.342 127 128 451 Mise Electc Revenue 129 CUST S 6.902,761 6,732,681 170.080 170,080 130 GP SG 131 GP SO 6.131 5.801 331 331 132 B1 6.908,893 6.738.482 170,411 170,411 133 134 453 Water Sales 135 P SG 12.155 11.485 670 670 136 B1 12.155 11,485 670 670 137 138 45 Rent of Elect Propert 139 DPW S 10,421,181 10,119.677 301.504 301,504 140 T SG 5.30.571 5.012.368 292.202 292,202 141 T SG 4.88 4.617 269 269 142 GP SO 3,428,29 3.243.365 184.929 184,929 143 B1 19.158,931 18.380,027 778.904 778.904 144 145 ROLLED-IN Page 9.4 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 146 147 456 Other Electric Revenue 148 OMSC S 50,609,068 45,598,459 5,010.609 (5.010.486)123 149 CUST CN 150 OTHSE SE 8.005,386 7.496.442 508,94 508.944 151 OTHSO SO 173,123 163,784 9.339 9.339 152 OTHSGR SG 133.845.735 126.472.845 7.372,890 4,520.941 11.893.830 153 154 155 B1 192.633,312 179.731.530 12.901.781 (489,545)12,412.236 156 157 Total Other Electric Revenues B1 226,031.658 211,768,550 14,263,108 (489,545)13,773,563 158 159 Total Electric Operating Revenues B1 4,353,766,380 4,117,757,584 236,008,796 27,679,324 263,688,120 160 161 Summary of Revenues by Factor 162 S 3.568.017,584 3.375,364,659 192,652,925 10.963.287 203.616.212 163 CN 164 SE 9,073,869 8.496,996 576,873 (67.929)508.944 165 SO 3.607.548 3,412.950 194.598 194.598 166 SG 773.067,379 730,482.978 42.584,400 16,783,96 59.368.366 167 OGP 168 169 Total Electric Operating Revenues 4.353.766.380 4.117.757.584 236.08.796 27.679.324 263.688.120 170 Miscellaneous Revenues 171 41160 Gain on Sale of Utilty Plant - CR 172 OPW S 173 T SG 174 G SO 175 T SG 176 P SG 177 B1 178 179 41170 Loss on Sale of Utilty Plant 180 OPW S 181 T SG 182 B1 183 184 4118 Gain from Emission Allowances 185 P S 186 P SE (3.790,891 )(3.549.884)(241.007)(284.193)(525.200) 187 61 (3.790,891)(3.549.884)(241.007)(284.193)(525.200) 188 189 41181 Gain from Dispositon of N9X Credits 190 P SE 191 81 192 193 4194 Impact Housing Interest Income 194 P SG 195 B1 196 197 421 (Gain) I Loss on Sale of Utilty Plant 198 OPW S (1.173.272)(1.173.272) 199 T SG (145.556)(137.538)(8,018)(8,018) 200 T SG (68.192)(64,436)(3.756)(3,756) 201 PTO CN 202 PTO SO 12,862 12.168 694 694 203 P SG (810,657)(766.002)(44,655)(44.655) 204 B1 (2.184,816)(2.129,080)(55.736)(55,736) 205 206 Total Miscellaneous Revenues (5,975.707)(5,678,965)(296,742)(284,193)(580,935) 207 Miscellaneous Expenss 208 4311 Interest on Custmer Deposits 209 CUST S 210 B1 211 Total Miscellaneous Expeses 212 213 Net Mise Revenue and Expense 81 (5,975,707)(5,678,965)(296,742)(284,193)(580,935) 214 ROLLED-IN Page 9.5 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 215 500 Operation Supeivision & Engineenng 216 P SNPPS 20,160.039 19,049.523 1,110.515 37,227 1,147,743 217 P SNPPS 1.216,352 1.149,349 67.003 67.003 218 62 21.376,391 20,198,873 1,177,518 37,227 1,214,745 219 220 501 Fuel Related-Non NPC 221 P SE 11,157,930 10,448,562 709,368 1.067 710,434 222 P SE 223 P SE 224 P SE 225 P SE 3,213,384 3,009,093 204.292 204,292 226 62 14.371,314 13,457,654 913,659 1.067 914.726 227 228 501NPC Fuel Related-NPC 229 P SE 552,903,370 517,752,418 35,150,952 5,77,942 40.628.893 230 P SE 231 P SE 232 P SE 233 P SE 52,991.371 49,622,433 3.368,938 3,368.938 234 62 605,894,741 567.374,851 38,519,889 5.477.942 43,997,831 235 236 Total Fuel Related 620,266,055 580,832.506 39,433,549 5,479,008 44,912,557 237 238 502 Steam Expenses 239 P SNPPS 30,407.397 28,732.406 1,674,991 41,453 1,716.444 240 P SNPPS 5,101.692 4,820,666 281,027 281,027 241 62 35.509.090 33,553,072 1.956,017 41,453 1.997,470 242 243 503 Steam From Other Sour's-Non-NPC 244 P SE 147 147 245 62 147 147 246 247 503NPC Steam From Other Sources-NPC 248 P SE 3,597.576 3.368,859 228.717 (14,218)214,498 249 62 3,597.576 3,368,859 228,717 (14.218)214,498 250 251 505 Electnc Expenses 252 P SNPPS 2.754.507 2,602.775 151,732 3,675 155,407 253 P SNPPS 1,150,021 1.086,672 63.349 63;349 254 62 3,904.528 3,689,447 215,081 3,675 218,756 255 256 506 Misc. Steam Expense 257 P SNPPS 42,056.734 39.740,040 2.316,694 91.485 2.408.179 258 P SE 259 P SNPPS 1,502,518 1,419,752 82.766 82,766 260 62 43.559,253 41.159,792 2,399,461 91,485 2,490,945 261 262 507 Rents 263 P SNPPS 448.653 423,939 24,714 24.714 264 P SNPPS 1,762 1,665 97 97 265 62 45,415 425,604 24,811 24.811 266 267 510 Maint Supeivision & Engineering 268 P SNPPS 4,057,736 3,834.216 223.520 33,811 257,331 269 P SNPPS 1,912.378 1,807,035 105.343 105,343 270 62 5.970.114 5.641,250 328,864 33.811 362,674 271 272 273 274 511 Maintenanc of Structures 275 P SNPPS 21.886.763 20,681,131 1,205,632 14,386 1,220.018 276 P SNPPS 938,302 c886.616 51.686 51,686 277 62 22.825.065 21,567,747 1,257.318 14.386 1.271,704 278 279 512 Maintenance of 60iler Plant 280 P SNPPS 91,029,755 86,015,382 5.014.372 141,429 5.155.801 281 P SNPPS 3.403.827 3,216,327 187,500 187.500 282 62 94,433.581 89,231,709 5,201.872 141.429 5.343,300 283 284 513 Maintenanc of Ele Plant 285 P SNPPS 33.316.896 31,481,635 1.835.260 25.634 1.860,894 288 P SNPPS 410.626 388.007 22.619 22,619 287 62 33.727.522 31.869.642 1.857,880 25.634 1.883,514 288 289 514 Maintenan of Misc. Steam Plant 290 P SNPPS 9.660.457 9,128,311 532,146 6,253 538,400 291 P SNPPS 3.020.817 2.854,415 166.402 166,402 292 62 12.681.274 11,982.726 698,548 6,253 704,801 29329 Tot Steam Powr Generaon B2 89,3,862 84,521,228 54,779,635 5,860,2 60,639,923 ROLLED-IN Page 9.6 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 295 517 Operation Super & Engineering 296 P SNPPN 297 62 298 299 518 Nuclear Fuel Expense 300 P SE 301 302 62 303 304 519 Coolants and Water 305 P SNPPN 306 62 307 308 520 Steam Expenses 309 P SNPPN 310 62 311 312 313 314 523 E.lectric Expenses 315 P SNPPN 316 62 317 318 524 Misc. Nuclear Expenses 319 P SNPPN 320 62 321 322 528 Maintenance Super & Engineering 323 P SNPPN 324 62 325 326 529 Maintenance of Structures 327 P SNPPN 328 62 329 330 530 Maintenance of Reactor Plant 331 P SNPPN 332 62 333 334 531 Maintenance of Electric Plant 335 P SNPPN 336 82 337 338 532 Maintenance of Mise Nuclear 339 P SNPPN 340 82 341 342 Total Nuclear Power Generation B2 343 344 535 Operation Super & Engineering 345 P DGP 346 P SNPPH 8,095,68 7,649,732 445,951 20,742 466,692 347 P SNPPH 1,289.537 1,218,502 71,034 71,034 348 349 82 9.385,219 8,868,235 516.985 20.742 537,726 350 351 536 Water For Powr 352 P DGP 353 P SNPPH 285.794 270.051 15,743 188 15,931 354 P SNPPH 4.415 4,172 243 243 355 356 62 290.209 274,223 15.986 188 16.174 357 ROLLED-IN Page 9.7 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DE SCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 358 537 Hydraulic Expenses 359 P DGP 360 P SNPPH 3.168.766 2.994,214 174.551 1,44 175,996 361 P SNPPH 349.84 330.573 19,271 19.271 362 363 82 3.518.610 3,324.787 193,823 1,444 195.267 364 365 538 Electric Expenses 366 P DGP 367 P SNPPH 368 P SNPPH 369 370 82 371 372 539 Misc. Hydro Expenses 373 P DGP 374 P SNPPH 11.894.606 11,239.392 655,214 17,690 672.904 375 P SNPPH 5.705.129 5,390.862 314,267 314.267 376 377 378 82 17.599,735 16.630.254 969,481 17.690 987,171 379 380 540 Rents (Hydro Generation) 381 P DGP 382 P SNPPH 180.404 170.466 9,938 (33)9.904 383 P SNPPH 3.040 2,873 167 167 384 385 82 183,44 173.339 10.105 (33)10.072 386 387 541 Maint Supervision & Engineering 388 P DGP 389 P SNPPH 84.358 79.711 4.647 2 4,649 390 P SNPPH 391 392 82 84,358 79.711 4.647 2 4.649 393 394 542 Maintenance of Structures 395 P DGP 396 P SNPPH 1.092.399 1.032.224 60.175 802 60.977 397 P SNPPH 114.713 108,394 6,319 6.319 398 399 82 1,207.112 1,140,619 66,494 802 67.296 400 401 402 403 404 543 Maintenance of Dams & Waterwys 405 P DGP 406 P SNPPH 1,189.774 1.124.235 65.539 912 66,450 407 P SNPPH 410.765 388.138 22.627 22.627 408 409 82 1.600.539 1,512,374 88,166 912 89.077 410 411 544 Maintenance of Electric Plant 412 P DGP 413 P SNPPH 1.188,647 1.123.171 65,477 1.671 67,148 414 P SNPPH 327,068 309.052 18,017 18.017 415 416 82 1.515,716 1,432.223 83,493 1,671 85.164 417 418 545 Maintenance of Misc. Hydro Plant 419 P DGP 420 P SNPPH 1.925,303 1.819.248 106.055 1,455 107.510 421 P SNPPH 614.013 580,190 33.823 33.823 422 423 82 2.539.316 2,399,438 139.878 1.455 141,333 424 425 Totl Hydraulic Power Generation B2 37,924,259 35,835,202 2,089,057 44,873 2,133,930 ROLLED.IN Page 9.8 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DE SCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 426 427 546 Operation Super & Engineenng 428 P SNPPO 316.964 299.504 17,460 63 17.523 429 P SNPPO 430 82 316.964 299.504 17.460 63 17.523 431 432 547 Fuel-Non-NPC 433 P SE 434 P SE 435 82 436 437 547NPC Fuel-NPC 438 P SE 426.253.895 399.154.711 27.099.184 1.326.130 28,25.314 439 P SE 35.489,120 33.232.892 2.256,229 2.256.229 44 62 461,743,015 432.387.603 29.355,412 1.326.130 30,681,542 441 442 548 Generation Expense 443 P SNPPO 14.113.019 13.335,604 777,415 12,516 789.931 444 P SNPPO 1.626,465 1.536.872 89.594 89.594 445 82 15.739.485 14.872,475 867,009 12,516 879.525 44 447 549 Miscellaneous Other 448 P SNPPO 18.635.853 17.609.298 1.026,556 330,179 1,356.734 449 P SNPPO 45 62 18.635.853 17,609,298 1.026.556 330,179 1.356.734 451 452 453 454 455 550 Rents 456 P SNPPO 1.861.263 1.758.736 102.528 102.528 457 P SNPPO 458 62 1,861.263 1.758,736 102.528 102.528 459 460 551 Maint Supervision & Engineering 461 P SNPPO 462 62 463 464 552 Maintenance of Structures 465 P SNPPO 1.350.705 1.276.301 74.404 613 75.016 466 P SNPPO 193.326 182.677 10.649 10.649 467 62 1.54.031 1,458.978 85.053 613 85.666 468 469 553 Maint of Generation & Electrc Plant 470 P SNPPO 12.141.793 11,472,963 668.830 (218,282)450.548 471 P SNPPO 2.845.46 2.688,327 156,719 156.719 472 82 14.986,84 14.161.29 825.550 (218.282)607.267 473 474 554 Maintenance of Misc. Other 475 P SNPPO 1.200,375 1.134.253 66.123 283 66.405 476 P SNPPO 121.530 114.836 6.694 6.694 477 82 1.321,906 1.249.089 72.817 283 73.100 478 479 Total Other Power Generation B2 516,149,358 483,796,973 32,352,385 1,451,500 33,803,885 480 481 482 555 Purchased Power-Non NPC 483 DMSC S (33.207.768)(33,362,478)154.710 (154,710) 484 (33.207.768)(33.362,478)154.710 (154.710) 48548 555NPC Purchase Power.NPC 487 P SG 409.727.945 387.158.090 22.569.855 6.802,349 29,372.204 48 P SE 79.691,472 74.625.070 5,066.403 (584,201)4.482,201 489 Seasonal Co P SG 490 DGP 491 489,419,417 461.783.159 27,636.258 6.218.147 33.854.405 492 493 Total Purcase Power 62 456.211,649 428,420.681 27.790.968 6.063.437 33.854.405 494 495 556 System Contl & Load Dispatch 496 P SG 1.514.461 1,431.037 83,424 1.524 84.948 497 498 B2 1,514,461 1,431,037 83,424 1.524 84.948 499 500 ROLLED-IN Page 9.9 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESeRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 501 502 557 Other Expenses 503 P S (183,792)(150,819)(32,973)7,585,721 7,552,748 504 P SG 48,880,583 46,187,997 2,692.586 (405.742)2.286.844 505 P SGCT 1,122,425 1,060,360 62,065 62,065 506 P SE 507 P SG 508 P TROJP 509 510 62 49,819,215 47,097,537 2,721,678 7,179,979 9,901,657 511 512 Embedded Cost Diferentials 513 Company Owned Hyd P DGP 514 Company Owned Hyd P SG 515 Mid-G Contract P MC 516 Mid-G Contract P SG .517 Existing OF Contracts P S 518 Existing OF Contracts P SG 519 520 521 522 Total Other Power Supply B2 507,54,325 476,949,255 30,596.070 13,244,941 43,841,011 523 524 Total Production Expense B2 1,959,919,804 1,84,102,658 119,817,146 20,601,603 140,418,749 525 526 527 Summary of Producton Expense by Factor 528 S (33,391,560)(33,513,297)121,737 7,431,011 7.552,748 529 SG 460,122,988 434,777,123 25,345,865 6,398,131 31,743,996 530 SE 1.165,298,118 1,091,214.038 74,084,080 6,206,865 80,290.945 531 . SNPPH 37,924,259 35,835,202 2,089,057 44,873 2,133,930 532 TROJP 533 SGCT 1,122,425 1,060,360 62,065 62,065 534 DGP 535 DEU 536 DEP 537 SNPPS 274,437,232 259,319,863 15,117,369 395,352 15,512,721 538 SNPPO 54,406,342 51,409,370 2,996,972 125,370 3,122,343 539 DGU 540 MC 541 SSGCT 542 SSECT 543 SSGC 544 SSGCH 545 SSECH54Total Production Expense by Factor 62 1,959,919,804 1,840,102,658 119,817,146 20,601,603 140,418,749 547 560 Operation Supervision & Engineering54TSNPT 6,088,583 5,753,193 335,389 10,916 346,305 549 550 62 6.088,583 5,753,193 335.389 10,916 346.305 551 552 561 Load Dispatching 553 T SNPT 9,323,709 8.810,112 513.596 18.577 532.174 554 555 62 9.323,709 8,810,112 513.596 18.577 532.174 556 562 Station Expense 557 T SNPT 1.506,478 1,423,494 82.984 2.259 85,243 558 559 62 1,506,478 1,423,94 82,984 2,259 85.243 560 561 563 Overhead Line Expense 562 T SNPT 245,152 231,646 13,504 206 13,710 56356 62 245,152 231.646 13,504 20 13,710 56 566 564 Underground Line Expense 567 T SNPT 568 569 62 570 ROLLED-IN Page 9.10 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAH ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 571 565 Transmission of Electricit by Others 572 T SG 573 T SE 574 575 576 565NPC Transmission of Electricity by Others-NPC 577 T SG 116.018,414 109.627,542 6,390.872 1,066,721 7,457,592 578 T SE 1,142,797 1,070,143 72,654 93,442 166.095 579 117,161,210 110,697,685 6,463,525 1,160.162 7,623,688 580 581 Total T ransm ission of Electricity by Othe~82 117,161,210 110.697,685 6,463,525 1,160.162 7,623,688 582 583 566 Misc. Transmission Exense 584 T SNPT 2,393,112 2,261,287 131,825 (4,285)127,540 585 586 82 2,393,112 2,261,287 131,825 (4,285)127,540 587 588 567 Rents - Transmission 589 T SNPT 1,656,975 1,565,700 91,274 509 91.784 590 591 82 1,656,975 1,565,700 91.274 509 91,784 592 593 568 Maint Supervision & Engineering 594 T SNPT 35,453 33,500 1.953 39 1,992 595 596 82 35,453 33,500 1,953 39 1,992 597 598 569 Maintenance of Structures 599 T SNPT 4,060,56 3,836,884 223,676 5,35 229,110 600 601 82 4,060,560 3,836,884 223,676 5,435 229,110 602 603 570 Maintenance of Station Equipment 604 T SNPT 10,549,624 9,968,498 581,126 16.773 597,899 605 606 82 10,549.624 9.968,498 581,126 16,773 597,899 607 608 571 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 609 T SNPT 19,620,066 18,539,295 1,080,771 3,679 1,084,449 610 611 82 19,620,066 18,539.295 1,080,771 3.679 1,084.449 612 613 572 Maintenance of Underground Lines 614 T SNPT 51,599 48,757 2.842 84 2,926 615 616 82 51.599 48,757 2,842 84 2,926 617 618 573 Maint of Misc. Transmission Plant 619 T SNPT 182,001 171,976 10,026 30 10,056 620 621 82 182,001 171,976 10,026 30 10.056 622 623 Total Transmission Expense B2 172,874,522 163.342,030 9,532,492 1,214,384 10,746.876 624 625 Summary of Transmission Expense by Factor 626 SE 1,142,797 1,070.143 72,654 93,42 166,095 627 SG 116,018,414 109,627,542 6,390,872 1,066,721 7,457,592 628 SNPT 55,713,312 52,644,345 3,068,967 54,222 3,123,188 629 Total Transmission Expense by Factor 172,874,522 163,342.030 9.532,492 1,214,384 10,746,876 630 580 Operan Supervision & Engineering 631 DPW S 1,012,44 930,166 82,277 82,277 632 DPW SNPD 18,641,946 17,781,836 860,111 34,479 894,590 633 82 19,654,389 18,712,001 942.388 34,479 976,867 634 635 581 Load Dispatching 636 DPW S 637 DPW SNPD 13,439,746 12.819,657 620,089 25,714 645,803 638 82 13,439,746 12,819,657 620,089 25,714 645.803 639 640 582 Statin Expns 641 DPW S 3,849,839 3,641,292 208,547 4,008 212,555 642 DPW SNPD 29,84 28,471 1,317 46 1,423 643 B2 3,879,687 3,669.763 209,924 4,053 213,977 64 ROLLED-IN Page 9.11 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 645 583 Overhead Line Expenses 646 DPW S 5.777.056 5,475,120 301,936 11.118 313,054 647 DPW SNPD 17.767 16,98 820 29 849 648 82 5.794.824 5,492.068 302.756 11.147 313,903 649 650 584 Underground Line Expense 651 DPW S 305 305 652 DPW SNPD 653 B2 305 305 654 655 585 Street Lighting & Signal Systems 656 DPW S 657 DPW SNPD 207.152 197,594 9,558 402 9,960 658 82 207.152 197.594 9,558 402 9.960 659 660 586 Meter Expenses 661 DPW S 5,630.733 5,374.972 255,761 9,193 264,954 662 DPW SNPD 1,082.827 1,032,867 49.960 1,765 51,725 663 82 6.713.560 6,407,839 305,721 10,958 316.679 664 665 587 Customer Installation Expenses 666 DPW S 12,458,762 12,009.848 44,917 16,305 465,222 667 DPW SNPD 496 473 23 1 24 668 82 12.459,259 12.010,319 448,940 16,306 465,246 669 670 588 Misc. Distrbution Expenses 671 DPW S 1.903,892 1,827.783 76,109 (2.139)73,970 672 DPW SNPD 5,537,508 5.282,016 255,492 (46)255,446 673 82 7,441,400 7,109.799 331.601 (2.186)329,416 674 675 589 Rents 676 DPW S 3,082.013 3,056,279 25,733 33 25,767 677 DPW SNPD 114,242 108,971 5,271 0 5.271 678 82 3,196.255 3,165.250 31,004 33 31,038 679 680 590 Maint Supervision & Engineering 681 DPW S 1,168.290 1.079,917 88.373 3,126 91,498 682 DPW SNPD 6.367,680 6.073,885 293,795 10,425 304.219 683 82 7,535,970 7.153,802 382.168 13,550 395.718 684 685 591 Maintenance of Structures 686 DPW S 1,855.991 1,709,849 146.142 146,12 687 DPW SNPD 159.999 152,617 7,382 7,382 688 82 2,015,990 1,862,46 153.524 153,524 689 690 592 Maintenance of Station Equipment 691 DPW S 10,926,178 10,135.064 791,114 25,517 816.631 692 DPW SNPD 1,874,179 1.787,708 86,472 3.387 89.858 693 82 12,800.357 11,922,771 87758 28.904 906,490 694 593 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 695 DPW S 82.112,317 77,011,054 5.101,264 100.942 5.202.206 696 DPW SNPD 1.224,337 1,167,848 56.489 951 57,440 697 82 83,336.655 78.178.902 5.157,753 101,893 5,259,646 698 699 594 Maintenance of Underground Lines 700 DPW S 22,479,205 21.746.414 732,791 18.984 751,774 701 DPW SNPD 7,391 7,050 341 11 352 702 82 22.486,595 21.753,464 733,132 18,995 752.126 703 704 595 Maintenance of Line Transformers 705 DPW S 24.717 24.717 706 DPW SNPD 1,081,164 1,031,280 49.88 1,698 51,581 707 62 1,105.880 1.055,997 49.883 1,698 51.581 708 709 596 Malnt of Street Lighting & Signal Sys. 710 DPW S 4.217,687 4,084.975 132,712 4.670 137.382 711 DPW SNPD 712 B2 4,217.687 4,084.975 132,712 4,670 137.382 713 ROLLED-IN Page 9.12 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 714 597 Maintenance of Meters 715 DPW S 4.536.131 4,239,464 296.667 10.873 307,541 716 DPW SNPD 1.100,892 1,050,098 50,793 1,662 52,455 717 B2 5.637,023 5,289,562 347,461 12.535 359,996 718 719 598 Maint of Misc. Distrbution Plant 720 DPW S 2.967,838 2.882.374 85,465 128 85.592 721 DPW SNPD 578,169 551,493 26,676 2,944 29.620 722 B2 3.546.007 3,433,867 112,141 3,072 115,212 723 724 Total Distribution Expense B2 215,468,741 204,320,401 11,148,340 286,225 11,434,56 725 726 727 Summary of Distnbution Expense by Factor 728 S 164,003,397 155,229,589 8.773,808 202,757 8,976.565 729 SNPD 51,465,344 49,090,812 2.374.532 83,467 2.457.999 730 731 Total Distribution Expense by Factor 215.68,741 204.320,401 11,148.34 286,225 11,43,564 732 733 901 Supervision 734 CUST S 102,805 87,017 15,788 56 15,844 735 CUST CN 2,451,290 2,356.068 95,222 4.004 99.226 736 B2 2,554,096 2,443,085 111,010 4.060 115,070 737 738 902 Meter Readin Exnse 739 CUST S 20,750,177 19,136,393 1,613,784 62,513 1,676.297 740 CUST CN 1,770.041 1,701,283 68,758 2,274 71,033 741 B2 22.520,219 20.837,676 1,682,543 64,787 1,747,330 742 743 903 Customer Receipts & Collections 744 CUST S 7,352,86 7,023,206 329.657 10,345 340,002 745 CUST CN 48,927,462 47,026,843 1.900,620 58,841 1,959,461 746 B2 56,280,326 54.050,049 2.230,277 69,186 2.299.463 747 748 904 Uncollectible Accunts 749 CUST S 12,149,005 11.677,783 471,222 471.222 750 P SG 751 CUST CN 26.790 25.749 1.041 1.041 752 B2 12.175.795 11.703,532 472.263 472.263 753 754 905 Misc. Customer Accounts Exnse 755 CUST S 12,390 12.390 756 CUST CN 242.182 232.774 9,408 302 9,710 757 B2 254.572 245,164 9,408 302 9,710 758 759 Totl Customer Account Expense B2 93,785,007 89,279,506 4,505,501 138,335 4,643,836 760 761 Summary of Customer Acc Exp by Factor 762 S 40,367,241 37,936,789 2.43,452 72,914 2,503.366 763 CN 53,417,766 51,342,717 2.075,049 65,421 2,140.470 764 SG 765 Total Customer Accounts Expense by Factor 93,785,007 89,279,506 4.505,501 138,335 4,643.836 766 767 907 Supervision 768 CUST S 769 CUST CN 286,417 275,290 11,126 396 11,523 770 B2 286,417 275.290 11,126 396 11.523 771 772 908 Customer Assistance 773 CUST S 63,240,907 56,710.070 6,530,837 (4,992,585)1,538,252 774 CUST eN 2,861,099 2,749.957 111,141 4,430 115.571 775 776 777 B2 66.102,006 59,46.027 6,641.979 (4,988.155)1.653,823 778 ROLLED-IN Page 9.13 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 779 909 Informational & Instructional Adv 780 CUST S 349,724 349,124 781 CUST CN 4,574,542 4,396,841 177,701 (1,426)176,275 182 62 4,924,261 4,146.566 177,701 (1,426)116,215 783 784 910 Misc. Customer Service 185 CUST S 186 CUST CN 150,055 144,226 5,829 8 5,831 181 788 62 150,055 144,226 5,829 8 5,831 789 790 Total Customer Service Expense B2 71,462,744 64,626,109 6,836,635 (4,989,177)1,847,458 191 192 193 Summary of Customer Service Exp by Factor 194 S 63,590,631 57.059,794 6,530,831 (4,992,585)1,538,252 795 CN 7,872,112 1,566.315 305,791 3,08 309,206 796 797 Total Customer Service Expense by Factor 62 71,462.744 64,626.109 6,836,635 (4.989,17)1,847,45 198 199 800 911 Supervision 801 CUST S 802 CUST CN 803 62 804 805 912 Demonstration & Sellng Expense 806 CUST S 807 CUST CN 808 62 809 810 913 Actvertising Expense 811 CUST S 812 CUST CN 813 62 814 815 916 Misc. Sales Expense 816 CUST S 817 CUST CN 818 62 819 820 Total Sales Expense 62 821 822 823 Total Sales Expense by Factor 824 S 825 CN 826 Total Sales Expense by Factor 821 828 Total Customer Service Exp Including Sales B2 71,462,744 64,626,109 6,836,635 (4,989,177)1,847,458 829 920 Administrtive & General Salaries 830 PTO S (4,135,538)(5,140.020)1,004,482 (1,004,482) 831 CUST CN 832 PTO SO 77,010,359 72,856,271 4,154,087 180,879 4,334.967 833 82 72,874,820 67,716,251 5,158,569 (823,603)4,334.967 834 835 921 Offce Supplies & expnses 836 PTD S (568.262)(568,12)150 150 837 CUST CN 838 PTO SO 11,599,349 10,973,658 625,691 (31,329)594,362 839 62 11.031,087 10,405,246 625,841 (31,329)594,512 84 841 922 A&G Expenses Transferrd 842 PTO S84CUSTCN84PTOSO (25,86,776)(24,471,472)(1.395,304)69,039 (1,326,265) 845 62 (25,866,776)(24,471,472)(1,395,304)69.039 (1,326,265) 846 ROLLED.IN Page 9.14 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 847 923 Outside Services 848 PTD 5 630 630 849 CUST CN 850 PTD SO 11.038;720 10,443.270 595,450 (25.996)569,454 851 82 11,039.350 10,443.900 595,450 (25.996)569.454 852 853 924 Propert Insurance 854 PTD SO 23.970.318 22.677.312 1.293.005 1.293.005 855 82 23.970,318 22.677,312 1,293.005 1,293.005 856 857 925 Injuiies & Damages 858 PTD SO 7,434.336 7,033.313 401,022 113,482 514,505 859 82 7.434.336 7.033.313 401.022 113.482 514.505 860 861 926 Employee Pensions & Benefits 862 LABOR S 863 CUST CN 864 LABOR SO 865 B2 866 867 927 Franchise Requirements 868 DMSC S 869 DMSC SO 870 B2 871 872 928 Regulatory Commission Expense 873 DMSC S 11,943,931 11.526.839 417.092 4.691 421.783 874 CUST CN 875 DMSC SO 2.197.338 2.078,809 118,529 78 118,607 876 FERC SG 2.323,78 2.195,489 127,989 127,989 877 82 16,464.747 15.801.137 663.610 4,769 668,379 878 879 929 Duplicate Charges 880 LABOR S 881 LABOR SO (3,420.843)(3,236.316)(184,527)(246)(184.773) 882 B2 (3,420.843)(3,236,316)(184,527)(246)(184.773) 883 884 930 Misc General Expenses 885 PTD S 5.290,870 5.282.370 8.500 196.497 204.997 886 CUST eN 4,500 4.325 175 (44)131 887 LABOR SO 14,400.017 13.623.252 776.765 2.504,559 3.281.323 888 B2 19.695.387 18.909.947 785,439 2.701,012 3,486,452 889 890 931 Rents 891 PTD 5 961,066 961,066 892 PTD SO 5.238,518 4,955,942 282.576 282.576 893 82 6.199,584 5,917.009 282.576 282.576 894 895 935 Maintenance of General Plant 896 G 5 15,577 15,577 897 CUST CN 898 G SO 23,181,924 21,931.446 1.250.478 9,942 1,260,420 899 B2 23,197,501 21.947.023 1.250,478 9,942 1.260,420 900 901 Total Administrati & General Expense B2 162,619,511 153,143,351 9,476,160 2,017,070 11,493,230 902 903 Summary of A&G Exnse by Factor 904 S 13,508,275 12,078,050 1,430,224 (803,294)626,930 905 50 146,783,259 138,865,487 7.917.772 2.820.407 10.738,180 906 5G 2,323,478 2,195.489 127,989 127,989 907 eN 4,500 4.325 175 J44) 131 908 Total A&G Exnse by Factor 162,619,511 153,143.351 9,476,160 2,017. 70 11,493.230 909 910 Totl O&M Expe 82 2,676,130,329 2,514,814,055 161,316;214 19,268,439 180,58,713 ROLLED-N Page 9.15 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 911 403SP Steam Depreciation 912 P SG 23.110.000 21,836.987 1,273,014 1,273,014 913 P SG 25,963,107 24,532,930 1,430,177 1,430,177 914 P SG 52,664,788 49.763,750 2,901,039 806,887 3.707,926 915 P SG 7,785,936 7.357,048 .428,888 428,888 916 83 109,523,832 103,490,714 6,033,118 806,887 6,840,005 917 918 403NP Nuclear Depreciation 919 P SG 920 83 921 922 403HP Hydro Depreciation 923 P SG 3.645,429 3,444.621 200,808 200,808 924 P SG 1,016,491 960,498 55,993 55,993 925 P SG 7,347,198 6,942,478 404,720 24,768 429,488 926 P SG 3,441,241 3,251,681 189,561 189,561 927 83 15,450,360 14,599,277 851,083 24,768 875,850 928 929 4030P Other Production Depreciation 930 P SG 124,817 117,942 6,876 6,876 931 P SG 94,515,821 89,309,419 5,206,402 1,032,439 6,238,841 932 P SG 2,544,778 2,404,599 140,179 140,179 933 P SG 934 83 97,185,416 91,831.959 5,353,457 1,032,439 6,385.895 935 936 403TP Transmission Depreciation 937 T SG 11,260,768 10,640,469 620,299 620,299 938 T SG 12,574,497 11,881,831 692,666 692,666 939 T SG 39,057,941 36,906,435 2,151,506 1,182.236 3,333,741 940 83 62.893,206 59,428.735 3,464,471 1.182,236 4,646,706 941 942 943 944 403 Distribution Depreciation 945 360 La & lend Ròp"" DPW S 292,392 274,904 17,488 17,488 946 361 Sln DPW S 1,016,944 993,937 23,007 23,007 947 362 Sl Eqpmnt DPW S 17,275,368 16,659,953 615,415 615,415 948 363 __ Batlery Eo' DPW S 91,113 91,113 949 364 Poles & Towers DPW S 33,365,759 31,345,364 2,020,396 1.199 2,021,595 950 365 OH Cond DPW S 18,807,119 17.850,287 956,832 956,832 951 366 UG Cond DPW S 7,529,925 7.372.273 157,652 157,652 952 367 UG Cori DPW S 17,412,373 16,938,733 473,640 473,640 953 368 UneTrans DPW S 26,759,726 25,342,167 1,417,559 1,417,559 954 369 SÐ DPW S 11,531,258 11,013,789 517,468 517,468 955 370 Met DPW S 6,509,338 6,062,663 44,676 44,676 956 371 Inst Cua Prem DPW S 496,358 488,788 7,570 7,570 957 372 l.tM Propy DPW S 958 373 Sttl~DPW S 2,255,605 2,226,651 28.954 28,954 959 83 143,343,279 136,660,621 6,682,658 1,199 6,683,857 960 961 403GP General Depreciation 962 G-SITUS S 12.310,835 11,555,600 755,235 (173)755,062 963 PT SG 502,163 474,501 27,662 27,662 964 PT SG 706,142 667,244 38,898 38,898 965 P SE 26.236 24,568 1,668 1,668 966 CUST CN 1,759.170 1,690,834 68,336 68,336 967 G-SG SG 5,229,908 4,941,819 288,089 2,848 290.938 96 PTD SO 14,946,453 14,140.213 806,241 8,416 814,656 969 G-5G SG 6,010 5,679 331 331 970 G-5G SG 144,595 136.630 7.965 7,965 971 83 35,631.512 33.637.088 1,994,424 11.090 2.005,515 972 973 403GVO General Vehicles 974 G-SG SG 975 83 976 977 403MP Mining Deprecition 978 P SE 979 83 980 ROLLED.IN Page 9.16 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 981 403EP Expenmental Plant Depreciation 982 P SG 983 P SG 984 83 985 4031 ARO Depreciation 986 P S 987 83 988 989 990 Total Depreiation Expense B3 46,027,603 439,64,393 24,379,210 3,051,619 27,437,829 991 992 Summary S 155,654,113 148,216,221 7,437,892 1.026 7,438,918 993 DGP 994 DGU 995 SG 291.641.631 275,576,558 16.065.073 3.049,177 19,114,251 996 SO 14,946.453 14,140,213 806,241 8,416 814,656 997 CN 1.759.170 1,690,834 68,336 68.336 998 SE 26,236 24,568 1.668 1.668 999 SSGCH 1000 SSGCT 1001 Total Depreciation Expense 8y Factor 464,027,603 439,648,393 24.379.210 3.058,619 27,437,829 1002 1003 404GP Amort of L T Plant - Capital Lease Gen 1004 I-SITUS S 1.345,062 1,345,062 1005 I-SG SG 1006 PTD SO 929,374 879,242 50,132 50,132 1007 P SG 1008 CUST CN 249.571 239,876 9.695 9.695 1009 P SG 1010 84 2.524,007 2,464,180 59.827 59.827 1011 1012 404SP Amort of L T Plant - Cap Lease Steam 1013 P SG 1014 P SG 1015 B4 1016 1017 4041P Amort of L T Plant - Intangible Plant 1018 1-SITUS S 94.304 73,772 20,532 20,532 1019 P SE 14,498 13,577 922 922 1020 I-SG SG 8,952,161 8,459,032 493,130 31,188 524,318 1021 PTD SO 13,131,339 12,423.009 708,330 9.544 717,873 1022 CUST CN 5,000.879 4.806.617 194,262 194.262 1023 I-SG SG 2,615,413 2,471,343 144.070 144.070 1024 I-SG SG 310,432 293,332 17.100 17,100 1025 P SG 1026 I-SG SG 1027 I-SG SG 54,934 51.908 3,026 3,026 1028 P SG 16,758 15,835 923 923 1029 84 30,190,717 28.608.423 1,582,295 40,732 1,623,026 1030 1031 404MP Amort of L T Plant - Mining Plant 1032 P SE 1033 B4 1034 1035 4040P Amort of L T Plant - Other Plant 1036 P SG 1037 84 1038 1039 1040 404HP Amortation of Other Electnc Plant 1041 P SG 6.589 6.226 363 363 1042 P SG 40,392 38.167 2.225 2,225 1043 P SG 1044 84 46.981 44.393 2,588 2.588 1045 1046 Totl Amortization of limied Term Plant B4 32,761,706 31,116,997 1,64,710 40,732 1,685,441 1047 1048 1049 405 Amorton of Otr Elec Plant 1050 GP S 1051 1052 B4 1053 ROLLED-IN Page 9.17 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1054 406 Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adj 1055 P S 1056 P SG 1057 P SG 1058 P SG 5,479,353 5,177,523 301,830 301,830 1059 P SO 1060 84 5,479,353 5,177,523 301,830 301,830 1061 407 Amort of Prop Losses, Unrec Piant, etc 1062 DPW S (36,176)(36,176) 1063 GP SO 1064 P SG 3,479,961 3,288,268 191,694 191,694 1065 P SE 1066 P SG (191,694)(191,694) 1067 P TROJP 2,013,725 1,900.202 113.523 113,523 1068 84 5,457,511 5,152,294 305,217 (191,694)113,523 1069 1070 Total Amortzation Expense B4 43,698,570 41,446,814 2,251,756 (150,962)2,100,794 1071 1072 1073 1074 Summary of Amortzation Expense by Factor 1075 S 1,403,190 1,382,658 20,532 20,532 1076 SE 14,498 13,577 922 922 1077 TROJP 2,013,725 1,900,202 113.523 113,523 1078 DGP 1079 DGU 1080 SO 14,060.713 13,302,251 758,462 9,544 768.006 1081 SSGCT 1082 SSGCH 1083 SG-P 1084 CN 5,250,450 5,046,493 203,957 203,957 1085 SG 20.955,993 19,801,633 1,154,360 (160,506)993,855 1086 Total Amortization Expense by Factor 43.698,570 41,446,814 2,251,756 (150,962)2.100,794 1087 408 Taxes Oter Than Income 1088 OMSC S 25.320,436 25.320,436 1089 GP GPS 87.317,409 82.607,339 4.710,069 414,144 5,124.214 1090 GP SO 10,522,150 9,954,565 567.585 567.585 1091 P SE 717,492 671,877 45,615 45,615 1092 P SG 1093 DMSC OPRV-ID 1094 GP EXCTAX 1095 GP SG 1096 1097 1098 1099 Total Taxes Other Than Income B5 123,877,48 118.554;:17 5,323,269 414,144 5,737,413 1100 1101 1102 41140 Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Fed 1103 PTO OGU (1.874,204)(1,672,710)(201,494)(201,494) 1104 1105 B7 (1,874,204)(1,672.710)(201,494)(201,494) 1106 1107 41141 Deferrd Investment Tax Credit -Idaho 1108 PTO OGU 1109 1110 B7 1111 1112 Totl Deferred ITC 87 (1,874,204)(1,672,710)(201,494)(201,494) 1113 ROLLED-IN Page 9.18 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1114 1115 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt 1116 GP S (422,493)(422,493) 1117 GP SNP 369,236,117 349,622,675 19,613,443 19,613,443 1118 B6 369,236,117 349,622,675 19,613,443 (422,493)19,190,950 1119 1120 428 Amortization of Debt Disc & Exp 1121 GP SNP 6,571,354 6,222,290 349,064 349,064 1122 B6 6,571,354 6,222,290 349,064 349,064 1123 1124 429 Amortization of Premium on Debt 1125 GP SNP (2,718)(2,574)(144)(144) 1126 B6 (2,718)(2,574)(144)(144) 1127 1128 431 Other Interest Expense 1129 NUTIL OTH 1130 GP SO 1131 GP SNP 10,264.106 9.718,887 545,219 545,219 1132 B6 10,264,106 9,718,887 545,219 545,219 1133 1134 432 AFUDC - Borrwed 1135 GP SNP (35,186,532)(33,317,459)(1,869.072)(1,869.072) 1136 (35,186,532)(33.317,459)(1,869,072)(1,869,072) 1137 1138 Total Elec, Interest Deductions for Tax B6 350,882,327 332,243,819 18,638,508 (422,493)18,216,015 1139 1140 Non-Utilty Portion of Interest 1141 427 NUTIL NUTIL 1142 428 NUTIL NUTtL 1143 429 NUTIL NUTIL 1144 431 NUTIL NUTIL 1145 1146 Total Non-utilit Interest 1147 1148 Total Interest Deductions for Tax B6 350,882.327 332,243,819 18.638,508 (422,493)18,216,015 1149 1150 1151 419 Interest & Dividends 1152 GP S 1153 GP SNP 163,955.322) (60,558,081l (3,397,241 )160,278 (3,236.963) t154 Total Operating Deductions for Tax B6 63.955.322)(60,558,081 (3,397,241 )166,278 (3,236,963) 1155 1156 1157 41010 Deferred Income Tax. Federal-DR 1158 GP S 26,529,700 26,102,344 427.356 (347,371)79,985 1159 P TROJD 735,881 694,228 41.653 41,653 1160 P SG 26,126 24,887 1,439 1,439 1161 LABOR SO 37,814,180 35,774,410 2,039,770 (276,27)1,763,743 1162 GP SNP 35,849,593 33,945.299 1,904,294 1,904,294 1163 P SE 23,499,301 22,005,328 1,493,973 206,834 1,700,807 1164 PT SG 51.291,699 48,466,297 2,825,402 17,727,662 20,553,064 1165 GP GPS 31,266,440 29,579,868 1,686,572 1,666,572 1166 TAXEPR TAXEPR 615,608,170 584,405,196 31,202,974 31,202,974 1167 CUST BADDEBT 44,332 426,136 17,196 17,196 1168 CUST CN 22,893 22,004 889 889 1169 P IBT 348,313 321,435 26,878 (26,878) 1170 DPW SNPD 67,978 64.842 3,136 3,136 1171 B7 823,503,60 781,832,074 41,671,532 17.284,221 58,955.752 1172 ROLLED-IN Page 9.19 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1173 1174 1175 41110 Deferred Income Tax - Federal-CR 1176 GP S (26.854,405)(25.660,209)(1,194,196)322,685 (871,511) 1177 P SE (17,99,483)(16,855,162)(1.144,321)233.209 (911,112) 1178 P SG (538.368)(508,712)(29,656)(29,656) 1179 GP SNP (31,616.890)(29,937,433)(1,679,457)(1,679,457) 1180 PT SG (7,932,473)(7,495.513)(436,960)(1.082,112)(1,519.072) 1181 DPW CIAC (20,332,44)(19,394,336)(938,108)(938,108) 1182 LABOR SO (28,202,710)(26,681,401 )(1,521,309)(5,507)(1,526,816) 1183 PT SNPD (1,949,167)(1,859,235)(89,932)(89,932) 1184 CUST BADDEBT 1185 P SGCT (356,221)(336,523)(19,698)(19,698) 1186 BOOKDEPR SCHMDEXP (203,344,850)(192,661,462)(10,683,388)(10.683,388) 1187 P TROJD (1,332,481)(1,257,059)(75,22)(75.22) 1188 P IBT (427,931)(394,909)(33,022)33,022 1189 1190 1191 B7 (340,887,423)(323.041.956)(17,845,467)(498,703)(18,344,170) 1192 1193 Total Deferred Income Taxes B7 482,616,183 458,790,118 23,826,065 16,785,518 40,611,583 1194 SCHMAF Additions - Flow Through 1195 SCHMAF S 1196 SCHMAF SNP 1197 SCHMAF SO 1198 SCHMAF SE 1199 SCHMAF TROJP 1200 SCHMAF SG 1201 B6 1202 1203 SCHMAP Additions - Permanent 1204 P S 20,000 20,000 1205 P SE 90.872 85,095 5,777 5,777 1206 LABOR SNP 1207 SCHMAP-SO SO 12,568,198 11,890,245 677.953 677,953 1208 SCHMAP SG 1209 DPW SADDEST 1210 B6 12,679,071 11,995.341 683,730 683.730 1211 1212 SCHMAT Additions. Temporary 1213 SCHMA T -S1T S 57,590,033 56,886,057 703,976 (591,588)112,388 1214 P SG 1215 DPW CIAC 53,575,515 51,103,623 2,471.892 2,471,892 1216 SCHMAT -SNP SNP 83,309,767 78.884,438 4,425,329 4,425,329 1217 P TROJD 1,572,028 1,483,047 88.981 88,981 1218 P SGCT 938,633 886,730 51,903 51,903 1219 SCHMAT-SE SE 27.051,042 25.331,266 1,719,776 (13,920)1.705.856 1220 P SG 20,901.884 19.750,504 1,151,380 2,850,842 4.002,222 1221 CUST CN 1222 SCHMAT-SO SO 23,130,941 21,883.214 1,247,728 14,511 1,262,239 1223 SCHMA T -SNP SNPD 5,136,011 4,899,043 236,968 236,968 1224 DPW BADDEST 1225 P SG 1226 BOOKDEPR SCHMDEXP 535.808,937 507,658,460 28,150,477 28,150,477 1227 B6 809,014,791 768,766,383 40,248,409 2,259,845 42.508,254 1228 1229 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADDITIONS B6 821,693,862 780,761,724 40,932.139 2,259,845 43,191,984 1230 ROLLED-IN Page 9.20 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1231 SCHMDF Deductions - Flow Through 1232 SCHMDF S 1233 SCHMDF DGP 1234 SCHMDF DGU 1235 B6 1236 SCHMDP Deductions. Permanent 1237 SCHMDP S 904 904 1238 P SE 840,899 787,439 53,460 53,460 1239 PTD SNP 381,063 360.822 20,242 20.242 1240 SCHMDP IBT 1241 P SG 1242 SCHMDp.SO SO 26,365,079 24.942,895 1,422,183 1,422,183 1243 B6 27,587,945 26,092.060 1,495,885 1,495,885 1244 1245 SCHMDT Deductions. Temporary 1246 GP S 39,346,405 38,274,657 1,071,748 (915.314)156,434 1247 DPW BADDEBT 1,168,170 1,122,860 45,310 45,310 1248 SCHMDT -SNP SNP 94,462,842 89,44,073 5,017,769 5,017.769 1249 SCHMDT CN 60,323 57,980 2,343 2.343 1250 SCHMDT SG 68,842 65,050 3.792 3,792 1251 CUST DGP 1252 P SE 41,542,935 38.901,834 2,641,101 1,145,582 3,786,683 1253 SCHMDT -SG SG 135,152,429 127,707,560 7,444,869 48,711,480 54,156,349 1254 SCHMDT .GP!: GPS 82,386,340 77,942,262 4,444,078 4,444,078 1255 SCHMDT -SO SO 48,456,951 45,843,090 2,613,861 (1,054.375)1,559,486 1256 TAXDEPR TAXDEPR 1.622,113,173 1,539,894,065 82.219.108 82,219,108 1257 DPW SNPD 179,120 170,856 8,264 8,264 1258 B6 2,064,937,530 1,959,425,286 105,512,244 . 45,887,373 151,399,617 1259 1260 TOTAL SCHEDULE. M DEDUCTIONS B6 2,092,525,475 1,985.517,346 107,008,129 45.887,373 152,895,503 1261 1262 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADJUSTMENTS B6 (1,270,831,613)(1,204,755,622)(66,075,991)(43,627,528)(109,703,519) 1263 1264 1265 1266 40911 State Income Taxes 1267 1ST 1ST (21,767,423)(20,087,707)(1,679,716)(1,724.838)(3,404,554) 1268 IBT SE 1269 PTC P SG (70,472)(70,472) 1270 IBT 1ST 1271 Total State Tax Expense (21.767.423)(20,087,707)(1.679,716)(1,795,311)(3.475,027) 1272 1273 1274 Calculation of Taxable Income: 1275 Operating Revenues 4,353,766,380 4,117,757.584 236,008,796 27,679,324 263,688,120 1276 Operating Deductions: 1277 o & M Exnses 2,676,130.329 2,514.814.055 161.316,274 19,268,439 180,584.713 1278 Depreciation Expense 464,027,603 439,648,393 24,379.210 3,058,619 27,437,829 1279 Amortizatin Expense 43,698,570 41,44,814 2,251,756 (150,962)2,100,794 1280 Taxes Other Than Income 123,877 ,487 118,554,217 5.323,269 414,144 5,737,413 1281 Interest & Dividends (AFUDG-Equity)(63,955,322)(60,558,081 )(3,397,241)160,278 (3,236,963) 1282 Misc Revenue & Expense (5,975,707)(5,678,965)(296,742)(284,193)(580,935) 1283 Total Operating Deductons 3,237,802,959 3,048.226,433 189,576,526 22,466,325 212,042,851 1284 Oter Deuctons: 1285 Interest Deductions 350,882,327 332.243,819 18.638,508 (422,493)18,216,015 1286 Interest on PCRBS 1287 Schedule M Adjustments (1,270,831.613)(1,204,755,622)(66,075,991 )(43,627,528)(109,703,519) 1288 1289 Income Before State Taxes (505,750,519)(467,468.29)(38,282.229)(37,992.036)(76.274,265) 1290 1291 State Income Taxes (21,767,423)(20,087,707)(1,679.716)(1,795,311)(3,475.027) 1292 1293 Total Taxable Income (483,983,096)(447.380,583)(36.602.513)(36,196,725)(72,799,238) 1294 1295 Tax Rate 35.0%35.0%35.0%35.0%35.0% 1296 1297 Federal Income Tax - Calculated (169,394,084)(156,58,204)(12,810,880)(12.668,854)(25,479,733) 1298 1299 Adjustments to Calcued Tax: 1300 40910 PMI P SE 1301 40910 REC P SG (3,821.447)(3,821,447) 1302 40910 P SO 1303 40910 IRS_LAR S 1304 Federl Income Tax Expense (169.394.081 (156,583.204)(12,810.880)(16,49,301)(29,301,181 ) 1305 1306 Totl Operating Expees 3.591,338,753 3,389,231,011 202,107,742 20.805,953 22.913.695 ROLLED-IN Page 9.21 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1307 310 Land and Land Rights 1308 P SG 2.329,517 2.201.196 128,321 128.321 1309 P SG 34.798,446 32.881.574 1,916,872 1.916.872 1310 P SG 56.303.435 53.201.961 3.101.474 3.101,474 1311 P S 1312 P SG 2,448.255 2,313.393 134.862 134,862 1313 88 95.879.653 90,598.124 5.281,529 5.281.529 1314 1315 311 Structures and Improvements 1316 P SG 234.107,411 221.211.609 12.895.802 12,895.802 1317 P SG 325,036.982 307.132,327 17.904.655 17.904.655 1318 P SG 221,770,821 209.554.580 12.216.241 12,216.241 1319 P SG 57,386.063 54.224.953 3.161.110 3.161.110 1320 88 838,301,276 792.123.46 46.177.808 46.177.808 1321 1322 312 Boiler Plant Equipment 1323 P SG 698.182,038 659,722.695 38.459.343 38.459,343 1324 P SG 658.624.890 622.344.552 36.280,338 36.280.338 1325 P SG 1,442,122.538 1,362.683.248 79.439.290 32.187.338 111,626.628 1326 P SG 325,425,382 307,499.331 17.926,050 17.926.050 1327 88 3.124.354.846 2.952.249.826 172.105.022 32.187.338 204.292.360 1328 1329 314 Turbogenerator Units 1330 P SG 139.149.055 131,484.032 7.665.023 7.665.023 1331 P SG 141.986.218 134.164.910 7.821.308 7.821.308 1332 P SG 487.922.642 461.045,433 26,877.209 26.877.209 1333 P SG 63,734.933 60.224.096 3,510.837 3.510.837 1334 88 832,792,846 786.918,471 45.874.377 45.874.377 1335 1336 315 Accessory Electric Equipment 1337 P SG 87.739.621 82.906,86 4.833.135 4.833.135 1338 P SG 138.674,494 131.035.612 7.638,882 7.638,882 1339 P SG 74.099.755 70.017.971 4.081.783 4.081.783 1340 P SG 66.352.508 62.697,482 3.655.027 3.655.027 1341 B8 366,866.378 346.657.551 20.208.827 20.208.827 1342 1343 1344 1345 316 Mise Power Plant Equipment 1346 P SG 4.786.846 4.523.164 263.683 263.683 1347 P SG 5.245.086 4.956,160 288.925 288.925 1348 P SG 15,109.785 14.277.463 832.322 832.322 1349 P SG 4.037.788 3.815.366 222,421 222,421 1350 88 29.179.506 27.572.154 1.607.352 1.607.352 1351 1352 317 Steam Plant ARO 1353 P S 1354 B8 1355 1356 SP Unclassified Steam Plant - Account 300 1'357 P SG 787.304 743.936 43.369 43.369 1358 88 787.304 743.936 43.369 43.369 1359 1360 1361 Total Steam Production Plant 88 5,288,161,813 4,996,863,530 291,298,283 32,187,338 323,485,622 1362 1363 1364 Summary of Steam Producion Plant by Factor 1365 S 1366 DGP 1367 DGU 1368 SG 5.288.161,813 4.996.863.530 291,298.283 32,187.338 323,485,622 1369 SSGCH 1370 Total Steam Proucn Plant by Factor 4.99.863.530 291.29.283 32.187.33 323.485.622 1371 320 Land and Land Rights 1372 P SG 1373 P SG 1374 88 1375 1376 321 Struures and Improvements 1377 P SG 1378 P SG B8 1379 ROLLED-IN Page 9.22 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1380 1381 322 Reactor Plant Equipment 1382 P SG 1383 P SG 1384 68 1385 1386 323 Turbgenerator Units 1387 P SG 1388 P SG 1389 68 1390 1391 324 Land and Land Rights 1392 P SG 1393 P SG 1394 68 1395 1396 325 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1397 P SG 1398 P SG 1399 B8 1400 1401 1402 NP Unclassified Nuclear Plant. Acct 300 1403 P SG 1404 B8 1405 1406 1407 Total Nuclear Production Plant B8 1408 1409 1410 1411 Summary of Nuclear Producton Plant by Factor 1412 DGP 1413 DGU 1414 SG 1415 1416 Total Nuclear Plant by Factor 1417 1418 330 Land and Land Rights 1419 P SG 10.621.118 10.036,054 585,064 585,064 1420 P SG 5.270.019 4.979,720 290,299 290,299 1421 P SG 3,645.604 3,44,786 200,818 200,818 1422 P SG 672,873 635,808 37,065 37,065 1423 68 20,209,614 19.096.368 1,113,246 1,113,246 1424 1425 331 Structures and Improvements 1426 P SG 21.272.790 20.100,979 1,171.811 1,171,811 1427 P SG 5.299.236 5,007,327 291,908 291.908 1428 P SG 69,738,251 65,896,721 3.841,530 3,841,530 1429 P SG 7,984,198 7,544.388 439.809 439,809 1430 68 104.294,475 98.549,416 5,745,059 5.745,059 1431 1432 332 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 1433 p SG 151.296.614 142,962.443 8.334.171 8,334,171 143 P SG 20,156,916 19,046.572 1.110.343 1,110,343 1435 P SG 106.245,543 100.393.009 5.852.534 336,976 6,189,509 1436 P SG 37.108,148 35.064,047 2,044.102 2.044.102 1437 68 314,807,221 297.466;072 17,341,149 336.976 17.678,125 1438 1439 333 Water Wheel, Turbines, & Generators 1440 p SG 31,913,924 30,155.946 1,757,978 1,757.978 1441 p SG 8,828,844 8,342.508 486,337 486,337 1442 P SG 43.462,254 41.068,137 2.394,117 2,394,117 144 p SG 27.234.682 25,734,460 1,500.222 1.500,222 144 68 111.439.704 105,301,050 6.138,654 (1,138.654 144 1446 334 Accssory Elecc Equipment 1447 p SG 4,430,934 4,186.857 244,078 244.078 144 p SG 3,669.976 3.467.816 202,161 202,161 1449 P SG 43.817.031 41,403.370 2,413.660 2,413,660 145 P SG 7.133.812 6,740.846 392.966 392.966 1451 B8 59.051.753 55,798.888 3.252.865 3.252,865 1452 ROLLED-IN Page 9.23 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DE SCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1453 1454 1455 335 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1456 P SG 1,197,194 1,131.247 65,947 65,947 1457 P SG 186,194 175,938 10,257 10,257 1458 P SG 996.385 941,499 54,886 54.886 1459 P SG 11.353 10,728 625 625 1460 B8 2,391,127 2,259,411 131,715 131,715 1461 1462 336 Roads, Railroads & Bridges 1463 P SG 4,620,060 4,365,564 254,496 254,496 1464 p SG 828.931 783.269 45,662 45,662 1465 P SG 9,817,317 9,276,530 540.787 540,787 1466 P SG 682.347 644,760 37,587 .37,587 1467 B8 15.948,654 15,070.123 878.531 878.531 1468 1469 337 Hydro Plant ARO 1470 p S 1471 B8 1472 1473 HP Unclassified Hydro Plant. Acct 300 1474 P S 1475 P SG 1476 P SG 1477 P SG 1478 B8 1479 1480 Total Hydraulic Production Plant B8 628,142,54 593,541,329 34,601,219 336,976 34,938,195 1481 1482 Summary of Hydraulic Plant by Factor 1483 S 1484 SG 628,142,548 593,541,329 34.601,219 336,976 34,938,195 1485 DGP 1486 DGU 1487 Total Hydraulic Plant by Factor 628,142.548 593,541,329 34,601,219 336.976 34.938.195 1488 1489 $40 Land and Land Rights 1490 P SG 23,516,708 22.221.290 1,295,417 1.295,417 1491 P SG 1492 P SG 1493 B8 23.516,708 22.221,290 1.295,417 1,295,417 1494 1495 341 Strctures and Improvements 1496 P SG 151.043.941 142,723,688 8,320.252 8.320.252 1497 P SG 163.512 154.505 9,007 9.007 1498 P SG 4,241,952 4,008.284 233.66 233.668 1499 B8 155,449.405 146,886,477 8.562.927 8.562,927 150 1501 342 Fuel Holders, Producers & Accessories 1502 P SG 8,06,209 7.943.153 463.056 46,056 1503 P SG 121.339 114.655 6.684 6,684 1504 P SG 2.284,126 2.158,305 125,821 125.821 1505 B8 10.811.674 10.216.113 595,561 595.561 1506 1507 343 Prime Movers 1508 P S 1509 P SG 754.46 712.906 41.560 41,560 1510 P SG 2.223.358.082 2.100.884.449 122,473.63 13.942.359 136,415.992 1511 P SG 51.744.608 48.894,258 2.850.351 2,850,351 1512 B8 2,275.857.156 2,150.491.612 125.365.54 13.942.359 139,307,903 1513 1514 344 Generators 1515 p S 1516 P SG 1517 P SG 331.535.449 313.272.825 18.262,623 18.262,623 1518 P SG 15.873,643 14.999.244 874.399 874.399 1519 68 347.409.092 328.272,070 19.137,023 19.137.023 ROLLED.IN Page 9.24 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP.FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1520 1521 345 Accessory Electric Plant 1522 P SG 226,854,809 214,358,517 12,496,292 12,496,292 1523 P SG 156.586 147.961 8,626 8.626 1524 P SG 2.919.649 2.758.820 160,829 160.829 1525 68 229.931.044 217.265.297 12,665,747 12,665.747 1526 1527 1528 1529 346 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1530 P SG 12.167.872 11,497.605 670,267 670.267 1531 P SG 11.813 11.162 651 651 1532 68 12.179.685 11.508.767 670,918 670.918 1533 1534 347 Other Production ARC 1535 P S 1536 68 1537 1538 OP Unclassified Other Prod Plant-Acct 300 1539 P S 1540 P SG 1541 1542 1543 Total Other Production Plant B8 3,055,154,764 2,886,861,627 168,293,136 13,942,359 182,235,495 154 1545 Summary of Other Production Plant by Factor 1546 S 1547 DGU 1548 SG 3,055,154,764 2.886,861.627 168,293,136 13,942,359 182.235,495 1549 SSGCT 1550 Total of Other Production Plant by Factor 3,055,154.764 2,886,861.627 168.293,136 13,942,359 182.235.95 1551 1552 Experimental Plant 1553 103 Experimental Plant 1554 P SG 1555 Totâl Experimental Production Plant B8 1556 1557 Total Production Plant B8 8.971,59,125 8,477 ,266.486 49,192,639 46,466,673 54,659.312 1558 350 Land and Land Rights 1559 T SG 21,145,733 19.980.920 1.164,812 1.164.812 1560 T SG 48.501,155 45,829.470 2,671,685 2.671,685 1561 T SG 31,414,150 29,683,702 1,730,44 (23,847)1,706,601 1562 68 101,061.037 95,494,092 5,566.945 (23,847)5,543,098 1563 1564 352 Structures and Improvements 1565 T S 1566 T SG 7,741,609 7,315,163 426,446 426.44 1567 T SG 18.157,495 17,157.289 1,000,205 1,000.205 1568 T SG 59,577575 56,295.746 3,281,829 3,281,829 1569 88 85,76,679 80,768,198 4,708.481 4,708,481 1570 1571 353 Station Equipment 1572 T SG 129,985,618 122.825,363 7,160.255 7,160.255 1573 T SG 188.825.398 178,423.955 10,401,443 10,401.443 1574 T SG 988,38,505 933.939,365 54,445,140 54,445,140 1575 88 1.307.195.521 1,235.188.683 72.006,838 72.006.838 1576 1577 354 Towers and Fixtures 1578 T SG 156.322.773 147.711.736 8,611,037 8,611.037 1579 T SG 127.544,198 120.518,428 7,025,769 7.025,769 1580 T SG 165.062.634 155.970.163 9,092,472 9.092,472 1581 88 44.929,605 424.200.327 24.729.278 24.729,278 1582 1583 355 Poles and Fixres 1564 T SG 66.244.763 62.595.672 3,49.091 3.649.091 1585 T SG 117.745.408 111.259,405 6,86,003 6,486.003 1586 T SG 375.30.433 354.627.017 20.673.417 52,049.298 72.722.715 1587 88 559.290,604 528.482.093 30,808.511 52.049.298 82.857.810 1588 ROLLED-IN Page 9.25 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1589 356 Clearing and Grading 1590 T SG 197.260,339 186,394,257 10,866,082 10,866,082 1591 T SG 156,882,468 148,240,600 8,641,867 8,641,867 1592 T SG 380.070.379 359,134,210 20,936,169 20,936,169 1593 88 734.213,185 693,769,067 40,444,118 40,444,118 1594 1595 357 Underground Conduit 1596 T SG 6,371 6,020 351 351 1597 T SG 91,651 86,602 5,049 5,049 1598 T SG 3,113,807 2,942.283 171,524 171.524 1599 88 3,211.828 3,034,905 176.923 176,923 1600 1601 358 Underground Conductors 1602 T SG 1603 T SG 1,087,552 1.027,644 59,908 59,908 1604 T SG 6.442,172 6.087,305 354,867 354.867 1605 88 7.529.724 7,114,949 414,775 414,775 1606 1607 359 Roads and Trails 1608 T SG 1,863,032 1,760,406 102,625 102,625 1609 T SG 440,513 416,248 24,266 24,266 1610 T SG 9,151,569 8,647,455 504,114 504,114 1611 88 11,455,113 10,824,109 631,005 631,005 1612 1613 TP Unclassified Trans Plant - Acct 300 1614 T SG 84,550.623 79,893,154 4,657,469 4,657,469 1615 88 84,550,623 79,893,154 4,657.469 4,657,469 1616 1617 TSO Unclassified Trans Sub Plant - Acct 300 1618 T SG 1619 88 1620 1621 Total Transmission Plant 88 3,342,913,921 3,158,769,577 184,144,34 52,025,451 236,169,795 1622 Summary of Transmission Plant by Factor 1623 DGP 1624 DGU 1625 SG 3,342,913,921 3,158,769,577 184,144,344 52.025,451 236,169,795 1626 Total Transmission Plant by Factor 3.342,913,921 3,158,769,577 184,144,344 52,025,451 236,169,795 1627 360 Land and Land Rights 1628 DPW S .51,856,326 50,519,585 1,336,741 1,336,741 1629 B8 51,856,326 50,519,585 1,336,741 1,336,741 1630 1631 361 Structures and Improvements 1632 DPW S 66,495,517 65,002,256 1,493,261 1,493,261 1633 B8 66,495,517 65,002.256 1,493,261 1,493,261 1634 1635 362 Station Equipment 1636 DPW S 787,676,940 761,044,499 26,632,441 26,632,441 1637 B8 787.676,940 761 ,044,499 26,632,441 26,632,441 1638 1639 363 Storage Battery Equipment 1640 DPW S 1,457,805 1,457,805 1641 88 1,457,805 1,457,805 1642 164 364 Poles. Towers & Fixtures 1644 DPW S 903.958,177 842,950,744 61,007,433 61,007,433 1645 B8 903,958,177 842,950,744 61,007,433 61,007,433 164 1647 365 Overhead Conducors 164 DPW S 631,378,730 597,455,532 33,923,198 33,923,198 1649 B8 631,378,730 597,455,532 33,923,198 33,923,198 1650 ROLLED-lN Page 9.26 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1651 366 Underground Conduit 1652 DPW S 290,621,174 283.247,994 7.373,179 7,373,179 1653 B8 290.621.174 283,247.994 7,373,179 7.373,179 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 367 Underground Conductors 1659 DPW S 697,799,779 674,120,851 23,678.928 23.678,928 1660 B8 697,799,779 674.120,851 23,678.928 23,678,928 1661 1662 368 Line Transformers 1663 DPW S 1.056,509.849 990.583,151 65,926.697 65.926,697 1664 B8 1,056,509,849 990,583,151 65.926.697 65,926,697 1665 1666 369 Services 1667 DPW S 559.763.102 531,874,191 27,888,911 27,888,911 1668 B8 559,763,102 531.874.191 27,888,911 27,888,911 1669 1670 370 Meters 1671 DPW S 187,209.616 173.388,196 13,821,420 13,821,420 1672 B8 187,209.616 173,388,196 13.821,420 13,821,420 1673 1674 371 Installations on Customers' Premises 1675 DPW S 8,809,120 8,644,004 165,115 165.115 1676 B8 8,809,120 8.644.004 165,115 165.115 1677 1678 372 Leased Properl 1679 DPW S 1680 B8 1681 1682 373 Street Lights 1683 DPW S 62.885.404 62,283,269 602,135 602,135 1684 B8 62.885,404 62,283,269 602,135 602,135 1685 1686 DP Unclassified Dist Plant - Acct 300 1687 DPW S 20,216,252 19,291,256 924.997 924.997 1688 B8 20.216,252 19,291,256 924.997 924.997 1689 1690 DSO Unclassified Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 1691 DPW S 1692 B8 1693 1694 1695 Total Distribution Plant B8 5,326,637,791 5,061,863,333 264,774,458 264,774,458 1696 1697 Summary of Distnbution Plant by Factor 1698 S 5,326,637.791 5.061.863,333 264,774,458 264,774,458 1699 1700 Total Distribution Plant by Factor 5.326.637,791 5,061,863,333 264.174,458 264,774,458 ROLLED-IN Page 9.27 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1701 389 Land and Land Rights 1702 G-SITUS S 9,472,275 9,274,636 197,639 197.639 1703 GUST GN 1,128,506 1,084,668 43,838 43,838 1704 PT SG 332 314 18 18 1705 G-SG SG 1,228 1.160 68 68 1706 PTD SO 5,598.055 5,296,085 301,970 301,970 1707 B8 16,200,395 15,656,863 543,532 543,532 1708 1709 390 Structures and Improvements 1710 G-SITUS S 111.200,704 101,422.380 9,778,324 9,778,324 1711 PT SG 358,127 338,400 19,727 19,727 1712 PT SG 1,653,732 1,562,636 91,096 91,096 1713 GUST GN 12,319,587 11,841,025 478,563 478,563 1714 G-5G SG 3,675,782 3,473,302 202,480 202,480 1715 PTD SO 102.313.681 96,794,683 5,518,997 5,518,997 1716 B8 . 231.521,614 215,32,426 16,089,188 16,089,188 1717 1718 391 Offce Furniture & Equipment 1719 G-5ITUS S 13,065,614 12,137.233 928,381 928,381 1720 PT SG 1,046 988 58 58 1721 PT SG 5.295 5,003 292 292 1722 GUST GN 8,685,337 8,347,949 337,388 337,388 1723 G-5G SG 4,784,588 4,521,029 263,559 263,559 1724 P SE 97,829 91,609 6,219 6,219 1725 PTD SO 54,551,124 51,608,531 2.942,593 2,942,593 1726 G-5G SG 74,351 70,256 4,096 4,096 1727 G-5G SG 1728 88 81.265,184 76.782.599 4,482,585 4,482,585 1729 1730 392 Transportation Equipment 1731 G-5ITUS S 73,113,164 68,190,669 4,922,495 4,922,495 1732 PTD SO 7,996,779 7,565,417 431,362 4~1.362 1733 G.SG SG 17,254,817 16,304,336 950,481 950,481 1734 GUST GN 1735 PT SG 838,181 792,010 46.171 46,171 1736 P SE 404,148 378,454 25.694 25,694 1737 PT SG 120,286 113,660 6.626 6,626 1738 G.SG SG 374,178 353,567 20,612 20,612 1739 PT SG 44,655 42,195 2,460 2,460 1740 88 100,146,208 93,740,308 6,405,900 6.405,900 1741 1742 393 Stores Equipment 1743 G-SITUS S 8,861,339 8,312,757 548,582 548,582 1744 PT SG 108,431 102,458 5,973 5,973 1745 PT SG 36,03 340,229 19,834 19,834 1746 PTD SO 44,293 421,273 24,020 24,020 1747 G-G SG 4,062.155 3,838,392 223,764 223,764 1748 PT SG 53,971 50,998 2,973 2,973 1749 88 13,891,252 13,066,106 825,146 825,146 ROLLED-IN Page 9.28 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1750 1751 394 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1752 G-SITUS S 32,024,394 30,281,765 1,742,629 1,742,629 1753 PT SG 2.120.983 2.004.148 116.834 116.834 1754 G-SG SG 20,499,259 19.370,058 1,129.201 1,129.201 1755 PTD SO 3.986.801 3,771,746 215,056 215.056 1756 P SE 7,106 6.655 452 452 1757 PT SG 2.176.302 2,056,20 119.882 119.882 1758 G-G SG 1.716,105 1.621.573 94.532 94,532 1759 G-SG SG 89,913 84.961 4.953 4,953 1760 B8 62.620,863 59,197.325 3,423,538 3,423.538 1761 1762 395 Laboratory Equipment 1763 G-SITUS S 25.228,787 23.956.655 1,272.132 1,272,132 1764 PT SG 20.622 19,486 1,136 1,136 1765 PT SG 13,281 12.550 732 732 1766 PTD SO 5.197.970 4.917.581 280.389 280.389 1767 P SE 7.593 7.111 483 483 1768 G-SG SG 6.353,527 6.003,543 349,984 349,984 1769 G-SG SG 253,001 239.064 13,937 13,937 1770 G-SG SG 14,022 13,249 772 772 1771 B8 37,088,802 35,169.239 1.919.564 1,919,564 1772 1773 396 Power Operated Equipment 1774 G-SITUS S 94,279,509 87,117.887 7.181.622 7.161.622 1775 PT SG 845.108 798,555 46.553 46,553 1776 G-SG SG 31.633,038 29.890,533 1.742,505 1,742,505 1777 PTD SO 1,410.640 1,334.54 76,03 76,093 1778 PT SG 1.664,492 1.572.804 91.689 91,689 1779 P SE 73.823 69,130 4,693 4,693 1780 P SG 1781 G-SG SG 968.906 915.534 53,372 53,372 1782 B8 130.875.517 121.698.990 9,176.527 9.176,527 1783 397 Communication Equipment 1784 COM_EO S 101.721.635 96.539,236 5.182.399 5,182,399 1785 COM_EO SG 4,816,644 4,551,319 265.325 265.325 1786 COM_EO SG 9,615,788 9.086.102 529.685 529,685 1787 COM_EO SO 48,166,017 45.567,850 2,598.168 2,598,168 1788 COM_EO CN 2.641.488 2,538,878 102,610 102,610 1789 COM_EO SG 74.202.015 70.114.598 4.087.416 4.087,416 1790 COM_EO SE 114.538 107,256 7.282 7,282 1791 COM_EO SG 1.055,756 997,599 58.156 58.156 1792 COM_EO SG 1.590 1,503 88 88 1793 B8 242.335,471 229,504.341 12.831.130 12,831.130 1794 1795 398 Misc. Equipment 1796 G-SITUS S 1,354,746 1.290,393 64,352 64,352 1797 PT SG 1798 PT SG 1,997 1,887 110 110 1799 CUST CN 199,765 192.005 7,760 7.760 1800 PTD SO 3,376,792 3.194.641 182.151 182.151 1801 P SE 1,668 1.562 106 106 1802 G-G SG 1,865.540 1.762,777 102,763 102.763 1803 G-SG SG 1804 B8 6,80,507 6,443.265 357,242 357,242 1805 1806 399 Coal Mine 1807 p SE 278.021,722 260,346,431 17,675,291 13,146,472 30.821.763 1808 MP P SE 1809 B8 278.021.722 260,346,431 17,675,291 13.146,472 30,821,763 1810 1811 399L WIDCO Capital Lease 1812 p SE B8 1813 1814 1815 Remove Capil Leases 1816 B8 1817 ROLLED-IN Page 9.29 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1818 1011390 General Capital Leases 1819 G-SITUS S 18,984,156 18,984,156 1820 P SG 16,951,793 16,018,004 933,789 933,789 1821 PTD SO 12,664,054 11,980.930 68S,123 683,123 1822 B9 48.600,002 46,983,090 1,616,913 1,616,913 1823 1824 Remove Capital Leases (48,600,002)(46.983,090)(1,616,913)(1,616,913) 1825 1826 1827 1011346 General Gas Line Capital Leases 1828 P SG 1829 B9 1830 1831 Remove Capital Leases 1832 1833 1834 GP Unclassified Gen Plant - Acct 300 1835 G-SITUS S 1836 PTD SO 4,694,044 4,440,838 253.206 253,206 1837 CUST CN 1838 G-SG SG 1839 PT SG 1840 PT SG 1841 B8 4,694.044 4,440,838 253,206 253,206 1842 1843 399G Unclassified Gen Plant - Acet 300 1844 G-SITUS S 1845 PTO SO 1846 G-SG SG 1847 PT SG 1848 PT SG 1849 B8 1850 1851 Total General Plant B8 1,205,461,579 1,131,478,731 73,982,849 13,146,472 87,129,320 1852 1853 Summary of General Plant by Factor 1854 S 489,306,322 457,507,766 31,798,556 31.798,556 1855 OGP 1856 OGU 1857 SG 210,650,900 199,047,199 11,603,700 11,603,700 1858 SO 250,401.250 236,894,123 13,507,126 13,507,126 1859 SE 278,728,427 261,008.207 17,720,220 13,146,472 30,866.692 1860 CN 24,974,683 24,004,525 970,158 970,158 1861 OEU 1862 SSGCT 1863 SSGCH 1884 Less Capital Leases áõ48,600.002) (46,983.090)~1.616,913)(1,616.913) 1865 Total General Plant by Factor 1. 5,461.579 1.131.478.731 3.982,849 13.146,472 87.129,320 1866 301 Organization 1867 I-SITUS S 1868 PTO SO 1869 I-SG SG 1870 B8 1871 302 Franchise & Consent 1872 I-SITUS S 1.000.000 1,000.000 1,000,000 1873 I-SG SG 9,402,471 8.884,536 517,935 517,935 1874 I-SG SG 99,510,474 94,028.942 5,481,532 5.461,532 1875 I-SG SG 9,240,742 8,731,716 509.026 509,026 1876 P SG 1877 P SG 600,993 567,887 33,106 33,106 1878 B8 119,754.679 112,213.080 7.541,599 7.541.599 1879 ROLLED-IN Page 9.30 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1880 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant 1881 I-SITUS S 6,042,837 5,626,978 415,859 415,859 1882 I-SG SG 95,041,256 89,805,910 5,235.346 631,847 5,867,193 1883 PTO SO 366,513,585 346,743,135 19.770,450 19.770,450 1884 P SE 3,453,872 3,234,291 219,581 219,581 1885 CUST CN 118,758,961 114,145,691 4,613,271 4,613.271 1886 P SG 1887 P SG 1888 B8 589.810,510 559,556,004 30,254,506 631,847 30,886,353 1889 303 Less Non-Utilty Plant 1890 I-SITUS S 1891 589,810,510 559,556,004 30,254,506 631,847 30,886,353 1892 IP Unclassified Intangible Plant" Acct 300 1893 I-SITUS S 1894 I-SG SG 1895 P SG 1896 PTO SO 1897 1898 1899 Totl Intangible Plant B8 709.565,190 671,769,085 37,796,105 631,847 38,427,952 1900 1901 Summary of Intangible Plant by Factor 1902 S 7,042,837 5,626,978 1,415,859 1,415,859 1903 OGP 1904 DGU 1905 SG 213,795,935 202,018,990 11,776,945 631.847 12.408,792 1906 SO 366,513,585 346,743,135 19,770.450 19,770,450 1907 CN 118,758.961 114,145,691 4,613.271 4,613,271 1908 SSGCT 1909 SSGCH 1910 SE 3,453,872 3,234,291 219.581 219,581 1911 Total Intangible Plant by Factor 709.565,190 671,769,085 37,796,105 631,847 38,427,952 1912 Summary of Unclassified Plant (Account 106) 1913 OP 20.216,252 19,291,256 924.997 924,997 1914 OSO 1915 GP 4,694,044 4,440,838 253,206 253.206 1916 HP 191.NP 1918 OP 1919 TP 84,550,623 79,893,154 4,657,469 4,657,469 1920 TSO 1921 IP 1922 MP 1923 SP 787,304 743.936 43,369 43,369 1924 Total Unclassified Plant by Factor 110,248.224 104,369,183 5,879,040 5,879,040 1925 1926 Totl Electic Plant In service B8 19,556;037,605 18,501,147.212 1,054,890,394 112,270,443 1,167,160,837 ROLLED-IN Page 9.31 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1927 Summary of Electric Plant by Factor 1928 S 5.822.986.950 5.524.998.077 297.988.873 297,988.873 1929 SE 282,182.299 264.242;498 17,939,801 13.146.472 31,086,273 1930 DGU 1931 DGP 1932 SG 12.738.819.880 12.037,102.253 701.717.627 99.123.971 800,841.599 1933 SO 616,914.834 583.637.258 33,277.576 33.277.576 1934 CN 143.733.644 138.150.216 5.583;429 5.583;429 1935 DEU 1936 SSGCH 1937 SSGCT 1938 Less Capital Leases (48,600,002)(46,983,090)(1.616,913)(1.616.913) 1939 19,556.037.65 18.501,147,212 1.054.890.394 112,270.443 1.167.160,837 1940 105 Plant Held For Future Use 1941 DPW S 3;473.204 3;473,204 1942 P SNPPS 1943 T SNPT 325.029 307,125 17.904 (509.44)(491.540) 1944 P SNPP 8.923.302 8;431,762 491.540 491.540 1945 P SE 953,014 892,426 60.588 (60.588) 1946 G SNPG 1947 1948 .1949 Total Plant Held For Future Use B10 13,674,549 13,104,516 570,032 (570,032)0 1950 1951 114 Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments 1952 P S 1953 P SG 142.633.069 134,776,129 7.856.940 7.856.940 1954 P SG 14.560.711 13.758,634 802.076 802.076 1955 Total Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustment B15 15,193,780 148,53,764 8,659,016 8,659,016 1956 1957 115 Accum Provision for Asset Acquisiton Adjustments 1958 P S 1959 P SG (84.100.707)(4,632.686) 1960 P SG (12,226.166)673,478) 1961 815 , 73 1962 1963 120 Nuclear Fuel 1964 P SE 1965 Total Nuclear Fuel B15 1966 1967 124 Weatherization 1968 DMSC 5 2.633.178 2.599.959 33,220 33,220 1969 DM5C 50 (4;454)(4,213)(240)(240) 1970 816 2,628,725 2.595.745 32,979 3i979 1971 1972 182W Weatherization 1973 DMSC S 34.729,463 31,258.802 3;470,661 3;470,661 1974 DMSC 5G 1975 DMSC SG 1976 DMSC SO 1977 816 34,729,463 31258,802 3.70.661 3,470.661 1978 1979 186W Weatherization 1980 DMSC S 1981 DMSC CN 1982 DMSC CNP 1983 DMSC SG 1984 DMSC SO 1985 816 1986 1987 Total Weatheriation B16 37,358,188 33,854,54 3,503,64 3,503,64 ROLLED-IN Page 9.32 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1988 1989 151 Fuel Stock 1990 P DEU 1991 P SE 158.860.196 148,760.625 10,099.571 1,566.785 11,666,357 1992 P SE 1993 P SE 12.069,947 11.302,597 767.349 767,349 1994 Total Fuel Stock B13 170,930,143 160,063,222 10,866,921 1,566,785 12,433,706 1995 1996 152 Fuel Stock - Undistributed 1997 P SE 1998 1999 2000 25316 DG& T Working Capital Deposit 2001 P SE (1,379,000)(1.291.330)(87,670)(56.073)(143,744) 2002 813 (1.379,000)(1,291,330)(87,670)(56,073)(143,744) 2003 2004 25317 DG&T Working Capital Deposit 2005 P SE (1.758.544)(1,646,744)(111,800)(5,907)(117,706) 2006 813 (1,758.544)(1,646.744)(111,800)(5,907)(117.706) 2007 2008 25319 Provo Working Capital Deposit 2009 P SE 2010 2011 2012 Total Fuel Stock 813 167.792,599 157,125,148 10,667,451 1.504,805 12.172,256 2013 154 Matenals and Suppiies 2014 MSS S 86,919,683 82.030,372 4,889,311 4,889,311 2015 MSS SG 3,082,186 2.912,404 169,782 169,782 2016 MSS SE 4,170.119 3,905,003 265,116 265.116 2017 MSS SO 253.641 239.959 13,682 13,682 2018 MSS SNPPS 81,516.215 77,025,896 4,490,319 4,490,319 2019 MSS SNPPH (1,860)(1,757)(102)(102) 2020 MSS SNPD (3,081,941)(2,939,745)(142.196)(142.196) 2021 MSS SNPT 2022 MSS SG 2023 MSS SG 2024 MSS SNPPS 2025 MSS SNPPO 5,288.978 4,997,635 291,343 291,343 2026 MSS SNPPS 2027 Total Materials and Supplies B13 178,147,022 168,169,767 9,977,255 9,977,255 2028 2029 163 Slores Expense Undistnbuted 2030 MSS SO 2031 2032 813 2033 2034 25318 Provo Working Capital Deposit 2035 MSS SNPPS (273.000)(257,962)(15,038)(15.038) 2036 2037 813 (273,000)(257.962)(15.038)(15.038) 2038 2039 Total Matenals & Suppiies 813 177,874.022 167.911,805 9,962.217 9.962.217 2040 2041 165 Prepayments 2042 DMSC S 2,934,455 2.770,438 164,017 164.017 2043 GP GPS 9.858,973 9,327.161 531,812 531.812 2044 PT SG 6,415,547 6,062.148 353,400 353,400 2045 P SE 7,102,118 6,650.600 451,519 451,519 2046 PTD SO 19.839,360 18,769,187 1,070,173 1.070.173 2047 Total Prepayment B15 46,150,45 43,579,532 2,570,921 2,570,921 2048 ROLLED-IN Page 9.33 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2049 182M Mise Regulatory Assets 2050 DDS2 S 56,142,627 56,331,298 (188,671)(17.580)(206,251) 2051 DEFSG SG 2,654.642 2.508,411 146.231 74.43 220.665 2052 P SGCT 8,511,723 8.041.060 470.663 470,663 2053 DEFSG SG 2054 P SE 74.327 74.327 2055 P SG 2056 DDS02 SO 7.516.382 7.110.934 405,448 405,448 2057 B11 74.825.374 73,991.703 833.671 131.81 964.852 2058 2059 186M Mise Deferred Debits 2060 LABOR S 16.240,410 16.240,410 2061 P SG 2062 P SG 2063 DEFSG SG 38.988.960 36.841.254 2,147.706 531.032 2.678.738 2064 LABOR SO 16.926 16,013 913 913 2065 P SE 10,045.914 9,407.242 638.671 (108.911 )529.760 2066 P SNPPS 2067 GP EXCTAX 2068 Total Misc. Deferred Debits B11 65,292,210 62,50,920 2,787,290 422,121 3,209,411 2069 2070 Working Capital 2071 CWC Cash Working Capital 2072 CWC S 36.107.073 34,139.976 1.967.097 (25.961)1.941,136 2073 CWC SO 2074 CWC SE 2075 B14 36.107.073 34,139.976 1,967.097 (25.961)1.941.136 2076 2077 OWC Otr Work. Cap. 2078 131 cah GP SNP 2079 135 Working Fund GP SG 1.920 1.814 106 106 2080 141 Note Reeabl GP SO 540.572 511,412 29.159 29.159 2081 143 Other AIR GP SO 33.985.372 32.152.136 1.833.237 1.833.237 2082 232 Al PTD S 2083 232 Al PTD SO (4;215,163)(3;987.789)(227.374)(227.374) 2084 232 Al P SE (1,408,497)(1.318.951)(89.545)(89.545) 2085 232 Al T SG 2086 2533 Othe Msc_ Of. Crd. P S 2087 2533 Ot"' Ms. 01. Crd. P SE (6.046.034)(5.661,656)(384.378)(384.378) 2088 230 Ast Ref. Oblig. P SE (2,415.872)(2.262,283)(153.590)(153.590) 2089 230 Ast ReU. Oblig. P S 2090 254105 ARO Re U..hlty P S 2091 254105 ARO Re LJability P SE (716.594)(671.036)(45.558)(45.558) 2092 2533 ChOa Reclametlon P SE 2093 B14 19.725.703 18,763.64 962.057 962.057 2094 2095 Total Working Capital B14 55,832,776 52,903,622 2,929,154 (25,961)2,903,193 2096 Miscellaneous Rate Base 2097 18221 Unree Plant & Reg Study Costs 2098 P S 2099 2100 B15 2101 2102 18222 Nuclear Plant - Trojan 2103 P S (372.363)(372.363) 2104 P TROJP 885.265 835.358 49.907 49,907 2105 P TROJD 1.296.271 1.222.899 73.372 73.372 2106 B15 1.809.172 1.685.894 123.279 123.279 2107 2108 ROLLED-IN Page 9.34 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2109 2110 1869 Misc Deferred Debits-Trojan 2111 P S 2112 P SNPPN 2113 B15 2114 2115 Total Miscellaneous Rate Base B15 1,809,172 1,685,894 123,279 123,279 2116 2117 Total Rate Base Additions B15 701,476,249 664,175,741 37,300,508 1,462,114 38,762,622 2118 235 Customer Service Deposits 2119 CUST S 2120 CUST CN 2121 Total Customer Service Depoits B15 2122 2123 2281 Prop Ins PTD SO 2124 2282 Inj& Dam PTD SO (7,487,871)(7,083,961)(403.910)(403,910) 2125 2283 Pen & Ben PTD SO (22,725,860)(21,499,983)(1,225,877)(1,225,877) 2126 254 Reg Liab PTD SG 2127 254 Reg L1ab PTD SE (1,217,286)(1,139.897)(77,389)77,389 2128 254 Ins Prov PTD SO (109,564)(103,54)(5.9101 (5,910) 2129 B15 (31,540.581 )(29.27,495)(1,713,086 77,389 (1,635,697) 2130 2131 22841 Accum Misc Oper Provisions - Other 2132 P S 2133 P SG (1,417,373 (82,627 2134 B15 ,41 ,373 7) 2135 2136 22842 Prv-Trojan P TROJD 2137 230 ARO P TROJP (1,711,281)(1,614,808)(96,473)(96,473) 2138 254105 ARO P TROJP (3,608,947)(3,405,494)(203,53)(203,453) 2139 254 P S f6,009,324)(6,009,324) 2140 .B15 (1,329,552)(11,029,626)(299,926)(299,926) 2141 2142 252 Customer Advances for Constrction 2143 DPW S (13,473.111)(13,198,024)(275,088)6,822 (268,266) 2144 DPW SE 2145 T SG (7,471,547)(7,059,977)(411,570)(267,861)(679,431) 2146 DPW SO 2147 CUST CN 2148 Total Customer Advances for Construction B19 (20,94,658)(20,258,001)(686,658)(261,039)(94,697) 2149 2150 25398 S02 Emissions 2151 P SE 12.1°o.793l 12,100,793)2152 B19 2,100,793 2,100,793) 2153 2154 25399 Other Deferred Credits 2155 P S (3.803.740)(3,728,560)(75,180)(75,180) 2156 LABOR SO (181,348)(181,348) 2157 P SG (8,008,237)(7,567,103)(441,134)(441,134) 2158 P SE (1,183,310)r,108,081l (75,229)(75,229) 2159 B19 (12,995,286)( 2,403,743 (591,543)(181,348)(77,891) ROLLED-IN Page 9.35 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RE5UL T5 IDAHO ACCT DE5CRlP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2160 2161 190 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2162 P 5 10,695,484 10,695,48 (2)(2) 2163 CU5T CN 65,488 62,944 2,544 2,544 2164 P IBT 2165 LABOR SO 36,490,690 34,522,312 1.968,378 (49,979)1,918,399 2166 P DGP 2167 CU5T BADDEBT 3,345,135 3.215,387 129,748 129,748 2168 P TROJD 1,332,481 1,257.059 75,422 75,422 2169 P 5G 39,391,566 37,221.682 2,169,884 (2,002.880)167.004 2170 P 5E 3,097,022 2,900,128 196,894 (461,730)(264.837) 2171 PTD 5NP 2172 DPW 5NPD 703,493 671.035 32,458 32,458 2173 P 55GCT 2174 Total Accum Deferred Income Taxes 819 95,121,359 90,54,034 4,575,325 (2,514,589)2,060,736 2175 2176 281 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2177 P 5 2178 PT DGP 2179 T 5NPT 2180 B19 2181 2182 282 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2183 GP 5 (138,317 ,516)(138,317,516) 2184 ACCMDIT DITBAL (2,336,392,077)(2,195,736,556)(140,655,521 )140,655,521 0 2185 P 5G 2186 LABOR SO (6,909,549)(6,536,835)(372,714)6,816 (365,899) 2187 CU5T CN 2188 P 5E (5,607,614)(5.251,109)(356,505)(234,572)(591,Q8) 2189 P 5G (5.705,530)(5,391,241)(314,289)(16,482,797)(16,797,086) 2190 B19 (2,354,614.770)(2.212.915,740)(141,699,030)(14,372,54)(156,071,578) 2191 2192 283 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2193 GP S (30,884,504)(29,777,409)(1,107,095)1,028,227 (78,868) 2194 P 5G (6,716,785)(6,346.791)(369,994)(41,055)(411,048) 2195 P SE (4,844,933)(4,536,915)(308,018)41,333 (266,685) 2196 LABOR SO (16.761,723)(15,857,563)(904,160)710,964 (193,195) 2197 GP GP5 (5,687,055)(5.380,284)(306,771)(306,771) 2198 PTD 5NP (5,228,914)(4,951,159)(277,755)(277,755) 2199 P TROJD 2200 P 5G 2201 P 5G (2,701,338)(2,552.535)(148.803)(148,803) 2202 P 5G 2203 B19 (72,825,252)(69,402.657)(3,422,595)1,739,470 (1,683,125) 2204 2205 Total Accum Deferrd Income Tax 819 (2,332,318,663)(2,191,772,364)(140,54,299)(15,147,668)(155,693,967) 2206 255 Accumulated Investment Tax Credit 2207 PTD S 2208 PTD ITC84 (1,745,297)(1,745,297) 2209 PTD ITC85 (3.04.242)(3,044,242) 2210 PTD ITC86 (1,479,759)(1,479,759) 2211 PTD ITC88 (222,246)(222,246) 2212 PTD ITC89 (486,772)(486,772) 2213 PTD ITC90 (315,906)(271,738)(44,168)(44,168) 2214 PTD IBT -(166,992l 1166,992)2215 Totl Accumlated ITC 619 (7,294,222)(7.250,04)(44,168)(166,992 211,161) 2216 2217 Total Rate Elase Deductions (2,417,922,963)(2,273,958,655)(143,96,308)(17,780,451)(161,744,759) 2218 ROLLED.IN Page 9.36 Year.End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2219 2220 2221 108SP Steam Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2222 P S 2223 P SG (828,531,539)(782,891,896)(45,639,643)(45,639,643) 2224 P SG (936,120,976)(884,554,772)(51.566,204)(51,566.204) 2225 P SG (552,789,110)(522,338.733)(30,450,377)(761,613)(31,211,990) 2226 P SG (158,685,661)(149,944,465)(8,741,196)(8,741,196) 2227 617 (2,476,127,286)(2,339,729,866)(136.397,420)(761,613)(137,159,033) 2228 2229 108NP Nuclear Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2230 P SG 2231 P SG 2232 P SG 2233 617 2234 2235 2236 108HP Hydraulic Prod Plant Accum Depr 2237 P S 2238 P SG (150,429,735)(142,143,316)(8,286,419)(8.286 ,419) 2239 P SG (28,604,226)(27,028,563)(1,575,663)(1,575.663) 2240 P SG (59,853.861)(56,556,813)(3,297,049)(143,255)(3,440,304) 2241 P SG (12,861,842)(12,153,348)(708,494)(708,494) 2242 617 (251,749.664)(237.882,039)(13,867.625)(143,255)(14,010,880) 2243 2244 1080P Other Production Plant - Accum Depr 2245 P S 2246 P SG (1,347,482)(1,273.256)(74,226)(74.226) 2247 P SG 2248 P SG (263,762,956)(249,233,579)(14,529,377 (565,003)(15,094,380) 2249 P SG (19.564.578)(18,86,863)(1,077,714)(1.077,714) 2250 617 (284,675.015)(268,993,698)(15,681,317)(565.003)(16.246,321 ) 2251 2252 108EP Experimental Plant. Accum Depr 2253 P SG 2254 P SG 2255 2256 2257 Total Product Pla Accum Depreciation B17 (3,012,551,966)(2,846,605,604)( 165,946,362)(1,469,872)(167,416,234) 2258 2259 Summary of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor 2260 S 2261 DGP 2262 DGU 2263 SG (3,012,551,96)(2,846,605,604)(165,946,362)(1,469.872)(167,416,234) 2264 SSGCH 2265 SSGCT 2266 Total of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor (3,012,551,966)(2.846,605.64)(165,94,362)(1,469,82)(167,416,234) 2267 2268 2269 108TP Transmission Plant Accumulated Depr 2270 T SG (21,367,434) 2271 T SG (21,35,659) 2272 T SG 20,231,189)(1.032,549) 2273 Total Trans Plant Accum Depreciation 617 ,9 ,,2,9 ROLLED-IN Page 9.37 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2274 108360 Land and Land Rights 2275 DPW S (5.731.126)(5,71.879)(259.247)(259.247) 2276 817 (5.731.126)(5,71.879)(259.247)(259.247) 2277 2278 108361 Structures and Improvements 2279 DPW S (13.581.278)(13.138.403)(442.875)(442.875) 2280 817 (13.581.278)(13.138.403)(442.875)(442.875) 2281 2282 108362 Station Equipment 2283 DPW S (207.834.133)(198.557.095)(9.277.038)(9.277038) 2284 617 (207.834.133)(198.557.095)(9.277.038)(9.277.038) 2285 2286 108363 Storage 8attery Equipment 2287 DPW S (775.263)(775.263) 2288 817 (775.263)(775.263) 2289 2290 108364 Poles. Towers & Fixtures 2291 DPW S (472,497.456)(438.618,89)(33.878.967)(33.878.967) 2292 817 (472,497,456)(438.618,89)(33.878.967)(33.878,967) 2293 2294 108365 Overhead Conductors 2295 DPW S (257.576.586)(247.145.604)(10,430.983)(10.430.983) 2296 617 (257.576.586)(247.145.604)(10,430.983)(10,430.983) 2297 2298 108366 Underground Conduit 2299 DPW S (121,003.027)(117.701.126)(3.301.901 )(3.301.901 ) 2300.617 (121.003.027)(117.701.126)(3.301.901 )(3.301.901 ) 2301 2302 108367 Underground Conductors 2303 DPW S (279.736.871)(268.973.545)(10.763.326)(10.763.326) 2304 817 (279.736.871)(268.973.545)(10.763.326)(10.763.326) 2305 2306 108368 Line Transformers 2307 DPW S (361.323.647)(337.660.494)(23.663,153)(23.663,153) 2308 617 (361,323.647)(337.660,494)(23.663,153)(23.663,153) 2309 2310 108369 5ervices 2311 DPW 5 (163,299,910)(152.868.799)(10.31.110)(10.431,110) 2312 817 (163.299.910)(152.868.799)(10,431,110)(10.431.110) 2313 2314 108370 Meters 2315 DPW S (84.175.634)(75.808.861 )(8.366.773)(8,366.773) 2316 617 (84.175.634)(75,808.861 )(8.36.773)(8.366.773) 2317 2318 2319 2320 108371 Installations on Customers' Premises 2321 DPW 5 (7.846.403)(7.709,414)(136,989)(136,989) 2322 617 (7,846.403)(7.709,414)(136,989)(136.989) 2323 2324 108372 Leased Propert 2325 DPW 5 2326 617 2327 2328 108373 Street Lights 2329 DPW 5 (28.660,733)(28.170.544)(490,188)(490.188) 2330 617 (28.660.733)(28.170.544)(490.188)(490.188) 2331 2332 108000 Unclassified Dist Plant - Acc 300 2333 DPW S 2334 817 2335 2336 10805 Unclassied Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 2337 DPW S 233 817 2339 234 108DP Unessifi Dit Sub Plant - Acct 300 231 DPW S 730,582 729.334 1.248 1.248 2342 617 730.582 729.334 1,248 1,248 234 234 234 Totl Dlstrbulon Plant Accum Depreiaton B17 (2,003,311,485)(1,891,870,183)(111,441,302)(111,441,302) 234 2347 Summary of Distrbuion Plant Depr by Factor23S (2,003,311.485)(1,891.870.183)(111.441.302)(111,441,302) 2349 2350 Total Distributi Depriatin by Factor 617 (2.003,311.48)(1.891870,183)(111.441,302)(11.441,302) ROLLED-IN Page 9.38 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2351 108GP General Plant Accumulated Oepr 2352 G-5ITU5 5 (151.989,352)(141,794.438)(10.194,914)(10.194,914) 2353 PT 5G (6,272,465)(5,926,947)(345,519)(345,519) 2354 PT 5G (11,172,030)(10,556,619)(615,11)(615.411) 2355 G-SG SG (46.253.779)(43.705,891 )(2.547.888)(2,547.888) 2356 CU5T CN (6.625.150)(6.367,792)(257.358)(257.358) 2357 PTD SO (72.527.529)(68,615,254)(3.912.275)(3.912.275) 2358 P 5E (339.900)(318.291)(21.609)(21.609) 2359 G-5G SG (33,094)(31.271)(1.823)(1.823) 2360 G-SG 5G (2.331.547)(2.203.113)(128,433)(128.433) 2361 B17 (297.544,84)(279,519.616)(18.025.230)(18.025.230) 2362 2363 2364 108MP Mining Plant Accumulated Depr. 2365 P 5 2366 P 5E (170,270.750)(159,445.750)(10.825,000)(41.661)(10,866.661) 2367 B17 (170,270,750)(159,445.750)(10,825,000)(41.661)(10,866,661 ) 2368 108MP Less Centralia Situs Depreciation 2369 P 5 2370 B17 (170,270,750)(159.445.750)(10,825.000)(41.661)(10.866.661) 2371 2372 1081390 Accum Oepr - Capital Lease 2373 PTO 50 B17 2374 2375 2376 Remove Capital Leases 2377 B17 2378 2379 1081399 Accum Depr - Capital Lease 2380 P 5 2381 P 5E 817 2382 2383 2384 Remove Capital Leases 2385 B17 2386 2387 2388 Total General Plant Accum Depreciation 817 (467,815,596)(438,965,366)(28,850,230)(41,661)(28.891,891 ) 2389 2390 2391 2392 5ummary of General Depreciation by Factor 2393 5 (151.989.352)(141.794,438)(10,194,914)(10.194.914) 2394 DGP 2395 DGU 2396 5E (170.610.651)(159.764.042)(10,846,09)(41.661)(10,888.270) 2397 50 (72.527.529)(68.615.254)(3,912.275)(3,912.275) 2398 CN (6.625.150)(6,367.792)(257.358)(257,358) 2399 SG (66,062.915)(62,423,841)(3.639.074)(3.639,074) 2400 DEU 2401 5SGCT 2402 55GCH 2403 Remove Capital Leases - 2404 Total General Depreciallon by Factor (467.815.596)(438.965.366)(28.850.230)(41.661)(28,891.891 ) 2405 2406 2407 Totl Accum Depreciaton - Plant In Servce B17 (6,626,518,392)(6,257.327,216)(369,191,176)(2,54,082)(371,735,257) 2408 111SP Accum Prev for Amort-5team 2409 P SG 2410 P SG 2411 B18 2412 2413 2414 111GP Accum Prev for Amort-General 2415 G-SITUS 5 (15.417.186)(15,417.186) 2416 CUST CN (2.453,306)(2,358,005)(95,300)(95,300) 2417 I-5G 5G 2418 pro 50 (9.907.217)(9.372,803)(534,414)(534,414) 2419 P SE 2420 B18 (27,777,708)(27 '1f ,994)(629,715)(629.715) 2421 ROLLED-IN Page 9.39 Year-End FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 2422 2423 111HP Accum Prov for Amort-Hydro 2424 P SG 2425 P SG 2426 P SG (13,027)(12,310)(718)(718) 2427 P SG (390,637)(369,119)(21,518)(21,518) 2428 618 (403,664)(381,429)(22,236)(22,236) 2429 2430 2431 1111P Accum Prov for Amort-Intangible Plant 2432 I-SITUS S (866.992)(130,826)(736,166)(736,166) 2433 P SG 2434 P SG (332,638)(314,315)(18.323)(18,323) 2435 P SE (1,011,087)(946,807)(64,280)(64,280) 2436 I-SG SG (42,153,361)(39,831,344)(2,322,017)(25,402)(2,347,419) 2437 I-5G SG ( 11,454,352)(10,823,389)(630,963)(630,963) 2438 I-SG SG (3,111,807)(2,940,393)(171,414)(171,414) 2439 CUST CN (89,511,348)(86,034,220)(3,477,128)(3,477,128) 2440 P SG 2441 P SG (67,877)(64,138)(3.739)(3,739) 2442 PTD SO (250,449,855)(236,940,106)(13,509,748)(13,509,748) 2443 618 (398,959.316)(378,025,538)(20,933,778)(25,402)(20.959,180) 2444 1111P Less Non-Utiity Plant 2445 NUTIL OTH 2446 (398,959,316)(378,025,538)(20,933,778)(25,42)(20.959.180) 2447244 111390 Accum Amtr - Capital Lease 2449 G-SITUS S (5.302,423)(5,302,423) 2450 P SG (1,390.857)(1.314,242)(76.615)(76,615) 2451 PTD SO 1.860.994 1,760,608 100.386 100,386 2452 (4.832.287)(4.856,057)23.770 23,770 2453 2454 Remve Capitl Leae Amtr 4.832.287 4,856.057 (23,770)(23,770) 2455 2456 Total Accum Provision fOr Amortizaion B18 (427.140,689)(405,55,960)(21,585,729)(25,402)(21,611 131) 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 Summary of Amortization by Factor 2462 S (21,586,00)(20,850,434)(736.166)(736,166) 2463 DGP 2464 DGU 2465 SE (1,011,087)(946,807)(64.280)(64.280) 2466 SO (258,496,078)(244,552,301 )(13,943,777)(13.943.777) 2467 CN (91,964,653)(88,392,225)(3.572,428)(3.572,428) 2468 SSGCT 2469 SSGCH 2470 SG (58.914,556)(55.669.249)(3.245,307)(25,402)(3,270,709) 2471 Less Capitl Lease 4,832,287 4,856,057 (23,770)(23,770) 2472 Total Provision For Amortzation by Factor (427.140,689)(405,554,96)(21,585.729)(25.402)(21.611,131) Idaho General Rate Case - Rebuttal Factors December, 2010 Year End Factors Page 10.1 ID A H O G E N E R A R A T E C A S E DE C E M B E R 2 0 1 0 F A C T O R S YE A R N O F A T O R RE V I S E D P R O T O C O L DE S C R I P I O FA C T O R Ca l f o r n l a Or l l o n Wa a h l n a t Mo n t 8 n a Wv o - P L Ut h Id a h o WV o - U P L FE R C ~ U P L UI H t : K NU N - I IL l I L ya p " - e t . si i u S . Sit u s Sv e l e m G o SG 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 6 8 2 % 0. 0 0 0 % 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5.5 0 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % Po 10 . 1 5 S" ' i a G ø n P a c . P o C o i l a o n S G SG . p 1.7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 6 6 2 % 0. 0 0 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5.0 8 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % Po 1 0 . 1 5 Sv e l a G ø a l l R . M . P . C o l a o n S G I - SG - U 1.7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 6 6 2 % 0. 0 0 12 . 5 0 4 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5. 5 0 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % Po 1 0 . 1 5 OI v _ G l I a r l i . P a c . P . . OG P 3. 5 1 5 5 % 54 . 1 0 2 6 % 16 . 7 4 6 8 % 0. ~ ~ % 25 . 6 3 5 1 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % Po 1 0 . 1 5 Ol v _ G a a l l n - R . M P . OG U 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 82 . 7 2 9 4 % 10 . 7 5 0 9 % 5.7 7 5 4 % 0.7 4 4 3 % Pa 1 0 . 1 5 S SC 1. 7 4 9 9 26 . 9 7 4 9 % 8.3 1 1 7 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 12 . 0 4 2 % 42 . 5 1 0 3 % 5.2 2 5 5 % 2.8 0 7 5 % 0.3 7 6 1 % Pa 1 0 . 1 5 S" ' I B E " " v SE 1.6 0 7 4 % 24 . 6 0 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0. ~ ~ % 13 . 8 6 8 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6. 3 5 7 5 % 3.4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % Po 10 . 1 5 Sv e i a E n o I P a c . P o C o l a o n S E SE - P 1.6 0 7 4 % 24 . 6 0 2 8 % 7. 7 2 9 7 % 0. 0 0 13 . 8 6 8 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6. 3 5 7 5 % 3.4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % Po 10 . 1 5 S" ' E " " I R M . P . C o l a a n S E I SE - U 1.8 0 7 4 % 24 . 6 0 2 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0. 0 0 13 . 8 6 8 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6. 3 5 7 5 % 3.4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % Po 10 . 1 5 Di v i s i o E n e - P a c . P o DE P 3. 3 8 2 1 % 51 . 4 6 1 0 % 16 . 1 6 8 1 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 29 . 0 0 9 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 Pa 1 0 . 1 5 Di v i s i o E n e - R . M . P . DE U 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 80 . 5 1 6 1 % 12 . 1 8 1 2 % 6.5 4 1 8 % 0.7 6 0 9 % Po 1 0 . 1 5 S" " O v a r SO 2. 3 8 8 4 % 27 . 8 9 4 % 7.9 3 2 6 % 0.0 0 0 % 11 . 3 1 5 5 % 42 . 2 6 5 0 5. 3 9 2 3 % 2.5 5 0 2 % 0.2 6 1 6 % Pa 1 0 . 7 Sv s m O v e i e a d f P a c . P a w , C o i o o n s 6 1 ' SQ 2. 3 8 8 4 % 27 . 8 9 4 % 7. 9 3 2 6 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 11 . 3 1 5 5 % 42 . 2 6 5 0 5. 3 9 2 3 % 2. 5 5 2 % 0.2 6 1 6 % Po 1 0 . 7 s. . i a O v e i e a d f R M . P . C o o n S O SO - 2. 3 8 8 4 % 27 . 8 9 4 % 7. 9 3 2 6 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 11 . 3 1 5 5 % 42 . 2 6 5 0 % 5. 3 9 2 3 % 2.5 5 0 2 % 0.2 6 1 6 % Pa 1 0 . 7 Di v i s i o n a l O v e r . P a c . P o w DO P 0. 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % Pa 1 0 . 7 Div i s i o a l O v a i e a d - R . M . P . P a _ DO U 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % Po 1 0 . 7 Gr o s P l a n t . . V R t e m GP S 2. 3 8 4 % 27 . 6 9 4 % 7. 9 3 2 6 % 0. ~ ~ % 11 . 3 1 5 5 % 42 . 2 6 5 0 % 5. 3 9 2 3 % 2.5 5 0 2 % 0.2 6 1 6 % Po 1 0 . 7 S" " . e m G r o s s P l a n t . P a c . P o w r SG P P 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % Na l U s e d 5v e l e m G l O P l a n t - R . M . P . 5G P U 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % No t U a e d 5v e l e m N a P l n t SN P 2.2 3 5 9 % 27 . 0 7 6 3 % 7. 7 2 8 2 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 11 . 2 7 3 3 % 43 . 5 7 8 0 % 5. 3 0 9 9 % 2.5 3 1 9 % 0.2 8 6 4 % Po 10 . 7 Se a n a l a " ' l e m C a n a l t v C o m b u i t i n T u r n e 55 C C T 1.7 4 2 9 % 27 . 0 6 % 6. 2 8 9 6 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 12 . 0 0 2 7 % 42 . 5 6 1 % 5. 1 5 7 8 % 2.7 9 1 5 % 0.3 8 8 0 ' Y . Pa l 0 . 1 6 Se a S " ' l e m E " " C o b u s t i n T u r b i n e SS E C T 1.6 0 6 5 % 24 . 5 7 3 1 % 7. 7 4 5 9 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 13 . 7 7 9 1 % 42 . 1 5 2 6 % 6. 3 6 0 3 % 3. 3 8 2 5 % 0.4 0 0 0 % Po 10 . 1 6 Se a n a s . . i a C ~ ' " 1 t C h l l a 5S C C H 1.7 5 8 6 % 27 . 7 2 1 4 % 8. 3 7 9 3 % 0,0 0 0 0 % 12 . 1 6 0 6 % 41 . 8 7 9 % 5. 2 5 7 0 % 2.8 7 1 6 % 0. 3 6 3 6 % Po 10 . 1 7 Se 5 Ch l a 5S E C H 1.5 9 1 1 % 25 . 0 5 3 4 % 7. 8 9 4 5 % 0. ~ ~ % 13 . 9 9 8 8 % 41 . 6 1 2 6 % 6. 0 2 1 0 % 3.4 4 3 2 % 0.3 8 5 3 % Pa l 0 . 1 7 Se a n a l 5. . _ G e e r l l n C h a U a SS G C H 1. 1 6 7 % 27 . 0 5 4 % 8. 2 5 8 1 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 6 2 0 1 % 41 . 5 1 9 0 % 5. 4 4 8 0 % 3. 0 1 4 5 % 0. 3 6 9 0 Po 1 0 . 1 7 Se a s o n a s . . i a C a a a c l t v P u r . . . . S5 C P 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 Pa 1 0 . 1 8 Se a n a l 5 . . _ E n " " v P u r S5 E P 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % Pa 1 0 . 1 8 Se a a n a a " " G e n e r n C o l r c l SS G C 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0 Po 10 . 1 8 Se a a l S v a l e G e n e t t Î n C o m b u i t l n T u r b i n e S5 G C T 1. 7 0 8 % 26 . 4 4 0 9 8. 1 5 3 7 % 0. 0 0 12 . 4 4 6 8 % 42 . 4 6 1 2 % 5. 5 6 % 2. 9 3 9 3 % 0. 3 9 1 0 % Pa l 0 . 1 6 Mi d - C l u n o b MC 0.8 2 5 7 % 57 . 3 5 8 7 % 11 . 1 1 9 3 % 0. 0 0 % 6. 0 2 0 6 % 20 . 4 1 5 7 % 2. 6 5 3 1 % 1.4 2 5 2 % 0. 1 8 3 7 % Po 10 . 1 5 Dl H a P 1 n l D l b u 5N P D 3.5 4 2 4 % 28 . 3 2 8 4 % 6. 5 4 % 0. 0 0 0 % 8. 1 2 8 7 % 47 . 4 1 3 6 % 4.6 1 3 8 % 1.4 2 7 6 % 0. ~ ~ % Pa l 0 . 6 Dl l o G e _ - H u n t i n a " ' DG U H 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 82 . 7 2 9 4 % 10 . 7 5 0 % 5. 7 7 5 4 % 0. 7 4 4 3 % Pa l 0 . 1 5 DI i s i o E " " - H u l a DE U H 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 80 . 5 1 6 1 % 12 . 1 8 1 2 % 6. 5 4 1 8 % 0. 7 6 0 9 % Po 1 0 . 1 5 DM H a P l a n t G e _ n e - P a P . . DN P G M P 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 No t Us e d Dl v i i o n N e t P l n t G e n o r i i M i n e - R M . P . DN P G M U 1. 8 0 4 % 24 . 8 0 2 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0. 0 0 0 % 13 . 8 6 8 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6.3 5 7 5 % 3. 4 1 4 3 % 0. 3 9 7 1 % Pa l 0 . 6 Di v i s i N e l P l a n t I n ' - - P a c . P a - DN P I P 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Na t Us e d Dl v l a l o N e t P l a n l l n l a ~ l b I - R M . P . DN P I U 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0.~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % No t Us e d Div i s i o n N e t P l a n t S t e a m . P a c . P o w DN P P S P 0. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 % 0.~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % No t Us e d Di v l N e t P l a n t 5 l a a m - R M . P . DN P P 5 U 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0.~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 No t U i e d Di v i i i o N e t P l a n t H w l O ' P a c . P a w ' DN P P H P 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0.~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % Na t U i e d DI v I o N e t P l a n t H w l r a - R M . P . DN P P H U 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % Na Us e d Sv e t a N o t H w l O P l a n t - P a c . P a w ' 5N P P H - P 1.7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8. 1 6 6 2 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5.5 0 8 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % Pa l 0 . 4 S. . t a N o t H " ' i o P l a n t . R . M . P . SN P P H - U 1.7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8. 1 6 8 2 % 0. 0 0 0 % 12 . 5 0 4 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5.5 0 8 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % Po 10 . 4 Cu t o - 5 v e _ CN 2.5 4 2 0 % 30 . 8 9 7 3 % 7. 0 5 9 3 % 0. 0 0 0 6.6 4 7 0 % 48 . 1 0 3 9 % 3. 8 8 4 6 % 0.8 6 6 9 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % Pa l 0 . l 0 Cu s t o e r . P a c . P o w CN P 5.3 9 2 0 % 65 . 5 3 7 2 % 14 . 9 7 1 6 % 0. 0 0 0 % 14 . 0 9 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % Pa l 0 . l 0 Cu s t o r - R M . P . CN U 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 91 . 0 1 0 5 % 7. 3 4 9 4 % 1. 6 4 0 1 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % "" 1 0 . 1 0 W. . h l n a k B u l n e a T a x WB T A X 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % Sit u s IO n o r a t i R e v e n u e - I d a h o OP R V - I D 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 No t U i e d On . . U n R e v e n e - W ~ m l ~ OP R 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 % No t Us e d Ex c l T a . - I U D e i u n d EX C T A X -1 . 0 7 9 0 % 17 . 6 8 2 6 % 1.4 2 8 9 % 0. 0 0 6. 9 1 6 6 % 53 . 9 3 0 3 % 8.1 9 0 3 % 4. 2 1 1 3 % 1. 0 2 9 2 % 0.7 7 5 7 % 6. 9 1 4 0 % Pa l 0 . l l 1n 1 . . 1 IN T 2. 2 3 % 27 . 0 7 6 3 % 7.7 2 8 2 % 0. ~ ~ % 11 . 2 7 3 3 % 43 . 5 7 8 0 % 5.3 0 9 9 % 2. 5 3 1 9 % 0. 2 6 6 4 % 0. ~ ~ % Pa 1 0 . 7 CI A CI A C 3.5 4 2 4 % 28 . 3 2 8 4 % 6.5 4 5 4 % 0. 0 0 8. 1 2 8 7 % 47 . 4 1 3 6 % 4. 6 1 3 8 % 1.4 2 7 6 % 0. 0 0 Pa 1 0 . 1 0 Id a S t a t e I n c o m e T a x 10 S I T 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Po 1 0 . 1 1 Bl o n k DO N O T U S E 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Na t U i e d Ba d D e b l E x a . . SA D D E B T 3. 0 4 4 1 % 34 . 5 8 3 6 % 12 . 5 2 6 4 % 0. ~ ~ % 7.0 8 0 3 % 38 . 8 0 5 1 % 3.8 7 8 7 % 0. 0 0 1 9 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Pa l 0 . 1 0 Bl a n k DO T U E 0. 0 0 0.~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Na l U i e d Bla n k DO N O T U S E 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0.~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 No t Us e d Ac c m u a t e d I n v . . t m e n l T a x C r e 1 1 9 8 4 1T C 8 3. 2 9 % 70 . 9 8 % 14 . 1 8 % 0.0 0 % 10 . 9 5 % 0. 6 1 % Fix e d Ac c I n v e a t m l T a x C r e 1 9 8 5 IT C 8 S 5. 4 2 % 67 . 6 9 % 13 . 3 6 % 0.0 0 % 11 . 6 1 % 1. 9 2 % Fix e d Ac c a t e d I n v . . t m t T a x C r e 1 l 1 9 8 6 IT C 8 4.7 9 % 64 . 6 1 % 13 . 1 3 % 0.0 0 % 15 . 5 0 % 1.9 8 % Fix e d Ac m u l a t I n v . . t m t T a x C r e i l 1 9 8 8 IT C 8 8 4. 2 7 % 61 . 2 0 % 14 . 9 6 % 0. 0 0 16 . 7 1 % 2. 8 6 % Fix e d Pa g e 10 . 2 AU O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S D1 S C I O FA C T O R Ca l o r n l a Or . . . W. . h l n a t Mo n t a n a Wv o - P L Uta h Id a h o Wy o - U P L FE R C - U P L OT H I : K NU N - U I I L l I T ~ a A e K e T . 1A _ i n . . _ T a . C r l Ø 8 IT C 8 9 4.8 8 % 56 . 3 6 15 . 2 7 % 0.0 0 % 20 . 6 8 % 2.8 2 % Fíx e d Ai _ I m e n T a x C r e 1 9 9 IT C 9 1. 5 0 % 15 . 9 4 % 3.9 1 % 0.0 0 % 3.8 1 % 46 . 9 4 % 13 . 9 8 % 13 . 5 4 % 0.3 9 % Fi x e d Ol E 1 OT H E R 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 0.0 0 % Sit u s II \ NU T I L 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Si t u . S_ N e S . . m P l a SN P S 1. 7 1 4 6 % 26 . 4 6 8 1 % 8.1 7 8 0 % 0. 0 0 0 12 . 5 1 5 7 % 42 . 2 7 6 8 % 5.5 0 0 7 % 2.9 6 6 3 % 0.3 7 9 8 % Po 1 0 . 4 S- N u T _ P l o n t SN P T 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 6 6 2 % 0. 0 0 12 . 5 0 0 4 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5.5 0 8 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 6 1 3 % Pa l 0 . 5 Sv a N e _ P l t SN P P 1. 7 1 4 4 % 26 , 4 2 3 1 % 8.1 7 1 6 % 0. 0 0 0 12 . 5 0 7 1 % 42 . 3 3 % 5.5 0 4 % 2.9 6 2 3 % 0.3 6 0 7 % Po 1 0 . 5 S" - N e t H . . P l SN P P 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 6 1 8 % 8.1 6 6 2 % 0. 0 0 12 . 5 0 0 4 % 42 . 3 6 8 4 % 5. 5 0 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 6 1 3 % Pa 1 0 . 4 S. . _ N e N u e a r P l a n t SN P N 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 6 1 8 % 8.1 6 6 2 % 0. 0 0 12 . 5 0 0 4 % 42 . 3 8 % 5. 5 0 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 6 1 3 % Pa l 0 . 4 SV l t e N e t O t w P i u o 1 n P l t SN P P 1. 7 1 4 2 % 26 . 3 6 3 1 % 8.1 6 5 8 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 4 9 9 2 % 42 . 3 6 9 9 5.5 0 7 5 % 2.9 5 8 8 % 0.3 6 1 5 % Pa l 0 . 5 S" - N u G e P l a n SN P G 2.3 2 1 3 % 29 . 4 7 9 3 % 8. 1 3 3 % 0. 0 0 0 % 11 . 3 4 8 8 % 39 . 6 7 9 0 6.2 5 2 7 % 2.6 3 6 8 % 0.1 4 8 5 % Pa l 0 . 6 S. . _ N e l n t n a l . P l n t SN P I 2.0 1 1 3 % 27 . 3 2 9 1 % 7. 9 8 8 % 0. ~ ~ % 11 . 5 1 2 5 % 42 . 8 8 3 3 % 5.4 2 8 2 % 2. 5 5 4 1 % 0.2 9 3 2 % Pa l 0 . 7 Tm l o n P l a n t _ t o TR O J P 1. 6 9 8 0 % 26 . 1 1 1 6 % 8. 9 9 9 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 7 0 8 2 % 42 . 3 3 2 8 % 5.6 3 1 5 % 3.0 2 8 3 % 0. 3 8 7 % Pa 1 0 . 1 2 Tr u o n O a l o l ~ A H r TR O D 1.6 9 5 2 % 26 . 0 6 % 8.0 8 8 2 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 12 . 7 4 4 9 % 42 . 3 2 3 0 5.6 6 3 % 3.0 4 0 5 % 0. 3 8 2 % Pa 1 0 . 1 2 ln B e e T a x e s 1S T .1 . 5 1 7 6 % 16 . 3 0 % 0.8 8 4 7 % 0. 0 0 0 % 6.4 3 8 2 % 55 . 0 0 5 1 % 8.4 1 4 9 % 4.3 6 6 8 % 1. 1 1 5 5 % 1.2 8 0 0 % 7. 6 9 2 1 % Pa 1 0 . 8 DI T E . . . . D1 T E 2. 2 9 2 6 % 28 . 0 9 3 5 % 6. 1 8 3 7 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 11 . 2 6 3 0 % 41 . 0 1 6 0 % 5.6 6 7 % 3.1 8 3 9 % 0.3 0 1 8 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 1. 9 9 1 9 % Po 10 . 9 DI T S a l " " DI T B A 2. 4 5 9 6 % 28 . 2 4 2 4 % 6. 9 3 1 7 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 10 . 7 0 8 3 % 42 . 9 1 1 1 % 6.0 2 0 2 % 2.3 9 4 8 % 0.2 6 3 5 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 1 0 2 % Pa 1 0 . 9 Ta x D a a c i a t i TA X E P R 2.0 1 3 1 % 27 . 1 8 9 9 % 6. 3 1 2 1 % 0. 0 0 0 0 11 . 6 3 4 8 % 42 . 1 4 9 4 % 5.0 6 8 6 % 2.5 7 2 8 % 0.2 9 2 7 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 2. 1 6 6 5 % Pa 1 0 . 1 2 Sia n k DO N D T l S E 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % No t Us e d Bl a n k DO N O T I S E 0. 0 0 0.~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % No t Us e d Bl k DO N O T I S E 0. 0 0 0 0 0.~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 % No t U . . d SC H M T " " a t l e . . . e SC H M D E P 2.8 9 9 % 28 . 5 2 4 2 % 8. 2 6 0 7 % 0. 0 0 0 % 11 . 3 3 1 9 % 40 . 9 0 1 7 % 5. 2 5 2 5 % 2.5 5 5 8 % 0.2 4 6 0 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Pa 1 0 . 1 2 SC M D T A _ _ E x ~ . SC H M A 2. 3 4 1 8 % 27 . 8 1 8 1 % 7. 2 8 8 4 % 0.0 0 0 % 12 . 2 2 5 4 % 41 . 6 9 6 9 % 5. 1 5 2 2 % 2.4 8 8 5 % 0.2 8 4 9 % 0.7 0 3 8 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Pa l 0 . 1 2 S_ G _ C h o T r a n a a c t l SG T 1.7 2 0 8 % 26 . 4 8 8 % 8. 1 9 7 4 % 0.0 0 0 % 12 . 5 4 8 2 % 42 . 5 5 0 % 5. 5 2 9 6 % 2.9 1 0 5 % Po 10 . 1 5 ft . . F A C . CA ' I O F I N N A F . t OI . . m i F o l eG P eG U SG SS G C H I2 Ji ll lY -. ~ l! - ~ fi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,7 8 . 7 7 6 , 8 8 5 81 , 7 4 9 , 7 4 1 1.5 8 , 0 9 , 4 4 38 , 4 2 6 , 6 7 0 0 59 6 , 1 1 3 . 9 1 4 2. 0 2 1 , 4 0 . 1 2 5 26 2 , 8 8 7 , 9 7 5 14 1 , 1 1 6 , 4 2 8 18 , 1 8 5 , 5 8 9 51 9 , 3 8 , 8 2 8 8.9 1 8 , 4 0 3 1.4 , 5 1 e , 8 8 7 42 , 8 9 1 , 3 2 3 0 65 . 5 4 . 9 9 21 5 . 6 4 3 . 8 2 28 . 2 9 f 5 . 5 8 15 , 6 5 8 , 9 4 1 1, 9 1 6 , 6 9 6 5, . , 1 6 1 . 8 1 3 90 . 8 8 , 1 4 3 1,3 9 . 8 0 7 . 1 3 0 43 , 3 1 7 . 9 9 0 68 1 . 6 6 , 9 1 3 2, 2 3 7 . 0 4 9 . 7 4 6 29 , 9 8 4 , 2 15 6 , 7 7 3 . 3 6 20 , 1 0 2 . 2 8 6 -C M g r f e t lI ST E P R C O C T I O N P l LE A C U M U L T E D D E P R C I T I O OG eG U SGS. G C (8 2 . 5 3 1 . 5 3 ) ( 1 4 . - 2 0 3 . 2 7 3 ) ( 2 1 8 . 5 8 1 . 7 5 3 ) ( 6 7 . 6 5 9 . 3 3 ) 0 ( 1 0 3 . 5 8 . 3 E 2 ) ( 3 5 1 . 2 0 . 8 9 9 ) ( 4 5 . 8 3 . 6 4 3 ) ' ( 2 4 . 5 1 7 . 6 9 ) ( 3 . 1 s g . 5 8 ) (9 3 6 . 1 2 0 . 0 7 8 1 ( 1 8 . 0 4 7 . 6 4 7 ) ( 2 4 8 . " 5 . 8 1 2 ) ( 7 , 4 4 5 . 2 7 8 l 0 ( 1 1 7 . 0 1 8 . 4 2 1 ) ( 3 9 . a O E U 9 2 ) ( 5 1 . 5 6 . 2 0 ) ( 2 7 . 7 0 1 . 4 5 3 ) ( 3 . 5 6 . 8 7 0 ) (5 5 . 7 8 9 . 1 1 0 ) ( 9 . 4 7 8 . 3 0 1 ) ( 1 4 5 . 8 3 5 . 8 8 ) ( 4 5 , 1 4 1 . 7 2 7 ) 0 ( 8 9 . 1 0 0 . 5 8 7 ) ( 2 3 4 , 3 1 8 . 2 1 8 ) ( 3 0 , 4 5 . 3 7 7 ( 1 8 . 3 5 7 . " 4 ) ( 2 . 1 0 8 . 0 4 ) (1 5 8 . 6 1 S , ø 1 l ( 2 . 7 2 4 . 1 9 4 ) ( 4 2 . 0 3 1 , 5 1 8 ) ( 1 3 . 1 0 4 . 4 1 9 ) 0 ( 2 0 . 0 2 8 , 3 2 ) ( 8 5 . 8 8 4 . 7 5 ) ( 8 , 8 4 5 . 2 4 6 ( 4 . 7 8 3 . 6 0 4 ) ( 5 8 5 , 8 0 1 ) (2 , 4 7 l . 1 2 7 . 2 8 8 ) ( 4 2 . 4 5 1 . 4 1 5 ) ( 6 5 4 . 3 1 4 . 9 4 8 ) ( 2 0 2 . 3 5 , 7 8 0 ) 0 ( 3 0 . 7 1 4 . 6 8 9 ) ( 1 . 0 4 8 . 2 1 0 . 1 8 6 ) ( 1 3 8 . 3 0 1 , 4 7 0 ) ( 7 3 . 3 8 . 7 4 5 ) ( 9 , 4 2 3 . 0 9 ) TO T A L N E T S T P L 2,8 1 2 . 0 3 , 5 2 7 48 . 2 1 4 ~ 7 2 9 7~ . 2 9 . 1 8 4 22 , 0 6 7 , 2 3 3 0 35 1 . 9 4 . 2 2 4 1, 1 8 8 , 8 3 . 5 8 15 4 , 8 8 2 . 7 6 4 83 . 4 1 2 . 6 2 4 10 . 6 1 9 . 1 9 0 IM P P I an T E M H E T P L A T P R C T I O N S T E l( J C t O O % 1.1 1 4 6 28 . 4 e 8 1 % 8.1 7 8 % 0.~ ~ % 12 . 5 1 5 7 % 42 . 2 7 6 0 / 5.5 0 1 % 2.9 6 3 % 0. 3 7 9 8 % iI I2 Sl - lY - ~ l! - ~ fi NU P R O I O P l T OO CG SG Pa g e 1 0 . 3 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M L O A D S DE S C I O FA C T O R Ca l i f o r n i a Or e g o n Wa s h i n g t o n Mo n t a n a Wy o - P P L Ut a h Id a h o Wy o - P L FE R C . U P L OT H E R NO N . U T I L I T P a g o R o f . LE S S  C C U M U L T E O O E C l 1 1 OO DG U SG TO T A L N U . E P l _H SY S T E H E T P l . P R C T 1 N U c t 0. ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0.0 0 0 % im I2 ~ ll - Mo n t n a l! ll - rm I3 HV O P R T l P l DG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SG ei 1 4 2 . 5 4 10 , 7 6 8 , 0 6 18 S , 7 1 5 , 4 n 51 , 2 9 . 2 0 18 , 5 2 , 0 3 26 , 2 5 9 . 3 0 34 , 6 0 1 , 2 1 9 18 , 5 8 7 , 8 3 4 2,3 9 5 . 4 0 3 62 8 . 1 4 2 . 5 4 10 . 7 6 8 . 0 8 16 5 , 7 1 5 , 4 n 51 , 2 9 . 2 2 0 0 78 , 5 2 . 0 3 2 26 , 2 5 9 , 3 0 34 . 6 0 1 , 2 1 9 18 , 5 8 7 , 8 3 4 2,3 9 5 , 4 0 3 lE S S A C C U l - 1 U l A T E D D E E C I A T I O N ( n d h y 8 m ø r ) DG P (1 5 0 . 4 2 9 , 1 3 5 ) (2 . 5 7 , 1 7 ) (3 9 . 6 S 6 , 1 1 2 ) ( 1 2 , 2 8 4 . 3 5 ) 0 (1 8 , 8 0 . 2 4 7 ) (6 3 . 7 8 4 , 6 9 1 ) (8 . 2 8 . 4 1 9 ) (4 . 4 5 1 . 4 7 8 ) (5 7 3 . 6 5 9 ) DG (2 8 . " ' . 2 2 ) (4 0 . 3 5 ) (7 . 5 4 . 3 1 7 ) l2 , 3 3 , 8 1 1 ) 0 (3 . 5 7 . 6 2 9 ) (1 2 . 1 2 4 . 8 6 1 ) (1 , 5 7 5 . 6 6 ) (8 4 6 . 4 4 9 ) (1 0 9 . 0 8 1 ) SG (7 3 , 1 1 9 , 3 6 ) (1 . 5 3 . " ' ) (1 9 . 2 9 0 . 2 2 5 ) (5 . Ø 7 i . 0 5 8 ) 0 (9 , 1 4 0 , 1 7 9 ) (3 0 . 9 9 4 . 0 9 ) (4 , 0 2 7 , 7 7 ) (2 , 1 6 3 . 7 3 0 ) (2 7 8 . 8 3 9 ) (2 5 2 . 1 5 3 3 2 ) (4 . 2 2 . 5 9 ) (8 6 . 5 2 2 . 6 5 4 ) (2 0 . 5 9 1 . 2 8 ) 0 (3 1 . 5 2 . 0 5 5 ) ( 1 0 6 . 8 8 3 , 6 5 1 ) (1 3 . 8 8 9 . 8 6 1 ) (7 . 4 6 1 . 8 5 7 ) (9 6 1 , 5 7 9 ) TO T H . N E T I i V O P R T I P l T 37 5 ; 9 8 9 , 2 1 9 8,4 4 5 , 4 7 3 99 , 1 9 2 , 8 2 3 30 , 7 0 3 . 0 3 8 0 4& . 9 9 , s m 15 9 , 3 7 5 , 6 4 9 20 . 7 1 1 , 3 5 11 . 1 2 6 . 1 7 7 1,4 3 3 , 8 2 4 -SY S T E M H E f P t T P R O O T f H Y D O 10 0 . ~ ~ % 1.7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 6 6 2 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5.5 0 8 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % lI I2 ~ !l - - l! l! - rm I3 OT H E P A T l P l ( E X U D E E X R I E N t A L ) DG P 0 0 ó 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SG 2,9 7 8 , 0 9 . 7 8 5 51 . 0 5 . 5 3 5 78 5 . 6 7 4 . 7 4 3 24 3 . 1 9 6 . 1 0 8 0 37 . 2 7 U 4 2 1.2 6 2 , 3 6 3 . 7 2 5 16 4 . 0 4 . 1 J 6 9 88 , 1 2 6 . 9 0 2 11 , 3 5 . 8 8 1 SS C T n, 0 8 . 9 7 9 1.3 1 8 , 8 5 4 20 . 3 7 6 . 3 9 8,2 8 3 , 5 7 3 0 9,5 9 1 , c i 7 8 32 , 7 2 2 , 3 0 7 4.2 0 , 4 5 2,2 6 5 , 1 1 3 30 1 , 3 0 3, 0 5 5 , 1 5 4 , 7 8 52 , 3 6 , 3 9 80 , 0 5 1 , 1 3 4 24 9 , 4 7 9 , 6 8 1 0 38 1 , 8 3 , 8 2 0 1,2 9 5 , 0 8 , 0 3 2 16 8 , 2 5 4 . 5 2 8 90 , 3 9 2 , 0 1 5 11 , 6 5 8 , 1 8 4 LE S A C T E D D E C I T I DG P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DG U (1 . 3 4 7 . 4 8 2 ) (2 3 , 0 9 ) (3 5 . 4 0 ) (1 1 0 . 0 3 8 ) 0 (1 6 8 . 4 4 ) (5 7 1 . 1 7 5 ) (1 4 . 2 1 (3 1 . . ' 4 ) (5 . 1 3 1 ) SG (2 8 , 1 0 . 9 5 ) (4 . 5 2 1 . 1 1 ) (8 9 . 5 8 5 , 4 8 5 ) (2 1 . 5 3 9 , 3 4 ) 0 (3 2 , 9 7 1 , 2 G 9 . (1 1 1 , 8 0 , 7 8 1 ) (1 4 , 5 2 . 3 n ) (7 , 8 0 5 , 2 6 ) (1 . 0 0 5 . 8 5 ) SS C T (1 9 , ~ . 5 7 8 ) (3 3 , 3 1 6 ) (5 , 1 7 3 , 0 4 1 (1 . 5 9 5 , 2 3 9 ) 0 (2 . 4 ' ' ' 5 9 1 (8 , 3 0 7 , 3 5 9 ) (1 , 0 6 7 , 9 1 3 ) (5 1 5 , 0 5 4 ) (7 8 , 4 9 3 ) (2 8 . 6 7 5 . 0 1 5 ) (4 . 8 7 9 , 0 2 ) (7 6 . 1 1 4 , 0 2 1 ) (2 3 , 2 4 4 , 8 2 1 ) 0 (3 6 5 7 4 . 8 9 7 ) (1 2 0 . 6 8 3 , 3 1 5 ) (1 5 , 6 7 1 . 5 1 8 ) (8 , 4 2 0 , 1 3 5 ) (1 . 0 8 7 , 4 8 4 ) TO T A L N E T O T H E R P R O O T I P L 2,7 1 0 , 4 7 9 , 7 4 8 47 , 4 0 . 3 8 73 0 . 9 3 7 , 1 1 3 22 , 2 3 5 . 0 6 0 34 , 2 8 8 , 9 2 3 1,1 7 4 , 4 0 2 . 7 1 7 15 2 , 5 8 3 , 0 1 2 81 , 9 7 1 , 8 8 10 , 5 1 . 6 8 _P O SY S T E M N E T P l A P R C T O T 10 0 . ~ ~ % 1.7 1 4 2 26 . 3 8 3 1 % 8.1 8 5 9 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 4 9 9 2 % 42 . . 5.5 0 7 5 % 2.9 5 8 8 % 0.3 8 1 5 % Pa g e 1 0 . 4 AL L O C T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S DE S C R I P T I O N~TO T A L P f O O U C r l O P L T LE S A C C U M U L T E O E l 1 TO T A l N £ P R O D T I O P l T .-SY S T E M H E " P R T t P L A IM . ' ' Q , TR A S S I O P l lE S A C T E D D E 1 1 TO T A L N E T R A P l "' Tav ' T l M N I T J l 1 ' "" J I DlT R U T O P L T & P A C I F I P O E R LE S S A C C U U l T E D D E P R C I A T I ON P P OM I O N E T P L A O I S T R Ø N P A C F l C P O R Ol T R J U T I O P L T . R O Y M O U N T A I P O W E R LE S A C C U L A T E O O E P R c t T I O ON U DM I O H E T P L A D l T R l T l R . M P . TO T R . N E T O I T R l T l O P l DN P o a l N P SY S T E M H E T P L A T D l T R FA C T O R oo P oo U SO SS O C H SS OGIl SO SS O C H SS C T OGIl so OGIl SO s s s Ca l l f o r n . Or e g o n W.. h l n g t n Mo n t a n a Wy o - P L Ut a h Id a h o Wy o - U P L FE R C . U P L OT H E R NO N . U T I L I T P a g e R e I . :i Jõ - -- -. w. .! - ~ fE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3 1 5 , 0 1 0 . 2 1 8 14 3 . 5 7 0 . . 2.2 0 . 4 8 , 6 6 4 66 3 , 9 1 7 , _ 0 1, 0 4 6 . 9 0 5 , 7 8 7 3, 5 5 . 0 2 9 . 1 4 9 46 1 . 3 3 7 . 2 6 3 24 7 , 8 3 1 , 1 6 4 31 . 9 3 1 . 8 5 3 51 0 . 3 8 . 9 2 9 8,0 1 8 . 4 0 14 0 . 6 1 8 . 6 8 7 42 . 8 9 1 . 3 2 3 0 65 5 4 , 9 9 21 5 . 6 4 3 , 6 2 28 , 2 9 8 , 2 5 8 15 , 6 5 6 , 9 4 1 1, 9 1 8 , 6 9 n, 0 6 3 , 9 7 1 1.3 1 8 , 8 5 20 , 3 7 8 , 3 9 8. 2 8 3 , 5 7 3 0 9.5 9 1 . 9 7 8 32 . 7 2 2 , 3 0 7 4, 2 0 . 4 5 9 2. 2 5 . 1 1 3 30 1 , 3 0 !I. 0 7 1 . 4 5 . 1 2 5 15 3 , 8 0 , _ 2.3 1 0 . 3 7 3 . 7 4 1 73 , 0 9 2 . 8 9 5 0 1,1 2 2 ; 0 4 , 1 6 3,7 9 8 . 3 9 5 , 0 7 7 49 3 , 8 3 . 9 8 1 26 5 , 7 5 3 , 2 1 8 34 , 1 5 5 . 8 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2 . 8 3 4 . 7 0 5 . 3 9 1 ) 14 8 . 5 0 . 5 2 1 ) (7 4 7 . 8 4 7 . 0 5 8 ) (2 3 1 , 4 8 7 , 0 0 ) 0 (3 5 4 . 3 4 . 1 6 2 ) (1 , 2 0 1 . 5 8 5 . 0 1 4 ) (1 5 6 . 1 4 9 . 6 8 7 ) (8 3 , 8 8 3 . 8 7 8 ) (1 0 , 8 1 0 . 0 6 5 1 (1 5 8 . 6 8 5 . 6 e l 1 (2 . 7 2 4 . 1 9 4 ) (4 2 . 9 3 1 . 5 1 8 ) (1 3 , 1 0 4 , 4 1 9 ) 0 ~2 0 , 0 2 l . 3 2 0 ) (6 5 . 8 8 4 , 7 5 9 ) (8 . 6 4 5 . 2 4 6 ) (4 . 7 8 3 . 6 0 4 ) (5 8 5 . 6 0 t ) (1 9 . 5 0 . 5 7 8 ) (3 3 , 3 1 8 1 (5 . 1 7 3 , 0 4 ) (1 . 5 9 5 . 2 3 ) 0 (2 , 4 3 5 , 1 5 9 ) (8 . 3 0 7 , 3 5 9 ) (1 , 0 6 7 . $ 1 1 3 ) (5 7 5 , 0 5 4 ) (7 6 , 4 9 3 ) (3 . 0 1 2 , 9 5 5 . 6 3 0 ) (5 1 . 5 3 0 3 1 ) (7 9 . 9 5 1 . 6 2 1 ) (2 4 8 , 1 8 8 . 8 6 ) 0 (3 7 6 , 8 0 . 6 4 1 1 (1 , 2 7 5 . 7 7 7 . 1 3 1 ) (1 8 5 , 8 6 2 . 8 4 ) (8 9 . 2 4 2 . 5 3 7 ) (1 1 , 4 1 2 , 1 5 9 ) 5, 9 5 , 5 0 . 4 9 10 2 , 1 5 0 , 5 6 5 1,5 1 4 , 4 2 2 , 1 2 0 48 , 9 0 , 2 3 1 0 74 5 . 2 3 5 , 1 2 3 2.5 2 . 8 1 7 . 9 4 6 32 7 , 9 n . 1 3 5 17 6 . 5 1 0 , 6 8 1 22 . 6 8 3 . 6 9 4 10 0 . 0 0 1.7 1 4 4 " 1 28 . 4 2 1 % 8. 1 ' 1 8 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 5 0 7 1 % 42 . 3 3 4 % 5.5 0 % 2.9 6 2 3 % 0.3 8 0 7 % :i So - nu -. w. .! l! ~ fE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 3 4 2 . 9 1 3 , 9 2 1 51 . 3 0 , 5 9 1 88 1 , 9 2 1 , 7 5 0 27 2 , 9 8 8 . 2 0 4 0 41 7 , 8 7 8 , 0 1 9 1,1 7 . 0 0 . 2 5 5 18 4 , 1 4 4 , 3 4 98 . 9 2 2 , 8 5 12 , 7 4 8 , 1 0 3 3. 3 4 2 , 9 1 3 , 9 2 1 57 , 3 0 , 5 9 1 88 1 , 9 2 1 . 7 5 0 27 2 , 9 8 8 . 2 0 4 0 41 7 . 8 1 8 . 0 1 9 1. 4 1 7 ~ 0 0 . 2 5 5 18 4 , 1 4 4 , 3 4 98 , 9 2 2 . 6 5 5 12 , 7 4 8 , 1 0 3 (3 8 7 . 8 9 9 . 4 8 ) ( 6 . 6 4 9 , 6 4 ) ( 1 0 2 . 3 3 , 9 6 ) ( 3 1 , 6 1 t . 5 4 9 ) 0 ( 4 8 , 4 $ , 7 9 ) ( 1 6 4 . 4 2 4 . 2 0 4 ) ( 2 1 , 3 6 7 . 4 3 4 ) ( 1 1 . 7 8 . 6 2 ) ( 1 , 4 7 9 . 2 4 3 ) (3 8 7 . 8 6 7 . 5 5 ) ( 6 , & 4 5 , 6 7 1 ) ( 1 0 2 . 2 7 3 , 7 8 1 ) ( 3 1 , 6 5 7 . 6 1 1 ) 0 ( 4 8 . 4 5 , S 1 0 ) ( 1 8 4 , 3 2 5 . 9 0 3 ) ( 2 1 , 3 5 . 8 5 9 ) ( 1 1 . 7 1 , 7 5 9 ) ( 1 . 4 7 8 . 3 5 ) (3 6 7 . 2 7 2 , 3 3 ) ( 6 . 2 , 0 4 2 ) ( 9 8 , 8 9 1 4 9 ( 2 9 , 9 9 2 , 1 0 2 ) 0 ( 4 5 , 9 1 0 , 3 3 5 ) ( 1 5 5 , 8 8 0 , 7 0 3 ) ( 2 0 , 2 3 1 , 1 8 9 ) ( 1 0 , 8 6 8 , 2 2 9 ) ( 1 , 4 0 . 5 8 ) 11 . 1 4 2 . 8 3 9 . 3 4 ) ( 1 9 , S Q 1 , 3 5 9 ) ( 3 0 1 , 5 0 1 , 8 9 3 ) ( 9 3 . 3 2 . 2 8 2 ) ° ( 1 4 2 . 8 5 8 , 9 4 5 ) ( 4 8 , 4 3 . 8 1 0 ) ( 6 2 , 9 5 3 . 2 8 1 ) ( 3 3 , 8 1 8 . 6 1 0 ) ( 4 . 3 5 . 1 8 4 ) 2.2 0 , 0 7 4 . s n 37 . 7 1 5 . 2 3 2 58 . 4 1 9 , 8 5 7 17 9 , 6 6 1 . 9 4 2 27 5 . 0 " 1 . 0 7 4 93 2 , 5 7 5 , 4 4 5 1 2 1 , 1 9 1 , 0 6 2 85 . 1 0 4 , 0 4 8 , 3 8 , 9 1 9 10 0 . ~ ~ % 1.7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 8 8 2 % 0. ~ ~ % 1 2 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 % 5 . 5 0 5 % 2. 9 5 9 2 % 0 . 3 8 1 3 % :I Jõ nu -. w . .! _ ~ f l lI 2.7 1 2 . 2 8 2 , 0 4 21 3 , 8 8 , 5 3 5 1,6 6 2 , 1 9 2 , 7 0 38 , 1 1 6 , 4 5 3 44 7 , 3 1 0 . 3 4 9 (1 , 1 6 5 , 4 4 , 8 0 ) ( 9 5 9 3 8 , 1 3 3 ) ( 7 2 0 , 1 4 6 , 9 8 5 ) ( 1 7 1 , 5 8 , 9 0 2 ) 0 ( 1 7 7 . 1 6 5 , 5 8 ) 0 0 0 0 1. 5 4 , 8 4 1 , 4 4 1 1 7 , 7 2 4 . 4 0 9 4 1 , 4 4 5 , 7 1 8 2 1 7 , 5 2 . 5 5 1 0 2 7 0 , 1 4 4 . 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 . ~ ~ % 7.8 1 0 6 % 14 . 0 8 8 % 17 . 4 6 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % eo . 8 6 2 5 % O. l l 2.6 1 4 . 3 5 5 , 7 5 1 2,2 6 6 . 1 5 0 . 8 0 3 2 6 4 , 7 7 4 , 4 5 8 83 , 4 3 0 , 6 9 (8 3 7 . 8 7 0 . 8 8 5 ) 1.7 7 . 4 8 , 8 8 o 0 0 ( I 0 ( 6 9 0 , 4 4 3 , 5 5 1 ) ( 1 1 1 , 4 4 1 , 3 0 2 ) ( 3 5 , Ð $ , 0 3 1 ) 0 o 0 0 0 ( I 1 . 5 7 5 , 7 0 7 , 0 5 1 5 3 , 3 3 , 1 5 6 4 7 , 4 4 , 6 5 9 0 10 0 . ~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 l 0. 0 0 0. ~ ~ % 0 . ~ ~ % 8 8 . 6 9 8 0 % 8 . 6 3 1 3 % 0.~ ~ % 2.6 7 0 7 0 / . 3, 3 2 , 3 2 6 . 3 O 11 7 , 7 2 4 , 4 0 2 94 1 . 4 4 , 7 1 8 21 7 . 5 2 . 5 5 1 27 0 , 1 4 4 . n o 1 . 5 7 5 , 7 0 7 . 0 5 2 1 5 3 , 3 3 3 1 5 6 47 . 4 4 . 8 5 10 0 . ~ ~ % 3.5 4 4 % 28 . 3 2 8 4 % 6. 5 4 % 0. ~ ~ % 8 . 1 2 8 7 % 4 1 , 4 1 3 8 % 4 . 8 1 3 8 % 1. 4 2 7 8 % OD D Pa g e 10 . 5 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M L O A D S DE S C R l f T r i O N .! GE R A P . T FA C T O R S OO P OO U SE SO SO ON oe u SS G C T SSRe C l P l _ LE A C C T E D E I A T 1 S OG OG se SO SO ON SS O T SS G C TO A L N E T G E P l .. . 8Y ' Æ N N E T G E N E R A P U IIGe U I f P L se LE A C T E D O E T I SE .- 'Y a T I M " T P I M l 1I IN A N E P l S OO P OO U SE ON SO SO SS G e SS H lE S S A C C U M U L T E D A M O R T J T I O N S DG oo u se ON SO SOSS T SS G C TO T A L N E T I N A N E P L T ." ' SY S T E N E l N T A N P L A Ca l i f o r n i a Il Or e i i o n W a s h i n g o n M o n t a a W y o - P P L _ i i ~ - . Ut a h I d a h o ~ Wy o - U P L F E R C - U P L O T H E R N O N . U T I L I T Y P a i i . R e I . l! _ ~ W I 41 , 3 0 , 3 2 1 2 . 6 8 1 , 4 4 0 1 5 4 , 9 4 2 . 1 4 8 4 2 , 3 6 . 8 9 3 0 5 8 , 1 8 5 . 9 4 i n . 0 7 3 , 0 8 2 3 1 , ¡ g Ø , 5 5 1 2 . 2 5 5 , 2 5 7 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 . 7 0 5 t U , s 1 1 3 . 8 6 5 4 . 6 2 6 0 9 8 , 0 1 1 2 9 . 9 7 5 4 4 . 9 2 2 4 , 1 2 9 2 . 8 0 20 . 0 0 . 4 5 3 . 5 3 1 , 4 7 4 5 4 , 3 4 7 . 7 3 7 1 8 , 8 2 . 6 8 4 0 2 5 , 7 5 1 , 2 8 2 8 7 . 3 2 1 . 0 1 1 1 , 3 4 7 , 7 5 1 8 , 0 9 , 0 3 1 7 8 5 . 5 9 2 25 0 , 4 0 1 . 2 5 0 5 . 9 8 , 4 7 2 8 9 . 8 4 . 0 4 1 9 J M l 3 , 2 Ð 0 2 8 , 3 3 . 1 9 8 1 0 5 . 8 3 2 . 1 2 3 1 3 . 5 0 2 , 4 3 6 , 3 8 5 , 6 6 3 6 5 5 . 0 5 1 24 . V 7 4 , 8 Ø 3 8 3 , 8 6 1 . 7 1 8 , 5 0 3 1 , 7 8 2 . 7 9 8 0 1 , 6 6 . 0 6 1 2 . 0 1 3 . 7 9 9 7 0 . 1 5 8 2 1 8 , 5 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 , 1 5 1 3 . 4 8 5 3 , 9 7 9 1 8 , 6 4 6 0 2 5 , 4 1 0 8 6 , 6 8 5 1 1 . 4 3 6 . 0 0 1 1 9 4, 4 4 . 2 9 7 7 6 , 2 8 2 1 , 2 0 1 . 8 3 9 3 6 , 6 4 9 0 5 6 . 6 2 3 1 , 8 4 , 3 9 2 4 2 , 0 8 1 3 3 , 9 1 4 U l , 3 9 3 (4 8 , e o O O ) ( 5 9 3 . 0 8 2 ) ( 1 3 , 8 8 l l , 1 2 7 ) ( 2 , 3 8 , 8 9 ) 0 ( 4 , 9 3 9 , 7 9 2 ) ( 2 4 . 2 5 2 , 2 8 4 ) ( 1 , 6 1 8 , 6 7 5 ) ( 8 2 4 , 5 8 ) ( 9 1 ; 7 7 4 ) 92 7 , 4 3 9 , 8 5 7 2 2 . 3 2 8 , 3 0 2 1 4 . 3 9 7 . 1 9 5 7 8 , 8 8 7 , 8 6 0 0 l 0 0 . e 7 5 . 7 ~ 3 6 . 2 1 6 , 6 7 0 5 6 , 3 0 . 3 1 0 2 4 , 2 9 2 . 9 0 1 . 3 6 2 , 8 8 7 (1 8 7 . 0 4 . 5 3 ) (5 , 0 1 1 . 8 2 9 ) (5 3 . 5 6 9 . 8 1 5 ) C1 7 . 2 . 6 6 2 1 0 (2 3 . 1 0 3 . 2 8 5 ) (5 3 . 9 6 . 7 3 6 ) (1 0 . 1 9 4 . 9 1 4 ) (4 . 2 6 7 . 2 9 7 ) 0 (6 . 2 7 2 . 4 8 (1 0 7 . 5 2 7 ) (1 . 8 5 4 . " " ) (5 1 2 . 2 2 1 ) 0 (7 8 4 , 0 8 ) (2 . . . . 7 0 1 (3 4 5 , 5 1 9 ) (1 8 5 . 6 1 3 ) (2 3 . . 2 0 ) (1 1 . 1 7 2 . 0 3 ) (1 9 1 . 5 1 9 ) (2 . 9 4 7 . 3 8 ) (9 1 2 . 3 2 8 ) 0 (1 . 3 9 . 5 4 3 ) (4 . 7 3 5 . 6 4 0 1 (8 1 5 . 4 1 1 ) (3 3 0 . 8 0 ) (4 2 . 8 0 4 ) C3 3 . 9 O ) (5 . 4 6 ) C8 3 . 8 2 5 1 (2 Ø . 2 7 3 ) 0 (4 7 . 1 4 0 ) (1 4 2 . 8 3 5 ) (2 1 . 1 0 1 (1 1 . 6 0 5 ) (1 . 3 5 0 ) (4 6 . 2 5 3 . 7 7 1 (7 9 . 0 1 5 ) (1 2 . 2 0 . " 2 ) (3 . 7 1 1 . 1 6 5 ) 0 (5 . 7 8 1 , 8 8 5 ) (1 9 . 6 0 . 2 1 7 ) (2 , 5 4 7 . 8 8 ) (1 . 3 6 . 7 3 0 ) (1 7 6 , 3 8 7 ) (6 2 . 4 3 . 1 4 6 ) (1 . 9 8 . 8 3 ) (2 2 , 9 9 , 7 1 8 ) (8 . 5 3 . 1 9 7 ) 0 (9 . 3 2 7 , 9 1 8 ) (3 4 . 8 4 1 . 0 5 7 ) (4 . 4 4 5 . 1 4 3 ) (2 , 1 0 2 , 2 2 8 ) (2 1 5 . 8 5 0 ) (9 , 0 7 8 . 4 5 6 (2 3 0 . 7 7 ) (2 . 8 0 . 9 9 8 ) (6 4 0 , 7 8 1 ) 0 (8 0 " ' 4 5 ) (4 . 3 6 7 . 0 8 ) (3 5 . . . . 1 (7 . . . . . ) 0 (3 3 . . ' ) 15 M ) ca . 7 5 0 1 (2 . . . ) 0 (4 . 1 1 9 ) (1 4 . 0 5 ) (1 . . . 1 (.7 3 ) (1 2 9 ) (2 , 3 3 1 , 4 7 ) (.. . 2 1 ) (6 3 , 7 8 1 ) (1 9 2 . 5 4 1 ) 0 (2 9 . 2 4 4 1 (9 6 . 0 3 6 ) (1 2 7 , 0 2 3 ) (7 0 . 2 8 ) (8 , 6 0 4 ) (3 2 5 . 3 2 2 , 5 5 ) (8 , 3 4 . 4 5 ) (9 6 , 8 9 1 . 4 6 1 ) (2 9 . 8 9 3 , 8 7 2 ) 0 (4 1 . 3 4 2 , 8 6 0 ) (1 2 1 . 3 0 2 . 4 5 6 ) (1 8 . 1 3 5 1 . 9 7 3 ) (8 . 4 1 6 , 0 2 9 ) (4 8 8 . 6 4 5 ) 80 2 . 1 1 7 . 3 0 13 . 9 7 8 . 8 4 3 17 7 , 4 9 9 , 7 3 4 48 . l i 1 3 , 9 8 0 68 . 3 3 3 . 0 8 23 . 9 1 4 . 2 1 4 37 . 6 4 . 3 3 15 , 8 7 8 . 8 7 8 89 4 . 2 2 2 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2. 3 2 1 3 % 29 . 4 7 0 3 % 8.1 3 3 6 % 0.~ ~ % 11 . 3 4 8 % 39 . ø 7 W % 6.2 5 2 7 % 2. 6 3 6 % 0.1 4 8 5 % Il ~ -. ~ -. ~ l! - ~ = 27 8 , 0 2 1 . 7 2 4,4 8 8 . 8 3 1 88 , 4 0 1 . 0 0 2 21 4 l , 3 4 0 38 . 5 5 . 0 7 5 11 6 . 8 3 1 . 6 8 7 17 ; 6 7 5 . 2 9 1 0.4 9 2 , 4 0 1 1,1 0 4 . 0 8 9 (1 1 0 , 2 1 8 , 1 5 ) ( 2 , 7 3 , 8 7 7 ( 4 1 . 8 9 1 , 2 9 5 ) ( 1 3 . 1 6 1 , 4 1 9 ) 0 ( 2 3 , 6 1 4 , 3 8 ) ( 1 1 . 5 5 . 0 3 2 ) ( 1 0 , 8 2 5 , 0 0 ) ( 5 , 8 1 3 , 4 9 7 ) ( 6 7 8 . 1 8 5 ) 10 7 , 7 5 0 . 0 1 2 1 . 7 3 1 . 9 5 z e . 5 0 , 7 0 7 8 , 3 2 8 , 8 8 0 1 4 . 9 4 . 6 8 4 5 . 2 7 9 . 6 5 6 , 8 5 . 2 9 1 3 . 8 7 8 . 9 0 4 2 7 , 9 0 4 10 0 . ~ ~ % 1.6 0 7 4 % 24 . 8 0 2 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0. O l 13 . 8 6 7 % 42 0 2 2 5 % 6. 3 5 7 5 % 3. 4 1 4 3 0.3 9 7 1 % Il ll - -- -. ~ l! - lY WI 7,0 4 2 . 8 3 7 8.7 0 1. 5 7 9 , 2 4 4 55 . 0 8 7 0 83 0 . 8 7 8 2.6 5 1 . 6 1 1,4 1 5 , 8 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 4 5 3 , 8 7 2 55 . 5 1 6 &4 9 . 7 4 8 26 . 9 7 5 0 47 9 . 0 0 1. 4 5 1 . 4 0 3 21 9 . 5 8 1 11 7 . 9 2 4 13 , 7 1 8 11 8 . 7 S 8 . 9 8 1 3.0 1 8 , 9 0 3e . 8 9 . 3 1 4 8, 3 8 2 . 4 0 1 0 7.8 0 3 . 9 1 3 57 . 1 2 7 . 8 5 8 4,1 5 1 3 . 2 7 1 1.0 2 9 . 4 9 6 0 21 3 , 7 9 , 9 3 3,6 6 . 0 4 1 58 , 4 0 , 2 1 3 17 . 4 5 8 , 9 5 0 0 26 . 1 2 5 . 2 4 5 90 . 8 2 4 . 5 8 2 11 , 7 7 . 9 4 6.3 2 , 5 9 5 81 5 . 3 0 38 . 5 1 3 , 5 8 8,7 5 8 4 1 10 2 , 2 3 . 9 4 4 29 . 0 7 3 , 6 1 0 41 , 4 7 2 . 9 1 0 15 4 . 9 0 , 0 1 8 19 , 7 6 3 . 5 7 6 9.3 4 , 1 2 7 95 8 . 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 , 5 8 5 , 1 ; 0 15 . 4 9 9 . 8 2 1 18 7 . 7 8 2 . 5 2 2 55 . 1 4 1 , 3 7 4 0 n,4 0 1 . 9 5 4 30 , 7 8 1 . 2 2 37 , 1 8 9 , 2 3 1 16 , 8 2 0 , 7 4 3 1,7 8 7 . 8 2 3 (8 1 , 0 0 2 1 0 ( 4 0 , 0 9 5 ) ( 1 , 4 5 5 ) 0 ( 7 3 . 3 3 ) ( 1 5 . 9 4 3 ) ( 7 3 . 1 6 6 ) 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3 3 , 8 3 8 ) ( 5 . 1 0 2 ) ( 8 7 . 7 5 8 ) ( 2 7 . 1 8 4 ) 0 ( 4 1 , 5 8 1 1 ( 1 4 1 , 0 0 ) ( 1 8 . 3 2 3 ) ( 9 . 8 4 ) ( 1 . 2 6 ) (1 . 0 1 1 . 0 8 7 ) ( 1 0 . 2 5 2 ) ( 2 4 8 . 1 5 ) ( 7 8 . 1 5 4 ) 0 ( 1 4 0 . 2 2 5 ) ( 4 2 4 . 8 8 4 ) ( 6 4 , 2 8 0 ) ( 3 4 5 2 1 ) ( 4 , 0 1 5 ) (8 1 , 5 1 1 . 4 8 ) ( 2 . 7 5 . 4 2 0 ) ( 2 7 , 8 5 8 , 5 9 1 ) ( 8 . 3 1 8 . 0 0 7 ) 0 ( 5 . 9 4 9 . 8 2 3 ) ( 4 3 , 0 5 8 . 4 2 4 ) ( 3 . 4 7 7 . 1 2 8 ) ( 7 7 5 . 9 5 5 ) 0 (5 6 . 7 1 9 . 5 1 9 ) ( 9 7 2 . 3 2 ) ( 1 4 , 9 8 3 . 6 4 5 ) ( 4 , 6 3 1 , 8 1 5 ) 0 ( 7 . 0 9 0 . 1 4 0 ) ( 2 . 0 4 2 , 4 7 2 ) ( 3 , 1 2 4 , 3 0 ) ( 1 . 6 7 8 , 4 3 ) ( 2 1 8 , 2 9 8 ) (2 5 0 , 4 4 . 8 5 5 ) ( 5 , 9 8 1 . 3 3 ) ( 8 . 8 6 1 , 8 0 7 ) ( 1 9 . 8 7 . 1 2 0 ) 0 ( 2 8 , 3 3 . B 9 8 ) ( l O S . 8 5 2 . 8 8 ) ( 1 3 . 5 0 . 0 5 1 ) ( 8 . 3 8 , 9 0 2 ) ( 6 5 . 1 7 9 ) o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (U . 8 7 ! ) ( 1 , 1 8 5 ) ( 1 8 , 3 6 ) ( 5 , 6 0 0 ( 8 . 5 8 ) ( 2 , 1 8 2 ) ( 3 . 6 9 ) ( 2 . 0 4 ) ( 2 5 0 ) (3 9 . l S . 3 1 6 ) ( 9 . 2 5 2 . 4 9 ) ( 1 1 2 . 8 7 8 , 8 1 3 ) ( 3 0 , 9 2 9 . 3 2 1 ) 0 ( 4 1 . 4 3 . 3 8 ) ( 1 7 3 . 5 6 . 5 7 1 ) ( 2 0 ~ 9 2 9 , 0 4 0 ) ( 8 , 8 8 7 . 6 9 ) ( 8 1 1 , 0 1 1 ) 31 0 , 8 0 5 . 8 7 3 6,2 4 7 . 3 2 2 84 . 8 8 5 , 7 0 24 , 8 1 2 , 0 5 3 35 . 7 5 . 5 8 13 3 . 1 9 8 , 1 5 2 7.9 3 3 . 0 4 S 91 0 . 8 1 2 18 , 8 8 , 1 9 1 10 0 . 0 C 2. 0 1 1 3 % 7.9 8 % 0.~ ~ % 42 . 8 8 3 % 2.5 5 1 % 0. 2 9 3 2 % 11 . 5 1 2 5 % 5.- 4 2 8 2 % 27 . 3 2 1 % Pa g . , 0 . 6 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S DE S P T I O N FA C T O R Ca l i f r n i a Or e g o n W. . h l n g t n Mo n t a n a Wy o - P P L Ut a h Id a h o Wy o - U P L FE R C - P L OT H E R NO N . U T I L I T Y P a g e R e I . _l p i ' Il i; 2ø -. II ~ Yl I! ~ wi PR t I C f I 8.9 7 " , 4 5 0 . 1 2 5 15 3 . 8 0 3 . 5 9 2.3 7 0 , 3 1 3 7 4 1 13 3 . M 2 . 8 9 5 . 1, 1 2 2 . 0 4 , 7 6 4 3, 7 9 8 . 3 9 5 . 0 7 7 49 3 , 8 3 9 . 9 8 1 28 5 . 7 5 3 . 2 1 8 34 . 1 5 5 , 8 5 3 Tf W P l T 3.3 4 9 1 3 . 9 2 1 57 . 3 0 . 5 9 1 88 1 . 9 2 1 . 7 5 0 27 2 . 9 8 8 . 2 0 0 41 1 , 8 1 6 , 0 1 9 1,4 1 7 . 0 0 . 2 5 5 18 4 , 1 4 4 , 3 4 98 , 9 2 2 . 6 5 5 12 , 7 4 8 . 1 0 3 ll T R l . . 5,3 2 U I 3 7 . 7 9 1 21 3 . 8 1 2 , 5 3 1.6 8 . 1 9 2 , 1 0 38 , 1 ' ' ' , 4 5 3 0 44 1 , 3 1 0 . 3 4 9 2.2 . 1 5 0 . 6 0 3 26 . 7 7 4 . 4 5 8 83 . 4 3 0 , 6 9 0 _P l 1,2 4 8 1 . 5 7 9 28 . 7 9 1 3 3 34 2 . 7 9 8 . 1 9 6 10 0 , 3 5 8 , 2 0 0 14 8 . 2 3 3 . 8 2 3 47 7 0 4 , 3 5 1 13 , 9 7 5 . 6 0 1 33 , 7 8 5 , 3 0 7 2.4 6 , 9 5 6 IN - . F U 70 , 5 6 , 1 9 0 15 . 4 9 9 , 8 2 1 19 7 , 7 8 2 , 5 2 55 , 7 4 1 ; 3 7 4 . 77 . 4 0 1 . 9 5 4 30 , 7 8 1 , 7 2 37 . 7 8 9 , 2 3 1 16 , 8 2 0 , 7 4 3 1, 7 8 7 , 8 2 3 TO T A L G R S S P L ' 1C U s e , 0 3 l , 8 0 46 7 , 0 6 7 . 6 7 6 5,4 5 5 . 0 4 8 , 9 1 2 1,5 5 1 , 2 9 7 , 1 3 1 0 2. 2 1 2 , 8 6 6 , 9 1 0 8, 2 6 S , 3 6 2 , o l ! 5 1,0 5 , 5 2 3 . 8 1 4 49 8 . 7 1 2 . 8 1 3 51 . 5 8 , 7 3 5 -GR P L . . S T e F A C 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2_ 3 8 % 27 . 8 9 % 7.9 3 2 % 0. 0 0 11 . 3 1 5 5 % 42 . 2 6 5 0 % 5.3 9 2 3 % 2.5 5 0 % 0.2 E 1 6 % OJ ) o O O 7 8 8 % AC U L T E D £ P R I A T I O A N A M O R I Z T I O PR T I C P l (3 . 0 1 2 , 8 5 5 . 8 3 0 ) (5 1 . 8 5 . 0 3 1 ) (1 5 , 9 5 1 . ( ; 2 1 ) (2 4 6 . 1 8 6 . 8 6 4 ) 0 (3 7 6 . 8 0 . 6 4 1 ) (1 . 2 7 5 . m . 1 3 1 ) (1 6 5 , 8 6 2 . 8 4 6 ) (8 9 . 2 4 2 , 5 3 7 ) TR P L (1 . 1 4 2 , 8 3 9 . 3 4 ) (1 9 . 5 9 1 . 3 5 ) (3 0 1 , 5 0 1 . 8 9 3 ) (9 3 . 3 2 . 2 6 2 ) 0 (1 4 2 , 8 5 8 . 9 4 ) (4 8 . 4 3 , 8 1 0 ) (6 2 . 9 5 3 , 2 8 1 ) (3 3 , 8 1 8 . 6 1 0 ) Ol T R l T t O N P l 12 , 0 0 3 1 1 , 4 8 5 ) (9 5 , 9 3 8 . 1 3 3 ) (1 , 7 4 6 . 9 8 5 ) (1 7 1 . 5 8 . 9 0 2 ) 0 (In , 1 6 5 . 5 8 0 ) (6 9 . 4 4 3 . 5 5 1 ) (1 1 1 . 4 4 1 . 3 0 2 ) (3 5 . 9 8 6 . 0 3 1 ) GE P L (4 9 5 . 5 9 3 . 3 0 ) (1 1 . 0 8 , 3 3 ) (1 3 8 . 7 8 8 . 7 5 8 ) (4 3 . 0 5 5 . 3 5 2 ) . (6 4 , 9 5 7 . 0 4 ) (1 9 2 . 8 5 4 . 4 8 n (2 9 . 4 7 6 . 0 7 2 ) (1 4 . 2 2 . 5 2 6 ) IN T A N I ! P l (3 9 , 9 5 9 , 3 1 6 ) (9 . 2 5 2 , 4 9 C ) (1 1 2 . 8 7 6 , 8 1 3 ) (3 0 . 9 2 9 , 3 2 1 ) 0 (4 1 . 6 4 3 , 3 6 5 ) (1 7 3 . 5 6 . 5 7 1 ) (2 0 . 9 2 9 . 0 4 ) (8 , 8 8 7 , 6 9 ) (1 , 0 5 3 6 5 9 . 0 8 ) (1 8 7 , 5 2 1 , 3 5 8 ) (2 . 0 8 . H 6 . 0 6 8 ) 15 8 5 . 0 8 7 . 5 0 1 ) 0 (8 0 3 . 4 3 4 . 5 7 7 ) (2 . 8 1 7 . 0 6 . 5 5 1 ) (3 9 , 6 6 3 . 4 4 1 ) (1 8 2 , 1 6 4 , 4 0 2 ) NE PL 12 . 5 0 . 3 7 8 . 5 2 5 21 9 , 5 4 , 3 1 8 3.3 8 , 1 8 2 . 8 4 5 96 6 . 2 0 . 8 3 0 0 1, 4 0 . 4 3 2 , 3 3 3 5.4 4 . 2 9 , 4 6 66 3 . 8 6 . 1 7 3 31 6 . 5 4 8 , 2 1 1 33 . 3 0 . 5 5 1 SN SY T E N E T ~ T F A C ( I M P ) 10 0 . 0 0 2. 2 3 % 27 . 0 ' 1 3 % 1. 7 2 8 2 % 0. ~ ~ % 11 . 2 7 3 3 % 43 . 5 7 8 5. 3 0 % 2.5 3 1 9 % 0.2 6 % NO T L I 1 A a T E D I N E R T P E R C E N A G E O. l l llIN S T F A C I N P . N C U T 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2. 2 3 5 % 27 . 0 7 6 3 % 7.7 2 8 2 % o. l l 11 . 2 7 3 3 % 43 . 5 7 8 0 % '. 3 0 2.5 3 1 9 % 0.2 6 4 % TO t A l G R S S P L T C L E S S O F A C T O R ) 18 . 9 3 9 . 1 2 2 . 7 1 1 45 2 . 3 3 3 . 5 5 7 5.2 8 2 . 9 6 3 . 9 1 9 1.5 0 2 , 3 5 9 . 9 0 0 2,1 4 3 . 0 5 9 . 8 0 2 8.0 0 . 6 2 2 , 8 1 4 1,0 2 1 , 2 5 7 , 6 0 8 48 2 . 9 8 . 2 2 3 49 , 5 4 , 8 8 1 10 SY S 0 V F A C O R ( S 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2.3 8 8 4 % 27 . 8 9 % 7. 9 3 2 % 0,~ ~ % 11 . 3 1 5 5 ' % 42 . 2 6 5 0 % 5. 3 9 2 3 % 2. 5 5 2 % 0.2 6 1 6 % 18 T IN C O E B E F O R E T A X S Il i; -. -. - ~ Yl - ~ wi Q! -- IN O M E B E F O R S T A T E T A X E S (5 0 5 . 7 5 0 , 5 1 9 ) 5, 5 5 , 4 8 (8 9 . 1 1 7 , 2 ) (7 . 1 0 3 . 7 2 ) 0 (3 4 . 8 7 : . 6 4 2 ) (2 7 2 . 9 9 5 . 9 4 6 ) (4 1 , 4 7 3 . 1 3 3 ) (2 1 , 3 3 8 ; 4 0 1 (5 . 2 2 4 . 8 6 1 ) (4 , 0 3 7 , 2 8 8 ) (3 5 , 1 4 3 , 7 6 ) ln S y n h r 48 . 9 9 7 , 9 2 5 1, 3 7 5 , 2 1 8 14 . 8 6 5 , 1 8 2 3, 0 6 2 . 9 0 7 5.4 6 5 . 8 4 21 . 7 5 8 . 5 9 7 3,0 3 8 . 0 2 4 1,3 0 1 , 4 5 12 9 , 8 1 7 1,8 0 . 1 7 9 10 , 0 9 (4 5 8 , 7 5 2 . 5 9 4 ) 8,9 3 1 , 8 9 (7 4 . 4 5 , 0 7 0 ) (4 . 0 4 0 . 8 1 3 ) 0 (2 0 . 4 0 . 7 9 6 ) (2 5 1 . 2 3 7 . 3 4 ) (3 8 . 4 3 5 . 1 0 9 ) (2 0 . 0 3 6 , 9 5 4 ) (5 . 0 9 4 . 9 8 4 ) (5 , 8 4 . 4 8 7 ) (3 5 . 1 3 3 , 7 4 9 ) IN C B E F O R T A X S ( F A C T O ) 10 0 . 0 0 -1 . S 1 1 Ø % 16 . 3 0 3 % 0.8 8 4 1 % Ol l 8. 4 3 2 % SS . ( I 0 5 1 % 8. 4 1 4 9 % 4. 3 8 % 1.1 1 5 5 1.2 8 0 % 7.6 9 2 1 % Se C f u i d E X C T A X I! Il - 2ø -. - ~ Yl I! ~ wi !l -- -- -" ' S (9 2 7 . 5 2 7 ) (6 3 . 7 t 2 ) (3 4 . 6 5 4 ) (2 4 4 . 2 3 2 ) (1 9 8 . 5 7 3 ) (7 6 . 2 7 6 ) . 0 0 T, . s i c n S (7 1 9 . 5 7 2 ) (2 8 . 4 6 9 ) (3 8 7 . 1 4 9 ) (1 1 0 . 4 7 1 ) (1 6 4 . 7 4 9 ) (2 8 . 1 1 4 ) . 0 0 0I 6 (3 . 2 l 1 . 2 6 ' ) (2 4 8 , 7 1 7 ) (2 . 0 4 2 , 6 8 8 1 (3 0 5 . 6 2 Q ) (6 0 4 . 2 " ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. S 47 . 3 5 1 (') 30 , 7 1 ' (1 1 ) 10 . 8 1 6 .. . . 1 12 3 13 0 0 M_ _ S . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 M.. HU T 1 2. 8 6 . 6 9 3 . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 2, 6 9 . 6 9 3 -- NU T I L 6, 2 0 62 6 5. 6 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ta l P I F ' (2 . 2 1 5 . 0 7 8 ) (3 4 1 . 0 0 3 ) (2 , 1 4 3 . 1 5 4 ) (7 4 4 . 7 1 1 ) 19 5 6 6 9 7 ) (9 8 . 7 4 1 ) I 12 3 13 2. 6 8 . 6 9 3 Pa g e 1 0 . 7 AL L O C A T I O S U S I N G P R O F O R L O A D S De S C R I P T I O FA C T O R C. U f o m i a Or e g o n Wa s h i n g t o n Mo n t n a Wy o - P P L Ut Id a h o Wy o - U P L FE R C - U P L OT H E R NO N - U T I L I T Y P a g R e I . Ro " y U c u l l " - - S C4 . 5 1 ' . 5 1 1 ) 0 0 0 0 (3 . 3 5 8 . 8 0 5 ) (8 4 1 ß 0 ) (2 7 3 7 1 2 ) (3 7 . 3 9 ) 0 T, ~ S (2 . 8 " . 2 6 5 ) 0 0 0 0 12 . 2 0 9 . 8 8 1 ) ,2 9 8 . 8 6 ) (9 8 . 5 4 . ) (1 2 . 9 6 1 ) 0 - S (3 . 2 5 1 . 0 5 1 ) 15 13 7 "" 31 (2 . 6 3 4 . 2 0 1 ) (4 3 8 . 0 7 4 ) (1 7 8 , 9 9 2 ) 0 0 .. S (1 9 5 . 1 0 1 ) (1 . 2 2 3 ) 15 . 5 1 0 ) (3 . . 7 1 ) (3 , 4 1 4 ) (1 8 2 , 5 2 4 ) 2.4 8 5 2, 2 1 8 38 . 0 .. . . S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- NU 0 T_ R o y M o u P o (1 0 , 5 n . 9 2 8 ) (1 . 2 0 7 ) (8 . 6 7 3 ) (3 . 8 3 9 ) (3 . 3 8 3 ) (8 . 3 8 5 , 4 1 7 ) (1 . 5 7 6 . 0 6 1 ) (5 4 9 , 0 3 5 ) (S O . 3 1 3 ) I' I _ M . . 1 - s 10 4 . 9 9 7 . 5 3 1, m , e e i 28 , 3 6 . 6 9 8.2 7 9 . 9 2 12 , 3 0 2 , 1 7 5 43 . 3 0 . 3 4 6. 5 8 5 . 9 3 5 3,8 4 0 . 1 7 7 38 5 . 8 1 4 0 0 Ch U n 4 S 11 . 0 8 . 2 2 20 . 7 6 2 3. 1 8 1 , 2 2 2 0 1,3 6 , 7 3 7 4.3 4 . 7 5 5 64 6 , 1 4 5 37 2 0 9 5 38 , 9 6 1 0 92 5 , 5 3 7 o. U R C . s a . s 1.3 2 1 , 1 3 1 24 . 4 2 1 33 3 , 8 1 9 0 13 9 , 8 1 2 58 9 . 2 0 7 89 , 4 9 2 37 , 2 8 1 5. 5 7 4 0 10 1 . 5 1 9 _. p S 4, 3 5 4 , 6 5 n. . . 1,1 5 6 . 4 1 8 33 0 , 7 8 49 8 . 1 0 0 1, 8 2 4 , 7 4 0 27 3 . 6 8 2 17 7 . 3 1 1 16 , 1 2 2 0 0 _. u S 1,1 8 7 , 2 4 3 21 . 0 6 3'8 . 0 9 5 91 , 6 5 13 7 , 8 7 0 48 , 1 6 1 72 , 4 0 7 42 , 8 8 3 4, 2 f 6 0 0 T_ S 31 , 3 1 3 8 0 .. . . . 10 . 8 4 , 5 5 3 2. 9 2 4 , 1 8 3 4.6 3 1 , 0 4 1 15 . 6 5 , 9 8 1 2.1 9 1 . 0 2 8 1.3 3 3 , 7 9 3 14 0 , 6 3 8 0 0 a_ s 12 5 . 9 7 6 , 6 1 8 5.3 0 2 . 1 3 9 31 , 8 8 6 , 9 9 1 8.6 4 . 5 7 8 8.2 6 , 2 0 57 , 0 4 9 , 1 0 4 5,4 8 2 , 8 2 0 3.3 5 6 . 1 0 0 0 (6 1 5 ) 0- . 5 (3 . 7 5 , 2 8 3 ) (1 1 5 , 9 - 5 ) ~1 . $ 4 , 6 8 ) 91 , 6 2 4 (4 2 2 , 2 4 1 ) (1 , 4 7 3 , 8 0 ) (1 9 4 . 0 4 9 ) (4 6 , 9 3 3 ) 5,Q 4 3 0 (2 . 1 9 6 ) Mi n P t S (1 , 5 3 3 , 8 7 1 ) (2 3 . 4 7 3 ) (5 6 , 9 7 1 ) (9 1 , 6 3 1 ) (2 4 5 . 8 4 8 ) (5 4 1 . 3 1 0 ) (4 9 . 6 0 3 ) (1 1 . 2 7 5 ) (3 . 7 6 0 ) 0 0 WC . C A E F . 2 0 + S 5.6 7 4 , 3 3 1 81 , 5 8 1.5 1 1 , 9 0 1 0 77 , 4 9 7 2,* . 3 3 33 1 . 1 2 7 21 5 . 2 5 7 23 . 6 4 5 0 43 . 9 9 1 we ' C A 2 Q 7 + S 28 1 . 9 6 . 3 5 5,3 3 3 . 6 9 3 19 , 1 2 4 . 1 1 5 0 34 . 4 9 . 5 6 7 11 2 . 7 3 . 4 0 3 17 . 1 ~ , 5 1 3 8,8 9 8 , 1 3 8 1.0 6 8 . 1 8 5 0 23 , 0 2 7 . 1 3 8 WC A - C A W 2 0 7 + S 89 , 6 1 8 , 9 1 8 1.7 6 . 0 4 3 19 . 6 1 8 . 6 6 7 14 . 8 4 7 , 5 3 8, 5 5 , 4 9 3 28 , 0 8 9 . 5 3 5 4. 3 0 . 8 2 9 2,2 0 , 1 8 1 26 4 , g 3 8 0 (9 , 5 3 , 3 0 ) WC _ C A 2 0 7 + ~ S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WC A C A ' t o l . o Q S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WC . o . 2 0 7 . S 27 , 2 5 , 8 3 7 60 . . . 8,6 3 7 . 9 6 3 1.8 0 , 4 2 7 3. 3 0 3 . 7 9 4 10 , 8 5 1 . 8 3 5 1.4 2 2 , 9 9 79 1 , 5 8 5 77 . 4 1 2 0 (2 3 1 . 2 3 7 ) WC A . J Ø D J " S 29 , 7 0 2 5 56 1 . 9 1 0 8,5 5 , 9 9 5,8 7 3 . 0 7 1 3, 7 2 3 , 9 7 3 11 , 9 7 8 , 7 8 1 1.7 9 7 , 4 9 2 98 , 7 4 2 11 5 , 3 5 0 (.. 7 . 0 6 ) ", e - _ _ s (3 , 8 3 8 , 8 1 4 ) 0 (3 . 6 3 6 , 8 1 4 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nc ~ NU T ~ 38 , 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 . 2 2 7 Tø P C ( P c M - . 69 2 . 6 2 2 , 1 6 7 15 , 9 2 7 . 8 5 7 19 3 , 7 3 9 , 9 7 3 42 , 7 8 7 , 1 5 4 nS 2 9 , 2 7 1 28 7 . 3 2 2 6 7 4 40 , 1 0 8 . 8 1 0 22 , 1 0 3 . 9 3 3 2, 1 4 2 . g ( 0 10 , 8 7 1 , 5 9 5 Td l r w T . . 67 , 8 2 9 , 1 6 3 15 , 5 8 5 , 6 4 7 19 o , 9 8 7 , 5 4 42 , 0 3 8 , 8 0 0 76 . 5 8 , 1 9 1 21 8 . 8 3 8 , 5 1 6 38 , 5 3 , 7 5 0 21 . 4 5 , 0 2 1 2. 0 9 2 . 6 0 0 13 , 5 4 1 , 2 8 _" T _ l D X P I 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2. 2 9 28 . 0 9 % 8.1 8 3 7 % O. l l 11 . 2 6 3 0 l\1 . 0 1 8 O 5. 6 6 7 7 3.1 8 3 9 % 0.3 0 7 8 % 0. ~ ~ % 1.9 9 1 9 % Jl I! li - - -. mo l! - rm m! - l! P. . - p- S 53 , 5 7 5 , 0 7 8 1.8 9 , 2 4 8 29 , 2 6 2 , 7 6 5 7.4 5 3 , m 12 , 7 0 6 , 8 4 1 2.2 6 0 . 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 T, _ S 22 . 2 3 , 2 7 8 84 , 1 8 4 12 , 0 6 9 , 1 7 6 3. 3 0 , 6 9 5, 0 3 8 , 5 8 97 3 . 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 5 44 , 7 8 7 , 1 4 5 3.7 9 . 8 7 2 26 . 8 2 0 , 8 4 5 6,0 3 5 . 6 0 4 8,1 3 5 , 7 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 "- S (8 1 0 . 1 1 3 ) 3 (3 9 . 2 ) . (1 4 2 , 6 1 9 ) (. . . . . , 15 ) (1 . 2 2 ) 12 0 ) 0 0 M" " " " S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M. . NU T (4 , 2 5 0 , 1 3 7 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (4 . 2 5 0 . 1 3 7 ) -y . . NU T ~ 14 , 1 8 4 0 1,4 1 8 12 , 7 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tc t P 8 P o 11 5 . 7 4 7 , 3 3 6,5 3 3 . 3 0 7 67 . 7 5 . 6 0 16 , 8 0 , 8 0 7 25 , 7 3 8 , 0 0 3,1 6 4 0 9 5 (5 ) (1 . m ) (2 0 6 ) 0 (4 , 2 5 0 . 1 3 7 ) Ro y M c . . P o - S 93 , 9 2 . 2 0 0 0 0 0 73 , 6 7 8 . 8 0 14 , M 5 . 3 6 S 4.8 9 8 , 0 7 6 f3 , 9 s e T, 1 t S 53 , 2 7 5 , 7 1 2 0 0 0 0 44 , 6 0 . 8 0 7 6,2 7 8 . 9 2 8 2.1 0 3 , 3 6 5 28 4 . 6 1 2 ~ S 50 . 8 8 8 . 8 0 (1 5 ) (1 3 4 ) (3 1 ) (a o ) 41 . 2 1 7 . 8 0 7, 0 6 . 9 3 0 2.6 0 5 . 2 7 9 0 .. S (7 3 . 6 1 3 ) 1. 2 0 1" . 8 0 ) 3.7 0 0 (3 3 , 9 8 7 ) (1 8 . 2 2 7 ) (4 1 8 , 6 8 ) (1 n , 2 2 5 ) (6 , 5 9 1 ) M" , _ S 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. . . . . NU r l t 0 Td a R o k y M c i t a P c 19 7 . 3 5 1 , 1 1 3 1,1 9 0 (8 9 , 9 4 2 ) 3. 6 7 5 (3 4 , 0 1 7 ) 15 9 . 4 8 1 . 1 9 8 21 , 6 1 1 . 5 3 7 9.A 2 9 , 4 9 5 94 1 . l 7 7 Pa g e 10 . 8 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M L O A D S Ol S C R t I O FA C T O R Ca l i f o r n i a Or e o n Wa s h i n g t o n Mo n t a n a Wy o - P P L Ut h Id a h o Wy o - U P L FE R C . U P L OT H E R NO N . U T I L I T Y P a g e R e f . -- . .4 . 8 3 5 , 3 1 8 8, 7 8 , 8 6 2 13 5 G 8 1 . 6 9 36 . 2 1 2 , 1 5 1 51 , 4 0 , 1 2 2 18 4 . 4 S . 2 2 5 26 . 1 0 4 . 1 6 3 10 , 4 6 1 , m 1.6 4 . 7 6 6 0 0 Ql l J ' . (1 2 . 9 5 2 0 ) (2 4 2 . 8 6 2 ) (4 . 5 0 . 2 8 ) 0 (2 . 0 1 1 , ; 6 7 ) (6 . 1 0 2 , 8 8 7 ) (1 . 0 7 6 . 6 2 3 ) (8 6 , 5 5 2 ) (6 7 . 2 8 2 ) 0 1,1 1 4 , 2 5 7 _l J 4 , 5 U . U0 2 . ! 0 28 . 0 8 ~ 37 0 . 1 3 5 0 15 S , l l 5 8 67 0 . 3 2 8 10 2 . 0 4 1 41 , 5 8 1 6. 3 1 1 0 11 4 , 7 6 7 _. p S 31 , 6 5 8 . 5 5 15 5 5 2 . 11 , 5 5 2 . 8 3 8 3.0 8 2 , 1 5 8 4.7 8 1 . 4 2 8 '4 . 6 4 5 . 0 0 1,9 4 3 , 7 0 6 78 . 9 1 4 11 6 . 9 2 4 0 0 _. U S 0; 1 2 1 , 6 8 21 8 . 2 3 5 3,0 8 3 , 9 6 1 87 2 , 8 5 8 1. 1 1 5 , 2 8 0 3.7 5 8 . 1 0 8 49 9 , 9 7 4 18 6 , 9 4 26 , 6 0 5 0 0 T_ . 22 . 8 7 5 . 2 7 8 4. $ 8 . 3 8 67 , 5 1 0 , 2 3 7 18 . 0 9 1 , 4 i è 21 , 3 7 9 , 6 2 4 91 , 1 2 2 , 6 0 12 , 8 0 0 , 3 0 4 4.5 ' 1 1 , 0 0 1 70 5 , 6 9 3 0 0 -- . 47 S , 8 7 2 , 9 C 20 , 1 1 3 . * 14 0 , 8 2 5 , 4 6 29 , 0 9 3 , 5 4 5 32 , 0 1 5 , 3 0 21 8 , 8 0 4 , 1 1 8 24 , 9 2 . 1 5 2 7.8 8 . 0 8 9 0 0 5,9 5 8 - . 13 3 . 4 5 1 . 1 9 5 3.2 4 8 . 1 9 1 43 . 2 . 1 5 0 10 , 0 6 3 . 5 3 16 , 0 6 5 , 3 9 50 . 3 3 . 7 1 5 7.5 1 9 , 0 5 8 2.7 0 8 , 7 2 7 20 , 1 7 4 0 12 . 6 4 0 .. . . . 13 . 6 2 2 7 2 20 , t 3 5 4,2 1 2 , 0 4 7 92 4 . 5 3 1 2,0 1 5 . 5 1 5 5.1 3 0 . 0 2 5 69 7 . 9 2 0 32 3 , 7 7 SO , 2 1 5 0 0 0 WC . . C A 2 0 + . 10 , 1 3 8 . 0 8 13 3 , 6 2 9 2,9 1 0 , 3 6 1 0 1. 5 1 7 . 7 6 6 3,8 3 0 . 2 0 3 50 . 0 4 6 35 2 , 5 6 42 , 5 7 0 0 84 2 . 9 1 7 WC . . C A 2 0 7 . . 38 3 , 8 2 . 5 8 9 7.1 8 3 , 1 7 0 10 8 , 1 6 9 . 9 5 2 0 47 . 3 7 5 . 2 8 7 15 4 . 0 4 , 2 3 22 , 1 2 8 . 2 6 5 11 . 3 3 1 . 4 1 3 1,4 6 4 , 9 2 2 0 31 . 3 2 4 , 3 4 WC . . C A 2 0 7 + . 18 5 . 0 3 8 . 1 0 3 2,9 8 3 , 1 6 8 47 . 8 1 5 . 5 3 3 33 , 5 2 Q , O O 21 , 1 3 4 , 3 8 67 , 9 9 . 8 0 9,5 7 0 , 3 1 6 4.4 8 3 . 1 7 5 65 3 , 1 2 3 0 (2 3 . 1 2 G . 7 6 6 ) WC A _ C N 2 O 1 . - u .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WC C A 2 O 1 . - G . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WC . . o . 2 0 7 . . 50 . 4 6 4 . 2 8 0 1. 1 2 5 . 8 0 16 . 5 2 0 . 6 6 6 3,0 9 . 9 2 5 6.3 4 , 0 3 9 19 . 4 4 1 . 0 5 8 2.6 7 8 . 6 3 6 1,3 2 2 , 2 5 5 11 4 , 1 \ 3 0 (1 8 4 , 1 2 1 ) WC . . J 8 2 0 7 + . 37 , 2 8 8 . 5 8 1 70 , 0 4 9 10 . 7 2 5 . 5 2 5 7.3 1 0 , 5 3 9 4.6 8 7 . 5 8 7 15 . 1 7 5 . 6 7 8 2.2 0 . 2 4 5 1.1 6 7 , 4 7 1 14 5 , 0 6 3 0 (4 , 8 5 1 . 5 7 6 ) Or E x a B o D l e c i l . (7 . 4 1 7 . 6 8 4 ) 0 (7 . 4 1 7 . 6 8 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No y P \ i NU T I L (7 6 8 , 1 0 1 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7 6 , 1 0 1 ) Td t P C ( P o U . . ) 1.9 8 2 . 8 3 , 4 2 4 40 . 9 3 5 . 8 4 58 . 7 5 8 , 2 2 0 14 2 . 3 ~ . 7 5 9 22 . 1 ( ) S ; 3 Ø 82 3 . 9 3 5 . 2 7 6 11 0 . 6 0 . 2 0 3 45 . 5 5 7 . 5 9 5.1 0 8 , 8 4 2 4, 4 8 4 . 3 2 1 TC l o . T _ 2.2 9 5 . 9 3 1 . 8 7 0 56 . 4 7 0 . 3 4 1 64 . 4 2 6 . 8 7 8 15 9 . 1 4 8 . 2 4 1 0 24 5 . 8 0 . 9 4 1 98 , 5 8 , 5 6 9 13 8 . 2 1 9 . 1 3 5 54 , 9 8 5 3 6 6,0 5 0 . 6 1 3 0 23 4 , 1 8 4 _c l T . . ( O l I 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2.4 5 ! % 28 . 2 4 2 4 % 6. 9 3 1 7 % 0. 0 0 10 . 7 0 6 3 % 42 . 9 7 1 1 % 8.0 2 0 2 % 2.3 9 4 9 % 0.2 6 3 5 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.0 1 0 2 % OP R v - Pa c D M UW D i \ l i o Co b i T o t Tø W 8 * t D U l C t t c 0 0 l. - I J . . ( l W i TG W . . ~ 0. 0 l % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 OP R V . . Pa c i f O i v i Ub i D l s l "" r . . Tc i S a k i U l C u s t e 0 0 le u : I n t r t a t S 8 f a R . -- Pc 0 I E l t r Pu S o u P c & l i g h t Wa s , W . . P c C o le s U l ' t l ( n e ) To t " " a t a ~ 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % II T-, . - 12 . 1 7 5 . 7 9 5 37 0 , 8 3 0 4,2 2 0 , 5 6 6 1, 5 2 5 , 1 8 8 0 86 2 . 0 7 7 4,7 2 4 . 8 2 47 2 . 2 6 3 23 2 Ba o . E . i i A I l l F E t o . B A T 10 0 . ~ ~ % 3.0 4 1 % 34 . 6 6 3 6 % 12 . 5 2 % 0. ~ ~ % 7.0 8 0 3 % 38 . 8 0 5 1 % 3. 8 7 8 7 % 0.0 0 1 9 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0.~ ~ % Pa g e 10 . 9 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S DE S C I P T FA C T O R Ca l i f o r i a Or e g o n Wa s h i n g t o n Mo n t a n a Wy o - P L Uta h Id a h o Wy o - U P L FE R C - U P L OT H E R NO N - U T I L I T Y P a g o R e I . .. . . . I2 - ll - - mæ . !I - ~ fI 2I ~ T_ S e C u 1.7 1 , 9 1 9 47 . 5 8 57 . 3 7 2 13 2 , 1 2 6 0 12 4 , 4 2 7 00 . _ 12 , 7 1 6 16 . 2 2 7 CNCu " " f 4 . C H 2.5 4 2 0 % 30 . 8 9 7 3 % 7: 0 5 8 3 % 00 0 6.6 4 7 0 % 41 1 0 3 9 % 3.8 8 % 0.8 6 9 % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0.~ ~ % __ e . 88 . 5 1 0 .4 7 , 5 8 5 57 8 , 3 7 2 13 2 , 1 2 6 0 12 4 . 4 2 1 -c. " " p . - P o f 8 . C N 5. 3 0 % 85 . 5 4 % 14 . 9 7 % 0. 0 0 % 14 . 1 0 % 0.0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 RD y M c p . C U .. . 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 . _ 72 , 7 1 6 16 . 2 2 7 CNe. . . I U ' . . . . C N U 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 91 . 0 1 % 7. _ 1.6 4 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 cw TO T A l N E D 1 T R 1 P L T CI F A C O R : s . . . ( S N P F a c I2 3. 3 2 3 , 3 2 . 3 0 10 0 % - 11 7 . 7 2 4 , 4 0 3.5 4 % ll 94 1 . 4 4 . 7 1 8 28 . 3 3 -. 21 7 . 5 2 8 . 5 5 1 6. 5 5 -o 0.0 0 % mæ 27 . 1 4 4 , 7 1 8.1 3 % Ul 1. 5 7 5 , 7 0 7 , 0 5 2 41 . 4 1 % - 15 3 . 3 3 3 , 1 5 6 4.8 1 % ~47 . 4 4 . 6 5 9 1. 4 3 % fI o 0.0 0 % l! o 0.0 0 % ~o 0.0 0 % "' v T" " " " Id t - P P l Id - U P L Id 1" " 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 % 0. _ 0.0 0 % 0 0 0 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0 0 0 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % ld . P P F I C O.L X L O / 0.0 0 % Id l l - U P L F l I k V 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 % II p- Id S l * " l C T . . A I ..A_ EX C T A X EI l I M T u , ( 1 u I2 li ll - - .l Y Ul - ~ fI l! ~ Tc i T l l ' i ' L. . O l e i k e (4 8 . 1 3 1 J 1 8 4 ) 5, 2 1 3 , 2 0 7 (8 5 , 4 3 0 . 1 9 5 ) (6 . 9 0 3 . 8 1 0 ) (3 3 , 4 1 6 . 3 5 ) ( 2 6 . 5 5 4 , 0 9 7 ) ( 3 9 . 5 6 9 . 7 3 ) (2 0 . 3 4 . 1 3 3 ) ( 4 , 9 7 2 , 5 4 ) (3 . 7 4 7 . 7 5 8 ) ( 3 3 . 4 0 3 , 8 6 ) 41 9 0 T H "3 O T H 40 9 1 0 0 T H SC H D T O T SC H O T ( S ) O T H Tc : T l l l n c E m 0 t (4 8 3 . 1 3 1 . 0 8 ) 5 , 2 1 3 , 2 0 7 ( 8 5 4 3 , 1 0 5 ) ( 6 , 9 0 3 , 6 1 0 ) 0 ( 3 3 4 1 6 . 3 5 ) ( 2 8 , $ 5 , 0 9 7 ) ( 3 9 . 5 6 , 7 3 8 ) ( 2 0 . 3 4 , 1 3 3 ( 4 . 9 7 2 , 5 4 ) ( 3 . 7 4 1 . 7 5 8 ) ( 3 3 . 4 0 3 . 8 6 ) Ex c i s T u C ~ F a c . . e x c r A X 1D O . O O -1 . 0 7 9 % 17 . 8 8 2 6 % 1. 4 2 8 9 0. 0 0 8.9 1 6 6 % 53 . 9 3 0 3 % 8.1 9 0 3 % 4.2 1 1 3 % 1.0 2 9 2 % o.n s 1 % 6, 0 1 4 0 % P" l 1 0 . 1 0 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S DE S C R l . I O N FA C T O R Ca l i f o r n i a Or o n Wa o h l n g t o n Mo n t a n a Wy o - P P L Uta h Id a h o Wy o - U P L FE R C - P L OT H E R NO N - U T I L I T Y P a g o R o l . T_ _ 1l ll ll -- Ii rw l! - Yt f5 !l - -. o. , . 1 P I , . 16 , 9 1 8 . 1 7 8 o. ' ' ' ' ' 17 , 0 9 , 2 0 A_ SO t7 . 0 0 . i 5 9 20 1 , 5 3 4, 4 8 . 6 4 1, 3 8 , 7 8 8 0 2, 1 2 5 , 8 8 7,2 0 , 8 1 3 03 8 . 8 0 50 3 . 2 5 5 64 , 8 5 4 DI ' ' ' ' R . (7 . 8 5 1 . 4 3 2 1 A_ SO (8 . 1 4 2 . 7 3 1 ) (1 3 0 . 5 8 . ) (2 . 1 4 8 . 2 0 1 ) (.. . . 5 0 ) 0 (1 . 0 1 7 . 8 7 0 ) (3 . 5 1 . 5 1 ) (4 4 . . 5 4 2 ) (2 4 0 . . 5 8 ) (3 1 . 0 5 2 ) .. De 1 9 0 1 P I 4,2 8 4 . 9 6 De 1 9 8 2 A i 3,4 8 5 , 8 1 3 A_ SG 3, 8 8 5 , 2 8 7 .. . 0 4 1. 0 2 5 . 0 1 0 31 7 . 2 7 9 0 48 5 . 6 7 5 1.6 4 , 9 0 21 4 , 0 2 1 11 4 , 9 7 2 14 , 8 1 6 De l 9 8 1 ~ (1 2 . . . 4 ) De ' 9 9 ~ (2 4 0 , 6 0 ) A_ SO (1 8 f s ' 0 0 ) (3 . 1 7 1 ) (4 " ' 0 7 ) (1 5 . 1 0 8 ) 0 (2 3 . 1 2 6 ) (7 8 , 4 1 9 ) (1 0 . 1 9 1 ) (5 , 4 7 5 ) (7 0 S ) No P l 12 , 5 6 . 1 4 3 21 5 , 3 8 3 3.3 1 4 , 6 5 0 1.0 2 6 . 0 1 0 0 1.5 7 0 . 5 6 5.3 2 5 , 7 3 4 69 2 . 0 9 6 37 1 , 7 9 ~i 7 . 9 1 3 DM N e , . N u p . ø P O ' DN P P N P 10 0 . 0 0 1. 7 1 4 3 % 28 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 1 H 2 % 0.~ ~ % 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5.5 0 8 5 % 2, 9 5 9 0.3 8 1 3 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % ~ ø . P . . . . R a i M o I n P o DN P P N P 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % ., N e Nu . . P I a ON N \ 10 0 . ~ ~ % 1.7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 8 6 2 % 0.~ ~ % 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5. 5 0 5 % 2. 9 $ 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % 0. ~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % AI 1 1 2 2 1 1l ~ - - Ii rw l! - Yt fi !l - - (1 0 1 . SG 17 . 0 9 4 . 2 0 2 29 3 . 0 4 1 4. 5 0 . 7 8 3 1.3 9 5 . 9 4 2 0 2,1 ' 3 . 8 3 5 7. 2 4 5 , 9 5 1 94 1 , 6 3 4 50 5 , 8 4 7 65 , 1 8 8 0 (1 0 1 ) so (8 . 4 3 4 . 0 3 ) (1 4 4 . 5 8 ) (2 , 2 2 5 , O S 1 ) (. . U 3 8 ) 0 (1 . 0 5 4 . 2 8 3 ) (3 , 5 7 5 . 0 4 7 ) (. . . 5 8 ) (2 4 9 . S 7 8 ) (3 2 . 1 6 3 ) 0 -- (1 0 1 ) SO 3,0 $ 5 , " 3 58 , 7 5 3 01 9 , s e 28 4 . 6 4 1 0 43 , 7 1 4 1,4 7 7 . 4 9 19 2 , 0 0 10 3 , 1 4 5 13 , i q 2 0 (1 0 1 ) SO (2 4 0 . 8 0 ) (4 . 1 2 5 ) (6 3 A m (1 0 , 8 4 ) 0 (3 0 , 0 7 7 ) ('0 1 , 0 9 ) (1 3 , 2 5 4 1 (7 . 1 2 0 ) (., . ) 0 (1 0 7 ) SO 1. 7 7 , 5 4 9 30 . 4 8 9 48 . 2 1 4 14 5 . 2 3 9 0 22 2 , 3 2 5 75 3 , 8 0 8 97 . 9 7 1 52 . 6 3 0 6.7 8 2 0 ('2 0 ) S E 1.9 7 5 . 7 5 9 31 . 5 8 48 , 0 9 1 15 2 , 7 2 1 0 27 4 , 0 1 3 63 . 2 ' 12 5 8 0 67 . 4 5 7. . . 0 (U S ) S O 7,2 2 . 8 4 9 12 3 , 7 8 5 1,Ø 0 . g e 2 58 1 1 , 6 6 7 0 90 2 , 6 3 2 3,0 6 . 7 9 9 39 7 . 7 6 0 21 3 , 6 7 8 27 . 5 3 27 . 5 3 (U S ) S G 1.4 7 2 . 3 7 6 25 , 2 4 1 3B , 4 4 12 0 . 2 3 7 0 18 4 , 0 5 2 82 4 , 1 1 6 81 . 1 0 6 43 . 5 7 0 5.B 1 5 0 (2 2 8 ) S N N P 3,5 3 1 . 0 0 eo . 5 3 1 "3 1 . 5 4 28 8 , 3 4 0 44 1 . 3 8 7 1,4 9 , 7 3 3 19 4 , 5 0 5 10 4 . 4 8 8 13 . 4 6 5 0 (2 2 6 ) S E 1.7 4 3 , 0 2 5 28 , 0 1 7 42 8 , 8 3 2 13 4 . 7 3 1 0 24 1 , 7 3 73 2 . 4 6 11 0 . 8 1 3 59 , 5 1 2 6. 9 2 0 To t A o 1 8 2 . 2 2 29 , 1 2 Ø , 7 3 50 3 . 9 0 7 7,7 4 0 , 9 1 4 2: . 0 3 . 1 4 1 0 3.7 5 4 , 3 3 3 12 , 5 4 . 6 8 0 1', 6 8 3 , 5 8 1 89 3 . 6 3 1 11 3 . 5 6 7 27 . 5 3 6 Re S l u f (2 2 8 ) SN N P 11 2 . 8 8 0 1.9 3 2 29 . 7 2 7 0.2 0 2 0 14 . 0 8 5 47 . 7 6 3 6,2 0 7 3,3 3 4 43 0 (2 2 . ) S E 84 1 , 9 5 15 , 1 4 1 23 1 , 7 4 8 72 . 8 1 0 0 13 0 . 6 3 39 . 8 3 1 59 . 8 8 32 , 1 6 1 3, 7 4 1 o. l Q g 3 A d . 1. 0 5 . 8 3 17 , 0 7 2 26 1 , 4 7 3 82 , 0 1 2 0 14 4 , 7 2 2 44 3 . 5 9 4 66 . 0 0 35 , 4 G 5 4. 1 7 0 Ad u s A c 1 8 2 . 2 2 30 . 6 8 1 . 8 4 52 . 9 7 9 8. 0 1 1 . 3 8 .2 . 4 8 5 . 1 5 3 0 3.8 9 9 . 0 5 5 12 , 9 8 . 2 7 4 1.7 2 9 , 6 5 3 92 9 . 1 2 8 11 7 , 7 3 8 21 . 5 3 TR 10 0 . 0 0 1.6 9 8 % 26 . 1 1 1 8 % .. 0 9 0. 0 0 12 . 7 0 2 % 42 . 3 3 % 5.6 3 7 5 % 3, 0 2 8 3 % 0.3 8 3 7 % 0. 0 8 9 7 % 0.~ ~ % Tr q M " ' A l Ai 2 2 . 4 2 1l ~ - -- - rw l! - Yt .w !l - -. - - SG 7,2 2 . 8 4 12 3 . 8 5 1.0 4 . 9 9 2 58 . 8 6 7 0 90 2 . 6 3 2 3. 0 6 . 1 9 39 7 . 7 6 0 21 3 . 8 7 8 27 . 5 3 27 , 5 3 8 .- SG 1, 4 7 2 , 3 7 6 25 . 2 4 1 38 . . 4 0 12 C , 2 3 7 0 18 4 . 0 5 82 4 , 1 1 6 81 . 1 0 8 43 , 5 7 Q 5.6 1 5 0 St a a g F * 1 I SE 1. 7 4 3 . 0 2 5 28 , 0 1 7 42 8 , 8 3 2 13 4 , 7 3 1 0 24 1 . 7 3 5 73 2 : 4 8 3 11 0 , 8 1 3 59 . 5 1 2 6.9 2 2 0 __ e - SN N P 3, 5 3 1 . 0 0 80 , 5 3 1 93 1 . 4 2 26 . . . 0 44 1 , 3 8 7 1, 4 9 , 7 3 19 4 , 5 0 10 4 , 4 8 8 13 , 4 6 5 0 Tc i A e 2 2 . 4 2 13 , 9 6 7 . 2 5 0 23 7 , 5 7 3 3.8 5 3 , 8 0 1.1 3 2 . 9 8 3 0 1,7 6 9 , 8 0 7 5.9 1 4 . 1 1 1 78 4 . 1 8 4 42 1 , 2 4 8 53 , 5 3 27 . 5 3 6 T. - e o SN N P 11 2 , 8 8 1,9 3 2 29 , 7 2 7 .. 2 0 0 14 , 0 8 5 47 , 7 6 3 6; 2 0 1 '. 3 3 43 0 St c F a : SE 94 1 . 8 5 15 , 1 4 1 23 1 , 7 4 6 72 . 8 1 0 0 13 0 , l 1 3 6 39 5 , 8 3 1 59 , 8 8 5 32 , 1 6 1 3, 7 4 1 0- ' ' ' ' A d . 1.0 5 , e 3 0 17 . 0 7 2 26 1 , 4 7 3 82 , 0 1 2 0 14 4 . 7 2 .. 5 9 4 86 . 0 9 2 35 , 4 9 4.1 7 0 Ad U B A c 2 2 . . 2 15 , 0 2 1 . 8 8 0 25 4 , l 1 4 S 3,9 1 5 , 2 7 9 1.2 1 4 . 9 9 5 0 1,0 1 4 , 5 2 8 6,3 5 1 . 7 0 5 85 0 , 2 7 6 45 6 . 7 4 3 57 , 7 0 21 . 5 3 TR l0 0 . D l 1.6 9 5 2 % 26 . 0 6 3 8 % 8.0 6 2 % 0.~ ~ % 12 . 7 4 4 % 42 . 3 2 3 0 % 5. 6 8 3 % 3. 0 4 5 % 0. 3 8 4 2 % 0.1 8 3 3 % 00 0 Pa g . l 0 . l l AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S DE S C R I T I O FA C T O R Ca l l f o t n l a Or e g o n Wa s h i n g t o n Mo n t a n a Wy o - P P L Ut h Id a h o Wy o - P L FE R C . U P L OT H E R NO N - U T I L I T P a g e R e f . T~ 0 . . 1 . . . . A I !l mi .! !l - - !I Y! - lI fE Q! l! -~ , Am d l . . T w m A l At 4 0 32 , 7 8 1 , 0 0 83 . . . Q,3 3 , 6 3 0 2.5 6 5 . 9 6 1 0 3.9 6 , 4 5 1 13 . 5 7 0 , 7 6 1,6 4 4 , 4 1 3 76 1 , 3 4 3 82 , 5 8 3 0 _d O O E I " ' _ At 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _d _ _ At _ 5,4 ~ . 3 5 93 . 9 3 1 1,4 4 , 5 5 44 1 , 4 5 0 81 , 9 3 8 2.3 2 2 , 6 0 30 1 , 8 3 0 16 2 . 1 4 4 20 , 8 9 5 0 Am r : P l L . . ~ P l _ . At " 7 5,4 5 7 , 5 1 1 Q3 , 8 5 1. 3 7 5 , 9 4 17 1 . 5 2 4 0 69 , 9 1 6 2.3 2 7 . 5 6 4 30 5 , 2 1 7 16 3 , 9 6 0 20 . . . 30 7 , 5 4 7. . _ ~ ' 43 . 8 9 8 , 5 7 1.0 2 3 . 3 4 12 , 1 5 6 , 1 2 3 3,1 8 4 , 9 3 8 0 5,3 4 2 , 3 0 18 , 2 2 , 9 3 2 2,2 5 1 . 4 5 9 1,0 8 7 . 4 4 6 12 4 , 4 7 6 30 7 , 5 4 3 ~1 i " " n F " " 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2.3 4 1 8 % 27 . 8 1 8 1 % 7.2 8 8 4 % 0.~ ~ % 12 . 2 2 5 4 % 41 . 6 9 6 9 % 5,1 5 2 2 % 2.4 8 8 5 % 0. 2 8 4 9 % 0.7 0 % 0.~ ~ % !l mi .! !l - - !I Y! - lI ~ !l l! -- , - Ac 4 0 3 . 1 10 9 . 5 2 3 , 8 3 2 l,ø n , 7 2 6 28 , 0 4 6 , 7 5 6 8.1 J 1 , 0 6 5 0 13 , 7 0 . 1 9 0 48 . $ 7 , 6 6 7 6,0 2 8 , 4 1 0 3,2 4 5 , 3 1 0 41 6 , 1 0 7 N' - Ac 4 0 3 . 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H" ' Ac 4 0 . ! 15 , 4 S . 3 6 26 , 8 8 1 4,0 7 6 , 0 8 7 1,2 6 1 . 0 3 0 l,9 3 1 , 3 4 Q 6,5 4 9 , 1 5 4 85 1 , 0 8 3 45 7 , 2 0 3 58 . 9 1 9 00 Ac 4 0 3 . 4 97 , 1 8 5 , 4 1 6 1,8 6 5 . 8 8 1 25 , 6 4 0 . 7 9 7, D 3 6 . 0 1 4 0 12 , 1 4 7 . 1 5 8 41 . 9 7 , 1 5 4 5.3 5 2 , 1 8 2 2, 8 7 5 , 3 7 9 37 0 , 8 5 T~ s l i At . . 5 82 , 8 9 3 , 2 0 1,0 7 8 . 1 6 0 16 . 5 9 , 3 7 8 $.1 3 5 . 9 8 9 .. 7,8 8 1 . 8 1 2 26 , 8 5 9 , 3 9 3.4 8 , 4 7 1 1,8 8 1 , 1 2 0 23 9 . 8 4 1 .. At . . . 14 3 , 3 4 3 . 2 7 9 7,8 1 9 . 8 1 3 46 , 6 9 3 . 7 6 9 11 . 9 8 . 0 0 0 12 , 4 4 3 , 2 55 . 2 8 0 , 6 3 3 8, 8 8 2 . 8 $ 8 2.4 4 1 , 3 0 1 0 -- Ac 4 0 3 . 7 & 8 35 6 3 1 5 1 2 74 7 , 4 0 10 , 4 1 0 , 2 8 5 3, 1 5 7 . 7 8 0 4,4 9 . 2 8 5 13 , 7 7 9 . 1 2 8 1,9 9 4 , 0 5 3 97 9 , 2 5 9 64 , 3 1 3 .. Ac 4 0 3 . f l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Ac . c . 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -_ . . . ' - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T. . _ _ ' 48 , 0 2 7 . 8 0 13 , 4 5 3 . 6 4 13 2 . 3 6 , 0 6 4 38 , 4 2 4 . 5 4 0 52 , 5 8 1 5 0 18 9 . 8 3 . 1 3 2 24 , 3 7 2 , 8 5 7 11 . 8 5 9 , 5 7 2 1.1 5 0 , 6 4 0 .. . . O e I i F a d 10 0 . ~ ~ % 2. 8 9 3 % 28 . 5 2 4 2 8.2 8 0 . , A i 0.~ ~ % 11 . 3 3 1 9 % 40 . 9 0 1 7 % 5.2 5 2 5 % 2.5 5 % 0.2 4 8 0,~ ~ % 0.~ ~ % WI mi .! ll - - !I Y! - lI ~ !l l! - . 0 7_ , . 0 -- . 0 .. . 0 - . 0 - S 0 No P l . . NU T 0 T. . 1,7 8 3 , 6 7 6 , 3 2 35 . 9 0 , 7 0 3 48 4 , 9 7 8 , 9 3 2 11 2 , 5 8 7 . 0 0 8 20 7 , 5 2 7 , 8 0 76 2 . 5 1 1 . 5 3 90 . 4 0 8 . 1 6 6 45 , 8 9 1 , 1 2 5 5, 2 2 0 , 7 3 5 38 , 6 4 4 , 1 0 2 Ta x o . p r . u o F a d 10 0 . 6 0 % 2.0 1 3 1 % 27 . 1 8 9 % 6.3 1 2 1 % 0. ~ ~ % ".6 3 4 % 42 . 1 4 9 4 % 5. 0 6 8 6 % 2. 5 7 2 % 0.2 2 7 % 0.~ ~ % 2.1 6 6 5 % Pa g e 10 . 1 2 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M L O A D S DECEMBER 2010 FACTORS Idaho General Rate Case. December 2009 COINCIDENTAL PEAKS I Month Day TIme Jan.10 25 19 Feb.10 4 8 Mar.10 30 8 Apr.10 1 8 May.10 18 15 Jun.10 24 15 Jul.10 19 16 AU9.1O 26 15 Sep.10 9 15 Oct.10 4 19 Nov.10 24 18 Dec.10 15 18 Month Jan.10 Feb.10 Mar.10 Apr.10 May.10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep10 Oc-10 Nov-10 Dec.10 Month Jan-10 Feb.10 Mar-10 Apr.10 May.10 Jun.10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Month Jan-10 Feb.10 Mar.10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-l0 Jul.10 Au10 Sep10 Oc.10 Nov-10 Dec-l0 Moth Jan-10 Feb10 Ma.10 Apr.10 May-10Ju10Jul0 Au.10Sep10 Oc.10 No..10De10 Day 25 4 30 1 18 24 19 26 9 4 24 15 Day 25 4 30 1 18 24 19 26 g 4 24 15 Day 25 4 30 1 18 24 19 26 g 4 24 15 Day 25 4 30 1 18 24 19 26 9 4 24 15 TIme 19 8 8 8 15 15 16 15 15 19 18 18 I r.EREPLOAS ICP) I "'øíER FERC CA OR WA E.WY Total UT ID W.WY UT Total 158 2,667 722 g75 3,37 406 237 28 8,602 153 2,528 751 1,018 3,144 416 211 27 8,221 145 2,315 669 983 2,914 399 237 16 7,661 131 2,132 585 966 2,819 415 210 30 7,257 142 1,816 636 934 3,590 503 228 24 7,848 148 1.96 678 1,003 4,197 613 218 43 8,821 153 2,257 750 1,019 4,525 684 228 39 9,595 150 2,301 727 1,008 4,445 538 226 44 9,395 134 2,068 652 946 4,084 447 223 34 8,553 121 1,964 610 949 3,048 406 238 23 7,336 139 2,231 696 1,031 3,515 443 266 29 8,322 157 2,408 736 1,067 3,709 467 252 35 8,796 1,729 26,650 8,212 11,899 43,426 5.718 2,774 372 100,407 (less) Adjustments for Curtilments, Buy.Throuhs and Load No Lon_ Served IReductons to Loadl... . Cc NøtH::I:.RC.:iRCS :iCA OR WA E. WY UT ID W. W UT Total(88) (88) (231) (228) (237) (197) (184) (189) (182) (415) (417) (420) (197) (74) 1,055 (74) 1,6101 =555 equals TIme 19 8 8 8 15 15 16 15 15 19 18 18 I COlN'CIDENiAl PEAK~RVD FROM COMPANY Rl:SOURCE$ I i NonRC FERC CA OR WA E.WY UT ID W,W'UT Total 158 2,667 722 975 3,349 406 237 28 8.514 153 2,528 751 1,018 3,144 416 211 27 8,221 145 2.315 669 983 2,914 399 237 16 7,661 131 2,132 585 966 2,819 415 210 30 7,257 142 1,816 636 934 3,90 503 228 24 7,848 148 1,984 678 1,003 3,966 429 218 43 8.07 153 2,257 750 1.019 4,297 475 228 39 9,178 150 2,301 727 1,008 4,208 356 226 44 8,975 134 2,068 652 946 3,866 447 223 34 6,356 121 1,964 610 949 3,04 406 238 23 7.336 139 2.231 696 1,031 3,515 443 266 29 8,322 157 2,408 736 1,067 3,635 467 252 35 8,722 1,729 26,650 8,212 11,899 42,370 5,163 2,774 372 98,797 + plus Adjustmen TIme 19 8 8 8 15 15 16 15 15 19 18 18 Isfor Arar SeIces Contr Includng Reseres IAdltions to Load!and normalltonofIrrgation andMon I :;g;~;~)li~~O!fl_~~ih¿:,~i':r\J,L~j~if;D:;~~1:¡~£§r~~~:~0Jt_¡0~..:l~f!;i~~e~e\~C,¡¡¡¡¡¡El~¡.~~;?~Jtt't~;;:¡it0l\tIWI CA OR WA E.WY VT ID W.WY UT Total - - - - - - . -.-.-.-.--equals TIme 19 8 8 8 15 15 16 15 15 19 18 18 I LOADS FOR JURlS0CTlAL ALLOCATIOt tc:p)-I__c ..ÆRC CA OR WA E,WY UT 10 W.WY UT Total 158 2.667 722 975 3.349 406 237 28 8.514 153 2,528 751 1,018 3.144 416 211 27 8,221 145 2,315 669 983 2.914 399 237 16 7.661 131 2,132 585 966 2.819 415 210 30 7.257 142 1,816 636 934 3,590 503 228 24 7,84 148 1.984 678 1.003 3.96 429 218 43 8,407 153 2,257 750 1.019 4,297 475 228 39 9,178 150 2,31 727 1,008 4,208 358 226 44 8,975 134 2,06 652 946 3.886 447 223 34 8.35 121 1.96 610 949 3.04 406 238 23 7.336 139 2,231 696 1,031 3.515 443 266 29 8,322 157 2.408 736 1.067 3.635 467 252 35 8,722 1,72 26650 8,212 11,899 42.370 5,163 2,774 372 98,797 Page 10.13 ALOCTIOS USINPROF LOA DECEMBER 2010 FACTORS Idaho General Rate Cas . December 2009 ENERGY Year Month2010 Jan2010 Feb2010 Mar2010 Apr 2010 May 2010 Jun2010 Jul2010 Aug2010 Sep2010 Oct2010 Nov2010 Dec Year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Year Month2010 Jan2010 Feb2010 Mar 2010 Apr2010 May 2010 Jun2010 Jul2010 AU9 2010 Sep2010 OCt 2010 Nov2010 Dec 1 METEDL . .FERC CA UK WA E.W'r Total UT lu W.vvY ui Total 83.440 1.317.180 417,820 685.090 2.091.64 293.020 168.500 20.034 5.05.694 70.500 1.176.930 359.160 630.56 1.85.104 245.88 137.35 16.674 4.472.484 73.320 1,224.960 362.450 678.000 1.887,261 268.860 172.790 17,901 4,667.641 71.750 1,103.860 331.570 827.440 1,788.547 262.230 145.690 17,807 4.331.087 77,430 1.105.020 337.770 670.110 1,932.851 314.58 170,770 17,151 4.608.531 80.930 1.076,430 33.250 622,640 2.036.210 359,88 154,08 19,900 4.663.420 87.820 1.205,590 364.810 669.960 2.397.004 414,870 164.66 23,944 5.324.714 83.470 1.191.060 367.570 671,940 2,34.784 371.140 164.410 23.864 5.214.374 72.540 1.078.670 352.770 637.150 2.003.824 291.080 158,380 18.36 4.594.414 68.570 1,109.380 367.210 678.810 1.891.210 267.470 172.480 17.490 4.555,130 71.390 1.187.280 378.410 687.510 2.049.882 261.240 179.260 16.242 4,814,972 82,270 1.357,880 427.930 708,350 2.120.465 277,880 173.120 18.775 5.147.895 923.430 14,134.240 4.440.720 7.967.580 24.395,787 3.628,130 1.961.490 228.14 57,451.367 Month Jan Feb Mar Ap May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (less) Adjustments for Curtilments. Buy Throahs and Load No Longer Servd (RedU~ctOnS to Loa."'''',OR WA E. WY UT D W (6,124) 'CC U Total (6,124) (4,281) (5.815) (5.736) (3.640) (4.792) 30;"\l17 CA (4.281) (5.815) (5.736) (3,640) (4,792) 30.387 equals I LOADS SERVED FROM COMPANY iuSOURCES INPC) i Non-FCRC CA OR WA E.WY UT 10 W. vv'uT Total 83.440 1.317.180 417,820 685,090 2,085.521 293.020 168,50 20.034 5.05.571 70.500 1.176.930 369.160 630,580 1.85.104 245.88 137.350 16.674 4.472.464 73,320 1.224.960 382.450 678.00 1.887.281 268.66 172,790 17.901 4.667.641 71,750 1,103.860 331.570 827,440 1,788,547 262,230 145,690 17.807 4.331.087 77.430 1.105,020 337,770 670.110 1.932,851 314,680 170,770 17,151 4.608.531 80.930 1.076.430 33.250 622.640 2.031.929 359,880 154.080 19.90 4.659;139 87.820 1.205.590 38.810 669,960 2.391.190 414,870 164.660 23.94 5.318.90 83.470 1.191.060 387.570 671,940 2.339.049 371,140 164.410 23,864 5.208.639 72.540 1.078.670 352.770 637,150 2.000.185 291.080 158.38 18.364 4.590.775 68.570 1.109.380 367.210 678.810 1.691,210 267.470 172,480 17.490 4.555.130 71.390 1.187.280 378,410 667.510 2.049.882 261.240 179.260 16.242 4.814.972 82.270 1.357.880 427.930 708.350 2,115.672 277.860 173.120 18.775 5.143.102 923,30 14.134.240 4.440.72l 7.7.56 24;AAl;;3g!'3.628.130 1.961.490 57.420.969 + plus Adustnts fo Ancilary Servce Contrct Includn9 Reservs IAiidltons to Load) and normalizion of Irron and Monanto,LY".EI. Year Month CA UK WA E.WY Ui 2010 Jan 523 2010 Feb 467 2010 Mar 383 2010 Apr 371 2010 May 394 2010 Jun 500 201Q Jul 354 2010 Aug 435 2010 Sap 271 2010 Oct 36 2010 Nov 217 2010 De 303 4.60-- 10 646 515 295 365 389 1.567 5.484 5.519 1,507 1.685 3,482 2,782 4. W.Total 1.166 1.002 677 756 783 2.067 5.837 5.954 1.777 2.051 3.6993.0821f Year Moth2010 Jan2010 Feb2010 Mar2010 Apr2010 May2010 Jun2010 Jul2010 Au92010 Sep2010 OC2010 No2010 De equals I LOADfORJ~SDCTJON ALLOCATJO!'. MW 1 I Jln-C'.FERC 'I CA OR WA E. VV'UT lu W. vv in otl 83.44 1.317.180 417.820 685,090 2.088.043 293.66 168.50 20.034 5.051.739 70.50 1.176.930 358,160 630,56 1.85.5 246.395 137.35 16.674 4,473,488 73.32 1.224.960 362,450 678.00 1,887.643 269.155 172.790 17.901 4.688.318 71.750 1.103.880 331.570 627.440 1.788.919 262.615 145.690 17.607 4.331.844 77.43 1,105.020 337.770 670.110 1.93.245 314.969 170,770 17.151 4.609.314 80.930 1.076.43 33,250 622,840 2,03.429 361.447 154.080 19.90 4.661.206 87,820 1.205.59 38.810 669.960 2.391.543 420.354 164.880 23.944 5.324.737 83,470 1,191.08 387.570 671.940 2,339,484 376.659 164,410 23.86 5,214.593 72.54 1,078.670 35.770 637.150 2,00.455 292.587 158.380 18,36 4.592,55 68.570 1.109,380 367,210 678.810 1.891.576 269.155 172.48 17,490 4.557.181 71.39 1.187.280 378,10 687.510 2.05.09 284.722 179,26 16.242 4.618.672 82.270 1.357,880 427.93 708.35 2.115.976 280.662 173.120 18.775 5.146.188 923.4 14.1 4.44.72 7.!l7.56 24.3 3.85.",5 1.961.490 228.147 57.449.828 Pøg 10.14 AUOCATIO USINPROOR LOAD OE C E M B E R 2 0 1 0 F A C T O R Id _ . . R " C _ , i i , 2 0 0 CA I F O I A OR E G O WA S H I N G T O N MO N T A N A WY O M I N G - P P L UT A H ID A H O WY O M I N G ~ U P L FE R C Wi 92 3 , 4 3 0 14 , 1 3 4 . 2 4 0 4, 4 4 0 , 7 2 0 0 7, 9 6 , 5 6 24 , 1 4 1 , 8 5 6 3,8 5 2 , 3 8 5 1, 9 8 1 , 4 9 0 22 8 , 1 4 7 Re f P a g e 1 0 , 1 4 S) ' t e E n e F a c 1,6 0 7 4 % 24 . 8 0 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0. 0 0 0 % 13 . 8 6 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6.3 5 7 5 % 3.4 1 4 3 % 0. 3 9 7 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 01 1 . . , . E n e y . P i i 3.3 6 2 1 % 51 . 4 6 1 0 % 16 . 1 6 8 1 % 0. 0 0 0 % 29 . 0 0 8 9 % 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % OI v l 8 _ E n e . U t 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 % 80 . 5 1 6 1 % 12 . 1 8 1 2 % 6.5 4 1 8 % 0. 7 6 0 9 % 10 0 . 0 0 % S) ' t e G o n a t F _ 1. 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8. 1 6 6 % 0. 0 0 0 % 12 . 5 0 0 4 % 42 . 3 8 6 % 5.5 0 8 5 % 2.9 5 9 2 % 0. 3 8 1 3 % 10 0 . 0 0 % D1 1 8 _ G _ . p _ 3. 5 1 5 5 54 . 1 0 2 6 % 16 . 7 4 6 8 0. ~ ~ % 25 . 6 3 1 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % OI v l _ _ n - U t a 0. 0 0 0.~ ~ % 0. ~ ~ % 0. 0 0 0 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 82 . 7 2 9 4 % 10 . 7 5 0 9 % 5.7 7 5 4 % 0. 7 4 4 3 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Sy s C a p ( k w ) Ac o r d 1,7 2 8 . 8 26 . 6 5 . 3 8, 2 1 1 . 6 0.0 11 , 8 9 9 . 3 41 , 9 9 . 8 5,1 6 2 . 6 2,7 7 3 . 7 37 1 . 6 98 , 7 9 6 . 7 R e f P a g e 1 0 . 1 3 Mo f i e d A C C d 1,7 2 8 . 8 26 , 6 5 . 3 8, 2 1 1 . 6 0.0 11 , 8 9 . 3 41 , 9 9 . 8 5,1 6 2 . 6 2,7 7 3 . 7 ¡¡ 7 1 . 6 98 , 7 9 6 . 7 R e f P a g e 1 0 . 1 3 Ro l n 1,7 2 8 . 8 26 , 6 5 . 3 8, 2 1 1 . 6 0.0 11 , 8 9 9 . 3 41 , 9 9 . 8 5,1 6 2 . 6 2,7 7 3 . 7 37 1 . 6 98 , 7 9 6 . 7 R e f P a g e 1 0 . 1 3 Ro e d n I O t h H y d A d j . 1,7 2 8 . 8 26 . 6 5 . 3 8, 2 1 1 . 6 0.0 11 , 8 9 9 . 3 41 , 9 9 . 8 5,1 6 2 . 6 2,7 7 3 . 7 37 1 . 6 98 , 7 9 6 . 7 R e f P a g e 1 0 . 1 3 Ro I I , , " - l n 1 M O f f - S y s A d j . 1,7 2 8 . 8 26 , 6 5 0 . 3 8, 2 1 1 , 6 0.0 11 , 8 9 9 . 3 41 , 9 9 . 8 5,1 6 2 . 6 2,7 7 3 . 7 37 1 . 6 98 , 7 9 6 . 7 R e f P a g e 1 0 . 1 3 Sy s t " m C " p a c l t y F a c 1 r Ac c 1.7 4 9 9 26 . 9 7 4 9 % 8.3 1 1 7 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 12 0 4 4 2 % 42 . 5 1 0 3 % 5.2 2 5 5 % 2.8 0 7 5 % 0.3 7 6 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Mo A c r d 1.7 4 9 9 26 . 9 7 4 9 % 8.3 1 1 7 % 0. 0 0 0 % 12 . 0 4 4 2 % 42 . 5 1 0 3 % 5.2 2 5 5 % 2.8 0 7 5 % 0.3 7 6 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Ro e d 1.7 4 9 9 26 . 9 7 4 9 % 8.3 1 1 7 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 12 . 0 4 4 2 % 42 . 5 1 0 3 % 5.2 2 5 5 % 2.8 0 7 5 % 0. 3 7 6 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % _I n 1 M H y d r o A d j . 1. 7 4 9 26 , 9 7 4 9 % 8.3 1 1 7 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 12 . 0 4 4 2 % 42 . 5 1 0 3 % 5.2 2 5 5 % 2.8 0 7 5 % 0.3 7 6 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Ro n _ O f " s y s A d j . 1. 7 4 9 9 26 . 9 7 4 9 % 8.3 1 1 7 % 0.0 0 0 0 % 12 . 0 4 4 2 % 42 . 5 1 0 3 % 5.2 2 5 5 % 2.8 0 7 5 % 0.3 7 6 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % SJ l t e E n y ( k w ) Ac c 92 3 , 4 3 0 14 , 1 3 4 , 2 4 0 4, 4 4 0 , 7 2 0 0 7, 9 6 , 5 6 24 , 1 4 1 . 8 5 6 3, 6 5 , 3 8 1,9 6 1 , 4 9 0 22 8 , 1 4 7 57 , 4 4 9 , 8 2 8 Mo A c 92 , 4 3 14 , 1 3 4 , 2 4 0 4, 4 4 0 , 7 2 0 0 7,9 6 7 , 5 6 24 , 1 4 1 , 8 5 6 3, 6 5 , 3 8 1,9 6 1 , 4 9 0 22 8 , 1 4 7 57 , 4 4 9 , 8 2 8 Ro I n 92 , 4 3 0 14 , 1 3 4 , 2 4 0 4, 4 4 0 , 7 2 0 0 7, 9 6 . 5 6 24 , 1 4 1 , 8 5 6 3, 6 5 , 3 8 1,9 6 1 , 4 9 0 22 8 , 1 4 7 57 , 4 4 9 , 8 2 8 Ro n I O t h H y d A c L 92 3 , 4 3 0 14 , 1 3 4 . 2 4 0 4, 4 4 0 , 7 2 0 0 7, 9 6 7 , 5 6 0 24 , 1 4 1 , 8 5 6 3,6 5 2 , 3 8 1,9 6 1 , 4 9 0 22 8 , 1 4 7 57 , 4 4 9 . 8 2 8 Ro w i t h O f . S I ' A d j . 92 3 , 4 3 0 14 , 1 3 4 . 2 4 0 4, 4 4 0 , 7 2 0 0 7, 9 6 , 5 6 24 , 1 4 1 , 8 5 6 3, 6 5 , 3 8 5 1,9 6 1 , 4 9 0 22 8 . 1 4 7 57 , 4 4 9 . 8 2 8 Sy s E n e F a o r Ac 1.6 0 7 4 % 24 . 6 0 2 8 % 7. 7 2 9 7 % 0. 0 0 13 . 8 6 8 7 % 42 . 0 2 5 % 6.3 5 7 5 % 3. 4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % 10 0 0 0 % Mo i f i e d A c r d 1.6 0 7 4 % 24 . 6 0 2 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0. 0 0 13 . 8 6 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6.3 5 7 5 % 3. 4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Ro e d I n 1. 6 0 7 4 % 24 . 8 0 2 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0.0 0 0 % 13 . 8 6 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6.3 5 7 5 % 3. 4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 Ro l l e d I n 1 M H y d A d j . 1,8 0 7 4 % 24 . 8 0 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 13 . 8 6 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6.3 5 7 5 % 3. 4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Ro l l e . l n w i t h O f . S I ' A d j . 1. 8 0 7 4 % 24 . 6 0 2 8 % 7.7 2 9 7 % 0.0 0 0 % 13 . 8 6 7 % 42 . 0 2 2 5 % 6.3 5 7 5 % 3. 4 1 4 3 % 0.3 9 7 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % S) ' t e m G " n e e t F i i r Ac c 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8. 1 6 6 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5. 5 0 8 5 % 2. 9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Mo f i e d A = r d 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8. 1 6 6 % 0. 0 0 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 0 / 0 5. 5 0 8 5 % 2. 9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % .1 0 0 . 0 0 % Ro U e d n 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8. 1 6 6 % 0. ~ ~ % 12 . 5 0 % 42 . 3 8 % 5.0 8 5 % 2. 9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Ro l l e d I n w i l h H y d r o A d j , 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8, 1 6 6 % 0.0 0 0 % 12 . 5 0 0 % 42 . 3 8 8 4 % 5. 5 0 8 5 % 2, 9 5 9 2 % 0.3 8 1 3 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Ro I I " d - l n w i t h 0 f 1 ' A d j . 1. 7 1 4 3 % 26 . 3 8 1 8 % 8.1 6 6 2 % 0, 0 0 12 . 5 0 0 4 % 42 . 3 8 % 5. 5 0 % 2. 9 5 % 0.3 8 1 3 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Id a h o G e , a l R a t C _ . D ø b ø , 2 0 0 9 TH I S S E C T I O N O F T H E F A C T O R I N P U T D E A L S W I H T H E M I D C O L U M B I A C O N R A C T S Pa c . P o w Pa c . _ Pa c . P o Pa c . P o w e r Pa c . P o w R.M . P . R.M . P . R.M . P . R.M . P . Co n l n CA L OR E WA S H MO N WY O UT A H IO A H O WY O FE R C - P & L OT H E R We l 4, 3 3 66 , 7 0 5 20 . 6 4 8 31 , 6 0 7 10 7 , 1 7 7 13 . 9 2 8 7.4 8 2 96 25 2 . 8 4 6 Ro c k Re a 5. 3 2 7 81 . 9 7 9 25 . 3 7 6 38 . 8 4 4 13 1 , 7 1 9 17 , 1 1 7 9.1 9 5 1. 1 8 5 31 0 . 7 4 2 Wa n Pr i r i Oi s p l 37 8 , 6 6 1 60 , 9 7 5 43 9 , 8 3 7 Su , p l " 8 14 3 , 6 1 7 23 . 1 1 4 16 6 . 7 3 1 0 To t a 9,6 6 1 67 1 , 1 6 3 13 0 , 1 1 3 70 . 4 5 1 23 8 , 9 9 31 , 0 4 5 16 , 6 7 8 2, 1 4 9 1, 1 7 0 . 1 5 6 Me F u o t 0.6 2 5 7 % 57 , 3 5 6 7 % 11 . 1 9 3 % 0.0 0 0 % 6. 0 2 0 8 % 20 . 4 1 5 7 % 2. 6 5 1 % . 1. 4 2 5 2 % 0.1 8 3 7 % 0.0 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 0 0 % Pa g e 1 0 . 1 5 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S Id G e r a l R e l C u ' D e c e b e r 2 0 0 TH I S S E C T I O F T H E F A C T O R I N P U D E W l T H T H E E N E R G Y O F T H E C O M B U S T I O N T U R B I N E S Pa c . P o Pa c . P o w Pa c . P o w Pa c : . P o w Pa c . P o w e R, M . P . RM . P . RM . P . A. M . P . MO To t P rt o n CA I F O R A OR E G O N WA S H I N G T O N MO N T A N A WY O M I N G UT A H ID A H O WY O M I N G FE R e Ja n l 0 12 . 4 4 1 9. 6 3 % 8.0 3 12 6 . 8 9 1 40 . 2 5 1 65 . 9 9 8 19 9 , 0 3 0 28 . 2 9 0 16 . 2 3 3 1.9 3 0 _1 0 8. 9 7 0 6. 9 5 % 4.8 9 7 81 , 7 4 7 24 . 9 4 7 43 , 7 9 8 12 7 , 5 1 9 17 . 1 1 4 9,5 4 0 1.1 5 8 Me . l 0 5. 6 1 6 4. 3 5 % 3.1 8 8 53 , 2 7 0 15 . 7 6 2 29 , 4 8 4 81 , 3 0 9 11 , 7 0 5 7,5 1 4 77 8 Ap . l 0 14 . 6 3 9 11 . 4 9 % 8,2 4 4 12 6 . 8 3 6 38 . 0 9 9 72 , 0 9 4 20 3 . 5 0 30 . 1 7 5 16 . 7 4 0 2.0 4 6 Ma y - l 0 7,0 5 9 5.4 7 % 4,2 3 2 60 . 4 0 1 18 , 4 6 3 36 , 6 2 9 10 4 . 7 3 5 17 , 2 1 6 9.3 3 4 93 7 Ju n l 0 7.8 7 8 6.1 0 % 4.9 3 7 65 . 8 8 5 20 . 3 2 9 37 . 9 8 3 12 2 , 7 6 9 22 . 0 4 9 9.3 9 9 1, 2 1 4 Ju l 0 12 . 4 7 5 9.8 8 % 8. 4 8 11 6 , 4 5 7 37 . 1 7 2 64 . 7 1 6 22 8 . 7 0 4 40 , 6 0 5 15 , 9 0 6 2,3 1 3 Au g l 0 15 . 2 4 9 11 . 8 1 % 9. 8 5 8 14 0 , 6 3 9 45 . 7 6 4 79 . 3 4 2 27 3 . 4 2 6 44 , 4 7 5 19 . 4 1 3 2,8 1 8 Se l 0 9.6 3 7.4 6 % 5, 4 1 1 80 , 4 6 0 26 . 3 1 4 47 . 5 2 6 14 7 . 8 4 8 21 . 6 2 5 11 . 8 1 4 1. 3 7 0 Oc . l 0 8.7 7 5 6.7 9 % 4. 6 5 75 . 3 8 24 . 9 5 1 46 . 1 2 4 12 7 , 3 4 1 18 , 2 8 9 11 . 7 2 0 1,1 8 8 No . . l 0 12 . 5 9 7 9.7 5 % 6, 9 6 11 5 , 8 1 1 36 . 9 1 1 67 . 0 6 2 19 9 . 3 8 9 25 . 6 2 2 17 , 4 8 6 1. 5 8 08 1 0 13 . 6 1 1 10 . 5 4 % 8. 6 7 1 14 3 , 1 1 4 45 . 1 0 2 74 , 6 5 7 22 1 . 0 3 5 29 . 5 8 0 18 , 2 4 6 1.9 7 9 12 9 . 1 4 3 10 0 . 0 0 % 77 . 5 8 1 1.1 6 6 . 6 7 1 37 4 . 0 6 3 66 , 4 1 2 2. 0 3 5 . 6 0 30 7 . 1 4 6 16 3 , 3 4 5 19 . 3 1 6 SS E C T F e c r 1.6 1 % 24 . 5 7 % 7.7 5 % 0.0 0 0 13 . 7 8 % 42 . 1 5 % 6.3 6 % 3. 3 8 % 0. 4 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Id a h o G e r a l R e C _ . D o c e b e 2 0 TH I S E C T I O N O F T H E F A C T O R I N P U T D E W I H T H E D E M A N D O F T H E C O M B U S T I O N T U R B I N E S Pa c . P o Pa c . P o Pa c . P o w Pa c . P o w Pa c . P o w RM . P . R.M . P . RM . P . R. M . ? MO MW H Pr n CA I F O R N I A OR E G O N WA S I N G T O N MO N T A N A WY O M I N G UT A H IO A H O WY O M I N G FE R C Ja ~ 1 0 12 . 4 4 1 9.6 3 % 15 . 3 25 8 . 9 69 . 5 0. 0 93 . 9 31 9 . 9 39 . 2 22 . 8 2. 7 Fo b l 0 8, 9 7 6. 9 5 10 . 6 17 5 . 6 52 . 2 0.0 70 . 7 21 6 . 5 28 . 9 14 . 7 1.9 Me . l 0 5. 6 1 6 4.3 5 % 6. 3 10 0 . 7 29 . 1 0.0 42 . 8 12 6 . 0 17 . 4 10 . 3 0.7 Ap r . l 0 14 . 8 3 9 11 . 4 9 % 15 . 0 24 4 . 9 67 . 2 0.0 11 1 . 0 32 0 5 47 . 7 24 . 2 3.4 Ma y - l 0 7. 0 5 9 5. 4 7 % 7. 7 99 . 2 34 . 8 0.0 51 . 0 19 4 . 9 27 . 5 12 . 5 1.3 Ju n l 0 7, 8 7 8 6. 1 0 % 9. 0 11 9 . 8 41 . 3 0.0 61 . 2 23 9 . 4 26 . 2 13 . 3 2.6 Ju l l 0 12 , 4 7 5 9. 8 8 14 . 7 21 8 . 0 72 . 5 0.0 98 . 4 41 1 . 3 45 . 9 22 . 0 3. 8 Au g - l 0 15 . 2 4 9 11 . 8 1 % 17 . 7 27 1 . 8 85 . 8 0. 0 11 9 . 0 49 1 . 6 42 . 1 26 . 7 5.2 5." . 1 0 9,6 3 3 7.4 6 % 10 . 0 15 4 . 3 48 . 6 0. 0 70 . 6 28 7 . 4 33 . 4 16 . 6 2. 5 Oc . l 0 8.7 7 5 6. 7 9 8.2 13 3 . 5 41 . 4 0. 0 64 . 5 20 5 . 5 27 . 6 16 . 1 1. 6 No y . l 0 12 . 5 9 7 9.7 5 % 13 . 6 21 7 . 6 67 . 9 0. 0 10 0 . 6 34 0 . 43 . 2 26 . 0 2. 8 De l 0 13 , 6 1 1 10 . 5 4 % 18 . 5 25 3 . 8 77 6 0. 0 11 2 . 5 37 9 . 4 49 . 2 26 . 3.7 12 9 , 1 4 3 10 0 . 0 0 % 14 5 2. 2 4 6 68 99 3. 5 3 2 42 8 23 2 32 SS C C T F a c t r 1.7 4 % 27 . 0 6 % 8.2 9 % 0.0 0 % 12 . 0 0 % 42 . 5 8 % 5.1 6 % 2. 7 9 % 0. 3 9 % 10 0 . 0 0 % SS G C T F a c ' 1.7 1 % 26 . 4 4 % 8.1 5 % 0.0 0 % 12 . 4 5 % 42 . 4 6 % 5.4 6 % 2. 9 4 % 0.3 9 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Pa g e 1 0 . 1 6 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S Id a h o G e r " I l C _ . D e m b e r 2 0 0 9 TH I S 8 E C T I O O F T H E F A C T O R I N P U D E A L S W I T H T H E E N E R G Y O F C H O L L I V / A P 8 MW H Pa c . P o Pa c . P o w Pa c . P o Pa c . p o w Pa c . P o R.M . P . R. M . P . R.M . P . RM . P . MO Ch o a l V AP S To i i Pr o rt n CA I F O R N I A OR E G O N WA S I N G T O N MO N T A N WY O M I N G UT A H ID A H O WY O M I N G FE R C J. . , 0 25 o . 3 3 14 2 , 6 9 39 3 , 6 2 8 13 . 7 8 % 11 , 4 9 8 18 1 , 5 1 1 57 . 5 7 7 94 , 4 0 7 28 4 . 7 0 1 40 , 4 6 8 23 , 2 2 0 2,7 6 1 Fo b l 0 22 8 . 6 1 4 68 , 6 8 29 7 , 2 9 9 10 . 4 1 % 7, 3 3 12 2 , 4 9 4 37 , 3 8 1 65 . 6 2 8 19 1 , 0 8 1 25 , 6 4 5 14 . 2 9 5 1. 7 3 5 Ma - l 0 13 3 , 1 5 8 13 3 . 1 5 8 4. 6 6 % 3.4 1 8 57 . 1 0 3 16 , 8 9 6 31 . 6 0 6 87 . 1 6 1 12 . 5 4 7 8.0 5 5 83 4 Ap - l 0 24 6 . 1 5 0 24 6 . 1 5 0 8. 6 2 % 6,1 8 3 95 . 1 2 3 28 . 5 7 2 54 . 0 6 8 15 2 . 6 2 2 22 , 6 3 0 12 . 5 5 5 1. 5 3 5 Ma y l 0 24 3 . 7 6 2 (1 8 , 0 8 ) 16 5 . 6 8 5.8 0 % 4,4 9 1 64 . _ 19 . 5 9 2 38 . 8 6 8 11 1 . 1 3 6 18 . 2 6 9 9.9 0 5 99 Ju n I O 23 . 6 3 7 (1 3 7 . 9 8 ) 96 . 6 5 7 3.3 8 % 2.7 3 9 36 , 4 2 4 11 . 2 7 6 21 . 0 6 9 68 . 1 0 0 12 , 2 3 1 5.2 1 4 67 3 Ju l - I O 25 5 . 3 3 (1 4 2 . 5 7 0 ) 11 2 . 7 6 5 3.9 5 % 3,4 6 7 47 . 5 9 3 15 , 1 9 1 26 , 4 4 8 93 . 4 6 6 16 . 5 9 4 6.5 0 0 94 5 Au g I O 25 6 . 8 0 7 (1 4 2 . 5 3 ) 11 4 . 2 7 7 4.0 0 % 3.3 3 9 47 , 6 5 0 15 . 5 0 5 26 . 8 8 2 92 . 6 3 9 15 . 0 6 9 6,5 7 7 95 8_ ' 0 24 6 . 7 8 0 (6 8 . 7 2 0 ) 17 8 . 0 6 0 6.2 3 % 4.5 2 2 67 , 2 4 0 21 . 9 9 0 39 . 7 1 7 12 3 . 5 5 5 18 . 2 3 9 9.8 7 3 1, 1 4 5 00 1 0 25 5 . 8 7 3 78 . 2 7 0 33 . 1 4 3 11 . 7 0 % 8.0 2 1 12 9 . 7 7 3 42 . 9 5 79 . 4 0 6 21 9 . 2 2 7 31 . 4 8 5 20 . 1 7 6 2,0 4 6 No . l 0 25 0 . 2 3 9 13 8 . 1 3 5 38 . 3 7 4 13 . 6 0 % 9.7 0 6 16 1 , 4 2 6 51 . 4 5 0 93 . 4 7 6 27 6 . 5 2 9 35 . 9 9 24 . 3 7 3 2.2 0 8 0- 1 0 25 3 . 6 5 1 14 2 . 6 2 39 6 . 2 7 1 13 . 8 7 % 11 , 4 1 3 16 8 . 3 7 5 59 . 3 6 6 98 . 2 6 8 29 0 . 9 4 0 38 , 9 3 24 . 0 1 7 2,6 0 5 2.8 5 . 9 4 0 52 5 2. 8 5 6 . 4 6 5 10 0 . 0 0 76 . 1 3 5 1, 1 9 8 , 8 0 7 37 7 , 7 5 2 66 . 8 4 4 1, 9 9 1 . 1 6 0 26 8 . 1 0 5 18 4 , 7 5 9 18 . 4 3 7 SS E C l i F i i r 1. 5 9 25 . 0 5 % 7.8 9 % 0. 0 0 14 . 0 0 % 41 . 6 1 % 6.0 2 % 3.4 4 % 0.3 9 % 10 0 . 0 0 Id G e n e r . I R a C _ . _ 2 0 TH S l i T I O F T H E F A C T O R I N U T D E A L S W I T H T H E D E M A N D O F C H O L L A I V I A P S MW H Pa c . P o Pa c . P o Pa c . P m v PlI , P o w Pa c . P o W R.M . P . RM . P . RM . P . R.M . P . MO Ch o H a I V AP To t a l Pro CA i F O R N I A OR E G O N WA S I N G T O N MO N T A N A WY O M I N G UT A H ID A H O WY O M I N G FE R C Ja n l 0 25 0 . 9 3 14 2 , 6 9 39 3 . 6 2 8 13 . 7 8 % 21 . 8 36 7 . 5 99 . 4 0. 0 13 4 . 4 45 7 . 6 56 . 0 32 . 6 3. 9 f' l 0 22 8 . 6 1 4 68 . 6 8 29 7 , 2 9 9 10 . 4 1 % 15 . 9 26 3 . 1 78 . 2 0. 0 10 6 . 0 32 4 . 4 43 . 3 22 . 0 2. 8 Ma . l 0 13 3 . 1 5 8 13 3 . 1 5 6 4.6 8 % 6.8 10 7 . 9 31 . 2 0. 0 45 . 8 13 5 . 1 18 . 6 11 . 0 0.7 Ap . I O 24 6 . 1 5 0 24 6 . 1 5 0 8. 6 2 % 11 . 3 18 3 , 7 50 . 4 0.0 83 . 2 24 0 . 4 35 . 7 18 . 1 2.6 Ma y - l 0 24 3 . 7 6 2 (7 8 . 0 8 0 ) 16 5 . 6 8 5. 8 0 8.2 10 5 . 3 36 . 9 0.0 54 . 2 20 6 . 8 29 . 2 13 . 2 1.4 Ju n l 0 23 4 . 8 3 7 (1 3 7 . 9 8 ) 96 , 6 5 7 3. 3 8 5.0 68 . 5 22 . 9 0.0 33 . 9 13 2 . 8 14 . 5 7.4 1.4 Ju l l 0 25 5 , 3 3 (1 4 2 . 5 7 0 ) 11 2 . 7 6 5 3. 9 5 % 6.0 89 . 1 29 . 8 0.0 40 . 2 16 8 . 1 18 . 8 9.0 1.5 Au g l 0 25 6 , 8 0 7 (1 4 2 . 5 3 ) 11 4 . 2 7 7 4. 0 0 % 6.0 92 . 1 29 . 1 0.0 40 . 3 16 6 . 6 14 . 3 9.0 1.8 S_ ' 0 24 8 . 7 8 0 (6 8 , 7 2 0 ) 17 8 , 0 6 0 62 3 % 8.3 12 8 . 9 40 . 6 0.0 59 . 0 24 0 . 2 27 . 9 13 . 9 2. 1 Oc . l 0 25 5 , 8 7 3 78 . 2 7 0 33 4 . 1 4 3 11 . 7 0 % 14 . 1 22 9 . 8 71 . 4 0,0 11 1 . 1 35 . 9 47 . 5 27 . 8 2.7 No v . 1 0 25 0 , 2 3 9 13 6 , 1 3 5 38 . 3 7 4 13 . 8 0 18 . 9 30 3 . 4 94 . 7 0.0 14 0 . 2 47 3 . 9 60 , 3 36 . 2 3.9 0_ 1 0 25 3 . 6 5 1 14 2 , 6 2 0 39 6 . 2 7 1 13 . 8 7 % 21 . 8 33 , 0 10 2 . 1 0.0 14 8 . 0 49 9 . 4 64 . 7 35 . 0 4.9 2.8 5 . 9 4 0 52 5 2,8 5 6 . 4 6 10 0 . 0 0 % 14 4 2,2 7 1 68 7 99 6 3, 3 9 9 43 1 23 5 30 SS C C H F i i r 1.6 % 27 . 7 2 % 8.3 8 % 0.0 0 % 12 . 1 6 % 41 . 4 9 % 5.2 6 % 2.8 7 % 0.3 6 % 10 0 . 0 0 % SS G C i F i i r 1. 7 2 % 27 . 0 5 % 8.2 6 % 0.0 0 % 12 . 6 2 % 41 . 5 2 % 5,4 5 % 3.0 1 % 0.3 7 % 10 0 . 0 0 % Pa g e 1 0 . 1 7 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S 1_ 0 . . . , 0 1 R a C _ . D e _ 2 Ø nu s e C T I O F T H E F A C T O R I N P U T D E A L S W I T H T H E E N E R G Y O F S E A S O N L P U R C H A S E C O N T R A C T S I Pa c . P o _. P o Pa c . P o Pa c . P o Pa c . P o w R.M . P . R.M . P Ro M . P . R. M . P . MO " H To t Pr p o r t n CA I F O R N I A OR E O N WA S N G T O N MO N T A N A WY O M I N G UT A H ID A H O WY O M I N G FE R C Je n l 0 0% , Fe b l 0 0% Ma . l 0 0% , Ap . l 0 0% Mi 1 0 0% Ju l 0 0% Ju l 0 0% Au l 0 0% Sø l 0 0% Qe l 0 0% "" - 1 0 0% De l 0 0%0% SS E P F " " t o I 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 00 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 1_ 0 . _ 0 1 R o t C _ . D o . . m b e , 2 0 Tl S s e C T I O O F T H E F A C T O R I N P U T D E W I T H T H E D E M A N D O F S E A S O N A L P U R C H A S E C O N T R C T S Pe . P o w Pa c . P o Pa c . P o w Pa c . P o w Pe e . P o w R.M , P ; Ro M . P R.M . P . R.M . P . MO To I Pr CA I F O R M A OR E a O N WA S H i N G T O N MO N T A N WY O M I N G UT A H ID A H O WY O M I N G FE R C Jo n l 0 0% 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 Fe l 0 0% 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 Me . l 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 Ap - l 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 Mi 1 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 Ju l 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 Ju l 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 Au g l 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 So " . 1 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 Qc . l 0 0% 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 No . . l 0 0% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 De l 0 0% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0" . 4 SS C P F a e , 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % SS G C F a e , 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0. 0 0 % 0.0 0 % Pa g e 1 0 . 1 8 AL L O C A T I O N S U S I N G P R O F O R M A L O A D S DECEMBER 2010 FACTORS IDAHO ANNUAL EMBEDDED COSTS Period Endng December 2009 YEAR END BAlCE Company Owned Hydro - West Açcount Description Amount Mwh $/Mwh Difrential Refrence 535- 545 Hydro Opetion & Maintenance Expese 29.555,140 Page 2.7. West only 403HP Hyro Depreiation Expense 11.442.254 Page 2.15, West only 4041P Hydro Rellcensing Amozation 2,720.447 Page 2.1ß. West only Tot West Hydro Opening Expense 43,717.841 330- 336 Hydro Elecric Plant in Service 509.192.400 Page 2.23, West only 302 & 182M Hydro Relicensing 100.881,734 Page 2.29. West only 108HP Hy Accumulated Depreciaton Res (211.569,917)Page 2.36. West only 1111P Hydro Relicensing Accumulated Reerve (11,454,352)Page 2.39. West on 154 Materals and Supplies (1.86)Page 2.32. Wes ony West Hydro Net Rate Base 387,028,006 Preta Return 11.73% Rate Base Renue Requirement 45,380,854 Annual Embedded Cost West Hydr..Electrlc Resources 89,098,695 3,777,83 23.58 (ß5,082.413) MWh fro GRID Mid C Contract Account Descrpton Amount Mwh $/wh Difrential Refrence 555 Annual Mld-C Contr Cots 23.424,09 1.170,156 20.õ2 (24,332.377) GRID Grant Reasonble Poron (15,523,615)(15,523.ß151 GRID 7,900,479 (39,855,992 Qualif Facilitis Account Description Amount Mwh $/Mwh Diffrential Refnce 555 Utah Annual Quallie Facilites Costs 25,157.082 388,084 64.82 9,318,581 55 Oregon Annual Qualified Facliües Costs 39,578,386 275,120 143.86 28,350,172 55 Idaho Annual Qualifed Facilties Cots 4,135,847 75,849 54.67 1.048,256 555 WYU Annual Qualifed Facilies Costs 555 WVP Annual Qualifed Facilites Costs 723,797 11.373 63.64 259,842 555 Caillamia Annual Qualifed Facilties Costs 3,958,769 33.443 118.37 2,593,891 555 Washingto Annual Qualif Facilmes Costs 1,920,742 13,03 147.35 1,388,757 Total Qualifed Facilties Costs 75.474,423 796,704 94.73 42,959,299 GRID All Otr Generaton. Resources (Ex. West Hyro. Mid C, and QF) Acount Descriptio Amount Mwh $/Mwh Reference 50- 514 Stem Opetin & Maintenanc Exse 991,43,159 Page 2.5 53-54 Ea Hyro Operation & Mainanc Expense 9.183,739 Page 2.7, East only 546-55 Other Generon Operation & Maintenance Expene 545,33,533 Page 2.8 55 01her Purchased P.. Cotrct 487,238,070 GRID les QF and Mlci 40910 Renewable Eney Proucn Tax Creit (113,34.472)Page 2.20 4118 502 Emisio Allowance (8.261.076)Pag 2.. 456 James Rive / Litte Mountain Of (8,822,101)James River Adj (Tab 5) 456 Gre Tag Revenues (91,779,696)Gre Tag (Tab 3) 403P Stem Dereciation Expense 124,171,876 Page 2.15 403HP East Hyro Depre Exense 4,457.733 Page 2.15, East only 4030P Other Generaton Deation Expense 115,928.071 Page 2.15 403MP Mining Dep Expense 0 Page 2.15 4041P East Hyro Relicenslng Amorti 327,190 Page 2.16. East only 408 A_on of Plant Acqulsmon Costs 5,479,353 Page 2.17 T oll All Other Openg Expenses 2.061.350,379 310-316 Ste Eie Plant In Service 5.872.483.326 Pag 2.21 33-33 East Hyro Elecl Plant In Serce 125,087.529 Page 2.23. Eat only 30 & 186 East Hyro Relicenslng 9,841.735 Page 2.29. East only 34- 346 Other Elecc Plant in Serce 3.30.261,125 Page 2.24 399 Mining 48.80.833 Page 2.28 108SP Ste Accmulte Deprell Reerv (2,489.95.440)Page 2.38 108P Ot Gention Accumulate Deiati Res (294.931,95)Pag 2.36 108 Oth Acumulted Depreciaton Re (170.926.051 )Page 2.38. east only 108HP Eat Hy Aclate Dereiation Reere (42.780,373)Pag 2.36. Eest only 1111P East Hydro Reicin Acmuated Re (3.44.445)Page 2.39. East ony 114 Eletr Pla Acis Adustment 157.193.780 Page 2.31 115 Ac Proviion Acquis Adjustmet (96.326.873)Page 2.31 151 Fue Sto 195.574,734 Pag 2,32 Jont Owr WC Depoit (4,385,50)Pag 2.32 253.98 S02 emiSion Alances (33.04.213)Page 2.34 154 Maten & Supplie 81.516.215 Page 2.32 154 East Hy Matels & SupplieT_ Net Ra Ba 7,088.53,475Preta Ret 11.73Raie Ba Reve Reqireme ¡§i.m,m An.. Embd Cos Al 0l Geat Reoucas 2.893,736.051 70,903.94 40.81 MWh !T GRID fõì Añ emd CÕts 3.66U6U5&76,64.638 40.00 Pag 10.19 ALOCTINS USIN PROFORM LOADS IDAHO REVISED PROTOCOL Pag 11.0 Total Rebu Adjustment (Tab 11) TOTAL 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Brier U2 Overhaul Rebuttl Tax Impact Ma Liquidate Medcae Subsidy Rebutl Avian Generation Major Plant Plant Addns Total Norlized Damages Rebl SeWement Overhaul Expense Addlt Rebuttal Rebuttl 1 Operating Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 3 Interdepartental 4 Special Sales 1,892,013 5 Oter Oprating Revenues 6 T olal Operang Revenues 1,892.013 7 8 Operating Expenses: 9 Steam Production 29,96 (73.017) 10 Nuclear Producon 11 Hydro Producton 12 Other Power Supply 1,558,631 (8,414) 13 Transmission 158,394 14 Distrbuton 15 Customer Accounting 16 Customer Service & Info 17 Sal 18 Adminislrative & General (4,999)(4,999) 19 Total O&M Expenses 1,741,988 (4,999)(81,431) 20 Deprecilion (46,716)(313)(1,497) 21 Amortzaon 22 Taxes Othr Than Income 23 Incme Taxes: Federal (13,132.415)166 1,670 1,244 27,207 (13.198.954) 24 Siate (1.784,477)23 227 169 3,697 (1,793.519) 25 Deferred Income Taxes 15.105.976 (70)(845)14,992,472 26 Investent Tax Credit Adj. 27 Misc Revenue & Expense (301.491) 28 Total Operang Expenses:1.582,865 (194)(3.102)(929)(50.527)0 29 30 Operating Rev For Return:309,148 194 3,102 929 50,527 (0) 31 32 Rate Base: 33 Elect Planlln Service (2,008,08)(13,248)(74,490)(1.920,347) 34 Plant Held fo Future Use 35 Misc Dered Debit 36 Ele Plant Acq Adj 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepyments 39 Fuel Stock 40 Material & Supplies 41 Work Capl 42 Weathizn Loans 43 Mlsc Rate Base 44 Total Elric Plt:(2,008,08)(13,248)(74.490)(1,920.347) 45 46 Deuctions: 47 Accm Prov For Deprec 59,898 313 1,487 48 Ace Prov For Amo 49 Accum Def Incme Tax (15,105,976)70 845 (14,992,472) 50 Unamortd ITC 51 Custoer Adv For Const 52 Custor Service Deit 53 Miscellaneous Deduct 301,491 54 55 Total Deductions:(14.744,590)383 2,342 (14.992,472) 58 57 Total Rate Base:(16,752,675)(12,865)(72,148)(1.920,347)(14,99,472) 68 59 60 Esll1ed ROE Impct 0.451%0.00 0.001%0.002%0,017%0.038%0.30% 61 62 63 84 TAX CALCULATIN: 65 66 Opeatg Reven 498.233 313 4,999 1,497 81,43167 Ot De 68 Intl (AFUDC) 69 Intest70 Sc "M Adns (68.39)(313)(68.085)71 Sch "M Deon 38,745,496 (497)(2,227)39.44,729 72 Inc Befor Tax (39,30,662)497 4,99 3,725 81,431 (39.50,815) 73 74 S_ In Taxes (1,784,477)23 227 169 3.697 (1,793.519) 75 76 Taxab In (37,521,165)474 4.772 3,558 77,734 (37,711,296) 77 78 Fed tnc Taxes (13,132,415)186 1.670 1,244 27,207 (13,198,954) IDAHO REVISED PROTOCOL Page 11.0.1 Total Rebutal Adjustmnts (Tab 11) TOTAL 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 0 0 0 Rebuttl Rebuttl Depreciation Depreciation Rebu Net Rebuttl S02 Expense Reserve Pow Cost Sales 0 0 0 1 Operating Revenues: 2 General Busines Revenues 3 Interdepartntal 4 Special Sales 1.892.013 5 Other Operating Revenues 6 Tota Operating Revenues 1,892.013 7 8 Operating Expenses: 9 Steam Producton 102.979 10 Nuclear Producton 11 Hydro Producion 12 Other Power Supply 1.567,04 13 Trasmission 158,394 14 Distribuon 15 Custom Accounting 16 Custome Service & Info 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General 19 Total O&M Expenses 1.828,417 20 Depreciation (44,906) 21 Amortzation 22 Taxes Other Than Income 23 Inco Taxes: Federal 15,003 21,248 24 Sta 2.039 2.887 25 Defrr Inco Taxes 114,419 26 Investme Tax CredR Adj. 27 Misc Revenue & Expense (301,491) 28 Total Operating Expenses:(27,863)1.852.553 (187,072) 29 30 Operating Rev For Return:27.863 39,461 187.072 31 32 Rate Base: 33 Eleet Plant In Servic 34 Plant Held for Future Use 35 Misc Defered Debi 36 Ele Plant Acq Ad) 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepaymets 39 Fuel Stock 40 Material & Supplies 41 Worng Capitl 42 Weathritin Loans 43 Mlc Rate Base 44 Tota Eleet Plant: 45 46 Dectons: 47 Acc Prov For Deprc 58,085 48 Accum Prov For Amor 49 Accum De Income Tax (114,419) 50 Unamod ITC 51 Custo Adv For Const 52 Customer Seric Deosits 53 Micella Deductns 301,491 54 56 Tota DedUCns:58,085 187,072 56 57 Tot Rate Base:58.085 187,072 58 59 60 Estima ROE Impac 0.010%-0.001%0.014%0.061%0.00%0.00%0.000% 61 62 63 64 TAX CALCUlTION: 65 66 Operating Revenue 44.90 63.59 301.49167 Otr De 68 Int (AFUOC)691_t70 Sc "M" Addl71 Sc "M De 301,491 72 In Bee Tax 44,90 63.59 73 74 Sta In Taxes 2,039 2,887 75 76 Tllable Ine 42.867 60.709 77 78 Fedal Inc Taxes 15.00 21,248 Rocky Mountain Power PAGE 11.1 Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Bridger U2 Overhaul Liquidated Damages TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT~COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Rate Base: Steam Plant Capital 312 3 (240,497)SG 5.508%(13,248)11.1.1 Steam Plant Depreciation Reserve 108SP 3 5,691 SG 5.508%313 11.1.1 Adjustment to Expense: Steam Plant Depreciation Expense 403SP 3 (5,691)SG 5.508%(313)11.1.1 Tax Impacts: Schedule M Adjustment SCHMAT 3 (5,691)SG 5.508%(313) Schedule M Adjustment SCHMDT 3 (9,019)SG 5.508%(497) Deferred Income Tax Expense 41110 3 (1,263)SG 5.508%(70) Accumulated Def Inc Tax Balance 282 3 1,263 SG 5.508%70 Description of Adjustments: This adjustment adds in liquidated damages for an overhaul that was done on Bridger Unit #2 in CY2009. Page 11.1.1 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Bridger U2 Overhaul Liquidated Damages - 10 GRC Dec09 - Rebuttal Total Liquidated Damages Liquidated Damages Reflected in the GRC Remaining Liquidated Damages RMP Remaining Liquidated Damages 625,000 264,254 (360,746) (240,497) Ref. 11.1 Depreciation Rate 2.366% Depreciation Expense Depreciation Reserve (5,691) Ref. 11.1 5,691 Ref. 11.1 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Medicare Subsidy Rebuttal PAGE 11.2 TOTAL ACCOUNT ~ COMPANY FACTOR IDAHO FACTOR % ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Regulatory Asset Amortization 930 (4,999)ID Situs (4,999) Description of Adjusbnent: The Company filed an application with the Commission to defer and amortize the initial write off related to a change in law. This rebuttal adjustment includes the reduction in the yearly amortization amount due to accounting updates through March, 2010 instead of December 2009 as originally fied. Description of Adjustment: This rebuttal adjustment removes the capital addition related to various transmission improvement projects resulting from the Avian Settlement Agreement as their accumulated sum falls below the $5 millon capital addition threshold. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 PAGE 11.4 Rebuttal Generation Overhaul Expense Adjustment to Expense: Generation Overhaul Exp - Steam Generation Overhaul Exp - Other 510 553 (1,325,528) (152,748) (1,478.277) SG SG IDAHO FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# 5.508%(73,017)Below 5.508%(8,414)Below (81,431) TOTAL ACCOUNT IY COMPANY FACTOR Adjustment Detail: Generation Overhaul Exp - Steam Revised Generation Overhaul Exp - Steam As Filed 506,600 1,832,129 ( 1.325,528) 11.4.1 Generation Overhaul Exp -Other Revised Generation Overhaul Exp - Other As Filed (4,057,750) (3.905.002) (152.748) 11.4.1 Description of Adjustment: This rebuttal adjustment recalculates the Company's original adjustment without escalation of the historical costs. It does not recalculate the average of the newer plants using years 2007-10. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case. December 2009 Rebuttal Generation Overhaul Expense FUNCTION: OTHER Period Year Ending December 2006 Year Ending December 2007 Year Ending December 2008 Year Ending December 2009 4 Year Average New Plant Overhaul Expense Lake Side Plant - 4 Year Average Currant Creek Plant - 4 Year Average Chehalis Plant - 4 Year Average Total New Plant Overhaul Expense Total 4 Year Average - Other Overhaul Expense 2,940,000 2,860,000 1,725,000 2,552,000 2,519,250 Year Ending December 2009 Overhaul Expense - Other Total 4 Year Average - Other Adjustment FUNCTION: STEAM Period Year Ending December 2006 Year Ending December 2007 Year Ending December 2008 Year Ending December 2009 4 Year Average Overhaul Expense 29,613,264 28,560,541 20,030,017 25,392,474 25,899,074 Year Ending Dec 2009 Overhaul Expense - Steam Total 4 Year Average - Steam Adjustment Page 11.4.1 Escalation Rates to Dec 2009 * Escalated Expense10.43% 3,246,6126.64% 3,049,9861.22% 1,725,000 2,552,000 2,643,400 1,031,000 2,023,000 754,000 3,808,000 Ref 11..2 6,327,250 10,385,000 Ref 11.4.2 6,327,250 (4,057,750) Ref11.4 Escalation Rates to Dec 2009 * Esclated Expense11.04% 32,882,9337.29% 30,643,282-0.25% 19,979,722 25,392,474 27,224,603 25,392,474 Ref11.4.2 25,899,074 506,600 Ref11.4 Rocky Mountin Power Idaho General Rate Case. December 2009 Rebuttal Generation Overhaul Expense Page 11.4.2 Existing Units Plants. Oter Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Yr 2006 Yr 2007 Yr 2008 Yr 2009 73,934 2,677,913 83,913 418,189 723,024 24,146 1,730,915 1,676,722 30,900 3,279,981 5,824,658 6,478,000 2,290,000 3,910,432 8,171,859 (95O,900) 7,575,000 (39,000)769,000 3,648,974 4,864,64 1,341,431 6,895,563 5,629,000 6,60,000 925,000 1.300.00 1,156,000 44a.OO 1,376,000 743,000 745,000 90,000 370,000 495,000 5.90,000 6,815,000 4.427,000 5,214.00 2,383,000 2.860.000 1,725,000 2.023,000 139,000 529,000 418,000 32,55.264 31,420,541 21,755,017 27,944,474 29,613,264 28,560,541 20,030,017 25,392,474 R.1.11.'.1 2,94,000 2,860,000 1,725.000 2,552,000 $32.55,264 $31,20,541 $21,755,017 $27,94,474 Plants. Steam Blundell Carbon DaveJohnston Gadsby Hunter Huntington Naughton Wyodak Cholla Colstrip Craig Hayden JimBridger Hermston LiIeMt Camas WValley Total. includes Sleam and Other By Function Steam Other Total New Generang Units' Restiiment in December 2009 Dollars I Actual Budoe! 2010 Dolars!i r Calendar I Calendar I Calendar Calndar I Calendar I Calndr I 4 Year Yr 207 Yr2008 Yr2009 Yr 2010 Yr2011 Yr2012 Averaoe Meyets ad 1,523,000 1,216,000 5,121,000 232.000 .2,023,000 2,023,000 54,000 1,001,000 2,579,000 593,000 1,031,000 386,250 .1,711.000 1,305,000 754,00 427,750 3,808,000 2,837,000 106.64%101.22%99.80%99.80%99.80% r Calendar I Calendar I Calendar Calendar I Calendar I Calendar J 4 Year Averged Yr 2007 Yr 2008 Yr2009 Yr 2010 Yr20l1 Yr 2012 Ave""Years 1,624,171 1,230,839 5,121,000 231,535 2,051,886 2007.20'0 550,639 1,001.000 2,573,828 591.811 1,031,367 20.2011 1,711,000 .1,302,383 753,34 200012 1,624,171 1,781,478 7,833,000 231,535 2,573,828 1,894,194 3,836,599 Currt Creek Lake Side Chehalis Restatement Percentage Currnt Creek LakeSide Chehalis Below 'Curnt Creek. Lake Sid, & Chehalis are all Functon. Other December 2009 Overl Expense. Other Pre.2oo7 Plant 2009 Currt Crek, Lake Side. and Chehalis: 2,552,000 7,833.000 Ab"" 10,385,000 R.I. 11.'.1 Rocky Mountain Power PAGE 11.5 Idaho General Rate Case . December 2009 Major Plant Additions Rebuttal TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT .I COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Rate Base: Steam Production 312 3 (23,316,784)SG 5.508%(1,284,405)11.5.1 Hydro Production 332 3 219,994 SG-P 5.508%12,118 11.5.1 Other Production 343 3 (8,077,338)SG 5.508%(444,940)11.5.1 Transmission 355 3 2,943,073 SG 5.508%162,119 11.5.1 Mining Plant 399 3 (5,745,000)SE 6.358%(365,240)11.5.1 (33,976,054 )(1,920,347) Descrlptionof Adjustment: This adjustment reduces the Major Plant Addition adjustment included in the filing for updated project forecasts and in service dates. The coresponding depreciation expense and reserve adjustments have also been updated. Rocky Mountain Power PAGE 11.6 Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Tax Impact Major Plant Additions Rebuttal TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT Type COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Tax: Sch M Additions - Mining SCHMAT 3 (207,307)SE 6.358%(13,180) Sch M Additions- Steam Production SCHMAT 3 (551,719)SG 5.508%(30,391) Sch M Additions- Other Production SCHMAT 3 (327,328)SG 5.508%(18,031) Sch M Additions- Transmission SCHMAT 3 59,147 SG 5.508%3,258 Sch M Additions - Hydro Production SCHMAT 3 4,696 SG 5.508%259 (1,022,512)(58,085) Deferred Tax Exp- Mining 41110 3 78,675 SE 6.358%5,002 Deferred Tax Exp- Steam Production 41110 3 209,383 SG 5.508%11,534 Deferred Tax Exp- Other Production 41110 3 124,224 SG 5.508%6,843 Deferred Tax Exp- Transmission 41110 3 (22,447)SG 5.508%(1,236) Deferred Tax Exp- Hydro Production 41110 3 (1,782)SG 5.508%(98) 388,053 22,044 Accum DITBAL- Mining 282 3 (78,675)SE 6.358%(5,002) Accum DITBAL - Steam Production 282 3 (209,383)SG 5.508%(11,534) Accum DITBAL - Other Production 282 3 (124,224)SG 5.508%(6,843) Accum DITBAL - Transmission 282 3 22,447 SG 5.508%1,236 Accum DITBAL- Hydro Production 282 3 1,782 SG 5.508%98 (388,053)(22,044) Sch M Deductions-Mining SCHMDT 3 6,961,508 SE 6.358%442,579 Sch M Deduction- Steam Production SCHMDT 3 156,044,734 SG 5.508%8,595,721 Sch M Deduction- Other Production SCHMDT 3 99,627,077 SG 5.508%5,487,955 Sch M Deduction- Transmission SCHMDT 3 448,970,356 SG 5.508%24,731,523 Sch M Deduction- Intangible Plant SCHMDT 3 477,934 SG 5.508%26,327 Sch M Deductions- Hydro Production SCHMDT 3 2,952,239 SG 5.508%162,624 715,033,847 39,446,729 Deferred Tax Exp- Mining 41010 3 2,641,962 SE 6.358%167,963 Deferred Tax Exp- Steam Production 41010 3 59,220,537 SG 5.508%3,262,162 Deferred Tax Exp Other Production 41010 3 37,809,472 SG 5.508%2,082,734 Deferred Tax Exp- Transmission 41010 3 170,388,740 SG 5.508%9,385,860 DeferredTax Exp- Intangible Plant 41010 3 181,381 SG 5.508%9,991 Deferred Tax Exp- Hydro Production 41010 3 1,120,404 SG 5.508%61,717 271,362,495 14,970,428 Accum DITBAL- Mining 282 3 (2,641,962)SE 6.358%(167,963) Accum DITBAL - Steam Production 282 3 (59,220,537)SG 5.508%(3.262,162) Accum DITBAL - Other Production 282 3 (37,809,472)SG 5.508%(2,082,734) Accum DITBAL - Transmission 282 3 (170,388,740)SG 5.508%(9,385,860) Accum DITBAL . Intangible Plant 282 3 (181,381 )SG 5.508%(9,991 ) Accum DITBAL- Hydro Production 282 3 (1,120,404)SG 5.508%(61,717) (271,362,495)(14.970,428) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment incorporates the tax impacts of the Major Plant Addition rebuttal adjustment. This adjustment also includes bonus depreciation. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Rebuttal Depreciation Expense PAGE 11.7 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT Type COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Steam Production 403SP 3 (551,719)SG 5.508%(30,391)Below Hydro Production 403HP 3 4.696 SG-P 5.508%259 Below Other Production 4030P 3 (327,328)SG 5.508%(18,031)Below Transmission 403TP 3 59,147 SG 5.508%3.258 Below (815.205)(44,906) Adjustment Detail: Updated Steam Production Hydro Production Other Production Transmission Intangible Plant 13,831,844 130,577 10,256,941 18,989,404 461,144 43,669,911 11.7.1 As Filed Steam Production Hydro Production Other Production Transmission Intangible Plant 14,383,564 125,881 10,584,269 18,930,257 461,144 44,485,115 Adjustment Steam Production Hydro Production Other Production Transmission Intangible Plant (551,719) 4,696 (327,328) 59,147 (815,205) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment to depreciation expense reflects the update that was made to the Major Plant Addition adjustment in the rebuttal filing. Rocky Mountain Power PAGE 11.8 Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Rebuttal Depreciation Reserve TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT Im COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Reserve: Steam Production 108SP 3 551,719 SG 5.508%30,391 Below Hydro Production 108HP 3 (4,696)SG-P 5.508%(259)Below Other Production 1080P 3 327,328 SG 5.508%18,031 Below Transmission 108TP 3 (59,147)SG 5.508%(3,258)Below Mining Plant 108MP 3 207,307 SE 6.358%13,180 Below 1,022,512 58,085 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment to depreciation reserve reflects the update that was made to the Major Plant Addition adjustment in the rebuttl fiing. Page 11.8.1 Rocky Mountain Powr Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 - Rebuttal Major Plant Addtion Detail. Jan2010 to Dec2010 'U¡ílld Plant Depreciation Janl0 to DeclO Piant Incremental Reserve on Prolact Dascription Account Factr In-Service Date Account Depreciaton Rate Additions PlentAdds Steam Production Dave Johnston: U3 502 & PM Emission Cnt~ Upgrades 312 SG May-l 0 108SP 2.366%299.083.211 (7.076,875) Huntiton Ul Clean AI - PM 312 SG Nov-l0 108SP 2.366%66,881,032 (2,055.770) Hunter. 301 Turbine Upgrade HP/iP/LP 312 SG Apr-l0 108SP 2.366%30.384,402 (718,952) Huntington: UL Turbine Upgrade HP/IPILP 312 SG Novl0 108SP 2.366%30,172,885 (713,948) Ul Huntington Clean Air - 502 312 SG Nov-l0 l08SP 2.366%6,493,942 (153.659) Jim Bridger: UL 502 & PM Em Cnlr Upgrades 312 SG Jun-l0 108SP 2.366%14,975,646 (354,352) Dave Johnston: U3 Low Nox Bumers 312 SG Aug-l0 108SP 2,366%17,586,539 (416,131) Hunter 301 Main Contr Replacement 312 SG Apr.l0 108SP 2.366%9,559.675 (226,200) Dave Johnton: U3 - Replace Bollerrrurbine Contrs 312 SG May-l0 108SP 2,366%10,767.578 (254,781) Jim Bridger UL Turne Upgrade HP/iP 312 SG Jun-l0 108SP 2,366%9,140.208 (216,275) Huntington: UL Clean Air - NO.312 SG Novl0 108SP 2.366%9.344.367 (221,106) Jim Bridger. UL Reeater Replacemnt 10 312 SG Jun-l0 108SP 2.366%8,087,849 (190.901) Huntngton: ul Economizer Replacement 312 SG Nov.l0 l08SP 2,36%8,011,393 (189,565) Huntington Water Efficiency Mgt Projec 312 SG Jun-l0 108SP 2.36%8,971,432 (212,281) Jim Bridger. UL Clean Air - NO.312 SG Jun-l0 108SP 2,366%6,042,280 (142,972) Hunter. 301 Economizer Relacement 312 SG Apr-I 0 108SP 2.366%6,301,709 (149.110) Huntington: UL Boiler Finish SH Pendants Replacent 312 SG Nov-I 0 108SP 2.36%5,807,429 (137.415) Jim Bridger. UL Generator Rewnd 312 SG Jun-l0 1085P 2,366%5.857,136 (136,591) Hunter: 301 Low Temp. SH Replacement 312 SG Apr-I 0 108SP 2.36%5,470.087 (129,432) Dave Johnston: U3 - Horzontal SH Replace 312 SG May-l 0 108SP 2.36%5,643,210 (133,529) Steam Produelon Totl 584,562,010 (13,831,84) Hydro Produelon INU 11.5 Lemolo 1 FQlbay expansion & We 33 SG-P Aul0 108HP 2.135%6,117,381 (130.577 Hydro Production Total 6,117,381 (130.577 Othr Produet Dunlap i Win Project 343 SG Nov-l0 1080P 4.052%253.106,361 (10.256,941) Otr Prodelon Total 253.106,361 (10.256.941) Transmission Populus to Termlnat (Populus to Ben Lomond)35 SG No-l0 108TP 2.010%402,938,994 (8.97.835) Populus to Terinal (Populus to Be Lomnd)355 SG Del-I 0 10BTP 2.010%145,199,007 (2,918.05) Poplus to Terinal (Ben Lomond to Terminal)355 SG Mar.l0 108TP 2.010%190,877118 (3,836.043) Populus to Terinal (Ben Lomond to Terminal)355 SG Apr-l0 108TP 2.010%7,340.2n (147,517) Poplus to Ternal (Ben Lomond to Terminal. residual clos)355 SG 0eel0 108TP 2.010%6,727,289 (135,198) Thre Peaks Sub: Instal 345 kV Substation. Phase II 355 SG Jun-l0 108TP 2,010%51,134,840 (1,027,653) Camp Wiliams - 90t Sou Double Circuit 345 kV line 355 SG Dee-l0 108TP 2.010%45.00,000 (912,400) Re B\Ie-St Geoge 136 kv dbl ckt, (345 kv Const)355 SG May-l 0 108TP 2.010%22,651.000 (455,215) Pinto 345 kV Series Capacitor 355 SG Nov-l0 108TP 2,010%15,028,000 (302.017) Dunlap Ranch Wind Ferm Phase 1 Internecton 355 SG Aul0 108TP 2.010%10.50,00 (211.018) Uppe Gre Rier Bain Super Proec - Trensmlss Pert 355 SG 0-10 108TP 2.010%10,025,204 (201,476) Oqu. New 345-138 kV Sub & 138 kV Swlhyard 355 SG Jun-l0 10BT 2.010%8,416,076 (169,137) Parr Gap Cont Nw 2309kV Sub 355 SG Jun-l0 l08TP 2.010%9,900.000 (198,960) Line 37 Conv to 1151N Bid Nickel Mt Sub - Tra 355 SG Mer-l0 I08TP 2.010%9,570,203 (192,332) Chappe Creek 230 kV Clme.. Ener 20 MW Phae II 35 SG Dee-l0 108TP 2.010%5,496,321 (110,459) Comun Par Convert to 115-12.5 kV. Transmision Part 35 SG Qe10 108TP 2.010%3,686,621 (74,09) Transmission Tota 94.890.952 (18.989.40) Intangibl TriP ii Enery Tradin Syss Capital 303 SG Dec-l0 L111P 4.020%11,470,408 (461,144) Intngle Total 11,470.408 (461.144) Mining Deer Cre-Restrct Lonll Syste 399 SE De-l0 108MP 3.608%18.160.00 (655.30) Mining Totl 18.160.000 1655.30) 1,818,307,112 144.325,211 )Rë 11.8 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment incorporates the net power cost adjustments in the Company's rebuttal testimony. Ro o M o n t l l P _ r id _ _ R a l e C _ . D a m . . _ Ne P _ e - A d - R o b u t (1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 1 To t a l R _ m o w n e m U n a d j u s t e d R e m o v N P C A c a l C o s t s A d j u s t m e n t t o G R I D A l l g n e d N o r m a l i z e d T a t a l Ac c o u n t N P C C o s b N P C C o s b O o r o r r o l o M a t c h G R I D N P C C o s t a C o s b i A d j u s t m e n t !l e o c r t P i l o n A c c o u n t ( B T a b a ) ( 1 ) + ( 2 ) ( 3 ) + ( 4 ) ( 5 ) + ( 6 ) ( 8 ) . ! I F a c t o r Sa l i o _ ( _ 4 4 7 1 Ex F i r S a P P Ex F i r S a U P L Po - m F i n s a . . _S a . . T. . S _ Ot e m _ s a e o To t R a v A d a __ C A c 5 5 ) Ex I i F i r D e P P ex i s n g F i r D e U P Ex i l l l n F i r m E n e r Po F i n S- . P u _ Se a n a e o ' 8 c l e Wi n I n a g a l n C h o BP A R e A d j u T_ _ _ , A d I _ 44 7 _ 1 2 22 . 2 . 1 8 1 22 . 2 2 5 . 1 8 1 22 . 2 2 5 . 1 8 1 22 . 2 2 5 . 1 8 1 25 . 0 3 6 . 2 6 0 2.8 1 1 . 0 7 9 SG 44 7 . 1 2 2 23 . 1 4 0 . _ 23 ; 1 4 0 . 6 9 0 23 . 1 4 0 . _ 23 . 1 4 0 . _ 25 . 4 9 0 . 5 8 9 2. 3 4 9 . 9 0 SG 44 7 . 1 3 . 4 4 7 . 1 4 . 4 4 7 . 2 . 4 4 7 . 6 1 . 4 4 7 _ 6 2 58 8 . 5 3 4 . 1 6 3 58 8 . 5 3 4 . 1 6 3 58 8 . 5 3 4 . 1 6 3 58 8 . 5 3 4 . 1 6 3 60 5 . 9 9 3 . 3 1 0 21 7 . 4 5 9 . 1 4 7 SG 44 7 . 5 1. 0 6 8 , 4 8 3 1.0 6 8 . 4 8 1. 0 6 . 4 6 3 1. 0 6 8 . 4 8 (1 . 0 6 8 . 4 8 ) SE 44 7 . 9 1. 3 2 3 . 5 4 6 . ( 1 . 3 2 3 . 5 4 1 5 44 7 . 1 7.0 2 9 . 0 9 (7 . 0 2 9 . 0 9 ) 5 64 . 3 2 1 . 1 5 7 (8 . 3 5 2 , 6 4 1 ) 63 : , ~ 8 , 5 1 6 -~ . 63 , 9 6 8 , 5 1 6 63 4 . 9 6 8 , 5 1 6 85 6 . 5 2 0 , 1 6 0 22 1 , 5 5 1 , 6 4 55 5 _ 6 6 46 . 1 7 8 . 4 5 4 46 . 1 7 8 . 4 5 48 . 1 7 8 . 4 5 4 48 , 1 7 8 , 4 5 4 75 . 0 3 0 . 9 9 8 26 . 8 5 2 , 5 4 4 SG 55 . 6 6 5. 1 2 7 . 1 8 5 5.1 2 7 . 1 8 5 5.1 2 7 . 1 8 5 5. 1 2 7 , 1 8 5 45 . 5 8 2 . 5 0 4 41 . 4 5 , 3 1 9 SG 55 5 . 6 5 , 5 5 5 . 6 6 98 . 7 1 3 . 9 6 3 98 . 7 1 3 . 9 6 3 98 , 7 1 3 . 9 6 3 98 . 7 1 3 , 9 6 70 , 5 0 2 . 3 3 4 (2 6 , 2 1 1 , 6 2 9 ) SE 55 5 . 5 5 5 . 5 5 . 5 5 . 6 1 . 5 5 . 6 2 . 5 5 5 . 6 3 , 5 5 5 . 6 4 , 5 5 5 . 6 7 , 5 5 5 . 8 35 . 4 2 2 , 3 0 35 6 , 4 2 2 , 3 0 6 (2 0 , 4 6 1 . 2 4 6 1 33 5 . 9 4 1 , 0 5 9 33 5 . 9 4 1 . 0 5 9 37 8 , 4 9 7 . 1 3 7 42 . 5 5 6 . 0 7 6 SG 55 5 . 7 . 5 5 5 _ 2 5 (1 9 , 0 2 . 4 9 0 ) (1 9 . 0 2 2 . 4 9 0 ) (1 9 . 0 2 2 , 4 9 0 ) (1 9 , 0 2 , 4 9 0 ) 19 . 0 2 2 , 4 9 0 SE 0 SS G C 33 . 1 0 5 , 5 7 6 33 . 1 0 5 , 5 7 6 SG 55 5 . 1 1 , 5 5 5 . 1 2 . 5 5 5 . 1 3 3 (3 3 , 2 0 7 . 7 6 6 ) 33 , 2 0 7 , 7 6 6 S 45 6 . 2 1 1 , 6 4 9 3 3 , 2 0 7 . 7 6 8 4 8 9 , 4 1 9 , 4 1 1 1 2 Ö ~ 4 8 1 . 2 4 6 ) 4 6 8 , 9 3 8 , 1 7 1 4 6 8 , 9 3 8 . 1 1 1 6 0 . 7 1 8 . 5 5 1 1 3 4 . 7 8 0 , 3 8 0 wi ( A c 5 8 ) Ex F i n n P P L Ei i n F i n U P L __ F i n -To t W h E x A d j u o a n 56 5 . 2 6 56 5 2 7 56 . 0 . 5 6 5 . 4 6 , 5 6 5 . 1 56 . 2 5 29 . 9 3 3 . 9 1 0 2 9 . 9 3 . 9 1 0 2 9 . 9 3 3 , 9 1 0 2 9 . 9 3 . 9 1 0 2 6 . 9 7 2 , 9 2 6 ( 2 , 9 6 . 9 8 2 ) S G 62 0 , 2 8 5 8 2 . 2 8 5 6 2 0 , 2 8 5 6 2 0 . 2 6 5 0 ( 6 2 0 . 2 8 5 ) S G 85 , 2 6 4 . 2 1 9 8 5 , 2 6 4 , 2 1 9 8 5 , 2 6 4 , 2 1 9 8 5 . 2 6 4 . 2 1 9 1 0 6 . 4 1 0 , 4 6 5 2 3 , 1 4 6 , 2 6 6 S G 1, 1 4 2 , 7 9 7 1 . 1 4 2 , 7 9 7 1 , 1 4 2 . 7 9 7 1 . 1 4 2 , 7 9 7 2 , 6 1 2 . 5 6 0 1 , 4 6 9 , 7 6 3 S E 11 7 , 1 6 1 , 2 1 0 1 1 7 . 1 6 1 , 2 1 0 1 1 7 , 1 6 1 , 2 1 0 1 1 7 , 1 6 1 , 2 1 0 1 3 7 , 9 , 9 9 3 2 0 , 8 3 4 , 7 6 3 Fu e E x ( A c 5 0 1 , 5 0 a n 5 4 7 ) Fu e e o . C o Fu e e o . G . . _, . . 0 I s - Na G a C o SI C y C o - . T _ Ch A P E x i : M1 . . . . F u e l e o To t a F u e E x , 50 1 . 1 50 1 _ 3 5 50 54 7 54 7 50 1 . 1 . 5 0 1 . 2 , 5 0 1 . 4 5 50 1 , 5 0 1 . 2 . 5 0 1 . 3 . 5 0 1 . , 5 0 1 _ 5 , 5 0 1 . 5 1 51 6 . 3 8 2 . 5 7 8 5 1 8 , 3 8 , 5 7 8 5 1 6 , 3 8 2 , 5 7 8 38 . 5 2 0 , 7 9 2 3 8 , 5 2 0 , 7 9 2 3 6 . 5 2 0 . 7 9 2 3. 5 9 7 . 5 7 6 3 . 5 9 7 , 5 7 6 3 . 5 9 7 , 5 7 6 42 6 . 2 5 3 . 8 9 4 2 6 , 2 5 3 , 8 9 5 4 2 6 . 2 5 3 . 8 9 5 35 . 4 6 9 , 1 2 0 3 5 . 4 6 9 . 1 2 0 3 5 . 4 6 9 . 1 2 0 56 , 2 . 7 5 5 ( 3 , 2 1 3 . 3 8 4 ) 5 2 . 9 9 1 . 3 7 1 5 2 , 9 9 1 . 3 7 1 11 , 1 5 7 , 9 3 ( 1 1 , 1 5 7 , 9 3 0 ) 0 . _ _ _ . . 1, 0 6 , 8 0 . 8 4 ( 1 4 , 3 7 1 , 3 1 4 ) 1 , 0 7 1 ~ , 3 3 1 . 0 I 1 . 3 5 , S 3 2 1 , 0 7 1 , 2 3 5 , 3 3 1 . 1 7 8 , 0 3 , 6 4 3 1 0 0 , 8 0 . 3 1 1 51 6 . 3 8 2 , 5 7 8 36 . 5 2 0 , 7 9 2 3.5 9 7 . 5 7 6 42 6 , 2 5 3 , 8 9 5 35 , 4 8 9 . 1 2 0 52 . 9 9 1 , 3 7 1 63 1 . 0 9 4 , 9 5 6, 7 4 6 , _ 3,3 7 3 . 9 2 9 46 8 , 6 4 . 6 7 0 13 , 9 6 1 , 5 7 0 54 , 2 1 7 , 5 5 5 11 4 , 7 1 2 , 3 7 4 S E (2 9 . 7 7 3 . 6 2 6 ) S E (2 2 3 . 6 4 7 ) S E 42 , 3 6 6 . 7 7 6 S E (2 1 , 5 2 7 . 5 5 0 ) S S E C T 1, 2 6 . 1 6 4 S S E C H SE Ne t P o w r C o s t 1. 0 1 5 . 6 5 8 , 3 4 2 7 . 1 8 9 . 0 9 5 1 , Q 8 4 7 , : ( 2 0 . 4 8 1 , 2 4 6 ) 1 , 0 2 3 3 6 6 . 1 9 7 1 ; 0 2 2 ; 3 6 6 , 1 9 1 1 . 0 6 3 . 2 3 0 . 0 2 1 Ro f . 2- 2 li n e 66 R e r S . l R o r l l . 9 - 4 ~,6 6 3 . 8 3 0 Ro r l 1 . 9 . 2 Pa g o l 1 - . 1 Page 11.9.2 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Net Po\'Ver Cost Adjustment.. Rebuttal Rebuttal Rebuttal Filed Adjustment TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL ACCOUNT COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY Adjustment to Revenue: Sales for Resale (Account 447) Existing Firm PPL 447 2,811,079 2,811,079 Existing Firm UPL 447 2,349,900 2,349,900 Post-Merger Firm 447 217,459,147 183,111,971 34,347,176 Non-Firm 447 (1,068,483)(1,068,483) Total Sales for Resale 221,551,644 187,204,468 34,347,176 Adjustment to Expense: Purchased Power (Account 555) Existing Firm Demand PPL 555 26,852,544 26,852,544 Existing Firm Demand UPL 555 41,455,319 41,455,319 Existing Firm Energy 555 (28,211,629)(28,211 ;629) Post-merger Firm 555 42,556,078 48,109,163 (5,553,085) Secondary Purchases 555 19,022,490 19,022,490 Seasonal Contracts 555 Other Generation 555 33,105,578 34,187,931 (1,082,352) Total Purchased Power Adjustments:134,780,380 141,415,818 (6,635,437) Wheeling Expense (Account 565) Existing Firm PPL 565 (2,960,982)(2,960,982)° Existing Firm UPL 565 (820,285)(820,285) Post-merger Firm 565 23,146,266 23,179,140 (32,874) Non-Firm 565 1,469,783 (1,050,141 )2,519,925 Total Wheeling Expense Adjustments:20,834,783 18,347,732 2,487,051 Fuel Expense (Accounts 501, 503, 547) Fuel Consumed - Coal 501 114,712,374 113,299,594 1,412,780 Fuel Consumed - Gas 501 (29,773,826)(29,856,185)82,359 Steam from Other Sources 503 (223,647)(223,647) Natural Gas Consumed 547 42,386,776 13,052,907 29,333,868 Simple Cycle Combustion Turbini 547 (21,527,550)(22,591,198)1,063,648 Cholla I APS Exchange 501 1,226,184 1,094,564 131,620 Total Fuel Expense Adjustments:106,800,311 74,776,036 32,024,276 Total Power Cost Adjustment 40,863,830 47,335,117 (6,471,288) Ref 11.9.1 Ref 11.9 Remove Power Cost Deferrals 555 (20,481,246)(20,481,246) Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case - December 2009 Period Ending December-10 SPECIAL SALES FOR RESALE Pacific Pre Merger Post Merger Utah Pre Merger Non Firm Sub Total TOTAL SPECIAL SALES PURCHASED POWER & NET INTERCHANGE BPA Peak Purchase Pacific Capacity Mid Columbia MisclPacific O.F. eontractslPPL Pacific Sub Total Gemstate GSLM OF ContractsfUPl IPP Layoff UP&L to PP&L Utah Sub Total APS Supplemental p27875 Blanding Purchase p379174 BPA Reserve Purchase Chehalis Station Service Combine Hils Wind p160595 Constellation p257677 Constellation p257678 Constellation p268849 Deseret Purchase p194277 Georgia-Pacific Camas Hermiston Purchase p99563 Hurricane Purchase p393045 Kennecott Generation Incentive LADWP p491303-4 MagCorp p226 MagCorp Reserves p510378 Morgan Stanley p189046 Morgan Stanley p272153-6-8 Morgan Stanley p272154-7 Nucor p34856 P4 Production p137215fp145258 Rock River Wind p1 00371 Roseburg Forest Products p312292 Three Butes Wind p46057 Top of the World Wind p575862 Tri-State Purchase p27057 Wolverine Creek Wind p244520 BPA So. Idaho p64885/p83975/p6705 PSCo Exchange p30325 TransAlt p371 348371 34 Seasonal Purchased Power Morgan Stanley p24440 Moran Stanley p244841 UBSp268848 UBS p268850 Page 11.9.3 Study Results MERGED PEAK/ENERGY SPLIT ($) Merged Pre-Merger Pre-Merger 01/ 0-12/1 0 lÆ ~Non-Firm Post-Merger 25,036,260 25,036,260 805,993,310 805,993,310 25,490,589 25,490,589 .._-_...._----_.._---_._..00-..-..-..--------- _________.._.._____------------------....__.._---_.._---... 856,520,160 50,526,850 805,993,310 57,615,000 1,470,755 29,774,072 6,326,113 67,443,841 57,615,000 600,000 8,932,222 1,311,801 6,571,976 28,852,243 870,755 20,841,851 5,014,313 32,019,623 162.629,782 75,030,998 58,746,542 28,852,243 2,716,400 2,716,400 107,365,737 25,490,589 21,091,915 9,039,392 25,490,589 77,234,430 135,572,726 4,415,996 28,864 239,962 138,194 3,911,516 46,582,504 11,755,792 77234,430 4,415,996 28,864 239,962 138,194 3,911,516 31,867,569 6,434,764 97,281,918 145,210 10.824,184 774,380 4,370,900 10,683,600 1,485,000 1,572,00 4,885,800 16,193,520 5,041,688 8,767,111 20,598,497 12,687,518 11,359,280 9,748,726 (56,234)3,600,00 (1,644,00) 31,867,569 6,434,764 97,281,918 145,210 10,824,184 774,380 4,370,90 10,683,600 1,485,000 1,572,000 4,885,800 16,193,520 5,041,688 8,767,111 20,598,497 12,687.518 11,359,280 9,748,726 (56,234)3,600,00 (1,64,00) Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case. December 2009 Period Ending December. 7 0 Short Term Firm Purchases New Firm Sub Total Wind Integration Charge Non Firm Sub Total TOTAL PURCHASED PW & NET INT. WHEELING & U. OF F. EXPENSE Pacific Firm Wheeling and Use of Facilities Utah Firm Wheeling and Use of Facilties Post Merger Nonlirm Wheeling TOTAL WHEELING & U. OFF. EXPENSE THERMAL FUEL BURN EXPENSE Carbon Cholla Colstrip Craig Chehalis Currant Creek Dave Johnston Gadsby Gadsby CT Hayden Hermiston Hunter Huntington Jim Bridger Lake Side Utile Mountain Naughton Wyodak TOTAL FUEL BURN EXPENSE OTHER GENERATION EXPENSE Blundell TOTAL OTHER GEN. EXPENSE NET POWER COST Page 11.9.4 Study Results MERGED PEAK/ENERGY SPLIT ($) Merged 01/10=12110 7,054,508 Pre-MergerJÆ Pre-Merger~.N Post-Merger 7,054,508 272,410,464 33,105,578 272,410,464 33,105,578 603,718,551 121.613,502 70,502,334 411,602,715 26,972,928 26,972,928 108,410,485 108,410,485 2,612,580 2,612,580 --------------------------_........-----_. -_....---------_........_---_.._-_...._--....--_......__.................. 137,995,993 26,972,928 2,612,580 108,410,485 20,663,737 20,663,737 54,217.555 54,217,555 11,524,649 11,524,649 20,271,843 20.271,843 132,777,904 132,77,90 109,269,611 109,269,611 48,426,653 48,426,653 6,746,966 6,746,966 13,961,570 13,961,570 11,290,102 11,290,102 60,461,446 60,461,446 113,48,800 113,484,800 104,947,002 104,947,002 183,646,047 183,646,047 157,018,402 157,018,402 9,113,308 9,113,308 97,728,642 97,728,642 19,111,477 19,111,477--------------------_..........--- -_.._....-----_..__......----_..-......_------_....__.._-_..-.. 1,174,661,714 1,174,661,714 3,373,929 3,373,929 3,373,929 3,373,929======= =========--=== ====- 1,063,230,027 98,059,581 70,502,334 1,180,648,223 (285,980,110)========== ======== ========= ======= ======= Ref 11.9.1 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case. December 2009 Rebuttal S02 Sales PAGE 11.10 Adjustment to Taxes: Schedule M Deduction DIT Expense TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT~COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % ALLOCATED REF# 4118 (4,742,268)SE 6.358%(301,491 )Below 190 1 (1,799,738)SE 6.358%(114,419)Below 25398 1 4,742,268 SE 6.358%301,491 Below SCHMDT 4,742,268 SE 6.358%301,491 Below 41010 1,799,738 SE 6.358%114,419 Below Adjustment to Income: Add CY 2010 Amortization Adjustment to Rate Base: Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Regulatory Deferred Sales Adjustment Detail: Rebuttl 5 Year Average Remove CY 2009 Allowance Sales Add CY 2010 Amortization Schedule M Deduction DIT Expense 3,790,891 11.10.1 (8,261,076)11.10.1 12,540,609 11.10.1 (33,044,213)11.10.1 8,261,076 11.10.1 3,135,161 11.10.1 3,790,891 (3,518,808) 14,340,347 (37,786,481) 3,518,808 1,335,423 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Regulatory Deferred Sales As Filed Remove CY 2009 Allowance Sales Add CY 2010 Amortization Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Regulatory Deferred Sales Schedule M Deduction DIT Expense Rebuttl Incremental Adjustment Remove CY 2009 Allowance Sales Add CY 2010 Amortization Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Regulatory Deferred Sales (4,742,268) (1,799,738) 4,742,268 Schedule M Deduction DITExpnse 4,742,268 1,799,738 Description of Adjusbnent: This adjustment reduces the amortization of 802 sales from 15 years to 5 years and includes the corresponding rate base and tax impacts. Ro M o n t P o I ,: . . Be l n n l n ø o f t h e P e r o d l i) o ! i l -c ld a l t . G e e r l R a c a - . D e b e 2 0 0 9 I ." . En d i n g o f t h e i i r i o d l ~l c i l 50 2 A J n c e $ l - R e ., il AC m u l a t e AC m u l a t Ac c m u l a t e En d U n a m o z e CU r r e n t P e r i o d Un a m o r t Un r e a l i z G a i n Re l i z e d G a i n De f e r e d I n c i D e f e . . . e d I n c o m e De i p , ... Da 8 0 sa l e s To . D 8 t e ... , Àm r t Ba l a n c e Am o l t z a t i c i n . Ba l a n c e SO l M A T SC M D T D.I . T . E ¡ p e n s e Ta i i . " T a . x De l 0 De l 0 U M o n t h E n De - 0 9 12 M o n t h E n d 12 M o n E n d e d 12 M o n t h e n d e d De - 0 9 De - l 0 EP A A i Ma y - O S 2,0 6 5 , 3 5 7 92 7 , 1 1 2 1. 1 3 8 , 2 q 5 28 4 , 5 6 8 l,q 2 2 . 8 1 3 0 28 q , 5 6 8 10 7 , 9 9 6 53 9 , 9 7 2 q3 1 . 9 7 5 EP A A u Ju n - 0 5 20 0 , 9 H 89 , 2 9 2 11 1 , 6 2 2 27 , 9 1 2 13 9 , 5 3 Q 0 27 , 9 1 2 10 . 5 9 3 52 , 9 5 Q Q2 , 3 6 2 J. P . M o a Ð 5 a oe - G 5 13 , 9 5 8 , 5 0 0 5,8 3 1 , 5 4 7 8,1 2 6 , 9 5 3 2,0 3 1 , 7 4 4 10 , 1 5 8 , 6 9 7 0 2,0 3 1 , 7 4 4 77 1 . 0 6 7 3, 8 5 5 , 3 2 7 3, 0 8 4 , 2 6 0 JP . M o n S a Fe 0 6 12 . 9 9 5 , 0 0 5,3 1 3 , 4 9 0 7,6 8 1 , 5 1 0 1, 9 2 0 , 3 7 2 9, 6 0 1 , 8 8 2 0 1,9 2 0 , 3 7 2 72 8 , 8 0 0 3,6 4 . 0 1 0 2, 9 1 5 , 2 1 0 EP A A u Ma Y - 0 6 2, 3 9 2 , ' 1 94 6 , 3 2 8 1.4 4 , 0 8 0 36 1 , 5 2 Q 1, 8 0 7 , 6 O 0 36 1 , 5 2 Q 13 7 , 2 0 2 68 6 , 0 0 54 8 , 8 0 2 EP A A u Ju n - 0 23 2 , 2 4 4 90 , 8 2 2 HI , 4 2 2 35 , 3 5 2 17 6 , 7 7 4 0 35 , 3 5 2 13 , 4 1 6 67 , 0 8 53 , 6 7 1 sa r a c e E n e r Ma r - 0 7 2,3 2 2 , 5 0 0 81 5 , 4 6 6 1, 5 0 7 , 0 3 Q 37 6 , 7 6 4 1,8 8 3 , 7 9 8 0 37 6 , 7 M 14 2 , 9 8 6 71 4 , 9 2 0 57 1 , 9 3 Q EP A A u m ¡ L i D r u s Ap - 0 7 3,7 2 7 , 5 4 8 1, 2 9 2 , 2 2 9 2,4 3 5 , 3 1 9 60 8 , 8 3 2 3, 0 4 , 1 5 1 0 60 8 , 8 3 2 23 1 , 0 5 8 1,1 5 5 , 2 8 6 92 4 , 2 2 8 EP A A u c t J i i ¡ l o i s D r u s Ma y - 0 7 2,8 9 7 , 5 0 0 99 1 , 5 8 8 1. 9 0 5 , 9 1 2 47 6 , 4 8 2,3 8 2 , 3 9 6 0 47 6 , 4 8 4 18 0 , 8 3 0 90 4 , H 3 72 3 , 3 1 3 ¡ F o s 00 - 0 7 2,8 7 2 , 5 0 0 91 9 , 1 9 4 19 5 3 , 3 0 6 48 8 . 3 2 8 2,4 4 1 , 6 3 4 0 48 8 , 3 2 8 18 5 , 3 2 5 92 6 , 6 2 5 74 1 , 2 9 9 Sa ¡ O T E C o l 5 e e s oe - 0 7 2,8 4 3 , 4 5 0 88 4 , 6 3 3 1, 9 5 8 , 8 1 7 48 9 , 7 0 8 2,4 4 8 , 5 2 5 0 48 9 , 7 0 8 18 5 , 8 4 9 92 9 , 2 4 0 74 3 , 3 9 1 EP A A u i o Ap - o 1, 1 9 2 , 0 2 7 34 , 6 5 0 84 2 , 3 7 7 21 0 , 5 8 8 1,0 5 2 , 9 6 5 0 21 0 , 5 8 8 79 , 9 2 0 39 9 , 6 1 1 31 9 , 6 9 1 Se p r a I I I 00 - 0 14 9 , 5 0 0 39 , 8 7 3 10 9 . 6 2 7 27 , ' 1 13 7 , 0 3 5 0 27 , 4 0 8 10 , 4 0 2 52 , 0 0 6 41 , 6 0 5 va n i No 1, 3 9 3 . 5 0 0 36 5 , 4 1 6 1,0 2 8 , 8 4 25 7 , 0 2 8 1,2 8 5 , 1 1 2 0 25 7 . 0 2 8 97 , 5 4 5 48 7 , 7 1 3 39 0 , 1 6 8 Sh , D r e y oe - Q 8 2, 1 5 4 , 0 0 55 5 , 2 5 5 1, 5 9 8 , 7 4 5 39 9 , 6 8 Q 1,9 9 8 , Q 2 9 0 39 9 . 6 8 Q 15 1 , 6 8 4 75 8 , Q 2 4 60 6 , 7 4 0 Sh Ja - 0 9 19 4 , 5 0 0 49 . 2 7 2 14 5 , 2 2 8 36 , 3 0 18 1 , 5 2 8 0 36 , 3 0 0 13 , 7 7 6 68 , 8 9 2 55 , 1 1 5 EP A A u Ap - 0 17 3 , 1 4 1 41 , 5 5 0 13 1 , 5 9 1 32 , 8 9 2 16 4 , Q 8 3 0 32 , 8 9 2 12 , ' 1 l 3 62 , 4 2 3 49 , 9 4 0 va . Ju n - 0 1, 0 1 7 , 5 0 0 23 5 , 1 5 9 78 2 . 3 Q l 19 5 , 5 8 8 97 7 , 9 2 9 0 19 5 , 5 8 8 7Q , 2 2 8 37 1 , 1 3 4 29 6 , 9 0 6 Ed s o M ß l o ; V l , I n c . Au o 0 9 I, Q 5 5 , 0 0 Ko S u a n T r a , I P V I ; A E S D e a t e 5e p - 0 9 95 0 , 7 5 0 To t l s 52 , 7 8 2 , 0 8 9 19 , 7 3 7 8 7 6 33 0 4 4 , 2 1 3 8. 2 6 1 , 0 7 6 41 3 0 5 , 2 8 9 0 8, 2 6 1 , 0 7 6 3, 1 3 5 , 1 6 1 15 , 6 7 5 , 7 7 0 12 , 5 4 0 , 6 0 9 \ A c t l S 0 2 s a i e s Re f # 1 1 . 1 0 - - - - - - - . . . 1 1 . 1 0 Jy n e 2 0 0 V a r i B u ' S0 2 c r d l t U n a m o r t z e d B a l a n c e De f e r r e d I n c o m e T a x E x e n s e or r U n a m o r t B a l a n c e 33 , 0 4 4 , 2 1 3 12 , 5 4 0 , 6 0 9 CE E n i r o m e l M a i 1 L P NR G Oh i O V a l 1 93 , 1 2 5 M5 . o o 18 6 . 2 5 0 1. 0 1 7 , 5 0 0 Re f # 1 1 . 1 0 Re f # 1 1 . 1 0 Re f # 1 1 . 1 0 o 3, 1 3 5 , 1 6 1 Re f # 1 1 . 1 0 Pa g e 1 1 . 1 0 . 1 Case No. PAC-E-1O-07 Exhbit No. 80 Witness: Steven R. McDougal BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Updated LGAR Calculation November 2010 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 80 Page 1 of 3 Case No. PAC-E-10-07 Witness: Steven R. McDougal Idaho Public Utilties Commission Production Request 5 Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC) PAC-E-10-07 Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 877,766,533 Rebuttal Exhibit 2 paae 10.19 2 Production - Expense 2,188,443,123 Rebuttal Exhibit 2 page 10.19 3 Production - Revenues (856,520,160)Rebuttal Exhibit 2 page 11.9.1 Production Revenue Requirement 2,209,689,497 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Line 3) System Load 57,460,901 Net Power Cost Study Production $ per MWH $38.46 PAC-E-10-07 Unbundled Production Revenue requirement (Excluding Net Power Costs) Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 877,766,533 Rebuttal Exhibit 2 page 10.19 2 Production - Expense 2,188,443,123 Rebuttal Exhibit 2 page 10.19 3 Production - NPC Expenses (1,781,754,194)Rebuttal Exhibit 2 page 11.9.1 Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC)1,284,455,462 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Une 3) System Load 57,460,901 Net Power Cost Study Production $ per MWH $22.3a: PAC-E-08-07 Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Per IPUC Order No.30715) Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 615,420,689 JAM Tab ECD 2 Production - Expense 3,624,067,686 JAM Tab ECD 3 Production - Revenues (2,242,830,255)RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production Revenue Requirement 1,996,658,120 (Line 1 + L.ine 2 - Line 3) System Load 58,052,638 RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production $ per MWH $34.39 PAC-E-08-07 Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding Net Power Costs) Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 615,420,689 JAM Tab ECD 2 Production - Expense 3,624,067,686 JAM Tab ECD 3 Production - NPC Expenses (3,224,837,687)RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC)1,014,650,688 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Line 3) System Load 58,052,638 RAM Tab 5, Adi No 1 Production $ per MWH .......... . ..;$17.48 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 80 Page.2 of 3 Case No. PAG-E-10-07 Witness: Steven R. McDougal Idaho Public Utilties Commission Production Request 5 Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC) December 2008 Annual Report Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding Net Power Costs) Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 720,198,369 JAM Tab ECO 2 Production - Expense 2,399,270,653 JAM Tab ECO 3 Production - NPC Expenses (2,018,890,690)RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC)1,100,578,332 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Line 3) System Load 58,587,247 RAM Tab 5, Adi No 1 Production $ per MWH $18.79 December 2007 Annual Report Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding Net Power Costs) Description Amount Source 1 . Production - Return On Investment 562,886,786 JAM Tab ECO 2 Production - Expense 2,999,195,474 JAM Tab ECO 3 Production - NPC Expenses (2,622,848,200)RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC)939,234,060 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Line 3) System Load 58,070,670 RAM Tab 5, Adi No 1 Production $ per MWH $16.17 December 2006 Annual Report Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding Net Power Costs) Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 502,326,524 JAM Tab ECO 2 Production - Expense 3,236,453,200 JAM Tab ECO 3 Production - NPC Expenses (2,809,578,442)RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC)929,201 ,282 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Line 3) System Load 56,111,183 RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production $ per MWH $16.56 March 2006 Annual Report Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding Net Power Costs) Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 455,964,647 JAM Tab ECO 2 Production - Expense 2,659,321,887 JAM Tab ECO 3 Production - NPC Expenses (2,238,052,891 )RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC)877,233,643 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Line 3) SYStem Load 54,578,830 RAM Tab 5,Adi No 1 Production $ per MWH $16.07 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 80 Page 3 of 3 Case No. PAC-E-10-07 Witness: Steven R. McDougal Idaho Public Utilties Commission Production Request 5 Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPC) March 2005 Annual Report Unbundled Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding Net Power Costs) Description Amount Source 1 Production - Return On Investment 393,879,072 JAM Tab EGD 2 Production - Expense 2,269,943,097 JAM Tab EGD 3 Production - NPG Expenses (1,848,507,139)RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production Revenue Requirement (Excluding NPG)815,315,030 (Line 1 + Line 2 - Line 3) System Load 53,264,625 RAM Tab 5, Adj No 1 Production $ per MWH $15.31