HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101116Hunter Reb.pdfREC Z3WNOV l 6 AM fO: l 6 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY 13.7 PERCENT ) ) CASE NO. PAC.E.10.07 ) ) Rebuttl Testimony of Carol L. Hunter ) ) ) ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC.E.10.07 November 2010 1 Introduction 2 Q.Please state your name and business address. 3 A.My name is Carol L. Hunter. My business address is One Utah Center, 201 South 4 Main, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. 5 Q.By whom are you employed and in what position? 6 A.I am a Vice President for Rocky Mountain Power. 7 Q.Please describe the responsibilties of your current position. 8 A.I am responsible for demand-side management for Rocky Mountain Power and 9 for Pacific Power. This includes, the planning, development, design, approval 10 and implementation of programs designed to reduce energy consumption though 11 energy efficiency and behavioral changes and to reduce consumption durg peak 12 periods of usage though load control. 13 Qualifications 14 Q.Please describe your background. 15 A.I recived a B.S. in mechanical engineer in 1977 and an M.B.A. in 1987 fröm the 16 University of Uta. I joined PacifiCorp in 1977 as a customer service engineer 17 and have held varous management positions in resoure planning, wholesale 18 marketing, community and business services and economic development. In 19 2004, I was promoted to vice president. 20 I held numerous board positions over my 30 year career and curently 21 serve on the executive board of the Salt Lae Chamber of Commerce, the Idao 22 Strtegic Energy Allance and the energy efficiency subcommttee of the Uta 23 Energy taskforce. Hunter, Di-Reb - 1 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 Q. 4 A. 5 6 7 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 A. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Have you previously tied testimony in this proceeing? No. What is the purpoe of your testimony? The purpose of my testimony is to respond to or rebut certn issues raised in the testimonies of Mr. Randy Lobb and Mr. Gar Grayson of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion (the "Commssion) Staff as it relates to the investment in the company's energy efficiency and load control programs. Please summariz.Mr. Grayson's testimony as it relates to the Company's energ efficiency and load control programs? Mr. Grayson addressed: (1) the prudency of the 2008 and 2009 investment in energy effciency; (2) the issue he refers to as "customer segment equity"; and (3) the use of a taff rider to recover the costs associated with the Company's demand-:side management programs. Please summrize Mr. Lobb's testimony as it relates to the Company's irgation load control program? Mr. Lobb believes that the irgation load control program allocation is not reasonable because "Idaho receives a reduction of system costs that equate to a program benefit of approximately 66 percent ($7.0 mion/$II.4 millon) of the costs."i He views this as unfai when 100 percent of the program costs are diectly assigned to Idao. Mr. Lobb proposes that the "Company trat the program costs as system purchase power cost and allocate them just as it would any other system power supply expense."i 1 Rady Lobb Diect Testiny Page 15, Lines 3-5. 2 Ibd, Page 16, Line 2-4. Hunter, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Prudency 2 Q. 3 4 5 A. 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Did Mr. Grayson find the 2008 and 209 energy efficiency and load management progrms operated by Rocky Mountain Power in Idaho prudent. Yes, he indicates that the 2008 - 2009 programs were "generaly prudent and cost-effective." 3 Please summarize Mr. Grayson's testimony regarding "customer segment equity." Utilzing the tota investment in energy efficiency and load control for the company's programs in 2009, Mr. Grayson calculates the percentage of the tota investment by class. Based on this analysis he determned that 81 percent of the DSM expenditues were associated with the irgation load control program with the remaining 19 percent going to support the residential energy efficiency programs (6.5%,) commerciaVindustral (4.5%,) agricultual (5.9%) and maket transformtion (2.1 %.) Based on this evaluation he indicated that the Company should endeavor to find ways to "pursue all cost-effective DSM while strving toward greater balance with regard to customer segment equity." It is importt to note that while Mr. Grayson's analysis is correct when looking at the overal demand-side management portolio, the energy effciency portolio, excludig maket transformtion is faily well balanced between classes; residential at 38 percent of the investment made in energy efficiency, commerciaVindustrial at 27 percent and agricultue at 35 percent. 3 Gar Gryson Direct Testimony, page 7 lies 4-9. Hunter, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 What steps can you tae to achieve "customer segment equity"? Mr. Grayson did not define customer segment equity. Rather he merely indicated that based on his analysis of the expenditure by customer segment as a percentage of tota investment PacifiCorp had not achieved customer segment equity. It appears that he is seeking to achieve an even distrbution of funds across the three customer segments; that is 33 percent of the total investment to be made in each of the segments regardless of the type of resource (load control verses energy efficiency). In general I believe there are only four possible approaches to achieving customer segment equity. They are: (1) to expand cost effective program offerings to segments where the expenditues are below average; (2) to suspend or otherwise restrct cost effective programs offered to segments where the expenditus exceed the average; (3) to take actions associated with a combination of (1) and (2); or (4) establish three separate balancing accounts, one for each segment. Can you achieve customer segment equity by expandig cost effective program offering to segments where the expenditures are below average? As noted in Mr. Grayson's testimony there is relatively little difference between expenditues for residential energy effciency programs (6.5%) and the commerciaVindustral (4.5%) especially in comparson with the diference between the investment in these two segments and the investment in agricultul progr~ (86.9%). The large disparty is due to the investment in the Idao irgation load control program. Hunter, Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 15 A. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 We could attempt to accelerate the acquisition of energy efficiency savings in the residential and commerciaVindustral segments by increasing incentives. Modest increases might improve the "customer segment equity" without a significant impact to the program cost effectiveness or quality control. Significant increases, however, could reduce the cost effectiveness and have an adverse impact on the quality control of the progras. Consequently while you could mitigate an imbalance in the customer segment equity increasing spending in the other customer segments could raise prudency issues. As an alternative or in addition to increases in investment in the residential and commerciaVindustral segments, steps could be taen at this time to reduce the investment in the agrcultural segment in 2011 without an adverse impact on the overall cost-effectiveness of the demand-side management portfolio. How would you approach reducing the investment in the agrcultural segment? There are only two programs available to this segment; the Agricultual Energy Savers Program and the irgation load control program. As Mr. Hedan indicated in his diect testimony both of these programs were cost-effective; however, the Agrcultual Energy Savers program's benefit to cost ratio was lower than the irgation load control program's benefit to cost ratio on a utility cost test basis and the paricipants cost test basis. While from a utilty standpoint the Agricultual Energy Savers program is cost effective, eliminatig the program would have a beneficial impact on the overall energy effciency portolio cost effectiveness. The overal energy effciency portolio cost effectiveness would Hunter, Di-Reb - 5 Rocky Mounta Power 1 improve from 1.93 to 2.05 as measured by the utilty cost test. 2 Q.Would you recommend this action absent the issue of customer segment 3 equity? 4 A.While the 2009 Agricultul Energy Savers program was determned to be cost 5 effective, the program's benefit to cost ratios, as measured by the PacifiCorp total 6 resource cost test, the total resource cost test, utilty cost test, and the ratepayer 7 impact test, are lower than irgation load control's benefit to cost ratios. 8 Consequently before reducing the irgation load control program beyond the 9 recommendations I discuss later in my testimony, I would recommend elimating 10 the Agricultual Energy Savers program. 11 Irrigation Load Control Program 12 Q.What is the current status of the irrigation load control progr? 13 A.Two of the thee thd-pary delivery vendor agreements utilzed in operating this 14 program were set to expire on December 31,2010. Based on the expiration date 15 of these agreements a request for proposal ("RFP") was prepared and issued in 16 July of this year. The RF was later cancelled given uncertinty related to the 17 ongoing natue and strcture of the program and the potential changes resulting 18 from the Staffs review and recommendations. 19 At this time we have extended the remaining two agreements though 20 2011 and anticipate the RFP wil be reissued durng the second quarr of 201 1. 21 The RF includes an option for the contiued operation of the progra utiliing 22 multiple vendors as subcontrctors. Once the responses are reived they wil be 23 evaluate on tehnical and commercial term prior to awardig an agreement. If Hunter, Di-Reb - 6 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q. 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 the curent approach is determned to be less costly after consideration of the technology and risk, the Company wil continue operating the program as it does today. Otherwise, the new agreement covering the operation of the program wil be completed in time for the 2012 control season. It is important to note however, any control unit purchase before or durng the 2011 control seasons has a reasonable probabilty of only being in service one year as a result of the procurement process. What actions must the Company pursue pending re-procurement? As stated, the company wil be extending its agreement. To avoid purchasing new equipment the company wil seek to optimize the existing equipment. While the company has had the authority under its taff to restrct parcipation by customers with irgation equipment motor load size less than 30 Hp, it has not done so. However when we factor in the cost associated with recursive field costs, which doesn't var by pump size, the smaler pumps contrbute less to the overall cost effectiveness of the program. By restrcting parcipation durng the 2011 control period to equipment greater than 30 Hp in size approxiately 300 control units wil be mae available to replace damged or failed units on larger equipment while only reducing the total connected irgation load under contract by approximtely 8 megawatts. If we extend the limitation to al equipment 50 Hp or less in size approximately 500 control units wil be made avaiable with a total reduction of approxiately13 megawatts. In summar, by limiting parcipation in 2011 to larger equipment we optimie the use of the equipment thereby improving cost effectiveness. Hunter, Di-Reb - 7 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. ,18 A. 19 20 21 22 How do you respond to Mr. Lobb's concern that Idaho customers may not be receiving the full benefits of the program while paying for the full cost? This situation may exist if the curent costs are built into rates in 2011 on an Idao situs basis. However, the company is also placed in a difficult position by Staff s proposal that an allocation of costs would occur, shifting program costs away from Idao to other states before the issue has been addressed and resolved by the MSP Standing Commttee or factored into cost recovery filings in other states. While the program is cost effective as compared to alternatives, shareholders do not receive compensation for benefits achieved (costs not incured), only the recovery of its actual costs. As a result, the company believes that 2011 should be treated as a transitional year to afford the company and Staf the opportnity to work together to address the treatment of Class 1 DSM resources with the MSP Stadig Commttee. Additionally, the Company believes that certn changes need tö be made to the progra to increase its cost effectiveness and resolve operational issues that have been identified durg the last two years as the program rapidly expanded. What changes do you propose? The company proposes that the irgation load control progra continue to be treated as a situs assigned cost durng 2011 to allow the issue to be addressed with other states though the MSP process. Additionally, the Company proposes to make certn adjustments to the program to reduce the costs of the program and increase its effectiveness. Hunter, Di-Reb - 8 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Please identify the changes that you are proposing to the irrigation load control program. The Company proposes that the following changes be made to the program: . Increase the authority under the tarff to restrict parcipation by customers with irgation equipment motor load size from less than 30 horsepower (Hp) to a minimum of 50 Hp; . Add Idaho Power's parcipation selection language to the taff "The Company shall have the right to select and reject Program paricipants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessar to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but wil not be limited to; Biling demand, location, pump horsepower, pumping system configuration, or electrc system confguration. Past paricipation does not ensure selection into the Program in futue years. Parcipation may be limited based upon the availabilty of the Program equipment and funding." . Change the penalty for opt-out events available to the Schedule 72A paricipants to a percentage reduction in the parcipate credit for each event as follows: · 1 opt out event 100% of the parcipation credit paid to paricipant · 2 opt out events 90% of the parcipation credt paid to parcipant · 3 opt out events 70% of the paricipation credt paid to parcipant · 4 opt out events 50% of the parcipation credt paid to paricipant · 5. opt out events 25% of the parcipation credit paid to parcipant · 6 opt out events paricipation in program termnated for the year . Reduce the paricipation credt to $25 per kW in 2011 and then reinstitute the $30 per kW in 2012; . The Company and IPUC Staf should work collaboratively to address the issue of system alocation of demand response programs with other states though the MSP Stading Commttee or other appropriate venues. Hunter, Di-Reb - 9 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 A. 13 14 . The program wil be treated as a system resource in 2012, subject to other states agreeing to the allocation treatment. Do you have any recommendations regarding the operation of other progrms? Yes, I would also recommend the NEEA program and the Agricultu Energy Savers progra be discontinued in Idao effective Januar 1,2011. The curent collection rate of 4.72 percent wil continue and the elimination of these two program expenses wil allow the Company to reduce the past balance of prudent program expenditues over a shorter amortization period. Please explain your recommendations to increase the minimum participation level to 50 Hp. We are seeking to increase the minimum level to 50 Hp in an effort to optimize program realization and better utilize the direct load control units curently in use. The char below demonstrates the negative cost benefit of the smaler pumps: Benefit Pump (§Net Size kW $44/kW Cost Benefit 30 22 985 1,340 (355) 35 26 1,149 1,340 (191) 40 30 1,313 1,340 (27) 45 34 1,477 1,340 137 50 37 1641 1,340 301 Hunter, Di-Reb - 10 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Please explain the change in tariff language you are recommending to align the company with Idaho Power's participation selection language. Beginning in 2008, the program manager for the irgation load control program began fielding complaints from the distrbution field engineers regarding voltage excursions during dispatch events. In response, the program manager began notifying distrbution engineering of pending events so troublemen could make the necessar adjustments to the system to limit the impact to the system. Program paricipa.tion continued to grow and in 2009 the solution implemented in 2008 was insufficient to address the issue. Durng the period following the 2009 control season the program manager working with the company's engineers identified the upper limits of the load that could be removed from each ciruit without adversely impacting the distrbution circuit, distrbution substation, transmission substation and/or generating voltages that impacted end-use loads. On a circuit by circuit basis and ultimately on a grower by grower basis loads were organized so they could be "stai-stepped" on and off in the minute intervals. While this approach resolved par of the issue there was sti an issue on select distrbution substations where reductions were lited to a certain magnitude. In these instances only solution was to alocate load away from the 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. dispatch to two dispatch periods 11 :00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and 3:00 -7:00 p.m. The result was the distict dispatch periods and with each of the dispatch periods approxitely five diferent "stair step" dispatches. While ths best utis the loads under maagement it diutes the progr's contrbution durng the highest peak hours when the control is nee the Hunter, Di-Reb - 11 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 most. By including language in the company's tarff, Rocky Mountain Power would have the flexibility to manage the load on any given substation or circuit. By better managing the loads we can improve the impact of the load control program at peak, lower costs and as a result improve cost effectiveness. Would the Company be requesting thi change absent the concerns expressed by Mr. Lobb and Mr. Grayson? Yes. As paricipation in the program has increased, transmission and distrbution issues of this natue have become more prevalent. Please explain the changes to the opt-out penalties you are recommending. Let me star by summarzing the curent program. Parcipants in Schedule 72A Dispatchable Irgation program agree to allow the Company to dispatch their pumps for 52 hours per year. Each dispatch event cannot exceed four hours totaing a maxmum of 13 interrptions anually. Program paricipants are permtted to "opt-out" of up to five events on the sixth event they are termnated from the program. If they do opt-out they pay the posted day ahead market price. While the company only experienced 2.9 percent of customers optig out of control events, the penalty associated with opting out is inconsistent with the impact to the program. Consider the following example: . Assume an irgator opts a 135 Hp pump (lOOkW) out of the program durng five control events. . Assume an average value of the liquidate damages in 2010 curently provided for in the taff. Hunter, Di-Reb - 12 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 Q. 13 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 . Under the curent taff provision the irgator would receive 96 percent of the total paricipation credits. . Based on the proposed opt-out schedule the irgator would only retan 25 percent of the credits. The proposed change wil improve the performnce of the program by (1) reducing the number of opt-outs and as a result increasing the amount of load reduced durng events, and/or (2) reducing the total incentives reducing the overall cost of the program. Would the company be requesting this change absent the issues raised in this cae? Yes. What would the impact be to the program if the incentive payments are . lowered to $25 during 2011 ? We anticipate that some customers wil elect to suspend parcipation. in the program. Given the number of factors that may impact a customer's decision to suspend parcipation, we are unable to provide an estimate of the impact on the overall size of the program. Assuming however 230 megawatts of connected load, the proposed change in incentive payments wil result in a $1,150,000 reduction in credits. How would customers benefit from these program changes if they reduce costs and increase progr effecivenes? The company wil credt the savings from these changes to the demand-side management balancing account for the program savings in excess of the amount Hunter, Di-Reb - 13 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 21 22 A. 23 in base rates and reduce the amount owed from customers to the company in that account. This wil speed up the amortization of that account and provide greater flexibilty with the level of the surcharge related to the DSM program cost recovery. Wil these changes resolve the customer segment equity issue raised by Mr. Grayson? No. While reducing the costs mitigates the issue raised by Mr. Grayson it does not elimnate the issue. To ensure customers in one class are not paying for energy savings or load control in another class, the costs associated with each segment could be assigned a separate balancing account representing the segments identified by Mr. Grayson. The cost associated with each balancing account would then be recovered from the appropriate customer segment. For example, the cost associated with energy efficiency programs are assigned to thee separate balancing accounts in Wyoming - residential, commerciaVirgation and large industraL. The cost associated with each segment is recovered from the customers in the segment. A similar approach could be used in Idao separating the costs into the three customer segments identified by Mr. Grayson. You stated that Mr. Grayson questioned the use of a tariff rider for recovery of costs associated with the company's energy effciency and load control progr. Can you expand? Yes. He indicated that most customers are not famliar with the long-term benefits associated with energy efficiency and load control programs and as a Hunter, Di-Reb - 14 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 A. 15 Q. 16 A. result customers, especially non-paricipants, question the customer efficiency service charge. Mr. Grayson however did not recommend a solution. Does the company utilze a line item customer effciency service charge to recovery costs associated with energy efficiency in all of its juriictions? No. Consistent with the other states served by PacifiCorp, the Washington Utilities and Transporttion Commssion utilzes a balancing account to ensure recovery .of all expenses associated with demand-side management. However, rather than setting a rate based on a percent of revenue to recover the costs, the Washington Commssion sets a rate based on the cost per unit of sales. The rate is then applied to a customer's usage and incorporated in the overall cost of providing service, eliminating the need for a customer efficiency service charge on the customers' bilL. Would thi eliminate the issue raised by Mr~ Grayson in hi testimony? Yes, as I understand his issue. Doe this conclude your rebuttl testimony? Yes. Hunter, Di-Reb - 15 Rocky Mounta Power