HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101116Eelkema Reb.pdf,RJ:':Ff\fFn..v__. '( "",_, 2BflNOVI6 AM 10=19 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $27.7 ) MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) CASE NO. PAC-E-I0-07 Rebuttal Testimony of Peter C. Eelkema ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-I0-07 November 2010 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 Q. 10 A. 11 12 13 14 15 Please state your name, business address and present position with PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power (the "Company"). My name is Peter C. Eelkema. My business address is 825 NE Multnoma, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97232. My present position is Senior Consultant in the Load Forecasting Deparent. Are you the same Peter C. Eelkema who submitted direct testimony in this proceeding? Yes. What is the purpose of your testimony? My testimony in this case rebuts the testimony of Idaho Irgation Pumpers' Association ("LIP A") witness Mr. Anthony J. Yankel and the testimony of the PacifiCorp Idao Industrial Customers ("PIIC") witness Mr. Greg A. Meyer: .I wil explain why this Commssion should not accept Mr. Yanel's adjustment to irgation sales. .I wil also point out why this Commssion should not accept Mr. Meyer's 16 proposed residential revenue adjustment. 17 Irrigation Sales Adjustment 18 Q. 19 A. Pleas summarize Mr. Yankel's testimony and the issues you are rebutting. Mr. Yanel is recommendig an increase in test year irgation sales to 662,167 20 MWh. The Company's annual irgation sales included in the test year are 21 545,290 MW. Mr. Yankel's recommendation increases irgation sales revenues 22 by approximately $7,049,436. Ths adjustment should be rejected by the 23 Commssion. Eelkema, Di-Reb - 1 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 A. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Please explain. First, Mr. Yanel did not recognize that there was a distinct change in weather normized irgation sales staring in 2002. Second, Mr. Yankel did nót make a compensating adjustment to reflect the increase in power costs associated with the additional energy requirements which would increase net power cost by $6,119,173. And finally, Mr. Yanel does not make an adjustment for jursdictional or class cost of service demand factors. Mr. Steven R. McDougal addresses the jursdictional impacts of Mr. Yankel' s proposal. Is there a statistical test of whether there is a change in the rate of irrigation growth? Yes. While the Company cannot be certain of the cause, our analysis demonstrates to more than a 95 percent confident level, that there has been a statistically significant decrease in the rate of growth. Is Mr. Yankel's conclusion that there is an upward trend in Idaho irrigation weather normalized sales correct? No. Mr. Yanel used a simple time trend from 1998 to 2008 to estimate the change in irgation sales for that period. The result of Mr. Yankel's specification is an upwar trend in irgation sales. However, this specification does not reflect a change in the rate of irgation sales growth around 2002. As shown in Figure 1 below, a tie trend varable that is fit to annual weather normalized data from 1998 though 2009 indicates that since 2002 irgation sales have been declining instead of increasing as concluded by Mr. YankeL. Eelkema, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mountan Power ¡-....................................................................................................................................................................................................................1, . ~¡ Figure 1 I1 . I Normalized Irrigation Sales 1998 to 2010 i: 700,000 ................................................................................................................................................................. ~ i 650,000 l---------..---.-;-~-JL I :~.,:I 600,000 ..j......................................................................................................................................................1 I.c ¡ . . ..... 3: 550,000 .r.................................... ...................................................................................................::t:........ì ~ ¡ . ¡ I 500,000 r--'- ----------.... I I 450,000 1......................................................................................................................................................... ! ¡ 400,000 ..¡...........,..........;..........1..........1..........1..........-r.........1..........1...........;..........,..........1..........1..........,..........., L¡ ~ I 199719981999200020012002200320042005 2006200720082009 20102011 ¡1 ¡1 . Weather Normalized á Company Test Year 0 Mr. Yankel Proposed LI. ¡............_~.._........"".................................... .........._..~........ \ 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 Q. 7 A. 8 9 10 11 12 13 What is your estimate of 2010 irrgation sales based simply on a 1998.2009 trend line which allows for a change in the rate of irrigation growth? Test year 2010 irgation sales would be 574,609 MWh instead of 662,167 as proposed by Mr. YaneL. 2010 irgation sales based on the time trend is much closer to the sales amount included in the Company's fiing. Should the Commission adopt 574,609 MWh as test year irrigation sales? No. The Commssion should adopt the Company's original test year sales of 545,290 MW. A trend line based on annual sales is an oversimplified method to develop test year sales and highly inuence by the period of time chosen for analysis. A better approach is to model monthy irgation sales though a strctued model which alows more flexibilty. An example of the increased flexibilty is the abilty to recognie a change in the trend. The Company has used ths approach to develop test yea sales. Eelkema, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 A. 13 14 15 Q. 16 A. 17 18 19 20 21 22 What other observations can you glean from Figure I? First, as noted earlier, there is a slight downward trend to the data in recent years. Second, Mr. Yanel's recommended sales level is above even the highest level of weather normalized sales and clearly not consistent with recent experience. Are there other reasons that irrigation sales have been decreaing? Yes. The Company has an energy efficiency program tageted to Idaho irgators. The Company has a program encouraging the installation of varable frequency drive ("VFD") pumps. These pumps allow irgators to use electrc energy more efficiently by better controllng the amount of water being pumped. Is there an upward trend in Idaho irrigation number of customers as concluded by Mr.Yankel? Yes. First, I would also note that what the Company tracks and labels "customers" are actualy sites or points of service. One customer may be tag service at more than one site. Please explain why the number of sites is increasing. As mentioned earlier, a customer may have multiple sites serving the same acreage. A customer may have one meter for the pump to brig water to the surace and another meter for the pivot irgation system. If a customer installs a pivot system on land which previously had a wheel line, the number of sites may increase even though the amount of land being irgated has not increase. So the upward trend in the number of sites is not an indicator of increasing irgation sales. Eelkema Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 20 A. 21 22 23 How can changing irrigation of land from wheel line to pivot system not increase irrigation sales? There are a number of reasons. For example, as farers convert their irgation systems, they may upgrade to more efficient VF pumps and pivot systems that apply water much more efficiently. Therefore, the change from wheel lines to a pivot system wil likely reduce irgation energy sales because the pivot system applies water more effciently. Looking only at the growth in sites, while ignorig these other factors, is over-simplified and an inaccurate approach. The increased number of sites with virally no change in the amount of land being irgated is not a legitimate indicator of increasing irgation sales. Has there been a change in the amount of agrcultural land in the Company's service territory? No. Although the Company has not been able to find statistics on the amount of land under irgation in the service terrtory, discussions with the county agricultual extension agents and a representative of the Idaho Deparment of Water Resources, indicate there is viraly no new land being irgated. Mr. Yankel states that weather normalized 2009 sales volume is an outlier bas on his time trend. Is Mr. Yanel correct that 2009 weather normalized sales are an outler? No. Once Mr. Yanel's regression time period is changed to reflect the sht in sales, 2009 weather normaled irgation saes are not an outlier. In fact, with the corrected tie period, as I note above, Mr. Yanel's test year sales are the outlier that does not fit into the trend lie as shown in Figue 1. Eelkema, Di-Reb - 5 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Q. 19 20 A. 21 22 23 Please describe the Company's methodology for weather normalization. The Company perform several steps in developing Idaho irgation weather normalization. First, the Company uses a model to identify the relationship between weather and irgation sales. The Company utilizes load research data for this modelig because it provides a view of the relationship between sales and weather on a daily basis. Based on five years of data this provides approximately 525 observations (daily observations for five summers) of this relationship. From load research data, the Company analyzes the sensitivities of sales at different temperatue levels to see if there are any breakpoints or changes in this sales/weather relationship. Also, the Company can analyze which weather varable best explains varations in irgation sales. The Company then uses the identification of the weather varable that provides the best fit in the monthly modeL. This is done by properly matching the temperatue varable to the biling cycles and estimating monthly sensitivity of irgation sales to weather. The weather normalization adjustment is the estiated coefficient which reflects weather sensitivity multiplied by the dierence between actual and normal weather. Why doen't the Company include precipitation as the weather driver in its model? The Company has chosen temperatu as measurd by Coolig Degre Days with a base of 50 degrees ("CDD50") as its weather drver. The Company recognizd that CDD50 is a bettr indicator of irgation nee than other varables such as precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and cloud cover. One of the mai reasons is Eelkema, Di-Reb - 6 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 15 16 17 A. 18 19 Q. 20 21 A. 22 23 that CDD50 (or a measure of temperatue) wil be more evenly distrbuted over a geographic area than precipitation. Summer precipitation, especially associated with thunderstorms, can result in one area of the service terrtory receiving precipitation and another area not receiving any precipitation. While temperatures in the region wil be influenced by the thunderstorms, the temperatue difference wil be less. Why didn't the Company include both CDD50 and a measure of precipitation as the weather drvers in its model? CDD50 and precipitation are highly correlated. The Company used a regression model to measure the level of correlation, and found that we can be more than 99 percent confident that they are correlated. Includig two highly corrlated varables in a model wil yield biased estimates and a biased forecast. .Mr. Yankel states on page 2, lines 11 through 13 of his testimony, "the unusually low sales data in 2009 that was. due to an unusually wet spring, was in fact not normalized for the weather anomaly that occurred." Do you agree that 209 was not normalized? No. As I pointed out earlier, CDD50 is the more appropriate measure of weather so irgation sales have been appropriately weather normized. Is reasnable to assume Mr. Yankel's adjustment to irrgation sales would have no impact on system demad? No. It is completely ilogical to assume an increase in sales volume of approximtely 117,000 megawatt hours has no impact on coincident peak. Mr. Yanel' simputation of irgation sales revenues is flawed for all the reasons I Eelkema, Di-Reb-7 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 Q. 3 4 A. 5 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 have discussed and should be rejected by the Commssion. Please summarize Mr. Yankel's criticism regarding the Company's test year residential sales. Mr. Yankel is not recommending an adjustment, but he believes that the Company's test year residential sales are understated. Do you agree with Mr. Yankel's statement on Yankel DI.12, lines 6.7 that the Company's test year forecast for residential sales are too low? No. Mr. Yanel relied on a comparson of weather normalized residential sales Januar 2010-June 2010 on a cycle month basis (388,366 MWhs) against the Company's filed residential saes forecast Januar 20lO-June 2010 (365,652 MWhs) which is on calendar month basis. The correct comparson using weather-normlized actual sales on a calendar basis (as shown in Table 1) demonstrates that the Company's residential sales forecast for the first six months of test year is very reasonable. Table 1 . Residential Sales in MWH: Jan 2010-Jun 2010 PacifiCorp's Forecat 365,652 Weather Normalized Actuals- Calendar Basis 365,288 Difference 364 % Difference 0.1% 16 Residential Sales Adjustment 17 Q.Pleas summarize PUC's poition on the Company's propos level of 18 reidential revenues. 19 A.Mr. Meyer recommends that the level of residential revenues be increase by Eelkema, Di-Reb - 8 Rocky Mountan Power 1 approximately $1.2 millon. He claims that the Company's test year temperatue 2 normalized usage per bil of 12,309 kWh, is too low when compared to the 3 average actual residential use per bil of 12,675 kWh as measurd over the five- 4 year period 2005 through 2009. To compute the higher residential use per bil, 5 Mr. Meyer makes two changes to the Company's filing. First, he removes the 6 temperatue normalization adjustment from the historical data. Second, he 7 averages five years (2005-2009) of data to calculate the test year use per bil. 8 Q.Have you quantifed the impact of these changes? 9 A.Yes. Table 2 identifies the cumulative effect of the two changes propose by Mr. 10 Meyer.11 Table 2 Increase from lTse per Bil Company (milions) (k \Yh) Description NA $0.68 $1.2 12,309 12,518 12,675 Company proposal Use 5-year avera~e instead of 2010 test period Remove temperature normalization 12 Q.Is it reasonable to remove the Company's temperature normaltion of 13 reidential loads? 14 A.No. Mr. Meyer's proposal implicitly assumes that residential loadsin Idaho are 15 not affected by temperatue. Mr. Meyer provides no rationale as to why it is 16 appropriate to ignore temperature normliation for the residential class. 17 Q.Would Mr. Meyer's adjustment reduce the accuracy of the residential load 18 forecst? 19 A.Yes. Removing the Company's temperatu normation of residential loads Eelkema, Di-Reb - 9 Rocky Mountan Power 1 would decrease the accuracy of the forecast. 2 Q.Doesn't use of a five-year average account fortemperature fluctuations? 3 A.No. Obviously a five-year average is not an appropriate surogate for weather 4 normalzation. The Company's weather normalization is based on 20-year 5 average weather period. Furermore, a five-year average mies the effect of 6 weather, efficiency, growth, and changes in habit. An integrated model such as 7 the Company uses to develop test year sales accounts for these effects in a more 8 comprehensive framework. 9 Q.How do you repond to the other aspects of Mr. Meyer's proposal? 10 A.Mr. Meyer presents no evidence, rationale or precedent for using a five-year 11 average rather than th~ Company's more robust approach of using an integrated 12 model to develop test year sales. The Commssion has traditionally weather- 13 normlized sales by using a long-term definition for norm temperatures. In 14 contrast, Mr. Meyer's proposal uses a simple average of actual sales over a much 15 shorter time period of five years. 16 Q.Are there other errors in the adjustment proposed by Mr. Meyer? 17 A.Yes. While he attempted to account for the NPC effect, Mr. Meyer's over- 18 simplied approach was inaccurte. Mr. Meyer also ignore the impact these 19 increased sales would have on jursdctional allocation factors. Mr. McDougal 20 discusses these to errors in his testimony and demonstrates that if they were 21 correctly modeled Mr. Meyer's proposed adjustment is essentially negated. 22 Q.Pleas summar your rebutt testimony. 23 A.Mr. Yankel's adjustment for irgation sales ignores the change in irgation sales Eelkema, Di-Reb - 10 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q. 7 A. stàrting about 2002. The Commssion should reject this adjustment. In addition, Mr. Meyer is recommending an adjustment for residential sales volume which should not be adopted. Mr. Meyer's adjustment is base on a simple five-year average and does not recognize weather or other drvers of the change in residential sales. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. Eelkema, Di-Reb - 11 Rocky Mountan Power