HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101116Coughlin Reb, Exhibits.pdfREC '1 ZBlßNOV 16 AM to: 1 8 ID1\l-¡ 0 F~ U ~3 L~I (; UTILITIES COf.,MISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY 13.7 PERCENT ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 ) ) Rebuttal Testimony of Barbara A. Coughlin ) ) ) ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 November 2010 1 Q.Please state your name, business address and present position with 2 PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power (the "Company")? 3 A.My name is Barbara A. Coughlin, 825 NE Multnomah, Portland, OR 97232. My 4 present position is Director, Customer and Regulatory Liaison. 5 Qualifications 6 Q.Please describe your educational and professional background? 7 A.fhave worked in the gas and electrc industr since 1978. I recived a Legal 8 Assistant Certificate from MarcrestCollege in 1991. From 1978 to 1997, I held 9 varous positions in increasing levels of responsibilty within the legalregulatory 10 deparent of Iowa-illinois Gas and Electrc Company, a predecessor company to 11 MidAmerican Energy Company. In 1997, I was promoted to a customer services 12 supervisor and in 1999 was promoted to customer services maager at 13 MidAmerican Energy Company. I worked as maager of regulatory projects at 14 PacifCorp from 2006 though 2008, when I was promoted to my current position 15 of Director of Customer and Regulatory Liaison. 16 Puse of Rebuttal Testimony 17 Q.What is the purpose of your rebutta testimony? 18 A.The purose of my rebuttal testimony is to respond to testimony of Ms. Marlyn 19 Parker and Mr. Curis Thaden of Idaho Public Utilities Commssion Staff 20 ("Sta') and respond to testimony of Ms. Teri Ottens representing Community 21 Action Parership Association of Idao ("CAPAI"). Specifcaly I wil address 22 the following issues raised by these pares: 23 .Landlord Interim Biling and Link Programs; Coughlin, Di -Reb - 1 Rocky Mounta Power 1 .Red Flag Rules; 2 .Rebiling; 3 .Customer notification for rebillng; 4 .Unbiled usage; 5 .Meter upgrade; 6 .Moratorium and winter payment plan communications; 7 .Lend-A-Hand contrbutions; 8 .Energy conversation education; 9 .Low income weatherization funding; and, 10 .Low income weatheriation matching funds. 11 Landlord Programs 12 Q.Please explain the Company's landlord progras. 13 A.Rocky Mountain Power offers two landlord programs to mae it easier for 14 customer to do business with the Company. These programs provide resources 15 for landlords, property owners, and tenants. The first program is known as the 16 Landlord Interim Bilng Agreement, and the second program is known as the 17 Landlord Link program. 18 Q.What is a Landlord Interi Biling Agreement program? 19 A.A Ladlord Interim Billig Agreement is a contractual agreement that ensures the 20 contiuance of electrc service between tenants for renta propertes. Any 21 propert owner, landlord or a propert management company that has a site or 22 multiple sites is eligible. Coughlin, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 Q. 15 A. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Please explain how a landlord participates in this progra A Landlord Interim Biling Agreement form is completed and signed by the landlord. Once the completed form is retued to the Company, the interim biling is set up within our customer service system. How does the program work? When the tenant applies for electrc service at a rental propert where there is a signed Landlord Interim Biling Agreement, the Company transfers responsibilty for the biling from the landlord's name into the tenant's name. When the tenant later moves out and closes their account, the biling responsibilty is automatically transferred back into the landlord's name. After the Company sets up the interim biling designation within its customer service system, does it retain the agreement signed by the landlord? Yes, the Company retains the Landlord Interim Biling Agreement for six years. Please explain the Landlord Link program? The Landlord Link program allows the Company to work together with property owners, landlords or propert managers to efficiently handle requests by tenants for service when they move in and out of rental units. Participation by the landlord in the Landlord Interi Billing Agreement program is a prerequisite to parcipate in the Ladlord Lin program. Ths Landlord Lin program was originaly piloted a number of years ago in a university town to make the anual move-in process with students more efficient. The pilot program was well reived by the paricipating landlords and was made avaiable thoughout al of the Company's service terrtories in 2003. Coughin, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 Q. 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 While program paricipation is relatively small, 17 landlords with a total of 452 rental units in Idaho, we believe those landlords who paricipate are pleased with the program. How does a landlord participate in the Landlord Link program? Information regarding the Landlord Link program is found on the Company's website. A landlord who is interested in paricipating contacts the Company via emai or by telephone. A small group of specially trined call center agents respond to landlords by telephone to explain all aspects of the program. This ensures the landlord has a thorough understanding of their responsibilties as paricipants, which includes readig the meter as a tenant move in and out, securng the appropriate electrc service application information, and verifying the identification of a prospective tenant/customer. How does Landlord Link work when tenants move in and out of a premise? A parcipating landlord wil work with their tenant by providing them a Landlord Link Application to be completed and signed by the tenant, along with the rental unit's meter readig. This application form requires the same informtion any other prospective Rocky Mountain Power customer would provide to secure electrc servce. The form is then sent to the Company via facsime. Alternatively, the tenant or landlord may submit the same applicant information via an onle form found on the Company's website. The online application also includes a field that captues whether it is the tenant or landlord providig the informtion. Cough, Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 20 A. 21 22 How does the Company handle applications that are incomplete or other issues are identifed with the information provided? If an issue is found with the application, a contact is made to the applicant or tenant. When a prior debt of the tenant's is discovered, or a deposit is required of the tenant, the company wil contact the tenant diectly to resolve the issue or work out a payment solution. What notification is given to the tenant that they are now a Rocky Mountain Power customer? When the online application form is completed, an email confiration is sent notifying of the activation of service for the specific site on a specifc effective date. Since the form can be submitted by the tenant or landlord, the emal asks the landlord to please provide a copy to the tenant. Additionaly, a tenant that has not recently had an account, or was recently on an account with a different revenue class, wil reeive a Welcome Aboard Kit including a welcome letter and rate information. All tenants get notification with their first bil which is marked Opening Bil. Is there an additional notification the Compay wi implement to alleviate some of Ms. Parker's concerns regardig a third party submittig application information to the Company? Yes, the Company is implementing a process to send a postcard to any new tenant at a premise covered under the Ladlord Lin program, notiying the tenant that electrc service has ben put in their name at that address. Coughn, Di-Reb - 5 Rocky Mountai Power 1 Q.How long does the Company retain the faxed Landlord Link Application and 2 the information gathered through the online Landlord Link Application? 3 A.The Company retains the faxed applications and online information for six years. 4 Q.Ms. Parker states she has concern with the Company accepting applications 5 for service from third parties and is also concerned that the Company may 6 not have adequate checks and balance in place to meet the requirements of 7 the Federal Trade Commission's Red Flag Rule. Do you believe these 8 concerns are warranted? 9 A.No, I do not. As I indicated earlier, the customer information provided to the 10 Company, whether it comes via fax on the Landlord Link Application or though 11 the online Landlord Link Application, is the same as that required from any other 12 prospective customer reuesting electrc service from the Company. As a 13 paricipant in the program, landlords are asked to verify the informtion on the 14 form and check the tenant's identification. 15 Red Flag Rule 16 Q.Doe the Company have a process to address the proposed "Red Flag Rule"? 17 A.Yes. In October 2008, in anticipation of the passage of the Red Flag Rule, the 18 Company implemented a new process to review all new customer accounts for the 19 protection of personal identities. All new customer records are sent though a 20 nightly electronic fie process to Equifax for verification of the customer 21 identication. This includes accounts that were create via the phone, online, or 22 though the Landlord Lin program. Equifax retus a fie to the Company 23 indicatig potential and probable discrepancies in personal identifying Coughlin, Di-Reb - 6 Rocky Mountan Power 1 information provided by the customer. These discrepancies are then investigated 2 by a specially trained team of specialists to follow-up with customers to correct 3 any errors or take other appropriate action. 4 Q.Has the Company made any changes to its Red Flag process since the 200 5 implementation? 6 A.Yes. Since 2008 the Company has continued to review and refine the process to 7 ensure it meets the intent of the rule and provides appropriate protections for our 8 customers. As par of Customer Service's ongoing process improvement efforts, 9 early in 2010, a Customer Services review was conducted by personnel not par of 10 the daly work flow. As a result of this review, recommendations for additional 11 account documentation and a tracking mechanism were made and have been 12 implemented. In addition, mid-year 2010, the Company's internal auditors 13 reviewed the process as par of their ongoing compliance review of Company 14 practices. If any findigs are identied, corrective actions wil be implemente 15 accordingly. 16 Rebiling 17 Q.Ms. Parker states she identifed some concerns in her investigation of the 18 Company's rebiling procedures under Rule 204 (UCRR) and indicates that 19 the Company does not follow an objecive or independent verifiable 20 methodology when preparing estimated bils. What methodology doe the 21 Company utilze to estimate bills when a meter is not read durg the 22 monthly meter reading window? 23 A.The Company utiizes system logic for estiating regular monthy bils. I wil Coughn, Di-Reb - 7 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 Q. 3 4 5 A. 6 7 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 describe the details of the system logic later in my testimony. What methodology does the Company utilize to rebil a customer when a meter malfunctions or fails, when the meter equipment was incorrectly installed or programmed, or when bils were inaccurately prepared? For all the conditions described above, the rebiled amounts are manually calculated; system generated estimates are not used. The method used to calculate the biling adjustment for each condition reference above vares. Please provide a sample of the method used to calculate the usage for a meter that has been unregistering consumption for a specifed period of time? As an example, if a meter was tested and the results reflect a ninety-two percent accuracy rate, the amount of the adjustment to the customer's monthly bil would be eight percent of the usage in the allowed months for backbiling. Another example would be if the meter was tested and the results reflect a 107 percent accurcy rate, the amount of the adjustment would be a seven percent credit of the usage in the allowed months for backbiling. How does the Company rebil a customer in the situation where the customer's meter stopped functioning? A bilg adjustment in the situation of a stopped meter is based on a manual calculation of historical usage of the site, using a per day average. If there is no avaiable usage for the site to base the manual per day usage calculation, afer the Company sets the new meter, a speial meter reading is obtaed in order to determne an average per day usage for the alowed months of backbilg. Coughin, Di-Reb - 8 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 15 A. 16 Q. 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 Please explain how biling adjustments are calculated in a cross meter situation. A cross meter situation exists when tenant A is biled for the service used by tenant B, and tenant B is biled for the service used by tenant A. Generally, this circumstance occurs when an electrcian or propert maager has mislabeled the meter bases. In this circumstance the actual amount of usage for both paries is known. To mae a biling adjustment tenant A would be credited for the usage biled durng the appropriate time period and debited for the usage of tenant B durng the appropriate time period; tenant B would be credted for the usage biled durng the appropriate time period and debited for the usage of tenant A for the appropriate time period. Is there any time when the Company estimates usage for a billing adjustment based on a neighboring property's usage? No, there is not. Pleas describe the methodology of the system logic the Company utilzes to bil a customer when a monthly meter reading cannot be obtaned? The Company's system logic for estiating a monthly meter reading is base upon the kWh consumption from the same month last year, plus the usage from the month before, and the month after that month. The kWh usage from the thee months is use to calculate an average per day usage which is then used to calculate the estited use for the curent month. Any varance in the estited read to the actual customer usage would be adjusted for when the meter is read Coughlin, Di-Reb - 9 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 Q. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. 10 11 l2 13 14 15 Q. 16 A. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q. 23 A. the following month. Ms. Parker belieyes the Company's method of rebiling is problematic and there are more accurate ways to prepare corrected bilings such as that utilzed by both A vista Utilties and Intermountain Gas Company which have implemented rebillng mechanisms that employ National Weather Service's Heating and Cooling Degree Days. Please describe any known issues or customer dissatisfaction the Company has experienced with its system logic. The Company has utilzed the system logic described above for over 14 years. Customer feeback concerning estimated bils is minimal and the minimal feedback mainly focuses on the fact that a meter was not read, rather than the . estimate itself. When a customer expresses concern about an estimated read, we ask the customer to read the meter and provide us a read, or we wil send someone out to get a read, and we are more than wiling to make an adjustment. What is the Company's experience with reading meters on a monthly basis? Over the last several year the Company has consistently been reading ninety- eight percent of Idaho meters with the designated monthly meter reading window of one day prior to the scheduled meter reading day and up to five days after the scheduled meter reading day, and eighty percent of Idaho meters in 2009 were read on the scheduled meter readig day. This means only two percent of monthly bils are calculated using an estited meter readig. Why doe the Company utiliz a meter reading window? Having a meter reading window enables the Company to provide monthly bils Coughli, Di-Reb - 10 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 calculated by using actual usage, yet allows for scheduling constraints such as weather-related issues, training, or personnel on vacation or ilL. Has the Company investigated or contemplated a change to its system logic for estimation of monthly bils? No. Because of very limted customer feedback, a continued decline in the number of estimated reads, the fact that the Company is an electrc only utilty, and electrcity is typically not the primar heat source for the majonty of our customers, the Company has not found it necessar to investigate other estimation methodologies. Should the Company's current methodology be changed? No. We believe our current methodology is reliable as it is specific to the individual customer's premise and lifestyle. The Company believes that the cost to develop a more complex estiating routine that would brig additional costs to our customers to develop and maintain, is not in the best interest of our customers. 15 Also our curent estimating logic is straightforward and easy for customers to 16 understand. 17 Notifcation of Rebiling 18 Q. 19 20 21 22 A. 23 Ms. Parker, on page 11 of her tetimony also raised concern about communications with customers whose meters malfunctioned and were rebiled. How does the Company notify a customer when it is necessary to rebil? When a billg adjustment is made to a customer's account, the customer is provided notification on their next regular bil. Cough, Di-Reb - 11 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 What does the notification on the customer's next regular bil include? The adjustment section on the bil wil include the month of the adjustment, reason for adjustment, dates of service, and the amount of the adjustment. Documentation is added to the customer's account providing details of the billng adjustment including the reason for the biling adjustment, in the event the customer contacts the Company to discuss the adjustment. Is there any other notifcation that the customer receives? For complex biling adjustments such as corrections due to crossed meters, adjustments associated with guarantee requests (which ar a result of a customer- initiated contact), adjustments greater than $10,000, and adjustments for managed accounts, the customer is notified of the adjustment diectly, either by phone or by mai using the Company's biling adjustment letters. These contacts are made prior to the customer receiving the adjusted bil. The letter sent to the customer notiing them of a biling adjustment advises the customer of their option of an interest free payment plan. Upon request of the customer, the Company also provides the customer a spreadsheet with the detals of the billg adjustment. What is a guarantee request? When a customer has made a contact with us concerning a billg inqui or to investigate a meter problem, the Company is commtted to investigate under its customer guarantee progra these concerns and to respond within ten workig days, with a full report of the investigation. When the Company has the results, a Company representative wil cal and inform the customer. If the Company's representative was not able to reach the customer via phone, a letter is sent to the Coughli, Di-Reb - 12 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 Q. 3 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 customer with the results and any necessar biling adjustment. Ms. Parker recommends that the threshold of $10,000 should be much lower when it comes to calling a customer if the adjustment amount exceeds $10,000. Do you support this recommendation? Because of the categories of biling adjustments that currently receive telephone calls or letters as outlined above (complex adjustments, customer-initiated adjustment known as guarantee reviews, adjustments of $10,000, and maaged accounts), we find the curent process meets the expectations of the majority of customers. However, the Company is agreeable to changing the threshold for sending letters for bilng adjustment of $5,000 or more, rather than $10,000 for customers receiving an adjustment that is not covered in one of the other categories outlned above. And, the Company wil continue to send spreadsheets 13 to those customers requesting the biling adjustment informtion in that format. 14 Unbiled Usage Due to Leavig Servce Connected 15 Q. 16 17 18 19 20 A. 21 Q. 22 A. 23 Ms. Parker states that the Company's policy allowig service to remai connected between customers doe not save time, mieage or costs and the Company loses a considerable amount of revenue for electricity that went unbiled. She states that the presumed net benefit of the policy may be more myt than fact. Do you agree with Ms. Parker's determiation? No, the Company believes its curent process is cost-effective. Pleas explain. In 2009, there were 12,701 disconnect read orders generated as reflected in response to Stas Data Request IPUC 129. Of that 12,701 disconnect read Coughln, Di-Reb - 13 Rocky Mountai Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q. 9 A. 10 11 12 Q. 13 14 A. 15 16 17 Q. 18 A. 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 orders created, there were a total of 7,837 customer-intiated account closures where a new customer had not aleady taken responsibilty for the usage at a site at the time account closure was requested. Not all customer-requested disconnections ultimately result in the need for an order to be generated for the field to disconnect service. Of the 7,837 accounts closed, there were only 835 instances where field orders to disconnect service were generated for unbiled usage of 1,000 kWh or greater. What happens once a field order is generated for a disconnection of service? A field metering specialist (referred to as a "collectot') is dispatched to the site to leave a notice of iml?ending disconnection or disconnect service depending upon the immedate circumstances such as weather and occupancy. For the 835 instances in 2009 where field orders were generated, how were these accounts handled? Of these 835 instances, approximately forty-two percent of the orders resulted in a customer tang responsibilty for the unbiled usage after receiving a notice of disconnection or having the service disconnected. How many field orders to disconnect unbiled usge were completed in 209? In 2009, the Company completed approximately forty-seven percent of the field orders disconnecting power to premises without an active customer. Can you quantify the amount of revenue that was lost as a result of the remaing sites where unbiled usge was not recovered? Yes. The unbiled usage for 2009 was 798,319 kWh. Based on an average of eight cents per kWh, the unbiled revenue would be approximately $63,866. Coughli, Di~Reb - 14 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q.Please describe the financial impact to the Company if it were to change its 2 process and follow Ms. Parker's recommendation to disconnect electric 3 service between tenants. 4 A.Again, using the same period as a baselie, there were a total of 7,837 customer- 5 initiated account closures where a new customer had not aleady taken 6 responsibilty for the usage at a site. Following Ms. Parker's recommendation, 7 the Company would need to dispatch an employee to disconnect the service. 8 Based on curent activity rates of the personnel needed to disconnect electrc 9 service, the approximate cost for completing the 7,837 requests would be 10 $178,183. Then, when a customer signs for service at the site, the Company 11 would again need to dispatch personnel to connect the service at the site. This 12 would increase the costs to $356,366. 13 Q.How does this compare to the costs incurred by following the current 14 process? 15 A.Assuming all 7,837 customer requests for disconnection (identified above) 16 required a closing read and an opening read, the total approximte operational 17 costs would be $110,621. This is based on a calculation of .16 hours to read the 18 meter at a meter reader's activity rate of $44.11 for each of the 7,837 requests. 19 Q.Doe that account for the unbiled usage? 20 A.No. If you add the unbiled usage to the operational costs, the tota cost for the 21 curent process is approximately $180,621. Coughln, Di-Reb - 15 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 Would al 7,837 requests require a meter reader to obtaia closing or opening read? No. If a meter is scheduled to be read within five days of the customer's request, or if it has been read in the five days prior to the customer's request, the Company would use the actual meter readig taen and prorate the bil based on a per day usage to allow for the one to five day addition or reduction in the bilng. What is the main reason for the difference in costs? The cost differences are priarly due to the type of personnel required to work the request and the length of time required to perform the work. A disconnection and reconnection of service requires a field metering specialist, and in cases where the site has 3-phase service a joureyman linema is needed. However, opening and closing meter reads can be performed by a meter reader, which has a lower activity rate cost. The average time to disconnect or connect a service, including travel, is 0.42 hours (approxiately 25 minutes), while the average tie for an opening or closing read taes 0.16 hours (approximately 10 minutes). Pleas desribe the difference in the work classifcations of meter reader and collector. A meter reader's traiing and focus is to accurately read the meters to ensure each meter is read at regular monthly intervals. In the majority of cases, meter readers are not electrcally trained to disconnect and connect meters. Many meter readers wal their routes and they would not have the necessar tools and personal protetive equipment with them in order to disconnect or connect a meter. A collector has specific traig and is electrcally trained to remove or Coughln, Di-Reb - 16 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Q. 22 23 A. install a meter to disconnect or connect power. Personal protective equipment must by worn by anyone disconnecting or connecting a meter. Collectors drve from site to site and have tools and safety equipment readily available to them. The collector's work is assigned by priority and is worked/mapped geographically by the collector each day in order to complete as many orders as possible. The work performed by the collector includes collection of past due bils, customer- requested or company initiated disconnection of service, connection of service, reconnection of service, and posting past due notice or other disconnection. of service notice. Has the Company looked at ways to reduce the amount of unbiled usage? The Company continually looks for ways to reduce unbiled usage. In 2007, the Company conducted a pilot in six cities with its six-state service terrtory. In that pilot the Company left door hangers notifying the occupant of the impending disconnection of service. Durng that pilot forty-eight percent of occupants who received a notice became customers within thee to four days, and were back- biled to the date of their occupancy for the previously unbiled service. In addition to back-biling for the previous unbiled service, past due balances from old accounts were also being collected. The pilot was determned to be succssful and the process was updated accordingly and expanded thoughout all of the Company's service terrtory. What changes to the Company's processes have been implemente since 2O9? In early 2010, a change was made to bettr enable the Company to trck the aging Coughlin, Di-Reb - 17 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 A. 17 18 19 20 of the orders tied to unbiled usage. In addition, management diectives and goals were established to set and work priority orders. While the lost energy use has been identified as a risk of this process, it is continually being reviewed and managed. How would the Company recover the additional costs outlined above? The Company would need to recover these costs through customer's rates and/or fees. Does the Company have other concerns with increaing the number of service diconnections in between customers? Yes. First and foremost there are inherent safety risks every time a field metering specialist disconnects or connects a meter. Also it would require additional manpower, could cause customer dissatisfaction, and could increase the number of customer guarantee failures. Ms. Parker recommends a $20 initiation fee. What is the Company's position on this? The Company does not believe adding a $20 initiation fee is appropriate at this time. The Company believes it is effectively managing the unbiled usage orders, and is workig to contiue to improve on those statistics. In addition, based on the figues provided for 2009, a $20 fee would not have recovered the costs incured by disconnecting between tenants. Coughli, Di-Reb - 18 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 15 16 A. 17 18 19 Q. 20 A. 21 22 23 Ms. Parker believes the Company is sendig mixed signals to customers when it encourages conservation but leaves service connecte when there is no customer. Pleae address this comment. The Company does not believe mied signals are sent. In most cases the energy used between customers is far less expensive than what would be incured to connect and disconnect the meter. One of the Company's goals is to educate our customers on varous ways to reduce their electrcal usage and save energy. This results in a lower bil for our customers and decreases the need to build more power plants or purchase power on the open market. While the Company does agree that efforts to reduce costs and strengthen accuracy should always be explored and implemented as appropriate, the costs of disconnecting the power at all premises outweigh the benefits. Ms. Parker also mentioned that the Company has no plan to upgrade meters to allow for remote reading or remote disconnection and reconnection of service. Do you agree? The Company actively researches new technologies and their cost-effectiveness. At this time, the Company does not believe that upgradig to new technology meters in its Idaho service terrtory is cost-effective. Wht recommendations did Mr. Thaden include in his testimony? Mr. Thaden recommends the Commssion accept the following recommendations: . Direct Rocky Mounta Power to communicate information regardig the Idao Moratorium and the Winter Payment Plan though revisions to the anual Customer Information brochure and by attching bil inserts to Coughlin, Di-Reb - 19 Rocky Mountan Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 disconnection notices; .Encourge the Company to increase funding for the Lend-A-Hand program though changes to the way customers can contrbute; .Direct Commssion staf to convene a workshop to examne how best to provide energy conservation education to low income customers; and .Provide no additional funding for low income energy conservation 7 education at this time. 8 Moratorium and Winter Payment Plan Communications 9 Q. 10 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 Q. 19 20 A. 21 22 23 Does the Company accept Mr. Thaden's reommendation to increase communications related to the Idaho Moratorium and the Winter Payment Pla by revising the Customer Information brochure? Yes. The Consumer Informtion brochure distrbuted in residential bils annually includes a paragraph on the Winter Payment Plan and information related to the winter moratorium is included under the "Disconnection Notices" section. This brochure is included as Exhibit No. 76. The Company wil revise the brochure in an effort to make these two topics more promient. These changes wil be incorporated in the next version that wil be prited in late 2010. Doe the Company accept Mr. Thaden's recommendation to attach bil insert to disconnection notices? No. The Company's disconnect notice includes a paragraph describing the winter moratorium. Refer to Exhbit No. 77. The Company wil look into a redesign of the notice that wil include Winter Payment Plan information. The Company's preference is to include this adtional informtion prominently on the notice as Coughlin, Di-Reb - 20 Rocky Mountan Power 1 an alternative to creating and attaching a new bil insert. The Company curently 2 has a new supply of disconnection notices but wil complete a redesign for use in 3 the fall of 2011. 4 Lend-A-Hand program 5 Q. 6 7 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 What comments do you offer with respect to Mr. Thaden's recommendation that the Company implement additional ways that customers can contribute to the Lend-A-Hand progrm? The Company promotes the benefits of the Lend-A-Hand program and provides the opportnity for customers to donate regularly. This is accomplished through thee donation envelope distributions in bils durig the months of November, Februar and June as well as though the inclusion of program information on the Company's home webpage, on-line payment webpage, in customer newsletters and press releases. Please refer to Mr. Thaden's Exhibit No. 120. Does the Company support the chages to this envelope as suggested by Mr. Thaden on page 15 of his testimony? No, the Company is not supportve of changing the mailing addrss for contrbutions to the Idaho Lend-A-Hand Program, as the address used goes diectly to the Company's centr cash remittance operation center where the donations are processed and funds are forwarded monthly to our parerig agencies. However, the Company wil change the name on the envelope from "Lend A Hand" to "Idao Lend-A-Hand" which may make it more evident that the donations wil be direte entiely to assist households in Idaho. Coughlin, Di-Reb - 21 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 20 A. 21 22 What other ways does the Company promote contributions to the Idaho Lend-A-Hand? The Company appreciates Mr. Thaden's positive feedback on our marketing of the Lend-A-Hand program. We also promote the Fixed Donation component that alows customers to contrbute a designated amount monthly on their bil, though aricles in the Company's Voices customer newsletter and press releases. The Company does not have the abilty to include a check box on biling statements due to the limitations of our customer servce system and remittace processing machines. However, as an alternative, we wil include the Fixed Donation details on a tear away flap on payment remittance envelopes durng a monthly bil distribution in early 2011. Customers interested in parcipating in the Fixed Donation program wil be able to designate their monthly contrbution amount and enroll by including the tear away porton, also caled a bangta, in the envelope with their payment. If ths proves to be an effective means of obtaning contrbutions, we wil distrbute the bangtail envelopes annually and expand their use to our other state fuel funds. What comments do you offer regarding Mr. Thaden's statement on page 10 of his testimony in which he mentions that state fundig is not available in Idaho? To obtain additional fundig to help customers pay their energy bils, the Company believes the answers may be found in the Idaho legislatu rather than at the utity. Coughlin, Di- Reb - 22 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Energy Conservation Education 2 Q. 3 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 A. 21 22 23 Does the Company agree with Mr. Thaden's recommendation regarding a workshop on providing energy conservation education to low-income households? Yes. The Company believes it would be wortwhile for Commssion staf to lead a workshop with attendees representing electrc and gas utilities as well as staf from the local agencies that work with limted income households on a daily basis. It is importnt for gas suppliers to parcipate and provide fundig for this effort as a large percentage of our residential customers' heating source is natual gas. Does the Company support Mr. Thaden's recommendation related to the funding of low income energy conservation education. Yes. We appreciate that Mr. Thaden recognizes that Rocky Mountain Power staff has worked with CAP AI staff in developing a progra plan and goals in an effort to implement this project. Rocky Mountai Power made a one-time commtment of $50,000 to fund low income energy conservation education in Februar 2009 though a Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-08-07. Those funds have yet to be used by CAP AI for this effort. What recommendations from Ms. Ottens wi you be addresing? Ms. Ottens recommends the Commssion accept the following recommendations: . Rocky Mountain Power should increase fundig of their Low Income Weatheriation Progr to reflect a per customer level equal to that of AVISTA; and, Coughlin, Di-Reb - 23 Rocky Mounta Power 1 .Remove the matching requirement where seventy-five percent of each 2 dollar of funding comes from a non-utility source such as U.S. Deparent 3 of Energy LIHEAP funds. 4 Low Income Weatherization Funding 5 Q.Does the Company support Ms. Ottens recommendation to increase Low 6 Income Weatherization Progrm funding to equal that of A vista? 7 A.No. The Company's funding of the Low Income Weatherization Program 8 (Schedule 21) cannot be diectly compared with other utiities. For example, 9 A vista provides both electric and natul gas service in portions of Idaho, and the 10 Company provides electrc service only. A greater percentage of the Company's 1 1 residential customers use natual gas as a heating source. Since the largest 12 opportnity for energy savings is often related to heating efficiencies, it would be 13 necessar to include funding from the natual gas supplier serving the Company's 14 customers in a funding comparson. 15 Low Income Weatherization Matching Funds 16 Q.What comments does the Company offer with respect to Ms. Ottens 17 recommendation to remove the seventy-five percent fundig match 18 requiement in the Company's Low Income Weatherization Progrm? 19 A.Ms. Ottens misstates the matching requirement in effect though the Company's 20 Low Income Weatheriation Program (Schedule 21) on page 2 of her testimony. 21 Funding from the Company is avaiable to cover seventy-five percent of the cost 22 of the instaation of efficiency measures, and our parerig agencies use just 23 twenty-five percent of fundig from other governent sources to cover their Coughlin, Di-Reb - 24 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 costs. The Company believes it is appropriate for our customers to obtain benefits from these federal funds as they pay taxes that support these programs. This is accomplished by leveraging a porton, just twenty-five percent of these funds with those obtained through the surcharge to the Company's customers. We appreciate Ms. Ottens reference to the program as a cost effective DSM program. A program evaluation is curently in progress by an external fir. We anticipate this evaluation that wil include a cost effectiveness analysis wil be completed in Februar 2011. Order No. 30239 in Case No. PAC-E-06-10 requires Rocky Mountain Power to conduct a study to determne the cost- effectiveness of its Weatherization Program after March 31, 2009. The Company initiated the evaluation process in 2010 in order to allow for more completions to be studied under the current program guidelines which were effective Apri 1, 2007. A year or more of post consumption paricipation data wil be included in the analysis. The Company believes it is appropriate for pares to review the results of this evaluation before program changes, including funding revisions are implemented, Is it appropriate to make changes to the Low-Income Weatheriation Program (Schedule 21) at this time? No. The Company recommends that the program continue to operate under the curent ta, including approved fundig levels. Program evaluation results can be reviewed by the Company, staff and interested paries once avaiable. This inormation wil be useful in determing if there are beneficial changes that could be fied for the Commssion's consideration. Coughin, Di-Reb - 25 Rocky Mounta Power 1 Q. 2 A. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. Coughlin, Di-Reb - 26 Rocky Mountan Power Case No. PAC-E-I0-07 Exhibit No. 76 Witness: Barbar A. Coughin BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY,. MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Barbara A. Coughl Consumer Information Brochure November 2010 Consumer Information We think our customers deserve excellent service. But what do we mean by that? Giving you clear, straightforward answers when you have questions. This brocure was written in cooperation with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission to give you answers to some common questions about bils, credit, deposits and other parts of your electric service. If you'd like more information on any ofthe topics we cover here, please call Rocky Mountain Power toll free at 1.888.221.7070 or visit rockymountainpower.netlregulation. Si desen una copfa en español de este resumen de los derechs y responsabides del consumidOT, pOT faor lIame aI1.888.225.2611. Su lIamada será gratuiia. Summary of Idaho utilty consumer's rights and responsibilties Rocky Mountain Power has prepared ths summary of your rights and resonsibilties when you apply for an account with, or are a current customer of a utility company in Idaho. Customer responsibilties . Use services safely and pay for them promptly. . Contact Rocky Mountain Power when you have a problem with payment, service, safety, biling or custome service. . Notify Rocky Mountain Power about biling or other errors. . Cotact Rocky Mountain Power when you anticipate a payment problem to try to set up a payment plan. . Noti Roky Mount Power whe you are moving to another location. . Notify Rocky Mountain Powe about stopping serice in your name or about stopping service altogether. . Allow safe unobstructed access to your property for mete reading, tree trimming and other essential Rocky Mountain Power personnl and equipment. . Provide notice to Rocky Mountai Power if you are making any signicant chge that may affect the elecrical character of your load affeti you or other. Deposits If you are a currt customer with a good payment reord or a new cusmer who has good crt with your previous utilty company, you wil not need to make a seit depost. If yo don't meet these requirements, however, you may be asked to make a secuty deposit. If a depost is reuired, it cannot be more than two month' worth of the estimate yearly biling at your sevice address, based on currt rates. If you can't pay all the required deposit, you can arrnge to pay half of the deposit when you apply for service and the ret the following month. Rocky Moutain Power wil pay the curent intt rate set yearly by th Idah Public Utilities Commission on al deposits at the time the depost is reur. Biling You will receive a bil for electic service ea month, bad on the numer of kilowatt-hour of elecicity registered on you electri meter durng the bilin perod. Your bil wil show th date on which you paymt is due, the applicable rate schedule and the amount of the bil. You may ask that another person receve your bills and noti if you are unble to receive or underta them. Payment plans In decing on the reasonablenss of a payment pla the company wil take into account your abilty to pay, the size of the unpaid balan, your payment history, and the amount of time and reasons why the debt is outstanding. There are' four type of payment plans that may be available to you: I. Payment arngements - If you pay on part of your tota bilL, your pa wil be apli toard th oldes poon of your ouing bala If yo cano pa a bil in fu we may be able to make sp ar wi you. To dec if we ca of yo th arts we ta into accnt your abilty to pay. ho ln yo QM. yor pa hist and the re wh yo ma no ha be able to pay. You ca make paymet aren ov th ph or by ma. Your fi payment wil be due on the net business day after th arrangemts have been made. ¡fyou miss the first paymet, or the chec you write to make th payment is not honored by the bank, your service may be disconete after we make a dilge attempt to contact you 24 hours prior to disconnction of service. 2. Equal Payment Plan - Our Equal Paymen Pln is available if you'd like to spread out your paymets evenly over a full year. The plan divides the total cost of electricity used each year into 12 equal monthly payments. Every year your accunt is reiewed to determin if your usage has changed. Any pric changes wil automatically be figured in the Equal Payment amount. 3. Equal Time Payment Plan - Our Equal Time Payment Plan works the same as our Equal Payment Plan. You are allowed to pay your past due balace with the arrears rolled in to the plan's monthly payments. 4. Winter payment plan - If you tell us that you are unable to pay your electic bil in full and you have children, elderly perso Or persons with medical needs living in your household, you may qualify for our winter payment plan. This plan reuires that your bil be paid in full, but allows for a lower monthly payment from November to March. Your monthly payments during ths time cannot be less than one-half of the amount you would pay if you were using our Equal Payment Plan. You can use any source of funds to make winter payment plan monthly payments. If you have an outstanding balance under this plan, you must either pay this balance or make a new payment arrngeme on or after April 1. If you don't pay your balance or don't make paymet arragements on or afte ths date, your serice may be disconnected. You may participate in the winter payment plan in following years if you have made payments as arranged and the balance you owe as of Nov. 1 is not more than $75 or not more th your bil for the previou 30 days, whichever is greater. Disconnection notices Before we discone your service, in most instance, we wi sen you a wrtt notic male at let seen calear days befre th disnnect date. However, only a diliget attempt to contact you wil be made 24 hour prior to disconnecon of serice when you do not make a fist paymet accin to a payment arrgement, whe you tender a paymt with a dishonored check; or make an elic payment with ins fu. At let 24 hours before the seic is discnnected, we wil attt to contact you in persn or by phon and reeat th inmatn on th origl notice If we do not shut off th sevice withi sev da aft th prpos date, we wil make anothe attept to contact yo and rend yo that your servic ca be disconected aft 24 hors.Duri Debe, Januar and February, we wil not disect your seice if th are chdr, elerly perso or pe wit medicl ne in th hous Rebe to notify us if any of thes coitions ex, an we wi wor with you to set up a payment pla Be diconeng yo seice, we will try to reach an adult in you hoehold or anth peso you have told us to call in ca yo ca be reahe. If soon in yo hohold is sey il yo can get an exte of up to 30 days by giving us a phys's or publc helth off's ceca of medical em. Also, if sone in your hou us an ir lung, reato, diysis ma or othe lifesung eqpment, plee let us kn. We ca dis your sevi at an ti wihot notig yo if: (a) a si exists that is immetey danges to life physl safe of propety or to prevet a viola of heal an safet co; (b) if th IPU, a cort or ot autze publ agency orer a diecon; or (c) if you Mountain Power No. 76 Page 1 of 2 PAC-E-10-Q7 Barbara A. Coughlin obtained service through fraud or without our permission. If you cannot pay the total bil, installment payments may be arranged in the form of a "deferred payment agreement." Ths agreement says that you wil pay your past due bil in installments and keep your current bils paid when due. If you keep the conditions of the agreement, service wil not be discnnected. Moving You need to let us know as soon as possible if you plan to move. It's a good idea to do this yourself and not depend on someone else to do it for you. We can't close your account or process your closing bil until you provide us with your move-out date. ":c' Complaints and disputes We wil promptly investigate every complaint or dispute we receive, and we'll report to you on the results. Contact us through our toll-free phone number at 1.888.221.7070. This number is also printed on your bilL. If you're not satisfied with the assistance you received from the first person you talked to at Rocky Mountain Power, you have the right to request that your problem be handled by that person's superviSór, and we'll give you the supervisor's name and how he or she can be reached. Mercury vapor lamps Sodium vapor lamps Initial lumens Watts 7,000 175 20,000 400 5,600 70 9,500 100 16,00 150 27,500 250 50,000 400 16,00 150 27,SOO 25 50,000 400 ::',:" Rocky Mountain Power Customer Seravice Center toll free: 1.888.221.7070Consumer organizations We have lists of consumer organizations that provide assistance in the various communities we serve. If you would like a list of the p. I.Ç . organizations in your community, call us toll free at 1.888.221.7070. ri ce n i 0 rm ati 0 n Schedule I - Standard Service Schedule 7 A . Security Area lighting Best for residential customers who use most of their power during the weekdays. Monthly bil: Summei' $0.104093 per kilowatt-hour (kwh) (May.October)Winter $0.080150 per kilowatt.hour (kwh) (November.April) Minimum bil: Single-phase service $10.64 for permanent residences $14.87 for vacation homes, cabins or other dwellings not utilized year.round as the principal place of residence Three-phase service $31.92 for permanent residenæs $44.61 for vacation homes, cabins or other dwellngs not utilized year. round as the principal place of residence Seasonal bil: $178.44 minimum for metered house or cabin useå on a seasonai basis Schedule 36 - Optional Time-of-Day Service Good for residential customers who use most of their power during off-peak hours. On.peak hours": Summer - 8 a.m. to 11 p.m, Monday through Friday, excet holidays. Winter - 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday thugh Friday, except holidays. Off-peak hours: All other hours. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Monthly bil: Summer (May-October) Customer service charge On-peak energy charge Off.peak energy charge Winter (November-April) Custom servic charge On.peak energ charge Off-pek energy charge $13.63 per customer $0.1 1397 per kwh $0.03873 per kwh $13.63 per customer $0.0995 per kwh $0.03547 per kwh Minimum bil:Customer service charge $163.56 plu energy charges for metered hours or cabin use on a seasonal basis. Senal bill: Sodium vapor flood lamps Low pressure sodium vaporlamps (energy only) 8,000 13,50 22,500 33,000 55 90 135 180 Rate per lap $26.40 $47.09 $16.77 w/support pole $13.34 lamp only $19.20 w /support pole $15.77 lamp only $25.29 w/support pole $22.52 lamp only $36.37 w/support pole $32.94 lamp only $50.84 w /support pole $45.00 lamp only $25.29 w / support pole $22.52 lamp only $36.37 w/support pole $32.94 lamp only $50.84 w / support pole $45.00 lamp only $3.60 per lamp $5.32 per lamp $7.40 per lamp $9.01 per lamp Explanation of terms: Customer service charge: A fee charged that helps pay for the costs of providing service. Kilowatt.hour (kwh): A measure of electrical energy equal to the amount of energy used by a 100-watt light bulb for ten hours or one 1,000.watt hair dryer for one hour. Customer Service Guarantees When we say we're going to give you a certan level of serice we mean it. Our seve Customer Servic Guarantee coer servic isue suh as retoring and switchg on power, keeping appointments, reponding to biling inquiris, relving meter problems and notfying of planne interptions. If, for soe reason, we cant live up to a comitmet, well pay you. To find out mor about our Cumer Service Guarante, please cal1 toll fre at 1.888.221.7070 or visit rockymountanpower.net/guarantees. . Due to th expansion of Daylight Saving Time, the on-peak ti me periods wil begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in ApriL, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. AJI cu are subje to additional charge/creits as set forth in Rocky Montain Power's ",tall tariffs aproed by th Idaho Public UtilitieCoiss incuding Adjusment Schedule 191. . Ra_.,. In efect Dembe 1009 and are subject to change by commission order. 'l ra tabl do not includ spfic pricing infoatin for Schedules 9, 11, 12, 19, 24 or 3513A sinc relativey few customers are biled this way. Hower. the scedule are availale by calling toll free at 1.888.22'.7070 or on our Web site .1 rokymounnpoer.netlraes. lW9tD Rocky Mountain Power i;xhibit No. 76 Page 2 of 2 'Case No. PAC-E-10~07 Witness: Barbara A. Coughlin Case No. PAC-E-1O-07 Exhibit No. 77 Witness: Barbara A. Coughlin BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTIITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhbit Accompanying Rebuttl Testimony of Barbar A. Coughlin Disconnect Notice November 2010 Today's date: Meter #: Time: Address: Ou employee was here today Employee #: D Your electric service was connected today. Please: D Check breakers D Check fuses D Other D We are unable to connect your electrc service.* D Your electric service was disconnected today* because: D Past due D No applicant D Hazardous condition D No acæss D Oter D Your electrc service wil be disconnected* for non pay: D Next day D 24 hours D 48 hours To prevent interniption of your electrcal service your payment is requid immediately. D Your electic meter was replaced today. D In response to your serice call, D the sece wir ar propely inulated. There is no problem D we have scheduled a replacement of your electric service. D your equipment on site is damaged or out of place. It must be reaire or relace before electic service can be restored. D the proper inspecton agency (city or county) has not approved wirg for electric service. D We were here, and missed you for our scheduled appointment. D Comments -Plea cotat us toll free at 1-888-221-7070 (EspañoI1-888-225-2611 so we ca arange to receive payment/restore serce. It is our goal to turn the power on within 24 hours after all required chages, including fees and/or deosit, have bee paid. If you have any problems or questions, please call our 24-hour customer servce line toll fr at 1-888-221-7070. Asisteci en ESPA1OL, 1-888-222611/ Lunes - Viemes, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. MT. 10110CS Id ~ROCKY MOUNTAIN~POR Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 77 Page 1 of 2 Case No. PAC-E-10-07 Witness: Barbara A. Coughlin Today's date: Meter #: Address: Ou employee was here today Employee #: TIme: D Your electric service was connected today. Pleae: D Check breakers D Check fuses D Oter D We ar unable to connect your elecric servîce.* D Your electric servce was disconnected today* becase: D Past due D No applicant D Hazrdous condition D No access D Other D Your electric service wil be disconnected* for non pay: D Next day D 24 hours D 48 hours To prevent interniption of your electical servce your payment is required immediately. D Your electic meter was replaced today. D In response to your serce call, D the sece wis ar prerly inated. There is no problem. D we have scheduled a replacement of your electric service. D your equipment on site is damaged or out of place. It must be repaire or replaced before electc serice can be retored. D the proper inspection agency (city or county) has not approved wirig for electric servce. D We wee here, and missed you for our scheduled appointment. D Comments -Plee cotact us toll free at 1-888-221-7070 (EspañoI1-888-22-2611) so we can arrange to receive payment/restore serice. It is our goal to turn the power on within 24 hours after all required charges, including fees an/or deosit, hae been paid. If you have any problems or questions, pleas ca our 24-hour cutomer serce line toll fr at 1-888-221-7070. Asistencia en ESPAi'OL, 1-888-22-2611/ Lunes - Viernes, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. MT. 10/10CS3 Idaho ~ROCKY MOUNTAIN~POER The following informaton is for residential customers only. In accrdance with the rues and retions of the Idaho Public Utilties Commsion, Rocky Mounta Power ca disconec servce for non-payment durig the witer month of Dec., Jan. and Feb. with rectons. Customer may qualify for a winter moratorium on disconnecton of service for non-payment of their account. Conta Rock Mountan Por toll free at 1.888.221.7070 if you mee one of the follong qualifcans for the winter moratorium: A chld 18 years old or younger living with a parent or guardian, an elderly person thatis 62 years of age or older, or a person whose physicai heaith or safety would be seriously impaired by termation of service. Bil payment assistce may be available Low-Income Home Energ Assistance Program (LIHAP) and Lend-A-Hand funds help households with incomes tht ar no greater than the amounts lited below: Household size Maximum monthly income 1.............................. .$1,575 2.............................. .$2,059 3.............................. .$2,544 4.............................. .$3,028 5.............................. .$3,513 6 .............................. .$3,997 If you believe you may qualfy, call the agency managig energ assistance funds in your county and mention you receved a Rocky Mountain Power notice on your door. SoutEam Idao Communit Action Agency Banock Couty, Bear La County, Bingha County, Cariou Couty Fra Couty Onda Coty and Power County 232-114 Eastem Idaho Community Acton Parnership Bonnevie County Butte County, Oark County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lem Couty Madison County and Teton County 522-5391 or toll fr at 1-802-413 Assistace is dependent on the availailty of funds. ~.ROCKY MOUNTAIN~POER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 77 Page 2 of 2 Case No. PAC-E-1O-D7 Witness: Barbara A. Coughlin The following information is for reidential customers only In accordance with the rules and reguations of the Idaho Public Utities Commsion, Rocky Mountain Power can diconnct service for non-payment durg the witer months of Dec., Jan. and Feb. with rerictons. Customers may qualify for a winter moratorium on disconnecton of servce for non-paymt of their account. Conta Rock Mountan Powr toll fr at 1.888.221.7070 ñ you meet one of the folloing qualifcans for th wintr moratorium: A child 18 years old or younger living with a paret or guardian, an elderly person tht is 62 years of age or older, or a person whose physical health or safety would be seriously impaired by termtion of service. Bil payent assistance may be availabe Low-Income Home Energy Assistace Program (LIHEAP) and Led-A-Hand fuds help households with incomes that ar no grater than the amounts listed below: Household size Maximum monthly income 1.............................. .$1,575 2.............................. .$2,059 3.............................. .$2,54 4.............................. .$3,028 5.............................. .$3,513 6.............................. .$3,997 If you believe you may qualify, call the agency maagig energy assistance funds in your county and mention you receved a Rocky Mountain Power notice on your door. SoutEasem Idaho Communit Acton Agency Bannock County, Bear Lae County, Bingham County, Carbo Coty Fran Couty Oneida County and Power County 232-114 Eastern Idaho Communit Acton Partnership Bonnevile County Butt County, Oark County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County 522-5391 or toll fr at 1-800-632-4813 Asisce is dependent on the availabilty of funds. ~ROCKY MOUNTAIN~POR