HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101008Response to Monsanto's Motion to Dismiss etc.pdf~~,&~OUTAIN E:Cl October 8, 2010 2~lggu\ìfJa¡;a,ufJi3&141 Salt Lalç?i 1:1l't~te~ ~l 1 l: tvi",. ~V -¡ ~....,-~c,';..,"'.. UT1LJTi ES - COl~4~inSSi Ohi VI HA DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secretay Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Re: Case No. PAC~E~10~07 Rocky Mountain Power's Response to Monsanto's Motion to Dismiss or Strike Testimony Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an onginal and (7) seven copies of Rocky Mounta Power's response to Monsanto's Motion to Dismiss or Stne Testimony. All fortal correspondence regarding ths supplemental testimony should be addressed to: Ted Weston Rocky Mountaii Power 201 South Mai, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email: ted.weston(ßpacificorp.com Danel E. Solander Rocky Mounta Power 201 South Mai Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Fax: (801) 220-3299 Email: danel.solander(Øpacificorp.com Communications regarding discovery matters, including data requests issued to Rocky Mounta Power, should be addrssed to the following: By E-mail (preferred):datarequestcmpacificorp.com By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St., Suite 2000 Portand, OR 97232 Iiformal inquines may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Idaho Public Utilities Commssion October 8, 2010 Page 2 fJVer iiy your, I (I //1 ... .. ~l~, ¡'iiI J ffey K. L~en Vice Presideiit, Reguation cc: Service List Enclosures .~ -"...... Mark C. Moench Yvonne R. Hogle ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 South Main, Suite 2400 SALT LAK CITY, UT 84111 (801) 220-4459 (801) 220-4058 lOin OCT -8 P.H q: l+ I Paul J. Hickey - Pro Hac Vice Hickey & Evan, LLP 1800 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 P.O. Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003-0467 (307) 634..1525 (307)638-7335 Attorneys for Rocky Mountan Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. PAC.E~10~07 OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC ) SERVICE SCHEDULES AN A PRICE ) INCREASE OF $27.7 MILLION, OR ) APPROXIMATELY 13.7 PERCENT ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S RESPONSE TO MONSANTO'S MOTION TO DISMISS Pursuat to IDAPA Rule, PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountan Power (the "Company"), though its attorneys, hereby responds to the MOTION TO DISMISS OR STRI TESTIMONY ("Motion") fied by Monsanto Company ("Monsanto") October t 2010. t. Background Rocky Mounta Power effectively has two commercial arangements with Monsanto within the Electrc Servce Agreement between PacifiCorp and Monsanto - 1 - Company ("ESA"), one is the provision of retal electnc service to Monsanto, and the second is a bilateral agreemeiit whereby the Company procures and Monsaito provides curlment products for values established by the ESA. The relationship with Monsanto is set fort in and governed by the ESA, which expires December 3 i, 2010. Absent the Compaiy requesting a chage to its curently authonzed taffs and the Commission authonzig a change in the tanffs, the reguated retail service rates governed by the Commssion under Electnc Service Schedule 400 would continue to be in effect unti changed by Commission order. The Compaiy fied with the Commssioii May 28, c 2010, its application for approval. of changes to its electnc service schedules and a pnce increase of $27.7 milion, or approximately 13.7 percent ("Application") to reset the taff rates charged to all retail customers, includig Monsanto. Pror to fiing of the Application, the Company met numerous tin:es with Monsanto to discuss the second con:ponent of the commercial arangement with Monsanto on valuation of the curtlment products and the terms and conditions of the bilateral contract argements that would be in place afer the existing coiitract related to these products expires December 31, 2010. Due to the lack of progrss in settlement discussioiis to reach a resolution on the valuation of the curtailn:ent products, the Company fied Supplen:eiita Testimony of Paul H. Clements ("Supplemental Testin:ony") in Case No. PACE-E-1Q-07 outlining the issue and Company's valuation reomiendation with the intent that the Commission would resolve the issue pnor to the expiration of the ESA on December 31, 2010. Monsanto is now seeking to strike the Supplemental Testimony or dismiss the case altogether, eliminating an impaial foru to resolve the question of valuation pnor - 2- to the expiration of the ESA. Absent a negotiated agreemeiit between Monsanto and the Company or a fmding by the Coinission, neither par is bound by the provisions of the ESA related to curailment products past December 31, 2010. Rocky Mountain Power entered into discussions in good faith with Moiisanto very early in the year to establish a new commercial arangemeiit for Januar 1,2011 and beyond. The Company met with Monsanto on March 18, 2010, to discuss the fact that the existing agreement Will tertinate effective December 31,2010, and provided wntten iiotice to tht effect consistent with the ESA terms. The Company and Monsanto subsequeiitly met on May 25, 2010, in Salt Lake City, and on June 9, 2010, July 13, 2010, August 26,2010, September 23,2010, in St. Louis. At the September 23rd meeting, the Company informed Monsanto of its intent to fie the Supplementa Testimony as a backstop on the issue of the curailment. valuation for the Commssion to resolve in the eVent tht an agreement could not be reached. Pnor to the decision to file the Supplemental Testimony and the September 23rd discussion With Monsanto, the Company had sought advice from the Idaho Public Utilties Comiission Staff ("Staff') on their preference in adstratively dealing With the issue if it were placed before the Commission. Staff suggested that the Company fie supplemeiital testimoiiy on the issue rather than fie it as a separate matter in a new case. Whle Monsanto mayor ma.y not agree with the valuations Set fort in the Supplemeiital Testony, the fact that the Company filed the Supplementa Testimony should not be a "surrise" to anyone. If the Commission chooses to not address the curlment valuation, then the Company's Application should proceed on the ordered schedule and establish the retail taff rate based on cost of service for Monsanto. The - 3- curlment credit referenced ii Schedule 400 will be zero due to the expiration of the contrt. As of Janua 1, 2011, no agrement for curent products will exist between Monsanto and the Compaiy uness a mutu agreement is reached before then. ARGUMNT i. The Application Should Not Be Dismissed Because It Meets the Requirements of Rule 121 and Complies with the Order(defined below). The Company's Application, including the proposed revisions to Electnc Service Schedule No. 400, is complete and includes the information required under Rule 121.01.a. which states, in par: Applications by any public utility to increase, decrease or change any rate, fare, toll, rental or charge or any classification, contract, practice, rue or reguation resulting in any such increase, decreae or change must include the followig data: a. an exhibit showing in full each proposed chage in rates, tolls, rentas, chages ... ID ADC § 121.01 Specifically, the proposed Schedule No. 400 iii the Application reflects the cureiit reveiiue requirement and cost of service pertining to Monsanto. Proposed Schedule No. 400 of the Application specifically includes the proposed tanff-based-rate that Monsanto would be paying once new rates go into effect. Ths recognizes the Commission's "tranition of Monsanto from contract to taiff standard customer" as noted by the Commssion in its Order Number 30917 ii Case No. PAC-E-06-09 ("Order"). Contrar to Monsanto's false representation that the Company ignored the Commission's direction, Schedule No. 400 eveii "addresses ... interrptible product - 4- valuation" which the Commission orderedl paries to address, as follows: "Iiterrptible Demand Chage: Firm Demand charge minus Iiterrptible Credit." Curlment products and their value are separate commercial argements governed by contracts tht customers like Monsto may paricipate in. They are market dnven products that the Company purchaes at a rate reflecting their value. The value for such products has changed and the Company has calculated that the rate will be significantly lower from the curent rate. Proposed Schedule No. 400 purosefully referenced the value for interrptible services ~roadly so that it could accommodate and reflect chages to the terms of the contracts, including pnce, as old contracts expire and new ones are entered into. The "interrptible demand. chage" is equal to the Firm Demand Charge mius the "Interrptible Credit". The Interrptible Credit is whatever is provided for by contract. If there is no contract in place, the Iiterrptible Credit would be zero. In addition, the broad refereiice also accommodates the differences in the time penods used to set retal rates in ~eneral rate cases relative to the tie penod used for valuation of interrptible services. For example, ths case was filed May 28, 2010 using a histoncal test year ending December 31, 2009, with knowi and measurble changes though December 31, 2010. What was known and measurable and in effect though the eiid of the test penod is the curent ESA which won't expire until December 31,2010. By broadly referencing the value for interrptible services, Schedule No. 400 allows the retail rate set in the ESA to contiue under taff though the expiration of the ESA. Currntly the paries don't know whether there will be a new contract for interrptible services with Monsanto, but any new contract that is reached will be beyond 1 Order, p. 9 ~ 5 - the test penod of the Application. Such new contract will reflect the curent market conditions that will dictate the pnce to be paid for interrptible serices over the tert of a new contract. Assuming the Company and Monsanto execute another contract in Januar 2011, it will not be necessar to amend Schedule 400 to account for the new value for interrptible services. If the Company and Monsanto do not execute another contract in Janua 2011, it wil also not be necessar to amend Schedule 400 because there wil be no "Interrptible Credit" to be netted against the Firm Demand Chage referenced in Schedule 400. Regardless, all other customers will not be haed because the actual expenses for power costs incured in 2011 will be tred-up on a histoncal basis though the energy cost adjustment mechansm (ECAM). Given that the Application complies with both Rule 121 and the Order, the Commission should deiiy Monsanto's Motioii to Dismiss or Strke Testimony. H. The Supplemental Testimony of Paul H. Clements Should Not Be Strcken Because the Company Presented Monsanto With Its Calculations for Valuation of Interruptible Services on. Numerous Occasions and in Advance of Filig Its Application. The Company provided Monsanto notice of intent to terminate the ESA at its first meeting with Monsanto on March 18, 2010, well in advance of the 180 days specified in the ESA. Subsequent to that meetiiig, the Company and Monsanto met on five separate occasions. At the March 18, 2010 meeting and durg the subsequent meetings, calculations for the valuation of interrptible servces were discussed as par of the effort to negotiate a new contract upon the expiration of the ESA on December 31, 2010. The analysis and economic value for interrptible services has beeii the topic of information exchange, discussions and negotiations for approximately haf a year. The Company did not include direct testimony to support its valuation of interrptible servces in its - 6- Application becaus it wanted to give the paries the opportity to negotiate and reach an agreement. Monsato was both aware of the Company's positioii on value and its intent to file the Supplemental Testimony if a settlement could not be reached. Therefore, the Supplemeiita Testimony should not be strcken. III. Paul H. Clements' Supplemental. Testimony is Necessary to Avoid the Overpayment of Interruptible Credits to the Detriment of Customers. The Company stil hopes that an agreement on purchaing curilment products from Moiisanto can be reached. If the parties are not able to reach an agreement, Monsanto should pay cost of service based rates as determined by the Commission the sae as all other customers. The Company adopts a "customer indifference" approach when valuing interrptible products offered by industral cusomers. In other words, the Company seeks to pay industral customers who can offer interrptible products the same pnce the Company would otherwse pay if it were to acquire those same products from other sources, such as the market or its own resources. It is importt to pnce curilmeiit products tht industral customers provide consistent with the pnce the Company would pay to acquire the same product from other sources because all customers are allocated their proportionate share of prudently incured costs by the Company. The pnce paid to industral customers for interrptible products is included in net power costs which are . alocated on a system basis to all customers. If the Company pays industral customers more for the interrptible products th it would otherwse incur acquiring those same products from another source, all customers would be paying more for energy and would be subsidizing the industnal customers who provide these products. - 7- Therefore, in order to matan faiess to all customers, the pnce paid to industnal customers, and in this case to Monsanto, for interrptible products should be no greater than the amount the Company would incur if it were to acquire those same products from the next lowest cost available resource. The Company uses this no har to customer priciple in its approach to value intertptible products provided by industnal customers. With ths approach industnal customers are fairly compensated for providing these products, and other customers are indifferent as to whether the products are provided by the industnal customer or from other resources. IV. The ESA Expires December 31, 2010 and the Obligation to Purchase Interrptible Servces From Monsanto Expires With It. The Company is required to provide electric service to Monsanto at cost of service based rates under the regulatory guidelines and puriew of the Commission. In this case, there is a separte transaction between the Company and Monsanto tht is governed by the ESA. The Commission authonzed the ESA after reviewig the contract and finding that it was reasonable? The Compaiy is responding to Monsato's attempt to strong ar the Company into continuing to pay the same pnce for interrptible servces beyond December 31,2010. The Commission should iiot alow Monsanto to use heavy haded tactics to get its way. Afer December 31, 2010, the Company is under no contractu obligation to continue to purchase iiiterrptible products from Monsanto. In fact, given what the Compaiy's models are showing the value for interrptible services wil be in 2011, it would be uneasonable to require the Company to continue to pay the same amount for the curlment products. 2 Order No. 30482 in Case No. PAC-E-07-05. - 8- While the pares have negotiated extensively, a new agreement for interrptible servces between the Company and Monsanto has not beeii reached. If the pares are able to agree on the appropriate fair value for curilment products, the Company wil purchase those products from Monsanto under a new agreement. At that time, the Commssion will have the opportnity to review the terms of the new contract for reasonableness. Unless a new contract is reached before December 31, 2010, the Company will have no right to curl Monsto and Monsato will have no claim for curlmeiit credits, or other value or compensation for interrptible products it curently provides the Company. V. The Company Offers to Extend the Filig Deadline to Respond to the Supplemental Testimony of Paul H. Clements. Given that Commission staff and other intervening paries have not been involved in the discussions, the Company proposes an extension to the curnt schedule oii this issue to allow paries ample opportunity to fie testimony responding Clemeiits' Supplementa Testimony. The Company proposes that the deadline to respond to the Supplemental Testimony of Paul H. Clements be extended to November 10, 2010. The Company proposed to provide its rebutt response to the November 10, 2010, filing of the pares by November 24, 2010. The Company also proposes tht data requests pertainig to the Supplementa Testimony or pares responses to the issue be responded within 7 calendar days of receipt of such requests. The Company respectfully requests that the rest of the schedule remain as ordered by the Commission. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, the Company respectfuly requests that the Commissioii deiiy Monsanto's Motion to Dismiss or Stne Testimony. - 9- Respectfly submitted this 8th day of October 20 i o. f1J¡V~Y(1 Mark C. Moeiich í, Yvonne Hogle Rocky Mounta Power Paul J. Hickey Hickey & Evan, LLP - 10- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I herby certfy that on ths 8th day of October, 2010, I caused to be served via E-mail, a tre and correct copy of Rocky Mountain Power's Response to Monsanto's Motion to Dismiss in P AC-E-1 0-07 to the followig: Eric L. Olsen Racine, OlSon, Nye,.Budge & Bailey, Charered 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 E-Mail: eloaMracinelaw.net Tim Buller Jason Hars Agnum, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Spnngs, il 83276 E-Mail: tbulleraMagrum.com JAHarrsaMagrium.com Brad Purdy CAPAI 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 E..mail: bmpurdycmhotmaiL.com Anthony Yaiel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 E-mail: tonycmyaiel.net James R. Smith (E-mail oiiy) Moiisanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Spnngs, Idaho 83276 E-Mail: jim.r.smith(ßmonsanto.com Ronald L. Wiliams Willams Brabur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 E-mail: ronaMwillamsbradbur.com Radal C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chaered 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 E-Mail: rcbcmracinelaw.net Paul J. Hickey Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 Cary Ave. , Suite 700 PO Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003 E-Mail: phickey(ßhickeyevans.com Benjamn J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idao 83702 E-mail: bottocmidahoconservation.org Katie Iverson (E-mail only) Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Cour Sunse, Anzona 85387 E-Mail: kiversonØ)consultbai.com Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 S.W. Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 E-mail: mjdØ)dvciaw.com Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idao Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washigton (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 E. Mail: scott. woodburlßuc.daho.gov Dr. Don Readig (E-mail Only) Idaho Coiiservation League 6070 Hil Road Boise, ID 83703 E-mail: dreadingtimindspring.com ~~.Came Meyer ~ ¿ Coordinator, Admstrtive Servces