HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100528Teply Direct.pdfRr-~r:..Cv..rt1..J" 20m Mß,Y 28 PMl2: 05 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $27.7 ) MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 Direct Testimony of Chad A. Teply ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-10-07 May 2010 1 Q.Please state your name, business address and position with PacifiCorp 2 ("Company"). 3 A.My name is Chad A. Teply. My business address is 1407 West Nort Temple, 4 Suite 210, Salt Lake City, Utah. My present position is Vice President of 5 Resource Development and Constrction for PacifiCorp Energy. I report to the 6 President of PacifiCorp Energy. Both Rocky Mountain Power and PacifiCorp 7 Energy are divisions of PacifiCorp. S Qualifications 9 Q.Please describe your education and business experience. 10 A.I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from South 11 Dakota State University. I am a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of 12 Iowa. I joined MidAmerican Energy Company in November 1999 and held 13 positions of increasing responsibilty within the generation organization, 14 including the role of project manager for the 790- megawatt Walter Scott Energy 15 Center Unit 4 completed in June 2007. In April 200S, I moved to Nortern 16 Natual Gas Company as senior diector of engineering. In Februar 2009, I 17 joined the PacifiCorp team as Vice President of Resource Development and is Construction, at PacifiCorp Energy. In my current role, I have responsibility for 19 development and execution of major resource additions and major envionmental 20 projects. 21 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony? 22 A.The purpose of my testimony is to provide the Commssion and paries with 23 information supporting the prudence of pollution control equipment and Teply, Di - 1 Rocky Mountain Power 1 additional generation plant capital investments being placed in service durg the 2 test period. 3 Background 4 Q. 5 6 7 A. S 9 10 11 12 Please provide a general description of desired outcomes from the pollution control equipment and generation plant capital investments being placed in service. The pollution control equipment investments contemplated in this case primarly result in the reduction of sulfur dioxide ("SOz"), nitrogen oxides ("NOx"), and pariculate matter ("PM") emissions from the retrofitted facilties. The tubine upgrade investments are intended to enhance the Company's overall generation capabilty and cycle efficiency for the large thermal units being provided with this equipment. The repai and replacement capital investments are intended to 13 support generation asset reliabilty via reduced risk of equipment/component 14 failures. 15 Description of Pollution Control Investments 16 Q.Please describe the Dave Johnston Unit 3 pollution control project and 17 associated equipment. is A.The pollution control project at the Dave Johnston Unit 3 power plant is being 19 completed in conjunction with the Dave Johnston Unit 4 pollution control project 20 that wil be placed in service in 2012. The Dave Johnston Unit 3 pollution control 21 project wil upgrade and improve the unit's PM controls and install SOz controls. 22 The capital expenditue for the project durig the test period is $300 millon. 23 Construction began in 200S, and the project wil be operational by May 31, 2010. Teply, Di - 2 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 The new pollution control equipment is being tied into the existing unit durng a scheduled plant maintenance outage. The project wil install a dr flue gas desulfuzation ("DFGD") system with fabric fiter. A DFGD system injects lime slurr in the top of an absorber vessel (scrubber) with a rapidly rotating atomizer wheeL. The rapid rotation of the atomizer wheel causes the lime slur to separate into very fine droplets that intermx with the flue gas. The SOz in the flue gas reacts with the calcium in the lime slurr to form calcium sulfate in the form of dr PM. The dr PM is then captued in the downstream baghouse along with fly ash from the boiler. The DFGD system wil produce a nonhazardous dr waste product suitable for landfil disposal. Other equipment to be installed as par of the project includes induced draft fans, boiler reinforcement, new ductwork, lime slurr reagent preparation systems, waste material handling systems, electrcal infrastrcture, controls, and other miscellaneous appurtenances and support systems. Wil the Dave Johnston Unit 4 pollution control project also be placed in service during the test period contemplated in this case? No. The. Dave Johnston Unit 4 pollution control project, which is being constrcted concurrently with the Dave Johnston Unit 3 pollution control project, wil be placed in service during the next planned major maintenance outage for that unit. The planned major maintenance outages for the Company's generation assets are scheduled on a control area basis, considerig optimal frequency between overhauls and to minimize the number of major units off line at anyone time. The Company's Dave Johnston Unit 4 completed its most recent overhaul Teply, Di - 3 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 in 2009 and is scheduled for its next overhaul in the spring of 2012. The Company's intent in establishing the tie-in schedules for the Dave Johnston Unit 3 and Dave Johnston Unit 4 pollution control equipment was to balance the aggregated constrction costs and schedules for the pollution control equipment projects against the established planned maintenance overhaul schedules, work plans, and budgets for the respective units. Are costs specific to Dave Johnston Unit 4 pollution control equipment included in this case? No. Costs contemplated in this case include only those costs that are specific to Dave Johnston Unit 3 as well as the cost of all common facilities that are required to be placed in service to allow prudent operation of either unit's new emission control system. Common facilities include reagent preparation, waste disposal, electrical supply, and ancilar utility systems, as well as site preparation and the chimney; In the event one of the subject units. is retied in the futue, these common facilities would not be retired since they must remain in service for the remaining unit to operate. Please describe the emissions improvements that wil be achieved with the Dave Johnston Unit 3 pollution control project. The Dave Johnston Unit 3 DFGD system and baghouse wil reduce SOzemissions from the unit by approximately 90 percent, or approximately 6,600 tons per year. In addition to reducing SOz emissions, the baghouse wil reduce the emissions of PM. The PM emission limit wil be reduced from 0.20 pounds per millon British Thermal Units to 0.015 pounds per millon British Thermal Units. Teply, Di - 4 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q. 23 A. Please describe the other major pollution control projects and associated equipment contemplate in this case. The other major pollution control projects undertaken by PacifiCorp in 2010 include: (1) the Huntington Unit 1 electrostatic precipitator to baghouse conversion project; (2) the Huntington Unit 1 scrubber upgrade project; (3) the Huntington Unit 1 low NOx burers installation project; (4) the Dave Johnston Unit 3 low NOx burners installation project; (5) the Jim Bridger Unit 1 scrubber upgrade project; and (6) the Jim Bridger Unit 1 10wNOx burers installation project. The Huntington baghouse installation project wil replace the existing electrostatic precipitator with a fabric fiter to captue dr PM from the flue gas stream. The scope of work for this project also includes converting the existing stack to wet operation to enable the scrubber bypass dampers to be removed. The Huntington Unit 1 scrubber upgrade wil allow treatment of all the flue gas from the unit. The project wil also provide new waste handlg equipment to manage the increase in waste product from the higher removal efficiency of the scrubber. The Jim Bridger Unit 1 scrubber upgrade wil replace internal scrubber pars (trays, piping and nozzles). This work wil improve SOz removal effciency while enabling the bypass dampers to bypass less flue gas. The low NOx burers projects referenced above wil instal new burers that utilze improved combustion characteristics and a separated over-fire air supply to the boiler to reduce NOx emissions. Do Huntington Unit 1 and Jim Bridger Unit 1 currently have scrubbers? Yes. The scrubber upgrade projects primarly include the upgrade and Teply, Di - 5 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 21 A. 22 23 replacement of existing pumps, spray headers, trays, and ancillar equipment to improve the control of SOz emissions from the affected units. Please describe the emisions improvements that wil be achieved with the pollution control projects described above. The pollution control equipment investments described above support the Company's ongoing commtment to reduce SOz emissions from its generation fleet by approximately 50 percent compared to 2005 levels. In addition to reducing SOz emissions, the projects support the Company's ongoing commtment to reduce NOxemissions from its generation fleet by approximately 40 percent compared to 2005 levels. Have the costs of the projects been prudently managed? Yes. The scrubber and baghouse projects have been contracted underlump-sum tuey engineer, procure and constrct (EPC) contract terms which resulted from competitive bidding processes. The burner replacement projects have been contracted under multiple lump-sum contracts which resulted from competitive bidding processes.PacifCorp management continues to provide oversight of the projects and closely manages any project execution plan changes or potential contract scope changes. Are there additional operating costs that wil be incurred as a result of the installation of the pollution control equipment? Yes. Operation of the new pollution control equipment wil result in increased operation and maintenance costs of $ 1.5 milion associated with reagent, waste disposal, and equipment maintenance. These costs are summzed on page 4.6 in Teply, Di - 6 Rocky Mountan Power 1 Exhibit 2 of Mr. Steven McDougal's Direct Testimony. 2 Q.How are the pollution control investment costs and associated operating costs 3 being treated in the revenue requirement? 4 A.The costs for the pollution control equipment have been included in this case as 5 explained in the revenue requirement testimony of Mr. McDougaL. 6 Justification of Pollution Control Investments 7 Q. 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 What is the basis for these investments? These investments were identified as par of the Company's response to environmental regulations that govern the plants' operations. Though the 1977 amendments to the Clean Air Act, Congress set a national goal for visibilty to remedy impaient from manmade emissions in designated national parks and wì1derness areas; this goal resulted in development of the Regional Haze Rules, adopted in 2005 by the Environmental Protection Agency. The first phase of these rules trgger Best Available Retrofit Technology ("BART") reviews for all coal-fired generation facilities built between 1962 and 1977 that emit at least 250 tons of visibility-impaing pollution per year. The units provided with the pollution control equipment investments discussed above are subject to BART reviews. BART reviews of the units have been completed and submitted to the respective state deparments of environmental quality for final disposition. The respective state deparents of environmental quality for the units have incorporated the results of the above mentioned BART analyses into the constrction permts and approval orders for the pollution control equipment contemplated by this case. Teply, Di - 7 Rocky Mountain Power 1 With respect to the Dave Johnston Unit 3 and Jim Bridger Unit 1 projects, 2 the Wyoming Deparment of Environmental Quality ("WY DEQ") issued BART 3 permts for those units on December 3 1, 2009, incorporating the equipment and 4 installation schedules recommended via the BART review and contemplated in 5 this case. The conditions of the BART permts wil be incorporated into the 6 Wyoming State Implementation Plan ("SIP") for Regional Haze in support of its 7 goals to reduce visibilty impairng emissions. The Wyoming SIP is subject to 8 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") review and approval. The WY 9 DEQhas also issued construction permts for the Dave Johnston Unit 3 and Jim 10 Bridger Unit 1 environmental improvement projects. 11 With respect to the Huntington Unit 1 project, the Utah Deparment of 12 Environmental Quality has incorporated the results of a BART review completed 13 for that facility into the Utah SIP. The Utah SIP is subject to EPA review and 14 approval. The state of Utah has also issued an Approval Order (i.e. a permt to 15 constrct) for the Huntington Unit 1 environmental improvement project. 16 In addition to the BART requirements, increasingly more stringent 17 National Ambient Air Quality Standads have been and are being adopted for 18 criteria pollutants, including SOz, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and PM. 19 Implementation of these projects assists in avoiding nonattainment of these 20 . standards. The environmental compliance activities discussed above form the 21 basis for these investments. Teply, Di - 8 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 What factors does the Company consider when determining which capital investments to make in environmental equipment retrofit projects? The Company takes several factors into consideration when.makg pollution control equipment investments includig: evaluation of state and federal environmental regulatory requirements and associated compliance deadlines; review of emerging environmental regulations and rulemakng; and analyses of alternate compliance options. As par of the BART review of each facilty, the Company evaluated several technologies on their abilty to economically achieve compliance and support an integrated approach to control criteria pollutants (e.g. SOz, NOx, and PM for the facility), if it were to continue to operate and to bur coaL. The BART analyses reviewed available retrofit emission control technologies and their associated performnce and cost metrcs. Each of the technologies was reviewed against its abilty to meet a presumptive BART emission limit based on technology and fuel characteristics. The BART analyses outlined the available emission control technologies, the cost for each and the projected improvement in visibilty which can be expected by the installation of the respective technology. Once the preferred BART technology was identified, the Company moved forward with its competitive bidding process to evaluate and ultimately select the preferred provider for the projects. Teply, Di - 9 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. 2 3 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Would the Company's decision to make this incremental investment in environmental controls at these units change if limitations were placed on carbon dioxide emissions, such as in the Waxman-Markey bil in the U.S. House of Representatives or the Kerry-Lieberman bil in the U.S. Senate? No. The Company is curently engaged in assessing its existing generation resources, its planned supply and demand-side resources and its 10-year capital budget regardig the impact of carbon dioxide emissions restrictions. While planned investments in other units may change, the Company's plans regarding these investments would not change due to carbon-emission restrctions. The units have depreciation lives for ratemag purposes that provide sufficient remaining time to depreciate the investments in the pollution controls. 12 Timing of Investment 13 Q. 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Why is PacifiCorp installing pollution control equipment at this time? As discussed above, the Company is installng the pollution control equipment at this time primarly to ensure compliance with Regional Haze Rules, but also in response to a more strngent National Ambient Air Quality Standards and a varety of existing and emerging emission reduction requirements. Final instalation activities and tie-in of the pollution control equipment described above can only be accomplished when the units are off-line. Meeting the timing requirements of construction permts/approval orders and reducing plant outage time necessitated completion of final installation activities and tie-in of the pollution control equipment during the scheduled overhauls within this test period. Installation of the pollution control equipment and associated systems Teply, Di - 10 Rocky Mountain Power 1 contemplated in this case represent a significant step for PacifiCorp's coal-fueled 2 power plant fleet toward meeting the SOz and NOx reductions required by the 3 Regional Haze Rules and established by the respective states' emissions reduction 4 miestones. 5 Customer Considerations 6 Q.What are the benefits to customers of installng the pollution control 7 equipment and why should Rocky Mountain Power's customers pay the costs 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 related to this project? Customers directly benefit from the continued availabilty of low-cost generation produced at the facilities while also achieving environmental improvements from these resources, resulting in cleaner air. In addition, the tie-in of these necessar controls is being accomplished durng planned maintenance outages, as opposed to scheduling separate outages for this work, which reduces replacement power costs. The Company has ten BART-eligible units in Wyoming and four in Utah. The BART controls for each of these units must be installed as expeditiously as possible, but no later than five years from the date the respective SIPs are approved and prior to the compliance dates specified in the permts Postponing instalation on these units to later planned maintenance outages would mae it virally impossible for the Company to effectively ensure that all of its affected units meet compliance deadlines and would place the Company at risk of not having access to necessar capital, materials, and labor while attempting to perform these major equipment installations in a compressedtimeframe. Teply, Di - 11 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Description of Turbine Upgrade Investments 2 Q. 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Please describe the turbine upgrade projects. The Company has thee turbine upgrade projects totaling approximately $129 milion that wil be completed durng the test period. The projects include: (l) the Hunter Unit 1 high pressure (HP)/intermediate pressure (IP)/low pressure (LP) turbine sections replacement; (2) the Huntington Unit 1 HP/iP/LP tubine sections replacement; and (3) the Jim BridgerUnit 1 HP/i turbine sections replacement. The revenue requirement impact of this investment has been included in Exhibit NO.2 of Mr. McDougal's Direct Testimony and the investment is summarzed on page 8.6.2 of such exhibit. Please describe the efficiency improvements that will be achieved with the turbine upgrade projects described above. The Company expects the Hunter Unit 1 tubine upgrade to allow more efficient tubine performance without increasing emissions, such that an additional 15 megawatts of capacity can to be generated by the unit. The same principles apply to the Huntington Unit 1 turbine upgrade and Jim Bridger Unit 1 turbine upgrades, which are expected to provide efficiency improvements, without increasing emissions, resulting in an additional 18 megawatts and an additional four megawatts, respectively, of capacity to be generated by the units. Dr. Hui Shu has annualized the incremental changes to these three units in her net power cost analysis in her Dirct Testimony. Teply, Di - 12 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Justification of Turbine Upgrade Investments 2 Q. 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 13 14 Q. 15 A. 16 17 18 19 What is the basis for these investments? As par of the Company's efforts to meet the growing demand for generation, and given the advancing technological improvements in steam tubine design and manufacturig, the Company has initiated a tubine upgrade initiative. This tubine upgrade initiative is intended to fuer enhance PacifiCorp's overall generation capabilty and cycle efficiency for the large thermal units being provided with this equipment. What other generation plant capital investments are included in this application? Repair and replacement investments are the remaining projects contemplated in this case. The projects fall within four major categories: (1) boiler section replacements; (2) controls upgrades; (3) generator rewind; and (4) other. How wil customers benefit from these capital expenditures? These capital expenditues enable the Company to maintain overall reliabilty of the aging fleet. The Company's plants produce energy at costs lower than market prices, enabling the Company to serve its customers at some of the lowest retail electrcity prices in the United States. Investment in the Company's existing generating units increases the probabilty of continued safe and reliable operation 20 of these low-cost resources. 21 Conclusion 22 Q. 23 A. Please summarize your testimony. Investment in pollution control equipment is required to meet the Regional Haze Teply, Di - 13 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q. 13 A. Rules enacted in 2005 by the EPA, and the resulting BART reviews and permtting process. The Company's decision to install this pollution control equipment would not change due to the enactment of carbon dioxide emission reduction legislation. The investment allows for the continued operation of low- cost coal-fired generation facilities while achieving significant environmental improvements to air quality and regional haze issues. Also, the Company is makng other prudent capital expenditures in its existing generation fleet that wil benefit customers by mantaining safe, reliable, efficient, cost-effective generating resources. The investments durng the test period are reasonable and prudent, and the Company should be granted full cost recovery for these investments. Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes. Teply, Di - 14 Rocky Mountain Power