HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100528Application.pdf~g_~OUNTAIN May 28,2010 VL OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 RE.CE.\\f l\t\ \\ ~ 5 \ 1\\\\\ t\~~ 28 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Re: Case No. PAC-E-1O-07 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to its Electrc Service Schedules and a Price Increase of $27.7 Milion, or Approximately 13.7 Percent Dear Ms. Jewell: Pleas find enclosed for fiing an original and nine copies of Rocky Mountan Power's Application in the above-referenced matter, along with nine copies ofPacifiCorp's direct testimony and exhbits. Also enclosed is a CD containig the Application, sumar of testimony, testimony and exhbits, customer notice and press release; and a confdential CD containing confdential testimony and exhbits. To the attention of the Cour Reporter is.a paper copy of all documents along with a CD containing all testimony and exhbits in their original formats. All formal correspondence and regarding ths Application should be addrssed to: Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email: ted.westoncgacificorp.com Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Fax: (801) 220-3299 Email: danieL.solander(fpacificorp.com Communcations regarding discovery matters, including data requests issued to Rocky Mountan Power, should be addressed to the following: By E-mail (preferred): By reguar mail: datarequestêpacificorp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Idaho Public Utilties Commssion May 28, 2010 Page 2 Informal inquies may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Reguatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very try yours,~k4-~ Jeffey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation cc: Service List Enclosures tuJ, Mark C. Moench Danel E. Solander Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountan Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 mark.moenchêpacificorp.com daneL.solanderêpacificorp.com yyonne.hogle(fpacificorp.com Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power RECEi iO\OKAY28 AtH\~5\ \DAHOi~ UT\UT\E.S C\.i, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXITELY 13.7 PERCENT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-I0-07 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company") hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") for approval of proposed changes to the Company's electrc service schedules submitted herewith. In support of this Application, Rocky Mounta Power states as follows: 1. Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electrc service to approximately 72,700 customers in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jursdiction of the Commission. 2. Communcations regarding ths Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email: ted.westoncgacificorp.com APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 1 and to: Danel E. Solander 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Fax: (801) 220-3299 Email: daneL.solanderêpacificorp.com In addition, the Company respectfuly requests that all data requests regarding ths matter be addressed to one or more of the following: Bye-mail (preferred) By reguar mail datareguestcgacificorp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 3. Rocky Mountain Power's proposed revised taff schedules, which are fied with this Application, would result in a net increase of $27.7 milion, or 13.7 percent, in prices for the Company's Idaho retal customers. The revised taff schedules reflect a proposed effective date of June 28, 2010. 4. This proposed increase is based upon normalized results of operations for the test period ending December 31,2009, with known and measurable changes. The Company is curently earng a retu on equity ("ROE") of 5.7 percent, which is signficantly below the Company's curently authorized retur, the retus recently authorized for other Idao investor-owned utilties, and the 10.6 percent ROE supported by the Company's testimony filed with ths Application. Without the requested increase in revenues, it will be increasingly diffcult for the Company to maintain its utility infastrctue and continue to provide adequate, effcient, just and reasonable service to its Idaho customers. The Company is in the midst of a multi-year program of investing in renewable energy, trsmission facilties, and environmenta controls to serve its customers in Idaho and across its six state APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 2 system. At a tota company level, the test period includes over $4 bilion of new plant investment and $87 millon in increased pow~r costs. This Application includes in rates the investments, costs, and benefits of the Company's activities durg the test period, and reflects other changes in costs durng that period. 5. Rocky Mountan Power's direct case consists of the testimony and exhibits of fifteen witnesses. Below is a brief sumar of their testimony. (a) A. Richard Walje, president, Rocky Mountan Power, will present an overview of the Company's justification for its case, describe the major capita investment the Company is making to serve its customers, the cost control efforts to minimie rate impact on customers, and provide the context for the testimony of the other witnesses. (b) Steven R. McDougal, director, revenue requirement, will discuss the revenue increase and the sources of the data used in determinig the normalizing adjustments related to revenue, operations and maitenance expense, net power costs, depreciation and amortization, taes, and rate base in developing the Idaho revenue requirement. Mr. McDougal will also support the Company's proposed inteijursdictional allocation of common costs, and the allocation treatment of Monsanto's curlment, and the Company's irgation load control program. Mr. McDougal will also address the Company's proposal to track renewable energy credit ("REC") sales in the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") on a dollar-for-dollar basis. (c) Bruce N. Wiliams, .vice president and treasurer, will testify in support of the Company's cost of debt, preferred stock and capital strctue. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 3 (d) Samuel C. Hadaway, FINANCO, Inc., will testify in support of the Company's ROE. He wil also describe the signficant changes in the capita markets that afect Rocky Mountain Power. Dr. Hadaway's analysis suggests a cost of equity for the Company of 10.6 percent. (e) Stefan A. Bird, senior vice president, commercial and trading, will testify regarding the prudence of the Company's decision to enter into the Top ofthe World Wind Energy, LLC and Three Buttes power purchase agreements, and to acquire the Dunlap I wind plant. Mr. Bird also explains the volatility of the REC market, generation, and futue revenues supporting trackig them in ECAM. (f) Mark R. Tallman, vice president of renewable resource development discusses the Company's prudent investment in wind generation resources, including the Seven Mile Hil, Glenrock, Rolling Hils, Seven Mile Hil II, Glenrock III, High Plains and McFadden Ridge I wind plants. (g) Chad A. Teply, vice president of resource development and constrction for PacifiCorp Energy, will testify regarding the prudence of pollution control equipment, tubine upgrades, and additional generation plant capita investments being placed in service durng the test period. (h) John A. Cupparo, vice president of transmission, will explain why the Company's investment in the Populus to Termnal transmission line was needed to address congestion, and was supported by all relevant federa agencies and the Company's own integrated resource plan ("IRP"). APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 4 (i) Darell T. Gerrard, vice president of tranmission planing, will provide an overvew of the Populus to Terminal transmission line. Mr. Gerrard will also explain that the benefits of adding this tranmission line are to meet load and resource requirements for customers and to maitain system reliabilty. Mr. Gerrard wil also discuss the analyses the Company performed that support the decision to invest in ths line, including the competitive procurement process used to make the investment, how cost savings opportties were identified as well as provide an overview of the constrction process. G) Dr. Peter C. Eelkema, lead/senior consultat, load and revenue forecasting, will describe how Rocky Mountain Power developed the test year number of customers and bils, kilowatt-hour sales at the meter ("sales"), and system loads and system peaks at the system input level ("loads") for the 12-months ending December 31,2010. (k) Dr. Hui Shu, manager of net power costs, wil testify regarding the Company's net power costs, describe the key changes that occur in the test period, and sponsor the GRI model that supports the net power costs in ths application. (1) Cindy A. Crane, vice president, Interwest Mining Company and Fuel Resources for PacifiCorp Energy, will explain the Company's overall approach to providing the coal supply for the Company's coal plants, review the increase in the Company's afliate mine coal costs and compare them to other supply alternatives. In addition, Ms. Crane's testimony demonstrates APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER Page 5 the benefits customers realize from the Company's diversified coal supply strategy. (m) Ryan R. Fuller, assistat ta director, will testify regarding the calculation of the income ta portion of the Idaho-allocated revenue requirement requested in this case. Mr. Fuller also explains why the proposed changes to ta accounting treatment for repairs deductions and full normalization of property related differences is appropriate. He will also explai the impact the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act had on the deductibilty of certin costs incured for post-retirement prescription drg coverage. (n) C. Craig Paice, regulatory consultat in the pricing and cost of service deparent will present the Company's class cost of service study. (0) Willam R. Grffth, director of pricing, cost of service, and regulatory operations, will present the Company's rate spread and rate design proposals that determine the prices customers will see. Mr. Grffith will also describe the Company's inverted tier rate design for residential customers. 6. Rocky Mountain Power is notifying its customers of this Application by means of a press release sent to local media organizations, bil inserts included in customer bils over the course of a biling cycle, and, in some cases, personal contact with customers or their representatives. In addition, copies of this Application will be made available for review at the Company's local offces in its Idaho service terrtory. 7. The Company respectfully submits that the Commission's approval of Rocky Mountain Power's Application, including the approval and implementation of the proposed electrc service schedules as filed, is in the public interest. In accordace with Commssion APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 6 Rule 121(d), Rocky Mountain Power represents that it stads ready for immediate consideration of ths Application. WHREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectflly requests that the Commssion issue a final order approving the Company's proposed electrc service schedules effective June 28, 2010. DATED this 28th day of May, 2010. Respectflly submitted, BYM~l~ Danel E. Solander Yvonne R. Hogle Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 7 l'~l./ROCKY MOUNAI POWER SUMMY OF TESTIMONYmID"AY28 AMI' :.52 PAC-E-I0-07 IDAHOP.UHt.¡Ç ..._ .... Rocky Mountain Power, a divisionofPacifiCorp, provides ths suiYý\§tç~tM\§mpN filed in support of its general rate case application. Copies of the Company's filing are available online at ww.pacificorp.com; click on "News and Info" and then select "Reguatory Information" and "Idaho." Copies of the fiing may also be reviewed during reguar business hours at the offces of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion in Boise and in these Rocky Mountain Power offces: . 25 East Main, Rexburg . 509 South 200 East, Preston . 852 East 1400 North, Shelley . 24852 U.S. Highway 89, Montpelier A. RICHA W ALJE President, Rocky Mountain Power Company witness Walje provides an overview ofthe Company's 2010 general rate case filing and testifies in support of the proposed revenue increase. Walje testifies that the Company requires a revenue increase of $27.7 milion, or 13.7 percent overall, in order to recover the costs of providing safe and reliable electrc service and to provide a reasonable opportity for the Company to ear a fair retu on its investments. Commission approval of this increase will enable the Company to maitain the financial strengt necessar to attct the requisite capita to meet the electrcal service needs of its Idaho customers. Mr. Walje's testimony also presents policy issues and the implications of the Company's and industr's need to address rising costs and capital investment requiements. It also introduces the witnesses who will address the Company's case. Mr. Walje sumarzes the major cost drvers underlyig the need for the price increase, including the capita investment and net power costs required to meet curent and futue customer needs. Mr. Walje discusses efforts to control costs while maintainig reliable service and customer satisfaction. STEVEN R. MCDOUGAL Director, Revenue Requirement Company witness McDougal testifies in support of the calculation of $27.7 milion revenue increase and the sources of the data used in determining the normalizing adjustments related to revenue, operations and maitenance expense, net power costs, depreciation and amortization, taxes, and rate base in developing the Idaho revenue requirement. Mr. McDougal will also support the Company's proposed inteijursdictional allocation of common costs, the allocation treatment of Monsanto's curilment, and the Company's irigation load control program. Mr. McDougal will also address the Company's proposal to track renewable energy credit ("REC") sales in the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechansm ("'ECAM") on a dollar-for-dollar basis. BRUCE N. WILLIAMS Vice President and Treasurer Company witness Willams testifies in support of the Company's capita structue, cost of debt, and cost of preferred stock for the test year used in the Company's fiing. Mr. Wiliams determines the cost of long-term debt to be 5.92 percent and the embedded cost of preferred stock to be 5.41 percent. Mr. Wiliams calculates the average capital strctue for the Company's test year to be 47.6 percent long-term debt, 0.3 percent preferrd stock, and 52.1 percent common stock equity. When combined with Dr. Hadaway's 10.6 percent retu on equity ("ROE"), Rocky Mounta Power proposes an overall weighted cost of capita of 8.36 percent. SAMEL C. HAAWAY FINANCO, Inc. Dr. Hadaway testifies in support of the Company's ROE. Based on his review of alternative versions of the constat growt and multistae growt discounted cash flow model, Dr. Hadway proposes 10.6 percent for the Company's cost of equity. His analysis is confed by a risk premium analysis and a review of comparable companes. STEFAN A. BIRD Senior Vice President, Commercial and Trading Company witness Bird will testify regarding the request for proposal process utilized to select and the prudence of the Company's decision to enter into the Top of the World Wind Energy, LLC and Three Buttes power purchase agreements, and to acqui the Dunlap I wind plant. Mr. Bird also explains the volatility of the REC market, generation, and futue revenues supporting tracking them in ECAM. MAR. TALLMA Vice President of Renewable Resource Development Company witness Tallman describes the Company's integrated resource plan ("IRP") and how it is utilized to identify and quatify the need and timing of new supply-side resources. Tallman provides a description of the Wind Resources, the decision-makg process leading to their acquisition and a description of updated information for each Wind Resource. Mr. Tallman supports the prudent investment in wind generation resources, including the Seven Mile Hil, Glenrock, Rollng Hils, Seven Mile Hil II, Glenrock III, High Plains and McFadden Ridge I wind plants. CHAD A. TEPLY Vice President of Resource Development and Construction for PacifCorp Energy Company witness Teply testimony supports the prudence of pollution control equipment, tubine upgrades, and additional generation plant capital investments being placed in service durng the test period. \, JOHN A. CUPP ARO Vice President of Transmission Company witness Cupparo will explai why the Company's investment in the Populus to Terminal transmission line was needed to address congestion, and was supported by all relevant federal agencies and the Company's own IRP. DARLL T. GERRRD Vice President of Transmission Planning Company witness Gerrard wil explain that the benefits of addig the Populus to Terminal transmission line are to meet load and resource requirements for customers and to maintain system reliabilty. Mr. Gerrard will also discuss the analyses the Company peormed tlat supprt tle decisiou to invest in this lin. includin tle competijiveprocurmeo process us to mae tle investmeul, how cost savigs opprtties were identified and provide an overview of the constrction process. DR. PETER C. EELKEMA Lead/Senior Consultant, Load and Revenue Forecastig Company witness Eeikema will describe how Rocky Mountain power developed the test year number of customers and bils, kilowatt-hour sales, and system loads and system peaks for the 12-months ending December 31, 2010. DR.HUlSHU Manager, Net power Costs Company witness Shu testifies in support of the Company's net power costs of$1.070 bilion system-wide approximately $69 millon on an Idaho aiiocated basis as calculated using the Generation and Regulation Intiatives Decision Tools (GRID) modeL. Dr.Shu will describe the GRID model and explai how input data is normalized. CINDY A. cRA Vice President, Interwest Mining Company and Fuel Resources Compy witness ere will explai tle Company's overl approach to prvidigtle coal supply for the Company's coal plants, review the increase in the Company's affliate mine coal costs and compare them to other supply alternatives. In addition, Ms. Crane's testimony demonstrates the benefits customers realize from the Company's diversified coal supply strategy. RYAN R. FULLER Assistant Tax Director Company witnes Fuller will testfy regardi tle calciion of tle iucome ta porton of the Idaho-allocated revenue requirement requested in this case. Mr. Fuller also explains why tle prposed changes to ta accountig treut for reairs deductons an ful normalization of propert related differences is appropriate. Mr. Fuller requests the Commission approve a regulatory asset/liabilty to trck interest associated with fi IRS trtment of tle reai deducton. He will also explai tle impat tle Pateut Prtecon and Affordable Care Act had on the deductibilty of certin costs incured for post- retirement prescription drug coverage. C. CRAG PAICE Regulatory Consultant in the Pricing and Cost of Service Department Company witness Paice will testify in support of the Company's class cost of service study that fuctionalizes, classifies, and allocates costs to each customer class based on the test year in the Company's filing. WILLIA R. GRIFFITH Director, Pricing, Cost of Service & Regulatory Operations Company witness Grffith testifies in support of the Company's rate spread and rate design proposals. The proposed rate spread has been guided by the Company's cost of service study filed in this case. The only exception to ths is for rate schedule classes for which cost of service results suggest the need for price decreases. For those customers, the Company proposes to make no change to present rate levels. Consequently, Rocky Mountain Power proposes the following allocation of the net price increase for major customer classes: . Residential Schedule 1: . Residential Schedule 36: . General Service: Schedule 23/23A: Schedule 6/6A/35/35A: Schedule 9: Schedule 19: . Irrgation Schedule 10: . Public Street Lighting: . Industral Contract Schedule 400: . Industral Contract Schedule 401: 8.0% 15.6% 10.8% 14.9% 14.6% 12.0% 9.6% 0% 19.6% 15.9% CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE n~...? I hereby certify that on ths 28th day of May, 2010, I caused to be served, via ov~.y 28 ¡UiH: 52 delivery, a tre and correct copy of Rocky Mountain Power's Application for ApprovalLiP, c-.' 'Fre. of changes to its electrc servce schedules and a price increase of $27.7 miliol\i~l"l.¡le1~ri1;\..r~.j;4:~Ç:¡r ;',1vi l .. "_,,. VU.......¡"..l")¡' approximately 13.7 percent in PAC-E-1O-07 to the following: . .. ~ .."- .. Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charered 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 E-Mail: eloêracinelaw.net Radall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charered 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 E-Mail: rcb(fracinelaw.net Tim Buller Agrium, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Springs, ID 83276 E-Mail: tbullerêagrium.com . AAlftO \(JArelS~~ Coordinator, Administrative Services