HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100503Application.pdf~~OUNTAIN '': r- çJ - 1r'\~ r\ ??) q: "lJ)~l ..-201 South Main, Suie 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 April 28, 2010 VI OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 P-AC--Ë-IO-Ob Attention: Jean Jewell Commission Secreta RE: Annual Notice of Revision ofQF Variable Energy Prices Dear Ms. Jewell, In compliance with IPUC Order No. 29316, Rocky Mountan Power, a division ofPacifiCorp, is providing the updated QF varable energy price in accordance with the terms of the 1992 amendments to Idaho QF power purchae agreements. The varable energy rate applicable to deliveries commencing July 1,2010 extending though June 30, 2011 shall be $14.53/MWH. The calculation is attched, together with the relevant pages from the Company's FERC Form 1 for year/period ending 2009/Q4. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Hui Shu at (503) 813-5540 or send an email to Hui.Shu($PacifiCorp.com. £a6!~/MI Vice President, Reguation Enclosures PacifiCorp Total Variable Energy Rate for 2010 12011 Carbon Naughton Huntington Hunter Totals Fuel Cost ($) $19,612,994 $ 74,045,306 $ 72,225,359 $104,856,697 $ 270,740,356 2009 FERC FORM 1 - Page 402 Une 20 Generation (MWH) 1,211,875 2009 FERC FORM 1 - Page 402 Une 12 4,752,632 6,753,764 8,071,182 20,789,453 Average Fuel Cost ($/MWH)$ $ $ 1.51 IMWH 13.02 IMWH Variable O&M Total Variable Energy Rate for 2010 12011 14.53 IMWH For deliveries commencing July 1, 2010 extending through June 30, 2011 12 PacifiCorp/QFs contracts with approved 1992 amendment language Ijh Id AC June 2010 - Update Variable Coal Energy Rate_2010 04 20 (Clean).xlsx (2010)4127/2010 8:50 AM Na Of Re I TJ~~:I DaOf~ I Yea of RepPa(1) An 0I (Mo,Oa. i1 2O(2) OA Re 0414f10 En of - STEALECTR GENTIG Pl STATITI (l Pl) 1. Re da fO pI In 5e on.2. La pi ar st pl wi Insl ca (na pl ra) of 25,00 Kw or mo. Re In II pa ga an Int co pl of 10,00 Kw or mo, an oode pl.3. Ind by a fO an pIle or op as a jOnll'll.4. If ne pe de fO 60 mi is no ava, !t da Wl Is av, sp pe.5. If an em almo lI on plnt re on ii 11 it apXi av nu of em as to ea pl.6. If ga is us an pu on att ba re ui Bt co or it gas an li qu of fU ti co to Me 7. au of fU ti (un 38) an av co pe unit of fU ti (un 41) mu be co Wí ciai to ex ac 501 an 547 (Lin 42) as sh on un 20.8. If mo lI onfU is ti In a pi fu on li co he ra fo allu ti. un Item Plt Plt NO.Na:ea Na: _!I I',(a)(b) 1 KI of PI (Int Co, Ga Tur, Nuar St St2 Ty of Co (Co-m, ou. Bo, et)0u Bo FuR ou3 Year Or COtr 195 1981 4 Yea La Uni wa Insl 1957 19815 Tolln ca (Ma Ge Na Pl Ra 188.60 414.li 6 Ne Pea De on PI- MW (60 in)176 387 Plart Ho Co to Loa 8717 848 Ne CO PI ca (Meaw)0 09 Wh NO Lied by CO Wat 172 39 10 Wh Li by COse wat 0 0 11 Ave Nu of Em 70 0 12 Ne Gè, Ex of PI Us - KW 12118750 2877189 13 Co of Plt La an La RIg 95 244 14 st an Ir 1471182 573 15 Equip Co 103 4511 16 As Re Co 6573 39 17 Tol Co 125750759 519423 18 Co pe KW of in Cap (li 1715) incl 66.7591 125.6472 19 Pro Ex: Op. SU, & En 6168 12163 20 Fue 196129 56755 21 Co an Wat (Nucl Pl On)0 0 22 St Ex 13920 510169 23 St Fro ot So 0 0 24 St Tia (er)0 0 25 EJ Ex 18102 11501 26 Mi St (or Nu) Po Ex 493749 15018 Z7 Re 170 176 28 Alan 0 0 29 Mace SU an En 0 1912378 30 Mace of st 33 93 31 Ma of Bo (or reac) PI 2972 3427 32 Maen of EIc PI 15510 4106 33 Mace of Mi Stm (or Ni PI 29 3017 34 Tot Pr Ex 3291278 748 35 Ex pe Ne KW 0.0272 0.02 36 Fue: KI (Co, Ga. OI, or NUCar Co CO Co OI COe 37 unit (Co-in)Ton Ba Ton Ba 38 0I (U) of Fue Bu 56143 34 0 155172 153 0 39 Avg He Co - Fue Bu (bte if nu)12079 140 0 95 1302 0 40 Avg CO of Fuell, as De to.b. du ye 34.04 86.06 0.00 33.796 97.687 0.00 41 Ave CO of Fue pe Un Bu 34.40 86.06 0.00 36.091 97.687 0.00 42 Ave Co of Fu Bu pe Mil BTU 1.424 14.637 1.44 1.89 17.887 1.89 43 Ave Co of Fue Bu pe KWh Ne Ge 0.016 0.00 0.016 0.019 0.~I 0.019 44 Ave BTU pe KW Ne Gè 11191.461 16.771 1120.22 10287.94 2-90 102.84 FERC FORM NO. 1 (REV. 12-0)Page 40 Na of Re I TJ~~'I DaOf~ I Yea of RePaci(1) An oi (M, oa 2O(2) OA Re 0414f10 End of - STELECTR GERATING Pl STATISTI (~Pl) (CO9. It un CO of Pl ar ba on U. S. of A. Ac. Pr ex do no Il I' Po, Sy CO an LoDilc: an 0l Ex Cl as Ot Po SU Ex.10. For IC an GT plts, re Op Ex Ac No. 547 an 549 on un 25 "E Exp," an Ma Ac No. 55 an 55 on un 32, "Mce of EI Plt" Ind pIde fO pe lo see. De au op pi.11. For a pl eq wi co of fOfU st, oost, hy,in co or ga ea re ea as a se pi. Ho, il a ga un li In a co eyop wi a co st unit Il It ga wi th st pi.12. If a OOdear po ge plt. bI ex byfoe (a) acc me fO co of po geln an exce co aI to re an de (b) ty of co un us fO lI va co15 of fU co an (e) an ot in da coce pIly fU us, fU ent ty an qu fOlllre pe an ot ii an op etcs of_.Pl Pl Pl unNa: _tWptaiZi21-Na:HlJr Uni NO. 3 Na:_;Ho. (e) Slm S1ea Sle 10I Bo ou Bo 0I Bo 2 196 198 1978 3 196 198 198 4 29.50 495.60 1247.80 52646511186 7977 8076 876 7 0 0 0 8 259 460 1122 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 22 1119191ll3163580711821296751027540129113 5190741 9104170 207407 14155994070798115 95193 95193 28595 16218351188210375817 741.5311 1032.85 83.9102 18 0 0 9 19252539919514104720 0 0 0 21 2879751 28780 86 22 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 25-3120 2495 1351 26 36 36 108 27 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 2919418411485810913050988729618814311170118719534321156211740419533334457277143113034 0.0176 0.0181 0.0178 35coOiCocoCOcoOiCo36 TOIS Ba TOI Ba TOIS Ba 37 916714 3490 0 1429 10817 0 37755 17754 0 38 11613 140 0 11414 140 0 1150 14~~0 390.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.494 90.181 0.00 40 27.449 0.00 0.00 2726 0.00 0.00 27.34 90.181 0.00 41 1.182 15.59 1.196 1.194 15.106 1.221 1.188 15.337 1.20 42 0.013 0.00 0.013 0.012 0.00 0.012 0.013 0.00 0.013 43 1109.719 10.69 11104.413 10311.60 20.105 10331.09 10766.182 12.93 1077.117 44 FERC FO NO, 1 (RE. 1200)Pag 40.1 Ni of Rct 111~b:I omOf~ I Ycarl! of RepP"dlp (1) An OIin (Mo,Da i1 En of 2O(2) DA Resu 0414f10 STE aECTRC GETI PlSTI\TlS (La Pl)(COf1. Il dt fo pI In SC on.2. La pl ar:ica plwi ii ca (na pi ra) of25.o Kw Of mo. Ilir tI pa ga and Inl oo pl of 10,00 Kw or mo, an nu pI.3. Inde by a 1' an pl le or op as ajl far. 4 If ri ppak il fO M milP. i! nn ~. gi da wIr: R aY:ah. ~O JI !' If an P. alP./llJl: Uiill (¡ne plil It:' or, lire 11 Vie iluliliale ¡fmiK IUlib II enip illaI 10 e;tli pliL 6. 1f!l5 Is u- iIlJ puiU-i un a th basi re lI Bt to or lJ ga an ih quan of lJ ti t. to Md 7. Qu of lJ bu (li 33) an avag ro pe un. Offu burn (li (1) mu be ooen Wl ct to ex:Kls 5(1 an 547 (Uie 42) as sh on Une 20.8. If molh onfu is bu il a pl fUiS only it i:le te ra fO aø iu bu. Lne ne Hat I't No.Neile. lIun Naiie.II J I'M(a)(I) 1 KI of I" (1 Co. em Tui Nudc St stea2 Typ of Casl (Cave. 0U. Do, elc)ou IJ se:i Yes 0i Coc:1974 19744 Yes Le Uniwaliiec 1977 1979 :5 TWi ~15 Ca (M Ge. Ni:llle Plie Rdiy 99.00 1:55.10 5 lt PI: Deiiic un Pliiil _ MW (fl nlllli1e.)893 14217 PI,l Hos Cuit1elu lua 8716 8760 8 Ne coii Pl caii (Me)0 09 wn NO um oy co wa lI 1411 10 wn i. ii ca wat 0 0 11 Ave Nu or I:1li 34 1'1 Ne üe. t: or I- us - KW li/:i1t LU2L'LI 13 Co of Plt La an la RI 23711 116192 14 Sl an Im 1147951:J 139155 15 Equlp Co 5190 /i56 16 As Rell Ca 258174 4672 17 Tot Co 638 988063 18 Cos pe KW of Ir Cap (l 171S) lndu &11.36 63.3156 19 Pr Ex: Op, SU, & Er 27278 18019 20 Fue 72263 15301 21 Co an Wal (NuCl Pl On)0 0 22 stm Ex 717007 395619 Z)31 nom Ol 3a 0 0 24 3t Tra (Cr)0 0 25 De I:0 6741 26 fv St (or Nuai Po Ex 1 0l1139 -1481457 27 Ren 9929 1621 26 AIan 0 0 29 Miileia,i; SuW¡1 il&! EiI!~llill!11485 56 30 Miileiaii; ui Slocts 2102120 60140 31 Mace or ii (or re) i'ØU'l :l4Ulfii 3'Mace ui t:lecb Ha 2t 1I:llf1 33 Mace 01 MI ~ie (or NJ) i'1:l111W :l1 34 Tota Pr Ei 10575 209568:\,FXJlIlIl(Wli 00157 nrv1 AA Fiiel' Ki1 (('.mI. ~s. Oi or Niir ('.ml r.p.('m OI l".n 37 i Ji (Olii!lOiIT~lNlid-i1r.)Tll ~Tll R; 38 Qu (U) of Fu &i 2742l 109 0 5654 17615 0 39 Avg He Co- Fue Bu (binte if nu 12329 HOO 0 119 1J1 0 "0 "vg Cos of FuI, as De to.b. cb ye 25969 93.715 0.00 27."3 9'.516 0.00 41 1\-. Co of Fue pe un Il 25969 93.715 0.00 27.153 94.516 0.0 42 1\-. Co of Fue Bu pe Mil BlU 1.05 15.93 1.061 1.473 16.074 1.487 43 1\-. Co of Fue Bume pe K\ Ne Ge 0.011 LL.OO 0.011 0.015 0.00 ()D16 44 Avc BlU pe KW Nc Cc 10013.641 0.66 100.101 10126.93 10.140 10137.08 FERC FOR NO. 1 (RE. 12-41 Pa" 48.2 Nai of Ret I TJ~~:i DaOf~ I Yea of RepPa(1) An 0I (Mo, Da i1 2O(2) DA Re 04141010 En of - STELECTRC GENTI Pl STAnSTlS (La Pl) (Co 9. It oo co of PI ar ba on U. s. of "- Acc. Pr ex do no in Pu Po. Sy eo an LoaDldi, an ot Ei Cl as ot Po SU Ei.10. For ie an GT pl. re Op Ex, Ac No. 547 an 549 on Li 25 "E Exp," an Ma Ac No. 55 an 55 01 un 32, "Mce of EJ PI.. in plci fO peak lO 5e. De au op pi.11. Fo a pl eqUI wi coli of fO fU st, IICIst, hy. In co or ga eqt. re ea as a se pl. Ho, if a ga un fU In a co i:op Wi a co st unit in It ga wi lI st pl. 12. If a oo po ge plt. br ex byfOtn (a) acc me fO co of po ge iiln an exce co at to re an de (b) ty of co unit us fOll va copols of fU co; an (e) an ot In da coin pl ty fU us, fU enri ty an qu fOll re pe an ol ph an op ciel of plPIPl PI UneNa: Na Na: m &l ltiu .1 Na: Gad Sf Pl No. (d)(f)st . st st 1ou Bo Co ou 2 196 1978 1951 3 1971 1978 195 4 707.2 28.70 251.60 5 710 280 20 6 8760 8315 3753 7 0 0 0 8 70 26 231 9 0 0 0 10 144 f)38 1147522173350256104124292105261252013 689011 50 150725 14 3619199 27811587 58765 15 66183 6138 5870 16 447624 32142 752 17 63.426 1137.6015 29.2379 18 32487 23 11209 1974019319813413920 0 0 0 215310022 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 24 928 0 0 259243427234On5926 0 62 0 27 0 0 0 2812255029 14317 47420 229 30 106987 53 1771 314789145166851032 1024574 28 1883 33108183150413613834 0.027 0.0145 0.1615 35CoCoCoOiCoGa36 Ton MCF Ton Ba MCF 372494409757016062430360038 997 103 0 79 140 0 104 0 0 39 28.529 6.654 0.00 11.782 98.704 0.00 9.40 0.00 0.00 40 28.58 6.65 0.00 11.670 98.704 0.00 9.40 0.00 0.00 41 1.44 6.44 1.48 0.732 16.787 0.755 9.024 0.00 0.00 42 0.015 0.001 0.016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.133 0.00 0.00 43104.98 89.078 10490.06 1179.38 16.89 11807.276 14772.370 0.00 0.00 44 ÆRC FOR NO. 1 (REV. 12-0)Page 40.2