HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100615Reply Comments.pdf~~_~OUNTAIN RECEI l1tJ Z8lOJUN l 5 AM 9: 35 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 June 14,2010 VL ELECTRONIC FILING AND OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secreta Re:Case No. PAC-E-IO-03 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for an Increase to the Customer Efficiency Services Rate Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits for filing an original and seven (7) copies of its comments in response to comments filed by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Sta, the Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association and the Idao Conservation League in the above referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, reguatory manager, at (801) 220-2963. ~n7J~. ~ (1)Î J:I;K. Larn J Vice President, Regulation Enclosures Mark C. Moench Danel E. Solander 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 FAX: (801) 220-3299 Email: mark.moench(ßpacificorp.com danel.solander~pacificorp.com FI'I'-'"or:~~- "" ;-',jn. i: \.; c. ',,--- Lam JUM \ 5M'1 9: 53 Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AN INCREASE TO THE CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY SERVICE RATE ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-IO-03 ) ) REPLY COMMNTS ) ) COMES NOW Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") with the following reply comments to positions taen by the Idao Conservation League ("ICL") and the Idaho Irrgation Pumper Association ("IIPA") opposing the Company's request to increase the Customer Efficiency Service Rate ("DSM Tarff Rider"). The Company is generally supportive of the comments and position recommended by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Sta ("Staf') in ths Case. 1) Whle the justifications differ, both ICL and lIP A have proposed to remove the costs associated with the Company's irgation load control program from recovery though the DSM Tarff Rider. The Company strongly disagres with ICL and IIPA's proposal to recover costs associated with ths program though general rates. Deferrg demand-side management ("DSM") costs for recovery though the DSM Tarff Rider, removes at least in par the utility 1 disincentives posed by DSM programs (i.e. the potential under recovery of prudent expenses without an abilty to ear a retu). ICL recognzes this fact in stating that ''te taff rider is an importt mechansm for encouraging DSM investments in that it provides timely cost recovery." Comments of ICL, at p. 4. Requig recovery of the irrgation load control program though general rates wil result in a signficant disincentive, not only for Rocky Mountain Power but for other utilities regulated by the Commission. 2) Rocky Mountan Power is concerned with the contradictions contaed in ICL's comments. ICL commends "Rocky Mounta's efforts thus far in puruig their DSM programs," acknowledges that the "Irgation Load Control continues to be a highy successfu program," and "encourages Rocky Mountain and the Commission to pursue other load control programs." Id. at 4-5. Then, however, ICL states Rocky Mounta failed to justify recovery of the accumulated balance and is concerned about the inability to control the accumulated balance Id. at 9. It appears to the Company ICL expects Rocky Mountan Power to offer and to grow the DSM programs that ICL acknowledges results "in lower rates and bils overall" Id. at 5 but should not be allowed to recover the costs associated with the programs. 3) IIPA fuer proposes that costs associated with the irrgation load control program be considered "system" costs rather than 'jursdictional" costs. Comments of LIP A at page 3. Once again, the Company strongly disagrees with this assertion. This proposal is inconsistent with the "Revised Protocol" and with Stas comments in ths Case where Sta states that "all customers realize a net benefit from the cost effective use of DSM intiatives, including energy efficiency and load management programs because of the reduced need for higher cost supply-side resources." Comments of Staff at page 4. 2 4) ICL erroneously argues that the costs associated with the irgation energy services progr (Schedule 155) are not "legitimate" Id. at p. 6. Rocky Mountain Power strongly disagrees with this assertion. The stadad economic test that compares the benefits to the costs paid by the utilty (and recovered through the DSM Tarff Rider in the Idaho jursdiction) is the Utility Cost Test ("UCT"). The UCT benefit cost ratio for the 2009 program is provided in Attchment 2 of the Application and is 1.69. The ratio indicates that each 2009 dollar invested (and recovered though the DSM Tarff Rider) for ths program is forecastedto generate $1.69 in net benefits. The UCT results for ths program in 2007 and 2008 were 2.021 and 2.271 respectively. As such, Rocky Mountan Power disagrees with ICL's assertion tht ilegitimate DSM taff rider costs were incured prior to 2009 for this program. 5) The Company strongly disagrees with ICL's assertion and interpretation of Order No. 29976 and believes ICL has misrepresented the intent of the Commssion's order by adding their own interpretation Id. at 3. The Company is unable to find any statement that would lead it to believe that "the Commssion has previously explained that before granting any adjustment to the DSM taff," they will determe the prudence of program spending. In fact based on Commission precedent, this is not the case. In both Case No. PAC-E-05-1O (Order No. 29976) and PAC-E-08-01 (Order No. 30543), the Commission reviewed the Company's Application and granted increases to the energy efficiency rider without expressly determining prudency. The Company believes it has fuly complied with Order No. 29976 and met the intent of that order by: (i) filing Anual DSM reports that demonstrate the distrbution of program dollars, the cost effectiveness of individual programs, and the program spending with the Commssion before May 1 of each year; and (ii) providing actual program performance, including expenditues, savings and assessments of cost-effectiveness, as well as the balancing account activity for 2009 3 and forecasted program performance, expenditues, savmgs and assessments of cost- effectiveness for 2010. 6) The Company disagrees with ICL assertion that Sta failed to review program distrbution, cost effectiveness, and prudency in ths case. Id. at page 3. Stas comments attest to the fact that Sta has examined the Company's Application, the distrbution of program dollars, and the cost effectiveness of individual programs. Based on their examination, Sta noted in their comments: "As can be seen in the Company's 2009 DSM anua report, all major customer classifications are receivig benefits from the curnt portfolio of DSM programs." Comments of Sta at p. 2. Furer, Staff states, "For the puroses of this case, Staff verified the estimated anua level of expenditues required to fud existing DSM programs and reviewed the existing DSM deferral balance subject to recovery and confired the Customer Effciency Servce Rate necessa to allow recovery of progr costs. Based on ths review, Sta supports the Company's proposal to increase the Effciency Services Rate to 5.85%" Id. at 3. 7) Rocky Mountain Power strongly disagrees with ICL's assertion that it has failed to justify recovery of the accumulated back balance and that customers "incur substatial caring charges" on this balance. Comments of ICL at p. 9. The Company's preference would be for fuding to match program expenditues where the Company experienced no delay in recovering program costs. However, Rocky Mountan Power is keenly aware of the impact rate increases have to our customers and this Application made signficant efforts to address ths concern. In its Application, the Company identified progrs that the Commssion could consider temporarly suspending to mitigate customer rate impact as well as proposed a collection rate that would take approximately thee years to collect the accumulated balance. Curently the anua caring 4 charge on the DSM balancing account is 1 percent, a rate that any reasonable person would be hard pressed to represent as a "substatial caring charges." CONCLUSION Rocky Mountai Power has fied Anua DSM reports tht demonstrate the distrbution of program dollars, the cost effectiveness of individua programs, and the program spending with the Commission. ICL's own testimony pointed out that "According to the Californa Stadard Price Manual, when the RI reveals a benefit to cost ratio greater than one, the progr will result in lower rates and bils overall" Id. at 4 - 5. Ths alone is a stong indication of the prudency of the Company's programs. Rocky Mountain Power continues to incur cost-effective DSM expenditues to meet customer demand for paricipation in these programs. Staff has reviewed the Company's Application and determined that the Company's request was justified. The Company has complied with past Comssion orders to support this Application. The Company requests that the Commission grt its request to increase the Customer Effciency Service Rate by processing ths Application under Modified Procedure. DATED this 14th day of June, 2010. Respectfly submitted, NtvuM~/v1iMark C. Moench I Danel E. Solander Attorneys for Rocky Mountan Power 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on ths 15th day of June, 2010, I caused to be served, via E-mail, a tre and correct copy of Rocky Mounta Power's Reply Comments in PAC-E-10-03 to the followig: Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Charered 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 E-Mail: elo(iracinelaw.net Anthony Yane i 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 Fax: 440-808-1450 E-mail: tony(iyaneLnet Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St; P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 E-MAIL: botto(iidahoconservation.org Cm~ Coordinator, Admnistrative Services