HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100507Quarterly Deferral.pdf~~_~OUNTAIN REC1'~~~l ..",1 ¡ 1 f\~ \0" 2.4 1\U\ì \'~ '( - . 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 May 7, 2010 VI OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washigton Boise, il 83702 Re: Case No. PAC-E-IO-Ol In the Matter of Rocky Mounta Power's Deferral Quaerly Report from December 2009 - Febru 2010 on the matter of the Energy Cost Adjustent Mechansm rate implementation. Dear Ms. Jewell: Please fid enclosed for filing thee copies of Rocky Mountan Power's Quaerly Report in the above-referenced matter, along with a CD of the excel workbook. Informal inquies may be diected to Ted Weston, Idaho Reguatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very try yours, Enclosure Idaho ECAM Derrl Quartrly Report Der 20 through Febrry 2010 Line No.De-D Jan.10 Feb-10 Totl Base NPC Rate ($IMWh) - See (1) be 16.93 14.48 13.89 2 Tota Company Adjuste Acual NPC ($)117,860,153 84,503,649 82,610,452 3 Act Retl Load (MW)5,470,780 5,102,935 4,501,7~7 4 Ac NPC ($IMWh)Line 4 = Lin 2 I Line 3 21.54 16.56 18.35 5 NPC Difrental $lWh Line 5 = Line 4 - Line 1 4.62 2.08 4.46 6 Acual Idaho Tari Load (MWh)164,986 154,245 133,9117Acua Idaho Tari Conti Load (MWh) - See (2) be 8 NPC Diffrential fo Del ($)Line 8 = Line 5 . Sum of Lines 6 and 7 761,84 321,4M 597,40 1,68,692 9 Bas Lod - se (1) & (3) beow 181,167 167,767 138,932 10 Difre Base Load to Actal Loa Line 10 = Line 6 + Line 7 - Line 9 (16,181)(13,522)(5,021)11 Load Gro Adjustment Rate ($IMWH)$17.48 $17.48 $17.48 12 Load Growt Adjus Revenue Line 12 = -Line 10 x Line 11 282,811 236,342 87,765 606,90 13 S02 Alnce Sale 0 0 (402,500)14 Idaho SE Fact 6.5865%6.5865%6.5865% 15 Idaho Allotion Line 15 = Line 13 x Line 14 0 0 (26,511)16 Idah Tari Cus Pernt 54.70%52.12%50.87%17 Idaho 802 Ofet Line 17 = Line 15 x Line 16 0 0 (13,4)(13,48) 18 Totl NPC Dif + LGA + 802 Line 18 = Line 8 + Line 12 + Line 17 1,04667 66,787 671,669 2,274,114 19 Customer I Company Sharing ratio 90.0%90.0%90.0%20 Cuame I Cony Sharing (9010)Line 20 = Line 18 x Line 19 94,192 602,00 604602 2,04,703 21 Renewbles Genertion (MWhs)171,320 140,217 111,099 22 Renbl Adder Rate pe MWh $55.00 $55.00 $55.0023Total Reneable Resurc Adder Line 23 = Line 21 x Line 22 9,422,600 7,711,935 6,110,445 24 Idaho SG Factr 6.0479%6.0479%6.0479% 25 Idaho Aloc Line 25 = Line 23 x Line 24 569,869 466,410 369,55426Idaho Tari Custmers Percnt Line 26 = Line 16 54.70%52.12%50.87%27 Renewabt Resourc Adr Line 27 = Line 25 x Line 26 311,696 24,08 187,_742,779 28 Recery of DeIT Banc 29 Derr Balance ($)Line 29 = Line 42 30 Projec Retil Sale (MWh) 31 ECAM Surcarge Rate ($lWh)Line 31 = Line 29 I Line 30 32 Acal Idaho Tarff Sale (MWh) 33 Actual Tari Contrct Saes (MWh) - See (2) bel 34 Recvery of Deferrl ($)Line 34 = Line 31 . Lines 32+33 35 Balancing Accnt ($) 36 Beginning Balance 2,013,140 3,269,426 4,017,55437 Incrmenta Defl 940,192 502,009 604,502 38 Renewbl Resurc Adder 311,696 243,08 187,_39 Recer Adustm Line 39 = -Line 34 0 0 040 Regulato Liabilit Wri (Un-Amorti~ Banc at Jan 2010) 41 Intre 4,398 3,035 3,678 11,11242 Ending Balanc ($)3,269,426 4,017.55 4,813,733 43 Intst Rate 2.00%1.00 1.00% (1) Base NPC Rat and Load fro Case No. PAC-E-D8-7 $982 million (2) Custmers served under tari contct 400 and 401 are no impact by th ECAM untl January 1, 2011 (3) Incldes only the loas which are part of the calcla :::;.. 1.. ¡~~:'''.~:. ลก:õ,,-N;;