HomeMy WebLinkAbout19961112_3.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING November 12, 1996 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance at this time were: Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Don Howell, Susan Hamlin, Brad Purdy, Scott Woodbury, Bev Barker, Tonya Clark, Gary Richardson, Terri Carlock, Jim Long, Joe Cusick, Stephanie Miller, Wayne Hart, Randy Lobb, Dave Schunke, Rick Sterling  and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were Jeannette Bowman and Bart Kline of Idaho Power Company; Ron Lightfoot of U S West and Sharon Ullman, Private Citizen/Intervenor. Commission President Ralph Nelson called the meeting to order. Matters on the 11-12-96 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1. Jim Long’s November 8, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: TDS Telecom Tariff Advice Adding Extended Area Service Between Their Troy Exchange and GTE’s Moscow Exchange. Commissioner Nelson asked if the TDS Telecom proposal could be looked at as a standalone proposal, does it require GTE? Jim Long explained the TDS proposal and said GTE has not responded. Think GTE would have to respond since there is GTE toll involved. Was discussion on the effective date - company did not ask for one. Commissioner Nelson said if it didn’t have an effective date we don’t need to suspend it. Asked staff to keep the commissioners up to date on this, as they are most interested. Commissioner Smith commented - don’t want to delay it unnecessarily. **Matter will be held at this time. 2. Terri Carlock’s November 7, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Annual Determination of the Interest Rate on Deposits Collected from customers for the Calendar Year 1997. Commissioner Nelson commented that Terri Carlock does this every year at this time - she does a good job and the commission thanks her for that. Approved. 3. Discussion of Staff’s Motion to Modify Schedule in USW-S-96-5 (Rate Case) Susan Hamlin reviewed the proposed changes to the scheduling of prefile for U S West and the intervenors in the rate case. All parties have been contacted with the exception of the complainant and all have agreed to the extension. Commissioners asked if the hearing dates would also change? They were assured the hearing dates would not change. Approved rescheduling of prefile dates. 4. Brad Purdy’s November 8, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Idaho Power company’s Application to Discontinue Its Partners In Industrial Efficiency Conservation Program - Case No. IPC-E-96-22. Commissioner Hansen asked about the statement in the decision memo indicating the filing may be controversial. Couldn’t this be handled under modified procedure first?   Can’t we go modified to see if there is opposition to the filing? Commissioner Nelson said he thought it could be handled under modified procedure to see what comments come in. Brad Purdy said he thought it raised important issues where electric restructuring is concerned. Just didn’t want to underplay what he thought was important. We do have one party (or possible party), Idaho State University. They have tried to get a contract with Idaho Power and have been told the program was going to be discontinued.   **Decision was to go modified first. 5. Beverly Barker’s November 8, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: U S West Communications Advice No. 96-07-N Cable, Wire and Service Termination Policy. Commissioner Nelson said his concern was if a situation arises where the facilities aren’t put in in a proper manner. Bev Barker said Consumer Division hasn’t had any complaint in this regard. Commissioner Hansen said he would like to have the matter held at this time, to be looked into a little closer. **Held at this time to get questions answered. 6. Scott Woodbury’s November 8, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. UPL-E-96-5 Declaratory Ruling IPCO Concurrence/Earth Power Motion to Strike. Earth Power has now requested that the hearing scheduled for Wednesday, be vacated. Have not heard back from them as to alternative scheduling.   Hold at this time. 8. Terri Carlock’s November 7, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. IPC-E-96-21.  Idaho Power Company’s Application for Short-Term Debt Authority. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve the application; seconded by Commissioner Smith and passed. 7. Scott Woodbury’s November 8, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. IPC-E-95-17  Arkoosh/Faulkner v. IPCO. Commissioner Nelson commented - if we go with complaintants’ contention that we need to include a bunch of elements that aren’t included in the non variable price, don’t have anything to say yeah or nay to. Couldn’t see where the complaints addressed that. Commissioner Smith asked if they were getting the same variable rate as others? Scott said yes. Commissioner Nelson said if they calculated a rate and it was more than 7 mills using today’s variable costs there would be something intuitively wrong. Haven’t fuel costs gone down in the last few years? Scott Woodbury said they are saying there were other components to production costs. Problem is we changed language in subsequent orders and they are thinking we changed more than words and they are entitled to more money. Commissioners Asked if Commission could change our order language? Scott Woodbury said Commission could clarify that the two are equivalent. It is still a matter of determining intention and components in the original order. Commissioner Smith explained the original intent. Since it is the same thing, he could clarify that. Commissioner Hansen said for this particular party, the Commission needs to go back and clarify to them what was mean, that is what we should do. Going through it from his perspective, think they are trying to find things that don’t exist. To keep going on and on with this is like beating a dead horse. The complaint should be dismissed. Commissioner Nelson explained how it was originally. Fixed cost is still what it was. Don’t think they have alleged that the company has worked the numbers. They are looking to see for components that may not be there now. Scott said he has talked to Arkoosh and he is sure Idaho Power is aware of the calculation of the number. Commissioner Nelson said it sounds  like it should be dismissed. Scott said it was Idaho Power’s suggestion to dismiss it without prejudice. Will be so dismissed. Meeting was adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 13th day of November, 1996. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary