HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090427Application.pdf~~l~OUNTAIN t:r...~.' 'lRfiq ~lR 21 Mi 9: i\l 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 April 27, 2009 VL OVERNIGHT DELIVRY Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Pf\e. -Ë ~ 0 ei -0 Ý Att: Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta RE: Annual Notice of Revision ofQF Variable Energ Prices In compliance with ¡PUC Order No. 29316, Rocky Mounta Power, a division ofPacifiCorp, is providing the updated QF varable energy price in accordance with the terms of the 1992 amendments to Idaho QF power purchase agrements. The varable energy rate applicable to deliveries commencing July 1, 2009 extending though June 30, 2010 shal be $14.36/M. The calculation is atthed, together with the relevant pages from the Company's FERC Form 1 for year/period ending 2008/Q4. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email Hui Shu at (503) 813-5540 or hui.shu(ßPacifiCorp.com. effy K. Lan Ly 1i)JVice President, Regulation ~ / Enclosure PacifiCorp Total Variable Energy Rate for 2009 I 2010 Carbon Naughton Huntington Hunter Totals Fuel Cost ($) $18,529,823 $76,503,802 $81,271,884 $108,421,723 $284,727,232 2008 FERC FORM 1 . Page 402 Line 20 Generation (MWH) 1,204,982 2008 FERC FORM 1 . Page 402 Line 12 5,114,409 7,148,850 8,691,721 22,159,962 Total Variable Energy Rate for 20091 2010 $ $ $ 1.51 IMWH Average Fuel Cost ($/MWH)12.85 IMWH Variable O&M 14.36 IMWH For deliveries commencing July 1, 2009 extending through June 30, 2010 13 PacifiCorp/QFs contracts with approved 1992 amendment language Ijh Id AC June 2009 - Update Variable Coal Energy Rate.xls (2009)4/24/2009 10:21 AM This~rtis:Date of Rep YearlPeriod of Report (1) ..An Original (Me, Da, Yr) End of 20004 (2) 0 A Resbmision 03131/2009 .. M-ElECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (large Plats) 1. R rits ar stea plnts wih installed cacity (name plate rating) of 25,00 Kwor more. Rert in this pae of 10,00 Kw or more, an nucear plan.3. Indicate by a footnote any plant leased or oprated as a jointfaci es is not availabe, give da which is available, speifng period.5. If any employees atten more than ór average number of emploee asignae to each plant.6. If ga is used and purchase on a therm bais repo ity of fuel bumed coverted to Mct.7. Quantities of fuel bumed (Line 38) an aver cost per unit of fubi chas to expnse accunts 501 and 547 (Line 42) as show on Line 20.8. If more than one fuel is bumed in a pi,rae for all fues bumed. .'......,. iii Line .'\Plat ~No.\.,Nae: carb...... ,....(b) 1 Kind of Plan (lntema Corti,GaTuit¡Nuè ~æm ~æm 2 Typ of COst(COhverl6ï;OUdó,Bôler.étC)Outdor Boiler Full Oudor 3 Yea OrigilllIyQ9nstiûed 1954 1981 4 Year lat Unit wa Imitalled ...1957 1981 5 Total Installed Cap (MaxGen Name'Plate Ratings-MW)188.60 414.00 6 Net Pea Demand on Plan - MW (60 minutes)174 40 7 Plat Hours Conneced to Lod 865 7223 8 Net Conuos Plant Gailit (Megwatt)0 .- "ùv 0 9 When Not Limited by Condenser Water 172 38 10 . W~ Umited by Coser Water 0 0 11 Avera Number of Employee 70 0 12 Net Generation, Exlusive of Plant Use. KWh 1209820 ~;251059100 13 COt of Plan: la an lad Rights 95 2415102 14 ~ruures an Improvements 1415183 553139 15 Equipmen Cots 91596954 4470477 16 Asset Retireent Costs 2951381 390 17 Totl Co 10956711 507523018 18 Cot per KW of Instaled caacit (line 17/5) Including 581.4248 122.9010 19 Proction Expenses: Oper, Supv, & Engr 312553 142420 20 Fuel 18529823 4951156 21 Coants an Water (Nuclr Plants Only)0 0 22 SïååEis$1229297 4635 23 ~eam. FrornOtr Sources 0 0 24 ~eam Trasfered (Cr)0 0 25 Elecri Exes 18616 156174 26 Mise Steam (or Nucear) Power Expnses 5188701 32732 27 Rents 1399 3nO 28 Allowances 0 0 29 Mantenae Supervsion and Enginering 0 201281 30 Maintenance of Structures 224153 1115728 31 Maintenance of Boler (or reactor) Plat 271380 605 32 Maintenan of Elecric Plat 16738 1611953 33 Maintenan of Mis ~æm (or Nuclær) Plant 412789 3533767 34 Tota Proucon Exnses 32159270 7508079 35 Expnses per Net KWh 0.0267 0.0299 36 Fuel: Kind (Coal, Gas, Oil, or Nucear)Col ~compoite Coa Oil Coite 37 Unit (Co-tons/Oil-barrVGas-mcfINuclea-indicate)Tons Barrs Tons Barrs 38 Quan (Unit) of Fuel Bumed 5766 3243 0 136249 30 0 39 Avg Het Co - Fuel Bumed (btulndicate if nuclær)11951 140 0 96 130 0 40 Avg Cot of Fuel/unit, as Devd f.o.b. during yær 31.135 139.133 0.00 35.195 90.420 0.00 41 Avera Cot of Fuel per Unit Bumed 31.351 0.00 0.00 36.337 0.00 0.00 42 Average Cot of Fuel Bumed per Milion BTU 1.282 23.662 1.313 1.820 16.521 1.83 43 Average Cot of Fuel Burn per KWh Net Gen 0.015 0.00 0.015 0.019 0.00 0.019 44 Average BTU per KWh Net Genertion 1143.543 15.824 1145.368 104.23 6.723 104.957 4 J.'1'% FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-Q3)Pag 40 I,......,..,..............'.'l t..,:,...~...,lC.;.l I...~..gg.. Name of Respondent This~rtIS:Date of Report Year/Period of Report PaciCorp (1) An Original (Mo, 08, Yr)2008104 (2)o A Resubmission 0331/200 End of STEAM-ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (larg Plas)(Continued) 9. Items under Cot of Plant are ba on U. S. of A. Accunts. Proion expses do not include Purchaed Powr, Sysem Contro and Load Dispatching, and Oter Expnses Clasifie as Other Power Suppy Exnses.10. For IC and GT plts, reprt Opting Exps, Acnt No. 547 an 549 on Line 25 "Eleric Exes," and Maintence Acnt Nos. 553 an 554 on Line 32, "Maintenance of Elecric Plant." Indice plants designe for pek lod serve. Designate automatically operated plants.11. For a plant equip wih combinations of fosil fu steam, nuear steam, hydro, intemal cobustion or ga-turbine equipment, reprt each as a separate plant. However, if a ga-turbine unit fuctio in a cobined cycle opration with a conventional steam unit, includ the ga-turbine with the steam plant.12. If a nur power generaing plant, bny expai by footnote (a) acunting method for cost of power generated incuding any exces cots atribued to research an development; (b) typ of cot unit used for the various components of fuel cost; an (c) any other informative data coming plant type fuel used, fuel enrihment ty and quantity for the report period an other phyic an opating characteristic of plnt. Plan Plant Plant Line Name: Naughton Name:..,.,..Nae: Gadsb Stea Plant No. (d) ..C .:,.".""".,'. (f)" Steam Steam Stea 1 Oudoor Boiler Coventional Outdor 2 196 1978 1951 3 1971 1978 1955 4 707.20 289.70 257.60 5 705 280 219 6 8784 8454 3079 7 0 0 0 8 700 26 235 9 0 0 0 10 144 69 39 11 51144090 2252799 232780 12 429826 210526 125 6563170 49014021 1~,., 33194962 27499749 S 260267 613826 404518225 324829122 71'1 571.9998 1121.2603 46180 2065 788 19 76503802 19521169 263162 20 0 0 0 21 7377173 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 ;~0 0 0 24 920 0 0 25 8591754 4112755 34 26 0 4958 0 27 ';,','0 0 0 28 120651 48 0 29 1139518 35591 246773 30 5974226 55421 1291713 31 1793 1053128 1221612 32 636100 363 26272 33 10386240 3117008 32127 34 0.0203 0.0138 0.1415 35 Co ,."",,,..Compoite Coal Oil Compoite Gas 36 Tons MCF Tons Barrels MCF 37 2767902 1637 0 165768 360 0 312456 0 0 38 988 1047 0 7821 140 0 1057 0 0 39 27.315 0.00 0.00 11.511 122.186 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40 27.117 8.86 0.00 11.505 0.00 0.00 8.418 0.00 0.00 41 1.374 8.448 1.396 0.736 20.780 0.753 7.961 0.00 0.00 42 0.015 0.00 0.015 0.00 0.00 0.008 0.113 0.00 0.00 43 10670.417 33.514 10703.931 1150.918 9.60 11519.524 14236.623 0.00 0.00 44 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-()Page 40.2 J l I " r ;~ This ~rt Is: Date of Report (1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) DA Resubmissio 0331/20 TAlC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (large Plants) (Cotinued 1. Repo_~PI' 2. la plan are stea plants wih instaled cacity (name plte rating) of 25,00 Kw or moe. Report in this pa ga- . plants of 10,00 Kw or more, and nucear plants. 3. Indicate by a footnote any plant lese or opraed as a jointfaøHt, for 60 minutes is no available, give data which is available, spng period. 5. If any emplee attend more tha one pl ~xiate average number of employee asgnable to each plant. 6. If gas is use an purcha on a thei bas rep the .... . ... ...... .. ......... ......~ga an the quatity of fuel bumed converted to Met. 7. Quatities of fue burn (line 38) an avege co per unit offuelbu(L.41)m~~~(listen with charg to expnse accnt 501 an 547 (Line 42) as show on Line 20. 8. If mo tha onefuel is bumed in a plafumisor.thcopoite hea rate for all fuels burn. PacíiCo . ............................... Year/Period of Report End of 2004 Line No. Pla Nae: Huntingtn (a)(b)~Stea Stea Item 1 Kind of Plant (Intema Cob, Gas Turn, Nuclear 2 Typof COiistr(Coventional, Oudor, Boler, etc) 3 Year Originally CostnJed 4 Year lat Unit wa IristaUfl 5 Tot Instaled Ca (Ma GenName Plate Ratings-MW) 6 Net Pea Demand on Plant - MW (60 minutes) 7 Pla Hours Conneced to Lm 8 Net Continuous Plan Cailit (Megwatt) 9 Whe Not Limited by Condnser Water 10 When Limited by Conser Water 11 Average Number of Employee 12 Net Generaon, Exclusive of Plat Use - KWh 13 Cot of Plan: lad an la Rights 14 Sttuures and Improvement 15 Equipment Cots 16 Ast Retireent Cots 17 Total Cot 18 Co per KW of Installed capacity (line 1715) Including 19 Procton Expses: Oper, Supv, & Engr 20 Fuel 21 Colants an Water (Nuclear Plas Only) 22 Stea Expnses 23 Stea Fro Oter Sourcs 24 Stea Trasfer (Cr) 25 Elecric Expnses 26 Mise Stea (or Nucea) Power Exnses 27 Rents 28 Allowances 29 Mantenance Supervsion an Engineering 30 Mantenace of Strure 31 Maitenance of Boer (or reor) Plant 32 Maien of Elecric Plant 33 Maintenace of Mis Steam (or Nuclear) Plant 34 Tota Prouction Exse 35 Expns per Net KWh 36 Fuel: Kind (Co, Ga, Oil, or Nuclear) 37 Unit (Co-tons/Oil-baGas-mcf/Nuclear-indicate) 38 Quant (Uni) of Fuel Bumed 39 Avg Heat Cont - Fue Burn (btundicate if nuclear) 40 Avg Cost of FueVunit, as Delvd to.b. during yea 41 Average Cot of Fuel per Unit ßurn 42 Average Co of Fuel Bumed per Milio BTU 43 Average Co of Fuel Bumed per KWh Net Gen 44 Average BTU per KWh Net Generation Outdor Boiler 1974 19n 99.00 90 8nO o 895 o 1647148 23782 111555214 51645783 2351856 637596 635.308 15251 8127188 o 8595373 o o o 102785 14493 o 1245563 155082168 124496 1212918 112285991 0.0157 Copoite Col Tons Col Tons 30101 11857 25.199 26.705 1.092 0.011 99.170 Barrls 8288140 126.335 0.00 21.48 0.00 6.817 o o 0.00 0.00 1.106 0.011 9971.98 J 56 9249 25.790 25.816 1.38 0.014 1031.518 OilBa 18419140 119.988 0.00 20.40 0.00 10.655 Semi-Oudor 1974 1979 1541.10 140 8784 o 1413 o 3410164 1161925 135138 814872756661 95783622 621.5279 180531514907 o 3610169 o o 2475 -154153 186164 o50 110889 23148750 7676159 27264 2058234 0.0197 Compoite . i tlt"':*;r:t, I................ ,~, l 4ll ~ fI Î, tl l.....'.......-.z.....l l1ll lI fI t o o 0.00 0.00 1.40 0.014 1036.172 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-Ð3)Pag 40.2 This ~rt Is: Date of Report (1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) 0 A Resubmission 0331/20 STEAM-ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (large Plants)(Continue) 9. Items under Co of Plant are ba on U. S. of A. Acnts. Productio expnses do not includ Purchased Power, System Control and Load Dispatching, an Other Expses Classif as Other Power Supply Exnses. 10. For IC and GT plants. report Oprating Exp, Accnt Nos. 547 and 549 on Line 25 "Electric Expnses," and Maintenance Acount Nos. 553 and 554 on Line 32, "Maintenace of Elecri Plant.. Indicate plants deigned for peak load servce. Deignate automatically operaed plants. 11. For a plant equipp with cobinatio of fosil fuel stea, nucear steam, hydro, intemalcombustion or gas-turbine equipment, report each as a seprate plant. However, if a gas-turbine unit funcions in a cobined cycle opration with a conventional steam unit, include the gas-turbne wih the steam plant. 12. If a nuclear power generating plan, bry explain by fooote (a) accnting metho for cot of power generaed including any excss costs. attributed to research an develoent; (b) tys of co units used for the various components of fuel cost; and (c) an other infrmative data concming plant ty ful used, fuel enrihment ty an quantit for the report period and other physical and operating characteristics of plant.Plant Plant Name: ,. _:~'''_ Name: Hunter Unit NO.3 (&) Name of Respondent PacifiQorp ~ Year/Period of Report 2008104End of Plant Name: Line No. (ff'.'.'....- I t . l . .. . . . t t .t C.. II II II ~ ~, ~ff Col Tons 952476 11607 0.00 26.709 1.125 0.012 10822.88 ..' Oil Barrls 750 1400 0.00 0.00 21.656 0.00 2.159 Steam Oudoor Boiler 198 1980 285.00 261 8617 o 259 o o207009675 5166129 15491401 1023554 21728786 762.4136 -5903 2535122 o 3015203 o o o -2248 29 o o 206150 5230491 124733 164245 35002205 0.0171 Compoite Steam Outdor Boiler 198 198 495.60 477 826 o 46 o o 353379700 10275401 90839'287 402601688 102355 50473930 1018.4422 -5903 43074989 o 30795 o o o 27402 29 o o 18373 78614 541738 262578 5932355 0.0168 Compoite Steam 1 Oudor Boler 2 1978 3 1983 4 1223.60 5 1126 6 8781 7 0 8 1122 9 0 10 220 11 86172100 12296113 2052292 14 78978538 15 30706 16 1027331819 17 83.5978 18 .17709 19 10821723 20 0 219022 0 23 0 24 0 25 273670 26 87 27 0 28 0 29 6109723 30 18375 31 29225 32 5821 33 1481331 34 0.0170 35 Oil Copoe 36 Barrls 37 150 0 38140039 ..138.48 0.00 40 0.00 41 1.150 42 .-_.0.012 43 10678.452 44 ~ '; . ~Barrels 11091140 0.00 0.00 23.009 0.00 18.45 Col ..Tons 54 Coa Tons 1569283 1154 0.00 26.493 1.132 0.012 10249.329 o o 0.00 0.00 1.172 0.012 10267.783 o o 0.00 0.00 1.129 0.012 10825.039 Page 40.1 ..-.....-...'.... ........................ .........\ ............\i .:iFERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-()