HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230524Quarterly Report.pdfMay 24, 2023 VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 Re: Rocky Mountain Power’s Quarterly Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) Report Q1 2023 (January 2023 through March 2023) Ms. Noriyuki: Please find enclosed for review Rocky Mountain Power’s (RMP) Q1 2023 (January 2023 through March 2023) energy cost adjustment mechanism (ECAM) report and a confidential zip folder containing the ECAM work papers. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) authorized implementation of an ECAM in Order 30904 to track and defer the difference between base net power costs (NPC), established in a general rate case (GRC), and actual NPC incurred by RMP to serve its Idaho customers. This report contains confidential information and is being provided to those that have executed the confidentiality agreement to receive this quarterly ECAM report. Informal inquiries may be directed to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2313. Sincerely, Joelle Steward Senior Vice President of Regulation and Customer Solutions Enclosures cc: Terri Carlock Mike Louis (C) TJ Budge (C) Brian Collings (C) Maurice Brubaker (C) Eric Olsen (C) Jim Smith RECEIVED 2023 May 24, 4:21PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PAC-E-08-08 Idaho Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) Q1 2023 (January 1, 2023 through March 31, 2023) Summary Summary Table of Deferred ECAM Balance NPC Differential for Deferral 14,321,171$ EITF 04-6 Adjustment (64,721) LCAR 243,804 Total Deferral Before Sharing 14,500,255 Sharing Band 90% Customer Responsibility 13,050,230 Production Tax Credits (828,425) REP QF Adjustment - Wind Liquidated Damages - REC Deferral (293,803) Interest on Deferral 221,726 Annual Deferral (Jan - Dec 2023) 12,149,728 Unamortized Previous Balance 41,941,478 ECAM Rider Revenues (6,176,631) Total Company Recover 47,914,574$ - Idaho Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) Q1 2023 (January 1, 2023 through March 31, 2023) Exhibit 1 Idaho Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism DeferraJanuary 1, 2023 - December 31, 202 LineNo.CY 20211 ID Base NPC Embedded in Rates ($) PAC-E-21-07 86,534,565$ 2 Annual Idaho Base Load @ meter (MWh) PAC-E-21-07 3,526,3593 NPC Rate Embedded in Base Rates ($/MWh) Line 1 / Line 2 24.54$ Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Total4 NPC Rate Embedded in Base Rates ($/MWh) Line 3 24.54$ 24.54$ 24.54$ 5 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh)299,332 266,756 287,605 6 ID NPC Collected in Rates ($) Line 4 x Line 5 7,345,407$ 6,546,028$ 7,057,643$ 20,949,078$ 7 Total Company Adjusted Actual NPC ($) Adjusted Actual NPC 199,956,830$ 217,193,758$ 214,249,766$ 631,400,353$ 8 Total Company Load @ Input (MWh)5,391,997 4,739,803 4,840,508 14,972,309 9 Actual NPC ($/MWh) Line 7 / Line 8 37.08$ 45.82$ 44.26$ 42.17$ 10 ID Actual Load @ Input (MWh)309,600 255,102 273,36011 Actual ID NPC Line 9 x Line 10 11,481,208$ 11,689,639$ 12,099,401$ 35,270,249$ 12 NPC Differential Line 11 - Line 6 4,135,801$ 5,143,611$ 5,041,759$ 14,321,171$ EITF 04-6 Adjustmen13 Idaho Allocated EITF 04-6 Deferral Adjustment ($)57,959$ (40,638)$ (82,041)$ (64,721)$ LCA14 Actual Idaho Jurisdictional ECPC minus NPC (Assume Actual = PAC-E-21-07 2,568,242$ 2,568,242$ 2,568,242$ 7,704,727$ 15 LCAR Rate @ Meter ($/MWh) PAC-E-21-07 8.74$ 8.74$ 8.74$ 16 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh) Line 5 299,332 266,756 287,605 17 LCAR Revenue Collected through Base Rates ($Line 15 x Line 16 2,616,035$ 2,331,339$ 2,513,549$ 7,460,923$ 18 LCAR Adjustment Line 14 - Line 17 (47,792)$ 236,903$ 54,694$ 243,804$ ECAM Deferral19 Total ECAM Deferral (NPC Deferral, EITF 04-6 Adjustment, LCA Sum of Lines: 12, 13, 18 4,145,968 5,339,876 5,014,411 14,500,255 20 Total ECAM Deferral after 90% Sharin Line 19 x 90%3,731,371$ 4,805,889$ 4,512,970$ 13,050,230$ Production Tax Credits (PTCs)21 ID Allocated PTCs in Rates ($/MWh) PAC-E-21-07 (4.16)$ (4.16)$ (4.16)$ 22 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh) Line 5 299,332 266,756 287,605 23 ID PTCs in Rates ($) Line 21 x Line 22 (1,246,393)$ (1,110,752)$ (1,197,565)$ 24 ID Allocated Actual PTCs ($)(1,506,351) (1,527,575) (1,349,209) 25 ID PTCs Deferral ($) Line 24 - Line 23 (259,958)$ (416,823)$ (151,644)$ (828,425)$ Situs Assigned REP QF Adjustmen26 ID REP QF Adjustment ($)-$ -$ -$ -$ Wind Liquidated Damages27 ID Allocated Wind Liquidated Damages ($)-$ -$ -$ -$ Renewable Energy Credits (REC) Revenu28 ID REC Revenue in Rates ($/MWh) PAC-E-21-07 (0.07)$ (0.07)$ (0.07)$ 29 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh) Line 5 299,332 266,756 287,605 30 ID REC Revenue in Rates ($) Line 28 x Line 29 (20,489)$ (18,260)$ (19,687)$ 31 ID Allocated Actual REC Revenue ($)(5,402) (118,766) (228,071) 32 REC Revenue Adjustment ($) Line 31 - Line 30 15,087$ (100,506)$ (208,384)$ (293,803)$ 33 Total Deferral Sum of Lines 20, 25, 26, 27, 32 3,486,500$ 4,288,559$ 4,152,942$ 11,928,002$ 34 Interest Rate Order No. 35621 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% ECAM Balancing Account ($35 Beginning Balance 41,941,478$ 43,422,487$ 44,795,997$ 36 ECAM Deferral After Sharing Line 20 3,731,371 4,805,889 4,512,970 37 PTCs Deferral Line 25 (259,958) (416,823) (151,644) 38 REP Situs Adjustment Line 26 - - - 39 Wind Liquidated Damages Line 27 - - - 40 REC Revenue Adjustment Line 32 15,087 (100,506) (208,384) 41 Less: Monthly ECAM Rider Revenues allocated to ECAM (2,076,569) (2,988,503) (1,111,559) 42 Interest 71,077 73,454 77,194 43 Total ECAM Deferral Balance ($)43,422,487$ 44,795,997$ 47,914,574$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 47,914,574$