HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191203Quarterly Report.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN PIOA,ER A Or!1srON Of tACrF @RP RECEIVED 'ilg OEC -3 Pl{ 2: 35 1,107 Weri North Temple Srlt Lak! City, Utah 8,1 I I 6 December 3, 2019 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIYERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, Idaho,837l4 ?rx- e- c8- of Rocky Mountain Power's 2019 Third Quarter Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism Report (January 2019 through September 2019) Ms. H anian: Please find enclosed for review three (3) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's 2019 third quarter, (January 2019 through September 2019), energy cost adjustment mechanism ("ECAM") report and a confidential CD containing the ECAM work papers. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission authorized implementation ofan ECAM in Order 30904 to track and defer the difference betrveen base net power costs ("NPC"), established in a general rate case and actual NPC incurred by the Company to serve its Idaho customers. This report contains confidential information and is being provided to those tlat have executed the confidentiality agreement to receive this quarterly ECAM report. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager al (801) 220-2963. Vice President, Regulation Enc Iosures Terri Carlock (C) Mike Louis (C) Randy Budge (C) Brian Collings (C) Maurice Brubaker (C) Eric Olsen (C) Jim Smith SSiON Re ***p*^, Summa Table of Deferred ECAM Balance NPC Differential for Deferral EITF 04-6 Adjustment LCAR Total Deferral Before Sharing Lake Side 2 Resource Adder Production Tax Credits RTM Adjustment REC Deferral lnterest on Deferral Annual Deferral (Jan - Dec 2019) Unamortized Previous Balance Depreciation Regulatory Asset Total ECAM Rider Revenues Total Company Recovery s $28 497 205 9,501,984 1,365,727 90% 8,551,785 17,512,657 7 ,720,717 Sharing Band Customer Responsibility 10,868,998 (1,288) 4,287,602 4,312,537 (16,186) 40,043 336,876 17,278,746 1,426,519 ,l :irE hlt tt l:l! t le Filtr- ich E oBl{ l' $l'l'i!t-t* h - .Lfg 3l-tEi [: ke [; --t*!t "u T] "Il!lIl ,H u 1l irililrlI -J-J r: ^l-l Elrl u ^l-tEtsl BIII"1 Hkl 'll E TI ilIl rl?i.i! E; !IiiLri! ii'.1!il!5 IiliiF;f;l; a E 3 rI I r T T 3 !?!!t 8 I $ E 3 I a !i s E i T i ; :a ;: t5 r tlltlttltt E h e*#EfI$EL t "-th h r:ahET'BEt t""IE E E EAEEE'EEt L :"th h rrc! t L :"1:h h errhlE l!, tEt L :"1" E E E iAB EEAANt L :"1"k ls r rilrt8 t1 , il:t L:"tl: b rrelrItt., FRt L :"tL 1- - .-t"E E ! :al5FT ' PE L [ :"t 1I!'FM":-t:L g,sF i#F I E'I;-l--l- E :']E FEXi cF :arE I E'I:.1:Ll:lb q* :_t:L e :eh e;h ..L.L r :sE lskB 9F EA'atE.l..L.L ' ,rL *oh{ sF icl -"t--F ; .iF lEF:li.l:.1;L s :sh Erb E 'EE gEf: L:1 6 e s g I fr B *a E I I i, !:E-.iliio,r *: ittz lc:H Psae .E r; i ! !rii!i ilrt;:Rt !l i!iE!E 3iEeaaea Ee a ilEi E!i.tr ii!,rlEl iiiS 6 z I-l- t 3 I ii! t; !:I E: !i i: 13 t4 i ! 9: I:x!r! t! ! lr lr 3 g IEt lrrl ;! rI3tiI:rI E!! I !i !i!!!; c =i i::;! ! i !! ! ! ! i i;!+ 6 !I {I , I 2I t6 2 it I3 !; jr Fl ! 6 TI alFlir;II ;.t IJ!t q6q t 5 Tt !tI E aa!! 3tr9=i i;3?,Pgts:: :xr5!iPtet sEti 3 i:rl I E3:;IPtat €I it: l:r,tii:.9 BiE IEIi;! 8r: !i!I !,i !iE l, --- aI, 6:IFi: .r: a1 I l.t :rriE$9;ltliaaa 9e3 Plel t1 I c$'sI ia sl{ -l-l ;:pe s:EldqEEE':fl4-H ii,EE IiSla frr_r! ,E:lgl ^l'. t1s, aE e 9alil cii6'iflEl:l:-_tl !iEE - E:1fl-u :1?* 15'l!l-u ESri !s-l:.1 t8t-l-r *.4 a - a1a-t.] i.