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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160902Quarterly Report.pdfSeptember 2, 2016
Jean D. Jewell
Commission Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472 W. Washington
Boise, ID 83 702
2015 SEP -2 AM 9: 03 1407W. North Temple, Suite 310
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
Re: Rocky Mountain Power's Quarterly Energy Cost Adjustment Report
Ms. Jewell: PA-l--£ -!J? -D'?
Please find enclosed for review three (3) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's 2016 second quarter
(December 2015 through June 2016) Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) report and a
confidential CD containing the ECAM work papers. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission
authorized implementation of an ECAM in Order No. 30904 to track and defer the difference
between base net power costs, established in a general rate case, and actual net power costs
incurred by Rocky Mountain Power to serve its Idaho customers.
This report contains confidential information is being provided to those that have executed the
confidentiality agreement.
Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-
Jeffrey K. Larsen
Vice President, Regulation
CC :
Randy Lobb
Mike Louis
Randy Budge
Jim Smith
Katie Iverson
Idaho ECAM Deferral
Actual NPC: Dec.mbef 2015 through December 21116
Dec:2015 CY 2016
ID Base NPC Embedded in Rates($) PAC-E-15-09 • 86,901,906 $ 94,801,644
Annual Idaho Base Load@ meter (MWi; PAC-E-15-09 3 328058 3.4832'~ NPC Rate Embedded in Base Rates ($/MW,) line 1 /Line2 $ 26.11 $
NPC Oec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Al!!-16 Ma~-16 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 see-1&
NPC Rate Embedded in Base Rates (SJMW,) Line3 $ 26.11 $ 27.21 $ 27.21 $ 27.21 $ 27.21 $ 27.21 $ 27.21
ID Actual Sales@ Meter (MW,: 230 182 274,886 240,338 236.695 220,158 272080 392199
ID NPC Collected in Ra1es (S; Line4xline~ • 6,010,483 $ 7,480,930 S 6,540,720 $ 6,441,560 $ 5,991,532 $ 7,404,567 $ 10,673,547
7 Total Company Adjusted Act\Jal NPC Exd. Integration Adj.($ Adjusted Act\Ja1 NPC • 124,952,631 S 127,266.973 $ 112,962,867 S 111,624.599 S 101,968,591 S 107,913,172 $ 138,849.739
8 Intra-Hour Wnd Integration Cost ($/Ml/1,t( • 2.31 S 2.31 S 2.31 $ 2.31 S 2.31 S 2.31 S 2.31
9 Third Party Wnd Sold to ~esale (MV\tl; 130212 107.042 125.408 121.872 88.057 84,613 86.102
10 Third Party Wnd Adjustment (S: Line8xlineE • 300,789 $ 247,266 $ 289,694 S 281,524 $ 203,411 $ 195,456 $ 198,895
11 Total Company Ad1,1Sted Act!Jal NPC (S: Line7-Line 10 • 124,651,842 S 127,019,707 $ 112,673,174 $ 111,343,075 $ 101,765,179 $ 107,717,715 $ 138,650,844
12 Total Company Load@ tnpyt (M~\t( 5 259735 5234063 4 565201 4 556366 4 233165 -4 490,640 5146324
13 Actual NPC ($/MW,) Line 11 /line 1~ $ 23.70 $ 24.27 $ 24.57 $ 24.44 $ 24.04 $ 23.99 $ 26.94
14 ID Actual Load@ lnpui 257,936 291,364 255,515 246,428 238,594 307,756 472,592
15 Act\Jal ID NPC Line 13x Line 14 • 6.112,894 S 7,070,794 S 6.278,826 $ 6.021.913 $ 5,735,793 $ 7.382.200 $ 12,732,442
16 NPC Differential Line6-Line15 • 102,411 S (-410,138) $ (261,193) S (419,6-47) S (255,731) $ (22,387) S 2,051,195
EITF 04-6 AdJustmen1
17 Idaho Allocated EITF 04-6 Defllrral Adjustment ($ s 6,145 $ 45,711 S 6,049 $ (127,166) S (70,751) S (60,095) $ 4,747
18 Actual Idaho Jurisdictional ECPC minus NPC (Assume Actual : Base • 1,682,789 S 1,648,000 $ 1,648,000 $ 1,648,000 $ 1,648,000 S 1,648,000 $ 1,648,000
19 LCAR Rate PAC-E-11-12 / PAC-E-15-09 s 6.07 S 5.68 S 5.68 S 5.68 S 5.68 S 5.68 $ 5.68
20 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (M'M'I: Line5 230 182 274886 240338 236695 220158 272080 392,199
21 LCAR Revenue Collected through Base Rates($ Line19xline2C $ 1,396,661 $ 1,560,552 $ 1,364,420 $ 1,343,735 $ 1,249,858 $ 1,544,622 $ 2,226,545
22 LCAR Adjustmen1 Line 18 -Line 21 $ 216,121 $ 17,441 $ 263,510 $ 304,265 $ 391,143 $ 103,371 $ (571,545)
ECAM Det.rral
23 Total ECAM Defllrral (NPC Deferral. EITF 041-06 Adjustment. LCAR Sum of lines: 16, 17, 22 • 395 384 $ {276 900) $ 27,TY, $ {242 547) S 71653 S 20915 $ 1 485007
24 Totaj ECAM Dehn-al after 90% Sharing Line 23 x90% $ 355114J I f2491210) $ 241962 $ f21112t3) $ '41411 I 111124 $ t,3381517
Lalleslde 2 Resource Adder 25 Lake Side 2 Generation (M\M"t) Adjusted Actual NPC 215,576 258,573 2-41.936 182,202 286,482 314,387 306,671
26 Resource Adder Rate (S/MV\tl) PAC-E-13-04 • 1.99 S 1.99 $ 1.99 $ 1.99 S 1.99 S 1.99 S 1.99
27 Total lake Side 2 Resource Adder($) Line 25x Line 2E $ 421,996 $ 514,560 $ 411,453 $ 382,512 $ 570,099 $ 625,630 $ 610,275
Production Tax Credits (PTCs) 28 ID AJlocated PTCs in Rates (SIMVl,t( PAC-E-15-09 • (1.99) $ (1.99) $ (1.99) S (1.99) S (1.99) S (1.99)
29 ID Act!Jal Sales@ Meter (M'M'I; Une5 274.886 240,338 236,695 220,158 272,080 392,199
30 ID PTCa in Rates ($) Line 28 x Line 2!: • (548,061) S (479,180) $ (471,915) $ (438,946) S (542,466) S (781,955)
31 ID AJlocated Actual PTCs (S: j621 705) !486 775) ,400641) p27028) ,502384) {670810)
32 ID PTCs Deferral ($) Line 31 -Line 3C $ {!Jz&-451 S f:!1595) s 711274 $ 1111917 $ 401012 $ 1111145
Unrecovered Dffr Creek Mine lnvestmen-
33 ID AJlocated Deer Creek Ammortization ExpenS!i PAC-E-15-09 _s_ ___ 56~_l __ 109933 $ 109933 I 109 .. ?l!_J ___ 109,933 )_ 109,933 . $ 109,933
Rene-ble En..-gy Cr!Nilts (REC),
34 ID REC Rewnue in Rates ($/MW'I: PAC-E-11-12 / PAC-E-15-09 • (1.96) S (0.00) $ (0.00) $ (0.09) $ (0.00) S (0.00) S (0.00)
35 ID Actual Sales@ Meter (M'M'( Line5 230.182 274886 240.338 236695 220158 272,080 392199 36 ID REC Revenue in Rates (S: Line 34 x Line 3!: $ (451,407) s (24,669) $ (21,569) $ (21,2-42) $ (19,756) $ (24,417) $ (35,197)
37 ID AJlocated Actual REC Revenue($ ,31996) ,3717! j1 530l (478j !19563} !42.260) 0
38 REC Revenue Adjustment (S) Line 37 -Line 3E I 4191411 I 201952 $ 201039 $ 20z763 $ 194 I 1171'43) s 351197
39 TotalO.r.n-.J Sum of Lines 2-4. 27. 32, 33, 38 s 1,261 ,18-4 S 322.590 $ 628,791 $ 346,259 S 856,631 S 776,626 $ 2,203,137
40 lnterestRate Order Nos. 32403, 32684 1.00'% 1.00% 1.00,0, 1.00,0, 1.00,0, 1.00% 1.00%
All Customers Balanctng Account (S
41 Beginning Balanot s 21,617,372 S 22.189,189 S 21,364,704 $ 20,745,216 $ 20,006,787 S 19,305,843 S 19,093,302
42 ECAM Der.rral After Sharini; Une24 355,845 (249,210) 24.962 (218,293) 64,488 18,824 1,336,587 43 lake Side 2 Resource Adder Une27 428,996 514,560 481,453 362,582 570,099 625,630 610,275
44 PTCs Deferral Une32 (73,645) (7,595) 71,274 111,917 40,082 111,145
45 Deer Creek Arrmortization Cost Line33 56,931 109,933 109,933 109,933 109,933 109,933 109,933
46 REC Revenue Adjustmen1 Line38 419,411 20,952 20,039 20,763 194 (17,843) 35,197
47 Less: Monthly ECAM Rider Rewnur. (707,906) (1,165,701) (1,266,3-45) (1,102,121) (1.574,604) (1,005,579) (1,726.230)
48 Interest 18540 18625 18066 17432 17029 16,412 16829
49 All Customfl'S Defen'al Balance (S) • 22119119 S 21364704 $ 207-45216 $ 20 006 717 S 19 305143 S 1.9.1.~~,l_Q.!___! 19,517,031
Idaho ECAM Deferral
Actual NPC: December 2015 lhrough Dec11mber 2016
ID Base NPC Embedded in Rates($)
Annual Idaho Base load @ meter {MWi;
NPC Rate Embedded in Base RalH ($/MW,)
4 NPC Rate Embedded in Base Rates ($/MW,)
5 10 Actual Sales@ Meter (MW,:
6 10 NPC CoOected in Rates($;
7 Total Company Adjusted Actual NPC Exd. Integration Adj.($
8 Intra-Hour \/\And Integration Cost ($/MW'I:
9 Third Party \/\And Sold to W"lolesale (MV\ih;
10 Third Party \/\And Adj.Jstment {$:
11 Total CompanyAdjustedAct!Jal NPC ($:
12 Total Company Load@ Input (MW,:
13 Actual NPC ($/MV'vh)
14 10 Actual Load @ lnpul
15 Actual 10 NPC
16 NPC Differential
EITF 04-6 Adjustmenl
17 Idaho Allocated EITF 04-6 Deferral Adjustment($
18 Actual Idaho Jurisdictional ECPC minus NPC (Assume Actual = Base
19 LCAR Rate
20 ID Actual Sales@ Meter (MW..:
21 LCAR Revenue Collec:ted through Base Rates ($
22 LCAR Adjustment
ECAM Deferral
23 Total ECAM Deferral (NPC Deferral. EITF 041-06 Ad~nt. LCAR
24 Total ECAM Oden-al afller90% Sharing
lakeside 2 RHource, Adder
25 Laka Side 2 Generation (Mll\otl)
26 Resource Adder Rate (S/M'Ml)
27 Total lake Side 2 Resource Adder($)
PT-oduct:lon Tu. C~lts (PTC1)
28 10 Allocated PTCs in Rates ($/MW,:
29 10 Actual Sales@ Meter (MW'I:
30 10 PTCs in Rates($)
31 10 Allocated Actual PTCs ($:
32 10 PTC1 Deferral (S)
Unrecovered Deer Creek Mine lnvestmen
33 10 Allocated Deer Creek Ammortization ExpenSf
Renewable Energy CMlts (REC) Revenut
34 10 REC Revenue in Ratas ($/MW(
35 10 Actual Sales@ Meter (MW,:
36 10 REC Revenue in Ratas (S:
37 10 Allocated Actual REC Revenue ($
38 REC Revenue Adjustment (SJ
39 Total Defet""ral
40 lnterestRata
All CustOfflffl Balancing Account (S
41 Beginning Balance
42 ECAM Deferral After Shari"'
43 lake Side 2 Resource Adder
44 PTCs Deferral
45 Deer Creek Arm,ortization Cost
46 REC Revenue Adjustmenl
47 Less: Monthly ECAM Rider Revenue!
48 Interest
49 All Customers DefetTal Balance (S)
Line 1 / Line 2
Line 3
Adjusted Actual NPC
Line7-Line 10
Line 11 lline 1:i
Line 13xline 1'I
Line 6-Line 15
PAC-E-11-121 PAC-E-15-09
Line 5
Line 19x Line 2C
Line 18-Line 21
Sum of Lines: 16, 17, 22
Line 23x 90'6
Adjusted Actual NPC
Line 25 x Line 2E
Line 28x Line 2S
Line 31 -Line 3C
PAC-E-11-12 / PAC-E-15-09
Line 37 -Line 3E
Sum of Lines 24. 27. 32. 33. 38
Order Nos. 32403, 32684
Oct-16 Nov-11 OK-16 Total
:}'.)~~~ 24.59