HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090323Motion for Protective Order.pdf~~l~OUNTAIN R.E 2009 MAR 23 AM 10: '2 201 South Main, Suite 230 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 March 23, 2009 VL OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 W. Washigton Boise, il 83702 Re: Case No. P AC-E-08-08 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Energy Cost Adjustment Mechansm Dear Ms. Jewell: Please fmd enclosed for filing an original and nie copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Protecive Order in the above-referenced matter. All formal correspondence and questions regardig ths Motion should be addressed to: Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Mai, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4975 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email: ted.westonW4pacificorp.com Danel Solander Rocky Mounta Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4568 Fax: (801) 220-3299 Email: Danel.solanderW4pacificorp.com Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very try your, ~/1Y J ffe K. Laren Vice President, Reguation Enclosures f". f" thi.:. Danel E. Solander Yvonne R. Hogle 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone No. (801) 220-4014 Facsimile No. (801) 220-3299 danel.solanderW4pacificorp.com yvonne.hogleW4pacificorp.com 2009 MAR 23 A1110: /2 Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL ) OF AN ENERGY COST ADJUSTMNT)MECHAISM ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-08-08 PETITION FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER Rocky Mountain Power, pursuat to Idao Public Utilties Commssion Rule of Procedur IDAPA and Rule 26(c) of the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure, hereby submits its petition for confdential tratment and a protective order to the Idao Public Utilities Commission ("Commssion") requesting the Commission issue a protective order designed to govern the exchage and treatment of information identified by a par as confdential durng the course of ths above-captioned proceeding. In support of its petition, Rocky Mounta Power states as follows: 1 1. Rocky Mountan Power anticipates that it will be necessar for the paries to ths proceeding to exchange inormation that may be deemed by a pary to be trade secret, commercially sensitive, confdential business informtion, or inormation tht is otherwse sensitive in natue such that the disclosure of the inormation would jeopardize the interests of the par that has been requested to disclose the information, and the unimited disclosure of which could result in economic or other ha to the disclosing par. 2. In order to facilitate a full and timely review of the application to increase retail electrc service rates by the Commssion, Rocky Mountain Power requests that the Commission approve, for use in this proceeding, a protective order in the form attached hereto as Exhbit A, to faciltate the exchange of confdential information among the paries under terms and conditions that assur the confdential inormation will not be improperly used or disclosed. 3. The Company anticipates that data requests submitted by paries may require responses that contan Confdential inormation. Accordingly, Rocky Mountain Power requests tht the Commission consider those documents Confdential and treat them in accordance with the proposed protective order. It is anticipated that such requests will be made in the near futue and, as a result, the company has filed ths petition so as not to delay the disclosure or exchange of information when such a request is in fact made. 4. Ths petition is fied pursuat to Idaho Public Utilties Commission Rule of Procedure IDAPA and Rule 26(c) of the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedur, which authorize the Commssion, upon a showing of good cause, to deem confdential inormation fied with the Commission or in the custody of the Commssion or its sta and to issue a protective order governng the disclosure and treatment of the confdential information. 2 5. Rocky Mountain Power fuer submits that it is anticipated that pares to ths proceeding will request the disclosure or exchage of cert information that will jeopardize the interests and cause irreparable injur to the company because the inormation is either protected by contractu obligations or is sensitive to the natue of the company's business. Atthed hereto as Exhbit A is a proposed protective order tht Rocky Mountain Power requests that the Commission issue. Rocky Mountain Power submits tht the atthed form of protective order is appropriate for protectig the interests of all paries to this proceeding, and requests tht the Commssion issue the proposed protective order to govern the treatment of information designted by a pary to ths proceeding as confdential. WHREFORE, Rocky Mounta Power respectfully requests the following: 1. That the Commssion approve Rocky Mountai Power's petition. 2. Tht the Commission issue a protective order in substatially the same form as the proposed protective order attched hereto as Exhbit A. DATED ths 23rd day of March 2009. Respectfuly submitted, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERD~~1/ Dael E. Sola ! Yvonne R. Hogle 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Telephone No. (801) 220-4014 Facsimile No. (801) 220-3299 danel.solander~pacificorp.com yvonne.hogleCiacificorp.com 3 Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power -BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION- ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR) APPROV AL OF AN ENERGY COST) ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-08-08 PROTECTIVE ORDER ISSUED: By the Commission: On March 23, 2009, Rocky Mountain Power submitted a Motion for Protective Order in the above-entitled proceeding. The Commission finds that sufficient grounds exist for entry of a protective order. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that: 1. (A) Confidential Information. All documents, data, information, studies and other materials furnished, or made available pursuant to any interrogatories, or requests for information, subpoenas, depositions, or other modes of discovery that are claimed by the paries to be of a trade secret or confidential nature shall be furnished pursuant to the terms of this Order, and shall be treated by all persons accorded access thereto pursuant to this Order as constituting trade secret, confidential commercial, or otherwise protected information (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Infomiation"), and shall neither be used nor disclosed except for the purpose of this proceeding, and solely in accordance with this Order. All material claimed to be Confidential Information shall be so marked by the pary or its affiliates by stamping the same with the designation, "CONFIDENTIAL - - SUBJECT TO Page 1 PROTECTIVE ORDER" or "CONFIDENTIAL - - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN CASE NO. P AC-E-08-08." All copies of documents so marked wil be made on yellow paper. Parties fiing electronically should fie both a confidential and non-confidential version clearly marked as such. For purposes hereof, any notes made pertaining to or as the result of a review of Confidential Information shall also be considered Confidential Information and subject to the terms ofthis Order. (B) Use of Confidential Information and Persons Entitled to Review. All Confidential Information made available pursuant to this Order shall be given solely to counsel for the paries (including counsels' paralegals, administrative assistants and clerical staff to the extent necessary for performance of work on this matter), which shall include the Commission and its Staff ("Commission"), and shall not be used nor disclosed except for the purpose of this proceeding; provided, however, that access to any specific Confidential Information may be authorized by counsel, solely for the purose of this proceeding, to those persons indicated by the paries as being their experts in this matter (including such experts' administrative assistants and clerical staff, and persons employed by the paries, to the extent necessary for performance of work on this matter). However, persons designated as experts shall not include persons employed by the paries who could use the information in their normal job functions to the competitive disadvantage of the pary providing the Confidential Information. Any member of the Commission or its Staff may have access to any Confidential Information made available pursuant to this Order and shall be bound by the terms of this Order, except for the requirement of signing a nondisclosure agreement. Further, nothing herein shall prevent disclosure as required by law pursuant to interrogatories, administrative requests for information or Page 2 documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process, provided, however, that the party being required to disclose Confidential Information shall promptly give prior notice by telephone and written notice of such requirement of disclosure by facsimile and overnight mail to the pary that provided such Confidential Information, addressed to the attorneys of record for such pary, so that the party that provided the Confidential Information may seek an appropriate protective order. The disclosing party wil not oppose action by, and wil cooperate with the party that provided the Confidential Information to obtain an appropriate protective order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment wil be accorded that Confidential Information. (C) Nondisclosure Agreement. Prior to giving access to Confidential Information, as contemplated in paragraph 1 (B) above, to counselor any expert designated to testify in this proceeding, counsel for the party seeking review of the Confidential Information shall deliver a copy of this Order to such person and, prior to disclosure such person shall agree in writing to comply with and be bound by this Order. Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to any person who has not signed a Nondisclosure Agreement in the form which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Appendix A. The Nondisclosure Agreement (Appendix A) shall require the person to whom disclosure is to be made to read a copy ofthis Protective Order and to certify in writing that he or she has reviewed the same and has consented to be bound by its terms. The agreement shall contain the signatory's full name, permanent address and employer, and the name of the pary with whom the signatory is associated. Such agreement shall be delivered to counsel for the providing pary prior to the expert gaining access to the Confidential Information. Page 3 (D) Additional protective measures. A provider of documents and information may claim that additional protective measures, beyond those required under this Protective Order, are warranted for certain confidential material, referred to as highly sensitive documents and information. In such case, the provider shall identify such documents and information and shall inform the requester of such documents and information of their claimed highly sensitive nature as soon as possible. The provider of the requested information shall also petition the Commission for an order granting additional protective measures, which the petitioner believes are warranted for the claimed highly sensitive documents and information that is to be produced in response to an information request. The provider shall set forth the particular basis for: the claim, the need for the specific, additional protective measures, and the reasonableness of the requested, additional protection. A pary who would otherwise receive the documents and information under the terms of this Protective Order may respond to the petition and oppose or propose alternative protective measures to those requested by the provider of the claimed highly sensitive documents and information. Disputes between the parties shall be resolved pursuant to Commission Order pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this Protective Order. 2. (A) Challenge to Confidentiality or Proposed Additional Protective Measures. This Order establishes a procedure for the expeditious handling of Confidential Information; it shall not be construed as an agreement, or ruling on the confidentiality of any document. (B) In the event that the parties hereto are unable to agree that certain documents, data, information, studies, or other matters constitute Confidential Information, are highly sensitive documents and information referred to in paragraph 1 (D) above, or agree on the appropriate treatment of highly sensitive documents and information, the party objecting to the Page 4 classification as Confidential Information or the pary claiming highly sensitive documents and information and the need for additional protective measures shall forthwith submit the said matters to the Commission for its review pursuant to this Order. When the Commission rules on the question of whether any documents, data, information, studies, or other matters submitted to them for review and determination are Confidential Information, are highly sensitive documents and information, or the appropriate additional protection to be afforded for specific highly sensitive documents and information, the Commission wil enter an order resolving the issue. (C) Any party at any time upon ten (10) days prior notice may seek by appropriate pleading, to have documents that have been designated as Confidential Information, or which were accepted into the sealed record in accordance with this Order, removed from the protective requirements of this Order, or from the sealed record and placed in the public record. If the confidential or proprietary nature of this information is challenged, .resolution of the issue shall be made by the Commission after proceedings in camera, which shall be conducted under circumstances such that only those persons duly authorized hereunder to have access to such confidential matter shall be present. The record of such in camera hearngs shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL - - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN CASE NO. P AC-E-08- 08." It shall be transcribed only upon agreement by the parties, or Order of the Commission, and in that event shall be separately bound, segregated, sealed, and withheld from inspection by any person not bound by the terms of this Order, unless and until released from the restrictions of this Order, either through agreement of the paries, or after notice to the paries and hearing, pursuant to an Order of the Commission. In the event the Commission should rule in response to such a pleading that any information should be removed from the protective requirements of this Order, Page 5 or from the protection of the sealed record, such Order of the Commission shall not be effective for a period often (10) days after entry of the Order. 3. (A) Receipt into Evidence. Provision is hereby made for receipt of evidence in this proceeding under seaL. At least ten (10) days prior to the use of or substantive reference to any Confidential Information as evidence, the pary intending to use such Confidential Information shall make that intention known to the providing pary. The requesting pary and the providing party shall make a good faith effort to reach an agreement so that the information can be used in a manner that wil not reveal its trade secret, confidential or proprietary nature. If such efforts fail, the providing party shall separately identify, within five (5) business days, which portions, if any, of the documents to be offered or referenced on the record containing Confidential Information shall be placed in the sealed record. Only one (l) copy of documents designated by the providing party to be placed in the sealed record shall be made and only for that purose. Otherwise, paries shall make only general references to Confidential Information in these proceedings. (B) SeaL. While in the custody of the Commission, these materials shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL - - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN CASE NO. P AC- E-08-08," and due to their nature they shall not be considered as records in the possession of or retained by the Commission within the meaning of the open meetings or public records statutes. (C) In Camera Hearing. Any Confidential Information that must be orally disclosed to be placed in the sealed record in this proceeding shall be offered in an in camera hearing, attended only by persons authorized to have access to the Confidential Information under this Order. Similarly, cross-examination on or substantive reference to Confidential Page 6 Information, as well as that portion of the record containing references thereto, shall be marked and treated as provided herein. (D) AppeaL. Sealed portions of the record in this proceeding may be forwarded to any court of competent jurisdiction on appeal in accordance with applicable rules and regulations, but under seal as designated herein, for the information and use of the court. (E) Retur. Unless otherwse ordered, Confidential Information, including transcripts of any depositions to which a claim of confidentiality is made, shall remain under seal, shall continue to be subject to the protective requirements of this Order, and shall be returned to counsel for the providing part within 30 days after final settlement, or conclusion of this matter including administrative, or judicial review thereof. Alternatively, a party receiving Confidential Information pursuant to the terms of the Order may certify, within 30 days after final settlement, or conclusion of this matter including administrative, or judicial review thereof, that the Confidential Information has been destroyed. Counsel who are provided access to Confidential Information pursuant to the terms of this Order may retain their notes, work papers or other documents that would be considered the attorneys' work product created with respect to their use and access to Confidential Information in this docket. An expert witness, accorded access to Confidential Information pursuant to this Order, shall provide to counsel for the pary on whose behalf the expert was retained or employed, the expert's notes, work papers or other documents pertaining or relating to any Confidential Information. Counsel shall retain these expert's documents with counsel's documents. In order to facilitate their ongoing regulatory responsibilty, this paragraph shall not apply to the Commission or its Staff, which may retain Confidential Information obtained under this Order subject to the other terms of this Order. The Page 7 providing pary shall be notified in advance by any state regulatory agency which intends to use, release or disclose any of the retained Confidential Information in any subsequent case. 4. Use in Pleadings. Where reference to Confidential Information in the sealed record is required in pleadings, cross;.examinations, briefs, arguments, or motions, it shall be by citation of title, or exhibit number, or by some other nonconfidential description. Any furher use of, or substantive references to Confidential Information shall be placed in a separate section of the pleading, or brief and submitted to the Commission under seaL. This sealed section shall be served only on counsel of record (one copy each), who have signed a Nondisclosure Agreement. All the protections afforded in this order apply to materials prepared and distributed under this paragraph. 5. (A) Use in Decisions and Orders. The Commission wil attempt to refer to Confidential Information in only a general or conclusionary form and wil avoid reproduction in any decision of Confidential Information to the greatest possible extent. If it is necessary for a determination in this proceeding to discuss Confidential Information other than in a general or conclusionary form, it shall be placed in a separate section of this Order, or Decision, under seaL. This sealed section shall be served only on counsel of record (one copy each) who have signed a Nondisclosure Agreement. Counsel for other paries shall receive the cover sheet to the sealed portion and may review the sealed portion on file with the Commission once they have signed a Nondisclosure Agreement. 6. Segregation of Files. Those pars of any writing, depositions reduced to writing, written examination, interrogatories and answers thereto, or other written references to Confidential Information in the course of discovery, if fied with the Commission, wil be sealed Page 8 by the Commission, segregated in the fies of the Commission, and withheld from inspection by any person not bound by the terms of this Order, unless such Confidential Information is released from the restrictions of this Order, either through agreement of the paries, or after notice to the paries and hearing, pursuant to the Order of the Commission and/or final order of a court having jurisdiction. 7. Preservation of Confidentiality. All persons who may be entitled to receive, or who are afforded access to any Confidential Information by reason of this Order shall neither use, nor disclose the Confidential Information for purposes of business or competition, or any other purpose other than the puroses of preparation for and conduct of this proceeding, and then solely as contemplated herein, and shall take reasonable precautions to keep the Confidential Information secure in accordance with the puroses and intent of this Order. 8. Reservation of Rights. The parties hereto affected by the terms of this Protective Order further retain the right to question, challenge, and object to the admissibilty of any and all data, information, studies and other matters furnished under the terms of this Protective Order in response to interrogatories, requests for information, other modes of discovery, or cross- examination on the grounds of relevancy or materiality. This Order shall in no way constitute any waiver of the rights of any party to contest any assertion by a pary, or finding by the Commission that any information is a trade secret, confidential, or privileged, and to appeal any assertion or finding. 9. The provisions of this Order are specifically intended to apply to data, or information supplied by or from any pary to this proceeding, and any non-pary that supplies documents pursuant to process issued by this Commission. Page 9 DATED at Boise, Idaho this _ day of ,2009. APPENDIX A ~~ PROTECTIVE ORDER-- CASE NO. P AC-E-08-08 I have reviewed the Protective Order entered by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission in Case No. PAC-E-08-08 with respect to the review and use of confidential information and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the protective order. Signature Name (type or print) Residence Address Employer or Firm Business Address Party Represented Date Signed Page 10