HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090225Lobb Direct re Stipulation.pdfRECE BEFORE THE 2009 fEB 25 PH i: 59 1'.., FO ",;dfCIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSlglluTfE~ (ldt~l~,c\¡SSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAN ) CASE NO. PAC-E-08-7 POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES ) TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES. ) ) ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY LOBB IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FEBRUARY 25, 2009 1 3 2 record. Q.Please state your name and business address for the A.My name is Randy Lobb and my business address is 5 4 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 6 Q.By who are you employed? A.I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 8 7 Commission as Utilities Division Administrator. Q.What is your educational and professional 10 9 background? A.I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 11 Agricultural Engineering from the University of Idaho in 1980 12 and worked for the Idaho Department of Water Resources from 13 June of 1980 to November of 1987. I received my Idaho 14 license as a registered professional Civil Engineer in 1985 15 and began work at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in 16 December of 1987. I have conducted analysis of utility rate 17 applications, rate design, tariff analysis and customer 18 petitions. I have testified in numerous proceedings before 19 the Commission including cases dealing with rate structure, 20 cost of service, power supply, line extensions, regulatory 21 policy and facility acquisitions. My duties at the 22 Commission currently include case management and oversight of 24 23 all technical Staff assigned to Commission filings. 25 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? A.The purpose of my testimony is to describe the CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 1 STAFF 1 process leading to the filed Stipulation (the Proposed 2 Settlement) and to explain the rationale for Staff's support. 3 In this case the Company is PacifiCorp as the corporate 4 entity doing business in Idaho as Rocky Mountain Power. The 5 Proposed Settlement is signed by Rocky Mountain Power, the 6 Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Community Action 7 Partnership Association of Idaho and Commission Staff. The 8 Stipulation does not impact or propose any changes to the 9 rates of Monsanto or Agrium, whose rates are controlled by a 10 separate Stipulation approved in 2007, Case No. PAC-E-07-5, 11 Order No. 30482. 12 Q.Please summarize your testimony. 13 A.Based on its review of Rocky Mountain Power's rate 14 case filing, a comprehensive audit ofPacifiCorp test year 15 results of operations and consideration of outstanding rate 16 case issues, Staff believes that the comprehensive Proposed 17 Settlement is in the public interest and should be approved 18 by the Commission. The Company originally proposed a revenue 19 increase of $5.9 million for an overall revenue requirement 20 increase to Idaho's retail customers excluding Monsanto and 21 Agrium of 4.0%. The Proposed Settlement provides an annual 22 revenue requirement increase of $4.38 million or 3.1% spread 23 to the various specified Idaho customer classes based on the 24 Company's proposed cost of service. 25 There are four primary issues that Staff believes CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 2 STAFF 1 makes negotiated settlement a reasonable option in this case. 2 1) Most test year expenses and investments have already been 3 reviewed and adjusted by five other state jurisdictions 4 served by PacifiCorp. 2) Expense and investment adjustments 5 made on a PacifiCorp system level trickle down to affected 6 Idaho retail customers in this case at only 2.1% of the 7 original adjustment. 3) Multi-State Process (MSP) 8 jurisdictional allocation commitments already limit the level 9 of revenue requirement increase that can be passed on to 10 Idaho retail customers. 4) The Stipulated Settlement 11 approved by the Commission in Case No. PAC-E-07-5 contains 12 the following terms: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . With respect to the rate plans for 2008 through 2010 for Agri um and Monsanto, the Company agrees that in any rate filing during the terms of such rate plans it will not seek to recover any revenue shortfalls related to Agrium and Monsanto from other Idaho customers when compared to cost of service studies in those filings. (Stipulation, ~ 10). . The cost of service methodology proposedby the Company in thi s proceeding wi i i remain in effect as the accepted methodology through the maximum duration of the rate plans for Agrium and Monsanto which expire December 31, 2010. (Stipulation, ~ 11). As a result of its audit and in preparation of direct testimony, a variety of adj ustments to the Company's proposed revenue requirement were identified by Staff. Areas subj ect to adjustment included authorized return on equity, CASE NO. PAC-E-08-7 02/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 3 STAFF 1 plant additions, wind integration costs, renewable energy 2 credit revenue, line loss effects, working capital and taxes 3 associated with AFUDC. Staff also investigated costs 4 associated with the acquisition of the Chehalis generating 5 plant ,demand side management tariff rider expenditures and 6 possible residential rate design options. 7 Staff evaluated each adjustment individually and 8 all of the issues in total to arrive at an overall settlement 9 that provides 26% less revenue than that originally requested 10 by the Company. If identified errors and undisputed 11 adjustments in the Company's favor are included, the 12 Settlement represents a reduction of more than 32%. 13 Moreover, the resulting revenue requirement reduction 14 reflects nearly all of the adjustments that Staff would have 15 presented through testimony for Commission decision. 16 In addition to the adjustments identified above, 17 many other issues were evaluated by Staff in its review of 18 the Company's filing. All issues were included in settlement 19 discussion in order to arrive at a negotiated agreement that 20 Staff believes is in the overall best interest of Rocky 21 Mountain Power customers. 22 As part of the Stipulation, Staff specifically 23 agreed on appropriate levels of net power supply costs, that 24 acquisition and operating costs of Chehalis generating plant 25 were prudently incurred and should be included in rates, that CASE NO. PAC-E-08-7 02/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 4 STAFF 1 DSM expenditures made from the DSM tariff rider were 2 prudently incurred and that $50,000 in tariff rider funds 3 should be used to support energy conservation education in 4 conjunction with the ,existing low income weatherization 5 program. Staff also agreed that a rate spread and rate 6 design for each retail class based upon the Company's 7 original proposals as adjusted for the lower revenue 8 requirement were reasonable. A provision in the Stipulation 9 recommended by Staff commits Rocky Mountain to address an 10 inverted tiered rate design proposal for the residential 11 class in its next general rate case. 12 The Stipulation 13 Q.What factors did the Commission Staff consider 14 before pursuing negotiated settlement? 15 A.Staff identified several issues early on in its 16 investigation that are unique to Rocky Mountain Power's 17 general rate case filing. The first issue deals with the 18 proformed 2007 historic test year proposed by the Company. 19 The historic and proformed expense and investments included 20 in the Company's filing have already been thoroughly reviewed 21 in various regulatory proceedings in the five other state 22 jurisdictions in which PacifiCorp operates. As a result of 23 this review, most of the expenses and investments that might 24 have been subj ect to adj ustment by Staff in this case have 25 already been removed by the Company. CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 5 STAFF 1 Once Staff does identify an adjustment on a 2 PacifiCorp system cost basis, it must be reduced to an Idaho 3 jurisdictional amount and then to an Idaho retail cost of 4 service amount. In other words, an adjustment of $1 million 5 on a system basis is reduced to just $21,000 or only 2.1% of 6 the original adjustment when fully allocated to Idaho retail 7 customers subj ect to a rate increase in this case. 8 Another unique consideration when assessing the 9 Company's filing in this case is the effect of the MSP cap on 10 costs allocated to Idaho. When the Revised Protocol 11 allocation methodology was approved by the Commission, it 12 included a commitment until March 31, 2009, that costs 13 allocated to Idaho under the new methodology would not exceed 14 101.67% of the cost allocation that would have occurred under 15 the existing Rolled-In allocation methodology (Order No. 16 29708). The effect of this cap in the Company-filed case is 17 to limit costs allocated to Idaho by $3.1 million. For other 18 cost adjustments identified by Staff to have any effect, they 19 must exceed this level of costs already removed. 20 The final unique consideration in assessing the 21 merits of pursuing settlement in this case was the cost of 22 service provision in the Stipulation approved by the 23 Commission in Case No. PAC-E-07-5. That provision prohibited 24 a change in rate case cost of service methodology during the 25 approved three-year rate contract period between Rocky CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 6 STAFF 1 Mountain and Monsanto/Agrium. Maintaining cost of service 2 methodology is necessary during the rate contract period to 3 assure costs are not inappropriately shifted between customer 4 classes as part of a general rate case. Consequently, this 5 provision takes modification to cost of service methodology 6 off the table in this case. 7 Q.What are the key components of the Proposed uBlack 8 Box" Settlement described in the Stipulation? 9 A.The key components include: 1) an annual Idaho 10 revenue requirement increase of $4.38 million or 3.1%; 11 2) total Company base power supply costs of $982 million; 12 3) including Chehalis acquisition and operation costs in 13 rates as prudently incurred; 4) accepting demand side 14 management (DSM) program costs requested in this case as 15 prudently incurred; and 5) allocating $50,000 of DSM tariff 16 rider funds for education associated with low income 17 weatherization. 18 The Stipulation also covers a variety of other 19 issues including the Oregon Energy Trust and its funding of 20 wind proj ects, a residential tiered rate design proposal to 21 be provided by Rocky Mountain in its next rate case and a 22 revenue/rate spread to Idaho retail customers based on the 23 cost of service principles proposed by the Company in its 24 original filing. The Stipulation is attached as Staff 25 Exhibit No. 101. CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 7 STAFF 1 2 Q.What is meant by a uBlack Box" Settlement? A.The parties agreed that the Settlement represents a 3 ublack box" in that the position of the parties on individual 4 issues and resulting revenue adj ustments are not specifically 5 identified. Rather, the give and take during negotiations on 6 all issues resulted in a single overall revenue requirement 7 that was satisfactory to all parties. For example, while cost 8 of equity was a subj ect of discussion, it was agreed that it 9 would not be specifically identified in the Stipulation. 10 Likewise, issues such as the treatment of revenues from 11 renewable energy credits, the cost of wind integration and 12 the calculation of cash working capital were all considered 13 as part of the overall settlement package. However, there 14 was no specific position or revenue adjustment for these 15 issues included in the Stipulation. 16 General Settlement in this way provides for 17 compromise to arrive at a mutually acceptable revenue 18 requirement. It does not set a precedent that commits any 19 party to a specific position on an issue that might be more 20 fully addressed in the future. 22 21 Revenue Requirement Q.How did Staff identify revenue requirement issues 23 and what were the primary considerations in reaching 24 agreement on the stipulated revenue requirement? 25 A.Staff identified issues in this case by reviewing CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 8 STAFF 1 the Company's rate case filing, conducting a comprehensive 2 audit of Company test year results of operations and 3 reexamining issues, recommendations and Commission Orders 4 associated with the Company's last general rate case, Case 5 No. PAC-E- 07-5. Staff identified 10 potential adjustments 6 with annual revenue requirement impacts ranging from $50,000 7 to over $2 million. Other issues such as the Energy Cost 8 Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) and associated net power supply 9 cost, the Chehalis generating plant, DSM expenditures, 10 renewable energy credits, cost allocation for the irrigation 11 load control program and rate design were discussed at the 12 settlement workshop and had value in the negotiation process. 13 Staff evaluated each of the issues identified above 14 to determine the associated revenue requirement adjustment, 15 if any, and to develop the justification for the position 16 Staff would likely present in testimony. Staff established 17 an overall revenue requirement target that it believed could 18 be achieved with reasonable certainty and then negotiated 19 additional less certain adjustments in conjunction with the 20 likely Staff position on various disputed issues to arrive at 21 an overall revenue requirement compromise. 22 Staff believes that the stipulated increase in 23 revenue requirement of 3.1%, or approximately $1.5 million 24 less than that originally proposed by the Company, represents 25 a reasonable settlement in this case. This is particularly CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 9 STAFF 1 true when tax errors and undisputed adj ustments totaling some 2 $600,000 were identified during the negotiations that would 3 have increased the Company's original revenue requirement 4 request. Staff also believes that the $4.38 million proposed 5 revenue increase recognizes the unique characteristics of the 6 Company's filing while balancing the needs of both the 7 Company and its customers. Staff notes that the Proposed 8 Settlement incorporates almost all of the adjustments that 9 Staff would have recommended in testimony. 10 Q.The Stipulation states that the parties agreed to a 11 revenue requirement increase of $4.8 million yet the actual 12 increase is only $4.38 million. How was the lower increase 13 derived? 14 A.The lower revenue requirement increase for Idaho 15 retail customers of $4.38 million was derived by establishing 16 an Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement and then 17 reallocating the total to Idaho retail customers (excluding 18 Monsanto and Agrium). The methodology approved by the 19 parties begins with the $4.8 million revenue requirement 20 increase and then divides by the 36.0553%, which represents 21 the Idaho jurisdictional cost responsibility of retail 22 customers. The resulting $13.31 million Idaho jurisdictional 23 revenue requirement is then reallocated to all Idaho customer 24 classes using the Staff's cost of service model incorporating 25 proposed revenue requirement adjustments. The result of the CASE NO. PAC-E-08-7 02/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 10 STAFF 1 methodology is an increase to the impacted Idaho retail 2 customer classes of $4.38 million. The difference between 3 $4.8 million and $4.38 million is the additional Idaho 4 jurisdictional costs that are allocated to Monsanto and 5 Agrium. 6 Return on Equi ty 7 Q.Why was return on equity not specified in the 9 8 Proposed Settlement? A.Return on equity (ROE) was not specified in the 10 Stipulation as a compromise to recognize the significant 11 difference in party positions. The Company had proposed a 12 ROE of 10.75% and Staff believed the current ROE of 10.25% 13 was all that was warranted. Staff ultimately determined that 14 it was not necessary for the Stipulation to specify return on 15 equity if the overall revenue requirement was deemed 16 reasonable. To the extent return on equity is required for 17 other purposes such as avoided cost and AFUDC calculations, 18 Staff supports continued use of the last authorized return on 19 equity (10.25%). Order No. 30482. 21 20 Net Power Supply Cost Q.Why were net power supply costs specifically 22 established in the Stipulation? 23 A.Staff reviewed the calculation of net power supply 24 costs as provided in the Company's filing and determined that 25 annual costs of $982 million were reasonable. Staff would CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 11 STAFF 1 not have necessarily proposed any adjustment to the amount if 2 the case had proceeded to hearing. However, the parties 3 agreed that the Commission must establish normalized net 4 power supply costs in this case in order to properly evaluate 5 the merits of the Company's proposed ECAM. Staff has not 6 agreed at this time to the Company's ECAM proposal nor has it 7 agreed that an ECAM mechanism is warranted for Rocky Mountain 8 Power in Idaho. 9 Chehalis 10 Q.Why did Staff agree in the Stipulation to allow 11 cost recovery for the Chehalis generating plant? 12 A.As part of its rate case review, Staff investigated 13 the Company's proposal to include the acquisition and 14 operating cost of the Chehalis generating plant in base 15 rates. The plant is a 500 MW natural gas-fired combined 16 cycle generation facility acquired by PacifiCorp on September 17 15, 2008. 18 During its investigation, Staff verified that 19 PacifiCorp' s 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) identified a 20 future deficit between the Company's projected peak capacity 21 needs and its resources available to serve peak demand. In 22 April 2007, the Company issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) 23 seeking up to 1,700 MW of cost-effective base load resources 24 to address the needs identified in the IRP. The Chehalis 25 plant was not bid into that RFP; instead, it became available CASE NO. PAC-E- 08-7 02/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 12 STAFF 1 for a limited time in the market, outside of the RFP bidding 2 process. The time limitations on the transactions were such 3 that the completion of an RFP under the procurement 4 guidelines and laws in Oregon and Utah would have resulted in 5 the loss of the opportunity to purchase the Plant. As a 6 consequence , waivers of the RFP regulatory requirements were 7 obtained from each of those states. Reports prepared by 8 three independent evaluators - Merrimack Energy Group, 9 Bodington & Company, and Boston Pacific Company - were 10 submitted in support of the Company's waiver requests in 11 Oregon and Utah. Each of those reports supported the 12 Company i s acquisition of the Plant, and concluded that even 13 though the Chehalis Plant was not bid into the 2012 RFP, it 14 likely would have been selected over other bids that were 15 submitted. Staff thoroughly reviewed these reports as part 16 of its analysis in this case. 17 The Company has used data and models from its 2007 18 IRP, 2008 business plan and information regarding the Plant 19 obtained from the then current owner in analyzing whether to 20 acquire the Plant. The capitalized purchase price of the 21 Chehalis Plant was $305 million, or $610 per kW, not 22 including the capitalization of the legal and consulting 23 costs and site licensing costs. The results of the Company's 24 analysis show that acquisition of the Plant on the terms and 25 condi tions in the Purchase and Sale Agreement reduces present CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 13 STAFF 1 value revenue requirement of the Company's portfolio by about 2 $142 million to $197 million versus a comparable al ternati ve 3 resource from the 2012 RFP with an estimated cost of $1,000 4 per kW to $1,150 per kW. Staff concurs with the Company's 5 analysis and believes that the Company's customers are better 6 off through acquisition of the Plant now than acquisition of 7 a similar resource in 2012 based on market pricing and 8 responses to the 2012 RFP. 9 Based on its own analysis and a review of the 10 Company's analysis, Staff concludes that acquisition of the 11 Chehalis Plant is in the public interest and provides a 12 favorably-priced, flexible resource that will assist the 13 Company in meeting the resource needs of its customers at the 14 lowest reasonable cost. 15 Demand Side Management 16 Q.Why did Staff agree as part of the Stipulation to 17 accept PacifiCorp's 2006-2007 DSM expenditures as prudent? 18 A.Staff's review of Rocky Mountain's 2006-2007 demand 19 side management (DSM) expenditures found that the Company 20 evaluates the cost-effectiveness of its programs using the 21 total resource cost test (TRC), the utility cost test (UCT), 22 and the participant cost test (PCT). The Company maintains 23 and Staff has verified that its programs meet Commission 24 approved cost-effective criteria. Staff has also verified 25 that the methodology used by the Company to evaluate benefits CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 14 STAFF 1 and costs properly captures program energy savings. 2 Additionally, Staff is satisfied that the Company 3 periodically reviews and updates its DSM business case 4 through its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and other 5 processes. 6 Finally, the Company periodically reviews its DSM 7 program assumptions and cost-effectiveness and makes changes 8 as necessary. Formal, third-party, post - implementation 9 impact and process evaluations have been performed for some 10 of the programs that have been running longer in other 11 PacifiCorp jurisdictions and these evaluations have also 12 resul ted in changes to Idaho programs. Al though the Company 13 has not yet obtained competitive-bid, third-party evaluations 14 in Idaho, it is in the process of doing so, per its program 15 evaluation schedule, now that some of its programs have had 16 three-years of experience in Idaho. 17 Rocky Mountain has actively marketed its DSM 18 programs and education to its Idaho customers and many of its 19 customers have participated in them. Consequently, Staff 20 likely would have supported a prudency finding for Rocky 21 Mountain's two-year (2006-2007) DSM expenses in testimony at 22 hearing and concludes that it was reasonable to support such 23 a finding as part of the Stipulation. 24 Cost of Service 25 Q.What have the parties agreed to with respect to CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 15 STAFF 1 cost of service? 2 A.As a result of the Commission approved Stipulation 3 in the Company's last general rate case, Case No. PAC-E-07-5, 4 the cost of service methodology used to allocate costs to the 5 various customer classes could not change in this rate case. 6 Consistency in cost of service methodology between rate cases 7 was required due to the rate contract with Monsanto and 8 Agrium. While this case establishes the Idaho jurisdictional 9 revenue requirement, the Company can only recover cost 10 increases associated with retail customers (excluding 11 Monsanto and Agrium). Changing cost of service methodology 12 in this case could inappropriately increase costs allocated 13 to retail customers or shift costs allocated to 14 Monsanto/Agrium making those additional costs unrecoverable 15 by the Company in this rate case. Consequently, the cost of 16 service methodology used by the Company in its last general 17 rate case and proposed in this case was adopted by the 18 parties to establish class revenue responsibility. 19 Rate Spread and Rate Design 20 Q.Do the parties to the Stipulation agree with the 21 Class revenue spread and the rate relationships proposed by 22 the Company in its direct case? 23 A.Yes, as adjusted for the lower overall revenue 24 requirement. The cost of service study proposed by the 25 Company and adopted as part of the Stipulation provides the CASE NO. PAC-E-08-7 02/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 16 STAFF 1 basis for the proposed revenue spread. The actual revenue 2 spread specified in the Stipulation for the various customer 3 classes range from no increase for the lighting 4 classifications to 5.94% for commercial schedules 6 and 9. 5 The residential schedule receives an increase of 3.53% and 6 irrigators receive 1.73%. Staff believes that the proposed 7 revenue spread reasonably applies the results of the cost of 8 service study previously approved by the Commission and 9 accepted by the parties in this case. 10 Absent a compelling rationale for major changes in 11 rate structure, the parties in this case agreed to apply the 12 general rate principals proposed by the Company in its 13 original filing. Residential customers will see an across 14 the board increase in rate components while maintaining the 15 differential between summer/winter and peak/off peak energy 16 rates. 17 The rate components for commercial, industrial and 18 irrigation schedules will also increase across the board 19 based on the overall revenue increase proposed for the class. 20 For example, the first block irrigation season energy rate 21 will increase by 1.73% from 7.0083 cents per kWh to 7.1295 22 cents per kWh. Proposed rates for each of the customer 23 classes are attached as Staff Exhibit No. 102. 24 Q.Why is there a provision in the Stipulation for 25 Rocky Mountain to address residential tiered rate design in CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 17 STAFF 1 its next general rate case filing? 2 A.While Staff has not proposed any rate structure 3 changes for the residential class in this case, it is 4 interested in whether a tiered rate design would be 5 beneficial to the Company and its customers. Tiered rates 6 have been proposed by Staff and approved by the Commission 7 for Idaho Power residential customers and may be appropriate 8 for Rocky Mountain customers as well. There are however, 9 some significant differences between the two companies that 10 make further evaluation of a tiered rate design necessary. 11 For instance, Rocky Mountain already has a residential, time 12 of use rate and Idaho represents only 6% of PacifiCorp's 13 customer base. A tiered rate design will not have the impact 14 on a system basis for Rocky Mountain that it will have for 15 Idaho Power given that Idaho customers represent about 95% of 16 Idaho Power's customer base. 17 Consequently, the parties agreed that it is 18 reasonable for Rocky Mountain to further investigate and to 19 include an inverted tiered rate design proposal for 20 residential customers in its next filed general rate case. 22 21 Miscellaneous Provisions Q.Are there any other provisions in the Stipulation 23 that you wish to address? 24 A.Yes, there is one. The Stipulation includes a 25 paragraph regarding the Energy Trust of Oregon funding of the CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 18 STAFF 1 Goodnoe Hills wind generation plant. This issue deals with 2 how renewable energy credits generated from the project 3 should be allocated among the jurisdictions given that the 4 Oregon Energy Trust contributed directly to proj ect 5 development. The parties did not agree on any specific 6 allocation methodology and therefore agreed to defer this 7 issue to Rocky Mountain's next general rate case. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q.Does this conclude your testimony in this case? A.Yes it does. CASE NO. PAC-E-08-702/25/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 19 STAFF ~~l~OUNTAIN Februar 4, 2009 VI OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta "'-r- Rr: r: ¡: I\! 'r.,)'i t:V~""l: i: ll, Q: 2.4 1.6GQ fEB -.) l'n J \'1 ;ì;l~f ' , UT\~R~rsO \~otl; Mì 3 SIC) l\ 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 RE: Case No. PAC-E-08-07 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to its Electric Service Schedules and a Price Increase of $5.9 Milion, or 4.0%. Enclosed please find the original and seven (7) copies of the Stipulation entered into by and between Rocky Mountain Power and the following paries of record in the above captioned matter: Staf for the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. and the Communty Action Parership Association of Idaho. This stipulation does not impact or propose any changes to Monsanto or Agrium's rates. Monsanto parcipated in the settlement discussions and while they do not adopt the Stipulation they have no objection to the Commssion approving the same. Paries to the Stipulation will file testimony in support of the settlement on Februar 25, 2009. Please let me know if you have any fuer questions. Very Truy, c~lJ)\~\ Danel E. Solander . Senior Counel Rocky Mountan Power Enclosures Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 02/25/09 Page 1 of 12 John R. Hamond, Jr, ISB No. 5470 FISHER PUSCH & ALDERM, LLP US Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capitol Boulevard PO Box 1308 Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 331-1000 jrh¡ffpa-law.com REC¡:1i ,..~ ~ 1(.'" :r)~ '. .'~ 2009 FEB _r" J AH 9: 35 UTJLtf~:~O Danel E. Solander Admitted Pro Hac Vice Rocky Mounta Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 (801) 220-4014 daniel.solander¡fpacificorp.com Attorneys for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) CASE NO. P AC-E-08-07 POWER FOR APPROVAL OF ) CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC ) STIPULATION SERVICE SCHEDULES AND A pRiCE ) INCREASE OF $5.9,MILLION OR 4.0 )PERCENT ) ) This stipulation ("Stipulation") is entered into by and among Rocky Mountai Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company") and the following parties of record in Case No. PAC-E-08-07: Staf for the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion ("Stafr'); the Communty Action Parership Association of Idaho ("CAP AI'1); and the Idaho Irgation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("LIP A") (collectively, the "Paries"). i Monsanto and Agrum Inc. rates are not directly impacted by the foregoing settlement reached by the other effected paries. i Agrium, Inc., also a par of record in Case No. PAC-E-08-07, did not paricipate in settlement discussions and is not a signator to the Stipulation. Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 STIPULATION - Page 1 R. Lobb, Staff2/25/09 Page 2 of 12 Monsanto does not adopt the stipulation but has no objection to the Commission approving the same. I. INTRODUCTION 1. The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Paries agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of the issues raised in ths proceeding and that this Stipulation is in the public interest. The Paries, therefore, recommend that the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion ("Commission") approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions. See IDAPA, 272, and 274. II. BACKGROUND 2. On September 19, 2008, Rocky Mountai Power filed an Application, seeking authority to increase the Company's base rates for electric service by $5.9 milion anualy, an average increase of approximately 4.0%. The increase in rates vared by individua customer and actu usage. Rocky Mountain Power sought to increase rates effective October 19,2008. The Application did not include changes to the rates charged by Rocky Mountain Power to Monsanto and Agrum,as the rates for those two customers are subject to the Stipulation filed and approved by the Commission in Docket No. PAC-07-05 and no changes to those rates were proposed in the curent Docket. 3. With a view toward resolving the issues raised in Rocky Mountain Power's Application in this proceeding, representatives of the Paries met on Janua 15, 2009, pursuant to IDAPA and 272, to engage in settlement discussions. Based upon the settlement discussions between the Paries, as a compromise of the positions in ths proceeding, and for other consideration as set fort below, the Pares agree to the following terms: STIPULATION - Page 2 Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 3 of 12 III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION 4. The Paries agree that ths shall be a "black box" settlement with no pary accepting a specific methodology for the revenue requirement determination. Accordingly, each individual component of the Stipulation has not been agreed to by all Parties, but all Paries support the overall increase to Rocky Mountain Power's Revenue Requirement, and agree that the overall increase represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of the issues raised in this proceeding and that ths Stipulation is in the public interest. 5. The Paries agree to support an overall revenue requirement increase in ths case of $4.8 milion, excluding the contract customers. Paries to the stipulation agreed that the $4.8 milion would be divided by 36.0553%, (the ratio of non-contract to contract customers cost of service from page 2 of Rocky Mountain Power's Exhibit 20) to get to an Idaho total revenue requirement increase of $13,312,883. This increase to Idaho's revenue requirement was input into Staffs cost of service model to run the class allocation producing $4,382,632 or approximately 3.1 % revenue requirement increase to the non-contract customers. The increase ~shall be effective April 18, 2009 for all affected customers. 6. The Paries agree to establish the total company base net power cost at $982 milion, as filed in this Application, which .will be necessar for calculation puroses in Rocky Mountan Power's curently pending Application for Approval of an Energy Cost Adjustment Mechansm in Docket No. PAC-E-08-08. 7. The Paries agree that Rocky Mountain Power's acquisition of the Chehalis generating plant in Chehalis, Washington was a prudent decision and in the public interest, and costs related to the plant acquisition and operation included in ths case are reasonable and are included in rate base. 8. The Paries agree that the demand-side management programs proposed by Rocky Mounta Power in Docket No. PAC-E-08-0lare prudent. Furher, the Paries agree that a tota of $50,000 of demand-side management program fuds will be made available to Southastern Idaho Community Action Agency and Eastern Idaho Community Action Parership to be used Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 STIPULATION - Page 3 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 4 of 12 to support conservation education as a component of Rocky Mountain Power's low income weatherization program, Schedule 21. Paries agree that it is the responsibility of the Communty Action Parnership Association of Idaho to propose said education program to Rocky Mountan Power by May 1, 2009 and that the proposal will contain fuding proportioning the $50,000 between the two agencies, objectives and any savings estimates to assist in program evaluations and reporting requirements. The Paries agree that the low income weatherization program (Schedule 21) and the conservation education component of the program is in the public interest and is determined to be cost-effective even though the explicit quatification of benefits may not be possible, and fuermore, the Paries agree to support the justification and recovery of these costs though the demand-side management surcharge fuding. 9. The Paries agree that the issue raised in Company testimony related to the Energy Trust of Oregon Funding of the Goodnoe Hils wind generation plant will be deferred to' Rocky Mounta Power's next filed general rate case. 10. Rocky Mounta Power agrees that it will include an inverted tier rate design propòsal or option for residential customers in its next fied general rate case for the Commission's consideration. 11. . The Paries agree to the rate spread set fort in the following table. The rate spread was calculated based on the ratio of Rocky Mountain Power's proposed revenue requirement increase of $5,871,441 to the settled revenue requirement increase of $4,382,632. This amount was ratably applied to Rocky Mountan Power's original proposed price change by customer class. Details of the rate spread are included in Attachment 1 to this Stipulation. Customer Class Residential-Schedule 1 Residential- Schedule 36 General Service Schedule 23/23A Schedule 6/6AJ8/35 Schedule 9 Schedule 19 Proposed 4.73% 4.73% Settled 3.53% 3.53% STIPULATION - Page 4 0% 0% 7.96% 5.94% 7.96% 5.94% 2.31% 1.73% Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. P AC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 5 of 12 Irrigation Schedule 10 Public Street Lighting Schedules 7/7 A, 11, 12 2.31%1.73% 0%0% 12. The paries agree that the design of rates by rate schedule (rate design) shall be consistent with the Company's fied proposals as adjusted for the revenue requirement in this settlement. iv. GENERA PROVISIONS 13. The Paries agree that ths Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Paries on all issues in this proceeding. Other than the above referenced positions and any testimony fied in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessar for a Par to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall not be admissible as evidence in ths or any other proceeding regarding ths subject matter. 14. The Paries submit ths Stipulation to the Commssion and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to IDAPA The Paries shall support ths Stipulation before the Commssion, and no Pary shall appeal any portion of ths Stipulation or Order approving the same. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a par to the Stipulation, the Paries to this Stipulation reserve the right to cross-examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement embodied in this Stipulation. Notwthtanding ths reservation of rights, the Paries to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commssion's adoption of the terms of ths Stipulation. 15. In the event the Commission rejects any par or all of ths Stipulation, or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of ths. Stipulation, each Par reserves the right, upon wrtten notice to the Commission and the other Paries to this proceeding, withn 15 days of Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 6 of 12STIPULATION - Page 5 the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. In such case, no Pary shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stipulation, and each Par shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, file testimony as it chooses, cross- . examine witnesses, and do all other things necessar to put on such case as it deems appropriate. 16. The Paries agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 17. No Pary shall be bound, benefited orprejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of ths Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall ths Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Pary uness such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an ackn,owledgment by any Par of the validity or invalidity of any paricular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Par shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in ariving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No fIndings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in ths . Stipulation. 18. The obligations of the Paries under this Stipulation are subject to the Commi~sion's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and, if judicial review is sought, upon such approval being upheld on appeal by a cour of competent jursdiction. (INTENTIONALL Y LEFT BLANK) STIPULATION - Page 6 : Staff Exhibit No. 101 i Case No. PAC-E-08-7 : R. Lobb, Staff : 2/25/09 Page 7 of 12 Respectfully submitted this .í~ay of February, 2009. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc.B~~BY .Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho By By STIPULA nON - Page 7 Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 8 of 12 Respectfully submitted this ~~day of February, 2009. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc.B~~BY Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho B~., .. ~d.æh/jl:;; 1'30/(1'7 By STIPULATION - Page 7 Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. P AC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 9 of 12 Respectfully submitted thi4-thday of February, 2009. Rocky Mountain PowerB~ Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff By STIPULATION - Page 7 Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho By Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 10 of 12 Retfully submitted this ~tRday of Febiiary. 2009. ROl:ky MOIIDtain PowerB~BY Idaho Publie Utilities Commision Staff By STIPULATION -Page 1 Idaho Irrigation Piimpers Asciation. me. Community Action Partl1ersbi Assodaoou ofldaho-/'L'. ~ig,(B ,'/,,' ~y : ',- Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 11 of 12 A'IACHMENT i ROCKY MOUNtAIN POWER ESMATli" iMPACT OF PROPOSED REVENUES ON NORMALIZED Piu..,~T REVENUES FROM ELECTC SALES TO ULTIMATE CONSUMERS DISTBUTD BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO 11 MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER ZOO? Pm Prpo c...ia_..(SO)_enut (SO)BaR.._ A..Ui Pm Prpo No. or Ba Ba Pm Pr No De Sd Sd Cus MWH Revnu.1 Reveauel ($01 .,WI!Wl (t)lWh (I)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9 (10)(II) (6)-5)(7)1(5)(S)4)(6)1(4)Rni sa RClidial Seic I I 39.21S 399.023 535.00 S36.237 SI.235 3,53..8.77 9,08 Rc_al O¡iona TOO 36 36 16.39 317,371 $22.475 $2.268 $793 lS3..7.08 7,33AGA.~S5 SS $0 0,00" 4 T.. Ro 55.s85 716.401 S51.48 S59,51O $2,08 ~8,02 8.3' 5 Cgmcral ".Ipd 6 0e Se . La ""6 6 1.028 29916 SI7.411 SI8,445 SI.OO 5,94"5.82 6,17 7 Gel Svc, . 1.. Powe (R&6A 6A 247 36.068 $2.34 $2.479 SI39 5,94"6.49 6.87 8 S.lial-scdle 6 1.15 334,984 S19.751 $20,924 SI,I74 5,94"5,90 6,25 9 0e Seic . Mo Vo..8 6 2 2.SISI SI60 $9 5.94"5,32 5,6) 10 0e Se. Hip Voi..9 9 12 130.89 S5.672 $6.00 S331 5,94"4,33 4,59 II Irraiio 10 10 5.33 697,66 $47,382 $48.201 SRI9 1.73%6.79 6.91 12 Comm. " Ind Spa -8 19 19 148 8.36 U53 S562 SIO 1.73"6.71 6,83 13 0e Seic 23 23 6,183 122,77 $9,710 $9,710 $0 0,00 7,91 7.91 14 Gel Sorvic (R&f 23A 23A 1,383 18.166 SI.s15 SI.515 $0 0.00 8.34 8.34 IS Sulal.ScIiIe 23 7.s67 140,944 SII.225 SII.225 SO 0,00%7.96 7,96 16 0...1 Se Opna TO 35 35 2.s87 SI22 S130 $7 5.94%4.73 5,01 17 Spial Co-M 1,319,64 SS3.S45 S53.s45 $0 0.00 4,06 4,06 18 Speal C_.Nv WeS 109.11 $4.239 $4.239 $0 0,00 3.88 3,88 19 AGA.R...$477 $477 $0 0,00 20 T.. e-"I-.14,3 2,746,9 S143.1I7 S145.472 $2.355 ~5.21 5.30 21 T.. e-"I-.14,339 1.427,276 S89.m $91.926 $2,355 2,63"6.28 6,44 (E Me.._) 22 Pl St I IpiDf 23 S. An Upiiaa 7 7 239 284 SI04 SI04 $0 OJJO..36,72 36,72 24 Senty An Uøhii (R&f 7A 7A 195 138 S54 SS4 $0 0,00 39,41 39.4 25 S.. U¡ii . Compe II 11 32 121 SS S52 $0 0.00 43.10 43.10 26 s"" Uølin . C.""..12 12 29 1.974 5370 S370 $0 0.00 18.75 18,75 27 AOA.R..$0 $0 $0 0.00 28 .... i' SI Lina 760 21517 S581 S581 $0 ~23,08 23,08 29 T.. s. io IJ C.-70,6 3.65.818 $21.180 si.s62 $4.3 2.8..5,80 5,93--S2,698 30 T.. s. io IJ c..70.6 'kOJ71J79 S143.35 SI47.778 $4.383 3.06%7,04 7.5 (Ei Me...." Na-Wai)- Staff Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 Page 12 of 12 Proposed Rates for PacifiCorp Settlement1 Present Rates Setlement Rates Setlement Stipulation Deman d Demand Energy Charge Energy Biling Customer Charge Rate Custmer (per Rate Determinant % Rate Schedule Charge (perkW)(e/kWh)Charge kW)(e/kWh)Increase Residential 3.53% Sch.12 May-October see below N/A 10.0505 see below N/A 10,4053 November-April see below N/A 7,7380 see below N/A 8.0112 May-October (Single Phase)$10.2 $10.63 November-April (Single Phase)$10.27 $10.63 May-October (Three Phase)$30.81 $31.90 November-April (Three Phase)$30.81 $31.90 May-October (Single Phase, Non Year-Rour $14.35 $14.86 November-April (Single Phase, NOn Year-Ri $14.35 $14.86 May-October (Three Phase, Non Year-Rour $43.05 $44.57 November-April (Three Phase, Non Year-Rc $43.05 $44.57 Sch,36 May-October, On-Peak $13.17 N/A 10,9602 $13.63 N/A 11.3471 May-October, Off-Peak $13.17 N/A 3.7401 $13.63 N/A 3.8721 November-April, On-Peak $13.17 N/A 9.3625 $13.63 N/A 9.6930 November-April, Off-Peak $13,17 N/A 3.4230 $13.63 N/A 3.5438 General Service 5.94% Sch,6/6A May-October, Secondary $29,17 $10.68 2.9564 $30,90 $11.31 3.1320 May-October, Primary $87,51 $10.68 2.9564 $92,71 $11.31 3.1320 November-April, Secondary $29,17 $8.79 2.9564 $30.90 $9.31 3.1320 November-April, Primary $87,51 $8.79 2.9564 $92,71 $9,31 3.1320 Sch.9 May-October $282,89 $7.40 3.0561 $299.69 $7.84 3,2376 November-April $282,89 $5.60 3.0561 $299.69 $5,93 3,2376 Sch.19 1.73% May-October $19,82 N/A 7.7373 $20.16 N/A 7.8712 November-April $19.82 N/A 5.7332 $20.16 N/A 5,8324 Sch,35 5,94% Secondary $51.44 $12.67 3.7745 $54.50 $1342 3.9987 Primary $126,72 $12.67 3.7745 $134.25 $13,42 3,9987 Irrigation 1.73% Sch.10 15 hp or less $11.54 $4,48 see below $11.74 $ 4.56 see below 16 hp or more $33.54 $4,48 see below $34.12 $ 4.56 see below Post-Season $17.6 N/A 5,9281 $18.07 N/A 6.0307 First 25,000 kWh 7,0083 7.1295 Next 225,000 kWh 5,1843 5.2740 All Additional kWh 3,8419 3.9084 1 No rate changes for Schedules 23/23A,and Public Street Lighting (7/7 A, 11, 12) 2 Customer Charge denotes Monthly Minimum Charge Staff Exhibit No. 102 Case No. P AC-E-08-7 R. Lobb, Staff 2/25/09 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2009, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY LOBB IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-08-07, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREP AID, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON MGR, ID REGULATORY AFFAIRS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 E-MAIL: ted.weston(ipacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER PACIFICORP 825 NE MUL TNOMAH STE 2000 PORTLAND OR 97232 E-MAIL: datarequest(gpacificorp.com KATIE IVERSON BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES 17244 W CORDOVA COURT SURPRISE AZ 85387 E-MAIL: kiverson(áconsultbai.com ERIC L OLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY 201 E CENTER PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204 E-MAIL: elo(iracinelaw.net BRAD MPURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy(ihotmaiLcom DANIEL SOLANDER SENIOR COUNSEL ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 E-MAIL: danieLsolander(ipacificorp.com RANDALL C BUDGE RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY 201 E CENTER PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204 E-MAIL: rcb(iracinelaw.net JAMES R SMITH MONSANTO COMPANY E-MAIL: jim.r.smith(imonsanto.com ELECTRONIC COPIES ONLY ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAKE ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 E-MAIL: tony(gyaneLnet CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W BANNOCK ST PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 E-MAIL: cew(ggivenspursley.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DENNIS E PESEAU PhD UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY ST SE SUITE 250 SALEM OR 97302 E-MAIL: dpeseau(fexcite.com jß,J1.KQSËiARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE