HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080214Proposed, Cancelled Schedules.pdf. Attachment 5 PROPOSED AND CANCELLED SCHEDULES . . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOERA DM 01 PAFl Rr-Cc. "I: .1- iUlie FEB I 4 Al~ lO:3 4 I I.P.U.C. No.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES - Continued Class of Service Sheet No. Schedule No. 23 23A 24 34 35 35A 36.70 71 72 72A 73 115 117 118 l;;O 12;; 125 General Service - Small Power 23.1 - 23.3 23A.l - 23A.4 24.1 - 24.5 34.1 - 34.16 General Service - Small Power (Residential and Farm) Interrptible Power Service Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act - Residential and Far Kilowatt-Hour Credit Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distrbution Voltage 35.1 - 35.3 Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distrbution Voltage (Far)35A.l -35A.4 36.1 - 36.3Optional Time of Day Residential Service Renewable Energy Rider - Optional 70.1 -70.4 Energy Exchange Pilot Program 71.1 - 71.6 72.1 -72.5Irrigation Load Control Credit Rider Irrgation Load Control Credit Rider Dispatch Pilot 72A.l - 72A.4 73.1 -73.4 115.1-115.W13 Renewable Energy Rider - Optional - Bulk Puchase Option Commercial and Industral Energy Effciency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers Residential Refrgerator Recycling Program 117.1 - 117.2 Home Energy Saver Incentive Program 118.1 - 118.2 Comniercial Enefgy Services Optional to Qualifying Customers 120.1 120,8 122.1 122.5 125.1 -125.9 CommeroialEnergy Servioes Optional to Qualifying Customers Energy FinAnswer (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. 30482 ISSUED:Deeember 28,2007 February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: January April 1, 2008 . . . ~.ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A OMON 01 PAlflI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No.IIS.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 STATE OF IDAHO (;~ßHci.J..9:.lll:stFialEJJeFfieieney l:ß:eees Opthmal fur Qualifying CUJitllmer§ Fin Answer Express PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the effcient utilization of the electrcity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial Buildings and Industral Facilties through the installation of Energy Effciency Measures. Service 1lder this Schedule is subest to fus iwailabilty. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6, 6A, 8, 9, 12, -119, 23, 23A, 24, 35 and 35A in all terrtory served by the Company in the State ofldaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Commercial Buildings and Industrial Facilities; and dairy bars served under the Company's residential rate schedules., æid trams sigBals. DEFINITIONS: Commercial Building: A strctue that is served by Company and meets the applicabilty requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Effciency Incentive Agrement! Application is executed or approved by the Company which does not meet the definition of an Industral Facility. Customer: Any part who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real propert, or is the electrcity user at the real propert. Energy Effciency Incentive: Payments of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of an Energy Effciency Measure pursuant to an executed Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Energy Effciency Incentive Agreementl Application: An agreement between Ower or Customer and Company or a Company provided application submitted by the Owner or Customer and approved by the Company providing for Company Submitted Under Adviee Letter No, 06 06Case No. PAC-E..08-01 ISSUED: A.ugust 1~, ;;006Febniary 14,2008 20April 1. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~. ROCKY MOUNTAINPOR A DM 01 PAIFlORP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.1 to fuish Energy Effciency Incentives with respect to Energy Effciency Measures pursuat to this Tariff Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under AdYice Letter Ne. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: August 14, 2006Febmary 14,2008 20April I. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A DMSION 01 PACIAORI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.2 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.2 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Energy Effciency Measure (EEM): A permanently installed measure which can improve the efficiency of the Customer's electric energy use. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) Cost: New Constrction/ajor Renovation: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of energy effciency equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficiency equipment or modification. In the case of beNaew eConstrction, Major Renovation and fRetrofits, EEM Costs shall mean the Owner or Customer's reasonable costs incured (net of any discounts, rebates or incentives other than Energy Effciency Incentives from the Company, or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incured by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner's or Customer's facility. If the owner or customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner's or Customer's actual labor costs for such installation. Energy Effciency Project: One or more EEM(s) with similar one year payback limitations (below) covered by one Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement., er approved applieation. EnergvEftciency Project Cost: The stUn of EEM Costs for one or more EEM(s) with similar one year payback limitations (see below) covered by one Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. Industrial Facilty: Buildings and process equipment associated with manufactung. Major Renovation: A change in facility use type or where the existing system wil not meet Owner/Customer projected requirements within existing facilty square footage. Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Effciency Project meets the definition of New Constrction or where the Company adjusts the baseline energy consumption and costs. Submitted Under Advice better No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-0 I ISSUED: August 14, ;;006February 14,2008 20April 1. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~..ROcKY MOUNTAINPOER A OMSION 01 PAflI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.2 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.2 New eOBstruetioÐ: A Bevl1y constlUeted facility or ne:wly eOBstlUeted square footage added to an existing faeility. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: August 14, 2006February 14,2008 ~April 1, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~.ROCKY MOUNTAIN . POWER A OMON 01 PAI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.3 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) New construction: A newly constructed facilty or newly constructed square footage added to an existing facilty. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real propert, and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real propert, the trstor under a duly recorded deed of trst. Retrofit: Changes, modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facilty square footage. INCENTIVE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: The Company wil provide Energy Efficiency Incentives per the Provisions of Service and the Energy Effciency Incentive caps table below to participating Owners or Customers who have installed EEMís)' listed in the incentive tables in this schedule or are eligible for an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the formula listed below. EBergy EffcieBey Projeets eOBsistiBg of Retrofit lightiag EEMs (listed &, Bot listed) and! or other Retrfit EEMs are eligible for EBergy EffieieBey IBceBti¥es provided the siele paybaek (based OB eleetrieity eost saviBgs) before iBeeBtives is OBe year or more. EEMs 'Nill simple paybaeks before iBeentives of less than one year are eligible for Energy Effieieuey IneeBtives provided the Ener Effieiency Projeet has a simple payback before ineentives of one year or more. Energy Effieieney Iueentives vlÌll Bot be available to reduce the siele payback of aB EBerg EfticieBey Proeet below OBe year. If required, iBdividual EEM Energy EffieieBey IBeeBtiyes vlÌll be adjusted dO'Nn'Nar pro rata so the EBergy EffieieBey Projeet has a simple paybaek after ÌBeeBtiyes of OBe year or more. Ret:ofit motor aBd Meehæiieal EEMs (listed OB Tables 2 æid 3 &, Bot listed) æid :New COBstfetioB EEMs are Bot sebjeet to the paybaek limita-ioBs listed abû''e. EEMs not listed in the incentive tables may be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives. Eleetrie sæiÌBgs resultiBg from lightiBg iBteraetioB with meehaBeal equipmeBt wil Bot be eligible for aB EBerg EfficieBey IneeBth'e. The Company wil complete an analysis of the EEM Cost and electric energy savings and determine at its sole option whether to offer aB custom Energy Effciency Incentive and the Energy Efficiency Incentive amount. Custom Energy Effciency Incentives for such EEMs wil be the ¡esset" of (a) the product of multiplying the Company's estimate of anual energy savings by $0.08/kWh; or (b) 35% of the EEM Cost as deteffiBed by the Compæiyand subject to the incentive caps in the table below. Electric savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical equipment wil not be eligible for an Energy Efficiency Incentive. Energy Effciency Incentive caps table Submitted Under Adviee Letter No. 06 OéCase No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: i\ugUtit 14, 2006Februar4, 2008 ~April 1. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMION 01 PAIFICORI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.3 Measures Listed in Incentive Tables Measures -Li~htìm1:Receiving -Custom -Retrofit NCIM Motors Mechanical/El1yelop/Other Incentive Percent of Energy Efficiency Project Cost can 50%None None None 50% 1 year simple paback cap for Energy Efficiency Proiect Yes No No No Yes Company may adjust baseline electrc energy consumption and costs to reflect any of the following: energy codes, standard practice, changes in capacity, changes in production or facilty use and equipment at the end of its useful life. Such adjustments may be made for lighting energy effciency measures installed in BNew eConstructionIajor Renovation projects whereenergy code does not apply. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: August 14, 2006Febnlin4, 2008 20April 1. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~.ROcKY MOUNTAINPOER A DIVION 01 PAlflI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.4 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.4 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) INCENTIVE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: (Continued) For existing fixtues, the baseline for all fluorescent lighting Energy Efficiency Measures not listed in incentive Table 1 shall be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy effcient magnetic ballast and energy saving lamp combination. All EEM Costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. All final EEM Costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to paying an Energy Effciency Incentive per the terms of the Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Company review and approval of EEM Costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. The Owner or Customer may receive only one Energy Effciency Incentive from the Company per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (1) Company may elect to offer EEM incentives through different channels and at different points in the sales process other than individual Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement(s) prior to EEM purchase. The differences wil depend on EEM and wil be consistent for all EEMs of similar tye. Incentive requirements by EEM tye and other terms and conditions wil be available on the Idaho energy effciency progrm section of the Company's web site. Changes in incentive requirements and/or terms and conditions may be changed by the Company with at least 45 days notice on the Idaho energy effciency program section of the Company's web site. Customer/Owner has the option to receive a signed Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement direct from the Company prior to purchase of eligible EEMs. (2) Company may offer payment as described in the Idaho energy effciency program section of the Company web site to design team members-to encourage early initial Company consultation on Owner/Customer design and plans for New Constrctionlajor Renovation. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No, PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ~ROcKY MOUNTAINPOER A OMSIO 01 I'CIFlC I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.5 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.5 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) (i.l Company wil employ a variety of quality assurance techniques during the delivery of the program. They wil differ by EEM and may include pre: and post: installation inspections, phone sureys, and confirmation of customer and equipment eligibility. (1J.) Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed EEMs. This verification may include a telephone surey, site visit, review of plant operation characteristics, and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment and as necessary to quantify actual energy savings. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS Service under this Schedule wil be in accordance with the terms of the Electrc Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electrc Service Regulations of the Company on fie with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilty Commission, including futue applicable amendments, wil be considered as forming a par of and incorporated in said Agreement. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-0 I ISSUED: August 14, ;;006February 14,2008 ~April1, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~.ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A DMSIO 01 PAIFICOR I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.6 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.6 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrade to 4'.-) or 2 T12 lamp(s) + I magnetic Standad T8 Fixtures (Standad T8 ballast (MB)lamps and electronic ballasts with 4'_-_3 or 4 T12 lam (s) + MB s) $10 ballast factor (BF) ::0.88) 8' - 1 or 2 TI2 lams + .MB s .l 8'_-),2,3 or4T12 lam s+MB(s) 8'.-1,2,30r4T8Iam s+EB,seenote~S, $10 8' -_1,2,3 or 4 T12 HONHO lamps + 8..'- 1,2,3, or 4 T8 HONHO lamps +EB(s), see $15MB(s) note 65. 4'-lor2T12Iamp(s)+MBorStandad 4'-1 2P , T81. ()+EBT8 lamp( s) + EB or remium amp s 4' - 3 or 4 T12 lamps + MB(s) or Standard 4' _ 3 4 Pr . T8 i + EBT8 lam s + EB or emium amps 8' - I or 2 T12 lam (s) + MB(s) 4' -= 2,3 or 4 Premium T8 lam s + EB Fluorescent Delamping and Stadad 4'-2 T12 lamps + MB 4' - I Standa T8 lamp +EB T8 Fixtue Upgre (Stada T8 lamps and electronic ballasts (EB) 4' -3 T12 lamps + MB(s) with ~~ ::0.88 - Fixtu removal is 4' -4 T12 lam s + MB s not ehgible) 4'-4 T121am s + MB s) Fluorescent Delamping and Premium 4'-2 T12 lamps + MB T8 Fixtue Upgrde (Lamps with initial lumens ~3100 or wattge ::30 4'-3 T12 lamps + MB(s) ~; electronic ba~lasts wi~. BF ::0.8. 4'-4 T12 lam s + MB(s)Fixtu removal is not ehgible) p Fluorescent Fixture Upgrade to 4' Premium T8 Fixtues (Lamps with initial lumens ~3 i 00 or wattge ::30 W; electronic ballasts with BF ::0.8) 4' - 2 or i Standard T8 lamp +EB 4' - 3 Stadad T8 lam s +EB 4' - 2 or i Standard T8 lam +EB 4' - I-.Prmium T81amp +EB 4' - 2 or I-_Premium T8 lamp +EB 4' - 3-.Premium T8 lamps +EB 4' - 2 or 1.._Premium T8 lamp +EB4'-4 T12 lamps + MB(s) T8 Fluorescent L,mip Upgrade 232 W 1'8 lamp Compact Fluorecent Lighting (CFL) Incandescent Incandescent ': 30 W T8 lamp (see note 4) t.,t ..IOW (nominal) CFL hardwire fixtue $10 ~IOW,.. 20W (nominal) CFL harwire fiture $15 $10 $15 $20 $10 $15 $15 $25 $15 $20 $20 $30 T5 Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrde Incandescent ~OW (nominal) CFL hadwire fixtu ;:40W two- iece screw-in CFL Single-piece screw in CFL (all wattges) 3 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') + EB (High Bay) $20 $5 $2.4 $70 Incandescent Incandescent ~50 W MH, MY or HPS ¿ 100 VI MH, MV, or HPS 4'1,2, Of J 1'12 lam~-M-a . ' Submitted Under Ad-Yise Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-08-0 1 ISSUED: August 14, 2006Februar 14,2008 ~April 1, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMN 01 PAClFICI' I I.P.U.C. No.1 (Continued) First Revision of Sheet No. 1l5~6 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.6 Submitted Under Ad'lÌee Letter f'lO. 0(3 O(3Case No. PAC-08-0 I ISSUED: i\:llgust 14, 2006Februar 14,2008 ~Apri11, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~ROcKY MOUNTAIN POWERA DM 01 PAIfI' I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.7 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.7 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) High Intensity Discharges (HID) Upgrdes Based on lamp wattges ?4W.--...antl..-....'StiOW.........ilncandescent tugsten 2: 400W MR, MY or HPS .:.250'" aad =S)20W Cerac Metal Halide $100 $120 $60 or ?l5W..aafl.=S)OOW Ceraic Metal Halide $25 ?350W MH, MY, or HPS :s 400 W Ceraic Metal Halide 2:J50W and:s 250W MH, MY, or HPS, or ;:125W and:sJ 75W Pulse Star MR ;:150W incandescent ?_250W and:s 400W MR, MV, or HPS OOW MR, MY, or HPS 1000W MR, MY or HPS Exit Signs Lighting Controls Wall switch or no control TfftTC light upgn.desLED Lighting No control No control No control Indoor Iincandescen neon or fluor ? 2" rnCafl(liiScem , "'" n.....'. "',,11..~~O Notes for Table If!: 1 Incentives ar capped at 50 perent of Energy Effciency ProjectEM Costs ~..ffftff~EMs lisHiè .¡bo¥e installed in New t~stetfuand are subject to the one..Year payback cap. 2 2' U-tube lamps may be substituted for 4' linear fluorescent lamps in the above table 3 For retrfits of existing equipment, lighting incentives will be paid on a one-for-one equipment replacement basis. If fixtue counts ar changing, the project may be considered under the approach for measures not listed (see page 3). 4 ~..tøtal-eooHeetfltef*lf..ligliting pewel fu.New GOflStrUett~ts reaHifed-*HllmJ~ly-wHlie-.~..æàé ifiiwt be .1: peroeft lower tH(f the Ifiteriof ligltÜig po"...er aUowaace calculated i:mder tHe CUffent version of the Idaho energy code. The date of ¡lie buili:ng peilHit applisation shaH es¡allisJ: the SUlxeiR yersion eftlie Code. p'or New COHstetion prejects Hot required 10 ætiply with tHe eaea,'Y eode. tlalafleeted liglting pewer must be i 0% lowef..il't,~ritlee as detemiÜieil Submitted Under AdYiee Letter We. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: August 14, 2006February 14,2008 ~April 1, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~.ROcKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIIO 01 PAlflCI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.7 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.7 Cmnpafly.Incentives :tor T8 Fluorescent Lamp Upgrades may not be combined with other fluorescent fixture incentives and will onlv he paid once per facility. 5 Eight-foot T8s, T8 HO!VHO and High Bav T.g electronic ballasts are required to have a HI', 1.2 to be eligible lor incentives. ~l;g,im.\ln.LQL¡:\y'Ç!..E,e,§..P.\trJ1.~ture~l!lt~entives for me following equipfnent types are Hot ¡wailable for New Cûnstmotion proects * Stiimlarè 1'8 fíxtllfes ,L....,ft)IJl:e-ampHig * LED Exit signs * One or two pieoe sere',; ie CFt fixtures * Ligliiiig eontmls required uiider the oiinent ,-ersisn sf me Idaho efleFg' eode. The date of the buildÌfg permit !ìfphoatioii shall estilbltsllleeilßft..¥ersjøIHif.tÌle-.f;~Ie- 6 Lighting equipment listed only in the "Replace" column of Table 1 a is not eligible for incentives,I3ight ¡(iot T8s, Tg HOiVHO arid High Hay T 8 eleeifuiiie ballasts are required to have a BF / i.2 tE be eligible feil' iflcentives. Maxiflmm of twa eleetronie ballasts per~ 7 To determine the length of LED channel letter signs. measure the length of indivi.dual letter at the centerline and add the individual values; do not measure the distance between letters. ß.......Jll\i\t.n!lY\1§J"9rJ"'E.D..!.lÍliçJj,gt.imgmg.J1i.i!l.\tl\9t available,Lightil'g eqtJiflll'.mt listed eft!Y in me "RØjIa.:e" eolurnn sf Table 1 is not eligible for ill€enl:¥6s. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Allgust 14, 2006February 14.2008 20Apri11, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, ~.ROcKYMOUNTAIN POWERA DM 01 PAI' .. I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.8 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) 4-&#~82.5 ~~~~ H $45 ~.§.87-~~8(r.S &g 840 84 ;¿s;.¡t gg.".~&6,5 g.§.§.g.§,5 ~s;~gi gi gi 85.5 ~ .§~gi gi gi gi ~~g Sß4-9(),:¿91,0 9-1:0 9-+,1 g.g5 ß9c5 .)0 $0 9-,.7 9--,0 9-1-.9-1.,1 ß9,S J:~ lS ~91.7 n.~~~9H ,w ~~n.~9;9H 9H ~$-9-3:.0 9-Jl1 93,6 9JÆ n..9:1..:.1.JO $-.9J.,6 .9l .94 93-.~9-~.:.:;.9-:'f 4(~94 94 9L 9L ~~~$-9L 9L 94 94 9;9; 60 ~94 94c5 9-5-95:0 9-h6 9-~ .f.5 ~945 94 9-S.f 9-5.,.9-3.,6 93:: +0 &3 %:%:95 95 9J 9Ll;~%:%:95 95 9L %: +W $4 9S:4 9-5:&%4 98,.g 94+95- 200 $(.¡)95 9-~J:'§¡;9t),2 9-5,0 9:1-4 ~t~,føf-+2," I )Møters larger--al:~fSptìw-ef"llfe-et.a...jistt1d mt1aSUft1'iHi.~¡jg-iblt1.tmdßf...~:Ðf'h-f~~s-"l:t)t.li:Sed- pi¡.t1~, 2):rat1.-NI~.MA--'¡2feæfm..-ej:Ticfly-..i'iflgs-.li5fft1-.Hefllii:.ft.il-1ø-i~I...-efík'ÍßHe-y-.-.._...M~lt'*-tJ:t...'¡we.-t)f-~I-...tese effieißlW-.r-equifemen-t5.:roo¡j:'-lH-ffeefl!'ve.: Table 1 b . New Construction/Major Rènovation Lighting Incentive T5 Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrade 2 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') EB (interior fitues) 3 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') + EB (High Bay) ~4 T5HO laps (nominal 4') + EB(s) (High Bay) 1 T5 lamp (nominal 4') + EB (interior fitues) $7 $10 $20 $40 $60 $10 Premium T8 Fluorescent Fixtu Upgrade (Lamps 4' - 1 or 2 Premium T8 lamp(s) + EB with initial lumens 2: 3100 or wattge :s 30 W; electronic ballasts with BF :s 0.8) 4' - 3 or 4 Premium T8 lamps + EB .Submitted Under Advice Letter No, 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-0! ISSUED: August 14, 2006February 14,2008 ~Apri1 L 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, "~.ROcKYMOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISN Of I'CIFICOI'. I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.8 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Lighting Controls LED Lighting Integrl occupancy sensor Indoor LED chanel letter signage ~ 2' high Indoor LED chanel letter signage ;; 2' high Outdoor LED channel lett signage ~ 2' high Outdoor LED chael letter signage ;; 2' high $25 $30 $45 $20 $40 $30 $25 T8 Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrde (High Bay) High Intensity Discharge (HID) Upgrades Based on lamp wattges 2 T5 lamps (nominal 4') + EB (interior fixtues) 3 T5 lamps (nominal 4') + EB (interor fixtues) 4' ~ 4 T8 lamps + EB(s) (High Bay) :sIOOW Ceramic Metal Halide ;;)OOW Ceric Metal Halide ~125W Pulse Start MH $4/linear foot $6/inear foot $2/linear foot $3/1inear foot .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Notes for new constrction and major renovation lighting inentives: The total connected interior lighting power for New Constrction/ajor Renovation projects reuired to comply with the energy code must be 10 percent lower than the interior lightig power allowance calculated according to ;iclJ!'Qh,...y'~I§.¡.Q!i of t\:§.Jç\i!Ì1Ç! energy code. mee 2003. For New Constrction/ajor Renovation projects not required to comply with the energy code, the total connected lightig power must be 10% lower th common practice as determined by the Company. Incentives are not available for lighting controls required under the applicable version (lfthe Idaho energy code. igee 2003. 2' U-tube lamps may be substituted for 4' linear fluorescent lamps in the above tale. Electrnic ballasts for High Bay fixtues ar requird to have a ballast factor ~ 1.2 to be eligible for incentives. To deterine the lengt of LED chanel lettr signs, measur the lengt of individual letter at the centerline and add the individual values; do not measure the distance between lettrs. 6, Incentive for LED trffc light installations ar not available. ( Continued) (eontilfed) .Submitted Under Aèvice Letter No. 06 06Case No. P AC-E..08-0 I ISSUED: August 14, 2006February 14,2008 ~April 1, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September i $, . . . ~~OUNTAIN I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.9 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.9 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) ::65,000 Btu/lir and '~ Split Sy~.tem and Single Package 135,000 BtuJlir :? 135,000 Btu/lir and Split SYJteni and Single Paekage " 210,000 Btl:hr :: 2 qO,OOO Btulhr Split System and Single Package Unitar Commcrcial ,- 135,000 Btu:1ir Air Conditione!'., Water and Evaporatively ?+~,L)L)G-'¡ff.LGe Split Sy~iiem and Single Package 15,0 SEER 12,5 EER i10 EER H.4 IPLV lO.8 EER 1 ¡,21PIN 10.0 gm 10. q IPLV l4.0 EER 14.0 EER gw~gw gw~gw~SW gw gw gw~ $.&L) ;HW240 gw &W 349fJW $.&0 Package TermiHal Air Conditioners (pTAC) (Heating & Coolin Mode) Siegle Package5.g,OOo. '" 8,000 and ,- i 0,500 Single PackageBt ~ lO,500 ami:: 13,500 Single PaekageBt ;;'...13,500 Btuhr g.iiiekag~ HeatPmnps, Air..".'ted(.(~-M ¿~5.000 Btu/fir Split S:.stem..¡m,.£ingle Pack;~gê ~ 65,000 Btuhr and / S-li.S)'-afl-8ngle Packahie 135,000 BtuJhr ¿ l 35,000 Btu.'br fll1d ~.sY5t~m-i-.gÌfgI&-Paekag "~ 210,000 Btu/lir -?-~ S-t-Systeni !Ifd Single Package Hæt-PUffjlAir-Ge fHg-;¥)tc-) 4é5J)(~J-Bkilw S~l Si.P-aekiigê ?:..~;,,rlOl:'-i...; ~/432..¡i.:..w&.OliM../l:l :1..JS,im..Bt .l¡i, db fl5°P' \Vb Outdoor Ai- :' 13;",000 Bui/hr 4TP. db !'3"F. 'Nb Outdeor Air pcp. db !l5°P'. wb Outdoor Air 85"f', Eniering waterHæt-.Pm-nps;'Hater Soulco 4-HOoo (Cooling Mode) ¡;i.at-llufll,-Watl,-8u, ~;..B 5 ,000 Btuf , 'ÌfHMHdo) 70°F. EnterÎfg wator lUsEER 11.4 EER 3.2 COP Heating 10.7 EER 3.1 COP Heating .JGAl EER 3,.Q..GfW-Hæt' -h1:.Q,';gm -i+'O..ggR +h4-l-b¥ :¡.g.g..j;;.R :¡.1~2...1.Pb -JEER-J:b-¥ ~.f¡gF¥ 7á:i-i 3.4 COP 2.4 COP ::.,3-.CØ 2-,*,(::)? -lJl..-E $:W ~3..lxH~See.. note 3 below See note 3 àelev: See fl)te 3 below Seeltltee1-liek:. ~øt~"3-beIHW SW ~~ 4'l~-C('P ~See~el~ Submitted Under l\dviceLetter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: August 11, 2006J:.9,PLlln:J.., 2008 ioApril 1. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 1 $45 82.5 82.5 85.5 85.5 no no 1.5 Hi 86.5 87.5 86,5 86.5 84.0 84.0 f $_~:1 .a:LS.iiS-,S ß-0-,~S2.:2 S.~j.S5,.~ J $54 88.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 85.5 86.5 2 .$89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 86.5 88.5 7.5 ID 90.2 91.0 91.0 91.88.5 89,5 J.o $.9Q 9..11.9..1..:.0 .9..LZ .9..1,7.lt22 9.J2:.2. 15 $104 91.7 91.7 93.0 92.4 90.2 91.0.20 92.4 91.7 93.0 93.0 91.0 91.0 25 $117 93.0 93.0 93.6 93,6 9I. ìQ $U5 9.3.6 9.~JJ..9.4.:.1 9..1:.2 9...L7 9.11. 40 $162 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.1 92.4 92.4 50 $198 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.5 93.0 93.0 60 5234 94.5 94.5 95.0 95.0 93.6 93,6 7.:5 $27!!9..4.:.2 9.1j.9..s.:.o .9.5A.9.~.:.9..2~.& 100 $360 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 93.6 94.1 125 $540 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 94.1 95.0 150 $630 95.4 95.8 95,8 95.8 94.1 95.0 2.Q.o ~2Q 9..H 9..~L.S 9.2"B.9.2.:.f 9.5.:Q 9.5A . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMN OF PACIFICORI' I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.9 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.9 £:Q!es fnl.:rable..£ .~lglQIs largtL.thi.R.2.QQJiorsepower are not.ilJi§ts?~t!J.w.R§.\lre and_lTi!YJ:ie eligible...lJ:1:gl£r the approach for :me,asure;uQtJisted (see iiagil .f_.Th.f_NITV\ Pr.i:nilìl1LtlllçjJèn.çY...m1ll)gs listed are ng,minaLfii!I:.load effç.iQ.l).ø ratiru¡;s. M.PiQ.rs..111liLrreet or exceeg....ile.E.e eflcieqÇY..r£guíre.iuents l!i..Y...9.\EÛifr..Qr a:rincentive. (Continued) Submitted Under i\:dvice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Augm¡t 14, ;;Ü06fel;n.U1iyJ4. 200~ 20April 1. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September is, . . . ~ROcKY MOUNTAINPOER A OMION 01 PAIFICORI' I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.10 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.10 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Progralle Thermostats $5glth6fostat thermostat fur heat l~l:ps Of all Varable freqiie~èf~ m¡ Be'.-erage or reRigerated di!¡pl~. maehÌfe oooa¡aaoyll ltV AC faas iij'Seetes 4 aad 5 below SW~ li HVAC timfl Be..'ere veadiflg or refrigered display B'iaohiae $75/Heflsor " Notes fur Table 3: l)l'or retrfits of 6'istig eqi:ipmeflt, ifloefltives are fer Ofle for Ofle same size eaHipm6ft rOflaeemeflts. Ex€leptiofl: PTACs €laa rOflaee eleetTÍ€l resistive heatiflg, 'tthi€lh mHst be removed, 2)HaHipm6ft tlat !lieets or 6'oeeds all effoi6f€lY realliremeflts listed for the size oategory iii the abo'.'e table mlf' aaalify for aa iflO6ftive, 3)lfl€l€ltives for heat pHmps ar $5g per toa of €looliflg oa¡aoity ONLY. 'No ifl€lefltives are paid per tOfl ofheatiflg oapa€lity.Heat PHÐS mast meet both the €looliflg mode afld keatiag mode eff€liea€ly reallirements to aualifyfor pef tOfl oooliflg eff€liea€ly ifo6ftives, 4 )T1lottliHg or bypass devi€les, Sloh as ialet..'aaes, bypass dllers, three way ..alves, or tlrottliflg valves ¡BHSt be femo'ted or p6faa€ltly disallod to aualify for HVAC faa ai \*mp VFD ifl€lefltives, 5)For New Coastfle.ioa, iaoeatj,'es are flot il'ailallefor HVAC faa aad pl:p VI'Ds required by OHff6ft versiofl of the Idaho €IeFg €lode (j)SEER - Seasoaal éflergy Effoi€l€lY RatioKER - I3flergy Effoi€loy Ratio (;Q.P Coeffoieat of Performaaoe HSPF - Heatiflg Seasoaal Perrman€le ¡¡aotor IPLY.. Iategfated Par Load Valte ~65.000 Btu 15,0 SEER 12.5 EER .13,0 SEER l.L6 HER 11.0 EER 11.4 ¡PLY 2IO/240 ~ 210/240 ~ ;;65,000 Btu/r and ~ 135 000 Btu/hI' Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: i\Ugust 14, 2006Februar 14,2008 ~April 1, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSION 01 PACORI' I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. IIS.IO Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.10 I ¿ 135,Q.QrLI!mlhr and Split System and Single Package 10,8 EER 340/360 Si :s 240,000 Btu 11. IPLV I .;; 240,000 Btu!hr Split System and Single Package 1O.0EER 340/360 Si lOA ipLV Unitary Commercial ~ 135.000 Btu!hr Split System and Single Packagc 14,0 EER 210/240 $50 Air Conditioners, Watcr and Evaporatively Coolcd ? 135,000 Btu/hI'14.0 EER 340/360 $50 Package Terminal Air -( 8,000 13 tulir Singlc Package LL.S EER Si Conditioners (pT AC)3.3 COP HeatiIlp (Heating & CoolillMode);; 8,000 and Singlc Package 1104 EER $50 -: 10,500 Btu/hI'3.2 COP Heatinp ;; 10,500 and Single Packagc 10.7 EER $50 -( 13,500 Btu/hI'3.1 COP Heatintr 3101380 I ;; 13,500 Btuhr Single Package 10.0 EER $50 3.0 COP Heating Heat Pumps,~ 65,000 Btw'hr Split System and Single Package 15.0 SEER 210/240 Si Air Cooled sinO'le nhase)12.5 EER (Cooling Mode)-( 65,000 Btu/hI'Split System and Single Package 13.0 EER 210/240 $50 three nhase)11.6 IPLV I ¿ 65,000 BtuhI' and Split System and Single Package 11.0 EER 210/240 Si ~135 ,OOQ a!U/hr l1.41PLV I ? 135,000 Btu/hr and Split System and Single Package 1O.8EER .340/360 $50 ~ 240 000 Btu!r 11.2 ¡PLY I ;; 240,000 Btwhr Split System and Single Package 1O.0EER .$ lOA ipLV Heat Pumps,-( 65,000 Btu!r Split System (single phase)8.5 HSPF 210/240 See note 3 below Air Cooled Sinole Packape (sim!le nhase)(Heating Mode)8.0 HSpF 2\0/240 See note 3 below ~ 65,000 Btuhr Snlit System (thee nhase)8.0 HSpF 210/240 See note 3 below Sinple PackaO'e (three nhase)7.5 HSpF 210/240 I ;; 65.000 Btuhr and 47°F. db /43°F. wb Outdoor Air 3.4 COP 340/360 See note 3 below ~ 135,000 Btu/hI'i 7°F. db 115°F. wb Outdoor Air 2.4 COP See notc 3 below I ;; 135,000 Btur 4rF. db /43°F, wb Outdoor Air 3.3 COP See note 3 below 17°F. db /15°F. wb Outdoor Air 2.2 COP 340/360 See lJ.Pte 3 below (Continued) Submitted Under Adviee Letter "No. 06 06Case No. P A C- E-08-0 1 ISSUED: August 14, 2006Februar 14,2008 ~Apri11. 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ~ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A OIISION 01 PACIFlORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 115.11 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) iO°F. Entering water 4.6 COP 320 See note 3 below Proi:'rammable Thermostats All sizeswitb iion- prognmimable thermostat for air conditioner All sizes with noii- programmable tbennostat for heat pumps or all electric heatin J All except chilers intended for backup service only Chillers Programmable themiostat for air conditioner lndustrv Standard ISR CFM Must complvwith EnergvStar1i) requirements S50ítbem:iostat Optimizer prognmimable thermostat Muat..fm.TI.P1Y_~Y.ttl for heat pumps or all electTic EnergyStar(R) requirements $70/thermostat Served primarily occupant comfort Must exceed minimum cooling loads (no more than 20% efficiencies required for process cooling loads) energy code. SO.12lkWb annual energy savings ..1.. S50!kW Sec note 4 S6ißm~JQQImJJV A.çJl\llS. fLY A(=í\in§...anQ.J2ll~ Qi.n.m:i:l?"~ .See note 5Ylli:i¡i b Ie JÌ~ilueIlØ'yes (YFl2 lJYAl~J§.a~.!.~::J.çl_ ?.IP )1 Q.Ç,.£JJ.n.i.!:n"çy.JJ.~.l,sgs,l J'JJJl!.lI/\.G..ç,.!1mrS!.J. ::1l5:iz.e!?..Y!.lhJl.(l.vIim Qç,£.\lm.iøJJ..as.e,g f;gHmii ~_LHQflLtiwer~leg!:niçjlllY CQ!lìmJitiny_q .M9Jor (EeM S.e~J:IPte..§S.5.Qf.çgntmJIer ~Æ; $.J2iñQIS, JQY,r_eI (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVSIO 01 PAClCOR. I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 115.12 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Solid Door Relrigeratol m Tier 1 Maximum kWhídav 0.1 * Y + 2.04 S30íunit~~ $J2..!1!l)jtß.plifW-2Q.iJi.efü~grat.QL Tkr..2. .M.rr!Simumt~Y.hLgf'y QJì.JL:...'IL:.' 1,22; $.LS.Ql tUil $.J.7.;i!gIlÜ ll.imiJSgh4..QQorE:r.ggzgr.::::...Iier.J. ;;lQJè.lJ.Ql£.fegr yglllntiyi J.l..:::::..QQ..f..!.!J¿içJ~ 2:.9.1...ç¡iR.kJegl Solil?Qgifrǧ~~L::.Ji.er.i .,: 3.Qq¡P.i9...ee! YQJll:m.e. YllJ..Qs.J.tt 2:. 9.1.s;.!JPi.çJeet Roofing over spaces with mechanical coolin ytilK.!J:u..lJ.m...k.\Y.Ii!.fIny Q.,.4....Lt:..UB HI1/m1jt $.SQim:ijt $.S.Q!.lJIlitMaKi.mgm...k\Y.11llly Q.c2.li:...YiJ),9..7 $172Lmüt $.7.QÇl1.lJn.it $O.lOísquare foot.Cool Roof Energv Star (ji, Retlective Roof Products label S IS/qualifying unitPlug Load Occupancy~ Beverage or refrigerated No occupancy sensor display machine occupancy control~ otes for Table 3: 1 For retrofits of existin e ui ment incentives are for one-for-one same size e ui ment re Iacements. Exc tion: PTACs can replace electric resistive heating, which must be removed. 2 E ui ment that meets or exceeds the effciency re uirements listed for the size cate 0 in the above table ma incentiye. 3 Incentives for heat ur s are 50 er ton of coolin ca aci ONLY. No incentives are aid r ton of heatin ca acit . Heat Pumps must meet both the cooling mode and heating mode effciency requirements to qualify for per ton cooling effciency incentives.Chiler ener . -_. -- ~-_. ThroitIin b ass devices. such as inlet yanes b ass dam ers three-wa valves or throttlin valves must be removed or permanently disabled to qualify for HY AC fan and pump YFD incentives, YFDs required by applicable version of the Idaho energy code are not eligible for incentives. Savings win only be realized for installations where a variable load is present. 6 Controller units must include an occu anc sensor and include the ca abilit. to setback the zone tem erature durn extended unoccupied periods and setup the temperature once the zone is occupied. Intended for refri erated vendin machines and dis la' cases containin onl non- erishable bottled and canned bevera 'es. Refurbished equipment that includes occupancy control is eligible, SEER= Seasonal Ener Effcienc Ratio EER = Ener 'Effcienc Ratio COP = Coeffcient of Performance HGM = Electronically Commutated Motor HSPF = Heating Seasonal Performance Factor !PLY = Integrated Part Load Value PTHP = Package 'renninal Heat Pump PTAC = Package Terminal Air Conditioner HY AC = Heating, Yentilating and Air Conditioning (Continued) Beverage vending or refrigerated display machine occupancy sensor Sec Note 7 S7S/sensor . Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April!, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOR A oilON 01 PAFICOR! I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 115.13 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) .W~lljlJ~al~JiQn Roof insulation .wiIldow A-dd.RS .$.0. QJ / sq!u!ii;j1~.Q.t AddRlO SO.09/square foot $Jl. 3 ~¿sq.Yil:çlQQ.trr í1içl~n:.Q,1S....anQ SHGC ofAO Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ~~~OUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 STATE OF IDAHO NO NEW SERVICE Commercial Energy Services Optional to Qualifying Custo PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is inte Commercial Buildings and existing Commercial Buildi s u installation of Energy Conservation Measures. gy quirements of new tion by promoting the APPLICABLE: Conservation Payme restriction on new service does not affect obligations puruant to an executed E Payment with interest is re-paid in fuIl. s after January 12, 2006. The rvi Charges curently required and ain in effect until the Conservation cial Buildings larger than ¡ 12,000 square feet Major R ovation under General Service Electrc Service w Commercial Buildings and existing commercial ine y Company to be suitable for a prescriptive approach under Schedule 122. schedule 11 be in addition to the electric service charge under the Customer's ule. T OBLIGATIONS UNDER TilS SCHEDULE WILL APPLY CTRICITY AT THE REAL PROPERTY SPECIFIED BY AN ice under this program is available to improve the energy effciency of New Buildings 1 rg than 12,000 square feet and existing Commercial Buildings undergoing Major ed to Company's system on or after the effective date of this schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVlSlO OF PAlflP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - (Continued) DESCRIPTION: (Continued) The Company wiI provide the Conservation Payments for incremental constrction which result in the installation of Energy Conservation Measures. Upon connection of electric service to commercial buildings having such measures installed under this program, Company wiI biI the Cus ergy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kWh savings resulti Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineerin Energy Baseline Level: Electric energy use estimated to oc building code requirements for New Commercial Buildings plans initially presented to Company, whichever is less. rrent commercial e Owner's building to Owner for installation of the Company has assisted in y ts also shall include Company's materia installation, and ongoing support as nts all be either: on Payments which do not exceed the (b)ts -- Co ervation Payments which exceed the Measure plied for, been accepted and receives service at the real propert t. Contra Servic Contract: A contract between Owner and Company providing for Company to servation Payments with respect to Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to this (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERA DM 01 PAfll" I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued Graduated Payment Factor: A factor used to calculate the Graduated Energy Service Charge option, which shall be-- (a) For the first twelve monthly Energy Service Charge payments= (MIR-CPI)/(l-((l +CPI)/(l +MIR))term), where MIR= Melded Interest Rate, and CPI= The rate of increase in All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average, as published by the U Stat Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the most recent twelve mo period for . h the statistics are publicly available at the time a letter of intent i d witlì e Own (b) In each successive twelve month period=(Gra month period)x( 1 +CPI). Major Renovation: Replacement of the rna' mpo include replacement measures for over 50 percent 0 i ext 'ld g's envelope which must table wall area. Melded Interest Rate: below-- erest rates specified in (a) and (b) (a)rime rate as published by the Morgan ew ork, on the first day of the curent calendar act is executed, (2) multiplied by the percentage he interest rate is computed pursuat to this part (b)ation Pay ents, (1) thee percentage points above the prime rate as by the an Guaanty Trust Company of New York, New York, on the first ent cale quarter in which the Energy Services Contract is executed, (2) ntage of all Conservation payments for which the interest rate is this par (b). such Melded Interest Rate shall not exceed the highest interest rate permitted ble law. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14, 2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERA OMS OF PAFtRP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued Monthly kW Savings: Monthly kW savings resulting from instaIIation of the Energy Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Monthly kWh Savings: One-twelfth of the annual kWh savings resuIt Energy Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering an New Commercial Building: A strcture or addition to a strctu this schedule. e date of Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title Energy Services Contract, at the time such contract is execute or who at s duly recorded mortgage or the grantor under a duly reco d deed of trst recorded contrct with respect to such real propert. The terms Customer and Owner incIude th ENERGY SERVICE CHARGE: Conservation Measures for which Comp Energy Service Charge shaII commence and shaII continue for the term as sp' cifi the average life of the Energy Co ati Energy Service Charge shaII apply t II s . e provid without regard to changes i ownership ch Charge is terminated as p , gy Service Charge for Energy ayments pursuant to this taff. The by, e applicable Energy Services Contract Contract, but not to exceed the shorter of t by kWh Savings, or twenty (20) years. The to the real propert identified in such contrct, of such real propert, unless the Energy Service equired to repay the Conservation Payments, with interest at the rest , in equal monthly payments over the term specified in the Energy ntract, or a mont y yment amount equal to the Conservation Payments multiplied by one-twelft of ated Payment Factor applicable durng such month (the Graduated Energy Service option). (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERADlVlSl 01 PAFICO I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued SEPARATELY METERED TENANTS: The allocation of the Energy Service Charge among any Customers who are separately metered tenants benefiting from the installation of the Energy Conservation Measures shall be as specified in the Energy Services Contract. TERMINATION OF SERVICE: Customer or Owner may terminat at any time by paying the unpaid balance of the Conservation Payments. MEASURE FUNDING LIMIT: Company wil provide estimate of the incremental initial cost of each qualified Energy comply with curent building code requirements or from the implemen whichever is greater. by Company, except asure's estimated Annual d primarily to reduce peak demand, including easure Funding Limit shall be determined by the (a) th an expected life of 10 years. meas with an expected life of 15 years. measures with an expected life of 20 years. asures with an expected life of 30 year. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14, 2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISON 01 PAIFlP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.6 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued MEASURE FUNDING LIMIT: (continued) (b) The measure's estimated Monthly kW Savings beyond Baseline Level multiplied by the estimated number of months per year of such Monthly kW Savin s. multiplied by the foIlowing amounts: $32.47 per kW for measures with an expected life of 10 years. $52.90 per kW for measures with an expected life of 15 years. $68.75 per kW for measures with an expected life of20 years. $90.59 per kW for measures with an expected life of 30 yea det . ne what Energy ectrc energy savings (2)is, Company may require the (3) lects not t ter into an Energy Services Contract but does instaIl, within a period d in the er of Intent not to exceed one year after the date of the proposal i . n of Service #2 above, all Energy Conservation Measures ed by mpany which are estimated to result in Monthly kWh Savings or Savings of at least 10 percent beyond the Baseline Level, and if such measures onsistent with Manufactuers' requirements and industry standards as determ ed y Company, then Company wil waive costs incured by Company in connec n with preparation of the proposaL. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DlN 01 PAIFICP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.7 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (continued) (4) Company shall provide engineering calculations or computer modeling of the proposed Commercial Building, subject to the terms of the letter of intent. (5) Company and Owner shaH agree in the Energy Services Co Conservation Measures for which Company wil provide 0 schedule of monthly payments, with specified annual adju ts, 1 (6) (7) (8) (9) esc' s tariff are the obligation of the Customer receiving service time to tim urng the te of the Energy Services Contract. In addition, Owner or quent Ene Service Charge contract assignee also wil remain obligated under ices ct for any Energy Service Charge that Customer fails to make , unless such Owner or assignee hasfushd Company-a copy of ent or er assignent of the Energy Services Contract, made to a new owner n with an ars length, bona fide, transfer for value of the real propert specified Services Contrct. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No, 06-06 ISSUED: August 14, 2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERA DM 01 PArlCP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 120.8 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (continued) (l0) Company wiI record contrcts or related memoranda with respect to this tariff in the applicable real propert records, to provide notice of the Energy Service Charge obligations to future owners who take electrc service at the real propert refer ' the contracts or memoranda. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Servce under this schedule is su . ct t Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is a par, an 0 se p authorities. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14, 2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERA DM 01 PAFICP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 122.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 STATE OF IDAHO NO NEW SERVICE Commercial Energy Services Optional to Qualifying Custo PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is inten to reduce the e commercial buildings by promoting the installation of E ergy approach. r irements of certain though a prescriptive APPLICABLE: Conservation Payme restriction on new service does not affect obligations pursuant to an executed E Payment with interest is re-paid in full. under the en i Service Electrc Service Schedules in the sand e sting commercial buildings undergoing Major s, uses, and other New Commercial Buildings and ajor Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for a schedule 11 be in addition to the electrc service charge under the Customer's ule. T OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS SCHEDULE WILL APPLY CTRICITY AT THE REAL PROPERTY SPECIFIED BY AN ice under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of New i 12,000 square feet or less, new warehouses, and other New Commercial existing mmercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for ive approach. This program wil utilize a prescriptive approach. Company wil provide to Owner a menu of recommended Energy Conservation Measures. From this menu, Owner wil (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A. DlVlSlONOF PACIFIC I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 122.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 - (Continued) DESCRIPTION: (Continued) select the specific Energy Conservation Measures which are to be installed in Owner's Commercial Building and for which the Company wil provide Conservation Payments. Upon connection of electrc service to commercial buildings having such measures installed under this program, Compa . the Customer an Energy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kWh savings resulti Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering Energy Conservation Payments: Any payments of money made by Co Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to an Energy Servo s Contract. either: (a)o not exceed the MeasureLevel 1 Conservation Payments -- C Funding Limit. Level 2 Conservation Pay. Funding Limit. The L Services Contract, the a Level 2 Conservati Pa times the applica a ents which exceed the Measure ts may not exceed, for any Energy ation Payments nor shall the maximum Conservation Measure be more than thee (b) Customer: Any P identified in the Energy accepted and receives service at the real propert contract between Owner and Company providing for Company to ents with respect to Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to this Melded Interest Rate: An interest rate which is the sum of the interest rates specified in (a) and (b) below- (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERA DIVI OF PAFt I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 122.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 - Continued DEFINITIONS: (continued) (a) For Level 1 Conservation Payments, (1) the prie rate as published by the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, New York, on the first d ent calendar quarter in which the Energy Services Contrct is executed (2) tiplied b ercentage of all Conservation Payments for which the interest rate is d pursuan this part (a). (b)For Level 2 Conservation Payments, (1) three per published by the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of day of the curent calendar quarter in which e Energy multiplied by the percentage of all Conse tion payments computed pursuant to this part (b). e rate as , on the first ct is executed, (2) the interest rate is --provided that such Melded Intere under applicable law. New Commercial Building: this schedule. Conse Energy and shaIl the average (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A. DIVISIN 01 PAFIC I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 122.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 - Continued ENERGY SERVICE CHARGE: (continued) The Energy Service Charge shall apply to alI service provided to the real propert identified in such contract, without regard to changes in ownership or changes of use of such real prope unless the Energy Service Charge is termnated as provided herein. As specified in the Energy Services Contract, the monthly Ener monthly payment required to repay the Conservation Payments, with inte t the equal monthly payments over the term specified in the Energy Services ntrac . 11 be the Rate, in SEPARATELY METERED TENANTS: The alIocation of th Customers who are separately metered tenants benefiting fro the instalIa Measures shalI be as specified in the Energy Services Cont TERMINATION OF SERVICE: Custome wne at any time by paying the unpaid balance of the Co rvatio ice under this Schedule MEASURE FUNDING LIMIT: estimate of the incremental initial cost 0 comply with curent building code requir C servation Payments equal to its servation Measure above the cost to e tion Measure provided by Company shalI be ated Ann 1 kWh Savings beyond the electric energy use code requirements, by the folIowing amounts: ER ay meet with the Owner and design team to determne what Energy easures may be appropriate for fuher design and electric energy savings (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 ~. . ..ROcKY M.OUNTAIN POWER A 0I1S OF PAClFlCORI'. I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 122.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (continued) (2) Company and Owner shall agree in the Energy Services Contract to the specific Energy Conservation Measures for which Company wiI provide Conservaf n Payments and a schedule of monthly payments. Regul authon (3)Company shall inspect any Energy Conservation Measure w c to ensure that workmanship, matenals and insulation 1 are standards and the requirements specified in the Energy rvices Contr progra industr (4)gs proto-tyical nder this taff. nergy use, it is not aricular commercial er saving matenals that it particular customer..(5)e li tio f the Customer receiving service ergy Se ices Contract. In addition, Owner or ct gnee also wiI remain obligated under ice Charge that Customer fails to make (6) records, to provide notice of the Energy Service Charge obligations electrc service at the real propert referenced in the contracts or ULA IONS Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and . ff of which this schedule is a part, and to those prescnbed by regulatory . Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15,2006 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOERÁ DMS 01 PAIFIl' I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 STATE OF IDAHO Energv FinAnwer PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the effcient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial and Industrial Facilities by promoting the instalIation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6, 6A, 8, 9, 12, 19,23, 23A, 24, 35 and 35A in all territoiy served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is not applicable to existing Commercial Buildings under 20,000 square feet. This schedule is applicable to dairy barns served on the Company's residential rate schedules. Square footage is the total Building or Facilty area served by the Company's meter(s), DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from instalIation of the Energy Effciency Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Average Monthlv kW Savings: The Average Monthly kilowatt (kID savings resulting from the installation of Energy Efficiencv Measures as estimated by Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly kW Savings = (baseline average monthly kW - proposed average monthly kW), where: ~ Average monthly k\V = sum or the 12 Monthly Maximum k\V/12, where; ~ Monthly Maximum kW = highest of all 15 minute average kW (as determined below). ~ 15 minute average kW = sum of kWh used over 0.25 hrs/0.25 hI'S (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIISION OF PAIFICORP Original Sheet No 125.2 ELECTRIC Sl~RVlCE SCHEDllLE NO 125 - Continued DEFINITIONS: (continued) Baseline Level: Baseline Adjustments: Company may adjust baseline electric energy consumption and costs during engineering analvsis to reflect anv of the toHowing: energy codes, standard practice, changes in capacity. changes in production or facility use and equipment at the end of its useful life. For existing fixtures, baseline wattages for all fluorescent lighting Energy Effciency Measures in all facihties shan be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy effciencv magnetic ballast and energy savings lamp combination. Commercial Building: A structure that is served by Company and meets the applicability requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Efficiency Incentiye Agreement is executed which does not meet the definition of an Industrial Facility. Commissioning: The process of verifying and documenting that the performance of electric energy using systems meets the design intent and Owner's operational requirement. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Energy Effciency Incentive: Pavment of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of an Energy Etììciency Project pursuant to an executed Energy EtIciency Incentive Agreement. Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company providing tor Company to furnish Energy Efficiency Incentive with respect to an Energy Effciency Project pursuant to this tariff Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERA DlIt 01 PAORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.3 KLECTRIC SERVICE SCHEnUIJli: NO 125 - Continued DKFINITIONS: (continued) Energy Efficiency Measure tEEM): Permanently installed measure specified in an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement which can improve the eftciency of the Customees electric energy use. EEMs designed to primarily reduce Average Monthly kW must also improve the electric energy effciency to be eligible for Energv Effciency Incentives. Energy EftlciencyMeasure (li:EM) Cost: New constniction: EEM Cost is the total instaned cost of energv efficiency equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Major renovation: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy effcient equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy etllciency equipment or modification, In the case of new constmction. major renovation and retrofits. EEM Costs shan mean the Owner or Customer's reasonable costs incurred (net of any discounts, rebates or incentives other than Energy Ef1ciel1cy Incentives from the Company, or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incurred by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner or Customer's facility. If the Owner or Customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner's or Customer's actual labor costs for such installation. Energy Efficiencv Project: One or more EEM(s) covered by one Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement. Annual kWh and Average Monthlv kW savings for an Energy Efliciency Project shall be the sum of the individual EEM values, Energy Effciency Project Cost: Energy Effciency Project Cost shan be the sum of the individual EEM costs, Industrial FaciItv: manufacturing. Buildings and process equipment associated with ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A 0l1S OF PAFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.3 Submitted Under Case No PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A OMSION 01 PAFlOFll' I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued DEFINITIONS: (continued) Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Effciency Project meets the definition of New Construction Of Major Renovation. New Construction: A newly constmcted facility or newly constructed square footage added to an existing facility, Major Renovation: A change in facility use type or where the existing system wil not meet owner/customer projected requirements within existing square footage. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement who is the mortgagor under a duly recorded mortgage or the grmitor under a duly recorded deed of trust or a purchaser under a duly recorded agreement with respect to such real property, Retrofit: Changes, modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facilitv square footage. Supplemental Services Agreement: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company providing for Company to furnish Supplemental Services with respect to Supplemental Services section of this Tariff Schedule, INCENTIVES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS: Energy Efficiency Incentives: Energy Effciency lncentives made Company for installation of HEMs pursuant to an Energy Efficiency Agreement shall be the lesser of the sum of fa) and (b) OR (c): by the Incentive (a)$0.12/kWh for the Energy Effciency Project Annual kWh savings as determined using Companv provided or approved engineering analysis: $50fkW for Energy Effciency Project Average Monthlv kW savings determined using Companv provided or approved engineering analysis. 50% of the Energy Etìlciency Project Cost as determined by the Company. (b) (e) (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOERA DIVISIO 01 PA I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEOUlJ(;: NO. 125 - Continued INCENTIVES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS (continued) Energy Effciency Projects are eligible for Energy Effciency Incentiyes pcr Table 1 below. Table 1 Program track Design Asistnce Standard Standard Standard Project Same Comprehensive System System System ~New Construction!New Construction!New Construction!Retrofit Major renovation Major renovation Major renovation Energvcode Yes Yes No Noapplies Energy Must exceed code by Qualifying10% - wholesavingsbuilding electric equipment must none none threshold exceed codebasis Owner I Customer Energy Effciency Incentive caps applied to the Energy Effciency Project 50010 of project cost No Yes Yes Yes caD 1 year simple No Yes Yes Yespaybackc:p lighting 75%50%50%50%,savings cap Design team incentives Honoranum Yes Yes Not available Not available Design Based on project Not available Not available Not availableIncentivesize (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A OIVISN OF PAIFOR I.P.U.C. No.1 Original She~t No. 125.6 KLECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued INCENTIVES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS: (continued) All proposed Energy EtìÌciency Measure costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Effciencv Incentive Agreement. All final Energy EfficiencvMeasure costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to paying an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement. Company review and approval of Energy EfticiencyMeasure costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. F or the purposes of calculating maximum annual electric savings resulting from lighting, elect Tic savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical equipment and from lighting controls wil be considered to be lighting savings. The ten percent whole building energv savings threshold shaH be calculated as follows: The Energy EtIiciency Proiect must reduce the proposed electric energy consumption by at least 10% when compared to the baseline level of whole building electric energy consumption that would have resulted under the applicable Idaho energy code. The baseline and proposed building design shall be modeled using the methodology defined in Informative Appendix G to ASHRAE 90.1 2004 (or successor revision) using values from the applicable Idaho energv codes. The date of the building permit application shall establish the applicable version ofthe code. The Customer or Owner may receive only one financial incentive from the Company per EEM. Financial incentives include Energy Effciency Incentive payments. Design team payments are avaìlable per Table 1 and the temis posted on the Idaho energy effciency program section of the Companv web site, ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISIO Of PAflORI' I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.7 ELECTRIC S:KRVICE SCinUlULE NO. 125 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (n Energy Analysis Company shall meet with Customer or Owner and any design team and may perform an initial site visit/plans review to determine what EEMs may be appropriate for an energy analysis. (2)Supplemental Services Company may offer Supplemental Services beyond those described elsewhere in this Tariff Schedule through a Supplemental Services Agreement Supplemental services shall include, but are not limited to: detailed design, life cycle costs calculations or compliance documentation for green or high perfonnance building standards. Company wiH negotiate the amount and terms of the supplemental services on a project specific basis and may require any or all of the following: installation of EEMs delivering a ceitain amount of annual k\Vh savings, offset of a portion of the available incentive or direct reimbursement of a portion (up to 100%) of the direct Company costs for the service provided. (3) EEM Inspection Company will inspect any EEMs which are funded by or installed under this program. Satisfactory inspection by Company wiH be required prior to receiving Energy Efficiency Incentives specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement. (4) EEM Commissioning Company wiH require thatEEMs as specified in the Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement be commissioned prior to receiving Energy Effciency Incentives specified in the Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. (4a) Commissioning Opt-Out: Required EEM Commissioning may be omitted with the following adjustments. Annual kWh savings, Average Monthly k\V savings and eligible EEM Costs win all be reduced by 20% and an Energy Effciency Incentive calculated using the provisions specified under Incentives fC)f Energy EfTiciency Projects. EEMs where the Owner or Customer has "opted--ut" of EEM Commissioning and are later commissioned are not eligible for an additional Energy Effciency Incentive al1er the Energy EfIiciency Project Incentive is paid. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVISION 01 PAIFICOP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.8 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHKOULIi NO. 125 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (continued) (5) 1\leasure Performance Verifcation/Evaluation Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed Energy Effciency Measures specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement. This veritication mav include a telephone survev, site visit, review of plant operation characteristics. and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment as necessary to quantify actual energy savings. (6)Minimum Eguipment Effciencv For Retrofit Energy Efticiency Projects, EEMs must meet minimum equipment effciency levels and equipment eligibility requirements in Schedule 115 to be eligible for incentives available under this Schedule. (7) Energy Effciency Incentives will not be made available to induce fuel switching by Owner. (8) Design team incentives: Company may offer incentives to a design team member with current professional certification including architects and engineers. Incentives are available per Table 1 in this schedule and include honorariums and design incentives. Honorariums are designed to encourage early initial Company consultation on Owner/customer's design and plans. Honorariums wil be equally available to all professionally certified architects and engineers for Idaho projects within Company's territory and wiU be limited to one honorarium per project. Design incentives wil be offered to aU professionally certified architects and engineers for Idaho projects within Company's territory. Payment of incentives to the design team wil require final construction documents include an efficient design meeting company reguirements. Incentives will be based on the square footage of the project and limited to one per project. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-0l ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . -'~ROCKYMOUNTAINPOER A DIVIION OF PAIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.9 In.,ECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDlJLE NO. 125 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (continued) Additional conditions for design team incentives wiU be available on the Idaho energy efficiencv program section of the Company's web site and may be chan¡ied with 45 days notice posted on the web site. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part. and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ~ROCKYMOUNTAIN POWER A DlVSl 01 PAlflP I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 155.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 155.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 STATE OF IDAHO Optional for Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the effcient utilization of the electrcity requirements of new and existing loads in agrcultual irrgation systems and irrgation distrct pumping systems by promoting electric energy-efficient irrgation practices and the installation of Energy Effciency Measures. Service under this ScheduJei¡; subject to funds availability. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's Irrgation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Schedule 10, and to any customer who qualifies as a "Farm Load" under the Pacific Northwest Electrc Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 and receives electrc service on a retail schedule in all terrtory served by the Company in the State of Idao. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The anual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from installation of the Energy Effciency Measures or improved equipment operation, as estimated by the Program Administrator or Company. Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings: The Average Monthly On Peak kilowatt (kW) savings resulting from the installation of Energy Effciency Measures or improved equipment operation as estimated by Program Administrator or Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings = (baseline average monthly On Peak kW - proposed average monthly On Peak kW), where; ~ Average Monthly On Peak kW = sum of the 12 Monthly Maximum On Peak kW/12, where; (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Augutit 14, 2006Ie);m.£IYUOO& 20April 1, 2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15, . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISI 01 PAIFICFlP I I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 191 Canceling Original Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO Customer Effciency Services Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Effciency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incured by the Company associated with Commssion-approved demand-side management expenditues. APPLICATION: This Schedule shan be applicable to an retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bils shan have the fonowing percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34, Schedule 1 Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 8 Schedule 9 Schedule 10 Schedule 11 Schedule 12 - Street Lighting Schedule 12 - Traffic Signal Schedule 19 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 ~3.72%~3.72% ~3.72% ~3.72%~3.72% ~3.72% ~3.72%~3.72% ~3,72% ~3.72% ~3.72% ~3.72% ~3.72% ~3,72% 3.72 % ~3.72% ~3.72%~3.72% Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06 06Case No. PAC..E-08-0 i ISSUED: ~t.l4,2-00Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: SepteHlhef.+5~Apríl 1,2008 . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIISION OF PAIFIC I.P.U.C. No.1 Fourth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. B.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES - Continued ScheduleNo. Class of Service Sheet No. 23 General Service - SmaIl Power 23.1 - 23.3 Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act - Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit 23A.1 - 23A.4 24.1 - 24.5 34.1 - 34.16 23A General Service - SmaIl Power (Residential and Farm) 24 Interrptible Power Service 34 35 35A 36.70 71 72 72A 73 115 117 118 125 . Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage 35.1 - 35.3 Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distrbution Voltage (Farm)35A.1 -35A.4 36.1 - 36.3Optional Time of Day Residential Service Renewable Energy Rider - Optional 70.1 -70.4 Energy Exchange Pilot Program Irrgation Load Control Credit Rider 71.1-71.6 72.1 -72.5 Irrgation Load Control Credit Rider Dispatch Pilot 72A.l - 72A.4 73.1-73.4 115.1-115.13 Renewable Energy Rider - Optional - Bulk Purchase Option Commercial and Industrial Energy Effciency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers Residential Refrgerator Recycling Program 117.1- 117.2 Home Energy Saver Incentive Program 118.1 - 118.2 Energy FinAswer 125.1 - 125.9 (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. 30482 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: Apri11, 2008 . . . ~ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMN 01 PAIFICORI' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.1 Canceling Onginal Sheet No. 115.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 STATE OF IDAHO FinAnswer Express PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilzation of the electrcity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial Buildings and Industrial Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6, 6A, 8, 9, 12, 19, 23, 23A, 24, 35 and 35A in all terrtory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Commercial Buildings and Industral Facilities and dairy barns served under the Company's residential rate schedules. DEFINITIONS: Commercial Building: A strctue that is served by Company and meets the applicabilty requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement! Application is executed or approved by the Company which does not meet the definition of an Industrial Facility. Customer: Any part who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real propert, or is the electrcity user at the real propert. Energy Efficiency Incentive: Payments of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of an Energy Efficiency Measure pursuant to an executed Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement! Application: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company or a Company provided application submitted by the Owner or Customer and approved by the Company providing for Company to fuish Energy Effciency Incentives with respect to Energy Effciency Measures pursuant to this Tariff Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSlO 01 PAIfORI' I.P.U.C. No. i First Revision of Sheet No. 115.2 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.2 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM): A permanently installed measure which can improve the effciency of the Customer's electrc energy use. Energy Effciency Measure (EEM) Cost: New Constrction/ajor Renovation: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of energy efficiency equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficiency equipment or modification. In the case of New Constrction, Major Renovation and Retrofits, EEM Costs shall mean the Owner or Customer's reasonable costs incured (net of any discounts, rebates or incentives other than Energy Efficiency Incentives from the Company, or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incured by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner's or Customer's facilty. If the owner or customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner's or Customer's actual labor costs for such installation. Energy Effciency Project: One or more EEM(s) with similar one year payback limitations (below) covered by one Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. Energy Effciency Project Cost: The sum of EEM Costs for one or more EEM(s) with similar one year payback limitations (see below) covered by one Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. Industrial Facilty: Buildings and process equipment associated with manufactuing. Major Renovation: A change in facilty use tye or where the existing system wil not meet Owner/Customer projected requirements within existing facilty square footage. Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Effciency Project meets the definition of New Constrction or where the Company adjusts the baseline energy consumption and costs. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April1, 2008 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVSION 01 PAlflCORI'.I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.3 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) New construction: A newly constrcted facility or newly constrcted squae footage added to an existing facility. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real propert, and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real propert, the trstor under a duly recorded deed of trst. Retrofit: Changes, modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facility square footage. . INCENTIV FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: The Company wil provide Energy Efficiency Incentives per the Provisions of Service and the Energy Effciency Incentive caps table below to participating Owners or Customers who have installed EEM(s) listed in the incentive tables in this schedule or are eligible for an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the formula listed below. EEMs not listed in the incentive tables may be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives. The Company wil complete an analysis of the EEM Cost and electrc energy savings and determine at its sole option whether to offer a custom Energy Effciency Incentive and the Energy Efficiency Incentive amount. Custom Energy Effciency Incentives for such EEMs wil be the the product of multiplying the Company's estimate of annual energy savings by $0.08/kWh; and subject to the incentive caps in the table below. Electrc savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical equipment wil not be eligible for an Energy Effciency Incentive. E Effi .Inen!v.iciencv J ncentive caDS table Measures Listed in Incentive Tables Measures Lühtimi:Receiving Custom Retrofit NC/M Motors Mechanical/nvelop/Other Incentive Percent of Energy Effciency Project Cost caD 50%None None None 50% i year simple payback cap for Energy Effciency Project Yes No No No Yes . Company may adjust baseline electrc energy consumption and costs to reflect any of the following: energy codes, standard practice, changes in capacity, changes in production or facility use and equipment at the end of its useful life. Such adjustments may be made for lighting energy effciency measures installed in New Constrctionlajor Renovation projects whereenergy code does not apply. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A OMSIN 01 PAIFICRP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.4 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.4 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) INCENTIVE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: (Continued) For existing fixtures, the baseline for all fluorescent lighting Energy Effciency Measures not listed in incentive Table 1 shall be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy efficient magnetic ballast and energy saving lamp combination. All EEM Costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. All final EEM Costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to paying an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Company review and approval of EEM Costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. The Owner or Customer may receive only one Energy Efficiency Incentive from the Company per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (l) Company may elect to offer EEM incentives through different channels and at different points in the sales process other than individual Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement(s) prior to EEMpurchase. The differences wil depend on EEM and wil be consistent for all EEMs of similar tye. Incentive requirements by EEM tye and other terms and conditions wil be available on the Idaho energy effciency program section of the Company's web site. Changes in incentive requirements and/or terms and conditions may be changed by the Company with at least 45 days notice on the Idaho energy effciency program section of the Company's web site. Customer/Owner has the option to receive a signed Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement direct from the Company prior to purchase of eligible EEMs. (2) Company may offer payment as described in the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Gompany web site-tdesig team membersto-enge-early initial Company consultation on Owner/Customer design and plans for New Constrction/ajor Renovation. ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A DlION 01 PAlflCORP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.5 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.5 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) (3) Company wil employ a varety of quality assurance techniques durng the delivery of the program. They wil differ by EEM and may include pre- and post- installation inspections, phone sureys, and confirmation of customer and equipment eligibilty. (4) Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed EEMs. This verification may include a telephone surey, site visit, review of plant operation characteristics, and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment and as necessary to quantify actual energy savings. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS Service under this Schedule wil be in accordance with the terms of the Electrc Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electrc Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission, including futue applicable amendments, wil be considered as forming a par of and incorporated in said Agreement. ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A OMN 01 PAIFlORP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.6 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.6 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) 4' - I or 2 TI2 lamp(s) + MB or Stadard 4' _ I 2 Pr . T8 I ( ) + EBT8 lamp(s) + EB or emium amp s 4' - 3 or 4 TI2 lamps + MB(s) or Standard 4' 3 4 Pr . T8 I + EBT8 lam s + EB - or emium amps 8' - I or 2 TI2 lam s) + MB(s 4' - 2, 3 or 4 Premium T8 lam s + EB Fluorescent Delamping and Standad 4'-2 TI2 lamps + MB 4' - i Standard T8 lamp +EB T8 Fixtue Upgrde (Standard T8 lamps and electrnic ballasts (EB) 4' -3 TI2 lamps + MB(s) with ~~ ~0.88 - Fixture removal is 4'-4 TI2 lam s + MB(s) not ehglbleJ 4'-4 TI2 lam s + MB s) Fluorescent Delamping and Premium 4'-2 TI2 lamps + MB T8 Fixtue Upgrade (Lamps with initial lumens 2:3100 or wattage ~30 4'.3 TI2 lamps + MB(s) ":; electronic ba~lasts wi~h. BF ~0.8. 4'-4 TI2 lam s + MB(s) Fixtue removal is not eligible J p Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrde to 4' Premium T8 Fixtues (Lamps with initial lumens 2:3 i 00 or wattage ~30 W; electronic ballasts with BF ~0.8J 4' - 2 or i Stadard T8 lamp +EB 4' - 3 Standard T8 lam s +EB 4' - 2 or i Standad T8 lamp +EB 4' - i Premium T8 lamp +EB 4' - 2 or i Premium T8 lamp +EB 4' - 3 Premium T8 lamps +EB 4' -4 TI2 lamps + MB(s) T8 Fluorescent Lamp Upgrde ~32 W T8 lamp Compact Fluorescent Lighting (CFL) Incandescent Incandescent 4' - 2 or I Premium T8 lamp +EB -( 30 W T8 lamp (see note 4) $.50 -(LOW (nominal) CFL hardwire fixtue $10 ~IOW, -( 20W (nominal) CFL hawire fixtu $15 $10 $10 $10 $15 $20 $10 $15 $15 $25 $15 $20 $20 $30 Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent ~20W (nominal) CFL hardwire fixtu :;40W two- iece screw-in CFL Single-piece screw in CFL (all wattges) T5 Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrade 3 T5HO lamps (nomial 4') + EB (High Bay) $70 4,5 or 6 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') + EB (High $75 Bay) 2 T5 lamps (nominal 4') + EB (interior $30 fitures 2 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') EB (interior $25 fitues ~250 W MH, MV or HPS ~ 400 W MH, MY, or HPS 4' -4 TI2 lamps + MB(s) 4' -4 TI2 lamps + MB(s) $20 $5 $2 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: Apri11, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMION 01 PACOR I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.7 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.7 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) High Intensity Discharges (HID) Upgrdes Based on lamp wattages Exit Signs Lighting Controls Wall switch or no control LED Lighting No control No control No control Indoor incandescent, neon signage LED chanel lettr signage ~ 2' high $20 $4/linear foot $6Iinear foot $2Iinear ot $3/linear foot Outdoor incandescent, neon or fluorescen el lettr signage:S 2' high signage LED chanel letter signage ~ 2' high Notes for Table la: I Incentives are capped at 50 percent of Energ Effciency Project Costs and are subject to the one-year payback cap. 2 2' U-tube lamps may be substitued for 4' linear fluorescent lamps in the above table 3 For retrofits of existing equipment, lighting incentives wil be paid on a one- for-one equipment replacement basis. If fixtu counts are changing, the project may be considered under the approach for measures not listed (see page 3). 4 Incentives for T8 Fluorescent Lamp Upgrdes may not be combined with other fluorescent fitue incentives and wil only be paid once per facility. 5 Eight-foot T8s, T8 HONHO and High Bay T-8 electronic ballasts are required to have a BF~i.2 to be eligible for incentives. Maximum of two EBs per fixtue. 6 Lighting equipment listed Q! in the "Replace" colum of Table la is not eligible for incentives. 7 To determine the length of LED chanel letter signs, measure the lengt of individual letter at the centerline and add the individual values; do not measure the distace between letters. 8 Incentives for LED trffc light upgrdes are not available, (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. P AC-E-08-0 1 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVISION OF PAIFICOR I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.8 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Table 1 b . New Construction/Major Renovation Lighting Incentive Premium T8 Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrade (Lamps 4' - 1 or 2 Premium T8 lamp(s) + EB with initial lumens 2: 3100 or wattage ~ 30 W; electronic ballasts with BF ~ 0,8) 4' - 3 or 4 Premium T8 lamps + EB T5 Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrade 2 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') EB (interior fixtues) 3 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') + EB (High Bay) 2: 4 T5HO lamps (nominal 4') + EB(s) (High Bay) 1 T51amp (nominal 4') + EB (interior fixtues) 2 T5 lamps (nominal 4') + EB (interior fixtues) 3 T5 lamps (nominal 4') + EB (interior fixtures) 4' 2: 4 T8 lamps + EB(s) (High Bay) ~ 100W Ceramic Metal Halide ~ 100W Ceramic Metal Halide T8 Fluorescent Fixtue Upgrade (High Bay) High Intensity Discharge (HID) Upgrdes Based on lamp wattages 2: 125W Pulse Start MH Lightig Controls LED Lighting Integral occupancy sensor Indoor LED chanel letter signage ~ 2' high Indoor LED chanel letter signage ~ 2' high Outdoor LED chanel letter signage ~ 2' high Outdoor LED chanel letter signge ~ 2' high $7 $10 $20 $40 $60 $10 $25 $30 $45 $20 $40 $30 $25 $4/linear foot $6/inear foot $2/linear foot $3/linear foot Notes for new constrction and major renovation lighting incentives: 1. The tota connected interior lighting power for New Constrctionlajor Renovation projects reuired to comply with the energy code must be 10 percent lower than the interior lighting power allowance calculated according to applicable version of the Idao energy code.. For New ConstrctiOnlajor Renovation projects not required to comply with the energy code, the total connecte lighting power must be 10% lower than common pratice as determined by the Company. 2. Incentives are not available for lighting controls required under the applicable version of the Idao energy code, 3, 2' U-tube lamps may be substituted for 4' linear fluorescent lamps in the above table. 4. Electronic ballasts for High Bay fixtues ar required to have a ballast factor ~ 1.2 to be eligible for incentives, 5. To determine the lengt of LED chanel lettr signs, measure the lengt of individual letter at the centerline and add the individual values; do not measu the distance between lettrs, 6. Incentive for LED trffc light instalations ar not available. ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 ROCKY MOUNTAINPOR A DIVSION OF PACIFICOI'. I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.9 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.9 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Table 2 - NEMA Premium Efficiency Motors I $45 82.5 82.5 85.5 85.5 770 770 1.5 $45 86.5 87.5 86.5 86.5 84.0 84.0 2 $54 87.5 88.5 86.5 86.5 85.5 85.5 3 $54 88.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 85.5 86.5 5 $54 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 86.5 88.5 7.5 $81 90.2 91.0 91.0 91.7 88.5 89.5 10 $90 91.7 91.0 91.7 91.7 89.5 90.2.15 $104 91.7 91.7 93.0 92.4 90.2 91.0 20 $113 92.4 91.7 93.0 93.0 91.0 91.0 25 $1l7 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.6 91.7 91.7 30 $135 93.6 93.0 94.1 93,6 91.7 91.7 40 $162 94.1 94.1 94.1 94,1 92.4 92.4 50 $198 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.5 93,0 93.0 60 $234 94.5 94.5 95.0 95.0 93.6 93.6 75 $270 94.5 94.5 95,0 95.4 93.6 93,6 100 $360 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 93.6 94.1 125 $540 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 94.1 95.0 150 $630 95.4 95,8 95,8 95.8 94.1 95,0 200 $630 95.4 95.8 95.8 96.2 95,0 95.4 Notes for Table 2: i)Motors larger than 200 horsepower are not a listed measure and may be eligible under the approach for measures not listed (see page 3). 2)The NEMA Premium efficiency ratings listed are nominal full-load efficiency ratings.Motors that meet or exceed these effciency requirements may qualify for an incentive. (Continued) . Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSIN Of PAClflCORP. I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 115.10 Canceling Original Sheet No. 115.10 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Unitary Commercial -c65,000 Btur Split System and Single Package 15.0 SEER 210/240 $50 Air Conditioners,(sin Ie hase 12.5 EER Air Cooled -c65,000 Btu Split System and Single Package 13.0 SEER 210/240 $50 (Cooling Mode)three hase 11.6 EER ::65,000 Btu and Split System and Single Package 11.0 EER 210/240 $50 -c 135,000 Btu 11.4 ¡PLY ~ 135,000 Btur and Split System and Single Package 1O.8EER 340/360 $50 -c 240,000 Btur 11.2 ¡PLY :: 240,000 Btu Split System and Single Package lO,OEER 340/360 $50 lOA ¡PLY Unitary Commercial -c 135,000 Btu Split System and Single Package 14,OEER 210/240 $50 Air Conditioners, Water and Evaporatively Cooled ~ 135,000 Btu 14.0 EER 340/360 $50 Package Terminal Air ~ 8,000 Btu Single Package 11.8 EER $50.Conditioners (PTAC)3.3 COP Heatin (Heating & Cooling Mode);: 8,000 and Single Package llAEER $50 -c 10,500 Btu 3.2 COP Heatin :: 10,500 and Single Package 10.7 EER $50 ~ 13,500 Btu 3.1 COP Heatin 310/380 ;: 13,500 Btur Single Package 10.0EER $50 3,0 COP Heatin Heat Pumps, -c 65,000 Btur Split System and Single Package 15,0 SEER 210/240 $50 Air Cooled sin Ie hase 12.5 EER (Cooling Mode)-c 65,000 Btu Split System and Single Package 13.0EER 210/240 $50 thee hase 11.6 ¡PLY ~ 65,000 Btu and Split System and Single Package 11.0 EER 210/240 $50 -C135,000 Btur 11.4 ¡PLY ~ 135,000 Btu and Split System and Single Package 1O.8EER 340/360 $50 -c 240,000 Btu 11.2 ¡PLY :: 240,000 Btu Split System and Single Package IO,OEER $50 lOA ¡PLY Heat Pumps, -c 65,000 Btur Split System (single phase)8.5 HSPF 210/240 See note 3 below Air Cooled 8.0 HSPF 210/240 See note 3 below(Heating Mode)-c 65,000 Btu 8.0 HSPF 2101240 See note 3 below 7.5 HSPF 2101240 ~ 65,000 Btu and 304 COP 340/360 See note 3 below -c 135,000 Btu 204 COP See note 3 below ~ 135,000 Btu 3.3 COP See note 3 below 2.2 COP 340/360 See note 3 below.(Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ~.ROcKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVSION OF PAFICOP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 115.11 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Heat Pumps, Water Source': 135,000 Btu Coolin Mode) Heat Pumps, Water Source': 135,000 Btu Heatin Mode 85°F. Entering water I4.0EER 320 $50 70°F. Entering water 4.6 COP See note 3 below320 Evaporative Cooling All Programmable Thermostats All sizes with non- programmable thermostat for air conditioner All sizes with non-prograble thermostat for heat pumps or all electrc heatin All except chilers intended for backup service only Chilers Varable frequency drives (VFD) HV AC fan and um s Occupancy Based PTHPIPTAC control Direct or Indirect Industr Standard Rating $0.02IISR CFM ISR)CFM Must comply with EnergyStarl requirements Programable thermostat for air conditioner $50/thermostat Optimizer programmable thermostat Must comply with for heat pumps or all electrc EnergyStar requirements $70/thermostat Served primarly occupant comfort Must exceed minimum cooling loads (no more than 20% effciencies required for process cooling loads) energy code, $0.I2/kWh annual energy savings + $50/kW See note 4 $65/hp:: 100 hp HVAC fans HVAC fans and pumps or pumps See note 5 All sizes with no prior occupancy based control Electronically Commutated :: i Horsepower Motor (ECM) See note 6 $50/controller $.050/Watt $50/horse ower (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: Apri11, 2008 ~.ROcKY MOUNTAINPOER A OlISION 01 PAlflI'.I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 115.12 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Solid Door Refrgerator -:s 30 cubic feet Maximum kWhday $30/unit Tier 1 volume V)0,1 * V +2,04 31 - 60 cubic feet $40/unit 2: 61 cubic feet $50/unit Solid Door Refrgerator -:s 30 cubic feet Maximum kWhday $l25/unit Tier 2 volume V)0.06 * V + 1.22 31 - 60 cubic feet $150/unit 2: 61 cubic feet $ 175/unit Solid Door Freezer - Tier 1 :s 30 cubic feet Maximum kWhday $30/unit volume (V)0.4 * V + 1.8 31 - 60 cubic feet $40/unit 2: 61 cubic feet $50/unit Solid Door Freezer - Tier 2 :s 30 cubic feet Maximum kWhday $150/unit volume V 0,28 * V + 0.97 31 - 60 cubic feet $ i 75/unit 2: 61 cubic feet $200/unit.Roofing over spaces Energy Star (j Reflective $O.iO/square foot Cool Roof with mechanical Roof Products label coolin Plug Load Occupancy Sensor $15/qualifying unit No occupancy sensor Beverage vending or refrgerated control display machine occupancy sensor See Note 7 $75/sensorBeverage or refrigerated display machine occupancy sensor Notes for Table 3: 1) For retrofits of existig equipment, incentives are for one-for-one same size equipment replacements. Exception: PTACs can replace electrc resistive heating, which must be removed. 2) Equipment that meets or exceeds the effciency requirements listed for the size category in the above table may qualify for an incentive. 3) Incentives for heat pumps are $50 per ton of cooling capacity ONLY. No incentives are paid per ton of heating capacity. Heat Pumps must meet both the cooling mode and heating mode effciency requirements to qualify for per ton cooling effciency incentives, 4) Chiler energy and demand savings subject to approval by the Company. 5) Throttling bypass devices, such as inlet vanes, bypass dapers, thee-way valves, or thottling valves must be removed or permanently disabled to qualify for HV AC fan and pump VFD incentives. VFDs required by applicable version of the Idao energy code are not eligible for incentives. Savings will only be realized for installations where a varable load is present. 6) Controller units must include an occupancy sensor and include the capability to setback the zone temperatue durng extended unoccupied periods and setup the temperatue once the zone is occupied. 7) Intended for refrgerated vending machines and display cases containing only non-perishable bottled and caned beverages. Refubished equipment that includes occupancy control is eligible. 8) SEER= Seasonal Energy Effciency Ratio EER = Energy Effciency Ratio COP = Coeffcient ofPedormance ECM = Electronically Commutated Motor HSPF = Heating Seasonal Performance Factor IPLV = Integrated Par Load Value PTHP = Package Terminal Heat Pump PT AC = Package Termnal Air Conditioner HVAC = Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (Continued). Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: Apri11, 2008 . . . I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSION 01 PAIFICORP Original Sheet No. 115.13 ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) WaIl insulation Roof insulation Window AddR5 $0.07/square foot AddR10 $0.09/square foot $0.35/square footU factor 0.35 and SHGC of.40 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April1, 2008 . . . ROclKY MOUNTAINPOER A DIISION OF PAClFlORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 STATE OF IDAHO Energy FinAnwer PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the effcient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial and Industral Facilities by promoting the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6, 6A, 8, 9, 12, 19,23, 23A, 24, 35 and 35A in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is not applicable to existing Commercial Buildings under 20,000 square feet. This schedule is applicable to dairy bars served on the Company's residential rate schedules. Square footage is the total Building or Facilty area served by the Company's meter(s). DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from installation of the Energy Effciency Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Average Monthly kW Savings: The Average Monthly kilowatt (kW) savings resulting from the installation of Energy Effciency Measures as estimated by Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly kW Savings = (baseline average monthly kW - proposed average monthly kW), where; ~ Average monthly kW = sum of the 12 Monthly Maximum kW/12, where; ~ Monthly Maximum kW = highest of all 15 minute average kW (as determined below). ~ 15 minute average kW = sum of kWh used over 0.25 hrs/0.25 hrs ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . I.P.U.C. No.1 ROciKYMOUNTAINPOER A OIVN 01 PAIFI' Original Sheet No 125.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO 125 - Continued DEFINITIONS: (continued) Baseline Level: Baseline Adjustments: Company may adjust baseline electrc energy consumption and costs durng engineering analysis to reflect any of the following: energy codes, standard practice, changes in capacity, changes in production or facility use and equipment at the end of its useful life. For existing fixtues, baseline wattages for all fluorescent lighting Energy Effciency Measures in all facilities shall be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy efficiency magnetic ballast and energy savings lamp combination. Commercial Building: A strctue that is served by Company and meets the applicability requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement is executed which does not meet the definition of an Industrial Facilty. Commissioning: The process of verifying and documenting that the performance of electrc energy using systems meets the pesign intent and Owner's operational requirement. Customer: Any par who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real propert, or is the electrcity user at the real propert. Energy Efficiency Incentive: Payment of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of an Energy Effciency Project pursuant to an executed Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company providing for Company to fuish Energy Effciency Incentive with respect to an Energy Effciency Project pursuant to this taff Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A DIVIS OF PAIFICOR I.P.V.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO 125 - Continued DEFINITIONS: (continued) Energy Effciency Measure (EEM): Permanently installed measure specified in an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement which can improve the efficiency of the Customer's electric energy use. EEMs designed to primarily reduce Average Monthly kW must also improve the electrc energy effciency to be eligible for Energy Effciency Incentives. Energy Effciency Measure (EEM) Cost: New constrction: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of energy efficiency equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Major renovation: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy effciency equipment or modification. In the case of new constrction, major renovation and retrofits, EEM Costs shall mean the Owner or Customer's reasonable costs incured (net of any discounts, rebates or incentives other than Energy Effciency Incentives from the Company, or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incured by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner or Customer's facility. If the Owner or Customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner's or Customer's actual labor costs for such installation. Energy Efficiency Project: One or more EEM(s) covered by one Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. Anual kWh and Average Monthly kW savings for an Energy Efficiency Project shall be the sum of the individual EEM values. Energy Effciency Project Cost: Energy Efficiency Project Cost shall be the sum of the individual EEM costs. Industrial Facilty: manufactuing. Buildings and process equipment associated with ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ~~OUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No. I Original Sheet No. 125.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued DEFINITIONS: (continued) Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Effciency Project meets the definition of New Constrction or Major Renovation. New Construction: A newly constrcted facility or newly constrcted square footage added to an existing facility. Major Renovation: A change in facilty use tye or where the existing system wil not meet owner/customer projected requirements within existing square footage. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real propert specified in an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement who is the mortgagor under a duly recorded mortgage or the grantor under a duly recorded deed of trst or a purchaser under a duly recorded agreement with respect to such real propert. Retrofit: Changes, modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facilty square footage. Supplemental Services Agreement: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company providing for Company to fuish Supplemental Services with respect to Supplemental Services section of this Tarff Schedule. INCENTIVES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS: Energy Effciency Incentives: Energy Effciency Incentives made by the Company for installation of EEMs pursuant to an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement shall be the lesser of the sum of (a) and (b) OR (c): (a)$0.12/kWh for the Energy Effciency Project Anual kWh savings as determined using Company provided or approved engineering analysis; $50/kW for Energy Effciency Project Average Monthly kW savings determined using Company provided or approved engineering analysis. 50% of the Energy Effciency Project Cost as determined by the Company. (b) (c) ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAINPOER A 0l1S 01 PAFlCI' I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued INCENTIVES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS (continued) Energy Effciency Projects are eligible for Energy Effciency Incentives per Table 1 below. Table 1 Program track Design Assistnce Stndard Standard Standard Projec Scope Comprehensive System System System Type New Constcton/New Constructon/New Constuction/Retrofit Major renovation Major renovation Major renovation Energy code Yes Yes No Noapplies Energy Must exceed code by Qualifying10% - wholesavingsbuilding elecric equipment must none none threshold basis exceed code Owner/ Custmer Energy Effciency Incentive caps applied to the Energy Effciency Project SO Of of project cost No Yes Yes Yes caD 1 year simple No Yes Yes Yes payback cap Lighting 75%50%50%50% savings cap Design team incentives Honorarium Yes Yes Not available Not available Design Base on projec Not available Not available Not availableIncentivesize (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMS 01 PAFlORI'. I.P.V.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.6 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued INCENTIVES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS: (continued) All proposed Energy Effciency Measure costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. All final Energy Efficiency Measure costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to paying an Energy Effciency Incentive per the terms of an Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. Company review and approval of Energy Effciency Measure costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. For the puroses of calculating maximum anual electrc savings resulting from lighting, electrc savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical equipment and from lighting controls wil be considered to be lighting savings..The ten percent whole building energy savings threshold shall be calculated as follows: The Energy Efficiency Project must reduce the proposed electrc energy consumption by at least 10% when compared to the baseline level of whole building electrc energy consumption that would have resulted under the applicable Idaho energy code. The baseline and proposed building design shall be modeled using the methodology defined in Informative Appendix G to ASHRAE 90.1 2004 (or successor revision) using values from the applicable Idaho energy codes. The date of the building permit application shall establish the applicable version of the code. The Customer or Owner may receive only one financial incentive from the Company per EEM. Financial incentives include Energy Efficiency Incentive payments. Design team payments are available per Table 1 and the terms posted on the Idao energy effciency progra section of the Company web site. (Continued) . Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ~~OUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.7 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (l) Energy Analysis Company shall meet with Customer or Owner and any design team and may perform an initial site visit/plans review to determine what EEMs may be appropriate for an energy analysis. (2)Supplemental Services Company may offer Supplemental Services beyond those described elsewhere in this Tarff Schedule through a Supplemental Services Agreement. Supplemental services shall include, but are not limited to: detailed design, life cycle costs calculations or compliance documentation for green or high performance building standards. Company wil negotiate the amount and terms of the supplemental services on a project specific basis and may require any or all of the following: installation of EEMs delivering a certain amount of annual kWh savings, offset of a portion of the available incentive or direct reimbursement of a portion (up to 100%) of the direct Company costs for the service provided. (3) EEM Inspection Company wil inspect any EEMs which are fuded by or installed under this program. Satisfactory inspection by Company wil be required prior to receiving Energy Effciency Incentives specified in the Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. (4) EEM Commissioning Company wil require that EEMs as specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement be commissioned prior to receiving Energy Effciency Incentives specified in the Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. (4a) Commissioning Opt-out: Required EEM Commissioning may be omitted with the following adjustments. Anual kWh savings, Average Monthly kW savings and eligible EEM Costs wil all be reduced by 20% and an Energy Effciency Incentive calculated using the provisions specified under Incentives for Energy Efficiency Projects. EEMs where the Owner or Customer has "opted-out" of EEM Commissioning and are later commissioned are not eligible for . an additional Energy Efficiency Incentive after the Energy Efficiency Project Incentive is paid. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OlVISN Of PACIFICO I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.8 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (continued) (5) Measure Performance Verifcation/Evaluation Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed Energy Efficiency Measures specified in the Energy Effciency Incentive Agreement. This verification may include a telephone surey, site visit, review of plant operation characteristics, and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment as necessar to quantify actual energy savings. (6)Minimum Equipment Effciency For Retrofit Energy Effciency Projects, EEMs must meet minimum equipment effciency levels and equipment eligibility requirements in Schedule 115 to be eligible for incentives available under this Schedule. (7) Energy Efficiency Incentives wil not be made available to induce fuel switching by Owner. (8) Design team incentives: Company may offer incentives to a design team member with curent professional certification including architects and engineers. Incentives are available per Table 1 in this schedule and include honorariums and design incentives. Honorariums are designed to encourage early initial Company consultation on Owner/customer's design and plans. Honorarums wil be equally available to all professionally certified . architects and engineers for Idaho projects within Company's territory and wil be limited to one honorarium per project. Design incentives wil be offered to all professionally certified architects and engineers for Idaho projects within Company's territory. Payment of incentives to the design team wil require final constrction documents include an efficient design meeting company requirements. Incentives wil be based on the square footage of the project and limited to one per project. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April1, 2008 . . . ~~OUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No.1 Original Sheet No. 125.9 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 - Continued PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (continued) Additional conditions for design team incentives wil be available on the Idaho energy effciency program section of the Company's web site and may be changed with 45 days notice posted on the web site. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a par, and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DISIN OF PAIFlCl' I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 155.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 155.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 STATE OF IDAHO Optional for Qualifying Customers PUROSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the effcient utilzation of the electrcity requirements of new and existing loads in agricultual irrgation systems and irgation distrct pumping systems by promoting electrc energy-effcient irrgation practices and the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's Irrgation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Schedule 10, and to any customer who qualifies as a "Far Load" under the Pacific Northwest Electrc Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 and receives electrc service on a retail schedule in all terrtory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from installation of the Energy Effciency Measures or improved equipmt1nt operation, as estimated by the Program Administrator or Company. . Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings: The Average Monthly On Peak kilowatt (kW) savings resulting from the installation of Energy Effciency Measures or improved equipment operation as estimated by Progrm Administrator or Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings = (baseline average monthly On Peak kW - proposed average monthly On Peak kW), where; :: Average Monthly On Peak kW = sum of the 12 Monthly Maximum On Peak kW/12, where; ( Continued) Submitted Under Case No, PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: Februar 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2008 . . . ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DlVl 01 PAIFICAP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 191 Canceling Original Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO Customer Effciency Services Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Effciency Servces Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incured by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditues. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electrc service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bils shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electrc service Schedule 34. Schedule 1 Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 8 Schedule 9 Schedule 10 Schedule 11 Schedule 12 - Street Lighting Schedule 12 - Traffc Signal Schedule 19 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% 3.72% Submitted Under Advice Case No. PAC-E-08-01 ISSUED: February 14,2008 EFFECTIVE: April 1,2008